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Researchers Connect Drinking Cola to Cognitive Decline

Researchers Connect Drinking Cola to Cognitive Decline

A new study involving rats links drinking cola to oxidative stress and memory impairment. Researchers from the University of Southern Santa Catarina in Brazil made the discovery. According to their research, 67 days of drinking soda increased biological stress markers in the rats’ brains. Cognitive decline influenced their behavior, in turn.

The research appeared in the journal Experimental Gerontology.

The research team wanted to investigate how cola might impact the rats’ brains in a controlled lab setting. Prior research found a link between high cola intake and enhanced risk of cognitive decline and disease.

Researchers placed the rats into two groups. One group drank as much cola as they wanted and had water available. The other group only drank water. The team monitored the rats for 67 days and killed them on the 68th day to analyze their hippocampus and frontal cortex.

Before killing the rats, the team gave them several maze tests to complete. These tests aimed to pinpoint differences between the cola and control group by evaluating their spacial memory and behavior.

Drinking Cola Led to Cognitive Decline in Rats


Cola resulted in memory impairments and cognitive decline in young rats between two and eight months old. They scored lower on the maze tests compared to the control group. However, researchers did not observe this effect in the older rats.

After analyzing the rats’ brain tissue, researchers discovered that cola-drinking rats of all ages had higher levels of oxidative stress markers. The finding suggested that biological changes occurred in the rats’ brains. The youngest rats had the greatest vulnerability to behavioral changes.

The findings mirrored prior research, which suggested that cola intake led to neurodegenerative and cognitive impairments. Higher levels of oxidative stress had the most pronounced link to heightened dementia risk.

Researchers have found an association between high-sugar diets and cognitive decline previously. However, the rats drinking cola did not have higher blood glucose levels, suggesting something else caused poor cognition.

One caveat of the study was that researchers only tested male rats. However, male and female rats often react differently to dietary risk factors, including high sugar consumption. The research team acknowledged that future experiments should involve males and females to confirm findings.

For now, researchers don’t know if drinking cola similarly impacts humans. However, many studies have linked soda consumption to adverse effects on health. Therefore, it’s probably best to drastically limit or avoid soft drinks and opt for water instead.

Other Negative Impacts of Drinking Cola

  • Drinking cola can cause weight gain. A 20-year study followed 120,000 men and women who upped their sugary drink intake by one 12-ounce beverage per day. Researchers found they gained an average of one additional pound every four years. Other studies have discovered that sugary drinks increase childhood obesity risk. One study found that for each extra 12-ounce soda children drank daily, their obesity risk increased by 60% after 1.5 years of follow-up.
  • Soft drinks heighten diabetes risk. A study revealed that people who consumed one or more soft drinks each day had a 26% higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The threat became more pronounced in young adults and Asians.
  • Soda makes a heart attack more likely. A 20-year study following 40 men found that those who averaged one sugary drink per day had a 20% higher risk of having or dying from a heart attack. Another study involving 90,000 women over 20 years found similar results. Women who drank more than two servings of sugary beverages each day had a 40% higher heart attack risk or death from heart disease.
  • Soft drinks increase gout risk. A 22-year study of 80,000 women discovered a 75% higher gout risk in people who consumed one sugary drink daily. Researchers found similar results in men.
  • Drinking soda could shorten lifespan. A study published in the American Journal of Public Health found that people with a high sugary beverage intake had shorter telomeres in immune cells. Telomeres help protect DNA sequences at the end of chromosomes, so shorter telomeres indicate aging and increased disease risk.
  • Cola enhances the risk of kidney disease or kidney failure. The danger includes diet sodas as well. Researchers from the Nurses’ Health Study found that women who consumed more than two diet sodas daily had twice the risk of kidney disease. They also had a 30% greater kidney function reduction than women who didn’t drink soda.
  • Cola can result in stained teeth and severe dental issues. A 2013 study revealed that excessive soda consumption could lead to similar tooth decay as doing meth. Researchers observed that a woman who drank two liters of diet soda daily for three to five years had tooth decay, similar to a methamphetamine addict. The citric acid in soda can result in tooth enamel erosion, making cavities and stained teeth more likely.
  • Soft drinks increase the risk of colorectal cancer in women under 50. Researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine discovered that each additional 8-ounce serving of soda increased colorectal cancer risk by 16%. The risk doubled from ages 13-18. Moreover, each extra daily serving increasing the risk of early-onset colorectal cancer by 32%.


Final Thoughts on Study Showing Soda Causes Poor Brain Health

Please reconsider your daily soda intake as a result of the studies above. A recent study revealed that drinking cola daily could increase oxidative stress, leading to cognitive decline. While the research only involved rats, human studies have found a link between sugar consumption and dementia. The authors hope to perform additional studies to confirm their findings.

However, mounting evidence shows the adverse effects of sugar on the mind and body. Drinking soda can increase the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, gout, and kidney disease. It may also shorten telomeres, leading to an early death.

