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Scammer Steals from Kid With Lemonade Stand; Community Responds by Raising $25K

Scammer Steals from Kid With Lemonade Stand; Community Responds by Raising $25K

When a scammer targeted an 11-year-old boy with a lemonade stand, the local community rallied to raise money for him. Jeremy, an entrepreneur at heart, operated the lemonade stand in Everett, Washington. In addition to lemonade, he also offered sodas, popcorn, and hand-spun cotton candy.

Unfortunately, a shady man robbed the boy of $85 when he paid with a counterfeit $100 bill. The local police said the man bought a few snacks and drinks, then asked for exact change. The culprit left the scene long before Jeremy realized he had scammed him.

The Everett Police Department shared a picture of the suspect on their Facebook page. The caption read,” Can you identify this individual who took advantage of an 11-year-old running a lemonade stand?”

The police department described the situation in further detail. The post said Jeremy used his entire allowance over the summer to set up his lemonade stand. While he worked outside in the heat trying to earn extra money, the scammer approached him and bought a drink. He paid with a $100-bill and waited to receive $85 in change.

“Jeremy did his best to wring all his allowance money to give the suspect $85 in change. After the suspect left, Jeremy went to the local gas station, where he learned that the 100-dollar bill was fake and was out all his allowance money,” the post read. “While our detectives work hard to bring closure to every case, this case struck a particular chord with them, and they want to do everything they can to get justice for Jeremy and catch this counterfeiter.”

When the community learned of the incident, several members decided to launch a GoFundMe for the boy. Amy Steenfott, Jeremy’s neighbor and organizer of the GoFundMe, set the original goal to $250.

Community Raises Over $25K For Boy’s Lemonade Stand

lemonade stand

Thanks to his kind community, the boy had ample funds to reopen his business. Over 1,000 people donated to help Jeremy rebuild his lemonade stand, raising more than $25,000. Their generosity proves that many pure-hearted people still exist in this world.

“Jeremy is 11 years old and quite the entrepreneur. He is a hardworking boy, running his lemonade stand, mowing neighbor’s yards, and shoveling snow in the winter. He has dreams of owning his own vending machine business in the future. I’m starting the goal at $250 to help cover his loss and give him some more funds to possibly expand his enterprise,” Amy wrote on the fundraiser’s homepage.

In an update, she said Jeremy and his family felt deeply touched by the kindness they’ve received.

“This was set up with the hopes that we could get Jeremy successfully set up to reopen his stand again. Needless to say, I, as well as Jeremy’s family are overwhelmed. Jeremy doesn’t know the amount of love and support you all have shown just quite yet. We are trying to figure out how to do this,” she wrote. “Again, THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts. This proves that there are so many great people in this world and we far surpass the bad ones.”

One donor encouraged Jeremy to continue his endeavors despite the setback. With the boy’s work ethic and savvy business skills, he will surely listen to this advice and find success.

“Hey, Jeremy! I think it’s awesome you run your own business and are so smart about saving money! Keep up the good work, and please don’t let one “sour lemon” spoil your experience. In life, sometimes we bump into people who do bad things and we can’t do much about it, but the one thing we can do is control how we react to it,” the donor said.

“So I hope you stay motivated and don’t let this get you down. You are doing amazing work, and we need more bright, positive, good people in the world just like you! I can’t wait to hear about all the great things you do in the future!” they continued.

Jeremy Reopened the Lemonade Stand, Thanks to His Community

Jeremy didn’t allow the scammer to stop him from pursuing his goals. In the first week of August 2022, he reopened the lemonade stand with a few new rules. The young boy sells all the same snacks and drinks but will only accept small bills from customers. Also, he makes sure to inspect them thoroughly before finishing transactions.

One kind woman heard about the story and wanted to ensure Jeremy never got scammed again. Late one night, she stopped by the lemonade stand and offered the boy a counterfeit detection device. She instructed Jeremy to mark the bills when he received them. If the ink turns a strange color, it signifies fake currency.

Hopefully, the counterfeit pen and safer business practices will ensure prosperity for the lemonade stand. Jeremy also plans on continuing his other entrepreneurial pursuits, such as shoveling snow in the winter and mowing lawns in the summer.

In an interview with The Washington Post, he said he would use the profits to expand his businesses. He also sends a portion of the revenue to his ancestral country of Ukraine.

The police still haven’t caught the suspect, though they’ve been following tips and hope to apprehend him soon. Jeremy’s father, Sergiy Ryzhonkov, encouraged scammers to think about how their actions affect others, especially when young children are involved.

“Look at your future,” he told KCPQ. “Where are you going to end up? These kids trust in you as you are [an] adult. You should [be an] example for them.”


