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10 Ways to Increase Positive Self-Talk

10 Ways to Increase Positive Self-Talk

Everyone engages in self-talk. Sometimes this internal conversation happens aloud. But frequently it occurs within the confines of your mind. This dialogue can be good or bad, but these things you tell yourself can encourage and motivate you. Conversely, they can destroy your positivity, self-esteem, and self-worth.

For example, a coworker invited you to lunch. Several of your fellow workers were sitting around a table, and you thought some appropriate jokes would be well received. However, you had to force the jokes, and the laughter was equally pushed.

You embarrassed yourself in front of everyone, and the self-talk on the way home was brutal. Things were going through your mind like:

  • “Why did I say that?”
  • “I made an absolute fool of myself.”
  • “Why am I such an idiot?”

Some folks have mastered letting things roll off their back. They can channel healthy self-talk and say, “Oh, well, at least I tried.” Positive thinking has benefits, but most people are geared towards harmful speech rather than optimistic ideas. The real issue is that you will remember this dialogue at the next outing, and you may be afraid to tell a joke that people will love.

Some folks will go as far as developing anxiety in social situations as they feel awkward and insecure. When you fill your head with negativity, it inhibits you from trying again. Even the best comedians aren’t always going to get the crowd rolling, so you must understand that practice makes perfect.

Ten Tips to Engage in Kinder Self-Talk and Restore Your Positivity

You must develop good, healthy self-talk to help you push yourself to greatness. The Bible says that the power of life and death is within the tongue in Proverbs 18:21, so you can decide whether you will speak blessings or curses over your life. Here are some tips to help you increase your positive self-talk.


1. Cut Overly Negative People Out of Life Whenever Possible

Down days are commonplace, and it’s only normal to have a bad mood on occasion. Consequently, your good days should outweigh the bad. It’s imperative to keep negativity to a minimum, so you must monitor your inner circle.

Every minute of your life counts, and you don’t want to waste any of them dealing with chronically negative folks. Putting proper distance between those who drag you down can help you to be happier and have good inner dialogue. Remember that one bad apple will spoil the whole bunch, and no one likes any decayed fruit hanging around in their “friend basket.”

2. Develop an Attitude of Gratitude in Your Self-Talk

The best way that you can create positive self-talk is to be thankful. Thanksgiving isn’t the only time of the year when you can give thanks. When you develop an attitude of gratitude, it will change your whole outlook on things.

There’s one way that you can enhance your journey towards being a new and positive you; you need to start a gratitude journal. Make a goal to list five or six things you’re thankful for daily. More goodness will come your way when you start showing the universe how grateful you are for your blessings. Additionally, you will notice that your inner dialogue takes a more optimistic turn.

Many people in this life are homeless and wonder where their next meal will come from, so if you have a home and food, you’re blessed. It’s hard to be negative when you realize your blessings.

3. Visualize Your Success to Increase Positivity

Do you want success so bad you can taste it? Manifesting is quite popular these days, and if you can see it in your mind’s eye, you can do it. Stop settling for less than when you can have all you ever dream of when you learn how to change your self-talk and start visualizing accomplishment.

4. Use Positive Self-Talk Words

If you tend to dwell on the side of negativity, it’s time to make a change. Watch the words that come out of your mouth. That’s because if you speak negatively, you will think that way, also.

The benefits of positive thinking are immense, but you must retrain your brain to see the glass as half-full rather than half-empty. If you want your inner voice to spread sunshine and radiate into your soul, you must use this language when speaking to others. Remember that optimism breeds positivity, and pessimism breeds negativity.

5. Use Positive Affirmations

Do you start your day with positive affirmations or roll out of bed grumpy and ready to tackle someone who speaks to you? Using positive affirmations before you start the day can be life-altering. According to a study conducted by The Dominican University of California, using positive affirmations for just two weeks increased the esteem and attitude of 37 participants.

The subjects took the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale at the beginning and end of the study. The marked improvements show that ingesting positivity each day can be very beneficial to your overall well-being.


6. Don’t Dwell in the Past

Do you think that you’re the only one with a past? Every person in this world has done things they’re not proud of, but some people have learned not to beat themselves up. Use your past as a learning curve and nothing more. No need to shame yourself over those things you cannot change.

7. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others in Your Self-Talk

One of the worst things you can do for your esteem is to compare yourself to others. Stop looking in the window of your neighbors’ houses and making assumptions.

Things are not always as they seem, and you never know what goes on in someone else’s life unless you walk a mile in their shoes. You will notice a significant change in your attitude when you learn to accept yourself and not compare your life to that of others.

8. Control Your Intake of News and Media to Increase Positivity

The news rarely reports anything positive, so you must watch how much of this toxicity you ingest. You need to be in the know, but you don’t want to get so wrapped up in the doom and gloom that it changes your inner voice to a negative one.

9. Dream and Set Goals

Do you have a dream? Where do you see yourself in the next year, five years, or even ten? Every great accomplishment starts with a plan and positive self-talk.

You can be and do anything you want in this world, but you’re your own harshest critic. It would help if you learned to be kind to yourself. If your inner voice starts to take you down a path of self-doubt and negativity, only you have the power to change the rhetoric.

10. Don’t Fear Failure

Many people don’t cultivate positivity in their minds because they’re afraid they will fail. Did you know that some of the greatest success stories in the history of this country come from people who refused to give up? Failure isn’t always bad, as it teaches you lessons you can use to do better the next time.

