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10 Self-Affirmations to Write in a Journal (and Read Them Daily)

10 Self-Affirmations to Write in a Journal (and Read Them Daily)

Writing self-affirmations in a journal can help you commit them to memory. When you write the words, you think about them more than if you only said them aloud. You’ll also recall them more easily for saying affirmations aloud or throughout your day when things get complicated.

Using self-affirmations can help promote positive thinking and change limiting beliefs. Positive affirmations help you use the power of thought to manifest a positive reality. It also leads to a positive future, making it beneficial for all aspects of your life.

Positive affirmations can promote positive energy, increase happiness, and improve overall well-being. You’ll notice positive changes in your daily life, helping you focus on the good parts. Using affirmations can also help you succeed in all areas of your life.

How to Keep a Self-Affirmation Journal

New to keeping a diary? Here are some hints to help you get started.


Choose a Journal

Your first step for writing self-affirmations requires choosing something to write in. It doesn’t have to be fancy, and a simple notebook will work. However, you can choose something with a beautiful design or quote for inspiration.

You can also find a digital diary to type your self-affirmations. If it’s easier for you to express your thoughts this way, this could be the way to do it.

Determine What You’ll Use Your Journal For

What you use your journal for is up to you. You can use it only to write affirmations or take it a little further. As you write, list the activities you want to write about or accomplish every day.

It might help if you go further and determine how many self-affirmations you’ll write every day. Determine if you’ll rewrite the same statements or if you’ll decide on a new one each day. You can also repeatedly write one sentence or delve into a detailed diary entry to reaffirm the statement.

Another idea is to write inspiring quotes or other positive prompts. What you include is up to you. Sometimes it’s best to write the self-affirmation and see what flows after that, going with your intuition and creative flows.

Choose a Time and Place to Write Self-Affirmations

Schedule a specific time each day to write your self-affirmations. When you have a set time and routine, you’ll experience more consistency.

You might want to start your morning or finish the day writing self-affirmations. Either way, choose the best time for you, your schedule, and your well-being. Spend the time reflecting or manifesting on uplifting parts of your life.

Write Self-Affirmations in the Same Spot Each Day

Sometimes, it helps to write in the same place every day. Having a routine promotes consistency, including your location when you write in your diary.

Choose a quiet space that doesn’t involve too much distraction so you can write without external influence. You can go to a quiet area of your home or to a local business that offers an enjoyable place to sit without interruption. Another option is to find a beautiful natural spot to connect with your inner thoughts and feelings.

Write Self-Affirmations for a Pre-determined Amount of Time

Determine the time you want to write, set a timer, and don’t stop writing until it finishes. You can rewrite one phrase or elaborate on your feelings regarding the affirmation.

Keep a Few Self-Affirmation Prompts Handy

Sometimes, you might experience writer’s block, so keeping a few prompts handy is best. These prompts can encourage you to write a positive affirmation, or they can include a pre-written phrase. Having ideas within your journal can prevent you from skipping out on a day of writing, as you’ll always have a topic.

Make the Self-Affirmations Short and Simple

Your initial affirmation should be short and easy to remember. When you keep it simple, you can let your thoughts flow regarding the topic. It promotes positive energy as you get in touch with your deeper feelings.

Your short and simple affirmations prevent thinking of specific outcomes and situations. General ideas help you manifest positivity rather than creating resistance to the natural process. Short phrases allow you to focus on your overall goal.

Focus on Your Emotions

Rather than memorizing specific affirmations, you should focus on the emotions that inspire the phrase. When you focus on your feelings, it can help you remember your reason. There’s no right or wrong phrase to use as the affirmation should be true to you and how you feel.

Don’t focus your affirmations around untrue things, either. You can’t tell yourself you’re rich when you know you aren’t. Instead, you can focus on a statement about how to manifest prosperity or improve your finances.

Repeat the Self-Affirmations

When you write a self-affirmation, take the time to repeat it. When you repeat it, you encourage motivation and build momentum.

Focus on each affirmation as you repeat it. It promotes reflection, allowing you to see how it benefits your life. Focusing on your phrase also helps you manifest the positivity you crave.

Focus on Different Areas of Your Life

The self-affirmations you write should target different areas of your life. If you switch your positive phrase daily or weekly, focus on all aspects of your everyday existence. It’s easy to focus only on the problematic areas of your life, but you must look beyond that.

When you look beyond the issues of your life, it helps reaffirm your sense of well-being. Ignoring the other aspects can cause you to miss out on the opportunity to embrace the good parts of your life.

Sometimes your affirmations should be about things you already feel good about. Focusing on these things can increase your positive energy and allow you to handle difficult parts of your life easier.


Self-Affirmations to Write in a Journal

Write these in your diary and review them every day for self-encouragement.

1 – I am creating positive change in my life.

The essential part of manifesting positivity is being open to change. When you can manifest positive change, you’re on the way to improving your life.

2 – I am perfect as I am right now, and I don’t compare myself to others.

Social media makes it easy to compare yourself to others, but don’t give in to that temptation. Social media makes it all too easy to compare yourself to others. Again–don’t give into temptation. You might also compare yourself to people you see in person, and that’s not a beneficial experience, either.

