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Researchers Find Biomarker of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Researchers Find Biomarker of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

In a groundbreaking discovery, Australian researchers from The Children’s Hospital at Westmead found a biomarker of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). The scientists observed significantly lower levels of the enzyme Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) in babies who later died of the syndrome. Their findings could reduce sudden, unexplained infant deaths in the future.

Researchers believe a deficiency in BChE may indicate an arousal deficit since the enzyme helps activate the brain’s arousal pathway. Insufficient enzyme levels can increase an infant’s susceptibility to SIDS by reducing responsiveness.

Dr. Carmel Harrington, Honorary Research Fellow at Children’s Hospital at Westmead, led the trailblazing study. After losing her son Damien to SIDS 29 years ago, she desperately wanted to find a cure for the heart-wrenching condition.

So, she left her job as a lawyer and dedicated herself to SIDS research. She says the latest findings provide hope for the future along with answers for the past.

The team published their research in The Lancet’s journal, eBioMedicine.

How Common is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome?

sudden infant death syndrome

“An apparently healthy baby going to sleep and not waking up is every parent’s nightmare, and until now, there was absolutely no way of knowing which infant would succumb. But that’s not the case anymore,” Dr. Harrington said in an interview with The Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network.

“Babies have a very powerful mechanism to let us know when they are not happy. Usually, if a baby is confronted with a life-threatening situation, such as difficulty breathing during sleep because they are on their tummies, they will arouse and cry out. What this research shows is that some babies don’t have this same robust arousal response,” she said.

SIDS, or “cot death,” refers to the sudden, unexplained death of an otherwise healthy baby less than a year old. The CDC estimates that around 3,400 cases of SIDS and other unexpected infant deaths occur yearly in the US.

Luckily, rates of SIDS have dramatically decreased since the 1990s due to heightened awareness and knowledge of the condition. However, some racial and ethnic groups, such as Native Americans, African Americans, and Alaska Natives, still experience higher instances of SIDS.

What Causes SIDS?

Scientists still don’t know the exact cause of SIDS, but they believe certain factors increase a baby’s vulnerability. Infants with brain defects or genetic mutations that impact breathing and organ health may have a higher risk. Also, premature babies could have a higher likelihood of developing SIDS. These genetic vulnerabilities may threaten the baby’s survival and environmental factors such as exposure to secondhand smoke and sleeping positions.

Study Finds Biomarker of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

The researchers analyzed BChE levels in 722 Dried Blood Spots (DBS) obtained at birth. The BChE samples came from the Newborn Screening Program and included both SIDS-related deaths and infant deaths from other causes. They compared these measurements to those of 10 surviving infants who had the same gender and birthday.

The study found babies who later died of SIDS had significantly lower BChE levels than other infant deaths and surviving babies. After identifying the risk factor for SIDS, the team hopes to introduce the BChE biomarker into the newborn screening process. This way, parents and doctors will know whether babies have a higher risk of SIDS.

Next, they will work on uncovering treatments to address the enzyme deficiency and potentially reduce SIDS cases. They estimate the research will take five years to finish.

“This discovery has opened up the possibility for intervention and finally gives answers to parents who have lost their children so tragically. These families can now live with the knowledge that this was not their fault,” Dr. Harrington said.

She added that the finding “changes the narrative around SIDS and is the start of a very exciting journey ahead. We are going to be able to work with babies while they are living and make sure they keep living.”

The research provides hope for the future, but parents should continue following safe sleeping practices to prevent SIDS.

Six Tips From the American Academy of Pediatrics to Protect Infants

  1. Place babies on their backs to sleep in their crib or sleep area. Parents should not sleep with infants to avoid the risk of rolling over on them at night. However, parents should keep the crib close to the bed in their room to monitor the baby.
  2. Use a crib or portable play area with secure siding and a firm, flat mattress. The AAP also recommends parents buy fitted sheets and pillow shams to give babies enough breathing room.
  3. Parents should remove loose blankets, pillows, toys, and other items from the crib at night. The AAP advises that parents wrap infants in a wearable blanket to reduce suffocation risks. Babies should never fall asleep on a couch, armchair, or car safety seat (except while riding in the car).
    Breastfeed if possible since this increases the baby’s immune system, reducing the risk of viral infections. Infections can increase SIDS risk. Also, breastfed babies wake up more often during the night, which can help prevent SIDS.
  4. Avoid smoking while pregnant or breastfeeding, as it increases SIDS risk by reducing oxygen availability.
  5. Offer babies a pacifier during naps and at night, lowering the risk of SIDS.
  6. Avoid head coverings or keeping the room too hot while babies sleep. Experts say babies sleep most comfortably at temperatures between 68 and 72 degrees F.


