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10 Things You’ll Only Understand if You’re a Scorpio

10 Things You’ll Only Understand if You’re a Scorpio

If you were born between October 21 through November 23, your astrological sign is Scorpio. Even if you’re not totally into astrology, you may still read your horoscope daily for fun. Some of the predictions may be shockingly correct. Many ancient civilizations, such as the Ancient Greeks, saw the stars as life patterns.

The word zodiac comes from a Greek word for a group of animals. They mapped star patterns into constellations and gave them names. They believed that the stars’ position at birth predestined your personality. While they weren’t the first to believe this, they developed it into an astrology study.

The Twelve Signs of Astrology

According to astrological beliefs, you can also predict your future according to the stars. The investigation spread worldwide as astrologists mapped life paths for people and wrote predictions called a horoscope.

The zodiac is divided into twelve signs or houses. Each one corresponds to an element, color, personality, and constellation. Using the month and day of your birth, you will find the sign for your horoscope, and you will likely find some unique traits and characteristics that you find are true.


Ten Things Only Scorpios Understand

People born under this sign are hard to explain and often misunderstood. Perhaps only those in the group will ever unravel the mystery. Here are ten things you’ll appreciate if you’re a Scorpio.

1. When Scorpio Falls in Love, It’s for Real

According to astrology lure, your personality is guided by your birth sign, including your love style. Scorpios don’t take falling in love lightly. You’re not the type to lead potential love interests with fake intentions.

When you fall in love, it’s for real, and you invest your entire being. People are captivated by your boundless sense of adventure. You’ll work tirelessly to create a lasting bond, and you won’t accept anything less from the other person.

2. This Horoscope Sign Knows When to Be Competitive, Driven, and Focused on Success

Does your daily horoscope often talk about how committed you are to reaching your goals? Whether these aspirations are personal or professional, yours is one of the most driven zodiac signs. You know what you want and will not stop until you get it.

You may also be a highly competitive person in most things you do. Whether it’s a game of checkers or vying for a promotion, you want to win. Failure isn’t an option; you expect your friends to be in your corner.

3. Scorpio Knows to Discern Before Trusting Others

Many parts of your horoscope explain how you relate to others. Some astrological signs, such as Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, tend to be susceptible. However, your zodiac sign isn’t one of them, as you’re nobody’s fool.

Scorpios are highly intuitive and tend to be suspicious of anyone until they’ve proven their genuineness. You can usually see right through flattery and other hypocrisy. As a result, some folks may assume that you are aloof or too critical.

You usually take them at their word once they’ve proven to be the real deal. You’re still human and can occasionally have the wool pulled over your eyes. They may fool you once, but they won’t have an opportunity to do it again.

4. Scorpio Knows the Value of Keeping Their Word

Another aspect of zodiac signs is how honest and trustworthy you are. Those who have Scorpios like you in their circle are blessed. You hold these virtues in high esteem and try to practice them in words and actions.

Being a solid person of your word isn’t always an excellent value for your astrological sign. Sometimes, it’s more about your good reputation than helping others. Once you’ve committed, you’re determined to follow through with it.

Conversely, you expect others to be honest and fulfill their commitments to you. If not, they probably won’t like the consequences. Your zodiac sign is notorious for seeking revenge.

5. Scorpio Knows It Is OK to Seek Solitude

According to a study published by Taylor & Francis, spending time alone may give you a more profound sense of self. Per the study, it may also stimulate your creativity and provide a spiritual awakening. If you’re a Scorpio, don’t be surprised if your horoscope often recommends you make time for yourself.

One of the highlighted characteristics of your astrological sign is secrecy. To maintain this mysterious personality, you need some alone time. You long for those pleasant hours of solitude for meditation, journaling, and renewing your energy.

Those who study astrology still haven’t decided if those of your zodiac sign are introverts or extroverts. While you can relax and socialize in a crowd, you’re a private person. Some folks may find this characteristic standoffish, while it may attract others.


6. The Scorpio Horoscope Knows to Turn on the Charm

Just because you were born under the sign of Scorpio doesn’t mean you’re unsociable. Many people with your astrological sign are warm, friendly, and excellent conversationalists. Once you turn on that magical charm, people are naturally drawn to you.

