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How to Transform your life with Simple Positive Affirmations


Positive Affirmations Work

We all have our own self talk, and the truth is that it is not always positive. We’re affirming statements about ourselves and the condition of our life with every thought and word we speak. This is a daily habit that we practice subconsciously. To some degree, we are all using positive affirmations every day.


Turn Affirmations into Beliefs

As we begin to think about specific thoughts, over and over again, they become beliefs. We speak about these beliefs to others and even create the stories we tell from those beliefs. Soon enough, these beliefs become reality – and, the more we think and speak about them the realer they become. The condition of our health, wealth, relationships, etc. depends upon our habit of perception.

When we change the perception of ourselves and our life to a more positive view consistently, our life TRANSFORMS. We are crafting ourselves and our future by the words we speak every single day. Instead of waiting for a miracle to come along and change our life, we need to take charge and start changing it right now.

This may seem unrealistic to some, but practicing positive affirmations is life-changing. It’s simple, and it’s free, it just takes commitment and dedication. It starts with taking conscious control of our thoughts and habitually transforming self destructive, negative thoughts into positive affirmations.

Positive Self Talk

An affirmation is simply positive self talk or a statement we say about ourselves or our life phrased in the present tense as if it were true. When you find yourself caught in a negative thought pattern, just stop and immediately replace it with an opposite statement.

    For example:

  • “I need to lose weight.” Becomes “I can release weight easily.”
  • Or, “I can’t afford that.” Becomes “I can find a better deal.”
  • “I can’t save money.” Becomes “I can easily save money.”
  • “I’ll never meet the right partner.” Becomes “I am open to finding the perfect mate.”
  • “I look horrible. I hate myself.” Becomes “I love myself unconditionally.”

As a mom, I have PBS on for my daughter. While I am writing this I hear, “When something seems bad, turn it around. Find something good.” on Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood. Yes, it is really that easy. It’s all about shifting focus from the negative to the positive. Even if it is small steps at a time. When you make it a conscious habit, you begin making bigger and bigger changes over time.

“The most crucial aspect of positive affirmations is your feeling. When you say the affirmation pay attention to what ‘feelings’ are coming up.”

Make a positive change

Affirmations work to help us change. In fact, they make change easier. They are the seeds we plant that eventually bloom – the more we take care, the better the yield. Often times we think that action will solve our problems, and while the action is critical to change, alone it will not provide real, lasting change.

For the best results, you must first get into an agreement in mind and then follow with action. Having a positive outlook is vital to reaching your goals. Sometimes, when we start, we are so far from our goal that it is not easy to maintain a positive perspective. That is why positive affirmations are imperative. They are the catalyst for change.

Positive affirmations are so simple that they can be overlooked

In fact, they are defined as simple, positive phrases that an individual repeats to themselves, with full belief that it is the case, whether presently true or not. The purpose of repeating affirmations is to build a sense of self-confidence. You use these phrases to tell yourself what you want or where you want to be in the future. Even if you do not currently believe the phrase at the moment, with practice you will.

Feeling Your Mantra

The most crucial aspect of positive affirmations is your feeling. When you say the affirmation pay attention to what “feelings” are coming up. Your feelings are your emotional guidance system and are your indicators to where you are in regards to your affirmation or statement of intention. The better you feel about each statement the closer you are to achieving it. You want to feel good about it deep inside. Most people give up and go back to old ways before they see change. However, the strong and determined individual will prevail. Ultimately it comes down to this basic question, “How much do you want to change?”

“I will act now. I will act now. I will act now. Henceforth, I will repeat these words each hour, each day, every day until the words become as much a habit as my breathing, and the action.” – Og Mandino

Remove Negative Thoughts

Positive affirmations remove negative thoughts and replace them with more positive, good feeling ones. An easy way to see affirmations working in your life is to create a list of areas in your life that you’d like to see improve. Write down the thoughts and beliefs you have about each area. When you ready, begin writing more positive statements. Even if you need to take small steps and write a series of positive affirmations until you reach your goal – that’s okay. Everyone is different, and you know yourself best. When you feel really good about a particular affirmation you’ll begin to see the results in your outer world.

Put Them to Work for You!

