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3 Reasons It’s Good to Avoid Groupthink

3 Reasons It’s Good to Avoid Groupthink

Groupthink is a sociological and psychological phenomenon that affects everyone’s daily life. It appears when people decide based on the desire of the group to fit in. Most of the time, groupthink is not based on logical choices but often on biases. As a result, people don’t even realize they are adhering to such a method of thinking.

It happens irrationally as a survival mechanism. Maybe this doesn’t seem like such an awful thing, but it can be dangerous. Giving up your desires and beliefs is easy if you practice groupthink. It might seem a good idea to please people and go with what everyone wants. But the dangers aren’t just to your values. It’s not just your moral code you poison when doing it. It’s also your mental and psychological well-being that ends up affected.

Have you ever stayed silent while a decision was made because you didn’t want to be left out? Maybe you did it even when the decision wasn’t advantageous to you at all. For example, at some point, you might have agreed to go on a trip you never wanted to go on so that you wouldn’t be left behind. Or maybe you decided to promote someone even when you didn’t agree. These are just a few examples of when people have given in to groupthink.

If you are reading this and thinking that you could never end up like this, think again. You have surely done something along these lines without realizing the decision wasn’t yours. But if you want to understand the danger of groupthink, keep reading.

What is Groupthink?

As mentioned, groupthink happens when people adhere to the group’s mentality and decision-making to fit it. But, the desire to fit in must be greater than the desire to speak your mind, critique a position, or express an unpopular opinion. When people aren’t afraid of losing the group’s acceptance, groupthink might not happen. In that case, they might feel confident enough to express their opinions.


Even then, groupthink might appear as people find it easier to go with the group’s proposal. One very famous example of groupthink is the Challenger Space Shuttle disaster. This was a fatal accident, as the space shuttle broke apart merely 73 seconds after take-off. All seven crew members aboard perished. So, how is this an example of groupthink? All the engineers working on the project knew there were faulty parts. But no one said anything because they were trying to avoid bad press.

Even the engineers who wanted to speak up stayed silent because they didn’t want to face any backlash. If it weren’t for groupthink, none of this would have happened. It would have been enough for one person to speak up, and none of this would have happened. And there are many different examples of the dangers of groupthink in history. This all goes to show that you should never count on others. You should always base your decisions on logical thinking.

Groupthink doesn’t happen in all social contexts, but some factors can increase its likelihood. For once, having a strong and persuasive group leader is a determinant. One typical example of this is in the workplace. Most people blindly follow their boss or team leader, even when disagreeing. But that’s more because they could face material consequences if they don’t. Another factor that could lead to groupthink is a high level of cohesion.

If you have a strongly bonded group of friends, you might be inclined to go with what everyone else thinks. Maybe you don’t want to go to a particular coffee shop, but you won’t say anything so that you don’t create discomfort. You’ll give up on your wishes because you fear speaking up will develop issues. Lastly, peer pressure is something that almost always leads to groupthink.

You’ve almost certainly been at a party when you were young and drank because everyone else wanted you to. Or maybe you bought some shoes just because your friends all had them and you felt you needed them too. Looking at all three of these factors, you notice some similarities. People fall for groupthink because of fear and a desire to fit in. But what are some dangers of groupthink that are less known, and how to avoid them?

3 Dangers of Groupthink To Never Ignore

Don’t fall into the trap–watch for these three red flags.

1.      It Creates Biases

The problem with tight-knit groups is that they often develop what’s known as a group identity. In some cases, that regards the moral code of the individuals. Sometimes it’s about likes and hobbies. It can even go as far as having a group style and image, with people having the same aesthetics. But, no matter what that identity is, one thing is clear. To keep that identity intact, members must ensure everyone acts accordingly.

No one can dress differently, as that would disrupt the identity. But how can a group make sure no one chooses to be different? Often, it’s by creating biases. As you know, a bias is a tendency or prejudice towards something or someone. People need some biases that can act as a rule of thumb to navigate life. For example, people are biased toward doing good. When you ask them why they’ll probably just say that being good is the right thing to do.

Most people simply believe that without being able to explain it through philosophical or moral arguments. But biases can quickly become worse. Groupthink can easily instill negative beliefs into your head without giving you an explanation for them. For example, a group of bankers is likely to believe they are superior to accountants. If they ask them why they’ll tell you it’s because they are better and give you no other reason. If you fall victim to groupthink, you’ll quickly develop toxic biases affecting your logical thinking.

2.      It Affects Decision-Making

Having biases is something that will affect how you think and decide. But that’s not the only thing that will affect your decision-making skills. For example, one of the worst things about groupthink is that it creates an idea that there’s no right call other than the group decision. Not only that, but it instills fear into the members.

There’s always a lot of pressure to support the group and prove yourself worthy of being in the group. And the consequences of speaking up are clear. You say something against the grain and are out of the group. All these things can lead to self-censorship. It starts with small concessions until it grows into full-blown sacrifices. Finally, you’ll begin to ignore what you want or think and blindly follow whatever everyone else says.

But that might not even need to be the case. If you care for and respect the people in the group, you’ll believe them blindly. You won’t feel inclined to double-check if they tell you a lie. You’ll end up having incomplete or false information. It’s not hard to see how groupthink will lead to bad decision-making.


