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7 Places People Look for Happiness (That They Shouldn’t)

7 Places People Look for Happiness (That They Shouldn’t)

To find true happiness, not much is required. Happiness is found when you let go of expectations, desires, and negative thinking patterns. Happiness is a choice, not an outcome of a situation. Your happiness relies solely on you and your decision in a moment and depends on your outlook on life. Happiness comes when you learn to stay in the now rather than live in the future. Furthermore, happiness is simply a byproduct of accepting the present and allowing life to unfold as it should. Thus, it is not a destination but a journey.

7 Places People Look for Happiness (That They Shouldn’t)

Happy people know all of these things. On the other hand, unhappy people constantly seek things outside themselves for fulfillment.

1. Your Next Vacation

“Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don’t need to escape from.”  Seth Godin

Most people exude happiness when planning a vacation, and why shouldn’t they? Thinking about traveling to a faraway place, seeing new lands, meeting the locals, and learning about a new culture would excite anybody – but what happens when you get back? The problem with relying on a future trip for happiness is that eventually, the trip is over, and reality sets back in. You have to get back to work, responsibilities, and daily grind. Of course, everyone should attempt to travel at some point in their lives. Traveling allows you to get outside your comfort zone and learn about new places and cultures.

However, happy people realize their contentment shouldn’t be vested solely in vacations. They find happiness in their everyday routines and love their lives, so that vacation is simply a bonus to their already rewarding lives.

2. Material Possessions

“Collect memories, not things.” – Unknown

Retail therapy is commonplace for unhappy people to look for happiness. It’s fast, easily attainable, instantly gratifying, and most importantly, satisfies our ego. Our egos always want more because they survive from acquiring more stuff. However, the temporary high we get from attaining more material items quickly fades, and we are left with an empty feeling, needing more stuff to feel happy again. This endless cycle keeps many people heading to shopping malls to fill a deeper void in their lives, rather than facing the problem head-on. Unhappy people cover up this void with the latest gadgets and clothes, thinking that happiness is found in material gain.

However, happy people know that true gratification is found in lasting pursuits. Such pleasures might be following dreams, building relationships, and contributing to society in a valuable way. Trade a trip to the mall for a trip with your family to your favorite spot in nature; you’ll find more fulfillment in making memories than spending money on things that lose their value in only a few weeks.

3. In Other People

“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” – Oscar Wilde

Relationships can bring great happiness – you confide in your significant other, share a life with him or her, bond with your children over bedtime stories and heart-to-heart talks, and look to your friends for advice when you go through a rough patch in life. Relationships are essential to humanity, providing us with companionship, love, and joy. However, depending on others to make you happy means you place all your worth in how much attention others give you.

Being truly happy means developing a healthy relationship with yourself first and sharing that happiness with others. All relationships in life are simply a reflection of your relationship with yourself. Happy people practice self-love and have clear goals and dreams in life. Happy people don’t look for others to complete them. Instead, they view their relationship with others as enhancing their lives. Unhappy people look to others as a source of happiness, but when the person leaves, happiness does too. Find happiness within, and it will never leave.

4. In Your Bank Account

“Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end. – Bob Marley

Getting caught up in your money is easy because living can be expensive. However, you won’t find happiness in your wallet, your paycheck, or your bank account. The wealthiest people are usually some of the unhappiest people, which proves that happiness does not increase with more income. More money usually means more to worry about, more taxes to pay, more bank accounts to monitor, more insurance to buy, and generally, more of everything. Having more money usually creates less happiness, ironically.  Happy people are thankful for what they have and do not desire anything more. They understand that happiness comes from loving life as is rather than desiring more money. You can’t take money with you when you die, and having more of it now usually means you had to sacrifice precious time to make additional income.

Instead of placing value in having a large bank account, focus on having lots of memories and experiences, and take large doses of laughter each day. Money is fleeting, but memories last forever.

5. The Perfect Life Situation

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” – Vivian Greene

The pursuit of perfection is never-ending unless you choose to change your idea of flawlessness. If you always seek perfection in life and are never satisfied with how things are, how will you be satisfied with life in the future? What if life never seems perfect in your eyes? The truth is, the idea of perfection is relative.

