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11 Ways to Build Empathy in Children

11 Ways to Build Empathy in Children

Empathy is an awareness of the emotions and feelings of others. It’s having compassion for others as if you were going through what they’re experiencing. You’re not born empathetic. Instead, this compassion is something you need to learn. Likewise, you can teach empathy to your children. 

Eleven Ways to Teach Children About Empathy

Here are eleven ways to build empathy in children, regardless of age. 

1. Empathize with your child 


The best way to teach empathy to a child is for them to experience that caring from you. When you show your children compassion and kindness, it creates a secure bond with them. They learn to trust you. This strong bond helps them to adopt your values. They begin to model your empathetic behavior. Empathy towards your child could be

  • Caring about their emotional and physical needs
  • Understanding their personality
  • Respecting their personalitiy 
  • Having a genuine interest in them
  • Guiding them toward activities for their personal growth and enjoyment

2. Understand their feelings

Make an effort to understand your child’s feelings. This communicates a caring attitude. Create an environment where your child feels heard. Even if you can’t understand the depth of how your child is feeling, your expressions of interest will make them feel acknowledged. Your actions teach them to listen to others’ feelings and try to understand the best they can what the other person is going through. 

3. Using empathetic statements

Part of teaching kids to be empathetic is to make statements that express empathy. These statements show compassion and caring without judgment. Some of the empathy statements you can make include these:

  • What you’re saying makes sense. 
  • You’re going through a tough time.
  • I’m sure you feel hopeless at times. 
  • I wish you didn’t have to go through this. 
  • That sounds so hard for you.
  • I agree with you on that.
  • No wonder you feel so upset. 
  • I’m sure I’d feel the same way in your situation. 
  • This problem must be very annoying.
  • That sounds so scary.
  • I would also feel disappointed by that. 
  • What you’re saying makes me feel sad, too. 
  • That must have hurt. 
  • Let me know what you think are your choices right now. 

4. Start teaching empathy at a young age

Kids are sponges. They learn from those around them. They notice little things like how you treat the server at restaurants or the people at the grocery. Whatever you model, they see. As you display friendliness, they will too. When they see you expressing concern for a new family at school, they’ll emulate this to those around them. This observation is the beginning of their empathy lessons. 

5. Talk about your feelings and how others are feeling

Narrate your day and how you feel about things happening with people around you. This conversation helps broaden a child’s understanding of the people around them. You can say these:

I’m excited about picking up the flowers for grandma’s birthday. She’s going to be so surprised.

I don’t think Dad liked getting a flat tire on the way to work. The poor guy was late. 

These statements teach your kids to be aware of others and to anticipate how they feel in their situation. 

6. Be patient

Your kids won’t be empathetic overnight. Like you, they’re imperfect beings. Sometimes they’ll be selfish and unkind. Being human is to get it wrong sometimes. Be patient with them. Empathy is a complex skill. It develops over time as your child matures. You can show them empathy even when they’re hard to love. 

7. Give your kids opportunities to practice empathy

Nurture your child’s empathy by providing opportunities for them to show kindness. Please encourage them to have compassion for their classmates or siblings. Talk with them about considering their sibling’s perspective during an argument. Please take notice of empathy examples and talk about them with your child. If you are watching a television show with your child and you notice a character display empathy, point it out to your child. Talk about what they did to show kindness. Discuss why other characters lacked compassion or missed an opportunity to be kind. 

8. Expand your child’s circle of concern

Kids can help others beyond their circle. Talk to your kids about caring for other people, even if they’re different. Model care for the homeless, elderly, and people who are disabled. Your example here will speak volumes to them. Look for opportunities to interact with different people and bring your kids along to help. 

  • Take magazines or flowers to a nursing home
  • Delivery of food to food banks.
  • Give a homeless person on the street a gift card to a restaurant. 
  • Ask an older adult at the grocery if they need help loading their car. 


9. Help children develop self-control with their feeling

Sometimes kids’ feeling blocks their desire to be empathetic. Maybe caring for someone else feels overwhelming to them. Perhaps they feel guilty, angry, or ashamed that they aren’t more empathetic. Help them talk about these feelings. Feeling a lack of empathy is normal. They may be surprised to learn that you don’t always feel like being empathetic. When your child feels like this, try to

  • Help them identify their feeling with names such as frustration, sadness, or discouragement. Sometimes kids don’t know what to call these feelings, and having a nake is helpful for them. Plus, it helps them to know that what they’re feeling is normal. 
  • Please encourage them to step back and get a handle on their feelings. Then, please take a moment to think about what they should or shouldn’t do. Be their sounding board and their cheerleader. 
  • Help them resolve any conflicts. If they disagree with someone, encourage them to fix it the best they can. Help them see the other person’s perspective but don’t discourage your child’s perspective. Teach them that sometimes you must agree to disagree, which is okay. 

10. Make caring for others a priority in your family

Kids learn to value others’ perspectives and show empathy if they’ve experienced this from their parents. Your compassion for your kids will rub off. Your kindness can care for others will also rub off on your kids. 

11. Teach essential life lessons about empathy

At the same time, encourage your kids to understand that the world doesn’t circle them. Help them learn that, at times, they’ll need to set aside their concerns for someone else’s happiness. For example, it’s good for them to hear when it’s time to turn off their screen and help unload the dishwasher. Teach them to be polite even if they’re feeling grumpy. And teach them to turn off their device when talking to other kids or adults. 

How to Teach Empathy at Different Ages

Find your child’s age group to see some age-appropriate ways to demonstrate compassion.

