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Counselors Explain 3 Ways to Heal Narcissistic Abuse

Counselors Explain 3 Ways to Heal Narcissistic Abuse

Narcissistic abuse is probably one of the hardest things to overcome. It can create deep scars. In fact, your healing process may last months or even years. But, as with most things, there is always hope of you getting better when you leave a narcissist. Every healing process starts with you deciding to get better. The rest will fall into place if you have that intention. If you’re still confused about what steps you can take, here are three things you can do to heal from narcissistic abuse.  

What Is Narcissism and Narcissistic Abuse?

Narcissism is a term that’s often thrown around as an insult. But not everyone understands that it’s a psychological term to describe a particular set of behaviors. Narcissists aren’t just a little mean and selfish. They are incredibly self-involved people with little to no regard for others’ feelings. They ignore the needs and wants of the ones around them because they see themselves as better than most. 

Their time is much too valuable to spend helping and respecting others, or so they believe. As a result, one can display narcissistic behaviors without being a full-fledged narcissist. Being a narcissist is a psychological condition. You need to consult with a specialist before receiving this diagnosis. But everyone can act in selfish ways from time to time. 

Narcissistic behavior can occur if we are overly selfish when sharing something we like. If this behavior is isolated, there’s no need to worry. In psychological terms, a narcissist is someone who shows a frequent disregard for others’ feelings. Narcissists lack empathy, don’t understand how their behavior can affect others, and don’t care. They are self-centered and have an inflated sense of self, which makes them feel entitled. They often come across as arrogant, confident, and entirely in control. That doesn’t mean they don’t have insecurities. 

Many people become narcissists to mask all these insecurities and appear perfect. They are desperate to seem perfect and have a deep need for attention. Don’t be shocked if these people try to manipulate and gaslight you. Instead, they would create a complex web of lies and be accountable for their actions. And they like to control the narrative. That’s why they manipulate.  

narcissistic abuse

The NPD Spectrum

Narcissism is a spectrum. That’s why some people who only display rare narcissistic behaviors are not necessarily narcissists. People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) are at the high end of this spectrum. The people on the lower end are still narcissists but don’t suffer from this mental health disorder. All narcissists exhibit similar character traits, but they differ in gravity. The further up you are on the spectrum, the worse you become. People with NPD feel little to no empathy. 

They aren’t ashamed to step on others to get ahead, even if they must tear their loved ones down. The abuse they engage in is narcissistic abuse. The ones on the lower end aren’t as extreme. Often, they aren’t the ones engaging in narcissistic abuse. Narcissism isn’t an overt behavior in that they often don’t show their true self. Most of the time, they are ashamed of their true self and spend most of their time constructing a façade. In most cases, it’s impossible to tell they are a narcissist when you first meet them.  

Overt Narcissism Versus Covert Narcissism

Just because they don’t feel empathy doesn’t mean they must show it. Narcissists are great liars and can easily fool people into believing their lies. In-depth studies on this behavior have determined two types of narcissism: covert and overt. Overt narcissism is something you can easily spot. Overt narcissists don’t hide who they are and aren’t ashamed to show just how mean and manipulative they are. Covert narcissism is one harder to spot. 

The covert narcissist is introverted and reserved. Maybe this definition doesn’t make sense to you, as narcissists are supposed to be arrogant and confident. As mentioned, insecurities often determine narcissism, and this NYU study supports this. These people need to be loved by others. If they can’t get attention by showing off and being arrogant, they’ll do it through other means. 

Because of that, they aren’t afraid to be vulnerable as long as you give them attention. As you can probably tell by now, it’s tough to spot narcissists, especially the covert ones. They seem so charming that many people have difficulty not liking them. Even worse it’s that it’s so easy to fall for them and become romantically involved. Unfortunately, most people will be with narcissists at some point. Some will even believe that person is the love of their life. 

But narcissists are only lovely until they see you on their hook. They start being their true selves when they know you’re not going anywhere. They become cold, arrogant, and abusive. Their damage is unparalleled, and it can seem like you might never heal. But don’t lose hope because there are many ways to get back on your feet.  

3 Ways to Heal from Narcissistic Abuse

Do the above descriptions sound eerily familiar? If you need to recover from narcissistic abuse, here are some behaviors to help.

1 – Acknowledge the Narcissistic Abuse

The first step you need to take after getting out of any abusive situation is acknowledging what you’ve been through. In cases of narcissistic abuse, that can be harder, as the abuse is purely emotional. People find it easier to accept the abuse after physical mistreatment. But, people want to brush it off whenever the damage occurs psychologically. 

That’s partly because there’s still a lot of stigma and victim-blaming associated with abuse. Society seems to think that if there aren’t any scars, the abuse didn’t happen. They believe that the people who receive this abuse are liars or someone trying to destroy the abuser’s life. Don’t be scared of facing this backlash. The only one who needs to believe you is yourself. 

When you try to brush over what happened to you, you bury what you’ve been through deep down. You don’t deal with the scars left. You hide and hope that the pain goes away. But the only thing you manage to do is invalidate your feelings, thus negating your healing process. 

To heal from narcissistic abuse, acknowledge what you’ve been through. Validate your pain and allow yourself time to process. When you accept that the abuse happened, you’ll stop blaming yourself. Thus, you’ll take the first steps towards healing.