Final Thoughts on Study Showing Biomarker of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

In a stunning breakthrough, scientists from The Children’s Hospital at Westmead in Australia have discovered a biomarker of SIDS. They found that babies with low levels of an enzyme called Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) may have a higher risk. A deficiency in this enzyme could indicate difficulty arousing from sleep, which increases vulnerability to SIDS. While the research doesn’t reveal a cause of SIDS, the team hopes screening babies for the biomarker may prevent it. In the future, perhaps a treatment for the devastating syndrome will be developed to keep babies safe.

For now, experts recommend parents follow safe sleeping practices for babies. These include keeping babies in a crib on their backs and removing potential hazards from the sleeping area.

Meat-Free Eatery in Denmark Named World’s Best Restaurant

Geranium, a mostly meat-free eatery in Copenhagen, Denmark, earned the top spot on the World’s 50 Best Restaurants list. The U.K.’s William Reed Business Media compiles the list yearly based on a survey of international chefs, critics, and restaurant owners. The eatery made the list in 2021 also, earning second place. The public can’t seem to get enough of the unique, flavorful dishes at the popular pescatarian and plant-based restaurant.

“Geranium invites guests to taste nature while simultaneously observing it around them,” World’s 50 Best described the esteemed eatery.

“The locally-inspired, seasonally-changing ‘Universe’ tasting menu takes place over a minimum of three hours with around 20 courses split evenly between appetizers, savory dishes and sweets,” it continued.

The eatery didn’t always serve primarily plant-based items, but its owners wanted to take the restaurant in a new direction. They began offering more meat-free options in January 2022, which set them apart from competing restaurants.

Geranium already had a history of excellence, winning three Michelin stars in 2016. But the creative pescatarian menu took its dishes to new heights, making them the world’s best restaurant.

The meat-free eatery won after 1,000 international restaurant experts voted for it. The awards ceremony took place on July 18, 2022, in London, making it the tenth time co-owners Rasmus Kofoed and  Søren Ledet received an invitation to the celebration. It marked a huge turning point in their careers.

Now that Geranium won the World’s Best Restaurant title, it cannot win again in the future. However, the eatery could still earn a spot in the “Best of the Best” category.

Among the top 10 restaurants on the list, Geranium stands out as the only one with a meatless menu.

Meat-Free Eatery in Denmark Named World’s Best Restaurant


Before the pandemic, Geranium served many hearty dishes with meat as the main course. The restaurant offers only seafood, fish, eggs, dairy, and vegetables today. The decision to serve more meat-free options stemmed from the growing popularity of vegetarian diets.

Also, the owners wanted to serve dishes made from ingredients in their backyard. They decided to reinvent the menu, including only seasonal produce and local seafood in meals. Not only did this make the food taste fresher, but it also reduced the restaurant’s environmental impact.

“The last year, especially after the lockdown when we reopened Geranium, we changed the menu completely, and it was very difficult to change everything. Said goodbye to the signature dishes… but I felt a lot of freedom,” co-owner and head chef Rasmus Kofoed told GMA in an interview. “It has been a great journey together with the team so we could all have a great experience.”

Kofoed adopted a vegan diet in 2017, influencing his decision to create meat-free options for the restaurant. The sophisticated dishes are Danish-inspired with a unique twist on traditional offerings.

“In 2022, Kofoed made Geranium a meat-free zone, focusing solely on local seafood and vegetables from organic and biodynamic farms in Denmark and Scandinavia. Artful creations on the ‘Spring Universe’ menu include lightly smoked lumpfish roe with milk, kale, and apple, and forest mushrooms with beer, smoked egg yolk, pickled hops, and rye bread. Each dish is an intricate work of art served on nature-inspired crockery,” World’s 50 Best said of the new menu.

The upscale restaurant also serves salted herring in crispy algae with dill stems, paired with aquavit (a Scandinavian spirit). Other popular items include boiled beetroots, birkemosegård(biodynamic vegetables), dried blueberries and horseradish, cloudberry, pumpkin, and white chocolate.

