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15 Benefits of Yucca Root Most People Ignore

Yucca root is a starchy, tuberous root grown in tropical and subtropical areas. This sweet potato look-alike is a staple food in many developing countries worldwide. Yucca is extremely drought tolerant and capable of growing in average soil, so it’s a great crop to grow in dry climates. Yucca root, or Cassava, sometimes gets confused with a plant that’s native to the United States desert, also Yucca, but pronounced differently.  

You may have seen this dark brown long tuber at your grocery aisle but didn’t know what it was. Once you learn these fifteen benefits of yucca root most people ignore, you may want to add yucca root to your regular diet. 

Is yucca root poisonous? 

Yes! Yucca root is poisonous if eaten raw. This tuber contains chemicals that trigger the release of poisonous hydrogen cyanide. Thousands of people experience cyanide poisoning from Cassava, another name for yucca root. Be sure to cook the root pieces thoroughly. Soaking and then cooking Cassava makes the compounds harmless. Even in areas where Cassava is eaten regularly, sometimes people don’t cook it thoroughly, leading to serious health problems such as:

  • Risk of goiter
  • Neuropathy
  • Paralyzed legs in kids
  • Low iodine levels
  • Weakness
  • Walking problems
  • Feeling like something is on your feet
  • Feeling intoxicated
  • Death


What’s the safest way to prepare Yucca? 

According to the CDC, the safest way to prepare yucca root is to soak the tubers in water for four to six days before cooking them. Then, follow these directions to prepare it safely: 

  • First, peel the yucca root.
  • Cut it up into small pieces.
  • Soak these pieces in water for four to six days. 
  • Boil until thoroughly cooked. 
  • Discard any cooking water.
  • Always follow the packaging instructions to fry, bake, or roast yucca root. 

15 Benefits of Yucca Root Most People Ignore

Add this tuber to your diet for these healthful boosts.

1 – High in vitamin C

Yucca root is high in vitamin C. Vitamin C fights oxidative stress that affects your immune system. This potent vitamin also helps.

  • Heal injuries
  • It helps form your blood vessels
  • Builds cartilage and muscle
  • Forms collagen in your bones

If you’re having difficulty getting enough vitamin C, add some yucca root to your weekly menu. It will boost your vitamin C levels and give you an excellent alternative food to try. 

2 – Anti-Aging

Resveratrol is a natural antioxidant compound that fights free radicals which damage your body. Yucca root contains a fair amount of resveratrol. Cassava regenerates your skin cells and reverses damage caused by the sun. It’s in some organic cosmetics. 

Adding it to your diet once gives you an anti-aging boost and makes your skin look great. 

3 – Low Glycemic Index

Your glycemic index measures how much a particular food raises blood sugar levels. Food with a high glycemic index causes blood sugar levels to rise quickly, leading to diabetes symptoms like weight loss and fatigue. For example, although yucca root is starch, it has a low glycemic index. Boiled potatoes’ glycemic index is 78, but this root has a low 46 glycemic level. As a result, Cassava makes it a better alternative and avoids causing blood sugar surges.

4 – Protects your heart

Yucca root is high in fiber which is particularly healthy for heart health. In addition, it’s high in beta-carotene, a natural pigment that gives this root veggie its dark brown color. Beta-carotene protects your heart from damage due to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress attacks your body’s cells. This stress on your body’s cells may lead to heart disease. Yucca root added to your regular diet may help prevent these adverse effects on your heart. 

5 – Yucca root provides immune support

Another great benefit of yucca root is immune system support. Eating Cassava can help your immune system fight harmful bacteria and viruses that invade your body. In addition, eating fresh fruits and veggies, including this root, increases your phenol levels. Phenols are antioxidants that help get rid of free-radical oxidative stress. Foods besides yucca root that are high in phenols include these sources:

  • Blueberries
  • Dark-skinned grapes
  • Coffee
  • Pomegranates
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries

 6 – Anti-inflammatory

Arthritis, an inflammatory condition, causes painful swelling and stiffness in our joints. Native Americans used this root for rheumatic and arthritic pain for hundreds of years. They dry the root and then ground it into a powder. The powder is boiled and drank to relieve arthritic pain. Yucca root contains manganese, a natural remedy for painful arthritis. Adding yucca root to your menu could reduce your risk of rheumatoid arthritis if you’re an older woman. Also, the antioxidants in yucca root reduce joint swelling from arthritis. 

 7 – Yucca root is a source of potassium

Like many tubers, yucca root contains potassium. This mineral helps you maintain lean muscle mass and elevate your energy levels. If you eat processed foods, your sodium levels may be too high. So it’s good to keep your potassium and lessens the effects of sodium, so it helps bring balance to your body. Getting enough potassium can help

  • Fight symptoms of weakness
  • Avoid muscles cramps
  • Constipation
  • Irritability
  • Maintain blood pressure
  • Lower your chance of stroke
  • Heart disease

 8 – Helps fight constipation

Yucca root has a soapy-like texture that’s fibrous, which encourages healthy bowel movements and keeps you regular. Combining yucca root with whole grains can also help, but be sure to consume small amounts and drink lots of water. It’s thought that some of the reason it works so well is that its anti-inflammatory properties create a healthy gut flora. 


9 – Cassava owers cholesterol

Yucca’s dietary fiber and magnesium can also help lower LDL cholesterol levels. In addition, fiber supports heart health. LDL cholesterol causes plaque buildup in your arteries which can block blood flow into and from your heart. By helping maintain healthy cholesterol levels, eating it can help keep the body running smoothly.

