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10 Reasons Why Some Women Stay Single

10 Reasons Why Some Women Stay Single

Are you one of the rising number of females in America who wants to stay single? It’s not only socially acceptable but admirable in many circles. Many single women create joy and love despite being alone (by choice!).

Before diving in, let’s reflect on all the progress toward women’s equality. Aren’t you grateful for all the progress so far? While we know we have more work to do, these milestones were once considered impossible.

To say that women have been forced to take a secondary role in society is an understatement. For thousands of years, females were usually valued as wives, mothers, or servants. They were groomed from the cradle to get married as soon as possible and have a houseful of children.

The concept of the debutante ball was for young ladies to enter proper society and announce their availability. Their greatest hope was to woo a wealthy suitor, marry him, and produce a male heir. Those not hitched by their early twenties were condemned to live life as a spinster “old maid.”

Even those ladies who married royalty weren’t home safe. Just consider the cruel fate of some infamous King Henry VIII’s wives. Their only crime worthy of execution was not giving the malicious monarch a son. Throughout the following centuries, women still lived under profound oppression, especially those who were single. The only way they hoped to survive was to marry. Females were the main targets of the horrible witch hunts in Europe and Colonial America.

Editorial note: We acknowledge that some men prefer the single life. However, they typically express different reasons than females for their decision to run solo.  We do address that topic in a separate article–but this one’s dedicated to all those independent single women out there!

You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby!

It wasn’t until 1920 that women were considered full American citizens who could vote. During World War II, they filled the factory vacancies left by men going overseas to fight. After this taste of independence, there was no turning back.

During the 1960s, more women embraced liberation and weren’t afraid to stay single. They were no longer content to be portrayed as submissive housewives who cooked and cleaned in pearls and heels. The role of femininity was no longer defined by being linked with a man.

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Ten Convincing Reasons Why Many Women Decide to Stay Single

Recent statistics published by the Pew Research Society indicate at least 31 percent of Americans reported they were single. Of these, 15 percent said they were looking for a mate, and 16 percent said they weren’t looking at all. At least 32 percent of women polled in the 18–29-year-old group weren’t in a relationship.

Fortunately, for a woman, staying single is a popular option today. Whether you want to be in a long-term relationship or play the field is up to you. These are ten reasons that women decide to remain single:

1. You Stay Single Because You Want the Right Person

Perhaps nothing could be worse than being tied down to the wrong person. You’re a desperate soul who will settle for the first guy who smiles at you. Being in a committed relationship isn’t a decision to be taken lightly, so you can afford to be choosy.

So, you take your time and enjoy the casual dating scene. In the meantime, you can meet various men from many walks of life. You may never find Mr. Right, but no law says you must feel fulfilled.

2. You Like Variety in Your Life

Once in a committed relationship, you love the person, not what you want them to be. Committing to someone hoping to change them only results in heartache and pain. If you stay single, you can meet different and interesting people.

You can also have greater liberties, like vacations, cruises, and overseas adventures. Boredom and doing the same-old thing won’t be an issue for you. There won’t be as many what-if and if-only regrets in your life.

3. Single Women Value Their Independence

You’ve worked hard on your education and career and aren’t about to answer to anybody else. You earned the cash to buy what you have, and you want to enjoy it your way. It’s refreshing to do what you want when you want.

When you stay single, you don’t have to consider another opinion. You make plans and decisions for your life. Nobody has anything to hold over your head, and you do things your way.

4. You’re a Unique Individual

Since everyone is unique, you have your way of thinking and doing things. It can be an asset in a relationship or a liability. Compromising with a partner can be difficult if you value your sense of creativity and ideology.

Staying single can preserve your individuality and not hamper your creative thinking. You only answer to yourself and don’t have to consider changing for anyone. Consequently, many men find unique ladies attractive, so finding a date won’t be an issue.

5. You Stay Single Due to Your Unique Priorities

Many people have identified their destiny at an early age. Maybe you’ve always known your path and have set goals for your future. Not every young female dreams of being a wife and mother.

Your dreams may be to build your career or to travel the world. They may not share your priorities if you’re in a long-term relationship. To stay single lets, you set priorities without any other opinions hindering you.

Many other life decisions are more manageable when you’re on your own. Your goals may be to retire to a farm or settle in a small condo. It could become a severe issue if you had a partner with different priorities.

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6. You’re Not Worried About Having Children

Having children can be a sensitive subject, especially for women. Unfortunately, traces of past expectations persist. Some rude people try to remind single ladies about their ticking biological clocks.

Let’s face it; not all females are mother material. You may like kids but don’t want the responsibility of birthing and raising your own. The good news is that you can still be a single mother even if you want children.

The laws have changed in the United States, and single folks can now foster and adopt children. Some ladies also opt for invitro fertilization methods to have biological children. You may also depend on your nieces and nephews; it isn’t about having your kids.

