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Science Explains What Happens to Your Body When You Start Strength Training

Science Explains What Happens to Your Body When You Start Strength Training

Have you ever considered adding strength training to your exercise regimen? Lifting weights can be ideal for building and preserving your muscles. Plus, you can tailor an effective workout according to your abilities and fitness goals.

Although strength training takes many forms, the concept is the same. You may know it as resistance, muscular, or weight training. It uses free weights, machines, or resistance bands, states  Harvard Medical School.

What Happens to Your Body When You Start Strength Training?

Do you want to tone and strengthen your body while boosting your health? Lifting weights may be one of your best options. You can target a muscle or group of muscles by lifting weights combined with other exercises.

Maybe you already have an exercise routine, but you want to give it a boost. It’s easy to incorporate strength or resistance training into any workout, backed by science. Here are ten good things that can happen to your body when you start working out and strengthening your muscles.

As with any new exercise routine, please check in with your family doctor before you start lifting weights.

strength training

1. Strength Training Helps Manage Stress Better and Improve Your Mood

Everyone has occasional bad days, and you want to go to bed and hide under the covers. Although a certain amount of daily stress is inevitable, chronic stress can be detrimental to your well-being. The overflow of stress hormones can lead to several physical and mental diseases, even premature death.

Many researchers concur that exercising can help lower stress levels. Aerobic exercises like weightlifting release endorphins or “feel good” hormones, and you may notice a mood boost. It may also help alleviate symptoms of chronic anxiety and depression.

Some of the best strength training exercises to elevate your mood are ones that move several muscle groups simultaneously, called multi-joint exercises. Try lunges, squats, or free-weight workouts. It offers a double benefit because you’re strengthening your muscles and improving your mental health.

2. You’ll Improve Memory and Brain Health

A sobering fact of life is that you slow down physically and mentally as you grow older. Your cognitive and memory functions gradually decline. However, staying active may support your brain health and minimize aging.

Neuroplasticity is the ability of your brain to create new neural connections and adapt to environmental changes. Strength exercises and other workouts move your body, increasing blood flow to your brain and boosting these vital connections. Increased neuroplasticity can keep you mentally sharp and more flexible in stressful circumstances.

Suppose you begin strength training and weightlifting while young; you’ll have a significant head-start. However, it’s never too late to start, even as a senior. You can still benefit your brain health and strengthen your body at the same time.

3. You’ll Burn More Calories and Fat With Strength Training

You’ve probably heard that adopting a healthy lifestyle includes more than just a balanced diet. You also need to exercise every day if you want to burn calories and melt excess fat. It means a total lifestyle change and commitment, not a fad diet or other questionable weight-loss gimmicks.

Do you have a few stubborn pounds that you haven’t lost? Being overweight or obese can be a significant health risk, especially if the fat is around your gut. This is called visceral fat–too much of it can lead to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other dangerous conditions.

4. You’ll Be More In-Tune With Your Body

If you pay close attention, your body will subtly speak to you and tell you how it’s doing. Strength training and lifting weights help you focus on your senses. You know your breathing and drive when you do squats, burpees, or lift dumbbells.

While you shouldn’t feel pain during a proper workout, you will notice stretching and tightening in your muscles. Your joints and bones will also speak to you during your daily routine. Being in tune with your body lets you know when things are going well or if something is wrong.

5. You’ll Build Stronger, Healthier Bones Through Lifting Weights

You know that strength training benefits your muscles. Did you know it can also strengthen your bones and keep them healthier? Weakened and brittle bones usually accompany aging, especially for post-menopausal women. You may lose bone mass due to lower estrogen levels.

An article in the National Institute of Health discusses the work of Dr. Julius Wolffe concerning bone strengthening. Known as Wolff’s Law, he found that forces acting upon bones can make them stronger. So, lifting weights and other strength training can help your bones stay strong and healthy.

6. Strength Training Can Help Reduce Back pain

Perhaps there’s nothing more debilitating than back pain, especially if it’s chronic. The cause is often difficult to diagnose because so many of them exist. Injury, tension, unstable core, and weak knees are just a few that can contribute to an aching back.

Maybe your struggles with back pain are the result of a domino effect. Your muscles, bones, joints, and connective tissue work together for each movement. This process is called biomechanics; if any part is out of sync, it affects the entire group.

Sometimes, a muscle or group of muscles will overcompensate for a weaker one, causing pain or injury. For example, weak glutes or hip flexors can negatively affect your lower back. Any imbalance or weakness will eventually become a painful problem in your back or any area of your body.

The key to strengthening weak muscles is exercising and using weights. They’ll be back in sync with their muscle groups as they get stronger. You may notice less pain, less weakness, and fewer painful episodes.

7. Lifting Weights and Aerobic Activity Both Benefit Your Heart

When you consider that your heart is a muscle, it makes sense that weight training can benefit it. As you do aerobic exercises, it increases your pulse and blood flow. A stronger heart and vascular system can lower blood pressure and improve circulation.

