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I AM: The Two Most Powerful Words on Earth

Have you ever really thought about the power of the words “I am”? Even deeper, do you consciously realize the subconscious “I am” statements that you are holding about yourself? Think about this affirmation a moment and, hey, be honest with yourself. What do YOU think of YOURSELF? What are you saying about who you are on a daily basis?

“You have unlimited power and creativity. Your inner spirit knows this.”

You are your own biggest critic and the co-creator of your own life.  With that freedom, you have the immense power to decide who you are and who you’d like to become.  The current truth however, is that most of us are very critical and don’t have the most positive beliefs about ourselves.  At the same time, many of our own beliefs have actually stemmed from the beliefs of others.  We have allowed others’ thoughts about us to have so much power over our own influence that we believe that is who we are.

“Success is a process, a quality of mind and way of being, an outgoing affirmation of life.” ~ Alex Noble

Our thoughts and words have crafted our present and are currently crafting our future – they are not in a  secret lock box hidden from the world, they affect us and others directly and publicly.  If we’d like to see real change in our life as well as success in our endeavors, we must learn to re-program our thoughts and keep them positive – especially the thoughts about ourselves!

“I am” is one of the most powerful statements we can make. Whatever follows “I am” starts the creation of it. Yes it’s true – “I am” is a 100% pure statement of creation.

The Power of Choice

positive-affirmation-beliefsThe good news is that we have the power of choice. Once aware of this power, we can take action to break the cycle and replace those limiting beliefs once and for all.

We get to choose what to think about ourselves.  Naturally, we all want to improve our current situation, achieve our dream and have more freedom. One of the single most important aspects in individuals that have achieved their goal is their positive attitude and strong “I am” statements.  Yes, action matters; but action is not enough.

As the co-creator of your reality, you’ve got to believe it to see it – that’s why an “I am” statement is so important. If we put our attention to it, we’ll find that our society can be overflowing with negative energy. At the same time, when we direct our attention to the positive we will find that it too is overflowing and growing!  It simply depends on the direction of our attention.

As a person who has ventured “down the rabbit hole” of negativity and transformed my life in all areas, I speak from experience.  Hey, I’ve been there and I know it can be tough if you let it.  As Aristotle said, “Excellence is a habit.” Change is about implementing daily habits. Sure, I went over speed bumps and hit roadblocks but, I’ve also consciously trained myself through HABIT to redirect my thoughts to the positive and find solutions. I also created very POWERFUL “I AM” statements for myself and my future.


Redefining your “I AM”

When you begin to consciously utilize the power of “I AM” statements, your life will transform. This isn’t something that works for some and won’t work for you; it works when you WORK IT! But, you have to consistently work it. The good news is, once you make this a conscious habit for some time, it becomes an unconscious habit – you have re-trained your brain. You must make it a habit, everyday, to repeat your affirmation.

Your goal must be to dig deep and find those nasty, icky, yucky negative words you may hold over yourself – words that no longer serve you – and transform them.  The negative words are usually those statements that you think “define” who you are; also known as the “you are what you think people think you are” mentality. You are who you create yourself to be. You are who you WANT to be. There is nothing holding you back because of the society you live in, genetics, family, past experiences, childhood, etc.

As Joel Osteen said, “What follows the “I am” will always come looking for you… .  Many times, we are using the power of ‘I am’ against us.” What are you looking to create in your life?  You get a free preview of that creation by discovering your current “I am” beliefs.

So, let’s figure this out together, right now, and make some changes. Take a few minutes out of your day to write down some limiting beliefs of yourself that come to mind.  It’s time to replace them with the beliefs that you would like to have about yourself.

Example “I am” transformations:

  • “I AM STUPID” becomes “I AM SMART”.
  • “I AM NOT ABLE” becomes “I AM FULLY ABLE”.
  • “I AM TOO OLD” becomes “I AM YOUNG.”
  • “I AM LAZY” becomes “I AM RESPONSIBLE”.
  • “I AM FAT” becomes “I AM FIT”.

