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Vegan Athlete in UK Holds 20 Powerlifting Records

Vegan Athlete in UK Holds 20 Powerlifting Records

Sophia Ellis, a UK-based vegan athlete, and two-time British champion proves that eating plant-based doesn’t make you weak. In April 2022, she made history and broke six national records at the British Women’s Classic Championships in Scotland.

She competed in the U76kg open class, deadlifting heavier weight than any female in British powerlifting history. She deadlifted 237.5kg (524lbs), holding a new British record in both Classic and Equipped categories in every weight class. Even more remarkably, it’s an unofficial record across all of Europe.

At the same powerlifting competition, Ellis also squatted 170kg (374 lbs) and bench pressed 118 kg (260 lbs). She broke records for the bench round as well. Her weight lifted amounted to a staggering 525.5kg (1,158lbs), marking another British record in both Classic and Equipped categories.

In addition, she broke the European deadlift record of 230.5kg at the 2021 European Championships held in Sweden. Ellis was also a bronze deadlift medalist at the IPF World Classic Championships in October 2021, an impressive feat considering it was her first appearance. She will soon compete in the World Championships in South Africa in June 2022. We wish her the best of luck!

Ellis began her powerlifting journey in 2018, earning twenty national and international records in only four years. When asked what makes her successful, she believes a vegan diet plays a huge role. As an athlete, proper recovery depends on a healthy, balanced diet.

Sophia Proves That You Can Be Vegan and Strong


Ellis says being vegan helps her keep on track with nutrition goals while also giving her more energy for workouts. She also prioritizes plant proteins in order to gain muscle and aid in recovery.

She says that many people don’t realize that going vegan doesn’t automatically increase your energy. It all depends on the quantity and quality of the foods you eat. For instance, if you consume mostly processed vegan foods such as chicken nuggets or pizzas, you won’t feel as vibrant.

Also, if you restrict certain foods like healthy fats, you may feel fatigued due to nutrient deficiencies. However, if you include nutrient-dense foods and make sure to balance fats, carbs and protein, being vegan will benefit you more.

Of course, diet isn’t everything when it comes to being a successful weightlifter. Ellis says that along with being vegan, she makes sure to train consistently and drink plenty of water. Also, she prioritizes sleep, allows several rest days per week, and keeps her stress low.

Many people don’t consider stress’s effect on every aspect of life. While exercise can reduce your cortisol levels, chronic stress may negatively impact your recovery time. Therefore, it’s crucial to keep stress at bay to optimize your performance if you compete professionally.

Hopefully, Sophia can inspire you if you’re on the fence about becoming vegan! She’s been vegan for ten years and holds twenty powerlifting records, a true testament to the lifestyle. She enjoys being able to show people that eating plant-based doesn’t make you weak. In fact, if you do it correctly, you could break world records like Sophia! Even if you don’t want to lift heavy weights, a vegan diet still offers plenty of benefits.

Other Notable Benefits of a Vegan Diet

Even if you aren’t a powerlifter, you can reap these benefits by eating plant-based foods

1.     A Vegan Diet May Provide More Nutrients

When you start eating a vegan diet, you will inevitably have to find substitutes for meat, dairy, and eggs. Most people on a healthy vegan diet opt for eating more whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds instead.

You may find that you have a higher intake of nutrients on a vegan diet compared with an omnivore diet. In fact, some studies have found that vegans tend to eat more fiber, antioxidants, potassium, magnesium, folate, and Vitamins A, C, and E.

Some vegans may also consume more iron than meat-eaters due to higher volumes of food consumed. However, the form of iron in plants isn’t as bioavailable as the type in animal foods. This means your body may not absorb it as well (many vegans take iron supplements for this reason).

You can also choose fortified foods that have added nutrients like iron, B12, calcium, and zinc. Supplements may help you meet daily recommended intakes of important vitamins and minerals as well.

2. You May Lose Weight When You Eat Plant-based Foods

Many people choose to eat a plant-based diet to lose weight or meet other fitness goals. Of course, other factors besides diet play a role in weight loss, but veganism could certainly help. For instance, one study found that vegans tend to have a lower BMI and thinner frame than omnivores.

Several randomized controlled studies also discovered that vegan diets lead to more effective weight loss than other diets. Even compared to the Mediterranean diet, a healthy way of eating by most standards, vegans lost more weight on average.

However, more research is necessary for scientists to understand what makes a vegan diet so effective for weight loss. High fiber content and eating whole foods appear to play a significant role, though.