3.      It Creates a False Sense of Unity

The last known issue with groupthink is that it can create a false sense of unity between the members. For example, say your group has to decide, and the leader proposes something. A few others agree with them. Maybe you aren’t pleased with the idea, but you go with it because everyone else is going ahead.

You want to see the team happy, so you go for it. In that case, they’ll think you’ve got their back when in reality, you’re just approving for the sake of it. But imagine if the roles were reversed. If you proposed something and everyone else agreed just for the sake of it. You’ll believe everyone has your back when that’s not the case.

The issue with having a false sense of unity is that it leads you to put your trust in the wrong people. You might think you can count on them, but they’ll likely just let you down. Plus, all the projects and ideas the group does will unavoidably have cracks. When not everyone is enthusiastically on board with an idea, they won’t work as hard as they could.

How to Avoid Groupthink

The first step is to know and identify the previously discussed signs. Then, whenever you are in a group, make a mental checklist of your wants, needs, and values. If the group is about to make a decision, remember that list. Always appeal to your logic instead of relying on someone else’s. Also, speak up whenever you feel it’s necessary. Finally, don’t start fights with people left and right. Be respectful but firm.

If the group doesn’t agree and they explain why they don’t logically, that’s when you can make a concession. Otherwise, stay firm and fight for your beliefs. Make sure you do the same even when it comes to your friend groups. And always remember that having your ideas is nothing to be ashamed of. If the group marginalizes you because of that, it’s a sign you don’t need them. Those aren’t the kind of people you need as friends or co-workers.


Final Thoughts on Dangers of Groupthink to Never Ignore

Everyone will fall victim to groupthink at some point in their life. In all honesty, all groups experience some level of groupthink. When you spend so much time with the same people, it’s normal to develop similar thinking patterns. But that doesn’t mean you should ever feel pressured or coerced to make decisions based on the group’s wants.

Nor should you ever let them implant biases into your mind. You should always do what you think is right. Even when you have to compromise, you should still make your thoughts heard. Groupthink is dangerous because it creates biases and alters decision-making skills. Plus, it creates a false sense of unity, making you count on the wrong people. It can make you feel scared and stressed and affect your logical thinking. If you want to avoid that, always remember to think freely and speak your mind.

Science Explains How Loneliness Can Decrease Heart and Brain Health

Loneliness is a gut-wrenching problem at any age and can affect your heart and brain health. It increases the chances of depression and anxiety and causes severe cognitive deficits. Isolation alters the very neurochemistry in your brain, which causes it to turn off your dopamine neurons.

Without sufficient levels of dopamine, many brain functions decrease. A lack of this vital neurotransmitter may cause degeneration, says a Duke University study from 2015. Researchers looked at the cognitive function of people who spend too much time in solitude.

The study found that isolated people had higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol. People who spent much time in isolation performed at a lower cognitive level than those well socialized. The issue is that folks are more isolated now than ever, overwhelmingly affecting your heart and brain health.

Living in a digital age with video games, the internet, and people working remotely leaves the door wide open for folks to separate from those on the outside. It seems like the world wide web should make it easier to make friends, so why are folks lonelier than ever?

What Loneliness Does to Heart and Brain Health

Three out of every five Americans suffer from loneliness, affecting their heart health and overall well-being. It’s unfathomable to think that so many systems can be out of whack just by spending too much time in solitude.

These overwhelming feelings of isolation can affect every system in your body. Researchers found that being alone affects your heart and brain health, and here’s how.

brain health

1. It Alters Decision-Making Processes

It’s overwhelming to think that being lonely can alter your decision-making abilities. A study by the American Psychological Association in 2021 found that some brain regions were impacted more than others. The prefrontal cortex, located behind your forehead, showed the most trouble.

This region helps to form your personality, but it’s also responsible for assisting you in your decision-making process. The executive functions in this region are vital for your ability to function with good brain health, and it can even affect your self-esteem when this zone is not working correctly.

2. Causes a Decrease in Heart Health

Your heart health takes a direct hit when you spend your time in solitude. Being alone can cause significant stress, which will only increase your stress hormones.

When the body is in this state, it causes the blood pressure to increase as the heart must work harder. Additionally, this can cause hardening of the arteries as the blood vessels work overtime to keep up with the demands on the heart.

3. Impaired Immune System

An impaired immune system can affect your brain and heart health, as being more susceptible to disease takes a toll on the whole body. When you’re isolated from others, it lowers your body’s threshold against foreign invaders. Your system can only handle so much as it becomes overwhelming.

It has a choice as it can either focus on the viral or bacterial invasions attacking it. Under this state of impaired immunity, you have less ability to fight cancer and other sicknesses that you encounter.

4. Causes Antisocial Behavior

The more you are alone, the easier it is to stay alone. Your prison of solitude may become your area of comfort. The longer you stay away from people, the more dramatic impact it can have on your brain health.

Antisocial behavior can be genetic or learned patterns, and some folks find that being alone is better than being in social settings. Therefore, many folks with social anxiety who refuse to push through these pangs often develop agoraphobia and can’t leave home.

5. Poor Sleep Impacts Both Brain and Heart Health

Did you know that people who suffer from loneliness often sleep less than those who are well-socialized? The findings come from King’s College in London. They found that solitude affects sleep quality and often causes you to wake up often at night.