 10 – Healthy eyes

There are vitamins and minerals in yucca root that may benefit your eyes. These include:

  • Folic acid: Along with vitamin C, folic acids keep your body making collagen. 
  • Collagen: Protein based. Helps maintain your skin and eye health. When collagen production slows down, you’re more suspectable of glaucoma and cataracts. 
  • Vitamin A: The eye vitamin helps support good vision. 
  • Including this root into your diet may help keep your eyes healthy and help you avoid eye-related diseases. 

11 – Helps you lose weight

If you’re trying to lose some pounds, try adding yucca root to your menu. The fiber fills you up, so you feel full and don’t eat as much. Fiber also helps keep your appetite under control. Some suggest eating yucca root in the morning to start your day with fiber and keep you satisfied all day. 

12 – Gives you healthy skin

Some of the ingredients in yucca root promote naturally healthy skin. Everything from commercial skin peels to exfoliants uses yucca root for skin care. You may have noticed that yucca root is often a key ingredient in your skin products. Skincare companies use it because this tuber contains high amounts of vitamin C, a collagen-building ingredient in skin products. As a result, it guards against skin damage and prevents skin hyperpigmentation. 

13 – Yucca root heals wounds

Because one cup of yucca root contains about 42 mg. of vitamin C, it’s a super healer. This vitamin has antioxidant abilities that help your skin heal. Add yucca root mixed with various fruits and vegetables to support your body’s repairing of infections or wounds. 

14 – Boosts iron levels

If you’re vegetarian or vegan, yucca root could help you boost your iron levels. Yucca is fortified with vitamin C. The combination increases your iron levels when you add it to iron-rich veggies such as spinach or kale to your yucca root. Iron deficiencies are common for individuals who don’t eat meat. The lack of iron is severe. Some of the complications include:

  • Brain function problems
  • Poor immune system
  • Infant mortality
  • Birth defects

15 – Helps manage diabetes

When you eat resistant starch like yucca root, it helps reduce your body’s insulin response. In addition, eating moderate amounts of yucca root helps you watch your blood sugar levels if you’re pre-diabetic. As a result, you can manage your insulin without worrying about spikes. 

 What foods can you make with yucca root?

You can make a variety of foods with Cassava. Just be sure to cook the tuber thoroughly to release the toxins. Some foods you may want to make include:

  • French fries
  • Cassava chips instead of potato chips
  • Cassava bread
  • Mashed Cassava as an alternative to mashed potatoes
  • Cassava bread
  • Tapioca-you can find this at stores is made with yucca root
  • Gluten-free bread
  • Cassava cake


Final Thoughts on the Healthy Benefits of Yucca Root

Cassava is similar in looks to a sweet potato. This staple food feeds thousands of people worldwide. Now may be the time if you haven’t tried it in the past. It contains antioxidants, fights oxidative stress, boosts your immune system, and protects your eyesight. You may have seen this dark brown long tuber in the grocery store but didn’t know what it was. Try adding yucca root to your regular menu to enjoy some of its fantastic health benefits. 

Man Loses 340 Pounds, Hoping to Inspire Others

Pasquale “Pat” Brocco didn’t only embark on a weight loss journey for himself but also hoped to inspire others. The former celebrity bodyguard weighed 605 pounds at his heaviest, living on junk food and sugary treats. Since he traveled around so much with celebrities, he didn’t always have access to healthy foods, let alone the opportunity to lose weight.

However, a doctor’s visit was a stark warning when he discovered he had high blood pressure and cholesterol. He also learned that he was pre-diabetic and had a fatty liver. Doctors said Brocco could die in his sleep due to his weight even more troubling.

At the time, he was only 27, far too young to have such serious health issues. After hearing the grave news, Brocco felt determined to change his life. He wanted plenty of years left with his children and hoped to inspire them to become healthier.

How Brocco Started His Journey to Lose Weight and Inspire Others


However, at six hundred pounds, exercise wasn’t easy at first. He couldn’t even walk down his apartment stairs without getting out of breath. Frequently, he resigned to staying inside so he could avoid the stairs entirely. However, he had to start somewhere, so he focused on walking a little farther each day.

He also threw out all the unhealthy food in his house. Then, he walked to the nearest Walmart one mile away to restock. Brocco made a deal with himself that he could only eat when he felt hungry. Besides, walking to and from Walmart three times a day made it much harder to access food. If he wanted to eat, he had to work for it.

But, the strategy seemed to work since he lost about two hundred pounds in two years!


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Man Loses Over Half His Body Weight to Inspire Others

He had never walked six miles before losing weight, but it quickly became a daily routine. Plus, it made him appreciate food more and reconnected him with his hunger cues. Instead of eating when he felt stressed or bored, he only ate when he truly needed the energy.

While he still treated himself at times, he mostly filled his cabinets with healthy, nutritious foods. Quinoa, oatmeal, vegetables, and lean meats became staples in his home instead of junk foods. He also eliminated dairy from his diet since it seemed to hamper his weight loss efforts.

When someone loses weight, diet usually plays the largest role in their success. It’s a trial-and-error process to determine what foods work best with your body type. But, once you’ve formulated a healthy eating plan, everything else falls into place.

So, once Brocco created an ideal diet, he began incorporating more exercise into his regimen. He kept up his walks to Walmart but also joined a gym for resistance training. He started doing incline walks and eventually moved on to the weightlifting machines.

Brocco felt ecstatic that he could finally use the machines. When he weighed 600 pounds, he couldn’t fit on most of the equipment, discouraging him from working out. However, his success continued to inspire himself and others, motivating him to keep going. He knew that he could live a more fulfilling, vibrant life by being in good health.