This characteristic can serve you well in the romance department. Something is alluring and seductive about your sign. You may be a reluctant extrovert, but you’ve no problem with being the life of the party.

7. Scorpio Knows to Withhold Their Wrath Until No Other Option Exists

Shakespeare had a point when he said there’s no fury like a scorned woman. Could it be double trouble if she was born under the same sign as you? Those who dare invite your wrath will find out in a hurry.

While you don’t typically fly off the handle quickly, it’s an inferno once you do. Your reactions can be over-the-top as you boil with anger and harsh words. Astrological signs like Aries and Leo may have violent tendencies, but yours may be stronger.

In general, those with your sign are often known as hotheads. You can keep your cool as long as somebody doesn’t confront you. You aren’t afraid to give anyone who crosses you a piece of your mind.

8. Deep Down, This Horoscope Sign Is an Emotional Spirit

True to your zodiac sign, you may repress your emotions to maintain your privacy. This may be especially true for the men born under the sign of Scorpio. Your goal may be to keep a stiff upper lip and never reveal your feelings.

According to a study by Open Access Pub, repressed emotions can lead to negative consequences. It can affect you physically, mentally, and spiritually and threaten your well-being. Conversely, expressing your feelings may benefit you, even if you’re expressing negative emotions.

Do you have problems being honest with your feelings? This can be an issue for any astrological sign, but most definitely that of the Scorpio. You may be calm and stoic on the outside but very emotional on the inside.

9. Those With This Horoscope Sign May Hold Grudges

Once someone has offended you and experienced your wrath, they may not get another chance. People born under your sign in astrology can often write off friends or family without much thought. You may be one to hold a grudge and never forgive.

For one, it takes a lot of effort to gain your trust. You may tend to be suspicious and have trust issues. Returning to your good graces may be nearly impossible if that trust is betrayed.

Unfortunately, holding a grudge makes about as much sense as drinking poison and expecting it to harm your enemy. In the long run, it only hurts you and can damage your outlook on life. Forgiving others gives you the chance to acknowledge the offense and walk away from it for good.

10. A Scorpio Knows the Value of Mystique

Think of some of the most mysterious and attractive people you know. Chances are that you might share the same zodiac sign. You may have an enigmatic Mona Lisa smile or many appealing qualities.

You may not be as talkative as the rest of the group. However, some may be more attracted to what you don’t say than you do. To some people, you are a beautiful puzzle that makes them want to know you better.

It’s not that you’re trying to hide something dishonest or devious. You don’t divulge all your personal information at once. Only those fortunate enough to be in your circle can get a slight glimpse of your side.


Final Thoughts on Things You Understand as a Scorpio

Remember that astrology is more of a philosophy rather than a science. Everyone is different, and you have the power to make choices and change your destiny. However, it’s still fascinating to see how your birth sign and personality are often linked in your horoscope.

Cleveland Auto Mechanic Becomes Doctor at Age 51

Not every day do you hear about someone becoming a doctor later in life. Some people enter the medical field immediately after graduation, while others take a more winding path. Carl Allamby, M.D., dreamed of being a physician as a child, but life circumstances got in the way. However, he never forgot his childhood dream and eventually pursued it despite the obstacles.

Growing up in East Cleveland, Ohio, Allamby felt a calling to become a doctor after high school. His family moved to a small city suburb in the 1970s with plenty of affordable housing options. Unfortunately, well-paying jobs didn’t come as easily, so Allamby’s father started working as a door-to-door salesman. His mom remained home to care for Carl and his five siblings.

Despite his parents doing their best to make ends meet, Allamby recalls numerous financial troubles throughout his childhood. They were on welfare for most of his early life and sometimes had to go without lights, gas, or water. He said that without government assistance, the family most likely would’ve gone hungry some days.

Other families in Allamby’s neighborhood experienced similar economic challenges. He said that teachers at his school tried their best to educate the children. But, since many kids lived in poverty and struggled to obtain their basic needs, learning wasn’t a priority.

In an interview with Fox News Digital, Allamby said, “From my own experience, it is very difficult to focus on your education when your mind is filled with challenges outside the walls of the school. Food insecurity, safely making it to and from school, affording decent clothing and basic school supplies or just trying to fit in took precedent over studying and getting good grades.”