You can take these affirmative statements, write them down on sticky notes and place them around your house. You can also get affirmation cards from Louise Hay or other Hay House authors and place the ones that MOST resonate with you throughout your home.  You can put them anywhere – on your mirror, refrigerator, at your desk, etc. It’s time to write the ending to your own story!


Yes, this is really our refrigerator!

Our family refrigerator is loaded with inspiring thoughts and affirmations from our favorite leading-thought teachers.

Your ultimate goal is to retrain your brain and subconscious, re-programming your mind to accept better, more positive beliefs. You have unlimited power and creativity – your inner spirit knows this. “I am” statements just affirm the truth of your nature. We are all truly powerful beings at heart. Remember that you are capable of doing anything – just try it!

My Challenge to You!

If you’ve done exercises like these, I’d love to hear about it. Have you had success from it? If so, I’d love to feature your story in an upcoming article.

If this is your first trying this, please tell me how it went. I’d love to answer any questions for you or help you create better, more powerful “I AM” affirmation statements that will transform your life and propel you to the life that was once just in your imagination.

All is well. Love and Light!

Vinyasa Flow – The Flavor of Life

Asking me to choose my favorite style of yoga is like trying to pick out my favorite ice cream. It depends on the day, season, and what kind of mood I’m in. I’ve tried my fair share of yoga Vinyasa“flavors”; Iyengar, Para, Ashtanga, Restorative, Vinyasa, Aerial, Kundalini, Yin, Nidra, and even Stand up Paddle Board yoga.

“The most important purpose of Yoga is to bring about a deep transformation of the individual–an awakening of intelligence that is free of dependencies and romantic beliefs and ready to meet the accelerating challanges of the 21st century.” ~ Ganga White

I continue to research different styles to expand my yoga encyclopedia and keep my practice fresh. But there is one style that had my heart from the beginning. Vinyasa gets the prize for my “go-to” flavor, and it never disappoints.

Whether I’m engaging in a vigorous practice or a slow flow, I feel like I’m in a graceful dance with my body and breathe. I can become fully absorbed in my inhale and exhale, and let the breath take over and guide my movements. It is one of the rare moments where I am so firmly rooted in the present that outside thoughts stand little chance of distracting me. The practice allows me to get creative and find my own “flow.” I am able to explore different asanas and really feel into my own body.


vinyasa-yogaBefore diving into my yoga teacher training, I would have simply defined vinyasa as a flow class, a good workout where you’re in constant motion. It wasn’t until I started deepening my studies that I learned vinyasa means, “to place in a special way.” (Vi- in a special way, Nyasa- to place) It’s not just about coming up with a wonderful sequence that will leave you glowing with sweat and prana pulsing in your veins.

Vinyasa is the step by step approach, that systematically takes you from one point, and transitions you to the next. It is a dynamic and ever-developing sequence that unfolds with an internal harmony and intelligence when we honor where we are.

When I practice vinyasa, I begin where I am, modify when I need, and remember that today is not like yesterday. Maybe I don’t take chaturanga this practice. Maybe I choose childs pose instead. Perhaps I skip a vinyasa all together and reconnect to my breath in down dog.[quote_right]”Vinyasa gets the prize for my “go-to” flavor, and it never disappoints.”[/quote_right]

The approach is the same for life off the mat. I can self reflect and see where I am and ask where I want to be. What are my goals? How am I going to get there? Sometimes I have to modify my path. Some days I get frustrated, am forced to practice self-compassion, and remind myself to simply breathe. There are moments when I can charge full speed ahead, and others when I need to step back and restore.

Life on and off the mat is truly about going with the flow, and honoring your own personal journey. All life is yoga, its styles merely flavor to choose from. Vinyasa is still my favorite flavor and always leaves me wanting more.

Intentions 101

“I am sure of nothing so little as my own intentions.” ~ George Byron

Do you have good instincts? Are you a good judge of character?

Can you tell if someone is genuinely sincere versus doing or saying anything at that time to appease you?

