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Owls Inspire Engineers to Make Quiet Wind Power Turbines

Owls Inspire Engineers to Make Quiet Wind Power Turbines

A study by researchers from Xi’an Jiaotong University discovered how to reduce noise from wind turbine blades. The technology would also apply to aircraft and other machines with airfoils. The inspiration for the new design? Owl wings.

The prevalent sound from aeronautical and turbine engines such as drones, wind turbines, and airplanes comes from trailing-edge noise. Many urban areas consider it a priority to reduce this type of noise pollution when possible.

So, to help with that goal, the research team analyzed the characteristics of owl wings to improve airfoil designs. Using this technology to create wind turbine blades and other airfoils could dramatically lower trailing-edge noise. The research has been published in Physics of Fluids by AIP Publishing.

Owls Inspire Noise-Reduction Technology Wind Turbine Blades

Owls inspired their invention due to their serrated wings, which break up airflow and absorb sound. They also have a flexible fringe toward their wing’s trailing edge or back part. This breaks up the air even more, considerably reducing aerodynamic noise.

“Nocturnal owls produce about 18 decibels less noise than other birds at similar flight speeds due to their unique wing configuration,” said author Xiaomin Liu. “Moreover, when the owl catches prey, the shape of the wings is also constantly changing, so the study of the wing edge configuration during owl flight is of great significance.”

When air passes along the back of an airfoil or wing, it produces trailing-edge noise. This airflow creates turbulence along the top and bottom surfaces of the airfoil. When these two airflows meet along the trailing edge, they scatter and make noise.

Prior studies investigated serrated trailing edges, discovering that these serrations helped suppress the noise of rotating machines. Unfortunately, the noise reduction of the wind turbine blades mainly depended on the final application and wasn’t guaranteed in all cases.

“At present, the blade design of rotating turbomachinery has gradually matured, but the noise reduction technology is still at a bottleneck,” said Liu. “The noise reduction capabilities of conventional sawtooth structures are limited, and some new nonsmooth trailing-edge structures need to be proposed and developed to tap the potential of bionic noise reduction further.”

wind turbine blades

Study on How Serrated Airfoils Reduce Noise

The researchers utilized noise calculation and analysis software to perform several studies for this study. These involved detailed measurements of simplified airfoils that resembled owl wings. They applied these results to reduce the noise of rotating machinery.

The noise decreased when they improved airflow near the trailing edge and optimized the airfoil’s shape. One peculiar finding from the study was that asymmetric serrations resulted in more significant noise reduction than symmetric designs.

They also noted that noise reduction depended heavily on operating conditions. So, the team said that the airfoil designs would require customizations based on the specific application.

For instance, wind turbine blades have complicated incoming flow conditions requiring a more generalized noise reduction approach. Therefore, scientists must investigate how noise reduction technologies perform with various incoming flows.

Either way, the team believes their work will help inform airfoil design in the future.

Other Studies on the Impact of Wind Turbine Noise Pollution

As the demand for wind energy keeps increasing, scientists have been scrambling to tackle noise pollution. Wind turbine blades disturb residents living near wind farms to such a degree that experts created the Wind Farm Noise Study. Researchers from Flinders University used machine learning and other signal processing techniques to determine how wind turbines impact humans.

They found that wind turbine blades’ nighttime ‘swoosh’ noise disrupts communities the most. Scientists estimate that nearby residents hear this sound, technically called ‘amplitude modulation’ (AM), five times more often at night than during daytime hours. Of course, wind direction, wind farm distance, and season also factor into these results.

“The noise seems to worsen after sunset when amplitude modulation can be detected for up to 60% of the nighttime at distances around 1 km from a wind farm. At greater than 3 km, amplitude modulation also occurs for up to 30% of the nighttime,” said Flinders University Ph.D. candidate Duc Phuc (‘Phuc’) Nguyen, who led the study.

Researchers created the Wind Farm Noise Study to investigate how noise from wind turbine blades impacted sleep for residences near wind farms. Scientists continue researching the potential adverse effects wind turbine noise can have on humans.

Dr. Kristy Hansen, an acoustic expert who also participated in the study, said wind turbine noise largely depends on wind direction. Those living in downwind and crosswind conditions will likely hear wind turbine blades more often.

“We found that AM occurs most often during these wind directions,” she says. “Using these recent advances in machine learning, we have been able to develop an AM detection method that has a predictive power close to the practical limit set by a human listener.”

How to Reduce Exposure to Noise Pollution

Of course, noise pollution doesn’t just come from wind turbine blades. For example, if you live in a big city, you probably encounter your fair share of noise. You can still protect yourself from excess noise with these tips:

  • Wear noise-canceling earplugs or earphones. These can help reduce your noise exposure, especially during evening hours when you’re trying to sleep.
  • Soundproof your home. Install double-paned windows to block the maximum amount of sound if you have the means. Ensure the weather stripping around doors and windows seals tight as well.
  • Opt for carpet instead of wood or tile floors. The rug will absorb sound much better and keep your feet warm in the winter!