Other studies have even found an association between sugary beverage intake and tooth decay. In fact, even participants who drank diet soda showed enamel erosion over five years. The study proved what doctors have long advised–avoiding sugary drinks and consuming diet beverages occasionally would positively impact health.

Osteopath Warns of Too Heavy Backpacks for Children

Many children today complain about back pain from carrying heavy backpacks to school. Health experts are now sounding the alarm about this growing problem, advising parents to double-check their children’s book bags. They say that overweight book bags can impact children more than people realize.

Data from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission paints a clearer picture of the severity of the problem. The agency estimates that an annual average of 7,500 kids under 19 years old had serious backpack-related injuries from 2017 to 2019. The children had severe enough injuries to warrant emergency room visits.

Concerns about the impact of heavy backpacks on children’s health highlight the importance of durable and ergonomic solutions. Opting for a well-designed backpack from a reputable sewing company can help mitigate these risks.

These backpacks are meticulously crafted with robust materials and ergonomic layouts, effectively distributing weight to reduce strain on young shoulders and backs. Parents are encouraged to explore options that emphasize comfort and practicality, ensuring their children can carry essentials safely and comfortably.

In specialized fields such as tactical or medical settings, industrial sewing contractors like excel in manufacturing backpacks that adhere to stringent standards. Their expertise in crafting tactical and medical-grade backpacks ensures durability and functionality, capable of withstanding rigorous environments while offering superior organization and comfort.

Partnering with Fieldtex Cases allows organizations to access tailored solutions that prioritize safety and performance, meeting the unique demands of various industries. Choosing high-quality backpacks from trusted manufacturers not only enhances safety but also promotes long-term health benefits for both children and professionals.

While most children with back pain don’t require a visit to the ER, it can still take a toll on them. For example, one mom of a 12-year-old girl said her daughter complained about upper back and neck pain for months, according to Fox News.

 Initially, the mom from Long Island, N.Y., thought her daughter’s involvement in sports might explain her body aches. However, a visit to their family physician revealed her daughter’s overloaded backpack was to blame.

 “She was picking up a backpack of books and going from classroom to classroom throughout the day and then carrying the bag to and from school. That’s a lot of lifting,” the mom told Fox News Digital in an interview.

 After the appointment, her daughter underwent several weeks of osteopathic therapy to alleviate her neck and back pain. The treatment included spinal manipulation to improve movement by releasing pressure within her joints. The osteopath also recommended an exercise routine to improve her upper back strength to support the book bag’s weight.

 Health experts warn how parents should keep an eye on their child’s backpack weight. They listed these warning signs of an overloaded book bag:

  •  The child struggles to put on or take off the backpack
  • Child’s posture shifts (ex. they lean to the side or forward) when wearing a book bag
  • The child complains of numbness or tingling in their extremities
  • Red indentations appear on the child’s shoulders from the book bag
  • The child expresses discomfort when wearing the backpack

Health Experts Explain How Heavy Backpacks Harm Children


Dr. David Gentile, an osteopathic physician from New York, regularly treats patients complaining of back pain. He told Fox News that heavy backpacks could severely affect a child’s posture. Book bags can cause the spine to curve and twist to the side, also known as scoliosis.

 Thousands of children and adolescents receive treatment for the condition each year. However, Gentile believes teaching children proper posture and self-care may prevent spinal conditions.

 “We see it all the time in the older generation — the use of comfortable chairs at work, the sit-stand desks,” he said.

 So “it’s evident we have become more aware of proper work ergonomics. Now it might be time to really educate children about these comfortable and functional changes to improve their health outcomes,” said Gentile.

 He added that cities across the country should launch public health campaigns to help prevent childhood back pain. Gentile said that early identification of symptoms and genetic factors could also alleviate pain resulting from children carrying too much weight.

He added, “The implementation of physical therapists in physical education classes and educating teachers, administrators, children, and their families on appropriate ergonomics could all be beneficial.”

Most people don’t give their child’s backpack a second thought during back-to-school shopping. However, according to Edward Farrell, co-founder of Physical Solutions Physical Therapy, choosing one with a proper fit and weight capacity can make a difference.

 “Our kids are often strategizing the navigation of the hallways, locker to classrooms, with as few stops as possible to their locker, if they even stop at their locker at all,” he told Fox News.

Farrell added that if a child’s book bag weighs a sizable percentage of their body weight, it can cause back pain.

“Imagine a 100-pound child carrying a 30-pound backpack all day,” Farrell said.

He also said backpacks with one strap over the shoulder could make shoulder and back pain worse. A sling pack puts excessive strain on one side of the body, potentially causing scoliosis. A heavy load can make children lean to one side or have rounded shoulders, even with a properly fitting book bag with two straps.

Tips on Choosing a Quality Backpack

Farrell advised students to lighten their pack’s load and choose a pack with two wide straps. Doing this helps balance the load across both shoulders and the neck. He added that, most importantly, students should stand tall with their chests out to maintain good posture.

