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9 Ways to Naturally Prevent Depression

9 Ways to Naturally Prevent Depression

Dealing with depression and low moods can sometimes seem insurmountable, but you may be able to take some simple steps to naturally improve your mood. The way we feel is intricately tied to both our actions and our bodies. By improving factors such as sleep, exercise, and diet, you can improve your mood and help to prevent depression.

Please note that a doctor or professional psychologist is the best person to advise you about your health, particularly if you are suffering from serious depression. These tips, however, should help most everyone to boost their mood and find some extra happiness.

If you’re going through hell, keep going. – Winston Churchill

9 Ways to Naturally Prevent Depression:


1. Sleep Well Every Night

Sleep affects everything we do. It not only gives us energy for the day but is tied to the chemicals in our body. Multiple studies prove that disturbed sleep or reduced sleep results in impaired function and mood. In the short term, a lack of sleep can create stress, irritability, and short-temperedness. Difficulty sleeping has also been linked to long-term psychiatric and psychological problems. According to a study published in Biological Psychiatry, between 15% and 20% of people diagnosed with insomnia go on to develop major depression. This means that getting a solid 7-9 hours of sleep every night is extremely important to your mental health and emotional well-being.

It’s important to establish a regular cycle of sleeping, which is linked to something called circadian rhythms in the body. You can sleep better when you go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, and this will help your body to produce more regular amounts of melatonin and serotonin, two important mood regulators. For more tips to help you find more restful sleep, check out our article on getting peaceful sleep no matter how stressed you are.

2. Surround Yourself with Positive Outlets Throughout the Day

Surrounding yourself with positivity will go a long way towards improving your mood. When we spend a lot of time focusing on our worries and stress, our mood is bound to go down. It’s important to dedicate some time every day to being around things we enjoy, that makes us happy. There are many ways to do this. Spend time with people who make you smile and who help you to look on the bright side of life. Visit your favorite places, or include pictures of them around your working and living space. Give yourself some time to enjoy your favorite habits.

You can even surround your social media activity with positivity. You can follow profiles and pages that regularly post positive information, such as the Power of Positivity page.

3. Stay Active and Exercise

Exercise is strongly linked to mood. In an article for the American Psychological Association, James Blumenthal, a clinical psychologist at Duke University, stated, “There’s good epidemiological data to suggest that active people are less depressed than inactive people.” Exercise helps to relieve stress and anxiety in both the short and long term and in multiple studies has been linked to improved long-term mood and reduced risk for psychological problems. Exercise will also help to give you energy and stay focused. Particularly if you are working at a desk all day, it’s important to take some time for exercise. If you make exercise a regular part of your schedule, you’re likely to notice a positive change in mood.

4. Follow Your Passions

One of the best things you can do to make yourself happy is to follow your passions. Whether it’s a career or a hobby, give yourself the time and freedom to engage in it. Doing something that you care about will be extremely rewarding and will help you to feel happier and more fulfilled.

Engaging in a passion will fill your life with time spent doing something you enjoy and feel positive about doing. If you don’t know what you’re passionate about, take some time to try some new things. Look for classes in art, dancing, cooking, playing an instrument, martial arts, or anything else that sparks your interest.

Learning something new is also a great way to create excitement and boost your mood.

5. Get at Least 15 Minutes of Sunshine per Day

Sunshine is important to provide you with vitamin D. Recent studies link vitamin D deficiency with depression. Getting outside for at least 15 minutes every day will deliver some important vitamin D to your body. If you’re inside working for most of the day, take a short break to go for a walk outside. If you can take more time to exercise or relax outside, that’s even better. Spending time outside will also help you to feel more energetic and refocused.

If you live in an area without a lot of sunshine or have a difficult working schedule, you can try taking a supplement to get some extra vitamin D.