Final Thoughts on Making Wind Turbine Blades Less Noisy

We’re getting closer to transitioning from fossil fuels to clean energy sources each day. Wind turbines will have a massive role in this new era of energy generation. However, it’s becoming clear that wind turbines also have a few downsides, such as creating noise pollution for nearby residents.

Xi’an Jiaotong University’s scientists have studied owl wings’ characteristics to help improve airfoil designs. They found that building airfoils with serrated edges significantly reduced noise like those on owl wings. More research is needed, but wind turbine blades and other rotating machinery will hopefully operate more quietly in the future.

Science Explains How A Sleep Deficiency Changes Your Food Cravings

Food is something that most people have a love-hate relationship with. It can bring people together, an integral part of many cultures. But it can also be someone’s worst enemy, such as sleep loss. Unfortunately, nutritional education is not the main focus of society at all.

And socioeconomic factors affect people’s diets. If you are from a low-income household, you don’t have the luxury to buy organic produce, so you settle for much cheaper fast food. Coupled with how society looks down on everyone with a little bit of fat on their bodies. This societal perception pushes many people into having an unhealthy relationship with food.

But these are not the only factors that can influence what you eat or how much you eat. Neuroscientists have found a correlation between sleep deficiency and food cravings. And it might indicate why making sure you have a clear sleep schedule is more important than it seems. Insomnia and lack of sleep are issues that affect all aspects of your life, and your nutrition is one of them. Read on to understand the correlation between sleep deprivation and food.

What Causes Insomnia And Other Sleep Loss Issues?

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that makes it hard for people to fall or stay asleep and even causes them to wake up too early. Even if you feel tired, you are unable to fall asleep. Instead, you end up staring at your ceiling, wishing you could fall asleep. It’s a more common disorder than most people might think. This disorder is the leading sleep issue, but you could also suffer from sleep apnoea or narcolepsy.

Sleep apnoea happens when your breathing starts and repeatedly stops, leading to a lack of energy. And narcolepsy makes people experience sudden periods of sleepiness during the day. Still, the main reason people lose sleep is that they suffer from various insomnia degrees. Most adults experience short-term (acute) insomnia at some point. This lasts for a few days, at most a few weeks.

sleep deficiency

Usually, acute insomnia results from stress, anxiety, or a traumatic event. But some people struggle with long-term (chronic) insomnia, which lasts for months or even longer. Insomnia can be a problem by itself or can be associated with other conditions. Stress is a prevalent factor that causes sleeplessness. But traveling, a busy work schedule or generally poor sleeping habits can factor in. In the case of chronic insomnia, more severe conditions can be involved.

The Connection Between Mental Illness and Sleep Loss

Mental health issues like depression, anxiety, or PTSD can disrupt sleep patterns. Side effects of certain medications can also cause insomnia. Medical conditions like cancer, diabetes, asthma, and more also lead to sleeplessness. Because of how many issues can lead to insomnia, this disorder is something that you’ll almost certainly struggle with. But even if you don’t have insomnia, the mere business of life can make you lose sleep.

A student might not be able to sleep for days during exam periods. An entry-level employee might have to work up to 12 hours a day. Even those disruptions in the sleeping pattern can lead to specific cravings.

How Sleep Loss Impacts Food Cravings

These are some reasons why insomnia can negatively impact unhealthy food cravings.

1.    Sleep Loss Often Stimulates Primal Brain Regions

Everyone knows from personal experience that sleep deprivation can make you less logical. But there is a neurological reason why that happens. Research from UC Berkley found that lack of sleep increases the activity of primal brain regions. Those are the regions that respond directly to rewards, like, for example, the taste of food.

The researchers used fMRI to scan the brains of almost two dozen young adults. They did two tests, one after a night of good sleep and one after a sleepless night. They measured the volunteers’ brain activity while showing them eighty images of foods. The foods ranged from healthy, low-calorie options to junk food.

And the results showed that sleep-deprived participants were likelier to choose junk foods as their favorite. Many past studies showed a correlation between insomnia and cravings for sweets and junk food. But this study was the first to show a clear cause for this. Sleep deprivation causes a decrease in the frontal lobe’s activity while increasing the activity of primal brain regions.

The regions responsible for complex decision-making were clouded by the lack of sleep. And, even if tired people knew they shouldn’t eat junk food, they still did it because the reward stimulated their brains. Fortunately, the same researchers suggested that fixing our sleep schedule will decrease these cravings. If you are struggling with overeating, check how much you sleep. If it’s less than seven hours a night, that might cause your weight gain.

2.    Tired People’s Brains Use More Energy

When you lose sleep, the brain becomes foggy and slow. Tasks that used to be simple and straightforward start to seem impossible. Even automatic responses start requiring actual effort. And the brain can’t do all these extra tasks alone. To function, it needs fuel and energy.

