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What Are Your Turnoffs According to Your Zodiac Sign?

Have you ever wondered why some people irritate you more than others? Even when attracted, their personality or actions are turnoffs in relationships. You may be surprised to discover that these pet peeves may connect to your zodiac sign.

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if you could see your perfect match in a crystal ball? While that’s not probable, you can learn by matching your Zodiac signs. Here are the twelve astrological signs and the things that irritate them the most.

1. Aries: March 21 – April 19

  • Symbol: Ram
  • Position: 0-30 degrees celestial longitude
  • Element: Fire
  • Ruling Planet: Mars


Aries Turnoffs in Relationships:

•Underestimation: Aries are usually natural leaders, and they know how to accomplish their goals. If the Ram is your sign, a romantic attraction may fizzle if your person of interest underestimates your abilities. You are intelligent and hardworking and resent anyone who doubts you.

•Ignoring You: While you’re not an attention-hogging narcissist, you will not allow others to ignore you. When your significant other puts you last on their priority list, the chances are that you’ll be irate. Not paying you enough attention is one of those turnoffs that could break the attraction.

•Not Listening: You are a good communicator, Aries, and you practice active listening. People who constantly interrupt you and don’t listen to what you’re saying only invite your frustration. Being cut off in the middle of a sentence brings the Aries fire out in you, as it’s one of your turnoffs.

2. Taurus: April 20 – May 20

  • Symbol: Bull
  • Position: 30-60 degrees celestial longitude
  • Element: Earth
  • Ruling Planet: Venus

Taurus Turnoffs:

•Messing with your schedule: Taurus, you’re a fixed sign, thriving with order and routine. Nothing makes you see red more than a chronically late person or someone who disrupts your schedule. You often have difficulties with change, and you don’t do well with surprises.

•Wastefulness: You may be more money-driven than some of the other signs, but you’re also frugal. People who throw money away on frivolous things won’t stay in your good graces, as it’s one of your turnoffs. You can’t stand when people waste your time, either.

3. Gemini: May 21 – June 20

  • Symbol: Twins
  • Position: 60-90 degrees celestial longitude
  • Element: Air
  • Ruling Planet: Mercury

Gemini Turnoffs in Relationships:

•Boredom: According to an article published by the National Library of Medicine, boredom stems from frustration and depression. For you, variety is the spice of life, and monotony won’t do. Anyone in a relationship with a Gemini like you must be spontaneous and adventurous for things to work.

•No communication: Your dual Gemini nature makes you even more talkative than some of the other signs. You thrive on meaningful communication and get miffed when someone gives you the silent treatment. Introverts and people of few words are one of your biggest turnoffs.

•Lecturing: Gemini is free to air spirits and doesn’t appreciate being lectured by anyone, especially a lover. You want the freedom to make your own mistakes and not have anyone hold you back. Those who hound you about something make you even more stubborn and independent.

4. Cancer: June 21-July 22

  • Symbol: Crab
  • Position: 90-120 degrees celestial longitude
  • Element: Water
  • Ruling Body: Luna, Earth’s Moon

Cancer Turnoffs:

•Criticism: Anyone who has an attraction to a Cancer must understand your emotional side. Like the phases of the moon, your moods are apt to be ever-changing. So, even the slightest criticism can hurt your self-esteem, as it’s one of your turnoffs.

•Being Stoic: As an emotional sign, it’s difficult for you to understand people who can’t or won’t show their feelings. It can come across to you as cold, uncaring, and apathetic. It’s not a characteristic you find appealing in a friend or lover.

5. Leo: July 23 – Aug. 22

  • Symbol: Lion
  • Position: 120-150 degrees celestial longitude
  • Element: Fire
  • Ruling Body: The Sun

Leo Turnoffs in Relationships:

•Public Confrontation: It makes as much sense to challenge a roaring lion as to try to confront a Leo publicly. While you can be understanding and patient, you’re outraged if a person hurts your pride. They’ll quickly get to see the fabled Leo temper.

•Being Controlled: Although some signs can naturally be submissive, Leo isn’t one of them. You’re used to doing things your way and resent others trying to boss and manipulate you. One of those turnoffs would make you lose attraction for a potential mate.

