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10 Things to Figure Out Before Falling In Love

If you’re not currently in a romantic relationship but open to the possibility, it’s the perfect time to assess both yourself and what you desire out of your true love. We plan so many different aspects of our lives – education, finances, career, health. So why don’t we prepare for finding love? As a consequence, most people tend to “figure things out” as they enter (and especially exit) many relationships.

Contrary to popular belief, certain knowledge and understanding can be acquired that helps the likelihood of true love. Yes, love is an emotion and a powerful one…but it’s not as mysterious as many make it out to be. In other words, there are ways to prepare yourself to experience love – ways to figure it out. The great thing is that by preparing yourself beforehand, when true love does come, it’ll be more blissful than you could imagine.

Here are 10 things to figure out when preparing to find true love:

1 – Focus on yourself

This is number one for a very good reason – you should not prioritize romance before yourself. If there are any areas of your life that are off-balance or things that you wish to rectify, do so. Do you feel there are emotional needs to be tended to? Then, take care of them. If your finances are a problem, figure them out. Or, if you hate your job, don’t like your appearance, whatever the case may be – focus on taking care of yourself before attempting to care for someone else.

You’ll find that you’re more confident and, as a result, will put your best face forward. Yes, this is important when finding your true love, but it’s even more important for you.

2 – Understand what you want

Relationship experts continue to state that many of us remain clueless about what we want or need in a relationship… and then wonder why the divorce rate is sky high. Other people remain in a cycle of dating merry-go-round – getting on and off without going anywhere.

Psychologists and relationship experts recommend the following four tenets for successful dating:

– Define your core values – religious beliefs, financial priorities, views on divorce, wanting children or not, money management skills, etc.

– Understand your emotional needs and personality type

– Don’t get physical before assessing long-term potential

– Assess the relationship to your core values as it progresses

3 – Observe good relationships

What better way to learn what makes a couple tick than to learn from people in great relationships? Maybe your parents or grandparents have been married for a good while. Take some time to sit down with one of them and ask a few questions about how they’ve been able to make it work.

If you feel uncomfortable asking a family member, talk to a good friend that is in a solid relationship. Have an open, honest conversation with that person and learn from their experience. Just make sure to speak with someone in a long-term relationship. No, your best friend that’s been dating someone for two months doesn’t count.

The people that care about you want to see that you’re happy, and if they feel that they can contribute to this they’ll be more than willing to oblige.

4 – Learn from the past

While reliving past relationships isn’t the most pleasing experience, there is much wisdom to be gained from them. As we’ve said before – when you enter a relationship, you either acquire a person to be loved or lesson to be learned.

Among the lessons to be learned from past relationships:

– We all need alone time and space.

– Nobody else can complete you but you.

– You can’t change someone else.

– Lust fades away; only love grows.

– Relationships often reflect our own circumstances.

 5 – Forget the relationships that failed

“Regret is useless” as Marlon Brando once said, and this includes regretting failed relationships. The bottom line: that relationship failed for a reason. Perhaps you were not compatible or the circumstances weren’t right. However, that person is no longer there, and each moment spent regretting past relationships is another moment you can be preparing for the next one… the right one.

As with learning from the past, forgetting past relationships (especially a recent one) can be a difficult thing to do. However, this is necessary if you are going to live in the present and move forward in potential relationships.


6 – Be your true self – all the time

Part of compatibility in a relationship is being comfortable in your own skin and having someone who is comfortable in theirs. This compatibility leads to appreciation for each other while the relationship continues to flourish.

be your true self - love

There isn’t anyone worth changing yourself for – this includes any potential mate. Anyways, it’s only a matter of time before your “true self” is revealed.

7 – Control your anxiety

When you first meet someone, it is normal to have butterflies in the stomach. Even after the first couple dates, those butterflies may still be there. After a while, those feelings should start to diminish, and you’ll begin to feel more comfortable.

