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12 Habits of Unhappy People (and How to Avoid Having Them)

Do you ever feel unhappy?

Happiness is something we all strive to attain. As such, we can accept the fact that: (a) life is short, and (b) unhappiness makes our lives difficult. Our habits greatly impact the quality of life that we live. Specifically, our habits directly impact our happiness, or the lack thereof.

A strong difference exists between clinical depression and chronic unhappiness. Depression involves a chemical imbalance in the brain while being unhappy is a disposition often acquired through how we choose to face our circumstances. Similar to depression, however, unhappiness can be diagnosed and treated.

Here are 12 habits that can cause you to be unhappy, all of which can be avoided:

unhappy people

1. Chronic Complaining

Happy people do not complain much, nor do successful people. On the other side, chronic complainers generally have something negative to think or say … even when those around them are happy! The bottom line: we all have different circumstances in this lifetime, but in the end, these circumstances are ours. Fair or unfair, wanted or unwanted, we must own them. Seek solutions to problems instead of complaining, which leads directly to the state of being unhappy.

2. Being critical – of self and others

How we talk to ourselves shapes our self-image, for better or worse. Self-worth is an essential component to happiness, and feeling good about ourselves is a right we all have. Realize when mistakes are made, accept them, and move on. Avoid engaging in negative self-talk. Respect the inherent differences of others and recognize their right to live happily and without undue criticism.

3. Living beyond your means

We live in a materialistic society and are constantly bombarded with advertisements for the latest car, gadget, or credit card. These all promise an easier, more fulfilling existence. Please don’t believe it for a second. While purchasing a new product may provide an emotional boost, it doesn’t last.

Ever heard the term “buyer’s remorse?” It exists for a reason. Seek joy in something that doesn’t involve whipping out a piece of plastic – exercise, reading, sightseeing, etc. Seek satisfaction without an accompanying debt.

4. Negative addictions

Most things are good in moderation – food, a drink or two, entertainment. Only when these things take center stage in our lives do they become a problem? Unfortunately, many good people have met their end through addictive habits, primarily through dependence on alcohol and drugs. Prevent and remedy these by finding and living your passions to the greatest extent possible (see #8).

5. Regretting the past

Regret is not only useless, but it can also be extremely harmful. Research continues to show that repetitive, negative thoughts about decisions made in the past often precedes chronic stress and depression. According to Psychology Today, there are four ways to cope with regret: (1) learn from mistakes but don’t dwell on them; (2) if nothing can be changed about the situation, let it go; (3) make sure you’re not assigning too much blame to yourself; and (4) reframe the situation more positively.

6. Worrying about the future

We only have so much say about what our future holds. This is not meant to dis-empower; quite the opposite, it is stating a simple truth. What we can do is live in the present while fully exercising our God-given abilities and talents. This enables and empowers us to live a happier existence. There’s that phrase again: living in the present. Face difficulties as they arise, and then let them go. Enjoy the beautiful things in life and experience them fully … be present.

voltaire quote

 7. Being driven by fear

Yes, fear can cause you to be unhappy. To fully understand this, we must again return to being present. Quite simply, we can’t allow fear of the unknown (and/or the unavoidable) to cripple our quality of life. Fear is a negative thought process that is often on autopilot. Remember: you are not the sum total of our negative thoughts. You are not fear, worry, anxiety, or any other negative thought process.

8. Delaying goals and dreams

It requires no effort to get caught up in the routine of life: working, eating, sleeping, maybe a day or two of doing something fun or relaxing. But here’s the thing: by not directing our talents and passions toward a positive and tangible goal, we potentially discard something great before its realization. The hardest part of living our goals and dreams is taking the first step. After building a game plan and taking that first step, only then can we see the possibilities.

 9. Gossiping

Nothing exudes insecurity more than negative small talk about someone else. After all, why would a happy, confident person engage in something that is of no benefit? They wouldn’t. Leave gossip to the kids at recess. It does not belong to adults attempting to make their lives (and others!) better.

