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18 Symptoms of Autoimmune Arthritis That Most People Ignore

18 Symptoms of Autoimmune Arthritis That Most People Ignore

Perhaps you heard someone mention autoimmune arthritis–like rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis. But do you know how to identify the debilitating symptoms?

Typically, your immune system produces antibodies to protect your body from bacteria and viruses. But sometimes, your immune system creates antibodies that go after your body’s healthy tissue and cells, which leads to an autoimmune condition in which these super antibodies continue to attack your body’s healthy cells. The only treatment is to suppress your immune system to suppress its inaccurate immune response. 

The most common autoimmune diseases today are as follows:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
  • Lupus
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Crohn’s Disease

This article deals specifically with autoimmune arthritis, but those common ailments are worth noting. 

Who does autoimmune disease impact? 

autoimmune arthritis

Autoimmune diseases affect more than 23.5 million people in the United States. Today, it’s the leading cause of disability and death. Anyone can get an autoimmune disease, but certain groups are at greater risk. 

  • Individuals with a family history: Autoimmune diseases run in families. Different autoimmune diseases can affect various members of one family. If you inherit a particular gene, you are more at risk of an autoimmune disease. 
  • Childbearing age women: Women are more likely to have an autoimmune disease that often shows up during their childbearing years. 
  • Individuals in specific environments: Exposure to certain things can cause autoimmune diseases such as bacterial or viral infections, chemicals, and sunlight.
  • Specific ethnic backgrounds: Autoimmune diseases are more common for certain people groups.  

What are arthritis autoimmune diseases? 

Many types of autoimmune diseases attack your joints. Some of the most common autoimmune arthritis include:

  • Palindromic rheumatism: This is a rare type of arthritis. It affects the joints in your wrists, knees, and fingers. It causes painful swelling, fever, and stiffness. 
  • Spondyloarthritis: This arthritic condition attacks your spine and joints. 
  • Juvenile arthritis: Approximately 300,000 kids in the United States suffer from this autoimmune condition. It causes eye inflammation, fever, rashes, and joint pain. 
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA): RA is the most common type of autoimmune arthritis. It causes painful swelling in the small joints of your hands and feet. It can also attack your knees and shoulders. 
  • Psoriatic Arthritis: It affects people thirty to fifty years of age. The arthritic autoimmune part of this condition starts approximately ten years after they develop psoriasis. 

What is rheumatism?

If your grandma talked about her rheumatism, she might have been talking about her painful joints. People often use the words rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis interchangeably. Rheumatism is a medical condition with painful swelling and inflammation of your joints, connective tissues, and muscles. Rheumatism comes from the old Greek word “rheum,” which means flow. The idea was that you had flowing humors that caused pain and stiffness in your body. So in ancient times, if someone had “troubled with rheum,” they probably had rheumatism.

18 Symptoms of Autoimmune Arthritis That Most People Ignore

Here are eighteen common symptoms of this autoimmune disease. 

1. Pain or achiness in more than one joint may indicate autoimmune arthritis

It’s normal to feel stiff occasionally, especially if you’ve been doing lots of physical exercises. But if you feel achy and constant pain in all your joints, it could be a symptom of rheumatoid arthritis. 

2. Stiffness in more than one joint may point to rheumatoid arthritis

We often chalk stiffness up to getting older and constant use. If you played sports in school, you might feel the effects of it later in life. But if you have noticeable stiffness in every joint, don’t ignore it. These symptoms result from sports back then but could be an autoimmune problem like rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or other arthritic conditions. 

3. Tenderness and swelling 

Some of the first noticeable signs of RA are swelling and tenderness in your joints. It hurts to touch them. They may get red and feel inflamed. The swelling occurs because fluid builds up around and in your joints. The swelling can also cause long-term joint damage. 

4. Unintended weight loss

If you haven’t changed your diet or started exercising but notice you’re dropping pounds, you should monitor your health. Unexplained weight loss may seem like a blessing, but it’s a red flag for several health conditions, including autoimmune arthritis. Weight loss is an easy symptom to ignore. It usually accompanies painful joints and fatigue. In addition, autoimmune diseases affect your digestive tract and cause loss of appetite resulting in weight loss. These symptoms can alert your doctor to test you for an autoimmune condition. 

5. Fever with no other cause

Random fevers with no other symptoms or causes are hallmark signs of an autoimmune disease. Fever is a crucial characteristic of these conditions. These fevers may come and go, lasting a day and then vanishing for weeks. These fever symptoms are common with juvenile arthritis, an autoimmune disease that affects kids from six months to sixteen years old. 

6. Fatigue or tiredness could signify autoimmune arthritis

Your life is busy with school, work, kids, and home. Feeling tired at the end of the day is normal. But if you always feel tired, it could be more than ordinary tiredness. Tiredness and fatigue are common symptoms of this disease. Autoimmune diseases stress your body, releasing inflammatory proteins into your blood. These proteins make you feel worn out and exhausted. Don’t overlook fatigue, especially if you have other symptoms of autoimmune diseases. 

7. Swelling of the connective tissue

Painful connective tissue swelling is a common sign of an autoimmune disease. Brushing off these symptoms at first is easy because everyone experiences aches and pains. However, the constant swelling kicks it up a notch and usually prompts a visit to a rheumatologist for a diagnosis. 

8. Swollen fingers and toes 

Some people with rheumatoid arthritis have swollen hands, fingers, and toes. Some report their digits swell until they look like sausages. These symptoms make it hard to do your normal activities. However, there are natural remedies that help provide relief from swelling and pain. 