3. A Vegan Diet Could Lower Your Blood Sugar

Studies show that eating a plant-based diet could also benefit people with type 2 diabetes or high blood sugar. The research discovered that plant-based eaters tend to have lower blood sugar and higher insulin sensitivity.

A 2006 study even found that vegan type 2 diabetics have lower blood sugar than those who followed the diet recommended by the American Diabetes Association (ADA).

plant-based foods

Final Thoughts on the UK Vegan Athlete Who Holds Twenty Powerlifting Records…While Eating Plant-based Foods

Many other reasons to eat solely plants exist, and we can’t possibly list them all. However, being more robust and healthier seems to appeal to some people on the fence about going vegan. And, of course, animal welfare and environmental concerns top the list of most people’s reasons for ditching animal products.

You don’t have to forgo all meat and dairy to reap the benefits. Even eating a few more vegetarian or vegan meals can make a difference. If you’re concerned about losing muscle or feeling weak on a plant-based diet, hopefully, Sophia can ease your worries! Many of the strongest athletes on the planet follow an herbivorous diet, proving that you don’t need meat to build muscle.

Therapist Reveals 3 Mistakes People Make When They Fall in Love

When people fall in love, all caution tends to be thrown out the window. The idea that you might have found the love of your life makes you willing to do anything for that person. Whatever they need or whatever they ask you, you’d do it. Or, on the contrary, you might be way too cautious about falling in love. You might be trying to shield your heart and stay away for anyone who could be a potential new relationship.

Love is one of the trickiest things to handle in life. There’s no way to master love. No matter how cautious you try to be, you will make mistakes. But, when it comes to falling for someone new, people seem to make even more mistakes than usual. Not only that, but we tend to make the same mistakes repeatedly.

Starting a new relationship and finding new love can be immensely fulfilling. But you also need to know how to build that relationship if you want to ensure you don’t get hurt. So, here are three of the most common mistakes people make when they fall in love.

3 Mistakes People Make When They Fall in Love

Keep reading to know what they are and how to avoid those errors.

fall in love

1.      They Don’t Know How to Manage Trust

Managing any interpersonal relationship is complex. When that relationship is romantic, it becomes even more complex. And that’s mostly because people don’t know how to manage their trust. Sometimes people trust too much. Other times, they trust too little or don’t trust at all. If you don’t find a way to manage your trust, you won’t have a good base for a new relationship.

When people have trust issues, that’s probably because they have gone through some traumatic events in the past. If your exes were abusive, lied, and cheated on you, it’s normal to have some issues trusting again. But these trust issues can also come from childhood trauma. People whose parents didn’t communicate and were strict will also struggle to trust. People dealing with mental health issues, like depression and anxiety, can also struggle with having trust issues.

Understandably, you’d want to get to know someone properly before trusting them. But having unresolved trust issues doesn’t help you or your partner. If you have trust issues, you are probably afraid to let people in and create intimacy. Your mistrust could interfere with the relationship, as you’ll likely project your insecurities on your partner. You might have baseless suspicions that you allow to blow up into full-on arguments.

A romantic partner should be there to help you work through your issues, but they aren’t responsible for putting up with your trust issues. If you don’t fix them, you’ll drive your partner away. Sometimes, the problem isn’t that you trust too little. Is that you trust too much. Some people are naturally more susceptible, and that can be a detriment. Whenever you look for a new relationship, you need to be a little cautious.

Even if a potential partner seems like the most fantastic person alive, that might not happen. But when people fall in love, they can be blinded and overlook critical signs. Remember that it takes time to get to know someone. Just because you like a person, it doesn’t mean you should give them all your trust.

Trusting someone too much can bite you because you won’t be ready for a potential betrayal. That said, it’s not like you shouldn’t trust people. You need to be patient and make sure you know someone before giving them all your trust. You need to learn that people need to earn your trust. Of course, you might assume someone might betray you because you’ll be prepared for the worst. And, you can give them more of your trust whenever they do something to prove their worth.

2.      They Don’t Know How to Enforce Boundaries in a New Relationship

Boundaries are potentially the most important thing you can have in a relationship. No matter how well you think you get along with someone, things will always make you uncomfortable. Just as we have rules in society to ensure no one gets hurt, we can have some rules in relationships. Some people believe that boundaries force relationships, but that’s not true.

