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10 Positive Thinking Books that Can Change Your Life

One of the most frequent questions we receive is for the best positive thinking books. So, we like to share those that have made the biggest impact in our own lives. We’re excited to share this list with you here.

“If you can change your mind, you can change your life.”
–  William James

After having read hundreds of books, naming our absolute favorite positive thinking books became complex, because the power of positivity goes far beyond positive thinking.  It encompasses physical and spiritual wellness, as well as health in our relationships, finances and many other areas of our lives.  Needless to say, this list of our favorite positive thinking books list is by no means only collection of books you should own. There are so many others that could change your life, but we had to stop somewhere, right?

So without further ado, here are…

10 Positive Thinking Books that Might Change Your Life

1.  The Alchemistpositive-thinking

Paulo Coelho’s legacy will forever be cemented into history through his book, The Alchemist.  The wisdom that The Alchemist shares is simple yet profound.  Santiago, a shepherd boy goes on a quest from his home in Spain, in search of treasure hidden inside an ancient Egyptian pyramid.  Meeting an alchemist, a Gypsy woman and a man who calls himself king, Santiago is guided on his journey.  The story transfers the quest for treasure into a spiritual journey to uncover the treasures found within.  This book brings a realization of the value contained in our hearts, minds, and dreams.

positive-thinking-power2. The Power of Positive Thinking

The Power of Positive Thinking is one of the most recognized positive thinking books in the world.  Norman Vincent Peale has not only inspired us here, but has also helped millions of people realize that their dreams lie within the ability to practice full faith in everyday actions. Through his positive, practical techniques, Dr. Peale describes how to have a new level of “oomph” in life to manifest your hopes and ambitions.

3. Think and Grow Rich

“If you are ready for the secret, you already possess one half of it.” – Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich sold over 20 million copies.  In the story, Napoleon dedicated 20 years of his life studying and interviewing 500 of the most successful people at the time. Thomas Edison, Henry Ford , and Andrew Carnegie were all subjects of Napoleon’s diligent research.  Not only did this book have a tremendous influence on us, it did so for the whole field of personal development and positive thinking.

positive-thinking4. As a Man Thinketh

The logic of the book As a Man Thinketh by James Allen follows the simple yet profound premise that your thoughts create your life.  If you have practice negative thinking, you will create a life full of negative circumstances.  On the contrary, when we practice positive thinking, ‘All the world softens towards us, and is ready to help us.’

This bolsters the belief that we attract whatever it is that we are thinking, whether it be love or fear-based, through our subconscious delivery system that serves as a catalyst for physical manifestation.

positive-thinking5. Psycho-cybernetics

Psycho-cybernetics by Maxwell Malts combines cognitive behavioral techniques with  cybernetics to define the intricate workings of our mind-body connection and how it serves as the core in attaining your goals in life.  Maltz worked with many of his clients to make their goals of a positive outcome occur through the visualization of that outcome.

Even the world’s leading experts in self-help and personal development like Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, and Brian Tracy Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy have used the work of Maxwell Maltz as a foundation for their very own teachings.


6. The Magic

Rhonda Byrne’s books about “The Secret”, “The Power”, and “The Magic have garnered world attention and sparked a global awakening.   The Magic takes us one step further through “The Secret”, and shows us that gratitude is key in changing your life.

The Magic takes you on a life changing 28-day journey, with a follow-up in each chapter that contains special exercises to help you practice gratitude. We have found that this book and the positive thinking practices contained within will not only assist in changing the way you think, but will also set your dreams and desires into motion.

positive-thinking7. The Charge

The Charge-Activating the 10 Human Drives That Make You Feel Alive by Brendon Burchard will take you on a personal journey to live a more impassioned life. This book will teach you how to embrace change and challenges; how to discover your outlets for creative expression, and the value of contributing and aligning ourselves to personal goals or aspirations.

The Charge challenges each of us to become more passionate in life through discovering your creativity and expressing it in your own unique way.  We love this book, and you surely will too!


8. The Power of NOW

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle brings understandable spirituality to every person, especially into those with a western world-view. The simple language Eckhart Tolle uses in this book simply cuts through falsehood, bringing a deep meaning into the every day experiences in life along with a self-realization of the true importance the NOW contains.  We highly recommend this book and would love to hear what you think.