6. Help Others

A number of surveys have shown that helping others results in feeling happier and more positive. This is the most effective when getting personally involved, rather than simply giving money. Try volunteering for a cause that matters to you, whether it’s a non-profit organization or simply an activity that helps other people. You may also be able to do something to help your friends or family. Simply lending a hand or giving a compliment can make both you and the others around you feel happier.

prevent depression

7. Eat Enough of the Right Fats

Omega-3 fatty acids have long been known to be important for heart health, but they may also be important for emotional health and mood disorders. A number of recent studies have suggested that omega-3s may help to treat a number of disorders, including depression, postpartum depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. This is because omega-3s are important to the central nervous system and help to transmit signals to the brain, and they may function as antidepressants.

Omega-3 fatty acids can be found naturally in salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel, anchovies, flax, and hazelnuts. You can also take in omega-3s through supplements such as fish oil, krill oils, and flaxseed (also known as linseed) oil.

8. Smile More Often

Sometimes showing outward signs of happiness will help you to feel genuinely happier. Expressions are linked to actual mood, and research has shown that smiling frequently can result in a lower heart rate and less stress. If you make a habit of smiling, you may find that you’re feeling happier and don’t have to make an effort to smile anymore.

9. Replace Negative Thoughts

Often, negative thoughts creep into our minds before we can stop them. Negative emotions such as anger and sadness are natural and often automatic. However, becoming aware of them and working to replace them with positive thoughts can greatly enhance your mood. Sometimes you need to let yourself feel a negative emotion; allow yourself to become aware of it and process it. That way, you can work towards resolving its cause and feel happier in the long-term.

For small annoyances and unfounded negative thoughts, you can replace negative feelings with positive ones. If you notice something negative about yourself, someone else, or about a situation, take a second to focus on something positive instead.

Final Thoughts on How to Prevent Depression

This may feel forced at first, but eventually, you’ll get in the habit of thinking more positively. This can make you feel happier every day.

5 Simple Ways to Overcome Seasonal Depression

As winter weather approaches, there comes an inclination to stay inside, watch movies, bake, prepare for holidays, and do all the cozy things people love to do. This time of year usually means spending more time with family and friends, but also overshadows the fact that 1 in 6 people suffer from seasonal affective disorder (also known as seasonal depression.)

The good news is that even if you live in the coldest corners of the globe, you can combat seasonal depression with these 5 simple tips.

5 Simple Ways to Overcome Seasonal Depression

1 – Take Vitamin D Tablets

Many doctors believe that the lack of Vitamin D not only helps contribute to seasonal depression but can actually make it worse.

Vitamin D naturally occurs in sunlight, but in the winter months, people typically spend less time outdoors.  Therefore, taking a Vitamin D supplement can be crucial to keeping a positive mood. You can also get Vitamin D in certain foods, such as portabella mushrooms. Just by eating 100g of these types of mushrooms, you will get 74% of the recommended daily value of Vitamin D.

Make sure to stock up on some supplements before the winter months hit so you can keep your spirits high even on the coldest days.

2 – Spend Time in Nature

Just because the sun goes into hiding, doesn’t mean your happiness has to!

Even if it’s cold outside, the sun still shines every day, which means you can still get out to enjoy the beauty and positive energy of nature. Spending just thirty minutes a day outdoors has been proven to boost people’s moods and give them a sense of calm and peace. Nature keeps us grounded and even heals our minds and bodies.  Even if you have to bundle up with three jackets and a couple of leg warmers, you will still benefit greatly from a short walk in nature.

As tempting as it may be, don’t go into hibernation in the winter.  Keep doing outdoor activities you enjoy, such as walking, biking, skating, hiking, or running. There’s nothing like getting back to nature to disconnect from the social realm and reconnect with the Earth and everything around you.

3 – Practice Daily Affirmations

Your mind is very powerful, and your thoughts can determine what type of day, week, or even year you will have. By instilling positive thoughts into your mind, you will soon start believing them. By believing them, you will then become your thoughts, which become your reality. A good day starts with good thoughts. So, next time you feel depressed, just write down one of your favorite positive quotes, and stick it on your mirror or somewhere you will see it easily.

You can even keep a daily positive affirmations journal and/or have some quiet meditation time each day where you remind yourself of these positive thoughts. Most people forget about their own healing power when looking for a remedy for seasonal depression. Don’t discount your own ability to heal yourself; people do it every day through the power of positive thoughts, and you can easily start your own practice of using daily affirmations to keep a positive mindset throughout winter.