Meat-Free Options and Shorter Workweeks Gain Popularity

Kofoed says he opens Geranium only four days a week to give employees a break. Co-owner Søren Ledet backed his decision wholeheartedly since it offers workers more flexibility. The four-day workweek also aligns with Kofoed’s ideals of being creative with the least amount of resources.

In a Facebook post about the new meat-free menu, he said: “I see it as a challenge to create new dishes which celebrate seafood from the pristine waters & vegetables from local, organic/biodynamic farms which thrive here in Denmark & Scandinavia.”

While Kofoed follows a vegan diet, he gave his vegetarian mother credit for inspiring the new menu. After hosting a meat-free event at Geranium in 2020, he started brainstorming plant-based dishes.

Many other restaurants have begun serving meat-free options as vegan diets become popular. For example, upscale New York restaurant Eleven Madison Park adopted a primarily plant-based menu in 2021.

As supply chain disruptions mounted during the pandemic, head chef Daniel Humm focused on sustainable menu options. Now, EMP utilizes preparation methods such as fermentation to enhance flavors in dishes.

The same year, the London restaurant Gauthier Soho began offering an entirely vegan menu.

Even restaurants in Texas, a state known for its love of meat, saw the benefits of plant-based dishes. When Marcy and Carlos Madrid took over ownership of Brew St. in Midland, Texas, they opted to reinvent the menu.

As vegans for nearly five years, they noticed their health improve dramatically and wanted the same for their community. It seemed like a risky move in small-town Texas, but customers raved about their vegan street tacos! The couple makes them with Beyond Meat’s beef product blended with spices and veggies. Other popular items include cinnamon rolls and other pastries.


Final Thoughts on World’s Best Meat-Free Restaurant, a Plant-Based Eatery in Denmark

Geranium, a mostly meat-free eatery in Denmark, topped the list of the World’s 50 Best Restaurants. The upscale restaurant didn’t always serve plant-based options but changed the menu during the pandemic. The owners wanted to offer more sustainable, local foods for personal and environmental reasons.

That decision seemed to work in their favor, as judges raved about the unique, delicious dishes. Diners couldn’t get enough of the upgraded menu and enjoyed all the new options. If you ever find yourself in Denmark, hopefully, you can try the award-winning Geranium!

91-Year-Old Veteran Reunites With First Love 70 Years Later

Most people hope to find someone special who will love them no matter what. When soulmates meet, it feels like a fairytale love story straight out of the movies. You feel like you’re flying as if nothing could bring you down. You never want to lose this person who makes you feel so alive.

Unfortunately, Duane Mann thought he would never see his soulmate ever again. But after seventy years, the 91-year-old veteran reconnected with his first love by a stroke of fate.

Mann grew up on a farm in Iowa and joined the U.S. Navy at 22 years old. While stationed in Japan during the Korean War, a love story began to unfold with a woman named Peggy Yamaguchi. He didn’t seek romance during his time overseas, but it found him anyway.

The couple met at the Air Force NCO Club, where Mann worked on slot machines. Yamaguchi worked as a hat check girl, helping keep track of hats and coats left in the coatroom.  They hit it off instantly and wanted to see where the relationship would lead. Peggy and Duane made some of their fondest memories on the dance floor, where they often had an audience.

“We could really dance together…I mean, to where the people would watch us,” Mann told KKTV in an interview.

Over time, Mann and Yamaguchi fell head over heels for each other. However, life eventually drove a wedge between them, cutting their romance short. 

With a baby on the way, Mann got the unfortunate news that the Navy would soon ship him home. He had no choice but to leave his first love and unborn child in the United States. However, he promised to return and marry Yamaguchi as soon as possible.

The Fairytale Love Story Wouldn’t Last Forever.

love story

To add to his troubles, Mann found out that his father had fallen on hard times. Running out of options, he spent every penny of Mann’s life savings.

Around that time, he noticed that Yamaguchi had stopped sending him letters. However, he didn’t realize that his mother had burned her notes behind his back. Upon questioning her motives, she explained her disapproval of him marrying a “Japanese girl.” Mann found one letter remaining, where Peggy revealed she had lost their baby and gotten remarried.

