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5 Powerful Ways to Brighten Life’s Darkest Times

Considering ways you can make a difference?

If you’ve read the news or watched television, you’ve certainly seen some dark moments. Living in the United States, we’ve seen our fair share of tumultuous times. In just the last decade and a half, we’ve witnessed two wars, a recession, racial conflict and upheaval, government ineptitude, mass shootings, terrorism, and multiple other crises.

Suffice to say that our world is, well…troubled.

While the majority of us begin and end the day with positive intentions, there is no getting around the unavoidable: bad things can happen. In many of these circumstances, these events are beyond our control. We simply find our bearings and persevere.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Gandhi

That being said, do not underestimate the positive impact you can make. You can make a big difference in a world that desperately needs it. This doesn’t require large sums of money or a news camera…just a willing heart and mind. With a collective effort, we can leave the world in a better place than when we entered it.

Here are 5 ways to bring light to the world when it needs it most…

1. Give your time

Time is our most precious gift that we can give. Time is highly valued, it is limited, and it can be used to truly better the lives of others. Many of us struggle with the demands that are placed on us…work, family, academics, and etc. However, volunteering isn’t something that needs to be put off until we “have the time.”

There are many volunteer organizations that operate on weekends and you only need as little as one hour… a trip to the grocery store in exchange for bettering society. Not a bad deal.

If you need further motivation, consider this:

Volunteers live longer and are healthier. “Health and longevity gains from volunteering come from establishing meaningful volunteer roles…”

Volunteering establishes strong relationships. “Working alongside people who feel as strongly as you do about supporting a particular cause creates a path to developing strong relationships with others…”

Volunteering is great for your career. “People who volunteer make more money, partially because the relationships people create while volunteering can be leveraged for financial benefit…”

2. Mentor children

If we want to create a better future for mankind and for our planet, it all starts and ends with our children. How we care and advocate for, educate, and prepare our children in heart and mind will ultimately determine humanity’s direction moving forward.

Are we going to care for our environment? Provide for the needy? Defend the innocent? Protect human liberty? Ensure equality? Promote peace?

All of these questions, among others, will be determined about ways to prepare our children today. These are our future scientists, doctors, artists, educators and leaders who will answer these questions for us.

Mentoring a child is one of the most powerful things that we can do. Non-profit organizations exist that need capable, intelligent, driven individuals willing to step forward and provide guidance. There are many children who have been neglected, abused, and otherwise mistreated that need the positive influence of a responsible adult.

Men are especially needed. According to Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, seven out of ten children that need a mentor are boys; while only three out of every ten who mentor are men. A disproportionate number of these children happen to be of African-American and Hispanic descent who are in strong need of a role model to provide a path both in and out of the classroom.

3. Donate blood

How many opportunities will you have to save someone else’s life? If you donate blood, this becomes a very real possibility.

Medical emergencies are a fact of life. At some point, chances are that either you or someone you’ve met or known will need blood. Due to unforeseen circumstances such as accidents, sickness, natural disasters, and other events, there is a demand for blood that often exceeds supply.

Consider these facts and statistics from the American Red Cross:

– Blood cannot be manufactured. Only donors can supply the need.

– Someone needs a blood transfusion in the U.S. every two seconds.

– 41,000 blood donations are needed every day.

– Just one car accident can require as much as 100 pints of blood.

– A single blood donation can save the lives of up to three people.

4. Broaden your perspective

So much negative energy is created in the world today, simply because of a narrow perspective.  How can we know where to direct our loving energy if we’re walking through life with the blinders on?

As the female artist group, En Vogue once stated, “Free your mind, and the rest will follow.”  Turning a blind eye to another person due to their color, race, religion, spiritual views, or innocent private habits only creates a void in their hearts and yours.

There is an equal chance for loving energy to fill the void – give it the chance it deserves by broadening your perspective of the world around you.  Through a broader perspective, you’re creating a ripple effect of positive loving energy that can have exponential effects.

Make a decision to learn about someone’s culture.  Show compassion and kindness for their lot in life.  Ask about their history, their family, or what makes them most proud.  Through understanding each other more, we can create world peace, true freedom, and benefit from many other windfalls of an expanded perspective.

5. Donate money (doesn’t have to be much)…

Of course, there are instances where organizations need money for the benefit of someone or something else. Animals, charities, education, healthcare, memorials…these are just a few ways in which a generous donor can have a big impact.