When you are sleep-deprived, you start experiencing changes in your neurotransmitters, such as dopamine. But most importantly, when the brain is tired, it promotes signals that increase your appetite. And Christian Benedict, a neuroscientist at Uppsala University, agrees with this idea. He says the brain cannot afford to waste energy controlling cravings and impulses. Instead, it encourages those signals to get the calories it needs to keep functioning.

Even though he warns about the impact of sleep on cravings, he also states that other aspects are just as important. Physical activity, accessibility to healthy food, and dietary restrictions are also essential. Even though sleep loss can make you want to eat sweets from time to time, it won’t cause a systematic issue.

sleep loss

3.    Lack Of Sleep Affects Your Senses

When you eat, your body has ways to signal that you are full. There are stretch receptors in your stomach that are activated when filled with water or food. These receptors signal the brain and create a feeling of discomfort if you overeat. Plus, other hormonal signals get released as nutrition enters the small intestine.

The smell is an essential sense that determines how hungry you get. If food doesn’t smell enticing, you might not even be interested in eating it. Research showed that the body parts responsible for the sense of smell don’t respond well when you are tired. The same goes for the components accountable for taste or food in the stomach. Because of this, tired people respond better to a more enticing smell.

And that craving is so powerful that you don’t stop considering how many calories food has. If you are struggling with insomnia, chances are you will be getting mixed feelings about how much food you need. Even if you are full, your brain might tell you you are still hungry.

Unfortunately, you will always crave unhealthy foods if you struggle with sleep loss. The best way to ensure you don’t cave in is to keep only healthy foods around you.

4.    Sleep Deprivation Leads To A Hormonal Imbalance

Lack of sleep is not something to be treated lightly. Statistics point out that people who sleep five hours or less per night are 50% more likely to be obese than people who sleep eight hours. This happens because sleep deprivation messes with your body’s hormonal balance.

Three powerful hormones are affected by lack of sleep. First, there is leptin, which is the hormone that regulates your appetite. This is the hormone that tells you it’s time to stop eating. But a lack of sleep dysregulates the levels of leptin in your body. This is because leptin peaks while you sleep, so a lack of sleep will affect how the hormone is released.

If not enough leptin is released, your brain will always feel that you are hungry. That’s why you will get more cravings when you are tired. Secondly, sleeplessness affects ghrelin, the hormone that tells your brain you are hungry. Your ghrelin levels can skyrocket even if you lose one night of sleep. You will feel like you are always hungry and can reach for snacks multiple times a day.

Lastly, insomnia affects the levels of insulin in your body. Insulin is a hormone responsible for fat storage, and responding to carbohydrate intake. If your insulin levels are too high, your body will store too much fat without a good reason. This fat can start accumulating around your organs, becoming dangerous for your health. And, when you don’t get enough sleep, your insulin levels rise, putting you at risk.

There is no way to control your hormones other than making sure you don’t do anything to imbalance them. And, naturally, that means getting the recommended amount of sleep.


Final Thoughts On How Sleep Loss Impacts Food Cravings

Sleep is an essential part of everyone’s life, and the quality of your sleep significantly impacts your health. It affects everything from energy levels to mood, appetite, and mental well-being. But the relationship between food and sleep is often overlooked. Losing some sleep may not seem like a big deal, but it can affect your cravings. People’s relationship with food is already complicated enough, so adding sleep disruption to the mic doesn’t help.

When you don’t get enough sleep, your brain starts signaling to the primal parts of your brain that something is wrong. Your brain responds to rewards more than normal, which triggers cravings. Because your brain needs more energy to function when it’s deprived of sleep, it needs more calories.

Plus, tiredness clouds your senses and makes specific receptors in your brain malfunction. Coupled with the fact that lack of sleep leads to a hormonal imbalance, your body will start receiving mixed signals regarding food. If you want to avoid craving sweet or junk food, ensure you get at least the recommended eight hours of sleep per night.

Marine Scientist Explains How Seagrass Fights Climate Change

According to marine scientist Carlos M. Duarte, the ocean harbors an unlikely ally in the fight against climate change: seagrass. Seagrasses evolved from terrestrial plants about 100 million years ago, which explains why marine meadows resemble grass on land.

While seagrasses account for only 0.1% of the seafloor, they remove about 33% of carbon in the seafloor each year. In total, seagrass meadows store over 10% of carbon in the oceans globally. Even more amazingly, they can absorb carbon up to 35x faster than Amazonian rainforests!

As climate change ramps up, this news couldn’t come at a more opportune time. While Duarte has studied seagrasses for nearly forty years, he only recently discovered their hidden power. Found in every continent except Antarctica, they’ve adapted over millions of years to colonize the ocean. About 50-60 different species of aquatic grasses exist worldwide, growing in shallow coastal waters where sunlight can easily penetrate.

As one of only 17 flowering plants to grow in marine environments, they’re a resilient, unique species indeed. Seagrasses populate by extending a rhizome – an underground stem that grows horizontally from 1cm to nearly five meters per year. Then, these networks of plant roots keep branching out along the seafloor to form large clones.