The Long, Arduous Journey to Becoming a Doctor


At that point, he felt his dream of becoming an M.D. slipping away. He couldn’t focus on education and had no mentors to help guide his career path. However, he at least had a supportive family to get him through the tough times. He and his siblings had a close bond, encouraging him never to give up on his dreams.

Also, Allamby’s parents taught him the importance of a solid work ethic and believing in himself. In addition, they raised him to treat people with dignity and respect, a lesson that he would carry into adulthood.

While he longed to become a doctor, he knew earning his degree would take a while. So, in high school, he settled on a job at a local car parts store to pay the bills. He also did car repairs and maintenance to bring in extra cash. At age 19, he opened his auto repair business, Allamby’s Auto Service.

This venture kept him busy and provided a decent income but didn’t fulfill his soul as he’d hoped. Eventually, he enrolled in night school to earn a business degree while continuing to run his auto business. He hoped earning a college degree would open up more doors for him.

While attending Ursuline College in Ohio, he had to take an intro biology course. The class changed the trajectory of his college career and ultimately reminded him of his childhood dream. He said that learning about the body’s intricate design reignited his passion for becoming a doctor. So, in 2010, Allamby enrolled in Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland to take pre-med classes.

He also started shadowing and volunteering at local hospitals to get exposure to the medical field. As he gained experience, he felt reassured about his chosen path.

Allamby Proves You’re Never Too Old to Achieve Your Dreams

“Every exposure I had in medicine further solidified my choice to pursue a medical career,” Allamby told Fox News Digital.

Allamby got accepted into Cleveland State University, where he enrolled in preparatory medical school courses. He studied rigorously for more than five years while managing his business and family life.

He took the evening, weekend, and early morning classes in pre-medicine to learn everything he could about being a medical doctor. It took incredible willpower and discipline, but he knew it would pay off in the long run.

Thankfully, he had a loving family to cheer him on throughout the journey. In 2015, he finally began medical school at Northeast Ohio Medical University. He was one of the oldest people in the class, but this didn’t phase him. He felt that being older gave him an advantage because he was laser-focused on his studies.

Outside of classes, he had to balance family life as a husband and father of four children. In addition, he had to maintain his auto business and commute to school, but the tight schedule helped his time management skills. His responsibilities made him value his time in medical school and allowed him to absorb vast amounts of information quickly.

Allamby graduated from medical school at age 47 and began his residency in emergency medicine at Cleveland Clinic Akron in 2019. Finally, the moment came that he’d dreamed about since childhood. In August 2022, he landed his first job as an ER doctor at Cleveland Clinic’s Hillcrest Hospital.

Allamby hopes his challenging yet rewarding journey to becoming an M.D. will inspire anyone doubting themselves. He offered the following advice to those who have lofty aspirations.

“I feel we all have the opportunity to make our lives better. If you want it, go after it. Don’t give up,” he told Fox News Digital. “Plan your work and work your plan. Your sacrifices today will produce advantages for tomorrow.”


Final Thoughts on the Determined Auto Mechanic Who Became an M.D. at 51

Many people earn college degrees later in life nowadays. Whether it’s a demanding career, family, or other obligations, life sometimes gets in the way of ambitious dreams. But it’s never too late to pursue your passions, even if it takes years to accomplish your goal. Carl Allamby. M.D. proves you can achieve anything in life if you have self-confidence and treat others kindly. We wish him the best of luck in his new, hard-earned career!

10 Signs of Chronic Anger (And How to Find Peace)

Dealing with chronic anger can be challenging for you and those in your inner circle. For some people, anger issues are like a subtle, burning furnace in their minds. For many others, it’s an explosion of rants, rage, verbal abuse, and potential violence.

Did you know that anger is one of the easiest emotions to show? It often masks fear, sadness, and deep depression. Rather than admit to these emotions, some people would rather lose their cool.

However, there’s such a thing as righteous indignation. It’s understandable to be angry about injustice and other senseless cruelties. Anger often inspires people to make necessary changes in their lives or to help others.

Ephesians 4:26 states that it’s okay to be angry, but you can’t let that anger take you to the point of sinning. Many situations in this world should make good folks indignant. If you don’t handle this fiery emotion properly, it can quickly turn on you and destroy everything and everyone you love.

