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8 Signs Someone Is Quiet Quitting

8 Signs Someone Is Quiet Quitting

How can you tell if your coworker is quiet quitting? They may not even mention resigning, but they checked out long ago. Could it be that they have burnout and are searching for another job or way to fulfill them in life?

Very few people get a job when they’re young and stay there until they retire. According to statistics published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average person has almost twelve and a half jobs in a lifetime. These are averages of those who were born after 1964. People aged eighteen to twenty-four hold half of those jobs.

Of course, some of these jobs represent promotions within the same company. You may have had fewer or more in your work history, which may be dependent on your health and other circumstances. It only makes sense to move on when the pay, benefits, and satisfaction are more significant than in your current position.

Two Ways People Experience Work Burnout and (Eventually) Quit Their Jobs

How do you know if one of your colleagues is quiet quitting? There’s more than one way that people leave their job. It can be done by resigning amicably or with a negative fall-out, depending on the person and situation. Here are some ways you can quit.

quiet quitting

  • Resigning the Classic Way With a Two-Week Notice

In most instances, you find a better job with better pay and turn in a two-week notice as a courtesy to the employer. The boss and all your coworkers know you’re leaving and wish you the best. You may miss the present position or be grateful you’re resigning to move on.

  • The Hard Quit aka Blaze of Glory aka Burning Bridges

Unfortunately, not all work environments are conducive to safe and happy employees. Maybe you’ve had at least one job in your life that was so bad that you left without notice. You packed up your things and walked out without resigning, even though you had no job prospects. Or you might know someone who quit in anger and severed all ties with the employer.  It happens when employee burnout reaches unbearable levels. This frustration can arise from unrealistic and demanding employers, lack of job growth, unfair practices, or low pay. Regardless of the reason, you do not plan to return. Ever.

What is Quiet Quitting?

Quiet quitting is a relatively new name for a process that employees have done for ages. It’s usually when someone has burnout or is constant strife with management and other staff. Most people leaving a job they love don’t resort to this silent parting of ways.

Quitting quietly can last for months, not just a week or two. It’s when you no longer have a vested interest in your job and do what’s only minimally required to keep employment. You may have burnout, and it’s the only way to cope with the stress.

Is Your Colleague (or Employee) Quiet Quitting?

It can be sad to watch someone you’ve worked with for years struggle and be unhappy at work, yet resigning is not an option. Often, it could be a home situation affecting their mood. Different life stressors can change a person’s work habits and performance.

However, there comes a time when an employee is burned out and needs a change. They may stay on the down low because they need another job before they leave the present one. These are eight signs that someone is quiet quitting that you should know.

1. Quiet Quitting Comes From a Lack of Enthusiasm and Passion

It doesn’t take a lot of intuition to notice a new employee. They are bright-eyed, curious, and eager to learn everything they can about the job. Newbies often work longer hours and develop a passion for their work.

One of the first signs you’ll notice about a quiet coworker quitting is that the flame is gone. They only say what’s necessary about work-related issues and don’t go the extra mile. They no longer have a vision for the company and may make snide comments that show their unhappiness.

2. Employee Burnout Equals Reduced Productivity

When you’re in a job you love, your tasks may seem more pleasurable than work. A satisfied employee will not only do what’s required but also go above and beyond. According to an article published by Glassdoor Economic Research, higher salaries don’t necessarily create job satisfaction.

Burnout is a common problem in most careers, especially those with high stress levels. Even if you make more money, your attitude may become jaded because of disappointments and unrealistic expectations. If your fellow employee isn’t on top of things anymore, these issues may be why they want to leave.

3. Quiet Quitting Employees Are No Longer Team Players

When employees work together as a team, everybody wins. Being an excellent team player is often a strength people highlight on their resumes. Teamwork builds morale and creates strong professional confidence.

Your colleague may be quiet quitting if they start distancing themselves from a team project. They’ll do the minimum expectation and won’t offer a bit more. While they were once a significant contributor, their voice is now almost silent.


4. Ignoring the Time Clock

There are different ways that workers get paid for the hours they work. Hourly employees usually have a set time for arrival, lunch, breaks, and ending of their day. Some companies use the honor system, while most depend on a time clock.

Salaried employees get a set wage and have more flexible hours. Whether hourly or salary, you’re expected to be punctual and productive. Those who aren’t will soon find themselves on the unemployment line.

If you value your job, you’re mindful of your time and don’t cheat on your hours. You may come in early and leave late, often without extra pay. Loving what you do doesn’t make that an issue.

You’ll notice when a coworker is experiencing burnout that they’re often late and leave early. They may also take more sick days and use their vacation time. If they quit quietly, they want to be at work as little as possible.

5. Quiet Quitting Could Mean Frequent Absences from Meetings

Almost all jobs and careers require regular meetings with supervisors, colleagues, employees, or clients. Some of these may be in person, by phone, or via a computer app. These are critical times to make announcements, discuss problems, and brainstorm solutions.

Does a specific employee seem disengaged when they attend meetings? They may be playing on their phone or doodling on paper. They aren’t interested in what’s happening.

Participating in endless meetings can be difficult for a dedicated employee, let alone one dissatisfied with their job. Do you have a colleague who has started to be late and miss work meetings? It could be a red flag that they are working their way out the door.