9. The Four Agreements

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is a life-changing book, whose ideas come from the ancient Toltec wisdom of the native people of Southern Mexico. The Toltec were known ‘people of knowledge’, and Ruiz’s family was firmly emboldened with this knowledge.

positive-thinkingThe simple ideas of The Four Agreements provide a guide-map for living a positive life.  Here are  ‘The Four Agreements’, and what they mean according to Ruiz

  • Be impeccable with your word
    Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the Word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your Word in the direction of truth and love.
  • Don’t take anything personally
    Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.
  • Don’t make assumptions
    Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
  • Always do your best
    Your best will change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.

As you make these four agreements, your life will dramatically change. Integrating them into your being and every area of your life will soon become a practice that pays off generously.

positive-thinking10. Getting Into The Vortex: Guided Meditations CD and Book

Abraham-Hicks has created a true masterpiece that we have enjoyed since day one.  “Getting into the Vortex” means aligning with your highest self,which is also known as your direct connection to the divine – the broader part of who you are.  The teachings of Abraham in these guided meditations and books refer to us as a direct extension of pure positive source energy. Furthermore, only a fraction of that becomes our physical form.  It states that our purpose here is to live a life of contrast, recognizing what we don’t want to recognize what we do want. In turn, we cause the Universe to expand.  This practice is known as the Law of Attraction.  The Law of Attraction states, “The essence of that which is like unto itself, is drawn.”  In other words, you create your reality through your thoughts, both subconscious and conscious.


11. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuffpositive-thinking

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff – and it’s all small stuff by Richard Carlson, Ph.d. is the perfect short read to help you realize the true significance of your conscious thoughts, and how a positive thinking perspective can change all of that.

This book shows you that you can calm down in the midst of any situation.  Even in the incredibly hurried, stress-filled lives many live, this book will teach you how to put things in perspective. All it takes is making small daily changes.  One important quote that sticks out to us in this book says “Think of your problems as potential teachers”.  Worth the read, this book will definitely become a go-to guide in your reference list for positive thinking.

What are your favorite positive thinking books?


Tapping: An Ancient Technique to Unlock Your Full Potential

If I told you that you could completely change your life in ten days, wouldn’t you jump at that chance? The ancient art of tapping is a game-changer for those who slog through daily life without truly living.

Many of us go through life without ever realizing that there is so much more available to receive. We accept what life has dealt us without questioning it. We come to accept health, emotional, and economic troubles just as they are and quickly lose sight of the dreams we once envisioned so passionately.

But, what if things could be different? What if we could change our lives for the better with one simple technique?

There IS actually one simple technique, and it’s called “Tapping”.

emotional-freedom-tappingWhat is Tapping?

Tapping is a technique that has been used for over five thousand years, discovered in Chinese doctrine. Ancient Chinese medical doctors would promote this to their patients thousands of years ago as a way to heal themselves.

In many ways, tapping is much like acupuncture. You take negative energy or pain and focus on it. Then, tapping five to seven times on meridian points, you can release the negative emotional energy that has been blocking you from receiving your abundance. It’s quite simple actually. It can help you achieve more physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Wayne Dyer has said that Tapping transformed his life. He learned what he had control over in his life and how to channel his energy. He also states that he is much more aware of energy in his life and home and owes that to Tapping.

How Does This work?

In a nutshell, Tapping rewires your brain. It can change your whole outlook on life along with every aspect of it. It can help you with emotional disorders, financial difficulties, relief from chronic pain, addictions, phobias, physical diseases and much more.

There’s a reason why many celebrities also regularly practice Tapping. With Tapping, you’ll find the secret to physical and emotional strength. You can and will take your own well-being into your hands and make a better outcome for yourself.

The fact is, you can transform your life. You really do have that power. However, in order to achieve that, you must have the desire to claim it. That is what tapping is all about. Getting the future you deserve by releasing what does not serve you and channeling the positive energy to fully receive. The best part is, anyone can do it.tapping-mind

Essentially, tapping can create a total life makeover.  Dr. Wayne Dyer has used the power of forgiveness, and EFT Tapping, to release himself from the binds of the past.  The tapping technique can radically transform your life.