10. Holding grudges

Similar to other negative emotions, animosity is a needless weight on our backs. We are all witnesses to the negative behaviors of other people and can become (sometimes justifiably) angered as a result. But remember: this isn’t about their ignorant behavior but your happiness. Either forgive, forget, or ignore… and move on with your life.

11. Eating poorly

Ingesting nutritionally-bankrupt food is all about immediate gratification. It’s certainly not about feeling good long-term. Eating poorly can result in bad health, weight gain, depression, lack of energy, and decreased productivity while having a well-balanced diet bears the opposite effect. Eat right if you want more energy, a healthy weight, mental alertness, and increased productivity. Not only will you look great, but you will also feel great.

unhappy people

12. Expanding our problems

When we find ourselves unhappy and discontent, our first reaction is almost entirely emotional. In other words, we blow things completely out of proportion. After all, we still have that darned “lizard brain” (amygdala) – the epicenter of negative emotions. Instead, just take a step back, look at the problem objectively (with minimal emotion), and focus on a solution!

If you believe you gained awareness of any of these habits, you can keep them at bay by following the advice mentioned above.

“I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition.” ­– Martha Washington, wife of 1st U.S. President George Washington

Join the discussion:  What negative habits do you try to avoid?

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Things You Must Know About Your Mind

Our minds influence the key activity of the brain, which then influences everything; perception, cognition, thoughts and feelings, personal relationships; they’re all a projection of you.  ~Deepak Chopra

The human brain is truly a marvel.  It communicates at incredible speeds, constantly makes connections, develops into your 40’s, processes and stores massive amounts of information, and so much more.  The following 5 things you must know about your mind may amaze you even further:

5 Things You Must Know About Your Mind

1. The brain does not know the difference between reality and imagination

The brain reacts to whatever you think about in the same exact way it would as if that thing was actually happening. This is how the placebo effect works. If the brain believes that you are taking a pharmaceutical drug (when it’s actually a sugar pill) the body actually reacts as if the sugar pill was a real drug. We also see this in the nocebo effect.
The nocebo effect is the placebo effect in reverse. Instead of the brain curing illness it actually creates it because of a belief. That’s how a hypochondriac can watch the evening news, hear about a new illness and actually start to feel the symptoms of that illness by believing that he actually has it.
If you don’t believe that the brain does not know the difference between something real and something you merely think about, just sit back and think about something bad happening to someone you love. Even if the person that you love is two feet in front of you and completely safe you will start to feel anxiety in the pit of your stomach. This happens when a part of your brain called the hypothalamus triggers a release of a chemical called cortisol from your adrenal glands.
The good news is that when you think positive thoughts, the brain reacts as if that thought is reality and triggers the release of all the “feel-good” hormones and chemicals that would be released if that thing were actually taking place. A positive or affirmative thought has been shown to be much more powerful than a negative thought.

2. You experience what you think about most.

Whatever you think about most is increasingly brought into your experience. For instance, if you buy a new car you will start to see that particular car everywhere. Why didn’t you notice that car before you bought yours? You didn’t notice it because you didn’t own one yourself. When you bought your car you started to think about it more frequently. When you think about something a lot you start to see all the opportunities that reinforce your specific thought pattern.

Why is this important to understand?

It’s important because if you find yourself always attracting the wrong person or stressful situation, you need to reprogram your thoughts.  Whatever you think about on a regular basis is training you to pick up on situations that match that vibration. Positive people attract positive people and situations, while negative people attract negative people and situations. This is not a coincidence.
Your thoughts are controlling this pattern. Before wishing for someone else to change try changing yourself first and watch the magic unfold.

3. Your mind runs mostly on autopilot

 On average, the human brain has about 60,000 thoughts a day. Not only are many of these thoughts the same thoughts we had yesterday, there can also be many negative thoughts dwelling on something “bad” in the past or fearing something that could potentially happen in the future.
And since the brain does not know the difference between something real and something you think about, if you think something ‘bad’, the negative thoughts can subconsciously corrupt your life.  Negative thoughts not only create stress and anxiety, but can train your brain to be in a constant state of distress, and even decrease the effectiveness of your immune system.
Train your brain to think more positive thoughts.   When you re-wire your brain and help the subconscious mind think positively, you’ll begin to reap one benefit after another, and ultimately see a more positive experience in your life.