After losing over 300 pounds, however, Brocco noticed that he had a lot of excess skin. He got down to seven percent body fat, making the extra seven feet of skin even more noticeable. So, Brocco decided to make an appointment with a plastic surgeon. He didn’t feel ashamed of how it looked but wanted to feel more confident with his new body.

 “Possible Pat” Proves Why You Should Never Give Up On Yourself

Luckily, the plastic surgeon felt so inspired by his story that he offered to do the work free of charge! After the skin removal surgery, Brocco lost another 30 pounds, putting him at a lean 260.

He took a few months off from the gym to heal from his surgery. But, he never lost sight of his vision to inspire others through healthy living. After fully recovering, he returned to his old routine and felt more determined than ever. He posted his weight loss journey on social media to inspire others, who gave him the nickname “Possible Pat.”

Brocco felt so confident with his new body and mindset that he decided to train for bodybuilding competitions. Not surprisingly, he won his first contest, along with many more in the future. He didn’t enter the matches to show off his physique, though. His main goal in becoming a bodybuilder was to show others what’s possible when you believe in yourself.


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A post shared by Pasquale Brocco (@possiblepat)

Throughout the weight loss journey, he looked to his children to inspire him. He didn’t want to give up on himself or his family. He wanted to be there to celebrate their birthdays and watch them grow up. So, when doctors warned him about his poor health, Brocco immediately thought about his children.

At that point, he couldn’t even lay on the floor to play with his son since he couldn’t get back up. Now, he has plenty of energy to spend quality time with his family. He said he hopes to live a long life and inspire many people.

It seems he got his wish, as he’s amassed thousands of followers on social media. He even appeared on “Ellen,” where he received a $25,000 check from the show and Walmart to continue motivating others. His story serves as a reminder that it’s never too late to rewrite your own.

lose weight fast

Final Thoughts on Man Who Lost Over 300 Pounds Naturally

When Pasquale Brocco lost over three hundred pounds, he inspired millions worldwide. He struggled with obesity most of his life and found it challenging to maintain a healthy routine. However, a wake-up call from his doctor quickly turned his life upside down.

After discovering that he might die in his sleep due to weight-related health issues, Brocco decided to put his foot down. He would no longer be a prisoner to his own body. Instead, he would take baby steps to reverse his health issues and inspire people along his journey. Hopefully, his story motivated you to reach your weight loss or fitness goals!

Science Explains 10 Ways Grilling Food Can Harm Your Health 

Firing up the grill for a cookout with friends and family is a favorite pastime. Unknowingly, you may make some grilling mistakes that could harm your health. Fortunately, you can do a few things to protect yourself and those you love. Here are ten ways grilling can harm your health and how to prevent it. 

1 – Grilling increase your risk of some cancer.

Cooking some meats at high temperatures creates chemical carcinogens. These toxic carcinogens cause cancer. The type of meat you’re grilling, how long you grill it, and the grill temperature determines how much and what kind of carcinogens accumulate. Certain types of cooking produce high levels of mutagens. Mutagens cause changes in your DNA cells. This change leads to diseases like cancer.

But what cooking methods create mutagens?

  • Pan-frying: This type of cooking leads to the highest mutagen activity
  • Grilling
  • Barbecuing 

Studies found that their urine contained increased mutagenic activity after participants ate meats cooked at high temperatures. 


According to researchers, colorectal cancer is the 2nd most common cancer in the western world. Eating certain meats increases your risk of colorectal cancer–like these: 

  • Beef
  • Pork
  • Lamb
  • Goat
  • Processed meats through smoking, curing, or chemical preservation

You can lower your risk of colorectal cancer and still eat meat by taking certain precautions when you prepare the meat. These methods include marinating your proteins in an Asian-style marinade. Here’s an Asian-style marinade to try:

  • ½ Cup Soy Sauce
  • ¼ Cup Balsamic Vinegar
  • 2 Tablespoons Mongolian Fire Oil
  • Two tablespoons of Minced Garlic
  • 2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice

Marinade the meat anywhere from two hours to twenty-four hours. 

Other ways to protect your health when you’re grilling include these habits:

  • Flip the meat often
  • Reduce the pan temperature
  • Or preheat your meats with the microwave

2 – Grilling at your cookouts can increase your chances of food poisoning.

Warm, humid weather and food are a dangerous combination leading to bacteria causing food poisoning. Bacteria proliferate on food in these conditions. As a result, more get food poisoning during the summer than in other seasons. Here are some tips when grilling out to protect you and your guests from getting sick:

  • Separate the raw meats from other foods to avoid cross-contamination
  • Cut up raw meats on a different surface than your other foods.
  • If raw meats touch cutting boards, utensils, and plates, wash them with soap and hot water.
  • Use new serving spoons or plates for your cooked foods. 
  • Once you’ve grilled your meat, don’t let it sit on a cold grill. Keep it warm, at least 140°F, or hotter. You can also put the meat into your refrigerator within two hours or freeze it. 

3 – Undercooking or serving raw meats can make you sick.

Cookouts are a great time to socialize with friends and family. But undercooked meat is an unwelcome guest. Be sure to cook your meat thoroughly. Looking at the meat’s color isn’t an accurate way to decide if it’s thoroughly cooked. It’s best to buy yourself a meat thermometer and use it to test your grilled meats. Put your meat thermometer into the thickest parts of the meat to check the temperature.

Here are the safe cooked internal temperatures of some cookout favorites:

  • Chicken breasts(boneless) 165°
  • Whole chicken 165°
  • Ground chicken patties at 165°
  • Ground beef patties at 160°
  • Steak medium rare-145°; medium 160°; well done 170°
  • Fish 145°
  • Hot dogs 165° (steaming hot)

4 – Charred food is dangerous.