Toddler-preschool age

Toddlers are, by nature, self-centered. This is developmental and not all bad. At this age, you can show empathy for your little one. 

  • Ask them feelings-oriented questions such as: Are you feeling afraid of that dog? He’s a lovely dog, but he’s loud, right? So it’s scary when he barks. Sit on my lap while he’s walking by. 
  • At this age, you can talk about others’ feelings, too. I bet Bobby felt sad when you took his toy away. Please give it back to him and pick something else to play with. 
  • Help your child show empathy towards others. For example, let’s get Carter some ice for his arm that he hurt. Do you want to hand it to him?
  • Pretend play is a helpful way to teach about feelings and empathy for others. Use stuffed animals to act out emotions and learn to be empathetic towards others. For example, you could have the stuffed llama say, I’m sad that boy hit me. Then you make the stuffed bear could say, Are you okay? In these moments, direct your child to the llama’s feelings. Point out that she was crying and rubbing her arm where she got hit. Help your child understand getting hit (the action) made the lama feel sad and cry (reaction). Talk about what your child could do to show kindness in this situation.

Early elementary age

One way to show kindness at this age is to help them learn that being right isn’t as important as being kind. Being kind is always the best choice. Your kids can learn to use kind words to explain themselves rather than hurtful words. They can learn how to disagree and still be emphatic. 

Middle school age

At this age, you can use books and videos to demonstrate scenarios where kids are showing kindness and compassion. Praise your child’s attempts at showing empathy. Little activities could help your child learn to listen while others are talking. Teach them to ask questions rather than share their own opinions. 

High school age

As your child ages, they will have social circles at school or work. They’ll have lots of opportunities to show compassion at home with siblings. Talk to them about their day at school. Maybe you could ask how they felt when a teacher singled out a kid in class or their friend said something unkind about a disabled girl. At this age, they’re more in tune with their feelings, so try to guide them to empathize with others. How do you think that kid felt? What did you do when your friend said that? Please help your child brainstorm what they could do next time this happens.

Share your situations at work where things like this have happened. Discuss social dilemmas with your child to that help them understand different perspectives. For example, should you invite someone to your party who was unkind to another friend coming to the party? 


Final Thoughts on Raising Kids to Display Compassion for Others

Empathy is something you learn. Your kids will follow your example as you demonstrate compassion and kindness towards others. 

11 Behaviors That Reveal a Toxic Marriage

A toxic marriage is detrimental to your well-being and overall life satisfaction. Sometimes you might not recognize the toxicity, and recognizing the signs can help. Sometimes the only clue you need is whether you’ve been asking yourself if it’s a toxic marriage. Other times, you’ll need a little more information before you know.

Once you recognize the behaviors that reveal a toxic marriage, you can decide what to do from there. You can work to repair the relationship if your partner is willing to do the same. However, sometimes you must make the hard decision to walk away.

It’s not easy to end a toxic marriage, no matter what occurred. This part of your life holds much meaning, and many find it hard to walk away for good. However, you deserve happiness and fulfillment in all areas.

Why You Shouldn’t Tolerate a Toxic Marriage

A toxic marriage can interfere with your mental and emotional well-being. It can cause anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Additionally, it can make you more susceptible to illnesses.

Toxicity can take the spark out of your relationship, leaving you feeling alone, confused, and pessimistic. A toxic marriage can eliminate all happiness from your life and interfere with friendships and family relationships. If you have children, it teaches them that this behavior is normal and acceptable.

Additionally, ignoring toxic behavior can lead to unhealthy patterns. You might stop believing in yourself because of the painful situations you experience. Setting boundaries and stopping harmful behavior helps you regain control of your life and find meaning.

toxic marriage

Eleven Behaviors That Reveal a Toxic Marriage

Some toxic marriages appear happy and healthy to onlookers. However, when no one else is around, negative behaviors emerge.

On the other hand, in some instances, many onlookers will notice the issues. Either way, some behaviors reveal a toxic marriage, helping you identify it and make a change.

1 – A Toxic Marriage Makes Partners Less Reliable

Relationship stability relies on reliability from both partners. Someone might be unreliable if they:

  • don’t respond to communication efforts
  • continually show up late
  • usually don’t follow through on commitments or promises
  • don’t prioritize their responsibilities
  • refuse to talk about problems
  • never react the same way
  • make you feel alone

2 – Hostility and Toxicity Often Occur Together

Hostility occurs when someone reflects their anger onto another person. Your partner might be angry about something you did or an external factor. Either way, they might reflect their anger regarding:

  • problems at work
  • family issues
  • health problems
  • financial concerns
  • stress

Once hostility occurs, it can be hard to overcome an argument or come to a resolution. The person often wants to forget the issue or cover it up rather than address it. However, ignoring the problems creates further hostility and resentment.

3 – Lying

Deception isn’t a good sign and indicates a toxic marriage. Your partner might lie about finances or as a way to avoid conflict. They might also lie about cheating or other forms of deception. Whatever it is, lying isn’t a good look and can be incredibly detrimental.

4 – Excessive Jealousy Happens in a Toxic Marriage

While a little bit of jealousy is harmless, it can quickly become toxic. One sign is that your partner constantly texts for updates about where you are and who you’re spending time around. The constant updates limit you and take away your freedom.

Studies show that it shows insecurity and the need to control you. It can damage your marriage and lead to obsessive behavior.