4. Shutting off your mind is a must

You can literally begin to turn off the thousands and thousands of automatic negative thoughts that run through your mind every day. When turning off these negative thoughts, you can boost the immune system, attract better health, and even attract more positive people and situations into life. But it all starts with thoughts.
Thoughts create exactly what we attract.
One of the most important things you can ever do for your health and well being is meditation. Meditation does not have to be mysterious. Meditation simply means that you stop thinking and are present. As stated above we have on average 60 000 thoughts every single day – but there is a time when these thoughts should not be running.
The mind should be used as a tool; we should think when we need to, and when it’s productive – then simply be present when we need to not think.  Because stress and anxiety is based in our thoughts about things and situations (not things or situations themselves) stress and anxiety will wither away.  You can easily learn how to meditate by reading articles, or watching guided videos online.

5. You can literally “change your brain.”

When you focus your thoughts on what you desire, the process of building new neural connections begins. This process is known as Neuroplasticity. For instance, if you have the subconscious belief that, “I cannot lose weight” and you start to think over and over and over again, “I am in great shape” you will start to build a new neural connection in the brain. When this happens your eyes start to notice opportunities that if acted upon will bring that new belief into reality.
You have the complete ability to transform your life by the thoughts you hold in your mind. You have the ability to attract absolutely anything we desire. Finally, you have the ability to actually change your brain in a very real, physical way. It all starts with your thoughts. Your thoughts create.

11 Natural Ways to Reduce Anxiety

Few things are more uncomfortable than anxiety. The symptoms, both mental and physical, are often enough to send sufferers running for the prescription bottle.

While not to discount the positive results anti-anxiety medication has yielded for some users, our society seems to lack awareness for more natural treatments, many of which are just as effective as the former.

“The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is his success, his influence, his power for good. Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.”  – James Allen

Here are 11 natural ways to reduce anxiety:

1.) Chamomile

Chamomile is an herb that has been used to treat symptoms associated with physical and mental ailments for thousands of years, including anxiety. A cup of chamomile tea is a popular choice but it can be taken as a supplement as well. The longer the herb is consumed, the more effective it can be, so it is important to take it consistently.

2.) Bananas

There are numerous mental health benefits that can be found in bananas but anxiety sufferers will be most pleased to hear that they work as an all-natural beta-blocker, which can actually block adrenaline. Eating a banana or two a half-hour before an anxiety-provoking event has been shown to help reduce symptoms of anxiety.

3.) Nature

New research has indicated that group nature walks can actually lower stress levels and improve overall mood. Nature, walking and socializing have all been shown to reduce anxiety levels individually so why not combine all three?

4.) Warmth

We often associate feelings of warmth with relaxation and serenity. Think about it- when was the last time you were stressed out while on the beach or in a bathtub? When our bodies experience warmth, whether it is in a sauna or even while exercising, we are reducing muscle tension and anxiety.

5.) Lavender

Lavender, like chamomile, is an herb that has been around for centuries to treat symptoms of anxiety. You can add lavender-scented bath salts to a warm bath, light a lavender-scented candle, or buy it in the form of an oil to carry around with you should an anxious moment strike.

6.) Exercise

Exercising releases endorphins while reducing adrenaline and cortisol, two stress hormones that contribute to anxiety. Aerobic workouts will be most beneficial as they really raise the heart rate (e.g. running, dancing, swimming, etc). Aim for 30-minute workouts atleast six times a week.

7.) Omega-3s

Omega-3s are fatty acids that can increase serotonin, a chemical that sufferers of anxiety and depression are often lacking. Incorporate omega-3s into your diet by eating more fish such as salmon or by taking a supplement containing 700-1,000 mg of EPA and 200-500 mg of DHA daily.