You may love the taste of charred meat, but you should know that when you sear the exterior of your meat, it creates heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAAs). Regularly eating grilled meat increases your risk of cancer in different body organs. Plus, when you cook meat over an open flame, as the fat drips and produces smoke, it forms polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). These compounds connect to cancer. 

Can you grill and still avoid HAAs and PAHs? Of course, it takes monitoring your grill’s heat level and watching how well done the meat is. Here are some other things to avoid:

  • Use a medium flame, not a high flame, when cooking meat. This lowering prevents HAAs, but it still cooks the meat thoroughly. 
  • Don’t press your burgers on the grill, so the juice drips into the flame.
  • Remove all marinades and shake off any excess before you grill the meat.
  • Avoid using sweeteners such as sugar, maple syrup, or honey in glazes. The sugars will burn and char the meat. If you want to add a glaze, do it in the last few minutes of grilling so it doesn’t scorch. 

5 – Certain foods from your cookouts can cause high blood pressure 

Store-bought marinades and pre-marinated meats are convenient. Sadly, many of these are full of sugar and salt. These put you at risk for high blood pressure without your knowledge. Be sure to read the ingredients in the pre-marinated meats or the store-bought marinades. 

Opt for thinner marinades that contain naturally healthy ingredients such as lemon juice, vinegar, and herbs. Interestingly enough, certain herbs are carcinogen-neutralizing. These include:

  • Turmeric
  • Rosemary
  • Garlic


6. Grilling red meats too often leads to high cholesterol

Regularly consuming lots of red meat–a grilling favorite–isn’t healthy for you. In particular, overeating red meat leads to high cholesterol. It also puts you at risk for heart problems. It doesn’t matter if you grill, bake, or fry-eating saturated fats–it isn’t heart healthy. If you want to reduce cholesterol risks, increasing your vegetable intake and eating more fish to add protein to your diet is best. 

7 – Weight gain and more can come from enjoying cookouts too often.

Hot dogs may taste great, but they aren’t good for you. They’re full of sodium, fat, and preservatives. If you continue eating high-fat foods like this, it’ll lead to weight gain. Besides gaining weight, consuming hot dogs carries other risks. 

  • Risk of cancer: Hot dogs are red meat, plus many other things. Consuming large quantities of red meat may cause cancer, heart problems, and high cholesterol. 
  • Risk of type 2 diabetes: Hotdogs are processed using salt and sugar. 
  • May cause childhood leukemia: Some thought is being given to childhood leukemia and the consumption of red meats like hot dogs. 
  • May harm pregnant women: Cured meats like hot dogs can contain listeria that causes flu-like symptoms. This illness is dangerous for people with a weakened immune system, pregnant women, and small kids. 

8 – Grilling raises the risk of AGEs exposure.

When you grill meat at a high temperature, there can be harmful side effects. One by-product of grilling meats is a compound called advanced glycation end products (AGEs). AGEs are dangerous compounds formed when proteins or fats combine with sugar in your bloodstream. Foods exposed to high temps such as frying, grilling, or roasting are high in AGEs. Your body can eliminate some harmful compounds, but if you eat too many, you can’t keep up with them, and they accumulate. High levels of AGEs link to the following:

  • Inflammation (causes some diseases)
  • Premature aging 
  • Heart disease
  • Kidney failure

AGEs have a high oxidative potential. They occur naturally when sugars react with groups of proteins and fats. So, when grilling at your cookouts, ensure you lightly grill the meat. Follow the recommended serving temperatures listed in #3. 

9 – You may consume residual animal medications.

Eating meat from factory-type farms is dangerous to your health. This is because these farm factories use many drugs to raise these animals. Safety inspection management of many of these farm factories have detected a variety of drugs in violation of USDA regulations regarding raising animals for food, including these:

  • Antibiotics: penicillin and ciprofloxacin
  • Ivermectin
  • Flunixin: an anti-inflammatory drug

When you grill, you heat any residual medications in the beef or poultry. Exposure to high temperatures won’t neutralize the drugs but can make them more toxic. When you’re grilling, purchase grass-fed, organic meats. You can always opt for grilling vegetables–then you’re not at risk. 

10. Dementia odds may increase from aluminum (although research is ongoing).

When you’re grilling out, do you like to wrap meats or veggies in aluminum foil to keep them warm? Some evidence links aluminum and other metals and dementia. Studies show there are properties in aluminum that are neurotoxic. Exactly how this occurs is unknown, and it’s a controversial issue, but it’s a known fact aluminum is a neurotoxin. A neurotoxin is a substance that alters the function and structure of your nervous system.

Besides aluminum, neurotoxins can occur in many both natural and artificial compounds such as these:

  • Pesticides
  • Ethyl alcohol
  • Spot cleaning removers
  • Upholstery cleaners
  • Dry-cleaning solutions

A small but still considerable amount of aluminum crosses into your brain and accumulates there. This may cause significant health problems, especially for the elderly, small children, and people with kidney problems. 

Conversely, other researchers remain unconvinced of this claim, so the research continues. Until we have a definitive answer, it’s better to be safe than sorry.


Final thoughts on how grilling can harm your health

Cookouts are as American as apple pie. But, if you plan on grilling for friends and family soon, reconsider some of your methods. Avoid some of the most common grilling mistakes that could harm you and your loved ones. Keep your grill at moderate heat to avoid high temperatures while grilling, avoid pressing the meat down on the grilling rack causing the juices to drip into the flame, and never char your meat. 

Try using Asian-style marinades because they appear to reduce some harmful compounds that sugar-based marinades may cause. Grill fish instead of red meat or grill veggies at your cookout. You can make small changes to stay healthy now and in the future. 