7. You Have Stronger Friendships

Like any healthy and lasting relationship, friendship requires work from both sides. If you’re in a serious romantic relationship, you’ll probably devote more time to it. While you cherish your other friends, they usually must take a lower priority.

A study published by the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships explores the link between singlehood and friendship. The study suggests that single people integrate more into society than married people. Marriage may even constrain social ties.

It stands to reason that if you don’t have the responsibilities of a relationship, you have more time for friends. You can go out when you want and not worry about who is with you. You can spend as much time with family and friends as you want.

8. You Stay Single Because You Stay Healthier

If you need another plus for going solo, how about the possibility of being healthier? An article published by the Journal of Women’s Health suggests that single ladies have lower risks of substance abuse. They may even have lower BMIs, which can contribute to better health.

9. You Stay Single to Have More Time for Yourself

Maybe one of the reasons that staying single can be healthier is that you have more time for self-care. You often put your needs on the back burner when you’re in a relationship. Going solo means you’re not investing as much time caring for a partner’s needs and expectations.

Imagine being able to take long, leisurely bubble baths because you don’t share a bathroom. Your home can be a private sanctuary of your creation. Burn incense, listen to music, journal, or treat yourself to a manicure/pedicure.

10. You Don’t Have to Share

Most people in a long-term relationship usually decide to share a home, whether in marriage or cohabitation. It can often be an adjustment that either makes or breaks a relationship. Some people stay single for so long that they can’t change their habits.

While sharing with others is a virtue, you don’t have to share everything, especially if you’re single. Both sides of the bed are yours, and nobody is hogging the pillows and blankets. The bathroom is yours all the time, the whole closet and the TV remote.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that you’re selfish and narcissistic. When you share your life with someone, you want to be there with them. It can make sharing more meaningful for both of you.

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Final Thoughts on Reasons Some Women Stay Single

You have the right as an individual to choose whether you want to stay single or be in a relationship. Your relationship status doesn’t define you or dictate your future happiness. Just because you’re a loner doesn’t mean you’re lonely.

10 Manipulative Behaviors That Are Not Actually Love

Manipulative relationships aren’t always easy to identify. You may not always be able to determine if your situation is toxic, though there are likely some lingering doubts when dealing with manipulators. There are three kinds of people you can date, those that love you, those that hate you, and those that try to control you. When your partner uses manipulative behaviors against you, sometimes you’re blinded by love and devotion and can’t see what’s happening.

Identifying the manipulative partner can be challenging, but there will be signs. You can feel it in your gut when something is off-kilter in the relationship. Call it gut instincts, but there are usually feelings of guilt and shame attached to it. You must handle this situation, or it will only get worse.

Manipulative Behaviors to Identify

Manipulators are toxic individuals that hide their true intentions. They use actions and behaviors to damage you and destroy your esteem. Many people can’t identify these manipulative behaviors until they’re deep in the middle of a relationship, and by then, it’s hard to escape their clutches.

However, once you know the true poisonous nature of your connection, you can break those ties that bind. Here are some signs that your partner is toxic.


1. Lack of Responsibility Can Be a Manipulative Behavior

If there were ever a song about the narcissist, it’s Shaggy’s mega-hit from 2000, “It Wasn’t Me.” The song talks about a person who got caught red-handed having an affair with their partner, yet they deny any wrongdoing. This is typical behavior of a manipulative person. It doesn’t matter if caught, as they will never admit to anything.

They want to turn it around on you or gaslight you into thinking you saw something else. Manipulators know they’re doing wrong, but they will not admit that to you or anyone else.

2. Playing the Victim

Manipulators like to play the victim card. However, it would help if you were careful as these manipulative behaviors are easy to get caught up in. They will use things that happened to them as a child to gain your sympathy, but they only want to take advantage of you.

Some toxic people are so good at playing the victim that they can make anyone putty in their hands. You might even believe that some of their sob stories are true. Granted, some people were victims and have developed this mentality to get through life. However, many are just using lies to play on your emotions.

3. Manipulators Often Make Empty Promises

Toxic people will make all sorts of promises to you when they need to get you off their back. However, these are broken vows they have no intention of keeping. You will find that these promises come out when caught in lies or you consider leaving them.

Please don’t hold your breath that they will keep any of these pledges to you, as lying is one of their strong suits. It’s a commonplace for toxic people to use deception to throw people off their track.

4. Guilt Trips

Do you feel guilty often? Manipulators make you feel guilty when things aren’t even your fault. You should know that you didn’t do anything wrong, but this is a tactic used by your partner to deflect.

They want you to feel bad about yourself or have guilt over a situation where they’re to blame. Shame is one of the manipulative behaviors that can be most toxic. It causes emotional storms inside that can make you angry and sad simultaneously.