This news crushed him, and he fell into a deep depression. Part of him felt guilty for leaving his family behind. But, he also felt that Yamaguchi had abandoned him and broken the trust in the relationship.

“It just wore me out,” he said to KKTV reporters. “That’s not the honorable thing to do.”

After KKTV aired Mann’s tragic story, thousands of people showed interest online. It went viral on social media, and people across the globe wanted to help him reunite with Yamaguchi. Even people in Japan joined the search for Mann’s first love.

In a surprising turn of events, they discovered she lived only 650 miles from Mann. She had moved from Japan to Michigan to start a new life with her second husband. They’d had three children together.

The news was bittersweet, but at least only the Mississippi River separated them rather than an entire ocean. Mann thought that perhaps he could see her again, even though she’d remarried. However, he still didn’t know exactly where she lived.

Luckily, a newspaper article from 1956 and a history buff helped solve the mystery for him. Theresa Wong, a researcher for the History Channel, came across the dated Daily Press article one day.

91-Year-Old Finally Gets His Chance to Reunite With First Love and Soulmate

After reading the story, she realized it contained Yamaguchi’s name, picture, and most recent address. Theresa also knew that Mann desperately wanted to contact his long-lost lover. So, she decided to get in touch with him and reveal the exciting news.

“It just cut me right to my soul. I cannot imagine carrying around that kind of heartbreak for 70 years. I really hope this is that opportunity to get closure,” Wong told KKTV.

Mann couldn’t believe that he had finally tracked down his first love after seventy years. His heart felt full, knowing that he would get to see her again.

KKTV filmed the heartwarming reunion, where the two enjoyed a long, tender hug.

“You remember the dancing?” Yamaguchi asked him. Smiling at the fond memories, he replied with an “Oh yeah.”

They reminisced about the good old days and couldn’t believe how much time had passed. Despite parting ways, they still had so much love for one another. Duane had searched endlessly for her throughout his life and never lost hope of finding her. 

He explained to Peggy that he never wanted her to feel abandoned. He couldn’t find her after returning to the United States.

Yamaguchi kissed him gently, whispering, “You must have loved me.”

Duane then showed Peggy the photos of her that he always keeps in his wallet. After seventy years, he had never forgotten about her or their special time in Japan.

Life may not have turned out how Duane envisioned, but he still felt grateful to have gotten closure. He advises anyone with unfulfilled desires to seize the moment and never give up on finding peace.

“It’s really been a freeing experience,” he told KKTV.


Final Thoughts on Soulmates Reuniting After Seventy Years Apart

When Duane Mann and Peggy Yamaguchi met in Japan, the sparks flew as soon as their eyes met. They instantly connected and fell in love after spending more time together. However, their love story would abruptly end when Mann moved back to the United States. He promised to return and marry her, but fate had other plans.

After learning she’d lost their baby and remarried, he felt betrayed and guilty simultaneously. He eventually moved on but never forgot about his first love. Thankfully, the soulmates reunited seventy years later in Michigan and shared many smiles and fond memories. Their story proves that true love never dies but lives on in our hearts.


Bartender Explains Why Every Man Should Know About the Johnny Depp Shot

An undisclosed bar created a shot named after Johnny Depp to help men who feel unsafe or spot potential abuse. The pub posted a flyer in the men’s bathroom listing various ways to order the “drink.”

After a customer took a photo of the sign and posted it online, it quickly went viral. Of course, the Johnny Depp shot isn’t a drink. Instead, it’s a code word that male customers can use to alert bar staff that they need help. Male abuse victims often suffer in silence and get overlooked in the United States. However, men can experience physical, emotional, and psychological trauma in intimate relationships. It just doesn’t occur as frequently as domestic violence against women.

However, the National Crime Victimization Study from 2003-2012 revealed that men comprised 24% of domestic violence victims. In addition, the nonprofit organization National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) reported that a partner had injured about 4% of men. 25% experienced violence such as pushing, slapping, or shoving, while about 11% became victims of severe abuse.

Sadly, many instances of domestic violence go unreported, especially against men. Men may hesitate to report intimate partner abuse out of shame or fear law enforcement won’t believe them. Or, they might brush it aside and hope things will improve. However, putting pride before safety can lead to dangerous outcomes.

Men should always report domestic abuse cases and get the help they deserve. Thankfully, awareness of male abuse continues to grow, as evidenced by the Johnny Depp shot. The code word became popular after the defamation trial between Depp and ex-wife Amber Heard. Both parties accused each other of spousal abuse.