Wherever there is human interaction, arguments don’t seem to be that far away. There are situations which cause one to be mad, angry and upset with the other person. And, that all stems from whatever was said or done directly or indirectly to them. It matters not if it’s from your family members, friends, co-workers or complete strangers. I am sure that this is something that everyone can relate to.

When we feel like we are the victims in such a situation inflicted by another person, we feel justified for feeling the way we want to. However, in the midst of the heated discussions or lack of communication for that matter, we often lose sight of one important key factor. And that is the actual underlying intent of the person upsetting us.

We Don’t Learn Intentions in School


It’s funny because I don’t remember having a class in school to learn about such things. Yet we can be faced in situations that cause us to get upset and angry on a daily basis. I wonder why this subject is not mandatory. I know a lot of people’s blood pressure would be in a better state today if they had assistance on dealing with their emotions – I know at times mine would.

If we had a class on this it could help people see where to spend their energy and what is ultimately causing them more harm than good by harboring such feelings of anger, resentment towards someone.

This is not to belittle in no way shape or form any inexplicable actions or words that someone says to you. Intstead, it is more to understand the intent behind why it was said or done. I am sure at times that even though someone said or did something to us where we didn’t like or it caused us to be upset at the time, once we were no longer hot tempered we could begin to understand where they were coming from. Separate their intention and decide for ourselves if we want to believe that they purposely wanted to cause us pain and anger – or was their intent coming from a place of love, a place of purity and not stemmed from any malice?

People’s intentions need to be examined at all times; whether it is your intentions towards someone or vice versa. Not everything is cut and dry and we need to trust ourselves more to follow what feels right and work with others to get passed confrontations that were upsetting to us only if there is something to build on.

“This is the class of life and no matter what you learn; you are ultimately your best teacher.”

It’s a new semester and classes have just begun. It’s now time for you to register for your class. The teacher is someone familiar and you know this person very well because it is YOU. This is the class of life and no matter what you learn; you are ultimately your best teacher. You have the choice to teach yourself what the best for you is.

So, understand and pay attention to the people in your life. If they constantly bring you down and you feel that their intention is not of someone that wishes you well, teach yourself to want better. Because you should expect better. I have often felt that after a bad argument in which nasty words or comments were said, the people saying the hurtful words most often show you their true self. Although they may apologize afterward, don’t completely ignore what they have shown you.

Learn from it and build your character to rise above their actions. Try not to engage in the way they act. Easier said than done, I know. But we need to learn from our mistakes.

Class of life begins now so make sure to be present.

51 Amazing Uses for Baking Soda: The Miracle Mineral!

There’s one simple, natural product that can help us maintain that balance easily and baking soda is it:

Baking soda is, was, and always will be a product that everyone should have in their home. It’s not only completely natural, but it’s eco-friendly and has as many uses as you can handle.

Life on earth lives within a certain level along the pH (power of Hydrogen) scale. Maintaining that pH in your environment and in your body is vital to its continuation.

Baking Soda, aka sodium bicarbonate, helps regulate pH—keeping a substance neither too acidic nor too alkaline. When baking soda comes in contact with either an acidic or an alkaline substance, it’s natural effect is to neutralize that pH. It has the ability to retard further changes in the pH balance, known as buffering ( You can drink 1 teaspoon of Baking Soda with a cup of water for Your Body’s pH Balance ). We can also protect ourselves from the array of toxins in household cleaning products (Conventional cleansers can expose us to multiple chemicals linked to asthma, cancer, and other documented health issues.).

This natural product also makes a perfect stand-in for many personal care products, which are adding their own twist to the toxic tangle of pollutants and personal health (mainly in the form of synthetic fragrance, sodium laurel sulfate, and parabens).

51 amazing uses for baking soda

Personal Care

1. Make Toothpaste


We recommend a food-grade baking soda that is aluminum-free

A paste made from baking soda and a 3 percent hydrogen peroxide solution can be used as an alternative to commercial non-fluoride toothpaste. You can also just dip your toothbrush with toothpaste into baking soda for an extra boost.

2. Freshen Your Mouth

Put one teaspoon in half a glass of water, swish, spit and rinse. Odors are neutralized, not just covered up.