These clones can grow to massive sizes; Duarte discovered a clone in the Mediterranean that measured about 15 kilometers. This size equates to roughly the size of Manhattan! Even more remarkably, his team found that the clone originated from a seed that germinated 200,000 years ago.

Since it’s one of the oldest living organisms on the planet, UNESCO listed the seagrass meadow as a World Heritage Marine site. This fact means it’s protected from fishing or any other commercial activities. The mega clone meadow spans about 800 square kilometers and supports incredible biodiversity.

Marine Scientist Explains How Seagrass Can Help Fight Climate Change

climate change

Perhaps most importantly, Duarte’s team found that just one hectare of seagrass can sequester a massive amount of carbon. Shockingly, this relatively small area can store as much carbon as fifteen hectares of the Amazonian rainforest.

Of course, Duarte wanted to find out how the underwater plant could accomplish this monumental task. He discovered that since the plants have large canopies, they form an intricate web that filters out particles in the water. These particles settle in the seafloor and decompose slowly since seagrass soils don’t have oxygen. Carbon from decaying material then accumulates in the ground.

Also, seagrass meadows that grow in marine environments give them an advantage over forests. During forest fires, carbon in the soil returns to the atmosphere, contributing to a warming climate. However, since no fires occur underwater, the carbon in seagrass soils can remain safe for thousands of years.

When seagrasses grow, they raise the seafloor anywhere from 1 to 4mm per year. Over hundreds of years, they form reefs such as the extensive four-meter-tall meadow found in the Mediterranean. Duarte’s team even discovered a seagrass reef measuring 12 meters tall, which could hold an astonishing amount of carbon. Aside from sequestering carbon, seagrass offers another shield against climate change: protecting shorelines. Since climate change is already causing stronger hurricanes and rising sea levels, seagrass is crucial in defending infrastructure and property along the coast.

Finally, since seagrasses are flowering plants, they have seeds that humans can consume as marine rice. This crop doesn’t require arable land, water, fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides, making it a sustainable food choice. Perhaps seagrass meadows could provide an answer to growing food insecurity around the globe shortly.

Seagrass Meadows Have Made a Comeback in the Last Century

Luckily, marine science and biology experts discovered the importance of seagrass just in time. As they learned about how it could fight climate change, they became aware of its vulnerability.

In the 1930s, a disease killed large areas of seagrass in the Atlantic. As it began to make a comeback, sewage and agricultural runoff wiped out these meadows worldwide. Anchors from large ships, trawling and dredging of the seafloor, and other mechanical operations threatened the aquatic grasses.

These factors compounded by the end of the 20th century, killing one-third of seagrasses worldwide. In the last few decades, scientists realized the urgency in protecting this fragile underwater plant. However, they’re still trying to map all the seagrasses worldwide.

Estimating the Impact

They estimate that seagrasses occupy between 150,000 to one million square kilometers of the ocean floor. Unfortunately, satellites can’t differentiate seagrass from other types of the seafloor, making it challenging to confirm its distribution.

Luckily, the scientists found a solution: tracking green sea turtles and tiger sharks that feed on or swim near seagrasses using satellite devices. They’ve uncovered new seagrass meadows in the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea by monitoring the marine animals. Through this method, they also discovered the largest seagrass meadow in the world off the coast of the Bahamas.

Now that they’ve begun mapping the seagrasses, they’ve also taken steps to protect them. Due to their efforts, seagrasses have started to recover in Europe, North America, China, Australia, and Japan.

They’ve also released millions of seeds to encourage new seagrass growth. In the early 2000s, Duarte’s colleagues released 7.5 million seeds in South Bay, along the coast of Virginia. Sixteen years later, the area measured 20 square kilometers; today, it’s grown to 36 square kilometers. This meadow sequestered so much carbon that Virginia passed a bill on seagrass restoration.

After researching seagrass’ impact on climate change and watching the meadows blossom back to life, Duarte feels confident we can restore our oceans. His team published a paper in the journal Nature last year that suggested it’s possible to “rebuild” ocean biodiversity by 2050. Ensuring the health of our oceans will bring us one step closer to stabilizing the climate.


Final Thoughts on the Importance of Seagrass in Tackling the Climate Crisis

When you hear about carbon sequestration, it’s mostly confined to reforestation or geoengineering techniques. However, meadows have started coming into the spotlight recently because they store carbon effectively. Also, these meadows can protect shorelines from devastating hurricanes and cyclones and even provide food with their seeds. As we face mounting ecological challenges, seagrasses may play a pivotal role in helping us overcome them.

France Puts Plastic Packaging Ban Into Effect

France enacted a plastic packaging ban beginning on Jan. 1, 2022, making it the first European country to do so. The law prohibits single-use plastics on many items, including fruits and vegetables like carrots, apples, and bananas. The bill also included lemons, potatoes, cucumbers, pears, kiwis, peppers, and leeks. Thirty varieties of produce sold in supermarkets and other shops will no longer have plastic packaging.