Other signs of excessive jealousy include:

  • getting angry when you spend time with friends
  • secretly checking your message and social media accounts
  • searching online for you or people you associate with
  • constantly questioning you

5 – Unnecessarily Escalating Fights

When arguments constantly turn into big fights, it’s a sign of a toxic marriage. You might get to a point where you can’t have a conversation without it becoming a fight. It doesn’t allow for overcoming issues and resolving conflict because the tension continues to pile on.

6 – Lack of Connection or Communication Reveals a Toxic Marriage

Connecting and communicating with your partner is essential to maintaining a healthy marriage. Communication prevents and repairs misunderstandings, strengthening your bond. Your partner might not pay attention when you talk, showing disrespect and toxicity.

When you’re in the same room but not talking, it indicates a lack of connection. Additionally, spending more time with your kids than with your partner shows a disconnect. You might not want alone time with your partner, causing you to avoid that time together.

Choosing to ignore issues and moving forward without discussing them shows a lack of communication. Addressing these issues with your partner might be met with excuses, but you shouldn’t give into these answers.

Talking about your issues allows you to overcome problems and connect even during hard times. Without connection and communication, it’ll be hard to save your marriage.


7 – Codependency Is Goes Along With Toxicity

Codependency occurs when one partner feels responsible for meeting the needs of the other. You might sacrifice your well-being to ensure your partner doesn’t have to do anything.

The partner who takes care of the other feels worthless unless needed. On the other hand, the partner receiving the care enables the behavior by continuing to allow it. It’s a toxic situation that doesn’t allow for individuality or growth.

8 – Not Relying on One Another

Marriages involve couples who rely on one another for emotional support. When you don’t turn to one another, it shows toxicity. One of you might reach out to friends or other family members while leaving the other partner out of the situation. However, healthy marriages require discussing issues and what’s going on in life. Your partner should be the person you turn to first.

9 – Overcompensating and Constantly Defending Your Partner

Think about how you talk about your partner when talking with others. You might notice that you overcompensate for the issues by constantly praising your relationship. Overcompensating could be a way to convince yourself that everything is okay while hiding the toxic signs from others.

Likewise, you might frequently find yourself defending your partner to others. Your loved ones might see things that you don’t recognize. When they speak up, you might get defensive and ignore their warnings.

10 – Imagining Your Life as an Individual Could Indicate Readiness to Leave a Toxic Marriage

If either imagines your life without your partner, it could indicate a toxic marriage. Sometimes you’ll notice it when you begin making decisions without discussing them with your partner. When you stop thinking of them before making decisions, it’s a sign that things aren’t working out.

11 – Threatening Behavior and Blaming One Another

It’s a sign of toxicity when someone threatens to hurt you or themselves to manipulate you. Then, they’ll blame you for the reaction or feelings. They’ll also likely blame you for everything that goes wrong.

Can you Save a Toxic Marriage?

A toxic marriage is detrimental to your well-being, but you can save it if you want to make it work. It can help if you and your partner are willing to listen to one another and consider differing opinions.

You can communicate things that upset you with your spouse without being hurtful. They should address you the same way, avoiding insulting or condescending words.

However, if one of you doesn’t want to talk about issues, there isn’t much you can do to save it. Mean jokes or negative judgment show a lack of respect and could indicate an irreparable situation. Refusing to acknowledge your strength and belittle your accomplishments is also a negative sign.

You can move forward together if willing to work and make positive changes. Aside from positive communication, some tips for saving a toxic marriage include:

  • accept the problems and work on them
  • avoid negative thoughts and energy
  • set and enforce boundaries
  • focus on the bigger picture
  • avoid making a decision when you’re angry
  • focus on staying calm
  • be kind
  • practice forgiveness
  • focus on improving your mental health
  • remain productive and invest in yourself
  • own up to your mistakes
  • let go of the past
  • practice compassion
  • seek therapy

What to Do if You Can’t Save Your Toxic Marriage

Leaving a toxic marriage is hard, and you’ll likely experience pain and heartbreak. While embracing your newfound freedom, focusing on healing is the best thing to do. You can begin to heal by:

  • feeling your emotion, even when it’s hard
  • be patient with your healing process
  • limit contact with your ex, even when co-parenting
  • let go of the desire for closure
  • surround yourself with supportive people; write about how you feel and what you went through
  • learn from your mistakes
  • practice self-love and take care of yourself
  • don’t blame yourself

toxic marriage

Final Thoughts on the Behaviors That Reveal Someone Trapped in a Toxic Marriage

A toxic marriage is detrimental to your life, family, and well-being. It’s essential to focus on the good things in your life and remember that you deserve more than a toxic relationship. Ending a marriage is scary, but if you find you can’t save it, you can move forward alone and heal.

You don’t have to settle and shouldn’t put your emotional health and happiness after your partner’s. It can cause you to stop growing as an individual and lead to other detrimental effects.

Put yourself first and do what it takes to make beneficial changes in your life. You deserve happiness and fulfillment whether you can save your toxic marriage or not. Love yourself, and you’ll get through everything.

5 Ways to Make the Most of Work Breaks

In a world that moves so quickly and always demands constant high output, it’s easy to forget to stop and smell the roses. In fact, in certain circles, the very idea of taking work breaks seems almost taboo. Some even believe that taking breaks makes them lazy, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. So step away from working for a few minutes; it can help you plow through the rest of your day.

Work breaks are valuable moments in your day that will improve your performance while ensuring you’re not burning yourself out at both ends. However, ensure that you’re using these breaks correctly so they don’t go to waste. Here are five ways to make the most of work breaks and why they matter.

1 – Get Moving On Your Work Breaks

One of the best ways to use work breaks is by getting some physical activity into your time. It might seem odd to imagine exercising when you want to rest, but physical activity increases productivity and energy while reducing tiredness. 

