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25 Things Creative People Do Differently

While most think of creative people as “right-brained” or artsy, creativity exists within us – even the most logical, linear thinkers.

However, some of us have honed our creative sides a little more than others, and we know how to capture and express that imaginative energy. Creative people cover a broad spectrum of personalities, from the stereotypical starving artist to the entrepreneurial businessman. They share some common traits that allow them to bring that creativity to life, including the following:

25 Things Creative People Do Differently:

creative people

1 – They work when the work comes to them.

This first point suggests that they only paint, draw, write, sew, dance, or write business plans when they feel like it. Creative people know the mind performs best in small bursts of concentrated work.

2 – They probably don’t have a “normal” job.

The creative spirit feels dampened by a job where it doesn’t get to roam free and do as it pleases. Many creative types turn to entrepreneurship to make money because it fulfills their soul while still allowing them to get paid.

3 – They see inspiration in everything.

Creative spirits become inspired by anything and everything, from an unusual pattern on a leaf to the bright lights of a city at night. They see the world as their oyster, and have a knack for finding inspiration in the most unlikely places.

4 – They never stop questioning.

The creative mind always wonders and wanders; creative people have highly active imaginations and ponder the big AND small questions in life. They want to know it all.

5 – They aren’t afraid to fail.

They don’t even see failure as bad because they know that the only way to grow in life is by putting yourself out there and making mistakes. Think of the Wright Brothers, and all their failed attempts at flight before their eventual success. Where would we be today without their persistence?

6 – They are very independent people.

They don’t like being told what to do or when to do things. They work best alone and feel confident walking their path in life.

7 – They are risk-takers.

Creative people don’t just love doing new things; they seek out dangerous or uncomfortable opportunities because this makes them feel alive. It unlocks new doors of creativity and might even give them insight into previously undiscovered talents.

8 – They use their pain to fuel their passion.

Creative people have likely been through very hellish and traumatic experiences, but these experiences give life to their work. They feel inspired by what they learned from their setbacks and transmute the negative energy from the pain into something positive.

9 – They practice self-development.

Imaginative people know that a foggy, unproductive, negative brain will block their creativity and not allow them to express themselves fully. They read self-help books, practice mindfulness, meditate, do yoga, and say positive affirmations. They know that a positive attitude is a cornerstone of achieving a high level of creative success.

10 – They daydream.

Creative people let their minds wander and don’t ask any questions until later. They enjoy traveling to new lands, thinking up new concepts through their imaginations, and know that daydreaming can lead to the most profound, unparalleled ideas.

11 – They enjoy spending time alone.

Most creative people are seen as loners or misfits and never fit into stereotypes or cliques. While this may not always be the case, creative people usually feel most comfortable in solitude because they do the best work in their own company.

12 – They aren’t afraid of being different.

They know they’re different but wouldn’t have it any other way. They own their uniqueness and feel honored to show it off.

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13 – They only want friends who uplift and inspire them.

They don’t want to be around people who don’t have big dreams and visions – they seek out friendships with people they can bounce ideas off of and truly understand their souls.

14 – They often act before they think.

Despite the stereotype of creative people, most take huge leaps of faith without going through all the scenarios in their minds first. Why? Because they know that they must live it, not just think it, to reach their goals.

15 – They do things most people aren’t willing to do.

They don’t give up easily; they put themselves out there, fail over and over again but see it as growth, and put in hard work even when tired. Creative people are troopers; they have a strong will and don’t let anything stand in their way.

16 – They have a “yes” mentality.

They say yes to life because they know this will create more opportunities for them. They do things even when they’re scared or unsure – they realize that momentum coupled with a positive attitude creates the perfect mixture for exciting things.

17 – They have a strong work ethic.

Depending on their feelings, they might work fifteen or more hours a day. They know that dreams don’t work unless they do.

18 – They are complex people.

They might feel that no one understands them, but they don’t care. They have an intricate web of personality traits and deep emotions, but they feel proud to have so many layers. They think this makes them a more interesting person!

19 – They get bored with the same old routine.

They thrive off of new experiences, cringe, and feel caged in by doing the same things simultaneously, day in and day out.