Final Thoughts on Community Helping Boy Rebuild Lemonade Stand

When someone scammed a boy selling lemonade out of $85, the entire community offered their support. Jeremy had put every cent of his allowance into the lemonade stand and had nothing left. So, his neighbor launched the GoFundMe to get Jeremy back on his feet and help him recoup his losses.

The fundraiser exceeded their expectations, raking in over $25K in donations. While Jeremy’s scammer remains at large, at least his lemonade stand made a comeback. This heartwarming story proves that good always prevails over evil in the end!

Psychology Explains Why Some People Talk Too Much

Have you ever been around people who talk too much? They always seem to dominate the conversation and interrupt others when they speak. But socializing with an overly chatty person makes for an unpleasant experience. Even introverts like to talk at some point during a conversation. But getting a word in edgewise becomes difficult with someone who speaks too much.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that extroverts and others who enjoy talking have insidious motives. They may not even realize how their behavior impacts others. Gabby people sometimes have lower emotional intelligence, making reading social cues challenging. A low EQ doesn’t make them a terrible person, but it can hamper social skills.

For instance, if someone turns away from them or pulls out their phone during a conversation, they may not even notice. However, this behavior means the speaker annoys or interrupts the person.

Below, we’ll delve deeper into why some people talk too much and how to address this behavior.

Psychology Reveals Why Some People Talk Too Much

talk too much

1. They might have ADHD or ADD.

Someone who talks too much might have a mental health condition like ADHD. Characterized by hyperactivity and restlessness, the disorder may also cause overtalking to release excess energy.

Many people with ADD don’t mean to interrupt others; they might feel excited or nervous. Also, people with ADHD have a million thoughts at once, so talking can be a distraction.

Studies show a clear link between hyperactivity and excessive talking. One study of 99 children with and without ADHD discovered that these behaviors might start early in life. The research showed that the inattentive, hyperactive children talked excessively compared to the other group. Overtalking caused problems with their classmates and learning difficulties in some cases.

Adults with ADHD may show similar signs in social settings. Feeling overly anxious or excited may cause them to talk too much. Or, they might want to feel included in the conversation and make sure their voice gets heard. People with ADHD usually don’t like silence and avoid discomfort by overtalking.

2. Having Asperger’s or autism could make them talk too much.

While many people on the autism spectrum are on the quieter side, they can talk for hours about a subject that interests them. Since they struggle with nonverbal cues, they may not realize when someone doesn’t share that interest. Reading body language and understanding when to end a conversation is difficult.

According to the Autism Research Institute, common social symptoms of adult autism include:

  • Unintentional social blunders
  • Difficulty keeping up in conversations
  • Lack of emotional expression
  • Awkwardness in social situations
  • Difficulty detecting sarcasm or figurative language – takes things literally
  • Remembers small details such as facts or names

3. They feel insecure.

Sometimes, people talk too much to compensate for feeling inadequate or insecure. They want to impress others somehow, and overtalking can help increase confidence. For instance, they might embellish stories to make themselves seem more attractive. Or, they may tell jokes to gain popularity and ensure no one forgets about them.

If someone feels uncomfortable or lacking, they may seek external validation. When socializing, it becomes more about proving themselves than having a good time. However, people with low self-esteem sometimes avoid social situations entirely, especially if they’ve had negative experiences.

talk too much

4. Silence makes them uncomfortable.

Sometimes, people talk too much to fill gaps in conversation. They may not like silence because it makes them feel awkward or nervous. Or, they might think the other person will lose interest if they don’t always have something to say. Of course, silence inevitably occurs during conversations as people need time to process what the speaker says. However, these lulls in conversation could make someone who talks too much feel insecure.

5. They have narcissistic personality traits.

They may not have a full-blown personality disorder, but talking too much could point to some degree of narcissism. Narcissistic types secretly have a fragile self-esteem, so they compensate by acting more confident than they feel. They may also crave attention and control conversations by constantly shifting the focus back on them. While most people enjoy talking about themselves, narcissists take this extreme.

6. People who talk too much may feel lonely.

Someone who talks too much may not have many opportunities to socialize. Because they feel lonely, they might appear clingy or overshare to force a connection. While they deserve friends like everyone else, they may not realize their behavior pushes people away. Getting to know someone usually happens gradually so that desperation can send a potential friend running in the opposite direction.

Tips on Socializing With Someone Who Talks Too Much

Having an overly talkative friend or family member can become frustrating. However, these tips can make conversations more enjoyable:

  • Practice patience. You should remain compassionate, especially when it comes to someone with a mental disorder. Try to see things from their perspective and remember they are not intentionally over-talking.
  • Let them know how you feel. Perhaps you should be direct if your friend talks too much regularly. They may not realize how it affects you, so making them aware could encourage them to change.
  • Distance yourself from them. Sometimes, it’s best to let the connection fade than try to force friendship. If the conversations always seem one-sided, you probably don’t get much out of the connection.