You can learn from today’s EFT experts at The Tapping Solution. In ten short days, you can see remarkable changes in your physical experience. You’ll realize what has caused you physical or emotional pain and successfully release it.

Do you practice tapping and EFT?  Share your success and experiences in the conversation below!


The Secret Power of a Positive Perspective

Do you need a change up to a more positive perspective?

To change ourselves effectively, we first had to change our perceptions. – Stephen R. Covey

Most of us have a deep desire to understand and be understood. This world, at times without the correct perspective, can be a very confusing place. But, it doesn’t have to be.

In fact, choosing to see the secret power a positive perspective holds can free us from a world of hurt, pain, struggle and bondage. Just like your best friend or fondest family member, positivity can support you, encourage you, lift you to new heights, make you feel loved even when you’re alone, make you smile, make you laugh, give you good luck, help you when you’re feeling blue, bring you more abundance, help you achieve your next goal and so much more.

The Secret Power of a Positive Perspective

The fact is, positivity is who we truly are. That’s right, by nature we are all pure positive beings – with radiant, white light souls. We are all unique. But, here’s the deal… it’s up to US to use that power or to ignore it. Are you using it to your fullest potential right now?

Most of us could be a little more (or a lot more) conscious of our thought process as we are moving throughout the day. If right now you feel lack or bitter in a particular area of your life, that’s natural – it’s your soul calling to you and letting you know that you could do better or things need to be resolved. We are meant to truly THRIVE on this beautiful planet and allow our souls to blossom to their fullest potential, not merely just survive and get by. You deserve BETTER!


positive-perspectiveIt’s all in the mind. -George Harrison

Do you know you have within you the power today to make positive changes that will bring about the kind of difference you would like to have in your life? Yes, you have that power within you right now. When you are ready to make real positive changes, you won’t let excuses set you back. Let go of blaming other people, specific circumstances, health, family history, age, and environment. It comes down to something that only you can control – your thoughts, words, attitude, and actions. If you truly want to reach your goal you will go after it with your whole heart and overcome any obstacle.

You can start to change everything right now by choosing a positive perspective on any given situation as often as you can. Living a positive lifestyle doesn’t happen overnight. But it can happen quickly if you stay conscious throughout the day of your thought process and your actions.

The Power of Positivity

To start harnessing the power of a positive perspective you need to maintain a positive mindset. This will allow you to begin drawing more abundance into your life, and in time, the life of your dreams. The way we are living in the now comes down to how we think about things and our mental attitude towards life. We have the ability to make major positive changes by choosing the positive perspective in everything and in every moment. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, what your health is like, how many friends and family members you have, what you weigh, how you look or what size home you have, look at your life with a grateful heart and find something good to think and say about it. That is choosing the positive perspective.

Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves. – C.G. Jungj

For example, there could be co-worker that you don’t really get along with, you may even strongly dislike the person; but when you open up your heart and mind and really look at this person you will find at least one good quality. In time, by focusing on that one good quality about that person, more reasons to like that person will surface. It’s just how it works! You can apply this same theory to anything.

Be grateful for where you are right now and continue to anticipate the positive changes and growth that is coming from choosing the positive perspective in any moment. Living with a positive attitude is the only way to live your best life because you are consistently feeling joy. Feeling joyful brings more abundance.

In fact, joy is key to living your best life. As long as you are happy where you are, more abundance will continue to be drawn to you.

How to Choose a Positive Perspective

We would consider ending this article here, but many of you have asked how to choose the positive perspective when things are really difficult. Hardships and challenges are when the positive perspective is needed most. It may not be easy to find it, but it is always worth it. Most of the time, it involves forgiveness and an open mind to continue to search in your heart for loving, kinder thoughts.