8.) Play

As adults, it’s easy to become so busy and wrapped up in responsibilities that we forget to do things simply for the enjoyment of them. Think back to the activities you enjoyed as a kid. You may be surprised by how much you still enjoy them and their ability to take your focus off your anxiety.

9.) The 4-7-8 Breath

Many breathing exercises exist to help reduce anxiety but I can personally attest to the effectiveness of Dr. Weil’s, The 4-7-8 Breathing Exercise. This exercise helps to calm the nervous system while relieving any internal tension. To begin, exhale completely through your mouth. Next, take a deep breath in through your nose for a count of four, hold it for a count of seven, then fully release it through your mouth for a count of 8. Perform this three more times, no more than twice a day.

10.) Meditation

Meditation isn’t always simple, especially when you’re starting out (not to mention while experiencing anxiety), however, there are many useful videos online geared specifically to calm feelings of anxiety. Ten minutes of meditation twice a day is typically all it takes.

11.) Sleep

Research suggests that lack of adequate sleep can trigger areas of the brain responsible for anticipation and anxiety. Some of us need more sleep than others so monitor how many hours it takes for you to wake up feeling minimal anxiety.

What natural methods have you used to reduce, or even eliminate anxiety in your own life?  Shine ON in the discussion below and share with others!

7 Simple Ways to Turn Your Dreams into Reality

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler. – Henry David Thoreau

At some point in all of our lives, we begin to realize our true purpose. This can happen at any stage in someone’s life, but it often involves a complete upheaval of how we used to live. We might move to a new city, find a new job, set out on a worldwide adventure, or start writing that first novel we dreamed about writing for years. Whatever the case might be, you will feel a deep longing to do something differently, and fulfill your dreams no matter what you have to go through along the way. However, the gap between dreams and reality often discourages people from following their dreams, and they continue to live with their dream still inside them, trying to forget about their true purpose.

Once you have discovered your deepest passion, though, it will keep nagging you until you take that leap of faith. Below are 7 easy ways to bridge that gap between dreams and reality, and start living your best life now!

7 Simple Ways to Turn Your Dreams into Reality

1. Don’t Give Into Fear

Have you ever heard the saying “There’s nothing to fear but fear itself?” Keep that in mind when you tell yourself all the reasons that you can’t follow your dreams. Most fear arises from a lack of knowledge about what’s to come; it’s the fear of the unknown. Humans naturally fear what they don’t know because they have no control over unfamiliar circumstances. It all centers around a lack of control and knowledge, but the best way to get over the fear is to just dive in headfirst, and forge ahead into unknown territory. After all, you never know unless you try.

If you’re afraid of something, you should probably do it. Remember when you first went to an amusement park, and rode that roller-coaster that you thought you could never face, let alone come off of alive? After your first ride, you probably wanted to ride it again and again. Following your dreams is much the same; life’s a roller-coaster, and the only way to know what lies ahead for you is to get on and see where it takes you.

2. Forget About Normal

Many people never follow their dreams because they believe they must live their lives according to what’s “normal.” But, what’s normal for one person may not be normal for another. One person might be destined for a desk job which leads to an executive position later on down the road. However, your destiny might lead you to a foreign country where you teach English to natives or become a travel writer.

Don’t give into society’s idea about how a person should live. You can create whatever reality you want, so remember to walk your own path. Follow your heart, not the herd.

3. Don’t Listen to Others

This one might seem a little defiant and harsh, but ultimately it’s true. If you spend your life listening to everyone else telling you how you should live it, you will have spent all that time pleasing others instead of yourself. Everyone else loves to tell others how to live their lives because it gives them a sense of control and empowerment, but no one knows as well as you what makes you happy.

Trust yourself; your heart is trying to guide you in the right direction, but if you let others lead you astray, you will always walk every path except for the one you’re meant to follow. It doesn’t matter if others think your idea is crazy or that you will never follow your dreams; do what you have to do and everything else will naturally fall into place for you.