Another way resistance training benefits your heart is that it can help manage your blood glucose levels. Proper diet and exercise can also mean a leaner body, contributing to better blood sugar numbers. These lead to a healthy heart and can lower your risks of diabetes.

lifting weights

8. Boosts Your Flexibility and Mobility

One of Newton’s Laws says that a body at rest tends to stay at rest unless another force acts upon it. The law works in physics as well as with your body. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, you’ll remain sedentary until you start exercising.

Lifting weights and other strength exercises can make your body more flexible. It’s even more crucial that you keep moving as you get older. Daily workouts can also boost your mobility and increase your ability to stay active.

9. Strength Training Elevates Your Self-Esteem

Do you feel good about yourself when you look in a mirror, or do you cringe? Poor eating habits and little exercise can increase your weight and make you look tired. You may feel anxious and depressed, making your lifestyle even less healthy.

Once you start eating better and exercising, your body will change as well as your self-esteem. You’ll be proud of your leaner body, stronger muscles, and higher energy levels. You also boost pride when you have more endurance and can lift heavier weights.

10. Strength Training Lowers Your Injury Risks

If any part of your body is weak or sore, you don’t move easily. You’re more apt to strain a muscle or fall and hurt yourself. Strength exercises can help improve your range of motion and strengthen muscles and joints.

How to Get Started With Strength Training

You’ll be glad to know how easy it is to begin a resistance training routine. All you need is some space, comfortable clothes, and appropriate weights. These are some pointers to consider.

1. Start with Basics When Lifting Weights

If you’ve never trained with weights in the past, realize that it’s a gradual process. You don’t want to start lifting weights that are too heavy, nor do you want to overwork your body. First, try strengthening workouts without weights, such as pushups, squats, or planks.

These basic exercises focus on balance, core strength, and fundamental movement patterns. If these basics are already part of your fitness regimen, gradually add weights or resistance bands. You can also use exercise machines that provide resistance training.

2. One Step at a Time

Begin with the lowest weight or resistance band that’s right for you. Once they become comfortable in your workout, go to the next level. As you gradually increase the load, you’ll see more results in your body.

3. Easy Does It

The idea of weight and resistance training isn’t to see how much you can lift at any cost. If you feel any pain during your workout, stop immediately. Lifting free weights that are too heavy or working out too strenuously will only hurt you.

strength training

Final Thoughts on Strength Training and Its Healthy Impact on Your Body

This is the only body you have, and you want it to stay healthy for a long time. Adding strength training by lifting weights into your daily workout can help you accomplish your fitness goals. You have nothing to lose but extra pounds while you get fit and get the most out of your life.

15 Mantras That Help You Stay Calm Through Chaos

Mantras are often used interchangeably with affirmations. They focus on positive thinking and improving your well-being. Repeating affirmations encourage you to focus, meditate, and do what’s best for your life.

Consistent repetition is the best way to use mantras because it helps your mind view it as truth. Telling yourself that you are calm can help you achieve that mental state. You’ll gain strength and energy as you repeat them and embrace what you deserve in your life.

While you can’t prevent all chaos, you can control your reactions during the experience. These mantras can help you make the best decisions for yourself amidst the chaos. As you read through the affirmations, write the ones that resonate within you.

By choosing the ones that you relate to, you’ll help yourself make beneficial changes. You can use the same affirmations each day or switch it up at any time. These mantras will help you refocus on what’s important in life while resisting the chaos around you.

Fifteen Mantras That Help You Stay Calm Through Chaos


1 – I am safe right now, and everything will be okay.

When the world around you seems to be in shambles, remind yourself that you’re okay. Anxious thoughts during chaotic moments can make you feel like something detrimental will happen to you. Remembering that you’re okay can help you stay calm and get through anything.

2 – I deserve love and give myself the attention I need.

When life gets crazy, it’s easy to think you don’t deserve love and attention. However, you deserve all the good things in life, and you don’t have to wait for anyone to give them to you. Focus on self-love, and you’ll feel your worries ease and your self-worth increase.

3 – I am relaxed and calm no matter what occurs around me.

Telling yourself that you’re calm can help you relax through the power of self-belief. Your mind believes what you say, so repeating this mantra can help. The more you tell yourself that you’re relaxed and calm, the better you’ll feel.

4 – I feel my tension melting away.

When you tell yourself that you feel your tension melting away, you’ll likely experience less stress. Try to use visualization as you repeat this affirmation. Visualize the tension leaving your body and positivity flowing throughout.

5 – I know that my worries are temporary.

Hard times and worrisome moments don’t last forever. When chaos seems to take over your life, use this affirmation to remind yourself that it’s only temporary. The negative feelings won’t last forever, and reminding yourself can make the good times come sooner.

6 – I am at peace with my life and the world around me.

Being at peace with your life can help you resist external chaos. It limits the effect of stress if you tell yourself that you’re peaceful. Self-belief will allow you to have an easier time staying calm and letting the hardships pass.

