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10 Ways to Find a Life of Fulfillment

Have you ever wondered why you’re alive?

What’s your life’s purpose? Do you have a mission? Of course, the thought of a purpose gives us a great pleasure. We live our lives trying to make a living and fit in, but there’s more to it. The truth is that our sole mission is to be happy – to find success and peace from within.

We all have a definition of success: some think that it requires money, others think that it requires a beautiful family or talent, or special skills, or recognition. There are as many definitions to success as there are humans on this planet. What’s important is that you find your own way to fulfillment and live life from a place of satisfaction.

Here are 10 ways to find a life of fulfillment

  1. Discover your true self

    Live your life accordingly to your inmost desires. Spend time to realize what makes your overflow with joy. Don’t give in to doubts and fears about your human abilities. Find the strength to shine your light and allow others to see you for who you really are. In order to do that, you need to spend time unveiling yourself.

    We all learned during our lives to hide parts of us in order to be accepted; allow those parts to come to the surface and integrate them. Do you have a secret passion no one knows about? Are you interested in painting but never had the opportunity to start because you thought you were not good enough? Now it’s the time to walk the path you always dreamed about.

  2. Be authentic.

    The beauty of this world consists in what we perceive as parts of it: each and every human alive at the moment, nature, plants, animals, buildings and so on. Look outside yourself and learn from Mother Nature to be your true, authentic self. It teaches us how to effortlessly give birth to the most astonishing things we could have ever imagined without compromising integrity. You are a unique individual who is already equipped with all the tools to become the best version of yourself.

  3. Live in the moment.

    Be aware that everything eventually fades away, disappears, or transforms. This is a harsh truth that we should all acknowledge in order to use our time most effectively. This moment that you are spending reading this article will never come back; so sink in and open your heart to these words. Fulfillment comes from this awareness.

  4. Purify your mind

    Life’s true importance comes from within; all the events that you perceive as exterior to yourself are filtered through your mind. Your mental capacity of discerning one thing from another, of analyzing, synthesizing, remembering is outstanding. But in order for your mind to function correctly, it must be cleared of all impurities, such as obsessive thoughts that torment you (as self-criticism), excessive worrying, ideas that induce panic or any other negative imprint. There are so many things you can do in order to purify your mind: meditation, stress relieve therapies, walks in nature, reading a good book that uplifts your spirit, playing with kids, enjoying the beautiful company of an animal.

  5. Practice Compassion

    All of us sharing this space and time on planet Earth, function internally the same way. We all struggle, get disappointed, dream, trust, love. No one is greater or lesser than you are. See in everyone you meet an individual yearning to find him/herself. Everyone is on a different path to fulfillment.

  6. Take chances.

    A life lived in fear is no life at all. Find the internal guidance system that tells you when to shift. Be aware of your emotions; follow your instinct and walk your own path. Follow your calling and dissolve the boundaries of a life that doesn’t bring you joy.

  7. Be responsible

    You should understand that you’re in control of your own life. When something doesn’t turn out as planned, it produces pain. In your mind, you link the pain to how you see the event and not to the event. Acknowledge that only you are responsible for the way you look at things. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

  8. Create from the heart

    You are here to be happy and to create your own results in life. Master the skills you have been given and rise to your greatest potential. Dreams are ageless. Feel your dreams from the heart, decide what kind of life you want for yourself, and take the first step towards it.

  9. Focus on the good in your life

    Practice being positive even in the darkest moments. Remember that everything passes and always nurture in your heart that place of joy and awe.  You can do this through affirmations, gratitude lists, or even speaking positive things to yourself in the mirror each morning.

  10. LOVE

    Love as much as you can and be grateful for everything you have in your life right now. It’s important! After all, love is the reason you are alive and experiencing your growth as an individual. What’s even more important than love for others is self-love.  Self-love is the first step to building healthy relationships to everyone around you.


And those, friends, are the keys to fulfillment. Join the conversation and share your tips!

7 Signs You’re in an Authentic Relationship

We all dream about a perfect partner who could increase our heart rate and make our heads spin daily. We all find ourselves in that space of intense desire and get easily disappointed when we attract partners with whom we simply don’t resonate. Everywhere we look, from TV commercials to movies and random banners, we get the wrong idea about what having a significant other in your life really comes down to. It can be easy to miss the fact that a relationship needs to be there not only to give and receive love but also to grow as a person.