Psychology Explains How to Forgive Yourself If You Cheated

Cheating is not a small mistake, and it’s not something we should condone. But if you cheated, you need to learn how to forgive yourself. If the act has already happened, there’s nothing you can do anymore but become a better person. The only way you can do that is through forgiveness and self-compassion.

Cheating is something that’s way too common. Temptation is high, and you might slip. That doesn’t mean you don’t love your partner. It can just mean that you had a lapse of judgment. Cheating differs from case to case, and every person reacts differently. One commonality is that guilt often crushes the cheater. But this guilt doesn’t help anyone.

It doesn’t help the cheater take accountability, and it doesn’t help their partner feel better. The best thing you can do is forgive yourself if you’re ever in that situation. Self-compassion is the only way you’ll be able to live with yourself and the best shot you have at fixing things.

Why Do People Cheat?

First, let’s go through some reasons why people cheat. Contrary to popular opinion, it’s not just because they are selfish and mean. Some do it for fun and even brag about it to their friends. But that doesn’t characterize most human beings. If you want to forgive yourself for cheating, you need to understand why it happened in the first place. Only then can you use self-compassion to heal.

forgive yourself

Emotional Neglect

Studies show that a partner’s leading cause of cheating is emotional neglect. In those cases, adultery is not just about intimacy. People who feel neglected crave to have someone care about them. When they cheat, they also get emotionally involved with that person. Why don’t these people break up with their partner to be with someone new?

If you’ve cheated because you feel neglected, you know the reason. It’s because you fear your affair partner won’t love you or the relationship won’t last. It feels like you’re better off continuing what you already have because that’s more stable. Plus, just because you feel neglected doesn’t mean you don’t have feelings for your partner. Chances are you still love them and aren’t ready to let go. But the lack of love you feel from your partner could make you distant. Until you fix this, you cannot forgive yourself and move on.

You Fall Out of Love

Maybe you are slowly falling out of love and not ready to admit it. In that case, you are much more likely to stay with the one you had an affair with. It’s also much more likely to engage in severe intimacy and show your affection through words. This doesn’t happen often, but some people even confess their love to the one they had an affair with.

You Crave the Spice of a New Relationship

Another common cause for cheating is a lack of variety. The idea that relationships should be monogamous is outdated. But it’s still the norm enforced by society. Still, that doesn’t make cheating okay. There are people out there who live happy, polyamorous lives. But the people who are too afraid to try it often cheat on their partners. So even if you are romantically monogamous, you still might feel like you need more sexual variety.

In those cases, people will resort to cheating to satisfy their desires. Again, this is not an excuse to betray your current partner, but the reality is that it happens. Cheating also suggests anger and a need for revenge. This is potentially the evilest reason, but some cheat to get back at their partner. Studies have found that, in those cases, the cheater is most likely to confess. That’s probably due to the desire to make the partner feel horrible. People should never use cheating to get back at someone.

Poor Judgment

Lastly, some cheat because they have a lapse of judgment. Sometimes, this is a fake reason to get them off the hook. If someone was at the club, saw someone hot, and cheated, that’s still a choice. Sure, it’s not the most rational choice, as the drinks affected their judgment. But it’s a choice nonetheless.

But sometimes, people get caught up in the moment and don’t think clearly. So, for example, someone drunk could end up kissing another person without fully understanding what they’re doing. Or maybe they were hanging out with someone, started flirting, and things got out of control. But, of course, the cheater could still force themselves to be rational in all these cases.

But emotions are sometimes so strong that they override all logical thoughts. Of course, this is not an excuse; you must still own up to your mistakes. You cannot forgive yourself of fix your relationship until you accept accountability and solve this toxic behavior.

How to Forgive Yourself If You Cheated on Your Partner


Whether you stay with the one you cheated with, with your initial partner, or even end up single, you must forgive yourself. Forgiveness is the only way to move forward, do right by the one you betrayed, and start a better life.

1.      Come Clean Before You Can Forgive Yourself

The first thing you need to do is confess what you did to your partner. It doesn’t matter whether you break up. Not telling them will haunt you for the rest of your life. Instead of being scared that they’ll break up with you if they find out, accept that they need to know. Even if they decide to leave you, that’s healthier for both of you.

Coming clean will allow you to patch things up with the one you’ve hurt. While you might part ways, you at least have a chance to stay friends. Or at least you’ll part on decent terms. If you confess and own up to your mistake, you do a morally good thing. That way, you don’t risk the possibility that your partner will find out from another source. Instead, they should hear it from you so that they at least know you respect them enough to confess.

This also gives you the best chances to patch things up. But that shouldn’t even be the goal. Instead, it would help if you did it because it’s the right thing. It also makes you feel less guilty and allows you to forgive yourself. Even if your partner doesn’t excuse you, you know there’s nothing more you could have done. That thought alone will wrap you in self-compassion and allow you to move on.

2.      Before You Forgive Yourself, You Must Take Accountability

One of the worst things you can do after cheating is to label what happened as an “accident .”Even if you had a lapse of judgment, nothing is entirely accidental. If you cheated because you were too drunk to control yourself, you shouldn’t have been drinking in the first place. You should have discussed things with your partner if you cheated because you felt neglected.

There is always something you could have done to avoid cheating and betraying the one you’re with. Taking accountability is a big step towards forgiving yourself and making things right with your partner. However, it would help if you didn’t let your partner walk over you because you cheated. Even though they were hurt, they don’t get to make you do ridiculous things.