Learning to enforce boundaries can deepen your connection with your partner. It also creates a safe communication environment and lets others know your feelings. When people fall in love, things like boundaries are the last thing on their minds. When you feel blissful and things flow, you probably don’t feel the need to have a stern talk about rules. And that’s fine in the first few weeks of the relationship. But, if you never discuss boundaries, your relationship could be at risk.

Some people associate the need for boundaries with toxic relationships. But you don’t need to be harmful to make a mistake and unintentionally hurt someone. And that’s precisely what limitations aim to avoid. Imagine that your partner’s love language is physical touch, but you have an issue with being constantly touched. Maybe you don’t like it or have some trauma associated with being touched. If you don’t communicate and don’t specifically ask your partner not to do that, there’s no way for them to know they need to stop.

new relationship

So, they might continue touching you, which can create problems in the future. This issue could build over time and blow up into a big fight. Or imagine your partner is a big spender, but you are more of a money saver. In that case, how much you spend and why will need to be discussed, especially if the relationship becomes serious. If you have hopes of building a life with that person, you need to talk about what each of you needs and how to respect that.

All you need to do to create healthy boundaries is talk about your needs and wants in a relationship. Talk about your values and share how you view life. Talk about what you can compromise on and what’s a definite deal-breaker. As long as you are being open and honest with each other, you should have no problem enforcing good boundaries. And, if you see that your partner isn’t available to this idea, that’s a sign you might be wasting your time.

3.      They Ignore the Red Flags When They Fall in Love With an Unsuitable Person

When someone falls in love, they don’t just fall in love with a person. They fall in love with the idea of a person, with what that person could be. People do this because they hope to find love like the one described in the stories. But that makes it so we ignore many red flags that should be deal-breakers. In other words, love can make people blind, and that can be dangerous. We ignore the red flags because we risk ending up in toxic and abusive situations that can make our lives a living hell.

When you first meet someone, chances are they will only show you their best parts. On a first date, no one will tell you about their negative attributes. They won’t yell at you or insult you in any way. But that doesn’t mean that the signs aren’t there. Maybe they are being sweet towards you, but they are being mean to others. That’s something that people accept too often, sometimes even idealize.

This whole idea of “they’re being nice to me and no one else because they love me” can be our downfall. When you start falling for someone, that doesn’t mean you should excuse all their actions. You need to keep your eyes open and mentally note all the destructive behaviors they display. Even better, you need to hold them accountable. If you are scared of starting a fight, that should tell you the relationship is not what it should be. You should never be afraid of talking openly to your partner about things that bother you.

Your relationship is healthy if your partner is open to discussion and takes responsibility for their action. No one is perfect, and people can always learn and grow. But you always need to have these healthy conversations. Otherwise, you’ll end up suffering. What’s more important is talking to other people about your relationship. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to solve all your problems alone. Your friends and family can offer you a more objective perspective, and you should always value their advice.

fall in love
Final Thoughts on Mistakes People Make When They Fall in Love

Falling in love can be the most beautiful experience someone can go through. But love and relationships are serious things that can entirely change your life. A robust and healthy relationship can fill your life with joy. But a toxic, unstable relationship can even destroy your life. So, no matter how much you want to fall in love, you should always be cautious about who you allow into your life.

When people fall in love, they feel so euphoric that they tend to throw caution out the window. Plus, relationships are complex, and there’s no guideline as to how to go about building one in the right way. Because of that, people tend to make many mistakes when starting a new relationship.  But the good thing is that all these mistakes are avoidable if you are a little careful.

People often have trouble knowing how to manage their trust. Sometimes they trust too much, and sometimes, too little. Besides, they find it hard to communicate and enforce boundaries early in the relationship. These issues can be solved by simply communicating with your partner and letting them earn your trust. But potentially, the most significant mistake people make is ignoring red flags. Try to stay rational through all the emotions. And don’t get your hopes up too much. Let the other person prove they deserve you before diving head-first into anything.

Psychology Reveals How to Let Go of Pettiness

Pettiness is one of these behaviors that are neither evil nor good. You can’t say that pettiness is inherently wrong, but some people use it for bad reasons. People can feel like being petty in many situations, mainly when they can’t express their anger or disappointment.

On the surface, it seems like it doesn’t do much harm. But making snide comments about things that are pretty trivial is much worse than you might think. The problem with being petty is that you might not even realize you’re doing it. It’s maybe too easy to ignore your flaws in moments when you feel like complaining. Because of that, many people don’t even realize they are engaging in this behavior.

And, even if they do, they might have grown accustomed to acting that way. It might be hard to learn to let go of it once you let pettiness become part of your default responses to certain situations. But there are always ways to let go of destructive behaviors. And pettiness might be one of the easiest unwanted behaviors to release.