6. The Quiet Quitter May Display Chronic Pessimism

No perfect job or work environment exists, even if you work for yourself. You’ll always encounter problems that need to be solved or new ways of doing things. Change isn’t easy, but a company needs to thrive.

Everyone can have an occasional bad day and flippantly remark about their job, the company, or another coworker. However, such negativity becomes a pattern for those who are quitting quietly. Their countenance reveals their stress and discontentment, and they voice it regularly.

It’s even more revealing if this fellow employee was more positive in the past. Maybe they’ve become cynical and no longer feel a purpose at work. Unfortunately, such pessimism can affect employee morale and create a hostile work environment.

7. More Negative Feedback than Usual

Regardless of your hard work, you’ll never satisfy every boss, colleague, or customer. Some of their criticism may be constructive, and some just plain hateful. A coworker ready to walk will often receive more complaints than usual, affecting morale.

If they are unhappy with their job, their attitude and performance will show it long before they resign. Other employees may complain about having to carry their load. Their people skills may falter, and more customers complain about their services.

Those who care about their position will try to make any improvements necessary. Ones who couldn’t care less may see the negative feedback as even more reason to leave. In the worst-case scenario, such employees may be fired while trying to quit quietly.

8. Quiet Quitting May Display a Sudden Switch to Happiness (right before they leave)

You might have noticed all these signs and have assumed that your coworker is resigning soon. They may seem tense negative, and have lost all interest in their job. Then, suddenly, their mood shifts, and they are on cloud nine.

While they still only do the minimum expectations, they seem distracted happily. Your fellow employee may drop thinly veiled hints that greener pastures are ahead. You might see them whispering on their phone and doing unrelated tasks during work hours.

More than likely, your coworker has lined up another job. They stay in the dark about quiet quitting until they accept the position, then gleefully resign. They may not work out a notice if they are miserable or don’t need the reference. When some folks are burnout, they could care less about working any more than they need to.

quiet quitting

Final Thoughts on Signs of the Phenomenon of Employee Burnout and Quiet Quitting

It’s time for a change when someone dreads going to work and draining them physically, mentally, and emotionally. Their body may be at their desk, but their work ethic is already gone. Quitting quietly may be their only coping tool until a better job opportunity arises.

8 Life Changes When You Quit Procrastinating

Does the self-destructive habit of procrastinating affect your daily life? Once you’re stuck in this pattern, it becomes a downward vortex. Putting things off can prevent you from reaching goals and eventually erode personal and professional relationships.

It’s only human to put off the dreaded chore. An article published by Frontiers in Psychology defines procrastination as irrationally delaying tasks regardless of negative consequences. In other words, you know it will cause you trouble, but you put things off anyway.

Many people reverse the adage and never do today what they can put off until tomorrow. You might be able to delay some tasks without a problem, but many require your immediate action. If you get stuck in this bad habit, you’ll spend every day trying to play catch-up instead of reaching goals.

Eight Beneficial Life Changes When You Quit Procrastinating

The best time to stop putting things off is right now, not tomorrow. You’ll not only get more accomplished, but you’ll feel better about yourself. These are eight changes you’ll be happy to recognize in your life.


1. You’ll Have Fewer Regrets if You Stop Procrastinating

Remember the old saying that opportunity only knocks once? If you’re used to procrastinating, you think you’ll have another chance. However, the only thing that may knock on your door again is a lifetime of regrets.

When you stop putting things off, you take more chances. You’d rather try something and fail than wonder “what if” for the rest of your life. You’ll be braver and more spontaneous when reaching goals.

2. Others Will Trust You More Once You Stop Putting Things Off

Being a person of your word is essential if you want people to trust you. According to an article by Michigan State University, one of the most important aspects of relationships is trust. Family, friends, and colleagues know you’ll do whatever you say.

Unfortunately, procrastinating can make you less dependable. You have good intentions, but putting things off hinders your follow-through. Soon, you are stuck with a whole list of missed commitments and unhappy people.

People in your circle rely on you when you’re punctual, dependable, and finish your obligations. You learn not to overextend yourself, and procrastination won’t be as tempting. When others trust you, reaching goals can be more manageable.

3. Stop Procrastinating for Better Relationships

Procrastinating can create a significant wedge in any relationship, personal or professional. If your partner gets stuck with chores and other obligations you’ve been putting off, they’re bound to get frustrated. You can also risk your job if you’re chronically late on projects for supervisors and clients.

Does your partner often complain that you’re late for dates and miss appointments? They feel stuck with the feeling that you don’t respect or value them. Stop procrastinating and watch how your relationship will flourish.

4. You Can Nip Problems in the Bud

Everyone’s encountered problems and decisions they don’t want to face. By putting them off, you can usually make the situation worse. Procrastinating may help your anxiety, but it will not last.

Instead, determine that you will be proactive and not stall for time. Addressing an issue head-on may stop it from snowballing into a disaster. You’ll also be more decisive when you’re direct and stop procrastinating.

5. You Discover More Potential

Another roadblock procrastinating creates is that it hinders your potential. It can be intimidating to do something you’ve never done. You may lack self-confidence and think reaching goals is too complicated or impossible.