20 – They move around a lot.

They don’t like staying in the same place too long because their creative energy thrives off of new places, faces, and activities.

21 – They are highly emotional, intuitive people.

Most creative people identify with being an empath or highly sensitive person. They feel things deeply and express their emotions through their creative work.

22 – They may have a hard time falling asleep.

Because of their active brains, they might stay up into the early morning hours some nights, either working or just thinking.

23 – They take care of themselves.

They realize their creative energy can’t move through them if they don’t keep their mind, body, and soul healthy. They likely care about their diet, exercise often, and meditate daily.

24 –  Life means nothing to them if they don’t follow their hearts.

They don’t relate to people who see everything as a means to an end. To them, their passion is both the means AND the end.

creative people

25 – They live life on the edge.

They know that they must always feel excited and challenged to live to the fullest. They want to live a life that is anything but ordinary.

What is your favorite part of being a creative person?  Share in the discussion below!

5 Signs You’re a Highly Sensitive Person

You have probably heard of the term “empath” before, but this grouping of specific characteristics actually has another name as well: the highly sensitive person, or HSP. Dr. Elaine Aron, a psychologist who began studying extreme sensitivity in people in 1991, discovered that around 15-20% of the population carries the traits of HSPs.

While researchers continue to study highly empathic people, Dr. Aron says that HSPs simply respond to stimuli differently than others due to variations in the brain. So, you might sometimes struggle with adjusting to certain social situations or feel misunderstood. However, just remember that roughly 1/5 of the population can relate to your unique personality traits. If you need some reinforcement that you are indeed a highly sensitive person, refer to these surefire signs to give you more insight.

Here are 5 signs you may be a highly sensitive person:


1. You get easily overwhelmed by loud noises and chaotic social situations.

Highly sensitive people react to certain stimuli much more strongly due to the programming in their brains – their frequencies simply pick up noises, emotions, facial expressions, and energy in much more depth than others might.

For example, if you go into a grocery store or mall packed with people, you might instantly feel negative energy permeate your body, which will affect your mood and emotions. You just intuitively pick up on the collective energy of certain places and can become easily overwhelmed by intense emotions and vibrations.

As a tip, try practicing grounding techniques, such as root chakra meditations to help you feel secure and connected to source energy at all times.

2. Everyone always comments that you’re “too sensitive.”

As a growing child, you probably felt “different” because of your heightened sensitivity to other’s words and actions. People may have singled you out for this since it’s still a fairly uncommon trait to have. As an adult, you may have grown into your sensitivity and learned how to manage specific stimuli more effectively, but you likely still feel very unlike your coworkers and friends. However, this is nothing to be ashamed of.

Empaths serve a very special purpose here on Earth, so just remember to wear your sensitivity proudly. Even if you may feel negative emotions much more deeply, think of just how happy you will feel when positive things happen in your life.

Related article: 5 Great Lessons for Sensitive People

3. You enjoy spending time alone rather than in group settings.

Even though 30% of HSPs are actually extroverts, according to Dr. Aron, that means we can infer that the remaining 70% are introverts. So, most of you reading this probably identify as an introvert. That designation could mean that you feel more energized and comfortable spending time alone.

As a highly sensitive person, social settings can drain you of vital energy because of the wide range of frequencies emitted by everyone in the room. You tend to absorb all of this energy and can reenergize and find internal balance once again by reflecting on your thoughts. While introversion is not an inherent trait of all empaths, many times it just tends to go hand-in-hand.

Try to do group activities that won’t overwhelm your nervous system with too many stimuli, such as yoga and meditation classes.

4. Violence in real life, as well as in movies and TV shows, deeply upsets you.

Many people can see others getting beat up or killed in a movie and not even bat an eye. You, however, cringe at any sign of people getting hurt. In fact, you avoid these types of programming and situations at all costs. You turn down movie invitations if others want to see anything that promotes inflicting harm on others. Plus, you likely stick to comedies or documentaries if you do watch TV shows or movies.

