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10 Rituals to Guarantee a Good Night’s Sleep

How well your body functions tomorrow will be a result of how well you sleep tonight. Biologically speaking, sleep is one of the most important things for you. In addition to being an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, adequate sleep benefits your mind, heart, weight, and more.

Need some convincing to get adequate sleep? Here are some benefits of shuteye: improved memory, longer life, less inflammation, more creativity, better performance, sharper attention, healthier weight, lower stress, less accidents, less anxiety…just to name a few.

If sleep is so important, than why are so many bad at hitting the pillow? Consider these findings from the National Sleep Foundation (NSF):

“…millions of people do not get enough sleep and many suffer from lack of sleep…surveys conducted by the NSF (1999-2004) reveal that at least 40 million Americans suffer from over 70 different sleep disorders and 60 percent of adults report having sleep problems a few nights a week or more. Most of those with these problems go undiagnosed and untreated…more than 40 percent of adults experience daytime sleepiness severe enough to interfere with their daily activities at least a few days each month…69 percent of children experience one or more sleep problems a few nights or more during a week.”

These statistics are staggering, and clearly indicate a need for some of us to change our bedtime habits. There is only one way to do this: evaluate what you do before bedtime and change your habits, it needed.

These 10 sleep rituals will get you to la-la land in no time!

#1 Establish a pre-sleep ritual

Relaxing activities such as taking a bath and reading a book, or doing relaxation exercises makes the transition to sleep much easier. Bathe with bath salts and lavender to further enhance relaxation and then do some light reading (no “Pride and Prejudice, in other words). Whatever feels most comfortable to you to bring yourself to a calm, relaxed state is what will ultimately help you sleep the best.

Also, shun doing anything stressful or stimulating such as work before bed. Stressful activities, whether physical or emotional, cause the release of the stress hormone cortisol which increases alertness.

#2 Have a sleep-inducing environment

Try to limit your bedroom to sleep. Consider getting rid of the TV, computer, or other time-sucking gadgets that will entice you to say “just another five minutes.”

Some other things to consider:

– Using earplugs to minimize outside noise.

– Using an eye mask.

– Keep the temperature cool (around 60-75º F)

– Have comfortable mattresses and pillows.

– Using dim, comfortable lighting

#3 Exercise at the right time

Exercise is a great habit that has numerous physical and mental benefits. That being said, you should schedule your exercise sessions at the right time. If you work out too late, it could negatively affect your sleep. This is because exercise releases the stress hormone cortisol.

Exercise for a good night sleep

If done at least three hours before bed, exercise can actually promote falling asleep. Cortisol and other hormones are a non-factor at this point, and your body is ready to rest due to tired muscles.

#4 Eat lighter in the evening

A large meal promotes drowsiness but delays digestion. Digestion of foods late at night will interfere with your sleep, potentially causing you to wake up. Avoid this by eating your largest meal before mid-afternoon, while keeping your evening meal under 500 calories.

Eat healthy

Having a healthy bedtime snack is both a great dietary and sleeping habit. Bananas are great because they contain less than 100 calories and have sleep-inducing ingredients such as potassium. They also contain the right amount of carbs, which are great for aiding sleep.

#5 Try some aromatherapy

Research has shown that aromatherapy may be effective in promoting relaxation. Scientists believe that the chemicals contained within some essential oils (such as lavender or chamomile) may trigger some of the brain chemicals involved in sleep.

Using an aromatherapy diffuser is a great way to disperse essential oils. Once dispersed into the air, you should feel calm, relaxed and ready to snooze within 20-30 minutes. You can pick up a good aromatherapy diffuser on Amazon for around 40 bucks.

aromatherapy - good night sleep

#6 Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine

While true that alcohol helps to induce sleep, it actually causes a stimulant response in the brain within a few hours. As a result, you will wake up more often and reduce the quality of your sleep later in the night.

Caffeine, as we all know, is a stimulant. Stimulants create feelings of alertness in the body and brain…enough said. It is recommended to abstain from caffeine four to six hours before bedtime. Nicotine acts in the same way, so avoid it.

#7 Set your “internal clock”

This is often overlooked (including by yours truly) but is very important to establishing healthy sleep habits.

You set this internal clock by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. On the weekends, this can be difficult to adhere to for obvious reasons. However, try to stick to these established times as closely as you can in order to avoid feeling sleep-deprived on Monday morning (yuck).

