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Study Explains How Teachers Have Double the Stress of Other Workers

A new survey revealed that U.S. teachers and principals report having twice the stress of adults in other professions. Teachers said the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated their stress levels as they dealt with staffing shortages and remote learning. Also, low educator salaries and unruly student behavior increased their job-related stress.

The RAND Corporation conducted surveys of public school teachers, principals, and other working adults in January 2022. 2,360 teachers and 1,540 principals who work in kindergarten through 12th-grade public schools participated in the research.

The nonprofit research organization asked questions about five aspects of well-being in the survey. These included frequency of job-related stress, ability to cope with stress, burnout, depression symptoms, and resilience to distressing situations.

Why Teachers Have More Stress Than Other Workers

About half of the teachers surveyed said their primary source of stress included addressing students’ interrupted learning during the pandemic. Other significant contributors to job-related stress included managing student behavior and assuming additional workloads amid staffing shortages.

“Two-thirds of the teachers we interviewed reported taking on extra responsibilities during the pandemic like covering classes or taking additional students in their own classrooms as the result of staff shortages,” said Elizabeth D. Steiner, the report’s lead author and a RAND policy researcher, in a press release.

“Teachers told us that their dedication to working with students kept them in their jobs, even though pandemic conditions have made teaching more challenging. ‘Teaching conditions, not the work of teaching itself’ are what they find to be stressful.”

In addition, teachers had concerns about meager salaries and their student’s mental health. Steiner said teachers reported struggling with depression more than other professionals. They also had more difficulty coping with job-related stress compared to other workers.

Principals reported staffing shortages and the well-being of educators as their most significant sources of stress. They worried about teachers being out sick and whether they could hire enough teachers. The survey revealed that teachers and principals of color, mid-career teachers, and female educators had exceptionally elevated stress levels.

The researchers suggested that mid-career and female teachers reported higher stress levels due to balancing work responsibilities with raising families. For teachers and principals of color, racial discrimination contributed significantly to job-related stress levels.

For instance, the report revealed that 40% of Black principals felt people had different standards for them compared to their peers. 30% of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander educators said some people thought they weren’t United States natives because of their race.

The Impact of Teacher Stress on Students


Teachers and principals who experience poor well-being due to adverse working conditions are likelier to leave their jobs. However, those in supportive school environments have improved mental health and less desire to seek other employment.

Poor mental health among teachers can negatively impact students and school districts alike. First, teachers under immense stress may take more sick days or lack engagement with students. Inconsistent teaching makes the school environment less conducive to learning, and students may fall behind.

Also, students with physically and mentally absent teachers may receive inadequate assignment feedback. They may also have less challenging tasks, impacting their desire to learn. If teachers aren’t engaged, students may feel bored and tune out during lectures.

Finally, teachers may leave their jobs if they cannot cope with mounting pressures. Another American Psychological Association (APA) study found that about 50% of educators surveyed planned to quit or transfer schools. They cited physical and verbal violence as their main reason for wanting to resign.

The RAND report reported similar findings – teachers who felt incapable of coping with job-related stress expressed a greater desire to resign. Steiner added that not all teachers who say they want to leave their jobs quit, though.

However, for those who do leave, it creates a ripple effect in the school environment. Teacher termination impacts the morale of students and staff, making learning more difficult for students.

Teachers Need More Support

The survey findings suggest that employer-provided mental health support could reduce teachers’ stress levels. Also, better emotional support might increase resiliency and morale among staff members.

Unfortunately, about 20% of principals and 35% of educators said their employers did not provide access to mental health services. Others didn’t know whether these supports were available to them.

“For many principals and teachers, available mental health supports were not helpful or convenient or were too limited to address their needs,” said Sy Doan, coauthor and an associate policy researcher at RAND. “District leaders should avoid the appearance of treating wellness as a superficial or short-term problem and offer mental health and well-being supports tailored to educators’ needs.”

Even though teachers reported frequent job-related tension and mental health concerns, many still enjoyed their jobs. Most educators also reported having adequate coping skills to handle the pressures of teaching.

To reduce stress levels, some staff members reported wanting to focus more on their core job responsibilities of instructing students. They also expressed interest in fostering positive adult relationships with other educators.