Violence sends your energy levels into a downward spiral. In recognizing this pattern, you know to greatly limit your exposure to it when possible.

highly sensitive person

5. Others often release their problems onto you.

You offer the world an innate sensitivity to everyone around you. Thus, others might see you as the go-to person to vent to and get advice from. You probably attract people quite often who have problems they can’t seem to solve. So, they want you to listen and help them sort through things.

While you love to help people and give them the best advice you can remember to nurture yourself as well. Be sure to stand up for yourself if you feel taken advantage of by someone. You can only give so much advice before the other person must take the initiative to work on his or her own life. So don’t be afraid to politely tell them that if you start to feel overwhelmed.

9 Ways to Attract Someone Who Adores You

Are you trying to attract someone to love you? That person who will cherish you despite your flaws and love you through thick and thin?

“True love is not a strong, fiery, impetuous passion. It is, on the contrary, an element calm and deep. It looks beyond mere externals, and is attracted by qualities alone, it is wise and discriminating, and its devotion is real and abiding.” – Ellen G. White

When is the last time you thought about the innate qualities that make you adorable?

Maybe you are too busy, scattered, or distracted that you haven’t thought about these qualities for some time. Make no mistake: you possess unique qualities that people truly appreciate and admire. Perhaps without even knowing, someone drew inspiration and strength from these qualities.

Think about the people you adore and are inspired by in your life. What is it about these individuals that stimulate your inspiration? Perhaps it’s a mother, father, sister, brother, or grandparent; it could be someone unrelated or with a romantic interest. Is it their humor, strength, intelligence, honesty, energy, resilience, or something else? You can probably think of at least one person who has influenced you this way.

Adoration – love, devotion, respect, reverence or strong admiration – is one of our strongest emotions. To adore someone is to be in awe of their being. Further, it creates very strong feelings of attraction. By exhibiting our qualities, we create feelings of attraction and admiration in someone else.

Perhaps you possess some of the following qualities, and perhaps you don’t. However, it doesn’t mean that you can’t develop them. Here are nine demonstrable qualities that cause attraction and adoration:

Nine ways to attract someone who adores you:

attract someone

1. Be Yourself

Nothing is more attractive than embracing yourself and showing that to others.  Even if you succeed in attracting someone by using tactics that don’t reflect your true self, you can almost guarantee that your true self will be discovered.  When you allow your unique self to shine through, people will realize, respect, and even adore that.

It all boils down to the fact that we all embody love.  Why would you want to create something outside of that?  You may have to discover yourself for yourself first, but when you do, you won’t ever want to be anyone else.

2. Be honest

Being honest about your thoughts and feelings is attractive. Honesty, even when it’s uncomfortable, demonstrates individuality and confidence. On the other hand, dishonesty is seen as selfish, manipulative, and narcissistic.

Unfiltered honesty about your opinions and perspectives appeals to most people. Those that disagree with and admonish you because of your opinions do not demonstrate understanding or rational thinking. They’re being harshly judgmental and showing people they are ignorant in the process.

Simply put: be honest in everything that you do. Anything else is lying or deceitfulness, plain and simple.

 3. Have a sense of humor

Having a sense of humor is a tremendous asset. Life is complicated and messy at times, which makes this quality all the more critical. It also turns out that a sense of humor is a quality that causes attraction and adoration.

Women reading this article will attest to humor being incredibly attractive in both friends and romantic partners. There is a biological reason why women view humor as necessary in both plutonic and romantic relationships.

In a study done at Stanford University, 22 children aged six to 13 were shown a series of video clips – some of which were funny and some not. Researchers connected the children to a functional magnetic resonance imaging machine (fMRI) to measure their brain activity.

When viewing the humorous material, girls showed more positive feelings in response than boys did. Further, the girls felt more of a reward in watching them.

Make them laugh, fellas.

4. Be confident.

Confidence is not only crucial in attraction. It’s also essential for an individual’s self-esteem. You can often identify confident people readily, as they radiate positivity, courage, and self-respect. Radiating that same energy helps you attract someone of your quality.

Oftentimes, confident people are the change agents of society. They strongly believe in their ideas and their ability to get people behind them – often through sheer self-assurance. It takes a tremendous amount of confidence to create a following – in both yourself and in other people.