Ten Symptoms of Chronic Anger You Shouldn’t Ignore

How do you know if you’re only venting or have constant anger issues? Denying that you have a problem only makes it worse. Here are eight symptoms of chronic anger that you should never ignore.

chronic anger

1. Chronic Anger that Can Last for Weeks or Months

Even the best-natured folks can get a bit miffed on occasion. You probably have nothing to worry about, even if you express mild anger daily. However, chronic anger can be a disturbing sign of toxicity.

This type of anger is profoundly different than getting aggravated and being short with somebody. It’s often an explosive rage that can continue for weeks or even months. After a while, you may sink into a state of denial and feel like your fiery wrath is justified.

2. Increased Temper Flareups Throughout the Day

Some people are more prone to losing their temper than others. Have you often claimed that you inherited your hot-headedness from your family? An article published by  The University of Chicago suggests that severe rage is often familial and correlates to brain activity.

It’s understandable when someone pushes you too far, and you have a burst of rage. A toxic person with chronic anger issues often stays at this explosive level. Dealing with their toxicity is as volatile as walking along a path of landmines.

3. Chronic Anger May Include Acts of Aggression or Physical Violence

You can probably get hot under the collar and still not hurt anyone. However, a toxic person with chronic anger is often highly aggressive. The smallest slight can turn them into an exploding bomb.

Chronic rage, toxicity, and aggression are a sure toxic recipe for physical violence. According to a report published by Statistica, 1.31 million cases of violent crime were reported in America in 2021. Of these cases, at least 921,505 included aggravated assault.

4. Rage Can Lead to Issues with Law Enforcement and Courts

Most people don’t allow their temper flares to escalate into acts of violence. However, chronic anger often includes abuse and violence that results in legal consequences. Law enforcement is often called in for cases of violence in the home or public.

According to a report by National Statistics, at least one in every three American women is a victim of physical violence. More than 20,000 calls are received by domestic violence hotlines nationwide daily. Domestic violence also correlates with depression and suicidal behavior.

Chronic anger that leads to violence can get you into significant trouble. You can be arrested, fined, and even spend time in jail. If this issue isn’t addressed, you could quickly become a toxic person that ends up in prison.

5. Road Rage that Only Intensifies with Time

Let’s face it: Nobody likes to be cut off in traffic or subjected to another breach of driving etiquette. While some drivers are just distracted, many others can be intolerably rude. You’re not the only one who would react with a few choice words or gestures.

If you lose your temper and go into road rage, it’s a different story. An article published by AAA Foundation for Auto Safety states that at least 79 percent of Americans have engaged in road rage. This action includes incessant honking, gesturing, yelling, and dangerous vehicle maneuvers.

These incidents only increase and intensify for the toxic person with chronic anger. Soon, they can’t get behind the wheel without losing their cool and lashing out at other motorists. Aggressive driving can cause accidents and even fatalities.

6. Chronic Anger Might Lead to a Weakened Immune System

How do you feel after you’ve lost your cool with someone? The rush of adrenalin and other stress hormones may keep you on a high for a while. Inevitably, you’ll probably feel drained and sick with the emotional toxicity.

These constant angry outbursts keep your body in survival mode. The excess flux of stress hormones can eventually lead to systemic damage and a weakened immune system. Lower immunity could increase your chances of developing certain diseases and premature death.


7. Disconnection and Troubled Relationships

Spending time with a toxic person who’s always losing their temper is difficult. You feel like you must walk on eggshells to avoid invoking their wrath. Consequently, you avoid this individual as much as possible.

If you have symptoms of chronic anger, it causes toxicity and disconnects with others. Family, friends, and coworkers may become suspicious of your frequent outbursts. They’re tired of being embarrassed by how you explode at staff in stores and restaurants.

Your kids may not mention any problems at school to prevent you from storming into the principal’s office. If you’re constantly directing your fury at your partner, it may lead to a broken relationship. As people in your circle begin to keep their distance, the isolation may make your anger issues worse.

8. You’re More Likely to Hold a Grudge

When someone hurts or betrays you, it’s only natural to be sad and angry. However, it can quickly turn into bitterness, leading to a downward vortex of depression and chronic anger. Holding a grudge builds toxicity and prevents you from healing and getting on with your life.