Perfection exists if you wish it to, meaning that any situation can be perceived as perfect. You may never have the “perfect” job, “perfect” house, or “perfect” family. But you can change your mind about them and find beauty in the imperfect. Unhappy people wait for perfection before they are happy. However, happy people make the best of each situation, finding something positive in the darkest places.

Life naturally has ups and downs; this rollercoaster makes us better able to appreciate the good by experiencing the bad If you want to be happier, embrace your life and learn to look at it as a story constantly unfolding; you don’t have to know the ending to be happy with the middle and beginning.

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6. Recognition From Others

“What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others.” – Confucius

Relying on others to approve our decisions or give us praise for something we’ve accomplished usually leads to disappointment because people don’t always notice. They might be too busy, forget to reply to your text or email, or even refuse to recognize your accomplishments due to jealousy. Whatever the reason, looking outside yourself for approval often leads to unhappiness because your ego needs others to validate your achievements constantly. It is never satisfied and feeds on continual attention from others.

Learning to pat yourself on the back without relying on others to fuel your confidence will teach you self-reliance and show you that the most reliable source of praise comes from within. If others aren’t around to take note of your latest triumph, you always will be. Unhappy people need others to give them recognition. In contrast, self-actualized, happy people give themselves validation and look at compliments outside themselves as humbling reminders of what they already know.

pop meme7. Being Famous

“With fame, you know, you can read about yourself, somebody else’s ideas about you, but what’s important is how you feel about yourself – for survival and living day to day with what comes up.” — Marilyn Monroe

Many people get motivated at the chance of getting famous; they think by gaining fame and attention, that their business will grow, they will be more popular, they will have more money, and life will be much more enjoyable. Celebrities glorify fame, making it seems glamorous and appealing for many reasons. People fight to take pictures with them, rush to stores to buy their latest products, and even want to be them. However, it would be best if you didn’t wait to be famous for being happy. What if fame never comes? You should learn to be happy with the friends and family you have now. They love and support you and want to see you happy.

Unhappy people seek fame to feed their ego, looking at others’ opinions as paths to eternal happiness. However, happy people don’t look at fame as a means to an end, but rather a possible byproduct of living life to the fullest each day and following their hearts.

What other do familiar places unhappy people seek happiness?   Add to the discussion below!

4 Ways to Stay Stress Free During the Holidays

The holidays are a time to gather with friends and family to enjoy the festivities the season brings. Everyone seems to look forward to the holidays, the time off of school and work, and even coziness with movies by a fire.

However, the holiday season can also be a huge source of stress.

How we perceive a situation and how we react to it is the basis of our stress. If you focus on the negative in any situation, you can expect high stress levels. However, if you try and see the good in the situation, your stress levels will greatly diminish.” – Catherine Pulsifer

To prepare presents, host parties, bake goodies, have family stay over, and decorate, the stress can easily add up.  This can make the holidays seem like more a chore than a celebration. If this sounds like you during the holidays, try to implement these tips into your daily routine this season.  You’ll feel less overburdened with stress and can embrace more of the true joy the holiday season brings.

Here are 4 Ways to Stay Stress-Free During the Holidaysholiday-stress

1 – Don’t take on more than you can handle.

If your family expects you to host the holiday gatherings this year, but you don’t think you can manage, don’t be afraid to speak up and ask if they might be able to host instead. You might have other obligations, or simply not have time to get the house ready for a big party.  There’s nothing wrong with asking someone else in the family to host or getting photo booth hire at

You could always offer to bring more snacks or decorations to help them get everything ready for guests. That way, you can still make an important contribution without feeling overwhelmed.

Prioritizing tasks can also help you keep you motivated and control the need for a last-minute rush. Many people pack way too much into their days, often producing mounting stress.  If you have to, make a physical list of everything you need to get done.  According to a Harvard study, writing down your goals can dramatically improve your chances for success.

Make sure your “To Done” List (as we like to call it) only includes a few key tasks you need to complete each day. It’s much easier to manage stress when you’re reasonable with what you can accomplish within a specific time-frame.

If you can’t get something done that day, move it to the next day, or even ask someone for help -it’s OK!

2 – Do something fun each day.

The holidays don’t have to be all work and no play.  Even if you have a lot to do, you can still set aside a little time each day to step away from the chaos of the holidays and nourish your spirit with people and activities that make your heart happy.  After a certain time, set an agreement with yourself to stop what you’re doing and take time for you.  You’ll get everything done that you need to at the right time.