In the end, the jury found both Heard and Depp guilty of defamation. However, Depp denied all allegations of physical and verbal abuse. We may never honestly know what happened behind closed doors. Still, the case highlights the importance of advocating for male abuse victims.

What Every Man Should Know About the Johnny Depp Shot

johnny depp

The Johnny Depp shot aims to spread awareness about women who abuse men. It happens more often than you’d think, so bartenders wanted to step in and help. An unknown tavern posted the sign about the shot in the men’s bathroom. That way, the code word would remain discreet so female abusers wouldn’t know about it.

The flyer stated that the Johnny Depp shot aims to keep people safe. Underneath that, it read: “Feeling unsafe or scared, just come to the bar and order a Johnny Depp shot.” The sign stated that you could order the “drink” in three ways:

  • If you tell this to a bartender, they will escort you out of the pub.
  • On the rocks. Bar staff will call a taxi for you in this case.
  • With lime. If you say this code word, bartenders will call the police on your behalf.

At the bottom, the flyer said: “We will handle things discreetly and without fuss.”

The Johnny Depp shot is the male equivalent of the angel shot, which aims to help women in abusive situations. The angel shot concept came about at a small bar in Lincolnshire, England, in 2016.

There, bartenders told patrons to “Ask for Angela” if they felt unsafe or uncomfortable. Upon hearing this, bar staff would know that the customer needed help escaping a dangerous situation.

In the U.S., the angel shot became popular after bartender Benji Spears made a viral TikTok video about it. In the video, he performed a reenactment of someone ordering the “shot” in three ways. The descriptions for each variety are the same as the Johnny Depp shot.

Benji explained that angel shots have become more common in bars nationwide. Hopefully, the idea for the Johnny Depp shot will also start catching on.

How Readers Reacted to the Johnny Depp Shot Concept

Many commenters agreed with the idea, stating that men experiencing abuse should also have a code. However, others thought the shot praised Depp despite his ex-wife accusing him of abuse.

One Reddit user said, “Feel safe with a shot named after the man involved in the most famous abuse trial in history.”

“I like the sign but wouldn’t be glorifying Depp,” another stated. “It’s also kinda dumb because your abuser could hear you order it and figure out exactly what it means. Pick a less obvious name.”

“I do agree that everyone should have access to a discreet system by which they can alert the bartender for help,” another user commented. “This is the exact opposite of that. ‘Gosh, you know what we should do? Complicate the Angel Shot code by using the name of someone literally everyone knows was involved in a trial talking about abuse recently!'”

Fans of Johnny Depp had this to say about the shot:

  • “This is awesome! Finally, we are seeing equal help for male victims. Wish I had this so many times in my life,” one reader said.
  • “This is so incredible and why it’s important that he stood up and we continue to spread awareness for the issues he brought to light,” another user commented.
  • “How very commendable and I hope copied by many. The time has long passed for this to stay hidden. Abuse is abuse regardless of gender. All in need, please seek help,” someone else said.


Final Thoughts on Bartender Explaining the Johnny Depp Shot

Like the angel shot for women, the Johnny Depp code aims to help men experiencing intimate partner abuse. Or, perhaps, they feel uncomfortable or unsafe while on a date. When a man orders the shot, it alerts the bar staff that they need help immediately. Depending on what they say, bartenders will escort them out of the bar, contact the police, or call a taxi.

The Johnny Depp shot became famous when an unknown tavern posted a flyer about it in the men’s bathroom. A patron took a photo of it and posted it online to help men in abusive situations. Now other bars are following the cue, and this concept will save lives and raise awareness about male victims of intimate partner violence.

22 Behaviors That Reveal True Love

How do you know if you’ve found true love? Is there any specific sign, or is it all based on feelings you have inside? Romance and love make the world go round, but you may have many questions about whether the one you’re with is “the one.”

22 Signs That Show You Have True Love

There’s no more delicate matter than those that involve the heart. You want to protect yourself as you don’t want to be hurt. Most folks don’t feel complete in this life until they find their other half or soul mate.