Much of this anxiety is because of self-consciousness – it’s natural. However, if you are being yourself and remaining in the moment, there is nothing to be overly anxious about.

control your anxiety

8 – Practice honest, effective communication

How you communicate with someone shouldn’t be determined by the situation. Regardless of the individual in front of you, speak with honesty and sincerely – especially with someone you’re just getting to know.

honest communication - love

Moving forward in your relationships, make the sincere effort to speak with integrity and courage. Don’t negate your thoughts and feeling by not speaking about them. If you are being sincere and the other person doesn’t like what you’re saying, that’s their prerogative.

9 – Don’t force anything

Having somebody to share your life with is a nearly universal desire. Who doesn’t want to experience the love and companionship of one special person?

While you may internally want this to the utmost, it is important that you don’t force anything. Someone may be attractive and charming, but if there is no chemistry there it’ll never work. If you implement the things on this list and remain steadfast, you’ll eventually find that one person – without forcing anything.

10 – Put this list into practice

You can read all the articles, books and blogs in the world, but none of it helps if it’s ignored or forgotten.

BONUS: Be friends first.

When you decide to get into a relationship, be sure to establish a good friendship. The best relationships come from a place where there is more than a physical attraction. Without a good understanding of each other as people, rather than lovers, the physical attraction may wear thin with nothing left to support it.

Final Thoughts on Preparing Yourself for Falling in Love

If you remember nothing else, remember this: a relationship is supposed to be natural. Don’t place so much pressure on the outcome. Be yourself.  You’re going to make someone, somewhere extremely happy when you do.

Add to the discussion:  What did you have to learn before finding true love?  Share your life lessons in the conversation below! Or, feel free to weigh in on Facebook.

35 Ways to Improve Your Relationships

Complicated relationships = a complicated life.

Most people would take simplicity over complexity any day, but many aren’t sure how to improve their relationships to get to that point of simplicity, where their relationships seem to flow (and grow) effortlessly.  If you want to improve your relationships and create stronger, longer bonds, this simple guide is sure to help:

35 Ways to Improve Your Relationships

1 – Stay true to yourself.

Be honest with who you are and what kind of life you want to live. By living with integrity, it allows the right people to come into your life, and it helps you become your best self.

2 – Share your flaws with your significant other.

Your flaws don’t define you, but others will feel more comfortable with them once you begin to accept them yourself.

3 – Simplify yourself.

Align your thoughts, actions, and words, and your life will automatically become simpler. Be you, all the way through.

4 – Don’t seek approval from anyone but you.

Be confident in your ability to discern bad choices from good ones, and remember that only you can determine the right path for your life.

5 – Practice self-love, self-care, and self-respect.

Before anyone else can care for you, love you, and respect you, you must give all of these things to yourself.

6 – Observe yourself without judgment.

Next time you feel inferior, try to look at the situation from a neutral point of view. Don’t be so hard on yourself – everyone is human, and everyone makes mistakes.

7 – Feel comfortable with your partner having friends of the opposite sex.

Even if it might make you slightly jealous for them to hang out with other guys or girls, let them have the freedom to hang out with who they want. Time apart makes for fonder hearts, too.

8 – Give up your need to have the last word.

You can’t always be right, so don’t try. Sometimes, silence really does speak louder than words.

9 – Show unabashed love.

Love freely, and open your heart to others. Let small acts of kindness or affection show your partner how much he or she means to you.

10 – Always follow your heart.

No one knows you better than you do, so honor your soul and what it wants for you. It will always have your best interest in mind.

11 – Be independent, but not too independent.

Take help when it’s offered; you don’t have to do everything alone.

12 – Accept others for who they are.

Don’t try to mold others into what you think they should be; instead, love them exactly the way they are.

13 – Have open communication with your partner.

Talk about problems, fears, insecurities, dreams, doubts, funny memories, and everything in between. Your partner should be your best friend who you can come to with anything, so don’t hide your feelings or thoughts from them.

14 – Don’t blow problems out of proportion.

Talk about things rationally with your partner, and the problem will likely get solved a lot quicker.

15 – Practice minimalism.

Only keep things that you absolutely need; a simple life gives way to simpler relationships.

minimalism - relationships

16 – Explore spirituality personally and with your partner.

While a spiritual journey is a personal one, invite your partner to meditate or go to Reiki sessions with you. This will strengthen your relationship and open up a whole new door of exploration for you two.