Bill Schwarz, a physical therapist in Massapequa, N.Y., said students could reduce their pack’s weight by making multiple trips to their locker. Many students try to save time by carrying all their books, which adds unnecessary weight to their bags.

Schwarz also said, “Keep straps snug. If too loose, the bag hangs lower, increasing the torque on the mid and low spine.”

Finally, he advised students to bend their knees when picking their bags off the floor. This posture will alleviate unwanted strain on the lower back and knees.

Physical therapists and osteopaths recommend these tips for choosing backpacks:

  1. Pick a light bag with ample back lining and wide, padded shoulder straps.
  2. Choose a pack with two straps and use both while carrying the bag.
  3. The bottom of the backpack should sit in the middle of the back, about four inches below the waist.
  4. Choose a pack with a waist belt to provide additional support to the back and shoulders.
  5. A backpack should weigh less than 10-15% of a child’s body weight. For example, if the child weighs 100 pounds, the backpack shouldn’t exceed 10-15 pounds.
  6. Pick a bag with several compartments, and utilize all of them when carrying books. Pack the heaviest books closest to the spine to encourage proper posture.
  7. A pack with wheels can eliminate back problems associated with traditional backpacks. However, remember that your child may have to lug them up stairwells and through rough terrain.


Final Thoughts on an Osteopath’s Warning About Heavy Backpacks

Many students carry all their books from one class to another. Doing this may save time but can cause undue back and neck strain. Therefore, health experts recommend that students lighten their load by making several trips to their lockers or desks. Also, they should choose a lightweight book bag with two straps to alleviate back pain. Helping students choose the proper pack and encouraging positive habits could help many children avoid back pain.

Finance Experts Reveal 4 Healthy Money Habits for Committed Couples

Money is one of the biggest causes of divorce and breakups among committed couples, especially those living under one roof with shared expenses. Even the most patient and relaxed people can get tense when matters involving finances are involved. That’s why your money habits can end up making or breaking your relationship. 

If you want to ensure that your relationship is smart about finances, you must know how to be mindful of how you use money together. Here are four healthy money habits for committed couples.

1 – Couples Need Open Communication Regarding Money Habits

One of the places where couples tend to fall short when it comes to their finances is in communication and honesty. Many money-related issues recur, often becoming a significant factor in breakups and divorces. As with all relationship-related things, communication is always a solution. Here are some money habits related to open communication:

money habits

  • Discuss Lifestyle Choices As A Team

Each partner in a relationship will likely have ideas about their ideal lifestyle. In a perfect situation, partners can achieve their lifestyle goals, but for that to happen, you have to talk about those goals. For example, what type of life do you want to live? How often do you want to spend on big purchases? Are you interested in investing? What sacrifices are you willing to make to your lifestyle for better financial health?

  • Be Honest About Your Money Habits

If you’re a newly committed couple, you’ll have to discuss each person’s current financial situation. Equity can be brutal in relationships, so understanding each other’s current financial health is crucial. You have to be on the same page about what that equity will look like. For accurate equity, you’ll need to be completely honest about how much you make and spend on necessities.

  • Create Joint Budget And Spending Sheets

To track, monitor, and stay on top of your spending, it’s a good idea to create joint spreadsheets that catalog everything. This documentation ensures you have a quick reference to reflect on and facilitates smoother indirect communication. Creating and maintaining the sheets is a fair team effort, and this is one of the best money habits you’ll develop!

  • Avoid Financial Infidelity

Financial infidelity is the act of engaging in economic behavior and money habits that you know will not be approved of by a partner. This action also includes intentionally hiding this behavior from them, whether by outright lying or simply not disclosing it. 

Many couples think hiding this unwanted behavior will avoid a fight, but studies show that it leads to more long-term conflict and can even ruin relationships. So while it’s not the usual, more typical explanation of infidelity, it still erodes trust and communication, which ultimately harms committed couples. 

Be honest with your partner about your spending, even if you think your partner won’t like it. Couples who trust each other stay together and avoid the pitfalls of resentment, accusations, and disrespect.

2 – Mindfully Merged Finances Mean Better Money Habits

Merging finances is often an essential step in a committed couple’s life. This milestone allows for easier accountability and creates a togetherness that lessens the risk of breakups. Research also shows that consistent, healthy shared pools of finances contribute to better relationship satisfaction.

But it’s not as simple as dumping all your money in one place. It must happen mindfully. Different couples will have other preferences for exactly how they choose to pool money together. Many nuances determine the best method for financial merging between couples. For maintaining healthy money habits, here are some things to consider when merging finances as a couple:

  • Improve Your Money Habits With  A Joint Bank Account

The easiest way to merge finances is through a joint bank account. Committed couples can fill this joint account with a predetermined percentage of their salaries. This system allows for paying for shared necessities, such as rent, utilities, groceries, and loan repayments. Some couples may have multiple joint accounts, such as one for immediate spending on bills and necessities, another for short-term savings for vacations and date nights, and a third for long-term savings. 