Here are 7 signs you’re in an authentic relationship that helps you grow as an individual.

  1. Your special someone gives you wings

One of their main focuses is to see you happy, free from restrictions, and using your highest potential in order to achieve your desires. This partner may gently push you ‘out there’ because he or she sees your potential and wants to see you shine. This partner encourages you on a daily basis and tenderly shifts your focus from ‘I am not good enough’ to ‘I can do it’.

  1. Your partner considers communication essential in your relationship

You and him/her both, progressively practice opening up to one another. This process requires time, patience, acceptance and love. As we get involved in romantic relationships (or any kind of relationships, for that matter), most of us dissociate from our authentic self and create a false image of ourselves- that always provided the safety of acceptance. Having a true connection with someone means unveiling our true spirit and functioning from that place of truthfulness.

  1. Your significant other  soothes you when you’re too hard on yourself

All individuals give in to self-criticism at a certain point; society doesn’t help as it continuously promotes the idea of more: bigger, better, newer are the leitmotifs of our daily living. No wonder in this context we often find ourselves caught in a space of negativity. When this happens, your partner doesn’t invalidate your feelings but tries to shift your perception. Looking at things from a different point of view, in difficult moments, can light up new realms for you.

  1. Your partner is aware of the importance of quality time together

He/she always practices being fully present around you. As your connection deepens, both of you devote yourselves to one another and how to become one without losing your individuality.

  1. Your relationship facilitates the growth of both of you

In time, you and your partner become the best versions of yourselves you have ever imagined. Your significant other boosts your expansion as a human being. And he/she teaches you to remain centered through life’s ups and downs.

  1. Your relationship makes you feel safe

Nowadays, everywhere we turn, we witness dramatic events. We can easily dive into the increasing wave of negative emotions promoted mostly by the media. In these conditions, your relationship becomes that safe space of purity, tenderness, joy, and fulfillment. We are so used to the drama that we unconsciously bring it in our lives. Our romantic relationships are commonly exposed to this situation. An aware and loving partner will work on dissolving any negative vibe that could cloud your connection. He/she will defuse any tension arisen between you as a result of something that clearly has nothing to do with the two of you.

  1. An authentic relationship teaches you how to love unconditionally

It breaks the walls most of us created in order to protect ourselves, leaving us opened, vulnerable and extremely sensitive. You learn how to provide for yourself and for your partner from a place of relaxation, attention, and flexibility. Most importantly, the right relationship gives you the strength to reach your greatest potential. Indeed, it does this by diving into that unique space of genuine self-love, so inaccessible to the majority of us.


Do you have a sign to add to the list?  Discuss below, and let your relationship SHINE!

11 Ways to Become a More Positive Thinker

“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.” – Buddha

Life can be very challenging. With constant demands being placed on our time, it can feel like life is happening to us, not for us. We can get caught up and allow other people and events to run our day, sometimes missing out on opportunities for ourselves.

But, there is a solution to this ever increasing problem – the power of positivity. Consciously making a decision to become a better, more positive version of yourself can and WILL transform your every day life.

Expanding your comfort zone is where growth happens.  With your continual willingness and practice you’ll begin to see more evidence of change. Making gradual small changes in your habits will create big positive ripples down the road. Soon enough, you’ll look back and be astonished at the transformation you’ve made.

And the good news is . . . with the power of positivity it just keeps getting better and better. 😉

Here are 11 Ways to Become a More Positive Thinker:

#1. Use visualization to reinforce what you want to become.

If you really want something, visualize it. Take your focus off of what you don’t want, and spend more time thinking about what you do want.  It might take some conscious effort, especially in the beginning. But, eventually you will spend more time visualizing and focusing on what you do want, that you’ll start to see it happening!

Visualization is simpler than you think.  You probably did it way more when you were a child and teenager than you do now. If you do still “daydream” maybe you think it’s something that’s not realistic for you? Otherwise you would already be there or have it.

Visualization is ALL about positive energy and replaying the story that we wish to see in our mind.

The Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle put it this way:
“First, have a definite, clear, practical ideal; a goal, an objective.
Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends: wisdom, money, materials, and methods.
Third, adjust all your means to that end.”