In 2021, an estimated 37% of fruits and vegetables sold in France had a plastic wrap. The government believes the plastic packaging ban will eradicate one billion single-use plastic items annually. This reduction in plastic usage would have a massive positive effect on the local environment and marine habitats.

President Emmanuel Macron referred to the ban as “a real revolution,” adding that France leads the way by promising to phase out all single-use plastics by 2040. The Environment Ministry added that it’s imperative to reduce the “outrageous amount of single-use plastic in our daily lives.”

The new law “aims at cutting back the use of throwaway plastic and boost its substitution by other materials or reusable and recyclable packaging.”

Of course, it will take time to replace plastics with viable alternatives. Currently, packages over 1.5kg and chopped or processed fruit have an exemption. Additionally, producers of fragile, soft fruits like cherry tomatoes, raspberries, and blueberries will have an extended period to employ alternatives. In this context, manufacturers, including those from this manufacturing company who produces sleeving machines, will play a crucial role in developing and providing the necessary solutions. However, the government has ordered that by 2026, the plastic packaging ban will apply to all fruits and vegetables.

Spain’s New Rules Will Follow Soon

Spain will also enforce a ban on plastic packaging for production beginning in 2023. Environmentalists and international campaigners believe the bans are long overdue, as they’ve been calling attention to plastic pollution for decades. Still, it’s better late than never, and perhaps more countries will follow France’s example.

plastic packaging ban

France’s Plastic Packaging Ban and Phase Out Is Now Underway

It seems that French citizens fully support the plastic packaging ban. 85% of respondents in an Ifop poll for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in France in 2019 favored eliminating single-use plastics. Over 2 million people have signed a WWF petition urging governments worldwide to act on plastic pollution. Outraged citizens have also utilized social media to express their concern, saying that items like coconuts and bananas have unnecessary plastic packaging.

Shoppers in surrounding countries have also voiced their disgust at produce wrapped in layers of plastic. About 75% of British citizens have felt “anxiety, frustration, or hopelessness” at the sheer amount of plastic they encounter while shopping. 59% say supermarkets and manufacturers haven’t done their part to offer plastic-free alternatives, according to a poll in June 2021.

However, WWF France called the plastic packaging ban “a positive step in the right direction” while reminding governments how much work lies ahead. Specifically, they mentioned microplastics as an immediate concern for health and the environment. The organization has actively campaigned on how plastic pollution harms biodiversity and marine animals in the Mediterranean.

The Goal of the Plastic Packaging Ban

France aims to have a completely circular economy by 2040, reducing plastic entering vulnerable ecosystems. To enforce this energy transition, the government will assist small businesses that reduce resource use. Namely, it will help them reduce waste going to landfills by 50% and achieve 100% plastic recycling by 2025.

The French government already enforced a plastic packaging ban in 2020, including plates, cups, and cotton buds. It also prohibited the sale of plastic water bottles in school catering services.

In 2021, they passed a law banning plastic straws, disposable utensils, plastic stirrers, cup lids, confetti, and Styrofoam containers. Any business selling products with excessive plastic wrapping would incur a fine.

In 2022, France will expand its plastic packaging ban to encompass plastic tea bags and fast food kids’ meal toys. In addition, companies can no longer distribute free plastic water bottles. Instead, public establishments will have water fountains on-site where citizens can fill up reusable water bottles. Finally, the ban includes disposable dishes in fast-food chains for dine-in meals.

Other Countries Enforcing Plastic Packaging Bans

France isn’t the only country phasing out plastic packaging; many others currently have bans. With plastic production estimated to triple by 2050, this offers a glimmer of hope that we can reverse the trend before it’s too late.

  • Mexico City banned single-use plastics, including straws, forks, containers, bags, and balloons. Other locations throughout Mexico, such as Quintana Roo, Cozumel, Playa del Carmen, Cancún, and Tulum, already prohibit disposable plastics. According to Greenpeace Mexico, five municipalities and 22 states in the country have passed plastic packaging bans since 2017.
  • In March 2020, the European Union banned single-use plastics in 28 countries. The laws went into effect last year.
  • Bangladesh became the first country to ban plastic bags in 2002 because they clogged drainage systems and contributed to widespread flooding.
  • In the US, California was the first state to enforce a plastic packaging ban on bags in 2014. Since then, seven other states, including Hawaii, New York, Vermont, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, and Oregon, have followed suit.
  • According to World Atlas, nearly 60 countries globally have banned plastic bags in 2022.
  • Kenya has the strictest laws on plastic pollution in the world. The government passed a bill prohibiting plastic bags’ production, sale, or use in 2017. Violators can serve up to four years in prison or pay a $40,000 fine.

plastic packaging ban

Final Thoughts on the Plastic Packaging Ban in France and Other Nations

As you can see, plastic packaging bans have now been enforced in dozens of countries. Even though we still face a plastic pollution crisis, we’re making notable progress. Governments worldwide have recognized that they can’t continue operating in an unsustainable manner. France, in particular, decided to take action and ban many plastic products, which will positively impact local environments.