People who live in fear avoid positive self-talk, as they don’t see themselves as successful. You should proceed if you’re satisfied with living the status quo. However, if you want to do great things and be all you can be, you need to learn to change your inner dialogue to something more positive to compel yourself to greatness.

Have you ever heard about the restaurant Raising Canes? This eatery is in Baton Rouge, Louisiana–the idea of two college students from Louisiana State University.

The teacher challenged the boys to create a business plan for a company. The guys put so much effort into their project that it soon became a dream they wanted to fulfill. They started slowly, with one restaurant near campus. their motto was to find one thing they did well and only do that one thing.

They found chicken fingers were their calling. It wasn’t long before word of their success started to travel, and they opened stores all over the country. The ironic thing is that the project received a failing grade, and the bank agreed with the professor that a restaurant selling only chicken would never work.

Regardless of who told these men no and how many times they were rejected, their inner voice kept motivating them and telling them to keep going. The rest is history.


Final Thoughts on Positive Self-Talk

You know that the benefits of positive thinking are immense, and you want to be more optimistic, but it’s challenging. In a world of negativity and despair, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by these toxic emotions. If you want more positive self-talk in your life, it’s time to change your mindset.

With just a little effort each day, you can change your attitude for today and your outlook for tomorrow. Optimistic people radiate joy and happiness in the middle of the storm, and they become a beacon for many. Don’t you want to spread positivity to yourself and others?

7 Techniques to Find Your Flow State

A flow state describes a mental state of complete immersion in an activity or task. Being in the flow allows you to perform tasks fluidly and without resistance. High-performing athletes, musicians, and creative writers effortlessly reach this state of elevated concentration often. To get “in the flow,” you must have a deep passion and love for what you do. 

For example, someone who works at a fast food restaurant to cover a few extra bills probably doesn’t feel very enthused about their occupation. So, it becomes challenging to find the flow state when the mind doesn’t enjoy something. However, people who feel excited about an activity will naturally perform at a higher rate. 

Those who achieve the flow state feel a blissful union between mind and body. The mental chatter begins to dissipate, and the goal at hand becomes crystal clear. In summary, life feels much easier, as if you’re floating rather than trudging through it.

What are the Characteristics of a Flow State?

 Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi introduced flow theory in the 1970s after observing people who performed pleasurable activities. He described eight main traits of a flow state:

  1. Confidence and proficiency in the task 
  2. Deep concentration and involvement with the activity
  3. The task has clearly defined goals 
  4. The activity provides instant feedback
  5. The task feels effortless and causes daily stresses to melt away
  6. A sense of control over the task
  7. The sense of self disappears yet comes back stronger following the flow experience
  8. The sense of time becomes altered

flow state

 7 Tricks to Finding Your Flow State

So, the flow state requires two main ingredients: desire and intense concentration. Luckily, anyone can reach this joyous mental state with practice.

1 – Clearly Define Your Goals.

To get into a flow state, you must have a clear vision of what you wish to accomplish. If you’re scatterbrained and don’t set defined goals, experiencing effortless activity becomes much more complicated. Having a clear outcome in mind gives you direction and purpose in life. So, do some soul-searching and think about what you’d like to achieve.

You don’t have to set a significant goal to complete this step, either. Even a smaller objective can help you become disciplined and motivated to complete a task. For instance, if you want to lose weight, you wouldn’t try to lose fifty pounds in one month. You’d set milestones to achieve along the way to the finish line. 

 2 – Eliminate All Distractions.

 Research shows that being distracted or handling too many tasks at once can lead to burnout. It also interrupts concentration and makes it difficult to reenter the flow state. So, before you start working on a task, remove all external distractions from your environment. These may include smartphones, TVs, and other types of technology. 

 You should attempt to eliminate internal distractions such as mental chatter as well. Your thoughts create a barrier between you and the world, causing you to lose focus quickly. Meditation, yoga, and other mindfulness practices can help prime you for periods of intense activity. 

 Ideally, you want to sustain the flow state for several hours, so having a quiet, dedicated workspace is crucial.

 3 – Follow Your Passions.

 Perhaps most importantly, you should only choose activities that pique your interest. You have more energy and drive to complete the task when you do something you love. 

 Finding your passion in life unlocks an abundance of untapped willpower and potential, allowing you to complete activities effortlessly. Whether washing dishes in a restaurant or performing heart surgery, anyone can achieve this flow state. 

 You want to choose a task that challenges you but isn’t beyond your current abilities. Finding that happy medium will ensure you’re neither bored nor overly stressed while working. 


 4 – Avoid Multitasking.

Another key to finding your flow involves working on one task at a time. Studies show that multitasking can reduce productivity by as much as 40%. Because your brain can’t do two things at once, it must switch rapidly between the activities. Multitasking drains mental energy and can lead to burnout eventually. 

5 – Identify When You Feel Most Productive.

Some people feel more creative and energized in the morning, while others prefer working at night. To reach the flow state, you should utilize windows of peak performance to complete challenging tasks. If you identify as a night owl, you probably have the most stamina during the afternoon and evening. On the other hand, early birds like to tackle the most demanding tasks before lunchtime. 

 Work with your natural preferences to enhance your concentration and productivity. 

 6 – Create a Daily Routine.