3. Soak Oral Appliance

Soak oral appliances, like retainers, mouthpieces, and dentures, in a solution of 2 teaspoons dissolved in a glass or small bowl of warm water. The mixture loosens food particles and neutralizes odors to keep appliances fresh. You can also brush appliances clean using soda.

4. Use as a Facial Scrub and Body Exfoliant

Give yourself an invigorating facial and body scrub. Make a paste of 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water. Rub in a gentle circular motion to exfoliate the skin. Rinse clean. This is gentle enough for daily use. (For a stronger exfoliant, mix some into your organic sugar scrub.)

5. Skip Harsh Deodorant

Pat directly onto your underarms to neutralize body odor.

6. Use as an Antacid

Baking soda is a safe and effective antacid to relieve heartburn, sour stomach and/or acid indigestion. Refer to product package for complete instructions.

7. Treat Insect Bites & Itchy Skin

For insect bites, make a paste out of baking soda and water, and apply as a salve onto the affected skin. To ease the itch, shake some baking soda into your hand and rub it into damp skin after bath or shower.

USES FOR BAKING SODA8. Make a Hand Cleanser and Softener

Skip harsh soaps and gently scrub away ground-in dirt and neutralize odors on hands with a paste of 3 parts of soda to 1 part water, or 3 parts baking soda to gentle liquid hand soap. Then rinse clean. You can try this honey and cornmeal scrub for hands too.

9. Help Your Hair

Vinegar is amazing for your hair, but baking soda has its place in the shower too. Sprinkle a small amount of baking soda into your palm along with your favorite shampoo. Shampoo as usual and rinse thoroughly–this product helps remove the residue that styling products leave behind so your hair is cleaner and more manageable.

10. Clean Brushes and Combs

For lustrous hair with more shine, keep brushes and combs clean. Remove natural oil build-up and hair product residue by soaking combs and brushes in a solution of 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a small basin of warm water. Rinse and allow to dry.

11. Make a Bath Soak

Add 1/2 cup of baking soda to your bath to neutralize acids on the skin and help wash away oil and perspiration, it also makes your skin feel very soft. Epsom salts are pretty miraculous for the bath too, read about the health benefits of Epsom salt baths.

12. Soothe Your Feet

Dissolve 3 tablespoons in a tub of warm water and soak feet. Gently scrub. You can also make a spa soak for your feet.


13. Make a Surface Soft Scrub

For safe, effective cleaning of bathroom tubs, tile, and sinks–even fiberglass and glossy tiles–sprinkle this lightly on a clean damp sponge and scrub as usual. Rinse thoroughly and wipe dry. For extra cleaning power, make a paste with baking soda, coarse salt, and liquid dish soap—let it sit then scour off.

14. Handwash Dishes and Pots & Pans

Add 2 heaping tablespoons of soda (along with your regular dish detergent) to the dishwater to help cut grease and foods left on dishes, pots, and pans. For cooked-on foods, let them soak in the baking soda and detergent with water first, then use dry powdered soda on a clean damp sponge or cloth as a scratchless scouring powder. Using a dishwasher? Try these energy-saving tips.

15. Freshen Sponges

Soak stale-smelling sponges in a strong  solution to get rid of the mess. Dissolve 4 tablespoons of baking soda in 1 quart of warm water. For more thorough disinfecting, use the microwave.

16. Clean the Microwave

Baking soda on a clean damp sponge cleans gently inside and outside the microwave and never leaves a harsh chemical smell. Rinse well with water.USES FOR BAKING SODA

17. Polish Silver Flatware

Create a paste made from 3 parts of soda to 1 part water. Rub onto the silver with a clean cloth or sponge. Rinse thoroughly and dry for shining sterling and silver-plate serving pieces.

18. Clean Coffee and Tea Pots

Remove coffee and tea stains and eliminate bitter off-tastes by washing mugs and coffee makers in a solution of 1/4 cup baking soda in 1 quart of warm water. For stubborn stains, try soaking overnight in a soda solution and detergent, then scrubbing in the morning with a damp sponge.

