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3 Ways to Stay Positive (Even When it Feels Like Everything’s Falling Apart)

There are times in life when everything comes crashing down around you.  But there is one thing inside you that can maintain a steady course, and that’s your attitude. In fact, this is when you need to stay positive, no matter what.

It may sound easier said than done, but it’s critical to stay positive – even when it feels like everything is falling apart.  The ability to stay positive during difficult times can not only help you find a solution for your difficulty but help you bounce back better than you ever have before.

“The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need tomorrow.” ~Robert Tew

Use these 3 tips to stay positive when you feel like giving up:


1 – Focus on your end goal

You’ve got to remember where you’re going if you want to get there.   Your past, no matter how difficult, has only created life up to now.  Remember your end goal and re-focus to bring clarity back to your vision.

Even if you’ve found yourself in a hole you can dig your way out no matter how deep. But first, you’ve got to make the decision to pick up your shovel and dig. Your potential is far beyond where you are right now. Write down a few small steps you can take action on this week, it will bring you closer to where you want to be (essentially making you feel better).

2 – Affirm gratitude

When life gives you a losing hand, remember how wonderful it is to still be sitting at the card table.  There is always, always, always something to be grateful for, even if it’s the fact that you’re breathing and reading this.

When you express what you’re grateful for, the things you’re grateful for will grow.  Your thankful attitude is responding to life and bringing more of what you want. Only a gracious, grateful heart will attract more and even better opportunities.

3 – “Refrain and release” your negative energy

Negative energy can be tough to tame when it’s hitting you full force.  Irritability can occur as you go through the venting process, and sometimes you feel like projecting negativity onto others.  It’s important to remember that they probably didn’t cause your situation. Even if they did, forgiveness is an important lesson to learn in life.  Refrain from spreading negative energy around you and try to help maintain positivity, even if it’s outside your own experience.

Don’t crop-dust people with your dilemma when you’re working through it either.  Remember that everyone is fighting some kind of battle, and they may have a hard time being able to handle the load.  There will be people to support you in your process, but it’s important to ask for that support first. It’ also important to remember that when an issues arises, consult your very best therapist – your inner voice – your intuition. Here you can vent and explore options that will lead to a solution.

stay positive

What tip do you use to stay positive when you feel like giving up?

5 Ways to Effectively Deal With Criticism

Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s okay. It’s not their journey. It’s yours. Embrace your freedom. Your true purpose is not to be here to please others. Life is about embracing who you are and following where your passions and desires lead!

If you live to serve others to avoid judgment and criticism – doing what makes them happy –  you will become very unhappy. That unhappiness will lead to depression. It’s a sign that you are putting off what your soul yearns for you to do. You limit your full potential and disconnect yourself from your true self. Advice is great, but most people (even close loved ones) don’t understand your journey. So, the only person who truly knows what is best for you is… well… you!

Anyway, in most cases, others opinions and criticisms are not about you, it’s about them.  It’s coming from their limited perspective, worries, and fears. Instead of taking their judgment personal or getting into an argument, there are many positive action steps you can take to move forward.

Here Are Our Top 5 Ways to Effectively Deal with Criticism:

1. Take a deep breath (or a few).

The best thing to do is to not react right away. Take a deep breath, or a few, if you need. There’s actually a very good reason for this. When we feel criticized, we sometimes go into a fight or flight mode. Taking a deep breath allows oxygen to continue, it lowers our heart rate, and it allows for our response to be more calm and reasonable.

If you immediately react and feel threatened you are taking the defense. This brings unneeded stress to your body. Remind yourself that they are not you, they have not walked a day in your shoes and you are doing just fine.

What is the other person’s true intention? If there’s a bit of truth to what they are saying, consider it later when you have a clear mind. A perfect response would be, “Thanks. Let me take some time to think about that.”

If the criticism is a borderline insult, don’t reply at all. Take a few deep breaths and just leave the conversation. You never want to react harshly and regret it later.

2. Don’t take it personal.

In most cases, criticism has very little to do with you and more to do with the person and their perspective of the world. If someone offends you, it’s usually because they feel that way about themselves or their abilities.

They are advising you based on how they feel. If you highly respect and trust this person, the next tip will help you. If you don’t, then definitely don’t take it personally at all! Let it go in one ear and just as quickly out the other.