The late Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, is a perfect example. Jobs took a computer prototype he manufactured in his garage, created a brand, and built a multi-billion dollar empire. Jobs and Steve Wozniak, the other co-founder, dealt with obstacles before Apple, Inc. was established. Not to mention, Jobs was fired and re-hired as CEO from the company he helped create!

5. Practice selflessness

Putting others before ourselves is not something for the faint of heart. Selfless individuals have changed our world in incredible ways. These agents of change have often shouldered the heaviest burden. Through their willingness to sacrifice themselves for the greater good, these people continue to earn respect and adoration of people worldwide.

Jesus; Buddha; Gandhi; Mother Teresa; Nelson Mandela; Martin Luther King Jr…some of our most outstanding leaders, were also the most selfless.

Now it turns to you. Is selflessness one of your qualities?

attract someone

6. Be open-minded

As human beings continue to evolve, our society does as well. We are witnessing the challenge of conventional thinking on various issues – gay marriage, marijuana use, armed conflicts, global warming, etc. – viewpoints that were once considered untouchably mainstream.

Regardless of where you stand on an issue, remaining open-minded is an essential quality. The ability to challenge conventional thinking, expand your consciousness, and pursue knowledge is invaluable. It also demonstrates intelligence and fluid thinking – two other traits that are admirable in people.

7. Be helpful

Have you ever met a selfish person? What was your impression? Similar to most people, you likely didn’t have a favorable opinion. The willingness to help others is something that our world needs more of. Humankind could solve many of the problems- poverty, hunger, and strife- if more people make a determined effort to help.

If you’ve achieved some success and are financially capable, consider donating to a worthy cause. Even better, consider donating your time. Numerous volunteer organizations exist within your community, always looking for volunteers to work with and promote their cause. You may even meet and attract someone with a mindset similar to yours.

8. Practice humility

What a wonderful breath of fresh air to be around someone successful, intelligent, humble, and unassuming. In America and other places, we idolize people who are boastful and reckless if they’ve achieved any success. The axiom “Actions speak louder than words” seemingly falls by the wayside.

Humility is an attractive quality because it’s becoming increasingly rare. There will always be the crowd that idolizes the brash and domineering qualities of successful people. However, many reserve true admiration and respect for those who quietly and unpretentiously make the world better.

9. Be resourceful

Resourcefulness – the ability to deal skillfully with new or difficult situations or to find solutions to problems – is a wonderful quality to have. Our experiences have given us a wide range of knowledge to help ourselves and others.

It’s not enough to possess the knowledge for your benefit. Use your resources to help others in some way. Remember that not everyone receives all the same blessings that you do. Furthermore, you can make a big difference in someone else’s life.

Look into becoming a Big Brother or Big Sister, volunteering in a classroom, helping a child to read, volunteering in a hospital, or something else.

attract someone

Final Thoughts on Your Efforts to Attract Someone Who Will Adore You

Join the discussion:  Have you attracted someone who adores you through these traits?  Share your story below!

10 Signs You’ve Discovered Your Life Purpose

Believe it or not, you came here to do more than slave away at a corporate job and pay bills. You manifested here, in these times, to live your greatness and bring this Earth back into alignment in only the way you can. We all have a unique purpose here, but you must put in the leg work to uncover it and never give up your true calling no matter what obstacles you face. No matter if you woke up one day and had an epiphany about your highest purpose, or if you discovered it gradually over time, these signs might help reinforce your belief that you have, indeed, realized your true life purpose.

Here are 10 signs you’ve discovered your Life Purpose

1. You can confidently answer the question “Why am I here?”

We have all wondered this since we were kids, but sometimes the answer doesn’t reveal itself so easily. It could take years for you to find the answer, but when you do, it will resonate with you so deeply that you won’t have any doubts about its sincerity. When you can look at yourself as a spiritual being who came here to save this planet somehow, you will probably be able to answer this question.