The survey authors recommended district leaders expand tutoring programs, invest in summer school, and hire additional staff to alleviate job-related stress among educators. In addition, they suggested making mental health a priority and ensuring staff members have access to treatment options.


Final Thoughts on Study Showing Teachers’ Stress Levels Twice That of Other Workers

It’s no secret that American educators have highly demanding jobs that don’t pay nearly enough. However, most educators don’t get into the field for money. They do it out of the goodness of their hearts and because they want to ensure students have a bright future. Unfortunately, even the most dedicated educators can crack under the insane pressure of teaching in the modern world.

A survey by the RAND Corporation found that some teachers want to leave the profession due to safety concerns and inadequate pay. The pandemic also caused an upheaval in the education system, and some teachers had trouble adjusting to virtual learning. Staffing shortages also burdened remaining teachers with more work, negatively affecting their mental health.

Despite these complaints, many teachers still reported finding fulfillment in their work. Hopefully, better access to mental health services and more support from fellow teachers will help ease educators’ concerns.

Munich to Offer Vegan Options at Its Famous Oktoberfest 

People who enjoy a plant-based life are thrilled to hear that the famous Munich Oktoberfest will feature vegan options this year.

Oktoberfest is an annual two-week festival held in Munich, Germany. The 2022 festival starts on Saturday, September 17, and ends Monday, October 3. This fall festival began on October 12, 1810, to celebrate the marriage of the crown prince of Bavaria to Princess Therese Von Sachsen-Hildburghausen. The historical wedding included a public horse race between Munich and Sendling in a meadow. The founders called the event “Therese’s Meadow” in honor of the bride. Later, the location and the festival merged into “the Wiesn,” the name the locals use for Oktoberfest.

Millions of people flock to Munich to eat traditional German foods, wear Bavarian costumes and listen to traditional music. Of course, one of Oktoberfest’s biggest attractions is the famous Oktoberfest or Marzen beer. Usually, the beer goes with different German meats. But over the years, the Wiesn has provided guests with meat-free options. This year there’s an even greater variety of vegan options.

What are the vegan options at Munich Oktoberfest this year?

Whether you’re looking for a tasty plant-based snack or a full-course vegan entree, you’ll find a large selection of meat-free meals at Oktoberfest 2022. Here are some of the vegan options you can enjoy this year. 


Vegan appetizers

This year meat-free appetizers are trending at Oktoberfest. For example, you can choose a mini bread bowl with cheese soup made with vegetables instead of cow’s milk. Or, if you prefer something lighter, try their vegan soft-baked pretzel with a dash of mustard and a glass of cold beer. Other vegan appetizer options include the following delights:

  • Tomato bread straight from the pan
  • Vegan, organic pumpkin spread on warm plant-based bread
  • Potato, pumpkin soups with lemon grass and ginger

Plant-based main courses

If you feel hungry, Oktoberfest offers a variety of vegetarian main course meals. But, of course, you can’t attend the Wiesn without trying a plant-based sausage. Sausage is a traditional dish at Oktoberfest. They serve these with beer, mustard, and pretzels. Vegan sausage options are the Field Roast Bratwurst Sausage and the Beyond Sausage Brat Original.

These sausages have a rich smoky flavor. The chefs prepare them from beans, wheat gluten, and seasonings. Another traditional German main course with a vegan twist is the vegan schnitzel. It’s made with tofu and mushrooms. Traditional schnitzel is a thin slice of meat that’s breaded and fried. It’s a popular dish all over the world. Schnitzel typically comes from the meat of turkey, beef, chicken, or pork. 

Other vegan specialties at Oktoberfest will include:

  • Organic bread dumplings with creamy mushrooms
  • Vegetable-potato patties with tomato and apricot chutney
  • potato noodle dumplings. 

Cooks traditionally make dumplings with boiled potatoes and grated raw potatoes mixed with flour, eggs, nutmeg, pepper, and salt. They’re shaped and cooked in salted water. In addition, the Wiesn offers vegetarian parmesan pretzel dumplings served with Bavarian vegetables, herb sauces, or spinach. 

