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5 Tricks to Transform Fear Into Fortitude

5 Tricks to Transform Fear Into Fortitude

Have you ever stood on the edge of a cliff, heart racing, every instinct urging you to step back, but an unseen force compelling you to leap? Fear, often viewed as a paralyzing emotion, holds within it an unexpected gift – the potential for unparalleled strength. In those moments of trepidation, when the world seems overwhelming and our challenges insurmountable, lies a dormant force of fortitude. With the right understanding and guidance, one can transform the chains of fear into the wings of resilience. Dive into this journey with us as we unravel the art of converting life’s anxieties into our most empowering assets.

“The components of anxiety, stress, fear, and anger do not exist independently of you in the world. They simply do not exist in the physical world, even though we talk about them as if they do.” ~ Wayne Dyer

This statement makes you think.  How can something not exist if there are so many cases of it causing trouble in our own physical world?  In fact, it’s a perfect example of something from the non-physical world creating itself through self-destructive thoughts and choices.  Awareness of this is paramount.
Without the regular practice of positive thoughts and positive choices, our lives can go into a tailspin in a hurry.  If you’d rather create a life path that takes you toward building a strong, confident inner self that can’t be shaken, Touch base with each of the following points, every day if needed.

1. Get fresh air

Not much beats a walk through the park or countryside to collect your thoughts.  As you venture into a peaceful environment, a peaceful environment seems to venture its way into you.  It doesn’t matter how you get out there either – you can even take a walk around a garden or conservatory if you don’t have immediate wilderness.

Smell the flowers, listen to the wildlife, be one with what was put here in the beginning.  Your stress is going to melt away. All you have to do is get your mind wrapped around the idea of letting everything go, including the fear – just enjoy the serenity nature has to offer.

2. Exercise often

You know that feeling you get when you WANT to exercise, but can’t seem to slide your butt off of the couch?  It’s more than the lack of motivation, it is fear looking you straight in the minds’ eye and telling you that you can’t do it.  And, I’ve got news for you; you can do it right now.

What’s the benefit?  You’ll do even better tomorrow.

So don’t think twice; don’t worry about where you are right now. Because that’s not going to change unless you do. What’s important is that you DO IT.

3. Nourish your body

Nutrition is the perfect complement to exercise. Therefore, if you want to treat your body properly with physical activity, you’ve got to feed your body the optimal octane that it requires.  Let’s start thinking about that, shall we?

Consider the human body broken down into the most minor pieces. It all comes down to single cells.  More importantly, how you treat these cells is vital.  Eat living food, receive life.  Eat dead food, well I’ll let you figure the rest of that out…

4. Craft Change

“What can I do about the people around me that are negative?”

This is the most frequent question I’ve ever been asked about retaining a positive mindset in a negative atmosphere.  There may be certain people floating around in your experience that try to plant the seeds of fear and negativity in your mind when you’re around.  You’re better than that; you’re seeking divine destiny, not defeat.  Now, do you want to turn the tables with me?

Let’s follow the rules here, step by step. If your thoughts can supposedly alter your reality, then you can change that reality through your thoughts, right?  Someone once said:


See how that quote only STARTED with your thoughts? That’s right; you can’t cross the finish line if you don’t start running when the gun sounds. It’s completely up to you (since we’re in this physical world and all), to follow up with words, actions and so forth to create your destiny.

Do you want to change the attitude of the person or people around you?  Here’s how to do it, just in case your own positive “ripple effect” hasn’t yet started to take place:

Start thinking about how they can be happy.  Next, talk to them about what makes them happy.  This could be as simple as simply asking them what makes them happy. You might be surprised if they don’t start talking about what actually does make them happy.  Congratulations my friend, you’ve planted the seed of thought.  It all starts with the thought about being happy to ultimately create a happy life.  That’s the Power of Positivity!

Know that you can make positive experiences happen in your own life and in the lives of others.  Be like the lion – fearless, knowing that you are the king of your own jungle.

5. Affirm, Affirm, Affirm!

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” – Zig Ziglar

Affirmations:  We’ve all heard of them.  Repeat this or that to yourself and believe in it. Then, it will magically just find itself to you.  Don’t ask me HOW it works; I’m not a quantum physicist. But, I do know it works. How?  Because every time I ask someone how they’ve earned their massive success, they say “I focused on my dreams and didn’t let anything get in the way.”  That’s even how it started for me!