This person is the one who helps them make sense of life and gives them purpose. Here are some indications that you’ve found true love and the person you’re meant to be with on this journey.

true love

1. You Have No Doubts That You Feel True Love

Everything about it feels genuine when you’re with the right person. You don’t second guess your feelings and wonder if they feel the same way about you that you feel about them. A relationship that’s all wrong is full of doubt and fears, but a genuine romance feels like fate, or it seems written in the stars.

2. They Make You Feel Attractive

It doesn’t matter if you have morning breath and bedhead, as they look at you like they’ve won the lottery. The stars they have in their eyes for you are evident. As they repeatedly tell you, you always know how attracted they are to you. The wonderful thing is that it’s not just lip service either, as they mean what they say. That’s true romance!

3. Decisions Are Made Together

Even making the most significant decisions in your life seems more manageable as you have someone who helps you with them. From deciding what to wear to taking a job promotion across the country, you know you have someone who has your back. They would never let you make such decisions alone, as these decisions and your future also affect them.

4. Comfortable Silence Works Too

You don’t need some action-packed event or an in-depth conversation together. You two can just lay side by side and feel the beating of one another’s heart, and it’s unique.

When you’re with them, it’s as if the whole world stops, and it’s just you two for a moment. True love doesn’t require you to be or do anything to please the other person, as just being in their presence is enough for you.

5. There’s Complete Honesty Between You Two

Romance is about so much more than physical acts, as there’s something special between you. You feel safe enough to be 100 percent transparent with them, and they feel the same way about you.

6. In True Love, You Balance One Another

It’s not always true that opposites attract. How could you enjoy doing things together if you don’t have anything in common? You’re two different people from different worlds, yet somehow you always manage to complement one another.

You don’t mind going clothes shopping or watching sports, as you know it brings the other person much pleasure.

7. You Feel Safe

When you know someone has your back, you feel safe. No matter how cruel the world is to you, there’s peace that comes from knowing they’re by your side.

8. There’s Mutual Respect in Your Romance

Couples that make it till death do you part are those with high levels of respect for one another. Regardless of your issues, you think too highly of one another to resort to childish games.

9. They Support Your Dreams

Where would you be if you didn’t have a dream? Life would be pretty dull if you never thought you would be anywhere but where you are right now. You know you’ve found the one for you when you have the silliest dreams, and they still support you.

10. You See Them as a Lover and Best Friend

True romance means that you can be friends first and lovers second. The friendship part ignites the passion between you, especially since you connect on a different level.

According to the Mayo Clinic, true friendship gives you a sense of belonging and purpose, and it helps to enhance your self-confidence and self-worth. You’ve found these qualities in them and so much more.

11. You Share Similar Values

Every person has morals and values that govern their life. It’s challenging to be in a relationship where your values don’t match, as it’s likely to cause division. However, you seem to feel passionate about many similar things in life, and even when you disagree, you still respect one another.


12. There’s a Deep Level of Trust

You trust this person. You can tell them your deepest secrets and know they will never betray you. Being vulnerable with other folks has been a challenge, but for some odd reason, you have no problem bearing your heart and soul to this person.

13. You Can Be Yourself With  Your True Love

With true love, you don’t have to put on a facade or be something you’re not. You feel 100 percent comfortable just being yourself, and they love and accept you for who you are in this life.

14. Your Futures Are Well-Aligned

You’re both going in the same direction and have similar goals. You maintain your individuality, but you find comfort in knowing that they’ve equivalent dreams and goals as you do.

15. You Don’t Try to Change One Another

You like them how they are, and they aren’t trying to change you. Neither of you has a hidden agenda to try to change one another, and it’s a good thing. Researcher Dr. John Gottsman from The Gottsman Institute studies relationships and what makes them work.

A study found that 69 percent of the issues people have going into a marriage are still issues years later. Some of these issues cause the couple to call it quits.

However, his award-winning book The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work states that you can work on the other 31 percent of things together and make your relationship flourish.

16. They Listen When You Talk

One of the main complaints about partners is that they don’t listen to one another. How often have you heard someone say their spouse takes their words in one ear and out the other?

However, things aren’t like that with you two, as you know that they’re genuinely listening to what you have to say. You have good communication, and they engage in good conversation.

17. In True Love, Things Feel Easy

You have no clue what those people are talking about that says relationships are a lot of work. Sure, you don’t agree with each other 100 percent of the time, but when you’re with your true love, things go together like a sock and a shoe.