17 – Love without expectations.

Love is not a competition; it moves freely through each of us, and we can make this world a much more beautiful place by offering our love regardless of what it can give to us.

18 – Appreciate other people.

Tell them and show them that you notice their positive attributes and that you value who they are as a person.

Appreciate other people

19 – Be proud of yourself.

Take pride in your accomplishments and your character; you’ve come a long way in life and deserve your own attention and recognition for it.

20 – Listen more, talk less.

Be a listening ear for others; you might be the only person in their life that listens to them.

21 – Practice gratitude.

Remain thankful, through the good and the bad. There’s always a lesson within every experience in life.

Practice gratitude - relationships

22 – Try not to complain.

Complaining only lowers your energy levels; try to see the silver lining in the clouds, and take it as an important lesson learned.

23 – Talk calmly and honestly.

Don’t let your emotions get the best of you – always try to speak from a place of love and understanding.

24 – Compliment your partner.

Show him or her that you notice that new outfit or haircut, or that you’re proud of their hard work.

25 – Be mindful of your actions.

What you do usually affects more people than just yourself, so keep that in mind when you make big decisions in your life.

26 – Remind yourself that you’re beautiful, inside and out.

Give yourself love, always. Don’t be so critical of yourself; love who you are, where you are, exactly HOW you are.

27 – Let go of past pain.

It helped shape your character, but it doesn’t have to stick with you your whole life.

28 – Have simple dates, like picnics.

Enjoy nature and simpler foods. Relish in the outdoors and the freedom it can bring from time to time.

29 – Let your guard down.

Bring down your walls so others can get inside.

30 – Support each other’s goals.

Encourage one another to go beyond yourselves and reach for your wildest dreams.

31 – Be there for one another, always.

Help each other out when you need it, and offer support when necessary.

32 – Let your partner grow in whatever way they need to.

Even if it means you have to grow apart for a while, let them walk their journey however they see fit.

33 – Try new things together.

Getting out of your comfort zone will actually make your life simpler because it will help you get rid of any fears you may have about the world.

love relationships

34 – Set aside time each day for relaxation.

Drop out of the fast pace of the world for a while, and just take pleasure in some good old-fashioned R&R.

35 – Live in the now.

Now is the only time we really have; live fully in the present.

5 Signs You Need More Self Care

Self care simply means “to look after yourself in a healthy way.” This includes looking after yourself physically, mentally and emotionally – from the big (ex: getting exercise) to the small (ex: taking a vitamin).

Self care also means that you continue doing the things important to you – seeing friends and family, taking a vacation, doing work that matters, etc. Continuing to participate in areas of life that you deem important is another big aspect in self-care. When these things are neglected, it can cause problems – from mental (depression) to physical (blood pressure, sickness, etc.)  Those who neglect self-care usually do so because they’re stressed, burnt out, overworked, have no time, or otherwise live crazy and hectic lives.

Obviously, this is very bad for our overall health. But there is hope…as long as you’re willing to make self-care a priority.

If you’re one of those individuals who is thinking “I don’t have time…” This is precisely why you need to make self-care a priority. If you attend to yourself and exert some effort, you’ll find that you have more energy, less stress, and have a more positive disposition.

But first, you need to know if you’re failing to taking care of numero uno.

Here are 5 signs it’s time for more self-care…

1. You’re sleep deprived

No surprise here. Getting an adequate amount of sleep is very important. Not getting enough sleep can carry a hefty price tag (literally), along with impacting your personal and work performance, and overall health.

While there are various “reasons” for not getting enough sleep, the two most common reasons are stress and time (or lack thereof). However, there are also legitimate medical reasons why sleep deprivation occurs – sleep disorders, mental health conditions, and some medications.

Medical reasons aside, you need to get enough sleep to adequately care for yourself. Here are the consequences of not getting enough sleep:

– Decreased cognitive (thinking) ability

– Decreased alertness

– Poor performance

-Stressful relationships

– Injury

If sleep deprivation continues to occur, this can result in:

– Poor quality of life

– Mental impairment

– Obesity

– Stroke

– High blood pressure

– Heart attack/heart failure

Healthcare professionals recommend that adults receive a minimum 7 hours (preferably eight hours). Younger people need more sleep (nine hours); especially babies and toddlers (10-11 hours).