This means you will spend less time getting the restorative benefits you need to thrive. Additionally, folks who don’t get beneficial rest have daytime drowsiness and poor concentration levels.

heart health

6. Makes You at a Higher Risk of Suicide Due to a Decrease in Brain Health

Loneliness is one of the critical issues found in many suicidal patients. Not only is isolation a horrible feeling, but it can be a deadly trap. People who don’t have family and friends they connect with feel that there’s often no reason to live. So when depression hits them like a wave crashing on the shore, they believe taking their life is the only way out.

7. Changes Your Emotional State

While your heart health is undoubtedly affected by your emotions, it also affects other areas. The insula controls the socio-emotional function of your brain. This region is heavily involved in multiple facets of your reactions, which can dictate how you respond to situations.

The insula is quite a busy location, as it’s stimulated when you experience any emotions or feelings. Even a bodily sensation like an upset stomach can activate this center and cause the effect to be more profound. Your emotional state is negatively enhanced when you experience isolation.

8. Causes Vascular Resistance and Decreased Heart Health

Your chances of dying from heart disease increase when you’re isolated. Did you know that being alone can be just as bad as having hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and being a regular smoker all rolled together? It’s profound when you consider that your heart health is so impacted by being alone that it can cause so much damage and lead to disease.

9. Affects How You Approach a Social Situation

Everyone likes to do a good job and earn a reward for their efforts. The ventral striatum area of your brain is responsible for your feelings of reward. It relies on dopamine to help you feel the effects of a job well done.

When it comes to your ability to do pretty much anything, your brain health and motivation depend on dopamine. One article explained how loneliness could affect your ability to seek interaction with other humans. When you don’t activate this area of the brain, it can alter your social response.

Assume that you go to the doctor’s office, and your social anxiety and feelings of isolation are working on your brain health that day. Someone passes you; they smile, being friendly, but you don’t know how to react. Rather than smiling back, inviting them for coffee, or sitting and chatting while you wait, your mind wanders on the negative things.

Perhaps this person was smiling because they didn’t like your shirt, or they were making fun of you in their mind. When you’re not around people daily, you automatically go into this cycle because you don’t know how to react. Your social interaction becomes out of touch, and sadly, making friends and having an active life outside your home becomes impossible.

10. Higher Risk of Loss of Brain Health and Dementia

Much research exists on brain health and those who spend time alone. People in solitude have a higher risk of developing dementia and experiencing cognitive decline. Scientists are only beginning to understand what being lonely does to the brain, but it’s an area of research gaining attention.

A 2016 study in JAMA Psychiatry examined older adults with normal cognitive function. Those lonely participants showed differences on the PET scans given, as there was more amyloid, a protein deposit, in the brain. Build-up like this in the brain is known to cause dementia, which is a concern for all.

brain health

Final Thoughts on Loneliness and Heart and Brain Health

When it comes to your heart, you must treat your loneliness just as seriously as you would diabetes, high blood pressure, or obesity. It can have just as profound an effect on your heart health and cause severe damage. Loneliness is a problem often observed in middle-aged or older people, as they no longer have school and active social outlets to keep them engaged.

The key to good heart and brain health is to develop strong social ties and a network of people you can trust. Even if you suffer from social anxiety and depression, you can still get out and mingle within your comfort zone. When you stay isolated behind four walls, you’re more likely to engage in activities like drinking and smoking, and you will exercise less.

Lonely people simply become lonelier if they don’t force themselves to get out and be among people. Social media doesn’t count as adequate outlets, as you need the stimulation that only comes from being face-to-face.

Women With Kids Age Fastest, According to Science

You may be like countless other women who are concerned about the effects of aging. The appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, aches, and pains are inevitable reminders of life’s brevity. Who knew that having children may also put a few extra years on your time clock?

Do Mothers Age Faster?

Many say there is no higher calling than being a mother. Even though raising your kids can sometimes be frustrating, you wouldn’t trade them for the world. However, some scientific evidence may agree when you say that your children are turning your hair prematurely gray.

study compares mothers to women who do not have children. The outcome, they say, shows how women with children may age approximately eleven years faster than their childless peers. It all concerns a compound called telomeres and how it affects DNA and aging cells.

This premature aging appears to be greater than in studies concerning female obesity and smoking. After reading this information, you may be hesitant to become a mother if you aren’t already. However, the article quickly indicates that this study doesn’t have the last word.

It also discusses the study’s primary author, Anna Pollock. According to Pollock and her colleagues, the study should be interpreted cautiously. Other factors affect aging, and more research about telomeres is needed. Regardless, it is fascinating data to consider.

The article includes a study published by PLOSone that contradicts the first one. After studying a community of Mayan women, the evidence suggests that the more children they have, the longer the telomere molecules. The study concludes that such a condition could delay the effects of cellular aging.


Negative Health Risks of Motherhood

Having your babies was probably the happiest moment of your life. When they put that little one in your arms for the first time, the pain of labor was worth it. You probably never thought of the risks you take for being a mom.

1. Pregnancy and Childbirth

If you’ve ever been pregnant, you know how challenging it can be for your body. Statistics published by the Centers for Disease Control state that childbearing is the sixth leading cause of death among American women. It was among the past centuries’ top reasons for female mortality worldwide.