If your anger issues are frequent, you’re more apt to be bitter and unforgiving. Sometimes, you may be furious with another person for years and forget the reason you became mad in the first place. Sadly, you can lose yourself in the darkness of your smoldering wrath, vengefulness, and despair.

Four Easy Ways to Find Peace if You Struggle With Chronic Anger

The good news is that you needn’t allow toxicity and anger issues to destroy your life. There are things you can do to settle that deep-seated fury. Here are four suggestions to overcome your constant rage and bring peace to your body, mind, and spirit.

1. Recognize the Triggers of Your Chronic Anger

Everyone has words or actions that can trigger anger or other emotions. You’ve probably stated that people like to “press your buttons.” You can feel your blood boil when you’re in the situation.

Learn to recognize these triggers and how you can best avoid them. You may need to make some lifestyle changes or difficult decisions. Avoiding emotional triggers can help minimize your chances of outbursts and becoming a toxic person.

2. Find an Outlet to Avoid Rage

Have you ever been so furious that you wanted to hit someone? Such potent anger can lead to violence. Finding an outlet for your rage can relieve your mind and body from stress and temper.

Exercise is an excellent outlet for your wrath. Jumping rope or taking your anger out on a punching bag can be beneficial. Not only will you release the negative energy, but you’ll get your body in better shape.

3. Try a Mindful Practice

The next time your temper flares, consider doing something to calm yourself. Find a quiet place for meditation and deep breathing exercises. Mindful movements like yoga or tai chi can also soothe your emotional fire.

Another tool to consider is writing in a journal. What situations can you be in that made you want to explode? Instead of spewing hurtful words at someone, write them in your journal. As you reflect on past entries, you may notice patterns in your life that need improvement.

4. Talk to Somebody About the Chronic Anger

It’s not a sign of weakness to ask for help when you’re struggling with a problem. Consider meaningful conversations with your partner and family. Having a different perspective may open your mind to better coping skills.

You can also talk to a trusted friend, spiritual leader, or mental health professional. The sooner you recognize your problem and get help, the better. Often, sharing what’s on your mind can ease and lessen your chances of being a toxic person.

chronic anger

Final Thoughts on Chronic Anger

Anger is a natural human emotion that can serve you well if used properly. However, a chronic case can devastate your well-being and relationships. Fortunately, you can find better ways to cope with this negative emotion and bring the inner peace you need.

20 Tweets That Totally Explain Fatherhood

Fatherhood comes with plenty of challenges but also lots of love and happiness. As a dad, you can share many memorable moments with your kids, such as reading them bedtime stories and watching them take their first steps. No words can describe how it feels to become a parent for the first time. However, these dad tweets will offer a glimpse into the rewarding, exhausting, and hilarious world of parenting.

Fatherhood requires tons of patience and understanding, that’s for sure. Most kids have a lot to say, and it’s crucial that they feel heard. They may get on your nerves sometimes, but you’ll remember your child’s stories fondly someday.

These Twenty Tweets About Fatherhood Will Make Sense to Every Dad


You can feel good about eating frosting on a salad if you’re on a diet! Children say hilarious things and make life seem a lot less serious. Plus, they make you see things from a new perspective sometimes!

If you’ve never busted your car speakers to tune out your kids, you haven’t truly experienced fatherhood. It doesn’t mean you’re ignoring your kids if you need a break from them sometimes!

All fathers already know that their little girls run the household. You know they mean business when they put on the princess dress!

Fatherhood means keeping your kids safe at all costs. But sometimes, they can get a bit clumsy (or maybe they just like body stickers!) If you’re missing a box of bandages, now you know why!

Young girls often have a feisty streak, so don’t take it to heart if you’re a dad. She’ll grow out of it someday! Watching your children grow up is one of the most challenging parts of fatherhood. Even if they act defiantly sometimes, remember to cherish every moment you have with them.

It’s no secret that most children today have smartphones at a young age. Putting on shoes doesn’t seem as fun when you have the world at your fingertips! Fatherhood teaches you patience and makes you realize what’s truly important. While technology can help children learn valuable information, it can also distract them. Try to limit your child’s smartphone use, so they don’t become too dependent on it.