18. You’re Growing Together

When you find your true love, you will grow together. You see yourself change and become a better version of yourself, and you like what you see. Having someone by your side to walk in life’s journey makes you more secure, and you see growth in all aspects of your life.

19. You Can’t Wait to Call or Text Them

They’re the first person you want to call or text when anything happens. Your lunch breaks at work are just another excuse for you to check in with them. You want to share everything about your day and count the minutes until you see one another.

20. They Lift You Up – Not Put You Down

They would never speak harshly to you or call you names. When you speak, uplifting conversations encourage you to be and do more. They are your biggest cheerleaders and pump you up to make you feel like you can conquer anything.

21. True Love Is Unconditional

True love means you love them in the good and bad times. Sure, things won’t always be a bed of roses, but your deep love for one another can see you through some of life’s most incredible storms.

22. You Work at Romance and Happiness

Romantic relationships take many components to make them work. You’ve found that you genuinely care about the other person’s happiness. You do the little things that put a smile on their face, and you care whether they’re depressed or anxious, as you’re always trying to improve their day.

true love

Final Thoughts on Finding True Love and a Forever Romance

You don’t need a list to tell you that you’ve found your true love. If you know it in your heart, everything makes sense. When you’ve found the person whom the Universe intended for you to be with, your heart will scream that they’re the one. This list only confirms what you already feel inside, which is beautiful.

20 Job Skills People Forget They Have

Writing a resume isn’t always an easy feat. You think you’re doing a great job including all your qualities, only to find that you forgot to include a few. This article details some of the job skills most people forget to include.

Many people find it hard to list their qualifications and achievements with an unbiased opinion. You’ll struggle with which skills to include and which to leave off. This issue leads to undervaluing yourself and leaving off job skills you should have included.

You’ve accomplished so much and must give yourself credit for all of it. Don’t leave essential information off because it causes you to undervalue yourself. Leaving it off doesn’t only happen when you don’t value yourself either because many people forget to include relevant job skills.

There’s so much that goes into a resume that it’s easy to forget things that could help you get a good job. You want to give valuable information that details your areas of expertise and shows your value. Remember that you’re selling yourself, so you want to include everything that highlights your skill set.

Hard Job Skills and Soft Skills (These Belong on Your Resume!)

There are two categories of job-related skills, including hard and soft skills. You’ll want to include qualities from both.

job skills

Hard Job Skills

Hard skills show that you are capable of the job you’re applying to. They are industry-specific skills learned through training courses, previous career experience, or schooling. You must have these job skills to show that you can do the job.

As you list hard skills, include specific certifications and proficiencies. List technologies you’re an expert in, and detail what you’ve done with those programs.

Your resume should also include examples of how you’ve implemented the hard skills. The hiring manager will want to see how you’ve used relevant skills, showing whether you’re a good candidate for the job. If you can, use specific achievements that show the value you brought to the company.

Soft Job Skills

Soft skills are the skills that people need to interact with other people. They include social skills learned from your experience working with others and in an office setting. Managers look for these skills to ensure you’ll fit with the other employees.

Your soft skills can make just as much of a difference as the hard skills when a hiring manager looks at them. Highly trained employees who don’t fit in with the office culture can be detrimental to the team effort. Managers look for those with compatible soft skills to complement the team while adding value.

Create a Job Skills Section on Your Resume

Creating a resume takes quite a bit of work and organization. When creating the skills section, ensure your content is easy to read. Go for a three-column, three-row format near the top.

It should go just above the professional experience, making it easy to view your skillset. Put the required qualifications near the top, adding keywords to help the potential employer recognize what you can do.

Including a few keywords can show what you can offer the company. Use a bulleted list to make your skills section easy to scan. Make it easy for potential employers to read your list for a quick overview.

Don’t use complete sentences in your skills section. Save them for your work history section, another essential aspect.

You’ll want to highlight your job skills in other sections, including your work history, volunteer activities, or professional certifications. However, weave them in seamlessly. Use solid examples to show how these skills apply to your chosen career.

Most People Forget to List These Twenty Job Skills on Their Resume

It’s easy to forget essential job skills on your resume when you’re stressed about getting it done. Many aspects can be overwhelming, but you can achieve them. Double-check that you included these skills, and you’re all set.