Final Thoughts on Why Some People Talk Too Much

Everyone socializes differently depending on their personality, friend circles, and interests. However, when someone talks too much, it can make socializing or a conversation much less enjoyable. Most talkative people don’t realize that their behavior bothers others and may have an extroverted personality.

Perhaps they have a mental disorder that affects their social skills or feel uncomfortable with silence. They could also suffer low self-esteem and talk too much to feel important. Whatever the reason, overly chatty people still deserve compassion and understanding. With patience and honesty, it’s possible to have a fulfilling relationship with someone who talks too much.

Rapper Reveals How a “Hi Level Mindset” Helped Him Succeed

24-year-old rapper Cordae credits his “Hi-Level mindset” for helping him evolve as an artist. In high school, he started creating mixtapes and honed his craft as a hip-hop artist. He also learned about the importance of having a positive mentality. This positivity allowed him to succeed and eventually become a Grammy-nominated music star at a young age.

He gave a TED Talk recently where he revealed how a “Hi-Level mindset” influenced his career. Cordae said this mantra took him further in life than he ever thought possible. And the critically acclaimed artist is just getting started.

Cordae was born in North Carolina but grew up primarily in Maryland. Like most people, he encountered many challenges in his childhood and teenage years. But the trials of life shaped him into a successful artist by teaching him the power of perseverance.

He drew positivity from his mom, who struggled to keep a roof over their heads but always provided for them. She continually strived to improve their situation and remained cheerful despite facing obstacles.

“I want to tell you about the original creator of the Hi-Level mindset. And that’s my mom. She doesn’t even know it. My mom had me when she was 16 years old. She was a single mom with all the odds stacked against her. And yet, from an unbiased perspective, I like to say she did a pretty decent job,” he said.

“We lived in some pretty terrible neighborhoods, man. I switched elementary schools about five different times. I remember one time her car got stolen twice in one week. She overcame circumstances, obstacles, her environment, and negativity. As I watched, our living situations would continue to get better and better as the years went by. Now that’s Hi-Level.”

How a Hi-Level Mindset Helped Rapper Cordae Succeed


Even though Cordae credits his mom’s positivity for his Hi-Level mindset, she never taught it to him directly. Instead, he learned about it by observing her throughout his childhood. As she worked to build a better life for them, he noticed her resilience in the face of adversity.

“The Hi-Level mindset is a philosophy. It’s a wavelength to apply to your everyday thoughts and regimens. The Hi-Level mindset will be of great service to you, especially when things aren’t going as planned. These trying times that I speak of, or life testers, if you may, are what truly make us man and woman,” Cordae said.

He believes that by practicing the power of positivity, a person can take charge of their destiny. In other words, we don’t have to leave things up to chance or fate. We can actively change our lives by setting goals and living our truth.

In his TED Talk, Cordae discussed the four essential steps to creating a Hi-Level mindset. He also recalled the roadblocks he faced along his journey to becoming successful. But when he had a setback, it only encouraged him to push harder.

Step One of the Hi-Level Mindset (Positivity)

“Always remain positive, no matter what people or life may throw at you. Now I’m going to give you a little bit of background about myself. Funny enough, I was actually voted most likely to be famous in both middle school and high school. My goal was to graduate high school and to immediately blow up. But that didn’t happen. So I went to college and as soon as I went to college, boy, did life hit me hard,” he said.

Cordae struggled to adjust to college life, and his grades began to plummet. He also encountered issues in his personal life, and on top of that, his music career took an unexpected nosedive.

“What was really the breaking point for me was that I had released a mixtape that I worked on the entire summer and it had only gotten 200 downloads. Now my previous two mixtapes got 2,000 downloads, so I was not happy with the regression, to say the least. Again, this almost pushed me to the brink of quitting and insanity. But the Hi Level mindset made me think,” ‘Man. These misfortunes are just going to make my triumph story a lot cooler.”‘

“I used this as fuel to the fire, motivation if you will. It made me think, you know, life is just a book. Not every chapter is going to be perfect. But it’s about how it ends,” he said.

Step Two of the Hi-Level Mindset (Intentional Goalsetting)

“Always be intentional with your desires. Know exactly what you want. In 2018, I created a vision board — at the beginning of 2018, excuse me — I created a vision board. And I’m proud to say that with the Hi-Level mindset, within one year, I almost accomplished everything on here,” he said.