Engaging in a ritual before you start working can help you enter the flow state more easily. For instance, stretching, listening to motivational music, or meditating can help your mind prepare for periods of intense concentration. Most people can’t get into a flow on command – the brain needs time to recharge between tasks. So, create a ritual that helps center your consciousness and calmly guides you to the next job.

 7 – Focus on the Process Instead of the Outcome.

Since the flow state alters your perception of time, it allows you to remain rooted in the present. You won’t worry much about the destination because the journey feels so enjoyable and invigorating. It takes time to enter this state of consciousness, so don’t get discouraged if you feel distracted at first. To practice mindfulness, surrender to what’s happening around you and allow yourself to appreciate the present moment.

flow state

Final Thoughts on How to Achieve a Flow State

Most people want to experience the flow state but don’t know how to achieve this heightened state of being. For many, it seems like a distant dream to flow from one task to another effortlessly. However, anyone can enter this fluid state with some practice. 

Try it for yourself by choosing an activity that brings you immense joy. Eliminate any distractions, and don’t focus on the outcome or destination. Allow your consciousness to rest in the present moment and surrender to the universal flow of energy. We all can experience uninterrupted focus and inspiration if we only listen to our heart’s deepest desires.

3 Ways to Release Negativity and Be Happy Again

Do you feel that negative thoughts often overwhelm you? Not knowing how to release negativity can end up causing you to feel trapped, leading to decreased mental health and an inability to perform everyday tasks. In excess, this negativity can also be dangerous to your physical health.

Negative thoughts can crowd your mind during tough times and tire you out. So how can you get rid of these terrible emotional states and finally find the happiness you deserve? Here are three ways to release negativity and be happy again.

1 – Release Negativity By Getting Rid Of Things That Bring You Down

There are a lot of things that can affect everyday mood and bring you down. Unfortunately, most people choose to ignore or bear with these things, not feeling interested in taking the initiative to reduce their severity proactively. In a world filled with things outside your control, why aren’t you taking steps to control what you can – especially if those things bring you down?

Release negativity by releasing these bad things in your life. On top of that, taking the first step to take your world into your own hands can be a powerful way to reclaim your life. This can further help you to release negativity as you rediscover your capabilities, strength, and potential. Here are some ways that you can get rid of what brings you down:

release negativity

  • Clear Clutter to Release Negativity

One of the most poetic ways to release negativity is by clearing clutter. As you tidy up a messy space, you’ll also feel your mind begin to clear up. For example, have you ever noticed that entering an overly cluttered room can make you feel exhausted? By making your living and working environments a little bit clearer, you’ll be able to improve your well-being, according to studies.

  • Cut Out Toxic People

Toxic relationships can be an incredible drain on your life. If there are people who always make you feel fatigued, bring down your mood, and make you feel awful, you can release negativity by cutting them loose. Your dynamics with friends, family, and loved ones should be stable, positive, and enjoyable instead of stressful and barely tolerable. Unfortunately, negative people also tend to rub off on you, causing you to become more harmful to match their energy.

  • Determine And Remove Tolerations

As their name suggests, tolerations are things that you merely tolerate in life. Some tolerations are harmless, but many add little stress to your everyday experience. Unfortunately, these things add up, and multiple minor tolerations can cause heaping negativity on you. Some may even be the straws that break the camel’s back!

  • Drop Toxic, Negative Thoughts From Your Self-Talk

There are all sorts of ways that you perpetuate your negative thinking. You may constantly judge others or complain nonstop. You may have a strong inner critic who continually talks down on you. Maybe you diminish your successes, amplify your flaws, and even resent others because of your insecurity. When you commit to improving how you think of yourself, your life, and others, you drop the most toxic elements of day-to-day negativity to be free and happy.

2 – Practice Relaxing Techniques and Routines That Release Negativity

It can seem somewhat cliche to practice standard techniques for relaxation, but there’s a reason that they’re common – they work well for releasing negativity! They’re not cure-alls, but they can help to take the edge off your worst emotional states. Here are some techniques to try and use so you can see what works for you:

  • Breathing Techniques to Release Negativity

There are loads of breathing techniques that you can use to relieve stress. A lot of them center around the idea of imagining that you release negativity with each exhalation. You can find many examples of breathing exercises online, including those based on yoga practices and those commonly used by those with anxiety. Even just stopping to breathe in general during a stressful time can release negativity!

  • Release Negativity By Establishing Positive Morning Routines

Starting the day right can set the tone for yourself and the rest of the day. You can release negativity from the previous day and remind yourself that today is a brand new day. Get a filling, nourishing breakfast, make some time for some exercise, do something you love, dress up nicely, or listen to good music to get yourself going. If doing chores in the morning tends to stress you out, do them the night before so you can start each day on the right foot.

  • Mindfulness Can Overcome Negative Thoughts

Mindfulness means living in the present moment by fully experiencing it in its entirety. You do this by engaging your senses to notice and appreciate all the little details in the world around you, including the things you interact with daily. In addition, it allows you to get deeper in touch with yourself during different emotional states, teaching you to be a nonjudgmental witness to your feelings instead of a thrall of them. Research shows that this can help to improve mental health – and physical health, too!


  • Get Moving

People often discount the effectiveness of exercise on overall happiness and the release of negativity. Moving your body to get your heart rate up can burn off stress effectively and help relieve tension. Again, it’s not a cure-all, but it can certainly help! You can go for a walk, turn on some music and dance, do yoga, hit the gym, or go out to do some gardening. If it gets you moving, it’ll get the job done.