One of the most common misconceptions is that you have to give a significant amount to make any type of difference. This is categorically false. A small donation, even if it’s a few dollars, is a tremendous act of kindness that can make a difference.

There are many donation websites where you can find a cause to donate any amount. The world’s #1 donation website,, offers donations for nearly every cause from animals to “wishes” (generally non-emergency money raised for individual and family causes). There are no fees to sign up and just a small administrative fee of 5% for each donation (a $5 donation would be a 25 cent charge). It’s one of the most impactful ways to make a difference.


6. (Bonus) If you can’t do these things

If you find that you’re unable to do any of these things, there is always the opportunity to pray, meditate, or send positive energy into the world however you see fit.  Remember, all things physical come from the non-physical – so you can always find ways out positive, non-physical energy into the world any time you wish!

11 Powerful Mantras to Create Love & Happiness

Everyone on this Earth deserves love and happiness, but many people look for these things in the wrong places. Believe it or not, both of these represent states of being that anyone can achieve by focusing their thoughts and intentions on love and happiness, and then following through with action.

Many of us feel disconnected and frazzled in our daily lives, often looking for something more that can’t be found in a job, a salary, material items, or other relationships. In fact, we often overlook one of the most powerful sources for love and happiness – ourselves!

You can unlock more of your “superpowers” by utilizing the following mantras to reconnect you with your spirit. These can also help you remember that you can shift any negative or heavy thoughts into transformative, positive ones.

Use these 11 powerful mantras to create love & happiness in your life:

1. “I love myself, no matter what.”

I use this affirmation daily to help me remember that even when I make mistakes or have negative thoughts, I will love myself through it all. If you allow love to move through you, you will be able to express that love more easily to others.

Simply put, we all actually ARE love, so saying this mantra aloud each day will remind you of your true state of being and bring you peace in times of both triumph and adversity.

2. “I am an infinite being, capable of extraordinary things.”

Most of us go through life, limiting ourselves and not fully owning our potential. When you say these words to yourself, you become aware of your own power and will have a lot more confidence throughout the day to accomplish goals. Remember, you were created for a specific purpose, and the Universe is waiting for you to realize that and unleash your true power as a human being.

3.“I am in complete control of determining my emotions.”

When you let people or circumstances control your feelings, you deny yourself the ability to control your own emotions. You give away your power and allow other people’s opinions to destroy your state of mind. If you decide each day to become your own master and take charge of your feelings, you will immediately feel happier knowing that nothing outside of you can ever take away your bliss.

4. “I AM.”

How many times have you or others put a label on who you are? Probably more times than you can count. Labels only serve as ways to categorize people, because we were all taught from an early age to describe people based on characteristics.

However, you automatically negate your individuality when you do that to yourself. You place yourself in a box, bound to the implications of that label. For example, let’s say you feel depressed, so you tell your mom “I AM depressed.” Of course, you will feel that way since you have placed that label on yourself. However, by acknowledging that you exist, you can simply say “I am.”

This takes an enormous weight off your shoulders once you give up the need to subscribe to a label that someone else created.

5. “I accept abundant love, happiness, and positive energy into my life.”

By saying this, it will automatically lift your energy levels and get you in a positive mindset to start the day. Everyone deserves abundant joy and love in their lives, but not everyone believes it.

You must believe that you are deserving of positivity, love, and abundance in order to receive it. The Universe responds to your energy every second, so make sure you put what you would like to receive into the world.

6. “I am not a drop in the ocean. I am the entire ocean in one drop.”

Rumi originally said this, and the meaning behind it still holds true. Essentially, it’s saying that you are not just a part of this universe, but you ARE the universe. You are not just a part of the ocean, you ARE the ocean. You are both a part and a whole at the same time.

Thus, you have a significant role to play in this existence, and the whole Universe would be altered if not for your presence here on Earth. If you believe that, it will greatly help you along your path in life. You must believe you matter to believe you’re worthy of both love and happiness.

7. “I love myself exactly the way I am.”

Regardless of where you’re at in life and where you want to go, love yourself anyway. Be kind to yourself anyway. Even if you want to lose thirty pounds, or make more money, or change careers, or live elsewhere, realize how far you’ve come and be thankful for what your journey has taught you so far. Take away the conditions surrounding the love you give to yourself and instead practice unconditional love.

Loving yourself no matter the circumstances takes courage and practice, but if you give yourself permission to love the entirety of who you are, you will also attract that energy back. Plus, it will give you a greater sense of self-worth.

