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The 3 Miracle Attitudes that Guarantee Fulfillment No Matter What

The 3 Miracle Attitudes that Guarantee Fulfillment No Matter What

There may be a virtual guarantee of fulfillment in life, thanks to the miracle attitudes.

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way. – Victor Frankl”

When you adopt one of the miracle attitudes, you get to feel fulfilled regardless of what is happening around you.  Even extreme misfortune is no match for the miracle attitudes. This cannot be said for ordinary positive attitudes.  Another huge bonus of the miracle attitudes is that they are interchangeable. You can move back and forth among them to discover which is most fitting for whichever situation.

What are these miracle attitudes?

There are three that I am sure of:


I am grateful-miracle-attitude-gratitudeRegardless of your external situation, even if very unfortunate, you can always find something to be grateful for. Why is this true? Because there is always a worse scenario than the one you are in, if you are still alive.

Gratitude for what you have, or how lucky you are, is an instant cure for a bad mood. As soon as you realize you can be grateful, your spirits lift and you begin to see life differently. Again, there is rarely, if ever, a circumstance when gratitude is not an option.

If you are continually grateful, however, does that mean you’re just an unrealistic fool?

Some people worry that too much gratitude will blind them to reality. On the contrary, gratitude helps you face reality with a more open mind.  You can look at the worst situation, find something to be grateful for, then proceed to solve the problems in front of you while feeling good.


I can’t think of one situation that compassion would not improve. In fact, compassion may be the universal salve. And it is always available.

Even Victor Frankl, who lost his entire family to the Nazis and endured years of torture in a concentration camp, found compassion in the midst of his darkest days. In fact, he refused to judge his captors, the murderers of his family and found freedom and strength in his compassion for them.

“Frankl was freer than his Nazi overlords because his compassion released him of resentment and inner misery.”

If Frankl can find freedom and compassion in a torture camp, you can find it in your family and among your friends, neighbors, and colleagues.

Compassion is the ability to put yourself in another’s shoes, see them as people, and understand their plight. When you do this, your inner self is moved toward love and acceptance, as opposed to resistance and resentment.  Compassion is an attitude, not a behavior. To be compassionate, you do not need to be agreeable. You just need to understand and sympathize.  You can stand up for your rights, say no, respectfully decline and even lead an all-out rebellion while maintaining compassion.


Hope is a special attitude because you can muster hope regardless of external circumstances and hope is its own reward. You can lack faith, lack belief and lack all evidence, but hold onto hope.

Hope is not useful merely when the odds are against you, however. You can fill yourself with hope that things will turn out for the best in every situation. Doing so will put you in the right mental state to guarantee greater fulfillment.  The arch-enemy of the miracle attitudes is self-sabotage. Self-sabotage steers you in the opposite direction of happiness and would have you choose the least healthy option.miracle-attitudes-positive-mindset-gratitude-hope

Gratitude, compassion and hope are always available to reframe any situation and reorganize your thinking dn attitude. So, do not allow self-sabotage to ruin your chances of experiencing these miracles every day!

Restorative Yoga: Supported Seated Twist

Restorative yoga is a beautiful style of yoga that’s both powerful and gentle. It’s a practice of passively BEing, rather than actively DOing. Deeply relaxing and revitalizing, restorative yoga opens, releases, and restores—body, mind, and spirit.

Supported Seated Twist

You may remember from last month’s article that restorative yoga is a term for yoga poses done with the full srestorative-yoga-supported-seated-poseupport of bolsters, straps, blankets, or blocks. This allows the practitioner to comfortably sink into a pose that’s held for between 5 and 10 minutes. This support enables them to feel completely relaxed, absorbed, and present. Supported Seated Twist is wonderful for helping to gently stretch the back, the side body, and the intercostal muscles in-between the ribs. This pose provides extra space for the lungs and diaphragm—for breath.

To enter the pose, place a bolster lengthwise on a yoga mat with one of the two short ends near the top of the mat. Sit on the mat at a 90-degree angle with your right hip against the end of the bolster, stacking your legs with knees bent toward the side of the mat.

restorative-yoga-supported-seated-poseGently turn your torso toward the bolster, placing one hand on either side, then slowly walk yourself down. When your stomach reaches the bolster, turn your head in the same direction as your knees, resting your hands where they’re comfortable—I gently curve mine around the top of the bolster. Your legs can stay stacked. Or, you can give yourself a little more space to open the hips by simply leaving the leg closest to the mat in place, while drawing the other leg back until that knee is resting on the mat.