If you’re hungry for something more substantial, why not try vegan meatloaf or vegan burgers, or pea schnitzel? Side dishes to make your mouth water include vegetable rolls, potato gratin, spiral potatoes, and vegetarian baguettes. 

What about German sauerkraut?

Of course, no Oktoberfest would be complete without sauerkraut. In German, the word “sauerkraut” means sour cabbage. Even though it’s one of the nation’s favorite food, it didn’t originate in Germany. Sauerkraut has been the main dish in this country since the 1600s. Two thousand years ago, the Chinese first fermented cabbage in wine. It wasn’t until the 16th century that Germans tried fermenting cabbage. In the 1700s, large groups of Germans migrated to the United States, bringing their recipes for sauerkraut with them. Sauerkraut became part of American history, flavoring sandwiches and hotdogs across the country.

Besides tasting great, sauerkraut is super healthy. It contains nutritious vitamin B6, folate, vitamin K and thiamin. This fermented cabbage provides one-third of your recommended daily vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, and iron. Because of the fermentation process, it goes easy on your digestive system, creating a probiotic effect. For Germans, the tradition of eating sauerkraut means hope for blessings and abundance in the coming year. Who knows–maybe you’ll inherit some of these blessings at Oktoberfest when you eat the delicious organic sauerkraut strudel.

Other delicious main course vegetarian and vegan options include these:

  • Pan-fried veggies with tomato puree
  • Lamb’s lettuce on kohlrabi carpaccio
  • Quinoa on mint puree
  • Soy steak with caramelized onions
  • If you are lactose intolerant, try coconut curries, sweet potato chips, or vegan crepes. 

Does Oktoberfest offer vegan beer?

Of course, Oktoberfest is famous for its German beers. Most of the beers offered at the Wiesn are vegan. This is because there are strict regulations about what ingredients beer contains, limiting the use of animal proteins for the gelatin in the beers. Two plant-based brands that Schlenkeria and Beck’s beer. Most bartenders can provide you with a vegan beer list if you’re not sure what you want to try. 

Changing times changes the menu at Oktoberfest. 

The desire to provide so many vegan dishes is evidence of a growing shift in Germany. Typically, Germans aren’t eating as much meat as they used to. Even though Germans have always had a reputation for being meat lovers, today, the country’s meat consumption is falling. In years past, Germans ate animal proteins by the pound. But starting in 2011, a general shift started dropping meat consumption. It’s unclear what brought about this shift, but a poll study revealed that from 2016 to 2020, the number of people claiming to eat vegan doubled in Germany, accounting for 3.2% of the overall population. With these statistics, no wonder Oktoberfest offers so many vegan options for visitors and locals alike.

Interestingly, Germany is one of the few European countries where veganism google searches haven’t seen a sharp drop in 2022. Germany is is second most popular vegan food. It has a reputation for its meat-substitute and plant-based industries. Austria, Germany’s southern neighbor, offers many vegan-friendly food options, even vegan strudel. Besides this, German cities are now the favored vegan dating hotspots. 

German names for Oktoberfest’s most popular foods

No problem if you don’t speak German when you go to the Wiesn. Here’s a crash course on the German names of different foods you’ll find at the festival. You can ask for vegan or vegetarian versions of these foods. 

  • Brezn: This is the word for pretzels. These soft, salty Bavarian twisted bread snacks are delicious and perfect with a mug of cold beer. Ask for Brezn vegan for the meat-free option. 
  • Wiener schnitzel: In German, the “w” is pronounced like an English “v.” However, this venue offers a soy schnitzel alternative to the traditional meat. It is a delicious option for plant-based eating. 
  • Spaetzle: This pasta is a side dish with gravy or cheese sauce. Ask for the vegan spaetzle topped with caramelized onions. 
  • Kartoffeln: The potato is one of German’s favorite vegetables. At Oktoberfest, you’ll find potato pancakes, potato dumplings, and potato salad. 
  • Radieschen: Radishes don’t get invited to many American festivals, but at Oktoberfest, radieschen are salty little side notes added to different dishes. These vegetables are the perfect balance for rich meats and cheese dishes. You’ll find radishes spiraled, sliced, and mixed with chives. 
  • Bier: Of course, all these favorite German foods taste best with bier. Most of the bier at Oktoberfest is vegan. So grab a frosty Bavarian bier. 