2 – Distance Yourself from Your Abuser

One of the trickiest things about being with a narcissist is that the relationship can become intoxicating. These people have a knack for making you feel special, even though they don’t truly care about you. They’ll only act friendly when you’re falling out of love or getting distant. That way, they always keep you by their side. You can accurately describe this relationship as obsessive. Sure, there’s passion, but in the worst way possible. 

If you are stuck in such a relationship, you can’t expect to get out unless you cut all ties with your ex. Otherwise, you’ll have to endure their narcissistic abuse forever. These people are not above coming to your house and hovering around until you talk to them. They’ll spam you with calls and texts that threaten or sweet-talk you. They can continue their abuse even after you have broken up. Please don’t make it easy for them to contact you. 

Block them on all platforms, and even consider staying with a friend for a while. At first glance, these measures might seem extreme. But if you don’t cut all ties with them, you risk taking them back. Allow yourself a few months to get over them before even considering being in the same friend group.  

3 – Practice Self-Care After Narcissistic Abuse

As mentioned, narcissistic abuse leaves many scars, even if you can’t see them. This abuse chips your core and makes you feel you aren’t enough. Your self-esteem is one of the first things narcissists aim to destroy in you. They also want to isolate you from your friends and stop you from engaging in activities you like. 

They want to make you as dependent on them as possible. Self-care is a priority when you finally get rid of such a person and begin healing. Self-care doesn’t just mean taking bubble baths, though that’s fun and relaxing. It also means working on yourself through meditation and practicing gratitude. It means doing the things you love, whatever those might be. 

For example, working at your craft will help you heal if you like to crochet. It’s also important to reconnect with the people you’ve lost during the narcissistic abuse. Reach out to friends and family and confide in them. You must own up to the mistake of distancing yourself from them. But that’s just part of the process. The sooner you do that, the sooner those people can help you heal.  

narcissistic abuse

Final Thoughts on Some Ways to Heal from Narcissistic Abuse

Narcissistic abuse is not easy to heal from. Unfortunately, way too many people experience it throughout their lives. If that ever happens to you, you must know how to handle it. Going through that abuse and surviving is one thing. But healing from it is a different monster you need to tackle. Still, you can do a few things to ensure the process goes smoothly.  

The first thing you need to do is acknowledge that a narcissist abused you. Otherwise, you’ll be in denial until the feelings get too much to handle. Allow yourself to be hurt and accept that what happened to you was abuse. Next, you must make sure you limit all contact with your abuser. Don’t text or call them. Even better, block them and make sure you don’t hang out in places where they might be. 

This distance allows you to see just how badly someone treated you. If you don’t limit contact, you risk getting back together again. Lastly, it would help if you practiced self-care. Do things that make you happy and pamper yourself. Take up on hobbies you love and reach out to old friends. After a while, your wounds will start healing, and you’ll return to your old self.  

12 Tips for Self-Expression Through Journal Writing

Learn why writing a daily entry in a positivity journal can be a freeing experience.

Have you ever considered writing in a positivity journal? as an effective tool for self-expression? Journaling of some form has been used for thousands of years by cultures worldwide. You may be surprised at how rewarding spending time in quiet reflection can be for you.

Twelve Ways to  Journal Writing for Self-Expression

Keeping a diary is a gift that you give to yourself. It can be done as simple or fancy as you please; nobody gets to read it but you. Here are twelve tips for using your journal to express yourself.


1. Record the Highlights of Your Day in a Journal

Have you ever wished that you could remember an event from the past? The original concept of keeping a diary was to chronicle daily events. You can still use journaling to highlight memories with a touch of self-expression.

You needn’t record every hour of your activities. One suggestion is to create a bullet list of the most important things that happened. It’s a way to preserve your history and remember important events.

2. Self-Expression of Your Deepest Emotions

According to an article by Berkely’s Greater Good Science Center, it matters what you think about your emotions. Recognizing them may help you from developing anxiety and depression. You can benefit your entire well-being when you realize that you can control your feelings.

Many people like to chart their daily emotions in their diaries as self-expression. You can put your feelings into words or draw simple faces to represent them. As you reflect on past journal entries, you might identify any triggers that led to negative emotions.

3. Self-Expression of Your Long-Term Goals

A key to self-expression is recognizing what you want in your life. While you’ll always need variety and spontaneity, you also need goals for the future. Living without purpose or aspirations is like going on a trip without a destination.

Try designating a section of your journal to list your goals. Divide them into sections according to short-term and long-term objectives. Seeing these in writing can provide greater clarity and richer self-expression.

4. Use Your Journal as an Autobiographical Sketch

How would you want to be remembered if you passed away at this moment? Your family and close friends probably know your vital statistics like your birthday, place of birth, and your profession. But do they know your dreams and how you worked to make them a reality?

Of course, your journal is personal, and nobody has a right to invade your privacy. However, there may be memories and events in your life that you want to share with others after you pass. Writing an autobiographical sketch is an exercise in self-expression for future generations.

5. Self-Expression of Your Artistic Side

Think of the daily musings in your journal as a spiritual extension of yourself. Your self-expression isn’t limited to words and can include drawings or pictures that tell your story. Famous diarists like Leonardo DaVinci, Marie Curie, Frida Kahlo, and Anne Frank filled theirs with doodles, figures, and beautiful artwork.

There are no limits to how creative you can be when journaling. Buy some colored pens, pencils, or markers and enhance your writing with drawings and other artwork. Feel free to add clipped magazine pictures, quotes, or anything beautiful that speaks to you.