Putting things off can keep you stuck in a rut and prevent you from reaching goals. Once you break the habit, you can realize your potential and do things you never imagined you could. Why be complacent when there’s so much more for your future?

6. You Achieve More of Your Goals if You Stop Procrastinating

Like most people, you have a list of goals you want to accomplish. They can be both short-term and long-term. Maybe your list is in a journal, or you’ve posted it where you can easily see it daily.

Procrastinating on your short-term goals only makes achieving the long-term ones more difficult. Finally, you take a deep breath and complete something on your list. You feel so good that you welcome the challenge to achieve more of your dreams.

7. When You Stop Putting Things Off, You’ll Boost Your Self-Control

Procrastinating is an easy pattern to get stuck in before you realize it. You may have to push yourself to do dreaded but necessary tasks. You keep putting things off until tomorrow, but tomorrow never comes.

For example, how many times do you awaken in the morning full of energy and a list of things to accomplish? You don’t want to think about your list when you arrive home from work. Soon, you have a plethora of unfinished chores, and you can’t make yourself do them.

Does that sound like a familiar issue for you? Breaking the procrastination habit requires self-control. You discipline yourself to complete tasks on time whether you feel like it or not. When you boost your self-control, it benefits you in other areas of your life.

putting things off

8. Stop Procrastinating to Have More Time for Yourself

According to an article by Southern New Hampshire University, self-care is essential for your well-being. It can improve your physical, mental, and spiritual health while lowering the risks of diseases. However, the greatest obstacle to proper self-care is a lack of time.

With all your home, work, and community responsibilities, it’s easy to put yourself last. You’re so busy caring for others that you procrastinate self-care. In the long run, it can harm your health and happiness.

Break the chains of procrastination and give yourself the kindness and attention you deserve. Make time every day for self-care, be it meditation, journaling, doing a hobby, or taking a hot bubble bath. You’ll have more time to devote to yourself and reach goals by not putting things off.

Habits to Help You Stop Procrastinating

Are you ready to kick this frustrating habit and start reaching your goals? It takes patience and determination, but you can do it. Here are some suggestions to consider:

1. Show Yourself Compassion

Now that you admit you have a problem, you’ve made an essential step to overcoming it. Stop beating yourself up over your procrastination habit and learn from your mistakes. If you fall off the wagon daily, pick yourself up and keep going.

2. Break Big Chores into Smaller Tasks

Many people put off doing a big job because it seems too overwhelming. However, it’s easier when you break the job into smaller tasks. As you complete each small task, you’ll have the whole chore done without dread and anxiety.

3. Use a Timer

Let’s say you’ve decided to take time in the evenings to declutter your closet. Use an old-fashioned kitchen timer or one on your smartphone. Work for fifteen minutes and then stop when the alarm rings.

You won’t feel as overwhelmed, and you’ll be less distracted. You’d be surprised what you can accomplish in as little as fifteen minutes daily. You’ll have a reorganized closet and a sense of pride in a well-done job.

4. Minimize Distractions

Distractions are surrounding one of the greatest hindrances to doing things promptly. You may waste time checking unimportant emails, surfing the Internet, or posting on social media. Perhaps you get stuck in a conversation with a chatty person on the phone.

Avoid these pitfalls by keeping your phone silent and staying off the computer while working. If your tasks are computer-oriented, stay off social media and other timewasters until the job is done. You may even consider earplugs if noise is distracting you.

5. Do the Dreaded First

People are more likely to delay complex tasks or those they don’t enjoy. It’s not very exciting to clean the garage or paint the eaves on the house. Inside chores like doing the laundry and washing dishes also aren’t very amusing.

Are there chores you need to do before you can do something you enjoy? The sooner you get them out of the way, the sooner you can relax and have fun. Do what you hate most first, and you’ll have the rest of your day for more pleasant things.

6. Reward Yourself

Yes, the reward is a job well done, but it helps to give yourself some incentives. For example, tell yourself that when you declutter and organize your closet, you’ll buy a new closet system to keep it that way. Another option is to go on a little weekend getaway when you get the front porch painted.


Final Thoughts on Life Changes When You Stop Procrastinating

Putting things off only makes your life more complicated in the long run. Once you conquer this bad habit, you’ll have a greater sense of accomplishment. Also, you’ll stop putting off joy and have it more abundantly.

16 Quotes That Deliver Powerful Love Lessons

Love is one of the best parts of life. It can promote strong bonds, positive relationships, and comforting feelings you’ll remember forever. Everyone wants to experience these parts of life, but they must also understand some essential love lessons that accompany romance.

Love is an emotion that brings so much meaning to life. We’re all born with it, although our idea of it evolves. We all need this emotion, despite our age or background.

Experts imply that love is essential for happiness and positive well-being and can prevent or ease depression. Quotes with love lessons can help inspire, motivate, and remind you of all it means. Love is all around us, whether you feel it every moment.

Sixteen Romance Quotes That Deliver Powerful Love Lessons

These love lessons quotes can remind you of the meaning while allowing you to embrace the meaningful relationships in your life. Whether it’s a romance or another loving relationship, these quotes can be a reminder of the fulfillment it can bring. You’ll notice a positive change if you remember the power of love and how it impacts you.

love lessons

1. “Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get, only with what you are expecting to give, which is everything.” – Katharine Hepburn

When you’re in love, what you can give is more important than what you receive. Don’t go into a relationship thinking about what someone can give you. Instead, enter relationships thinking of what you can give someone you cherish.