4. Stop Seeking Approval

This relates to the previous topic about listening to your own voice rather than everyone else’s. However, it’s equally important to not be a people-pleaser. I believe this goes back to what we were taught by our parents and teachers when we were young; we’re often taught to ask others for guidance or seek other’s advice before we do something.

If the person we ask for advice says something isn’t a good idea, we tend to believe them and trust their guidance. We all just want to be well-liked by everyone, which is normal.

However, “there is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.”—Aristotle.

You only need the approval of one person: yourself. You will never make every person in the world happy, so don’t bother trying. Just do what makes you happy, and other people will either be happy for you, or be jealous.

Understand that jealousy is also a form of flattery in itself, and people are often jealous because they wish they had the courage to do what you’re doing with your life. Encourage these people to follow their dreams as well; if everyone followed their dreams, imagine how different the world would be!

5. Get Comfortable with Uncomfortable

Humans are creatures of comfort; once we get into a routine or pattern, it becomes very difficult to break. That’s why getting out of your comfort zone often helps facilitate growth; the comfort zone is just that: a comfortable place where you can lay your head at night, but nothing grows there. Many people don’t like change and will do anything to avoid it.

However, the only difference between following your dreams and letting them go unfulfilled is in change. Nothing ever changed by doing the same thing over and over again; you must make a change in order to see different results.

If you aren’t happy with your current job, then leave. You aren’t a tree, you can move any time you please. We didn’t come to this life to be comfortable, but rather, to challenge ourselves and reach our fullest potential.

The most successful people only reached the level they’re at today by getting uncomfortable often. By challenging yourself, you become who you’re meant to be.

6. Believe in Yourself

If you started believing in yourself, imagine what you could accomplish. You don’t have to know exactly how you’ll get from Point A to Point B, and you don’t even have to have a destination in mind to believe in your journey. If you wholeheartedly believe in your dream, you don’t need anything else. You are already enough, exactly as you are. If you believe you’re smart enough, confident enough, healthy enough, brave enough, etc, then you are. Humans believe what they want to believe, and have incredible power over our own minds. We can literally shape our realities based on our own thoughts and actions, so keep this in mind when you wake up every morning.

If you start believing in your dream and do everything in your power to make it come to life, you need nothing else. Having faith in yourself makes you an unstoppable force of nature, and the Universe will help you make your dream happen as long as you believe in it.

7. Focus on Love

Love is the opposite of fear, so do everything in your life from a place of love instead. Be loving toward yourself, other people, the environment, other animals, and everything around you. Once you match your energy to the natural loving energy of the Universe, you will get everything you ever wanted. Life is merely a game of energy, and mastering it only requires you to be what you were meant to be, which is love.

Every person is born into this world with loving intentions, and is the embodiment of Love itself. However, hate, fear, stress, and violence are learned behaviors and operate on very low frequencies. Once you strive to come from a place of love with every thought, action, and emotion, you naturally raise your frequency and the Universe responds to that! Love is the answer 🙂

Putting these tips into practice will help bring you closer to truly living a life you deserve – the life of your dreams!  Add to the discussion below and share what has helped YOU live a life that you’ve always imagined!

Share your thoughts on the topic on Facebook.

3 Ways to Stay Positive When Negative People Drain You

When living in such a fast-paced world, we tend to encounter a few pessimists here and there. When we pass by a negative person on the street, we have the privilege to leave them behind, along with the dark cloud that hovers over their head. Unfortunately, the pessimist that brings you down isn’t always the random bad-tempered person in public; sometimes, it’s a best friend, an in-law, or even a parent. Maintaining a healthy relationship with these types of people can be difficult. If a positive relationship is something you desire, you’ll need to make sure their energy doesn’t affect you so much that you feel drained yourself.

“When people try to bring you down, remember that you have two choices.  You can either let them, or help pick them up.” – Chris Butler

3 Adverse Impacts When You Adopt the Traits Negative People Instead of Being Positive

First, let’s look at the possible outcomes that could happen when you choose to invest your time and energy into people who refuse to think positive.

negative people

1. Positive thoughts are contagious; unfortunately, negativity also spreads like wildfire:

Have you ever noticed how you can enter a room where everyone is happy and upbeat, it instantly raises your vibration and gives you energy? Now visualize the last time you walked into a spot where all the people seemed down, gloomy, or depressed. It has the same effect of infecting everyone with an air of toxicity. Even worse, once that gloomy atmosphere takes hold and lowers the vibration, everyone feeds into it–often not realizing it.