6. Write Yourself  a Letter in the Confidence of Your Positivity Journal

Often you’re overcome by feelings that you can’t express verbally. They can be too awkward or painful to say to someone in person. Perhaps a missed conversation can’t happen because the other person passed away.

Maybe one of your journal entries can be a heartfelt letter that’s long overdue. Compose it as though you were writing a letter to someone or yourself. Pour your heart and express everything you’ve kept bottled up for too long.

This self-expression allows you to be honest with your feelings without judgment or retaliation. Perhaps it’s the only way you can confront someone who hurt you in the past, even if it’s afterward. It’s a supportive tool that can help you acknowledge hurtful events and toxic people and leave them in the past.


7. Self-Expression of Gratitude and Counting Your Blessings

What if you awakened tomorrow, and the only people and things you had were those you were thankful for today? Such a profound question can emphasize the importance of daily gratitude. Countless folks keep a dedicated gratitude journal as a reminder.

An article published by NPR discusses the benefits of keeping a gratitude journal. These include possibly lowering stress, boosting sleep health, and improving relationships. Although gratitude lists don’t benefit everyone and aren’t a cure-all, they can offer you hope.

8. Record Your Dream Destinations

Have you always daydreamed about traveling the world and visiting exotic destinations? Before you pack the first suitcase, every journey starts with a dream. Use the law of attraction to project positive affirmations into the Universe, and you’re well on your way.

If you are a jet setter, why not dedicate part of your journal to travel? Find postcards, pictures, and other vivid descriptions of your destination. Use the self-expression in your traveling journal as a vision board for daily reminders.

Of course, you don’t want to forget journaling while you travel. It’s a fun and easy way to remember the sights, sounds, and feelings during the visit. As you travel to the places of your heart’s desire, you’ll see the benefits of working toward a goal.

9. Learn to Know Thyself

Remember the dreaded interviewer questions when they asked you to name your top strengths and weaknesses? It’s surprising how difficult it can be to answer those questions from the top of your head. That’s why most people make a mental list of such queries before the interview.

Your positivity journal is an efficient tool for genuine introspection and seeing yourself as others do. Do you live up to your potential when you reflect on your self-image and self-expression? Keeping an honest self-list can help you accentuate your strengths and see areas in your life that need work.

10. Self-Expression of What You Want to Do Nextdia

In high school biology class, you learned that all living things go through changes to grow and survive. Many insects, like butterflies, go through stages of metamorphosis to become entirely different organisms. While change is often difficult, it’s worth it once you realize you have wings.

You’ll never realize your full potential until you’re willing to take risks and be flexible with changes. Journaling can help you sort out your feelings about changes and inspire you to explore new options and higher aspirations.

Some people call these life stages a reinvention of yourself. As a unique being, your life was never meant to be static and boring. If you stay stagnant long enough, you can develop depression, anxiety, and regrets.

Use your diary ideas to gain more knowledge and new skills. You may be one of those daring folks who step out on faith and do something they’ve always wanted. You don’t have to live with the fear of missing out.

11. Communicating with the Divine

You may recognize the Unknown Force as a deity, the Universe, or your Higher Self. No matter the name, it’s human nature to seek the face of the Divine. Your spiritual being is innately connected with your physical and mental being.

Spiritual communication is profoundly personal and doesn’t necessarily involve religion. The spiritual traditions of most cultures include relating to the Divine by the spoken and written word. Such writings are preserved in books that are considered sacred to these cultures.

Your journal can represent your intimate conversations with the source that’s sacred to you. Use it to record all your most profound questions and how your intuition responds. You can record any dreams you have and your attempts at interpreting them.

It can be used to write notes while studying sacred volumes or work in other spiritual traditions. However, use this section of your journaling for inspiring thoughts and ideas that spark positive energy. You may find that your journal will guide you in how it wants to be written.

12. Use a Positivity Journal to Identify Those Important in Your Life

The most outstanding achievers from the beginning until now started with nothing. Everyone has at least one person who guides them in the right direction. Who were the people who made a significant difference in your life?

Your supportive mentors may have been parents, guardians, teachers, or trusted friends. Have you made these generous folks a part of your gratitude list? Consider listing them and the knowledge and skills they shared.

Consequently, you can write a letter in your journal to each. Let their generosity and inspiration urge you to be a mentor to someone else. You can take this exercise further and mail the letters to them.


Final Thoughts on Journaling for Self-Expression

You needn’t be a best-selling author to reap the benefits of keeping a positivity journal. You may discover things about yourself that you never knew. It’s an easy and satisfying way to listen to your heart and give voice to your feelings.

12 Secrets Women Don’t Understand About Men Until AFTER They Fall in Love

Women have secrets that their partner doesn’t find out until later, but men also have secrets. They keep things to themselves to hide their insecurities or thought processes.

Many women think that men have it easy regarding dating, but it’s not true. Everyone hides things at the beginning of a relationship, and you may not know the truth until you fall in love.

By learning the secrets women don’t understand until they fall in love, you’ll become more aware of your partner. Understanding these secrets can promote success in dating and developing healthy relationships.

Some secrets may go against everything you thought you knew about male behavior and thoughts. Lacking insight on this topic can cause communication issues because each sex communicates and thinks differently. Take the time to learn these secrets to have your best shot.

Editorial note: If any males are reading this, don’t think you’re the only one who keeps secrets until you fall in love. Women do the same, as you can see in a similar article. We acknowledge that no two relationships are alike; some of these behaviors may represent all genders.