 Learn important Bavarian greetings

  • Servus; This is an informal Bavarian greeting before you arrive at Oktoberfest. 
  • Dirndl and Lederhosen: This is the traditional clothing you wear to Oktoberfest. Dirndl is a peasant style of dress with an apron worn by women. Men wear Lederhosen or leather trousers or shorts.
  • Oans, zwoa, drei, g’suffa!: These are traditional dinking yells that translate to “one, two, three, drink!” 
  • Prost: It means cheers. 
  • O’zapft is!: According to tradition, you can’t drink beer until the Mayor of Munich shouts this phrase. It means, “it’s tapped.” 
  • Pfiat di!:-This classic Bavarian goodbye means something like “May God protect you” in German. 

Closing ceremony and program of Oktoberfest in Munich

Most Oktoberfest goers will tell you that the closing ceremony is magnificent. On the last night, the Oktoberfest closing ceremony is a candle-lit event held in the famous Hacker-Pschorr tent. The lights dim, and everyone lights sparklers and sings together. If you’re interested in the program, here is this year’s 2022 Oktoberfest program of events. 

plant-based vegan

Final thoughts on Munich Oktoberfest’s new vegan options

If you’re eager to try some of Oktoberfest’s delicious vegan options, it’s not too late to plan your trip. This two-week annual festival in Munich, Germany, attracts millions of people from all over the world. People come to eat traditional foods, try on Bavarian costumes, and enjoy the many attractions. There are more vegetarian and vegan options this year than in years past. Whether you want to try a meat-free German dumpling, vegan schnitzel, or a glass of cold vegan beer, you’ll find plant-based offerings throughout the festival grounds. Anybody who wants to eat meat-free this year at Oktoberfest will have no trouble finding various meat-free snacks, main courses, and drinks.

7 Ways Journaling Can Open Your Mind

Here are seven reasons for writing in a positivity journal.

Do you know anyone who hoards? They fill their homes to the brim with everything imaginable, and navigating through these spaces becomes challenging. Sifting through your mind can feel much like this, but you need to find a way to open your mind and clear the clutter. It makes for excellent problem-solving. A positivity journal is a tool that can help you dig through all the useless things and eliminate the toxic stuff.

Do you feel like your mind is overloaded and cannot handle one more thing? You’re not alone in these feelings. Technology has caused a great deal of mental clutter, and this chaos negatively affects your physical and psychological well-being.

All day long, you’re spoon-fed information. Perhaps you hear coworkers gossiping in another cubicle, or you overhear a news clip about all the troubles in the world. All the things you ingest cause noise and confusion in your mind, prohibiting you from living a more meaningful life.

How Journaling Can Open Your Mind and Facilitate Problem-Solving

Thankfully, a positivity journal can help you open your mind, free the toxic stuff, and even be beneficial in problem-solving. There are six kinds of mental clutter that you must get rid of from your body, and they include:

  • Negative self-talk
  • Multitasking
  • Worry
  • Fear
  • Guilt
  • Regret

open your mind

Which of these are you struggling with right now? Perhaps you need effective ways to deal with all the madness and don’t know what to do. When you sit down and journal, you help to improve your moods and balance your mental well-being. Here are some simple ways journaling allows you to be more open-minded.

1. When You Open Your Mind, You Improve Your Self-Awareness

Do you ever wonder what makes you tick? How can you go through this crazy world around you and make it each day? Journaling will help you improve your knowledge of what’s going on inside. It will also help you to become aware of how you’re coping.

Self-awareness is an essential part of being in touch with your mental health. It can be painful to dig deep inside and sort out all this mental clutter. The good news is that once you tear it all out and examine the contents, it’s then that you can put it back together or fix it.

Have you ever received a notice from the water company saying your pipes are leaky? You might not even know that there’s water escaping, but it’s undoubtedly affecting your bill. A plumber goes in with special tools and examines the pipes to find where you’re losing water.

Journaling is like that special equipment that helps you become more self-aware and identify the issues. When your thoughts and emotions are all over the place, journaling can help you determine where these feelings are coming from and identify and fix the root cause. You’ll be able to open your mind and see deep inside yourself to get to the crux of your issues.

