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5 Tips to Be Your Best Self

5 Tips to Be Your Best Self

One of the biggest goals in life is to be your best self.  Our friend Chalene Johnson shares 5 of her favorite ways to do just that!

5 Tips to Be Your Best Self

1. Brag (to yourself).

Start with a nice long list of things you like about yourself. To “be better” you have to start with gratitude for all the greatness that is already inside of you. Start with all the wonderful things that you are pretty dang proud of! This might sound bragalicious…but it will honestly help you feel better about yourself and feeling better about who you are will automatically help you to BE BETTER!

achieve your goals

2. Make a list of three character traits you want to work on in the next 30 days.

For example, being on time, doing a better job of recognizing co-workers for their efforts, being more romantic with your partner, etc. (When you put your goals on paper, you have a MUCH greater chance of seeing it come to pass!)

3. Invest in personal or business development.

Studies show that the average person receives a $7 return on every dollar spent on personal development. Keep in mind that statistics take into consideration all the people who invest in personal development and then do nothing with it. Make investing in yourself a habit. By taking good notes and applying what you learn I’m certain you can double, triple or even quadruple your return on investment.

4. Focus on being a student.

Be a better student of the people you meet and the people around you. Learn to love learning. Be curious. Read. Study and apply. Studies show that one of the easiest ways to boost self-esteem is by learning something new. Knowledge makes us stronger. Wisdom makes us kinder!

5. Give genuine praise and compliments.

Give genuine praise and compliments to those who deserve it and especially to those who you think already know how you feel about them. Nothing feels better than making another person’s day. Get in the habit of starting each day by sending 5 people a text of sincere appreciation.

Please feel free to share or tag someone who you’d like to publicly acknowledge how much you appreciate them!


Here’s to being your best self!  Add to these tips in the discussion below and always shine ON!

3 Signs It’s Time to Release a Toxic Friendship

Friendships are wonderful parts of life, but they’re only a part of the total experience that makes up who you are.  Many friendships are very positive, but some can become toxic. When toxicity occurs in your life, it’s important to see the signals and let it go.

Here are 3 Signs It’s Time to Release a Toxic Friendship:

best friend

1. It’s consistently a one-sided friendship.

Everything in this world works in perfect balance. When something is off you can feel it; you can see it. Positive relationships work the same way. It takes effort from both people to make a great friendship. If you feel like things have changed and you go out of your way often to keep in touch or arrange meet-ups it’s time to find out why. Keep in mind, opposite personalities usually attract and it’s normal for one person to be more forward.

However, we’re talking about a substantial shift, where the other person shows less interest and availability. And, when you do get together it doesn’t feel the same.

A great relationship is always able to pick right up where it left off. Time and distance make no difference. If your meetings feel forced than perhaps you’re souls journeys are taking different paths and that’s okay. Friendship should never feel forced.

2. You don’t feel good after you talk to or see this person.

After speaking with a good friend you should feel uplifted. A friend should bring value to your life and celebrate your journey with you. Good friends laugh with you. The mood is lighthearted and fun. On the contrary, if you feel drained its time to consider why you are still friends with this person.

People can have bad days or trying times and need to vent. That’s okay. They need encouragement, love, and patience. During this time you can harness inner strength. But, if the relationship continues to deplete you in such a way that it affects your life significantly, and is not enjoyable anymore, it’s time to set limits. Perhaps even part ways depending on how detrimental they are to your well being.

3. Your lifestyle paths have dramatically changed.

Good friends don’t have everything in common, but enough that allows them to relate to each other and have fun. When paths start going in such opposite directions where each person no longer feel like they know others, it may be time to evaluate the relationship. Especially if it’s in such a way that is not in alignment with your morals and beliefs.

In life, many people come and go. Only a few stay. The ones that stay always have a special place in our hearts and you may only see them once in a while. The dramatic changes we are talking about here are substantial enough that they create toxic energy and influence in your life.


When it begins to affect you negatively, it’s time to get out.

The best thing to remember is that no relationship is a waste. Every person we meet teaches us something new.

Nothing Worth Having Comes Easy. Here’s Why:

Do you believe nothing worth having comes easy?

The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand. – Vince Lombardi

We’ve come to find that it’s true.

Everyone wants some form of success and fulfillment in their lives whether it be relationships, money, or just a solid sense of self.  It can and will come to you if you believe, but if it’s truly worth it, it may not come easy.  Luck and circumstance are wonderful, but rarely to thank for success.

With the big surge in popularity of the Law of Attraction, some people are assuming they can visualize whatever they want without action and it will just happen. However, action is a must in the “attr-action”. Our energy is, in fact, a powerful driving force, but we drive that force. Challenges and mistakes are what create the opportunities to put positive momentum, growth and success into place.