7 – I am focusing on my breathing and letting everything else go.

When the chaos around you becomes too much, this affirmation can help you refocus. Tell yourself that you’re focusing on your breathing, and you’ll start to do just that. As you breathe, you can visualize letting everything else go, including worry, chaos, and negativity.

8 – I am calm and centered in every situation.

Tell yourself that you’re calm and centered, and you’ll feel more in control of the situation. Don’t let hardship and chaos disrupt your well-being.

Use this affirmation every morning to prepare yourself for the unexpected. You can also use it throughout the day when the chaos becomes overwhelming.

9 – I am releasing my negative thoughts and replacing them with positivity.

Negative thoughts can send you into a chaotic spiral, questioning everything about yourself. This mantra helps you release the negativity and focus on the good things in your life. You’ll experience positive self-talk and notice that you don’t turn to negative thoughts as often as before.

10 – I am focusing on being the best version of myself.

When chaos occurs around you, you might forget to focus on who you are. You behave in ways that aren’t like you, worsening the situation.

Rather than giving into the chaos, use this affirmation to focus on being your best. Not only will it help you stay calm, but it also increases your sense of self-worth.

11 – I am overcoming my fears and living courageously.

Don’t let your fear hold you back, even if you feel like you can never do something. Instead, turn to this mantra to guide you forward and help you face your fears.

It’ll help you take on new challenges and opportunities while opening you up to many experiences you wouldn’t have otherwise. The situation might seem chaotic at the time, but once you convince yourself that you can overcome your fears, you’ll be glad you pushed through.

12 – I am setting and enforcing boundaries that allow me to feel comfortable.

Setting boundaries allow you to regain control of your life when everything seems crazy. You can set boundaries that make you comfortable, and you’re allowed to enforce them whenever necessary. Using this mantra helps you remember that boundaries are okay and that it’s not okay for anyone to cross them.

13 – I release tension when I feel stressed.

If your coping mechanism isn’t healthy, you’ll need to find a new way to cope with chaos. This mantra helps you remember that lashing out or doing anything detrimental won’t help your situation.

Instead, releasing tension and focusing on your thoughts can make all the difference. Use this affirmation every day if you struggle with pent-up anxiety or coping in negative ways.


14 – I feel my mind slowing down and relaxing.

This mantra can help you focus on mindfulness as you start the day. It can also help you calm your mind before falling asleep. Either way, repeat it until you feel your body relaxing.

You might want to focus on your breathing as you repeat this mantra. Or you can use it during mindfulness meditation. It’s beneficial in many instances and helps you stay calm no matter what’s happening around you.

15 – I will look for the positive aspects of all experiences.

When you look for the good in all situations, chaos won’t affect you as much. There are positive aspects to even the most difficult situations, so make a conscious effort to identify them. When you look for the positives, you can stay calm, knowing there is hope.

You can use this affirmation anytime, but it’s especially beneficial if you know you have a challenging experience to handle. It’s also helpful to repeat as you get ready in the morning to remember to look for positivity.

Besides Mantras, Try These Seven Ways to Stay Calm in Chaos

These mantras can help you stay calm, but there are other things you can try. Use your affirmations every day and try other helpful techniques along with it.

  1. Identify your triggers: When you identify the moments that trigger your stress, you can find ways to calm yourself. Think about what happens when you experience your triggers and consider how you feel during those moments. Once you’ve identified your triggers, you can think about ways to avoid those triggers or react differently. If you have a plan, you’ll feel in control, allowing you to stay calm during chaos.
  2. Get active: When stress and chaos seem to consume your life, staying active can help you remain calm. Exercise is helpful because it releases endorphins that make you feel good and ease stress. It’ll reduce stress and pain while encouraging euphoria.
  3. Practice Deep Breathing: When you’re worried, breathing can release negative feelings quickly. Focus on taking long, deep, and calming breaths until you feel yourself calm down.
  4. Focus on something else: You don’t have to focus on the chaos all the time. Take some time to do something you enjoy or keep your mind busy. Walk away from what worries you so that you have time to reflect and destress.
  5. Go outside: Fresh air can help you stay calm in stressful situations. If you start getting worked up, go outside to get some space. It’ll help you calm down, and the change of scenery can distract your thoughts.
  6. Eat something: Lacking nutrients can worsen stressful situations, so make sure you eat something. Even eating dark chocolate can help, as it can boost your brain health and reduce stress. Eat a meal, snack, or healthy drink to help reduce your stress levels and allow you to stay calm.
  7. Listen to music and dance along: Listening to your favorite music can help you stay calm. It has a calming effect, allowing you to relax your mind. Research shows that dancing can also help reduce worry as it eases depression and anxiety.


Final Thoughts on Mantras That Help You Stay Calm Through Chaos

These mantras can help you stay calm through chaos, even when it seems nothing can protect you. Use these affirmations when you wake up in the morning, throughout your day, or before you go to bed.