2. The Process of Problem-Solving Calms You

Did you have a diary as a kid? When you write “Dear Diary” on paper, this book suddenly becomes your trusted friend. Journal is the same as having lunch and chatting with your buddy.

You can get all the things off your chest that are bothering you and open your mind to hear other opinions and views. Friends are the best at problem-solving, so you turn to them in times of trouble. Sadly, people aren’t always available when you need them, as they’re busy too.

A journal is a friend that’s always ready when you need them. It lets you offload all the stuff that’s bothering you, and you’ll feel lighter and free of your problems and worries. A study in the National Library of Medicine found that focusing on emotional expression, which journaling allows, is helpful. So in many ways, it’s just like having a trusted friend by your side.

3. You Recognize What’s Going on with Yourself When You Open Your Mind in a Positivity Journal

When you go to the doctor, you have something wrong. You present with symptoms, but they don’t know the issue until they run some tests. Think of journaling as a testing procedure or a problem-solving activity. It helps make you aware of what’s going on that’s causing things to be off.

Your thoughts and emotions can be powerful things to manage, and sometimes you’re not fully aware of everything in your mind. When you begin to recognize what the problem is inside, it’s then that you can start to heal it. Each person has a lot of stuff going on in the background of their life, or “white noise.”

You don’t realize how much this affects you until you uncover it. People learn to tune out this noise and push it to the side so that they can keep on going. Journaling is a mindful activity that allows you to connect with yourself.


4. When You Open Your Mind, You Can Clarify Your Thinking

Your brain is wired for negativity by default, as it’s much easier to be negative in this world than positive. Your journal can be used as a buffer to counteract your bias to be pessimistic. You can be more open-minded and start the task of rewiring your brain to be more positive.

Now, understand this can be a significant undertaking, such as cutting a new path in the forest, but it’s worth the effort. Think of the journal as the hacksaw and the pen as the scythe to help you to get through the brambles and clear your way to positivity. When you open your mind to seeing the positive things around you, it will improve your gratitude.

The benefits of positive thinking are remarkable. According to the Mayo Clinic, those who keep on the sunny side enjoy the following benefits:

  • Lower rates of anxiety and depression
  • Better resistance to sickness
  • Longer life
  • Better health, including cardiovascular
  • Lower risk of infections
  • Better coping abilities from stress

Of all the problem-solving methods you can do alone, journaling is one of the best. It can help you change and become the person you want to be.

5. An Open Mind Is More Rational

Do you struggle with black-and-white thinking and completely ignore that there can be a middle ground or shade of gray? This is not an uncommon thing among people who catastrophize things. You’re being overly self-critical, which is often an action brought on by stress.

When you grab a pen and your journal and start writing down everything that bothers you, it helps you rationalize. Have you ever thought about something inside, but it seems silly when you say it to someone else? Your journal can be the sounding board that can help you see the foolish things and those that warrant worry.

Your journal allows you to be more open-minded and see other viewpoints. Isn’t it amazing how getting things from the inside to the outside can do this for you? Plus, it’s one of the best problem-solving methods you can do yourself. Are you ready to open your mind and start journaling?

6. Achieve Your Goal by Being More Organized

Sometimes you have many thoughts about things you want to do, but they’re never ideas you want to share with others. They might not understand you or think it’s just another pipe dream. What if you wanted to delve into meditation, exercise, do more self-care, or give back to others?

Your journal is a great place to write down all these open-minded thoughts that have not yet come to fruition. Maybe you need help structuring your day to fit in such activities. You can open your mind and use problem-solving techniques to make you a better person. Your journal is a safe place to create goals and celebrate your achievements.

7. Taps into Your Self-Conscious

When you open your mind for the sake of problem-solving, it can be quite a journey. Everybody has stuff in the background that affects you, whether you admit it or not. Something from your past may be bothering you, or you’re under a great deal of stress that makes you more vulnerable to emotional outbursts.

Journaling is a great activity that helps you uncover your subconscious. It enables you to be more open-minded and identify that background noise is causing pain. Everything you ingest daily affects you, and you may not realize the effect until it comes pouring out suddenly or unexpectedly at the most inopportune times.