So, pregnancy and birthing a child are risks in themselves. The good news is that most mothers are still happy and healthy after birth. Thanks to advances in medicine and technology, childbirth isn’t as risky as it once was.

2. Stress of Child Rearing on Women

Talk to any woman with children, and you’ll get the same response. Although they adore their kids and would give their lives for them, they’re still nerve-racking. Not only do you have the stress of childbirth, but also the stress of raising them.

According to a study published by The National Library of Medicine, women with children report a higher stress level than those without children. Chronic stress can lead to physical and mental health disorders. The possible risks are diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and premature aging.

3. Women With Kids Face a Higher Risk of Obesity

Once you’ve carried and birthed a child, your figure will probably never be the same. It’s not unusual for a mother to gain thirty to forty pounds during pregnancy. You may also experience an extended abdomen, swollen feet and hands, stretch marks, and possibly hemorrhoids.

Maybe you were able to lose that weight gain and return to your pre-pregnancy weight.

An article published by the National Library of Medicine offers promising news. Most mothers lose half of their pregnancy weight about six weeks after giving birth.

Unfortunately, having children lead some mothers on the path to obesity. An article published by Preventative Medicine states that obesity is often a complaint of younger mothers with several children. Of course, obesity is a leading cause of many life-threatening diseases.

4. Changes in the Feet of Women

If you had problems during your pregnancy, like water retention or pre-eclampsia, your feet might have stayed swollen. After you have your baby, the cute little pumps you wore before pregnancy may no longer fit. It’s common, says an article published by the American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.

Pregnant mothers often develop permanent loss of arch height, explains the article. Therefore, it makes your foot a bit longer, and you may need a larger shoe size. More research is required to learn how to prevent this change.

Possible Negative Effects of Going Childless

Thank goodness that a woman’s worth doesn’t hinge on her ability to have children anymore. Today, thousands of females enjoy a beautiful and satisfying life without being a mother. It can be a medical reason or even more so by choice.

Some ladies just aren’t born with a maternal instinct. Many would rather dote on their nieces and nephews instead of having their own little ones. Some women have zero tolerance for kids’ antics, so they choose not to have any.

Some studies suggest that a woman without children may live longer than a mother with children. Also, you may not have the stress of raising them. However, going childless may also have possible health risks.

An article published by Johnson Memorial Health says that women who have never given birth are more at risk for breast cancer. They may also be more susceptible to ovarian, endometrial, and uterine tumors. Medical experts say that more research is needed.


Possible Health Benefits of Childbirth for Women

As a mother, you probably wouldn’t have chosen not to have children, regardless of the risks. Even if your child-free peers lived longer, you wouldn’t trade one of your kids for immortality. Besides the joy your children bring to your heart, there are other benefits to consider.

1. Children May Boost Happiness in Women

How often have you declared that your kids drive you up the wall? There’s no denying that raising children and teens can stress you. However, a study published by Open University in the United Kingdom found that mothers are happier with their lives than their child-free peers.

2. May Lower Your Blood Pressure

Believe it or not, having your little darlings may decrease your blood pressure, suggests a study by Brigham Young University. The study suggests that although raising children can be stressful, they give purpose to your life. It’s associated with lower blood pressure and better health outcomes, especially for mothers.

3. May Increase Your Self-Esteem

Perhaps nothing melts your heart more when your little one hugs you and proclaims you the “best Mommy ever.” By nature, children say whatever is on their minds. It makes you feel good when they give you honest praise and trust you beyond measure.

4. Your Children Keep Women Grounded

When you see the world through your child’s eyes, it boosts your creativity and curiosity. They are awed by the magic of glowing fireflies or how the moon seems to follow you as you travel. Their natural optimism is contagious and encourages you to count your blessings.

5. Care in Your Golden Years

Having children also means that they’ll be there for you as you get older. Plus, you’ll have the joy of spending time with your grandchildren. Being part of a multi-generational family is priceless.

The Connection Between Childbearing and Aging

Another factor of childbearing is how late in life mothers choose to have their children. Since infant mortality was historically high, mothers were encouraged to marry early and have as many children as possible. Consequently, the stress of having one child after another was a leading cause of mothers dying during childbirth.

In modern times, mothers are waiting longer to have children, according to an article published by the Boston University School of Medicine. Researchers compared mothers who had children past thirty-three and those who had their last child before thirty. The statistics suggest that the first group of mothers tended to live longer than the second group.

The article further discusses that those represented in the first group may be linked to the evolution of genetic variants. These variants may slow the aging process and decrease age-related genes. So, mothers who wait may have an advantage over those who start having children earlier.

What about the women who have their first little one past forty? The same research compared this group to those who had their last child before forty. Statistics suggest that the first group is four times more likely to live to be a hundred than the second group.


Final Thoughts on Longevity of Women with Children and Those Without

Studies about this question are academically sound yet have contradicting outcomes. However, they all agree that the findings warrant more research. It’s your choice whether to have children or not, but it seems that the blessings far outweigh any physical concerns.

Police Arrest 100-Year-Old Because It Was on Her Bucket List

The thought of a bucket list can be daunting because it’s a list of things you want to do before you die. However, it’s also exciting because it encourages you to achieve your dreams before it’s too late. One woman reached her 100th birthday without crossing the last item off her bucket list, and police officers made it happen.