Toddlers say the darnedest things sometimes, don’t they? One of the best things about fatherhood is listening to what comes out of your kid’s mouth. If this is your child, you might want to sleep with one eye open!

Kids today have unprecedented access to technology and can figure it out quickly. Getting them to eat their food is another story, though. If your child struggles to finish their food, make sure to eliminate distractions at mealtimes. This strategy will make it easier for them to focus on eating.

Fatherhood means saying goodbye to the glorious days of sleeping in on weekends. It’s great if children want to feel independent, just not at 5 AM on a Saturday!

Fathers should always accept their children’s unique strengths and gifts. Raising a child also means allowing them to explore their imagination, even if it’s a bit wild at times. Every child is intelligent; they just express it differently depending on their personality, interests, and upbringing.

Being a dad also means repeatedly watching your child’s favorite movies. Every parent knows the movie Frozen by heart at this point. In fatherhood, you quickly learn to save quality movies until after the kids fall asleep.

Getting your kids to eat their food can feel like pulling teeth. But this dad seems to have the perfect trick up his sleeve. Making sure children finish their food seems like a universal struggle in fatherhood. Hopefully, this tip helps any fathers out there who have picky eaters!

Fatherhood means making sacrifices for your children sometimes, as this Tweet explains. You’ll consider the grocery store a fun weekend outing as a parent. Plus, it’s become trendy and acceptable to stay home rather than go out. What more do you need when you have Netflix, food delivery, and comfy pajamas, anyway?

Most parents want their children to eat nutritious, healthy foods. But when you have to make it yourself, it isn’t always easy. If you don’t have the energy to pack lunches, you can always get pre-made meals delivered. Some delivery companies have started making healthy meals for children, another benefit of the times.

No list of fatherhood experiences would be complete without this one. If you have kids, you probably can’t remember the last time you slept in on Saturday. Don’t worry – as your kids get older, they will outgrow the need to bombard you on weekend mornings.

Everyone learns how to raise children at their own pace, and honestly, you never stop learning. There’s no such thing as a perfect parent, after all – just a parent who tries their best. Those car seat instructions never seem to make sense, anyway.

For some reason, kids seem to hate bedtime passionately. Honestly, you will miss these sweet routines of fatherhood one day.

Raising a child is a huge responsibility and often requires canceling nights out with friends. But for introverts and homebodies, it’s a blessing in disguise.

A big part of fatherhood involves getting your kids out of bed and ready for school. Some children love school, but others grow tired of the routine. This kid will have a rude awakening when he enters the adult world!


Final Thoughts on Tweets that Describe Fatherhood

Fatherhood marks a significant turning point in a man’s life. The focus shifts from individual pursuits to the family’s needs, especially if you have young children. While being a father requires many compromises, it’s also one of the most rewarding aspects of life.

Adults tend to take life very seriously, and children can help remind us to lighten up sometimes. They have so much energy. And as these Tweets prove, they can make us laugh when we don’t even feel like smiling. They always have something funny to say and bring a sense of innocence back into life. What do you enjoy most about fatherhood? Join our discussion on Facebook.

15 Tweets That Perfectly Explain Motherhood

Many women look forward to the joys of motherhood well before they have children. Of course, being a mother isn’t just rainbows and butterflies. It can also make even the most devoted mom want to pull her hair out–as some reveal on Twitter

But, that’s the duality of life – it’s a constant rollercoaster ride complete with laughter, tears, love, and heartache. No matter what motherhood brings, a mom sticks by her children for the whole journey. Even in the hard times, you can’t take life too seriously. Need a Sacramento maternity photographers contact Tsaiti Babella Photography.

That’s why some moms have found it cathartic to joke about their parenting experiences on Twitter. Below, we’ll share some tweets from mothers who tell the raw, hysterical truth about motherhood.

15 Glimpses Into Motherhood You’ll Only Find on Twitter


1. At least the terrible two’s only last a couple of years! But during that time, it feels like an eternity.

Schedule activities around your child’s naps to survive this trying time in motherhood. That way, they won’t throw a tantrum in a grocery store because they feel tired or irritable. Also, please do your best to remain calm when they get upset. Talk them through situations that frustrate them and provide clear boundaries. You’ve got this!