3 – Actively Seek Out Good Things to Displace Your Negative Thoughts

Our brains naturally notice negative thoughts and things first and foremost. It’s easy to pick out everything wrong instead of seeing the good things. Most people take good things for granted and don’t notice them, so they fade into the background, and you don’t notice them until they’re gone. And that’s quite a shame, as these things can greatly increase your happiness!

If you’re looking to release negativity, looking for good things is a great way to start. It replaces negative thoughts with positive ones! This doesn’t mean forcing toxic positivity – it means not wasting your energy on excessive pessimism to the point that you lose sight of the good parts of reality. Here are some tips for actively seeking out good things in life:

  • Point Out Lessons

There isn’t a single moment of life that you can’t use as a teachable moment. Sure, you probably don’t want lectures all the time, but in tough times, you can release negativity by turning that negativity into something to learn from. Ask yourself what you can learn from each situation. How can you prepare for or avoid this in the future? What can you do differently? How can you help the situation now? If you can’t help the situation, how can you allow yourself to feel better?

  • Fill Your Life With Positive People

You can always count on a sound support system to uplift you or be there for you when the going gets tough. When you’re having trouble finding positivity in your life, the people who love and care about you can help you to release negativity. Whether they offer you a listening ear, show you the good side of life, or make you feel less alone, having a secure and positive social circle is an incredible tool for happiness.

  • Find The Silver Lining

You can overturn negative thoughts by seeking out even the smallest silver linings. This gives you something to hold onto that keeps you going, like a small beacon in an otherwise dark world. It’s nice to know that, even in your worst moments, there is a little silver lining – and this is a reality you can always rely on if you need it. 

  • Use Positive Affirmations

Using repetitive phrases and mantras to psych yourself up and get yourself in the right headspace can initially seem silly. But positive affirmations are research-backed ways to improve happiness and release negativity. You can make them as straightforward or as complex as you like, as long as they’re in the present tense and inspire you. For example, you can say, “I am a confident and capable person,” or “I find happiness in the world around me.” 

  • Use Humor

In difficult times, humor can be an effective coping mechanism, and studies show that it can reduce stress levels when used mindfully. In addition, it can help you better process negative emotions, and laughing can release negativity and tension quickly. 

  • Express Gratitude

Verbalizing the positive things around you is a positive way to internalize happiness. Studies show that the more you practice and express gratitude, the easier it will be for you to find more reasons to be grateful. Start by expressing appreciation for those you love and thank the people who do things for you every day, even if you’re paying them – baristas, servers, and cashiers, for example. You can also keep a gratitude journal where you list things you’re grateful for daily – a common means of improving positive thinking!

  • Create Positivity

If you have trouble finding positivity in the world around you, you can release negativity by creating it yourself. For example, do random acts of kindness, put on music or shows that make you happy, and engage in hobbies you love. The more opportunities you create for positive moments, the happier you’ll be.

negative thoughts

Final Thoughts On Some Ways To Release Negativity And Be Happy Again

Everyone deals with negativity sometimes. However, knowing how to manage these experiences in a healthy, positive, and realistic way is essential to your overall well-being. So get rid of what brings you down, practice calming techniques, and seek positivity in the world around you to bring yourself back up again!

If you need help releasing negativity and negative thoughts, don’t be afraid to seek help from counselors, therapists, or other mental health professionals. They can teach you great techniques that will help to encourage positive thinking, allowing you to find happiness once more. There is no shame in needing this additional perspective; you deserve to be happy.

12 Ways to Help Children Learn to Fail Without Fear

As a parent, watching your child fail is hard. Everything inside of you wants to rescue them so they won’t get hurt. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to stop your child from failing, nor is it healthy for them when you swoop in for the rescue. It turns out failure could be good for kids. You can teach your kids to deal with their mistakes and learn valuable life lessons whenever they falter.

How to Teach Children to Fail With Grace

Here are twelve ways to help your children learn to fail without fear. 

1. Teach them to accept setbacks in life

Life is full of unexpected events. Teaching your child early to accept setbacks is critical to their ability to learn to fail without fear. Unfortunately, even well-meaning parents can inadvertently make a child fearful of failure. Here are some suggestions to help them view setbacks as a way of life.

  • Setbacks: Although not pleasant, setbacks aren’t the end of the story. They’re an unexpected, temporary bump in the road.
  • Keep moving: Setbacks are situations where you potentially need to change course, not give up. For example, maybe your child needs to repeat a class or try out for the soccer team when rejected by the football team. Changing course due to a setback can turn out for good. 
  • Parents have setbacks, too: When you experience setbacks, be sure to include your kids in the experience. Explain that you’re disappointed about needing to get a new job, that the family needs to move to help relatives, or not being able to work out a problematic family situation. As they witness how you go through the setback, it helps normalize failure and difficulties in life so they won’t be surprised or afraid of them. 