Research shows that a mere ten minutes of exercise can promote improved attention, memory, and cognitive performance for the rest of the day. Leaving your phone and devices behind will further enhance the effects of this break. If you’re able to, you can use your work breaks to:

  • Go for a short walk.
  • Hit the gym for ten minutes.
  • Go for a quick jog around the area.
  • Climb up and down some stairs.
  • Do a few simple exercises in front of your desk.

Of course, there’s one important caveat here: this tip assumes your job requires that you either sit down for work or remain standing in a relatively static position. If your job is more active and requires that you move around or perform a lot of physical labor, it’ll likely be better for you to sit down and rest instead.

work breaks

2 – Grab Something To Drink Or Eat

Your body needs energy to continue working optimally; the best way to get that is by fueling it with healthy food and beverages. During your shorter work breaks, you can spend that time eating or drinking something that will restore your energy. 

When you’re hungry, even just a little peckish, your body produces a hormone called ghrelin in your stomach. This hormone sends a message to your brain that you need fuel. Specifically, it flags this information to NPY, a neurotransmitter in the hypothalamus, which is the part of the brain responsible for memory, fatigue, emotion, and energy management.

When NPY gets the information that you’re hungry, the hypothalamus kicks into gear to tell you that you need to eat something. This brain fog can be distracting when you must focus on work. However, this is a good enough reason to ensure you have adequate fuel before returning to work. Here are some great ways to make the most of work breaks by eating or drinking well.

  • Brew some tea or coffee, giving you an excuse to stand up, walk and immerse yourself in a simple but rewarding task.
  • Eat a protein-filled snack or meal, as studies show this macronutrient can maintain cognitive enhancement effects for a prolonged period.
  • Maintain small portions for snacks, so you don’t experience an energy crash or get drowsy.
  • If you’re not hungry, drink some water instead. Indeed, hydration is crucial to your cognitive and physical function and performance.
  • Avoid junk food within your working hours, as it will drain you and make you tired while failing to fill you up properly.

3 – Avoid Addictive And Highly Stimulating Activities

Many mistakenly use work breaks for low-effort, highly stimulating, non-productive activities. While they may be relaxing, they are far from the best choice. They often involve using things that give you quick dopamine rewards that don’t provide long-term satisfaction. 

These activities train your brain to demand more rewards, thus damaging your ability to focus on anything else. In other words, they’re addictive, which is the opposite of relaxing. Some examples of these activities are:

  • Scrolling through personal social media.
  • Watching videos and content on Twitch, YouTube, Netflix, TikTok, or other similar content sites.
  • Shopping, whether online or offline.
  • Consuming junk food.
  • Playing low-effort or low-engagement phone games.

This statement is not to say that you must do fulfilling, very productive things when you take a break. That would be counterproductive! However, it’s essential not to choose the wrong types of things to fill that time when you need to return to work soon after. 

If you want to do these stimulating, dopamine-reward-based activities, you can, but in moderation. Just do them in your off time, not while you’re taking short work breaks and need to return to productivity afterward. You’ll feel worse and lose concentration as your day gets derailed! Worse still, if you do not watch closely, these activities may lead to you overdoing your breaks and losing valuable time on them. 

4 – Take A Smart Nap

If you have a decent amount of time for a break, such as twenty to thirty minutes, you can utilize this time to take a nap. Not all naps are equal, however. If you’ve ever woken up from a quick snooze only to find yourself feeling drowsier and less energized, you’ll know that some naps are unsuitable for work breaks.

So, what’s the trick? The secret to productive power napping is not sleeping for too long. Just sleeping for between ten and twenty minutes is sufficient. This is because this allows you to nap within the light sleep phase of the natural sleep cycle, so you don’t dip into a deeper sleep and get groggy when awoken.

The best way to get the perfect power nap on a work break is as follows:

  • Find a space to nap that is as quiet and dark as possible.
  • Set your phone alarms for between 15 and 25 minutes from when you rest, and allow five minutes to fall asleep.
  • If possible, lie down and relax; if not, get comfortable.
  • Before falling asleep, consume a coffee or other caffeinated beverage so that the caffeine kicks in precisely when you need to wake up.

5 – Ensure That Breaks Are Sufficiently Distracting

As counterproductive as it sounds, your work breaks should entirely distract you from the work you’ll have to return to. A break spent thinking about work isn’t a break at all. Many people struggle with “switching off” when they take breaks, so you must fill your break time with something that will pause that intense focus.

Studies show that when your brain experiences the same thing for a prolonged period, you become desensitized to it. Your brain stops noticing sounds, sights, scents, and even emotions related to your actions. 

This dulling harms your ability to focus, maintain attention to the intricacies of your work, and perform well as your awareness drops. You’ll also lose trains of thought, miss obvious mistakes, and feel foggier overall. So, as counterproductive as it sounds, your work breaks should thoroughly distract you from the plights of your typical work day. 


Why Do Work Breaks Matter?

When you work, you usually want to present a good performance. This allows you to work efficiently and productively, with high-quality output that speaks to the best of your capabilities. So while you’re likely to have good and bad days at work, you can help increase the number of good days by taking work breaks. Breaks matter in the following ways:

  • Work Breaks Improve Learning

Mental downtime is a crucial part of memory consolidation and essential for personal learning. Of course, we already know that sleeping helps with this process, but some evidence shows that “waking rest” can provide a similar result. 