Athletes like Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods have sworn by visualization. So get at it and start visualizing what you want more often. 😉

#2. Express gratitude for everything good in your life.

It’s very important to realize the power of being grateful for what you have. Typically, it’s very easy to focus on what is going wrong instead of what is going right. Research shows, again and again, that people who practice gratitude on a daily basis are healthier, happier, and more effective.

Throughout the day, intentionally look for things to be thankful for. If you really want to get into the art (and success) of gratitude, create a list of five or ten things that you are grateful for and commit to that practice daily.

Gratitude is important to practice every day. If you’ve never done it, at first it may seem like a chore; that’s okay. Eventually it will become second nature and you’ll be expressing gratitude naturally all throughout the day. Especially when you find yourself going the wrong direction, switch your attention to what is going right.

#3. Place inspiring quotes all around you.

We’ve had the great fortune of living after and amongst some of the greatest human minds: William Shakespeare, Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Norman Vincent Peale, Confucius (if you want to get old, old school with it!)…  The list is quite literally endless. Find a person or persons who inspire you the most and surround yourself with their words. This is so, so powerful.

You can also feel free to print out our posters from our Facebook page and hang them on your refrigerator, desk or vision board.

#4. Listen to uplifting music.

I’m sure this is just a reminder… but, music can uplift and inspire in ways that few other things can. Music emanates from our alarm clocks, car radios, cell phones, MP3 players, and laptops. It can make us smile, laugh, sway, dance and groove. It’s energizing, powerful, and encouraging. Listen to whatever music inspires you and watch magic happen. 😉

#5. Read motivating books.

Not the corporate drivel that your workplace or school has assigned you, but real, powerful, uplifting books. Books that will open your mind and keep you dreaming. Books that will make you appreciate and value yourself. Books that will empower and inspire you to become and do more – there are many, many literary masterpieces out there that will do this. >>Our Top 10 Positive Thinking Books That Can Change Your Life.

#6. Create personal affirmations and restate your affirmations every day until they are part of you.

We’ve written some great articles about affirmations – what they are, what they do, and a complete guide on how to use them.  If you are new to affirmations then please >>Read more here. Otherwise, we are reminding you to take full advantage of the words that are coming out of your mouth. Every word we speak is an affirmation and when we can consciously keep our focus in the positive direction we can effectively change the brain and reality.

#7. Become a student of meditation.

Meditation is not just for spiritual gurus or yogis. Meditation is a practical way to bring peace, tranquility and consciousness in the midst of our busy lives. You can practice traditional yoga or even try an exercise that puts you in a meditative state like walking, running or yoga. A good 15 minute meditation can do wonders, but even 1 minute of your time can help.  Seriously, Google “How to Meditate in One Minute”! Meditation helps ease anxiety, anger, depression, stress, and insomnia.

#8. Be around positive people.

“You are the company you keep.” This quote says it all. If you hang around and interact with negative, downtrodden people, how do you think you’re going to feel and act?

On the other hand, if you surround yourself with positive people (like other PoP members) you become exposed to positive values and ideals while reinforcing and strengthening your positive mental attitude. This is why it is so important to remain attentive of the people you surround yourself with and even more so the frequency and the length.

#9. Get some sort of exercise.

Exercise is magical. . . seriously. The benefits of a brisk walk, a jog, lifting weights, or any other kind of physical activity are astounding. The Mayo Clinic reports six major benefits to any kind of exercise. Exercising: controls weight, combats health conditions and diseases, improves mood, boosts energy, promotes better sleep and enables a better sex life. Try to aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day. You can even break the 30 minutes into 10 minute intervals if time is a stretch for you.

#10. Carry a personal, powerful memento with you.

This can be a quote, a picture of a hero, scripture…anything as long as it powerfully resonates with you. Visual reminders are important for our brains, as they reinforce the kind of person that we want to be. These mementos can change your brain and change your life. Put it in your purse, wallet, and pocket; or on your desk, dashboard and end table. Look at it numerous times throughout the day for inspiration.

#11. Take on a hobby or passion.

Remember to have fun and enjoy yourself – that’s the secret to a happy life and better you. Put work and obligations aside once in a while and do something that you love. Of course, if you love your work  and it doesn’t feel like work, then BINGO  you are definitely on the right path.