Her request may seem unusual, but everyone has different ideas of what they want to experience. Some items on your list might be serious, while others are silly. Either way, crossing these things off your list is exciting because it creates memories and helps you find joy.

While a bucket list often lists exciting things you want to do, it can bring a sense of death as it reminds you of your mortality. You might not want to think about death, potentially causing anxiety from feeling like you have limited time to complete all your goals. However, it also brings fulfillment, encouraging you to do the things you’ve always dreamed of.

Police Arrest 100-Year-Old to Help her Fulfill her Bucket List on Her Birthday

bucket list

Everyone has different things they want to experience on their bucket list, including 100-year-old Jean Bicketon. Bicketon had never gotten arrested, preventing her from completing her list. At her 100th birthday party, police in Victoria, Australia, arrested Bicketon to help her fulfill her dream.

Bicketon is a former army nurse living at the Narracan Gardens Residential Aged Care facility. The officers staged a mock arrest, detailing her during her birthday festivities. Before the arrest, the police filled the resident in on the plan to avoid scaring them.

The officers used their lights and sirens, giving the full effect before placing Bicketon in handcuffs. They announced that she was officially under arrest, leading to Jean describing it as one of the best celebrations.

The officers posted on Facebook, “Now these kinda arrests, we’re happy to make. For many, getting through life without being arrested is a pretty good run.” They added, “So, when we heard of Jean’s wishes, our team at Moe station were ready to step in and help check it off.”

Benefits Of Having a Bucket List

Having a bucket list is more than a fun experience. It also offers many benefits, including:

Encouraging You to Accomplish Your Dreams

A birthday reminds you that you have limited time on earth. That reminder is a good thing because it encourages you to accomplish the things that bring fulfillment. It pushes you to do what’s essential to you during your short time here.

Nourishing Your Spirit

Experiencing things that excite you and achieving your dreams nourishes your spirit. It helps you feel fulfilled, pushing you to live the life of your dreams.

Allowing You to do Things You Enjoy

When you do what you love, it helps you feel energized and at peace with your life. It prevents burnout and reduces stress. Consider adding hobbies and fun activities to your bucket list so that you’re more likely to make time for those things.

If traveling is on your list, vacations reduce stress while improving life satisfaction. You don’t have to travel far for the effects, and a staycation can work, too.

Realizing Your Values

You’ll become more aware of your values if you make a bucket list. It helps you identify what’s essential to you, making you shift your thinking to how you can accomplish it. Realizing your values also helps you spend your time wisely to achieve more.

Staying Focused on Your Goals

When you have a list of things to accomplish, it helps you remember your goals. Without the reminder, you might put things off and let time get away from you. Keeping a list reminds you of your goals and encourages you to take steps to accomplish them.

Inspiring Creativity

Having a bucket list to reference can help inspire your creativity. You’ll think of new ways to accomplish your goals and make life meaningful. It also encourages you to do things that inspire you and help you find what you want in life.

Tracking Memorable Experiences

You can use your bucket list to track memorable experiences. It will push you to do things you otherwise wouldn’t have experienced. These experiences often end up being some of the best memories in your life.

Allows You to Make Necessary Life Adjustments

Having a list to reference can help you see which areas of your life need adjustments. You might be following societal expectations when you should be on a different path. Recognizing your life dreams can help you determine which areas of your life you should change to head in the right direction.

Promotes Focus

When you have a bucket list, you’ll have an easier time staying focused on living the life of your dreams. You’ll be less likely to get distracted by social media, TV, or other things that threaten to sidetrack you.

Without focus, you might take opportunities you didn’t want or need. It can take you off course and lead you away from where you want to be. However, if you have a bucket list, you can reference it anytime you lose focus or have a decision to make.


If you want your dreams to happen, you’ll need motivation. It pushes you forward, helping you overcome obstacles and reach your goals. Having a bucket list gives you something to focus on, providing the motivation and inspiration you need to do anything.

Pushing You Out of Your Comfort Zone

Having a list of the things you want to do the most in life can help you get out of your comfort zone. You’ll have more experiences and accomplish many more dreams in your life. The risks you take when you get out of your comfort zone can lead to personal growth and an expanding mindset.


Helping You Feel Accomplished

You likely feel accomplished after getting things done around the house or at your job. However, consider how accomplished you’ll feel if you cross things off your bucket list.

Your list of things to do before you die tends to have more considerable achievements than your daily to-do list. Each time you can cross one off, you’ll experience a sense of accomplishment that you wouldn’t have had otherwise. You’ll feel pride, increasing self-esteem and life satisfaction.

Keeping You Active

Having goals that require physical activity on your bucket list will help you keep moving. You’ll stay active when you have an adventure to tackle. Hiking, traveling, and joining races or events are all options that keep you moving. You’ll see more of the world around you, increasing the benefits.

Encouraging Bigger Dreams

Thinking long-term and of lifelong dreams can help encourage you to do bigger things. Writing these things on a bucket list helps you strive for more. You don’t have to focus on your current situation and deadlines all the time. It allows you to dream without worrying about fear, time, or money interfering.

Other Fun Things People Put on Their Bucket Lists

Our time on earth is short, but there are so many things you can accomplish before it’s over. You don’t have to focus on short-term tasks when you have a bucket list to focus on achieving. It helps you live your life to the fullest, focusing on things that bring meaning and fulfillment.