3. Look for the truth.

Remember, there is always a small degree of truth in everything. Statements that may feel like criticism can actually just be gentle, loving reminders. In fact, we may take a strong offense towards it because there is some truth in it and our Ego freaks out. Yep… that’s right! It seems crazy, but it’s true.

Allowing yourself to be open-minded to what you hear doesn’t mean you have to believe it or act upon it. It just means if you find something you can learn from, by all means, do it! Sometimes others can help us see things that we cannot grow and improve.

4. When the going gets tough, get TOUGHER!

Exactly! Even if you are a sensitive person, you’re going to have to toughen up and build a tolerance to criticism. It’s easy to be a critic, so most people are. It takes strength and courage to be who you truly are and live your own life.

You’ve got to get tough, because the truth is, you’ll meet critics your whole life. However, the good news is… the less attention you give to criticism, the less you’ll experience it.

The best “Get Tougher Tool” is self-esteem and deep inner confidence. So, if you feel defeated when judgment and criticism arise focus and develop your own inner love and confidence. Personal growth stems from these challenges.

When you know who you are and why you are here, you’re unstoppable.

5. Always be true to yourself!

This is the most important tip of them all – be true to yourself! Other people don’t have to understand your journey or even accept it. When you are true to yourself and who you are life is magical. Doors of opportunity open at every corner. Solutions are endless and life is fun and exciting.

Living a life that others accept or want for you is limiting your birthright of FREE WILL.  It’s not their life. It’s yours. Make the most of it! 🙂


How do you deal with criticism?

6 Telling Signs You’re in the Right Relationship

With breakups and divorce rates at an all-time high, it can be hard to stay confident that “The One” is really out there.  And if you’re in a relationship, finding the right advice can be just as challenging.

Many people believe that we don’t choose our partners, and destiny puts us together. Whether that is true or not, it’s important to know if you’re in a healthy relationship.

So, how do you know if you’re in the right relationship?

Here are our tips to help you understand if you’re in the “right relationship” or understand and correctly steer your “wrong relationship”.

6 Telling Signs You’re in the Right Relationship

right relationship

1. Communication is kind, open, and honest.

You know you’re in the right relationship when your words towards each other are kind and loving (more often than not). Of course, you’ll have your ups and downs, but if kind communication is consistent you have a winning formula.

Of course, not only do you want to speak kindly to each other but also be open and honest. In the right relationship, you can tell your partner ANYTHING without being judged or criticized. Likewise, you can be honest and expect understanding and love. If you feel like you cannot be open and honest, that’s a problem.

Likewise, you want to be sure you are receiving the open and honest truth from your partner. The truth is, we humans aren’t always perfect. So, if you catch your partner in a little white lie, don’t immediately send them off with packed bags.

Forgive, and encourage the importance of honesty. You deserve nothing less than kind, open and honest communication, so be sure that’s a cornerstone in your relationship.

2. You and your partner understand exactly how to make the other feel truly loved.

We all have different preferences when it comes to receiving love. In the right relationship, both partners understand the needs of the other and want to care for them in the best way possible.  From as small as a cup of coffee in the morning or a warm dinner at night to a romantic mountain getaway for your anniversary, the right partner knows exactly what makes your heart swoon.

This is effectively done through the right communication. You don’t expect the other to read your mind. You learn, get to know your partner, and act in a way that makes them fall in love with you even more.

3. You keep conflict and fights “on the down-low”.

Conflict in any relationship is expected. No matter how perfect you are for each other, you will not agree on everything. Disagreements are natural and healthy because you are speaking your mind and standing up for yourself.   It’s better to talk and find out how the other feels than to hide it and let it creep out even uglier later.

The key to disagreements is to listen without defending and speak without offending.  You want to keep fighting at bay and just between you two. When you call up a close friend or family member and get them involved that is childish and inappropriate. The key to a happy, healthy relationship is to talk about your disagreements and if you have to, agree to disagree.

If you plan on staying together for a long time, you’ll have to master this tip. If you don’t, you may have many more battles ahead of you (or worse an end to your relationship).

4. Your trusted friends and family approve.

Your close friends and family know you better than you know yourself sometimes. When you fall in love, you may forget to take your brain with you. It’s easy to fall in love, especially if your partner has those smooth moves. 😉 The people who care about you have opinions that matter. If the consensus is positive about your relationship, GREAT.