Internal clock - good night sleep

#8 Don’t watch the (alarm) clock

Yes, we have all done it – waking up and glancing at the clock to see how much more precious time of sleep we have. However, if it is within an hour or so until the alarm goes off, this may create the urgency to go back to bed. This is bad because it creates stress, making it much more difficult to get back to sleep.


To counteract this, consider turning the alarm clock around (a mirrored closet door will not work, FYI) or set the alarm on your cell phone and face the screen downward (this does work).

#9 Go to sleep when you’re actually tired

No need to thank us for the revolutionary insight here, folks…you’re welcome. If you find it difficult to fall asleep after about 30 minutes, get up and do something relaxing. This can include some stretches, some light reading, meditation or something else. When you feel your eyelids doing the droopy dance, head back to the sack.

#10 “Bump” some binaural beats

Binaural beats are great for inducing the requisite brain waves for sleep. The brain waves that you desire are Delta (less than 4 Hz) and are meant for deep, dreamless sleep, and Theta (4-7 Hz) which is for non-REM sleep.

You can download some binaural beats off of iTunes or the Play Store (for Android devices) or listen to binaural beats on YouTube.

7 Signs You’re in Tune with Your Inner Child

Throughout life, we all transition from childhood to adulthood. For many, that poses quite a challenge. That difficulty arises because “growing up” comes prearranged with many responsibilities that are absent in the life of a child.  In fact, most people can recall a time when life seemed carefree and fun, with the ability to just enjoy life without a care in the world.

This free-spirited, fun-loving child within us doesn’t understand why it has to stay locked in a cage after only a few years of freedom. In addition, it longs to come out and play again.  It’s up to you to release your inner child, and you may actually be closer to doing that than you think.

“In my soul, I am still that small child who did not care about anything else but the beautiful colors of a rainbow.”  ~Papiha Ghosh

Here are 7 signs you’re in tune with your inner child:

1. You don’t wish to follow the status quo.

When it comes time to accept adult responsibilities and leave behind all the treasures of your early years, you might not feel ready. You might feel as though college, a normal job, and a cookie-cutter life won’t serve your highest good. The prescribed life plan seems restricting to you, so you bravely pave your own trail in life. You simply won’t live life-based on other standards, and now you want something different.

2. You’re drawn to fun activities (and even toys).

When watching children play, it can be easy for your inner child to cause you to get lost in the whimsical nature of childhood games and activities.  Children go through the day with a smile on their face and bounce between toys and activities, as happy as a clam. And if you love to participate in fun activities that you played as a child yourself as much as you like spending time with kids, there’s a good chance you’re in tune with your inner child.

You have definitely not lost your sense of playfulness if you still look forward to any chance to let your inner child come out to play.

3. You can’t understand all the negativity and violence in the world, and you feel very sensitive to it.

As children, we embody our truest selves, full of love, compassion, and empathy. We have no idea about the horrors of reality, and our parents (hopefully) try to raise us to become kind, loving, respectful beings. As time wears on, we get exposed to more and more atrocities, and slowly let that energy seep into our minds and bodies. However, a lot of us have recently experienced a huge shift in consciousness that has forced us to once again become sensitive to all the negativity happening globally. Many of us may identify as “light-workers who feel responsible for Earth’s pain and long to change things for the better.

Distance yourself from negativity

4. You have honored your true nature, and you stray from anything that will silence it.

Maybe you once felt lost and lonely, and you chose to fill the void with anything that would bring temporary happiness. These things might be drugs, alcohol, bad foods, violence, sex, or any other addictions. Most of us have been here in the past, and it actually helps you discover your true self by realizing these destructive behaviors and slowly eliminating them in favor of healthier practices. Now, you may crave meditation, raw, plant-based foods, soul connections with people, time with nature, yoga, art, etc. Your true nature wants you to be happy, and you have embraced that.

inner child

5. You don’t feel afraid of anything.

Kids don’t know what fear is. That is because they haven’t been fully exposed to a fear-based world yet. Eventually, society instills fear in us, and our natural sense of curiosity and adventure becomes stifled. A lot of us have to remember that fear isn’t real; it’s just an illusion that limits us from amazing possibilities. Maybe you have recently taken back your courage and have chosen to get out your comfort zone, which actually comes naturally to children. You have allowed your inner child to run free again, which will help greatly along your spiritual journey.