  • go on a cruise or safari
  • see your favorite animal in their natural habitat
  • sleep in a treehouse
  • ride a horse on the beach
  • visit New York City in the winter
  • run a marathon
  • write a novel
  • ride a roller coaster
  • take a trip with friends
  • learn to surf
  • go scuba diving
  • swim in all five great lakes
  • visit a specific country
  • swim with an aquatic animal
  • go to a favorite sporting event
  • learn another language
  • get a tattoo
  • start a business
  • pay off all debt

Another Take on Bucket Lists

The traditional bucket list involves things you hope to do before you die. However, you can create bucket lists for other things, too.

You can create a list of things you want to do before the next decade in your life. Instead of setting a birthday goal list, you can create to-do lists of what you want to do before summer or winter ends. You can write a bucket list for any time frame, including one to complete before:

  • getting married
  • having kids
  • your kids become adults
  • you turn a specific age
  • a holiday

bucket list

Final Thoughts on Police Arrest 100-Year-Old on Birthday Because It Was on Her Bucket List

100-year-old Bicketon added a funny dream to her bucket list–and she accomplished it on her hundredth birthday.. Although she didn’t work to achieve it because she didn’t want to break the law, it all paid off in the end.

You don’t have to add anything like Bicketon’s wish to your list. Yours could focus on goals you’d want to take steps to achieve. However, don’t be afraid to add something silly because it can bring a smile to your face.

Consider adding things to your list that will make you step out of your comfort zone. Add experiences that you’ll never forget and bring meaning to your life. Your list might not look like someone else’s, and that’s okay because your dreams only have to make you happy.

25 Ways to Increase Your Positive Energy

The more positive energy you attract, the more inner peace you’ll experience. Being more positive will help you in life, and your overall well-being will improve. You have the power to manifest positivity in your life by changing your actions. You can go about these changes in myriad ways, but the key is to find what works for you and stick with it to see results.

25 Best Tips to Increase Positive Energy

Be warned that positive energy and looking at the glass half full isn’t going to be an easy chore. Negativity comes easy since you live in a pessimistic society. However, you must obtain a mind shift that lets you have peace inside and out. Here are some ways to help build positivity and live the best possible life.

positive energy

1. Keep a Positivity Mindset Regardless of What’s Going On

One of the biggest challenges in your new journey will be remaining positive no matter what’s happening around you. You can’t let the atmosphere or events around you dictate your mood. If you start being negative, stop yourself and change your mindset. Having a positive outlook on life will make negativity less likely to appear.

2. Be Honest with Yourself and Others

Being truthful is one of those energizers that you don’t realize will have such an impact. When you’re honest about your thoughts and feelings, it helps you stay wholly aligned with your authentic self.

3. Take Small Steps When Increasing Positive Energy

Don’t expect to change from being a negative person to complete positivity overnight. Take baby steps towards this new way of thinking. Start small, like with small goals, and build as you adjust to this new mindset.

4. Engage in Self-Love to Build a Positive Energy Reserve

Self-love is one of those energizers that makes you feel better about yourself, promoting positivity. You’ll be more positive when you take care of yourself emotionally and physically. Try devoting twenty minutes daily to self-love and watch how your whole attitude changes.

5. Get Rid of Negativity in Your Life

Negativity comes in many ways. You can have pessimistic thoughts, actions, people, and circumstances, and it’s time to eliminate all the above. Get rid of negative people, and you must surround yourself with positivity. Additionally, try yoga and meditation to purge negativity from your mind.

6. Use Daily Affirmations to Support Positive Energy

Affirmations are powerful little statements you say to yourself to help attract positive energy. You can change your very thought patterns when you use these statements daily. According to the National Library of Medicine, it’s easier to maintain a positive self-view when you’re speaking optimism daily. Go ahead and sprinkle some positivity around in the form of these statements when you wake up and before you go to bed at night.

7. Start Your Day on the Right Foot

If you want to manifest more positive things, having an excellent start to your day is vital. Make sure you get sufficient rest, don’t pick up the cell phone first, avoid social media, and get out the door on time. Setting the stage for positivity is essential. Energizers like rest and not starting the day on a negative foot can be empowering.

8. Believe in Yourself

Do you believe in yourself? Sometimes it’s challenging to think of what you’re capable of when you’ve had past failures. To attract positive energy, you must remind yourself of what you can achieve. Remember, you can do anything you set your mind to do.

9. Unplug from Social Media to Have More Positivity

Social media is one of the most significant sources of negativity in your life. There’s so much fake on there that it’s hard to distinguish what’s not. Then, you have news running on the side, giving you updates about all the bad stuff in the world. Save your heartache and learn to unplug or limit your time on these channels.

10. Learn Patience

Patience is hard to achieve, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. It’s hard to trust that the Universe is working for your good, but you must trust the process. Just remind yourself that things aren’t going to happen overnight. Keep your eye on the prize, as it will be worth it.

11. Express Gratitude

Are you grateful for the things you have, or do you find yourself constantly wanting more? You don’t necessarily have to be content with where you are to be thankful. The Universe will grant you more when you show gratitude for your blessings.