If every country in the world banned single-use plastics, our oceans, land, and air would benefit greatly. You can make a difference by choosing reusable bags for grocery shopping and avoiding other disposable plastics like straws and takeout containers. We can all do our part in a small way, which creates a ripple effect on the entire planet.

First Date Questions That Reveal If It Will Last

A first date can be scary, especially if you’re nervous about saying the right thing. You’ll want to choose a flattering outfit and make sure your hair looks good, and you’ll also want to ask the best questions. While dating can be daunting, you don’t have to worry about awkward silences when you know what to ask.

When you’re on a first date, the best questions avoid invasiveness. You shouldn’t discuss politics or controversial issues that could hinder the date. However, there are plenty of other questions to ask and conversations to have.

A first date sometimes seems like an interview, and remember that the other person probably feels the same. Knowing how to engage with them will help you relax and keep the conversation flowing. Plus, it shows your new partner how you respond to others and carry yourself.

The Fifty Best Questions to Ask on a First Date (without being overly invasive)

The best questions to ask your date promote deep conversation that keeps flowing. It helps you get to know the other person without being too intrusive. Not only will you get to know them without things getting awkward, but they’ll also see what kind of person you are.

first date questions

The Best Questions Are Open-Ended

Open-ended questions are the perfect way to stimulate a conversation. Asking open-ended questions on a date allows for deeper communication, helping you get to know one another better. It’ll also help you relax as the conversation continually flows.

Avoid Controversial Topics

You’ll eventually have to have these discussions, but save the controversial topics for a later date. On your first time out together, you don’t want to get into an argument or make anyone uncomfortable. If you wait to discuss things that could cause a debate, you’ll be more comfortable and able to focus on the conversation.

Listen to What Your Date Says

Good conversation requires listening to the other person, so don’t zone out. It’s easy to get caught up thinking about what you’ll say when it’s your turn to speak, but it causes you to miss what the other person says. Being present in the conversation will help it flow naturally and keep things interesting.

Don’t Follow a Script

Your date might not respond to your questions as you thought they would. But that’s okay. So go with the flow and avoid making the conversation generic. Ask follow-up questions based on what your date says, not what you had pre-planned.

The Best Questions Will Probe for Deeper Thoughts

While you should avoid controversial topics, deep questions are the way to go. You can ask basic questions, too, but make sure to go a little deeper. Discussing the essential things in their life helps determine who their potential partner truly is.

Talk About What’s Important to Them

Getting to know someone requires finding out what they do with their free time. The best questions help you learn about their passions, priorities, hobbies, and relationships. These things help define a person and give insight into who they are. Plus, when you get someone talking about the things that mean the most, they’re more likely to keep going.

Be Yourself

Dating is all about figuring out whether you might like to see someone again. If you don’t stay true to yourself on the date, the other person will not know who you truly are. In addition, you don’t want to inadvertently base a new relationship on lies or half-truths.

Not being yourself can lead to an unhealthy relationship. Be open and honest, allowing your date to get to know the real you. Plus, it lessens the pressure and makes both of you more comfortable.

Pay Attention to Your Body Language

The things you don’t say can convey a message just as much as your words can. So pay attention to your body language, maintain eye contact and stay engaged in activities.

You’ll also want to smile, laugh, nod, and respond appropriately throughout the conversation. Keeping your arms relaxed and palms open can convey a comforting feeling, too. That’s because this posture promotes a light, fun atmosphere. As a result, you will help your date relax.

Other Helpful First Date Tips

first date questions

Remember That They Are Probably Nervous, Too

A first date is nerve-wracking. Thus, your date might not perfectly articulate their answers to your questions. Their brain might be all over the place, and nerves can get the best of them. Please pay more attention to the chemistry between the two of you because their answers might not always be the best on a first date.

You Can Have Dealbreakers

Having dealbreakers in a relationship is okay, so don’t ignore them, hoping for the best. Knowing what you can’t look past can help you find the right person for you. You’ll set yourself up for a dysfunctional relationship if you neglect your dealbreakers.

Please don’t go into a relationship thinking you can change someone because it’s not beneficial for either of you. So stick to your boundaries and stand by the things you believe in. Everyone has different qualities, and everyone has limits.

Make Sure to Have Fun

Having fun is essential on a first date if you want a chance at a second one. Your date will want to know that they can have fun with you. Besides that, it helps make things more relaxed. You’ll have more meaningful conversations and get to know one another better if you’re both having a good time.