Cordae encouraged people to write their goals and read them aloud each morning. This keeps you focused on what you want to achieve and promotes a positive mindset. Once you start taking action and seeing results, you will feel more confident in your abilities.

Step Three of the Hi-Level Mindset (Self-discipline)

Cordae said that if you want success, you must become disciplined. On the days when you lack motivation, willpower provides the strength to keep going.

“Anybody who’s done something noteworthy with their lives all have one thing in common, and that’s discipline. Mastering the art of discipline will literally change your life,” he said.

He witnessed this firsthand when he gave up drugs and alcohol and noticed positive changes in his life. He took that as a sign from above to remain disciplined and let go of things that no longer served him.

“Now a cheat code to ensure that you’re staying disciplined to whatever you’re striving for is to prime your environment for success. Your habits are based on your habitat. And the main product of your habitat are the people in your life,” he added.

Step Four of the Hi Level Mindset (Remove Negativity)

That brought him to the last step of creating a Hi-Level mindset: removing negative people from your life.

“Anybody that’s semidoubtful or naysaying, get them out. If you’re talking about your dreams and goals and they give small, sarcastic remarks … boot them. Just an all-around negative Nancy? Kick them out of there, man.

“Don’t let someone else’s negativity cancel out your light, for it can temporarily get in the way of you achieving what’s owed to you. You are a product of those who you hang around. Let’s make sure we’re hanging around other positive, Hi-Level individuals,” he said.

Facing Setbacks on the Path to Success

Even though Cordae became successful by mastering a Hi-Level mindset, things don’t always turn out as planned. When some fans criticized his latest album, he started to doubt himself.

“I became unmotivated, I started overindulging in things that I’m not proud of. I was almost thinking about canceling my upcoming tour, I was in a very dark place.

“But then I heard this Yiddish proverb that A$AP Rocky actually told me about at a most important time, and I’m sure he didn’t even know it. It’s “We plan, and God laughs.” And that made me think. The Hi-Level mindset is not a recipe for perfection but a commitment to honoring your potential and what you have to offer the world. Don’t let your small failures make you lose sight of your bigger picture,” he said.


Final Thoughts on the Rapper Who Changed His Life With a Positive Mindset

24-year-old rapper Cordae reached his potential by harnessing the power of positivity. He had a clear vision for his life and did whatever it took to achieve his goals. Cutting out negative people, remaining disciplined, and persevering through failures allowed him to succeed.

We will leave you with this inspiring message about positivity from Cordae:

“The Hi-Level mindset is about doing everything that you put your hands on at the highest level that you’re capable of doing. Think of your life as a book. Again, each chapter isn’t going to be perfect. But how do you want your story to end? In anguish? A bunch of what-ifs? Or leaving a legacy? I choose legacy. The Hi-Level way.”

Men Explain 6 Signs of a Bad Girlfriend

Is your relationship healthy? Many people with bad girlfriends or boyfriends struggle with intense feelings of denial. When your head clouds up with love and affection for someone, it’s hard to see their negative sides or to want to stop seeing them. You may even overlook signs of a toxic partner because of your love for them.

Relationships are often complicated and complex, making spotting danger signs and red flags difficult. Nevertheless, it’s essential to be aware of potential deal-breakers, so watch for these six signs of a bad girlfriend.

Editorial note: We acknowledge that bad boyfriends exist; however, these characteristics comprise negative behaviors of some women in relationships. We address bad boyfriends in a separate article.

1 – A Bad Girlfriend Provides Streams Of Negative Feedback And No Positive Feedback

A little banter between partners isn’t unhealthy, and plenty of couples are happy with adding a bit of a bite to their flirtation. But that has to balance with positive things. Furthermore, it has to be mutual and enjoyed by both of you.

A bad girlfriend isn’t saying negative things as a form of playful teasing. Her negative feedback is often not constructive and is usually not proportional to the situation. To make matters worse, almost everything she says to you about you is negative. Here are some conditions that may apply if your partner is a bad girlfriend:

bad girlfriend

Finding Fault

She always seems to find something wrong with what you do. You feel like you can never live up to her expectations. She may claim she has high standards, but you feel like you’re fighting a losing battle. You might think that nothing you do will ever be enough.

The Relationship Is “Her Way or the Highway”

She wants everything done her way and seems to think she always knows best. As a result, you may hear phrases like “I’m always right” a little too often.


She talks negatively about you behind your back, especially to her friends. Her friends always seem to know your worst qualities and the fights you’ve had with your girlfriend. Often, the story is skewed to show your girlfriend in a positive light.

Lacking Accountability

She doesn’t like when you have negative feedback for her. So when you try to give her negative or even constructive feedback, she becomes angry or acts like you shouldn’t have dared to speak to her about this.