Add to the List:
What habit has helped you become a better, more positive YOU?

11 Small Things You Can Do Right Now to Improve your Life and Change the World

These two powerful quotes set the perfect stage for perhaps two of the greatest aspirations of humankind: to change the world and to change ourselves.

“Be the  change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.” – President Barack Obama

As fallible human beings, it’s too easy getting into a mindset in which we think making a difference is impossible – but it’s not. It’s too easy to get discouraged about things going on in the world and to complain that things are going downhill.

This problem is that we have a tendency to try and take on either too much or too little.

However, there are little things that you can do on a daily basis to make yourself feel better while also making the world a better place!

11 small things that you can do right now to improve your life and change the world:


Small thing #1: Say Hello to a stranger.

Being so busy and stretched for time, we are all wrapped up in our own little worlds. Once in a while, you are on the receiving end of a friendly person’s warm greeting, and it feels magnificent. Reciprocate that feeling and give someone a warm “Hello!” or “Good morning!” You could just be making someone’s day!


Small thing #2: Donate something.

Most of us have stuff laying around the house we no longer use. Look in your closets, on your desk, or in your drawers. Do you have any old clothing or stuff that doesn’t fit? Take it to a Goodwill or Salvation Army. Most places are happy to take your discarded items, and there is probably someone in need that can find good use for it.


Small thing #3: Visit someone who’d like some company.

Someone at a nursing home, retirement center, or a relative close by would love to see and hear from you. Visit an orphanage or a facility for the disabled, if you’d like. Unfortunately, there are people who feel alone or abandoned by others who could use the company of a friendly person such as you!


Small thing #4: Volunteer.

Find a cause that’s near and dear to your heart and spend some time there. There are wonderful sites like and that will match you with great causes such as feeding the homeless, caring for pets, reading to children, helping disabled veterans, rebuilding our neighborhoods, and much more. It’s a heartwarming way to change the world.


Small thing #5: Pick up trash lying around.

This is our earth, our environment, and our responsibility. When you are strolling somewhere, and you see a piece of trash lying on the ground, what do you do? Do you take a few seconds to pick it up and dispose of it properly or just walk by? If you walk by, please pick it up. We’ve been given this beautiful planet, and we alone are responsible for keeping it beautiful.


Small thing #6: Grow a garden.

Not only will this give you something fun to do, but you will also be doing your part for our environment. Think of walking outside and seeing a beautiful array of flowers or plants, knowing that you are responsible for their creation and upkeep. Pretty cool.


Small thing #7: Buy a stranger’s coffee or tea.

Small gestures like paying for an unknown person’s beverage at a restaurant or café can make a big difference. Not only are you saving them the expense and quenching their thirst (or caffeine craving), but you are also instilling or strengthening a “pay it forward” attitude. Random acts of kindness are special and benefit you and the other person greatly. What do you think the chances are that they will buy the next person’s coffee or tea when they get a chance? Congratulations, you’ve created a positive domino effect!


Small thing #8: Smile at someone.

This small gesture can change the world by brightening someone’s day!

Speaking of powerful, smiling at someone is one of the most powerful things you can do. We all come across someone at times that look as if they’re having a bad day or days… smile at them. Better yet, smile and say “Hello!”… Whoa, you just did two little things in one awesome gesture. And you probably made someone feel better about themselves in the process!


Small thing #9: Set the example.

There’s something to be said about a person who sets the example for others. Whether it’s at work, home, school or out and about, there are people who are consistently well mannered and set a positive example in their attitude, speech, work ethic, and in other areas as well. This is not to say that you need to be perfect… but conducting yourself with dignity and class is something that can have a very powerful impact on others.


Small thing #10: Commit to self-improvement.

This is easier said than done, but it’s possible. Nobody changes overnight, and you shouldn’t expect to either, but great thing is that by doing any of the above nine steps, you are already committing yourself to the noble goal of self-improvement. The real challenge lies in doing the little things on a consistent basis and by taking advantage of all opportunities to change the world – one little step at a time.


Small thing #11: Say “I Love You”

These three small words create one VERY big statement.  When you say I love you to someone, or in the mirror to yourself each morning (highly recommended practice), you are sharing the greatest power in the world.  Love stops wars and starts lives, and according to some, love is all you need!

change the world

What small things can you add to change the world?  We’d love to discuss in the comments!