Fifty Best Questions to Ask on a First Date (Dig Deep Without Being Invasive)

  1. What is the funniest thing that’s ever happened in your life?
  2. Do you like animals?
  3. What makes you feel alive?
  4. Who is your biggest celebrity crush?
  5. Can you tell me about your favorite day from the past?
  6. Is there a song you listen to when you want to feel happy?
  7. What is the best gift you’ve ever received, and what makes it unique?
  8. Do you prefer to go out or stay at home?
  9. Is there anything you’re excited about coming up in your life?
  10. What is the best or worst job you’ve ever had?
  11. Do you plan things out or procrastinate?
  12. What’s your favorite time of day and why?
  13. How do you express your creativity?
  14. What’s the first thing you’d buy if you won the lottery?
  15. If you could become famous, would you do it?
  16. What are your feelings on fate?
  17. Do you have any unrealistic fears?
  18. What were you like in high school?
  19. Do you have any regrets in life?
  20. What do you think of when you envision your future?
  21. If you could only eat one food forever, what would you pick?
  22. What was your dream job when you were growing up?
  23. How do you react when someone is rude to you?
  24. What or who are you most grateful for?
  25. Do you have siblings?
  26. What song could you listen to every day?
  27. Is there anything you wish you were better at?
  28. What is your favorite joke?
  29. Are you close to your family?
  30. What do you enjoy doing when you’re alone?
  31. Which era do you think you were meant to live in?
  32. What are your top priorities in life?
  33. How do you spend your time off work?
  34. What are your bad habits?
  35. Are you like either of your parents?
  36. What is your dream job?
  37. Who do you admire most in the world and why?
  38. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?
  39. What is your favorite word?
  40. Is there something you don’t like but everyone else does?
  41. What is the worst advice you’ve ever received?
  42. How do you think you can make a difference in the world?
  43. If you could only watch one movie forever, what would it be?
  44. What have you always dreamed of doing, and what held you back?
  45. Is there an age you’d go back and relive if you could?
  46. What do you think the world will be like in fifteen years?
  47. Do you enjoy adventure and spontaneity?
  48. What is the most exciting thing about you?
  49. Do you enjoy reading?
  50. What are some of the songs on your current playlist?

first date questions

Final Thoughts on Best Questions to Ask on a First Date (Dig Deep Without Being Invasive)

So the best questions to ask on a first date are ones that make you feel closer to your potential new partner. They should help reveal wishes, memories, thoughts, and other things that allow you to know someone. Of course, you must answer honestly if your date asks you questions, too, as they’re trying to get to know the real you.

You’ll quickly know if you’re compatible when you ask the best questions on a first date. You might even know by the end of the date if you want to see them again. So feel free to use this list of best questions to help you get through your first date with a new person.

When You Find Inner Peace You Find Wellness

Whether you live in a palace or a humble hut doesn’t matter. We all experience a stressful day now and then. Your brain is hardwired to react to stressors with your automatic survival instinct. Although you can’t erase life’s stress, you can reclaim your inner peace of mind.

Fifteen Ways to Find Your Inner Peace of Mind

Maybe you lose sleep at night because of the endless chatter in your brain that causes anxiety. Even if you surround yourself with the people and things you love, such disharmony can lead to depression and despair. Try these fifteen habits to boost your spirits and put your mind at ease.


1. Reclaim Your Peace of Mind by Laughing More

When was the last time you sat back and had a good laugh? There’s nothing like a hearty belly laugh that tickles your soul and brings you to happy tears. An article published by the University of St. Augustine explains that laughter stimulates the brain to increase “feel-good” endorphins.

Reclaim your peace of mind and find more opportunities to laugh. Watch one of your favorite comedies or share funny memories with a friend. The fun and giggles can relax your brain and bring you instantaneous joy.

2. Try Meditations for Finding Peace on a Stressful Day

Many folks have a common misconception that they can find peace in materialism. At the end of the day, however, money can’t buy your peace or happiness. Bigger, better, and more expensive “stuff” is temporary and can even cause you more stress.

Instead, learn to reclaim your peace of mind from within yourself. Create a sacred space in your home to meditate and practice mindful breathing. Discover the soothing benefits of simply “being” and letting go of unrealistic expectations.

3. Reclaim Your Peace of Mind by Managing Your Stress

What are the things that stress you? While some stress is natural at home and work, you can experience undue stress. You must first recognize these stressors to lower your anxiety and reclaim your peace of mind.

Can you make some lifestyle changes to ease the stress at home? Maybe procrastination and poor time management are breaking your nerves. Identifying your stressors and finding ways to reduce them can take a load off your shoulders.

4. Dance and Play Some Tunes

Humans have connected the divine and each other throughout the ages through music and dance. It’s a perennial language that speaks to the soul in the harmony of the Universe. Music and dance are superb stress busters that can reclaim peace of mind.

Whenever you feel hopelessly stressed, crank up some of your favorite tunes. Get your body moving and dance for the fun of it. You will feel better, and the music can tap into your creativity. Living a life of peacefulness is so much better than being anxious all the time.

5. Stretch or Massage Your Body

Stress affects you mentally and emotionally and can manifest physical conditions. When you’re stressed and anxious, you feel the tension in your neck, back, and other muscle groups. Chronic Stress warns that persistent stress may lead to frequent pain or worsen a recurring condition.