Struggle brings progress whether you succeed or fail.  You either advance or learn from it. If you learn from it, remember that mistakes are proof that you are trying. You’re working on growth. Life is not stagnant and does not wait, so doing something now, even if it seems you’re in the face of an unbeatable adversary, is still better than nothing. If it’s worth it, it’s not easy.

If you need the motivation to get started or to keep going, here are our favorite motivational quotes.


Motivational Quotes on Hard Work & Success:

Focused, hard work is the real key to success. Keep your eyes on the goal, and just keep taking the next step towards completing it. If you aren’t sure which way to do something, do it both ways and see which works better. ~John Carmack

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.  ~Colin Powell

Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe. ~Gail Devers

Through hard work, perseverance and a faith in God, you can live your dreams. ~Benjamin Carson

Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds.  ~Gordon B. Hinckley

Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don’t turn up at all.  ~Sam Ewing

There is no substitute for hard work.   ~Thomas A. Edison
All life demands struggle. Those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish, and insensitive to the real values of life. The very striving and hard work that we so constantly try to avoid is the major building block in the person we are today.”  ~Pope Paul VI

Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize them.  ~Ann Landers


What is your favorite motivating quote?

5 Ways to Completely Clear Negative Energy

Have you ever wished you could just completely clear your life of all the negative energy and start with a fresh, clean slate?

Well, you can. Right now, you have the ability to clear negative energy from your body and your home with just a few simple things. In fact, these tips I am going to share with you I personally use on a daily or weekly basis, depending on how I feel.

Over the years, I’ve learned a lot about myself. In fact, I’ve completely transformed my life. I’ve really gotten to know what defines me and who I am. One core trait is that I have a very caring and sensitive nature. This sensitivity allows me to be very intuitive,  compassionate, and understanding toward others. At the same time, unless I protect myself I can absorb their energy – positive and negative.

Just like bugs are drawn to an outdoor light at night,  negative energy seeks the light. It wants to be transformed. So, the closer to the light you are the more negative energy you may come in contact with.

Without protection, negativity can flank you at all sides and rob you of your happiness. No one is immune. This can cause depression, anxiety, and many other mental and physical diseases. Negative energy feeds just like positive energy.

Cleansing your energy is also a great way to keep your unique energy intact. What I mean is, when you come in contact with a lot of people or find yourself in a crowd you actually exchange energy, whether you consciously know it or not. With that being said, it’s very important as you are making your way along this positive lifestyle journey that you protect yourself and cleanse when you aren’t feeling… well, yourself.

Let me share with you five things I personally do and I have found extremely effective.  Some I have picked up and been using over the years consistently as part of my positive lifestyle, but a few I learned from my mentor Deborah King, a well-known expert on Energy Healing.

 5 Ways to Completely Cleanse Negative Energy

release negative energy

1. Fresh Air & Sunshine

Fresh air and sunshine have incredible cleansing powers. As the wind blows through your hair and the warm kiss of the sunbeams on your face, the energy of nature will always make you feel anew.  So if the weather permits, open up your windows or take a walk outside.  Feel the cleansing air enter your lungs as you breathe in, then exhale the negative energy and repeat.

2. Smudging

Smudging has been a heritage from the times of my Indian ancestors.  To smudge, you light a rolled stick of sage, set the intention of what you are going to cleanse (your home, body, an object, etc.) and fan the sage lightly.  If you are at home, open the windows to release negative energy as it is cleansed.

3. Salt

Salt Rock Lamps – The beauty and tranquility of the lamp allow individuals to focus on positive energies which allow them to heal mentally and physically. It is also believed that Himalayan Salt Rocks transfer the negative ions in the air.

Salt Around the borders of your home – Sea salt placed around the borders of your windows, doors, and house have been known to ward off incoming negative energy and cleanse

4. The “BLISS” Bath

This is my favorite! I created this term “BLISS” Bath because it’s exactly how I feel during and afterward. We all need more bliss in our life, right?  Afterwards I feel clean, centered and refreshed.  If you take it in the evening, it makes for a great nights sleep too.

BLISS stands for: Baking soda, Lavender oil, Intention & Sea Salt.

There are many baking soda and sea salt bath detox recipes, but here’s mine.

Cleanse Negative Energy with a Bliss Bath:

Add to warm/hot water, as hot as you can comfortably stand.

1/2 lb of Baking Soda
A few drops of Eden’s Garden Lavender Oil
Positive Intention
1/2 lb of Sea Salt


It is safe to double the recipe for your first time or when you feel that you REALLY need a deep cleanse. I have done this and it is very effective. However, for regular cleansing, this recipe is very effective.