2. Be honest about failure

Making failure the end of the world isn’t helpful for your child, but telling you that failure is a beautiful experience is also dishonest. Be honest. Failing is no fun. It stinks to fail at something you’ve worked so hard for. When you are unclear about failure, it sets your child up for:

  • False expectations about life
  • Feelings of shame when they fail
  • Inability to deal with failing
  • Overreacting when they make mistakes
  • Withdraw emotionally when they fail
  • May make fun of others who fail 
  • Lose their confidence

3. Praise their efforts rather than their abilities

Avoid simply praising your child’s abilities. Instead, ask them what strategies they used or how long it took them. Studies found that ability praise is ineffective when a child fails compared to effort praise. So if you give your child credit for their ability to do a task, it can lead them to feel helpless later on when they fail. They may feel negative about themselves and want to give up. Effort praise teaches kids to focus more on the process of their work and obtain new learning skills when they encounter setbacks. Ability praise causes kids to focus on a fixed mindset, but effort praise helps them have more of a growth mindset. Researchers also found that ability praise encourages kids to cheat because they can’t face failing. So, they fix the results to guarantee they don’t fail. 

4. Model how to respond when they fail

More is caught than taught applies here. When you make mistakes, be sure to model persistence. Your example helps your kids learn how to respond to their mistakes. Learning to say things like,

  • Today, I made the wrong decision, and I felt terrible. But I eventually figured out it was a good exercise in learning from my mistakes. 
  • I learned that….
  • Talk about how you strategized and came up with a solution.
  • Highlight your failures and how you persevered through them

5. Be empathetic when they fail

Failure is hard. No one likes to fail. If you see your child is having a hard time, remember to be empathetic towards them. Empathy is trying to understand and share how someone feels. When you show your child empathy, you learn about them and acknowledge the reality of what they’re going through. 

You can say things like, I know you’re disappointed, and you’d hope to do better. Tell them stories about your failures if they relate. Don’t overshare or try to o cheer them up. Instead, try to show that you understand how hard it is. Come up with ideas for what to do next. Everyone experiences failure. Remind them they can try again.

6. Don’t over-parent

Overparenting is sometimes called helicopter parenting. Whatever you call it, it implies you’re too involved with your kids’ lives. It’s an attempt to cushion every failure or mistake your child makes so they never experience sadness or disappointments. Unfortunately, researchers say that overparenting is harmful to kids. Here are some dangers of overparenting your kids. 

  • A child doesn’t develop coping skills.
  • They have a higher level of stress and anxiety
  • These kids are more prone to depression
  • They have a lower level of happiness in their life.


How do you know you’re overparenting?

Here are some signs of overparenting you should be aware of:

  • Lingering over your children instead of encouraging their self-rule 
  • Worry a lot about your child getting hurt, being unhealthy, gaining weight
  • Being too involved in your child’s life 
  • Making decisions for your child that they should make
  • Trying to protect them from failure or disappointment
  • Solving their conflicts for them
  • Fear allowing your child to be in age-appropriate activities
  • Want to be with kids all the time-in classes, and other activities
  • Doing your child’s work 

7. Teach your child that not everyone wins

Years ago, kids learned that everybody was a winner. Everyone got a trophy at sporting events. Today, psychologists say it was harmful to a whole generation of kids. When kids get rewarded for doing nothing, it teaches them that effort isn’t essential. If they grow up thinking life is going to be easy, that everyone wins, when they get hit by their first big disappointment, they will fall apart. Losing hurts, but it’s an essential part of their growth. Painful experiences teach kids how to face defeat and disappointment. These experiences prepare them for adulthood disappointments that are bound to come. So, let your kids fail. Teach them failure is part of life. 

8. Explain how everyone has different abilities and talents

Encourage your kids in their abilities, but don’t offer false hope. Giving them opportunities to explore their skills and talents helps them realize that even if they never become a pro football player, that’s okay. They can still enjoy the sport. Many people’s skills turn into life-long hobbies. You don’t need to make a career from every ability you possess. There are just some things in life they may not be well-suited for, and that’s okay. It’s good to learn these things in early life. 

9. There’s always something you can learn

Failure is a teacher. Once you make a mistake, you know to avoid it next time. Failing causes you to slow down. It helps you look for another solution. Teaching your child the value of failure is better caught than taught. When they see you make mistakes and make new attempts, they gain wisdom and experience. These things get applied to your child’s life as they get older. For example, kindergartners learning to tie their shoes will get frustrated with their many failed attempts. You could buy them velcro shoes to solve their problem or encourage their efforts and gently give them tips on successful shoe tying. Eventually, they will succeed and be incredibly proud of their ability to tie shoes. They will begin helping other kids. Their failure made their success much sweeter. 

10. Teach them not to fear failure

Because your kids can’t avoid failure, teaching them not to fear it is essential. When they see their mistakes as a means of self-growth, it removes the fear factor. Fear of failure keeps your kids from exploring new things. Failure gives them opportunities to understand more about themselves. It helps them 

  • See their flaws 
  • It gives them insights into life and the world around them
  • It allows them to step back and assess how to change
  • It forces them to see the world doesn’t revolve around them 
  • Protects them from being arrogant
  • it teaches them humility 

Failure hurts. It’s a humbling experience, yet your child can’t grow into their full potential without mistakes. 

11. Help them learn to laugh when they fail

Making mistakes in front of your kids allows you to laugh at yourself. Don’t get mad, curse or blameshift. Instead, shake your head and laugh. Mistakes happen. Laughing about them makes them easier to deal with. 

12. Fail with humble dignity

How someone fails is a good insight into their true character. Some of the most gifted athletes demonstrate dignity in the way they lose. Their humility inspires those who watch them. Teach your kids to fail well. Be an example of someone who fails with dignity. 