2. You could care less how much money you will make by following your passion.

Even if you earn less by leaving your job and doing what you really love, it doesn’t bother you. You know that a life lived in contradiction to what your soul longs for would be a disservice to you and all of humanity. You see money as a tool to provide for yourself and your fellow humans, but you don’t care how much of it you accumulate as long as you have enough for the basic necessities.  A full heart matters much more to you than a full bank account.

3. People with the same life purpose as you start coming into your life.

As you continue to find out more about what you came here to do, you will likely attract others who can either help you on your mission or maybe even collaborate with you. Like minds tend to gravitate toward each other, and this becomes especially true as you begin to trust in your life’s work. You might get into a conversation with someone at your favorite coffee shop you want to start a band like you do, or start up a sustainable community farm with you.

If you want to become an author, you might stumble upon an ad for a local writing workshop and meet people who share your vision. Amazing synchronicities happen when you surrender to your highest purpose in life.

4. Life will seem to get a little easier, and new doors will open for you.

Many people constantly struggle through life, eventually giving into the belief that “maybe this is just how things are supposed to be.” However, once you unlock the doors that concealed your destiny, you will find that even more doors begin to open for you. One step you take reveals more steps on the staircase, and the path you need to take becomes clearer to you.

The universe truly wants to help you, but you must help yourself before source energy can step in and help direct your destiny.

5. Your health will improve dramatically.

Most of us know that soul-sucking jobs that we have to drag ourselves out of bed for each morning will take a toll on our mental and physical well-being. But, did you know that overworking (especially at a job you have zero interest in) can actually kill you? In Japan, they call this karoshi, or “death by overwork.” Japanese officials estimate that at least 10,000 employees suffer this terrible fate each year, and many researchers have attributed overworking to many health problems in the U.S., as well.

Job stress and unhappiness in the workplace has arguably become one of the most prevalent epidemics in our modern world, but once you devote your time to something more meaningful, you will likely notice a huge improvement in your health.

6. You will feel oddly peaceful, even in the face of adversity.

Even if everything around you fell to pieces, you would find solace in the fact that you know why you came here. You would rejoice in your ability to finally express your true self, and everything you once stressed out about would seem trivial. If you get a flat tire driving somewhere, or a $100 bill flies out the window, or if you can’t find your other shoe one day, you will be able to laugh at life’s little tests without batting an eye or losing your temper. You can finally rest knowing that you could lose everything, but no force on Earth can take away your purpose.

7. You will fall asleep easier at night.

A lot of us lose sleep because we have too much on our minds and feel restless in our daily lives. However, when you discover your purpose, you might just find yourself drifting off into dreamland a lot quicker each night. This happens because you finally feel fulfilled with life, and have found something permanent to fill the void with.

8. Your relationships will improve.

Without even knowing it, many people use relationships as a source of relief from their stresses and unhappiness with life. While your close friends and family should offer you open ears and arms when you really need them, you will find that when you live your dreams, all of the old problems seem to dissolve.

You can now go to your friends and family and share your joys and laughter, rather than complaints and pain. Your infectious happiness will spread to others, and that will uplift the hearts of everyone who crosses your path.

9. You find yourself comfortable with taking more risks.

Eventually, you’ll find out that you can’t get from where you are now to where you want to be if you don’t take that leap of faith and try. As you discover your inner calling, you will feel so enthralled with the direction your life is going that you actually want to put yourself in uncomfortable situations often.

Where you once felt paralyzed by fear, you now feel motivated by it.

10. You feel excited about life again.

By the time you’ve reached your early twenties, you might feel dead inside…but that’s because you haven’t been living your truth. While it’s true that most people just exist, and not really live, all of us could actually thrive and jump out of bed every morning eager to start the day by listening to our hearts. Once you finally give in to that voice in your head telling you to just go for it and follow your dreams, you will feel exuberant about life once more.

life purpose and your career

Have you found your true life purpose?  Share in the discussion below!

7 Signs You’re an Awakened Soul

Those who have awakened their souls from the shackles of society have also been referred to as “spiritually awake”. This group represents an ever-growing segment of our society; they’re the game-changers, the rebels, the dreamers, the doers, and the people that see past the veil that’s been put over our eyes for far too long.