6. You talk about your feelings openly and honestly.

Children don’t harbor their emotions; they lay everything on the table and cry when they feel the need to release intense feelings. Somewhere between here and adulthood, we are expected to become hardened and “strong,” and keep our emotions to ourselves. This actually creates long-term problems, like anxiety, depression, and anger. If you know that sharing your emotions in a rational and honest way is actually normal and healthy, your inner child is still very much alive in you.

happiness - inner child

7. You feel a deep connection to other animals and nature.

If you pay attention to children, they treat other animals and the planet with respect, compassion, and kindness. They would never dream of hurting other creatures or Earth, and feel deeply bonded to Gaia and her earthlings. As we grow up, we often lose this vital connection to our roots, and we often have a careless attitude toward other beings. If the acts against animals and nature deeply affect you, and you strive to take care of them as much as possible, you have strong connections to your childlike nature.

Final Thoughts on Being in Tune with Your Inner Child

Staying in touch with your inner child allows you benefits. You will keep an open mind, a free spirit, and a playful zest for life. Of course, the world needs more of each of these things!

7 Natural Ways to Get High Without Drugs 

Everyone seeks pleasurable feelings as it is a human need associated with happiness. Your brain looks for pleasure and euphoria, and it can find it naturally or through external substances. Finding natural pleasure is the only way without causing harm to yourself, though, so learning how to get high without drugs is essential.

Both legal and illegal drugs alter the neurotransmitters and receptors in your brain. This change creates short-term feelings of pleasure, but the long-term effects are dependency, abuse, addiction, and sometimes death. A natural high also alters the neurochemistry, but in a safe way that doesn’t cause damage.

While drugs can quickly give you a pleasurable feeling, it won’t last, and it is unnatural. The artificial high is what causes drugs to be so addictive and dangerous. Luckily, you can naturally get high without drugs, allowing for pleasure without causing harm to your body.

Knowing how to get high without drugs will help you relax and let go of your daily stresses as your body naturally releases feel-good chemicals. Making these natural ways to get high a normal part of your daily routine will leave you feeling good all the time.

What Happens When You Get High With Drugs

how to get high without drugsThe negative effects of drugs are well-known, but not many people truly understand what happens when you use drugs to get high. It can affect your health, your relationships, your job or school performance, and your future. Plus, it severely affects your family emotionally and can impact them legally, financially, and physically, as well.

While the first time you use drugs is a choice, the second time might not be. You might think you can control it, but drugs change how your brain works, leading to damaging behaviors and losing control. Addiction can happen quickly, and you won’t know it’s happening until it’s too late.

Some of the reasons people use drugs are to ease stress, feel good, sleep, or avoid reality. Unfortunately, those benefits don’t outweigh the effect on your brain. Your brain wants to repeat experiences that bring pleasure, and drugs fill the brain with dopamine, triggering intense pleasure.

Over time, your brain relies on that extra dopamine, and you’ll begin to use the drug more often. Once this happens, you will start to put the drug before everything and anyone else. It can also cause problems with your judgment, decision-making, memory, and ability to learn.

How to Get High Without Drugs

There are too many consequences to consider, so learning how to get high without drugs is essential. You can stay in control, maintain your health, and avoid all of the other issues that come along with drug use.

1. Exercise

Commonly called runners high, exercise offers a natural high by releasing two chemicals. These chemicals include beta-endorphin, which promotes relaxation, pain reduction, and euphoria. Running isn’t the only exercise that creates this feeling, either.

Any exercise that gets your heart pumping stimulates the release of dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine is released before your adrenaline kicks in, and your body requires it for happiness and pleasure. Serotonin is essential for balancing your mood and aids in sleep, memory, and sexual function. Both chemicals play a role in your overall mood.

Even if you don’t think you enjoy exercise, you can find some physical activity that you like to do. Once your body gets used to regular exercise, you will learn to appreciate and look forward to the time. Some forms of exercise that you can try include the following:

  • running or jogging
  • yoga
  • team sports
  • swimming
  • brisk walking
  • boxing or kickboxing
  • weight lifting

2. Meditation

Usually, people associate natural highs with active activities that get the adrenaline pumping. While highly active endeavors create a natural high, it isn’t the only way to do it. Studies show that meditation, which slows down your body, can also give you a natural high.

Meditation releases endorphins, boosting your mood and giving you a feeling of being high. As you become more skilled at practicing meditation, the effects will heighten. Plus, meditating for extended amounts of time can make you feel even better.