For example, they have no right to forbid you from going out again. If your partner asks you to cut ties with the person you cheated with, that’s reasonable. If they ask you to drink a little less and stay home a little more, that’s also reasonable. You should do things to make up for the pain you’ve caused, especially if they decide to stay with you.

Trust is hard to rebuild, but if you have empathy and try to make things right, you can do it. If you decide to break up, you should still apologize and agree to what you did. Then, identify what went wrong and do your best to better yourself.

3.      Practice Self-Compassion as You Begin to Forgive Yourself

Self-compassion refers to the mindset that people are imperfect and are allowed to make mistakes. This mentality doesn’t tie your worth as a human to your mistakes. Instead, your worth is something you have as long as you try to be accountable and better yourself. It’s not about the error itself; it’s about how you act after the incident.

If you want to forgive yourself, you must stop beating yourself up over something that happened in the past. No matter how much you’d like to, you can’t take back what you did. You can only fix your behavior from now on. It’s even okay to talk to a therapist about what happened. After all, people sometimes cheat because they feel that’s their only option to be romantically fulfilled.

Even the cheater can be traumatized after these events. You need to understand that your feelings are valid no matter what. If you feel guilty and sad after cheating, you need to ensure those feelings are addressed. Don’t just sweep them under the rug. Take a few days to reflect and practice self-care. Sometimes, things like meditation to increase self-compassion. It can also help a lot on the journey towards forgiving yourself.

forgive yourself

Final Thoughts on How to Forgive Yourself If You Cheated on Your Partner

Cheating is a messy affair that has repercussions for you and your initial partner. There are many reasons why it happens, some more justifiable than others. Still, cheating is not something that people should condone. But we need to face reality and accept the fact that it happens. And the one who got cheated on isn’t the only one who will need to heal. As a cheater, you must forgive yourself and move on with grace and self-compassion. After all, life goes on, and the only thing you can do is become a better person.

The first step is to come clean. You’ll never forgive yourself if you don’t confess what happened. Plus, the constant anxiety of your partner finding out from someone else will eat you alive. It’s best to accept the consequences, whatever those might be, and tell your partner what you did. Then, it would help if you were accountable. Don’t try to pass the cheating off as an accident because it never is.

You undoubtedly did something to end up in that situation and need to fix that behavior. Also, remember that it’s your partner’s choice whether to give you another shot. All you can do is apologize and try to be better. Self-compassion will help you a lot. You’ll realize that all you can do is become a better person. If you take the steps necessary to better yourself, you’ll eventually be able to forgive yourself.

4 Differences Between Infatuation and True Love

Infatuation is something people often confuse with true love. But unfortunately, true love is not something people come across often. Everyone wants to find it, but it’s one of the hardest things to achieve. Still, that doesn’t mean you won’t ever have feelings towards someone else. It’s just that those feelings aren’t always what they seem.

It’s far more common to feel infatuation, but that feeling isn’t an issue. The issue is what people do with it. Instead of recognizing and accepting it as it is, they treat it like love. When that happens, you can start to create false expectations about the relationship you’re in. Realistically, you can never spend your life with someone you’re just infatuated with. But that doesn’t mean that people don’t try.

That’s how you end up getting hurt or even hurting someone else. It would help if you learned to differentiate between the two feelings. One will lead to a short-lived, albeit fun, relationship. And the other will lead to a lifetime of happiness next to your match.

What is Infatuation?

Infatuation is something people experience as early as childhood. At first, you get captivated by objects. You have that one toy you are obsessed with and never let it out of sight. You have that one book you repeatedly read that you can almost recite by heart. And then you grow older, and you start feeling attracted to people. You start liking a classmate and convince yourself they are your true love. Even though they aren’t, you still imagine your life with them. And your heart gets broken when those dreams don’t become a reality.


Research shows that infatuation does not possess the element of attachment and compassion required by true love. Instead, it’s a state that precedes love. But that doesn’t mean love always comes after infatuation. It just means that, often, infatuation becomes love. This evolution makes sense, as the definition of infatuation is an intense state of physical and psychological arousal. When you become infatuated, your thoughts become obsessive, filling you with anxiety. You’ll also make up scenarios that will most likely not happen. Finally, you’ll start worrying and overthinking, as you won’t get those thoughts out of your head.

The scientific literature hasn’t yet agreed upon a fixed definition, but those seem to be the most common characteristics. Still, they agree that everyone experiences infatuation, regardless of age or culture. If you weren’t familiar with the term, that doesn’t mean you’ve never heard of the concept. But you probably know it under a different name, like puppy love, passionate love, or obsessive love. But the term “love” is used in all these names is what throws people off.

Sure, infatuation is a type of love. But it’s not what people expect when they hear love. If this infatuation doesn’t turn into something relatively quickly, it will become toxic. You can’t be with someone you’re just fascinated with and expect things to go well after a couple of years. Either you won’t make it that far or end up abusing each other.

4 Differences Between Infatuation and True Love

Infatuation is a feeling everyone needs to experience. It teaches you the first things you need to know about attraction and love. But that’s only possible if you learn to differentiate between infatuation and true love. To make things more transparent, here are four differences between true love and infatuation.

1.      Infatuation Is All About Appearances

Dating is based on meeting people and deciding whether to give them a shot based on their first impression. So, it’s not a surprise that relationships start superficially. But these kinds of relationships are all about appearances. They’re about how good someone looks or how they act in public. But true love requires you to get to know someone deeper.

To fall in love, you must know and accept everything about a person. You need to know what things they do annoy you and how to avoid stepping on each other’s toes. But that’s not something that happens when you are fascinated. In that state, you only care about appearances. If they are good-looking and they seem to have a decent personality, that’s enough for you. This behavior is toxic because you overlook your partner’s negative traits.