You are perfect as you are right now, and it’s important to remind yourself. This reminder can help you push away comparative thoughts that hinder your well-being.

3 – I am confident in my abilities and strengths.

When you’re confident in who you are, you’ll experience many benefits in life. Focus on what you’re good at, reminding yourself of your strengths. It’ll help you remember that you have talents, and then you can focus on fostering those areas of your life.

4 – I can control how I react to people and situations.

Controlling your reactions can make all the difference in your life. If you react negatively, it can worsen the situation. Focusing on positivity promotes your well-being and allows for development.

5 – I focus on balancing all areas of my life.

When you find balance in your life, you’ll experience happiness and positivity. Focus on balancing all parts of your life, including your career, personal relationships, and self-care.

6 – I am thankful for the life I have.

Your life might not always be perfect, but it’s still a blessing. Write this affirmation and think of all the great things and people you have. If you want, you can write out everything you’re thankful for.

7 – I surround myself with people who support me and bring out the best parts of me.

The people you spend time with can make all the difference in your life. Surround yourself with people who want what’s best for you. They’ll support you along the way without interfering with your goals.

8 – I am whole and don’t need someone to complete me.

You don’t need a partner or anyone else to make you feel complete. Embrace who you are and remember that you are more than enough.

9 – I am proud of who I am.

Even if you haven’t achieved all of your goals yet, you deserve to be proud of yourself. You’ve grown and developed in many ways and become a better version of who you were before. Be proud of every obstacle and hardship you’ve overcome, and remember the victories.

10 – I am worthy of feeling loved and experiencing happiness.

You deserve all the happiness in the world and are worthy of love. Use this affirmation so that you always remember your worth. Don’t settle for anything less; don’t let anyone make you feel inadequate.


Final Thoughts on Self-Affirmations to Write in a Journal (and Read Them Daily)

Self-affirmations are perfect for promoting positivity and reminding you of your self-worth. Once you become comfortable writing affirmations, you can take it further and write your own. Your affirmation journal can be whatever you’d like, so don’t hesitate to write your thoughts in it.

When you re-read your written self-affirmations, consider reading them aloud. By hearing yourself say the phrases, you’ll be more likely to remember and believe them.

12 Things to Never Lose Control of

Do you try to control things that are beyond your grasp? Maybe you’re worrying yourself day and night over things you must let go of. There are many things in life that you cannot fix no matter how hard you try, so when you learn how to release negativity and flow with positive thoughts instead, your life will be much better.

Have you ever read the Serenity Prayer? Recovery groups across the country (like AA) use it to help people realize that there are some things they can’t control. The prayer asks for God to help you accept those things you cannot change and help you be brave enough to change what you can. The real key is the power to know the difference, as this matters tremendously.

Twelve Things You Can Control in Your Life

If you were to sit down and examine all the troubles in your life right now, what things do you have the power to change? Upon closer examination, you will notice that you’re powerless to control many things that keep you up at night.

So why are you wasting your time and energy fretting about things beyond your power? If you want to release positive thoughts and create an optimistic mindset to thrive, then worry about the following things you can control.


1. You Do Control Your Expectations in Life

Sadly, you didn’t get a say in where you were born or the family you were born into, but you can be successful at whatever card life has dealt you. Do you know that there are people who would change places with you in a heartbeat?

Think about some of the greats throughout history who received a pretty crappy hand but rose above their challenges to make something of their life. Look at Hellen Keller. According to Live Science, Keller was blind and deaf due to a disease ravaging her body at nineteen months.

Yet, she was a pioneer in the blind community. She learned to thrive against all odds, and Keller even wrote a book about her life story. She was the first visually impaired person to graduate from college with a degree from Radcliffe University.

It would help if you erased the preconceived limitations you put on yourself. Once you learn to accept yourself for how you are, you will start learning your true potential.

2. Whether To Stop or Keep Going

You will encounter obstacles every day in your life. Sometimes these obstacles will be significant, but you must decide whether you keep going or stop. You’ve probably heard the saying that winners never quit, and quitters never win. However, you must use wisdom to know when it’s time to sever ties. Maybe you have a job that’s making you completely miserable.

You choose to stay or go, and only you can make this decision. Sure, you must continue and become more resilient, but there are other times you need to learn when to cut your losses. Sadly, no one will give you a participation trophy just for living each day, but you can build success along the way that makes it worthwhile.

3. You Control Your Choice of Friends and Your Inner Circle

How often did your parents not like a friend because they didn’t feel they were a good influence on you? As an adult, you have more control over who’s in your inner circle. Do the people you hang with enhance your positive thoughts or are they a source of negativity?

When you release negativity in your life, you must also release toxic people who drag you down. If you think these people don’t have much bearing on your life, you should consider a study cited by JAMA Internal Medicine.

The research discovered that negative interactions in close relationships heighten the risk of heart disease. All this stress and pessimism takes a toll on your body and affects your heart.

4. Your Health

While there are many sicknesses that you encounter that you have no control over, there are many parts of your health you do manage. Are you eating a healthy diet without processed and sugary foods, or are you a junk food addict?

You make a conscious choice every time you take a bite of food, and you jeopardize your health when you don’t fuel your system with protein, fruits, and vegetables. Releasing negativity means letting go of those toxic substances you drink and eat daily.