You can implement meditation into your daily schedule, or you can meditate anytime you have 15 to 30 minutes of free time. Make sure that your meditating time is uninterrupted, as it requires intense concentration. As you relax and embrace the present moment, you experience the feeling of an altered mindset naturally.

3. Exciting Activities

For a sudden adrenaline rush that gets your heart pumping, you can try exciting activities. This naturally powerful high doesn’t require that you do dangerous things to get the effect. The only requirement of exciting activities for a natural high is that you choose to do it rather than letting it happen to you.

If bungee jumping, zip-lining, and jumping out of airplanes sounds exciting to you, it offers a great adrenaline rush. Sometimes, though, these big ordeals require tons of planning, travel, and high costs. However, if those activities don’t sound enjoyable, there are other exciting activities for you.

change memeSome exciting activities that give you a natural high without drugs include these:

  • singing in public
  • contacting someone to do business
  • skiing
  • riding roller coasters
  • surfing
  • participating in competitive sports
  • swimming long distance
  • social interaction
  • introducing yourself to a stranger
  • sprinting
  • taking a cold shower
  • performing standup comedy
  • dancing in the presence of others
  • dressing up
  • contacting someone, you lost touch with
  • sharing a deep secret
  • committing to volunteer efforts

4. Dancing

Dancing boosts your mood, releases endorphins, and increases dopamine levels. Plus, it is a way to exercise while getting a natural high.

With so many dance styles to choose from, everyone can enjoy it. The genre doesn’t matter because moving to the beat of a song gives you a freeing feeling. It gets you out of your head, makes you feel connected to the music, and can create a meditative trance.

Even if you aren’t comfortable dancing in front of others, let loose when you’re at home alone. You will still experience the mood-boosting benefits, but make sure you dance enough to get your heart pumping. If you dance in a public place or around others, though, you’ll get an even bigger rush.

5. Laughing

According to Dr. Robin Dunbar, an evolutionary psychologist at Oxford, laughter is one of the best ways to get high without drugs. Dr. Dunbar explains that laughing contributes to human bonding and closeness within a group. When you laugh, your body releases endorphins that create euphoric feelings before and after.

Anytime you want to feel high, look for something to laugh about. Turn on a new standup comedy, watch funny videos online, or spend time joking with friends. If you have a favorite movie that always makes you laugh, invite a friend over for a movie night.

As the laughter triggers hormones in your brain, you’ll feel better instantly. Plus, you will feel better later, too, whereas, with external stimulants, you will likely crash when the euphoria wears off.

6. Chocolates

Chocolate is more than just a delicious treat, as it can also give you a natural high. Dark chocolate contains chemicals that encourage the release of endorphins. As more endorphins are released, you will experience a feeling of pleasure, similar to the feeling produced by drugs.

As you eat chocolate, it counteracts the neurotransmitter adenosine and increases heart rate and muscle contraction. Chocolate also increases your supply of serotonin, which boosts mood and behavior.

Anandamide is another molecule found in chocolate, and it binds cannabinoid receptors to your brain. Cannabinoid receptors are a psychoactive molecule found in cannabis, so consuming it in chocolate will give you a natural high.

7. Sex

According to a study from the University of Rhode Island, having sex is a sure way to get high without drugs. This study found that it releases endorphins, which are natural opioids with similar effects to morphine. Like opioids, endorphins contribute to feelings of euphoria and reducing stress.

Additionally, sex can help you sleep better, which is often an effect people look for in drugs. No matter what keeps you awake at night, sex can alleviate the situation and help you feel more rested.

Keep in mind that having sex with anyone won’t give you this natural high. You must feel safe in the situation to feel good about it and experience the euphoria.

healing environmentFinal Thoughts on How to Get High Without Drugs

Knowing how to get high without drugs can help you get through hard times without turning to harmful substances. A natural high won’t cause unhealthy addiction, and it’ll increase your overall sense of well-being. Implementing these natural highs into your daily life will create lasting positive effects.

If you find yourself turning to external stimulants to feel good, try using these ideas instead. Now that you know how to get high naturally, without drugs, you can replace your bad habits with beneficial ones. Even if you have never used drugs before, you can experience the high naturally.

As you make these activities part of your daily life, the effects will be even more prevalent. The more you practice, the better you will become, making the high even better. Learning how to get high without drugs and enjoying a natural high will protect your mind and body from harmful stimulants.

7 Incredible Studies that Prove the Power of the Mind

“What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind.” – Buddha.