Here’s the trick:  Wherever you feel you are lacking or whatever “moans and gripes” you have are what is holding your attractive vibration in place. Start repeating daily the exact opposite of those moans and gripes (i.e., “I’m broke all the time.” vs. “My income is constantly increasing.”).  You will notice in time, with repetition and belief in yourself that changes will start taking place.  At first, it may be minor changes, but if you’re steadfast you’ll see more, too!

Take note: Follow these steps and you’ll be on your way to a free or fear life path you’ve only imagined!

5 Personal Development Apps You’ll Love!


personal-development-appsEvery day is a new day to explore the beauty of the incredible person you were always meant to be.  I am a firm believer that in order to become our true amazing self, it’s essential that we do so through daily practices such as prayer, meditation, yoga, exercise, nutrition and so on.  Personal development has become a huge part of my life and I’m always on the lookout for the most effective ways to create the best life for me, and those around me.


personal development

Here are 5 of my favorite personal development apps

1. Gratitude Journal by HappyTapper

As Melody Beattie said “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.”personal-development-apps

I truly believe this statement and have experienced it in every area of my life since that full realization. I love writing a daily gratitude list, and Gratitude Journal just makes it so much more convenient. As a Mom, my phone is the most convenient way. I can write them easily right before I start my am routine and before I’m about to go to sleep – both peak times for me to practice gratitude lists. Plus it saves paper!

This app is very clean. It’s also easy and quick to navigate.You can add photos, rate your day, record the weather and bookmark.

Click here to check out Gratitude Journal in the iTunes store.  Make it a daily habit for a month and watch your life transform! 🙂

2. Awesome Note

I lopersonal-development-appve staying organized, especially with notes and To-Done lists. Awesome Note has allowed me to save time as well as organize multiple lists for personal and business use. Before, I used to manually write lists and create them on my computer.

I tried a few other Android and iPhone apps, but was never fully satisfied or efficiently organized. Finally, I found an app developed by an outstanding iPhone app development company like this iphone app development sydney that combines notes with to-dos in a fun and colorful way! It’s quick to add and update, literally helping me make every second count.!

Download Awesome Note in the iTunes store here.

3. Habit Factor


Habit Factor is the #1 Goals and Habits App for a reason, it’s fantastic! If you’re truly serious about adopting new habits you’ll find yourself using this inexpensive app daily. I love that it has detailed tracking for days, weeks and months. I find tracking my streaks and meeting my goals for particular habits very motivating and effective.

Developing positive habits takes discipline and awareness. It’s imperative we track our performance and have results that we can review over time. If you can’t compare your results, how do you really know the effectiveness of your new habit? When you know your true results you’re more likely to stick with the habits that got you there.

Get Habit Factor at the iTunes store here.

self-improvement-app4. Lumosity Brain Trainer

Mental exercise is just as important to practice daily as physical exercise. Neurologists suggest that certain brain conditions can be avoided or improved by regularly using the brain.

For years, Lumosity has been working closely with world leading Neuroscientist from top Universities like Stanford, UCSF, and Berkeley, to create the best cognitive enhancement program. It has over 20 million members.

Brain Trainer is aimed at helping those who might not get enough mental workout each day. Crossword puzzles and trivia questions can provide a quick challenge, but they’re not nearly as focused as Brain Trainer. They have a huge in depth program online.  For busy people on the go, the iPhone app is much more convenient – not to mention affordable.

I love it! I’m improving in every area everytime I play. It’s designed like a fun game (except the Math part for me haha). Honestly, I’ve learned a lot about myself and the way I think from this app. I’ve also been able to easily focus and improve the specific areas that I needed to with their tracking and graph system.

Lumosity Brain Trainer is available on iTunes. Click here to download.

5. Self Help Classics

Need an on the go personal development library?  You know, one filled with inspiring masterpieces from famous thinkers, inventors and billionaires of the past?  Well this one is it; your new best friend!

I’m serious – this app is filled with goodies to improve your life, achieve success and find lasting happiness. It’s a portable library and is rated the best selling iPhone and iPad personal development app.

Among the 30 world famous titles are:


This list goes on and on and is only .99 cents. You can literally save hundreds on the best personal development

books out there! I was so excited when I found this app – if you are passionate about learning and growing, you will too.