Final Thoughts on Teaching Your Child to Fail Gracefully

It’s hard watching your child fail. Every parent wants to prevent their child from experiencing disappointments and pain. But, of course, you can’t stop them from making mistakes. Allowing your kid to fail could be helpful for them to grow into a well-adjusted adult. Failure teaches resilience and inspires problem-solving skills. But, of course, your child’s experience learning from mistakes starts with you. How you handle your mistakes will set an example for them. So start today by inspiring your kids not to fear failure but to allow it to teach and motivate them in their life. 

Stay True to Yourself And No One Else

In this society, staying true to yourself is more complicated than ever. This statement might seem like a blatant lie, as these are the most progressive times humanity has ever witnessed. But people are more connected than ever, so gossip and lies spread faster. It’s also way too easy to ruin people’s lives with just a few clicks. In fact, there are many ways to make someone feel awful about who they are. And, because of that, it can seem easier not to live your truth at all.  

Because we wish others like us, we mold ourselves to become someone we’re not. If something is trendy, people will want to do it. So, we keep following what others want us to do instead of becoming who we should be. This reality is potentially the saddest life someone could have.

Never genuine, never delighted, simply following the lead of other people who are brave enough to be themselves. This sad situation is because we don’t understand the value of being true to ourselves. But there’s no shame in being lost and not knowing how to live your truth. It would help if you were willing to take the first step to learn how to be more authentic. When you understand that, you’ll be happier than ever before.

3 Reasons to Stay True to Yourself

true to yourself

1 – You Get to Know Yourself When You Stay True to Yourself

As a human, you can’t live your life to the fullest potential if you don’t know who you are. Identity is a big part of someone’s happiness. It’s something people have struggled with for centuries. All the human rights marches, all the protests, they were all so that people could be proud of their identity. Some people protested for their gender rights because they wanted to be allowed to own who they were. And examples like this are scattered throughout human history. Still, as time passes, people seem to know less and less about who they are.  

Often, this is because we see how important identity is. Because of that, we are scared we won’t be allowed to show it. And not being able to be who we truly are is scary. But what most people don’t realize is that, usually, they are the ones who don’t allow themselves to be true to themselves. Sure, there’s still a long way to fight for people’s rights. But, often, if you were true to yourself, no one would bat an eyelash.

Not knowing who you are is much more hurtful than being judged. When you know who you are, you at least know what you want and can stand up for yourself. Otherwise, you are vulnerable and find it hard to fulfill your potential. As you understand all your emotions, you will find navigating all the criticisms and hate easier. You’ll start to care more about what you think rather than how others view you, and you’ll understand who you truly are.

2 – When You Are True to Yourself, You Can Find Your True Purpose

Extending on the previous point, one of the best reasons to stay true to yourself is because you can find your true potential. When you live your truth and understand who you are, you can know what you must do. Too often, people do things because they believe they should do them. But not because they genuinely want to or find purpose doing them. For example, you might attend law school because your parents have raised you to want that.

But that doesn’t mean practicing law will make you truly happy. You might believe that’s your purpose. You might even want it to be. But you’d be lying to yourself if you did it because others expected you to. Of course, you can still have a decent life by doing what others want you to. But you’ll understand your true purpose only by being entirely true to yourself.

You’ll understand your passions and what kind of life you want to live. You’ll have a goal and be motivated to work towards it. When you choose the right path for you, there’s no such thing as an utter failure. Even if you do stumble, you’ll want to persevere. Your life will feel like it’s yours, not someone else, and you have complete control over it. But, most importantly, being true to yourself will help you let go of all the negative buzz around you.  

3 – Your Life Will Be Easier if You Remain True to Yourself

A big part of being true to yourself is learning to love and accept yourself the way you are. Everyone has flaws and imperfections. There’s nothing wrong with having them as long as you choose to accept them and try to be better every day. After all, living your truthful and authentic life means embarking on a journey of self-actualization.

Even if you want to become a better person, you’ll find that your life will become much more manageable. You’ll learn to accept yourself without worrying about what others think. When that happens, you’ll find that all your decisions will be much easier to make. You’ll do whatever you want without worrying about what others say. When your choices become better, so does your life.

You won’t be trapped doing things you resent; instead, you’ll live freely. You’ll attract better people because you’ll stop putting up with bad friends to have them. Overall, you’ll make better decisions. And your choices will be made for you, not to please others. That’s why your life will be happier because you won’t be afraid to live authentically.

3 Ways to Live Your Truth

live your truth

1 – When You Live Your Truth, You Will Learn to Love Yourself

If you want to live your truth, you need to learn how to love and accept yourself just the way you are. It’s essential to understand that imperfections are normal. If you feel bad about having flaws, don’t beat yourself down. Instead, to things that improve who you are: practice self-care and self-improvement. Go to the gym, read a book, and learn something new.  

It would be best if you also stopped beating yourself up all the time. Try to overcome negative perceptions about yourself by remembering to be kind. Don’t call yourself bad names, and don’t be overly critical of yourself. Stop comparing yourself to others.

Living your truth means being happy with yourself and accepting yourself. Stay positive if you still want to achieve more, even if you think you could be better. Know that you’ll be able to achieve everything you want. Still, who you are right now is enough.  

2 – Live Your Truth According to Your Values

Being true to yourself means learning to respect your values and living according to them. Don’t let people force their values onto you. Just because people believe in being individualists doesn’t mean you should do the same. Just because someone thinks you are too young to find love doesn’t mean they’re right. You are the only one who knows what’s good for you. Sure, friends and family can help you find the right path. But you are the only one who truly understands your emotions and values.