Trying to Fix You or the Relationship Into Something That Cannot Be

She wants you for your “potential,” not for who you are. Sometimes it may feel like she gives you so much feedback because she wants you to be the perfect boyfriend for her and that she’s not happy with who you are as you are.

2 – A Bad Girlfriend Is Not There For You

In a healthy relationship, all partners are there for each other. They’re supportive, help each other out when necessary, and care for each other in their ways. Many men naturally try to be there for the person they’re committed to as a way of being chivalrous, but this behavior shouldn’t be gendered! A good girlfriend will be there for you just as much as you’re there for her. Signs of a bad girlfriend who won’t be there for you include:

  • She never wants to help when you ask for reasonable favors
  • She doesn’t offer any emotional support when you need it
  • A bad girlfriend doesn’t support your dreams, goals, or passions
  • She implies that you need to “man up” or uphold other toxic masculinity ideas

3 – A Bad Girlfriend Controls the Relationship and Claims It’s Because She Cares

Many people associate controlling behavior with violence, extreme verbal abuse, or aggression, but these are not the only ways that someone can be controlling. A bad girlfriend is unlikely to exhibit such glaring red flags. Instead, most controlling partners find more subtle ways to make you do what they want.

Many men make the mistake of feeling flattered by a girlfriend who seems so protective of them. After all, studies show how men often develop a protective instinct for their partners, and it can be nice to be on the receiving end of that type of protection for a change. However, while there’s nothing wrong with being protective, there is a limit to that behavior, and it should never infringe on boundaries or lead to toxicity. Some common examples of controlling acts you may overlook include:


It’s not great for partners to keep too many secrets, but the solution to the discomfort surrounding that secrecy is communication, not snooping. Unfortunately, it’s become very normalized for people to snoop on their partners, going through their devices and spying on them almost stalkingly. A bad girlfriend will actively seek out ammunition against you and be jealous, possessive, and controlling while using that ammunition as an excuse.


Keeping you from your friends

It’s natural that, when you first enter a relationship, your time with friends will be slightly decreased. After all, you have limited free time and now have a new person you’d like to spend some time with, so you have to balance your schedule evenly. But a bad girlfriend will often not be happy with you spending time with your friends. She may openly disapprove of them, guilt-trip you for hanging out with them, or try to convince you to spend time with her instead. So, naturally, this isolates you from your support system.

Trying to change you

Of course, as a person, you should be interested in personal growth and improving your relationship. However, growing together – a research-backed way to ensure healthy partnerships – is not the same as one partner constantly trying to change the other. A bad girlfriend may have a fixation on “fixing” you or changing aspects of you so she can groom you into her idea of the perfect partner. This is a huge red flag.

4 – A Bad Girlfriend Takes Your Relationship (and You!) For Granted

Do you feel underappreciated by your girlfriend? Ask yourself when the last time she said “thank you” to you was. Does she frequently express her gratitude when you do things for her? Does she take note of your effort and commend you for your good qualities? 

A bad girlfriend often almost acts entitled to the effort that you put in. It’s as if she has naturally expected that you’ll do things for her, no matter how little she does in return. She may even become angry with you if you decrease your total effort. 

This should be a huge deal-breaker. While you don’t want to end up only doing things for a girlfriend, so she lavishes you with appreciation, you also deserve to receive appreciation regardless. A good girlfriend would never take you for granted and make you feel like you’re more of a servant than an equal partner.

5 – A Bad Girlfriend Hesitates to Take the Lead

A woman may not take the lead much at the beginning of a relationship or during the so-called talking stage. But once you labeled your partnership and dated for a while, it’s only natural and healthy for her to pull some weight when taking the initiative.

There are numerous ways that a woman may take the lead. She might:

  • Plan dates and takes you out on romantic outings
  • Flirt with you playfully
  • Give you compliments and express her gratitude and appreciation for you
  • Buy or make gifts that are either valuable, very well thought-out or both
  • Initiate intimacy and other forms of physical affection
  • Pay for dates and outings
  • Help you to tick things off your to-do list
  • Do tasks and other things for you of her own volition

Do note that you may not notice your girlfriend’s way of lead-taking at first if she speaks a love language unfamiliar to you. Consider how your girlfriend most likes receiving affection and pay attention to see if she gives you affection that way. You can also discuss love languages so that she knows how you prefer to receive affection and you know the same for her.

That said, it’s common for men to forget that they deserve to be wooed and courted, too. Don’t fall into the trap of feeling like it’s only “natural” to always be the one to take the lead. It can be exhausting to make all the first moves constantly, and a bad girlfriend will refuse to even the playing field. This can even make you wonder if she likes you at all.

