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Nourish the Body: Health Benefits of Celery

Nourish the Body: Health Benefits of Celery

Celery is a food that we all know and love. We use it in a variety of summer salads, as well as in soup recipes, and much more. But did you know that celery carries with it a multitude of health benefits? Tyler Tolman shows us the mind-blowing benefits of this crunchy low-calorie snack!

People with Crohn’s Disease, IBS, and many other digestive issues could benefit greatly from eating celery.

Have you ever noticed that celery looks like our bones? If you cut a whole stalk, it also looks like the insides of a bone. Besides, it is high in natural sodium, which is the catalyst for making bones.

Let’s think about it for a second, you can take coral calcium off the ocean floor and sell it as pills, or you could recognize that the coral got there by the sodium content in the water and sunshine in the first place. 2 major building blocks for your body making calcium.

The body needs sodium and sunshine to produce strong bones, something celery has both of!! That’s right–this veggie has sodium and sunshine!

The History

There is evidence of celery being used as a medicinal plant in ancient Egypt. There’s also evidence that ancient Greek athletes were awarded celery leaves to commemorate their winning.

Hippocrates described celery as a nerve re-builder and soother and said “let food be thy medicine”

Tyler and his daughter enjoying a fresh stalk of celery

Fresh celery is an excellent source of vitamin-K. Vitamin-K helps increase bone mass by promoting osteopathic activity in the bones. It also has established role in Alzheimer’s disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain.

Recent research has brought knowledge about celery’s anti-inflammatory health benefits, including its protection against inflammation in the digestive tract itself. This means that people with Crohns Disease, IBS and many other digestive issues could benefit greatly from eating celery.

This veggie also decreases the risk of oxidation damage to body fats and risk of oxidation damage to blood vessel walls. (it strengthens the circulatory system ;0)

As far back as ancient Rome, celery was considered an aphrodisiac. Today, scientists know that celery contains androsterone, a pheromone released by mens’ sweat glands that attracts females.

Famed Italian lover Casanova made sure to include lots of celery in his diet to keep up his stamina. (Apparently good for different kinds of bones)

So you can snack on it raw or do what I do and add Almond Butter or mix it in with a Green Smoothie:

For an amazing green smoothie that my wife and baby have every day for breakfast, simply mix these ingredients in a blender:

1 cut apple
2 sticks celery
½ avocado
¼ cucumber
a big handful or two of greens (spinach, kale, silverbeet etc)
2-3 bananas
5-7 dates
Then add ¼- ½ of the pitcher with water and blend till Silky Smooth :0)”

Have you stocked your fridge with this life-giving resource?  Let us know in the conversation below!



How to “Go with the Flow”


We’ve all had days in life where things couldn’t get any further off track.  A friend or companion reassures us that everything will be fine, all we need to do is relax and ” go with the flow.”  Like we haven’t heard that one before, and in some way, ‘going with the flow’ is going to solve our problems.

Actually, it does.

You might not think about it immediately after that caring companion brings you back to life with those rejuvenating words of wisdom, but you still end up asking yourself, “What exactly is this ‘flow’?  Does it mean that I have to say yes to everything?  Are my personal values going to be compromised by going with it? What if I don’t feel I should always go with the flow?”  Don’t contemplate this too long; you will be going against it!

Imagine the flow as creation.

Flow-ers effortlessly reach toward the sun, clouds lightly float across the sky and the tides continue to work like clockwork as they have since the beginning of recorded time.  You and I are a part of this universal masterpiece.

As Human Beings, we are becoming increasingly aware that everything in creation has come from one universal source of energy.  This source of energy is fueled by what I have come to know as The Now. The now is the present moment in which we are.  It is happening with you as it is with me, and the true beauty of it is that it always occurring.
How can one determine whether their ‘flow’ is a raging river or a babbling brook when in the Now?  Our thoughts, words, and actions in the present moment ultimately shape us as individuals.  When something happens, it is essential to keep a positive mindset no matter what the situation.

Think of it as part of that natural process that leads us directly to where we are now.  A negative mindset is only going to give resistance to the flow of energy that which we are.


My wish is for the world to display our energy as strongly as we can in the Now. Blessings to everyone as we go with the flow – after all, there is no better moment to live than the current!

Positive Portions from the Farmer’s Market!

[blockquote]If you want to take charge of knowing where your food comes from, what better way than to meet the people who grew it?[/blockquote]

Two words: Farmer’s Market. Better yet, lets make it five words: Farmer’s Markets are rockin’ awesome!