Why Are People Petty?

Pettiness is the tendency to get bent out of shape over trivial matters. Whether these trivial things stress you out or straight-up anger you, it doesn’t make much difference. The bottom line is that petty people care too much about unimportant things and complain about every minor trivial inconvenience. For instance, a petty person complains non-stop about the weather, no matter how hot or cold it is.

Some studies have even gone so far as to define pettiness as a faucet of neuroticism. And while it can undoubtedly escalate to become that, it doesn’t always happen. Most of the time, pettiness is just an annoying behavior more than anything else. The main problem with pettiness is that petty people tend to be unkind towards others. They don’t care who they hurt whenever they complain as long as they let their frustration out.

Of course, that doesn’t make them bad people. But it doesn’t make them the nicest to be around either. Pettiness and small-mindedness are synonymous in most cases, so you can imagine how unlikeable petty people can become. Pettiness is something that mainstream psychology often overlooks. This is mostly because there is no scale on which one could measure just how petty someone is. The concept has started to gain traction in “pop psychology.”


What Causes Pettiness in People

Newer self-help books discuss this topic, analyzing its impact on daily life. Because pettiness gained traction in these circles, mainstream psychology has noted that there might be some value in studying it. This field still needs studying, but some developments have been made. One of the main things that psychologists found about pettiness is that it’s tightly correlated to culture.

Research finds that people tend to be pettier on average in stricter cultures than in looser cultures. For example, in places like Finland, people tend to complain less about unimportant things, such as having to drive behind a slow car. But that doesn’t mean that the level of pettiness isn’t also affected by other factors. Someone could be living in a very flexible culture and still be petty because that’s what their family might have taught them.

External factors such as your social life and education will also play a role in determining how petty you become. But sometimes, the reason why people are petty is much simpler than that. Sometimes, people get a kick out of being insignificant. Let’s be honest. Complaining like a small child can be fun sometimes. We do it even if we know it’s immature, and it will do us no good. But that isn’t an excuse for displaying toxic behaviors.

When your pettiness starts affecting other people’s lives, or even your own, that’s a sign you need to let go of it. At some point, you need to learn to find better ways to cope with annoying situations.

How to Let Go of Pettiness?

Step back and honestly assess if you see these traits within yourself.

1.      Learn to Acknowledge When You Are Being Petty

One of the main reasons why people can’t let go of toxic behaviors is because they don’t even know they are doing it in the first place. Or maybe they know they are doing it, but they don’t understand why it’s wrong and how it could affect others. When people make mistakes repeatedly, it can be easier just to become complacent and keep doing them instead of trying to change.

After all, others already labeled you the petty friend. Why not live up to the expectations? This mentality does more harm than good, and that’s the first thing you need to let go of. If you constantly hear from others that you are being petty or they don’t like the way you act, the best thing you can do is listen to them. Don’t immediately get defensive and try to find excuses for everything you do.

Listen to other perspectives, and try to be more objective in assessing your behavior. You might think that complaining about everything is a good thing, but that’s your opinion. You need to take the step and make an effort to listen to other views. Otherwise, you’ll stay stuck in your bubble. Understand that people can always help you become better if you let them and if you acknowledge that you need to fix something.


2.      Practice Kindness

In most cases, pettiness stems from the fact that you are being unkind to others or because you are being selfish. If you start being petty in traffic, you don’t stop to think about what the other person might be going through. Maybe the car in front of you is driven by an older adult moving slowly because they are trying to be cautious.

If that was the case, and you knew that for sure, would you still get mad? Probably not. And this fact should put some things into perspective for you. You need to empathize with people because you never know what they are going through. While it’s true that sometimes people are mean, that’s not the case most of the time. In most cases, everything that happens has a logical explanation. But even if it doesn’t, you need to learn to let things roll off your back.

You can’t always control everything around you, and that’s fine. Sometimes, the person that you should be kinder towards is yourself. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, and let things be. After all, one day of rain might be annoying, but it won’t last forever. So, you have to put things into perspective. Please don’t get mad and let things pass, instead of complaining when there’s nothing you can change either way.

3.      Keep Your Pride in Check

Whenever people act petty, it can be because they feel like their pride took a hit. Feeling the need to complain about everything is something that people with a hurt ego do to compensate for feeling hurt. Pettiness is often a sign of insecurity. If you complain about someone else’s appearance, you are just projecting your insecurities on them. That being the case, if you feel like you are being petty, you need to learn to keep your pride in check.