Being more self-conscious helps you to open yourself more to understand your state of being. The goal of getting things out on paper is to bring your subconscious into your consciousness, making you more open-minded and able to process better.

open your mind

Final Thoughts on Ways to Open Your Mind with Journaling

Journaling is an easy activity with many proven benefits. It can open your mind to explore what’s happening deep inside, help you with problem-solving, and increase your gratitude. So get all the negativity and toxic thoughts out of your mind and shake free from those pessimistic ties that bind you by using a positivity journal.

12 Reasons to Never Hate Your Body

It’s natural to get caught up in how you think your body should look rather than celebrate your individuality. Many people use body-shaming because they see themselves through Hollywood’s lenses. When you hate your body, you’re not celebrating your unique qualities.

Even if you tried to be the coveted size, genetics would play a big part in your appearance. Wouldn’t it be nice if every woman had plump lips, a round booty, tan skin, and the perfect little button nose? It’s unrealistic to think that this is how everyone should look, as it doesn’t celebrate diversity.

Just because you don’t have the characteristics that society finds desirable at the moment, doesn’t mean your body isn’t lovable. Being true to yourself and loving the skin you’re in is undoubtedly something to honor.

Twelve Reasons Why You Should Not Hate Your Body

Having healthy self-esteem starts with kicking body-shaming to the curb. You can’t love yourself when you hate your body. Here are some reasons you need to celebrate your individuality and fall in love with what you’ve been given.

hate your body

1. Your Body is a Work of Art

Picasso couldn’t have painted a better picture than you. Look at the beauty all around you. What would life be without a rose, carnation, wisteria, or daisy?

Each of these flowers has unique smells, characteristics, and beauty that make them spectacular. Can you imagine a flower garden without a rose? Of course not.

Remember that your individuality brings something unique to this life, and without you, the work of art in your family tree wouldn’t be nearly as colorful.

2. It’s a Temple for Your Soul

Man is comprised of body, mind, and spirit. Your body was essentially created to house your soul. In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, it states that your body was designed to accommodate the spirit of God, and you’re not your own. It further says that you were bought with a price. Whether you’re Christian, Buddhist, or some other religion doesn’t matter, as it’s the principle.

This passage reminds you that there’s so much more to you than your hair color or weight. You were created to be a temple. So when you hate your body and engage in body-shaming, you deny the supernatural forces that created you for spiritual aspects.

3. Your Value Doesn’t Decrease

If you know anything about assets and investments, you know they either appreciate or depreciate. The wonderful thing about you is that your value doesn’t go up and down. You were a treasure the moment you came from your mother’s womb, and you will remain a gem all your days.

You may lose and gain weight ten times throughout your life, as well as lose and gain monetary items, but your value remains the same. So why engage in body-shaming as you should know your worth?

4. No Two People Are the Same

You may be short/tall, skinny/thick, muscular/skeletal, and have wrinkles and scars. However, these are just physical characteristics that don’t matter much in the grand scheme. Consider the snowflake.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, snowflakes get their individuality because they all follow slightly different paths from the sky to the ground. Your course isn’t the same as someone else’s, which creates your diversity. Celebrate these things, and don’t engage in body-shaming. Your path was chosen for you, and it’s unique.

5. Your Body is the Stuff of Stars

It may sound bizarre, but did you know that your very existence can be traced back to the start of time? Humans were made when the stars were created and all matter on earth. If this sounds a little far-fetched, there’s scientific research to back it.

According to Science, astronomers evaluated human beings alongside the galaxy. The results were uncanny as they showed a 97 percent correlation between the two. Ironically, humans share the most similar elements with the stars.

Isn’t that something worthy of excitement? You’re made with the same material that makes the stars beam in the sky? So you have no reason but to shine.

6. Looks are Transitory

You’re constantly changing and evolving. You won’t look the same at forty as when you were twenty years old.

As you grow and mature, you realize that what’s on the inside matters much more than what’s on the outside. Hold on if you dislike your appearance and hate your body. It’s going to alter as you age. It’s better to embrace the changes and that you’re still alive and kicking.