To start, just wake up with the thought that your day will be amazing, and that you are an amazing person. Once you tell yourself this enough, you will start to believe it and then be it! Repeat these affirmations in the mirror, with one hand on your heart and the other on your throat.

Everyone should develop some sort of positive habit such as affirmations – our own thoughts can truly be the best medicine.

4 – Get Socialdepression

Many people suffering from seasonal depression don’t spend enough time with family or friends and isolate themselves from the outside world. While it might be hard to battle the voice in your head telling you to stay inside and forget about everyone else, spending a little time with others each day can help fight off depression.

We are social creatures, after all, and function best when we spend some quality time with others each day. Try to get people together to do something you love, such as ice skating, crafts, shopping, or something else interactive and fun. Having a group of people over to bake holiday treats or watch Christmas movies is another good idea because you can still stay cozy at home while enjoying the company of others.

As much as you might want to stay huddled up in bed with coffee and Netflix, try thinking of ways to include others in activities that you enjoy as well. Just because the sun isn’t shining as much, doesn’t mean your inner light can’t shine! Others will also appreciate your efforts to organize a fun time that brings people together.

5 – Do Volunteer Work

The best gifts, especially the ones during the holidays, aren’t always the ones you get, but the ones you give. The winter months are a great time to volunteer for a local soup kitchen or homeless shelter.  During the colder months, more people need a place to stay to shield themselves from harsh conditions in the winter. Giving back to the community not only makes others happy but will make you happy as well because you’re adding value to others’ lives. Giving back to the community also puts an emphasis on helping others first.

Many people suffering from seasonal depression can feel trapped in their own minds, and volunteering can take the attention off of your thoughts for a while and onto something else that brings a sense of purpose. Volunteering may open up some new doors for your career as well. Seeing how many people are happy because of your actions might even inspire you to start your own non-profit business.

Final Thoughts on Conquering Seasonal Depression

No matter what happens as a result of you choosing to volunteer your time for people in need, you will, at the very least, feel better than you did just sitting around the house. A key to keeping your spirits up in the cold winter months is staying active and doing things you enjoy. You could even start volunteering regularly after work, which will give you the opportunity to stay social and make new friends.


Join in the discussion:

These are just some of the ways to combat seasonal depression during the winter.  Add to the value by sharing your own positive ways to overcome seasonal depression.  Shine ON!

5 Natural Ways To Calm Your Mind

Mind feel cloudy?
It’s fairly easy to allow the mind to run on autopilot every waking second. It’s also fairly easy to concentrate on all the negativity in the world. All we have to do is watch the evening news, read the newspaper, or open up our favorite news media app. But what most people do not realize is this type of negativity is actually draining us of vital energy and impacting our moods in a very real way.

What is the solution to this?

Resting the mind and concentrating on the good in the universe is key to attracting more positivity in our lives.

“All that you are is the result of what you have thought.” – Buddha

Here are 5 natural ways to calm your mind:

1. Look at something out of curiosity 

Next time you feel stressed out, pause for a few minutes and pick up something around you. Let’s say it’s your TV remote. Analyze every single centimeter of that remote. Look at all the different colors, notice how it feels in your hand, and feel the texture of all the buttons. Turn the remote around and take notice of every corner, every shape, and then feel the weight of the remote in your hands.

How does this calm your mind? When you look at something out of curiosity all your attention goes on that one particular thing. And when your attention becomes focused, your mind cannot think about the stressful thoughts that cause you to feel stressed. Like magic, your mind relaxes and in return relaxes your body.

2. Listen

You may be surprised as to how many sounds your ears actually hear, but because your focus is elsewhere, you are not aware of the multitude of them. Right now stop reading this article for ten seconds and just listen to all the sounds around you……

You will notice many different sounds that you probably did not notice before. You may hear the humming of your ceiling fan, the birds chirping out on your front lawn, or the traffic outside your house. When you take notice of one sound, devote your attention to it. Then another sound will arise – devote all your attention to that sound, and so on.