Twelve Secrets Women Don’t Understand About Men Until AFTER Falling in Love


The secrets don’t apply to all men, but many share the same characteristics. Everyone is different, and this article serves as an informative piece about secrets many men keep. These secrets include these:

1 – Men Would Rather Fix Problems Without Discussing Feelings

Males aren’t always great at identifying or discussing feelings. They prefer to come up with a solution and fix the problem without delving into the emotions associated with the issue.

You might get annoyed when your partner doesn’t want to talk about feelings. Most people don’t realize that he might want to fix the problem and move on because he assumes your discussion is a plea for a solution. He may not realize that you desire a discussion because he’s thinking of how he wants to handle it.

Once you fall in love, you’ll begin to catch onto this secret, learning to work around it and make a positive change. He doesn’t do this because he doesn’t care. Instead, he does it because it’s the way his brain works.

When a man has a problem unrelated to the relationship, you might not hear about it at all. They deal with things alone without talking about them, unlike how many women communicate.

2 – They Aren’t Good at Reading People

Males might pretend to be a good judge of character and read people well, but that’s not usually the case. Women tend to have better social skills, allowing them to read cues. In most cases, women can also converse better.

Your guy will likely try to keep up with social situations but may miss a couple of cues from others. They’ll admit this issue to you once they fall in love because they feel more comfortable being vulnerable with you then.

3 – Forgetting Details Doesn’t Mean They Don’t Care

Males tend to remember things differently than women, often forgetting things females remember. They care about what you say but don’t place importance on the details.

4 – They Don’t View Your Body the Same Way You Do

Your insecurities might be beautiful to your partner. Your partner thinks you look good on days you criticize yourself. They don’t care about your flaws the way that you do.

Since they don’t view your body the same way, you don’t have to stress about it as much. You likely won’t learn this about them until you fall in love. When you understand it, you’ll find that they love you all dressed up or when you’re comfortable in loungewear.

5 – They Like Women to Make the First Move

Your partner likely won’t tell you that he wants you to make the first move until you fall in love. Society implies that males should act first, and men don’t love that pressure. If you make the first move, your partner knows you want them when they don’t make a move first.

Research shows that males on dating websites feel like they don’t get enough messages from women. This information indicates that they want you to reach out first sometimes. They don’t always want to be the ones to start a conversation or make the next move.

6 – He Doesn’t Like Asking for Help

Men don’t like asking for help and won’t even mention it until you’re already in love. They might think that they are supposed to be independent and able to do everything alone. It makes them shy away from admitting they could use some help.

Once you fall in love, you’ll learn to recognize when they need help but won’t ask for it. Before you reach that point, you may wonder why they struggle but refuse assistance at the beginning of the relationship.


7 – They Deal with Lots of Pressure

Men might face an expectation to have skills in interacting with women. They feel pressured to flirt, interact, and easily attract a partner. This idea pressures men, making them feel stressed about dating and falling in love.

Sometimes their pressure causes them to avoid talking to people they’d like to get to know. A man might shy away from introducing themselves if they’re with their friends. They don’t want to get rejected in front of their friends because it often leads to ridicule and teasing.

If you see a guy you’re interested in, don’t be afraid to smile and make eye contact. It can let him know you’re interested, giving him the confidence to approach you. Remember that men deal with lots of pressure, sometimes hard to realize unless you’re already in love.

8 – They’re Confused About What Women Want

Males become confused about what women want early on. He follows advice only to find out it wasn’t correct, making it a frustrating guessing game for them. During the early dating stages, they won’t tell you that they don’t understand, potentially annoying for both of you.

This confusion is even more prevalent in niche spaces like widowed dating, where individuals are navigating both new relationships and the emotional weight of loss. Here, men may struggle even more to decipher what their partner needs, as they are balancing both affection and the deep sensitivity required to engage with someone grieving a past love. However, they’re more likely to let you know they don’t understand what you want once they become comfortable and fall in love. It’s often a guessing game for them, and they’re left to figure it out alone. Remember that they won’t always get it right, but it’s not from a lack of effort.

They get so many conflicting suggestions that they can’t even begin to guess what is best anymore. Additionally, all women are different, so they get another surprise when they think they understand them.

9 – They Think About Different Things Than Some Women Expect

When males get quiet, you might pressure them to share their thoughts. The man might say they aren’t thinking about anything, leaving you feeling frustrated or confused.

However, you’ll understand it could be accurate after you fall in love. Males tend to get quiet when they are living in the moment and truly have nothing else on their minds.

Other times, they think about random experiences that haven’t even occurred. They might play out scenarios and experiments in their head, causing them to get quiet while lost in thought. You never know if they’re thinking about something as random as how their mouth moves when they say a specific word.

10 – They Don’t Care if  Women Wear Makeup

Early in your relationship, you might spend plenty of time making sure your makeup looks perfect. You might even go into the bathroom to reapply lipstick or eyeliner during a date.

However, you’ll quickly catch onto their secret after falling in love. Men don’t care how much makeup you wear or if you don’t wear any. They like you for you and appreciate your natural beauty.

11 – They Don’t Require Much to Enjoy Life

Women tend to overdo it when they first start dating someone. They assume their partner requires quite a bit to find happiness and enjoy the relationship. You’ll soon learn that they need much less than you thought.

If he enjoys sports, he’ll feel content and fulfilled sitting down watching a game. Likewise, if he enjoys doing a specific activity such as fishing or camping, that’s all it’ll take to enjoy his life.