There is a tremendous amount of information about the power of the human mind. Discoveries in brain science, coupled with astonishing acts of human will, have solidified the human brain as perhaps the most powerful, life-changing force in the world.

While there is much information available, it is what we ultimately choose to do with this information that dictates how our lives ultimately turn out. Only the practical application of these concepts will constitute a truly life-changing experience.

We strongly encourage, while reading this article that you make a conscious decision to apply this potentially life-changing knowledge to better your own life. If done correctly, you will experience some truly amazing results.

Without further ado, here are 7 incredible discoveries that prove the power of the mind.

Study #1: Visualization creates results:

There are certain physical feats that we can only achieve when we actively pursue them. However, visualization – the recreation of all the images, sounds and feelings in your mind surrounding an activity – can create some astounding experiences.

Psychologist Alan Richardson set out to prove the power of visualization through an experiment. Richardson, an Australian psychologist, gathered a group of basketball players and split them into three groups. The intent of this study was to demonstrate the effectiveness of visualization in how the players converted free throws.

The three groups were as follows:

– The first group practiced 20 minutes every day.

– The second group visualized themselves making free throws, but didn’t participate in practice.

– The third group did not practice free throws or visualization.

The results were amazing. The group that only visualized demonstrated marked improvement, and were nearly as accurate as the players that actually practiced. The third group, as can be expected, regressed.

Study #2: Smiling improves mood

Specifically known as the ‘Facial Feedback Hypothesis’, scientists have known for a long time that changing your body through actions such as smiling, sitting up straight, and relaxing, are followed by positive emotional responses.

One of these studies took place in the late 1980’s. Researchers did not want to reveal that the study was about smiling or emotion, fearing that it could alter the results. As such, they improvised through the use of a common, everyday item: a pencil. Here’s what they did:

– The first group held the pencil horizontally in their mouth, between their teeth, which physically forced them to smile.

– The second group held the pencil horizontally in their mouth using only their lips, which did not force a smile and actually caused somewhat of a frown.

– The third group (control group) simply held the pencil in their hands.

The participants next viewed different cartoons and rated them on how funny they were. The first (or “smile”) group gave the cartoons much funnier ratings than the second (or “frown”) group. The third group fell somewhere in the middle of the two groups.

Study #3: Thought management lowers stress

Something else amazing about the human brain: it cannot tell the difference between a real or imagined threat.

Don Joseph Goeway, the author of Mystic Cool: A proven approach to transcend stress, achieve optimal brain function, and maximize your creative intelligence has plenty of experience in this area. Goeway managed the department of psychiatry at Stanford and assisted parents dealing with the loss of a child, prisoners adjusting to a life sentence, and refugees of the genocidal war in Bosnia struggling with post-traumatic stress.

lower stress - power of the mind

His work with stress is truly unprecedented. However, he developed the most simple and practical way to eliminate fearful thoughts and escalating stress as any method before it. Goeway calls it the ‘Clear Button’, which works by distracting the primitive brain where fear is known to reside.

The steps for the Clear Button are as follows:

  1. Imagine that there is a button in the center of your left palm; imagine that this button, when pressed, will send a signal to your brain to stop the fearful thinking.
  2. Press the button with your right hand as you become aware of your breath.
  3. Then take three easy breaths counting them out.
  4. Imagine a different color for each number.
  5. As you exhale, relax in the present moment.

Study #4. The brain can produce serotonin on its own

Serotonin is an essential brain chemical because it increases will power, delays gratification, and increases attention to detail. It impacts every part of the mind.

Despite the proliferation of prescription medications and supplements, your brain is more than capable of producing serotonin on its own. If for whatever reason your serotonin level is too low, you will find difficulty in finishing things, being active, and controlling your impulses.

power of the mind

Here are the three ways your brain can produce serotonin:

– Sunlight. It contains UV light; which when absorbed through the skin produces Vitamin D, promoting the production of serotonin.

Massage. One particular study focused on pregnant women. Women that received massages twice a week from their partner boosted their serotonin levels by 30%.

– Exercise. A well-known method to increase endorphin levels, exercise is effective at boosting serotonin.

Study #5. People can “think” their way to releasing weight

This experiment involved a Harvard psychologist and a group of mostly overweight hotel maids. Despite exceeding the recommended amount of exercise, 67% of the maids did not consider themselves physically active. Langer, the psychologist, predicted that the maid’s viewpoints on their physical activity made it difficult for them to lose weight.