  • Maintain Separate Bank Accounts

It’s generally unwise for couples to share all of their funds. So, in addition to a joint account, partners should maintain individual accounts for their spending. This grants them financial freedom while showcasing respect and trust for each other. As far as money habits go, this is a pretty important one if you want long-term, mindfully merged finances.

  • Keep In Mind Each Other’s Money Habits and Personality

Different people have different ways of spending and saving money. This bases finances on money “personality” types and one’s past experiences with money. A typical relationship problem is that couples try to change their money habits instead of accepting them, finding balance, and working together. 

This option doesn’t mean that you should maintain unhealthy personal money habits. It just means that you should seek to understand and communicate the unique money personalities of a partner and use this knowledge to determine how best to merge finances.

  • Determine How You Combine Your Money

Not all couples want to merge funds; in some relationships, one partner may not even earn a salary. As such, there has to be a healthy discussion on how money is combined. Are bills split as evenly as possible? How can you ensure fairness if you earn very different salaries? 

Who’s responsible for paying what? Can the mental load of bill payment and financial fatigue be split? Do you take turns paying for dates? If one person has a lot of debt, are they solely responsible for paying it off? Set ground rules to ensure healthy boundaries.

  • Hold Each Other Accountable For Good Money Habits

Merging finances with mutual respect allows couples to hold each other accountable. Studies show that people often have rose-colored glasses regarding their finances. As a result, they don’t realize how much they’ve spent and tend to undersave. When working with merged funds, couples can hold each other accountable and compensate for each other’s financial weaknesses.


3 – Money Dates for Goal-Setting

Once a month, ideally shortly before receiving your salaries, set aside time to discuss your financial situation and goals. These “money dates” form a part of healthy financial routines for committed couples, allowing you to check in with each other, stay on the same page, and discuss changes and future financial plans. During money dates, you should do the following:

  • Determine The Month’s Joint Goals

What monetary goals do you have for the month? This could be saving up for a nice vacation during a long weekend, buying presents for a child’s birthday or challenging yourself to decrease money spent on eating out, for example. Whatever you’re hoping to gun for in the following thirty days, now’s the time to bring forth ideas.

  • Discuss Progress On Long-Term Goals

Long-term goals are crucial to long-term success and improvement, even when it comes to money habits. For example, couples may have goals such as buying a house or car, moving to a dream city, or saving enough for a relatively comfortable retirement. Keep an eye on long-term goals in your monthly money dates and discuss your progress. Then, you can adjust them as needed and discuss short-term goals that may help long-term gain. 

  • Air Out Issues

Financial issues will always cause tension in relationships, but you can prevent the worst of the conflict from arising by airing out problems during money dates. Use positive communication skills and seek to understand each other’s points so you can handle all financial issues with proactive and 

  • As You Develop Smart Money Habits, Start To Discuss Saving Plans

Any discussion about money habits must include plans for saving money for the future. How do you plan to do that? Are there expenses you can cut out? Are you making the most of your available insurance plans? How many saving funds do you need? Ask all these questions and check to see if you’re happy with the amount you’re saving each month.

4 – Keep Your Money Habits In A Healthy Balance

One of the healthiest money habits you should keep in mind is simple: maintain balance. It’s easy to get lost in extremes when it comes to money. You may save to hoarding funds and then spend them impulsively. Or you may pay enough to run out of money within a few days of getting your salary. You may refuse to buy any expensive items, even if they’re better quality than the cheap counterparts you’ve been using. You may refuse to accept cheap things, preferring only brand-name products.

Regardless of where you fall in the realm of spending and money habits, the fact is that your best option is always a healthy balance. A reasonable middle ground to these extremes ultimately ensures better spending, saving, and financial decisions. Maintaining that balance is vital to a couple’s longevity, especially if you have very different spending styles. 

The compromise allows each partner to get their fair share of satisfaction with how you spend your funds. Examples of a healthy balance in money habits include:

  • Having a fund for “fun” spending allows you to treat yourselves within your budget.
  • You permit yourselves to celebrate occasionally without guilt for spending on non-necessities.
  • You’ll ensure that everyone has a fair say in how to spend, not allowing one partner to rule all financial decisions.
  • You gain a reasonable financial security blanket or emergency fund that ensures you can make less serious financial decisions outside of that without fear.
  • Using budgets and sheets as a guide instead of a dictatorship.
  • You’ll understand that although money is essential, it’s a means, not an end.

money habits

Final Thoughts On Some Healthy Money Habits For Committed Couples

Managing money can be challenging for even the closest and healthiest relationships. Learning what money habits to incorporate can help you to navigate this complex and often complicated topic.

15 Behaviors to Increase Positive Thinking

Positive thinking isn’t just a trendy term that people use. Instead, positivity is a lifestyle that makes you a better person. With a positive mindset, you’re better equipped with ways to handle things in your life. The world around you is geared toward a negative mindset, so positive thinking and an optimistic attitude go against the grain.

If you want to embrace positivity, you must learn activities that can push you from the negative mindset that’s become common in life to a more positive one. Though it’s challenging, it can be done. Optimism is the key to living a happy life; those who master this feat will find joy and contentment.