12. Use Visualization Techniques

A natural energizer to get your positivity jumpstarted is to use visualization. One way to help you bring your vision to fruition is to use a vision board. When you can visualize your goals and see them being fulfilled, it can help you to manifest positive energy in your life.

13. Spread Joy to Others to Bring Positive Energy Back to Yourself

Do you spread joy to others or tend to be a wet blanket to someone else’s positive attitude? You can help yourself to be more optimistic by simply being generous, watching the words that come out of your mouth, or doing random acts of kindness. Making others happy is one of those energizers that bounce back to you.

A study by The University of British Columbia found that children who are taught to do random acts of kindness early have more positive social behaviors. Social and emotional competence helps enhance empathy, which everyone needs.

positive energy

14. Fill Your Inner Circle with Positivity

If you want to be more positive, then change your inner circle. Surround yourself with optimistic, upbeat, and supportive folks, and you will see many changes in your life. Someone who encourages positive vibes and shares positive news is a valuable asset to have in your corner.

15. Smile More Often

Remember Nat King Cole’s Song that states you should smile when your heart is breaking and smile even when your faking? He also goes on to say what’s the use in crying. Life will pass you by if you spend all your time miserable. A small yet simple thing as smiling, can help you to manifest positive energy and get those good endorphins flowing.

16. Count Your Blessings to Increase Positive Energy

When good things happen to you, take time to count your blessings. Appreciate the things you have that bring you joy. Energizers like gratitude help you encourage a positive mindset and remind you of everything you’ve been blessed with in this life. You can enumerate your blessings inside your head, write them in a journal, or list them on a vision board–all that matters is that you do it.

17. Soak up the Natural Positivity of Mother Nature

It’s hard to remain positive when you’re cooped up inside. Get outside and spend time with Mother Nature. Walking in the lush grass, seeing animals, and enjoying all the visual splendor will help to fill you with positivity. The fresh air can do wonders for your weary mind and help you appreciate the blessings of the earth.

18. Have Fun and Do Things You Love

Being positive is challenging when you’re doing things you don’t like to do. When you’re doing something you like, it helps improve your state of flow, which increases your vibrational frequency. Things that bring you joy have a profound effect on your outlook. Doing something for yourself is one of the energizers you need to remain optimistic.

19. Move On from the Past

Everyone has a past, present, and future. No one doesn’t have some things in their past they regret. However, to manifest positivity in your life, you must learn to let the past stay behind you and focus on what’s in front of you.

20. Show Kindness and Compassion to Others

Do you treat others with compassion and kindness? Remember that you must treat yourself this way too. If you want more optimism in your life, try being more positive about yourself. Speak to yourself in kind words, and never be harsh or critical.

21. Meditate to Restore Your Positive Energy

Meditation is a great outlet that helps you to be more positive, as it attracts positive energy. When you connect with your higher self, you’re quieting your mind from all the negativity it’s ingested. Doing this ancient act daily can have a profound impact, and your subconscious mind can help you use the law of attraction during your sessions to manifest positive things.

22. Realize You Can’t Control Everything

Do you feel that you need to control everything? Well, control issues cause significant problems for you and everyone around you. To attract positive things, you must learn to let go of those controlling ways. You can’t bring new possibilities and opportunities into your life when you have control problems.

23. Embrace Change

Something specific in this life is that things will constantly change and evolve. You must be open to these changes because if you’re not flexible, it can lead to negativity. Embracing change is one of those energizers that will help you to be available to possibilities you never thought possible.

24. Turn Positive Energy into Self-Kindness

Treat yourself as you treat others. Use compassion and understanding, and you must know that you’re not always going to make the right choices. Forgive yourself when you stumble and fall, which will help boost your optimism and self-esteem.

25. Listen to Your Inner Voice

If you want to attract more positive things in your life, you need to let your inner voice guide you. That sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach can help to keep you in tune with your spiritual connection. Everyone needs energizers in life, and your soft inside voice will lead you on the right path.


Final Thoughts on Increasing Your Positive Energy

Did you find some tips or tricks that you can use to boost your positive energy? When you train your brain to focus on good things, a better outlook will surely come your way. Practicing a few of these daily tips will be beneficial, as it won’t be long until you radiate positive energy.

15 Stephen Covey Quotes To Never Forget

Jotting quotes about success and good habits in your journal can remind you to do what it takes to reach your goals. Stephen Covey has many inspirational quotes that can help motivate you to push through obstacles and get started on your tasks. His words can help you achieve your goals and continue your journey to living the life of your dreams.

Covey strived to teach others how to find success through good habits. The things he said help fulfill your dreams and live your best life. You can write Stephen Covey quotes in your journal for a daily reminder of what he teaches about success.

His habits focus on values such as fairness, integrity, honesty, and human dignity. He ignores trends and builds his success around things that always work.

Stephen Covey believes that no one can find lasting success if they can’t do the following:

  • lead themselves
  • influence others
  • engage and collaborate with others
  • continuously improve their skills
  • learn the newest technologies related to their goals

Fifteen Stephen Covey Quotes About Good Habits

stephen covey

Stephen Covey was a non-fiction author, businessman, educator, and public speaker who reached success in every area. He is known for his book, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.” Through his written works and public speaking events, Covey offers many quotes helping you find success, leadership advice, and good habits.

1 – “You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage—pleasantly, smilingly, nonapologetically, to say “no” to other things. And the way you do that is by having a bigger “yes” burning inside. The enemy of the “best” is often the “good.”