Download Self Help Classics from iTunes here

Do you have a favorite app for personal deveopment?  Let me know in the comments below.  Next time, I’ll share my 5 favorite Spiritual Apps. 🙂 Enjoy!

Mercy Ships are Medical Saviors

We all want to move the world in a positive direction. The following story is a perfect example of the passion we can all have toward making our lovely planet a more prosperous place. Together, we can be just like Mercy Ships worker Rob McCleod in this story, and bring the light to those in need.

“Adventurous and open minded, 24-year-old Rob McLeod has always strived to help his brothers and sisters around the world. At age 19 Rob took action on behalf of those in need by volunteering with Mercy Ships, the world’s largest charity hospital ship, helping thousands of people in West Africa.

Rob started transforming his compassion into great-hearted action after being involved in a Mercy Ships fundraising event in 2007.medical savior ship good news toronto

“My experience is really thanks to my father,” Rob said. “After the fundraising event, he came home with a DVD copy of Ships of Mercy, which documented the powerful work Mercy Ships was doing in West Africa. I was overwhelmingly compelled by this video and my father’s enthusiasm; so much so, one year later I was boarding the M/V Anastasis in Monrovia, Liberia.”

The Journey Begins

Rob left his hometown of Mississauga to experience a very different culture and quality of life in Monrovia from May to August 2007, working onboard the Anastasis and the Africa Mercy as a hospital supply assistant.

After completing his undergraduate degree in human kinetics at the University of British Columbia in 2010, Rob left to explore Latin America.

“After five months of adventure I was looking for something more meaningful,” Rob said. “I emailed Tim Maloney [National Director of Mercy Ships Canada] from Nicaragua, and in a matter of days I was booking flights to Freetown.”

“Witnessing Rob’s interaction with the Day Workers in his charge on the Africa Mercy was simply joyful,” Tim Maloney said. “His ever-present warm welcoming smile exuded a compassionate heart that lit the [lives] of those he supervised.”


Change–Just Around the Corner

Rob left for his second field service placement, this time to Freetown, Sierra Leone, from February to mid-December of 2011 as hospital day volunteer coordinator, overseeing upwards of 115 Sierra Leonean workers in 16 hospital departments.

As he experienced the joyful spirit, suffering, and resilience that so acutely characterize West Africa, Rob was becoming a different person.

“I did not realize how much I was changing. It wasn’t until I set foot back in the developed world that I knew my life would be different forever,” Rob said. “The exposure to such extreme levels of poverty has tuned my conscience to humanity at all times, wherever I am, be it the developed or under-developed world.”

“Beyond those he directly worked with, his charismatic effect was so evident when he visited with children onboard who had received a surgery [that] when it was noticed he was near, there would be this chorus of ‘Rob, Rob, Rob’ as they rush towards him with their arms open,” Tim said. “Mother Teresa reminded us that ‘Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.’ Rob is a shining example of one who through his action shows his love for his fellow man, transforming those he touches one by one.”

The Rewards

Rob’s time volunteering on the ship has influenced his career and future in a tremendous way.

“It really pushed me to pursue my dream of studying then practicing medicine. I left the ship to begin medical school in Sydney, Australia,” he said.

Rob will complete his bachelor of medicine, bachelor of surgery at the University of Sydney in 2015, and will one day return to the Africa Mercy.

As Rob works toward his goal of becoming a surgeon, he aspires to practice medicine that reflects the work of one of his most inspirational figures, Dr. Gary Parker, medical chief onboard the Africa Mercy.

“Dr. Gary Parker inspires me every day. The most selfless, talented man I have ever met,” Rob said.

And Rob himself continues to be a role model for many young adults, incorporating compassion into his everyday actions.”

Action Items

1)      Raise your consciousness level and push your personal limits

2)      Support the work of Mercy Ships through financial donations, fundraising, volunteering and much more:

3)      Expand your horizons — there are many ways to learn about different cultures, from taking a cooking class to reading a book to learning a new language!

Found Abundance

Here’s a little story about abundance.

I was happy to join a gathering of like-minded friends a few years ago as I’d been working long hours and needed a fun break in my schedule. First, we all got together with a large group supporting a local wind energy project. Then eight of us headed off to a local restaurant that made fresh guacamole right there at your table. Since most of us were vegetarians or vegans, this was the perfect late night snack.

found abundance

When we arrived at the restaurant, we sat at the only available table, a six-top. But we determined we could fit eight and practically sat in each other’s laps to squeeze in. Luckily most of us had known each other a long time and didn’t mind the close proximity.