  • Work Breaks Boost Creativity

Taking work breaks gives your brain the chance to replenish its resources, which frees up space to think creatively. If you’ve ever had a great idea or solution suddenly arise when you’re resting, in the shower, or off the clock, you know this to be true!

  • Work Breaks Keep You Motivated

Research says you lose motivation when you spend a long time focusing on one task. This is especially true for long-term goals, but it’s still worth doing for daily short-term work goals and tasks. It’s hard to want to keep working when you’re exhausted.

  • Work Breaks Improve Concentration

The human brain cannot focus on things for hours on end. So work breaks allow you to reset your mind so that you’re able to continue concentrating on tasks later.

On top of that, prolonged stress, even when seemingly mild, can have notable adverse effects on the body. The human body best responds to short, stressful experiences appropriately. When you work without taking breaks, stress continues to pile up, which can be a considerable risk factor for chronic stress.

There are several potential risks associated with chronic stress. Studies show that it can lead to a wide range of health issues, such as:

  • High blood pressure
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Stroke
  • Heart disease

This is why mitigating the effects of stress during your work day is so important. Ensure that your anxiety doesn’t snowball and becomes a point that seriously affects your health and everyday life. Taking breaks can help significantly, giving you the chance to stop the constant buildup of continued stress.

When you combine work breaks with a healthy snack or a physical movement, you’re also further improving your health. As previously mentioned, it only takes a few minutes of walking and mild physical activity to benefit you and your health significantly, especially if you do it multiple times daily.

work breaks

Final Thoughts On Some Ways To Make The Most Of Work Breaks

Work breaks can make or break your working experience. Without them, you’ll get tired quickly, have trouble focusing, and experience a lot of stress. The trick is using these breaks in the best way possible to get the most out of them. Once you learn to do that, you’ll have a more relaxed and productive day!

10 Reasons to Try a Tabata Workout

If you want an exercise routine that fits your busy schedule, why not consider Tabata? It’s a high-intensity interval routine that only requires four minutes of your time. Plus, you can choose the exercise according to your fitness goals.

Groundbreaking research in 1996 compared the aerobic and anaerobic benefits of interval training. The eponymic protocol is a type of high-intensity interval training or H.I.I.T. The subjects studied used stationary cycling as the exercise.

The Tabata Protocol combines a fierce segment of exercise that lasts for twenty seconds, and then you rest for ten seconds. Each interval equals one set; the total goal is eight sets, adding up to four minutes. While individual results may vary, there’s enough scientific research to demonstrate the protocol’s benefits.

Ten Reasons to Add High-Intensity Tabata Moves to Your Workout

Are you tired of being a couch potato and want to get fit? Whether you’re trying to shed pounds or tone your muscles, this H.I.I.T is worth your time. Here are ten reasons to use Tabata in your exercise routine.


1. Scientific Research Backs Tabata

One top reason to consider Tabata a high-intensity workout is that it’s backed by solid research. A study published by the Journal of Physiological Sciences found that the workout can benefit your muscles, breathing, and circulation. It may also enhance your sports performance.

2. You Can Do Tabata Anywhere

Maybe you’re hesitant to begin a fitness regimen because you don’t want to join a gym. The good news about trying Tabata is that you can do it anytime and anywhere. You’re ready to go if you have space and some comfortable clothes.

Feel free to mix up the high-intensity part with your favorite exercise. You can do a few pushups after lunch or in the evening. This interval training works well with your everyday routine or as a separate workout.

Did you know you can even do a routine during breaks at work? You can go outside and use power walking as your chosen exercise. Not only will your body benefit, but the beauty of nature can boost your energy.

3. It Can Boost Your Metabolism

Metabolism is your body’s way of burning stored fat for energy. If you consume more calories than you burn, the fat stays, and you become overweight. However, exercises like Tabata can boost your metabolism and melt that excess fat.

Interval training combines aerobic and anaerobic cycles to create an oxygen deficit. As your body consumes needed oxygen from your muscles, it increases metabolism. The results are more energy and additional burned calories and fat.

4. You Don’t Need Equipment

Exercise equipment can be pretty expensive. Workout machines often occupy a lot of space in your home and cost thousands of dollars. What’s even more frustrating is when that expensive workout machine becomes a clothing rack.

You don’t need equipment when making Tabata part of your exercise routine. You don’t even have to buy an expensive gym membership. All you need is your own body and gravity for resistance.

Just because the equipment isn’t required doesn’t mean that you can’t opt to use some. Many fitness enthusiasts like to do weight training as their chosen exercise. It can be free weights or machines.

5. You Can Modify as Needed

Everyone has different physical strengths and weaknesses, so their fitness routines will vary. You needn’t feel inferior just because your workout isn’t as intense as your friend’s. Tabata allows you to customize and modify your training to fit your needs.

No matter your physical limitations, you can find some exercise to do for twenty seconds. You can get your body moving, whether burpees, sit-ups, or even running in place. If you need to modify the workout with a chair or a pillow, it’s your prerogative.

6. You Can Track Your Progress

It’s easy to become disheartened when you jump on the scales daily. Certain circumstances can make your weight fluctuate, which isn’t always an accurate measure of progress. However, tracking your physical level of improvement is more encouraging.

For example, say that in the past, you could only do fifteen sit-ups during your exercise time. After a couple of weeks of interval training, you notice that you can now do 25. Tabata allows you to track your progress and celebrate each success.

7. Tabata Only Takes Four Minutes

You can do a beneficial workout in the time it takes for you to listen to a couple of tunes. An article published by the New York Times suggests a link between a high-intensity interval workout and longevity. It’s not difficult to set aside four minutes, even with the busiest schedule, to enhance your health.