Classic examples of guilt may come when you try to spend time with your family or friends, and they make you feel that you’re ignoring their needs.

5. Manipulative People Tell Lies

Many narcissists are habitual liars, according to The National Library of Medicine. This deep psychological problem stems from many things, but many folks learn how to lie to protect themselves when they’ve suffered a horrific childhood.

Ironically, a study found that people who engage in pathological deception have cognitive deficits. Scientists are still researching if these neurocognitive deficits come from trauma-based interruptions in the brain or if they’re genetic links. Still, dealing with someone who lies about anything and everything is challenging, and it’s one of the manipulative behaviors you want to be wary of in a partner.


6. Extreme Jealousy

One of the manipulative behaviors that are hard to manage is jealousy. The old green-eyed monster is someone you don’t want interfering in your relationships. Your partner may try to spin their feelings out of love, but make no mistakes; nothing is loving about toxic jealousy.

Not only is this person jealous of anyone around them, but they are jealous of those around you too. It’s common for this person to be suspicious of your friends, actions, job, and who you’re talking to on the phone. They try to force you to believe that no one loves or cares about you as they do, but the truth is they’re trying to pull you away from your support system.

Jealousy can be as cruel as the grave, according to Solomon 8:6. If you read of crimes of passion in the newspaper, intense jealousy is behind many of them. Get away from the jealous person, as they will destroy your life.

7. Manipulators Are Frequently Self-Centered

Of course, selfish people want to make everything about themselves. Nothing in your life is as important as what’s going on in theirs. Though this is one of the subtle manipulative behaviors, it usually accompanies others.

They may tell you that your problems aren’t big deals, so they can turn the conversation back to their needs. According to the National Library of Medicine, narcissistic personality disorder comes with the need for admiration and a lack of empathy. Experts have found that these individuals often present with emotional and unpredictable behavior, making them dangerous to engage with on any level.

8. Controlling

Manipulators want to control how much time you spend with others, as they want you all to themselves. They don’t like you to be out of their realm of influence for too long, as they fear that people will break the control they have over you. They may become as controlling as trying to dictate who you can talk to on the phone, visit in person, or where you can go to grocery shops or other places.

Some controlling toxic people want to close you off from the rest of the world so they can have you all to themselves. This behavior is not a love relationship but a prison sentence.

9. Emotional Blackmail Is a Red Flag of Manipulative Behavior

Emotional blackmail is typical manipulative behavior that’s used by controlling people. They play on your emotions to get their way. For instance, they will threaten to end things or move on if you don’t do what they want.

They have no intentions of going anywhere but try to manipulate the situation by playing on your emotions. They’re saying to you, “Do this or else!”

If you have bills together, children, or share assets and other responsibilities, they want to use fear tactics to get you to conform. Toxic people know what card to play to get you to do what they want.

10. The Blame Game

The blame game is something master manipulators love to use to control you. One of the issues of these toxic people is that they can’t and won’t take responsibility for their actions. They would much rather blame you and let you take the fall.

The blame game can be very poisonous and one of the manipulative behaviors that can be pretty damaging. Your partner will justify an affair or other actions and blame you because you weren’t taking care of their needs. It’s rubbish, and don’t engage in such demeaning conversations.

They will also accuse you of being too friendly, loud, quiet, uneducated, or a hundred other things that aren’t true. Don’t ingest their chronic negativity into your spirit, as it will lower your esteem and self-worth.


Final Thoughts on Manipulative Behaviors

Manipulators come in all shapes and sizes and are often the people you wouldn’t normally suspect. However, when you choose a person to be involved in a relationship, you must watch for these toxic behaviors, as these folks can destroy your life.

When toxic people use manipulative behaviors to control you, they play with your emotions. Emotional baggage from previous relationships is hard to unpack, so it’s best to get out of these situations as soon as you see the warning signs. Many manipulators have deep seeded psychological issues that can be very dangerous to you and anyone around them.

Protect your heart and your mind at all costs. Know when to walk away from these toxic folks and the poison they bring into your life.

5 Signs It’s Time to Walk Away From A Bad Relationship

Everyone wants to find their better half or soulmate to feel fulfilled. However, what if you’ve found your princess or prince charming, but rather than a fairy tale, it’s turned into a nightmare? The only thing worse than being alone is being stuck in a bad relationship. So, how do you know it is time to walk away?

Having the wrong person in your life can bring negativity and problems you don’t need. Toxic people can drain your energy and time and keep you from growing and evolving as a human. You’re not living your life to the fullest potential when a toxic partner constantly drains you.

Sadly, so many folks are blinded by love and don’t see all the red flags waving in front of them. When you stay in these toxic situations, you’re compromising yourself. You’re putting your goals and dignity on the back burner because nothing else matters but keeping your partner with you. If you could only realize that staying hurts you more than leaving, you might make some changes.