Using them in the morning can help you focus on positivity throughout the day. Reciting them throughout the day can help you keep going without giving in to the chaos.

Write the mantras that resonate within you so you can read them whenever necessary. It can make all the difference in your life and help you see positivity during the hard times.

10 Red Flags That Reveal a Hidden Frenemy

Finding a friend to share your life with is a beautiful blessing. But some people who pose as your friends are nothing more than a wolf in sheep’s clothing. A frenemy is out for themselves, and they will use and abuse you to get what they want.

Even the best friendships have their share of ups and downs. Sometimes you question whether your buddy has your best interests at heart. Sadly, it would help if you differentiate between someone who is a frenemy from someone loyal. Friendship should bring joy and happiness to your life, even during rough times.

Being involved with a frenemy seems like one dramatic battle after another. You find yourself more exhausted from your interactions than uplifted. It’s often hard to see the signs of such a person initially, but a few months into the relationship can often be forth-telling.

Ten Warning Signs of a Hidden Frenemy (Not an Authentic Friend)

One way to spot a fake friend is by how you feel around them. They may give you a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, as your intuition knows that something isn’t right.

Maybe they’re so negative and downtrodden that they give you a headache just being in their presence. If you’re curious about how you can tell the difference between this clever enemy, here are a few tips to help you protect your heart.


1. A Frenemy Loves to Make Everything a Competition

You need a new vehicle as yours is on its last leg, so they also get a new car if you purchase one. If you get a new haircut, they need a new style too. They’re always trying to one-up you as they need to upstage you to make themselves feel better.

While engaging in a little healthy competition is okay, you should never steal someone else’s spotlight. You’re undoubtedly buying a vehicle for no reason other than need. However, their motives aren’t so pure. They make everything so competitive that it’s suffocating.

It would help if you never had to hide purchases or accomplishments from a friend, as they should be celebrating with you.

2. Toxic Friends Have Passive-Aggressive Tendencies

A passive-aggressive friendship is toxic. While some frenemies are apparent, some use more subtle tactics. The passive-aggressive personality will never directly confront you when you’ve done something to upset them.

However, they like to make snarky comments under their breath when you’re around. For instance, You’re in public with a large group of friends. Everyone is happy and praising you for your job promotion, and they’re celebrating how you’re climbing the corporate ladder.

Almost everyone is celebrating; it’s apparent that your so-called friend is jealous and unhappy about it. Rather than confronting you and stating how they feel directly, they murmur negative comments for people to hear. They say things like these statements:

  • “We all know how you got that job.”
  • “That job is a piece of cake; anyone can advance there.”
  • “You only got a $1.00 an hour raise. I don’t see what’s the big deal.”

The passive-aggressive person will say these comments softly but keep their volume loud enough so people can hear. These are acts of a desperate individual to get the attention switched from you to them. According to the National Library of Medicine, this personality disorder is often called negativistic because they live in a realm of constant negativity. Additionally, if a parent has this disorder, it increases the chances that their offspring will inherit it.

3. A Frenemy Will Gossip About You Behind Your Back

Trust is an integral part of any relationship. When you have a close friend, you want to ensure that your secrets are safe with them. However, the frenemy may be kind to your face, offer a shoulder to cry on, and even sympathize with you, but they do these things to use them against you.

When they leave your presence, they can’t wait to tell others about everything in your life. Sadly, you get wind of their deception via the grapevine and know your trust has been breached.

4. They Use You

It’s never fun to have someone take advantage of you. Friends give and take. So if you do most of the giving, something is off balance. The friend-enemy is someone who feels a sense of entitlement.

They want to break you down and trample you when you’re down and out. These so-called friends are unhealthy, and the toxic poisons they spew can take you to dark places if you allow them to.

5. A Frenemy Is Dishonest

Even the best of friends will experience some conflict and drama. However, if it seems like all you two do is argue when you’re together, something isn’t right in the relationship. A person with a chip on their shoulder is eager to start a fight.


6. A Toxic Friend Only Care About Themselves

While this friendship seems to have some redeeming qualities, the truth is that they don’t care about you. They’re a very selfish person who only makes time for you when they need you. Please don’t count on them to come when you call; they will always be too busy.

They’re also very disrespectful of your time. Assume that you two made plans to go to dinner at seven pm. They don’t call to tell you they’re running late. You sit at the restaurant all alone until eight pm. It doesn’t matter to them that they wasted your time, as they only care about what’s happening in their lives. This person is not only rude and inconsiderate, but they’re not your friend.

7. The Frenemy in Your Life Craves Drama

You’ve caught your friend in more lies than you can count. Every time they open their mouth, they seem to spew more dishonesty. You can’t trust their words even when it appears they’re being truthful.

They make it challenging to be friends with them as they tend to be deceptive in many aspects. This is not the type of friendship you want or need.