2. “You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.” – Unknown

This love lesson indicates that another person isn’t necessary to experience the feeling in your life. You can love yourself more than anyone else, and you know what you need. Don’t wait for someone who can give you what you can give yourself.

3. “Love is within us. It cannot be destroyed. It can be ignored. To the extent that we abandon love we will feel it has abandoned us. Denying love is our only problem, and embracing it is the only answer. Through the power of love, we can let go of past history and begin again. Love heals, forgives, and makes whole.” – Ernest Holmes

We all have love inside us, as we’re born with it, and it’s a natural human emotion. It is powerful and can change our lives in many ways.

Relationships don’t always go as we plan, but you can embrace the emotion no matter what happens in life. Let go of what happened in the past and be open to a better future.

4. “Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” – Maya Angelou

Nothing can stand in the way if you’re in a loving relationship. You’ll get through hardships and obstacles, following the same path with hope.

5. “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” – Lao Tzu

Love is a powerful part of life and can offer strength and courage, as this love lesson explains. Let others love you and love them in return. It’ll improve your life, even if the journey is intimidating.

6. “You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.” – Oscar Wilde

Falling in love with someone doesn’t involve what they wear or own. Instead, they speak to you in a way one else can. What they say speaks to you in ways other people don’t see.

7. “Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is a quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.” – Ann Landers

When you find someone who understands and respects you, it’s an indication of a loving relationship. You share things, forgive, and stay loyal through hard times. One of the biggest love lessons is that it isn’t perfect, but it brings more meaning to your life than anything else.

8. “Of all powers, love is the most powerful and the most powerless. It is the most powerful because it alone can conquer that final and most impregnable stronghold which is the human heart. It is the most powerless because it can do nothing except by consent.” – Frederick Buechner

Love is all about respect. You’ll know you have a positive relationship when you find someone who asks for your consent before doing anything. It can be a romance, friendship, or any other relationship, but respect is essential.

Stay open to romance and express a willingness to engage in a positive relationship. As Buechner explains, having people who love and respect you are powerful experiences that can make you feel good.


9. “Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.” – James Baldwin

Finding your people involves being yourself. You won’t hide who you are when you’re with people you love. They see your imperfections and embrace you anyway. You’ll do the same for the people you love.

Perfection isn’t an expectation if you care for someone, and that’s what love is all about. You show one another the parts of yourself that others don’t see. Expressing these parts of yourself is essential, so appreciate those in your life who love you for who you are.

10. “Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible—it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could.” – Barbara de Angelis

Nothing is as powerful as love, no matter how hard you try to fulfill yourself in other ways. You can’t see it, but it changes your life in ways you can’t imagine. Accept and embrace it so that you can experience the happiness you deserve.

11. “If human beings can be trained for cruelty and greed and a belief in power which comes through hate and fear and force, certainly we can train equally well for greatness and mercy and the power of love which comes because of the strength of the good qualities to be found in the soul of every human being.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Focus on love if you want positivity in your life and the world. Humans copy what they see, so be the example our world needs. Teach the young ones in your life to love others by setting a positive example.

Love plays a role in all areas of our lives and is a powerful force that can bring positive change. Practice romance by remembering how good it can be, and the other people in your life will follow suit.

12. “One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love.” – Sophocles

Love can improve your life in miraculous ways. When everything goes wrong, turn to those who care the most. Embrace your loved ones and appreciate every moment with them because it’ll ease any hardship you encounter.

13. “The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti

When you appreciate the romance in your life, you’ll experience the happiness you never expected. The world is better when you embrace all the goodness around you. It opens your creative energy and brings joy like never before.

14. “Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning, a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature, and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.” – Bruce Lee

Friendships can become more than enjoying each other’s company. The best people in your life will change your life in ways that make it brighter and more enjoyable.

These people are the ones to focus on when you need a burst of happiness in your life. As you become a better version of yourself, those relationships deepen and become a shining part of your life.

15. “There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.” – Sarah Dessen

One of the greatest love lessons is that you can’t always plan for it. It can happen when you least expect it, and there’s no way to know who you’ll grow to care for deeply. Stay open to the possibility, even when you don’t think it’ll happen at that moment.

16. “The more love you give in your day-to-day life, the greater the magnetic power of love you have in the field around you, and everything you want will fall at your feet.” – Rhonda Byrne

The universe tends to give you the same things you give out. If you express love to others, you’ll experience more of it in your life. Give what you want to receive in return, and it’ll spread throughout your life.

Don’t forget about the powerful love lessons conveyed in these romance quotes. We all need love in our lives, and you’ll experience an improvement in your life when you embrace it.

love lessons

Final Thoughts on Quotes That Deliver Powerful Love Lessons

Love can come to you in many forms, including romance, friendships, and family connections. It’s a powerful part of life that can bring so much meaning. It makes up your most vivid memories and contributes to who you are today.

Don’t forget about the powerful love lessons conveyed in these quotes. We all need love, and you’ll experience an improvement in your life when you embrace it.