5. Time and Focus Are Within Your Control

You control what you do from when you wake up in the morning until you climb into bed at night. The clock’s always ticking, and it’s a rat race at times, but you’re the one who makes the decisions on what you do with this space.

You can choose to release negativity and have a great day, or you can dwell on all your problems and have a miserable one. The roughly sixteen hours of awake time is a blank canvas for you.

6. Where You Live

You need to move if you don’t like where you live. How often do you hear people complain about their city, the lack of job opportunities, or things to do? You get to say where you live, as this is your choice. How can you think positively and have a good mindset when you’re miserable with your location?

positive thoughts

7. How Much Sleep You Get

Unless you have a sleep disorder, you dictate how much sleep you get each night. You will pay the next day if you stay up until two in the morning scrolling social media. Having a set bedtime and getting sufficient rest is part of keeping a healthy system, and in most cases, you get to control whether your energy tank is running low due to a lack of sleep.

8. Your Level of Happiness

You might think that this sounds impossible, but you can be happy. You may feel like the world is crashing around you. However, you have the power to release negativity and set your mind towards positive thoughts. You make a choice every day whether you’re going to be miserable or happy, and what you choose affects you and those closest to you.

9. Your Education

You control your education level. Some folks drop out of school early and choose a life of physical labor. Others decide to go to a university and work with their mind. People often think those that have more money were born with a silver spoon in their mouths.

Conversely, many of these folks worked hard and educated themselves to get where they are today. You change your future when you release negativity and the mindset that you can’t do something. Thinking positive thoughts would remind you that a little bit of hard work will get you ahead.

10. You Control Whether You Set an Environment That Builds Positive Thoughts

Look at the room you’re in right now. Do you like the color of the walls, the carpeting, or the pictures that hang around you? You can change anything in this space you don’t like.

Your environment is essential as it’s the place where you facilitate growth. If you don’t like something about it, then you can alter it to fit your preference. Maybe your space is cluttered, and it’s not helping you release negativity from your life.

You can declutter your space and life by choosing to cut some things loose. Make sure your room is comfortable and conducive to positive thoughts, so you can be the person you can be.

11. Your Presentation

Are you guilty of judging a book by its cover? Society has trained us to judge folks by appearance, but you know you must have a deeper level of acceptance of people. The way you present yourself to the world is entirely within your control.

If you come to work with dirty clothes, wet hair, and no shower, people will not see you as someone successful. However, folks will notice if you come in dressed your best, smelling great, and ready to tackle the day. Remember that people will treat you the way you treat yourself.

12. You Control How You Treat Others

Are you kind to other people, or do you rush through life thinking only of yourself? If you see a senior citizen struggling to put groceries into their car, would you stop to help? Being kind means allowing your positive thoughts to leap into action.

Kind people will go out of their way to help others and don’t care what other people might think. When you release negativity in your life, you will notice that the positive stuff starts flooding within and without.


Final Thoughts on Knowing How to Increase Positive Thoughts and Focus Only on the Things You Can Control

It’s easy to get into your headspace, upset by things you can’t alter in this life. However, the more you focus on how wrong things are, the more it hinders you from fixing them.

When you get into the right mindset and think positive thoughts, you will realize that you can tackle anything life throws your way. If you don’t like something, change it! Life is way too short for you to be miserable.

15 Reasons to Love Your Body Just As It Is

Are you at the edge of insanity by trying fad diets and worrying about your weight? What if you learn to love your body without a doubt? Most men want those six-pack abs, and women desire an hourglass figure that fits perfectly into clothes, but it’s unrealistic. Instead of bodyshaming, show yourself some grace and love.

According to International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, the average size of a woman today falls between sizes sixteen to eighteen. Shockingly, this is considered plus size, and you’ll never have a skinny-waisted hourglass figure based on statistics. Conversely, some people are naturally super-thin and desire more curves, much to their dismay. Either way, you are perfect! You must learn to stop bodyshaming yourself and learn to love the skin you’re in.

Fifteen Reasons to Love Your Body

You’re never going to look like Hollywood’s elite, as it’s impossible. Since you’re stuck with your body, you must learn to rock it! Self-love means taking care of and loving yourself, even those pesky imperfections. Here are some reasons you must learn to love your body, and you will see all the benefits of this positive mindset.


1. You Feel More Comfortable in Your Skin When You Love Your Body

It’s a waste of time to worry constantly about your figure. Unless you’re severely overweight (or underweight) and it affects your health, you need to give yourself a break. Don’t waste rare opportunities to buy those stylish jeans you’ve always wanted. Love your body the way it is, and dress yourself to flatter your physique.

2. When You Quit Bodyshaming and Love Yourself, Your Sensuality Will Increase

Everyone has a sensual side. When you have no inhibitions with your body, you will allow yourself to give and receive pleasure with greater confidence. People who are reserved and have body shaming issues won’t feel free to embrace this side of themselves. When you learn to love yourself just as you are, you will be a more enthusiastic lover.

3. You’ll Attract More People When You Love Your Body As-Is

You’ll attract more of the same when you’re a positive person who doesn’t engage in harmful bodyshaming. The energy that flows from you will be well-received by others. Self-acceptance is a beautiful thing to possess, as you will attract people who also support this healthy lifestyle. You will learn that it’s less about what’s on the outside and more about what’s on the inside.