For instance, let’s imagine you work in an office where all your co-workers complain about their jobs and engage in gossip about others. You probably feel stuck, like you can’t accomplish anything, and you find that you also start to engage in the backbiting and negativity. You might even really like what you do, but you hope to fit in with that culture and your peers. However, the manager views this behavior as low-energy, sluggish, and unproductive. You display an outward lack of care about your job, even if that facade does not match how you feel inside.

When choosing someone to lead an exciting new project or a promotion, your desire to fit in with the negative culture may mean management overlooks your excellent skills due to the behaviors you display. Instead, the boss selects someone who projects enthusiasm and gratitude for their employment, even if their skillset is lower than yours. The disappointment you feel will perpetuate and cause this cycle to repeat itself.

But what would have happened had you projected a grateful, positive attitude along with your killer job skills? You might have been the most natural fit for that promotion or special committee. It is up to you to break that cycle of negativity and stand head and shoulders above the rest. Be known for contagious kindness and a can-do spirit–you will leave an excellent impression on all you meet.

The toxic loop of negativity can be challenging to interrupt–refuse to let negative people suck you in! Be the positive person who can uplift moods and inspire others to do better.

2. Positive emotions may support your immune system’s ability to fight illness:

Researchers did a study of the salivary immunoglobins, a natural antibody secreted in the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract–the first line of defense against infection. Researchers found a probable correlation between happiness and better immune system health. Study participants in one control group watched video footage of Mother Teresa tending to the sick and poor in Calcutta. They felt happy after witnessing Mother Teresa’s selflessness and acts of kindness. Scientists measured the salivary immunoglobins while the participants felt this joy and observed an immediate production increase.

However, the researchers subjected a second group to situations that evoked feelings of anger and frustration. While they were in an angry state, the scientists noted reduced production of salivary immunoglobins. Furthermore, the data collected indicated unhealthy heart rates, which could lead to eventual heart disease, heart attack, or stroke.

Research in this area is ongoing, but the earliest results appear to strongly connect positive thinking to the body’s ability to fight illness.

3. Positive thinking helps you make rational decisions

Be honest and answer this question. Have you ever made a poor life decision in a fit of anger, rage, or despair? Of course, almost everyone has made that mistake! A decision made during the heat of the moment is one you might later regret or even need to reverse.

For example, you don’t want to tell your partner you want to end an otherwise happy relationship in the middle of a contentious disagreement. Spouting off threats of a breakup or even packing your belongings causes a breach of trust and shows emotional immaturity. After you calm down, you will likely realize that making that bold move was a huge lapse of judgment. You now need to approach your partner to apologize, ask for forgiveness for the harsh words and hope that they are willing to mend the chasm you widened by your snap decision.

On the other hand, handling this scenario by agreeing to table the discussion, calming your nerves, and finding positive solutions and compromises after you have a cooler head would have prevented all that drama. In fact, this more cooperative spirit could actually strengthen your relationship as you will soon visualize how you will work together as a team in the future.


Mother Teresa quotes

3 Ways to Stay Positive When Negative People Drain You

Now that you see how positive thinking helps you, you can fully appreciate why you need to refuse to allow negativity to hold you down in life. Remember these three tips to keep your inner wellspring of positivity when you must be around negative, draining people.

1. Spend time away (alone):

Sometimes being alone can be the best medicine to switch that negative energy into a more positive vibe. Do something you love, pursue a hobby, and don’t be afraid to treat yourself. When you love other people, you do things for them, right? If you love yourself, it should be no different. Enjoy a relaxing activity during your time alone; take a long hot bath, read a book, take a nap, or even go for a jog!