In an excerpt from “In Pursuit of Excellence” – “Ellis and Harper (1976, 25) identified several perspectives or beliefs that can interfere with your capacity to perform to your potential and live a joyful life:

  • The belief that you must always have love and approval from all the people you find significant
  • A belief that you must always prove to be thoroughly competent, adequate, and achieving
  • The belief that emotional misery comes from external pressures and that you have little ability to control or change your feelings
  • A belief that if something seems fearsome or threatening, you must preoccupy yourself with it and make yourself anxious about it
  • The belief that your past remains all-important and that because something once strongly influenced your life, it has to keep determining your feelings and behavior today

You cannot have the love and approval of all people at all times, no matter what you do or how much you give of yourself; nor can you always be thoroughly competent at all things. None of us is, or ever will be, perfect at all things. We all screw up sometimes, and that’s OK. That’s being human.

We all have the capacity to change our perspectives, improve our focus, and directly influence our feelings. We are not locked into the limitations of our experiences. This ongoing capacity to change and improve is what makes life such a wonderful adventure. We all have room to grow and to engage continually in the process of becoming.”


Final Thoughts

It’s important to develop the confidence inside of you to know that every challenge will sculpt you and make you stronger. Picture yourself looking back on the situation with pride at where you have come and how much you have accomplished. Know that every difficulty is making you wiser, better and bringing you closer to your goals. See what it can do for you, not what it is doing to you. We must trust in this, because when we lose our faith we slowly creep backwards. And, if this becomes a habit, we begin to create a series of problems and negative events.

Listening to your intuition can also often help you choose a more loving, positive perspective. You know what to listen to by observing your feeling when you think about it. Embrace the positive perspective or put your attention to something else that makes you feel joy until you can come back to it with a clear mind and fresh eyes. With practice, you’ll be feeling inspired and abundant in every area of your life. In fact, your life will feel like an everyday miracle!
Remember: Life is not what happens to you, it’s about your perspective. Choose to harness the power of a positive perspective.

Think about a positive perspective can you add into your life today.

Feel free to start a conversation. 😉


How to Achieve Clarity in Life (Physical, Mental, and Spiritual)

For me the greatest beauty always lies in the greatest clarity. – Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

Have you ever experienced foggy weather? Low visibility and the inability to see what you know exists leaves you feeling lost in the once-familiar, now misty world around you. Not until the sun shines to evaporate the surrounding ground clouds can you really see what is around you?

Fog can creep in on the human psyche too.   Whether physical, mental, or spiritual, a foggy feeling in life is one that wants to leave you with little to no progress, practically stealing the potential love and positive energy that awaits you.

The good news is that you never really have to feel like you’re trapped in any one of these fogs.  Clarity can always be with you, all you need to do is “warm-up” the hazy environment around you to reach above the D.E.W. Point.   Here are a few practical hacks to help keep you above a “D.E.W. (depressed, empty, worn-out) point in life.”

How to Attain Physical, Mental, and Spiritual clarity:

Attaining physical clarity:

physical clarityPhysical clarity brings a real feeling of being alive.  It helps you bounce out of bed in the morning, avoid the afternoon slump, and even read your favorite book before bed. When you’re caught in a physical fog, you really don’t even want to get out of your pj’s.

Implement these three tips to build a strong foundation for physical clarity:

  • Exercise –  When you exercise, you literally “wake up” your body.  Your muscles, mind, and natural defense systems strengthen, an increase in metabolism keeps you vibrant,  and the benefits of looking your best will surely sway you to stay active.  Not to mention, you’ll probably live longer.  😉
  • Proper sleep –  Studies show that sleep helps keep you energized, repairs the body, and can even help prevent cancer.  Get between 7 and 9 hours each night when you can to make sure you’re feeling your best each day.
  • Water – The right amount of water each day (half of your body weight in ounces) helps your body incredibly. Water flushes toxins from your body, keeps your chemical reactions in check, and even helps you go on schedule

Implementing these three habits alone will help boost your physical clarity and keep you feeling alive.  Read another post – 101 lifestyle habits that can help you attain clarity and positive living.