But to live according to your values means to understand what your values are. It’s helpful to take some time to reflect. Sometimes, meditation and mindfulness exercises help. Even something as simple as sitting down with your eyes closed and focusing on your senses can connect you to your body.

You’ll be more in tune with your feelings, thoughts, and emotions. This kind of introspection can help you understand what your values are. And, as soon as you make a clear list, you can start living according to them. Then, let go of the things that don’t fit those values. Those might be people, objects, or your hobbies or job.  

3 – Live in the Present to Live Your Truth

To stay true to yourself, remember that all you have is the present. You can’t be living in the past, and you can’t love for the future. The present is the only time you can be happy and fulfill your dreams. Sure, making plans for the future is always good, and learning from the past is also good. But don’t get stuck in the past. And don’t love so that you can fulfill a dream.  

Every day is an experience and an opportunity to be happy. You can’t be satisfied in the present or the future. But you can be happy right now. So, if you want to do something, no matter how crazy, do it. You are more likely to regret not doing something than doing it. Let go of toxic people, even if you think they might be helpful at some point. Having them around is not worth it if they constantly bring you down.

The same goes for bad jobs or hobbies. Don’t do something just because it might turn out well in the future. For example, don’t become a doctor if you have a queasy stomach, even if you think it will pay well. Sure, the job is prestigious, but it’s not worth doing something you hate. Instead, always do things because you genuinely love them. And remember to be present. Do what you love, and never apologize for it. 

true to yourself

Final Thoughts on Reasons to Stay True to Yourself and Ways to Live Your Truth

Being true to yourself is never easy. It takes courage to be authentic. People will judge you and try to bring you down. But the thing is, people are going to do that anyway. If they are mean-spirited, they will be like that, no matter how “perfect” you might be. So, you must learn to let go of that and finally know yourself.  

When you are true to yourself, you have the opportunity to learn who you are. You get in tune with your emotions and desires. You can understand your purpose and what you want to do. Your life will be much easier and filled with happiness. To live your truth, you must learn to love and accept yourself. You need to live according to your values and stay present. Don’t ever do anything on other people’s accounts. Just allow yourself to be who you are and see how good your life gets.

5 Signs of Raynaud’s Disease and How to Manage It

Raynaud’s disease, or Raynaud’s phenomenon, causes blood vessels in your extremities to become narrow. This disease restricts the blood flow to your fingers and toes. These attacks occur when from exposure to emotional stress or cold weather. This misunderstood condition can be controlled with lifestyle changes. However, it can become severe, causing skin sores that lead to gangrene. Here are five signs of Raynaud’s disease and how to manage it. 

Two types of Raynaud’s phenomenon

There are two types of this Raynaud’s disease-primary and secondary.

Primary: This is the most common form of this condition. It’s unknown what causes primary Raynaud’s disease, but it’s not because of a medical condition. For example, you may first notice discoloration of your fingers or toes when you’re out cold. 

Secondary: This is a more severe form of this disease due to an underlying illness or other factors. Raynaud’s occurs in people with these conditions:

  • Lupus
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Sjogren’s syndrome
  • Buerger disease
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Crest syndrome
  • Polymyositis 
  • Blood disorders
  • Pulmonary hypertension

These diseases damage your blood vessels and arteries, putting you at risk for Raynaud’s disease.

raynaud's disease

Who is most likely to get Raynaud’s disease?

Anyone can get this disease, but some groups are more likely to get it. Those people most at risk include the following:

  • Women are nine times more apt to get this disease than men
  • It often shows up in teens, usually around fifteen
  • Family history of Raynaud’s disease makes you more likely to get it
  • People who work with vibrating machines like jackhammers, gasoline chain saws, power hand tools, or pneumatic hammers
  • Individuals taking certain medications like beta blockers 
  • People exposed to chemicals
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Trauma or injury
  • Cigarette smokers

5 Signs of Raynaud’s Disease and How to Manage It

Watch for these red flags that can reveal this syndrome.

1. Pale white extremities that turn bluish-purple

The first indication that you have this condition is that your hands or toes turn a pale white when exposed to cold or stress. You’ll notice how the tips of your fingers are extremely pale, but there’s a line below where your skin is a typical color. People may mention it to you because it’s very noticeable. The skin of the affected parts of your body turns white because the blood flow is restricted. 

2. Bluish-purple coloration

Once your extremities start warming up, they’ll turn blueish purple. This symptom happens because as the constricted blood vessels relax, the blood starts flowing again. Even though the blood is flowing in, there’s not enough oxygen, so your fingertips and toes turn blue. 

Some people notice other parts of their body have this discoloration when exposed to the cold. Regions of your body that can be affected by Raynaud’s disease include:

  • Ears
  • Nose
  • Lips
  • Nipples

3. Red, swollen extremities

As these areas finally warm up and your circulation improves, your extremities will turn red. They may swell, turn bright red, throb, or burn. 

4. Throbbing or burning pain

As the blood flows back into your extremities, your fingers and toes go from white to blue to bright red. It’s an excruciating sensation. Many people describe it as pins and needles feeling. It can be challenging to move your fingers or toes when this happens. Raynaud’s disease is a potentially debilitating condition. These attacks may last for minutes to hours. 