19. Clean the Oven

Sprinkle directly onto the bottom of the oven. Spray with water to dampen the baking soda. Let sit overnight. In the morning, scrub, scoop the baking soda and grime out with a sponge, or vacuum, and rinse.

20. Clean Floors

Remove dirt and grime (without unwanted scratch marks) from no wax and tile floors using 1/2 cup in a bucket of warm water–mop and rinse clean for a sparkling floor. For scuff marks, use baking soda on a clean damp sponge, then rinse.

21. Clean Furniture

You can make a homemade lemon furniture polish, or you can clean and remove marks (even crayon) from walls and painted furniture by applying baking soda to a damp sponge and rubbing lightly. Wipe off with a clean, dry cloth.

22. Clean Shower Curtains

Clean and deodorize your vinyl shower curtain by sprinkling some directly on a clean damp sponge or brush. Scrub the shower curtain and rinse clean. Hang it up to dry.

23. Boost Your Liquid Laundry Detergent

Give your laundry a boost by adding ½ cup of baking soda to your laundry to make liquid detergent work harder. A better balance of pH in the wash gets clothes cleaner, fresher, and brighter.

24. Gently Clean Baby Clothes

Baby skin requires the most gentle of cleansers, which are increasingly available, but odor and stain fighters are often harsh. For tough stains add 1/2 cup of baking soda to your liquid laundry detergent, or a 1/2 cup in the rinse cycle for deodorization.

25. Clean Cloth Diapers

Dissolve ½ cup of baking soda in 2 quarts of water and soak diapers thoroughly.

26. Clean and Freshen Sports Gear

Make a solution (4 tablespoons Baking soda in 1-quart warm water) to clean and deodorize smelly sports equipment. Sprinkle baking soda into golf bags and gym bags to deodorize, clean golf irons (without scratching them!) with a baking soda paste (3 parts of baking soda to 1 part water) and a brush. Rinse thoroughly.

27. Remove Oil and Grease Stains

Use a sprinkle to clean up light-duty oil and grease spills on your garage floor or in your driveway. Sprinkle baking soda on the spot and scrub with a wet brush.

28. Clean Batteries

This product can be used to neutralize battery acid corrosion on cars, mowers, etc. because its a mild alkali. Be sure to disconnect the battery terminals before cleaning. Make a paste of 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water, apply with a damp cloth to scrub corrosion from the battery terminal. After cleaning and re-connecting the terminals, wipe them with petroleum jelly to prevent future corrosion. Please be careful when working around a battery–they contain a strong acid.

29. Clean Cars

Use baking soda to clean your car lights, chrome, windows, tires, vinyl seats and floor mats without worrying about unwanted scratch marks. Use a baking soda solution of 1/4 cup baking soda in 1 quart of warm water. Apply with a sponge or soft cloth to remove road grime, tree sap, bugs, and tar. For stubborn stains use baking soda sprinkled on a damp sponge or soft brush.


30. Deodorize Your Refrigerator

Place an open box in the back of the fridge to neutralize odors.

31. Deodorize the Cutting Board

Sprinkle the cutting board with baking soda, scrub, rinse. Bucket

32. Deodorize Trashcans

Sprinkle baking soda on the bottom of your trashcan to keep stinky trash smells at bay.

33. Deodorize Recyclables

Sprinkle baking soda on top as you add to the container. Also, clean your recyclable container periodically by sprinkling baking soda on a damp sponge. Wipe clean and rinse. Learn about how to recycle everything.

34. Deodorize Drains

To deodorize your sink and tub drains, and keep lingering odors from resurfacing, pour 1/2 cup  down the drain while running warm tap water–it will neutralize both acid and basic odors for a fresh drain. (This a good way to dispose of baking soda that is being retired from your refrigerator.) Do you know what you’re not supposed to put down your drains?

35. Deodorize and Clean Dishwashers

Use Baking soda to deodorize before you run the dishwasher and then as a gentle cleanser in the wash cycle.