7. You’re a Life-Giver

Men and women both participate in the beautiful part of creating a life. A woman’s body is used to carry that baby to term and deliver it into the world. Can you think of a more fabulous job than to be the bearer of life?

How can you hate your body that brought your children into the world or helped their creation? Anything that could go through all those changes and pain to bring forth new life must be spectacular.

8. You Only Get One Body

From the time you’re born until you take your last breath, you will spend your life in the body you’ve been given. Wouldn’t it be silly to hate your body and don’t engage in self-care? If you don’t love yourself, then how can you expect anyone else to either?

It’s time to celebrate your weaknesses and strengths. You may not like your hair, teeth, or legs, but don’t focus on the things you dislike. Instead, turn your focus toward the things you do.

Do you have a dazzling smile, a heart that loves deeply, and stunning eyes? Then focus on the positive things and not the negative ones.

9. Body-shaming Causes You to Hate Other Things Too

Humans are complex beings. If you feel too big or ugly, it makes your mood off. While having off days is normal, you can’t let these feelings become habitual.

You will miss out on so much in life if you live in a state where you hate your body. Loving yourself and keeping a good body image are essential for your self-esteem. How you feel about yourself sets the foundation for thinking about most other things in life, so kick body-shaming to the curb.

10. Your Body Loves You

The next time you have those negative thoughts and hate your body, why not consider that your body loves you? Stop and think that you’re a breathing being, and all your systems work harmoniously for your good. You’re blinking, your heart is pumping, and you’re moving and thriving.

You may not look how you want or have the attributes you desire, but your body loves you enough to work tirelessly to keep you going.

11. One Person’s Beauty Isn’t the Absence of Your Own

Humans are beautiful creatures by design. Pay attention the next time you’re in a crowd. It’s easy to see some folks are more attractive than others, but you’re guilty of judging a book by its cover.

You must focus on that just because someone else is more handsome or beautiful than you doesn’t make you less of a person. While Angelina Jolie might have large lips, and Jennifer Anniston has gorgeous hair, it doesn’t take away from the beautiful features that make you unique.

12. It’s Empowering to Love Yourself

Wouldn’t it be easier to love yourself rather than to hate your body? It’s empowering to learn that you don’t need validation from anyone to feel good about being you.

A certain level of sanity comes from knowing that you feel good without anyone else’s approval. Being comfortable in your skin is a beautiful and mentally healthy thing.

hate your body

Final Thoughts on Why You Should Never Hate Your Body or Engage in Bodyshaming

You know that good self-esteem is required to have healthy relationships in your life. If you don’t have self-love, you cannot truly understand and love others. The feelings you have for yourself can interfere with your relationships.

For instance, if you have low self-esteem and don’t have a good sense of self-worth, it’s only natural that you would see your partner’s actions more negatively. Because you don’t love yourself, you’re unable to see and embrace the love of others.

Don’t hate your body because you believe you don’t measure up. This is not a good way to determine your self-worth. When you don’t love yourself and have self-loathing tendencies, you will expect rejection from others without giving them a chance.

On the flip side, people with low self-esteem often find that they stay in toxic relationships with individuals who don’t treat them well. Imagine being stuck in this situation because you think you can’t do better. It’s just so much easier to love yourself.

Seattle Mariners Adopted a Team Mascot Dog to Save Its Life

The Seattle Mariners baseball team decided to adopt a mascot to boost team spirit. More importantly, they wanted to save a 4-year-old Labrador retriever mix from being euthanized. So, they didn’t hesitate to adopt the beautiful dog, whom they named Tucker.

Fans instantly adored the team mascot and the story behind his adoption. He became so popular that the team decided to make social media pages for him. They regularly update the pages with photos and videos of the loving dog. Fans enjoy following his journey and seeing how a typical day in Tucker’s life unfolds.

The Seattle Mariners also use Tucker’s social media pages to remind fans that many animals need homes forever. Like Tucker, they’re in danger of euthanasia if shelters can’t find someone to adopt them. Pets require great care and attention, but they have much love to give in return.

According to the baseball team, their new mascot will only represent the team and not fetch discarded bats or foul balls. Of course, like most retrievers, he immensely enjoys chasing after balls! However, he would most likely distract the team and fans by retrieving balls during the game. So, he will settle for cuddling with fans and his new teammates.