A man doesn’t always like disruption when doing things that bring contentment. He’ll be happier if he can focus on what he loves rather than adding other aspects to it that distract him.

12 – They Risk Rejection More Than Women, and it Takes a Toll on Their Emotions

Since society usually expects males to make the first move and approach women, they experience more rejection. Women can give subtle clues that they want someone, protecting them from direct denial.

On the other hand, males must eventually be bold enough to make a move. Once he makes a move, there’s a chance he’ll get rejected, decreasing his self-esteem. It requires confidence and results in rebuilding it each time rejection occurs.

This secret isn’t to make you less likely to reject a man. Don’t hesitate to speak up if you aren’t into someone or feel uncomfortable with their advances. However, try not to get frustrated if you think someone takes too long to make a move.


Final Thoughts on Secrets Women Don’t Understand About Men Until AFTER They Fall in Love

Men have many secrets you won’t understand until they fall in love with you. They hide things that make them seem vulnerable or that society teaches them to cover up. However, they’ll get comfortable and let their guard down to someone they love.

Remember these secrets when dating someone new. The things that frustrate or confuse you likely occur for a reason, and they’ll get revealed if the relationship deepens.

15 Motivating Success Quotes to Never Forget

Being successful takes hard work and determination. You might sometimes feel like you want to give up, and persevering is the only way around it. Luckily, many success quotes can help you find the motivation to push through.

Success means something different for everyone, with some wanting to climb the career ladder and others building brands. Still, you’ll find some people who want to work on various terms with stipulations. Whatever the case for you, these motivating success quotes can help you achieve your goals.

Success requires getting into the right mindset no matter what your goals include. You’ll likely have days where you don’t think your efforts are worthwhile. On those days, these success quotes can help you learn what it takes to become successful and motivate you to keep going.

These success quotes are from successful people who have been through it before. They persevere and continue growing, allowing them to see what’s possible and stay motivated.

Fifteen Success Quotes Never to Forget

Staying motivated requires focusing on your goals and doing what it takes to achieve them. These success quotes can help you reach your dreams and push through even when you don’t want to.


1 – “I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has had to overcome while trying to succeed.” – Booker T. Washington

The obstacles you overcome to achieve your goals so more about your success than anything else. Everyone begins their journey at different starting points, some encountering more obstacles than others.

Your ability to overcome setbacks and hardships defines your journey more than anything else. Don’t compare your situation to anyone else or think you failed because you’re not in a higher position. Instead, think back on all you overcame to be where you are now.

2 – “The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.” – Mark Caine

Don’t let your environment hold you back because you must start somewhere. You can use what you have right now and get started, gathering what you need along the way. Progress can start small and make a big difference.

You’ll wait forever if you want the perfect time. Instead, grow out of your environment and see how quickly things develop.

3 – “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” – Benjamin Franklin

You can’t move forward if you don’t continue growing and learning. As Franklin explains, improvement, achievement, and success don’t mean anything without growth.

You can use each moment as a learning opportunity to move forward without making the same mistakes twice. When you reach success, you’ll be thankful for all you went through to achieve your goals.

4 – “We were all born with a certain degree of power. The key to success is discovering this innate power and using it daily to deal with whatever challenges come our way.” – Les Brown

Everyone has power and strength within them. However, you must be willing to look within and let those qualities shine through.

When you discover and use your strengths, you’ll find success in overcoming obstacles and setbacks. Remember this quote, and you’ll know you have what it takes to persevere and stay motivated.

5 – “The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty.” – Zig Ziglar

You can’t just work your way through life without having admirable qualities. Success is more likely if you make a habit out of the characteristics mentioned by Ziglar in this success quote. Be true to yourself, stick to your values, and be a good person if you want a successful life.

6 – “Once you have figured out what to do, be unstoppable about getting your small handful of priorities accomplished quickly. I have yet to meet a slow-moving person who is very successful.” – Sam Altman

If you have your goals figured out, determine a plan to move forward. Determine your most essential priorities and focus on those first.

Get your priorities accomplished quickly, so you can keep working toward success. If you don’t move fast, you’ll lose motivation and focus, holding you back from achieving your dreams.

7 – “There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed.” – Ray Goforth

Don’t listen to the people who don’t want to see you do well or those who are afraid of failure. Instead, listen to those who are already where you want to be in life.

You can also talk to people who are growing and learning with you. Surround yourself with people who support and encourage you.

success quotes

8 – “Action is the foundational key to all success.” – Pablo Picasso

You can’t find success if you don’t act. Come up with a plan and take it one step at a time without stopping.

Every time you cross a step off the list, it’ll motivate you to do bigger and better things. Keep going and persevere through setbacks because an action is what will get you where you want to be.

9 – “For every reason it’s not possible, there are hundreds of people who have faced the same circumstances and succeeded.” – Jack Canfield

You’re sure to reach obstacles and setbacks, but you can’t let them stop you. Remind yourself that many other people faced the same obstacles and overcame them. You can do the same, persevering until you find a way through.

Your circumstances don’t always make your journey easy, but they make it worth it. Success means so much more when you must overcome hardships. It makes your story meaningful and gives meaning to your path to success.

10 – “I know the price of success: dedication, hard work and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.” – Frank Lloyd Wright

Success doesn’t come easy, and you can’t sit back and wait for it to find you. Instead, you must stay dedicated and work hard to achieve your dreams. Stay devoted to your goals, not stopping until you reach success.