  • Exercise: It seems counter-intuitive, but exercise can help reduce pain and swelling from RA. Check with your doctor before you start.
  • Acupuncture: Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of Chinese medicine for pain relief. 
  • Heat and cold: Cold reduces swelling while heat warms up the joints. 
  • Massage: Another natural pain reliever is massage. There are different types of massage, so you might want to talk to the massage therapist about which type is best for relieving pain and swelling. One small study found massage therapy to be low to moderate regarding pain relief. Other studies are inconclusive; however, it is an option worth asking your doctor about.


9. Reduced range of motion is common with autoimmune arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis causes inflammation which can damage your joints, making it hard for you to move freely. This limited range of motion develops slowly. As a result, individuals with RA often develop deformed hands and feet. 

10. Morning stiffness

Morning stiffness is due to inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis. Your immune system is on high alert and attacks your tissues. It mistakes for bacteria or viruses, causing the painful inflammation and stiffness you feel. To help ease your stiffness and pain, practice these tips. 

  • Begin your day moving slowly. Do gentle stretches and movements to warm up your joints.
  • Heated blankets help ease the stiffness of morning
  • Take your medication while in bed to give it time to begin working. 
  • Use natural joint creams.
  • Eat a healthy breakfast to boost strength and gut health. 

11. Nail changes may reveal autoimmune arthritis

Not everyone with rheumatoid arthritis experiences finger or toenail changes. Those who do complain of:

  • Ridges on their nails
  • Yellow nails
  • Nails lifting off the nail bed
  • Red streaks under nails
  • Club form, so nails grow downward 

12. Redness and pain of the eye

People with RA may experience dry eyes, irritations in the eye, redness, or pain. Not everyone with this autoimmune disease experiences these eye problems, but they can be beginning symptoms that get misdiagnosed as some other condition. 

13. Problems with the lungs and heart

RA causes chronic inflammation, which leads to scarring. The scar tissue makes your lung tissue stiff and makes breathing difficult. This autoimmune disease also increases your risk of hardened and blocked arteries and inflammation of areas around your heart. 

14. Joints may be warm to the touch

Rheumatoid arthritis makes your joints feel as if they’re on fire. Inflammation is to blame for this sensation of hotness your feel in your joints. Some people also get nodules or bumps on their joints. 

15. Weak muscles could reveal a lesser-known autoimmune arthritis

A rare autoimmune disease called Myositis causes chronic inflammation and weakening of your muscles, particularly in your shoulders, neck, back, and hips. Like most autoimmune diseases, it’s unknown what causes this rare disease. 

16. Light pink or red rash

A reddish, butterfly-shaped rash across your cheeks and nose is a common sign of lupus. This red rash often appears after you’ve been outside in the sun. Some autoimmune arthritis causes rashes on your legs or arms. 

17. Growth problems

A form of juvenile arthritis may interfere with a child’s bone and growth development. Often, juvenile arthritis makes your joints grow too quickly or unevenly. 

18. Overall sense of not feeling well

When life is going at full speed, it’s challenging if you’re not feeling well. If you have an overall sense of discomfort along with some of the symptoms listed, it might be worth checking out to see if you have autoimmune arthritis.

autoimmune arthritis

Final thoughts on recognizing the signs of autoimmune arthritis

Autoimmune arthritis is hard to diagnose because many of its symptoms are similar to other health problems. Because it’s so easy to ignore the common symptoms of RA, you might be putting off finding out why you don’t feel well. Don’t hesitate. Take the first step to find out what’s going on with your body and get the help you need. 

Editorial note 8/21/2023: Added links to studies on the use of massage therapy, acupuncture, and exercise for reducing the pain of autoimmune arthritis.

12 Ways Introverts Can Increase Their Extrovert Power

The battery life of introverts tends to be shorter than that of their extrovert counterpart. So how can introverted people find their inner extrovert power and recharge that battery? The key is finding what works best to boost yourself back to a healthy place, and you will find that quiet time often does the trick. 

Some individuals find that social events drain their resources quicker than anything. There may be phases in your life where you have recharging issues, which can run you down to the point of getting physically ill. Once you master how to recharge your batteries, you will find that you live for these moments when you can gain strength and shut off the chaos and noise around you. 

Twelve Ways an Introvert Can Increase Their Extrovert Power

Almost every household has a toolbox. In this box are things like a screwdriver, hammer, drill, and wrench. Each box is different based on the needs of the home. Introverts need a similar “box” of tools that helps them recharge their batteries.

Your needs are different than the person next to you, so your box of tools to boost yourself is diverse. Here are some everyday things that introverts need to utilize to recharge themselves. 

introverted person

1 – The Introvert Must Occasionally Spend a Day on Self-Care

Quiet time for you might mean spending the day at the spa. Many introverts need time for self-care, as it helps them to regroup. Self-care means different things to different people, so you must decide what works best for you. 

Some folks like to spend their “me day” doing yoga, sitting by a lake with a book in hand, or taking a walk in the park. Whatever activities help you feel pampered–you should engage in them. Sure, it’s a little indulgent, but you deserve it. Plus, it’s going to pay you back tenfold as it’s going to help you recharge.

2 – Binge Watch TV

While watching a television show isn’t always the best activity, it can help you to calm down and recharge. If your introvert batteries are near depletion, you may not want to do any activities that require thinking.

Watching TV is great for those who don’t have the brainpower to work through a Sudoku or another puzzle. Enjoying a great show doesn’t require much thought, and laughter is always good healing medicine. 

3 – The Introvert Must Take a Social Media Break

Many introverts find that social media drains the energy right out of them. Sure, you’re connecting with family and friends, but you’re also ingesting a lot of negativities. Rather than scrolling through these pages, why not get outside? Looking at memes is amusing if you don’t have to scroll through all the other garbage to see them. 