Attaining mental clarity:

positive-living-clarityIn a mental fog, you might always be trying to track down your most recent thought as if it were fleeing you every other moment.  Just like attaining physical clarity, there are a few pillars to build in order to support your mental clarity at all times.  Here are a few tips that are sure to help:

  • Eat well: When you live a healthy eating lifestyle that’s high in fruits and vegetables, it has multiple benefits for your brain that will help keep you mentally, and emotionally, stable.  Antioxidants and micro-nutrients contained in healthy foods go a long way toward protecting brain function.  As researchers have shown, many different foods have an effect on the brain.
  • Stress Less: Stress raises levels of hormones that block normal brain function.  It can even damage brain cells.  Use meditation, positive affirmations, and of course, the power of positivity in your daily life and proclaim, “I am too blessed!” (to be stressed). 😉
  • Supplements: It’s a constant battle to get the perfect amount of nutrients for your brain and body to function to its best. Taking a quality, plant based supplement shake or vitamin supplement that contains DHA, vitamin D, and vitamin B12 will help you keep your mental edge.

Using these three building blocks for brain power will help keep your mind sharp and firing on all cylinders.  Mental fog?  Forget about it!

Attaining spiritual clarity:

mental-clarity-how-to-meditateOftentimes a spiritual fog produces questions like “why me?”, or “why is that allowed to happen?”  The path toward spiritual clarity can bring about many questions, but the first thing to remember is that everything is happening exactly as it should.  What appears in the present world (yes, even this post) is a manifestation of collective thoughts, desires, and beliefs from the past.  The collective desires, thoughts, and beliefs in the now play a significant role in creating the future.  Here are a few ways to clearly see the co-creative power blessed to you by the divine:



  • Meditate

If you’re new to meditation, use this guide to help you get started.  If you already practice, you know how much meditation can help you achieve spiritual clarity.  Whether you’re looking for a sign, or just figuring out which step to take next in life, meditation can really help manifest your thought and bring a clearer path forward.

  • Positive Affirmations

You can heal your life through positive affirmations.  If you’re new to positive affirmations, it’s okay. They are very easy. Simply create or choose affirmations that resonate with you and your situation the most. Write them down or type and print them out. Say them to yourself every single day. Even better, say them all throughout the day. If these seems silly, remind yourself that you’ve been saying affirmations about your life already every day, you just didn’t realize it. Positive affirmations simply bring the truth back into your life. The truth that you have the potential to be healthy and well.

  • Believe

A spiritual fog, just like real-life fog, leaves you not able to see what is truly there.  Believe that a spiritual fog is simply covering up, not eliminating what is there.  Allow yourself to believe that you are co-creating with the divine.  Focus every day for 7 seconds on what you desire to send it to the Universe, and for 68 seconds to help bring the beginning of that manifestation to fruition.  You will see that as you ask and focus on that positive desire, it will be delivered at the perfect moment.

And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. – Matthew 21:22

You see, it’s not that your clarity is missing or gone, it’s been there the whole time – it’s just not visible through a mental, physical, or spiritual fog.  Once the light shines and warms you past the D.E.W. Point, your clarity appears once more.  Take in your new clarity and witness the wonders of life. They have surrounded you the entire time.

By allowing the proverbial “sun” to shine in your life, it will brighten and warm you inside and evaporate the haze in your life.  You’ll be seeing clearly before you know it. 🙂

welcome to clarity smaller



10 Tips for Daily Inspiration

Inspiration can come from the most unlikely of places. Many people go looking for inspiration, but many times, just allowing yourself to be in tune with things naturally will provide great inspiration.  It isn’t necessary to have an epiphany one day to become inspired either. It can happen in the smallest ways and from the littlest things. In fact, changing daily habits and committing to positive change can provide a lifetime of inspiration. Commitment is key!


10 Tips for Daily Inspiration

1. Breathe and enjoy your surroundings

Though our lives are crammed with studying, working and dealing with errands and other headaches, taking the time to take a walk, breathe, and do nothing but enjoy the moment will make you a more relaxed and pleasant person, who is open to many different things.

2. Laugh More

Laughter is the best medicine, especially for issues that common prescriptions cannot cure. Taking life less seriously and finding the joy and silliness in each day will inspire your personality and allow more positivity to laughter-quote-copyflow in your life.

3. De-Clutter

Though multitasking can be seen as a strong point, doing too many things at once means that you are not giving your full attention to any of these activities. Keep your mind and space clean. Participate in one activity at once and allow yourself to live in that moment. Also, keep your home and workspace clean. A clean space will clear your head and allow the creative juices to flow.