Five Signs It’s Time to Walk Away From a Bad Relationship (and Five Ways to Leave)

People become so accustomed to the drama that they don’t know anything else, as it becomes routine. All you’ve ever known may be one bad relationship after another, so how do you know when it’s time to leave the toxic partner behind? Here are five signs that it’s time to go and some tips on breaking those ties that bind.

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1. A Bad Relationship May Include Cheating

If one or both of you have stepped outside the confines of the relationship to meet your needs, it’s a big sign there’s a problem. While some people go out and look for someone to meet their romantic needs, others tend to fall into these relationships by accident. Ironically, most cheating isn’t about sexual encounters, yet that’s where it leads.

Perhaps you started confiding in someone with similar problems, and this confidence turned into a lover. Cheating means the beginning of one relationship and the possible end of another, regardless of how or why you got into this situation. A bad relationship where your needs aren’t met is a big red flag that it’s time to walk away.

How to Walk Away From a Cheater:

Being honest is the best place to start. You need to confront your lover and tell them you’re cheating or that you suspect they are being unfaithful. Some folks will try to make things work after such a breach of trust, but according to Divorce Statistics, about fifteen percent of relationships end because of cheating.

So, if you’re committed to working through the issues, you might give it one more chance. However, if you’re in the crowd that believes this is the final straw, confront them and walk away. Don’t listen to the sob stories and feel sorry for them. They broke your confidence, and it’s hard to rebuild it.

2. A Bad Relationship Could Include Fear for Your Safety

Why has abuse become commonplace in bad relationships today? There are three types of abuse; you may experience one or all of them when you’re with a toxic partner. Some folks try to endure the torment, hoping things will improve, while others love themselves enough to walk away.

Some individuals put the types of abuse on a tier, thinking verbal is less poisonous than physical, but it can be worse. While bumps and bruises will eventually mend, words that tear you down and destroy your esteem can be hard to heal. It takes a strong person to walk away from abuse, especially since these people are often scared and have fear ingrained that prevents them from leaving.

It’s time to stop justifying their behavior and love yourself more. If you believe they’re justified in hitting you or harming you in any way, you need counseling. This is not normal behavior, and it will not get any better. Someone that hits you once will hit again when the situation arises.

How toWalk Away From an Abuser:

Since the situation might be volatile, you need help leaving this destructive relationship. A great place to start is a counselor. If going to therapy isn’t for you, there are relatives, women’s shelters, and all sorts of programs to help. Make sure to do the following:

•Create a safety plan for you and any children or pets involved.

•Establish a support network that can help you with the process.

•Take money and supplies needed to ensure you can start over, if possible.

•Get help from community resources for such situations.

•Don’t look back!

3. A Bad Relationship Could Mean You’re Always Mad at One Another

It’s a snide comment here or a passive-aggressive statement there, but you never have a kind word to say to one another. You’re not happy at all these days, and you dread coming home because you make each other miserable. Many folks try to convince themselves that things will change or be different soon, but the reality is that it’s getting worse, not better.

Sure, there are some things that you can change to try to fix things, but you both must be willing participants to ensure change occurs. If you’re the only one doing any work, it’s a big red flag that this bad relationship isn’t turning into a good one.

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How to Walk Away When You No Longer Get Along:

When you stay in a bad relationship that stresses you out constantly, it affects your mental and physical health. Talk to your partner about the issues and tell them you can’t continue like this anymore. Get help from family or friends to pack up and go and keep yourself busy. The last thing you want to do is return when nothing has been resolved.

4. The Emotional Connection is Gone in a Bad Relationship

Relationships that have a deep emotional connection are the ones that exist on a higher spiritual plane. However, things can take a turn, and the once-deep connection can fizzle. It doesn’t always mean they’re horrible, but it’s a bad relationship because it no longer meets your needs.

How to Walk Away When You Feel Emotionally Drained:

It’s hard to reestablish an emotional connection once it’s gone. If you’re ready to walk away, try starting the journey with positive affirmations. Speaking positivity to yourself will give you the mental boost you need to make such life adjustments. Make sure you don’t let doubt and negative talk take over your brain by incorporating some positivity.

5. You Don’t Love Them Anymore

The number one reason you should stay with someone is not because of bills or kids but love. If you don’t love your partner anymore, you’re not doing them or yourself any favors by staying. Sure, you might cohabitate well, and there’s no fighting or other toxic behaviors to report, but you just don’t love each other anymore.

If you choose to stay in this bad relationship for any reason other than love, you will feel this loss in your soul. You need love, affection, compassion, and someone who is your biggest cheerleader. You can stay based on what you had in the past and out of devotion, but you will always know something is missing.

How to Walk Away After You Fall Out of Love:

First, you must realize that breaking up will never be easy. A story in The Daily Mail shows that 73 percent of people settle for a partner because they believe their true love slipped through their fingers. If you decide on anything less than the ideal situation with someone you love deeply, you will be miserable.