4 – Spend Time in Nature

The benefits of nature are vast. Introverts need quiet time, and nature provides ample opportunities for such relaxation. When you’re among the birds, bees, flowers, and trees, you can detach from the stressors of the world around you and recharge your batteries. 

For extra benefits, take your shoes off and walk barefoot, allowing you to feel Mother Earth’s cold against your feet. You can find a nice spot to escape the extrovert-centric society you live in and recharge your batteries while resting your mind. 

5 – An Introvert Needs Rest

If it’s nighttime, you can rest, but there’s nothing wrong with a good power nap during the day, either. Sleep can do wonders for someone who needs to recharge, as you awaken feeling refreshed. 

You can adjust your sleep schedule to accommodate your introvert hangover, which may include going to bed earlier, taking a nap, or sleeping in longer than usual. Ensure you don’t sleep in too late, as it can make you feel worse when you get your circadian rhythm off kilter. It’s a commonplace for you to feel tired after you’ve lost your energy, so what better way to power up than some rest?

6 – Hang Out with Friends or Family Members

Chilling with some of your best friends or family members may be a good recharge their extrovert powers. Although, this is inadvisable for someone extremely depleted. Everybody needs someone to whom they can vent, share philosophies about life, and exchange good conversations. 

While it doesn’t take much energy, it will require a bit from you. However, being around someone positive can be more healing than quiet time for some folks. 


7 – Journaling and the Introvert

Whitney Barkman is a blogger and introvert. She struggled for many years to make it through the day until she discovered how she wasn’t doing what she needed to thrive. Now, she educates other introverts on the importance of quiet time and other solitary activities. 

One thing Barkman highly recommended that helped her was journaling. First, she loved journaling because she could complete the entries alone. Second, it provided an escape. It became the place to release her thoughts and anything weighing her down and draining her resources. 

The best part about journal writing is that you can write whatever you want, and no one will judge you. It’s very commonplace for introverts to hold back their true feelings, so this provides a much-needed outlet. 

8 – Shut Yourself Behind Closed Doors

Introverts can often find their extrovert power at home. Getting out and about is too much for some introverted folks when their batteries run low. A simple activity like closing your bedroom door and enjoying the silence may be all you need. 

Some introverted folks describe it as a full-blown introvert hangover when feeling depleted. Your home base is healing for you, and it’s the spot where you feel safe and secure from what’s happening around you. So go ahead and shut the world out for just a tiny bit, as it will give you the necessary downtime. 

9 – Avoid Sensory Stimulation

Sensory stimulation is a significant energy drain for introverts. There’s no such thing as some quiet time after loud sounds, bright lights, and nauseating aromas. A study published on Research Gate found that introverts and extroverts both process sensory stimulation diversely. 

Going to a supermarket with the bright lights, crowds, and registers chiming might not bother some people, but you may find it exhausting. It would help if you had an introvert sanctuary to help you recharge, and it’s not going to be a shopping mall or grocery store, which the extrovert may prefer. 

10 – Read a Good Book

Curling up with a good book is a great way to divert your mind from the world around you and recharge. It’s common for people with this personality to enjoy spending time in their heads. 

Your inner world can be quite a fascinating place to explore, and it’s very healing and energy-boosting to visit. Books help you to dive deep into your brain, and since this is a solo activity, it’s one way to enhance your battery life. 

11 – Clean and Organize Your Space to Satisfy Your Introverted Tendencies

Cleaning your space doesn’t sound like much fun, but it’s often just what the introvert needs to recharge. An unorganized area is often a depiction of your inner mind. It’s best to declutter your mind and space if you need to recharge. 

12 – Mind Off, Hands On

Maybe your batteries aren’t too low, but you still need activities to help you turn off your brain for a few minutes and allow quiet time. Mindless activities like gardening, knitting, drawing, painting, pottery, or making candles can be beneficial. It will enable you to focus on something other than life and your troubles and give your brain a rest. You can spend this as quiet time or play soothing music to hum along. 


Final Thoughts on How Introverts Can Improve Their Extrovert Power

When collecting tools for your introverted toolbox, you will find that the tiniest things make the most significant impact. Introverts are notorious for having a shorter battery life than others, and there’s nothing wrong with your differences. It would be best if you learned how to channel your energies properly and when it’s time to take a break. 

Nature is the best place to start if you’re struggling to take a break and shut off the chaos around you. There’s something healing about being surrounded by wildlife, having the sun kiss your cheek, and the crisp breeze blowing across your skin. If you’re not a nature person, don’t worry, this list provides several other options to regroup and recharge. 

Did you find any tools you can use? You may have to try a few of these tips before you find the ones that work best for you. However, once you fill your toolbox, you’ll have many options when you feel depleted and regroup.

10 Yoga Poses To Relieve Bloating

Bloating or distention of the abdomen is a horrible feeling that many things can cause. Some folks experience this discomfort when their digestive system is inflamed, yet others have it during their menstrual cycle. Thankfully, yoga poses can help you get rid of your bloated stomach and feel relief.

Ten Yoga Poses to Alleviate Abdominal Bloating

Many yoga poses are geared toward strengthening your core section, which can help reduce the uncomfortable swelling you experience. Don’t worry–science backs the efficacy of yoga to relieve bloating. A study posted on Hindawi Medical Journals showed that people who regularly engage in specific yogic moves could alleviate irritable bowel syndrome and reduce the swelling and discomfort that comes with it.

The key is to do these exercises regularly to prevent swelling. Getting sufficient exercise is the key to helping with any inflammation. Regularly practicing yoga will help alleviate water retention and allow you to have more effortless bowel movements. Are you ready for some anti-bloating yoga? Here are ten of the best poses for this common ailment.

yoga poses

1. Bow Pose

When you strengthen your core muscles, it will reduce the swelling in your abdomen. Some believe the bow pose will energize your organs and stimulate the digestive system. This will help you combat bloating and ease your digestive issues.