12 Red Flags That Reveal a Fake Apology

You have likely had someone offer an apology that sounded insincere. It happens to all of us and doesn’t seem to help us feel better. Your instinct might be correct if you have this feeling, as many red flags reveal a manipulative or fake apology. A fake apology means that the other person isn’t worried about your feelings. If they were, they would apologize sincerely and make sure you understand they mean it.

If you know some of the red flags, it’ll be easier for you to spot the situation.

An apology can be a powerful way to strengthen a relationship and achieve forgiveness, but only if they’re heartfelt. The person apologizing must admit their mistakes and be remorseful for what occurred. It’s a vulnerable situation, and many people opt for a manipulative apology to make it less awkward for themselves.

What Are Fake Apologies?

Recognizing a manipulative or fake apology can help you protect your feelings and well-being. Experts indicate that this type of apology occurs when someone only says sorry in an attempt to de-escalate the situation or avoid accepting blame. The person doesn’t feel bad for their behavior but wants to control their feelings and thoughts.

Someone offering manipulation instead of sincere regret lack accountability and won’t usually change future behavior. The person twists their words to make you think they feel remorse when, in reality, they want to avoid your anger or sadness.

Some people offer insincere apologies to avoid punishment or social rejection. They want to alleviate negative emotions, but they don’t recognize guilt.

manipulative apology

A Meaningful Apology

An apology requires the person apologizing to admit their fault and avoid doing it again. Apologizing also involves finding a way to make up for the hurtful behavior.

Red Flags That Reveal a Fake Apology

It’s not always easy to differentiate between a fake or meaningful apology. These signs can help you figure it out and protect yourself.

1 – Denying or minimizing your feelings

Even when someone hurts your feelings by mistake, they must acknowledge how they upset you. If they deny or minimize your feelings, it’s a sign that they’re gaslighting you. Anytime someone tells you how you should feel, they’re not apologizing.

2 – They apologize out of fear of losing you

When someone only apologizes because they don’t want you to walk out of their life, it’s a sign of manipulation. They don’t think about how this situation can be further upsetting because their only goal is to save the relationship.

The person might fear your anger and want to dissipate it without admitting that they hurt you. Sometimes they don’t understand why something upset you. Either way, it’s not okay to manipulate you in this way.

If they ask questions about why you’re upset, it’s not a sign of manipulation. It shows that they want to understand what they did wrong, implying that they want to avoid it in the future. They should still apologize without gaslighting you and saying you’re wrong.

3 – They only apologize for their benefit

When someone apologizes and immediately says that they hope you can forgive them, it’s not a good sign. The other person shouldn’t ramble about how they feel bad when you’re the one who had your feelings hurt. Sometimes they’ll even say something like being unable to live with themselves if you don’t accept the apology.

These kinds of apologies show that the apologizer cares more about their feelings than yours. They might give justifications, explanations, and reasons. A meaningful apology shouldn’t involve excuses.

The other person focuses on their feelings and perspective rather than considering yours. Their apology often lacks empathy, compassion, and kindness as they dismiss your pain.

4 – Their apologies are over the top

You might think dramatic apologies are good, but it’s a sign of manipulation. Over-the-top expressions of regret are another instance of the offender apologizing only for their benefit.

Narcissists often apologize this way to boost their self-image. It’ll often occur when there are other people around, and although it’s a grand act, it’ll still seem shallow and lack authenticity.

5 – There are conditions

If someone’s apology ever comes with conditions, it’s manipulative. They might say they’ll apologize, but only if you do something they want. Conditions imply that the person doesn’t care how you feel and that they only want to stop the conversation.

6 – They use the word “but”

An apology shouldn’t precede the word but. It’s a sign that the other person is making excuses for their behavior rather than owning up to wrongdoing. This kind of statement can also be their way of adding conditions.

Saying the word but is a manipulative way of shifting partial blame on you. They aren’t taking responsibility or acknowledging how they made you feel.

A meaningful apology doesn’t involve explaining why someone did what they did. Instead, it should focus on making you feel better.

7 – They only apologize about how you feel, not what they did

When someone only apologizes for how you feel and not what they did, it’s a sign of manipulation. It implies that your feelings are unwarranted or irrational. This phrase also hints that the person thinks your emotions are the issue rather than their behaviors causing the problem.


8 – Lack of responsibility

Anytime someone says sorry but doesn’t take responsibility, it’s a sign of manipulation. The person might say they were joking, avoiding saying sorry for what they did. Sometimes they’ll even blame you. They’ll say they only hurt you because of something you did first.

You deserve a sincere apology, even if someone doesn’t understand your feelings. You are entitled to how you feel, whether or not the person grasps the reason. Manipulative people don’t always feel that way and will likely show a lack of responsibility.

9 – They use bribes instead of apologizing

Some manipulators won’t apologize, and they’ll use bribes instead. They won’t ever say they’re sorry, but they’ll give you gifts or experiences.

When an apology is due, and someone gives you a gift instead, it’s manipulation. The person is controlling your feelings by bribing you to forgive and forget without an acknowledgment of what they did wrong.

Not only is this kind of apology unfair, but it can put you in an awkward position. You want the gift, and you might feel obligated to accept it. Then, if you give in, you’ll feel like you have to ignore the initial issue, although it’s not resolved.