4. You’ll Ward off Depression When You Stop Bodyshaming

According to Harvard Medical School, depression can occur for several reasons. First, it can happen due to conditions that weigh heavily on your mind and body, which is called circumstantial. This situation can happen due to organic reasons or an imbalance of chemicals within the brain.

While you can’t control some things with your mind, you do have the power to control other aspects. Did you know that when you learn to love your body just as it is, you will be less likely to be depressed? Self-love is accepting what you have, curves and all. You will feel stronger and healthier mentally when you believe you’re handsome or beautiful.

5. You Feel Liberty to Express Yourself

When you love your body, you will feel a sense of liberty that others don’t possess. Self-love can compel you to go out on a limb and show your artistic expression, regardless of what others think. You don’t fear every little step you make in life, as you’re confident and able to take a few hits.

People become dissatisfied when they expect themselves to be perfect. However, confidence comes with self-love, and you’ll feel like you can tackle the world.

6. Self-Love Enhances the Mind/Body Connection

Accepting yourself gives you a higher state of awareness of your mind and body connection. Learning to love your body makes you more in tune with the relationship between your physical and mental being. You will be able to identify things that affect your mood, focus, and overall well-being, and you can take steps to fix them.

7. Your Health Will Improve When You Stop Bodyshaming

Self-love does terrific things for your mind. Did you know that a better mindset can improve your health? When you accept and love yourself, you will celebrate the temple that houses your soul. You will want to live healthier and eat better, as you’re all about self-care and nourishment.

love your body

8. It Grounds You Spiritually

When you kick body shaming to the curb, it helps to ground you spiritually. Your body is a temple, and this is a place where your soul rests. When you accept the temple you already have, it helps to keep you centered spiritually.

You have unique qualities unlike anyone on planet earth, so you can learn to celebrate and accept these gifts and talents. Self-love will only make your spiritual self more vital and stronger.

9. Your Confidence Will Soar

Have you ever been around someone who doesn’t like who they are? They hold their head down, lack confidence, and have an unhealthy body image. Consequently, when you love your body, you feel calmer and more comfortable, and people won’t mind being around you. Folks like to be around self-assured, as they don’t whine and constantly spew negativity.

10. You’ll Attract the Perfect Mate if You Love Your Body

Have you ever met someone who settles for a partner that’s not good for them? Sadly, they live a life of complete chaos because of their bad choices. Most people who choose out of desperation live to regret their decisions.

However, when you’re comfortable in your skin, you don’t need to find a partner as much as you desire companionship. The desperation level drops dramatically, and you can make sound judgments. You will enhance your charisma, which potential partners will find very attractive.

11. You’ll Have More Energy

You will have higher energy levels when you walk like someone with clout. When you feel good about yourself, you will increase your posture. Holding yourself in such a manner increases the blood flow to all your vital organs as the circulation is enhanced. You will notice that you feel better when you hold your head up high and are proud of who you are.

12. Love Your Body… You’ll Have More Fun

People that lack self-love and engage in body shaming won’t be as eager to get out and do things. They will think of 101 reasons why they can’t go out with their friends, as they feel uncomfortable and like everyone is watching them. However, when you love your body and your personality, you will be free to go out and have fun at a moment’s notice.

13. You Accept the Things You Can’t Change

There are many things in your life that you cannot change, and your body is one of them. There’s no reason to engage in bodyshaming and crying over something that most people can’t fix.

You can’t change your bone structure or genetics, so you must learn to embrace your curves. Learning to accept your body the way it opens your mind to realize there are other things you can’t alter.

14. You Learn You’re Unique and Special and Love Your Body Because It’s Unique

Most people fantasize about having a body like a model or being free enough to wear that bikini or tight shorts on the beach. However, the world would be very dull if everyone was a carbon copy of each other. Individuality is the key to making the world unique. Besides that, telling yourself you “can’t” wear an itty-bitty bikini is another sneaky type of bodyshaming.

When you learn to love yourself and stop body shaming, you will realize that you have unique features like your eyes, lips, legs, and toes. Instead of putting yourself down, you will learn to find things you like about yourself.

15. You’ll Treat Yourself Like Royalty

Have you ever seen how princes and princesses are treated in royal families? They have people who help them get dressed, special spa days, and they make sure their clothes are always perfect. You will see your actual value when you learn to love your body. You will treat yourself as you deserve to be treated, as you matter.

love your body

Final Thoughts on Learning to Skip Bodyshaming and Love Your Body

Many people go through life miserable because they’ve never learned to love who they are in this life. They have low self-esteem and engage in bodyshaming because they feel uncomfortable in their skin. Then, you’ve seen people who don’t care what others think of them and love themselves for who they are.

Look at Christy Metz or Melissa McCarthy. These beautiful and talented stand-outs defied the odds and made it big in Hollywood. They both have done television and movies because their charisma is infectious. People love watching them because they look beyond the exterior to see the actual talent. These women are perfect examples of why you need to love your body and never let a thing like weight hold you back.

Isn’t it time to love your body without judgment?