Once you reach your goals, set further ones to keep pushing your limits and testing yourself. You’ll find that you can achieve anything if you stay motivated.

11 – “One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.” – Arthur Ashe

You’ll have an easier time reaching success if you have self-confidence. When you feel good about yourself and your abilities, it’ll help you achieve everything you desire.

As Ashe explains, the best way to find self-confidence is through preparation. Plan for each event, task, or meeting, and you’ll feel confident going into it.

12 – “Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better.” –  Jim Rohn

Everyone would be successful if it were easy. However, it takes hard work and a willingness to persevere. Rather than wishing success was easier, shift your mindset and learn to be better.

13 – “The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire, the size of your dream, and how you handle disappointment along the way.” – Robert Kiyosaki

Success is different for everyone, but how it’s measured remains the same. You’re on the path to success if you have a strong desire to achieve big things. Additionally, handling disappointment and moving forward despite anything else shows your accomplishments.

14 – “Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time.” – George Bernard Shaw

Everyone makes mistakes and experiences failure. These things don’t mean that you won’t find success. Don’t let it get you down, but make sure you take the time to learn from it.

Learning from your mistakes allows you to do better next time since you already know what not to do. Success requires trying differing methods until you find something that works.

15 – “Your true success in life begins only when you make the commitment to become excellent at what you do.” – Brian Tracy

Following your passions is helpful to stay motivated, but it isn’t everything. You must build on it and learn more about it constantly learn more about doing it better. As Tracy explains, when you commit to improving your skills, you’ll find the success you desire.

success quotes

Final Thoughts on Motivating Success Quotes to Never Forget

Success isn’t a straight path without obstacles. You can overcome setbacks and embrace learning opportunities along the way. Sometimes it’s hard to stay motivated, and these success quotes can make a difference.

You can stay focused and find ways to learn from mistakes, move forward, and be successful. With motivation, you’ll have what it takes to keep taking steps toward your goals.

Follow your path rather than letting anyone else sway your course. Staying motivated requires doing things how you want and need to. Everyone is different, but these quotes can help motivate anyone on their unique path.

10 Ways to Assess Your Own Personal Strengths

Understanding yourself requires knowing your personal strengths, which requires self-assessment. Identifying how you excel can help lead you on a path of success and fulfillment. It can also help you identify areas of your life you might improve yourself.

Assessing and identifying your personal strengths can be a challenge. However, it can help you determine how to make an impression on the world.

You’ll experience successes and failures, giving insight into your personal strengths. You’re not guaranteed success, and determining what you’re good at can make a difference. There are different ways to achieve goals while using your strengths.

Determining your strengths allow you to reduce your risk of failure, although it might still occur. Each time you fail, you further define what you’re good at doing. It helps you get closer to your goals, allowing you to reach your full potential.

Ten Ways to Identify Your Personal Strengths

Sometimes it’s hard to identify your personal strengths, and doing so can make a difference. When you know what you’re good at, you’ll understand how to utilize these aspects of your life. These tips can help you if you’re unsure of how to assess your personal strengths.

personal strengths


1 – Learn Your Personality Type

The Myers-Briggs Foundation indicates sixteen personality types; the most prevalent is ISFJ. The INFJ person is a mixture of an introvert with judging, sensing, and feeling. Learning your personality type can help you identify your strengths and lead an effective and productive lifestyle.

2 – Make and Revisit a List

Making a list of your skills and knowledge can help you determine your strengths. Take the time to write a list of the less-obvious strengths you possess. These skills are often more fundamental and help you follow the best path for your life.

Don’t forget about your list after you make it. Revisit the list often, modifying and reflecting each time. Be specific when you make your list, and don’t hesitate to categorize and rank it.

3 – Maintain Your Individuality

When trying to hone in on your strength, it’s essential to acknowledge who you are as an individual. Strong people know who they are and stay true to themselves, allowing them to understand their strengths.

4 – Assess Your Attempts and Failures

Examining your attempts and failures allows you to become more self-aware. While you want things to work out the first time, it doesn’t always go that way. Sometimes you’ll make an attempt and experience failure, but it’s a learning opportunity.

There is a learning opportunity in every attempt and failure, as long as you look for it. When you think you’re going through hard times, look for what you can learn. When you do this, it helps identify your strengths and areas you should improve.

Assessing your attempts and failures helps you become better equipped to recognize dangers or lessons in the future. When you look at your mistakes or failures, you can learn more than in any other instance. You can work to minimize the issues that hold you back and maximize what you’re good at doing.

5 – Get to Know Yourself

Self-awareness is one of the best ways to assess your personal strengths. Evaluate who you are and what you’re good at to determine how you should move forward.

Get to know yourself by reflecting on your strengths and weaknesses and determining which areas can help you. Taking the time to get to know yourself allows you to address your foundational background. It also allows you to take the best steps to reach your goals.

6 – Reflect on Your Successes–They Reveal Your Personal Strengths

Success shows that you’re doing something right, but it can still be a learning opportunity. It can teach you how to utilize your strengths and improve each time. Even when you do well, you can find areas to gain experience.

7 – Identify Your Passions

Think about what you want to do for the rest of your life if you could choose anything. Dream big as you think about what you love and how you want your life to turn out.

Following your passions allows you to focus on your personal strengths while working toward your goals. Consider what you love at your job and in your personal life.

You might find opportunities to bring your passions into your work life. When you know what you’re passionate about, you can determine your strengths and embrace endless possibilities.