 2. You don’t exercise

First off, you can make time for exercise. Second, you’ll notice a significant improvement to your mind and body by doing so.

Exercise is among the “big three” areas for great self-care (along with eating right and getting adequate sleep). The overall health benefits of exercise are unmatched. Along with a healthy weight, exercise can:

– Improve cardiovascular function

– Increase flexibility

– Increase strength

– Combat health problems and disease

– Boost energy (!)

– Promote better sleep

– Improve sex life

– Improve mood

exercise - self care

You don’t need the exercise regimen of a marathon runner or triathlete to realize these incredible benefits, either. Research has consistently shown that 20 to 30 minutes a day, six days a week is sufficient. Basic activities such as walking during lunch, climbing some stairs, tossing a ball, dancing, or gardening can be counted towards this recommended time. A brisk walk, jog, or bike ride are other great ways to fit this into your schedule.

 3. You have poor eating habits

Accommodating a hectic schedule with a quick stop at a fast-food joint is commonplace in our society – but it’s certainly not healthy. In fact, it’s downright terrible for your health and undermines your other self-care efforts.

Proper nutrition is so important because it affects many different areas – body function, brain chemistry, weight, and even sleep. Nutrition consists of anything and everything that you put into your body – beverages, supplements, medicine, food, and alcohol.

poor eating habits - self care

Having an inadequate diet essentially undermines the function of our bodies. This has a negative domino effect on everything that we do throughout the day that requires an alert and active mind and body.

The American Heart Association recommends that nutrient-poor foods be eliminated or limited in their intake. This includes high-calorie or high-sugar foods and beverages. Also, make a conscious choice to limit the amount of saturated fat, trans fat, and sodium that you eat.

4. You have no alone time

Yes, we know that you have work, family, and other responsibilities. However, you should not neglect fitting some “me time” into your busy schedule – it’s an important element of self-care.

Why is alone time important to your self-care? For various reasons, but much of it comes down to replenishment and rest of your body and mind. When we are “always on” your brain and body does not have a chance to recharge, which can negatively affect your focus, clarity, concentration and productivity.

Spending time with yourself also allows you to more effectively work through any problems that you’re experiencing. It’s very difficult to think of solutions to problems when you’re constantly distracted and on-edge. You brain works best when it’s relaxed and rejuvenated. Solitude provides this much-needed relaxation and rejuvenation.

Not only does occasional solitude improve your body and mind, it also improves your relationships. Spending time with yourself allows you to work through problems, gain a better understanding of yourself, and make better choices. As a result, you come to appreciate your relationships a bit more after spending some time alone.

 5. You don’t listen to your body.

Listening to your body is important, and appropriate self-care involves taking preventative measures to ensure a healthy lifestyle. Make sure that you are in tune with your body as you exercise, add nutrition into your diet, create a healthy sleep schedule, and take time for your self.

If you add positive lifestyle habits into your daily routine, but still feel something amiss, you may need to check in with your health professional or naturopath to perform tests that can help you find problem areas before they become a significant health risk.  This can involve a physical examination, a healing cleanse, or some other mode of healing.

bonus tip love yourself

Your Turn to Talk About Self Care

Join the discussion: Have you noticed any of these self-care practices missing in your own life?  Which one of these could you begin doing? Weigh in on this topic in the comments below.

10 Things Your Inner Child Is Trying To Tell You

Take a moment and allow your mind to travel to a time when you were little, playing outside among the leaves and trees without a care in the world.  How much of that inner child is still with you today?

If you listen closely, that little boy or girl from your past is still trying to communicate with you through messages, divine interventions, or dreams. Our inner child never leaves us; we just forget about him or her as we grow older. Try to tune into these messages often, because your inner child can greatly help you along your spiritual journey.

Listen to these 10 things your inner child is trying to tell you:

1 – Don’t forget to laugh!