6. Virgo: Aug. 23 – Sept. 22

  • Symbol: The Maiden
  • Position: 150-180 degrees celestial longitude
  • Element: Earth
  • Ruling Planet: Mercury

Virgo Turnoffs:

•Laziness: Doing a job well is a passion for you, Virgo, and you tend to be a perfectionist. Likewise, you expect a love interest to have pride in what they do and an excellent work ethic. Those who fall short of the mark turn you off quickly.

•Bothering Your Things: You are a born organizer, and you believe in a place for everything and everything in its place. Perhaps a few things make you angrier than somebody messing with your stuff. While you’re not stingy, people taking liberties with your possessions is intolerable for you.


7. Libra: Sept. 23 – Oct. 22

  • Symbol: Set of Scales
  • Position: 180-210 degrees celestial longitude
  • Element: Air
  • Ruling Planet: Venus

Turnoffs for a Venus:

•Pushiness: Air signs like Libra are fond of their rights and independence. One of your biggest turnoffs is a bossy or pushy person. You have a superb eye for detail and planning and don’t appreciate someone trying to control your life.

•Judgmental People: Just because your symbol of scales is synonymous with justice doesn’t mean you’re judgmental. You strive for peace and harmony and resent those who constantly judge others. They aren’t likely to become part of your inner circle or be a love interest.

8. Scorpio: Oct. 23 – Nov. 21

  • Symbol: Scorpion
  • Position: 210-240 degrees celestial longitude
  • Element: Water
  • Ruling Planet: Pluto

Relationship Turnoffs for Scorpio:

•Insecurity: Scorpio is one of the Zodiac signs that values self-confidence and positivity. These are characteristics that draw you to other people. However, those who are insecure and pessimistic make you turn away quickly.

•Liars: According to an article published by the University of Pennsylvania, honesty is a virtue that most people want in a relationship. Scorpios are solidly loyal, and you expect the same from a friend or mate. You won’t tolerate lying, and dishonest people usually don’t get a second chance from you.

9. Sagittarius: Nov. 22 – Dec. 21

  • Symbol: The Archer
  • Position: 240-270 degrees celestial longitude
  • Element: Fire
  • Ruling Planet: Jupiter

Sagittarius Turnoffs:

•People with No Sense of Humor: When folks search for a Zodiac sign for humor, they’ll be pleased with you, Sagittarius. You’re always good for a laugh, and you often bring levity to a tense situation. However, you don’t belong with a pessimist or someone humorless who can’t take a kind joke.

•Emotionally Needy People: It’s easy to be attracted to a Sagittarius like you. That’s because you’re one of the friendliest Zodiac signs. However, that doesn’t mean you want to hear them whine all the time. You’re a generous friend and close lover, but you won’t be anyone’s emotional dumping ground.

10. Capricorn: Dec. 22 – Jan. 19

  • Symbol: Mythical Creature Half Goat/Half Fish
  • Position: 270-300 degrees celestial longitude
  • Element: Earth
  • Ruling Planet: Saturn

Turnoffs for a Capricorn:

•Those Who Take Advantage: You work hard for what you have, Capricorn, and expect others to do the same. While you are a generous friend and mate, you won’t let people take you for granted. Nobody is going to be a mooch on your time or your dime.

•Pettiness: You have a Capricorn work ethic and are highly motivated and focused. Therefore, you can’t tolerate having your life interrupted by somebody’s pettiness. You see such drama as immature, and you want nothing to do with it.

11. Aquarius: Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

  • Symbol: Water Bearer
  • Position: 300-330 celestial longitude
  • Element: Air
  • Ruling Planet: Uranus

Turnoffs for Aquarius:

•Narcissists: As an Aquarian, you’re a born advocate, and you can’t understand self-absorbed people. You are a tireless worker for human rights and making your world a better place. While you’re one of the most open Zodiac signs, you have no tolerance for narcissistic personalities in relationships.

•Clingy People: You are a loyal friend and significant other. However, you’re an air sign, and you need the freedom to breathe. Emotional clingy people zap your energy and get on your nerves in no time.

12. Pisces: Feb. 19 – March 20

  • Symbol: Fish
  • Position: 330-360 degrees celestial longitude
  • Element: Water
  • Ruling Planet Neptune

Turnoffs for Pisces:

•Inflexibility: Your symbol of Pisces is a double fish, which means you can go either way the water takes you. You’re resilient and adaptive to change and need the same in a friend or partner. Those who can’t be flexible will only frustrate you.

•Ungratefulness: You’re a compassionate sign, Pisces, and you are often the first to count your blessings. However, you are quickly turned off by people who aren’t grateful. If they can’t appreciate you and the things you do, they probably won’t have a chance with you.