Many times people get excited about affirmations and want to use them but have a hard ask believe receive 3time coming up with their own, so they give up. These are the exact people that need them the most. Typically, when a person has trouble coming up with a list of positive affirmations it is because they have extremely low self-esteem and have trouble seeing anything positive about their lives.

Follow the Leaders

If you are new to positive affirmations the best place to start is following the leaders like Louise Hay. She has phenomenal simple affirmations that will help you without having to write your own. Choose her affirmations that resonate with you. Louise Hay is a truly inspiring woman and has blessed and changed the lives of millions. She is the founder of Hay House and is one of the top motivational authors in the world. I personally have her books, DVDs, affirmation cards and iTunes apps. I love all of her products, but especially the apps because they are so handy and I can access her material right from my phone.

Affirmations Work!

I’ve been using affirmations for years now to transform my life, and I would also be happy to help you. Please feel free to comment below about the area in your life that you’d like to see more abundance. I’ll help you craft the perfect affirmations. I feel my purpose here is to help others change their lives and overcome obstacles to living their best life. I’d also love to hear from you if positive affirmations have changed your life. I love connecting with like-minded individuals, and I love hearing others success stories.

positive-affirmationsFor me personally, affirmations have helped me to release weight (a lot of it too), overcome depression, dramatically increase my income, live my passion, improve all of my relationships, have a natural, drug free childbirth (my proudest accomplishment by the way), conquer panic attacks, and love myself more. My list could go on and on. So, when someone tells me that positive affirmations do not work, I know that they just aren’t truly making them a conscious daily habit.


Final Thoughts

I’ll be writing more about the benefits of positive affirmations and specific ways to make the most of them next week. Please do post your comments below – I am looking forward to hearing about your journey and success!

PS: You can also quickly find simple positive affirmations by category here.

How to Fly Through Life First Class

“Flying first class is always more comfortable, but not everyone can afford it. The good news with life is that anyone can fly first class.”

Life is a spiritual journey, and we are all Spirit-travellers.

Our journey begins when we are born and life unfolds in front of us through our experiences.  We all have the same destination – the return to the source; that is, we all want to attain the Salvation peak of the soul.  What makes life unique is how we arrive at our destination.

An “airplane metaphor” is the best way to explain life’s journey.  We have the choice of how to fly to a certain city, state, or country.  No matter which class we choose, we will reach the same destination.  Flying first class is always more comfortable, but not everyone can afford it.  The good news with life is that anyone can fly first class.

The question that arises here is: Are we ready to upgrade to first class in life?

Although it may demand a lot on our part, it is really worthwhile. When one travels through fear and negativity, it goes against nature. It really prevents you from shining like the sun, and instead, you remain among the dark clouds. Living life in fear costs you a lot. It puts your personal relationships at stake, it’s a threat to your health, and attacks your creativity.  It simply costs you your LIFE.


Often times, people have experienced whatever they have feared the most.  This is because their focus was on the things they did not like and not on the things that they deeply cherished.  Every now and then, we feel that we have to fight against the energy which is on the outside but the real fact is that the enemy is within us and we need to conquer it with love.

Travelling first class in life, on the other hand, guarantees a whole package of excitement.  When you are on that path,  you get to meet fellow travelers of like minds – people with the same values.  This confirms the amazing reasoning behind the law; like attracts like.  Those generous souls are full of life and they really live out loud. The moment you make the decision to travel first class, you unlock the amazing gifts attached to it.  Life will still have those peaks and valleys, but we will have to muster the courage to cross all of them with a never say die attitude, finding it easier than ever to achieve victory.  You are always taken care of by the universe, sometimes in surprising ways. You will stand in awe at what life has to offer.

How to upgrade your life’s journey

You will have to change your perception from head to the heart, from fear to love, from NO to a BIG YES, from negative to positive and eventually from ME to US.

It starts with positive thinking.  Thoughts become things!  We need to allow only positive thoughts to occupy our mind as we tend to materialize those things in life.  Positive thinking leads to positive actions.  Life appears as a catalog to us and we just have to flip over it and choose whatever adventure we want to experience.  The most important task along the journey is the GRATITUDE PROCESS.  The more grateful we are to live, the more life will amaze us.  Gratitude simply attracts more of what we have and want in life.  Another essential tool at our service is our visualization ability.  Life can be phenomenal if you choose to visualize life as being heaven on earth and break all the limits.