Overall, it’s a great detox for your energy and your body. If you make it hot enough that you can comfortably stand and stay in it for at least 20 minutes (I usually do 40 minutes), it will draw the toxins out of the body to the skin’s surface as the water cools. This water is very high alkaline (which is so healthy) from the baking soda and re-mineralizing from the sea salt.

A BLISS Bath is an easy way to cleanse negative energy that you suspect you may have picked up. You’ll know this when you aren’t feeling yourself or feeling overwhelmed.

An important thing to do after your bath is to drain the tub and quickly shower off, washing your hair, too. This will ensure that the toxins are completely rinsed off and don’t absorb back into the skin.

Overall, whether you’ve absorbed negative energy or not, this bath is great to cleanse and regard your energy and body. Try it, you’ll feel so refreshed the next day you’ll want to make it a habit.

5. Holy Water Spray

Whether you are religious or not, the truth is Blessed, Holy Water dispels negative energy. It’s been noted consistently through centuries by saints and sages. In fact, it’s use dates back to 15 centuries.

It works well because water is the universal solvent for cleansing. It dissolves chemical compounds, physical and energetic. Holy Water is prized for its properties of blessing and healing.

To obtain Holy Water you can visit a church or buy it online. You can also make your own if you believe in your own abilities to do so.

There are a few ways. First, you can take some pure water and put it in a container. Then leave it out in the sunshine for a few hours. You can then infuse the water with holy basil leaves, flower essences or essential oils. If you believe in the power of prayer,  you can hold your hands over the water and pray over it. Pray for its protection and healing over you and anyone else it comes in contact with.

Once your Holy Water is ready,  put it in a spray bottle and sprinkle it on yourself and around the house. Anywhere you intuitively feel you need to cleanse energy.   Some parents even make it a regular routine to spray holy water on and around their children at night before they go to sleep.

cleanse negative energyFinal Thoughts Cleanse Negative Energy Out of Your Life

These five tips are perfect and very effective for cleansing negative energy, however, the best thing to do is first protect yourself daily. What I like to do is, every morning I envision a bubble of protection around me. I close my eyes and feel the warmth and protection surrounding me. I affirm that it is with me all day.

Here is this space,  my positive energy is protected from seeping out as well as negative energy coming in. If you pray, you can add this extra protection then. The key is truly believing and asking, if you don’t ask, you’ll be found wanting.  This is what I have found to be true. In fact, sometimes if I am going through a challenge, I ask for extra protection and I truly feel it.

When I protect my energy, I feel consistently better. Good luck!

Is there something you’d like to add? How do you cleanse negative energy?

10 Signs You’re An Old Soul

Do you feel older than you really are? You could be an old soul.

About 10% of the world’s population is made up of them. And, if you aren’t an old soul yourself, you’ve most likely met one.  An old soul emanates warmth and enlightenment, using their wisdom and patience to teach the lessons that were passed down through the ages.  They present themselves as special types of people in our world. They see through ancient eyes and understand through an ancient heart.

An old soul’s outlook on life is far different and more mature than many others. They are vital to the evolution of our collective consciousness.  Old souls have experienced lifetime after lifetime, and have refined their inner wisdom through their dealings with Karma.  As a result, the old soul lives life internally, following a solitary path while illuminating a path for others at the same time.

If you’ve been told that you’re wise beyond your years, you may be an old soul, but if you’re not sure whether your soul is “old” or not, these 10 signs will tell you:

10 Signs You May be an Old Soul

“You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.” – Swami Vivekananda

1.  You travel an independent path.

Because old souls are disinterested in the pursuits and interests of people in their age groups, they find it difficult to make friends with people they can’t relate to. This can turn into a potential problem, as an old soul may find themselves alone often. But, many old souls see the true value of their own company. This introverted nature doesn’t really come from a social preference or temperament – it’s simply a sign of having an old soul.

2. You thirst for knowledge, wisdom, and truth.

The old soul is naturally attracted to intellect, wisdom, and philosophy.   To an old soul, frivolous, superficial lifestyles have little or no meaning or value. That’s because their own path toward enlightenment comes through wisdom, happiness, and truth.

3. You are spiritually inclined.

The old soul has been finely tuned into their intuition and greater guides.  This can have the effect of creating heightened senses both spiritually and emotionally as they realize their place in life.  An old soul prefers this life however, knowing that it is most fulfilling for them to pursue love, enlightenment, and peace.

4. You didn’t “fit in” with children your age.

If you got along with adults as a child more than you did other children, you may very well be an old soul. An old soul isn’t as absorbed in the interests of others in their age group and therefore find it more difficult to make friends with them, which can sometimes be problematic for them because they can feel like an outsider.