If you want to [frame title=”Farmers-market” href=”” src=”” width=”250″ height=”150″ type=”right” alt=”farmer-market”] take charge of knowing where your food comes from, what better way than to meet the people who grew it? Here in my town we have “Market Night” on Thursdays, with a complete produce and food section. On Saturdays there’s the local farmers market, which i really enjoy. I like to head down to the farmer’s market and pick up a few items then come up with a dish based on what I’ve just bought. This is a totally fun way to eat!

My latest farmer’s market creation: The Heirloom Tomato, Tofu, and Bacon Avocado Stack.

[frame title=”” href=”” src=”” width=”400″ height=”250″ type=”center” alt=”farmer-market”]

Heirloom tomatoes are the quintessential apex of tomato flavor in my book. Each type has it’s own unique, delicious taste. The Bacon avocado is a type of avocado that is super soft and buttery, making the perfect start for a spread. I also added a chimchurri that I had made a few days prior to this, along with just a dollop of vegenaise, for a luscious spread to add to this plant-based Neapolitan.

Now the Tofu… What can one say about tofu? I like to eat tofu occasionally because it’s a high protein source and quite adaptable in my dishes. I used extra firm organic sprouted tofu in this recipe because it has a great texture and flavor.


Heirloom Tomato

Sprouted extra firm Tofu
Red Chile Flakes
ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) – I like it better than the red wine vinegar
Extra Virgin Olive oil
Veganaise – Original

So get down to your local farmer’s markets to meet the farmers and their families. Eat seasonal and eat hardy. Fresh food from the farm to your plate is definitely rockin’ awesome!

Do you like to create new meals with your fresh farmer’s market foods?  Share your favorite meal ideas and recipes below! Or, share them with us over on Facebook!

Welcome to Power of Positivity!

Welcome to the manifestation of a passionate vision–Power of Positivity. As we write this welcome message, strong feelings of love and warmth completely envelop our bodies. We can literally feel the energy in our heart that whispers, “Accept the love, accept the light. Allow your co-creative spirit to blossom.”

Ghandhi quote


We’re filled to the brim with gratitude and joy, knowing that you’re here to read our very first message. Power of Positivity began in mid 2009 and has been full steam ahead ever since. We’ve been given a true gift to provide inspiration to so many through uplifting messages, notes, and co-creative conversations that we felt compelled to create a larger, more permanent community for you to visit and bring YOUR best life to fruition.

Power of Positivity
Painting of our logo – a gift from fan, Jessilyn Park.

Our soul pours out to you in what we do – it always has and it always will. This is only the beginning; there is more in store including special events, member profiles, deeper inspiration, and SO much more! This is just the beginning and we’d love to hear what you think. Please leave us a comment below. We truly look forward to hearing from you.

In the meantime, browse around and get to know us. We are grateful that you found our website. Our goal is to help you enrich your life and make positive and impactful changes.

If you’d like to know more about who WE are, we’d love for you to learn more, so click here to meet us.

In closing, we ask you to let your light shine and grow as we travel with each other to bring pure positive energy into the hearts and minds of everyone who desires to improve their lives by improving their thoughts.

EVERY day is a day to shine. Shine On! POWER OF POSITIVITY

PoP Reviews: The Magic

Rhonda Byrne’s books about “The Secret”, “The Power”, and “The Magic” are garnering world attention and sparking a global awakening.  Read this highlighted book review of Rhonda’s latest book, “The Magic.” Then, share what you’re grateful for in the conversation below!

What is “The Magic”?

Having read The Secret & The Power, I had extremely high hopes for The Magic. Let me just say that I was blown away by the transformation in my life. The Secret works on the premise that it is how you think that attracts to you certain energies. In other words, it’s the Law of Attraction. Think of yourself as a magnet and you will attract the things you focus on, into your life. The Magic takes us one step further and shows us that gratitude is the key to changing your life.

Rhonda Byrne tells us that this ‘life-changing knowledge was hidden within a sacred text. For twenty centuries, this knowledge has mystified, confused and been misunderstood by almost all who read it..’ (from the book’s back cover.)

[frame title=”” href=”” src=”http://www.powerofpositivity.comwp-content/uploads/2013/02/the-magic-cover1.jpg” width=”300″ height=”300″ type=”right” alt=”positive-book”]

What is this text she is talking about and how have we misunderstood it? Rhonda tells us it is from the Gospel of Matthew. The secret that lies behind the text is missing words which revolve around having gratitude for what you already have.