Always talk to your partner. You want to ensure nothing is going on that’s caused them to pull away. If the love is gone because you’ve grown apart rather than together, work to divide things fairly and move on as friends. There’s no need to make an enemy in the situation just because you can’t be lovers.

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Final Thoughts on Recognizing When It Is Time to Walk Away from a Bad Relationship

Some folks believe that love and matters of the heart are subjective. When you consider art and some of the most famous paintings, it’s all up to interpretation. There are no right or wrong answers, but you must decide what works for you and your situation.

Some bad relationships are toxic and dangerous, which involve gaslighting and abuse, causing significant mental or physical distress. Other partners aren’t toxic, but together, you’re not bringing out one another’s best qualities. Walking away from all you’ve ever known and your comfort zone provides safety, even if it’s poisonous.

When you’ve decided that you’ve had enough, it’s best to get help. Not only is physically removing yourself from the relationship challenging, but your mind’s battle will be just as bad. Some people will stay way longer than they should because of fear, but the only person you’re hurting is yourself and any children that might be in the mix.

You owe yourself grace. Walk away from someone who no longer loves and cares for you as you deserve. Isn’t it time you choose yourself?

5 Former Bullies Explain How to Stop Bullying

Sadly, bullying occurs far too often in schools, online, and behind closed doors at home. Bullies usually have low self-esteem or abusive home environments and take out their pain on others. They need help and support to overcome their emotional struggles and deserve compassion like everyone else. However, their behavior can inflict severe psychological and physical harm on others.

According to US Department of Health and Human Services research, around 20% of students aged 12-18 experienced bullying in 2019. Most students encountered bullying during school, but 15% also admitted to being bullied online. The most common types of bullying they reported included being the subject of rumors, being insulted or ridiculed, and being pushed or shoved.

Bullies usually don’t realize how their behavior affects others until later. Many of them feel remorse about hurting people and apologize to their classmates. Some even become friends with the peers they bullied after they’ve reconciled and gained perspective on their past. Below, we’ll share a few stories posted on Reddit from former bullies who explained how they transformed into kind, empathetic individuals.

5 Former Bullies Explain What Inspired Them to Change


1 – Bullying Perpetuates Isolation

Bullying creates a wall between you and others. Compassion and understanding break down those walls.

“Right after high school was the turning point for me…I was having a lot of discord with my own friends due to my attitude and it took hearing their honest feedback about how my approach was alienating them for me to start doing major self reflection. I decided I didn’t want people to fear me and I certainly didn’t want to alienate my own friends, so I started talking less and listening more.

I made an honest effort to care more about people as individuals-I got interested in the unique strengths each person brings to the table and did what I could to start learning from others. I humbled myself a lot over the years. I worked on saying I’m sorry and admitting when I was wrong. And years later I’ve gotten into therapy to continue to work on myself. I’ll never be warm and fuzzy as that’s just not my personality, but I’m a much better person than I was when I was younger.” — @Babhak

2 – Bullies Operate From a Place of Negative Thinking

Bullying might make you feel physically stronger, but the negativity affects you subconsciously. Kindness feels much better in the end.

“I was one of those jocks who picks on the weaker kids who couldn’t really defend themselves, in order to make the crowd laugh…it was never anything too physical or over the top, so parents or others never got involved, but I know that I made life a pain for some individuals while in elementary school.

Anyhow, this PE teacher of mine took me into his office after hours one day and explained that I should try to use my authority better, and that while it might feel good to make others laugh on someone else’s behalf, it feels a lot better to be an overall good guy.

Never really had any good male influence in my life before that, so that really stuck with me, and from high school and onward I tried to reach out and confront others in school that bullied others. Oftentimes we just don’t know better.” — @KingBob3922

3 – Trauma Causes Bullying

Sometimes, bullies act out because of childhood trauma. Meeting the right person or mentor can give them wisdom and direction in life.

“I grew up in an abusive home and did it out of self-protection. Verbally hurt them before they could hurt you. I know my behavior didn’t make me popular or really make me feel better but I needed to lash out on the easiest targets. fast forward to having no friends in my mid 20 s and needed to figure out why.

I actually became friends with older coworkers [and] as a proxy parental influence they gently guided me. ‘Why would you say that to someone? Why would you say that about yourself? Why do you talk that way? Why is everything a fight? What’s wrong with being different? What’s wrong with making mistakes?’ No judgments, just gentle questions that I couldn’t answer until I looked hard at myself.

I’m glad that someone took the time to see past my anger, my pushing people away, my misery and saw a young person that just needed some kindness.” — @OrdinaryPride8811

4 – Bullies Can Change With Support and Encouragement

Shaming and bullying people comes back to bite you eventually. But, a simple apology can heal old wounds and encourage a fresh start.