To test her hypothesis, Langer gathered half of the maids, took their physical measurements and explained that they were exceeding the amount of exercise recommended by the surgeon general. The other half received no information.

weight loss

After a month, Langer’s team returned to the hotel for reevaluation. The maids that were evaluated and given information had a decrease in systolic blood pressure, weight, and waist-to-hip ratio. The other group’s results were insignificant.

Langer attributes these physical (and likely psychological) benefits to a simple change in mind set.

Study #6. Positivity and meditation prolongs life

In 1989, Dr. David Spiegel of Stanford University took on a study consisting of 86 women in the late stages of breast cancer. Then he split the group into halves. One group received only prescribed medical care. However, the other group received weekly support sessions in addition to medical care. During these weekly sessions, patients shared their feelings, socialized with other patients and had a positive environment in which to cope with their illness.

positivity - power of the mind

Upon the conclusion of the study, statistics proved that women in the support group survived twice as long as those that did not. Additionally, a similar study in 1999 found that cancer patients who have general feelings of helplessness and hopelessness have a lower chance of survival.

Despite being labeled as a “spontaneous remission” by physicians, David Seidler believed it was anything but. Seidler, writer of “The King’s Speech”, battled bladder cancer for years and was scheduled to undergo an operation within two weeks. Seidler decided to use meditation in an effort to battle the cancer. He used meditative practices and the power of the mind, specifically imagining a healthy bladder, leading up to his surgery.

When doing the pre-surgery biopsy about two weeks later, the doctor was surprised to discover a complete absence of cancer, even sending the results to four other locations for reevaluation. All other locations agreed: there was no cancer.

Study #7. The Placebo effect

Placebos are pills, medications, or procedures that are prescribed only for the psychological benefit of the patient. In fact, pharmaceutical studies frequently employ placebos to affect the human mind and other areas as well.

In fact, as researchers are discovering that placebos are at times more effective than actual medication, the pharmaceutical industry has been left worrying about the profitability of its industry. Prozac, a common antidepressant, and other long-tenured prescription drugs are often  less effective than placebos. As a result, the industry is currently engaging in other neurological studies in an effort to either refute or safeguard their products from common placebos.

Indeed, the power of the mind is an incredible thing.

10 Signs You’re Happy (Even if You Don’t Feel Like it)

What is happiness, and how do you find it? How can you even tell if you’re leading a happy life?

These are two questions we all ask ourselves at some point.  Believe it or not, you may have already found it, even if you don’t realize it. Oftentimes, people mistake happiness as something to gain after an event happens in their lives, whether that be a promotion at work, a new job altogether, better health, etc.

However, you could just as easily find happiness right now if you view fulfillment as the path, not the destination. You may not feel overwhelmed with joy every day of the year, but these ten signs prove that you might just be living the good life, even if it’s not always apparent.

10 Signs You’re Living a Happy Life (Even if You Don’t Feel Like it)

happy life

1. You Have a Job You Love

Jobs take up much of people’s time, so feeling happy with whatever you do to make an income is essential. While you may not have found your dream career yet, you probably can think of at least a few aspects of your job that you enjoy. Do you like your coworkers? Have a great boss? Get to help people in some way daily? Put things into perspective, and you might just find that your job isn’t so bad after all.

2. You See the Value in the Little Things in Life

Most people rush through life without slowing down occasionally to take in all the beauty around them. If you can look at a flower growing in a bed of weeds and smile, you have a pretty good outlook on life. In the same way, if you can sit in a sea of cars on your way to work and feel thankful for the chance to gain patience, this shows you can find the silver lining in any situation.

3. You Feel at Peace with the World

Many people want peace, but don’t realize the only place to find it is within truly. If you feel peaceful most days, you have likely discovered one of the most hidden truths in the universe. You cannot live a happy life without finding inner peace; that elusive feeling is one of the most telling signs of contentment.

4. You Focus on What You Can Change

Unhappy people always dwell on what they can’t change, but happy people take advantage of the changes they can make. Unhappy people give every reason why something is impossible, but happy people understand that they can transcend limits with positive, determined thoughts. If you realize what changes you can make and take active steps toward creating those changes, you have discovered one of the best ways to feel true happiness: by taking responsibility for establishing a positive change in your life.

Focus on change

5. You Don’t Care What Others Think

If you feel comfortable living beyond the confines of societal norms and couldn’t care less what others say about how you live, you are part of a rare group of people. Many people never allow themselves to flourish because they worry too much about how others will perceive them, and don’t pay enough attention to how they perceive themselves. The day you stop caring what others think is the day you start living. If you have surpassed the need to seek approval and live life according to your own ideals, you have unlocked one of the gates to happiness.