In short

In short, this states that if you live in a state of gratitude, your life will be filled with abundance. If you are grateful and express gratitude in your life, The Universe will provide for you. If you are not grateful, but rather negative about what you have, then you create for yourself energy that brings forth what you DON’T want.

The Magic takes you on a life-changing 28-day journey and follows each chapter with special exercises in gratitude. I have found these will not only assist with changing the way you think but it will also put your dreams and desires in motion.

The secret of The Magic is a simple one, disciplining one’s self to follow the advice may be a little harder, but certainly, the effort is worth the results. For those of you who love “The Secret” and believe in the Law of attraction… The Magic will definitely be an amazing addition to your life. I thoroughly recommend it to you. It has most definitely changed my life and I hope it changes yours too.

How Can We Use “The Magic”?

Gratitude is something that our material-obsessed culture doesn’t emphasize practicing. Byrne’s book can help remind us of the responsibility we have to be thankful for the blessings that have already come into our lives. Whether saying “thank you” will create events to take place magically is debatable, although Byrne and her followers seem to believe it. However, The Magic has some interesting ideas that will help anyone incorporate the practice of gratitude daily in their lives.

Don’t Know About “The Secret”?  Learn more about The Law of Attraction, “The Secret”, “The Power”, Rhonda Byrne, and additional information here:


5 Ways to Add More Positive Energy to Your Workplace

Many people grow up hearing that positivity is key. Unfortunately, as we grow up, it can be harder and harder to be positive. Life has many snags and issues that we all must learn to deal with. Work can be an especially stressful place, with deadlines and clients and co-workers.

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
– Confucius

15 tips to Add Positive Energy to Your Workplace:

Are you ready to spread some positivity throughout your office? Here is how!

1 – Stay Organized

Much work stress comes from deadlines that you miss and disorganization. Keep a color-coded calendar of all work events, deadlines, meetings, and client updates. If you find paperwork challenging, use your smartphone or online apps to keep on-task. Being able to consult the schedule of all daily events will make work less stressful.

2 – Practice Effective Communication

Most people negatively communicate with one another because the conversation is not productive. Send emails updating colleagues on the things that each person must be aware of and, while speaking in person, genuinely listen to one another rather than being abrupt. Better communication produces positive communication and positive feelings.

3 – Smile

Many people do not make a habit of smiling and looking cheerful at work, but looking approachable will get you many different results than looking standoffish. Practicing smiling and having a more upbeat attitude makes it likely that other workers will approach you with the same view. Clients also prefer working with someone professional yet friendly.

4 – Make Small Goals

Most of the time, people don’t feel accomplished at work, which leads to feelings of negativity. Setting small goals that lead to more substantial accomplishments will help keep you focused will help keep your attitude positive and upbeat.

5 – Leave work at the office

If you have a stressful job or a job that can be brought home, it can become easy for your life to be overwhelmed with work. If you vow to leave work at home and spend your personal time with family, friends, and your hobbies, work will appear much less like an albatross and must more like a part of life.

6 – Personalize your desk

Your desk is where you spend many hours of your day. Therefore, it is essential to personalize your area, to make it your own. You can adjust the height of your desk, set a plant, a photo of your dog, or a cute motivational sign on your desk for a little personalized touch. Having personal items on your desk makes your area feel more comfortable and gives you some positive motivation when you’re feeling distracted.

7 – Reduce your stress

Work stress is real. Hours on end at your computer, intense meetings, and long Skype calls raise stress levels. You can add some positive energy at work with a walk during your lunch break or squeeze a squishy stress ball that you keep on your desk. Try doing some breathing exercises.

First, take a big, deep breath, hold your breath, and then let your it out slowly. After work, be sure to get some energizing exercise. Whether you walk your dog, head to your gym, or ride a stationary bike at home. Training is the best way to reduce pent-up stress.

When you do strenuous exercise, your body discharges endorphins, hormones that make you feel happier. Plus, endorphins improve your self-esteem. All in all,  your work stress needs to be dealt with. Find what stress buster works best for you, then add a little positivity to your workday.

8 – Stay upbeat

Studies have found that people with an upbeat, positive mentality typically have better health, less risk of heart disease, and lowered blood pressure. Having a positive outlook doesn’t mean you never feel down or anxious, but you can bounce back and adapt to your circumstances.

So, find ways to keep your mental outlook at work positive. Step back from situations at work that feels overwhelming. Set aside time during the workday, even if it’s just five or ten minutes to let your mind wander in a daydream. Daydreaming is a healthy way for your brain to detach from your work problems.