1. Lie flat on your belly on your mat. You want to keep your toes engaged in this pose, so press them into the floor. It helps to bend your knees slightly.

2. Use your hands and grab your ankles on the outside, and while you’re holding, flex your feet.

3. Inhale and lift your chest and shoulders until they reach the middle of your head.

4. Exhale and move your legs back using your hands to hold your body firm to the ground.

5. Now, lift your head and look ahead. To enhance this stretch, press the muscles in your thighs as you raise your core.

6. Hold for five breaths.

2. Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose (Yogis call this one the “King of Restorative Yoga Poses”)

Many folks find this pose very relaxing. Many say this is one of the poses that help with menstrual symptoms, lower back pain, as well as stress.

1. Sit on the floor near a wall with plenty of space.

2. Stretch your legs out straight in front of you.

3. Lie on your back, slowly lift your legs upwards, and place them flush against the wall.

4. Keep your feet pointing towards the ceiling.

5. Place your hand on your stomach or at your sides, whichever feels most comfortable to you.

6. Practice breathing in and out deeply. It’s best to stay in this position for fifteen to twenty minutes or as long as you can hold it comfortably.

3. Camel Pose

It’s called a camel pose because when you bend backward, your back resembles the hump of a camel. This deep backbend feels fantastic, and it’s a great way to promote openness in the body.

1. Stand on your knees in the middle of your yoga mat. Keep your knees about two fist lengths apart.

2. Keep your ankles aligned with your knees, which means your toes will be pointing backward.

3. Move your hands to your lower back for support.

4. Do some shoulder rolls by going up, backward, and down.

5. Push your chest towards the ceiling as you move your hips slightly forward.

6. Look at the back wall or the ceiling, but don’t drop your head all the way.

7. If possible, try to reach back and grab your heels. Hold for three to five breaths.

4. Knee to Chest Pose

One of the significant issues with belly pain is a buildup of air. Yoga poses like this one will help to eliminate the excess air.

1. Lie flat on your back on your mat.

2. Bring your knees to your chest area and hold them tight.

3. Hold the pose for ten to twelve seconds and breathe in and out as you’re holding.

4. Release your legs and repeat.

5. Half Lord of the Fishes

Yoga is about twisting; this pose will help enhance digestion by moving your upper body. When your yoga poses restrict your stomach and intestines, it helps to relieve stomach pain.

1. Begin by getting into the Bound Angle pose, where you sit on the floor with your knees bent towards your chest.

2. Extend your left leg straight out in front of you.

3. Now, cross your right leg over the left one, and place your right foot on the floor. It should be lying flat and close to the left knee.

4. Take your left arm and wrap it tight around your right knee and pull your knee towards your chest area. Lengthen your spine by pressing through your hips.

5. Inhale, take your right hand, and reach for the sky as you breathe fresh air.

6. Exhale and clasp your arm. Place the palm of your right hand on the floor and around the other leg. The left elbow should be on the inside of the right knee.

7. Strive to hold this pose for three to six breaths. Switch and do the other side.

6. Cat/Cow Pose (One of the first yoga poses many people master)

When you relax your spine muscles, it helps to improve flow to the digestive tract. Yoga poses like this one can help to aid in getting your food to pass quickly.

1. Get into the baby crawls position where you’re on your hands and knees.

2. Lift your head and tailbone on the inhale but keep your stomach downwards.

3. Exhale and arch your back. Strive to do this pose three to five times.

7. Marichyasana III Pose

The Marichyasana III will help with movement in your digestive system. If you have significant issues with abdominal swelling, add this to the list of yoga poses to help you digest your food easily.

1. Start in the seating pose with your hands resting on either side.

2. Bend your left leg and move your left foot close to your bottom.

3. Make sure your back is straight, reach forward, and lock your right elbow on the inner side of your left knee.

4. Keep your other hand behind you to add support to your pose.

5. Now, twist your core and chest to the left, and support yourself on your knee if you need leverage.

6. When deep into the twist, hold the pose for three to six breaths.

7. Return to the seated pose and try on the right side.

8. Downward Facing Dog (This is one of the best yoga poses for beginners!)

One of the great things about this pose is that it’s so easy even a kid can do it. It’s one of the yoga poses that’s perfect for a distended abdomen.

1. Stand on the floor with your hands and feet touching the ground, and keep your stomach pointed downward.

2. Lift your back towards the ceiling. If done correctly, your body should make a 90-degree angle.

3. Make sure you don’t let your knees touch the ground and hold for three to five breaths.

9. Upward Facing Dog

The upward-facing dog is the reverse of the downward yoga poses. It pushes excess air out and helps your spine to function better.

1. Lay flat on the ground with your belly on the floor.

2. Push your toes into the ground as you raise your head slightly. Use your hands to support you as you do in many yoga poses.

3. Try to lift your belly from the floor, though keep it close. Strive to hold for three to five seconds.

10. Bharadvaja’s Twist

When you’re in pain from bloating, rubbing the area feels great. This is one of the yoga poses that’s like giving your organs a gentle massage. This is perfect for that bloated feeling after a big meal.

Did you know that many foods you eat cause excessive gas and inflammation? According to The Cleveland Clinic, eating things like beans, cauliflower, peppers, and fried and fatty foods can cause excessive bloating. After consuming such gassy foods, you’ll appreciate this twisting motion.

1. Sit comfortably on the ground and bend your knees to the left. Your feet should be on the right, and your ankles will rest on the left foot.