They know that the truth isn’t always popular, and stand behind it even if they have to stand alone. If you’re “awake”, you keep an open mind, question the “truth,” and might feel ostracized by society because you don’t adhere to societal norms

An awakened soul might be seen as radical, but they know that we must think differently than we have in the past in order to bring about true change. If people call you a misfit, rebel, hippie, alternative, or just plain weird, you might be able to relate to the following traits of having an awakened soul.

“Take the risk of awakening your soul – much more happiness, truth, beauty, and wisdom will reveal itself to you.”

Here are 7 signs you’re an awakened soul:

1. You go to alternative news sources to get information.

Most of the information on mainstream news, as you might already know, is either misconstrued or fabricated to keep people uninformed, or in fear of the world. Despite what they claim to report, the news media tells anything but the truth to cast the world in a negative, fearful, disarrayed state. You might have already caught on to their agenda, and look to other sources on the internet for real information.

You want to know everything they don’t tell you on the news, like what to feed your body in order to thrive, how to increase your consciousness, how to take fluoride out of your drinking water, how to spread love and positivity, or how to build an off-the-grid house. Perhaps you want the knowledge that will help you live your best life, not keep you in fear of doing so.

2. You tend to do the opposite of what most people do.

Let’s face it – most of what society does destroy the health of our planet and its beings, if we’re being honest here.

You may skip out on bar-hopping with friends because you know the damaging effects that alcohol has on the body. Plus, you enjoy eating foods that give you life and increase your vibration, not ones that make you feel heavy and flood your body with toxins. Perhaps you heal your body naturally with holistic methods and stay away from vaccines and medications.

In addition, you may have chosen to make your creative hobby your career, instead of having a typical 9-5.  That is because you know that we weren’t here just to pay bills and die.

You don’t enjoy accumulating things, and only have what you truly need.

Most likely, you think spending a day in nature is way more fun than going to a movie or going shopping. You meditate and do yoga instead of playing video games or watching mindless television shows. You talk about ideas, not people.

Finally, you stand strong in your truth even if you only represent a handful of people who know what you do.

3. You know this Earth needs radical changes, and want to help bring about that change.

If you’re an awakened soul, you probably can’t understand why this world operates how it does. You know that we can’t keep polluting our environment, spreading hate, engaging in senseless wars and violence, and living so disconnectedly if we want to thrive and help others do the same.

People may call you a hippie for wanting peace and love on Earth, but you know that we once lived cohesively before our egos got in the way. You know that instead of control, we need cooperation and collaboration. You put the world’s needs before your own, and constantly talk about and make plans for inspiring change. In fact, you are probably considered a leader and visionary by everyone who knows your true soul.

4. You sometimes feel very alone and isolated in society, but know that most thought leaders do.

Since you see the world so differently, you tend to feel lonely at times because everyone else can go about their days seeing no need for change, and feeling content with their life and the world. You, however, feel very strange going about your daily activities when you know what lies beyond the menial chores and responsibilities. Even if you take the road less traveled, you feel honored to know what you do and have the fortitude to stick to your guns no matter what. You may even attract others who think the same way you do, because you live your truth so courageously.

5. Your awakened soul keeps an open mind.

Because your soul remains unattached to ideas, you’re always seeking new information and eager to learn more. You have a fluid mind and have learned to let old ideas go and welcome new knowledge as it becomes available. Furthermore, you know that true wisdom is knowing you know nothing, and you keep a humble attitude about your opinions and beliefs.

Even if you don’t agree with what someone says, you can still entertain their thoughts without accepting them. Also, you realize that everyone can teach you something, even if they don’t know all the same things as you do. You don’t let your ego get in the way of considering certain ideas or even questioning long-standing beliefs you may have.

6. People often come to you for advice or want to engage in conversation with you.

Because awakened souls generally think outside the box and see society through a different lens, you probably attract people who you can have a deep, intelligent conversation with. You likely don’t enjoy small talk too much and tend to keep people around who can keep up with your interests.

People may also come to you for help because they perceive you as someone who will always tell the truth even if it isn’t popular. You probably tell people what they need to hear, not what they want to hear.