5. Skin ulcers

In severe cases of Raynaud’s disease, the lack of blood flow may cause tissue sores, skin infections, or skin ulcers. Left untreated, these are hard to treat and can develop into gangrene. Fornaturely, skin ulcers occur only in extremely severe cases of Raynaud’s disease.

What causes Raynaud’s disease?

Scientists aren’t sure what causes this disease. It’s more common in young people aged fifteen to early twenties. Women get it more often than men. It’s also a common side effect of certain vascular diseases for people who work with vibrating machinery or take certain medications. Stress and emotional factors also trigger episodes of Raynaud’s. First, being out in the cold causes your extremities to turn white and blue. Your blood vessels constrict. As the blood flows, because the blood lacks oxygen, the affected areas turn bluish-purple. The last part of an episode happens as blood flows free, causing sudden burning and throbbing pain in the regions. 



Why is it a misunderstood disease?

If you find that holding a cold drink or grabbing meat from the freezer department at the grocery stores turns your fingers white and then blue, you may have Raynaud’s disease. Some people think you’re just super sensitive to the cold, but according to the Raynaud’s Association, approximately 15 to 30 million people suffer from this phenomenon. It’s a painful disease that may interrupt your life, job, or home life. 

Of course, winter is usually the year Raynaud’s disease flares up, but air conditioning can also trigger it. If your fingers or toes get painful and your experience discoloration, you may have Raynaud’s disease. 

How is Raynaud’s disease diagnosed?

Determining if you have primary or secondary Raynaud’s disease is essential. Some tests can decide which one you have. 

  • Nailfold capilaroscopy: During this test, your doctor will look at your skin under the base of your fingernail under a microscope. It shows any deformities or swelling of the blood vessels in this area. 
  • Antinuclear antibodies test: If you test positive, you may have an overactive immune system. Think of autoimmune or connective tissue diseases. 
  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate: This test determines how fast your red blood cells settle to the bottom of a test tube. The quicker they settle, the more likely you will have an autoimmune or inflammatory disease.

None of these tests can one-hundred percent diagnose Raynaud’s. Most people have primary Raynaud’s. Few will have secondary, only one person in every 100 people. 

Can you treat Raynaud’s disease with lifestyle changes? 

Prevention is the fundamental way to treat this disease. However, you may need to incorporate lifestyle changes to help yourself cope. Lifestyle changes include:

  • Stay out of the cold as much as possible: Try to avoid cold weather, and bundle up when you need to be outside.
  • Wear proper clothing: Wear scarves, sweaters, or insulated gloves when out in the cold. Keeping your entire body warm (even your head!) will help keep your blood vessels from constricting and stopping the blood flow to your extremities. In addition, there are fingerless gloves to wear inside and gloves powered by a USB cable for typing.
  • Cut an episode short: You can stop an attack by waving your arms to get your blood flowing or running your hands under warm water to warm them.
  • Reusable warming packets: Hunters, sports fans, and runners use hand-warming packets. These work great for preventing an attack of Reynaud’s disease.
  • Avoid nicotine: Besides cold weather, smoking nicotine triggers this disease. Therefore, if you have this disease, you must cut back and eventually stop smoking and tobacco chewing.
  • Reduce your stress: Raynaud’s disease may also come from extreme emotions like fear, excitement, and anger. Find ways to reduce your stress,s such as relaxation techniques.
  • Protect your feet and hands from injury: Injuries put you at risk for Raynaud’s disease. Wear shoes outside to protect your feet.
  • Exercise: Exercise improves your circulation. Keep a regular exercise routine to decrease the number of episodes.
  • Take a warm bath: Take a bath or soak your feet in a bowl of warm water during an episode.

What are some other treatments for Raynaud’s disease?

Secondary Raynaud’s disease usually requires more than lifestyle changes. Due to the severity of this disease, mediation to prevent or control the attacks may be necessary. Some drugs also help dilate blood vessels to reduce the risks of the disease. Clinical trials hope to find the best treatment for individuals suffering from secondary Raynaud’s disease. Left untreated, this form of the disease leads to skin infection, gangrene, and sometimes death. 

Chiropractic care

Chiropractors say that Raynaud’s disease is the overstimulation of the nervous system. The disease constricts the blood flow to blood vessels and results in disease symptoms. Your chiropractor can adjust the misalignment in your spine to improve your circulation. These adjustments can also help reduce your stress which helps decrease the number the episodes.


Biofeedback is a mind and body technique. It teaches you to your mind to control your body temperature and control the constriction of your blood vessels. It’s thought that these techniques can help reduce the severity and number of attacks. It also uses guided imagery to increase the temperature of your feet and hands. The sessions also work on deep breathing and relaxation exercises. 

raynaud's disease

Final thoughts on Raynaud’s disease and taking care of yourself

Raynaud’s disease occurs when exposed to the cold, causing your blood vessels to constrict. Because the blood can’t reach your fingertips, toes, nose, and ears, they turn white. When the blood vessels open again, the lack of enough oxygen in your blood makes your extremities turn blueish-purple. The episode ends with these areas changing to red from the excess blood flow and extreme pain and burning. Lifestyle changes can help elevate these attacks, such as lowering your stress, stopping smoking, or learning to dress warmly when outside in the cold. If you think you may have Raynaud’s, try some of these suggestions to see if it helps reduce the episodes and bring you some relief. 

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