When you give your full attention to the sounds around you the mind becomes present. It becomes aware. And when you are present and aware the mind becomes relaxed because it is no longer thinking. You will then start to notice that all these individual sounds were, up until this very point, background noise that you didn’t pay any attention to. But when you pay attention to these sounds each and every sound can be a portal that you can use to achieve stillness.

3. Breathe 

Just breathe. Stop whatever you are doing for a few seconds and simply take ten long, slow breaths. Use your belly (diaphragm) to breathe rather than your chest. This is actually the way we are meant to breathe. According to Harvard Medical School, shallow breathing from the chest makes you feel short of breath which can lead to anxiety. If we breathe deeply from the diaphragm the body and mind start to relax.

Concentrate on your belly moving outwards as you breathe in and moving inwards as you breathe out. An easy way to make sure this is happening is to simply put your hand on your belly and feel it move outwards and inwards. Breathe slowly and concentrate on the sound you are making as you breathe. Pay full attention to this process and notice how you soon will feel more relaxed, still, and clear.

4. Feel gratitude 

So much of the time stress originates from dwelling on the feeling of not having as much as your neighbor has, not being in the physical shape that you want to be in, or not feeling enough appreciation or love. In other words, it’s paying attention to what you don’t have as opposed to what you do have. It’s time to take things into perspective and start to give thanks for what you have. Maybe you don’t have as much financial freedom as you would like, but maybe you do have your health. Be thankful for that. Maybe you don’t feel enough appreciation from your spouse but maybe you do from your kids. Be thankful for that. No matter what situations we are going through we always have something to be thankful for.

When we start to feel appreciation for the things we currently have in our life, our mood starts to change and we actually start to attract more things to be thankful for. You cannot be thankful and complain at the same time. Always choose to be thankful.

5. Meditate

We have thousands and thousands of thoughts that occupy our minds every single day. Just like our muscles need rest, our minds do too. Meditation does not have to be mysterious. Meditation simply means that you are no longer thinking and are completely absorbed in the present moment. Go to a quiet place and sit in a comfortable chair. Make sure there are no distractions around you and simply start to breathe slowly, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Breathe with your diaphragm and not your chest as we talked about in step number 3.

As you begin to relax, bring your attention to your feet. You’ll start to feel them in some capacity; maybe a little tingle, a little warmth, or coolness. Allow yourself to be engulfed in this feeling. When you are registering how a particular body part feels, your focus will not allow you to simultaneously think about something else.

Afterward, move to your legs until you feel your legs in some capacity. Move upward throughout your whole body, one body part at a time. This is a wonderful meditation that not only rests your mind but also rests your body.

You have the ability to greatly reduce stress and anxiety. Resting your mind is one of the most important steps you can take in attracting a healthy life.


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4 Beliefs You Must Have to Attract True Love

Does true love really exist? And if so, what common beliefs do individuals have to create such a beautiful, harmonic union?

Today, the divorce rate is rising, with nearly one divorce for every marriage. Many people are getting married without a solid, inner foundation. The only ideas about marriage are based on what we’ve witnessed growing up. For many of us, it wasn’t the fairy tale scene – so we wander around looking for the love of our life instead of diving in and being it.

Most people think all they need to do is follow their hearts to find true love, and the rest will follow. But who you are before you fall in love is essential. You must have key beliefs to attract true love into your life.

Here are 4 Beliefs You Must Have to Attract True Love:

true love

1. Believe you are worthy of unconditional love

The relationships you create are mirrors of who you are. It’s the law of attraction at work. Therefore, relationships are only as strong as the beliefs you have about yourself. You will receive it when you believe you are worthy of unconditional love.

Loving yourself fully, even with your imperfections, is very important. If you don’t love yourself fully, how can you expect someone else to? When you come to love yourself unconditionally, believe in your own worthiness, and remain open to receiving it from others, you will!

2. Believe in yourself

Treat yourself the way you want someone else to treat you. Most of us are harsh on ourselves and our own abilities. Believing in ourselves and being our best friend attracts a lover who will compliment us, not complete us. Looking for someone to fill the gaps may bring a temporary lover, but not a lasting one. You are whole, exactly as you are. When you believe in yourself and care about your needs, your lover will also. You will no longer stand for being treated harshly, and you will no longer attract it either.