7. Your soul questions authority.

All your life, your soul probably revered the opinion of your parents and teachers, thinking that they knew everything about the world simply because of their age and experience. However, know that you’ve grown up, you know that everyone is pretty much on the same playing field.

A five-year-old child can know more about certain subjects than a seventy-five-year-old man. You take nothing as truth until you’ve looked into it and decided on it for yourself. You know that many authority figures spread lies and uphold unjust laws as a method of control, so for this reason, you do your homework when someone makes claims.

your soul and positive thinking

Are you an awakened soul?  Add to the discussion below!

3 Ways to Release Relationships that No Longer Serve You

For one reason or another, some relationships last a lifetime while others come to an end after only a few months. People come into our lives to teach us something about ourselves, or for us to show them. After you have learned everything you can from one another, you may naturally go your separate ways and continue to experience life by meeting others who can help illuminate your unique path.

When you first let go of someone you love, you may feel like your world is crashing down around you. But, it may mean that the universe is clearing room for more positive people to come into your life.  You may be being redirected to people and experiences that will best serve the evolution of your consciousness. Releasing toxic or otherwise stagnant relationships can be painful, but you can get through it a little easier by doing these three things:

Here are three positive ways to release relationships that no longer serve you:


1. Continue to love the person anyway.

In our pure form, we embody unconditional love…which means we have the ability to love people no matter what they do or say to us. This can be difficult to remember in this earthly realm, but when we arrived on this planet, we had no concept of hate or attachment to people or ideas. As we grow up, we become conditioned to hateful, negative programming, which we carry around with us in our physical and emotional bodies. This deep pain we feel becomes magnified when people hurt us or when we have to cut ties with someone.

To counter this negative energy, simply choose love over hate. Wish the person well, even if you never plan on talking to him or her again. If you send negative energy to them, you are just causing yourself more pain in the end.

“Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”

End your own suffering by remembering that just because you and the person no longer talk, doesn’t mean you can’t still love them and want the best for them. Remember, love operates at a much higher frequency than hate, so you will be doing yourself a huge favor by letting go of past pain.

2. Lovingly release attachment.

This is easier said than done, in most cases, but it builds on the last point about choosing love in all circumstances. If you feel attached to this person, you believe you cannot live without them and have placed all your happiness into your relationship with them. Love and attachment do not have to exist together – true love means that you and the person recognize your intense bond and don’t need a relationship to validate that. Love transcends all physical boundaries; it makes up every single atom on this planet and exists within all of us at all times.

We let worldly desires cloud the fact that we ARE love, and we don’t need anything outside ourselves to make us whole. Of course, relationships can teach us valuable things about ourselves and help us grow; it only becomes a problem when we become fearful of losing the person, or feel like we can’t function without them in our lives. Also, attachment derives from expectations. If you have no expectations from the relationship, you will accept whatever happens and be able to adapt much more quickly. Keep in mind that love in its purest form doesn’t expect anything, because it doesn’t rely on another person’s actions for its survival – it simply IS.

You will always have a piece of the person with you in your heart, whether they are physically there with you or not. It might take time to move on, but you must let go if you want the universe to open new doors along your path.

“Many people still confuse ‘attachment’ with ‘love.’ Attachments are about fear and dependency, and have more to do with love of self than love of another. Love without attachment is the purest love because it isn’t about what others can give you, because you’re empty. It’s about what you can give others—because you’re already full.” – Yasmin Mogahed

3. See the opportunity to improve your connection with yourself.

Too often, relationships tend to drain our energy and take the focus off what makes us happy and why we love ourselves. An all-consuming relationship usually leaves you feeling empty and loathing of yourself because you have forgotten to nurture your inner child. Take the time to cleanse yourself, pamper yourself, and figure out what truly makes you come to life. Tell yourself you’re beautiful, exercise often, eat wholesome foods, meditate, and hang out with people who motivate you to grow in a positive direction. Instead of blaming and hating yourself for a breakup or a friendship that went sour, remind yourself how this ending helped you discover new beginnings.

Every negative experience happens in order for us to take the lesson, apply it, and transmute it into something positive so we can get ever closer to the reflection of love that we all are.

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