As it turned out, I found myself sitting very close to Mike (his name has been changed for this story). Mike was a very vocal, intelligent man who usually shared his tales of woe with all who would listen; this evening appeared to be no different. Although the atmosphere at the table whow-to-make-more-moneyas light-hearted, Mike talked about his current unhappiness with his career, lack of money and abundance, the unfortunate condition of his car, his non-existent love life and his need to find new living arrangements because he had just been kicked out of his apartment.

We’d all heard similar versions of the same stories from Mike and expressed our care but did not dwell on these topics with him.

After an hour or so, we all needed to leave as it was a weeknight and most of us had to be at work the next morning. One of my friends announced that she wanted to pay the entire bill when the waiter brought it to the table. Although we told her we wanted to chip in, she absolutely insisted and wouldn’t take anyone’s money. With that, Mike sighed deeply in relief. He mumbled that he only had a few dollars in his pocket and really needed it to put gas in his car.

As we left, Mike offered to walk me to my car. I guess he felt I had a compassionate ear and wanted to continue telling me his sad story. He said he was convinced that if he just had more money all of his problems would vanish. He really disliked working but knew that money was his answer. There was no one else close by as we walked down the sidewalk when I noticed some folded up paper on the ground. I picked it up as Mike talked on and on. He didn’t notice the paper nor did he notice me picking it up.

It turned out that the paper was two twenty-dollar bills folded together.

I looked around to see who could have dropped the money so I could return it. But there was no one for about a hundred feet in front of us, and only our friends behind us. Since I realized I couldn’t return the pictures-of-moneymoney to its rightful owner, I did the next best thing.

That’s right… I ran back to the friend who had so generously paid the bill and gave her the money. I explained that I found it on the sidewalk and since the owner wasn’t around I felt she should have it. She gratefully accepted the cash. Her giving spirit had inspired me to give her something in return.

The whole event struck me very poignantly. Mike was so engrossed in his story of “no money” that he was oblivious to the cash waiting right at his feet. Could I have given him the $40? Yes, I guess I could have. But I knew it wouldn’t have made a difference. His concerns weren’t really about money at all, and giving him the $40 wouldn’t have changed his life, or his story. Giving the money to the person who had shown great generosity felt right to me. I knew she didn’t have a high-paying job and the bill would have been a bit of a struggle for her. So, giving her the found abundance was the least I could do.

Now don’t get me wrong; I am not criticizing Mike.

There were times in my life when I was very much like him. I was blind to the abundance around me and told a similar story of lack. People pointed out what was right in front of me but I wasn’t ready to see it. I was too attached to the idea of not having enough.

So where is everyone today?

The wind energy project still has not come to fruition. That restaurant still makes the best guacamole on Long Island. I haven’t seen Mike in years, but everyone who spends time with him says that he’s still sharing the same sad stories. And my girlfriend who paid the bill still insists on paying every time we go out for a meal, and we playfully argue to who will really take care of the bill. Life is funny like that, isn’t it?

Wishing you a day filled with found abundance and wonderful friends.

Many blessings,


5 Healthy Foods for Happiness!

A grumpy mood can pass through as swiftly as the wind, or check-in for extended stays inside your mind. While often overlooked, food can often be the sneaky culprit behind your disavowing disposition.  It’s important to eat the right healthy foods for happiness and stability in your life.

“Fill your fridge with these healthy foods for happiness and start satisfying more than just your hunger!”

The fact is, your mood can be directly influenced by the foods you eat. For instance, did you know that foods like potato chips and margarine can actually prevent you from achieving your own personal awesomeness? The difference between mood-elevating foods and the foods that can start a psychological slide seem to be based on essential ingredients like D and B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and even tryptophan.

Eat these 5 healthy foods for happiness to fill up and feel good!

1. Bananas:bananas-healthy-happy-food

Bananas are high in calming B vitamins. The level of vitamin B6 in Bananas can smooth your mood naturally through the regulation of your blood glucose levels. The potassium in them will help to maintain a steady heartbeat as well.

Bananas are even great for morning sickness! If you’re feeling nauseous when you roll out of bed, incorporate snacking on bananas between meals to keep your glucose levels normalized.