Final Thoughts on Turnoffs According to Your Astrological Sign

Like a magnet, some characteristics and actions attract and repel people. While your astrological sign generalizes your personality, it can help you interpret what turns you off about others. The more you know about yourself, the more you can find those who complement you.

Stop Chasing Happiness, and Let It Find You

Happiness is the thing that everyone wants to achieve. But our mistake as humans is chasing happiness instead of living life and letting happiness find us. This has been the trap people have fallen into for thousands of years. Undoubtedly, we will continue that path. But you always have the opportunity to turn things around and become one of the happy people.

But people have a hard time living in the present because it goes against everything we’ve ever been taught. Since we were small, our parents told us we needed to plan our future. Otherwise, our lives won’t have meaning. Of course, this socially imposed trade-off scares most people. Thus, it forced them to start living just for the future. We believe that we will never find happiness unless we can get that dream job or build a perfect family.

But that’s false. Happiness is and has always been subjective. Even though society tells us that having a stable, traditional life will make us happy, that doesn’t apply to everyone. Some people find pure happiness in traveling or giving back to their communities. But we can’t find that true happiness because we are always chasing happiness. We are chasing an ideal that will never happen in reality. If you want a better, more fulfilled life, allow happiness to find you.

What Is True Happiness?

chasing happiness

If you take some time to reflect, you’ll see that the moments that made you truly happy were the unplanned ones. You were probably happier when someone gave you a thoughtful gift than when you got that promotion you were working towards. That’s because you cannot force joy. Sure, you’ll feel good when you’ll get promoted. But chasing happiness taints the experiences you go through.

True happiness comes from within. It’s when you are entirely at peace with who you are and what your life looks like. It can’t be dependent on external factors. That’s why dreams and aspirations can even stop you from achieving true happiness. Because it sets a standard, you won’t be happy if you fail to meet it. People are taught that happiness is a final destination. That once you tick certain boxes, you reach true happiness.

But the journey you are on gives this feeling. You might find that you are happier when working on a project than when you finish it. It’s also impossible to feel satisfied all the time. And it would be best if you didn’t strive towards that either. If all you ever think is happiness, it will lose its essence. Over time, joy will turn into numbness. We only feel happy because we can compare it to the sadness and pain we once felt.

If not for those negative emotions, happiness wouldn’t mean anything. If you’ve never been sick, you’ll never be grateful that you’re healthy. Most people also fall into the trap of believing that the traditional view of a good life will bring them joy. All their worries will disappear if they get a high-paying job and a lovely house. But chasing happiness of that kind is more likely to bring you disappointment.

More likely than not, you won’t be able to materialize what you visualize. And that’s not because you aren’t good enough. It’s because there aren’t enough upper management jobs and white-picket fence houses for everyone. Plus, many people would hate to live that kind of life, even if they don’t realize it at first. Even if you think that’s your dream, you could get trapped. Happiness is subjective, and no one has a say in telling you what yours should look like. If you want to learn how to stop chasing happiness, here’s how to do it.

How to Stop Chasing Happiness and Let It Find You

Try these new habits to increase your joy in life.

1.      Happy People Learn to Live with Gratitude

Gratitude is a fundamental brick if you want your life to have a solid foundation. But when you chase happiness, you forget to take a step and be grateful for what you have. Not only that, but most people don’t understand the value of gratitude. They see it as something with no psychological benefits. Essentially, most people believe gratitude is a hoax.

But gratitude is not a hoax. It’s a positive psychology practice that can help you change your mindset. Unhappy people struggle because they believe only big, shiny things can make them happy. But gratitude will teach you that you can find beauty and joy in even the most minor things. Gratitude is simply the practice of appreciating and being thankful for what you have in your life.

Some people are naturally inclined to be grateful. However, others need to practice to be able to internalize the practice. You can express gratitude in many ways. But the easiest thing you can do is to start considering what you have in your life. Take a moment to reflect on everything that’s happened to you until now, good or bad. This way, you’ll remember how many good things have happened to you.

You will also see how many things you ignored, even if they were good moments. You can also learn to be grateful for the present. When you stop chasing happiness, you’ll forget that the opportunities you get shouldn’t be taken for granted. You tend to do things on autopilot, and you don’t stop to cherish what you have until you reach your end goal. But when you practice gratitude, you give yourself time to celebrate every achievement, no matter how small it seems.