As Stephen Covey explains, the first step is determining your priorities. Then, you must have the courage to put your goals first and say no to anything that could interfere. Focus on what you want and what will get you closer to your goals, and choose that over anything else.

2 – “It is one thing to make a mistake, and quite another thing not to admit it. People will forgive mistakes, because mistakes are usually of the mind, mistakes of judgment. But people will not easily forgive the mistakes of the heart, the ill intention, the bad motives, the prideful justifying cover-up of the first mistake.”

Everyone makes mistakes, but not all of us can admit them. When you can own up to your mistakes, people are more understanding. However, denying your mistakes can cause people to question you and set you back on your goals.

Additionally, people are more willing to forgive mistakes that weren’t malicious. If you have dishonest motives, people may not be open to forgiveness. Plus, they might not forgive lies that cover up your mistake. Because of this, you should be careful of the mistakes you make. If you know better and purposefully want to do something malicious, make a better choice and walk away. Innocent mistakes are forgivable and allow you to continue your journey to success.

3 – “Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.”

When there’s a time limit, you might focus too much on those things. Doing this sets you back on the essential things that can get you further in life. As Stephen Covey explains, doing what is necessary rather than what others say is urgent can make a difference.

4 – “Make small commitments and keep them. Be a light, not a judge. Be a model, not a critic. Be a part of the solution, not the problem.”

Don’t overcommit yourself and fall short because it can stand in the way of your success. It can also let other people down, causing hardship for them and leading to them doubting you. Additionally, consider being a guide to others without judging or criticizing.

5 – “But until a person can say deeply and honestly, “I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday,” that person cannot say, “I choose otherwise.”

The choices you make each day contribute to who you are and where you are in your life. You can’t choose a better life if you don’t work on being better each day. The things you do today contribute to who you are now and tomorrow.

6 – “Look at the word responsibility-“response-ability”-the ability to choose your response. Highly proactive people recognize that responsibility. They do not blame circumstances, conditions, or conditioning for their behavior. Their behavior is a product of their own conscious choice, based on values, rather than a product of their conditions, based on feeling.”

Successful people don’t blame circumstances or other people for their responses. You control your reactions to every situation, and taking ownership promotes success.

Acknowledge that how you react involves your choices rather than anything else. When you can do this, you’ll be more likely to find success.

7 – “If I really want to improve my situation, I can work on the one thing over which I have control – myself.”

You can’t control anyone but yourself, and focusing on your improvement is the only way to grow. Consider letting go of worrying about other people and thinking about being the best you can be instead. It can help you remember to prioritize yourself and limit comparison if you write this quote while journaling.

stephen covey

8 – “To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.”

Thinking about the bigger picture and desired results requires thinking about what you want out of your efforts. It’ll help you make the best decisions for your life if you know what you’re working toward. It’ll take you down the path that leads you to your dreams.

9 – “Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.”

You can’t effectively communicate with others if you don’t trust them. Without trust, you can’t have a beneficial professional or personal relationship. It is what holds every relationship together, leading to successful results.

10 – “We immediately become more effective when we decide to change ourselves rather than asking things to change for us.”

You can’t expect things to go your way if you’re unwilling to create good habits and then work for them. Deciding to make beneficial changes for yourself makes more of a difference than anything else you could do. Please don’t wait for things to come to you when you know that it requires action on your end.

11 – “Two people can see the same thing, disagree, and yet both be right. It’s not logical; it’s psychological.”

You can’t always expect people to agree with your opinion or perspective. Understanding that you can disagree with people without anyone being wrong can help you find success. It allows you to work well with others, using disagreement to compromise and understand one another.

12 – “Begin each day with the blueprint of my deepest values FIRMLY in mind then when challenges come, make decisions BASED on those values.”

As you get ready for your day, recall your values. Make these values the foundation of everything you do each day. If you can think with this mindset and push away everything else, you’ll find fulfilling success that helps you find meaning in all you do.

13 – “Free your heart from hatred – forgive. Free your mind from worries – most never happen. Live simply and appreciate what you have. Give more. Expect less.”

Focusing on hatred or worries can hold you back from finding success. Think about forgiveness, focusing on the present, and appreciating what you have in life. As Stephen Covey explains, give what you can and expect less from life if you want a happy balance.

14 – “Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can and should be and he will become as he can and should be.”

Writing this Stephen Covey quote in your journal can help you in a few ways. First, it can remind you to treat people as they can be, and you’ll help them reach their full potential. Additionally, it can help you remember to be the best you can be rather than treating yourself as if you can’t go further.

15 – “We are free to choose our actions, . . . but we are not free to choose the consequences of these actions.”

As Covey explains, you can make whatever choices you want. However, you can’t choose the results of your decisions. Consider thinking about what might happen because of your actions. If you’re okay with the consequences, follow through on your idea. Otherwise, make a new plan and follow through with the action that you can accept the results of.

good habits

Final Thoughts on Stephen Covey Quotes to Jot into Your Journal

Stephen Covey found success in many areas, allowing him to advise everyone. He knew how to make things happen in his life and achieved whatever he set his mind on. His advice can help you find success and reach your goals. Jot these quotes in your journal so you can remember them each day as you develop good habits and work toward your dreams.

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