36. Deodorize Garbage Disposals

To deodorize your disposal, and keep lingering odors from resurfacing, pour baking soda down the drain while running warm tap water. Baking Soda will neutralize both acid and basic odors for a fresh drain.

37. Deodorize Lunch Boxes

Between uses, place a spill-proof box  in everyone’s lunch box to absorb lingering odors. Read bout safe lunch boxes here.

38. Remove Odor from Carpets

liberally sprinkle baking soda on the carpet. Let set overnight, or as long as possible (the longer it sits the better it works). Sweep up the larger amounts of baking soda, and vacuum up the rest. (Note that your vacuum cleaner bag will get full and heavy.)

39. Remove Odor from Vacuum Cleaners

By using the method above for carpets, you will also deodorize your vacuum cleaner.

40. Freshen Closets

Place a box on the shelf to keep the closet smelling fresh, then follow these tips to organize your closet in an eco-friendly way.

41. Deodorizing Cars

Odors settle into car upholstery and carpet, so each time you step in and sit down, they are released into the air all over again. Eliminate these odors by sprinkling baking soda directly on fabric car seats and carpets. Wait 15 minutes (or longer for strong odors) and vacuum up the baking soda.

42. Deodorize the Cat Box

Cover the bottom of the pan with baking soda, then fill as usual with litter. To freshen between changes, sprinkle baking soda on top of the litter after a thorough cleaning. You can also use green tea for this purpose!

43. Deodorize Pet Bedding

Eliminate odors from your pets bedding by sprinkling liberally with baking soda, wait 15 minutes (or longer for stronger odors), then vacuum up.

44. Deodorize Sneakers

Keep odors from spreading in smelly sneakers by shaking a little bit of this into them when not in use. Shake out before wearing. When they’re no longer wearable, make sure to donate your old sneakers.

45. Freshen Linens

Add 1/2 cup of baking soda to the rinse cycle for fresher sheets and towels. You can also make homemade lavender linen water with this formula.

46. Deodorize Your Wash

Gym clothes of other odoriferous clothing can be neutralized with a ½ cup of baking soda in the rinse cycle.

47. Freshen Stuffed Animals

Keep favorite cuddly toys fresh with a dry shower of baking soda. Sprinkle this powder on and let it sit for 15 minutes before brushing off.


48. Camping Cure-all

This product is a must-have for your next camping trip. Its a dish washer, pot scrubber, hand cleanser, deodorant, toothpaste, fire extinguisher and has many other uses.

49. Extinguish Fires

Baking soda can help in the initial handling of minor grease or electrical kitchen fires, because when the soda is heated, it gives off carbon dioxide, which helps to smother the flames. For small cooking fires (frying pans, broilers, ovens, grills), turn off the gas or electricity if you can safely do so. Stand back and throw handfuls of soda at the base of the flame to help put out the fire–and call the Fire Department just to be safe. (And, you should have a fire extinguisher on hand anyway)

50. Septic CareSEPTIC CARE

Regular use  in your drains can help keep your septic system flowing freely. 1 cup of baking soda per week will help maintain a favorable pH in your septic tank.

51. Fruit and Vegetable Scrub

This product is the food safe way to clean dirt and residue off fresh fruit and vegetables. Just sprinkle a little on a clean damp sponge, scrub and rinse.

Share what natural products you use in your home in the comments below. We’d love to hear!

If you loved this article, but still aren’t sure where Baking Soda comes from or how it’s made, check out this article we found on The Grist!

5 Tricks to Transform Fear Into Fortitude

Have you ever stood on the edge of a cliff, heart racing, every instinct urging you to step back, but an unseen force compelling you to leap? Fear, often viewed as a paralyzing emotion, holds within it an unexpected gift – the potential for unparalleled strength. In those moments of trepidation, when the world seems overwhelming and our challenges insurmountable, lies a dormant force of fortitude. With the right understanding and guidance, one can transform the chains of fear into the wings of resilience. Dive into this journey with us as we unravel the art of converting life’s anxieties into our most empowering assets.