If you can’t get any alone time, spend time with family and friends doing something that doesn’t involve preparation and effort. Play a board game, watch movies, go eat at your favorite restaurant or something your group can enjoy together.

Leading up to major holidays, you might feel strapped for time and rush to finish cooking and wrapping presents at the last minute.

3 – Keep healthy eating habits.

During the holidays, it can be tempting to indulge in treats more often than you should but think of how you will likely feel after the holidays are over. Make a pact with yourself to keep up your normal eating habits throughout the holidays, with some “cheat meals” sprinkled in here and there. Of course, many folks enjoy it, and eat what they want in the celebration of the holidays. But it’s easy to let a couple of days of treating yourself turn into a few more days, then weeks, then months.

To make sure you stay on track, start a healthy holiday eating challenge with friends, so you can hold each other accountable and also have workout buddies to rely on. The holidays can be a prime time for putting on pounds, and weight gain can often be a trigger for stress in a person’s life.

And if you love desserts, (who doesn’t?) try making them lower-fat by using applesauce instead of oil. This way, you can still enjoy your favorite foods without worrying about how your jeans will fit the next day. Making delicious food that everyone enjoys is an important part of the holiday season.  When you feed your body well, you will feel good, leaving less room for stress to creep into your life.

4 – Embrace whatever happens.

Even if you go to the ends of the Earth to make sure something turns out perfectly, it may not always go as planned. Sometimes, you just have to embrace what’s going on in life and make the best of it.

You might put a pie in the oven while you go put the baby down for a nap or take a shower. And before you know it, the pie gets a little too brown on top. Or, you might go out shopping, expecting to find all your gifts in one day, but only come out with a few. Thinking about what could have happened is futile.  The moment has already happened. Now you get to create new things in this moment.

There’s always a new day, so don’t stress too much if things don’t go as planned. You may even come to discover that the pie burned because someone else in your family already made the exact same one to bring later, and maybe you didn’t find all your presents because the store you go to the next day will have the perfect gifts for everyone on your list. Whatever happens this holiday, embrace it.  Love it or learn from it.

Keeping calm during the holidays and choosing not to worry about the little things can make a big difference in how much stress you put yourself under. Worrying about something doesn’t solve the problem; it only creates more to worry about. Remember this the next time you find yourself in a stressful situation, and remember – you control your reality. You only feel stressed if you choose to, so choose positively!

Your Turn–Share How You’ll Keep Stress in Check During the Holiday Season

How do you handle stress during the holidays? We’d love to chat – join in the discussion below!

11 Simple Ways To Stay Motivated When You Need It Most

Motivation is a powerful emotion. It enables us to steadily move forward in our lives – towards our dreams, goals, and objectives. Being motivated is the fuel that fills the tank of our ambition and allows us to overcome the inevitable obstacles.

However, remaining motivated is elusive and often hinges on the circumstances of our lives. This being the case, it is important to have a plan in place to re-motivate ourselves when we feel nothing of the sort. None of us want to feel lethargic and without purpose. In having a plan to re-motivate ourselves, we effectively neutralize procrastination and other debilitating emotions that keep us from taking action.

“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.” – Confucius

Here are 11 ways that we can stay motivated when we need it most:

1. Break down large tasks

You have probably heard this before: “How do you eat an elephant?”

“One bite at a time…”

While certainly corny, this riddle has some legitimacy. You have big goals, big dreams, and a life that you picture for yourself. In fact, these goals are so big that you become paralyzed by the feelings of unattainability.

You can’t allow yourself to become mentally paralyzed.; not if you are serious about achieving your dreams. You must take small action steps that eventually lead to the realization of these dreams. You have to take one small bite, and then the next, then the next…until you are done with that elephant of a goal.

Break that goal down into small steps and then get after it.

2. Mentally prepare for work

Let’s be honest: work is not fun for most of us. We spend the majority of our day in some cubicle, at some desk, or elsewhere when we’d rather be actually enjoying life. Regardless, work is a necessity that allows you to provide for yourself and your loved ones. To make the most of it, it helps to mentally prepare.

Research shows that intelligence accounts for about 30% of achievement; the rest is mental preparation. When you are mentally prepared, you prepare yourself for success.