Soothe your tired and achy muscles with gentle stretches. Practicing yoga every day can strengthen your muscles and calm your mind. You can also get a massage to work out the power and joint tension.

6. Clear Your Energy

If you could open your spiritual eyes, you’d notice that an aura or sphere of energy surrounds everyone. Your point can be either positive or negative, depending on your mindset. Other people’s energy can also affect your atmosphere; sometimes, it needs cleansing.

An article published by Yoga Journal recommends that you clear your energy often. You can use meditative visualization, mineral water spritzes, or burning white sage. According to the article, these are typical ways to brush out the negative and invigorate your spirit with positive energy.

7. Unplug or Lessen Screen Time to Reclaim Your Peace of Mind

Let’s face it, much of your world depends on technology. Your smartphone, mobile devices, TVs, and computers dominate your daily activities. Unfortunately, not all of the information the media pumps into your mind is positive.

One of the best daily habits to reclaim your peace of mind is to unplug from technology for a while, says author Naomi Shimada in a Ted Talk. Create blocks of technology-free time during meals and other family activities. Turn off your phone and mobile devices and limit your screen time in the evening.

8. Practice Gratitude Despite Stressful Times

Why is it easy for people to focus on negative rather than overwhelmingly positive things? According to the law of attraction, concentrating on negativity produces negative affirmations into the Universe. In turn, you’ll continue to attract more of the same until you change your mindset.

What are the blessings in your life for which you are grateful? Consider keeping a gratitude list and jot down anything that comes to mind. Determine every day to say “thank you” to the Universe.


9. Reclaim Your Peace of Mind By Learning Forgiveness

The beauty of forgiveness is that it benefits both the forgiver and the forgiven. It is human nature to falsely assume that holding a grudge will punish those who hurt you. However, bitterness is an insidious poison that only harms the grudge bearer.

Forgiveness doesn’t excuse or forget the pain that others have caused. Nor does it mean you must let that person back into your life. Use it as a gift to acknowledge the offense and move on.

You can also burden your life with past regrets and offenses you’ve committed. It takes a big person to admit you were wrong and ask for forgiveness. Even if the person refuses to forgive you, it will no longer be your burden.

Finally, do not forget to forgive yourself and find the peacefulness you need. Forgive yourself for your mistakes and shortcomings and pick yourself up from the mud. While you can’t undo the past, each day is a new page for you to script your present and future.

10. Uncover the Emotional Gunk You’ve Been Hiding

Speaking of baggage, what other emotional cobwebs are blocking the light of joy from your spirit? Consider giving your mind and soul a thorough spring cleaning. At first, you may feel uncomfortable sweeping away all the pain, frustration, and regret you’ve hidden for years.

Although you can’t forget this spiritual hoard, you can release it into the Universe. Let go of criticism, judgment, and anger and replace it with acceptance, peace, and contentment. You’ll be surprised at how much space you have in your heart when you declutter the junk from the past.

11. Extend Love to Others

It is a mistake to describe love as an emotion when it’s a choice. You’re not forced to love your family and friends. It is a choice you willingly make as you accept love from them.

The love you have for your significant other goes beyond the emotion of infatuation. You choose to love them and let them love you. Offering love to others costs you nothing but means everything to you and those you love.

12. Learn to Be More Detached

Everyone faces attachment to their families, careers, money, and possessions. However, emotionally attaching yourself often stands in the way of realizing your dreams. It makes you feel like you’ll only be whole if you have these things, the perfect mate, the perfect house, etc.

When you release the illusion of perfection, you can detach from the shackles of wanting bigger and better. Buddhists call it anatta, which means removing your attachment to worldly desires. Then, you can enjoy what you have and focus on spiritual renewal.

13. Take Short Naps to Reclaim Your Peace of Mind

In several cultures worldwide, taking little naps during the day is not optional; they are mandatory. Countries like Italy and Mexico often close shops during the day’s heat for people to take siestas. These short rests restore energy for the rest of the day.

If you feel drained during the day, have a power nap for about fifteen minutes. You can even do it on your lunch break at work. This brief respite can be the boost you need for your happiness and to recharge your batteries.

14. Practice Tolerance and Patience

This world is big enough for differences of opinions and personal perspectives. When you accept others as they are and practice tolerance and patience, you feel more content in your space. Plus, you receive the blessings of tolerance from other people.

15. Roam The Great Outdoors After a Stressful Day

There’s an unexplainable comfort in nature that you can enjoy anytime. Release those stressful moments by walking through the woods or your neighborhood park. Inhale the fresh air and express gratitude for the trees, plants, water, and little woodland creatures.


Final Thoughts on Ways to Have Peace of Mind, Even  on a Stressful Day

Are you tired of simply existing and not living up to your full potential? Try these helpful tips and other ways to bring joy and peace to your entire being on the most stressful days. Not only can you have more clarity to define your destination, but you will enjoy the trip.

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