Four Common Causes of Negativity

It’s easy to be negative, as misery loves company. The people around you will join in and sing their woes right along with you. However, do you ever stop and wonder where all these toxic thoughts come from inside you? Here are the most common places:

positive thinking

1. Fear

At the helm of your negativity is a powerful emotion called fear. It will inhibit your positive thinking and paralyze you from being all you can be.

2. Poor Self-Image

Having low self-esteem and an overall view of yourself inhibits positive thoughts. Rather than seeing all your beautiful qualities, you tend to dwell on the negative ones.

3. Your Inner Critic

The voice in your head can be pretty destructive, so you need to combat it with constructive activities. The key is to train your inner critic to criticize constructively, and it will help you generate more positive thoughts.

4. Toxic Relationships

Have you heard the adage that birds of a feather flock together? If you’re hanging around individuals with a negative mindset, it’s safe to say that you will also be pessimistic. Find people who increase the positivity in your life and not the negative.

Fifteen Activities That Increase Positive Thinking

What are the fifteen best activities to enhance your positive thinking? We have gathered them for you below. You will find that incorporating these things into your life will elevate your mood and make you feel happier in general.

1. Don’t Live According to a Label

Labeling people is a toxic trait that others do; you also do it to yourself. Putting yourself in a class can empower you to have feelings that aren’t always healthy. Stop telling yourself all the negative stuff, and ensure your self-talk is optimistic.

The first positivity-boosting behavior involves speaking kindly to yourself. Start saying things like “I am a survivor.” “I can accomplish anything I set my mind to do.” “I am a happy person.” Proverbs 23:7 says that as you think in your heart, so shall you be, so it’s time to start having more positive thoughts.

2. Reframe Negative Situations

How’s your mental power? Some folks crumble when anything unpleasant comes their way, but it’s all a matter of perception. It would help if you learned to reframe situations to see the optimistic side rather than dwelling on the negativity.

Too often, folks like to wallow in their overwhelming feelings of disappointment and sadness, but the key is learning to shift your perspective. Remember, every cloud has a silver lining; you can find the positive in the most negative situations.

3. Embrace Positive Thinking by Embracing Change

Humans are creatures of habit, and change can be hard to experience. However, life isn’t going to stay the same, as things constantly evolve. Learning to embrace changes in your life rather than fighting them can be the key to having more optimism, positive thoughts, and less negativity.

4. Try Meditation to Boost Positivity

Meditation is a powerful tool that can help enhance your positive thinking. This ancient art works so well because it allows you to silence your thoughts, slow your brain down, and enhance your focus. Too many times, people concentrate on things that are not even relevant, and thus it creates chaos and noise that they can’t ignore.

You don’t need much time to devote to meditation, as just a few minutes will do. Many find that it helps them to be more clear-headed, so they use it at work, on lunch break, or anywhere they need to silence the noise by turning the focus inward.

5. Settle Unfinished Business

Do you have unfinished business that’s inhibiting your positive thoughts? Maybe you need to apologize to someone for saying or doing something wrong. It’s challenging to turn over a new leaf with positive thinking if negativity is holding you back.

If there’s any business you need to settle, now is the time to let go of these ties that bind. It may be holding you back from keeping positive thoughts rather than ones based on negativity.


6. Don’t Fight Your Emotions

You’re hardwired with many different emotions, and if you’re trying to fight these emotions, it can make you miserable. Wouldn’t it be terrible if you couldn’t have a refreshing cry? Embrace the ebbs and flows of your feelings, and you must allow yourself to be angry and sad if the situation warrants it.

7. Laugh Often to Increase Positive Thinking

A good belly laugh can boost your optimism and encourage positive thinking. You’ve likely heard laughter is the best medicine, but a National Library of Medicine study shows that it’s true. Additionally, the study found that being happy and laughing more can keep dementia at bay, and everyone needs some positivity.

8. Open Your Mind to Positivity

Having close-minded and rigid thinking can make you miserable. You must open yourself to different thoughts and opinions to engage in more positive thinking. You’ll find positivity when you learn to accept and experience diversity, as you will realize there’s so much out there than just your way of thinking and living.

9. Travel and Experience New Things

Getting stuck in a rut that can inhibit your positive thinking is effortless. Getting away for a few days can be refreshing and boost your optimism. Meeting new people and doing new things can be just what you need to increase the positivity in your life.

10. Giving Back Increases Positive Thinking

Giving back to those less fortunate can give you an endorphin rush. When you help people, you put positive energy into the atmosphere, and the Universe adds to your karmic bank. Assisting others from a selfless place where you don’t want anything in return helps you become more authentic and positive.

11. Take Care of Yourself to Boost Positive Thinking

It’s hard to think positively when your body is sick and run down. Did you know you can enhance positive energy by caring for your body?

Committing to healthy eating and exercise is the key to increasing positive energy. Since your mental and physical health is closely linked, caring for both is imperative for good overall well-being.