10 Morning Habits For A More Positive Mindset (In 5 Minutes Or Less)

Do you struggle to stay in a positive mindset? Keeping your optimism at the right level when there’s so much negativity around you is difficult. Many folks notice that mornings are incredibly challenging. However, this is the time that sets the tone for positivity for the rest of your day.

What if changing your day and incorporating more positivity into it was as easy as adjusting a few things? Do you have five minutes to spare? If so, it could be just what you need to change your negativity into a more positive one.

Ten Morning Habits to Improve Your Mindset

Optimism comes easy for some folks, but many struggle to stay in a positive mindset when they’re under stress. It’s all because of the negativity bias. Every negative thing that happens to you will affect you three times more than anything positive.

So, it’s easy to see why you can get into this pessimistic frame of mind and throw your positive mindset out the door. The good news is that you can change it! Using these ten tips below, you can empower yourself to change your day and life.

positive mindset

1. Get Up Early to Better Support a  Positive Mindset

Many people fall into the trap of sleeping in, and this is especially true on the weekends. The problem with sleeping too late is that it throws your circadian rhythm off balance. According to the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, this 24-hour cycle is your internal clock.

It helps your body to function and run on a  schedule. You keep the clock on an even keel when you get up at around the same time each day. Have you ever had a watch with a drained battery that started to lose time?

Your body is very similar to this, as it’s hard for you to function when your internal clock gets off kilter. How can you have a positive mindset if you’re exhausted and your body is out of sync?

2. Try Positive Affirmations

One way to get into a better mindset and to bring positivity into your life is by using affirmations. If you dwell on all the negative things when your eyes open, you start the day on the wrong foot. You want to begin your day by saying something like this:

  • “I will have a great day.”
  • “I will accomplish all I need to.”
  • “I’m loved, and therefore today I will love.”
  • “I will show kindness to everyone I meet.”
  • “I will thrive under pressure.”

When you train the tone of your inner voice from pessimism to optimism, you will see how different your day is. Those with a positive mindset believe they can tackle whatever comes their way, while the negative one will procrastinate and run.

3. Mediate or Pray to Increase Optimism

Take a few minutes when you awaken to meditate or pray. This helps you get the right mindset to conquer whatever you face that day. You don’t need anything long and drawn out, as you can do some deep breathing and get yourself in a positive mindset.

Asking the Universe or your Higher Power for help is never a bad idea. Spirituality is an integral part of your being and can help you in the darkest days.

4. Fuel a Positive Mindset and Healthy Body with Protein

Do you skip breakfast or grab a donut or granola bar on the way out the door? It would help if you made time to eat something healthy to start their day. Sugary treats, even processed granola bars, can cause your blood sugar to be off.

Additionally, processed and sugary junk foods are not empowering your body to get through the day. Why not start with a healthy bowl of steel-cut oats with cinnamon and honey? If you want to kick your protein up another level, you can add some fresh pecans or walnuts.

When you eat a good breakfast, you’re giving your body the fuel to keep your energy levels up. Don’t skip this meal or be tempted to get a sweet treat on the way out the door, as it’s hard to keep a positive mindset when you feel terrible.

5. Get Some Exercise

The mornings don’t allow for much time to exercise, but you can significantly boost your body and mood if you move a bit. When you leave bed, why not try some stretches or run-in place?

According to the National Library of Medicine, exercise raises the serotonin levels in your brain. Additionally, it releases those feel-good hormones that put you in a positive mindset.

Exercise can combat increased levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. Spending thirty minutes would be good, but if you move and get your heart pumping for five minutes, you will notice a difference in how you feel.


6. Put Down the Cell Phone to Have a Positive Mindset

Do you reach for your cell phone the minute you open your eyes? The problem is that while you might need to check work messages and things of this nature, you’re also likely to be bombarded with news. Most phones have some sort of news and weather that scrolls either on the main screen or on social media.

These notifications can hinder your positivity, especially when you read of wars and rumors of wars. To keep your optimism where it needs to be for the day, you don’t want to ingest all this negativity from the start.

Find something else to do when you get up rather than reach for electronics. Why not kiss your partner good morning, tell your children how much you love them, or open the blinds and let the sun’s rays beam into your home?

7. Count Your Blessings to Increase Positivity

There’s an old gospel song by Jeff Easter called “Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me.” The song is about gratitude and states there’s a roof above me, an excellent place to sleep, food on the table, and shoes on your feet. This song was written by a 16-year-old kid who lived a life of poverty and committed a crime, landing in prison for nineteen years.

While there, he had a spiritual rebirth, which changed his entire life. He wrote this song to be thankful for all his blessings. He had no idea how the words of that song would impact people for generations to come. Gratitude sets you on the right path and allows you to open yourself to more blessings.

If you want to bring more positivity into your life, then start counting your blessings. When you wake up, take a minute, and thank God or your Higher Power for all you’ve been given. Try to list at least ten things you’re thankful to have every morning in this life.

An attitude of gratitude will help you forge through the day and keep your optimism high. If you have horrible days and your mood is not right, why not start by counting your blessings?

You can focus on others more than yourself with a new positive mindset. It’s easier to put things into perspective when you realize how blessed you are to have a job, a home, a vehicle to drive, and food in your cabinets. Many people would see these simple things as luxuries.

