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7 Ways to Turn Your Living Space into a Thriving Space

7 Ways to Turn Your Living Space into a Thriving Space

Unless you are an interior decorator or just have a knack for aesthetics, your living space is probably like most others: a TV, some wall décor, a table, maybe even a nice china cabinet. But does your living space contain anything unique that makes it special to you? Specifically, is there anything within your living space that truly resonates with your inner being? This resonance can be one of peace, strength, spirituality… anything that makes your living quarters an extension of you, or what you wish to be.

“We live as ripples of energy in the vast ocean of energy.” – Deepak Chopra

Here are 7 ideas on how you can create a living space that thrives…

1. Feng Shui

Feng means “wind” and Shui means “water,” which makes sense given that both words are associated with good health in Chinese culture. Thus, Feng Shui is based on Taoist doctrine that environments are alive and filled with qi (pronounced “chee”), or energy. Feng Shui aims to balance the energies within the environment, assuring good health and fortune for the inhabitants.

Advanced Feng Shui techniques are beyond the scope of this article, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take some easy first steps to start the process. Here are a few first steps:

Clear out clutter. Essentially, you are getting rid of everything in your house that you are not fond of.

Have high quality air and light. Have as much natural light in the home as possible, open windows, and use spectrum lighting.

Understand the 5 Feng Shui elements. This includes understanding the Bagua, or the energy map of your home, and the utilization of the earth, fire, metal, water, and wood elements to create the desired outcome.

2. Native American “Smudging”

Smudging is an old Native American tradition, used as a practice to cleanse a place, person or object of negative energies. While certainly a spiritual practice, conventional science does concur that the main herb used in smudging – sage – releases negative ions, which research has linked to a more positive mood.

Essentially, smudging involves burning a dried plant and fanning the smoke over your body and home with a sacred intention – health, prosperity, or any other positive intent – while ordering negative energy and spirits to leave with firmness in your voice.

The basic steps of this practice include:

– Crack open a window or door in your home.

– Take a dried bundle of sage and place it in an abalone or clay shell, then light it with a wooden match.

– Gently blow out the flame while allowing the material to smolder.

– Symbolically wash your hands in the smoke, while taking some over your ears, eyes, heart and head. You may also breathe a little in, if desired.

– While starting at the left side of your front door, walk along the left wall around your entire home; praying, while asking the good spirits to stay and the negative spirits to leave.

– When finished, go outside and put the ashes of the sage at the front doorstep, which is thought to protect the entrance.

3. Have a Sacred space

To have a sacred space in your home, be it an entire room or small cornered area, is to have space where you can be silent, reflect, and get centered. With our lives being so busy, it is easy to forget that silence has the healing power of its own. We each deserve to thrive!

Here are some simple steps to set up a sacred space in your home:

Define what “sacred” means to you. This can mean religion, spirituality, nature, or something else. Whatever it is, try to define it in a couple of words such as uplifting, calm, prayerful, peaceful or spiritual.

Dedicate a spot in your home. This can be a room or corner of a room, dresser, table, or somewhere else.

Create an altar. Try to use items that are meaningful to you and in-line with your definition (using the first step). If you are of a certain faith, you may want a symbol of that faith, such as a crucifix or a small Buddha. The nature of the items is not as important as their relative meaning to you.

Create a ritual. Once you’ve created your sacred area, figure out when and how you want to utilize it. This is a very personal element to your sacred space, so just find the ritual means to you. Bear in mind that this is optional – you may wish to visit this space whenever the mood strikes.

4. Himalayan rock salt


The ratio of positive to negative ions in the air affects both our breathing and mood. Himalayan rock salt naturally emits negative ions, altering this balance to an optimal state. This balancing of ions allows us to breathe more naturally, have more energy, and maintain a positive state of mind.

This rock salt is most popular in Himalayan Salt Lamps, which has been used in Europe for years due to its multitude of positive health benefits and treatment of disorders such as asthma, allergies, high blood pressure, migraine headaches, and rheumatoid arthritis.

These lamps come in multiple sizes, but it is thought that having small, strategically-placed lamps provides a more effective ion balance than one large lamp. Yoga and reiki practitioners also use the lamps because of their tranquil, pleasant glow.

5. Aromatherapy

Considered a holistic, alternative form of medicine, aromatherapy involves the use of extracted, natural oils for psychological and physical wellbeing. The inhalation of these various oils is thought to stimulate brain function and provide whole-body healing through skin absorption.

Essential oils come in many forms, including jasmine, lavender, patchouli, tea tree, rosemary, and others. Depending on the strength and concentration of the oil, it may be combined with a lotion to dilute its strength and then applied to the skin.

In addition to skin application through lotions and creams, there are other practices as well. Examples include aromatherapy baths, massages, vapor inhalation and compression.

6. Art & Décor

Producing a work of art or skillful décor requires both exceptional talent and a lot of time. The final product is often a beautiful piece that is displayed on walls or can be seen on Custom furnishings, played as a song, or framed as a photograph.