This mindset also helps you have a brighter future. When you practice gratitude, you learn that good things can come in all forms. This allows you to stay optimistic instead of overthinking your every move. This is how you let happiness come to you. Instead of forcing good things to happen, you take whatever good you can get, however it might come.

Practicing gratitude comes in many forms. But one of the easiest things you can do is keep a gratitude journal. Every day, write down a few things you are thankful for or that made you happy. In time, gratitude will become something you do unconsciously. This will reduce your depression, help you face adversity, and even improve your physical strength.

chasing happiness


2.      Live Your Life the Way You Want to Instead of Chasing Happiness in an Unachievable Ideal

When you chase happiness, you unconsciously live your life by others’ standards. You do things because you think they will fulfill you, not because you want to. So, to stop chasing other people’s dreams, you need to figure out what yours are. One way to discover what you want to do in life is to explore and try new things. Maybe you’re not ready to quit your job and travel, and that’s fair.

But you can try that thing you’ve always wanted to try. Maybe you’ve always wanted to try rock climbing, but you’ve always thought it was an insane thought. But if you want to live your life to the fullest, go rock climbing if that’s what you want. It doesn’t matter if other people tell you that it won’t do you any good. Your life is not theirs, and you should live it however you want.

You also need to understand what your needs and values are. Maybe you were taught that marrying is the only way to have a happy relationship. But that doesn’t mean it’s what will make you happy. You might need to be with someone who gives you more freedom than marriage. Maybe you were taught that traveling the world wastes time and money.

But it might be precisely what you need to find true happiness. Understanding yourself will allow you to stop chasing happiness. When you live your life the way you want to, you won‘t be longing for anything else. Sure, you’ll still want to achieve things. But those things will be extras, not the core of your fulfillment.

3.      Surround Yourself with the People You Love

Most people live their life believing that having many friends automatically means being happy. Because of that, they always try to make new friends and can even become people-pleasers. Chasing happiness through trying to surround yourself with loads of people is bound to take a toll on you.

To be truly satisfied, you should always take quality over quantity when it comes to people. Sure, it can be nice to have many friends. But those aren’t friends you can rely on. Your friendship is probably circumstantial, and you put too much effort into maintaining the connection. Plus, you probably still have people in your life who do nothing else but hurt you.

Even if you think that many people will make you happy, they will only drain you of energy. Some of them might even hurt and betray you. Please keep your circle small and tight. Stop chasing happiness through people. Instead, surround yourself with people who will support and love you, not just go out with you. These are the happy people who will make your life more stable. They won’t hurt you and will always help you reach your true potential.

happy people

Final Thoughts on How to Stop Chasing Happiness and Let It Find You

Happiness is something that everyone wants. But most people think that chasing happiness is how you get it. Indeed,  that will only put hurdles in your way. If you view happiness as an end goal, you’ll never be satisfied until everything is how you pictured. You need to allow happiness to find you.

This way, you can be present and find happiness in even the most minor things. One of the best things you can do is to practice gratitude. This will help you learn to be thankful and live in the present. You also need to stop living your life how others want you to. Just because society tells you that your life should look a certain way, it doesn’t mean that lifestyle will fit you, happiness is subjective and you need to start living as authentically as possible.

Lastly, you keep the company with those who genuinely bring you joy. You’ll find that when you stop chasing happiness, you’ll join the ranks of those happy people.

New Technology Can Reduce Pain Without Addictive Opioids 

Northwestern University researchers have developed a revolutionary device that can reduce pain without addictive opioids. The small, flexible implant offers an alternative to harmful opioids and pain-relieving medicines.

The unique water-soluble device works by softly enveloping nerves to transmit targeted cooling. This effectively numbs the nerves and inhibits pain signals to the brain. An external pump allows patients to activate the device remotely and choose their desired intensity. After the user no longer needs the device, the body absorbs it, eliminating the need for surgery.

Researchers say the device could provide the most value for patients requiring regular surgeries. Also, it could benefit those who need amputations since patients require opioids. Surgeons could implant a biocompatible device during the surgery to reduce pain in patients.

The study was published in the July 1 issue of the journal Science. The paper explains the design and efficacy of the technology in an animal model.

“Although opioids are extremely effective, they also are extremely addictive,” said Northwestern’s John A. Rogers, the device’s lead developer. “As engineers, we are motivated by the idea of treating pain without drugs — in ways that can be turned on and off instantly, with user control over the intensity of relief.”