2. Engage your sitting bones and push them deep into the mat.

3. Inhale and allow your spine to lengthen.

4. Exhale and twist your body to the left. It’s okay if you feel your right hip lift from the floor.

5. Lastly, turn your head. As you make this turn, press the fingers of your left hand into the ground.

6. Stay in this twisted pose as you inhale and exhale for a few breaths.

7. Release your hands and move your core to the front to come out of the pose.

8. Repeat on the right side.

Final Thoughts on Yoga Poses to Relieve Bloating


Many yoga poses can help with painful bloating, but you must choose the ones that can accommodate your stretching abilities. With yoga, there are many ways to modify the poses for those with back, neck, or other issues. However, when you implement these movements into your day, you will notice a remarkable reduction in your stomach issues.

10 Ways to Release Parental Trauma

Parental trauma is a painful echo from your past that can affect your mental health for a lifetime. It affects every personal and professional relationship you have in many diverse ways. How can you overcome the trauma and begin the healing process?

Meet Elaine, a woman in her early forties, happily married, and a mother of three. She and her husband run a successful home business. They also care for the kids and all the chores for daily living. Most days, Elaine stays focused on her work and responsibilities as a wife and mother. However, she was diagnosed with anxiety and depression that often overwhelms her. She attributes much of her mental health issues to parental trauma from childhood.

While Elaine has many wonderful childhood memories, they are overshadowed by her father’s verbal and physical abuse. He went through cycles of being the good, fun-loving dad to a raging monster. She remembers hiding in a closet while her father screamed and threatened her helpless mother.

It took years of therapy for Elaine to realize that the terrible abuse she kept hidden manifested as headaches, panic, and mental health issues. Even when she hears screaming and abuse on television dramas, it triggers her anxiety.

Although it happened over thirty years ago, the parental trauma is fresh in her mind. Her father is now in his seventies, and she sometimes tries to discuss the abuse. But he denies any wrongdoing. She tries to have a relationship with him, but the issues remain without a healing conversation.

Three Primary Types of Parental Abuse

parental trauma

It’s a common misconception that child abuse is only beating or sexually assaulting a child. Other forms of abuse can be just as painful and long-lasting.

1. Verbal abuse

Verbal abuse includes screaming, threatening, cursing, and calling the child cruel and terrible names.

2. Emotional abuse

When a parent or other adult demeans a child and tries to compare them to others, it’s emotional abuse.

3. Neglect

Child abuse includes not only crimes of commission but also includes those of omission. Neglecting the needs of a child for food, shelter, clothing, schooling, medical care, love, and acceptance is abuse.

Ten Ways to Release Parental Trauma and Start Healing Your Soul

If you’re a survivor of childhood abuse, you’re not alone. According to statistics from The National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse, this form of maltreatment isn’t exclusive. It occurs across all cultural and ethnic lines, within all religions, and at every socioeconomic and educational level.

If past childhood trauma continues to affect your adult life, there’s hope. You don’t have to be the scared little one hiding in a closet anymore. Here are ten ways to learn how to deal with the past and live a brighter future.

1. Acknowledge the Parental Trauma

The first step toward healing from parental trauma is to acknowledge it and the pain it’s caused. Frequently, people try to cope by pretending it didn’t happen. Maybe your memories are too hurtful or make you feel embarrassed, so you bury them in your mind.

It’s difficult to admit that the adults who were supposed to be your loving parents hurt you. You probably still love them and may feel guilty or disloyal by acknowledging their faults. However, your mental health depends on confronting the painful truth.

2. Realize the Parental Trauma Wasn’t Your Fault

An article published by the School of Osteopathic Medicine discusses the feelings of shame from childhood maltreatment, like parental trauma. Many times, the perpetrator shifts the blame to the child. The abuse makes you want to hide and feel guilty and ashamed.

First, realize that you were a child, and the trauma wasn’t your fault. If one or both of your parents tried to blame you, that was part of the abuse. Visualize your hurting inner child, hug them, and tell them they were never to blame.

3. Focus on the Positive So You Can Start Healing

Focusing on positivity can be helpful when you’re learning to put parental trauma behind you. Being an optimist doesn’t mean you deny the past. It means that you’ve acknowledged the trauma and are using positive energy to go forward.

When you send positive affirmations into the Universe, it attracts the same. Instead of being the victim, you proclaim that you are a survivor. You are strong, and you’ll accomplish the goals you’ve set for your life.

4. Practice Meditation

The benefits of meditation are many, including boosting your mental health. It’s been practiced for thousands of years to help people learn how to live in the present. Unlike rumination, meditation casts no judgment and doesn’t cling to negative assumptions.

If you’ve experienced parental trauma, consider practicing this ancient art. You can gain greater awareness and clarity as you focus on your breath. You can confront your negative experiences and emotions with compassion and release them.

5. Learn to Recognize Emotional Triggers

The pain from parental trauma leaves a marked trail of emotional triggers. Although the events may have occurred decades ago, certain stimuli can make them seem like they are happening now. Your emotional health becomes fragile because you are hypersensitive to anything that triggers negative memories.

For example, maybe one or both of your parents were verbally abusive. They raged and belittled you if you left a minor thing undone while cleaning. As an adult, seeing anything untidy sends your anxiety into high gear.

Once you recognize your emotional triggers, you can try to minimize them. Plus, you may understand their root causes and gradually lessen your reaction. Emotional triggers are a common symptom of post-traumatic stress syndrome or PTSD.

parental trauma

6. Seek Refuge in Nature

The great outdoors can be a healing salve when you’re tempted to worry about past hurts. Try to spend some time each day outside to breathe fresh air and take in the beauty of nature. If you don’t have any forests close, visit a city park or any green space of grass, trees, flowers, and wildlife.

Regardless of what happens, the sun still rises, and the moon and stars shine at night. The birds still sing, and the bees and butterflies kiss each flower they touch. The storms of your past don’t have to shadow the sunshine of your present.