This type of workout doesn’t take a lot of time to plan. The next time someone puts you on hold, use a few minutes to run in place. The quality of your exercise is worth more than the quantity.

8. Each High-Intensity Section Only Lasts Twenty Seconds

Incorporating a H.I.I.T. workout is even more appealing, considering the intense part lasts only twenty seconds. Then, you get to rest for ten seconds. You have an intense exercise-rest cycle for four minutes.

9. You Can Use Free Timer Apps

Do you want to concentrate on your workout without worrying about timing? You can set a kitchen timer to remember when to switch modes. However, you can choose from several good Tabata timer apps on your smartphone or computer.

Some of these fun apps put your workout to music. You can exercise to some upbeat tunes and know when it’s time to rest. How can you beat getting fit and having fun, too?

10. Tabata Can Benefit Any Fitness Goal

Whether you want to lose a few pounds, strengthen your body, or train for a sport, Tabata can help. Your exercise during the high-intensity segment depends on your fitness goal. You can even do a combination of activities.

For example, say you’re training for a marathon. Endurance exercises like planks and lunges would be ideal. Of course, you can also jog for the 20-second segments and rest for ten seconds.

If you want to burn fat effectively, try burpees, sprinting, or jumping rope exercises. The idea is to raise your heart and breath rate to cause an oxygen deficit. Your body will then pull oxygen from your muscles, boost metabolism, and burn that stubborn fat.


How to Start Adding High-Intensity Tabata to Your Workout Routine

Starting a Tabata workout routine couldn’t be easier if you’re a beginner or a seasoned fitness trainer. Remember that the brief resting period is just as crucial as the high-intensity exercise. Although the workout lasts only four minutes, allow yourself at least ten minutes to warm up and cool down.

1. Choose Your Fat-Busting Weapon

First, choose an exercise that matches your fitness goals. You could start with that since the original workout was riding a stationary bike. Pick an activity you’re familiar with, and you can do it intensely without injuring yourself.

2. Choose a H.I.I.T. Timer

You’ll also need a timer to do each segment correctly. A kitchen timer works, but you must take time to reset it. The best option is to download a free H.I.I.T app on your phone that will automatically time each sequence.

3. Start with a Tabata Warmup

Once you’ve chosen an exercise and have a timer, find space to do your routine safely. Begin with a ten-minute warmup, stretching each muscle group. Take deep breaths to fortify your body with oxygen.

4. Get Your Body Moving

Do as many repetitions as possible of your chosen exercise for 20 seconds. Each movement should be intense and raise your pulse and respiration. However, you don’t want to do it so fast and swiftly that you hurt yourself.

5. Take a Breather

End your exercise segment in the beginning position and rest for ten seconds. Take long, cleansing breaths and soften your muscles. Imagine turning up your body’s thermostat, and the fat is melting.

6. Do Eight High-Intensity Segments and Cool Down

You’ll do a total of eight exercising and rest segments, making a workout of four minutes. It may seem confusing initially, but practice will do the training like second nature. Finally, spend at least ten minutes cooling down with stretches and drinking water.


Final Thoughts on Tabata and How the High-Intensity Moves May Increase Your Fitness

Before you start this or any other fitness routine, discuss it with a certified fitness instructor. They can help you find the proper exercise and modifications for you. If you feel any pain during the routine, stop immediately.

Tabata may be your answer if you’re searching for a quick and easy exercise routine. The high-intensity interval workout can be tailored to your abilities and fitness goals. It may be one of the best ways to spend four minutes you’ve ever found.

4 Reasons Conflict Avoidance Harms Relationships and 4 Ways to Resolve Differences

Conflict is something all couples fear. That’s because people don’t know how to handle arguments, which usually blow up in their faces. But conflict avoidance is unhealthy for the relationship. Two people won’t be able to see eye to eye on all topics. Disagreements are just a normal part of life. If you want to have relationships, even spiritual ones, you need to accept that you’ll disagree from time to time.

Conflicts can even be healthy for a couple. They can help you understand each other better, thus strengthening your relationship. Even though you might not agree after solving the conflict, at least you know where the other is coming from. For example, pizza doesn’t need to be both of your favorite food. But you must understand that your partner might even if you don’t like it. So, having a pizza night might make their week.

This give-and-take shows that relationships are about compromise, not finding the person you’ll never have arguments with. But some people don’t see things that way. They think eliminating conflicts is the only way to have a good relationship. But that’s not possible, nor is it desirable. What this leads to is conflict avoidance. This is an issue in more relationships than it might seem.

You might have even experienced it or are doing it in your current relationship. In that case, don’t be surprised if the problems keep resurfacing. If arguments remain unresolved, they’ll keep getting worse. Fortunately, there’s never too late to start learning how to resolve differences between you and who you love.  

4 Reasons Conflict Avoidance Harms Relationships

conflict avoidance

1 – Conflict Avoidance Hinders Communication

Maybe you think avoiding conflict is the best way to solve issues, but it creates more. For one, it makes it that much harder to communicate with your partner. And that can seem like a small price to pay at first. But that will keep building up until there’s a wall between you.  

Communication is an essential factor in all relationships. And it’s even more important to be able to communicate about the bad stuff. The good thing is always easy to talk about. Having fun together, bantering, and cracking jokes, comes naturally. But it’s harder to talk about deep stuff, especially about differences.

If you want a healthy relationship, you should be able to talk about everything. If you avoid conflicts, the issues will keep building up. You won’t have the energy to comb through all of them at some point. You won’t be used to communicating efficiently. Your conflicts will become full-blown fights that will probably destroy your relationship.  