“The technology reported here exploits mechanisms that have some similarities to those that cause your fingers to feel numb when cold. Our implant allows that effect to be produced in a programmable way, directly and locally to targeted nerves, even those deep within surrounding soft tissues,” he added.

How the New Technology Can Reduce Pain Without Medications

reduce pain

While the device sounds like something out of a sci-fi novel, it uses a simple methodology. Like sweat evaporates and lowers body temperature, the device utilizes a liquid coolant to evaporate near a sensory nerve. By targeting the nerves that signal pain, the device disrupts communication between the nerve and the brain.

“As you cool down a nerve, the signals that travel through the nerve become slower and slower — eventually stopping completely,” said study co-author Dr. Matthew MacEwan of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. “We are specifically targeting peripheral nerves, which connect your brain and your spinal cord to the rest of your body. These are the nerves that communicate sensory stimuli, including pain. By delivering a cooling effect to just one or two targeted nerves, we can effectively modulate pain signals in one specific region of the body.”

To create a cooling effect, the device contains small microfluidic channels. One channel utilizes a liquid coolant, perfluoropentane, an already approved ingredient for ultrasounds and pressurized inhalers.

Another channel contains dry nitrogen, an inactive gas. When the liquid and gas combine, it causes a reaction where the liquid immediately evaporates. At the same time, a small sensor measures the nerve’s temperature to ensure it’s not getting too cold.

“Excessive cooling can damage the nerve and the fragile tissues around it,” Rogers said. “The duration and temperature of the cooling must therefore be controlled precisely. By monitoring the temperature at the nerve, the flow rates can be adjusted automatically to set a point that blocks pain in a reversible, safe manner. On-going work seeks to define the full set of time and temperature thresholds below which the process remains fully reversible.”

The Device Can Reduce Pain More Effectively Than Past Technologies

Scientists in the past have developed several other cooling methods and nerve inhibitors. However, they all had certain deficiencies that the latest device seemed to conquer. For instance, cryotherapies require injecting nitrogen or argon gas into the skin to remove unwanted tissues.

While it’s minimally invasive, it doesn’t target specific nerves as the new technology does. Instead, it cools a general tissue area, leading to tissue damage or inflammation.

Scientists wanted to avoid these unwanted side effects by creating a smaller device. Northwestern University researchers explained that their device measures just 5 mm wide.

One end curls to softly wrap around a nerve, eliminating the need for sutures. Since the device targets only the afflicted nerve, the implant avoids cooling nearby areas.

“You don’t want to inadvertently cool other nerves or the tissues that are unrelated to the nerve transmitting the painful stimuli,” MacEwan said. “We want to block the pain signals, not the nerves that control motor function and enable you to use your hand, for example.”

In the past, science also investigated nerve inhibitors that utilize electrical stimulation to reduce pain. However, these also have downsides. MacEwan said:

“You can’t shut down a nerve with electrical stimulation without activating it first. That can cause additional pain or muscle contractions and is not ideal, from a patient’s perspective.”

In addition to cooling only specific body areas, the device naturally absorbs into the body’s fluids within days or weeks. The bioresorbable device works similarly to absorbable stitches, causing no adverse side effects.

Best of all, it’s a minimally invasive technology that can reduce pain by eliminating surgical extraction. Finally, the device measures the thickness of a sheet of paper and flexes to wrap around highly reactive nerves. In summary, it’s ideal for pain relief in the simplest, most effective way possible.

“If you think about soft tissues, fragile nerves, and a body that’s in constant motion, any interfacing device must have the ability to flex, bend, twist and stretch easily and naturally,” Rogers said. “Furthermore, you would like the device to simply disappear after it is no longer needed, to avoid delicate and risky procedures for surgical removal.”


Final Thoughts on New Device That Can Reduce Pain Without Opioids

Researchers from Northwestern University recently created a small device that reduces pain without opioids. In the past, scientists have sought ways to cool nerves using methods such as cryotherapy. However, these treatments have disadvantages and harmful side effects, such as inflammation and tissue damage.

The latest device is a small, soft, elastic implant that wraps around nerves to deliver selective cooling. It doesn’t require surgical extraction and dissolves into the body’s fluids within days or weeks. Hopefully, we will see this technology take off soon and help reduce pain for many.