7. Start a Healing Journal

Have you ever noticed that it’s easier to put something down on paper than to say it? No wonder people have been writing in journals for centuries. It gives a voice to what your heart and soul are feeling.

Dealing with past parental trauma can leave countless things unsaid. You can record anything you like in your journal; thankfully, these writings are for your eyes only. Some write letters to their parents in journals about how the abuse has affected them.

8. Get Help with Substance Abuse (It Often Comes From Past Parental Trauma)

Mental health issues and substance abuse often go together. Anxiety and depression can build up until your mind desperately seeks release. Substance abuse like drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and overeating are temporary fixes, but they create their problems.

Consider talking to a mental health professional if your addiction is linked to past childhood abuse. Many programs are geared toward recovery and learning to cope with the core issues. Even if your addiction is shopping, gambling, or gaming, you can get the help you need.

9. Follow a Healthy Diet

Let’s face it, when you’re ruminating about the past and feel stressed, you probably don’t reach for kale. Instead, you reach for classic comfort foods laden with sugar, salt, and fat. Childhood trauma can affect your eating habits throughout your life.

According to an article published by The University of Southern California, children subjected to abuse are more at risk of developing adult obesity. Food becomes their coping mechanism and makes them feel safe and happy. Unfortunately, overeating can continue into adulthood and lead to severe health conditions.

Instead, adopt a healthy diet with lean proteins, low-fat dairy, vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and heart-healthy fats. Try to avoid overly processed junk food. Discuss an eating plan that’s right for you with a registered dietician.

10. Create an Exercise Regimen

Do you often want to hit something when you feel angry and stressed? Positively redirect this energy by exercising. Switching a punching bag or running laps can lower your stress, get your body in better shape, and promote emotional healing.

Even taking a walk around the block each day can strengthen your muscles, joints, and bones. Mindful exercises like yoga and tai chi include gentle poses and stretches that are beneficial. Plus, exercising can increase endorphins in your brain and give you a feeling of well-being.


Final Thoughts on Learning How to Release Parental Trauma

Unfortunately, childhood isn’t always the beautiful fairytales it should be in your life. If you’re an adult survivor of child abuse, you’ve already proven that you’re a strong person.

You have the power to overcome the victim mindset and stop the cycle of abuse for you, your children, and your grandchildren. Your mental health needs you to release these issues and move on to focusing on the present.

10 Signs Your Best Friend Is Your Soulmate

When you mention the word soulmate, most people automatically think about lovers. However, there are relationships outside of romantic ones that can have attachments that are soul deep. You form a rare bond with a best friend, someone who is always by your side.

This person has your back when the rest of the world turns against you, and they’re not going to leave your side during one of life’s storms. When it comes to your achievements, they are your most powerful support system. Their devotion is unwavering, and they’re cheering you on no matter what you attempt to accomplish in life.

While you’ve had many friends, their friendship is notable because it’s unique and on a whole other level. They’re honest, comfort you in times of need, and are more reliable than any lover you’ve ever had. These types of friendships don’t come around very often, but they last a long time, as they’re special.

When you have someone like this in your life, their love and devotion are bliss. You can’t imagine your life without them. Even better–they feel the same way about you.

Signs of a Soulmate Friend

Do you have a deep friendship with someone you feel worthy of the soulmate title? Here are some common signs that this person is your other half and the one who completes you.

best friend

1. Your Soulmate Is Your Biggest Cheerleader

Everyone needs a person that encourages and supports them. Having a cheering section for whatever endeavors you try is imperative for success. Your friendship is your soulmate because they’re the first person to congratulate you and recognize your achievements.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve accomplished the most minor thing; they never let it go without being celebrated. Without this person whispering words of encouragement continuously to you, you don’t know how you would have made it so far in this life. Their support gives you the courage and strength to keep going when you feel like throwing in the towel.

2. You Can’t Imagine Your Life Without Your Best Friend

Your relationship is so deep that you have your language with each other. You have phrases and looks that only the two of you can decipher. It’s not only the present that you share but also your past that allows you to have such a connection.

The two of you share a history, so this allows you to talk about your memories and adventures together. Many of the greatest moments of your life include them. Moreover, you can’t fathom a life without them in it, and your mind can’t comprehend such an existence.

If friendships were gems, yours would be a ruby. You wouldn’t trade them for any amount of money in this world. When you examine your happiness, you realize that they are one of the main reasons you smile.

3. A Soulmate Will Never Judge You

Sure, you have things you’ve done in your past that you’re not proud of, but your soulmate never judges you. They would never dream of having a judgmental attitude toward you as they understand that no one makes perfect choices.

Are there times when you disagree or even spat with one another? Sure, you spend so much time together that you can’t always get along. However, you both say your peace and move on quickly. You don’t resort to childish games as you genuinely have each other’s best interests.

Your soulmate isn’t afraid to tell you when you need to face some harsh realities. They’ll never be judgmental and rude if they get mad at you. Consequently, they won’t sugarcoat things, as they have no problems telling you when you’ve done wrong.

4. You Miss Your Soulmate Terribly When You’re Apart

You two are inseparable and go together like a sock and shoe. When you’re apart, there’s not a minute that they’re not in your thoughts. You miss them deeply, as it feels like your souls are intertwined.

If you go to a social gathering without them, your mind can’t help but wonder what they’re doing. You wish they were there as parties aren’t nearly as fun without them by your side. One unique thing about your friendship is that you crave their presence continually, and you feel the happiest when they’re by your side.

5. Your Best Friend Is a Part of Your Family

Your friendship crosses traditional lines, and this person feels like family. Ironically, your family accepts them as one of them, and their relatives feel the same about you. When there’s a birthday or holiday celebration, they’re invited just like everyone else in the group.