8. “I will stay true to who I am at all times.”

It’s easy to cave into peer pressure and go with the status quo to avoid making waves. However, this will only stifle your true spirit and make you feel disconnected with yourself. Be brave and stand up for what you believe and what you feel in your heart to be true.

Not only will you increase your self-respect, but others will actually respect you more for standing up for yourself, even if you’re standing alone.

9. “I am thankful.”

I call this the “attitude of gratitude.” It’s so important to remind ourselves often of all our blessings in life because we can easily take them for granted and focus on everything we don’t have instead. If you want to feel happy, be mindful of all your blessings, and remember all those things you have that many don’t: food, water, shelter, clothing, safety, etc.

Get in the habit of expressing your thanks to the Universe, and you will soon find you have even more to be thankful for.

10. “Every day is a new beginning.”

If you feel like you have taken the wrong turn in life, remember each sunrise gives you a chance to take the right turn. Each day you wake up holds endless opportunities for you to make your life the one you want to live.

You can create the reality you want out of any circumstances, and if you can read this right now, you have the same chance as anyone else at manifesting the world that you want to see.

11. “I will observe myself, free of judgment.”

We can either be our own best friends or our own worst enemy. It all depends on our outlook on ourselves. If you look at yourself as incompetent, anxious, negative, unworthy, untalented, your reality probably won’t be that enjoyable. You will see everything as you see yourself: dark, dreary, and hopeless.

However, acknowledge the fact that you are a spiritual being having a human experience. Realize that mistakes and imperfections come as part of the package deal, you will experience a much more positive reality and learn love.

Learn to look at yourself without having to comment. You don’t always have to have something to say about yourself – you can sit back, observe, and allow the Universe to flow through you.



Final Thoughts on Using Positive Affirmations of Love

Use these positive affirmations in your daily life. The sooner you embrace them, the sooner you will reap the greatest reward–love.

5 Bad Habits That Hold You Back From Your Best Self

Did you know that habits can take less than 30 days to form? That means that whatever you do on a daily basis, you probably have been doing for months, or even years. Most of our days consist of performing tasks and reacting to others in ways that are second nature to us.

However, some of these habits could be harmful to you, and may even be holding you back from reaching your potential. If you have any of the following common habits, now’s the chance to nip them in the bud and become the best version of you possible!


5 Bad Habits That Can Hold You Back From Your Best Self:

1. Caring too much about what others think.

Sometimes you have to do what’s best for you and your life, not what’s best for everyone else.

All too often, people live life trying to please others, attempting to avoid ruffling feathers. While you might be well-liked by others, you will never find happiness in life if you don’t do what makes YOU happy.

Give up the need for approval, and just do what comes naturally to you. Many people trade in their individuality and dreams for a life that makes everyone happy except for themselves. It really doesn’t matter what others think of you – just worry about yourself, and everything will fall into place. You can’t control other’s opinions of you, but you can control what you think about yourself.

2. Emotional eating.

This habit can be tough to break because food gives us instant gratification. If we have a bad day at work, we can come home and order a box of pizza to take the stresses of the day away. While the pizza might make you temporarily happy, it doesn’t solve the underlying issues. Many people use food as a crutch to carry them through life, instead of tacking the problems head-on.

Next time you feel upset, try to get at the heart of the problem instead of covering it up with sugary or fattening foods that won’t serve your best interests in the long run. Feel the emotion that makes you want to eat and analyze your triggers. Then, flip your mind to make that a time where you do something constructive for your body – make it 5 push-ups instead of 5 bites!

3. Not acting on your dreams.

Unfortunately, too many people have regrets at the end of their lives, when they should be reminiscing about all the fun times they had. The only way to have things to reminisce about is to actually do things. Make memories. Go against the grain. Listen to that voice telling you to follow your dreams even if they sound crazy. You will never know if you don’t try, and even if things don’t work out, you will have grown as a person and learned invaluable lessons about life.

Taking risks and jumping into the unknown may seem scary, but if you don’t move forward you can’t reach your full potential. Live while you can, and reach for the stars. When you take chances, you can at least say you tried, and that feels much better than never trying at all.

4. Always wanting the last word.

Desiring to get the last word comes not from you, but from your ego. When you let your ego run the show, it wants to be right and won’t back down without a fight. It might feel gratifying to get the last word in a discussion or argument, but it will only deplete your energy and leave you feeling exhausted. Sometimes, it’s best to walk away and let the other person get the last word. You can at least leave with your dignity and put your energy into something more useful than this bad habit.