You might have to put up with someone mistreating or abusing you. It would help if you learned that, no matter how pretty the cover looks, that doesn’t mean the inside matches. When you finally fall in love, looks won’t matter as much. Sure, attraction stays essential, but true love is more than that. You care about someone so much that they always look beautiful in your eyes.

2.      Infatuation Is Obsessive. True Love Is Compassionate

true love

If we could describe infatuation in just one word, it would be “obsessive.” All your thoughts revolve around the person who you are infatuated with. You always think about what they are doing and who they are with. This idea that your partner should always be on your mind is society’s idea of romance. People yearn for that kind of passion. But they forget that these recurring thoughts are toxic.

Passion can quickly become an obsession, and it often does with infatuation. It’s not just that you want to know that your partner is safe and happy. It’s that you want to know everything they do at all times. And chances are, you also want them to spend every living moment with you.

But true love never feels this way. You are not concerned with what they are doing at all times because you trust them. You never force them to spend time with you because you know you have enough time. If they are busy, you respect that. This kind of relationship is compassionate.

You want to see your partner grow and are happy you can go through life together. You don’t spend every second thinking about them because they’ll tell you their day when they get home. This connection is more mature and patient.

3.      True Love Is Respectful and Empathetic

Infatuation is often damaging because it’s about what you think and feel but never about the other person. You don’t even need to know someone; you become infatuated with them. Because of that, infatuation is very egotistical. It’s all about what you want and what you like, but never about the other person and what they prefer. So even if you get into a relationship with someone you’re infatuated with, it won’t be based on respect.

It’ll just be something you impulsively decide to do. You won’t cherish the person you’re with, and they won’t love you. Instead of being empathetic, you risk bringing each other down. You could end up with someone who is only satisfied if you act according to their image of you. And you’ll likely treat them the same.

But true love is only possible when two people meet and decide to build something together. In those cases, respect will be something that both of you value. So, you’ll work to have it in your relationship. Not only that, but you’ll be empathetic. You’ll find that you’ll be willing to sacrifice to see your partner happy. The beautiful thing is that they will reciprocate this behavior.

Your partner will also strive to see you happy, even at the cost of making some sacrifices. You’ll always feel safe and cherished. You won’t be anxious about where they are and what they’re doing. They respect you, and you trust them to give them freedom. This relationship will not be your whole life. Instead, the relationship will be an addition to an already satisfying lifestyle.

4.      Infatuation Is Not Bound to Last

We all would like to find the one we truly love when we are young and stay with them forever. Some people are lucky enough to have that kind of love in their lives. But most people go through a few short relationships before finding the one. That’s because infatuation is not a solid foundation for any relationship.

Marriage based on infatuation is probably the biggest mistake you can make in your love life. The marriage will likely end in divorce. And even if it doesn’t, you’ll never be delighted. Because infatuation is obsessive and gives people anxiety, it will always make you doubt your partner. You’ll never feel that you can fully trust them. This anxiety will make you act impulsively.

You’ll often accuse them of infidelity or lying. But, even if that doesn’t happen, other issues will appear. And you’ll find it hard to solve fights, as there’s a lack of empathy. But, when you find true love, all those issues will fade away. Sure, you’ll still fight sometimes, and that’s normal. But you’ll trust them and know they truly value you.

You and your partner will always solve fights because you know that, no matter what, it’s you against the world. You’ll always be a team and value each other more than your pride. You’ll even feel the dynamic difference because you won’t be anxious about losing them. These relationships will last because of all of these reasons.


Final Thoughts on Some Differences Between Infatuation and True Love

Love is tricky to navigate and even trickier to find. There are many types of love, and you’ll likely experience all of them. If you haven’t already found your true love, don’t worry. You have all the time in the world. Even if you’ve seen them, that might not be the case. You might just be infatuated with someone, confusing that for love.

Infatuation is a normal feeling. Unfortunately, it often makes people act irrationally or become toxic. Infatuation is much different from true love because it is egotistical and obsessive. True love is selfless, empathetic, respectful, and compassionate. That’s not the case for infatuation. That feeling is only based on appearances.

In that case, you could even ignore red flags because of how blinded it makes you. Maybe this connection feels like true passion, but it’s not sustainable. True love is steadier and more patient. When you finally find the one, you will understand there’s no rush. You have all the time to build a happy life alongside the one you love.

13 Traits a Creative Genius Displays (Without Realizing It)

You often hear the word creativity, but do you know what it means? Perhaps, you’re a creative genius but don’t realize it. People are fascinated by creative folks, as their minds tend to work in ways the average person doesn’t understand.

Look at some historical examples, such as Thomas Edison or Albert Einstein. These men were on a whole different level because their intellect was far above their peers. Where would the world be without the inventions of these two men?

Maybe it’s time for you to unleash your inner creativity and walk into the genius aspects of your gifts. The world could be waiting for your discovery to change things for the better.

Thirteen Traits of a Creative Genius

How does one know if they’re a creative genius like some of the masterminds? There are some easy-to-identify signs that you can’t ignore. Here are a few of them.

creative genius

1. A Lack of Self-Consciousness Is a Sign of Creativity

Many people get caught up in caring what others think. However, the open-minded creative genius is not this type of person. Look at Einstein’s classic hairdo.

It was chaotic at best, but do you think he cared what others thought of him? No! He was comfortable in his skin, and the world’s opinions didn’t faze him.

2. A Creative Genius Stays Optimistic

Creative masterminds often fail many times before they strike gold. Consider Milton Hershey, the creator of the Hershey Company. According to the Hershey Community Archives, he filed for bankruptcy three times before he finally sold his chocolate idea to the world.