According to numerous studies, children laugh anywhere from 300 to 400 times a day, while adults laugh only 4 to 17 times a day. Growing older doesn’t have to mean laughing less. In fact, boundless opportunities exist for laughter, from playing charades with friends or family to telling funny jokes to coworkers. Throughout the U.S. and India, Laughing Clubs have emerged for people to get together and just laugh it up! Life is not as serious as we make it out to be, so don’t forget to laugh today!

2 – You’re safe now, and so am I.

Most of us endured some sort of childhood trauma that likely stuck with us for many years after the fact. Dealing with past pain requires a lot of inner work and acceptance of what happened in order to move on. Your inner child wants you to know that you can leave all the suffering in the past, and that a bright future awaits you.

3 – Keep things simple.

As a child, life was simple. You let your imagination run wild, and didn’t worry about tomorrow or yesterday. Why does this have to change as an adult? It doesn’t. You can still live a relatively simple life by practicing minimalism, playing outside as much as you can, and having a career that you love. Your inner child craves simplicity. Furthermore, he or she wants you to uncomplicate your life so you can enjoy it to the fullest.

4 – You’re going to do great!

How many times do you let negative self-talk take over your brain? As a child, you probably hadn’t let the negativity in society bring you down yet. However, you have the power to control your thoughts and rid yourself of toxic energy. So, wake up tomorrow and tell yourself that you will do great, and watch what happens!

5 – We’ll always be together.

Someone once said that adults are just kids in bigger bodies. Your inner child never leaves you, because it will always be an important part of you. As you get older, you may find that you have reverted back to a lot of your childhood tendencies, and you should honor that! Let’s face it – the best way to stay sane in this life is to let your true inner child shine through, and never let yourself take life too seriously.

6 – Let go of your pain.

If you want to turn the page in your personal story of life, you must let go of the past. Learn from it, forgive everyone who caused you pain, and move on. When you get rid of all the negative energy from your past, you make room for positive events and people in your life. You can’t finish your story if you stay stuck on the same page, so find the strength within you to accept your past as a valuable learning experience, and open your heart to the future.

Let go of pain - inner child

7 – Let’s play!

Children spend most of their time playing, while adults spend most of their time working. If you don’t set aside any time to let loose and have some fun, you will find that life gets pretty dull, pretty fast. Try to cut back on some obligations so that you can enjoy this life while you can. Contrary to popular belief, you were not just put here to pay bills and taxes. You deserve to enjoy this life for all it’s worth, so get outside and play hide-and-seek once in a while. It will make your soul feel good. J

8 – Don’t be afraid to love.

Children don’t have walls built up around themselves; they love freely, openly, and honestly will all their hearts. As we get older, we go through break-ups, heartache, and betrayal, and start to close ourselves off to other people. No matter how many times you get hurt, love others anyway. Unconditional love means loving others regardless of what they can give you or if they reciprocate your feelings, and children serve as the best examples of selfless love. Next time you want to shut yourself off from love, think of what your inner child would do. He or she would want you to keep love alive in this world, and give love another chance.

Don't afraid to love

9 – You’re pretty!

Children don’t automatically know what ugly means, because they have no ugliness in their hearts. They don’t perceive ugliness within themselves or the world around them, because they come into this world only knowing love and beauty. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you’re beautiful – once you say this enough, you will start to believe it, and then you’ll see it. Channel your inner child and try to see the world through his or her eyes, free of discrimination, self-hate, and negative labels.

your are pretty - inner child

10 – I love you.

Perhaps the most important of them all, this affirmation packs a powerful punch. It reinforces the idea that you accept yourself no matter what. Your inner child would want you to love yourself as you are, because once upon a time, you did love yourself just the way you are! Hate is a learned behavior, and that includes self-hate. Remember your inner child as a beacon of light even on your darkest days, and love will come much easier to you.

Final Thoughts on Receiving Messages from Your Inner Child

inner child

Your inner child is still present inside your adult being. He or she is the little voice that tells you to have a bit of fun, loosen up, and open your heart. All you must do is tune in and listen.

Please, do join us on Facebook and share your thoughts!