6. You Have Hobbies You Enjoy

You probably spend some time outside of work doing recreational or creative activities that please you. Even if you have only a few hours a week to dedicate to your hobbies, you can use this time to let all of life’s pressures melt away and relax. Maybe you have a garden, write poems, knit sweaters, run marathons, or tutor children after work. As long as you have found something you truly enjoy, that’s all that matters.

healthy hobbies - happy life

7. You Fall Asleep Easily at Night

People report sleep troubles more than ever and attribute many of their struggles to an overactive mind. If you can easily slip into a dream state, you probably have learned how to shut your brain off and give your body much-needed rest. Also, an easy transition from wakefulness to sleep can point toward a fulfilled and purposeful life. If you feel content with your life, you probably won’t have as much reason to worry, which will help you fall asleep easier at night.

sleep well

8. You Don’t Have Regrets

If you live a life without regrets, you probably take chances often. People with regrets usually wish they had taken those chances while they could instead of opting for the safer, more traveled route. While many people have a few regrets in life, you are doing pretty well if you can look back and say you did everything you wanted without fearing the outcome.


9. You Aren’t Afraid of Failure

This goes along with the previous point because living without regrets often coincides with having no fear of failure. Leaving the comfort zone behind means that you focus more on the experience rather than the result of that experience. If you accept failed attempts as part of the learning experience here on Earth, you probably live a pretty happy life because you understand that growth can’t happen without failure.

10. You Have a “Yes” Mentality

Adopt this mindset, and you will have a whole new outlook on the meaning of “no.” No means that the universe is redirecting you to another opportunity, which means that a “yes” is inevitable if you just hold your intention. If you already have this mentality, you actually love the answer “No” because it challenges you to keep following your path despite the obstacles you face. Having this mentality means you say yes to life, even if life may not always say yes to you.

11 Signs There Are Too Many Negative People In Your Life

Do you suspect there are many negative influences holding you back in life?

“The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.” ­– Epictetus, Greek Philosopher (55 AD-135 AD)

Who you choose to allow in your life has a definite impact on the person you become. We’ve all had relationships of different kinds that just didn’t work out for some reason. Often times, this can be attributed to differences in personality, character or values. To create meaningful, lasting relationships, it is imperative that you seek out and surround yourself with a majority of positive people who share common ground in these areas.

Your family will always be your family, but your “friends” will not always be your friends. Only you can make the decision about whom you are going to walk with on your path. It is our belief that these decisions should be made wisely.  It is important to know when you are in the presence of too many people who don’t contribute to your well being. At times, this negative presence can even be difficult to detect. After all, there is the smiling face, the “peppy” attitude, and seemingly warm emotions that emanate from their being.

Here are 11 (some not so obvious) signs that you are in the presence of negative people:

1.Their time is always more important

Hypothetical question: if a family member was to call and ask if you had ten minutes for something important, what would you say? Most of us would immediately engage in conversation or manage to free up ten minutes, right?

Well, with your friends this should be no different. Whether it’s a phone call, a Friday night and you need a ride home, someone to cover your shift, or something else; they should be willing to help out sometimes. This is especially true if you’ve made the effort to help them out in the past.

The truth is that some people are incredibly self-absorbed and only make time when it’s convenient…for them. This is not how meaningful relationships work. This is not how friends treat each other.

So, if your friend always seems to say “Gee…I would, but…” It may be time to reevaluate your friendship, have an honest discussion, or both.

2. They discredit your ambitions often

Again…who is the only person who truly knows what they’re capable of achieving? If you responded: “Me!”…congratulations! Give yourself a shoulder pat…or a glass of wine…or something.

No one, especially a friend, has the right to define who you are and who/what you want to become. Friends motivate each other, celebrate successes, and encourage us when we fall short.

Needless to say, this is an egregious offense. Discrediting someone… anyone…is a mean-hearted, selfish thing to do.

3. They lie to you continuously

Trust is the foundation of any relationship, friendships included. Someone that lies to you continually is not a true friend.

Lying is a blatant sign of disrespect… both of you as a person and of your relationship. Disrespecting you and your friendship should not be tolerated. In this instance, some sort of corrective action is needed.

As with any other offense, the first one is a mistake. Perhaps they’ve fessed up, felt guilty about it, and vowed never to lie to you again. This is different from the friend that lied, was found out, then lied again for whatever reason.