In addition to being beautiful pieces, they also provide an element of transformational ambiance to the space that it occupies. Great art is in such demand because of its ability to heal and inspire, change and evolve.

Our experiences on this Earth are very unique and personal, as is the art that is produced and appreciated by the people who inhabit it. That being said, it is important that you choose the art form that resonates with you; whether in a photograph, painting, drawing, or other. If you find something that inspires you, consider using the piece to enhance your space.

7. Balanced & Energetic Lighting

Numerous studies, such as the one undertaken by the Ohio State University’s Neuroscience Department, have concluded that different shades of lighting affect your mood. One interesting find: people who are less active at night should avoid bluish lighting, such as that given off by TVs and computer screens in order to not disturb their sleep patterns.

Most interior designers already know the unique effects that lighting has. Because of this, they utilize a mix of soft and hard lighting to create the desired atmosphere of the homeowner. However, you don’t need to be an interior designer to learn how to use lighting effectively.

If you desire to create a more restful ambiance in the dining room, for example, consider using soft (shadow-less) lighting effects. In areas where activity occurs, such as the living room or the kid’s playroom, consider using hard (or direct) light to create an atmosphere of liveliness.

For a great article on lighting your home, check out this Better Homes and Gardens article:

44 Simple Ways to Boost Your Energy

Ever feel like you need to boost your energy during the day?

“The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results.”  – Anthony Robbins

In this fast-paced world, most of us have probably experienced drowsiness throughout the day at our jobs or school.  Often, we look for ways to wake ourselves up quickly. Unfortunately, many people choose unnatural, unhealthy ways to re-energize, such as caffeinated drinks, energy drinks, or pills. These methods will do their job and make us feel rejuvenated in a heartbeat, but they also take a toll on our health.

When you introduce yourself to healthy, safe methods of boosting energy, you’ll eventually be able to say no to coffee and other unnatural stimulation.

Here are 44 Ways to Boost Your Energy Naturally

boost your energy

1. Get up and walk around every thirty minutes.

Sitting all day at your desk can cause serious long-term problems, so make sure you take some time to walk around the office and take a break from sitting. Even getting up for five minutes at a time can add up at the end of the day if done in 30-minute intervals.

2. Get out in nature.

What wakes you up in the morning? Most people would say their alarm, but sunlight plays a bigger part in getting you out of bed each morning. Nature provides one of the most natural ways to boost your energy, and most people have access to the fresh outdoors, making it a readily available energy booster.

3. Eat fruit.

Fruit contains fructose, a sugar that goes straight to your cells and converts to glucose that powers every cell in your body. Eating more fruit makes you naturally feel more alive from the abundance of carbohydrates. Also, coffee has been proven much more effective at waking people up than caffeine.

4. Increase your magnesium intake.

If you have a magnesium deficiency, your body will need to work harder to accomplish tasks, and your oxygen levels will decrease. To ensure you maintain an optimal magnesium intake, eat nuts, spinach, or beans. If you keep your magnesium levels high, you will feel more vibrant, and your body won’t need to work as hard to get you through each day.

5. Take a nap.

While American culture doesn’t emphasize naps, other countries, such as Spain, take siestas as part of their daily routine. A study found that people who took naps each day had better overall health and increased their efficiency in work. Naps can also rejuvenate you and give you a second wind when you feel tired or unable to concentrate.

6. Never skip breakfast.

Some researchers tout breakfast as the most important meal of the day, giving people the energy to start their day on the right note. Even if you run behind schedule some mornings, try to blend a quick smoothie to drink on your way to work or while you sit at your desk. Eating a breakfast full of fresh, whole fruits will energize you for your entire day and eliminate that mid-day drowsy feeling later on.

7. Exercise at least thirty minutes a day, five days a week.

A sedentary lifestyle can cause serious illnesses and usually makes people feel lethargic and unhappy. Try to participate in moderate to vigorous exercise for at least a half hour each day for five days a week to increase your energy levels and mental and physical health.

8. Stay busy.

When people have idle time, they tend to get bored easily and let their minds wander. This can lead to feeling off-task and without purpose, which gives us more time to think. Overthinking can cloud your mind and make you stressed and exhausted. To combat these feelings, keep your mind busy and focused so you can achieve clarity and perform each day to the best of your ability.

9. Get adequate sleep.

Most people need to drink coffee or energy drinks each morning to stay awake (mostly due to insufficient sleep the night before.) If you want to feel energized each day, make sure you give your mind, body, and soul the rest they deserve and aim for seven to eight hours of sleep each night.

10. Limit your technology use.

Heavy technology use can reduce your natural circadian rhythm and affect melatonin production, which can cause sleeping disorders and even depression. Using less technology can prove challenging today, especially if your job requires you to use a computer, but try to put your phone away at least an hour before bed each night. You will sleep better and therefore have more energy the next day.