Plus, sometimes, answers pop into your head while you’re daydreaming. Staying upbeat gives you a chance to get your positive outlook back on track.

letting go

9 – Be a good listener

Another way to add positive energy at work is to be a great listener. Good listening takes practice and determination to focus. Here are some tips to enhance those all-important communications and listening skills.

  • Be attentive: Look thoroughly at the person’s face while they’re speaking to you-This lets them know they have your full attention.
  • Don’t move around: Shifting your legs or moving your hands is a sign you’re impatient to speak or get away from the conversation. Quiet yourself and simply listen.
  • Rephrase what they say, and turn it into a question: For example, “You mentioned that your division wouldn’t fund the new site. Where do you think that start-up funding should come from?”
  • Be curious: What can you learn about this person? Are they nervous? How do they approach problems?
  • Find joy in conversing: All discussions are unique. Enjoy the back and forth of talking and listening.

10 – Be a learner

When work becomes predictable and rote, you get dull in the brain. Being a learner keeps you mentally fresh. It instills creativity and enhances your mental flexibility.  Researchers say that people who keep learning are less apt to underperform or get stagnant at work. Stir up your desire to learn anything you can about your job.

Connect with people at work who understand aspects of the job that you do not. Or interact with younger people who may have a fresh perspective on the work.  Ask them questions, ask for feedback, and try new ways to do aspects of your job. You will be surprised and delighted at the positive energy you get from taking a few steps towards learning something new.

11 – Say thank you

Adding positive energy at work is as easy as a simple thank you. Being grateful is a small action that reaps big rewards. Saying thank you at work helps others feel appreciated and valued. It takes just a minute to say it, but you’ll feel positive about yourself, too.

Gratefulness is contagious. Once you express your gratitude to a co-worker, you won’t be surprised if they express gratefulness to another co-worker.

12 – Don’t multitask

You heard, right? Contrary to popular belief, your brain isn’t made for multitasking. One study found that people tend to overestimate their ability to do two or things at once. When you try to multitask, you’re putting undue stress on one part of your brain and aren’t using your mind to its full potential. It may sound boring, but you’re more productive when you do one task at a time entirely before you move onto the next job. Try it.

13 – Have a bowl of healthy snacks on your desk

Set a little bowl of wrapped granola bars, tiny boxes of nuts, or raisins on your desk for a quick energy boost. Of course, your co-workers will drop by to say hello and gaze longingly at your snacks, so be ready to share. Sharing a little treat and chatting with your co-workers can lighten your day and add a bit of positive energy to others’ day as well.

14 – Practice calming mindfulness

Because work can be stressful, mindfulness can help you reduce your mental stress. Here are some ways to incorporate the art of mindfulness into your day.

Focus on your senses:

What do you hear? How do your toes feel inside your shoes? Listen to surrounding sounds. Listen to your heartbeat. All these little mindfulness activities help you relax and feel calmer.

Let your mind wander:

Give your mind a little break. Let it wander a bit. Think about tonight’s dinner plans, hanging out with friends or family. These little brain breaks release your stress and refresh your thinking.

Deal with your feelings:

Did you have an upsetting conversation this morning? Are you feeling irritated or anxious? Picture those feelings as stones. Toss each feeling one by one into a deep lake and watch them sink to the bottom out of sight. Imaging can help you let go of burdensome thoughts and feelings, so they don’t weigh you down.

Mindfulness not only relaxes you but can add positive energy to your workplace. Here are some other benefits of mindfulness in the workplace.

  • Reduce stress
  • Lowers anxiety
  • Encourages focus
  • Improves relationships between co-workers

15 – Make friends

You’re with your co-workers for many hours each day. There are probably several people at work who you will get to know as good friends. Good friends at work make your job more fun. Having a good friend at work makes sense since you both have a common bond through work. You can relate to one another, emphasize with each other’s struggles, and encourage one another when feeling discouraged since you both understand. Make efforts to make good friends at work to enhance your positive energy and the positive energy of those around you.

positiveFinal Thoughts on These Fifteen Easy Ways to Bring Positive Thinking Into the Workplace

Did you know that you will spend approximately 90,000 hours at work in your lifetime?  That number represents a lot of your life spent on the clock. All the more reason for you to find creative ways to add positive energy to your long work hours. Hopefully, these suggestions help enhance your quest to add positive energy to your work experience, plus give you a real sense of joy in your accomplishments.

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