2. Getting kids to eat fruits and vegetables is pretty tricky. We all know that, if given a choice, most children would happily eat pizza and tacos for the rest of their lives.

Try to incorporate healthy foods into meals they already enjoy. For instance, serve tacos with more veggies or make a homemade pizza with simple ingredients.

3. But honestly, the advice above is easier said than done. Once kids try processed foods won’t feel as thrilled about more bland foods. Even adults have difficulty choosing an apple over a bag of chips!

Motherhood involves compromise, so if you want your kids to eat healthier, serve them fruits and veggies first. Once they’ve finished, then they can have the “yummier” foods.

4. Kids have no filter and will do almost anything to get your attention. When you enter motherhood, you must prepare for the most embarrassing yet hilarious situations you can imagine.

5. Most moms know that it never seems to end once their kids start telling a story. But luckily, thinking burns about 320 calories a day, so listening to your child can make you healthier!

6. Motherhood provides plenty of reasons to cherish your children. But every mom still needs a break at some point!

7. Most parents know that too much screen time can negatively impact their children. But being locked inside during the pandemic didn’t provide many other options.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends babies and toddlers 0-2 years old only use technology for video chatting. Children ages two to five should consume one hour or less of high-quality media daily.

Finally, older children and teenagers should have digital device limits of two hours or less daily. Most children greatly exceed this limit, but stricter rules and parental involvement can help curb their use.

8. Motherhood does seem like a never-ending rollercoaster ride sometimes. Even though raising kids can be exhausting, at least they keep life interesting!

9. Every mother with multiple children knows this struggle. Even having one child is a handful!

Most moms appreciate any moment of solitude they can get. Setting aside time for yourself each day is essential if you have children. Once you put the kids to bed, do something that relaxes you and puts your mind at ease. Perhaps that means taking a warm bath, reading a book, or listening to calming music. Everyone needs self-care, but motherhood demands it on a whole different level.

10. Anything that suddenly makes noise doesn’t bode well for a good night’s rest. Whoever invented the Furby, we’re looking at you here.

Toys that turn on by themselves wake up the whole household. As a parent, there’s nothing worse than attempting to put your children back to sleep at 3 AM.

11. As moms already know, motherhood involves ample patience and sacrifice. That includes eating a bagel with the best seasonings licked off, thanks to your kids.

12. Moms go to extreme lengths to ensure their kids stay asleep the whole night. No one wants to go through the entire bedtime routine again in the middle of the night!

13. Parents take out their frustration in creative ways sometimes. But in this mom’s defense, stepping on a children’s toy is painful!

14. Moms support one another however they can, especially if it means avoiding their child’s temper tantrums!

Taking your kid to the park offers them an excellent opportunity to burn extra energy. When it’s time to leave, though, they usually put up a good fight. Try this strategy next time you see other moms around!

15. You haven’t truly experienced motherhood if you had no idea what you were doing and just decided to wing it.

Honestly, you never wake up and suddenly know everything about parenting. It’s a lifelong journey of learning and growing through different experiences. Everyone wants to raise their children perfectly, but reality doesn’t always work that way. If you have kids, please don’t be too hard on yourself. Children simply need love, understanding, and security – they don’t care about perfection.


Final Thoughts on Tweets That Perfectly Describe Motherhood

You hear about how raising children can bring so much joy and meaning to your life. While many mothers would undoubtedly agree, they’ve also experienced the other side of the story. Motherhood isn’t for the faint of heart, as it requires immense dedication and selflessness.

However, any parent can attest to the fact that having kids changes you for the better. Children make you care about something beyond yourself through all the craziness and turmoil. They may test your limits sometimes, but at the end of the day, they make life much brighter. What do you love the most about motherhood? Join us on Facebook to discuss.

Therapist Explains 5 Reasons to Choose Positive Friends

The people we surround ourselves with can influence our mood, so why shouldn’t we choose positive friends? Motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously said, “We’re the average of the five people we spend the most time with.” Therefore, we should use discernment when allowing people into our lives. You might not be able to pick your family, but you can cultivate friendships wisely.

It doesn’t make you rude or selfish to be selective about the company you keep. We all must protect our energy, so we should pick friends who will uplift us rather than bring us down. Quality friends can help us weather the storms of life and celebrate with us in the good times.