11. Meditate.


One of the most effective ways to wake up naturally, meditation provides many other benefits. Meditation can change our DNA and alter our brain chemistry. If you have been feeling tired lately, try to meditate for at least ten minutes each day. You will feel the benefits just minutes after each session, and it provide your mind with some peace and clarity.

12. Drink plenty of water.

Staying hydrated prevents dehydration, which can lead to feelings of fatigue. Our bodies contain over 60% water, which means we need to replenish it often.

13. Avoid artificial energy boosters like caffeine.

Over time, caffeine can affect your sleep schedule, leaving you feeling drained and less-than-stellar. Drinking caffeinated drinks even six hours before bedtime can drastically compromise sleep quality, so avoiding caffeine whenever possible can lead to more energy and better sleep.

Believe it or not, eating an apple has been said to do the trick as a natural energy booster!

14. Splash cold water on your face.

An age-old practice, splashing water on your face can instantly make you feel more alert and refreshed. Try this when you feel sleepy to boost your energy.

15. Get up and stretch.

If you sit at a desk all day, you can easily feel tired simply by staying sedentary for too long. Loosen your muscles and joints by doing quick stretches or yoga poses. Yoga moves the circulatory system and awakens the nervous system, bringing renewed energy to the body.

16. Have something to look forward to.

Oftentimes, people get stuck in a rut when they live a life void of passion. If you want to feel more energetic, make sure your life excites you and provides you with fulfillment.

17. Hug someone.

Hugs just feel good overall. They act as an energy exchange between people and release feelings of happiness and comfort. Hug people often to increase oxytocin, the feel-good chemical known to facilitate bonding and reduce stress. Hugs will make you feel loved and accepted, naturally making you feel more alive.

18. Call up an old friend.

Talking to someone you have known for years allows you to reminisce, laugh, and share stories with that person. Life-long friends usually know us better than anyone, and talking to them after a long lapse can revitalize you and put a smile on your face.

19. Take Vitamin D.

If you live in an area without a lot of sunshine, take a vitamin daily. It will make you feel happier and refreshed, naturally increasing energy levels.

20. Give to the less fortunate.

Feeling low on energy? Practice giving. It will give you a surge of energy because you bring happiness to people’s lives and feel more fulfilled. One of the best ways to renew energy is giving because the positive energy associated with giving comes back to you tenfold.

21. Keep your space organized.

If you have a desk or room filled with clutter, it makes your stress levels rise, which depletes your energy. Devote some time to cleaning up your space to feel calm and stay focused.

22. Eat power snacks.

Eat a handful of nuts or some fresh fruit throughout the day. This will keep your glucose levels steady, which means your energy will remain more level.

23. Write down your goals.

If you have a plan, you will likely feel excited to work toward accomplishing those goals. This will keep you focused and on-task, and completing goals gives a sense of fulfillment. When you reach your full potential, you realize your true power and activate previously dormant energy.

24. Stay thankful.

A surefire way to increase your energy is by giving thanks for everything and everyone in your life. Practice gratitude, and you will naturally have more to be thankful for.

25. Be loving.

If you have ever held onto hatred or extreme dislike toward someone, you likely have noticed a decrease in your energy and overall happiness. By giving love to all beings, you will have a huge store of natural energy and keep a positive attitude, revitalizing you.

26. Choose positivity.

Of course, this list must include positivity; a positive attitude about life keeps lower-frequency thoughts and feelings at bay, which deplete your energy. No matter what situation you encounter, try to remain positive. You will thank yourself later for the burst of energy you feel.

27. Have a close circle of friends.

Having companions to confide in and share all of life’s joyous moments with can make you feel loved and give you a sense of belonging, making you feel more vibrant.

28. Avoid processed foods.

Chemical-laden, altered foods or “food-like” substances lack their potential for true nutrition and are usually higher in calories. Choose natural, organic foods when possible to reap the benefits and energy that foods like fruits and vegetables from the Earth provide.

29. Implement natural lighting.

Artificial LED and fluorescent lights can interfere with our natural sleep cycle and cause more restless than restful nights. Try to turn off artificial lights and open your blinds to let natural light in. Your body responds best to light from the sun because it contains Vitamin D, which is essential for us to function.

30. Give away things you no longer use.

If you want to de-clutter and help those less fortunate, go through all your old things and decide what you need and can give away. In addition to organizing your space, giving away the non-essentials will renew your energy and make you feel good knowing you contributed to a good cause.

31. Take a new road to and from work.

We thrive on new experiences, so taking a new route to work or school will rejuvenate your spirit and make you feel like you are going to a new place.

32. Share a funny story with co-workers.

It never hurts to share some laughs with your work buddies; it will liven up the workplace a bit. If your workday seems dull and your energy drops, mention something funny that happened to you recently. Your co-workers will appreciate it, too.

33. Avoid negative television programs or movies.

Negative messages in TV shows or movies can give you a negative outlook and damage your mood. Try to fill your life with positive images and thoughts, and avoid the heavy programming in most TV shows and movies promoting fear and violence.