4 Ways of Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

Expanding your comfort zone is where growth happens. The comfort zone is like a secure island of stagnant high ground. Life gently pushes us into the infinite waters of our potential.

We are so used to living in a bubble of security that we don’t realize how much we limit ourselves. Facing the unknown is never easy; fear appears- as an indicator of change- and change always boosts our expansion as human beings. Outgrowing our fears and insecurities brings liberation, joy, and trust.

Ten Reasons You Fear Growing Your Comfort Zone.

Before we dive into how to make these positive changes, let’s first look at why you prefer your cozy spot in the first place.

getting out of your comfort zone1. You’re Waiting for the Right Time

If you’re always waiting for the right time to step out of your comfort zone, you’ll never do it. The time is only suitable if you decide to do it. You don’t have to wait to perfect your skills or overcome your fear because you can move forward anytime.

By waiting until the time seems right, you will miss out on many opportunities and experiences. You will spend your life watching everyone else try new things and excel in life. Don’t be the person sitting back watching everyone else.

2. You Don’t Educate Yourself or Ask Questions

People that expand their comfort zone spend time asking questions and educating themselves. They strive to gain knowledge and glimpse other perspectives to understand the world around them. Even if you feel like an expert, seeking deeper insight is always beneficial.

If you struggle with getting out of your comfort zone, consider whether you are furthering your knowledge. While you can take courses or research a topic, you can also educate yourself by asking questions. Asking questions is one of the best ways to gather a deeper understanding.

3. You’re Afraid of the Unknown

People like knowing what will happen next, and you can’t do that unless you stay in the same place in life. When you don’t know what’s coming, you might worry about things you can’t predict. This mindset holds you back and prevents you from trying anything new or advancing your life.

4. You Want to Be in Control

If you always feel the need to be in control, it could be the reason you struggle with getting out of your comfort zone. When you become comfortable in life, you might feel like you control the rules and daily routines. You learn to enjoy the monotony of your current life because you always know what to expect.

If this sounds like you, then you must work on letting go of things. Craving excessive control hinders your ability to move forward and make progress toward your goals. Learn to enjoy unexpected situations and spontaneous experiences that are out of your control.

5. You Strive for Perfection and Experience Negative Self-Talk

No one is perfect, no matter how hard they try. If you are seeking perfection, you are likely holding yourself back. When you aren’t comfortable, you know that you can’t exhibit perfection in that area.

This mindset forces you to stay in your comfort zone, where you feel better equipped to handle things. You might think that stepping out of your comfort zone will lead to failure or feeling like you aren’t good enough. When you set the bar at perfection, you are creating an unattainable goal for yourself.

6. You Lack Will-Power

If you don’t do something because you don’t feel like it, you make it impossible to get out of your comfort zone. You will do the bare minimum because you have no drive to do more. If this sounds like your situation, learn to develop willpower even when you’re in a bad mood.

Force yourself to do new things even when you don’t feel like it. You can start with something simple like getting out of bed when your alarm wakes up rather than hitting snooze. Gradually increase the difficulty of your tasks to build your willpower as you go along.

7. Your Goals Are Undefined

If you don’t have definitive goals, you might not feel like getting out of your comfort zone. You might have a basic idea or concept of what you want but no clear vision or plan for achieving it.

If you want to step out of your comfort zone, start by creating a plan to guide you along the way. With a plan, you can do new things and make progress toward your life goals.

8. You Struggle to Make Decisions

An indecisive person will struggle with stepping out of their comfort zone. If you can’t make a decision or always want someone else to decide, it could be the reason you don’t want to move forward.

An inability to make decisions is a sure sign that you won’t step out of your comfort zone. It indicates an avoidance of conflict or a misunderstanding of your desires.

getting out of your comfort zone9. You Have Anxiety

Anxiety often holds people back from getting out of their comfort zone. It will make you feel like you can’t do more, or it will cause paralyzing fear. Learning to tolerate a little anxiety will help you overcome this, and you can gradually increase your stress factors over time.