11 Signs You May be Experiencing a Vibration Shift

Many of us are experiencing a major shift in consciousness as we undergo our own spiritual awakening, find our true purpose, and realize our potential as spiritual beings. You may have heard many titles for this time on Earth, but the underlying principle is that a loving, compassionate, conscious reality is slowly replacing an outdated, fear-based, unconscious one.  In metaphysical terms, we are experiencing a global shift to a higher vibration.

You play a big part in this master shift because you have a divine, ever-present connection to the Universe. Your shift in consciousness will allow the heavy energy on Earth to dissipate further, revealing a truly beautiful reality behind the veil. If you can relate to the following ideas, you might very well be experiencing a shift to a higher vibration…

11 Signs You May be Experiencing a Shift in Vibration:


1 – A Strong Urge to Explore your Individuality

As you go through a spiritual awakening, you will have an unrelenting desire to detach from limiting belief systems and explore your own philosophies more. You may feel isolated and lonely at times, and others may call you crazy or too unconventional. You’ll probably find that your new values are in stark disagreement with the “norm.” And your newfound craving to walk your own path will lead you far away from mainstream ideals.

2 – You Want to Give Up Harmful Habits

Harmful things damage your vibration. At this point, you begin to realize that you cannot become your best self with toxic substances or toxic people weighing you down. To become a being of light, you will discover that drugs, alcohol, junk food, abusive relationships, and too much time around technology will severely deplete your energy.

Along your spiritual quest, you will become interested in feeding your body lighter, nutrient-rich foods, and staying away from negative people. You probably will become very sensitive to the radioactivity within phones, computers, TVs, etc.

3 – Heavy Emotions Come to the Surface

Most people think a spiritual awakening means an immediate removal of all the heavy energies and a sudden transformation from a deep slumber to true enlightenment. However, a spiritual journey involves constant fluctuations as karmic energy come to the surface and you work to rid your energy body of those experiences and emotions.

You may have deep wounds from your childhood, past relationships, and past lives that need a lot of attention and healing before you can move forward.

4 – The World Around You No Longer Makes Sense

When you go out to a restaurant, grocery store, or bank, you may start to see these things as meaningless and harmful to the greater purpose you have found in life. You start to become disinterested in material items, shopping, eating out, and doing all the “normal” things people do. In fact, you may start to find more solace and meaning in nature and exploring your creativity.

5 – You Want to Change Jobs or Even Careers

One of the biggest transformations people go through during vibrational shifts is a longing to get out of their current job. Indeed, they long to find one that fulfills their true purpose. Many people even start their own businesses as life coaches, Reiki masters, or healers of some sort. They can’t spend another second in a soul-crushing job when they know they came here for a greater purpose.

6 – Shift in Vibration Brings Great Compassion for All Beings

During this time, you probably will feel an even stronger divine connection to Earth and all its beings. When you see pollution in the air, animals being tortured, or someone crying, you will likely experience a strong reaction and wish you could instantaneously heal everything and everyone on Earth.

As you learn to love yourself more, you will, therefore, be able to love others more, which will deepen your sense of empathy towards others.

7 – You Want to Spend More Time Alone

You have become ultra-sensitive to other energies, and sometimes being around other people drains your own energy. So you want to spend time exploring your creativity and developing a relationship with yourself. If you find yourself wanting to go off on your own more, don’t worry; this is a normal part of tuning into your higher self.

8 – You Understand that You Influence your Own Reality

You begin to realize that all your life, you unconsciously helped create whatever experiences you had up to this point. Now, you know that you can consciously create your reality, and bring about the experiences you actually want to have. You no longer feel encapsulated by a victim mentality, and understand that you and you alone can change your life. Thus, you start to take on full responsibility for your emotions, experiences, and actions.

9 – You Experience More Synchronicities

Most people would just call these coincidences, but upon awakening, you will come to know them as synchronicities. If you see repeating numbers frequently, such as 11:11, 2:22, etc, your spirit guides or angels are letting you know that you’re on the right path. If you have a song in your head and hear it on the radio immediately after, you are experiencing synchronicity as well.

As we keep moving forward, you will probably experience more synchronistic events in a variety of new and exciting ways!

10 – You Focus More on Giving, Not Receiving

You begin to realize that this planet needs more love. So you figure out ways to use your own gifts and energy to spread it like wildfire. Additionally, you may feel the urge to get rid of a lot of your belongings by giving them to charities. Or, you might want to volunteer more around your community.