Simply put: don’t tolerate chronic liars…especially as friends.

4. They always play the victim

Friends that play the victim are always begging people to feel sorry for them. They often are quick to pronounce the difficulties they are experiencing and just want to vent their circumstances towards someone…you.

Being the good friend that you are, you tolerate the onslaught of complaints and grievances. “Maybe they are just going through some tough times and need a friendly ear…” you say to yourself.

Then, you need a friendly ear for some advice or comfort. What happens? They are either short with you or exude their disinterest. Their negative attitude is toxic. Maybe they are thinking about something they need to complain about…again.

5. They make excuses for everything

Your real friends will make time…others will make excuses. It really doesn’t matter if these excuses are directed towards you or not. Excuse-makers do not make good friends for various reasons.

– They will dodge conflict.

– These people won’t make time for you.

– They avoid accountability.

– These are often two-faced individuals.

– They are disinterested in your problems.

Negative People - stop excuses

6. They ignore you at will

These are the type of friends that are more than willing to socialize when around you and your inner circle; however, once you are in their “territory,” they are too busy schmoozing with their friends while remaining completely disinterested in your involvement, or lack thereof.

These are the type of friends when you send off a text or email about something important, it always seems that they “just forgot.” Oops!

Ignoring someone is just another type of non-acceptance and insecurity…and is certainly not a good attribute to have in a friend.

8. They use you for anything.

Also known as opportunists, these people love to be incredibly nice, respectful, and loving towards you…when they want something.

Maybe you have some extra money, a nice car, an extra room, or some free time. These people love to take advantage of anything that they can. Even worse, these are the “friends” that will always need something and never provide anything in return.

Friends help each other out. They don’t knowingly and willingly take advantage of someone just because they have a need to be met.

8. They are jealous of you

This is a tricky one, because some people are seriously lacking and may feel somewhat envious of what you have. This is relatively normal. And in this instance you should attempt to lift them up and help them out.

However, there those who are excessively envious of you – your possessions, looks, popularity, success, etc. This is jealousy…and it’s an emotion that can manifest itself into other negative emotions and behavior such as gossiping about you, intentionally hurting your feelings, and generally making life more difficult.

jealous - Negative People

If this becomes sort of attitude and behavior becomes consistent and you’ve made the attempt to help them out, it may be time to reconsider exactly why you would consider a friend like this.

9. They attempt to change who you are

Perhaps there is no more obvious sign that you are surrounded by a negative person than when they try to change you. Maybe it’s something physical – your weight, hair, or makeup. Perhaps it’s something else – your personality, ambitions, or some other innate quality.

Negative People

Positive relationships are built upon acceptance of one another. If someone cannot or will not accept you as-is, this person is not worthy of your presence. It’s as simple as that. Never, ever willingly attempt to change who or what you are because some person cannot accept it. It’s not acceptable for someone to dictate that which makes you unique.

10. They judge you by your past

The longer that your friendship goes on, the more you will likely reveal about yourself. This is the essence of trust; being able to confide in someone your personal, innermost thoughts and feelings. These thoughts and feelings sometimes include mistakes that you’ve made, learned from, and moved past.

The problem lies in people that judge you based on things that you’ve done in your past. This is another sign of insecurity and unmerited superiority. It’s not within their right to judge you based on mistakes that you have made, period.

If a person continuously brings up your past, either as a method of retaliation or blatant disrespect, it’s time to seek out a more positive relationship…one in which the person does not willingly wish to do harm by bringing up your past mistakes.

11. They gossip about you

You are not in grade school anymore, and you shouldn’t be hearing from another person what some “friend” said about you. Gossip is not something that mature, rational adults do. The rule is simple for most of us: you have a problem with someone; you bring it up to them, even if it’s uncomfortable.

Past life karma affects you - Negative People

People that continually gossip about this or that is not someone you should trust. In fact, that trait is assuredly a sign of a negative person. As with some other things on this list, it is a sign of insecurity and weak character. It’s time to approach the individual, place some ground rules, and reevaluate your relationship if needed.

Learn to Separate Negative People With Grace and Kindness

When you decide to separate from a negative person, do so with an ample dose of both grace and kindness. Their ill-will is toxic, but don’t get sucked into a tit-for-tat game with the person. That will only serve to cause you bad karma.

Finally, for a daily dose of positivity, please follow us on Facebook.

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