Before an athlete steps onto the field of play, they are preparing themselves mentally. Some do this through visualization – rehearsing what they’re going to do to allow them to win. Some meditate, listen to music, read, and even pray. Find the right preparation technique for you that will get those productive, creative juices flowing.

3. Remember your past successes.

The ability to move forward and push the envelope of success is great for advancing society. This ability has allowed us to explore space, map the genome, cure polio, and achieve countless other feats.

Naturally, we feel the need to keep moving forward and achieve more success in our lives. However, we must be able to give ourselves credit when credit is due. Remembering your success boosts self-confidence and motivates you to push on.

Maybe you’ve built a successful business, finished a degree, helped someone in need, or something that makes you proud. The point is this: remember your times of success, as it regenerates motivation and allows you to overcome discouragement.

4. Discover your purpose, and live it!motivation-quote

It’s never too late to put dreams into action, nor is there anything wrong with starting later in life. If you’re still breathing, there’s still time.

Your true purpose does not need to translate into a job or source of income, although it’s certainly a nice benefit. You should, however, know your passions and what makes you feel alive, and then go about doing these things.

When you are unmotivated or unhappy, chances are that you are not living out your passions. Do what you love doing and feel the power of a fulfilling life.

5. Live every moment, every day to the fullest.

Here’s something to contemplate: right now is all that you are guaranteed. You are not assured tomorrow, nor is anything else in your life. Uncomfortable? Maybe, but it is 100% true.

Living your life to the fullest can only be accomplished one way: being present. Whatever task is facing you, positive or negative, wanted or unwanted, should be approached with 100% presence of thought.

Now, no one does this al of the time – we’re human after all. But we should do it as often as possible. Remind yourself to be present and live each moment. Then witness how much more fulfilling and motivating your life is.

6. Get outside of your self-imposed box.

Fears and self-imposed, false limitations make it difficult to attain a successful mindset. Perhaps more disturbing is that these fears and limitations are dream crushers.

Here’s what Michael Jordan, possibly the greatest athlete of all time, says about fears and limitations: “Never say never because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion.”

Recognize these illusions as false and let them go.

7. Stimulate your creativity.

Many methods – good and bad – have been derived to help “stimulate” creativity. Similarly, research has also been varied on how to effectively boost creativity. There are, however, a few commonly-accepted ways to boost creativity.

– Psychological distance – imagining that the creative task is disconnected and distant, rather than personal and accessible. In essence, this involves putting the task outside of your mind’s view and observing the results.

– Daydreaming – Most studies show that both daydreaming and napping help with the creative thinking process. One catch: this works best with projects where much time and effort has already been invested.

– Exercise – Research shows that exercise helps creative thinking due to its ability to get the heart pumping and the endorphins (“feel good” hormones) flowing in your brain.

8. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

Perception is not reality and never will be. It’s simple: negative thoughts are usually a result of your brain being on auto-pilot. Cut the self-doubt and press forward with your goals.

Choose to consciously embrace being present in every situation, and you’ll find that more positive thoughts enter your mind throughout the day.

9. Cut back on distractions.

Distractions kill motivation, plain and simple.

As much as technology and social media has benefited our society, it has also created a following of distracted, unmotivated individuals. This following is a by-product of the “always-on”, “always connected” society that we’ve embraced.

Those of us guilty of these distractions have to shoulder much of the blame. Our lack of self-discipline makes it possible for Facebook, Twitter, and the others to make this content (and therefore their companies) viral and always accessible.

The solution for these and other distractions is simple: focus on one task at a time, and only allow distractions when that task is complete. You’ll find that this becomes much, much easier with time and practice!

10. Follow or surround yourself with motivated, successful people.

Jim Rohn, the uber-famous self-help guru and motivational speaker, states: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

If your inner circle consists of unmotivated, unambitious people, how can you expect to be motivated? Remember, human beings have an innate tendency to absorb what is around them, including the either positive or negative thoughts and attitudes of others.

If you desire to be motivated and successful, you must surround yourself with people that reciprocate these ambitions.


11. Write down your goals, and how to achieve them.

In 1979, Harvard MBA students participated in a study. These individuals were asked “have you set clear, written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them?” You must know what you want!

In response, 3% had written goals and plans, 13% had goals but weren’t written down, and 84% had no goals.