If it’s not. . . ask questions. Find out “Why?”

Contrary to your young rebellious beliefs, their opinion matters. It doesn’t mean to do what they say. Sometimes other people have opinions with their own motives behind them. But, it’s important to look for truth in what they are saying.

5. There is a healthy blend of time together (and time apart).

When you fall in love, you may want to do nothing but be wrapped up like John Lennon and Yoko Ono, not leaving each other for days on end.  But when you have time apart, it gives you insight into how valuable your relationship really is.  Seeing someone after time apart yields an extra special feeling that can not be replicated.

It’s also a great way for each of you to do something you love, that the other may not take much of an interest in. Understand the right balance and keep it going. This blend is different for each couple.  Find your own that works for both of you.

pop quote

6.  You see service above self.

In the right relationship, it’s important for you to be happy, but there’s nothing wrong with going the extra mile to outwardly show your love for your significant other.

Now I’m not talking about abandoning self-care or waiting on them hand over foot, I’m talking about making them feel warm and fuzzy inside.  Not only will the right partner appreciate the show of grace, but they will want to do the same for you.

Are you in the right relationship?  Join the Conversation.

6 Things Optimists do Differently

Optimists seem happier, but why?


What do they do differently?

Being an optimist can help a huge range of issues from managing stress to overcoming an illness and everything in between. It’s no wonder they are so happy. It may seem like luck, but there are a few things optimists do differently to create their happy attitudes, even in the midst of challenges.

Here’s a great list to help you get started . . .

6 Things Optimists do Differently

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity;
an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
– Winston Churchill

1. Optimists let things go.

Optimists rarely over think events, situations, and people. They habitually let things go and put their time and focus on what matters most. Dwelling on the past and looking too far into something rarely brings a positive outcome. It usually brings negative assumptions and future pain and miscommunication.

TIP: When you feel the urge to look too deep into something, simply take a deep breath, tell yourself it doesn’t really matter and let it go. Move forward focusing on something more appealing to you.

2. Optimists embrace the roller coaster of life.

A misconception is that optimists have perfect, lucky lives and that’s why they are happy. On the contrary, optimists have ups and downs too. They are not immune to negativity, mistakes or challenges. Optimists have learned how to go with the flow and bounce back harder and faster from a defeat.

TIP: Next time a challenge arises and you are tempted to get upset and dwell with negative emotions, be open to finding the good in the situation. When you open yourself up and allow for a solution, one always arrives and at the perfect time. But the key is to believe, ask and await the solution. 😉

3. Optimists take chances.

Most people would take more chances if they didn’t have to fear or worry about the outcome. Optimists go with the flow and follow what feels good. They cast out worries and fears quickly. That’s not to say they don’t exists, but they release them as quickly as they arise because they understand that even if it doesn’t work out you can always learn from your mistakes.

TIP: Taking more chances can completely change your life. You no longer allow fear to hold you back from exploring what this beautiful planet and its people have to offer. Next time you want to do something but find a fear creeping up, cast it out by taking immediate action and just do it! 😉 You will feel so liberated!

4. Optimists are thankful (a lot!).

It’s very important to practice the power of being thankful. Typically, it’s very easy to focus on what is going wrong instead of what is going right. Research shows, again and again, that people who practice gratitude on a daily basis are healthier, happier, and more effective.

That’s why it’s an essential habit for optimists to practice daily. It’s like second nature to them, they live their life internally and verbally thanking others.

TIP: Throughout the day, intentionally look for things to be thankful for. If you really want to fully embrace this optimistic habit, create a list of five or ten things that you are grateful for and commit to that practice daily.

5. Optimists are flexible.

When plans change optimists are calm, cool and collected.  They’re focus is . . . “What’s next?”

To an optimist, change of plans just means a change in an adventure. No matter where an optimist is, they will find a way to enjoy themselves. They take things as they come. For example, a canceled event due to bad weather would never be a “ruined day”. To an optimist, what’s meant to be will be.

TIP: Practicing staying open to new ideas. When plans change, consciously observe your behavior. If you find it difficult to stay cool, create a plan A, plan B or even plan c if you have to. 😉

6. Optimists smile and laugh often.

A positive attitude is contagious. To an optimist, nothing can truly ruin their day. They will always find something that will make them smile, laugh or give them hope. They understand that a negative attitude will just bring a negative whirlwind of issues with it for the future. Who wants that?