10. You Struggle with Passive Behavior

If you exhibit passive behavior, it means that you avoid conflict, responsibility, and important decisions. You likely prefer to go with the flow of things and handle situations as they come along. Passive behavior could also cause you to reject change unless forced to conform to it.

When you struggle with passive behavior, you likely won’t feel like getting out of your comfort zone. Since you like to handle things as they come, you won’t want a new situation to mess up the flow of things.

Four Strategies of Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

Here are 4 steps to break out of your comfort zone and conquer the fear that leaves you feeling stranded:

1 – Realize that everything is in your head

When put in difficult situations, the mental scenarios people create don’t always reflect exactly how things unfold in those situations. Things in our lives will turn out better or worse; the events may not develop exactly as imagined and played in our heads. Running the same negative mental film means worrying, and this is never an alternative.  Worrying is one of the most useless things one could use his imagination for. Life flows, and its paths are for sure mysterious.

2 – Be brave

Accept the hardness of the moment; accept you are vulnerable. Sometimes, when faced with a life-changing event (the death of a loved one, the departure of your partner, your kids leaving the nest, losing your business) or when you find yourself at a crossroad, you need to find the courage to take the next step. And this next step will burst the bubble of security that you created to nurture your sense of immutability. Well, as much as we want things to be different, we live in a world where everything ages, changes, alters, and at a certain level, disappears.

Being brave in this context means being aware of our wavy-like existence and integrating this truth. Being brave means being more loving towards our needs; this has nothing to do with adrenaline, but it has everything to do with being aware of what really serves us. We are alive to feel, explore, expand, and travel in places and spaces beyond our imagination. Our comfort zone doesn’t suit this noble purpose of existence.

3 – Be kind to yourself

When scared of change, you are out of balance, and basically, you are in pain. The easy way out most of the time is denial: dishonesty regarding your emotions. Avoiding suffering is a built-in bulletproof vest, but the result of using this system attracts, however, the outcome we wanted to escape. Psychological, spiritual, and emotional wounds exist in layers. Healing takes place by going deep into the source of the pain. Denying and avoiding the pain is no remedy, as the real cause of your problem continues to run in the background and affect your life.

When you find yourself in such a place of doubt, pain, fear, and lack of trust (we’ve all been there), be gentle with yourself. No amount of self-criticism will ever set you free. When in a place of change, find compassion for yourself; be patient, allowing, and kind. This is the start of a beautiful friendship between you and yourself.

4 – Have faith

Remember that all things pass; find that eternal essence deep in yourself and hang on to that. Trusting life with your experiences is the easiest way. Accept that some things will happen regardless of you holding on to some result you think it’s most favorable. Follow your intuition, even if the false mental scenarios attempt to lead you astray.

pray moreFinal Thoughts on Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

In the comfort zone, nothing happens, and life is about everything; discovering your most significant potential starts outside the comfort zone by dissolving the boundaries of your identity. One of the most self-loving acts is the act of letting yourself drift away in the infinity of your potential. You are then alive, able to experience, discover and remember yourself! Let yourself be what you are.

11 Powerful Affirmations to Help Treat Depression and Anxiety

Affirmations are positive declarations and self-scripts that mold the subconscious into a more positive form. And lately, this new-age practice is approved by practitioners and their patients as potentially revolutionary practice in treating depression.

These individuals state that positive affirmations have the capability to heal the hurt done by negative talk that takes place both from within our own minds and from the mouths of others.

What about affirmations to help treat the two most common mental illnesses in the world – anxiety and depression?

Can the causes or symptoms of anxiety and depression be reduced, or even healed, through positive affirmations?

Promising Research on Affirmations

In a 2009 study done at Arizona State University, three expert ‘populations’ were studied: popular self-help literature, respected psychologists and psychotherapists, and individuals who were experiencing anxiety and/or depression.

In the research that was conducted it was determined that, at the very least, affirmations can be useful as a supplemental form of treatment for many depressed and/or anxious patients. For some patients, affirmations proved to be the most influential part of their recovery process.

Within the study, 17 therapists on a scale of 1-7, rated seven different affirmations on how effective they were in the treatment of those struggling with an anxiety disorder and/or clinical depression. The same affirmations were used for both disorders, as they often complement each other.

Interestingly, the three highest-rated affirmations were for anxiety. The top three affirmations had average scores of 5.43, 5.37, and 5.03, respectively. On the other hand, the top three affirmations for depression had scores of 4.83, 4.58, and 4.58.