12. Take a Positive Thinking Break

Most folks equate failure as being less than or not good enough. However, it would help if you view these things as learning experiences.

Even a baby stumbles and falls before they learn to walk, so you should know that these bumps and bruises along life’s highways are there to teach you lessons. See the positivity in the situation instead of dwelling on the negative aspects.

13. To Increase Positive Thinking, Let Go of the Past

If anything will drag you down and destroy your optimism, it’s living in the past. Yesterday is a closed door, and you must remind yourself that you no longer live there. If you want more positivity in your life, say goodbye to where you’ve been and hello to a promising future.

14. Improve Positivity by Keeping a Daily Gratitude Journal

Do you journal? Many people started this activity as a child with their diaries, but the gratitude journal takes things one step further. Each day, write five to ten items for which you’re thankful. It’s hard to be negative when counting all the blessings you have in your life. By doing this activity for a few days, you will notice a shift in your mindset, and it will be geared towards positivity.

15. Take Control of Your Life

Do you accept that there are things in your life you cannot change? Wouldn’t controlling the weather or how others feel about you would be nice? Since you can control those things, it’s best to work on the things you can manage.

When you realize that you can only control how you feel about things, you can learn to stop dwelling on all the toxic chaos around you and work on having more positive thoughts.

positive thinking

Final Thoughts on Increasing Positive Thinking

Starting this journey towards more positive thoughts and glowing with optimism is overwhelming, but you must remember that practice makes perfect. The ideas listed above are just a few things you can do to help create more positive thoughts, but there are many others. If you pick just one of these ideas and implement it into your life, it won’t be long before you see a significant difference.

FDA Makes Hearing Aids Available Over the Counter

The FDA recently finalized a historical rule to authorize access to over-the-counter hearing aids for millions of Americans. The move created a new category of hearing aids, allowing people with hearing loss to purchase them directly in stores or online. They won’t require an exam, prescription, or fitting adjustment to buy hearing aids.

The ruling aims to make hearing aids more affordable for the general public. It builds on the Biden-Harris Administration’s promise to create high-quality, inexpensive healthcare that is more inclusive. This initiative is designed to promote innovation and competition in the hearing aid industry, ultimately benefiting consumers by providing access to better hearing solutions. As a result, places like Hearing Aid Studio will play a crucial role in helping individuals find the perfect hearing aids tailored to their needs.

The move comes on the heels of Biden’s Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy. The order mandated that the FDA take action to make hearing aids available for sale over the counter. In 2017, Congress passed a law requiring the FDA to create a category of OTC hearing aids. However, they didn’t fully enforce it until recently.

The OTC devices specified in the ruling apply to people aged eighteen and older with mild to moderate hearing loss. The type of hearing aids listed includes air-conduction devices, which sit behind or inside the ear. They amplify sound by delivering external noise picked up by the device into the ear canal.

Hearing aids for people younger than 18 or with severe hearing impairment will still require a prescription. The ruling also won’t cover “personal sound amplification products,” which magnify sounds for those who hear well. Eligible consumers could see OTC devices available in stores by mid-October 2022 when the rule takes effect.

“Reducing health care costs in America has been a priority of mine since Day One, and this rule is expected to help us achieve quality, affordable health care access for millions of Americans in need,” said Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra in a statement. “Today’s action by the FDA represents a significant milestone in making hearing aids more cost-effective and accessible.”

OTC Hearing Aids Could Benefit Millions of People

hearing aids

Hearing impairment can make communication difficult and even result in social withdrawal. Researchers have also linked hearing loss to dementia, walking problems, and depression. According to the FDA, hearing aid use could improve the lives of nearly 30 million Americans.

However, only about 16% of adults aged 20 to 69 with hearing loss have ever used them. Fewer than 30% of adults aged 70 and older who could benefit from hearing aids use them.

“Hearing loss is a critical public health issue that affects the ability of millions of Americans to effectively communicate in their daily social interactions,” said FDA Commissioner Robert M. Califf, M.D. “Establishing this new regulatory category will allow people with perceived mild to moderate hearing loss to have convenient access to an array of safe, effective, and affordable hearing aids from their neighborhood store or online.”

Hard-of-hearing individuals can benefit from hearing aids in several ways. For one, they amplify speech and sounds, making communication much more accessible. Hearing aid devices can also reduce loneliness, depression, and the risk of dementia. They can substantially improve the quality of life for millions, but until now, they have been cost-prohibitive.

However, the Biden administration estimates that the FDA’s new rule will reduce device costs by hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Until now, the high price of hearing aids and exams made them inaccessible to millions.

The devices can range anywhere from $1,000 to $6,000 per ear, and exams may cost up to $250. Basic Medicare and regular insurance plans usually don’t cover these medical needs.

Hearing aids will inevitably decline in price since eliminating monopolies will make the market less concentrated. Currently, just five hearing aid manufacturers dominate 90% of the market, driving out competition. Some companies have even attempted to thwart efforts to make in-store hearing aids available. However, the new FDA ruling will finally break the monopoly and give consumers more control over their health.