Whenever you act petty, all you are doing is starting a conflict or adding fuel to the fire. Your comments have the power to take an already tense situation and make it blow up. And all of that happens because you don’t know how to give up. In these situations, you need to think of the long game. Being petty might make you feel good at the moment, but it won’t bring you advantages in the long term.

So, giving in and accepting things for what they are is the more practical and mature approach. That’s not to say you can ever complain about anything. But don’t go throwing tantrums if things don’t go your way. Often in life, we have to learn to deal with less-than-ideal situations, and pride will only stand in our way. But be careful not to let people walk all over you. While pride is not something that’ll do you any good, knowing your value will.


Final Thoughts on How to Let Go of Pettiness

While there’s nothing inherently wrong with pettiness, you’ll find that this behavior will do you more harm than good. While people are allowed to complain, complaining about everything all the time will unavoidably become annoying. No one likes a whiner, and no one wants to befriend someone small-minded who only thinks about trivial things.

That’s not to say that if you are petty, it automatically means you don’t have any values and depth. But that’s probably how others will view you. And no matter how good it can feel to be petty, it won’t bring you advantages in the long term. Once you become accustomed to being petty, it might be hard to let go of that behavior. It becomes part of your automatic response to an uncomfortable situation.

But, if you work hard enough, you can rewire your brain to default to other behaviors. And the first step you need to take is recognizing that you are acting petty. Listen to other people and let them help you become a better person. Learn how to invite kindness into your life. Allow yourself to empathize, but also be kinder to yourself. It’s important to understand that complaining will not improve the situation.

And, if you want to let go of frustration, there are better ways to do it, like taking a walk. Lastly, it would help if you learned that pride will never be your best friend. While it’s honorable to be proud of your achievements or the people you love, excessive pride isn’t desirable. Sometimes, you need to learn to give in and just let things roll off your back. And remember that there’s no use crying over spilled condiments.

Indigenous Man Travels Thousands of Miles to Granddaughter’s Graduation

For most young adults, graduation from high school or college marks an important milestone. As they transition from adolescence to adulthood, they take on new roles and responsibilities. No matter what path they choose, the wisdom of grandparents will inevitably provide opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

And no graduation would be complete without friends and family coming together to celebrate. Fathers, mothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents gather to honor their loved ones on this particular day. It makes it even more memorable if your grandfather travels nearly 2,000 miles to celebrate with you.

When Sasha Mulungunhaway Yambulul graduated from Worawa Aboriginal College in 2015, it marked a massive accomplishment in her life. She’d been attending the boarding school for a little over two years before graduating in year 10. Located northeast of Melbourne in Healesville, the college appeals to young Indigenous residents of Australia.

When Worawa founder Hyllus Maris founded the college in 1983, she had a clear vision in mind. She aimed to teach young Indigenous people about their culture while also educating them for the future.

Because of her well-rounded education, Sasha still feels strongly connected to her culture but remains excited about the future. Now, she “walks proudly in both worlds.”

When Sasha’s grandfather Gali Yalkarriwuy Gurruwiwi learned of her graduation, he made the nearly 2,000-mile journey to Healesville. He flew from remote Galiwin’ku on Elcho Island in northeast Arnhem Land, where Sasha also lives when she isn’t in school.

He doesn’t speak much English, mostly speaking in the mother tongue of the Galpu clan. However, when he touched his heart and said “proud” after arriving in Healesville, it spoke volumes about his feelings toward his granddaughter.

Indigenous Man Travels 2,000 Miles for Granddaughter’s Graduation


His wife Jane Garrutju translated for him, saying that he dreamed of dancing with his granddaughters at their graduation someday. Eventually, he saw this dream come true. When Gali spoke about his grandchildren Sasha and Alicia, he said he felt happy they received a good education. And he felt proud of their achievements as well.

Known as the Morning Star dancer, Gali served his tribe as the Yolngu Mala leader. While he did not keep track of his age, he never felt too old to perform a traditional dance! Even though he felt unwell on Sasha’s graduation day, he still insisted on partaking in a particular group dance with his two granddaughters.

The traditional dance is called Lunggurrma, or north wind involves a feathered ceremonial morning star pole known as Banumbirr. Sasha said that when people visit Elcho Island, they always perform the traditional dance with their grandpa. She never tires of dancing with her elders, and her graduation day made it even more special.