“The components of anxiety, stress, fear, and anger do not exist independently of you in the world. They simply do not exist in the physical world, even though we talk about them as if they do.” ~ Wayne Dyer

This statement makes you think.  How can something not exist if there are so many cases of it causing trouble in our own physical world?  In fact, it’s a perfect example of something from the non-physical world creating itself through self-destructive thoughts and choices.  Awareness of this is paramount.
Without the regular practice of positive thoughts and positive choices, our lives can go into a tailspin in a hurry.  If you’d rather create a life path that takes you toward building a strong, confident inner self that can’t be shaken, Touch base with each of the following points, every day if needed.

1. Get fresh air

Not much beats a walk through the park or countryside to collect your thoughts.  As you venture into a peaceful environment, a peaceful environment seems to venture its way into you.  It doesn’t matter how you get out there either – you can even take a walk around a garden or conservatory if you don’t have immediate wilderness.

Smell the flowers, listen to the wildlife, be one with what was put here in the beginning.  Your stress is going to melt away. All you have to do is get your mind wrapped around the idea of letting everything go, including the fear – just enjoy the serenity nature has to offer.

2. Exercise often

You know that feeling you get when you WANT to exercise, but can’t seem to slide your butt off of the couch?  It’s more than the lack of motivation, it is fear looking you straight in the minds’ eye and telling you that you can’t do it.  And, I’ve got news for you; you can do it right now.

What’s the benefit?  You’ll do even better tomorrow.

So don’t think twice; don’t worry about where you are right now. Because that’s not going to change unless you do. What’s important is that you DO IT.

3. Nourish your body

Nutrition is the perfect complement to exercise. Therefore, if you want to treat your body properly with physical activity, you’ve got to feed your body the optimal octane that it requires.  Let’s start thinking about that, shall we?

Consider the human body broken down into the most minor pieces. It all comes down to single cells.  More importantly, how you treat these cells is vital.  Eat living food, receive life.  Eat dead food, well I’ll let you figure the rest of that out…

4. Craft Change

“What can I do about the people around me that are negative?”

This is the most frequent question I’ve ever been asked about retaining a positive mindset in a negative atmosphere.  There may be certain people floating around in your experience that try to plant the seeds of fear and negativity in your mind when you’re around.  You’re better than that; you’re seeking divine destiny, not defeat.  Now, do you want to turn the tables with me?

Let’s follow the rules here, step by step. If your thoughts can supposedly alter your reality, then you can change that reality through your thoughts, right?  Someone once said:


See how that quote only STARTED with your thoughts? That’s right; you can’t cross the finish line if you don’t start running when the gun sounds. It’s completely up to you (since we’re in this physical world and all), to follow up with words, actions and so forth to create your destiny.

Do you want to change the attitude of the person or people around you?  Here’s how to do it, just in case your own positive “ripple effect” hasn’t yet started to take place:

Start thinking about how they can be happy.  Next, talk to them about what makes them happy.  This could be as simple as simply asking them what makes them happy. You might be surprised if they don’t start talking about what actually does make them happy.  Congratulations my friend, you’ve planted the seed of thought.  It all starts with the thought about being happy to ultimately create a happy life.  That’s the Power of Positivity!

Know that you can make positive experiences happen in your own life and in the lives of others.  Be like the lion – fearless, knowing that you are the king of your own jungle.

5. Affirm, Affirm, Affirm!

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” – Zig Ziglar

Affirmations:  We’ve all heard of them.  Repeat this or that to yourself and believe in it. Then, it will magically just find itself to you.  Don’t ask me HOW it works; I’m not a quantum physicist. But, I do know it works. How?  Because every time I ask someone how they’ve earned their massive success, they say “I focused on my dreams and didn’t let anything get in the way.”  That’s even how it started for me!

Here’s the trick:  Wherever you feel you are lacking or whatever “moans and gripes” you have are what is holding your attractive vibration in place. Start repeating daily the exact opposite of those moans and gripes (i.e., “I’m broke all the time.” vs. “My income is constantly increasing.”).  You will notice in time, with repetition and belief in yourself that changes will start taking place.  At first, it may be minor changes, but if you’re steadfast you’ll see more, too!