5. Living in the past or the future.

In the book The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, he talks about how accepting the present and completely surrendering to what’s happening right now can bring you immense happiness. He explains that many people feel unhappy not because of their circumstances, but because they aren’t even present to enjoy life as it unfolds.

The only real moment is now; the past and present are just an illusion. Time doesn’t separate your past, present, and future – it only knows your reaction to these concepts, and the Universe will keep giving you experiences that match your energy and vibration. If you want to feel happier, surrender to what IS. You cannot go back to the past, nor can you travel to the future. You can only live in the now, so why not fully experience the joy of simply being alive in the present? Because you will never get this moment back, you may as well make the most of it and enjoy it while you can!

Join the discussion: What habits have you released to become your best self?

9 Signs You’re Overstressed

We, as a society, are an overstressed bunch of people.

Longer days; more work; less vacation; later retirement…do any of these sound familiar?

The truth is that most people are dealing with one or more of these situations in their life. In addition, most people believe that they are underpaid and overextended in their working lives. Combining the pressures of work with having to manage a hectic personal schedule can mean a very stressful existence.

Here are 9 signs you’re overstressed (and how to relax):

1. You become more anxious

Anxiety and stress are two sides of the same coin. Where one is present, the other one will be as well. Physical symptoms of anxiety often include muscle tension, rapid breathing, fast heartbeat, sweating, dizziness and fatigue.

Constant feelings of anxiety can result in an anxiety disorder such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder (or GAD). As a consequence, the anxiety manifests itself as uncontrollable worrying about bad things that may happen.

Practicing stress-management and relaxation techniques can help in dealing with the anxiety that results from stress. In some instances, you may want to seek help from a mental wellness professional who can counsel you on how to counteract the presence of anxiety in your life. There are also safe medications available if you and your doctor decide on that option.

2. You become more impatient when you’re overstressed

Constantly dealing with stressful situations can also reduce your patience level. Having a disposition of impatience can increase the damage that these stresses cause.

People who become more impatient will experience physical signs such as muscle tension, hand clenching, and shallow breathing. Mental processes can also be affected, causing more irritability, anxiousness, and impulsiveness.

If you experience symptoms of impatience, you need to find the true cause, or “trigger.” Make a list of things that are causing you to experience impatience and avoid or minimize your contact with these triggers.

Being aware of your breath, practicing mini-meditations, and exercise can assist with improving your patience and tolerance levels.

3. You lose your temper more quickly

When experiencing a stressful situation, your mental capacities diminish. As a result, you are more impulsive and it is easier to lose your temper. When you lose your temper, your anger overwhelms you and results in trouble communicating, and you often end up saying things that you later regret.

When you lose your cool, nothing good comes out of it. It will make you feel worse, make your situation worse, and cause additional problems that you’ll have to fix later. Try to think twice before allowing anger to control you and the situation by thinking about the consequences.

Walk away, breathe slowly, or take a quick break…losing your temper is not worth the negative consequences.

4. You forget things more often

Do you notice that when you’re stressed, it’s easier to forget things? You misplace your keys, forget important events, and fail to remember to complete work needing to be done.

This happens because stress has a negative impact on memory. According to neuroscientists and other experts, stress influences the part of the brain that processes information and is responsible for memorization. More specifically, the electrical signals in the brain that are associated with the formation of factual memories weaken when emotions (such as stress) strengthen.

The next time that you are under stress, remember that your brain’s default response is to enhance the emotional aspect, diminishing the ability to think logically. Remembering that your mental capacities diminish as a result will change your response; allowing you to more easily form memories in the brain.

5. You lose your focus more when you are overstressed

Stress occupies your mind with worry and distracts you from the focus required to manage everyday life. When this happens, productivity worsens and we feel little control over our mental processes.

According to a study done by Harvard University, this lack of feeling in control can lead to obsessive thinking, further inhibiting our ability to focus when it is needed. Self-induced stress is often the root cause of our inability to focus on what needs to be done.

One highlight of the Harvard study is very noteworthy. When we attempt to suppress our negative thoughts by “willing” away these contemplations, it only serves to make the thoughts more prevalent. The remedy for this is to allow these thoughts to simply fade away without any conscious effort. Doing so will allow us to focus our brains on what is in front of us instead of our impulses.