Despite graduating from college, Sasha will always have strong roots back home. Plus, her time in college only deepened her love and appreciation for her culture since it caters to Indigenous Australians.

Sasha said she enjoys hunting, fishing, and searching for mangrove worms and oysters at home. She also holds the traditional dances close to her heart and shares the stories of her grandparents at night around campfires. She does miss home when she’s away at boarding school. But the Indigenous teachings made her feel less homesick.

For avid enthusiasts like Sasha, hunting is more than just a pastime—it’s a cherished tradition that connects her with her heritage and the natural world. When preparing for a hunt, having the right gear is essential to ensure a successful outing. From reliable hunting supplies to training a skilled hunting dog, every detail contributes to the experience. The Buzzard’s Roost is a trusted name in the hunting community, offering a wide range of high-quality equipment and accessories designed to enhance every aspect of the hunt. With the right supplies and a skilled canine partner, every hunt becomes a memorable adventure that honors the skills and stories passed down through generations.

She speaks three Indigenous languages and learned even more from different cultures during her college years. Sasha’s absence wasn’t easy for her loved ones, but her grandmother said the family wanted Sasha to have plentiful opportunities. The sacrifice was worth it for Sasha to have a bright future.

Sasha Makes the Best of Both Worlds–The Modern World and That of Her Grandparents

Gali made sure his grandchildren valued their culture and know where they come from. Jane said they view their culture as sacred, just like the land and sea. Knowing who they are while embracing Western ideas will help them become balanced in life.

Sadly, Gali passed away in 2020 at approximately 80 years old. However, Sasha will always revere and remember her grandfather because of his love for traditions. He was an internationally acclaimed artist whose Morning Star poles had been featured in exhibitions worldwide.

He inherited the sacred knowledge of the Banumbirr tradition from his father, the last surviving clan member who possessed this wisdom. Gali made sure to keep his culture alive by performing sacred dances with the traditional Morning Star poles. The feather tassels hanging down from the wooden stick represent the various clans that practice the Banumbirr tradition. The tuft of feathers represents the Morning Star itself, a sacred aspect of the Galpu culture.

Sasha learned from the best since she values her culture but remains open to other perspectives. She hopes to complete years 11 and 12 at Clontarf Aboriginal College in WA. Then, she dreams of becoming a nurse and will serve her community along with Melbourne.

In addition, she wants to keep her cultural ties strong and hopes to teach others about them. Above all, Sasha aims to show other young Indigenous girls that they can branch out and become whatever they choose. However, that doesn’t mean they have to give up their values and culture in the process.

Perhaps we need only to remember our roots to find balance. By knowing where we came from and from the stories of our grandparents, we can understand where we’re going on a deeper level.


Final Thoughts on Man Who Traveled 2,000 Miles for Granddaughter’s Graduation

When your granddaughter graduates, you hope to be there for her special day. However, when you live in a remote area of Australia, traveling thousands of miles for graduation isn’t easy. Like most grandparents, Gali Yalkarriwuy Gurruwiwi wouldn’t miss his granddaughter Sasha’s big day for anything. He traveled nearly 2,000 miles to watch her walk across the stage and perform a sacred dance at the ceremony.

Sasha worked hard for her diploma and was thrilled to see her grandfather in the audience. While he passed away in 2020, his love, respect for Galpu culture, and wisdom will live on forever.

Random Strangers Help Out at a Short-staffed Denny’s

Dining at a short-staffed restaurant can cause frustrations for both diners and servers. Some patrons leave to find other food options if waitstaff can’t keep up with demand. But in this story, kindness took over when customers stepped up and lifted the burden on workers.

Restaurant owners or managers may also need to check the condition of their kitchen equipment and tools. They’d be glad to know that parts for hobart d300 and other mixers are available online.

After leaving a concert, Sylvia Arrendondo and her mother, Idalia Merkel, wanted to find somewhere to eat. Since it was already after 11 PM, they thought most places would have closed for the night, except for IHOP. When they drove into the parking lot, it surprised them that the restaurant wasn’t open due to staffing shortages.

So, they tried the next place they thought of, a Denny’s just down the road. Only one side of the dining area remained open when they went inside. Customers occupied just a few tables, but many others waited for someone to seat them.

A Volunteer Host and Hostess Greeted Guests at the Door

A man they later learned was Lynn Roberts approached the two women, saying he hoped they weren’t in a rush. He explained that only one waitress and cook operated the short-staffed Denny’s. To their surprise, the man mentioned that his wife Amy had started seating people since she used to work at Denny’s and knew their systems.