Take note: Follow these steps and you’ll be on your way to a free or fear life path you’ve only imagined!

5 Personal Development Apps You’ll Love!


personal-development-appsEvery day is a new day to explore the beauty of the incredible person you were always meant to be.  I am a firm believer that in order to become our true amazing self, it’s essential that we do so through daily practices such as prayer, meditation, yoga, exercise, nutrition and so on.  Personal development has become a huge part of my life and I’m always on the lookout for the most effective ways to create the best life for me, and those around me.


personal development

Here are 5 of my favorite personal development apps

1. Gratitude Journal by HappyTapper

As Melody Beattie said “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.”personal-development-apps

I truly believe this statement and have experienced it in every area of my life since that full realization. I love writing a daily gratitude list, and Gratitude Journal just makes it so much more convenient. As a Mom, my phone is the most convenient way. I can write them easily right before I start my am routine and before I’m about to go to sleep – both peak times for me to practice gratitude lists. Plus it saves paper!

This app is very clean. It’s also easy and quick to navigate.You can add photos, rate your day, record the weather and bookmark.

Click here to check out Gratitude Journal in the iTunes store.  Make it a daily habit for a month and watch your life transform! 🙂

2. Awesome Note

I lopersonal-development-appve staying organized, especially with notes and To-Done lists. Awesome Note has allowed me to save time as well as organize multiple lists for personal and business use. Before, I used to manually write lists and create them on my computer.

I tried a few other Android and iPhone apps, but was never fully satisfied or efficiently organized. Finally, I found an app developed by an outstanding iPhone app development company like this iphone app development sydney that combines notes with to-dos in a fun and colorful way! It’s quick to add and update, literally helping me make every second count.!

Download Awesome Note in the iTunes store here.

3. Habit Factor


Habit Factor is the #1 Goals and Habits App for a reason, it’s fantastic! If you’re truly serious about adopting new habits you’ll find yourself using this inexpensive app daily. I love that it has detailed tracking for days, weeks and months. I find tracking my streaks and meeting my goals for particular habits very motivating and effective.

Developing positive habits takes discipline and awareness. It’s imperative we track our performance and have results that we can review over time. If you can’t compare your results, how do you really know the effectiveness of your new habit? When you know your true results you’re more likely to stick with the habits that got you there.

Get Habit Factor at the iTunes store here.

self-improvement-app4. Lumosity Brain Trainer

Mental exercise is just as important to practice daily as physical exercise. Neurologists suggest that certain brain conditions can be avoided or improved by regularly using the brain.

For years, Lumosity has been working closely with world leading Neuroscientist from top Universities like Stanford, UCSF, and Berkeley, to create the best cognitive enhancement program. It has over 20 million members.

Brain Trainer is aimed at helping those who might not get enough mental workout each day. Crossword puzzles and trivia questions can provide a quick challenge, but they’re not nearly as focused as Brain Trainer. They have a huge in depth program online.  For busy people on the go, the iPhone app is much more convenient – not to mention affordable.

I love it! I’m improving in every area everytime I play. It’s designed like a fun game (except the Math part for me haha). Honestly, I’ve learned a lot about myself and the way I think from this app. I’ve also been able to easily focus and improve the specific areas that I needed to with their tracking and graph system.

Lumosity Brain Trainer is available on iTunes. Click here to download.

5. Self Help Classics

Need an on the go personal development library?  You know, one filled with inspiring masterpieces from famous thinkers, inventors and billionaires of the past?  Well this one is it; your new best friend!

I’m serious – this app is filled with goodies to improve your life, achieve success and find lasting happiness. It’s a portable library and is rated the best selling iPhone and iPad personal development app.

Among the 30 world famous titles are:


This list goes on and on and is only .99 cents. You can literally save hundreds on the best personal development

books out there! I was so excited when I found this app – if you are passionate about learning and growing, you will too.

Download Self Help Classics from iTunes here

Do you have a favorite app for personal deveopment?  Let me know in the comments below.  Next time, I’ll share my 5 favorite Spiritual Apps. 🙂 Enjoy!

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