Ten years later, the results were these:

-13% of those who had goals but hadn’t written them down were earning twice the amount of the 84% who had no goals.

-The 3% who had written goals were earning ten times the amount as the other 97% combined!

This study is nothing short of incredible, and speaks to the power of writing down goals. Specifically, you should: create a vision (what do you want?), make it measurable (a written list of concrete goals and timeframe), set benchmarks (very small, measurable action steps), and remember to celebrate your successes!

 How do you find motivation when you need it most?  Add to the value in the conversation below!

4 Signs You’re in a Lasting Relationship

When people see romantic relationships through the lens of a TV or movie screen, they typically get the wrong idea. Those fantasies don’t mirror what actual, lasting relationships are like. So, the beginning of a relationship can be a lot like what you see in the movies. However, those loves that last the longest become more “real” further on down the road.

In real relationships, it’s not always rainbows and butterflies. But both of you will always be able to count on one another. A real, lasting relationship built on true love withstands the ups and downs of life. Indeed, both people usually come out stronger and feel even closer to one another than before.

Don’t know what kind of relationship you’re in at the moment? We are sharing some signs that your relationship can turn into one that lasts.

4 Signs You Are in a Strong Relationship


1. Both of You Are Comfortable Spending Time Apart

After a while of being together, you might miss your alone time where you spend a few hours in nature, read your favorite books, or take a yoga class. At the beginning of a relationship, you naturally want to spend as much time with the person as you can. That feeling arises because everything about it feels fresh and new, and you absolutely love the person you’re with.

Of course, you still feel the same about your guy or girl after a few months. However, you might crave some time away from them occasionally to continue your own personal growth.

While your partner should be a huge part of your life, it’s important to make sure they’re not the only part of your life. Research shows that once a relationship becomes stagnant, people start to forget why they’re in the relationship, to begin with, and look for a way out so they can feel that initial spark again with someone new. To avoid having this happen, hanging out with friends or spending time alone is important in keeping the spark alive in the relationship. Thus, it is beneficial to plan for time spent apart.

If you’re able to do that in your relationship without feeling abandoned or feeling like you can’t trust your partner with how he or she spends time apart from you, you are most likely in a real relationship that has serious lasting potential.

2. You Have Similar Values and Morals

In the “talking” phase of your relationship, you probably talked to your partner about your hobbies, interests, favorite memories from childhood, and what your family is like. Sharing these things with your partner helps them get to know a little bit about you as a person, and likely set the stage for a second date.

Somewhere down the road, you probably wanted to know them on a deeper level and get an idea of their core values and morals. If both of you have very different interests and hobbies, but connect on a deeper, spiritual level, you will have a higher chance of making a lasting connection than two people who have no core values in common. In other words, the way you choose to live your life should match up with how your partner chooses to live theirs.

If both of you have the same outlook on how to handle finances, how to raise children, where to live, have similar spiritual practices, and have the same general outlook on life, you will probably be able to maintain the relationship in the long-term.

The main point to take from this is that hobbies and interests change, while core values and beliefs usually don’t. Having these in common is key to making relationships last, according to a study done by researchers at Michigan State University.


3. You Handle Problems Effectively

In both relationships and life, problems inevitably happen. You must learn how to deal with them. The ability to figure out solutions together can strengthen your relationship – and keep it running smoothly. Realizing that you can tackle problems as a team and talk things through to solve the problem makes for a much happier and long-lasting relationship. If both of you have similar problem-solving strategies and can get through the trials in life just as well as the triumphs, this type of compatibility sets the stage for a serious relationship.

Being able to see things from each other’s point of view and respect one another’s opinion while compromising when you need to makes relationships much easier. Most relationships end because of differences in dealing with financial problems or not being able to communicate with each other. But a sign of lasting relationships is being able to withstand life’s storms as a team.

A couple married for 75 years said that the key to making a relationship work long-term is communication, even if that means arguing in order to solve a problem. Whatever your style of problem-solving might be, you and your partner should resolve things quickly and easily.  Without too much conflict, chances are you have the ability to make things work in the future. According to Dr. Preston Ni, “Successful couples have the ability to solve problems and let [them] go.”