Practices such as single-tasking and minimizing distractions can dramatically help with focus.

6. You procrastinate more

Procrastination negatively affects both your career and your personal life. The inability to concentrate on what needs to be done results in feeling overwhelmed, resentful and guilty.

When stressed, it is very difficult to work productively. When we feel unproductive, we have a tendency to not want to work. This is when procrastination becomes a coping mechanism to deal with the stress. However, this mechanism is counterproductive because we often fail to meet our obligations…resulting in more stress.

Dr. Neil Fiore, author of the book The Now Habit suggests that making scheduled time for enjoyment can be an effective way to overcome procrastination. This means scheduling in advance the amount of time that is spent on entertainment, exercise, family time, hobbies, and social activities. This serves as a reminder to enjoy ourselves and that we don’t have to procrastinate on work to do so.

7. You solve problems slower

As mentioned, being overstressed has a negative impact on our brains. When stressed, our brains release the stress hormone norepinephrine, leading to a state of increased arousal. This arousal inhibits our ability to access the mental resources necessary to think flexibility, which affects our ability to solve problems.

Of course, avoiding the situations that inhibit our ability to think flexibly and practicing relaxation techniques are the natural ways to counteract this problem. As with most other symptoms of stress, it may also be wise to seek some kind of medical assistance.

8. You have more negative thoughts

Negative thoughts and a pessimistic outlook are telltale signs of being stressed out. This is a direct result of the chemical changes in the brain when we experience stress. This is commonsensical, yet we often fail to effectively manage reoccurring negative thoughts.

There are two solutions to this problem: not dwelling on negative thoughts and positive thinking.

As we’ve mentioned in prior articles, negative thoughts are automatic. These negative thoughts reflect a condition (stress in this case), but do not correlate with who you truly are as a person. Don’t allow your thoughts to sabotage you by dwelling on them. Don’t acknowledge their presence and just let them simply fade away.

Positive thinking simply means that you deal with stressful situations in a more positive way. To practice positive thinking, begin with self-talk – the unspoken thoughts that seem to run constantly through your head. This is important, as the manner in which you communicate with yourself affects your thinking, emotions, and self-esteem.

By learning to practice affirmations and rewarding yourself for a job well done will increase your positive self-talk. Other things that can do to increase positive self-talk include reading more, being creative, spending time around positive people, having fun, and setting goals. It may indeed take some time to realize the benefits of positive self-talk, but it will happen if you are patient.

9. You experience sickness and pain more often when you feel overstressed


Stress has a negative effect on your body because it causes the body to release more hormones, suppresses the immune system, and produces tension in the head and body.

When your brain releases more hormones (such as adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine) it can produce tension headaches and migraines. The National Institutes of Health have reported that people who practice relaxation and stress-management techniques reduce their number of headaches by as much as 35 to 50 percent.

Being overstressed also causes tension, which triggers the sympathetic nervous system to reduce blood flow to the muscles. Backaches and neck pains are often the results, as are muscle spasms. Further, people experiencing stress have a tendency to tense their neck and shoulder muscles which makes the back and other areas of the body vulnerable to pain. In this case, it helps to be aware of your posture and avoid stressful situations.

The immune system is also suppressed when stress is prevalent. As a result, we are more likely to become sick. Individuals who experience frequent stress are much more vulnerable to illnesses such as colds and the flu. Avoiding stress whenever possible, and taking supplements such as Vitamin C or a multivitamin may protect against this vulnerability.

Join the discussion:

Share the stress management techniques that work best for you when you are overstressed in the discussion below!

21 Ways to Break Free From Self-Neglect

Is self-neglect holding you back in life?

From an early age, people are taught how to read and write, how to solve math problems, and how to be well mannered. We learn how to think critically and reach the next rung on the ladder toward success.

However, what we aren’t so thoroughly taught is how to manage one part of our lives that matters most: our own self.

Most people wake up one day to the realization that they have neglected themselves for years, opting to pay attention to the skills we learned in school to score well on tests, get into college, and find a good job. There’s a lot of pressure to fit into society. Unfortunately, that practice often leads to neglecting yourself and your desires to fit the mold others have shaped.

If you feel like you have been neglecting your true self, and want to reclaim your own individual power, here are 21 ways to release the self-neglect and give yourself what you deserve – self-respect!