Just remember, treat yourself the way you would want your lover to treat you. Think kind thoughts; say kind, loving words; do thoughtful things. If you would get offended if a friend or lover would say it, then don’t say it to yourself!

3. Believe in finding the right partner

Sometimes, people can be bad at knowing what they want (or need) in a relationship. Most of the time, society says to let romance be the guide. Instead of shining the flashlight outward, staggering around blankly looking for “the one,” shine it inward. Look for the qualities you want in another in yourself. Find the common denominator if you’ve had past relationship problems, possibly even a cycle of them. Then, look within you and find the darkness that needs the light.

The cycles we encounter in relationships are less about the other person and more about ourselves. They are guiding us towards a lesson we must go within and learn.  For example, if you feel ignored or neglected in a relationship, you may abandon yourself at some level. Go within and find out (listening to your intuition) how you can show up more for yourself, too.

When you believe you can find the right partner, and exhibit the same characteristics you seek, you will be closer to true love.

4. Believe that relationships can last

It’s important to believe in the value of a relationship and the potential happiness and lifelong fulfillment it can bring into your life, regardless of the statistics.

Most of us have witnessed divorce, either within our own family or of relatives or friends. Although these relationships had nothing to do with us, they subconsciously created a validation that relationships don’t last. Perhaps even that divorce is inevitable.

It’s easy to be negative and doubtful about relationships – breakups and dysfunctional marriages are everywhere. But it takes strength and a fresh perspective to believe in happily ever afters again.

Of course, every relationship has its difficult times. That’s life. The struggles help us learn and grow. But, to believe in the ability to have a caring, supportive, loving partner that can be there for us unconditionally is important. In fact, it’s vital for us to believe and align ourselves with the truth of that reality to be able to attract it and live it.

That’s the magic of life, to believe in the good and strive to create the best possible life. Inner work will always transform our outer world. Most of the work to have a lifelong love is done before you ever even meet that person.

By applying these four major belief systems to your life, you will absolutely shift your focus and attraction to the lover you desire.

If you’re already in a relationship, these four beliefs can also absolutely help transform it. In fact, by implementing these beliefs, you might even fall in love all over again. All in all, healthy, lifelong relationships are good for each individual’s mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing.

true love

Add to the discussion:

How have you used positive belief systems about yourself to help attract the love of your life?

10 Ways to Get Peaceful Sleep (No Matter How Stressed You Are)

Getting the right amount of quality sleep is essential in achieving a healthy and happy life. Without it, you cannot physically or mentally perform at an optimal level. Many people take sleeping pills to help with this. However, it’s important to realize that pills are a creation of technological prowess. They’re created by modern-day chemists who analyze brain waves as if they are quantitative data.

There’s a little more to a good night’s sleep than simply thinking positive to go deep into a relaxing slumber. Choosing to control your conscious thoughts, habits, sleep positions, and environment can create many benefits to help you sleep better. Here are 10 ways to have a peaceful night’s sleep, regardless of how stressed you may be:

10 ways to get peaceful sleep (no matter how stressed you might be)

bed sleep

1. Spray lavender essential oil on pillow or use it in the room (aromatherapy)

If you’ve ever been to a Spa, you probably noticed that there were plenty of aromatic candles in the rooms. Aromatherapy has been known to stimulate the olfactory and limbic systems in your body. Of course, they relax your emotional state and recall positive thoughts and feelings.

You can replicate this process by simply spraying lavender essential oil on your pillow. The calming and soothing fragrance of lavender will relax you, and ultimately help you to sleep easier and better.

2. Practice yoga

Yoga is a very good way to achieve a great night of sleep. It’s perfect after a challenging day at work, or when you feel that if you’ve worked quite hard but still have plenty of unspent energy. Many thoughts and potential worries from the day can keep you up at night.