The bond seems so close that you must remind yourself that you’re not related by blood. They blend seamlessly into your family and even occasionally argue with your siblings. When it comes to their family, you can stop by and visit without them being with you, as you feel like they’re your parents and siblings too.


6. You Are a Tiny Bit Jealous of Their Other Friendships

You can’t help yourself, as you feel jealous of your friend’s other relationships. If someone dares to call them their “best friend,” you would be ready to fight. When someone tries to get closer than you to your soulmate, you feel jealousy and want to push them away.

You don’t want to share this person with anyone else, as their friendship is priceless. You must be careful because jealousy can destroy romantic and platonic relationships alike. Dr. Rhonda Lipscomb, a counselor and life coach in Colorado, states that jealousy often stems from the feeling of losing control.

She further states that this emotion has deep roots in insecurity. The feelings of not being good enough can affect all types of relationships, but they’re undoubtedly common among friends. It’s essential to allow yourself to open the innermost parts of your heart to those who are trustworthy, as it will enable you to develop stronger bonds.

7. Your Bond is Unbreakable

If your friends for any length of time, there will be arguments. It’s impossible not to have some simple misunderstandings when you’re together so much. However, you’re not going to let a disagreement come between you, as you’re both eager to make amends after a fight.

Even if your current love relationship doesn’t last long, you know that the devotion you and your friend have will be there until you’re in your golden years. Yes, lovers may come and go, but your friend is your rock and cornerstone in life.

8. You Call Them First During a Crisis

When you’re in a crisis, there’s just one person that you want to call. You know that they will have the correct answers and be able to calm you down. Through thick and thin, you know they have your back. Even if the crisis is self-inflicted, they will not judge you but offer unwavering support.

9. Your Soulmate Has No Problem Telling You If You’re Wrong

Telling someone, they’re wrong is not something you like to do when you have a close bond. However, your soulmate has no problem putting you in your place. Telling each other necessary truths is essential. Thankfully, you two have mastered it in your relationship.

You love that this person has no hidden agenda when it comes to you, and they only have your best interests at heart. When they come to you and tell you that you’ve done something wrong, you know it’s coming from a place of love, and you need to take heed.

10. They Know Everything About You, Even Your Secrets

Vulnerability is essential in a good relationship, and you certainly have mastered that between you two. They know everything there is to know about you, as you don’t keep secrets from one another. Even if there are things you won’t share with your romantic partner, you have no qualms about sharing them with your friend.

You can be very open and honest in telling them difficult things. The air of comfort that surrounds you two is thick, and you like how your relationship has developed. According to Dr. Lisa Firestone, humans were created for socializing.

Conversely, many people want to develop deep and meaningful relationships but resist being vulnerable to get to those levels. It’s the very act of vulnerability that makes having these connections possible.

She further states that the urge to be closed off often happens in childhood, as children are keen observers. Kids can develop a “critical inner voice” that closes them off from people and doesn’t allow vulnerability to happen. Without this susceptible side, any relationship cannot have intimate interactions.


Final Thoughts on Having a Best Friend Who is Also Your Soulmate

Do you have a friend who ranks high enough to be called your soulmate? If you’ve found such a person in your life, you’ve found a gem.

This person allows you to ask for what you need, will enable you to expose your innermost secrets, and teaches you to slow down and be present. They improve the world; you can’t imagine your life without them.

10 Signs of Dog Dementia to Never Ignore

Canine Cognitive Dysfunction (CCD), or dog dementia, is a canine memory disorder that causes symptoms similar to Alzheimer’s. As a dog ages, the brain can develop dog dementia. This condition causes changes in their memory, ability to learn, and behavior. Dogs over ten are most at risk, particularly inactive canines. Because dog dementia is similar to human dementia, it’s essential to know your dog’s signs of canine cognitive dysfunction. Here are ten signs to never ignore. 

Are certain breeds at risk for dog dementia? 

There’s no particular breed that’s prone to CCD. Any dog can develop it, but small dogs like terriers and toys are at a higher risk of developing dementia. It may be because small dogs live longer than larger dogs. Larger breeds can develop dog dementia as early as ten. 

Do veterinarians diagnose dog dementia?

study with older dogs estimated the frequency of CCD in dogs aged 11. and how often vets encounter the condition. Interestingly, there was a 14.2% prevalence of CCD, but only 1.9% of these got a formal diagnosis from a vet. These results mean dog owners are most likely to notice CCD in their pets. You may be aware of some behaviors that seem off in your dog but aren’t sure it’s dementia. 

dog dementia

Ten signs of dog dementia most pet owners don’t know

Check out these ten signs of dog dementia that you may have ignored in the past.

1. Disorientation might stem from dog dementia

If your dog has CCD, you’ll notice they’re increasingly disoriented. Your pup might forget where its water dish is or get lost heading to bed. Dogs with CCD get stuck under the table and run into things. As your dog’s dementia worsens, they might forget their name or not recognize familiar people. They might not even identify you. The disorientation makes them feel stressed, so they look and act confused. You might need to help your senior dog navigate furniture in your home and help them find their bed. 

2. Accidents in the house can reveal CCD

If your housebroken dog suddenly starts having accidents inside, it could be any number of things causing it. It’s worth a vet trip to rule out infections or other conditions. But, accidents are a common sign of the beginning stages of CCD. Your pet’s brain changes, making it difficult for your dog to remember how to do their business outside. 

It’s a challenge if your dog is doing this, and you’ll need advice from your vet on how to help your pup. You might need to start taking them outside more often to avoid messes. 