34. Keep a journal.

Every night, write down your thoughts about the day or anything. Giving yourself an outlet for your feelings will help you release anything bottled up, allowing more energy for other things in your life.

35. Start a garden or plant flowers.

Another opportunity to get out in nature, growing your own food or planting pretty flowers, will allow you to connect with the Earth and engage in something positive. Most people love to save money, contribute to a cleaner Earth by growing their own food and feel more fulfilled knowing their meals come from their own backyard.

36. Stand on your head.

If you can, look at the world upside-down for a few minutes. The rush of blood to your head will give you more oxygen and make you feel more alive.

37. Consider adding natural herbs to your diet.

Some herbs, known as adaptogens, can increase your endurance and calm anxiety, keeping your energy levels high. Siberian ginseng is one of the most popular and effective herbs for increasing energy.

38. Watch a funny movie.

Most people love a feel-good movie, and there are plenty to choose from. Put on your favorite comedy if you feel a little down about life. It will remind you to take a step back and not take life so seriously, and restore positive feelings.

39. Visit your family.

If you haven’t seen your family in a while, consider visiting them when you can. As the adage goes, “There’s no place like home.” Family can remind you what’s important in life and give you some support, which could be just what the doctor ordered.

40. Put on some upbeat music.

If you can, listen to some up-tempo music. It will stimulate your brain and give you that mid-day boost of energy you were looking for.

41. Avoid energy vampires.

These people constantly complain or find something wrong with any situation. If you want to keep your energy levels high, try to steer clear of these people. They will take your positive energy while leaving you with their negative energy if you aren’t careful.

42. Exercise before work.

Keeping active each day increases vitality and longevity, but exercising before work takes things to the next level. When you make your body sweat before a long day at work or school, you prepare your mind to endure the challenges of the day and are better able to respond to negativity.

43. Simplify your life.

Most people have fairly complicated lives full of more obligations than they can take on. Consider cutting out events or errands that aren’t necessary, and you will free up your time and life for more things you enjoy.

44. Practice positive affirmations.

When you wake up each day, tell yourself something you love about yourself and your life, and remind yourself what a beautiful Universe we live in. Say something like, “I’m amazing and can accomplish whatever I want.” This will empower you to live your best life and give you a quick energy boost before you start your day.

boost your energy

Final Thoughts of Finding Natural Methods to Boost Your Energy

Add to the list!  In what ways do you boost your energy naturally?  Leave a comment below! 🙂 🙂 🙂

6 Behaviors that Push People Away (And How to Reverse Them)

We all manifest one or more behaviors that push people away at least once, if not more. It’s human nature and nothing anyone has to be ashamed about. The mere recognition that you’ve possessed one or more of these traits is a good step towards eliminating them from your life and allowing positivity to enter.

Most of the time, people may not realize they’re pushing others away. There are several reasons for that, and this article will focus on what they are and how to reverse them.

6 Behaviors That Push People Away (and How to Reverse Them)


1. Selfishness

Undoubtedly, the world could use more considerate and thoughtful people. A small gesture of selflessness can go a long way in keeping the people you care about the most in your life. Humans, by nature, are intuitive creatures and can sense if you are doing something with selfish intent. Just because people may not always act on that intuition doesn’t make taking advantage of them okay.

To live a happy life, you must learn how to live and thrive with others, which requires giving away part of yourself without seeking anything in return. Ironically, when you give of yourself without expecting, you are returned that back and more. So if you need a blessing, switch your focus and be a blessing.

2. Conceitedness

The display of conceited behavior will surely push people away in any social situation.  Nobody likes story after story of self-edification consistently communicated via an over-inflated ego. Talking about yourself is great when it’s light and authentic. It’s easy to tell the difference.

Despite what mainstream media may portray, there isn’t a single person in the whole world who is the center of everyone’s entire Universe.

It is always a good idea to let other people into the spotlight and consider the implications of your decisions and actions towards them to foster a healthy relationship. Pop any self-inflated bubble you may be living in and try to communicate and understand the needs and happiness of those around you.

3. Self-Righteousness

Sometimes people tend to think highly of themselves and their beliefs… too highly. This can lead to looking down on others and their decisions without even knowing it. In some instances, some people’s egos go so far that they may intentionally want others to feel degraded. But this is a false way to live and gain respect.

To transform this, one must understand that each individual sets a different standard of how they want to live their lives – and that’s okay. We all have unique values, and no one is better than anyone else.  Respect that and honor others as you honor yourself.

4. Perfectionism

Humans are not perfect. They are bound to make mistakes, which makes humans special. They are capable of using failures as a learning experience. Expecting perfection from others is unfair when you cannot guarantee everything you do is perfect.