10 – They mostly talk about themselves during the apology

Anytime a person talks about themselves more than they talk about what they did to hurt you, it’s manipulation. They want to justify why they behaved that way and want you to empathize with them rather than the other way around.

Heartfelt apologies should sympathize with your feelings. It shouldn’t be all about the person apologizing. If that’s how they behave, it shows that they don’t care about you as much as they say.

11 – They only say sorry when they want to stop talking about it

If their only reason for saying sorry is to get you to drop the subject, it’s a problem. They want you to let it go to avoid talking about it anymore.

If this happens, there’s no conclusion or solution to the original issue. The issues will come up again in the future, leading to repetitive behavior. They might even force you to accept their apology when you know they don’t mean it.

If someone says sorry this way, it’s controlling because they only tell you what you want to hear. They want to make you stop being upset and go about it this way. Their goal is to end the argument and avoid dealing with the issue.

12 – Playing it off as a joke

It’s manipulative anytime someone dismisses your feelings by saying it was just a joke. Having your feelings hurt isn’t funny, and it’s unacceptable for them to shrug off your emotions.

How to Respond to a Fake Apology

You don’t have to accept a fake apology. When someone tries to control you or dismiss your feelings, there are ways you can respond. Giving in their meaningless words it allows the manipulation to continue.

  • Acknowledge the behavior: Don’t hesitate to call them out and tell them you know what they’re doing.
  • Tell them how you feel: Let the person know why you won’t accept their attempt and how it affects you and your relationship.
  • Express what you want: Tell them what you expect in the future and what you need for forgiveness.
  • Don’t give in: When someone isn’t willing to acknowledge their wrongdoing, you don’t have to put up with it.

manipulative apology

Final Thoughts on Red Flags That Reveal a Fake Apology

Dealing with manipulative people is never easy, especially when they offer meaningless apologies. Watch for the red flags that reveal a fake apology so you can protect yourself. Resisting these empty words allows you to control your life and stop further manipulation from that person.

Be honest with the other person about how their behavior makes you feel. Don’t give into their actions; make it clear you won’t allow them to continue hurting you. When you set these boundaries, you’re respecting yourself and improving your life.

This Alkaline Juice Recipe Can Help Restore Your pH Balance

Alkaline juice offers many health benefits and can lower the risk of diseases. Adopting a balanced diet with plenty of fresh, whole foods will improve health. However, proponents of the alkaline diet take this one step further.

They believe we’re not meant to digest acidic foods and should avoid them entirely. Alkaline foods, such as fruits, nuts, legumes, and vegetables, should account for most of our caloric intake. People who follow the diet say that by eating these foods, we can alter our body’s pH levels.

Simply put, pH measures the alkalinity or acidity of a substance on a scale from 0-14. Numbers below 7 represent an acidic substance, while those above 7 are alkaline.

When your body converts food into energy, it triggers a chemical reaction in your digestive system. According to proponents of the alkaline diet, the metabolic waste left behind from this process can affect your pH levels.

Also known as the acid-ash hypothesis, it claims that having acidic metabolic waste, or ash, can increase disease risk. On the contrary, alkaline ash will have a protective effect on the body.

Those who follow the alkaline diet suggest regular pH monitoring of urine to confirm it doesn’t dip below 7. However, pH levels vary widely throughout the body depending on diet and time of day. Therefore, urine pH doesn’t portray an accurate picture when it comes to health.

Few scientific studies have proven any benefits of an alkaline diet, but anecdotal evidence suggests it is at least worth a try.

One study found that eating a highly acidic diet could contribute to bone loss and calcium depletion. However, supplementing an acid-producing diet with a high calcium intake appeared to protect bones. Another research paper found evidence that a low-protein alkaline diet can slow the progression of chronic kidney disease.

The advantages of an alkaline diet appear from eating whole, fresh foods. It may have a minimal impact on pH levels but not enough to have substantial benefits. Still, drinking alkaline juice can improve your health since it contains bountiful nutrients. We’ll go over the recipe below.

The Alkaline Juice Recipe That Restores Health

alkaline juice

An alkaline juice recipe should contain plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables since they have high alkalinity. Some of the most popular ingredients include citrus fruits, apples, watermelon, beets, and celery.

Many enjoy having leafy greens in their alkaline juice, such as kale, wheatgrass, Swiss chard, or spinach. You may add fresh roots like ginger, garlic, turmeric, or taro.

All fruits and vegetables have an abundance of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Alkaline juice made with green vegetables and grasses also provides chlorophyll, an antioxidant that can boost energy levels. When making the juice recipe, use fruits and veggies in their raw form since cooking foods can deplete nutrients.

The recipe below contains fruits and vegetables that help increase alkalinity and oxygen in the body. Make the recipe as often as possible to help balance pH levels. However, keep in mind that alkaline juice doesn’t store well, so only make enough for one serving. If you have leftovers, you can always blend them with other ingredients to make a salad dressing or smoothie.


  • 2 carrots
  • 1 small cucumber
  • 1 cup kale or spinach
  • 1/4 an apple
  • ½ lime
  • 1-inch piece of ginger


  1. Peel the ginger and apple before placing them in the juicer. Cut the lime and remove any seeds. Add all ingredients to your vegetable juicer one at a time and begin juicing.
  2. Pour into a glass and enjoy!
  3. If you don’t have a juicer, you can always add the ingredients to a blender. Just add water to create a juice consistency, then remove the leftover fiber using a mesh strainer.