1. Take charge of your own happiness.

When you rely on others as a source of happiness, you diminish the ability to feel happiness from within. You take away your own power and give it to someone else. By counting on anything or anyone outside yourself for the fulfillment, you discount your own capability of creating internal happiness. You perpetuate the cycle of self-neglect.

Next time you catch yourself looking elsewhere for happiness, stop! Then, backtrack and realize that you have all the tools you need to be happy. You just need to re-learn how to use them.

2. Eat healthier.

One of the greatest forms of self-neglect comes from how one chooses to eat. If you feed yourself highly processed, low nutrient foods, you might make your taste buds happy, but your mind, body, and soul will suffer. Caring about yourself includes giving your cells the nutrition they need to function properly, so replace fattening, packaged snacks with vibrant, fresh foods like fruit and vegetables. Your cells will thank you for feeding them what they really want!

3. Practice positive affirmations.

Another way to promote a healthy relationship with yourself is to think positive thoughts every single day. The moment you wake up, tell yourself something uplifting and inspiring, such as “I accomplish whatever I set my mind to.” This will set the right tone for the day and help you ward off negative thinking patterns that might fuel self-neglect.

4. Have a sacred space in your home.

Everyone needs somewhere to go for some peace and quiet, and you can create a space like this right in your own home! Most people call this an altar, but you can call it whatever you want so long as it brings you tranquility and relaxation. You can fill the area with your favorite paintings or pictures, crystals, incense, candles, tarot or angel cards, or statues of enlightened figures such as Buddha to help you connect to that sacred space within you.

5. Exercise frequently.

Exercise has proven benefits for the mind, body, and soul. Moving your body keeps your blood pumping, releases endorphins, and also promotes weight loss. If you have felt neglected lately, simply get off the couch and get moving! Exercise is one of the best ways to take care of yourself, and it doesn’t have to feel like boot camp, either. You can join an exercise group in your community, take classes at your gym, or even walk along a pretty nature trail near you. Any form of movement that you enjoy can help you develop a daily practice of self-love and care

6. Go outside.

This one can’t be stressed enough – sunlight contains Vitamin D, a vital nutrient for our bodies and minds to function properly. Plus, getting out in nature allows us to connect with the universe directly because no walls, doors, or technology exist to bar us from Earth’s energy when we go outside. Feeling the wind in your hair, the sun on your face, and the grass beneath your feet is one of the best forms of therapy out there, and the best part is, it’s free!

7. Follow your passions.

In reality, not many people can actually say they follow their dreams. Most people fill any void they might feel with shopping, food, a new job, relationships, more money, or bad habits. If you avoid your passion for too long, the universe will only keep nagging you until you fulfill it.

Neglecting your passion in life will result in continual unhappiness until you decide to fulfill those passions, whatever they might be. Don’t ever question your heart – it knows best.

8. Say no to things that don’t serve you.

Saying no is okay – you don’t have to feel bad for it. Part of caring for yourself is staying true to who you are regardless of the situations you might face. If a work buddy wants to go out for drinks but you gave up drinking years ago, don’t feel pressured to give in just to make others happy. Suggest another activity instead so you both can enjoy the outing.

You deserve to honor yourself and feel comfortable with the way you choose to live.

9. Laugh more often.

Unfortunately, many people don’t laugh enough in today’s world. Life demands a lot more out of us than it used to, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t take time each day to have fun and enjoy the little things. There are plentiful opportunities to laugh every day, whether that be from a youtube video, a joke from a coworker, or even at yourself.

Even if you have a lot of obligations or feel overwhelmed by life, laughter can take away the seriousness of it all in a heartbeat and remind you to think positively even when faced with adversity.

10. Pamper yourself.

Take some time out of your day to spoil yourself. Give yourself a manicure or pedicure, get a massage, take a relaxing bath with some bath salts or essential oils, or try out acupuncture or Reiki. All of these will relax you, rejuvenate your spirit, and will get you back in the habit of practicing self-love.

11. “Meditation, not medication.”

If you have been feeling anxious or depressed lately, take at least ten minutes out of your day to sit peacefully and clear your mind. Meditation has been proven to be more effective in many cases than taking anti-depressants or anxiety medications, and can even restore your cells and alter your DNA! Our minds become cluttered with endless mental noise throughout the day, so meditation can provide a reset and allow you to think more clearly.

12. Quit the job you hate.

No matter what the pay, no job is worth it if you don’t enjoy it. Many people let fear, embarrassment, or the opinions of others stand between them and leaving their job, but your happiness matters much more than a paycheck or what others may think of you.