Notice your breath.

Your breath, how it moves, how it feels, where it goes. You have the option to turn your head in the other direction. For some people, this will feel very comfortable. For others, it may be too much on the neck. If you try it and it doesn’t feel good, simply turn your head back in the same direction as your knees. When you’re ready to sit again, place a hand underneath each shoulder and gently push yourself back up.

“I love how I feel when I melt into supported seated twist and mentally affirm, “I embrace the rhythm and flowing of my own heart.

Now turn the body and try the other side. Sit on the mat at a 90-degree angle with your left hip against the end of the bolster, stacking your legs with knees bent toward the opposite side of the mat. Read just your legs. Turn yourself toward the bolster. Inhale, and then exhale deeply as you fold down.

Relax your hands where they feel comfortable. Once again you can give yourself a little more space to open the hips by simply leaving the leg closest to the mat in place, while drawing the other leg back until that knee is resting on the mat. Your head can stay facing the same direction as your knees, or can turn it in the other direction if that feels comfortable—your body will give you the signal if it’s too much. When you’re ready to sit, simply move your hands beneath the shoulders and gently press up.restorative-yoga-supported-seated-pose

I love how I feel when I melt into supported seated twist and mentally affirm, “I embrace the rhythm and flowing of my own heart.

5 Ways to Nourish Your Mind, Body, and Soul

The basic human desire is to feel loved, and sometimes that love comes from within. And to love ourselves fully, we must incorporate healthy habits that nourish your body, mind, and soul.

Here’s more from Victoria Moore:

“Taking baby steps toward better health helps to make change easier to accept. Incorporating any of these nourishing changes into one’s lifestyle is another way to encourage well-being and promote vitality. No matter how busy one’s schedule is even the smallest changes can make a big difference in helping to achieve a happy healthy life.”

5 Healthy Habits to Nourish Your Mind, Body, and Soul

“The greatest wealth is health” ~Virgil

1. Oil Pulling

This is an ancient Ayurvedic practice of using oils to remove harmful organisms, bacteria, and fungus from your teeth, gums and throat. Experts suggest you do this in the early morning before eating or drinking anything. And, you should use 1-2 teaspoons of organic coconut, sesame or sunflower oil. Put the oil in our teeth and swish around for 20 minutes.


If you are new to oil pulling it may be easier to start out doing it for 10-15 minutes and then increase your time from there. The oil will begin to break through the plaque and re-absorb bacteria and toxins improving oral health. Additionally, it’s helpful for preventing and reducing a number of health concerns.

Once you are finished spit the oil into a paper towel or plastic bag. Then, rinse your mouth out and brush your teeth immediately. It is important not to swallow the oil that contains all the toxins you just removed.

So, it’s helpful in healing and treating gingivitis, cavities, sensitive teeth and bad breath. Additionally, it also offers benefits such as eczema, headaches, and allergy relief, and supports healthy kidney function.

2. Lemon Water

Lemons have strong anti-viral, anti-bacterial and immune-boosting properties. They contain vitamin C, citric acid, calcium, magnesium, pectin and bioflavonoids that cleanse the liver, aid in digestion and fight infection. It is best to drink first thing in the AM to flush the digestive system, PH balance the system, hydrate the lymph system and aid in weight loss

(lemon water is also a great replacement for morning coffee as it provides energy and can enhance one’s mood).

3. Ghee Water

Ghee is a butter in which all water and milk solids have been removed. Ayurvedic tradition considers ghee to be one of the most health promoting foods. In fact, it strengthens the body, improves mental functions and promotes longevity. It is good for the eyes, stimulating digestion and enhancing stamina and protecting against various diseases.

Drink a tablespoon of Ghee in warm water in the morning about an hour before you eat or in the evening before bed. This alkaline-forming tonic promotes a healthy glow in the skin, and the ghee can also be used as a healthy substitute for butter or cooking oil.

4. Fermented Foods

Fermentation has become a lost art. Thanks to the advances in food preparation many of the probiotics and enzymes in food has declined over .

Fermented foods are very easy to make, extremely budget-friendly way to include real foods. And, they’re a great way to preserve food over the years. There are several reasons why fermented foods should be included in the diet such as introducing beneficial bacteria into the digestive system and allowing the body to adjust nutrients better.

Fermented foods are very easy to make, extremely budget-friendly way to include real foods and a great way to preserve food. Some popular fermented foods include Sauerkraut, Salsa, Pickles, and Condiments. Fermented drinks such as Kombucha, Ginger Ale and Kefir are great alternatives to soda and have been used as substitutes to help people break their soda addictions.