8. They’re Not Happy When You Excel

Your friend should be one of your biggest supporters in life. They should celebrate your victories, pick you up, and encourage you to keep going when you fall. However, the frenemy won’t be happy for you when you’re winning, but they may seem a little too joyful when you have drama.

Pure jealousy motivates the individual who can’t celebrate with you when things go your way. The weird and often negative comments they use show what kind of person your are friends with, and they’re toxic. According to the National Library of Medicine, jealousy can be a stand-alone condition or part of a more significant disorder.

It’s often the case that people with extreme jealousy issues have a personality disorder or they’re fighting low self-esteem. Narcissists are notorious for jealousy issues, and these selfish folks often fit the characteristics of a frenemy.

9. Your Frenemy May Act Like You’re an Annoyance

You don’t need a friendship where they act like you’re an annoyance they must manage. There’s no reason to have someone in your life because they feel sorry for you or can’t get out of socializing with you.

First, some people will be proud to be by your side, and you won’t have to face such toxicity. Second, this person is a frenemy, not a true friend, and learning the difference is imperative.

10. Negative Energy Oozes from Them

No matter how hard you try, you feel like nothing you do is ever good enough for them. They rarely have a kind word to say about you or anyone else. They tend to point out all the bad things about you and rarely look at all your accomplishments.

You’re not perfect, but the frenemy mocks and calls attention to these imperfections far too much. They’re bitter, doing everything they can to make you feel bad about yourself. The crux of the matter is that they have very low self-esteem, and they’re trying to bring you down to their level.


Final Thoughts on a Hidden Frenemy

If you find a good friend, you’ve found a treasure indeed. So many people pose as your best friend to turn around and knife you in the back. While you might entangle with a frenemy, you could also find a wonderful person who would never leave your side.

Friendships can be as tricky as romantic relationships; some will work well, and others are toxic. You must be careful about who you let into your inner circle, as the wrong person can make your life miserable. Don’t let the bad spoil the good, as life would be bland without some great friendships to add a little spice.

Study Reveals How Household Chores May Lower Alzheimer’s Risk

A new study by the American Academy of Neurology discovered that doing chores may reduce Alzheimer’s risk. According to the research, household activities such as gardening, cooking, and cleaning could lower dementia risk by over 21%. Furthermore, the research team found that exercise, visiting friends and family, and other healthy cognitive activities can protect against Alzheimer’s.

The study analyzed how these activities affected cognitive functioning. In addition, the research investigated the impact of mental stimulation and electronic devices on people with and without dementia risk.

“Many studies have identified potential risk factors for dementia, but we wanted to know more about a wide variety of lifestyle habits and their potential role in the prevention of dementia,” said study author Huan Song, MD, Ph.D., of Sichuan University in Chengdu, China. “Our study found that exercise, household chores, and social visits were linked to a reduced risk of various types of dementia.”

About the Study on Alzheimer’s Risk and House Chores

The study on Alzheimer’s risk included 501,376 people from the UK Biobank database. They didn’t have dementia and had an average age of 56. At the beginning of the study, participants completed questionnaires about their activities, which included exercise. Researchers asked how often they climbed stairs, walked, and participated in vigorous sports.

Also, the questionnaire included inquiries about household chores and job-related activities. In addition, researchers asked participants what transportation they had access to, such as biking or walking to work.

Next, participants filled out a separate questionnaire about mental activities. They had to answer questions about their education level and whether they attended college classes. Furthermore, the questionnaire inquired how often they visited with loved ones and attended religious services or social clubs. Finally, it asked how often they used electronic devices to talk on the phone, watch TV, or play online games.

In addition, participants reported whether they had any immediate family members with dementia or Alzheimer’s. With this knowledge, researchers could determine if genetic factors increased their Alzheimer’s risk.

alzheimer's risk

What the Study About Activities That Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk Found

Researchers followed the study participants for an average of 11 years. Upon the study’s completion, 5,185 people (about 1%) had developed dementia.

After adjusting for several factors, including age, income, and smoking habits, researchers found that most mental and physical activities were associated with dementia. The observation remained after researchers accounted for the high correlations between activities.

For example, the team found that participants who exercised frequently had a 35% reduced Alzheimer’s risk. Those who remained highly engaged in household chores had a 21% lower chance of developing dementia. Finally, visiting friends and family reduced their Alzheimer’s risk by 15%. They gathered this data by comparing highly engaged participants to the least active cohort.

“Our study has found that by engaging more frequently in healthy physical and mental activities, people may reduce their risk of dementia,” Song said. “More research is needed to confirm our findings. However, our results are encouraging that making these simple lifestyle changes may be beneficial.”

Exercise Seemed to Have Largest Impact on Reducing Alzheimer’s Risk

The research team also investigated dementia incidence rates by analyzing activity patterns. They discovered 0.45 cases for every 1,000 person-years for people who often exercise, compared to 1.59 in people who exercised infrequently. (Person-years consider the number of people in a study and the duration of the study.)