Allow for a little leeway and acknowledge that people will make mistakes. Aiming for perfection is unrealistic, but excellence in all things can provide a life of fulfillment.

push people

5. Chronic Complaining

Happy and successful people do not complain much. Conversely, it seems that chronic complainers always have something negative to say… even when those around them are happy! The bottom line: we all have different circumstances that we are given in this lifetime, but in the end, these circumstances are ours – fair or unfair, wanted or unwanted. Instead, seek solutions to problems instead of complaining, leading nowhere.

6. Cynicism

One of the most burdensome behaviors that people tend to display is cynicism. There is no way of finding out the outcome of anything without giving it a chance first. Remember to give people the benefit of the doubt without jumping to conclusions. Positive thinking can bring new ways of thinking and living to any cynic. It may even completely transform their life, because they will be created when you believe in more possibilities.

“Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their image.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

9 Comebacks for Dealing with Rude People

How do you respond to rude people?

People can tend to have a love – hate relationship with their families, bosses, friends, and even spouses. They can be the sweetest people with loving intentions one second, and the next, say something so rude and offensive that makes you want to call them every name under the sun and react negatively.

Questions like “When did you gain so much weight?” or “When will you ever get another boyfriend?” or “Why haven’t you found a job yet?” can really hit below the belt and set off your temper, if you allow it. People don’t often think about what they say before they say it, which can lead to disaster if the person they are speaking to (you) becomes offended.

You have a right to defend yourself and speak your mind, but you can come up with a retort that allows you to express yourself while still being cheerful and polite.

Finding the proper comeback to deal with rude people isn’t always easy, especially if that person signs your paychecks. If you have been wondering how to handle your mother-in-law, who can’t seem to keep her mouth shut about your weight, or your boss, who shows no remorse when he gives you extra work to do, consider these comebacks the next time you encounter rudeness.

“When someone is rude, keep a smile on your face. When you stay on the high road and keep your joy, you take away their power.” – Joel Osteen

9 Comebacks for Dealing with Rude People

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1. Thank you.

A simple “thank you” speaks volumes when you encounter rudeness. Not only does it show the other person that you didn’t let their words affect you, but it also reflects maturity on your part. You chose not to ignore the person or get angry but met both tactics somewhere in the middle. A “thank you” usually implies that you acknowledge someone’s thoughtfulness and respond to that. However, in this case, your “thank you” will mean that you acknowledge the person’s rudeness and choose not to let it affect you. That will shut the other person down quickly when he or she realizes the comments didn’t phase you.

You choose how to react in any given situation, so choose happiness. It will keep your thoughts and actions positive, and show others that their rude words cannot take your power from you.

2. I appreciate your perspective.

Not only is this an intelligent approach, but it will also show the person that you only wish to communicate in an adult manner and not stoop to their level. Any rude comments reflect the other person’s shaky perception of themselves, so remember that when someone blurts out something tactless. They may want to bring you down, but you don’t have to let them. Show them that you will only continue the conversation with dignity and respect. They may respect you more by reacting in such a considerate way. If this doesn’t happen, shift your focus with this next tip.

3. This conversation is now over.

If you find yourself too angry to respond to someone civilly, end the conversation. You don’t want to cause permanent damage to a relationship by losing your cool, but you also don’t want to disrespect yourself by pretending like the person’s comments or questions are acceptable.

Choose to take the high road and not allow the conversation to continue, and you will be able to keep your dignity while skipping a potential all-out brawl or heated argument.

4. Why do you feel that was necessary, and do you really expect me to answer?

Especially in group settings, this will likely put the other person in check very quickly. Instead of getting the expected irate response out of you, they will meet a calm, cool and collected you, ready to talk things over sensibly and decently. Also, it will allow them to redeem themselves and apologize to you in front of your friends, family or co-workers.

Other people do need to know that you do not tolerate rude or uncalled-for questions and comments and that you will call attention to their uncouth behavior. If they say “yes” to the second part of your question, reply with “Well, it looks like this isn’t your lucky day,” and be done with the conversation.

5. That almost hurt my feelings.

While a little on the sarcastic side, it tells the other person that you choose not to absorb their negativity. It also deals with rude people maturely, and will probably discourage the other person from making any other remarks once they realize you aren’t affected by them.

6. You’re right.

While most people have a hard time saying these two words, it will benefit you to make the other person believe they were in the right in what they said, and will likely cause the conversation to be cut short. What more can they say after this comeback? You admit their rightness and then disengage from the conversation. While you might not get as much satisfaction by using this tactic, it will damper the other person’s enjoyment since they won’t get a rise out of you, which is what they were after in the first place.

 7. You always have something negative to say, don’t you?

This takes the attention off of you and back onto them, making them think twice about their choice of conversation topics. Not only will you, rightfully so, draw their focus onto their own words, but also force them to reconsider what they say in the future.

Speaking your mind when a person repeats behavior that offends you is never wrong or uncalled for; if you need to draw attention to someone’s behavior, listen to your gut. The person’s negativity likely affects other people besides you, so making them aware of their toxic behavior will actually benefit you and others in future situations with this person.