2. Blueberries:

Blueberries carry energy to the brain, providing you with a heightened sense of awareness and vigor.

Plus, blueberries do more than energize, however – they also relax! Your arteries actually relax once the nitric oxide provided by blueberries enters the body.

3. Cherries:cherries-healthy-happy-food

Cherries can be considered a natural remedy source for sleeplessness. Tart cherries help to boost the brain chemical, serotonin, that regulates your sleep and mood. Tart cherries also contain the self-regulating hormone, melatonin.

4. Green Tea

Digreen-tea-healthy-food-happyd you know that green-tea habit can take the blues away? Green tea may be your golden ticket to feeling free and clear once again. A study of over 1,000 Japanese senior citizens showed that those who drank 4 or more cups of green tea daily showed less signs of depression (44%).

What makes green tea a magical elixir you might ask? According to researchers, an amino acid found in green tea called theanine might play a role.

(Fact source) Green tea consumption is associated with depressive symptoms in the elderly. Niu, K. et al., American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2009 Dec;90(6):1615-1622.

5. Chocolate

Last but not least is that soothing sense of serenity that covers you with every bite of chocolate.chocolate-improve-mood

Why do you feel oh-so-good after eating a piece (or two) of chocolate? As soon as you take that first beautiful bite, your brain’s opioid production goes through the roof! (Opioids are chemicals responsible for reducing pain, increasing good feelings, and just making you feel warm and fuzzy all over.) Chocolate doesn’t have to be bad for you either – you can use dark chocolate, or cacao, which is chocolate in its raw form.

Are these foods in your home? If not, maybe it’s time to fill your fridge with these healthy foods for happiness and start satisfying your happiness along with your hunger!

Ashtanga Yoga Explained

Yoga is a peaceful practice that can act as a centering spiritual exercise, but did you know that there are multiple types?  Ashtanga Yoga is a unique form which practices smooth, flowing poses that should definitely be experienced during anyone’s lifetime.

“Consciousness, serenity, presence, and peace in the moment, and that yoga body are yours for the taking – all you have to do is go.”

If you don’t practice yoga you should know this. But, if you do practice yoga, you probably already know this. There is a type of yoga suited for every person, of every personality type. The calmness of mind, serenity, and the “yoga body” are not the sole domain of the naturally even-keeled.

Take me for example. I am a classic Type A personality, with a day job to match. Because of this, I like tradition, organization, and sequence. I always work toward “perfection” in myself and others. The concept of slowing down is difficult for me to grasp. In my world, there is always the next thing to accomplish. With these personality traits, there is a yoga for me! Ashtanga Yoga is my perfect match. In fact, it is one of my two favorite types of yoga to practice (the other being Iyengar Yoga).

AboutAshtangaYogaWarrior pose

what is ashtanga yoga? Ashtanga is a series of poses that you perform in a particular sequence. You coordinate the postes with the inhalation and exhalation of the breath, done at a very vigorous pace. Usually, it takes one and one-half hours to complete a class or series, with about seventy-five poses per series. As a person becomes more adept at a series, they can move on to the next. Ashtanga Yoga has six series in all, although I’ve found myself working on the primary series – the first one, for the better half of five years.

Ashtanga yoga has everything I need and like. It’s steeped in tradition. And, it’s one of the purest forms of Yoga practiced. Its origins are from Mysore, India. It’s very linear. I know what to expect each class and what I’m working toward…that “perfect” pose.

The pace is vigorous enough to hold my attention. Yet, the series is never easy enough to allow my mind to contemplate all the things I need to get done after class. Somehow, Ashtanga keeps me instilled in the moment; the ultimate goal of yoga. This, in turn, allows me to carry the importance of the present moment. Whether I take it with me outside or in the Yoga studio matters now. Because I am happy creating the conscious, peaceful, powerful life I so crave and get to have.

If I could give you one piece of advice (okay two), it would be this:

1. Try many different types of yoga, whether your new to the idea or you’ve been practicing but your heart is just not singing during class. One will call to you personally if you experiment.

2. Practice the type of yoga that draws you in, for whatever reason.

Consciousness, serenity, presence, and peace in the moment and that yoga body are yours for the taking – all you have to do is go.

Do you practice Ashtanga Yoga or any other form? Share your experiences and how it has helped you in the discussion below!


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