8 – Reflect on Past Feedback

If a supervisor or anyone else gives constructive criticism, spend time reflecting on it. Additionally, if they gave positive feedback, think about that, too. Think about what people compliment you on to begin assessing your strengths.

Other people can see things about you that others don’t. While cruel people might say hurtful and untrue things, others want to see you do better. Their feedback can help you identify your strengths, helping you make better progress.

improve yourself

9 – Ask People You Trust What They Think of Your Personal Strengths

Don’t be afraid to ask people you trust about what you’re good at doing. They can likely recall things quickly that you hadn’t considered before. While reflecting on past feedback helps, people don’t always openly tell you what they think.

Asking a friend about it can enlighten you to beneficial characteristics of yourself. After they tell you what they think you’re good at, think about if you feel it’s an accurate assessment of who you are.

Additionally, asking others removes potential biases that occur in self-assessment. It’s also helpful to take your self-assessment to a friend for feedback and to check for areas they agree with you.

10 – Think About Your Past

Consider the activities you enjoyed and what excited you in the past. These feelings are evidence of using natural strengths and can help you determine what you’re good at doing. Think about why you enjoyed each task or experience and how you can utilize it in the present.

You can also consider how you approached the tasks you enjoyed. Your approach can make all the difference in utilizing your strengths.

Another option is to think about times you outperformed others. Reflect on why you did so well and which strengths you used to accomplish it.

How to Use Personal Strengths

After assessing your personal strengths, it’s essential to determine how to leverage them to improve yourself. Using your strengths in the best possible way makes a difference, and your skills won’t go to waste. You can use your strengths as a foundation for growth in the following ways:

Invest in Self-Improvement to Sharpen Your Personal Strengths Continuously

Working toward self-improvement is essential if you want to keep strengthening your skills. Your personal strengths won’t improve if you don’t improve yourself. Invest your time, energy, and money into doing things that allow you to improve yourself.

Consider the Tasks That Help You Work the Most Effectively

Think about the parts of your workday you enjoy diving into the most. Time might seem to fly while you’re working on those tasks, and it’s a good indication of your strengths.

Once you determine the tasks you’re best at and enjoy, consider why that’s the case. You may want to write down why you enjoy these tasks the most, helping you focus on developing your personal strengths.

Strategize Around Your Weaknesses

When you know your personal strengths, you can strategize to make your tasks easier. If something doesn’t play to your strengths, consider if it’s necessary or if there’s another way.

You can sometimes find a new way to do things, avoiding your weakness and using your strengths productively. However, if the task is necessary, you’ll know that you must get better at it.

Strategizing allows you to spend more time on your strengths and things you enjoy. It can improve your life by making you more productive and joyful. Strong people don’t focus on their weaknesses, but they are self-aware enough to know how to strategize around them.

Remind Yourself Why Using Your Strengths Matters

You might have set your goals, but that doesn’t ensure you accomplish them. Using your strengths to reach your goals requires staying motivated.

Thinking of why using your strengths matter can motivate you to keep working. You might find motivation in personal accomplishment, so remind yourself of what keeps you going.

Implement the Strength into Your Routine to Improve Yourself

You can set a time each day to practice using your strength. Focus on one of your strengths daily and do something that allows you to develop and utilize your skill. It helps you make strength a habit and use it more throughout the day.

Consider using the strength in a new way sometimes. Try an activity you haven’t tried before or tackle a project you’ve been meaning to do.

personal strengths

Final Thoughts on Ways to Assess Your Personal Strengths

Assessing your personal strengths can make all the difference in achieving success. When you know what you’re good at, you can focus on and utilize these characteristics more. It not only makes tasks easier but also improves your overall happiness.

Once you identify your personal strengths, use them as often as possible to improve yourself. Spend time developing the skill and learning more about it so you can use it to your advantage. You’ll find meaning and fulfillment in life if you focus on your strengths.

10 Reasons To Express Your Inner Child As An Adult

Do you long to reconnect with your inner child and enjoy playfulness again? Many people lose the gift of playing in the frenzy of adult life. The good news is that you can regain the boundless joy of childhood and still be a responsible adult.

There’s something magical about the playfulness of a child. Every day is a new adventure overflowing with fun and laughter. They don’t take themselves too seriously and can always find a reason to play and be happy.

Reflect on your childhood memories, and consider how much your worldview has changed. Your world was limited to a tight circle of family and friends. You didn’t have to worry about adult problems, and your main goal was to have fun. Perhaps the only stressors you had were school and arguing with siblings and playmates.

Ten Reasons to Practice Playfulness in Adulthood

Many literary scholars believe that the central theme of Alice in Wonderland is a loss of childhood wonder. Alice magically travels from the blissful world of childhood into the mysterious and cynical world of adulthood. It’s a parallel universe of contradictions with very little amusement.

Do children know the secret to live their best life with joy and gratitude? Once you’ve reconnected with your childhood self, you’ll find you’ve always known how to do it. Try these ten reasons to practice playfulness as an adult to get you started.


1. Playfulness Reduces Your Stress Levels

There’s no such thing as enjoying a stress-free life, but you can do something to minimize the pressure. An article published by the Mayo Clinic warns that chronic stress can put your entire well-being at risk. You can benefit physically, mentally, and emotionally when you learn how to manage your tension effectively.

The next time you feel tense with stress, try doing something playful. It’s challenging to ruminate when you’re having a pillow fight with your partner. Let your inner child show you how to relax and be cheerful for a while.