4. You Can Communicate Openly

In order to make a relationship last, it’s important to be able to talk about emotions, problems, and ideas in an open manner without feeling judged or misunderstood. All strong relationships have three things in common: trust, commitment, and vulnerability, according to psychologist and relationship expert Meredith Hansen. Open communication certainly involves being vulnerable and committed to understanding your partner’s needs. Furthermore, healthy communication is usually the key ingredient in the recipe for a lasting relationship.

If both of you can keep the conversation flowing even after the first few months of the relationship, you will probably be able to keep open communication years down the road.  Do you feel you can talk to your partner about any topic? Then, the relationship is likely to last.  Communication is one of the most important elements of a lasting relationship.

Final Thoughts on Having a Long-Lasting Relationship

What other sign of a lasting relationship have you experienced in your own life?  Add to the discussion below!

10 Simple Ways to Supercharge Your Immune System

As the weather changes, people tend to get sick more often. Many people by default turn to flu shots and take artificial precautions against getting sick. However, you don’t always have to rely on things outside of yourself. You’re not completely defenseless against harsh conditions that bring along colds and the flu. The tips below will help you boost your immune system. Use these measures to prevent and combat the common cold, flu, and allergies the natural way.

10 Natural Ways to Boost Your Immune System and Eliminate Sickness:

1. Eat a Healthy Diet

Eating a balanced diet with adequate carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats keep the immune system running well and helps ward off sickness. As Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Many people rely on over-the-counter medicines to keep them healthy through the winter months, but eating a diet rich in fiber and whole foods can be much more effective in preventing illnesses. According to Dr. Mercola, “most people, including many physicians, do not realize that 80 percent of your immune system is located in your digestive system, making a healthy gut a major focal point if you want to maintain optimal health.

Remember, a robust immune system is your number one defense system against ALL disease.” By eating healthy, you can throw away the antibiotics and boost your immune system naturally.

2. Get Plenty of Rest

The body is an incredible machine that helps you accomplish goals, digest your food, and do your job each day. With everything the body does for you, it needs time to rejuvenate and rest to get ready for the next day.

Your cells actually repair themselves and regenerate during sleep, which is why getting at least seven hours of sleep a night is vital to keeping your immune system healthy. Getting adequate sleep helps your immune system fight off illnesses because your body produces hormones while you sleep, such as melatonin, serotonin, growth hormones, and prolactin, all of which your body needs sufficient amounts of to function properly. Sleep heals, so make sure you’re getting enough each night to support a healthy immune system.

3. Exercise

Exercise provides a bevy of benefits, such as regulating hormones, balancing brain chemistry, controlling appetite, and promoting a better night’s sleep, but did you know it also can help you fight off colds? Studies show that exercising at least thirty minutes a day for five days each week can boost your immune system tremendously and keep colds at bay. If it’s too cold for you to workout outdoors, you could do at-home workouts or go to a nearby gym.

Working out might at first seem like a chore, but staying active can help prevent colds and cases of flu and keep you feeling great throughout the colder months of the year.

4. Get Plenty of Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps prevent colds and allergies and help your body heal if you already have a cold. Vitamin C helps repair and regenerate tissues, helps support a healthy immune system, and acts as a natural antioxidant. The best way to get Vitamin C in your diet is by eating plenty of oranges, tomatoes, red and green peppers, cantaloupe, broccoli, and red cabbage. Drinking just one 8 ounce cup of orange juice a day can help boost your immune system tremendously and combat the common cold.

5. Drink Water, Water, and More Water

Most people don’t drink near enough water each day, which can be detrimental to maintaining good health. Doctors recommend drinking at least eight 8-oz glasses a day for most adults, because water helps your body perform many necessary functions, including cleaning out toxins, providing oxygen to your blood, circulating white blood cells and nutrients to the tissues in your body, aiding in digestion, and keeping your brain chemistry balanced. Since our bodies are made up of anywhere between 50-75% water, we need to keep hydrated to keep all of our body’s functions performing optimally.

Natural Remedies for Colds/Flus:immune system

6. Drink Herbal Tea

One of the most common ways to treat the common cold and flu is to drink hot herbal tea. The heat is soothing on a sore throat, and the herbs in the tea can help your body get rid of the virus faster. The herbs and roots most effective at fighting off colds and touches of flu are thyme, licorice root, Echinacea root, elderberry, and St. John’s wort. When looking for herbal tea, try to find some that include these herbs, or take a separate supplement if you need to.