Participants highly engaged in household chores had a rate of 0.86 cases for every 1,000 person-years. This compared to 1.02 for people who completed few tasks. Finally, participants who visited family daily had a rate of 0.62 cases for every 1,000 person-years. In contrast, researchers observed 0.8 instances for those who saw loved ones once every few months.

The research team concluded that all participants benefited from the shielding effect of physical and mental activities. These activities seemed to lower their Alzheimer’s risk regardless of if they had a genetic history of dementia. However, physical exercise appeared to have the most protective effect against Alzheimer’s.

One caveat of the study was that people self-reported their physical and mental activities. So, they may have misreported these activities due to not remembering correctly.

The research appeared in Neurology, the American Academy of Neurology medical journal. The National Natural Science Foundation of China, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, and the National Clinical Research Center for Geriatrics funded the study.

Other Ways to Protect Yourself from Cognitive Disease

The Alzheimer’s Association lists additional tips on protecting your brain from cognitive disease:

  • Become a lifelong learner. Keeping your brain engaged throughout life can ward off Alzheimer’s. Consider taking classes online or at your local community college.
  • Avoid smoking. Research shows that smoking can lead to cognitive decline because it causes the narrowing of the brain’s blood vessels.
  • Keep your heart healthy. Risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, and hypertension, can increase Alzheimer’s risk. By taking care of your physical health, your brain will follow.
  • Protect your brain. Brain injuries can increase Alzheimer’s risk. Wear a seatbelt, use a helmet while playing sports, and try to prevent falls.
  • Eat a balanced diet. To promote brain health, consume fruits and vegetables and keep your fat intake low. The Mediterranean diet, in particular, can protect against Alzheimer’s.
  • Prioritize sleep. Sleep deprivation can lead to cognitive decline. Make sure to get around seven to eight hours of sleep per night.
  • Look after your mental health. Evidence shows that depression can increase the risk of cognitive decline. Make sure to get treatment for any mental health conditions and practice stress management.


Final Thoughts on Activities That Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk

A study by the American Academy of Neurology researchers found that several activities reduce Alzheimer’s risk. The team observed that participants who engaged in regular exercise, household chores, and visits with family had the lowest dementia risk. However, their research revealed that movement had the most significant impact on preventing cognitive decline. In addition to these activities, research shows that quality sleep, formal education, a balanced diet, and avoiding smoking can protect against Alzheimer’s.

10 Things That Cause Mental Fatigue

You can often alleviate physical exhaustion with rest. However, only lifestyle changes and easing stress will help when you’re mentally exhausted. You might experience mental fatigue when you’ve been strong for way too long.

Your mind can only handle so much stress and pressure before it cracks. The brain was created with the ability to know when enough is enough, and it will go into shutdown mode to protect itself. Have you ever got a virus on your computer?

The computer will go into safe mode when something isn’t right. It does this to protect itself from further damage, and your brain does the same thing. It’s trying to minimize the damage brought on by the constant mental exhaustion.

According to Harvard Health, stress most impacts your brain’s prefrontal cortex. Additionally, experts here have found that those with prolonged periods of stress have a greater risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Ten Things That Cause Mental Fatigue

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, and you might experience a loss of focus and overwhelming exhaustion. Here are ten things that cause your mind to be tired and ways you can fix these issues.

mental fatigue

1. Prolonged Periods of Stress Cause Exhaustion

Your brain is hard-wired to react with an internal system to protect you from danger. When your body senses a threat, it goes into fight or flight mode. Inside, your body releases stress chemicals like cortisol and adrenaline. The burst of these chemicals helps people do things they usually couldn’t accomplish.

One such instance happened to Zac Clark in 2019. According to CNN, the teen was at home in Butler, Ohio, when he heard a woman call for help. Upon further examination, Clark realized that a Volkswagen Passat had fallen on the woman’s husband.

The car weighed about 3,500 pounds and rested on the man’s head and ribs. Clark went into superhero mode and lifted the front of the vehicle enough so that the lady could help her husband slide to safety. There’s no way this teenager could have done that without the surge of adrenaline running through his body.

The same surging hormones might be helpful, but when there’s no imminent danger, they can be harmful. What happens if you’re driving up mountains and must constantly be accelerating? You’re going to use more gas than if you’re using the cruise or coasting.

Your body does the same thing. When you’re using the “accelerator” and going through life in high gear, you will burn more energy, which makes it easy to become fatigued.

How to Fix It:

There’s no easy fix for stress, but finding coping mechanisms is the best way to combat this issue. Knowing your limits is an excellent place to start. Learning to say no and setting healthy boundaries will help you from reaching the burnout point.

2. Chronic Health Issues Can Cause Mental Fatigue

Dealing with chronic health issues is a significant struggle. You don’t feel well, and your questions about tomorrow keep you from living as you want. Mental fatigue can come because of a physical problem too. It’s not your fault you’re sick or have ongoing health issues, but you must cope with the exhaustion and loss of focus these problems bring.