5. Meditation

Meditation is associated with brain improvement in a variety of areas such as stress, addiction, anxiety, and cognitive function. Including even just 15 minutes of meditation into your daily regimen can make a big difference. Sitting quietly and focusing on your breathing and trying to keep your mind from wandering helps to reduce symptoms of depression, settle anxiety, lower blood pressure and improve your mood.

Final Thoughts on Healthy Habits

Getting healthy doesn’t have to be a chore! You don’t need to deprive yourself of everything you love, but rather nourish yourself and begin to notice even the smallest differences. Once you start to notice positive changes and feel better both physically and mentally the rest will follow. Establishing healthy habits helps you take small steps towards living a better lifestyle. And that is the most successful step in ensuring a long-term change.

PoP Reviews: Power Thought Cards by Louise Hay | Affirmations

“An affirmation opens the door. It’s a beginning point on the path to change.” – Louise L. Hay

Louise Hay’s “Power Thought Cards” are one of our recommended ways to practice affirmations.  Andrew Carlson explains why:

“At first; I didn’t even know what I would say about the Power Thought Cards when I received them in the mail. I didn’t even know what I could write about without sounding fake. So I took them for a month; and went through them. There are 64 affirmation cards in the deck.


Once I read through every single card; I picked out which ones stood out to me and which ones represented what I needed to change about my life. My life just became a horrible downward spiral and my attitude was the reason for that. Once I figured out what I needed to change in my life; I started reading those 34 cards every single morning and right before bed.

This book is a game changer

I used one as a bookmark as well because I read every single day at the gym, so I would see that card about 10 times more throughout the day. I adjusted my attitude and used “The Magic” to get me back to the light/myself.

The card I used at my bookmark read, “My income is constantly increasing” and the affirmation is printed on the back. After about a month’s time of leading a life of gratitude along with these affirmations; my life has made a 180 degree turn!

I have income flooding into my life; and have numerous job offers that pay rather well. I recently started a blog and already have people checking out my sites! but more importantly, I have business opportunities to review their restaurants/wine! Free meals & wine while traveling all over Southern California… life is simply amazing!affirmations-power-thought-cards-louise-hay

I don’t know how else to put it. My life has changed ever since these cards came into my life. I am starting to place them all around the house and every time I see a card. Right then and there, I stop and thank The Universe for the blessings in my life. I will read the affirmation in my head while feeling absolute gratitude and will say thank you 3 times after reading the affirmation.

And so, I just want to thank Miss Louise L Hay for creating these wonderful gifts of love to change other lives as well. 64 cards: 64 different affirmations. No matter what you need to work on in your life or are struggling with; there is an affirmation that will not only benefit your life… it will kick everything into overdrive and it will miraculously turn around.

The quote on the back of the box reads,

“Affirmations are like planting seeds in the ground. It takes some time to go from a seed to a full-grown plant. And so it is with affirmations – it takes some time from the first declaration to the final demonstration. So be patient.” – Louise L Hay

I’m implementing all 34 cards that spoke to me and will continue to use them in my life from here on out. They have changed my life; I can’t wait to see where my life will be 6 months from now 🙂 I’m beyond blessed/grateful/honored these cards have passed through to my life – seriously worth every single penny! I will definitely be using them as stocking stuffers this holiday season!”

If you’d like to purchase Louise Hay’s Power Thought Cards, you may do so by clicking hereShine On!

Disconnect to Reconnect

Living in Hawaii does not exempt us islanders from getting caught up in everyday reality.  While island life does its best to distract us from our responsibilities and commitments, we can still get sucked into the grind and hustle. We, too, need to reconnect.

It’s not always easy to make this simple life in paradise work, but it’s absolutely worth it. As I find myself juggling jobs, relationships, and my own self-development, my sacred time with nature begins to suffer; it’s deceiving.

As I walk out my front door, nature already surrounds me.  I see the ocean from my house. When I look back – Palolo Valley reaches deep and high to the Ko’olau Mountain Ranges.  I notice it, but I’m distracted.  Driving into town, I will see mango-tree lined streets, plumeria flowers scattered on the sidewalks, and Diamond Head distinctly in the distance.  But I take advantage of it.  My eyes take it in, then, distractions in my mind take over.

An extra bathing suit has a home in the back of my disheveled car and has been clutch when I can steal a few minutes in between commitments to jump in the water at Kaimanas.

But even that feels like a shallow connection.