“On the first day of 8th grade I noticed a new kid in school, and for whatever reason I bullied him, called him short, fat, ugly, whatever I could think of to get under his skin. It got old after a while and it came to and end, but he never held a grudge. Come freshman year we’re on the same football team and I could barely stand to be in the same room with him I was so ashamed. I mustered up some courage and apologized. He invited me to hangout after school that day. Turns out we had a lot in common and came from very similar families. We’ve been like brothers ever since, I’ll be the best man at his wedding in September. — @eNcore33

5 -Bullies Learn the Behavior in the Home

Bullying usually starts at home since children mimic their parents’ behaviors. It takes a lot of self-reflection to unlearn these destructive patterns at a young age.

“When I was still quite young ( early teens ) I realised I was modelling my behaviour on one of my parents, and that they were a very obvious bully. Took immediate steps to re-define myself as a person who carefully avoided that abusive tendency.” — @FunkerSpelunker 


Final Thoughts on Stories From Former Bullies

Bullying affects everyone involved, including the instigator of the hurtful behaviors. Many bullies have turbulent home lives and take out their pain and frustrations on classmates. Childhood trauma doesn’t excuse their behavior but explains why they act out at school. However, many people who engage in bullying feel deep regret and shame years down the road. Some of them reach out to their victims and apologize for how they treated them.

Bullies are not bad people. Instead, they often had to deal with a challenging hand. However, after years of humbling life lessons, many former bullies change for the better and learn to treat others compassionately.

Psychology Explains 3 Ways Your Phone Can Hurt a Relationship

Phones can hurt your relationship, but everyone is very attached to their phones. Whether checking work emails, scrolling through social media, texting a friend, or playing a game, phones have made it difficult to put them down and spend even a moment without our eyes trained on them. This connectivity doesn’t seem so bad on the surface, but it can significantly harm your life and your relationship.

Has your partner ever gotten angry with you for spending too much time on your phone, even when you think you’re fully present with them? Or have you felt the disappointed disconnection as you watch your partner focus entirely on their digital devices instead of on the current moment? If so, you likely already know that phones can damage relationships, causing conflict and other issues.

But why does this happen, and how? What’s the science behind how our phones interfere with human-to-human, real-world connections? Here’s how psychology explains three ways your phone can hurt your relationship.

1 – The Device Gets In The Way Of Paying Genuine Attention To Your Relationship

Has your partner ever been on their phone while you were trying to talk to them? Even when they swore they were listening, you likely felt they weren’t truly or fully present with you. Their physical presence seemed almost inconsequential because, no matter how much they nodded, their eyes remained partially or fully glued to their phone screen.

This is a common problem that experts have a term for it: “phubbing” or “phone snubbing.” Unfortunately, plenty of research proves that this significantly interferes with your ability to connect with the people around you. Here’s why and how phubbing affects your relationship:



  • Your Phone Decreases The Quality Of Your Interactions

Studies show that when using your phone around someone, the quality of your interactions with that person at that moment steadily decreases. Worse, the decrease continues to nosedive the longer you spend on your phone. It’s easy to see why this can harm a relationship – if you spend a lot of time together and are always on your phone.

  • It Decreases The Chance For Meaningful Or Deep Conversations About Your Relationship

It’s already tricky to want to be open and vulnerable about sensitive, complex, or emotional subjects in our lives. In a relationship, vulnerability is incredibly important, as it fosters closeness, openness, trust, and honesty. However, the desire to be vulnerable decreases when you have a phone in your hand. The lack of attention means people don’t feel as comfortable being so open. 

  • It Decreases Relationship Satisfaction 

Research showed that repeated phubbing could decrease marriage satisfaction, increasing divorce rates. Sadly, that same study showed that phubbing could even lead to depression for as long as one remains in that relationship while phubbing is a regular occurrence. 

  • You Cannot Multitask Attention

Lots of people who use their phones while people are talking to them believe that they’re perfectly capable of multitasking. They claim to be paying attention, but the truth is that no matter how much they insist on this, it’s not true. And other people can tell. Research shows people on the phone always appear less attentive and less polite to others, and your relationship is not an exception to this dynamic. In addition, studies show smartphone users can tell they’re less engaged and more distracted when using their phones at mealtimes and in other social situations.

  • It Removes Eye Contact

Eye contact is one of the most central parts of in-person, human-to-human interaction. Unless you don’t enjoy eye contact for any reason, you almost definitely feel closer to someone when looking into their eyes. Unfortunately, when you’re on your phone, you’re unable to make this eye contact with your partner, causing you to lose out on essential connections.

2 – A Relationship Maintained Primarily By Phones Aren’t Ideal

Phones have given us the immense ability to connect, and that has helped us maintain closer relationships with various people. But unfortunately, that convenience can also be used as a crutch. Some people may prioritize in-person dates and face-to-face conversations in a relationship, much less because they can text all day.