8. Read Inspirational Material

If you have five minutes to spare, it’s just enough time to change your mindset for the day. Why not read some uplifting memes or something from a motivational speaker? Empowering yourself for greatness can be as simple as embracing positivity in small ways.

9. Practice Self-Care for a More Positive Mindset

Everyone deserves to look their best because when you look good, you’re going to feel good. So many people throw their hair back and grab the first thing they see in their closet. What if you took the time to fix your hair to feel more confident?

Put on some cologne or perfume and make yourself look fabulous. It would help if you pampered yourself a bit, and taking a few minutes daily for yourself changes everything.

10. Give Yourself Plenty of Time

Many reasons why people struggle with positivity in the morning are because they’re running late. It’s impossible to keep your optimism where it needs to be when you’re in a mad dash to get to work. Why not get up ten to fifteen minutes earlier, so you do not need to rush?

When you have ample time to get things done, you’ll see a positive mindset is easier to achieve. The people working next to you and even driving in the lane next to you will appreciate your positivity, as road rage and a bad mood will affect others.

positive mindset

Final Thoughts on Positive Morning Habits

Did you see anything on the list that you can easily add to your morning routine? Are you ready to fuel your internal optimism and have better days? Sure, it will take a little work to get to a positive mindset, but you will find that it will become second nature after a while.

Your life is yours to choose how you live. You choose to be negative and down all the time, or you can choose to walk in the power of positivity. Which will it be?

11 Reasons Why Your Crush Stopped Texting

You meet a wonderful person, and you have high hopes for the future of this relationship. Sadly, your crush ghosted you just when things were going so well. No phone calls, no texting, no communication at all. What did you do wrong to warrant this treatment, and is this more of their problem than yours?

It’s only natural to wonder what’s wrong with you when your love interest stops texting. Still, you can’t jump to conclusions. Many things go through people’s minds when they feel something they don’t understand. Then, there’s always the past or another party that could be involved.

11 Reasons Why Your Crush Stopped Texting and How to Cope With It

Move on when someone ghosts you, as there is plenty of fish in the sea. However, if you have feelings and your crush blows you off, you might feel a little sad and ruminate about all the reasons why they did this to you. Here are a few reasons why you’re getting ghosted.

your crush

1. Your Crush Is Not Interested

This may be a case of unrequited love. Perhaps you’re feeling or reading more into the situation than your crush. You may envision a white picket fence, a dog, and a few children running around the backyard.

However, their mind may be a million miles from that place. The most common reason a potential lover stops texting is that they’re not that into you.

What to Do:

It’s best to come out and ask them if they’re not that interested. While it seems a bit forward, you’ll never know how they feel unless you ask. Additionally, you don’t want to waste more time on the wrong one when you can look for your soul mate.

2. They Stopped Texting Because They Found Another Person

While you’re a great catch, you’ve likely been ghosted for another. Your crush might have eyes for someone else. You can’t help who you fall in love with, nor can you blame them for falling for another person.

All is fair in love and war, and it’s possible that there was chemistry between them and someone else that they couldn’t deny. It doesn’t mean anything to you, as you’re undoubtedly remarkable. However, you want to be with someone who is 100 percent for you, and it seems this isn’t the case.

What to Do:

If you don’t hear back from this person in a week or two, it’s safe to say they’ve moved on. It would help if you did the same to keep yourself from getting hurt.

3. Your Crush Sent You Mixed Signals

Perhaps you read more into the situation than what was there. It’s possible that your crush didn’t feel the way you did about them. Maybe they were being friendly and chatting with you, but there were no real feelings. They might have ghosted you because they didn’t want to string you along anymore.

What to Do:

Reevaluate the situation and see if you might have read more into it than there was. You can also look at their social media pages to see if they’ve got something else going on in their life before you jump to conclusions. However, don’t stay where you’re not wanted, as you should move on.

4. They Are Not Texting Because They Are Honestly Too Busy

Unfortunately, most people have chaotic lives. There are work, friends, and family obligations, not to mention taking care of a home and bills. It’s possible they’ve just become overwhelmed with things in their life.

It might not be the right time for them until some things settle down. You certainly don’t want to be with the right person at the wrong time, as it might not go the way you like.

What to Do:

If someone has told you they’re super busy, you must respect them. It might not be a good time, and you should find someone with more time to devote to you.

5. You Came on Too Strong for Comfort

Some folks like to take things nice and slow when getting to know someone. However, it’s possible that you came on way too firm, and now they’re back peddling. Maybe your pace is faster than what they’re willing to go.

It doesn’t mean that they don’t like you; it just means they’re putting on the brakes on the situation. They’re not comfortable with the way or the speed at which things progress.

Another thing to consider is that previous relationships have hurt this person. According to Dr. Judith Wright from the Wright Foundation, every person has unfinished business that goes back to childhood. These matters often cause things like limiting attitudes and personal biases that make relationships challenging.

It doesn’t mean that this person won’t text you in the future, but right now, they have some unfinished emotional baggage that they need to unpack. Something about you or the situation may have triggered things they’ve yet to manage.

What to Do:

Listen, you don’t want to be with someone with tons of unpacked baggage, which is often hard to manage. Instead, respect their limitations and stand back a bit. If they come looking for you, you should have a serious conversation about your hesitations.