7. Oil of Oregano

Oregano contains a slew of essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as fiber, folate, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and Vitamin B6. Oregano provides many benefits to the body, such as antioxidants to support a healthy immune system, anti-inflammatory properties, and is useful for treating upper respiratory infections. To use the oil, simply put a couple of drops in a pot of steaming water and inhale the steam, or put a few drops in an 8-ounce glass of water. Only do this once a day though, as it is very strong. Pregnant women are advised not to use oil of oregano.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar

Drinking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar each day helps to create an alkaline environment in the body, which keeps your immune system functioning properly and allows the body to fight off colds easier. If the vinegar is too strong by itself, add it to a glass of water or tea. You can use it as a preventative practice. Or, use it at the first sign of illness and repeat until symptoms subside.

9. Neti Pot

A neti pot is widely used to treat colds and is a very effective way to clear the nasal passages. A neti pot looks like a cross between a teapot and a genie’s magic lamp. It uses a mixture of water and saline to clear the nasal passages.

To use it, simply warm some water and add it to the neti pot. Next, mix in a pre-packed saline solution or a teaspoon of salt for every two cups of water used. Shake the pot gently to mix the solution. Next, lean your head forward and to the side over a sink. Insert the spout of the neti pot in one nostril, allowing the liquid to come out your other nostril. Repeat these steps for the other nostril. Then, blow your nose.

You should instantly feel your sinuses clear up, and you can do this each day for as long as your symptoms persist.

10. Eat Foods Rich in Zinc

Finally, zinc plays an important role in immune system health and restoring and repairing cells. Many people are deficient in this vital mineral, but you can easily obtain it through certain foods. Legumes, green beans, Brussels sprouts, corn, berries, and dates contain a fair amount of zinc per serving. And, the added fiber is beneficial to maintaining health as well. Zinc blocks viruses from gaining full access to our cells. Plus, it keeps the immune system balanced. You can also take a zinc tablet as well to get the required amount in your diet.

Your Turn…Do You Have Any Immune System Boosts?

Do you have any more tips on preventing the flu or the common cold or natural ways to boost your immune system?  We would love it if you could add it in the discussion below!

21 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself (That You May Not Even Be Aware Of)

Stop beating yourself up so much and indulging in these other self-defeating actions.

“We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.”  – The Dalai Lama

Without any doubt, our lives can be hectic and stressful. The above quote from the Dalai Lama is a tribute to the fact that despite the many difficulties that we face in both our internal and worlds, real peace comes from within. There is neither any person nor circumstance that can disrupt your inner contentment and peace in this world unless you let it.

In order to create this sense of inner peace, there are certain actions and behaviors that must be avoided. While initially difficult or maybe even unknown to your conscious thought process, these practices eventually become habitual. When these practices become routine, your own peace is routine as a consequence.

Here are 21 actions and behaviors to stop that are crucial to your world of inner peace.

 1. Stop feeling sorry for yourself.

We are all faced with difficult circumstances, trials, and tribulations in this life. However, feeling sorry for your past or present is a tremendous waste of energy and is a terrible habit. Instead, focus on your goals and the actions needed to attain them. Don’t be a bully, especially to yourself!

 2. Stop feeling sorry for others, too.

Feeling sorry for someone else, while certainly natural, is counterproductive. This is because it’s actually negative energy disguised as sympathy. Instead, create positive energy by praying for them, showing true compassion or doing something productive that will better their situation.

 3. Stop trying to buy love and happiness.

You can’t buy love and happiness for yourself or anyone else. History is full of people who have tried (and failed) to use money and possessions for this purpose. On the other hand, living minimally and appreciating what you do have can create a sense of love and appreciation.

4. Stop spending time with negative and critical people.

This is a key point, so please read carefully. Energy from others is conducive, just as energy from a power source is. Human beings derive our essence and disposition through either positive or negative energy Instead of feeling an obligation to spend your time with negative people, disburse this time through being positive around them. You’ll notice a positive difference, even if it’s not immediate.

 5. Stop every kind of lie.

This includes “white lies,” those alterations of the truth that you think don’t hurt anyone else. Here’s the thing: it still hurts you. The vast majority of us are guilty of this (admittedly, so is the author of this article). We can never realize a true sense of peace without living honestly all of the time, even when it’s difficult.