8. I love myself, and I love you, too.

This may only apply in certain situations with friends, family, and your spouse. If you say it to your boss, you might get a strange look or get your name removed from the payroll, so use it at your discretion. However, this comeback had to appear on the list because of its effectiveness at shutting down rude people.

Kindness always prevails over negativity; darkness cannot thrive where light is present. When you express to the other person how much you love life and others, their comments become irrelevant and quickly lose power. Their sour mood and bleak outlook on themselves, you, and life will not be a match for your extreme happiness and zest for life. People also aren’t used to such raw emotions from others and will probably be too surprised to respond properly.

deal with rude people

9. Laugh

This reaction will catch the offender off-guard and make a rude person feel embarrassed for even commenting in the first place. For instance, laugh if your aunt repeatedly brings up your recent job loss at dinner. It will make the present moment seem a little less serious, and will send a message that you don’t let other people’s rude comments affect your mood or outlook on life.

Final Thoughts on Controlling Your Response to Rude People

Your words can boost the entire energy of a room and promote more positive conversation. You can’t go wrong with that!You choose how to react in any given situation, so choose happiness! Add to the discussion below: How do you positively react to negative, rude people?

11 Toxic Habits that Drain Your Energy

Did you know that the energy drink market is a $7 billion per year industry? That’s billion, with a “b”. The market is expected to reach $21 billion by 2017. That’s an absolutely mindboggling number. Monster, Rockstar, and other companies have created a multi-billion dollar revenue stream off of nothing more than a potent mix of water, sugar, caffeine and other legalized stimulants. The energy drink industry is ‘Exhibit A’ of the energy crisis that faces almost all of us.

Energy drink companies have managed to seriously profit off of an underlying, systemic problem within our society: a lack of energy. This lethargy that many of us experience is a by-product of a get-up-and-go society – one in which we must work more to earn less – all while still managing our daily obligations. It is more common nowadays for someone to have two jobs, get less sleep, and have less leisure and family time. In other words, there are too many things to do and not enough time to do them.

While the current economic trends do not show any signs of changing, there are things that we can do to increase, conserve, and expend our energy more wisely. One aspect of this is recognizing and abstaining from toxic, energy-draining habits.

Here are 11 commonly toxic habits that drain your energy:

emotional baggage

1. Worrying about the insignificant

We’ve all hear this phrase before: “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” This is simple in theory, but difficult in practice.

Worry and anxiety go together like peas and carrots. Like many of our tendencies, worry is genetically encoded in our DNA. The only difference is, while our ancient ancestors worried about being attacked in the wild, we worry about our jobs, families, health, money, and a multitude of other things.

The answer lies in separating the significant from the insignificant worry. There’e no need to overthink everything. If a legitimate concern needs rectifying, then take action ASAP. On the other hand, realize that the fly buzzing around your keyboard will probably go away, just like any other tiny worry.

 2. Allowing the past to rule

You may indeed have experienced some very difficult situations in the past. Some of us have even experienced trauma from these events.

Here’s the thing: you will never fully embrace your present and future without confronting the past. To confront the past, you must first realize the importance of doing so. Underlying emotional and mental complications require the seeking of either personal or professional (therapeutic/medical) help.

Once you’ve realized its importance and perhaps even sought help, you must let go of the past and focus on the future. Realize two things: (1) you are stronger than you think, and (2) you are stronger having gone through the fire. You are now more prepared to encounter whatever challenges may face you going forward.

 3. Resisting change and growth

Resisting change and growth can usually be traced to feelings of losing control and excess uncertainty.

There really is no other solution other than to realize your potential, and then focus your efforts on reaching your potential. This includes focusing, day in and day out, on each small task until you reach your goals. Eventually, this task-oriented focus becomes a habit, manifesting itself into achievement and success.

4. Participating in drama and negativity

Drama and negativity can be internal or external; in isolation or in the company of others. Regardless of its orientation, drama and negativity is detrimental to your energy.

If its source is internal, remember that you are not your negative thoughts. Our brains are incredibly complex and, as result, much of our thinking is impulsive in nature. The secret is in understanding this simple fact and allowing these thoughts to simply fade away.

If external, eliminate the source – stop hanging around and allowing negative people into your inner circle. Lend an ear if needed, but don’t participate in the negativity or the drama.

 5. Using fear as an excuse


Fear can be the reason that you are not achieving what you want. Rationally confronting fear is one of the best ways to not only manage your energy, but achieve success.

Often, fear is as automatic as negative thinking. When you take conscious control over your thoughts and confront fear, you are in essence making yourself stronger. The answer lies in taking action towards what you want in life…effectively putting fear in the distant background

 6. Taking things personally

Being social creatures, we often define ourselves through the relationships that we have. These relationships will vary in effectiveness and intimacy. In other words, there are people that we just “connect” with, and those that we don’t.

A lack of connection with someone does not necessarily mean that they dislike you personally…often times this isn’t the case. There is probably a difference in personality, social interaction, or something else. Don’t take things personally.