Twitter post written by the mascot known as the Mariners pup said, “My name’s Tucker, I’m a 4-year-old lab/retriever mix and I was just adopted by the @Mariners clubhouse from OkanDogs! I am going to get to hang out at the ballpark all the time, travel with the squad and enjoy my very own unlimited supply of baseballs. It does not get better than this!”

Seattle Mariners Adopt a Team Mascot From OkanDogs

OkanDogs is an animal rescue service located in the Okanogan region of Washington. The organization’s vast geographic area offers very few animal resources. No humane societies, shelters, or county animal control officers exist to serve the area’s needs.

The OkanDogs website states, “It is out of this need OkanDogs came into being in 2014. We strive to locate the dogs, get them, fix them, and transport them to partner rescue organizations with the resources to relocate them to good homes.


“We ensure all of them are inoculated, spay/neutered, and microchipped. We provide free spaying for mama dogs when entrusted with a litter. We also have a donor-based Emergency Vet Fund to help injured and sick dogs that are indigent or stray.”

Jan and Tom Short opened the nonprofit in response to the woefully lacking animal services in greater North Central Washington. Since no public money gets allocated to animal shelters, they need they would have to rely on private donations. However, many residents stepped up to contribute to the cause and save stray animals.

So far, thousands of dogs have a better life thanks to OkanDogs, which provides funding, medical care, and adoption services. Puppies comprise two-thirds of the dog intakes at Okandogs, and most of them get adopted. Thanks to the Seattle Mariners adopting their mascot, Tucker became one of those success stories!

The organization’s adoption rate nears 100%, thanks to the careful selection of transfer partners who prioritize local dogs. In addition, the animal service boasts a near-zero euthanasia rate and overall fatality rate.

Due to their rapid response and exceptional care of dogs in need, OkanDogs has earned the community’s trust. As the organization expands, followers and supporters continue to grow as well.

The Seattle Mariners seem to approve of their work, as evidenced by the new mascot! If you live in the Okanogan region of Washington, consider stopping by the shelter to show your support. You can adopt an adorable rescue dog like Tucker, foster an animal, or volunteer at the facility.

Five Other Ways to Help Your Local Animal Shelter

How else can you help if you want to get involved with pet rescue?

1. Walk the Shelter Dogs.

Dogs require daily exercise, but shelter staff often struggle to walk all the dogs. Volunteers can help bridge that gap by taking dogs on walks, and almost anyone can do it. As long as you feel confident behind a leash and don’t have a fear of dogs, shelters could use your help. Plus, walking dogs will benefit your physical health as well.

2. Feed the Animals.

Shelters also have difficulty feeding animals and welcome any assistance they can get. Simply filling bowls with water and food can help immensely and allow staff to perform other duties. Also, providing animal care can feel rewarding and help you form a connection with shelter animals.

3. Groom the Animals.

Think of how fulfilled you would feel if a dog you cared for became a team mascot or family pet. Brushing and grooming the animals increases their chances of adoption, as most people want a well-maintained pet to take home. Not to mention, a well-maintained animal will feel more comfortable and happy during their time in the shelter.

4. Clean the Kennels.

While some people consider cleaning kennels a dirty job, someone must do it. Keeping kennels free of debris and waste ensures that diseases won’t spread throughout the shelter. Most importantly, maintaining the kennel provides animals with a clean area to enjoy.

5. Give the Cats Cuddles.

Being in a shelter for extended periods can cause stress for many animals. Even if shelters provide exceptional care, animals still feel anxious due to the unfamiliar, noisy environment. However, cuddling relieves stress and encourages cats to socialize, helping them become more adoptable.

seattle mariners

Final Thoughts on a Mascot Dog Who Got a Second Chance

The Seattle Mariners decided to adopt a mascot dog named Tucker to save it from euthanasia. The team gave the beautiful Labrador retriever mix a second chance while spreading awareness about needy animals. Fans seem to adore the loving 4-year-old dog and enjoy cuddling with him at games!

The team mascot doesn’t fetch foul balls, but he represents the team by simply being himself. He brightens his teammates’ lives in addition to his supporters, and the team feels grateful to have him around.

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