Unfortunately, 76% of people are unsatisfied with their jobs, according to a recent Gallup poll. If you are one of those people, stand up for your own happiness and do what feels right in your own heart.

13. Choose a positive environment.

The bottom line is that you don’t have to stay somewhere that doesn’t make you happy. Go where your heart takes you, and your happiness will naturally increase. A negative environment can lead to all sorts of problems and does not facilitate growth and self-love. Just like surrounding yourself with positive people, choosing a happy environment can make all the difference between feeling excited about life, or completely miserable.

Don’t let fear stop you from moving if you need to– you deserve happiness, and a fresh start might be just what you need.

14. Pay attention to the shows you watch and the music you listen to.

When you turn on the TV or the radio, do you like what you see and hear? If not, turn these off and tune into something more positive. Most TV programs and songs on the radio today don’t send out a very positive message, and this can greatly affect your mood and outlook on life.

Make sure to nurture your soul and feed it positive information so you can tune into the positive energy and shut out the negative vibes and beat out self-neglect.

15. Spend less time on technology.

A lot of feelings of self-neglect originate from the fact that most of us spend almost all day on our phones or computers, and very little time with ourselves. Social media, especially, puts us in the habit of checking in with people at all hours of the day, and it can become highly addicting.

Give yourself a time limit for technology use each day so you can spend more time cultivating your relationship with yourself and those that matter most to you.

16. Sleep for 7-8 hours a night.

Most people neglect themselves each night by denying their need for sleep. On average, American adults sleep anywhere between four and six hours a night, so it’s no wonder that many of them feel out of touch with themselves and unenthusiastic about life. Sleep allows your cells to regenerate and gives your body the crucial rest that it needs. Make sure you turn off your phone an hour before bed each night and commit to going to bed at a decent hour.

17. Drink plenty of water.

Water should constitute the majority of the beverages you consume on a daily basis. All sorts of stimulatory, sugary drinks are sold on the market today, none of which can replace water and all its’ healing and restorative properties. Sodas, energy drinks, and coffee only dehydrate the body and fill it with unnecessary chemicals and caffeine. Water will hydrate your cells and regulate your bodily functions, so make sure to drink at least eight glasses a day so you can feel your best.

18. Believe in yourself.

You won’t be able to experience the greatest pleasures of life if you don’t first believe in your own abilities. You can do whatever your heart desires, but you have to believe that first. Love and honor yourself, and everything will fall into place. You can banish self-neglect from your life by harnessing this belief.

19. Embrace the unknown.

No one knows the future, so don’t try to predict it. Instead, follow your heart and ride the waves of uncertainty. Accept whatever may happen, and learn from it. A lot of self-neglect results from staying stagnant and becoming complacent. Take risks and get out of your comfort zone – you will feel a lot better about yourself and life by actively participating in it.

20. Adopt an attitude of gratitude.

Perhaps one of the greatest causes of discontent is not the situation, but your attitude about it. Instead of thinking about everything you don’t have, focus on what you do have and be grateful for it. When you feel grateful for everything you have been blessed with in life, you will naturally have more to be thankful for.

21. Start a journal.

Many people neglect their own feelings, either burying them or lashing out at others because of their own pain. If you have a lot of pent up anger, frustration, or sadness, journal about it. This will allow you to release any feelings you might have and start over fresh each day.

Join the discussion: How have you released self-neglect in your own experience to move into a better life? Hit us up on Facebook to share your thoughts.

8 Life Changing Promises That Will Make Tomorrow Better Than Today

Life presents difficult situations, sometimes more often than we’d all like it to.  Amidst everything that life demands from us, we often forget about the little differences we can make each day to add happiness and joy to our lives. Understandably, many people struggle to improve their lives, even in small ways, so they can make each day better than the last.

“You have to remember that the hard days are what make you stronger. The bad days make you realize what a good day is. If you never had any bad days, you would never have that sense of accomplishment!” – Aly Raisman

When you begin to make yourself these promises and commit to practicing them every single day, you will consistently create a better tomorrow, a better day after that, and an even better day after that… continuously.

8 Life-Changing Promises That Will Make Tomorrow Better Than Today:

1. “I will give someone a compliment.”

One of the simplest ways to improve your daily life is to make others feel better about themselves. Compliments usually bring a smile to a person’s face, and also give him or her a huge confidence boost.