1 – Equipment or Machinery Operating

If you are looking for a hands-on job, make sure to detail your skills with equipment and machinery. The potential employer will want to know that you can operate the required equipment. Make sure to list safety training and related courses, too, if they show your skill set.

2 – Proficiency in Programs and Web Tools

A web-based employer will want to know that you can use the necessary programs and web tools. You’ll need proficiency in specific programs, so don’t forget to list these job skills. Think about things such as:

  • Adobe suite
  • social media platforms
  • content management systems
  • WordPress
  • photo editing software
  • Microsoft office
  • G suite
  • QuickBooks
  • FreshBooks
  • Xero

3 – Certifications

Certifications show that you know about the job and are dedicated to continuing education. Employers like to see that you continually better yourself and your skills by expanding your knowledge.

4 – Problem Solving Skills

No matter what job you’re applying for, problem-solving skills are beneficial. All employers want to know that you can work through issues. Every job has hiccups, and being able to navigate them is a good sign.

5 – Collaborative Job Skills

If your job relies on teamwork, you’ll want to highlight your ability to work with others. List this job skill to show that you can work with others toward a common goal. You can list this in the skill section, but you can further detail how you collaborated in your job description.

6 – Communication

Verbal and written communication skills are essential to landing a beneficial job in your field. You must be able to speak to people and present information. However, you also must have written communication skills since many people rely on email.

7 – Leadership

You should list this skill even if you aren’t applying for a leadership position. It shows hiring managers that you possess the necessary job skills to lead a team. Not only will it show them your abilities now, but it’ll encourage them to consider you for leadership later.

The potential employer will know you can take charge of projects and see them through. They’ll trust you with a team because they’ll know you’ll ensure the team gets it finished.

8 – Time Management

Let potential employers know that you can manage your time wisely. It shows that they won’t be wasting company money paying you for not working efficiently. They want to know that you can accomplish the job well and meet deadlines.


9 – Creativity

Highlighting your creative abilities shows that you can think of new ideas and overcome obstacles. It can also unexpectedly bring people together, promoting free-thinking.

10 – Multilingual

If you’re fluent in multiple languages, make sure you include it. Even if the job you’re applying for doesn’t require additional languages, it can help set you apart. It indicates dedication and perseverance because you managed to learn multiple languages.

11 – Bookkeeping or Accounting

These skills are basic abilities that many employers look for. It includes invoicing, collecting payments, account reconciliation, and knowledge of software programs.

12 – Data Analysis

Having an employee who can interpret data is a benefit many companies won’t pass up on. Don’t forget to include it on your job skills list if you’re proficient.

13 – Data Privacy

Cybersecurity skills are in-demand, so never forget to leave them off. If a company deals with sensitive information, the hiring manager will want to hire someone who can keep it safe.

14 – Adaptability

Being able to handle disruption or a changing environment is a beneficial skill. Hiring managers want to hire someone who can acclimate to changes quickly and effectively.

15 – Attention to Detail

Making small mistakes can be costly and time-consuming for businesses. They’ll want to hire someone who pays attention to the little things and catches problems before they cause issues.

16 – Process Automation

Using process automation can save businesses time and improve accuracy. However, employers need someone who can set up and oversee process automation programs. Workflow Automation is a valuable skill to include in your job skills section, as it will make you stand out to potential employers. It demonstrates your ability to optimize complex tasks, streamline operations, and enhance overall efficiency within an organization.

17 – Research Skills

Ideal job candidates know how to look up the information they need. They don’t claim to know everything but know how to find the answers.

18 – Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

SEO and SEM are essential aspects of online content. They can be hard to understand, so if you have the skillset, don’t forget to include it.

19 – Keyboarding or Typing Job Skills

If you can key data quickly and accurately, put it on your resume. Many job industries look for this in your job skills section. You can take a typing test online to determine how many words you can type each minute.

20 – Empathy

A potential employer will like knowing that you are empathetic and can understand the emotions of others. It shows that you can effectively engage with others by putting yourself in their shoes when necessary.

job skills

Final Thoughts on Job Skills Most People Forget to List on Their Resume

Resume writing doesn’t follow a single format, so you must learn along the way. Even with research, it’s hard to remember to include everything. There’s so much that goes into it that you must make sure to highlight your skills and strengths.

Don’t forget to include essential job skills so that a potential employer knows how great you are. Update your document to show the best version of you and your abilities.

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