7. Remaining on auto-pilot

According to a 2010 study featured in Psychology Today, human’s brains are on “autopilot” nearly half of the time. In other words, our minds are wandering from one thing to the next.

The most significant find from the study is that people are the unhappiest while on autopilot. The takeaway? Being mindful and present in what you do. Being present is a habit; something that is a skill to be learned and one that innately resides in us.

Being mindful is not difficult, remembering to be mindful is. But when we remember to be mindful, we increase our happiness and energy.

8. Holding onto anger and resentment

Anger and resentment generally ties into living in the past. These are negative, “autopilot” emotions and thoughts that can be discarded.

Anger and resentment are extremely counterproductive to your energy and is not worth the mental and physical cost. Let go of anger and resentment, and you free yourself up for some positive energy.

It bears repeating: you are not your negative thoughts (re-read #4, if you must!)

9.Being in negative environments

Continually subjecting yourself to a negative environment; whether it’s work, home, or somewhere else, shouldn’t be acceptable to you. You need to consciously take control of the situation and make a change for the better.

Start with taking some small, proactive steps to get yourself out of the current situation. For example, if work is draining your energy or ambition, spend an hour each day applying for jobs or updating your resume. If your kids are getting into trouble at school, spend some time discussing the importance of education with them. Taking the first step is often the most difficult when making a significant change in your environment, but one that is well worth doing.

10. Not getting proper nutrition

Food is fuel for our brains…literally. Mass-produced, packaged, processed food is saturated with fat, sugar, salt, and preservatives that are harmful to your brain and body.

A WebMD study suggests adding some ‘superfoods’ to your diet to increase your odds of maintaining a healthy brain. Some examples are blueberries, salmon, nuts and seeds, avocado, whole grains, beans, pomegranate juice, and even dark chocolate.

The benefits of these foods range from increased energy to a reduced risk of serious disorders such as dementia and heart disease.

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 11. Not getting enough sleep

No surprise here…our hectic lives (again) negatively affect a must-have: sleep.

Simply put: sleep is absolutely essential to brain health, energy, and physical health. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) links sleep deficiency to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke.

The NHLBI recommends at minimum seven to eight hours of sleep a day. However, you may need to arrange your schedule, make sure to accommodate for this. Doing so will increase your energy, efficiency, and overall wellbeing.

11 Ways to LIVE (Not Just Exist)

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” – Oscar Wilde

In life, we all have the same hierarchical needs: love, food, shelter, water, companionship, and a chance for self-realization and fulfillment. At the end of the day though, most people live on auto-pilot, thinking they have no control, and only experience what they need for basic survival, such as food, water, and shelter.

But what about the dreams, passions, love, and companionship?

Those aspects of life make us actually feel alive.  They give us a reason to wake up each morning and live life with intention, direction, and drive to accomplish something bigger than ourselves. If tomorrow turned out to be your last day here on Earth, wouldn’t you want to look back and say you lived life to the fullest? If you want to fill your life with happiness, abundance and freedom now, these tips can help you create that life you have always dreamed of and leave behind the habit of merely existing.

11 Ways to LIVE (Not Just Exist)

1. Conquer Your Fears

“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” – Jack Canfield

What does this quote mean exactly? Well, nearly everything people want in life involves a certain level of uncertainty and fear. Let’s say you want to travel the world, and you have never left the country before. You have no idea what to expect about other cultures, the laws in other countries, and a whole new way of life.

Perhaps you dream every day of just leaving your life behind and starting a new chapter full of adventure. But you let your fears stop you. You say “I might run out of money. Someone might hurt me. I might not find a place to stay.” You let your mind take over and come up with every possible worst-case scenario.

The best way to get over your fear is to do what you’re most afraid of. You’ll feel more accomplished, fulfilled, happy, peaceful, and ultimately, more alive. Let your fears fuel your passion instead of allowing them to stunt your progress. If more people allowed their hearts rather than minds to serve as their compass, this whole world would explode with passion and people following their dreams. Leave fear behind and embrace the courage within you! All of us have it, and you are no different. You are capable of accomplishing anything you set your mind to if you just believe in the power within.

2. Allow Yourself to Shine

Being your unique self gives you the freedom to move through life in a state of “flow,” not worrying what others think or say about you.  Acknowledge your highest self and allow it to flourish! There’s only one of you, and no one possesses all the same amazing qualities as you, so own them. Let your most authentic nature come to life and run free; most people go through life being afraid of who they really are, not allowing their true selves to come to life.

3. Surround Yourself With Uplifting People

In order to really feel alive, you must find others who love living just as much (or more!) In general, you should try to find people on the same mission as you, who value following their dreams and actively work toward fulfilling them every day. Some people believe that you become who you surround yourself with, so keep that in mind as you choose your friends and romantic relationships. When you surround yourself with happy, positive and inspiring people, you choose life. You choose to keep the company of those who allow their true selves to shine, and those who welcome abundance and happiness into their lives. If your current friends or partner make you feel down, uninspired, or discontent with life, consider finding new people to hang around.