These masterminds will stop at nothing to accomplish whatever they set their mind to do. They remain optimistic even when the whole world is against them. In most cases, they have the intelligence to do what needs to be done. So the actual challenge is to sell everyone else on their idea.

3. A Creative Genius Is Open to New Experiences

Being open-minded is part of the creative genius process. If you’re not willing to look outside the realm of what society dictates as “normal,” you will never see what could be out there. Picasso would have never made it so big if he didn’t have a vision for his paintings.

A creative genius strives to change their life for the better. They desire to experience the unexpected and crave something outside the norm.

4. Cognitive Flexibility and Creativity Work Together

According to Science Direct, cognitive flexibility is a critical decision-making task. It is the capability to modify actions in reaction to changes around them. A cognitively flexible person can see the world through new eyes continuously.

They can transform and go with the flow when things go in a direction they didn’t expect. Since they can easily switch from one task to another, their flexibility helps them with their high level of intelligence. Their minds and eyes are always open because they know the most incredible things happen when you least expect them.

5. Doesn’t Fit in with The Crowd

The creative genius has a hard time fitting in with the crowd. They’re outsiders who are often the source of much ridicule. They don’t think like everyone else, so their intelligence separates them from others.

Sometimes this person is accepted and shunned simultaneously, which can be hard to comprehend. They usually have very few friends, and they prefer the company of themselves, as most of these open-minded folks are loners.

6. The Creative Genius Could Care Less About the Destinations and More About the Journey

Does the fear of losing control bother you? Do you need everything to be in order? A creative genius craves uncertainty.

They’re very free-spirited and go with the flow. They don’t require perfection to enjoy their lives. Do you think Rembrandt knew what his painting would look like before he started? Of course not!

He just started painting and went with whatever he felt in the moment. Even famous painter Bob Ross would turn accidents on the canvas into “happy little trees.” People born with the creative gene are more focused on the process rather than their journey to get there.

7. They Make Lots of Mistakes

Though these folks have above-average intelligence, they make lots of mistakes. However, their open-minded enough to know that you use these blunders to grow.

It’s one of the biggest myths of the creative process t a person gets it right the first time. They try time and again, but they don’t give up until they get it right. Mistakes are merely stepping stones towards achieving their goals.


8. Diffused Attention

There’s hardly a person with this level of intelligence that works on just one project. Instead, the creative genius is open-minded and has several projects going at once. It’s called diffused attention, and it means that they’re defocused.

This creative person will go through times when they’ve intense concentration, but these states don’t last for long. Their mind quickly shifts to something else. If you were to ask this person about their method, they would probably call it madness or organized anarchy.

9. Creativity Thrives in Chaos and Disorder

Did you know that creative breakthroughs often happen in the most inopportune times? Most people can’t just sit down and write a song. Instead, it hits them during a situation or struggle that causes the words to flow like honey.

Take, for instance, the touching story of Horatio G. Spafford. He wrote one of the greatest gospel songs of all time, “It Is Well with My Soul.” Yet, this song about how everything is well was birthed through the most challenging days of his life.

He lost his business in Chicago’s fires, then his wife and children took a ship to London, and he had plans to meet them later. However, the boat went down in the Atlantic, and only his wife survived. On his way to be with his wife in another country, the captain told him when he passed over the spot where his four beautiful daughters died.

At this location, the song’s words began to flow from his soul. He had no idea how this song would impact people for decades.

10. They’re Not Motivated by Personal Gain

Some folks are motivated by money in this life, and others seek fame. Neither of these things motivates the intelligent person with immense creativity.

They don’t care about fame or fortune as much as they do about doing something that will change the world. They also have an intense need to fulfill their vision.

11. Always Active

The most open-minded people, with some of the highest intelligence you’ve ever encountered, are usually folks who can’t sit still. You may think this person has ADHD because they stay on the go and fidget around. Downtime is uncomfortable for these individuals, as most don’t know how to relax.

Here are a few things about historical greats that many people don’t know:

  • Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution was created while riding in a carriage on a trip to the Galapagos.
  • Mark Twain was unable to sit still; he often paced the floors. Still, he penned some of his great masterpiece novels while pacing back and forth.
  • Mozart never knew when inspiration might hit him, so he kept little pieces of paper in his pockets should he need to write.

For some, it’s their bodies that are always in motion, and for most, it’s most definitely their minds. It’s believed that when you move, you’re using kinetic energy, and it’s this energy that primes your creative thinking processes.

12. A Creative Genius is More Sensitive to Stimuli

There’s an old stereotype that artists tend to be more sensitive, which is frequently true. People who fall into the realms of genius are more susceptible to stimuli. They’re constantly measuring stimuli in their environments.

While the buzz from a TV might not bother some people, it can drive this person mad. It’s also not uncommon for this person to retreat from the world to recharge their batteries, as the sensitivities from the outside world can often be too much.

13. Creativity Requires Calculated Risks

Being creative and open-minded means taking risks. These people don’t care if they lose everything, as their focus is on accomplishing their goal. They’re used to ridicule and malice, and people think they’re off balance.

Their intelligence is higher than the average person’s, so they don’t think and function like the rest.

creative genius

Final Thoughts on the Signs of a Creative Genius

Perhaps you’re a creative genius, and you don’t realize it. Is your mind always working and thinking of the following invention or idea that can change the world? Do you tend to be a loner who thrives in chaos?

Maybe you have a high tolerance for uncertainty, as you thrive on being a risk taker. Perhaps it’s time to unleash that creativity and share your gifts and talents with the world. Now that you know a few things about how your creative mind works, it’s time to walk in the fullness of your abilities.

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