How to Fix It:

Join a support group of people going through common issues. Hearing the story of others and how they overcome can be uplifting. Developing a solid support unit gives you people to call when your illness affects your ability to thrive.

3. Sleep Loss Contributes to Mental Fatigue and Physical Exhaustion

You know that you need to get six to eight hours of sleep, but it’s often challenging to get rest when you’re busy or stressed. Did you know that you will perish quicker from a lack of sleep than from food deprivation? According to Fatigue Science, your body’s immunity is threatened when you go for long periods without rest.

After 36 hours of no sleep, you will experience a loss of focus, hallucination, and delusions, and your organs will be impacted. Ironically the CDC did a study that found that one-third of the American population doesn’t get at least seven hours of nightly sleep.

How to Fix It:

Mental fatigue from lack of sleep needs to be investigated. You may have an underlying issue causing insomnia. Things like sleep apnea can affect your ability to get quality rest.

4. Relationships Struggles May Increase Exhaustion

Negative interactions within your relationships can weigh on your mind if you’re having trouble getting along with others. It can cause you not to get sufficient rest and keep you in high anxiety.

How to Fix It:

People often hang onto unhealthy relationships because they’re scared to leave. The exhaustion that toxic people cause in your life can be detrimental. Try to get counseling to help heal the rifts in your relationship, and if counseling doesn’t work, know when to cut your losses and leave.

5. Poor Work and Life Balance Creates Mental Fatigue

Americans work way too much. According to a study conducted at The University of Texas at Austin, thirty percent of Americans work 45 or more hours weekly. Considering that France’s citizens average only thirty hours, it seems like the people in this country need to work less and enjoy life more.

A poor work/life balance can significantly affect your ability to thrive. Not only does your body feel the exhaustion from being overworked, but your mind feels it too.


How to Fix It:

Working fewer hours is hard when you have bills and responsibilities. However, do you need that luxury car and a large home? Scaling back your priorities and living rather than working all the time can change your life.

6. Not Eating Properly

Food is fuel. If you put the cheapest gas in your car, you’re not going to get nearly the performance you would if you run on high octane. The same things happen in your body. When you fill up on junk food, fast food burgers, and processed products, you cause great distress to your body.

How to Fix It:

Switching to a healthy whole food diet can make all the difference in the world. You’ll notice a huge difference when you eat simple carbs instead of complex ones. You’ll have more energy, improving your loss of focus, and your exhaustion will decrease.

7. Depression and Anxiety

When it comes to mental fatigue, depression and anxiety are significant issues. When you have a chemical imbalance in your brain, you cannot control the amount of stress and sadness you feel. Some situations can be circumstantial, but others require a more hands-on approach.

How to Fix It:

Stress is a part of life, but you can help to ease some of the anxiety you feel by doing meditation. One of the best ways to help with mental fatigue and life cares is to have a healthy outlet. Meditation and yoga can help you purge the stress you pick up from the day. Many herbs, like St. John’s Wart and chamomile, can also be beneficial.

8. Mental Fatigue Can Stem From Financial Distress

Everyone has bills, and financial struggles are a significant component of mental fatigue. Not having enough to cover your accounts is a great struggle.

How to Fix It:

Don’t be afraid to take risks and find another job. Just because you’ve been at a place of employment for many years doesn’t mean anything if it’s not making enough to cover your expenses. Scale back your costs and if that doesn’t help, then look for a new job or second source of revenue.

9. Lack of Social Support

Mental fatigue is inevitable if you don’t have proper social support. Life is lonely when you don’t have a perfect inner circle that you can call on in times of trouble. The exhaustion you feel may be due to having the proper support in your life.

How to Fix It:

If the friends you currently have are dragging you down, it’s time to make some new ones. Relatives are a part of your life you can’t change, but no one says you need to be around people who don’t support you. Find some quality folks that are your cheerleaders as it makes going through life more manageable.

10. Job Dissatisfaction

According to a study cited by the Los Angeles Times, 70 percent of Americans aren’t happy in their jobs. Job dissatisfaction can be a big part of your mental fatigue and overall exhaustion. If you struggle to drag yourself out of bed to go to a job you can’t stand, it’s no wonder you have a loss of focus when you’re at work.

How to Fix It:

Find something to do that you love, and you will never feel like you’re working. Life is way too short to be in a career field that doesn’t make you happy. If you need to go back to school to further your education, make sacrifices to better yourself. Your happiness affects your overall well-being, so it’s time to make some hard choices.

mental fatigue

Final Thoughts on Reducing Mental Fatigue and the Physical Exhaustion It Causes

Do you suffer from exhaustion, a loss of focus, chronic depression, and anxiety? It could be that your mental fatigue is overwhelming you to the point where your brain is overloaded. The ten most common reasons for exhaustion are listed above, but it’s the fixes that you need to focus on.