You deserve to feel excited about life, and who you surround yourself with can either help or hurt you along your journey. While every relationship can teach us something, you have to discern which relationships are worth keeping from those that are best left in the past. Negative people can hold you back, while positive people can encourage you to become the best version of yourself. Positive energy naturally vibrates at a higher frequency than negative energy, so you naturally will feel more alive by choosing more positive people in your life.

Sever the toxic relationships in your life and spread your wings.

4. Adopt an Attitude of Gratitude

It’s important to acknowledge the abundance present in all our lives and give thanks for what we have every single day. When you practice gratitude each day, instead of just chosen holidays during the year, you’ll find out that you have even more to be thankful for. The Universe responds positively to anyone expressing their thanks and provides even more to be thankful for as a result.

If you have been feeling down lately, try waking up each day and reminding yourself what you love about your life. You may have pets you absolutely adore, loving friends and family, and a job you look forward to going to each day. When you express gratitude to the Universe, it listens. The energy you put out into the world comes back to you, so by reminding yourself of your blessings, you will find yourself being blessed with even more!

5. Follow Your Heart

When you give in to your heart’s deepest desires, you begin to see life in a different way. Everything seems to look more vibrant and alive, reflecting your inner state of being. You might feel pressured to follow a certain path to please your parents, friends, or spouse, but that might not necessarily be the path you want to take. Part of embracing your true self is in listening to your inner voice, not the voice of others telling you how to live your life. Only you can walk your path and make your dreams come true.  Make sure you live life based on your ideals rather than everyone else’s. No one can tell you how to live your life except for you, because it is only yours to live.

When you follow your heart, you unlock parts of yourself that have been dormant for years. You can transform your life from complacency to unbelievable exuberance by choosing to listen to the power of your own inner voice.

6. Practice Unconditional Love

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

When we perpetuate a hateful attitude toward others, we invite that same energy onto ourselves. Hate is easy, but doesn’t feel nearly as good as love does. By giving your love to others no matter their actions towards you, you learn how to love without conditions. How others treat you is a reflection of them, not you, just as how you treat others mirrors your own character. Responding to life in a hateful manner makes you more inclined to feel stressed, negative, and ungrateful. It also discourages others from wanting to spend time with you, and blocks positive energy from coming your way.

When you learn to look at everything from a loving perspective, and realize that everyone deserves love despite their words or actions, you say yes to life and no to anything less.

7. Enjoy the Simple Things

”Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.” – Ferris

When you take note of the little things in life, you actually become more alive. You allow yourself to slow down and embrace the simple beauty behind everything in the Universe, and embrace what is rather than what isn’t. Before work each morning, make it a point to watch the sunrise. Spend some time with your kids before they go off to school. Make the most of each moment and realize what a beautiful universe we live in. If you stop and look around, you will notice that life in itself is a gift, and should not be taken for granted.

8. Give Without Expectations

One of the easiest ways to feel alive comes from giving. When you give clothes to the less fortunate, give presents to family and friends around the holidays, or give your time to volunteer for a good cause, you will start feeling more vibrant because others will benefit from your actions. Every day is a new opportunity to give, and we all have something valuable to offer. And when you give without expecting anything in return, you represent who you are in the purest form, which is Love. Love doesn’t expect or demand to be given back, it just is.

So, embrace who you are and give what you can to help others in need. Giving to others is the best gift you could possibly give to yourself.

9. Embrace Your Inner Child

We all are just kids in adult bodies, after all, so do something your inner child would love. Go to the amusement park, play arcade games, or race go-karts. Part of growing up means taking on adult responsibilities, and we often lose ourselves in them.

Take time to nourish your soul and do something that makes you laugh; you may get behind on your errands or chores for the day, but it’s worth it sometimes to forget the real world for a while and get lost in an endless land of imagination and wonder.

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” – Pablo Picasso

10.  Go Somewhere New

Have you always dreamt of going camping, but never had the chance to try it? Pack up your gear and go to your favorite spot in the wilderness for a few hours or days. Variety is the spice of life, as they say, so give your eyes something new to look at on a weekend when you can get away.

Your soul will feel rejuvenated when you put a new experience under your belt, and you will feel more thankful for life by getting out of your usual environment for even a short time.

11. Live in the Now

One of Eckhart Tolle’s most celebrated books, The Power of Now, explains the power of the present moment, and why no other moment matters but this one. The now is all we’ve got, so we might as well make the most of it and realize that we can create the future we envision by simply doing what we want in the present. This life is short, so don’t worry about the problems of the past or the uncertainty of the future. When you find yourself looking too far back or forward, center yourself in what is happening now, and remember that life occurs when you create it. You can’t create in the past or the future – only in the now.

Simply embracing the now will make you feel more peaceful and allow you to let go and experience the joy in every moment.

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