2 – Conflict Avoidance Makes You Afraid

Conflict avoidance is a form of people-pleasing usually born out of fear. It can appear in all areas of your life, not just in romantic relationships. For example, if someone takes credit for your work and you shrug it off, that’s a sign of fear. You are afraid to stand up for yourself and what’s yours, so you sacrifice everything for perceived peace.

That’s also how it can work when you avoid conflict in relationships. At first, you might think you are just avoiding a fight. That the moment of tension will dissipate, and everything will be fine. But after a while, that can change. Have you ever noticed that the more you put off doing something, the more anxious you become? The thought of finally doing that thing is an enormous weight pushing down on you.

That’s what happens when you constantly put off resolving arguments. You will start to become scared of having arguments. You’ll avoid doing anything that seems like even remotely annoys your partner. But you won’t avoid it out of respect. You’ll do it out of fear. You’ll slowly become scared of being yourself around your partner, so you’ll start changing how you act.

Not to mention that whenever your partner seems even a little mad, you’ll start becoming apologetic. In other words, the more you avoid conflicts, the more afraid you’ll become. And all you’ll do is change yourself up for the other’s approval.  

3 – Conflict Avoidance Harms Trust

For a couple, trust is an essential factor. But, as you probably know, it’s also a delicate topic. Trust can break in just a few seconds. But it can take months, even years, to build it up again. And most of the time, it’s never the same as it was at first. So one of the hardest things for a couple to return is the loss of trust.

And having unresolved conflicts can damage the trust two people have in each other. When all you know how to do is avoid disputes, you’ll always have arguments with no resolution. There’s no way to prevent feeling irritated by something the other does, but you’ll never solve anything. This will make any couple feel like the other isn’t putting any effort in.

When your partner avoids conflict, you feel you’re not worth sacrificing. Slowly, you’ll stop trusting that they have your interest at heart. And the same will go for them if they are the ones avoiding conflicts.  

4 – Conflict Avoidance Destroys Intimacy

Intimacy is something that defines a romantic relationship. It’s the main difference between a friendship and a partnership. Without it, you can’t ever be more than friends. More often than not, the loss of intimacy creates an unfixable divide. That’s why, once you lose it, you might never be able to reconcile with your partner. The most common outcome is a breakup.  

Conflict avoidance is one of the reasons why people lose that intimacy. The more you avoid arguments, the less you’ll be able to talk about an issue that might arise. As a result, you won’t feel safe discussing problems with your partner. That will make you drift apart, thus making you less comfortable with being close to them. Sometimes, arguing is the best way to feel heard and listened to. Otherwise, you’ll feel neglected, and you’ll avoid any intimacy.  

4 Ways to Resolve Differences


1 – Accept that Conflict is Unavoidable

The best way to resolve conflicts is to let them unfold. That doesn’t mean having full-blown screaming matches. You need to talk through them calmly. Fighting is inevitable, so you don’t need to avoid arguments. You need to make sure that you’re fighting fair.  

Speak up when you feel like an issue with your partner is bubbling to the surface. In the worst-case scenario, you’ll find that you have unsolvable problems. Of course, it’s better that you figure that out sooner than later. But, more often than not, engaging in conversation will help solve issues.  

2 – Talk About the Things That Bother You

Usually, conflicts get bad because people don’t talk about things at the right time. Something bothers them, and they don’t address it because they think it’s not a big deal. It doesn’t seem wise to make a big deal out of a minor issue. But all that does is allow the subject to grow into a big problem that will be harder to solve.  

The best thing you can do is always talk about the things that bother you. And that you allow your partner to do the same. Make sure your relationship is a safe space for communication. Even the smallest of issues can become something much worse.

But the smaller an issue is, the easier it can be to solve. For example, if it bothers you that your partner chews loudly, let them know. That way, they have the chance to solve the issue. Otherwise, you’ll get annoyed daily until you won’t stand your partner anymore.  

3 – Set Concrete Boundaries

As mentioned before, conflict avoidance comes from fear. And that fear can be perpetuated by several unhealthy behaviors or past trauma. If trauma is the cause, you need to talk to a specialist and sort things out. But the reason might also be a lack of proper boundaries. So if you struggle with the latter, that’s easier to solve. 

Most couples don’t realize it, but boundaries are one of the essential components of a healthy relationship. Without them, your relationship will not be the safe space that either of you needs. Boundaries are a set of rules that you agree to respect. For example, one of your boundaries might never to argue without cooling off before making a decision.

Having such rules will make you trust your partner more. And when that trust is there, you’ll feel safe discussing all your issues.  

4 – Learn to Compromise

Differences are what make relationships unique. If you found someone exactly like you, everything would feel dull. Sure, it’s essential to find someone with similar core values, but your partner doesn’t need to have the same favorite foods as you. People sometimes need to learn to compromise.  

People can talk through everything in a healthy relationship, from tiny to massive issues. And they can make sacrifices to see each other happy. Sometimes, you need to compromise when deciding where you’ll have lunch. Those are the types of decisions you’ll have to make daily. But sometimes, you’ll need to make more sacrifices than letting go of pizza for a day.

You’ll need to learn to talk through issues like moving town for the sake of your partner’s job. Keep in mind that communication is vital. You’ll get over these issues as long as you care about each other.  

conflict avoidance

Final Thoughts on How Conflict Avoidance Harms Relationships and Ways to Resolve Differences

You’ll have to deal with conflict at some point in your life. And while conflict avoidance might seem easier than talking about what’s wrong, it doesn’t work. It might be a solution when the waiter messes up your order. But when the relationship is serious, like a romantic partnership or a strong friendship, that’s no solution anymore.  