The blended alkaline juice should have a bright orange color from the carrots. Remember that you can substitute any fruits or vegetables you prefer. You’re investing in your health if you consume fresh, whole foods.

BONUS: Two More Alkaline Juice Recipes Could Boost Your Immune System

Now that you know how tasty and healthy it is, try these alternatives:

Apple, Celery, and Parsley Juice

This alkaline juice contains high antioxidant levels from apples and celery. This helps prevent free-radical damage, boost the immune system, and reduce inflammation. Also, apples and celery can improve digestion since they have plenty of fiber.

Parsley offers many essential vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamins A, C, and K. The powerful herb also contains anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, making it a great addition to alkaline juice!

Ingredients to make the juice:

  • One apple
  • Four celery stalks
  • One parsley bunch, including stems

Mango, Orange, and Strawberry “Mocktail” Alkaline Juice

Many adult beverages contain these fruits, but you can still enjoy them without the alcohol! This mocktail contains nutrients such as Vitamins A, C, and E, folate, and iron. Also, they have high fiber content, which improves digestion and lowers blood pressure.

Ingredients required for this alkaline juice:

  • One frozen mango
  • 1/2 cup orange juice
  • Ten frozen strawberries
  • Two tablespoons of lime juice
  • Ice

To make this juice, allow the frozen fruits to thaw for about 30 minutes to one hour. Next, add all the ingredients to a juicer, then pour into a glass over ice. If you want to lower the sugars in this recipe, simply swap greens for the mango. Strawberries and oranges have a lower glycemic index, making them ideal for anyone on a low-sugar diet.

alkaline diet

Final Thoughts on Eating an Alkaline Diet

Why not juice if you find it challenging to eat enough fruits and vegetables? The body absorbs the micronutrients more efficiently through juicing and provides an easy way to meet nutritional needs.

Alkaline juices that include dark, leafy greens and fresh herbs can help balance pH levels while keeping blood sugars low. If you have insulin resistance or diabetes, you should opt for more greens and fewer fruits.

Hopefully, you will enjoy these healthy alkaline juices that detoxify the body and improve overall health. If you make these, let us know your favorite in the comments!

Science Reveals 10 Benefits of Fasting

Fasting is an ancient practice. It’s thought to have begun with Hippocrates, “the father of medicine, ” in the fifth century. However, many religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam, practiced fasting centuries before this. Fasting is when you reduce or stop eating for a certain period for religious or health reasons. Recently, intermittent fasting has become a popular weight loss trend. Intermittent fasting involves eating for a certain amount of hours during the day. According to science, there are many health benefits of fasting.

What is intermittent fasting?

Dr. Jason Fung, a nephrologist, was one of the researchers who helped to develop the modern-era concept of intermittent fasting. Since then, numerous physicians and researchers have developed different intermittent fasting methods. You can eat a certain number of hours daily, such as a sixteen-hour fast with eight hours of permitted time. Or you can fast twice a week and eat regularly the other five days. Whichever method you choose, you are likely to experience the benefits of fasting by restricting your food intake.

Science reveals the ten benefits of intermittent fasting

Here are ten benefits of fasting that you should know about.

benefits of fasting

Benefits of Fasting #1 – Lose weight

One of the main benefits of fasting is weight loss. Many people find intermittent fasting helps them lose weight, especially belly fat. That’s because the focus is on when you eat rather than what you should eat. Of course, eating a healthy diet during the allotted hours is essential, but this diet is less restrictive than many diets. You can skip eating low-fat or low carbs or restricting your calorie count. As long as you eat a balanced diet, you should lose weight when you fast.

Benefits of Fasting #2 – Improves heart health

Studies show that fasting provides cardiovascular benefits. Intermittent fasting lowers your risk for certain heart conditions such as

  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure
  • Lowers your cholesterol
  • Reduces oxidative stress in your heart
  • Reduces inflammation that can lead to atherosclerosis

Researchers say fasting improves your chances if you have heart disease that leads to a cardiac event, such as an interruption of your heart’s function or blood flow.

Benefits of Fasting #3 – Improves a prediabetic condition

If you have a prediabetic condition, fasting can reverse it. The CDC reports that approximately 96 million adults in the United States have a pre-diabetic condition. This is a whopping 38% of the population of the United States. Being prediabetic means, blood sugar levels are higher than usual.

You don’t have type2 diabetes, but unless you make lifestyle changes, you will develop the disease. Prediabetes can cause damage to your kidneys and heart. The good news is that getting type2 diabetes isn’t inevitable. Intermittent fasting is safe and can help you lose weight and get your diet under control to help prevent getting type 2 diabetes. Choose fresh produce such as colorful vegetables, fruits, high-fiber grains, and lean meats.