6. You Said Something Wrong to Your Crush But Didn’t Realize It

Your crush might have become offended at something you said. It’s challenging to go back through all your dialogues and try to decipher what you said that was so wrong. If something was stated wrong, you certainly didn’t mean to do it.

your crush

What to Do:

First, you don’t want to be with anyone who gets offended over such small things. If you think of something you said that was off-putting, you need to apologize. However, if you can’t think of anything you said out of line, let them go. You don’t want someone who is so touchy anyway.

7. Your Crush Just Wanted a One Night Stand

Sadly, some people want a one-night situation and aren’t looking for anything more. Your crush may see you as just a booty call and isn’t looking to walk down the aisle anytime soon. They may not want the same things from the situation you desire.

What to Do:

You don’t want the same thing. So you need to find someone who will love and appreciate you without being used.

8. They Don’t Want Anything Serious

It’s possible your crush isn’t looking for anything too serious, and you’re coming off as someone relationship ready. You can undoubtedly push someone away if you want two different things in life. You both need to be headed in the same direction, or one of you will get hurt.

What to Do: You can’t make someone serious in a relationship if they’re not ready or don’t want it. However, you know where you’re, so find someone looking for the same.

9. Your Crush Does Not Think You’re Interested

What if the other person is into you, but they think you’re not into them? It’s not uncommon for people to get their wires crossed regarding love and relationships. Maybe you’ve played it too cool, and now they don’t think you’re that into it.

What to Do:

If you have an opportunity, make your desires known. If you tell them you want to see what happens, you’re leaving no room for misinterpretation. Some folks need things spelled out a bit, so you need a conversation about where this is going.

10. You Text Way Too Much

Some folks are just more apt to text than others. It could be that this person is a bit old-fashioned, as they prefer phone calls or in-person visits. No matter how much they’re into you, some individuals don’t like to text 24×7. They have busy lives and work long hours, so they only text when they can.

What to Do:

If they tell you they don’t like to text, don’t get upset because they don’t text much. Try different methods of communication to see if it works better for them. The biggest issue here is that there needs to be active communication for any relationship to work.

11. They’re Playing Hard to Get

What if your crush likes playing hard to get? It’s undoubtedly enthralling to have someone chase after you, and they may desire to be pursued a bit. They might be totally into you, but they’re waiting on you to make the next move.

What to Do:

It’s okay to play the game of cat and mouse for a bit, but just don’t let it drag on for too long. Even the cat gets tired when they can’t catch the mouse, so they will move on to something else.


Final Thoughts on Being Ghosted by Your Crush

Dating and trying to find your soul mate is often one of the most challenging things in life. Finding your other half often means you must first discover yourself. When you add things like religion, social status, and your family to the mix, it makes it an even more daunting task.

However, while it’s not an easy journey, it’s certainly one that’s worth it. When your crush is not responding to you, and you feel like your heart may leap from your chest, it’s time to do some investigative work. There might be a simple explanation, but it might also signify that it’s time to move on.

6 Hidden Causes of Trauma

Everyone has some damage in their life they must overcome, but have you ever considered all the causes of trauma? While some folks don’t want to go looking for hidden issues as they wish to keep emotional peace, the purpose is to uncover what’s behind your painful feelings so that you can heal.

You can’t fix a problem you can’t see, and you can’t heal from an issue you’ve yet to identify. While the trauma you’ve experienced is hidden and invisible to the world, the side effects it causes you are not so obscured. Regardless of what or who hurt you, you must know that there is help and hope for your future.

Understanding the Hidden Cause Trauma

Trauma is a response to an event that deeply disturbed you. It overwhelmed your emotional state and ability to cope, leaving you hopeless or helpless. It changed the way you think, as it altered your emotions.

You must understand that trauma is not an experience or event that happened to you, as much as it is the aftereffects. Two people can be involved in car accidents and be severely injured, yet one will develop a fear of being in the car and have anxiety just thinking about it. The other one will have no qualms about jumping in an automobile because they realize it was a mere accident. A reliable San Francisco Car Accident Lawyer can help navigate the legal complexities, ensuring you receive the support needed to address both physical recovery and emotional trauma effectively. Severely damaged cars can still be sold to Car’s Cash For Junk Clunkers at 2550 Catamaran Way, Chula Vista, CA 91914 (619) 489-2207 and get cash for cars.

Though both people went through the same thing, their responses were different. The University of Colorado’s Lyda Hill Institute for Human Resilience defines trauma as a muddled mental or behavioral condition resulting from psychological or emotional damage or bodily harm. It’s something that happens deep in your soul that leaves a mark.

Since so many traumas hide beneath the surface, their pain or effects occasionally seep into the forefront of life. For instance, you may watch a sad movie that triggers a memory. It makes you cry because your emotional state isn’t the best.

Trauma is very personal, and keeping it hidden creates a big problem. It will not disappear on its own, and when it’s ignored, it still screams silently inside. Your healing can begin when you hear these screams and pay attention to the causes of trauma and the pain it brings.

Identifying Six Hidden Causes of Trauma in Your Life

Uncovering the hidden causes of trauma in your life is the best place to begin. Here are six types that psychologists identify commonly.

1. Childhood Neglect (the most frequent causes of trauma)

Childhood neglect is a prevalent issue that leaves scars on the heart. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, an estimated 550,000 cases are reported each year. Sadly, four children will die each day in the United States of America due to neglect.