Take a 30 minute trip to the gym, or simply lay down the yoga mat and posture your way through a few asanas into corpse pose for at least 2 minutes. You will be surprised at just how relaxing your sleep will be

3. Get out into nature and fresh air a few hours before bed

Many retreat locations are set nature to cleanse and rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit. Luckily, however, you don’t have to buy a getaway to get away from the tension and stress build up inside of you. You can receive the same energy from nature by simply walking in the park or having a quick run in the woods. If you don’t have access to a park, your backyard has plenty of fresh air so get out there a few hours before sleeping. It really is a great aid in giving you a restful night’s sleep.

4. Take a warm, relaxing bath or shower

A little combo of Epsom salts and lavender oil in a warm bath goes a long way in helping the body relax. The warm water opens up the pores to let the positive elements of the water, salt, and lavender be absorbed by the skin. This will bring you to a more calm and relaxed state.

5. Write a gratitude list before bed

Sit down for a few minutes before bed and record what you’ve been grateful for during that day or the week so far. You will be surprised to find that as you go, you have quite a lot to write about; and in your effort of listing them all, your eyes can start to feel heavy and induce a nice restful sleep full of positive thoughts.

6. Skip the caffeine at least 6 hours before bedtime

It takes the body roughly 6 hours to flush out caffeine. Therefore, try to skip the caffeine for at least that long before you plan on going to bed. Caffeine can block the sleep-inducing adenosine chemical that helps us sleep. Depending on your tolerance level, you may not be affected, but most of us find it difficult to sleep after having our favorite cup hours before bedtime.

7. Create the right room temperature

Some of us take this for granted but keeping the right temperature before bedtime is really important in achieving a night of restful sleep. Find a temperature that is perfect for your unique needs where you can rest peacefully without sweating or shivering. You’ll find that you wake up less, and feel more refreshed in the morning.

8. Turn off TV and tech

Aside from getting you to keep tracking your friend’s whereabouts or activities, the light from electronics interferes with the body’s natural production of melatonin – the hormone that aids in opening up the pineal gland and helping you sleep.

9. Create a “normal” sleep schedule

The body clock sends signals to the body to rest, so having a “regular” sleep schedule helps a lot in achieving a restful night. Whether you have standard daylight hours or work the midnight shift, the one important thing to remember is that you don’t want to burn both ends of the candle.

Fit the hours you need for sleep into your daily schedule and keep it consistent.

10. Fill your mind with something other than worries and fears

As you rest, negative thoughts can fill your mind, begin to brew, and rob you of your rest. This can keep you awake and maybe even make you upset and unable to sleep at all. When this happens, step away from your inner self and realize the negative thought process taking place. Divert the attention of your thoughts by looking out at the stars or making positive affirmation statements about a peaceful sleep. Something as simple as “I am grateful for hours of undisturbed, refreshing rest.” can help you make great strides in getting the sleep you desire.

fall asleep


Here’s to the best night’s sleep ever!

Join the discussion: What tips can you add to help someone have a great night’s sleep? Share below!

12 Habits of Unhappy People (and How to Avoid Having Them)

Do you ever feel unhappy?

Happiness is something we all strive to attain. As such, we can accept the fact that: (a) life is short, and (b) unhappiness makes our lives difficult. Our habits greatly impact the quality of life that we live. Specifically, our habits directly impact our happiness, or the lack thereof.

A strong difference exists between clinical depression and chronic unhappiness. Depression involves a chemical imbalance in the brain while being unhappy is a disposition often acquired through how we choose to face our circumstances. Similar to depression, however, unhappiness can be diagnosed and treated.

Here are 12 habits that can cause you to be unhappy, all of which can be avoided:

unhappy people

1. Chronic Complaining

Happy people do not complain much, nor do successful people. On the other side, chronic complainers generally have something negative to think or say … even when those around them are happy! The bottom line: we all have different circumstances in this lifetime, but in the end, these circumstances are ours. Fair or unfair, wanted or unwanted, we must own them. Seek solutions to problems instead of complaining, which leads directly to the state of being unhappy.