Benefits of Fasting #4 – Helps you burn stored fat

Intermittent fasting triggers weight loss, especially your stored belly fat. When you fast, it starts a metabolic process. This process causes your body to burn glucose, its primary energy source. When this happens, your body burns the stored fat for energy. How do you know if your body is burning fat? If you fast for weight loss,  you can tell your body is burning fat when:

  • You’re not feeling hungry all the time
  • You feel a heightened sense of well-being
  • You have less pain
  • Your blood pressure goes down

Of course, you can burn stored fat by staying active and doing heart-pumping exercises. The more aerobic you exercise, the faster you’ll lose body weight. Try physical exercises such as:

  • Walking
  • Cycling
  • Running
  • Swimming

Benefits of Fasting #5 – Can reduce your chance of cancer

Some researchers say that fasting may help lower your risk of tumor growth. This decrease is because fasting deprives the cancer cells of certain nutrients it needs to grow. This makes the cancer cells more vulnerable, so chemotherapy treatments are more effective.

Of course, you should check with your doctor before fasting long-term if you have cancer. But short-term calorie limitations may be worth trying. The downside of fasting is appetite suppression, a side effect of cancer treatment. Talk to your dietitian before you start intermittent fasting to avoid losing weight.

Benefits of Fasting #6 – Helps you live longer

Researchers believe that one benefit of fasting is less disease, resulting in longer life. Intermittent fasting is, in many researchers’ opinion, healthier than eating low carb, because fasting helps your GH levels. GH hormone oversees the effects of growth hormones related to your bones and tissues and enables you to maintain healthy lean muscle mass.  Maintaining your GH levels helps lower your risk of chronic disease and extend your lifespan. Your body naturally declines as you age, affecting cell growth and production. Fasting helps your cells maintain their function longer. Intermittent fasting and a healthy lifestyle of healthy eating and exercise promote good health.

Benefits of Fasting #7 – Benefits your brain

When you fast, you eliminate the stored glucose, increasing your body’s ability to burn fat. This fat-burning process is called ketosis. Being in ketosis increases your energy and improves your concentration and focus. Overall, you have healthier brain function. Plus, researchers say intermittent fasting can help you avoid neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s disease. Skipping breakfast every day could be the future recommendation of doctors to treat these and other neurological disorders.

Benefits of Fasting #8 – Lowers your blood sugar

Intermittent fasting improves your insulin sensitivity, which causes lower insulin requirements. This results in improved blood sugar levels shortly after you eat. Keeping your blood sugar levels in a good range as much as you can helps prevent long-term health problems such as

  • Vision loss
  • Kidney disease
  • Heart health

It also increases your energy and improves your mood. Of course, it’s essential not to let your blood sugar levels drop too low. This is called hypoglycemia. Talk to your naturopath about what is the normal range for blood sugar.


Benefits of Fasting #9 – Reduces inflammation

Another benefit of fasting is lower inflammation levels in your body. It’s normal to experience inflammation when you’re injured, but if you suffer from chronic inflammation and pain, it can lead to not getting the proper exercise you need, which may cause you to gain weight. Intermittent fasting helps produce an anti-inflammatory effect on your body. It limits inflammation, boosts your body’s immune response, and improves your body’s circulating glucose and lipid levels.

Benefits of Fasting #10 – Healthier gut

Fasting affects your gut microbes. Reducing food intake gives your gut a rest and helps balance out your entire digestive tract. Intermittent fasting is thought to help repair gut microbial communities. Researchers believe restricting food helps repair your gut lining so it can prevent inflammatory toxins from leaking into your bloodstream.

Is there a downside to intermittent fasting?

Of course, intermittent fasting has its limitations. It’s only as good as you make it. Here are some suggestions on the downsides of fasting you may not have thought about.

  • You need to eat healthily: Of course, eating healthy isn’t a downside, but if you plan to eat junk food during the hours you can eat, you will undermine the benefits of fasting. If you want to try intermittent fasting, be prepared to change your diet so you can be sure to maximize the health benefits of fasting. If you don’t change your diet, you can gain weight by eating foods that are too high in calories.
  • You’ll lose weight slowly: You won’t lose weight quickly on this diet like other diets. You may lose half a pound a week. It’s essential to remain consistent so you don’t end up with a yo-yo effect of losing weight rather than gaining weight.
  • Be aware of medication and fasting: If you take medications that require taking them with food, you must consider how to do this safely. Also, the effectiveness of certain medications can be lost if you don’t take them at the correct time of the day. Not taking meds at the right time can interfere with your sleep, blood pressure, or energy levels.

Intermittent fasting is not for everyone.

Fasting may not be healthy if you have certain health conditions or diseases. It’s always best to consult with your naturopath before you reduce your daily intake of calories for a certain amount of time each day. Fasting may not be safe for anyone who

  • Has an eating disorder
  • Is underweight
  • Has type 1 diabetes
  • Take medication that controls their type 2 diabetes
  • Is pregnant
  • Is breastfeeding
  • Recent surgery
  • Has a fever or is sick
  • Takes warfarin
  • Suffers from mental health issues

benefits of fasting

Final thoughts on the benefits of intermittent fasting

Fasting isn’t new. It’s been around for centuries. The many benefits of fasting have caught the attention of researchers today. They say that besides losing weight, fasting helps you lose stored belly fat, live longer, lower your risk of heart disease and improve your brain function. What’s not to like about these things? Of course, when you choose intermittent fasting, it’s not a license to eat junk food during designated hours. You still need to eat a healthy diet and stay physically active. If you haven’t tried fasting, now may be a good start.

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