6 – A Bad Girlfriend Is Dismissive And Plays The Victim

All the signs of a bad girlfriend have a minor caveat. If you believe your girlfriend’s heart is in the right place and desire to work on the relationship, you can talk to her about the issues you’ve noticed in your partnership. You can potentially overcome these difficulties and build a healthier dynamic with open discussion and good-faith communication.

However, that will only work if your girlfriend does have her heart in the right place. A bad girlfriend will not allow for such open discussion. She’ll become defensive and won’t want to hear you out. She may:

  • Dismiss your concerns by calling you crazy, downplaying their severity, or belittling your emotions
  • Attempt to twist situations to make you question reality by gaslighting you
  • Play the victim and act like you more hurt her until you relent
  • Act overly cocky and deliver veiled insults to decrease your confidence, such as saying she’s out of your league or that you should be glad she’s with you at all

If your girlfriend does any of these things when you bring up your valid concerns, this is the most significant sign that the relationship must end. You can’t keep a partnership going without mutual respect and communication.

bad girlfriend

Final Thoughts On Some Signs Of A Bad Girlfriend, According To Men

Men don’t have a lot of sources for emotional support, meaning they may not notice the signs of a bad girlfriend or toxic relationship for a long time. Even though times are changing to create more safe spaces for men, it’s a good idea to keep yourself aware of the potential red flags that mean it’s time to either have a serious discussion with your girlfriend or leave the relationship. Remember that you deserve a healthy, happy relationship where you’re appreciated and treated well!

100-Year-Old Vegan Runner Still Lives His Best Life

Despite the widespread misunderstanding that vegans don’t get enough protein, meat-free athletes keep setting the bar higher. Mike Fremont, a 100-year-old plant-based runner, proves that you don’t need meat to live your best life.

The oldest known vegan runner worldwide, he holds marathon records for the single-year age groups of 88, 90, and 91. He also set the American one-mile record for the 95-99 age group at 96 years old.

To add to his accomplishments, he competed in the Canoe National Championships at 99, making him the oldest contestant.

The centenarian celebrated his milestone birthday in February 2022 with a jog around his Florida neighborhood.

Fremont took up a vegan diet at 69 years old following a colon cancer diagnosis. Doctors urged him to have life-saving surgery, but he opted to heal himself with a nutritious plant-based diet.

“I said no, I was going on a diet!” Fremont told Great Vegan Athletes. “In two and a quarter years the tumor began to bleed, and I was operated upon. The surgeon looked for metastasis in 35 places and found zero. In other words, my macrobiotic diet, [which became] a vegan diet, [which became] a whole-foods plant-based diet, killed the metastases!”

In July 2022, the acclaimed plant-based athlete and author Rich Roll asked Fremont about his secrets to success. He wanted to know how the 100-year-old maintained his endurance and competitive nature despite his age.

When Roll asked Fremont what being 100 felt like, he said the last few years had been the best.

Roll then asked: “How are you able to not just run marathons and half marathons in your late eighties and over the course of your nineties, but also set world records? What is the secret to longevity here?”

“No question in my mind, absolutely, it is diet that has determined my existence. My continued existence and my beautiful health,” Fremont replied with a smile.

The Vegan Runner Doesn’t Plan On Stopping Any Time Soon


The vegan lifestyle seems to impact Fremont’s athletic endeavors positively. Fremont’s exercise regimen includes jogging five miles weekly and kayaking and weight training.

And Fremont doesn’t have any intention of quitting in the foreseeable future. With the encouragement of his running partner Harvey Lewis, he feels more enthusiastic about running than ever. Lewis, legendary ultramarathon runner and fellow vegan, suggested a 5k run with Fremont for a 100th birthday celebration. However, Fremont insisted upon running an even longer distance!

“I asked him about the Flying Pig Marathon and if he was interested in doing the 5K, as we have done it the past couple of years,” Harvey said. “He said, ‘I don’t feel it’s really a race unless we do 10K’ with a big grin. No arguing with Mike. 10K it is!”

Like Fremont, other athletes have noticed their health and performance levels improve on a vegan diet. For example, Phoenix Suns player Chris Paul found that a plant-based diet enhanced his basketball career and personal life. He recently made his 12th appearance on the NBA All-Star team.

“When I first went plant-based, it was for performance purposes but once I saw how my body changed and how I felt – it was for life,” Paul said in an interview with GQ. “Years ago, I probably wouldn’t have even gone outside to run around with my kids and all the other activities because my body would be aching. Now, with the constant lifting and making sure that my body is always ready, it’s been a good lifestyle change for me.”