 6. Stop procrastinating.

According to a study done at the University of Colorado, the tendency to procrastinate impulsively is linked to genetic factors and evolution. However, studies also show that procrastination is a habit that can be reversed through repetitive action. The key is to create small, manageable steps for each task and to consciously manage your time. In other words, stop your brain’s autopilot and control the cockpit.

 7. Stop running from your problems.

Immediate action is the antidote to anxiety and worry. This includes anything from your finances to fitness. Stop overanalyzing and, as Nike famously quotes “Just Do It.”

8. Stop denying what makes you happy.

We all fear disappointment and failure. The key is to remember that this life is fleeting and temporary, so you might as well embrace your dreams. Cue Steve Jobs: “Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.”

Well said. Now, go pursue the career, family, or education you’ve always wanted.

9. Stop being what other people expect you to be.

“Be yourself.” Certainly, an oft-used adage that we have heard over and over…but are we living it? Social pressure, such as that encountered in social and work settings, often alters our true nature…which alters our peace. Don’t allow it.

10. Stop living in the past and/or the future.

Being present is such a powerful and peaceful way to live. Whatever situation is in front of you, deal with it. Forget about the problems that lie behind or in front of you. Focus your mind and heart on being in the present moment.

11. Stop negative habits.yourself

Our lives are a culmination of our habits – both positive and negative. Everything from cracking your knuckles and biting your fingernails, to driving to the gym and doing the laundry, is a habit. Consciously assess these habits and change those that need changing.

12. Stop holding onto past relationships.

This can be a hard one, especially if it involves the loss of someone that we loved. But we can’t truly embrace the great relationships waiting for us if we are reliving those that have since gone. We must move on while remaining open to those that come into our lives.

13. Stop rejecting love because of past hurt.

Just as we can’t truly embrace great relationships when holding onto addiction to a failed relationship, we can’t truly embrace great love when holding onto love that has since faded. This includes continuously thinking about those that have hurt us and perhaps betrayed our love and trust.

14. Stop holding onto negative beliefs about money.

Believe it or not, negative beliefs from people around us (including family and friends) are what hold us back from attracting money. A great source for information about this is the “Law of Attraction” (or LOA), a widely-embraced school of thought derived from Abraham Hicks. Money will not solve all or your problems, nor is it evil – it is our belief about money that makes it so.

15. Stop believing the negative labels – from others and yourself.

Some of us have a tendency to label people by characteristics that they show consistently. Likewise, we also label ourselves. Remember: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Labels are, in no way, indications of a person’s true character.

16. Stop accepting your circumstances if they are hurting you.

It doesn’t matter what the circumstance is that’s currently causing harm…it doesn’t have to be that way. While it may indeed take some emotional strength and resilience to escape the situation, doing so will restore us. Get out of the hurtful situation…immediately.

17. Stop following the crowd – take the path that is right for you.

We see crowd-following almost from the time we’re able to perceive the world. Kids follow other kids at school, do the same things and get into the same trouble. Adults follow a particular group of people, hoping to be accepted and appreciated. Part of this is genetic and part is the environment, but this fact remains: in being ourselves, we create our own path…

18. Stop trying to be a people pleaser.

Some people have the innate tendency to make people laugh, bring people together, or be the center of people’s attention – this is different… this is natural. However, going against the grain of our being and forcing ourselves to please people is not. This is another area where we need to be ourselves and not what others expect (or what we think they expect) of us.

19. Stop focusing on what you do not want.

Most of what we focus on is manifested in our lives. No, this doesn’t mean by focusing on money itself will magically produce money! However, focusing on the work needed to create money will indeed create it. Likewise, focusing on what makes us unsatisfied manifests itself in our disposition and how we approach the world. Focusing on what makes us happy, and disregarding the things that do not will ultimately produce success and fulfillment.

20. Stop perfectionism.

We could write a book on this topic, but suffice to say that perfectionism is not a virtue. Perfection is a myth…there is no such thing but in creation itself (and there are even arguments against that). However, there is excellence – doing the best we can do in everything. Excellence is what we should strive to achieve.

21. Stop being idle.

Idleness is damaging because it gives us too much time to think. We continuously replay our thoughts on what we should do…and nothing gets done. Next time this happens, don’t think so much…just take action.


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