As a disclaimer, we’re not referring to long-distance relationships, where phone interactions are a necessary, primary contact. As long as you interact in many different ways, such as by text, video call, voice call, and other shared virtual activities, this isn’t referring to healthy, long-distance, phone-maintained relationships.

So, now that that’s out of the way, what’s wrong with relationships primarily maintained over the phone? Here are some issues:

  • Everything Becomes About Ease Over Effort

A relationship shouldn’t be so hard that it’s impossible to maintain, but it shouldn’t prioritize convenience over all else. But, unfortunately, that’s how you grow complacent and shun the idea of putting genuine effort into your relationship. Planning a fancy date night, cooking dinner together, or making time for each other in your busy schedules simply becomes unappealing because you can just text or FaceTime instead. Eventually, this preference for convenience creates an unhealthy and distant dynamic that cannot withstand hurdles and struggles.


  • It’s Easy To Misinterpret Text Messages

Some things just don’t translate well over text. For example, the lack of a smiley face, a bad day that affects your perception, or adding a full stop at the end of the sentence can spark misunderstandings and conflict. This is even worse when you try to settle these issues and other disputes over text. It’s so easy to misinterpret things when you don’t have indicators like tone, body language, and expressions to inform your perception of communication.

  • You Miss Out On Other Forms Of Intimacy

The convenience of constant connection via phone is delightful for many partners, but this shouldn’t be the only intimacy you share. Making time to see each other in person, engage in physical affection of various forms, spend quality time together, and enjoy new experiences provides deeper insight into your partner and your relationship.

3 – Your Phone Is Addictive, And Its Impact On The Relationship Worsens Over Time

People often underestimate the effects that their phones can have on their psyches. Cell phones and everything they represent and remind you of can easily distract you. Consider how many times you check your phone a day, how you turn to it whenever you’re bored, and how you feel weird and lost when you leave it at home for the day.

Worse still, you become desensitized to how you interact with your phone over time, making you less and less aware of what it may do to your mind and manner of personal social interaction. The lack of awareness does not protect you from suffering the various adverse effects of frequent phone usage. These effects often get worse the longer you’re exposed to them. This, naturally, also hurts your relationship. Here are some ways that this happens:

  • Phubbing Begets More Phubbing

Individuals who feel neglected because of their partner’s constant use of their phone may turn to social media and their own digital devices to seek the connection they crave, say studies. But social media only makes you feel more lonely at the end of the day. A relationship where phubbing is highly present is likely to spiral into a distant, neglectful, and disconnected dynamic filled with distractions.

  • Your Phone’s Mere Presence Is A Distraction

You might think an easy way to avoid this is simply setting your phone down on the table. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Studies have shown that your phone’s presence can affect how you connect with others. It can be face-down on the table, and you may not have picked it up throughout your conversation, yet you’d still be partially distracted by it.

  • Online Exposure Creates Unrealistic Expectations That Grow Over Time

On social media, you see picture-perfect examples of couples and people that only showcase what they want to show. This is not to say that the couples you know are intentionally fake, but they certainly pick and choose what to share online and subconsciously seek to project a specific image of their lives. While you can try and remember this, the longer you spend on your phone and social media, the more your idea of reality is warped by what you see. This is why we now have phrases like “chronically online” to indicate someone whose perspective is completely tainted by their constant exposure to the internet.

  • You Fear Missing Out More And More

The fear of missing out, often called FOMO, is a common reason behind the addictive qualities of phones and social media. When it comes to your relationship, it’s easy to see why FOMO can damage it. Studies even show that FOMO and the lack of self-control that comes with it can be a predictor for phubbing, as you constantly check your phone to see what’s happening around you. When this happens, you spend less and less time in the present with your partner, focusing on what you don’t have rather than what is right next to you!


Final Thoughts On Some Ways Your Phone Can Hurt Your Relationship

Phones don’t have to be the bad guy in your relationship. There are plenty of healthy, balanced ways to use your phone without jeopardizing your partnerships. For example, many couples likely enjoy quiet time sitting next to each other while both parties are on their phones. This isn’t an utterly all-or-nothing situation!

So how can you attain this balance and keep your relationship happy? To maintain a relationship and to stop phubbing, put the phone away, and give a partner the care, attention, and affection they deserve. Set rules and boundaries related to phone usage. Determine specific quiet times. Turn off your notifications. Stop checking your phone during date nights. The list goes on!

There are plenty of ways to keep a healthy relationship with technology and a partner! Talk to your partner about problems related to phone usage in your relationship and discuss ways to overcome these issues together.

Poll Reveals 81% of Americans Seek Employment With Kinder Companies

An American Psychological Association (APA) survey on employment trends reveals a paradigm shift. Their findings show that more Americans than ever have prioritized kindness in the workplace. In fact, 81% of U.S. workers would strongly consider how employers support mental wellness when seeking future work.