Sylvia explained the situation in a Facebook post, noting that other customers also pitched in to help.

“We are looking at each other and his wife comes to us and asks how many and seats us. She asked what we wanted to drink and brings it to us. Another lady, who clearly did not work there, comes to take our order. She assures us she has no clue what she’s doing, she was just trying to help. She goes on to tell us there is really only one waitress and one cook. The waitress attempted to call her manager several times and no response. This little waitress was in tears!” the post read.

The chef also broke down occasionally, but the workers tried their best to comfort each other.


The Two Women Showed Kindness and Volunteered to Help the Short-Staffed Denny’s

The situation at the short-staffed restaurant prompted the two women to jump into action. They immediately headed toward the kitchen to assist the waitress and chef, who looked college-aged. Idalia offered to help cook food while Sylvia began serving customers. Their act of kindness also encouraged other patrons to help run the establishment.

One couple started bussing and cleaning tables while another man worked the dishwashing station. Everyone seemed to know what to do and never complained about the service. They only wanted to ensure the short-staffed restaurant could keep serving customers.

“Could we have frowned upon this establishment and walked away angry, like so many others? Absolutely! All we knew was this sweet young lady and young man showed up to earn a paycheck, and we were all determined to not let them sink!” Sylvia continued in the post.

She proudly explained that she had never experienced such a “beautiful act of American unity” before. A community came together for one purpose: to serve each other and ensure no one left the restaurant hungry.

The short-staffed restaurant quickly transformed into a bustling diner, and the mood shifted along with the environment. Thanks to the kindness of strangers who helped save the day, the stressful atmosphere became lighthearted and fun. Of course, the orders didn’t always come out perfectly, but no one seemed to mind. They just felt grateful to have food on their plate.

Sylvia jokingly said, “No one had the audacity to argue with us! And the best part, we couldn’t get fired!”

The two kindhearted women helped the short-staffed restaurant into the early morning. Their “shift” ended at 3 AM when they finally convinced everyone to go home for the night.

The Unexpected Experience Moved Them to Tears

Even though they didn’t get to eat dinner, they didn’t feel hungry anymore. The women just felt grateful to have shown up when they did to offer their support.

“We sat down to take a breather and my moms eyes filled with tears, and so did mine shortly after. It was at this moment it hit us! We take so many things for granted. Here these two young adults were just trying to do their job, and were failed by many people. Our hearts hurt for them,” Sylvia’s post continued.

She also noted how the resilience and courage of the two workers deeply moved her. Sylvia and her mother felt honored to help the short-staffed restaurant in its time of need. At the end of the shift, everyone expressed gratitude for participating in such a beautiful display of humanity.

“Once it was all said and done, strangers were hugging strangers and thanking each other for coming together and for their helping hand. It literally took a village. It was so heartwarming to see others pitch in to help and Do The Right Thing!!” Sylvia said.

Of course, it would have been easy for the two women to leave the short-staffed Denny’s and find somewhere else to eat. Instead of complaining about the service or getting angry, though, they decided to help. They couldn’t leave the restaurant in such disarray, especially when the workers felt overwhelmed.

Many restaurants have recently cut their hours due to rowdy customers and employee shortages. The pandemic, supply chain issues, and economic disruptions have taken a toll on the food service industry. However, this heartwarming story reminds us that we can still count on each other to get through hard times.


Final Thoughts on a Community Showing Kindness by Helping a Short-Staffed Restaurant

When most people see long lines at a restaurant, they turn around and pick somewhere else to eat. However, two women who entered a short-staffed Denny’s one night couldn’t bring themselves to leave. They felt called to help the two college-aged workers run the restaurant, so they immediately headed for the kitchen.

One started cooking food while the other served tables, doing whatever they could to help. Other customers waiting for a host to seat them pitched in as well. This incredible act of kindness proves the importance of community, as we’re stronger when we work together.

Here’s Why a Seattle Couple Moved Permanently to a Cruise Ship

Would you ever live on a cruise ship full-time? It may seem like a strange idea, but it’s right up their alley for one Seattle couple. Angelyn Burk and her husband Richard have always loved exploring new places and being out on the open waters. After their vacations ended, they already felt excited for the next adventure awaiting them. They both decided that it made more sense to make cruise ships their permanent home one day. After all, with the cost of living rising every day, it seemed like a no-brainer.

Angelyn, a retired accountant, realized how much money they could save by hopping from one ocean liner to the next. While crunching some numbers at home, she determined that they could live on cruise ships for just $43 a day each.