This one is different from the other trauma causes, as it occurs because something didn’t happen. For instance, a child is emotionally or physically neglected because their parent doesn’t attend to their needs. Each kid is unique and has specific requirements.

When the parent doesn’t respond in a way that satisfies these needs, it creates neglect. Sometimes the adult doesn’t see what’s happening to the child, especially if they have many children. However, the child fell through the cracks. In many instances, neglect comes with abuse.

When a child doesn’t have their needs fulfilled, it leaves a hole in their memory, and they can’t recall certain events. It’s challenging to heal from something that you can’t even remember.

2. Repressive Wound

Some people can be authoritative and firm but still kind, but others are overbearing bullies. One of the causes of trauma can be someone you loved who bullies you. This can happen on the job, at home, or in a relationship.

3. Unhealed Core Wounds

While all causes of trauma can be hard to handle, this one can be tough. No matter how often a person addresses the issues of trauma in their life, the root remains.

An unhealed core is where someone doesn’t know what happened to them. They may have blocked out events to protect themselves, so they must do some soul searching and find out what happened so that they can heal from it.

4. Dismissive

Dismissive trauma is a condition where a person won’t acknowledge or validate what happened to them. There are many reasons this might occur, such as fear of repercussions if they confront the person, place, or thing or don’t want to appear weak to others.

The trauma has been with them for so long that they start to perceive it as a regular part of their life, as it’s all they’ve ever known. Someone might have told them to suck it up and get over it, so it was dismissed as unimportant.

If anyone in their life has invalidated the things they’ve been through, it can cause them to bury the pain deep within and not address it. When considering the kinds of trauma, dismissal is one of the ones that many people fight.

5. Generational Causes of Trauma

Generational causes of trauma are hidden but real. These feelings pass down from one generation to another. It’s divided into two categories, transgenerational and intergenerational. For instance, a man whose father beat him as a punishment might think this is an acceptable way to punish a child.

Although, the punishment leaves marks on the body and soul. Therefore, abused people often go on to be abusive to their children. It’s also why many children raised by alcoholics develop substance abuse disorders.

6. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD

According to the National Library of Medicine, post-traumatic stress disorder is when a person encounters a disturbing, scary, or even dangerous experience. Everyone will experience the fight or flight feelings at some point in life, but the person who develops PTSD can’t stop relieving this event when triggered.

The discovery of this anxiety disorder heightened after WWII when people came home “shell-shocked” and altered from the disturbing things they observed. PTSD is very stigmatized and often misunderstood. Ironically, the article states that women suffer more from this condition than men, which was believed to be the other way around.

The issue is that women internalize stuff, whereas men are freer to get things off their chest. Internalizing trauma and not allowing those feelings to be processed can cause many issues.

Side Effects from Emotional Damage


The causes of trauma can cause many things to occur in your body. It alters your emotional state and the feelings you have towards everyday things. Here are some of the most common side effects that psychologists observe:

  • Trouble maintaining healthy relationships
  • Substance abuse tendencies
  • Anxiety disorders with intrusive thoughts
  • Depression and chronic despair
  • Eating disorders
  • Compulsive issues
  • Borderline or other personality disorders

Seven Habits to Heal Your Inner Wounds

Now that you’ve identified the causes of trauma and what you’re dealing with inside, it’s time to start the healing process. Here are a few ways to begin this journey towards a better you.

1. Accept Help and Support

You must reach out to others for help. This can include a counselor, trusted mentor, family member, or friend. The more you talk about it, the less power it has over you.

2. Attend a Support Group to Discuss the Causes of Trauma in a Safe Place

Finding a support group can help you uncover and process your feelings, whether online or in person. There’s power in numbers, and it helps to hear others talk about going through the same things.

3. Exercise and Physical Movement

Your mental and physical health will improve when you move more. Exercise releases those feel-good hormones you need to deal with such challenges.

4. Work With Your Feelings

Please don’t bury your feelings and hope that your emotional state will improve on its own. You must be proactive. Try journaling, meditation, yoga, and other forms that help to cleanse the mind, body, and spirit.

5. Practice Mindfulness Regarding Your Feelings

Learn to live in the moment. Stop looking behind you and missing out on the beautiful things around you.

6. Engage in Some Creative Thinking

It’s time to get your creative juices pumping. Some of the greatest songwriters started by putting their heart and soul down on paper and sharing it with the world.

7. Practice Self-Care

Treat yourself like the king or queen that you are in this life. If you’re tired, take a nap. Treat yourself to “me time,” where you pamper yourself and care for your needs. Your feelings and emotions will improve when you learn to engage in self-care.

causes of trauma

Final Thoughts on Identifying Possible Causes of Trauma and Learning to Resolve the Feelings

Regardless of who or what hurt you, it’s time to start the healing process. The longer you leave these feelings and emotions deep inside unhandled, the longer they will continue to haunt you. Once you uncover your causes of trauma, the real work begins.

It’s time to begin the next chapter of your life by putting down the baggage that you’ve exhausted yourself by carrying. No, what happened to you wasn’t right, but you don’t have to keep bringing this with you for the rest of your life. Today is a good day to start the healing journey.

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