Conflict avoidance will only hamper communication and create more arguments between people. The more you put off talking about issues, the more pressing they’ll become. So, you need to acknowledge and address them as soon as possible. You also need to set concrete boundaries and learn to compromise. As long as you trust each other, you’ll be able to overcome even the most difficult periods.  

8 Innovative Companies Offer Pawternity Leave to New Pet Parents

All pet parents know that getting a new puppy involves tremendous work. They may seem adorable and cuddly, but don’t let their innocent face fool you. A man’s best friend needs a lot of attention and discipline during puppyhood.

Adjusting to a different environment isn’t easy, especially for young puppies who recently separated from their mothers. Dogs need ample time to bond with their new pet parent to help them feel comfortable. Not to mention, fur babies require many hours of house training and socializing with other dogs.

Pet owners with full-time jobs may find it challenging to juggle raising a puppy with demanding careers. However, some progressive companies have decided to offer “pawternity leave” to help new pet parents.

Research from Petplan shows that 5% of U.K. pet owners have taken paid leave to care for their furry friends. Some companies allow employees to take a few hours off to settle their new family memebers. Others grant workers up to several weeks of paid leave, giving pet parents more bonding time.

Below, we’ll list a few innovative companies that have enacted “pawternity leave.” Perhaps this will provide you with ideas if you’re a pet parent!

Eight Forward-Thinking Companies That Give New Pet Parents Paid Time Off

pet parents

1. Mars Petcare

Mars Petcare became one of the first companies to grant paternity leave to new pet parents. The company gives workers ten hours of paid leave when they adopt a new buddy. Employees can even bring their four-legged family member to work upon returning!

2. BitSol Solutions

In Manchester, England, tech company BitSol Solutions allows employees a week off after getting a puppy. In an interview with the Metro, company owner Greg Buchanan compared puppies to human babies. Workers get paid leave when they have a baby, so getting a dog shouldn’t be different.

3. Nina Hale

In 2018, Minneapolis marketing firm Nina Hale enacted a “fur-turnity leave” policy for pet parents. Vice President Allison McMenimen told the New York Times that it boosts morale and provides an incentive to stay with the company.

4. Mparticle (maybe one of the most generous to pet parents!)

If an employee adopts a rescue dog, the data platform provider Mparticle grants them two weeks off work. Laurel Peppino, a recruiter for the company, told The Times that paid leave offers pet parents an opportunity to bond with their dogs. The innovative business offers both maternity and paternity leave and considers dogs a member of the family also.

“We don’t discriminate just because they aren’t human,” she said.

pet parents

5. Musti Group

This pet food company operates in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. The company offers employees three days off when they adopt a puppy, according to The Mercury News. CEO David Rönnberg believes that pawternity leave helps the company culture evolve.

“Adopting a pet is a significant decision and changes everyday life considerably. We want to support our employees during their first days with their new family members and ensure they can enjoy those precious moments to the fullest,” he said.

6. BrewDog

Scottish brewery company BrewDog offers new pet parents a week of paid leave. The company adores dogs and hopes to become the best company to work for in the world. They believe that giving employees a generous pawternity leave puts them further toward that goal.

7. HarperCollins Publishers India (HCI)

Employees at this India-based company get five business days of paid leave after adopting a new family member. The company aims to advocate for conscientious adoption with this policy.

“At HarperCollins, we want the very best of work-life balance for our colleagues, and that includes being mindful about their family needs,” CEO Ananth Padmanabhan told the Huffington Post. “Pet children need as much attention [as human children], if not more. We don’t want colleagues to worry about the number of leaves they have before deciding to start a family.”

In addition to pawternity leave, HCI will allow new pet parents to bring their puppies to work. After all, new pets often suffer from separation anxiety when owners leave during the day. The policy will benefit dogs and parents, as studies have proven the mental health benefits of bringing pets to work. The company created a custom area for pets to hang out while their parents work.

8. Zogics (very generous policy for new pet  parents)

The Massachusetts-based industrial cleaning and safety supply company has a huge heart for dogs. Named one of the most pet-friendly companies in the United States, Zogics allows employees to bring their pets to work. New pet parents also receive paid leave, a $200 pet store gift card, and a lifetime supply of Zogics Pet Shampoo.

Other Companies Offer Pet Bereavement Leave to Pet Parents

Getting a new puppy brings so much joy to life, but it’s heart-wrenching when they eventually pass away. Many companies sympathize with their employees and offer pet bereavement leave after a pet dies. Since dogs are family members, too, companies believe workers should have an opportunity to grieve their death.

One of these progressive businesses includes Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants in San Francisco, which offers three days of paid leave. Mars Inc offers employees one day off and flexible hours; Rover gives workers three days of bereavement leave. It also provides paid time off for dog care and an open pet policy at the office.

Canadian company Shoppers Drug Mart allows workers a few days off if a family member passes away, which includes a furry one.


Final Thoughts on Companies That Offer Paid Leave to Pet Parents

Many companies have started giving pet parents time off to enjoy their new family members. Puppies require care and attention just like babies, especially in their first few months. Several companies have recognized this and created policies to help pet parents adjust to having a fur baby.

This leave ranges from a few hours off to several weeks, and some companies even offer pet store gift cards! Others allow companion animal bereavement leave after the death of a treasured furry friend.

Does your company offer any time off for adopting a new fur baby?

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