Other notable meat-free athletes include:

  • Venus Williams – tennis
  • Colin Kaepernick – NFL football player
  • Scott Jurek – Ultramarathon runner
  • Patrik Baboumian – bodybuilder
  • Meagan Duhamel – figure skater
  • Derrick Morgan – pro-NFL player

Studies Show That Vegan Diets Can Improve Health

Research shows that plant-based diets may reduce the risk of certain cancers, such as breast, prostate, and colorectal. The European Parliament recently called on the EU to encourage a vegan diet to lower cancer risks. The proposal is significant since meat and animal products have been a part of European culture for centuries.

While plant-based diets could prevent cancer development, they have not been proven to treat existing cancer. However, Fremont seems to defy scientific explanations by curing his cancer with healthy eating!

In addition to reducing cancer risk, a plant-based diet can provide many other health benefits. One study published in Plos Medicine Journal found that a vegan diet could increase life expectancy by ten years. The research states that the diet enhances longevity by lowering heart disease and stroke risk factors.

“A sustained dietary change may give substantial health gains for people of all ages both for optimized and feasible changes,” the study authors said. “Gains are reduced substantially with delayed initiation of changes, particularly when approaching the age of 80 years. An increase in the intake of legumes, whole grains, and nuts, and a reduction in the intake of red meat and processed meats, contributed most to these gains.”

Another American Heart Association(AHA) study reported that a vegan diet drastically lowers heart disease risk later in life. The research discovered that eating a plant-based diet in young adulthood minimized heart disease risk in middle age. However, a meat-free diet can benefit health at any age, as Fremont proves with his remarkable endurance.


Final Thoughts on 100-Year-Old Vegan Marathon Runner

Despite his age, centenarian Mike Fremont still runs marathons, lifts weights, and kayaks. He credited a plant-based diet for his exceptional health and said it even cured his cancer. Doctors urged him to have surgery, but he turned them down and decided to heal with nutrition. Thankfully, a plant-based diet killed the tumor and restored his health, much to the doctor’s surprise.

Fremont proves that growing up doesn’t have to mean growing old. Following a healthy diet and remaining active can still feel twenty years old, even at a hundred!

15 Quotes to Remember When Leaving an Unstable Relationship

Leaving an unstable relationship is more complicated than it sounds, and you’ll need personal strength and support along the journey. When you walk away, it’s helpful to have quotes that remind you of the benefits of leaving. You deserve good things in your life, including a healthy relationship.

Unstable relationships are complicated, resulting in negative emotions that affect you long-term. The people in your life might not understand what you’re going through, and these quotes can help. Even if you have a positive support system, these quotes can help you overcome hard times.

An unstable relationship is hard to deal with, and a breakup can get tough to overcome. It leaves a scar that is hard to ignore, affecting you even after you walk away. These quotes from people who have been through it can help you acknowledge your feelings and move forward.

A toxic relationship is unstable, and there’s no reason you should put up with it. You deserve much more; these quotes can help you get through it. You’ll have times when you question your decision, and turning to these quotes will help you remember why you walked away.

Nine Signs of an Unstable Relationship

You might not want to admit it when you’re in an unstable relationship. Finding love and happiness with a partner can be fulfilling, so we ignore the red flags. Many people ignore the red flags until they destroy us, but we don’t have to let it get to that point.

You’re not alone in this situation. Don’t be afraid to leave and start over when your relationship becomes unstable. You deserve the world and don’t have to allow toxicity or abuse.

unstable relationship

However, identifying them can help you move on before things become uncontrollable. These quotes can help you maintain personal strength as you leave an unstable relationship and find a happier life. The signs of unstable relationships include the following:

  1. Telling you not to socialize with friends and family members
  2. preferring you to stay home instead of working
  3. violent behavior
  4. not doing what they say they will
  5. dragging you down rather than inspiring you to do better
  6. sacrificing your well-being for your partner’s benefit
  7. feeling like you can’t give anything more
  8. having a feeling that something isn’t right
  9. feeling consumed and dragged down by the relationship

Quotes to Remember When Leaving an Unstable Relationship

1 – “You don’t let go of a bad relationship because you stop caring about them. You let go because you start caring about yourself.” – Charles Orlando

Walking away from a bad situation doesn’t mean you no longer care about that person. Instead, it means you have personal strength. And you care about yourself and will do what’s best for you.

2 – “People hold onto the wrong person because they think that person has the potential to be a better person.” -Sonya Parker

We often remain hopeful that someone will change, but it doesn’t usually happen. Learn to accept people for who they are, and walk away when you know it won’t make you happy.