Nearly all of the participants (including the therapists) agreed that affirmations can be a helpful practice when recovering from anxiety and depression! Individuality and the patients’ preferred method of treatment is thought to be the most important element in determining how effective a method of treatment is.

In other words, the willingness and belief of the individual to embrace positive affirmations increases the likelihood that these affirmations will make a positive impact!

The authors conclude with restating that treatments for anxiety and depression are highly individualized and customizable, and must be constructed as such. In the construction of an individualized treatment plan, all therapists and the authors of the study agree that affirmations should be deliberated – as they have been embraced by therapists and patients alike.


11 Powerful Affirmations to Help Treat Depression and Anxiety

If you are new to affirmations, you’ll find our “How to Practice Affirmations” guide below very helpful.  Repeat these positive affirmations, begin to believe them and you’ll see results!

1. I love myself unconditionally.

 2. I am STRONG!

3. I allow only healthy and loving relationships into my life.

4. Life wants the best for me. I am OK with where I am right now.

5. I am connected and comfortable in all environments, with all people.

6. I find and enjoy the simple pleasures life is offering right now.

7. How I feel matters, therefore I concentrate on aspects of life that make me feel good!

8. My challenges bring me better opportunities.

9. My mood creates a physiological response in my body. I am peaceful and positive!

10. I am in control of my thoughts and my life.

11. I love myself and who I am.

How to Practice Your Affirmations

First, it’s important to understand that the effectiveness of affirmations depends on your commitment and dedication to practicing consistently. Therefore, the belief of the affirmation will get easier over time. If you talk every day, then you are already practicing affirmations.

Every word you speak is an affirmation.  And so, it’s just that sometimes our affirmations to ourselves, about others, or our situation is not positive. Affirmations help us to consciously flip the switch and begin speaking in the direction that we actually want to travel.

You will want to make affirmations a daily routine (or at least a few times a week) in order to achieve the maximum benefits and help relieve your anxiety/depression faster. Be gentle with yourself though and do them as often as you can. Like anything, it seems harder in the beginning and then gets easier and easier until it’s like second nature.

Positive Affirmations: Helpful tips

Contemplate your positive qualities.

As human beings, we more often think about what we’d rather change about ourselves than what we love. We are all unique creatures. And, we possess gifts that no one else in the world has! Write down the things that you know are special about you, and write them in the first person (“I am…”)

Consider the negative scripts that you wish to replace with positive ones.

What goes through your head when you’re down? Do you have negative perceptions about your looks, intelligence, accomplishments or abilities? Time to replace that negative chatter with those positive qualities you listed in step one!

Consider what positive goals you want to accomplish.

There are specific goals that you want to achieve, right? As you continue to feel better about yourself, you’ll be more and more motivated to work towards these. Write them down.

Order your list of goals and scripts.

You may find that your list of scripts and goals have grown rather large. That’s great! You will want to work on a few of these at a time. Choose what is the most urgent and work on these first. When you see measurable improvement in an area, move down the list!

Re-write and re-read your affirmations and goals daily.

Make a habit of writing your goals and scripts daily – to the point where they’re the last thing you think of when you fall asleep and the first thing when you wake up.

Combine your positive qualities (step 1) with your goals (step 3).

What positive qualities did you affirm in step one that can help you achieve the goals that you’ve set? If you resolve to lose weight and have great focus, then you can combine these two to give yourself some momentum. Choose two or three affirmations to support your goals.

Meditate on your affirmations.

Get in a meditative state, whatever is most comfortable for you, close your eyes, and think about your affirmations. Feel the emotions that arise as you repeat the words and think about the future.

Remind yourself of your affirmations.

Write down your affirmations on notecards, a whiteboard, scrap paper, or Post-Its. Then, place them around your home, work, and car. Of course, place them where you’ll see them!. Each time you see the affirmation, think about what it means to you.

Keep at it!

Finally, remember that practice makes perfect. As you continue with your affirmations and begin to see real evidence of your making small changes, feel gratitude and keep going. You will begin to see bigger and bigger changes in your mood, feelings about yourself and others, and your life.

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Do you have a positive affirmation that has helped you? Please share in the comments below!

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