Optimists enjoy smiling and laughing often. It keeps the mood light and the vibrations high. Even if the optimist doesn’t have something cheery to celebrate themselves, they seek it out for other people. An optimist can be your best cheerleader. They can turn an average day into a celebration!

TIP: Find reasons to smile, even if it’s making another person’s day. Find reasons to laugh, even if it’s at your own mistakes. 🙂

Anyone can be an optimist. It just takes conscious practiced habits. For more tips and help along your positive thinking journey we recommend reading >>Learned Optimism and >>The Bounce Back Book.

5 Reasons to Drink Fresh Juice Daily

We all know that what we eat and drink affects our health, but this is almost too simplistic in today’s society to be practical. In fact, simple can be better; and juice is as simple as it gets.  Juicing has been around for some time, but it’s only recently become more mainstream due to being featured by TV hosts like Dr. Oz.

This is huge for the health of our world because more and more people will be exposed to this amazing lifestyle. Eating fresh veggies and fruits aids in a positive lifestyle because it allows our bodies to get optimal nutrition.

Juicing all types of fruits and vegetables turns them into superfoods that are easily and optimally absorbed by the body. We recommend always including some type of green in your juice. You’ll be surprised at the flavor, and the health benefits are tremendous.

5 Reasons to Drink Juice Daily (+ A Yummy JUICE Recipe):


1. Heal and Detoxify

Juicing is one of the best ways to heal and detoxify the body; it’s also one of the quickest. Everyone knows the major benefits of getting enough fruits and veggies into our diet daily – juicing makes this even easier and more convenient.

Fresh juice is loaded with enzymes, vitamins and minerals that are easily digestible and quickly absorbed. Drinking a glass a day will boost your health, give you more energy, detoxify your body and increase recovery from an illness. Many people have even healed diseases with juicing.

In fact, a famous doctor, Max Gerson, MD, treated cancer patients using a juice therapy regimen with Ann Wigmore co-founder of the Hippocrates Health Institute. If you feel guided, read his story. He actually healed patients of cancer with his health regime. There is a well known book out about his teachings called The Gerson Therapy.

2. Weight Loss

When people first start “gettin’ juicy” (drinking juice everyday or even doing juice feasts) they get really excited because the immediately start releasing weight. They’re often thrilled at the initial weight loss and as time goes on they begin seeing even more benefits like a strengthened immune system, better digestion, fewer allergies, balanced hormones, and less disease and chronic illness.

Juice Fasting, or more positively referred to as Juice Feasting, is more popular today than ever. Most who begin, gladly report a 7-9 pound per week weight release. Typically, most people do a 3 to 7 day Juice Fast.

Many have even ventured down the path to a 90 day and beyond Juice Feast. Overall, Juice Fasting & Detoxification can be a great way to release weight as well as toxins and naturally health the body.

3. Vitamin Absorption

“…Imagine 900 seconds of every living cell in your body fist pumping to the beat of each chug…”

If you tried to eat every vegetable put into a simple smoothie recipe, it would take you longer, your body wouldn’t digest it or absorb the vitamins as well, and you’d probably be really full.  It’s good to eat the raw vegetables too, but juice is where it’s at when you know you’re in need of some serious vitamins and minerals.  Dehydrated? Celery. Tired?  Green with ginger or lemon.  It goes on and on. For every need, there’s a recipe to try.

Your body can digest fresh juice in about 15 minutes and assimilates most of the nutrients from it.  Imagine 900 seconds of every living cell in your body fist pumping to the beat of each chug.   You will literally feel your body give thanks for the healthy hydration.

4. Trace Minerals and Enzymes

When you squeeze fresh fruit or vegetables, it has naturally occurring trace minerals and enzymes in it that you won’t see in any bottled juice at the store.

Along with the momentum of the vitamins being absorbed, you’re further fortifying your soul’s fortress with pure, live foods.   The live enzymes in the smoothie are also a great aid to the digestion process.

5. Reduces Cravings

Everyone can relate to having a craving for some kind of food or snack.  The true beauty in juice is that you can curb so many.  If sugar is what you need, an apple or orange juice can take care of that.  The sugar that comes from fruits and vegetables is naturally occurring, and ultimately, better than processed sugars.