Four Tips on Preventing Hearing Loss

While genetics may cause some cases of hearing loss, environmental factors typically play a more significant role. Below, we’ll give you a few tips on maintaining optimal hearing.

Get regular checkups.

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) recommends that healthy adults under 49 years old with no history of hearing problems get hearing tests at least once per decade. At 50, they recommend getting tests once every three years.

Keep the volume down.

Unfortunately, you can’t avoid every noise in life, especially if you live in a city. However, you can control the sounds in your home and immediate environment. The EPA and WHO recommend keeping noises below 70-75 decibels to prevent hearing loss. Many urban sounds produce harmful noise levels, such as city traffic, which measures 80-85 dBA. The maximum volume of personal listening devices measures 105-100 dBA, while ambulance sirens measure 120 dBA.

Invest in noise-canceling headphones.

These headphones can drown out commotion if you find yourself in a noisy environment. They work by using microphones on the inside of the ear cups to pick up low-frequency noise. Then, the headset generates a sound to create “anti-noise,” effectively neutralizing the unwanted sounds.

Avoid smoking and secondhand smoke.

The chemicals in smoke lower blood oxygen levels and constrict blood vessels in your inner ears, causing cell damage. Also, smoking cigarettes can interfere with neurotransmitters in the auditory nerve, which helps transfer auditory information to the brain.

hearing loss

Final Thoughts on the FDA Making Hearing Aids Available Over the Counter

Recently, the FDA finalized a new rule that will make over-the-counter hearing aids available. The organization created a new category of hearing aids so that people can purchase them directly from stores or online retailers. Consumers don’t need a prescription, exam, or fitting to buy in-store hearing aids.

The ruling aims to reduce the costs of hearing aids by breaking up monopolies in the industry. The Biden administration estimates that the FDA action will lower prices by hundreds or thousands of dollars. Hopefully, many people who previously couldn’t afford these devices will now have access to them.

Experts Say to Set These 4 Rules in a Casual Relationship

Have you been interested in trying out a casual relationship? These flings allow for low-commitment, low-stress fun where you can explore the playing field of the dating world while still enjoying connections with others. But these types of dynamics are notorious for going south fast. Are they worth it?

The truth is that, just like with any relationship, a casual relationship will have its ups and downs, and the people involved have to be willing to cooperate to make the dynamic work.

4 Rules For A Casual Relationship

To do so, here are four rules you should set in a casual relationship.

1. Be Honest And Communicative With Your Casual Relationship Partner

You’ve likely heard plenty of times that communication is crucial to serious romantic and platonic relationships. But did you know that it’s also essential for casual relationships? All healthy dynamics must include some degree of healthy communication, and your honesty is paramount in ensuring drama-free casual dates. So here are some rules to keep in mind:

casual relationship

  • Disclose Intentions Upfront

If you only want casual relationships, you should be clear and upfront when meeting new people. It can be hard to find people who agree to go out with you if you only want a casual relationship. But it’s much better to connect with those who want the same things as you – it’s kinder, ethically sound, and a much more authentic way to live your life.

  • Get Everyone Involved In The Loop

A casual relationship usually means you continue to date other people – and that’s something the new person should know. However, once you have an established, mutual no-strings-attached arrangement, everyone you want to go out with after that should know that you’re seeing someone else currently, too. 

  • Set Clear Ground Rules

Be sure everyone’s on the same page by setting some ground rules and always abide by them. Someone who wants a casual relationship with you but won’t take the time to lay out rules isn’t someone you want to get involved with.

  • Don’t Ghost

Ghosting is already far too common in serious dating, and you shouldn’t become a part of the problem. While casual relationships aren’t as close or essential to either of you as a serious, committed partnership, they’re also not entirely insignificant. Ghosting is plain rude, and studies show that it can have serious long-term effects on the people being ghosted. Worse still, other research shows that the act of ghosting reflects poorly on you, indicating negative personality traits such as narcissism. So if you want to end a casual relationship, either tell them in person, call them up, or send them a text. Don’t just disappear.

2. Don’t Go Above What Is Expected in the Casual Relationship

One of the biggest pitfalls of casual relationships is how easy it is to start participating in habits and behaviors that are only really suitable for committed partnerships. In other words, to use a vague analogy, you shouldn’t be doing committed relationship things while on a casual relationship’s “salary.” As such, keep the following rules in mind:

  • Don’t Compromise And Don’t Be Controlled

In serious relationships, it’s all about compromising and cooperating with a partner. In a casual relationship, your flings should be for fun and low-stress, no-strings benefits. Do whatever you want, and if your fling partner doesn’t like it, go your separate ways in peace. This goes the other way, too – don’t attempt to control the person you’re in a casual relationship with. If you’re unhappy with something they do, you must either deal with it or break things off.

  • Don’t Bring Them Into Your Circle

Please don’t take a casual relationship any further than it has to. Unless you were already friends or met through family, there’s no reason for a fling to have to meet the people in your life. This means not asking them to be your plus one at events and not introducing each other to friends or family.