2. Don’t take someone else’s negative attitude personally:

In most situations, the pessimist doesn’t even realize they’re being pessimistic. It’s challenging to stay strong through negativity at times, especially when it comes from someone you have close ties with. Still, it’s important to remember that negativity is internal, not external. Be like the bridge over troubled water and let the negative comments disappear as soon as they are released. It’s not your burden to bear.

3. Release judgment and remain positive:

Doing the right thing and keeping in a positive mindset can be frustrating, and it takes a lot of mindfulness and hard work. But remember to keep your mind open when dealing with a pessimist. Release your judgment, understand that they may be feeling things you are unaware of, and remember we all have unique journeys. We should be allowed to take it on with respect and without judgment.

optimistic positive thinking

Final Thoughts on Being Your Best, Most Positive Self

Following and practicing these steps will help your relationship with your pessimist and even help you feel better about yourself. Perhaps you will even inspire your negative friends to come to your positive way of thinking about the minor inconveniences we experience daily. Remember to always look on the bright side, and always let your smile be the shining light in a world of darkness!

7 Promises You Should Make Yourself (and Keep)

It’s very important for people to value the promises they make to others, and do all they can to keep them. But why so often do many not keep promises to themselves? New Year’s resolutions, promises to eat healthily, lose weight, learn a new language, all get broken soon enough, and are simply laughed off in jest.

The obligations you make to yourself should be just as important as your obligations to others. When you value your own needs and well-being and keep the promises you make to yourself, every area of your life will begin to see new opportunities and advancements. Start with these 7 simple, yet profound promises to yourself (and be sure to KEEP them!)

“Keep every promise you make and only make promises you can keep.” – Anthony Hitt

7 promises you should make yourself (and keep):

pop meme

1. I will listen to my body and mind when feeling stressed.

If you’re in pain, stressed, or fatigued more than usual, this is your bodies’ way of saying you need rest. You can help prevent cardiovascular disease, anxiety, and other ills just by stopping to smell the roses.

When feeling stressed, take 20 minutes to meditate, exercise or just talk to a friend. You’ll enjoy the positive benefits of this and can even see your daily life change because of it.

2. I will smile every day.

Smiling places a person in a better mood and makes you feel confident. It’s an energy booster and stress reducer at the same time. Studies show that even faking a smile if you have to produces better feelings and mood than not smiling at all.

Smiling each day will improve your interactions with others as well.  And not only will your illuminating energy produce more returned smiles, but will also provide a greater chance for positive results in every situation.

3. I will live a life of positive expansion.

One of the best promises to yourself is to live a life of positive expansion. You may have a hidden talent in life, but will never find out unless you’re willing to think outside the box, go out of your comfort zone, and be willing to do something you’ve never done.

Some of our greatest inventions present today are because people have pushed the boundaries from what is to what is possible.

4. I will leave the past behind, but always take the lesson with me.

Remembering your past doesn’t mean that you have to carry it with you. The lessons from those experiences, however, should always be kept.  Each lesson remembered acts as a tool to help you mold the future you truly want.

5. I will always live the life I want to live.

Many people often succumb to leading lives that others want to see them live, never chasing their own happiness.  It’s important to remember that happiness cannot be achieved by satisfying everyone else’s vision for your life. Live life how you want to live it and contribute to the world in your own creative and loving way – it’s OK to content your soul’s desire.

6. I will remember that relationships are seasonal.

People are going to come and go in your life. When you’ve thought that you’ve met your best friend, perfect business associate, or the love of your life, you may be let down. If you lose a relationship in life, let it go and realize that relationships are often seasonal – with all things that begin, an end will come.

Promise yourself to take what you’ve learned from them and move forward with your life.


7. I will accept when changes are needed in my life.

Embrace the fact that change is necessary. The above promises will lead to a positive ripple effect in your life. You may need to end relationships and accept new challenges, but it’s all for the best.

Create a promise journal and write each of the above promises in it. Write what each promise means to you. Whenever you forget why you are continuing this promise or feel down, pull out your journal to refresh yourself.

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