Others often misunderstand these folks.  For instance, adults may have just considered you to be shy or awkward with other children your age. However, your inquisitive, mature, and intelligent nature attracted you toward people older than you that display more intelligence and wisdom than those in your age group.

And if you are a parent of a child who responds better when around adults, you may come to realize that they too are an old soul.

5. You reflect often on your inner thoughts and feelings.

Old souls have learned many lessons through their spirit cycle that they often take time to reflect on their actions and the actions of people around them.  This ability serves as a great teacher in their life, and in turn, makes them clearly perceptive of their surroundings.

“The soul is placed in the body like a rough diamond, and must be polished, or the luster of it will never appear” – Daniel Defoe

6. You see the bigger picture.

Like a small cog in a big machine, old souls realize that they are a small, but integral part of life.  They see from a higher perspective when approaching life, realizing that they are one with all that is as they aim to align themselves, and their actions, with that of the highest good.  As troubles confront the old soul, they simply see each as a passing cloud that will only reveal the sun once more.  This helps lead them through life with a placid nature.

7. You act as a voice for humankind.

Old souls often act as a representative for mankind through their own creative expression.  They depict the mental activities of society through the liberal arts, giving a voice to the thoughts of culture as a whole.  Throughout history, many sages have connected us through a depiction of their visualization in the most creative ways.

The old soul finds fulfillment in this self-expression. Their creativity, knowledge, and intuitive nature make an impact on those they meet and ripple through humankind.

8. You understand that life is short.

An old soul always finds itself being reminded of mortality, that this physical realm is only temporary. They make the most of each moment. Although this can drive the old soul into withdrawal, they receive clarity from inner solitude and increasing detachment. They feel the inner desire to be a prophetic voice teaching others to respect and value their time.

9. You aren’t materialistic.

The old soul focuses more on the beauty and value that life naturally provides rather than the short-lived joys of material possessions.  They respect Mother Earth and strive to get by with only what they need for fulfillment. For them, what nature provides is far more valuable than any social status, the latest trends, or any unearthly matter.

10. You just “feel” old.

As you quietly walk your path seeking fulfillment, you may find yourself having little energy compared to the younger souls around you.  Much like a person who is old in age, your old soul has already experienced a lot and is not excited by the trivial things in life. To an old soul, relaxing in a calm, quiet setting is about as good as it gets.

Are you an old soul? 

Share how this list relates to your life in the discussion below.

3 Ways to Stay Positive (Even When it Feels Like Everything’s Falling Apart)

There are times in life when everything comes crashing down around you.  But there is one thing inside you that can maintain a steady course, and that’s your attitude. In fact, this is when you need to stay positive, no matter what.

It may sound easier said than done, but it’s critical to stay positive – even when it feels like everything is falling apart.  The ability to stay positive during difficult times can not only help you find a solution for your difficulty but help you bounce back better than you ever have before.

“The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need tomorrow.” ~Robert Tew

Use these 3 tips to stay positive when you feel like giving up:


1 – Focus on your end goal

You’ve got to remember where you’re going if you want to get there.   Your past, no matter how difficult, has only created life up to now.  Remember your end goal and re-focus to bring clarity back to your vision.

Even if you’ve found yourself in a hole you can dig your way out no matter how deep. But first, you’ve got to make the decision to pick up your shovel and dig. Your potential is far beyond where you are right now. Write down a few small steps you can take action on this week, it will bring you closer to where you want to be (essentially making you feel better).

2 – Affirm gratitude

When life gives you a losing hand, remember how wonderful it is to still be sitting at the card table.  There is always, always, always something to be grateful for, even if it’s the fact that you’re breathing and reading this.

When you express what you’re grateful for, the things you’re grateful for will grow.  Your thankful attitude is responding to life and bringing more of what you want. Only a gracious, grateful heart will attract more and even better opportunities.

3 – “Refrain and release” your negative energy

Negative energy can be tough to tame when it’s hitting you full force.  Irritability can occur as you go through the venting process, and sometimes you feel like projecting negativity onto others.  It’s important to remember that they probably didn’t cause your situation. Even if they did, forgiveness is an important lesson to learn in life.  Refrain from spreading negative energy around you and try to help maintain positivity, even if it’s outside your own experience.

Don’t crop-dust people with your dilemma when you’re working through it either.  Remember that everyone is fighting some kind of battle, and they may have a hard time being able to handle the load.  There will be people to support you in your process, but it’s important to ask for that support first. It’ also important to remember that when an issues arises, consult your very best therapist – your inner voice – your intuition. Here you can vent and explore options that will lead to a solution.

stay positive

What tip do you use to stay positive when you feel like giving up?

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