3. Behavior changes may indicate dog dementia

Some dogs who experience dementia become more aggressive towards people and other pets. It’s hard to control aggression in dogs. If you’re unsure of the causes of your dog’s behavior, it’s essential to see your vet. Your dog’s vet can rule out other health problems like arthritis. Other behavior changes include:

  • Wandering around the house
  • Pacing in circles
  • Your canine cannot stay still
  • Won’t play anymore
  • Doesn’t want attention like petting
  • They don’t get excited when they see familiar people
  • Need extra attention than before

4. Confusion can stem from CCD

Dogs with canine cognitive dysfunction get confused easily, even at home. Confusion in your dogs looks like 

  • Forgetting commands like “sit” or “come.”
  • Leaning against a wall and head pressing against it
  • Getting stuck in the corner
  • A puzzled look on their face

If you notice these things happening to your dog, don’t ignore them. If you don’t feel comfortable taking your poor confused dog to your vet, shoot a video on your phone and then show it to your vet. 

5. Sleep changes might indicate CCD

Dog dementia interferes with your dog’s sleep. They may roam around the house all night and sleep all day. Similar to dementia in humans, dogs are affected by “sundowning,” which keeps them awake and agitated during the night. They might also howl, bark or whine during the night. 


6. Separation anxiety might be dog dementia

While some dogs are less interested in being with family, others are incredibly anxious if you’re away from them. They may follow you around the house to be sure they know where you are. Other CCD behavior related to separation anxiety includes:

  • Whine when you’re in a different room
  • Panting
  • Barking 
  • Howling 
  • Destructive behavior 

7. Staring at nothing could indicate dog dementia

It’s common for dogs with CCD to spend long periods staring out at walls or into space. Some dogs lean on a wall or press their head against a wall. It’s unclear why dogs with CCD stare at walls. However, it might be one of your dog’s first signs of dementia. 

8. Repetitive or restless movements could be canine cognitive dysfunction

Restlessness is common in older dogs. It could be due to arthritis in their joints. Moving around helps them loosen up. But if your elderly dog has dog dementia, they may move around out of restlessness. Repetitive movement like head bobbing, pacing, and leg shaking. These movements are signs of cognitive dysfunction and brain degeneration. 

9. Trouble eating and drinking might be CCD

If your canine has CCD, they may have trouble drinking and eating. They may not be able to find their food or water bowls. Or they drop food out of their mouth and can’t find it. These are symptoms of cognitive problems; you should not ignore them. For example, if your dog sticks up his nose at his favorite treat he usually loves, you may buy another treat, thinking they’re tired of the other one. Your dog’s lack of interest in their favorite treat could be a sign there’s something else going on for them, like dog dementia. 

10. Canines may become less active due to dog dementia

Dogs with CCD are less active. They may refuse to explore and don’t respond to you like they used to. Your dog may act frightened by sounds and activities going on around them. Your dog may not get up to greet you or guests but lie in their bed and stare at you. 

What should you do first if your dog has dementia? 

It’s sad to watch your sweet dog go through these changes. You may feel frightened by the sudden onset of dementia in your dog. Good chance there were signs, but you didn’t notice them. If you suspect your dog has CCD, take them to the vet. Several treatable medical conditions mimic dog dementia. In addition, diseases like brain tumors, tick-borne diseases, and inner ear infections mimic symptoms of CCD. 

What can you do at home for your dog with CCD? 

If your dog has dementia, there are several things you can do to help them feel more secure and comfortable at home. 

  • Diet change: Diets rich in antioxidants can reduce cognitive decline in dogs with CCD. You may also want to try supplements to relieve the symptoms. 
  • Medication: Your vet may prescribe hydrochloride to help control CCD symptoms. Antianxiety and depression medication may also help. 
  • Keep a routine: Try to avoid making too many changes. For example, please don’t move the furniture or your dog’s bed because it’s confusing to a dog with dementia. Instead, follow a regular daily routine. 
  • Give your dog more potty breaks: You might need to take your dog outside to pee every two hours to avoid accidents inside the house. 
  • Exercise: Regular exercise is vital for your dog’s mental health. Find ways to stimulate their brain with a new toy or go for a walk somewhere new for your dog. 
  • Expose your dog to sunlight: Exposure to sunlight can help your dog’s sleep cycle. Sunlight helps your dog’s body produce melatonin, a sleep hormone. 
  • Pet-proof the house: Put away items your dog might get into or chew on. 
  • Doggie diapers: You may need to invest in dog diapers to avoid accidents in the house. 
  •  Anipryl: This prescription drug can alleviate some of your dog’s symptoms. It increases dopamine activity in your dog’s brain. However, it doesn’t work for all dogs. 
  • Try supplements: Omega3 fatty acids, SAMs, Vitamin E, Cholodin, Soliquin, and melatonin to help your dog sleep. Ask your vet about the dosage of these supplements. 
  • Herbal remedies: Neutricks-Made from a protein found in a particular species of jellyfish, studies show it’s safe and could help with dementia symptoms. They come in dog chews, so it’s easy to give to your dog. 
  • Chinese herbs: You may want to consult with a Chinese veterinarian who uses acupuncture and herbal remedies to help your pet find relief. 

dog dementia

Final thoughts of knowing the signs of dog dementia

Canine Cognitive Dysfunction or dog dementia is similar to Alzheimer’s disease. Like humans, dogs are more susceptible to CCD in advancing age. All dogs can get CCD, but smaller dogs like toys or terriers are at a higher risk. Also, dogs over ten are more prone to dog dementia. If you notice your dog is behaving differently, looking confused, having accidents in the house, or suddenly acting aggressively, don’t ignore it. These may be signs of a severe disease or dog dementia. Be sure to take your dog to the vet immediately to rule out other things. Fortunately, you can do some things to help your pet feel more comfortable. 

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