Start living your best life possible by fixing your work-to-life balance, getting sufficient rest, eating right, and surrounding yourself with people who cheer you on to win. You will find that when you use coping mechanisms, it will improve your mental and physical well-being.

Counselors Reveal 7 Ways to Exhibit Positive Body Language

Displaying positive body language can help establish trust and strengthen bonds in relationships. After all, most people pay more attention to nonverbal cues during conversations. Smiling, having a firm handshake, and maintaining eye contact will help you make an excellent first impression. However, most people don’t consider how their body language impacts others. 

Many people operate on autopilot and never stop to consider how others receive their energy. For instance, slouching, looking at your phone during conversations, or averting your gaze could seem rude. It can make you appear uncomfortable or disinterested in the conversation. 

Counselors Reveal Seven Ways to Show Positive Body Language

Since nonverbal cues play a crucial role in communication, learning these skills can improve your conversational skills. Positive body language can make you appear more confident, even if you’re not particularly outgoing or talkative. Below, we’ll discuss a few ways to master the art of nonverbal communication

body language

1 – Maintain Non-Aggressive Eye Contact to Appear More Positive. 

If you want to seem welcoming, look into others’ eyes when speaking to them. Of course, you shouldn’t stare at them for prolonged periods, but periodically making eye contact can help build rapport. 

It shows the other person you don’t have anything to hide and that they can trust you. Too little eye contact can make you seem submissive, while overdoing eye contact may appear aggressive.

According to studies, maintaining the right amount of eye contact can make you more credible. 

Other benefits to a mutual gaze in conversations include:

 2 – Smile to Display Your Positive Message. 

People usually gravitate towards others who have positive, magnetic personalities. After all, they say happiness is contagious, so people naturally want to surround themselves with those who uplift them. Not only does smiling send joyful energy into the world, but it also makes you more approachable. 

Most people perceive body language by reading someone’s facial expressions. So, those who smile will seem more genuine and content, making others feel comfortable around them. Studies show that the most sincere smiles reach your eyes and create wrinkles around them, known as a Duchenne smile. Many consider it the most authentic expression of happiness. 

Of course, you don’t have to go around with an ear-to-ear grin to win people over. Even a small, polite smile shared with strangers can light up the room. Another study found that people naturally want to mimic others’ expressions and behaviors. 

Seeing someone smile activates a brain reward center called the orbitofrontal cortex. So, looking at a smiling face can make people feel more satisfied. Positive body language with a smile encourages others to reciprocate the gesture, helping elevate their mood. 

 3 – Stand Your Ground.

When you’re comfortable taking up space, it exudes confidence and assertiveness. To show people you feel at ease in your skin, stand or sit with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your feet rooted firmly to the ground with your head held high. By changing your posture and stance, you will project positivity that draws people to you like a magnet. 

 Of course, you don’t want to overdo it and seem cocky or overbearing with your body language. However, others also won’t approach you if you withdraw into your shell. Finding a happy medium with a strong, poised posture will improve your communication skills.


4 – Relax Your Posture (But Not Too Much). 

Since people notice your posture and appearance before anything else, it plays a huge role in body language. A slouched, lazy posture can make people think you are not interested in others. However, open body language produces the opposite effect, making you seem approachable and friendly. 

You generally want to stand up straight with your arms relaxed at your sides. Remember, you want to appear confident but not too rigid. A natural, open posture lets others know you’re available for conversation and want to connect.

 5 – Face the Person You’re Talking To.

Directing your feet and gaze toward the person you’re speaking with is a sign of respect. It also shows you feel interested and engaged in the conversation. Giving your undivided attention to others when they talk helps build a connection and establish trust. 

Slightly leaning in during a conversation can also help reinforce a bond with someone. However, you want to respect their personal space and not get too close unless they feel comfortable.

6 – Convey Positive Thinking by Mirroring the Other Person’s Body Language.

Mirroring involves imitating another person’s body language, facial expressions, and energy to encourage a meaningful connection. You probably do this unconsciously when talking to people since it stems from our biological need to belong and gain approval. We naturally want to feel accepted in a group, so we adjust our behavior to match those around us. 

That doesn’t mean you must change your whole personality to connect with someone. However, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, as long as you don’t mimic the other person’s every move.

7 – Be Present and Practice Active Listening. 

We saved the best and most influential tip for last. Learning to listen and hold space for people will make others feel safe in your company. After all, everyone wants to feel like they matter and that someone out there cares. Countless studies show that active listening promotes empathy and trust in relationships. So, a key component of positive body language involves being present during conversations and listening nonjudgmentally.

body language

Final Thoughts on How to Convey More Positive Body Language

Your body language can reveal so much about you before you even say a word. After all, people can only make judgments about your appearance at first glance. So, your posture, facial expressions, and eye contact (or lack thereof) greatly influence people’s perception of you. 

If you want to exhibit positive body language, imagine yourself as calm, collected, and self-confident. Then, your body and demeanor will gradually match how you feel about yourself.

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