The pandemic likely played a significant role in Americans’ changing attitude about work, as stress levels have skyrocketed in recent years. Many people no longer wanted to toil away for employers who didn’t care about their well-being. They started putting themselves first and showing employers that they won’t tolerate abusive environments.

The APA’s 2022 Work and Well-Being Survey confirmed this shift in priorities about employment. The survey revealed that most workers experienced more significant stress in the past few years due to the ongoing pandemic, supply chain issues, political unrest, and skyrocketing inflation.

Since most adults spend about one-third of their life working, they can’t just block out external stressors when they clock in each day. So, they don’t want to work in hostile environments that add even more unnecessary stress.

What the APA Survey Revealed About Employment Trends

The survey revealed that nearly one in five workers (18%) felt their workplace had a somewhat or very toxic vibe. Dennis P. Stolle, J.D., Ph.D., senior director of the APA’s Office of Applied Psychology, said that manual laborers complained of hostile work conditions more than office workers. 22% of people in manual employment reported having a toxic workplace compared to only fifteen percent of office workers.

The findings also showed that one-third of workers had experienced verbal abuse, harassment, or physical violence within the last year. Furthermore, respondents who worked at companies that monitored worker activity indicated feeling unhappy with their jobs. Those tracked at work reported their workplace negatively affected their mental wellness twice as often.

Over half (53%) of employees reported working for a company that monitored them using cameras, computers, barcode scanners, or other technology. However, this number may be even higher since only 2,016 adults answered the poll. Around 47% of employees said they didn’t know if their employer monitored them.


What Employees Look For When Seeking Employment in America Today

Due to rising stress during the pandemic, many employers have started providing better access to mental health services. According to the APA survey, one-third of employees said their employment provided improved mental health initiatives in recent years.

Indeed, about 71% of survey respondents believed their employer cared more about employees’ mental health than in the past. Along with mental health support, the survey revealed that employees also want:

  • more flexible work hours (41%)
  • employment that respects time off (34%)
  • the option to work remotely (33%)
  • a four-day work week (31%)

Most employees consider these supports beneficial when employers offer them. For example, 95% of workers reported improvements in mental health when their employers allowed flexible work hours and the ability to work remotely.

Other Ways Employers Can Improve Employee Well-Being

Mental health support and remote work options can promote positive work environments. However, places of employment should offer other opportunities to enhance employee well-being, such as the following.

Normalize conversations about mental health.

Nearly half of respondents (46%) admitted they wouldn’t feel comfortable telling their employer about a mental health disorder. They said they would worry that divulging their condition might impact their employment.

Many employers have started promoting transparency about mental health in the workplace. However, some employees still feel uncomfortable discussing mental conditions at work. However, managers can help reduce stigma by creating an open-door policy for employees.

Simply asking them how they’re doing and treating them with compassion can make a huge difference. Employees will feel more enthusiastic about their jobs if they feel appreciated.

Regularly check in with employees.

Some employees might hesitate to admit that they can’t handle their workload. They might worry about getting fired or reprimanded at work. However, many people have started seeking employment at companies that care about their stress levels.

And according to the WHO, unmanageable workloads can significantly contribute to stress. The organization found that people who work 55 hours or more each week have a 35% higher risk of stroke or heart disease. To help reduce job-related stress, employers should check in with employees often and ask how they can best support them.

Eliminate discrimination and promote diversity in the workplace.

The APA survey revealed that Black employees, who have a disability or identify as LGBTQ+, experienced more significant workplace discrimination. They reported having worse mental health due to being treated differently than their peers.

So, to promote workplace equality, employers should create an environment where everyone feels welcome. Collaboration and diversity in the workplace will encourage better mental health and reduce employee turnover. People naturally seek employment at places where they feel included and comfortable voicing their opinions.

The survey indicated that companies with women, people of color, or LGBTQ+ individuals in leadership positions have improved equity and inclusion policies. Equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) policies are more common in office employment than in manual labor companies.

Office workers reported that their company had equity policies (61%) compared with manual laborers (49%). Sixty percent of office workers said their place of employment had diversity policies, compared to just 45% of manual laborers. Finally, sixty percent of office employees and fifty percent of manual laborers worked at companies with inclusion policies.

kind employers

Final Thoughts on a Poll Revealing Americans Seek New Employment or a Job Change to Find Kind Employers

The APA survey reveals that more Americans want to work for compassionate employers prioritizing their mental wellness. The pandemic magnified stressors among workers, prompting many to seek employment at kinder companies. Some workplaces have responded to their employees’ needs by checking in with workers more often. They have also expanded mental wellness support and ensured employees had reasonable workloads.

These policies to improve mental wellness among employees are encouraging. Hopefully, they will pave the way to a better world where everyone can thrive.

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