When you choose to fly First Class, you begin to praise life as you go along, sending love and light to everyone you encounter.  While you may come into contact with negative people – instead of adopting their negativity, you will spread your light, touch their hearts, and eventually make the crowd follow you. You will open your heart and the hearts of others to the abundance of available energy that surrounds us all.

What class are you traveling today?

Make a decision today to have a first class life. Avoid living as a victim and instead be the hero of your own life. Whenever you find yourself being fearful, thank it for protecting you and then release it. Notice all the first class miracles around you and if anyone asks you how it’s going? Reply with ‘FIRST CLASS!’

Fly first class and be a first class version of YOU. Reality is always what you decide it to be and it is never out of control. SHINE ON!


Nourish the Body: Health Benefits of Celery

Celery is a food that we all know and love. We use it in a variety of summer salads, as well as in soup recipes, and much more. But did you know that celery carries with it a multitude of health benefits? Tyler Tolman shows us the mind-blowing benefits of this crunchy low-calorie snack!

People with Crohn’s Disease, IBS, and many other digestive issues could benefit greatly from eating celery.

Have you ever noticed that celery looks like our bones? If you cut a whole stalk, it also looks like the insides of a bone. Besides, it is high in natural sodium, which is the catalyst for making bones.

Let’s think about it for a second, you can take coral calcium off the ocean floor and sell it as pills, or you could recognize that the coral got there by the sodium content in the water and sunshine in the first place. 2 major building blocks for your body making calcium.

The body needs sodium and sunshine to produce strong bones, something celery has both of!! That’s right–this veggie has sodium and sunshine!

The History

There is evidence of celery being used as a medicinal plant in ancient Egypt. There’s also evidence that ancient Greek athletes were awarded celery leaves to commemorate their winning.

Hippocrates described celery as a nerve re-builder and soother and said “let food be thy medicine”


Tyler and his daughter enjoying a fresh stalk of celery

Fresh celery is an excellent source of vitamin-K. Vitamin-K helps increase bone mass by promoting osteopathic activity in the bones. It also has established role in Alzheimer’s disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain.

Recent research has brought knowledge about celery’s anti-inflammatory health benefits, including its protection against inflammation in the digestive tract itself. This means that people with Crohns Disease, IBS and many other digestive issues could benefit greatly from eating celery.

This veggie also decreases the risk of oxidation damage to body fats and risk of oxidation damage to blood vessel walls. (it strengthens the circulatory system ;0)

As far back as ancient Rome, celery was considered an aphrodisiac. Today, scientists know that celery contains androsterone, a pheromone released by mens’ sweat glands that attracts females.

Famed Italian lover Casanova made sure to include lots of celery in his diet to keep up his stamina. (Apparently good for different kinds of bones)

So you can snack on it raw or do what I do and add Almond Butter or mix it in with a Green Smoothie:

For an amazing green smoothie that my wife and baby have every day for breakfast, simply mix these ingredients in a blender:

1 cut apple
2 sticks celery
½ avocado
¼ cucumber
a big handful or two of greens (spinach, kale, silverbeet etc)
2-3 bananas
5-7 dates
Then add ¼- ½ of the pitcher with water and blend till Silky Smooth :0)”

Have you stocked your fridge with this life-giving resource?  Let us know in the conversation below!



How to “Go with the Flow”


We’ve all had days in life where things couldn’t get any further off track.  A friend or companion reassures us that everything will be fine, all we need to do is relax and ” go with the flow.”  Like we haven’t heard that one before, and in some way, ‘going with the flow’ is going to solve our problems.

Actually, it does.

You might not think about it immediately after that caring companion brings you back to life with those rejuvenating words of wisdom, but you still end up asking yourself, “What exactly is this ‘flow’?  Does it mean that I have to say yes to everything?  Are my personal values going to be compromised by going with it? What if I don’t feel I should always go with the flow?”  Don’t contemplate this too long; you will be going against it!

Imagine the flow as creation.

Flow-ers effortlessly reach toward the sun, clouds lightly float across the sky and the tides continue to work like clockwork as they have since the beginning of recorded time.  You and I are a part of this universal masterpiece.