A lot of times, people are underappreciated in their jobs or in their personal lives, and really don’t hear too often just how awesome they are. So, make it a point to give recognition to someone each day, whether they wash your car, deliver your package, or make your sandwich at the local deli. All of these jobs might seem menial, but these people work hard every day to please customers and make an income.

Your kind words could completely turn their day around, and you will add meaning to your own life knowing you made a difference in someone’s day.

2. “I will create more room for positive self-talk.”

Many people let their thoughts take control of them, and their minds run wild with incessant chatter, and often very cruel and undercutting thoughts about themselves. However, you don’t have to give in to these thoughts.

If someone else talked to you the way you often talk to yourself, would you still want to be their friend?

The first step to getting rid of negative self-talk to make room for more positive self-talk is realizing that it exists in the first place. Once you recognize how much your mind torments and bullies you, you can become aware of these thoughts and tune in to more positive thoughts instead. For example, your mind might tell you: “You can’t do this; it’s impossible, you aren’t good enough, you don’t know what you’re doing, and no one else believes in you.”

You can replace those nasty, disempowering words with these thoughts: “I CAN do this – nothing is impossible, I am already enough, and I have all the abilities and strength I need to succeed in life. I believe in myself.”

By disengaging from destructive habits such as negative self-talk, your days ahead will drastically improve, and you will probably find yourself with a lot more energy as well!

3. “I will do something different each day.”

This doesn’t require huge changes, like moving to some tropical island or changing careers. You can shake up your daily routine easily by making something different to bring with you for lunch at work, taking a new exercise class at the gym, or maybe volunteering at a homeless shelter.

These changes might seem trivial, but over time can make huge improvements in your life, and even freshen up your schedule!!

4. “I will work toward my goals every single day.”

Many people put their goals on the back burner because life tends to get in the way. However, dreams have a way of nagging at us until we fulfill them, and you can actually take small steps each day toward accomplishing them.

Let’s say you want to save up $15,000 for global travel next year. This is a clear goal, and it can be easily attainable. You could accomplish this by cooking more meals at home instead of eating out all the time, cut back on shopping, or opt for a cheaper cell phone plan.

When you actively work toward your goals each day, you build a habitat for your dreams to come to life and thrive, which will help launch you in the direction you want to go.

5. “I will become my own best friend.”

In many circumstances, people often look out for others more than they look out for themselves. You should have your own back just as much as your friends and family do, and also take time to learn about yourself.

Best friends know everything about each other, which means you need to know yourself from the inside out. Best friends also take care of each other and bolster one another’s confidence. You can learn to take care of yourself by keeping a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, exercising, practicing self-love, and honoring your Highest Self, just to name a few things.

When you learn to love yourself and become your own best friend, you will increase your self-awareness and find out more about what makes you truly happy.

6. “I will surround myself with positive energy.”

All too often, many people choose to keep the company of energy vampires, or people that like to drain others of energy in order to increase their own. However, you deserve to have uplifting, happy, driven friends that want the best for you and enjoy seeing you succeed.

Many people believe that you become who you hang out with, and I agree with that. If you hang around people enough, you absorb their energy and carry it around with you. So, make it a point to distance yourself from those that don’t add value to your life, and put more effort into surrounding yourself with people that encourage you and make you happy.

7. “I will find peace within myself.”

It’s easy to let the chaos of life invade your personal bubble and affect your energy levels. However, you don’t have to give in to the turbulence of the reality around you.

Whenever you feel stressed or overwhelmed, simply look to yourself for comfort and stability, and remind yourself that you have all you need within.

Even if you’re at work or in some other demanding environment, remember to breathe deeply and tune everything out for a few moments. Protect your sacred space and give yourself permission to feel peace. If you commit to finding harmony no matter the situation, you will find that life becomes a lot more enjoyable, even in the more challenging moments.

bonus tip positive affirmations

8. “I will create my own happiness in life.”

Just like peace, happiness comes from within as well. Happiness is not a destination, it’s the path. So, next time you feel unhappy, just remember that you get to choose your reality every single day. You can literally choose whatever you want to experience in life, and make that reality yours! You don’t have to live a mundane, mediocre existence if that doesn’t resonate with you. Each day, be brave enough to follow your heart and own your life, not let it own you.

Life is much like a car – there are many parts to it that constantly need maintenance and attention in order to run properly. When you devote your time to transforming aspects of your life and working on them until they run smoothly, you can take ownership of your happiness and fall in love with your life!

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