Compared to living on land, this seemed like a drop in the bucket! Burk said that between their mortgage, internet, electricity, property taxes, and insurance, living in Seattle cost them around $3,500/month.

This didn’t even include transportation, food, and entertainment expenses. After comparing the costs of traditional and cruise ship life, it wasn’t hard for Burk to decide.

So, she talked with her husband about living on cruise ships permanently. They both enjoyed traveling to exotic places and had been on several cruises before. Angelyn immediately fell in love with the ocean after experiencing her first cruise in 1992 to the Caribbean.

Richard also loved visiting new places without dealing with the hassle of airplane travel. So, after Angelyn revealed her genius retirement plan, he wholeheartedly agreed to it. It certainly beats living on the land since the cruise ships don’t charge extra fees!

Seattle Couple Makes Cruise Ships Permanent Home

cruise ship

The couple calculated that they could live comfortably on about $100 a day with their retirement savings. So far, they have booked 86 cruise days that cost around $89/day for both of them, on average. Their retirement plan includes room, food, entertainment, transportation, port fees, taxes, and gratuity.

Burk noted that since they have taken so many cruises, they received significant discounts through loyalty programs. So, living on cruise ships might only appeal to those who already travel often.

 Still, retiring at sea comes with plenty of perks you can’t get on land. Owning a home comes with its own set of worries, such as costs of repairs, insurance, a mortgage, and other fees. You can’t travel as often because of the high living costs in many locations.

However, you get an all-inclusive room, board, entertainment, and transportation by living on a cruise ship. Plus, moving out to sea offers another advantage: getting to travel while lounging by the pool or taking a nap! Having someone else do all the legwork while you get to relax seems like the perfect way to retire.

The Couple Gave Cruise Ship Life a Try

The couple decided to do a trial run of their retirement plan in 2021. While the pandemic temporarily devastated the cruise industry, it’s made quite a comeback in recent months. Last November, they began with a nine-day Carnival cruise from Miami to the Bahamas. After that, a seven-day Carnival cruise took them from Long Beach, California, to the Mexican Riviera.

 Finally, the couple embarked on a 21-day Holland America cruise in mid-May. It sailed from Fort Lauderdale through the Panama Canal, taking them to Vancouver. The Burks plans to visit other locations this year, including Costa Rica, Alaska, Japan, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

 They will board their next floating home in July, so they have decided to take a break until then. Currently, they’re visiting family in Seattle while anxiously awaiting the arrival of their fourth grandchild. Their son also graduated from the University of Washington in June, so they wanted to stick around to celebrate.

 After that, they plan on cruising around the globe for about nine months. Of course, they will take a few breaks on land, crashing at Airbnbs, hotels, and friends’ houses. Luckily, they have plenty of credit card points saved up for accommodations on land. But, for the most part, these sea-loving adventurers will call the ocean home.

 Other Benefits of Living on Cruise Ships

 Some people might feel anxious about living permanently on cruise ships, especially if they’re prone to seasickness. However, the Burks say motion sickness doesn’t affect them since they have traveled the oceans frequently.

 Living in small cabins also doesn’t bother them because they come furnished with comfortable beds. And, they don’t spend much time in their houses besides sleeping. They travel lightly, bringing only a backpack each on their cruises. The Burks say they prefer being minimalists since they don’t have to worry about extra luggage.

 While they constantly have to sift through websites searching for good deals, it still beats working a full-time job! They usually book cruises through Holland America because of the entertainment options. That makes it easier to schedule their trips by going through one company.

 Perhaps the best part of living on cruise ships is the sheer relaxation. The Burks says it’s nice to have a beautiful dining area, living room, and a hot tub that doesn’t require maintenance.

 Plus, you get to meet people worldwide who become like family after a while. And you don’t have to listen to sirens, ambulances, or other stressful noises of modern life. It’s the “suite” life, indeed!

cost of living

 Final Thoughts on Retiring on Cruise Ships

 Have you ever considered calling cruise ships your home after retirement? Many couples like the Burks have decided to sell their homes and explore alternative living arrangements in their golden years. As they explained earlier, beating an all-inclusive, permanent vacation worldwide is hard!

 You don’t have to worry about bills or maintenance fees when traveling on cruise ships. The stress of everyday life melts as you bask in the sun and discover new horizons. If life seems monotonous and tiresome these days, perhaps you need a cruise to shift your perception! Does this retirement plan appeal to you? Let us know in the comments.

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