As Human Beings, we are becoming increasingly aware that everything in creation has come from one universal source of energy.  This source of energy is fueled by what I have come to know as The Now. The now is the present moment in which we are.  It is happening with you as it is with me, and the true beauty of it is that it always occurring.
How can one determine whether their ‘flow’ is a raging river or a babbling brook when in the Now?  Our thoughts, words, and actions in the present moment ultimately shape us as individuals.  When something happens, it is essential to keep a positive mindset no matter what the situation.

Think of it as part of that natural process that leads us directly to where we are now.  A negative mindset is only going to give resistance to the flow of energy that which we are.


My wish is for the world to display our energy as strongly as we can in the Now. Blessings to everyone as we go with the flow – after all, there is no better moment to live than the current!

Positive Portions from the Farmer’s Market!

[blockquote]If you want to take charge of knowing where your food comes from, what better way than to meet the people who grew it?[/blockquote]

Two words: Farmer’s Market. Better yet, lets make it five words: Farmer’s Markets are rockin’ awesome!

If you want to [frame title=”Farmers-market” href=”” src=”” width=”250″ height=”150″ type=”right” alt=”farmer-market”] take charge of knowing where your food comes from, what better way than to meet the people who grew it? Here in my town we have “Market Night” on Thursdays, with a complete produce and food section. On Saturdays there’s the local farmers market, which i really enjoy. I like to head down to the farmer’s market and pick up a few items then come up with a dish based on what I’ve just bought. This is a totally fun way to eat!

My latest farmer’s market creation: The Heirloom Tomato, Tofu, and Bacon Avocado Stack.

[frame title=”” href=”” src=”” width=”400″ height=”250″ type=”center” alt=”farmer-market”]

Heirloom tomatoes are the quintessential apex of tomato flavor in my book. Each type has it’s own unique, delicious taste. The Bacon avocado is a type of avocado that is super soft and buttery, making the perfect start for a spread. I also added a chimchurri that I had made a few days prior to this, along with just a dollop of vegenaise, for a luscious spread to add to this plant-based Neapolitan.

Now the Tofu… What can one say about tofu? I like to eat tofu occasionally because it’s a high protein source and quite adaptable in my dishes. I used extra firm organic sprouted tofu in this recipe because it has a great texture and flavor.


Heirloom Tomato

Sprouted extra firm Tofu
Red Chile Flakes
ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) – I like it better than the red wine vinegar
Extra Virgin Olive oil
Veganaise – Original

So get down to your local farmer’s markets to meet the farmers and their families. Eat seasonal and eat hardy. Fresh food from the farm to your plate is definitely rockin’ awesome!

Do you like to create new meals with your fresh farmer’s market foods?  Share your favorite meal ideas and recipes below! Or, share them with us over on Facebook!

Welcome to Power of Positivity!

Welcome to the manifestation of a passionate vision–Power of Positivity. As we write this welcome message, strong feelings of love and warmth completely envelop our bodies. We can literally feel the energy in our heart that whispers, “Accept the love, accept the light. Allow your co-creative spirit to blossom.”

Ghandhi quote


We’re filled to the brim with gratitude and joy, knowing that you’re here to read our very first message. Power of Positivity began in mid 2009 and has been full steam ahead ever since. We’ve been given a true gift to provide inspiration to so many through uplifting messages, notes, and co-creative conversations that we felt compelled to create a larger, more permanent community for you to visit and bring YOUR best life to fruition.

Power of Positivity

Painting of our logo – a gift from fan, Jessilyn Park.

Our soul pours out to you in what we do – it always has and it always will. This is only the beginning; there is more in store including special events, member profiles, deeper inspiration, and SO much more! This is just the beginning and we’d love to hear what you think. Please leave us a comment below. We truly look forward to hearing from you.

In the meantime, browse around and get to know us. We are grateful that you found our website. Our goal is to help you enrich your life and make positive and impactful changes.

If you’d like to know more about who WE are, we’d love for you to learn more, so click here to meet us.

In closing, we ask you to let your light shine and grow as we travel with each other to bring pure positive energy into the hearts and minds of everyone who desires to improve their lives by improving their thoughts.

EVERY day is a day to shine. Shine On! POWER OF POSITIVITY

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