During this transformation, you may decide that a minimalist lifestyle can serve you better in the long run. Having outward clutter causes inward clutter, and you realize how light you feel when you give rather than take.

11 – You Live in the Now

You realize that the only time we have is now and that the past and future are illusory concepts. By living in the now moment, you realize you can actively create your future in the present, rather than waiting for the future to come to you.

Join the discussion:  After reading this, do you feel that you could be experiencing a shift in vibration?  Share your story in the discussion below:

7 Ways to Connect with Your Soul on a Deeper Level

During these beautiful yet turbulent times on Earth, you might find yourself longing for a deeper meaning to life beyond your relationships, job, or finances. As we continue to move further along in this grand shift, we all will take different paths on our journey to enlightenment. However, these universal tips can help many of us connect with our soul on a deeper level.

And, in the process, we may unlock our full potential to shine our brightest light.

Connect with your soul on a deeper level using these 7 tips:

1 – Practice Gratitude

If you want to experience the pureness of your soul, incorporating gratitude into your everyday life will help you open your heart and connect to your true essence: Love. When you wake up each day, eat a nutritious meal, hug your loved ones, or get a new job, express your thanks to the Universe.

After all, you are the universe experiencing itself, so any experience can help you reach higher levels of consciousness. Even if you experience something negative, still try to remain thankful. Valuable lessons are often disguised as tough teachers.

2 – Eat Lighter Foods

Any time you eat chemical-laden foods that don’t come directly from a natural source, you feed your body heavy energies that will promote frantic and chaotic feelings.  In general, fresh, raw, organic fruits and vegetables will give you all the nutrients you need (except B12 and Vitamin D) and allow you to experience a deeper soulful connection

3 – Meditate Often

The best way to get to know the soul within is to sit still and embrace the silence. You came from a place free of stillness and tranquility, so meditation allows you to connect back to the source and stay grounded on a planet full of all sorts of distractions.

We have all been thrown into this fast-paced, chaotic world, but that doesn’t mean we have to give in to this energy. Meditation will help you stay calm and connected to higher realms outside of this physical, 3D world.

meditate often - soul

4 – Accept Your Past

The longer you fight your past, the longer you will carry the karmic energy from it. No matter who hurt you or what you went through, accept it as part of your journey and move on. Forgive the people that brought you down, and look at them as helpful lessons learned on your journey.

Accept your past - soul

Every person you encounter and experience you have can guide you on your way back home to source energy, so leave your past behind you and look with optimism to the future.

5 – Do Things You Love

One of the best ways to connect with your soul is to do what makes you happy! Fill your days with activities that make you come alive, such as drawing, writing, or playing outside. All too often, we pay too much attention to our worldly responsibilities and forget about actually enjoying our time here. Even if you have to switch jobs or careers to incorporate more of what you love, do what you need to do in order to feel fulfilled and vibrant.

Do things you love

If you zoom out for a second and realize that our time here on Earth is limited, this will help you to do more of what you love while you can, and remove the things that no longer serve you.

6 – Recognize Your Oneness

Realize that everything connects with everything else on a divine level and that you make up a part of this oneness. The universe has no limits, which means you have endless potential as well. In order to truly connect with your infinite being, you must remove all the barriers you once had and realize that the consciousness within you is also within other people, plants, and every animal on Earth. This will help you not feel so alone on your spiritual journey, and remind you that we are all one.

7 – Open Your Heart

Don’t shy away from vulnerability; once you reveal your true self to others, you will set yourself free. Most people tuck their emotions deep within themselves, thinking that expressing feelings makes them weak or exposed. However, in order to really get to know yourself, you have to let yourself shine. This means opening up and taking down the walls that you have built around yourself throughout your life. When you open your heart, you will be able to connect to your soul more, which will help you connect to others. The ego lives within the mind, but the soul lives within the heart.

open your heart - soul

How Will You Improve Your Soul Connection?

Join the discussion:  What daily or weekly habits and practices do you put into place to make, and keep, a strong connection with your soul?  Share with the community in the conversation below!

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