  • Don’t Do Favors

There should be no favors, expectations, and “debts” in a casual relationship. Please rely on your friends for favors and have them depend on theirs. This arrangement also means you should always be splitting checks with them. Don’t allow anything that causes the dynamic to become unbalanced.

  • Make No Future Plans

Don’t talk about the distant future in a casual relationship. Even talking about doing something together a few weeks in advance can push it. Stick to talking about meeting in three days and make no further plans. It’s just a casual arrangement, and for all you know, it could be over by tomorrow.

  • Don’t Spend Too Much Time Together

Remember, this is a casual relationship. Your lives should not be intertwined. It would be best if you were not spending whole days with this person, especially not at a regular rate. If people could easily mistake you for a loving couple, then it’s time to distance yourself.


3. During a Casual Relationship You Must Take Care Of Yourself

You shouldn’t lose yourself in any relationship, but you especially should stay independent in casual relationships. Maintain your individuality and put yourself before the fling.

If this is your first casual relationship, you’ll be entering new territory, which can be overwhelming and confusing at first. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself so you’re not exhausted from keeping up with casual flings. Here are some personal rules to lay for yourself – and, if it seems relevant, to advise your casual partner to use for themself, too:

  • Maintain Other Relationships

It can be exciting to enter a new casual arrangement with someone but don’t forget about the people who were there first. Spend time with family, friends, and loved ones, and don’t get too wrapped up in meeting new people 24/7.

  • Make Sure You Have Me-Time

Don’t get so lost in flings and casual interactions that you forget to get some quality alone time just for yourself. Dating casually should never limit your time to do what you genuinely want to, like engaging in hobbies, relaxing at home, and going on solo dates.

  • Be Aware Of Your Health

Casual relationships often involve much time spent in the bedroom. There’s no shame, but you must stay aware of the potential health risks. Get tested for commonly transmitted diseases often, especially after meeting someone new, and insist that you and your partners use protection.

  • If You Develop Feelings, Call Things Off

If you start to fall for the person you see casually, don’t just brush the feelings aside or ignore them. You will likely need to call the whole relationship off for your health, happiness, and self-respect. It would help if you did not pretend not to have feelings for someone while messing around with them. It just doesn’t work! Remember that you cannot expect your casual fling to have feelings for you, too. Most of the time, you’ll have to go your separate ways – and that’s for the best, especially for you.

  • Be Honest With Yourself

Sometimes, people convince themselves that they can be in casual relationships, even when it’s not a dynamic that works for them. But unfortunately, the desire for human connection can cause you to lose sight of what you want. Don’t choose to enter casual dating as a temporary balm for your passion for a long-term commitment. 

Don’t push yourself to be cool with a fling dynamic just because you’re hoping someone will fall in love with you instead. Likewise, don’t maintain a casual relationship when struggling with possessiveness and jealousy. You have to be honest with yourself first and foremost. If you can’t handle the dynamic of a casual relationship, there is no shame in that. 

4. Never Compromise On Respect With A Casual Relationship Partner

Casual relationships may not require much commitment on either side, but they still need respect. You are two (or more) individual human beings with thoughts, feelings, and vibrant lives. It is imperative that you respect each other and never compromise on that. This rule should apply to all relationships, but it’s even more critical for potentially complex ones like this. Respect must be central. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  •  Never Cross the Boundaries 

Casual relationships only work if boundaries are fully respected. If someone crosses a line or breaks a rule at any point, it may be time to drop the connection. Of course, you can provide a second chance as long as the offending party is quick to course-correct, but in a casual relationship, you might find that second chances aren’t worth the effort involved. Neither person should test boundaries, and if you do, you must be ready to be broken up with!

  • Do Not Tolerate Disrespect

This goes without saying for all relationships. If your casual partner disrespects you or devalues you because of your simple connection to them, do not tolerate it. Be liberal with cutting ties with casual flings.

  • Keeping Commitments Is Common Decency

Casual relationships are often a lower priority for many, but that doesn’t mean you can forgo basic respect and decency. If you’ve agreed to meet for a date, don’t cancel unless something serious arises. The plans you make casually should still be respected. If you’re not interested in making plans with a casual fling, you should reconsider whether you enjoy spending time with them.

  • Regular Check-Ins Keep You On The Same Page

If a casual relationship will continue for a relatively long period, it’s a good idea to check in regularly with each other. Always be open and accepting of communication of any kind so you both feel happy and comfortable with the current dynamic. You should also be willing to re-examine your dynamic if things aren’t working, making changes as you go.

casual relationship

Final Thoughts On Some Rules To Set In A Casual Relationship

Casual relationships can be much fun if you know what rules to set! Honest communication, maintaining the proper casual dynamic, mutual respect, and self-care are all essential. These types of relationships shouldn’t cause you grief. Dating should be enjoyable first and foremost. When done right, casual relationships can be exciting, provide learning experiences, and be fun.

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