4. Live with Purpose

Every life needs purpose and every day needs meaning. When you wake up in the morning, decide the purpose of your day’s course. No purpose is too small. If the purpose of your day is to remain positive or smile more, then that is an excellent place to begin with your inspiration.

5. Subscribe to Positive Media

What are you watching and reading daily? Be sure that it’s positive. For instance, listening to the nightly news could be switched with watching a program on GaiamTV. One great way to receive daily inspiration is to stay subscribed to Power of Positivity on Facebook. By becoming a fan and being part of this fast-growing, positive community you will receive daily quotes of inspiration and connect with like-minded people any time.

6. Choose to See the Positive Perspective

To become in tune with your own life and receive personal inspiration, you must learn to tune out the opposite. Worrying about negative wants, needs, and thoughts will muddle your own thoughts of purpose and confuse you. Instead, make a commitment to yourself and your personal goals.

7. Repeat Daily Affirmations

Positive self-affirmations will help with self-confidence and will give you a daily boost of inspiration. You can find excellent positive affirmations and articles describing them simply by searching “Affirmations” at the top right of the screen here. 🙂

8. Stay Creative

For some, this is painting, for others it’s reading, meditation, or writing to name a few. No matter what your preferred outlet, do it daily or as often as you feel inspired.

9. Take Action

Actions that you participate in help define your purpose. Constantly participating in positive actions will help you become a positive person without thinking about it.

10. Be Y-O-U

You will never be happy or inspired by imitating or becoming someone else. Remain true to who you are and give the world the gift of your own personal inspiration and positivity.

Do you have tips to add to the list? Let us know in the comments below!



Half Tortoise Pose: Namaste Thursday [YOGA]

Today, we will look together at the half tortoise pose. But, a bit of advice before we begin.

yoga-sunsetAs with any type of exercise, it’s important to hydrate prior to starting a yoga session, and it’s vital to work within our own range of limits and abilities. The half-tortoise pose is a relaxing posture that gifts the spine with an invigorating stretch. I use it like bookends:

• At the onset of a session to assist the warmup process.

• Near the end, to gently help my heart rate return to normal.

“Exercises are like prose, whereas yoga is the poetry of movements.”  – Amit Ray, Yoga and Vipassana: An Integrated Life Style

Here’s How Half Tortoise Pose is Done

1. Sit on a yoga mat — shins on the floor — with your buttocks resting on your heels. Ensure that your heels and buttocks remain in constant contact; keeping your belly taut makes it easier to maintain contact and increases the intensity of the stretch.

2. Inhale deeply, lifting both arms to the sky.

3. Press the palms of your hands together, overlapping your thumbs. Your arms should be straight, biceps touching your ears.

4. Lengthen your spine and hold — feel the stretch.

half-tortoise-pose-yoga5. Exhale deeply and slowly bend from the waist until your wrists, forearms, and forehead touch the yoga mat. To intensify the stretch, straighten the arms so that your wrists, elbows, and triceps form an uncurving line and you experience some stress in your shoulder blades.

6. Keep your chin as far away from your chest as possible while maintaining contact between the forehead and yoga mat.

7. Hold this pose for as long as comfortable, continuing to breathe normally.

8. Inhale deeply and return to the starting position with your arms lifted to the sky.

9. Exhale deeply, release your arms, and return to starting position.

The Benefits of Half Tortoise Pose

This pose induces a rush of blood to the head — providing nutrition to the brain — which improves function. Enhanced brain function slows down normal deterioration, decelerating the aging process. Performing the half tortoise pose on a regular basis helps balance serotonin and melatonin levels in the brain — two chemicals that are responsible for controlling the body’s sleep cycle — increasing the likelihood of a good night’s sleep.

In addition to a deep, relaxing stretch of the spine and shoulder muscles, the half tortoise pose helps tone the abdominal area, thighs, and improves the flexibility of the hips. It also massages and stretches the lungs, providing a measure of relief to people who suffer from respiratory disorders.  An excellent pose for the digestive system, the half-tortoise pose can help to diminish ailments such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and associated symptoms: flatulence, constipation, and diarrhea.

One of my favorite asanas, I love how I feel when I mentally affirm, “I blossom into the fullness of my being.”

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