3 – “You cannot change the past but you can change the way you look upon it. So treat the bad as a lesson and move on.” – Unknown

Experiencing bad times isn’t fun, but you can overcome them. Don’t waste your time and energy trying to change your ex, as moving on is a more feasible option. Learn from the past and move on with the knowledge you’ve gained.

4 – “Love should not make you feel like walking on eggshells.” – Emma Xu

Feeling like you’re walking on eggshells is never a good sign. If that’s how you feel in your relationship, you should walk away and reevaluate what you want. You deserve comfort and security rather than wondering if you’re doing something wrong.

5 – “Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.” – Steve Maraboli

Everyone who comes into your life makes a difference. Some people help you learn life lessons, while others remain life-long blessings.

Leaving an unstable relationship requires knowing you’re better off walking away from some people. Not everyone in your life gives happy memories because some only stay long enough to teach you a valuable life lesson.

6 – “There are people who bring you down by just being them. They need not do anything.” – Malebo Sephodi

Not everyone is good for you, and that includes romantic partners. Don’t feel bad for feeling like you would be better off without someone. You don’t need a reason for leaving an unstable relationship because some people will bring you down no matter what they do.

7 – “Why do you think of him when you know he’s not thinking of you?” – Unknown

You might waste your time and energy thinking of someone, only to realize they don’t think of you. Do what is best for you and makes you happy rather than waiting for someone who doesn’t recognize your value.

personal strength

8 – “It is better for someone to break your heart once by leaving your life, than for them to stay in your life and break your heart continually.” – Terry Mark

Walking away from an unstable relationship is hard, but it’s better than dealing with continual heartbreak. Someone who doesn’t recognize your value or put in the effort you’re worth will repeatedly break your heart. Use all your strength to get through this one heartbreak, and you won’t have to accept pain from the same person.

9 – “Sometimes there are things in life that aren’t meant to stay. Sometimes change may not be what we want. Sometimes change is what we need.” – Don Bolena Jr.

You’ll meet people who shouldn’t stay in your life long-term. You might not want to leave them, but it’s better for your well-being. Don’t resist these experiences as they lead you to what you deserve to experience.

10 – “May you reach that level within, where you no longer allow your past or people with toxic intentions to negatively affect or condition you.” – Lalah Delia

Keep pushing through the hard times of your breakup to reach the level that allows freedom. You will find peace and develop a mindset that stops your unstable relationship from affecting your well-being.

11 – “Let things come and go. Stay calm, don’t let anything disturb your peace, and carry on.” – Germany Kent

Life isn’t always easy, but you must do what’s best for your sense of peace. Let go of anyone that doesn’t help you feel fulfilled, and then move on knowing you did what’s best for your life.

12 – “The person who doesn’t value you is blocking you from the one who will.” – Robert Tew

If you don’t let go of an unstable relationship, you won’t find the person who fits your lifestyle. You could miss out on the best romance of your life by sticking by someone who doesn’t suit you. Stay strong as you walk away because there’s something better for you.

13 – “We should fight for our relationships, but if fighting means ripping yourself to shreds and piggybacking all his demons, you need to leave.” – Tara Love

There’s nothing wrong with fighting for your relationship, but you shouldn’t have to fight for it or sacrifice your well-being. When a relationship causes you to question who you are and give everything you have, it’s not worth it. Let go and move on so that you can find what’s beneficial for your lifestyle.

14 – “Don’t stay in an unhealthy relationship because you think it’ll get better eventually. Know your worth and move on.” – Unknown

You might think you can change someone, but it’s a rough process. You likely won’t change the other person and continually be hurt and disrespected. Remember your value and walk away from a relationship that doesn’t foster your sense of self-worth.

15 – “It is better to break your own heart once than having someone breaking it every day.”   Kome, via Twitter

Staying in an unstable relationship can repeatedly break your heart. It might be hard to walk away, but it’s better than continually feeling like you’re not good enough. Focus on personal strength as you walk away, and remember that you deserve much more.

Tips for Moving on From an Unhealthy Relationship

Moving on from an unhealthy relationship can be an overwhelming experience. These quotes can help you stay strong during the hard times, but you can do other things too, including:

  • taking the healing process slow
  • reconnect with friends and loved ones
  • remember your worth
  • stop making excuses
  • write your feelings in a journal

unstable relationship

Final Thoughts on Quotes to Remember When Leaving an Unstable Relationship

These quotes can help you move on from an unstable relationship. It isn’t easy to walk away from something you hoped would work out, and you can get through it with encouragement. Let these inspiring quotes remind you why it was best to dig deep inside for your strength and walk away.

If you were in an unstable relationship, these quotes could help you get through. You can share these quotes with someone you know who struggles to overcome a toxic situation. It’ll help brighten the dark times of moving on from a bad experience.

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