Close friends and family make life worth living at the end of the day. In our not-so-distant past, humans relied on one another for protection, survival, and an emotional bond. In modern times, our basic needs for social relationships and security remain the same.

We can attract more meaningful, inspiring friendships into our lives by emitting a positive attitude. Below, we will explain more about how positive friends can enrich your life.

Therapist Reveals Five Reasons to Have Positive Friendships

positive friends

1. Our brain waves sync up with those we spend time around.

The people we hang out with can influence our thought processes, behaviors, and personalities. That explains why people feel more drawn to others with similar personality traits and beliefs. But, it goes even deeper than just a bond built on commonalities.

Research shows that a phenomenon known as neural coupling creates connections between people’s feelings and actions. As we spend more time with someone, our brains start forming nearly identical neural pathways.

For example, one study found that close friends’ brains responded similarly after watching the same video clips. The friends showed similar neural responses in brain regions associated with attention, emotional processing, and memory.

Whether they watched videos about outer space or improv comedy, they had congruent brain patterns. The researchers could even guess the depth of participants’ relationships based solely on their brain scans.

Another study on moviegoers showed similar findings. Researchers discovered that people’s brains produced the same patterns when they watched engaging trailers.

“The more we study engagement, we see time and again that just being next to certain people actually aligns your brain with them,” Moran Cerf, one of the study’s authors, told Insider. “This means the people you hang out with actually have an impact on your engagement with reality beyond what you can explain. And one of the effects is you become alike.”

Cerf, a neuroscientist from Northwestern University, said that if people want to minimize stress, they should choose positive friends. Since we emulate the behaviors of those around us, it benefits us to pick friends with desirable characteristics.

2. Positive friends can improve our mental health.

Just as happiness can be contagious, so can a sour mood. Surrounding yourself with positivity gives you protection from the low energies of others and makes you feel more vibrant.

For example, think of a time when you hung out with an inspiring friend. You probably left the encounter with a more optimistic attitude about life. On the other hand, friendships with negative people can drain your energy and leave you discouraged.

One of the longest-running studies on psychosocial indicators of healthy aging found that quality relationships predict well-being more than any other factor. That means having positive friends can ensure your happiness well into your golden years.

3. They motivate us to become the best versions of ourselves.

Prioritizing friendships with those who want to improve themselves can impact us positively. We become similar to people we spend time with, so choosing friends is essential. For example, seek friendships with health-conscious people if you want to exercise more often. If you aspire to own a business, you might befriend local businesspeople to learn the ropes.

Essentially, those passionate about self-development make excellent friends because of their enthusiasm. They want to see others around them succeed and don’t hesitate to offer their advice.

4. Positive friends increase our self-esteem.

A positive friendship gives us a sense of belonging and bolsters our self-confidence. People who feel comfortable in their skin radiate that energy naturally to others. They have an innate magnetism that draws people in and puts them at ease.

Self-assured people don’t need to drag others down to feel good about themselves. They have done the inner work to heal their demons and unlock their full potential. Therefore, they have only love and kindness in their hearts, which helps break down barriers between people. Everyone around them benefits from the wellspring of positive vibes they share with others.

5. They never judge people and only have empathy for them.

Positive friends accept everything about us, flaws, fears, doubts, and all. They have nothing but empathy and compassion for their closest friends and stand by their side through difficult times.

While they have an uplifting personality, they also understand that life throws curveballs at times. When friends need a shoulder to cry on, they’re the first to show up with ice cream and movies.

A cheerful friend never judges people; they only seek to understand them. They care deeply for their close friends and have their best intentions at heart. You want this type of friend in your circle because they will never let you down.


Final Thoughts on the Importance of Positive Friends

Some people feel closer to their friends than their flesh and blood. We share so much of ourselves with friends that they eventually feel like family. Having positive friends makes even the most miserable days seem a bit brighter.

They celebrate our wins and mourn our losses, make us laugh about random things, and give our lives meaning. Most of us couldn’t get through this crazy life without help from our friends.

The people we hang out with affect us profoundly, even changing our brain patterns! Hopefully, you have friends who bring out the best in you and make your soul happy.

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