Yes, I was able to get my “fix” of Ocean time which always makes me feel better; but again, my mind was not focused on the sea and its restorative energy.  Physically, I got sandy and salty.  Mentally, my mind was with my damn phone checking [quote_left]”…I knew that if I wanted to reconnect, it was time to disconnect…[/quote_left]e-mails, sending texts, and making appointments.

I knew that if I wanted to reconnect, it was time to disconnect. TO me that meant PHONE OFF (or at least on airplane mode so I could still take pictures).along hike with dog

Yesterday, my roomie, pup Reeces and I decided to hike Wa’ahila Ridge up St. Louis Heights.  I noticed that the deeper or higher we got into a hike, the farther away “reality” seemed.  Weightless, I reach a place where time doesn’t matter, and agendas don’t exist.  I wasn’t thinking about the past, or planning for the future.  I knew that I was in the here and the now, the most beautiful and authentic location to reside.

Do yourself a favor and get out into nature this weekend.  Turn your phone off, leave the laptop shut and get on a trail.  Do you live somewhere with no trail in sight?  Go to a garden, lake, river, park, ocean, anything. REALLY tune into the beauty of creation.  Meditate in it.  Let it nourish your essence.  how-to-reconnect-with-yourself

You’ll end the day feeling more connected than ever.

The Perfection of the Human Experience

That picture you see here comes from what was one of the most ancient symbols known to man. That symbol is based on the ancient Olympic olympic-ring-symbol-symbol, which was a five-pointed star with five words around it at each point. Today’s symbol of the Olympics has changed to the five rings as we all know it. However, they dropped two of the words. Those two words are important pieces of the original five.

The Meaning Behind the Symbol

The ancients related the five-pointed star to the human body. When we stand with your limbs out, you see we are shaped like the star with five points – or aspects. That symbol and the words around it were based on the perfection of the human experience.  Those words in Latin were Citius, Altius, Fortius, Socius & Moneta.

Citius meant swifter mentally, while Altius meant higher emotionally. Fortius meant stronger physically, and we also have Socius and Moneta. Socius and Moneta were the most important.

Socius is what gives us our foundations, which on the human body are our legs. It gives us our legs to stand on, that allow us to move out and about throughout society to experience ourselves Mentally, Physically and Emotionally.  Socius is our relationships – relationships are one of the strengths of the human experience.

“A relationship that has never been tested often times is not as valuable as one which has been and has solidified back together into a new strength of understanding…”

Moneta was the ancient word for Trust. It’s trust that in relationships gives us our foundations or our legs to stand on, in our relationships, our families, communities, and throughout the world.  Most people don’t realize that today’s word for trust is where the word money came from – moneta became money. Money literally means the trust of relationships.

Ancient Teachings

Our ancestors realized an important fact. When trust is broken, you can heal it by learning to forgive, forget, and erase it from your memory. We don’t learn these things in a classroom today. And here’s another example. They used to target specific issues with certain types of foods to allow the emotional molecules to escape from the body. But as I said earlier, they no longer teach these concepts.

In the ancient world they would chose elements to symbolize things. For example, each planet was given an element to represent it.  The moon was silver, mercury was mercury, the sun was gold, and so on.

Trust is Golden to a Human

They looked for an element that would represent human trust, and also the trust of communities and nations. They eventually chose gold. And this was because they knew that gold turned purer when fired. In turn, it became even more valuable, and they knew that trust was like that.  A relationship that has never been tested oftentimes is not as valuable as one which has been and has solidified back together into a new strength of

These ancient people realized that gold could only be found where water existed… or once existed. The gold nuggets would deposit in the banks of the river. So when they built the buildings to house the gold that would represent the collective trust, they called them the banks as that’s where we deposit the gold just like nature does.

If you look at all of the languages of money or trust as it was known, it sounds just like you’re talking about water because that’s where gold was found. That’s why we have currency, float loans, capital gains, liquid assets, trading pools, cash flow and so on…

There are over 50 words dealing with money at the international level of what we call banking today that sounds just like you’re talking about water.

This is because the ancients that if you saw a wilted, dying plant but added water, the plant would thrive and come back to life. If you look at relationships it’s much the same. If trust is broken and you add or put trust back in, that those relationships can thrive and come back.

So looking at that symbol and why I designed it into our logo was because we don’t believe that fitness is just a physical thing. To be truly healthy and fit you need a balance of the 5 aspects. That’s because these represent the perfection of the human experience as taught by our ancestors.

So as we delve a little deeper, we hope to empower you with some information so you can bring lasting health into all areas of your life.

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