Herbs and spices can give your concoctions different flavors but if you’re in search of something specific, you’ll have to get really creative.   For instance, we’ve made a pizza (yes, we said pizza) juice before.  Tomatoes were thrown in the juicer with green pepper, basil, and oregano and we sipped slices through a straw!

If you already have a juicer, that’s fantastic – please try the juice recipe below and let us know what you think. Also, if you’ve had success with juicing we’d love to hear from you. You will inspire our community.

Likewise, if you are new to juicing, it’s okay too. You’ve got the knowledge now let’s make it effective and put it into action. If you aren’t ready to put a lot of money into a quality juicer you should try the Nutri Bullet, recommended by leading Health Ranger and raw food guru, David Wolfe. You get highly optimal nutrition, there is zero waste, and quick cleanup.

Here’s a great Green Juice Recipe:

  • 2 green apples, sliced
  • 4 stalks of celery
  • 1 cucumber
  • 6-8 leaves of kale
  • ½ lemon, peeled
  • One 1 inch piece of fresh ginger

Voila!  pour and serve 🙂


4 Effective Ways To Deal with Judgement

Sages have understood the importance of releasing judgment for ages.  They knew that a genuine understanding and compassion for all people would always be favorable. But, how can we stop judgment from happening?

Here are 4 Ways to Deal with Judgment:

1. Release your own judgment.

When you prematurely judge someone, you miss the opportunity to get to know who they are and what makes them unique.  You allow your limited perspective to cloud your vision from seeing the good in them. If they’re close to you, you miss the opportunity to love them more.

“Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.”  – Luke 6:37

Releasing judgment also means releasing judgment of yourself. We can tend to be our own worst critic. When we release judgement of ourselves, we allow for more room to love ourselves. Areas that we were seeking to find improvement can gradually get better because we have switched our focus from a positive loving perspective rather than a negative, critical one.

A day spent judging another is a painful day. A day spent judging yourself is a painful day.
– Buddha

As you slowly begin to release judgement, you find you will experience less judgement from others.  Your vibration will be lifted and you will rise above. It doesn’t mean people aren’t doing it, but you won’t experience it in front of you.


2. Switch your focus to the positive.

Tip #1 is a gradual process and it’s something that doesn’t happen overnight. In the meantime, practicing to switch your focus to the good of others and the good of yourself works well.

Next time you find yourself being heavily judged and feeling down, switch your focus on everything you have achieved.  You have come a long way and have had great accomplishments. You are doing the best you can and you know that. In fact, the better you do the more nay-sayers there will be. So, by creating the habit to switch your focus and draw from that inner confidence will allow you to positively deal with judgment.

The highest spiritual practice is self-observation without judgement. – Swami Kripalu

3. Don’t take personal offense.

If someone is being critical of you, remind yourself that their opinion is coming from their limited perspective. They aren’t you and they haven’t lived a day in your shoes. Therefore, their opinion truly doesn’t matter. In fact, sometimes when someone is (on some level) jealous of you, they will purposely try to pick you apart. It makes them feel better.

Learning not to take offense of judgment can be tough, especially if it’s coming from someone you love. You may feel like you have to take offense and reply on the defense to protect yourself. But, the better choice is just to shrug it off.

It takes strength to shrug it off. That strength comes from inner confidence of knowing you do the best you can. If you find it hard to do, ask yourself if there is some truth (even a little) in what they are saying. Sometimes compassionate judgement can help us improve and grow.

If you judge people, you have no time to love them. – Mother Teresa

4. Leave the situation.

So, if you have tried all of the above tips and you are still receiving destructive judgment (not compassionate, loving feedback) that you cannot handle it’s best to leave the situation and create limits in your relationship with that person.  Negative environments, especially with people you really care about, can quickly affect your personal happiness and self-growth. You need to thrive in this world and there are enough outside influences that we have to overcome. We need to surround ourselves with loving, positive people who care about our well being and think about our highest good.

“Love is the absence of judgment” – The Dalai Lama

People are going to judge you, but the best defense is knowing who you truly are, what you want and where you are going.

Maybe someday there will come a time when judgment no longer exists.  There’s a beautiful freedom in allowing each of us to be ourselves.  Together, let’s create a brighter future with compassion, and freedom for all!


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