2. Being critical – of self and others

How we talk to ourselves shapes our self-image, for better or worse. Self-worth is an essential component to happiness, and feeling good about ourselves is a right we all have. Realize when mistakes are made, accept them, and move on. Avoid engaging in negative self-talk. Respect the inherent differences of others and recognize their right to live happily and without undue criticism.

3. Living beyond your means

We live in a materialistic society and are constantly bombarded with advertisements for the latest car, gadget, or credit card. These all promise an easier, more fulfilling existence. Please don’t believe it for a second. While purchasing a new product may provide an emotional boost, it doesn’t last.

Ever heard the term “buyer’s remorse?” It exists for a reason. Seek joy in something that doesn’t involve whipping out a piece of plastic – exercise, reading, sightseeing, etc. Seek satisfaction without an accompanying debt.

4. Negative addictions

Most things are good in moderation – food, a drink or two, entertainment. Only when these things take center stage in our lives do they become a problem? Unfortunately, many good people have met their end through addictive habits, primarily through dependence on alcohol and drugs. Prevent and remedy these by finding and living your passions to the greatest extent possible (see #8).

5. Regretting the past

Regret is not only useless, but it can also be extremely harmful. Research continues to show that repetitive, negative thoughts about decisions made in the past often precedes chronic stress and depression. According to Psychology Today, there are four ways to cope with regret: (1) learn from mistakes but don’t dwell on them; (2) if nothing can be changed about the situation, let it go; (3) make sure you’re not assigning too much blame to yourself; and (4) reframe the situation more positively.

6. Worrying about the future

We only have so much say about what our future holds. This is not meant to dis-empower; quite the opposite, it is stating a simple truth. What we can do is live in the present while fully exercising our God-given abilities and talents. This enables and empowers us to live a happier existence. There’s that phrase again: living in the present. Face difficulties as they arise, and then let them go. Enjoy the beautiful things in life and experience them fully … be present.

voltaire quote

 7. Being driven by fear

Yes, fear can cause you to be unhappy. To fully understand this, we must again return to being present. Quite simply, we can’t allow fear of the unknown (and/or the unavoidable) to cripple our quality of life. Fear is a negative thought process that is often on autopilot. Remember: you are not the sum total of our negative thoughts. You are not fear, worry, anxiety, or any other negative thought process.

8. Delaying goals and dreams

It requires no effort to get caught up in the routine of life: working, eating, sleeping, maybe a day or two of doing something fun or relaxing. But here’s the thing: by not directing our talents and passions toward a positive and tangible goal, we potentially discard something great before its realization. The hardest part of living our goals and dreams is taking the first step. After building a game plan and taking that first step, only then can we see the possibilities.

 9. Gossiping

Nothing exudes insecurity more than negative small talk about someone else. After all, why would a happy, confident person engage in something that is of no benefit? They wouldn’t. Leave gossip to the kids at recess. It does not belong to adults attempting to make their lives (and others!) better.

10. Holding grudges

Similar to other negative emotions, animosity is a needless weight on our backs. We are all witnesses to the negative behaviors of other people and can become (sometimes justifiably) angered as a result. But remember: this isn’t about their ignorant behavior but your happiness. Either forgive, forget, or ignore… and move on with your life.

11. Eating poorly

Ingesting nutritionally-bankrupt food is all about immediate gratification. It’s certainly not about feeling good long-term. Eating poorly can result in bad health, weight gain, depression, lack of energy, and decreased productivity while having a well-balanced diet bears the opposite effect. Eat right if you want more energy, a healthy weight, mental alertness, and increased productivity. Not only will you look great, but you will also feel great.

unhappy people

12. Expanding our problems

When we find ourselves unhappy and discontent, our first reaction is almost entirely emotional. In other words, we blow things completely out of proportion. After all, we still have that darned “lizard brain” (amygdala) – the epicenter of negative emotions. Instead, just take a step back, look at the problem objectively (with minimal emotion), and focus on a solution!

If you believe you gained awareness of any of these habits, you can keep them at bay by following the advice mentioned above.

“I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition.” ­– Martha Washington, wife of 1st U.S. President George Washington

Join the discussion:  What negative habits do you try to avoid?

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