2. Improves Your Relationships

Nobody likes to be around someone cranky and negative all the time. Such pessimism creates a dark cloud that dominates the atmosphere. People who take everything and themselves too seriously usually have troubled relationships.

When you learn to use playfulness again, you’ll notice an improvement at home and work. A good sense of humor can put everyone. Notice how others tend to congregate around those who are jovial and smile a lot.

According to a study published by the American Journal of Play, many people are attracted by a playful attitude. Appropriate humor and a relaxed mindset can also benefit you at work. While you must maintain professionalism and an excellent work ethic, some fun can boost everyone’s day.

One of the closest relationships you can improve is with your children. They’ll never forget the times you spent playing with them. Quality time makes a difference, whether it’s a sport, video game, or just goofing around.

3. Playing Boosts Your Creativity

Your inner child will permanently be attached to crayons, fingerpaints, and making up stories and games. Some of the creative skills you developed as a child have served you well as an adult. Most jobs require creative problem solving and using your imagination.

You can tap into your creative genius if you maintain playfulness in your routine. You don’t have to be another Picasso to enjoy drawing and painting. A recent trend in stress relief is adult coloring books as a way to connect with your inner child.

The best way to learn how to play again is to spend time with children, whether your own or your family. Instead of plopping in front of the tv for another depressing news hour, play a board game with the kids. Draw and color pictures together and display them on the refrigerator.

4. Playfulness Revitalizes Your Energy

Yes, the adult world requires heavy responsibilities that can be overwhelming. When you’re trying to juggle family and work duties, it’s no wonder you’re exhausted. Your mind doesn’t get a break, and you feel drained no matter how much you sleep.

If you want to revitalize and energize your body, try using some playfulness. Try outdoor games that get your body moving. The healing touch of nature and physical activity may give you needed energy.

5. Playing Improves Your Brain Function

Your inner child can quickly get bored and restless, and your brain craves a challenge. Beat the doldrums and exercise your brain cells with stimulating activities like crossword puzzles, find-a-word, sudokus, and other mind teasers. Find a colorful jigsaw puzzle and work on it alone or with your family.

An article published by Harvard Medical School discusses the possible benefits of brain games for increased cognition and memory skills. Some studies note the positive link between playing games and preventing memory loss. It can be anything that challenges you to think critically and remember.


6. Playfulness Enhances Your Communication Skills

Have you ever eavesdropped on a couple or a group of youngsters playing? You’ll notice how they communicate the entire time according to their age and maturity. They often make up the rules and keep a running dialogue when pretending.

Children use play and make-believe to teach them how to express themselves more clearly and effectively. Channel your inner child and use some playfulness to communicate. It may help you have more confidence if you must speak in front of a group.

Find some games or puzzles that feature writing or building your vocabulary. Many of these are so enjoyable that the kids can play and don’t realize they’re learning something. Games that require groups to discuss possible ideas and answers are ideal for boosting your conversational skills.

7. Playfulness Increases Your Self-Confidence

How do you feel when you’ve made the winning move on a board game? Although you know it’s just for fun, it gives you a kick of confidence. Maybe you have the same sense of joy when you finally solve a word puzzle.

Even minor victories can encourage you to keep going and conquer bigger things. In real life, celebrating achievements gives you the nerve to set higher goals. You know you can be a winner because you’ve done it in the past.

Participating in sports is a great way to practice setting and achieving goals. It also provides some friendly competition that urges you to do your best. The more you practice, the more your skills improve, and you’ll also notice that you’re having fun simultaneously.

8. Playing Promotes Better Sleep

For most people, occasional sleepless nights are expected. However, chronic insomnia may be a symptom of an underlying physical or mental condition. Either way, you’re in a brain fog the next day and feel miserable.

Children who usually stall at bedtime are soon fast asleep after a long day of fun activities. They don’t stop to think that active play is an ideal exercise for their body. As an adult, walking, swimming, and other activities can make you pleasantly tired, so you’ll sleep better.

Another light-hearted routine you can adopt is reading to your youngsters before bedtime. Choose an age-appropriate book and use an animated voice for each character. Not only will this time of gentle playfulness relax their little minds, but it will also relax yours.

9. You Release Your Inner Child, Increasing Your Empathy

While many kids are tenderhearted at a young age, genuine empathy is a learned skill. They learn it from parents, teachers, and other significant adults who model it correctly. However, they practice what they learn through playing with other children.

For example, Michael strikes out in the ballgame during recess at school, and his friend Joey offers a few encouraging words. Joey knows what it feels like to lose and how encouragement from others helps him. These simple impressions are the beginning of showing empathy as an adult.

You’ll never stop learning, and engaging in leisure activities and light-hearted fun teaches you about considering others. It’s easier to get to know people in a casual atmosphere. Hone your active listening skills when the conversation isn’t so heavy, and you can laugh a little.

10. Encourages Mindful Living

Trust, faith, and living in the moment are natural gifts of your childhood. Unfortunately, negative experiences and toxic people may have jaded your perception as you mature. Your adult mindset may ruminate about the past and worry about the future.

It’s almost impossible to fuss and worry while playing an exciting game. Yielding to your inner child can help you focus on the here and now. Practicing mindful living can benefit every facet of your life.


Final Thoughts on Reasons to Practice Playfulness, Even in Adulthood

Life is too short to spend every day in a mind-numbing rush. The kindest gift you can give yourself is a merry heart and some playfulness. Once you’ve learned how to balance work and play, you’ll never have to worry about having a dull life.

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