Kind Teen Makes Cute Pet Bowties to Help Shelter Dogs Find Homes

One kind teen decided to help shelter dogs find forever homes in a very unique way. Darius Brown, a 14-year-old student from Newark, New Jersey, runs his own business making handmade bowties for shelter dogs. The animal lover and founder of Beaux & Paws discovered that the bow ties helped shelter dogs get adopted three times faster.

Darius’ business combines two of his greatest passions in life: bowties and animals. The teen started creating fashionable doggy accessories back in 2015 at just eight years old. As an animal advocate, he hoped this would help dogs get adopted more often – and it did!

“I just love it when they’re wearing one of my bow ties,” Brown told NBC’s Rehema Ellis on Weekend TODAY.

Meet A Kind Teen Who Helps Promote Adoption, One Dog At A Time

Darius donates the bowties to rescue organizations all over the country. He creates a wide variety of neckwear, from striped bowties to polka-dotted ones and more. Darius loves seeing posts on social media of the bowtie-wearing dogs getting adopted, and it inspires him to keep going.

The kind teen featured one of the adopted dogs on his Instagram. “The beautiful Harley here was adopted after sporting my Spring Blossom bow tie,” the caption said. The post also urged his audience to consider adopting or fostering a pet to help them find a permanent home.


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Darius says that he’s lost count of how many bowties he’s made, but estimates it’s over 1,000 so far. The eighth-grader got the business idea after seeing the devastation caused by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma in the summer of 2017.

“I would always see on television and wonder, ‘How come there were all these people getting help, but not any animals or dogs being helped?'” he says.

Following the news, the kind teen heard that some displaced dogs had been transferred to the ASPCA in New York City. While visiting the adoption center, Darius learned that hundreds of dogs get euthanized at some shelters because of overcrowding. As a huge dog lover, hearing this broke his heart.

This inspired his mission to help save animals’ lives by donating his handmade bowties to animal shelters. He hoped this would help the animals get adopted faster. After all, who can resist a dog wearing a bowtie?!

Making Bowties Doesn’t Just Benefit The Dogs – It Helps Darius As Well.

Darius never imagined that his desire to help shelter dogs would turn into such a big mission. His efforts have gotten the attention of rescue organizations across the country. He even received a signed letter from former President Barack Obama praising him for his work!

Making the bowties helps the kind teen as well. At two years old, Darius got diagnosed with delays in speech, comprehension, and fine motor skills. Due to the developmental delays, he had trouble using his hands for everyday tasks such as tying his shoes. His family wanted to encourage his development but struggled with ways to help him.

At age 8, however, Darius had a breakthrough while his sister Dazhai was attending cosmetology school. In her classes, she had to make hair ribbons for little girls. One day, she and her mom got the idea to have Darius help prep the ribbons, cut them, and sew fabric together. Their brilliant idea worked because Darius seemed to catch on very quickly!

While the sewing aspect was difficult for him initially, he stuck with it because he wanted to help his sister. The kind teen gives Dazhai all the credit for helping him learn how to sew, which kickstarted his own business.

“When she learned how to sew it was because of our grandmother,” he said. “And then our grandmother passed away. So I felt as though when my sister had to teach me how to sew, it was like that family passing down the line thing.”

After mastering sewing, Darius began creating his own bowties to wear. When he went out in public, people often asked where they could buy one. So, he decided to start the bowtie company Beaux & Paws to create the neckwear for people and their pets.

Darius Continues On His Mission To Help Dogs Find Happy Forever Homes

The kind teen’s desire to help shelter dogs have better lives ignited a fire within him. However, he never realized how far this passion would take him. Now, he’s partnered with large dog organizations like Wagmor Pets Dog Rescue and Soi Dog Foundation.

He recently fashioned a red polka-dotted bowtie for Nontongo, a three-legged dog rescued by Wagmor. The sweet dog had been transported to California all the way from Thailand after being hit by a car. We haven’t heard if he’s been adopted, but hopefully, the adorable bowtie did the trick!


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Darius has donated thousands of handmade bowties to shelters and rescue agencies across the US and the UK. In 2019, the kind teen even created the “Paw-some mission,” which aims to ship bowties and visit animal shelters in all 50 states. Upon visiting the shelters, Darius will personally deliver bowties and help with adoption events.

He also uses his social media platform to post about adoptable pets wearing his bowties. His mission is to save lives, one bowtie at a time. By the looks of it, he’s doing an amazing job, and his family couldn’t be prouder of him.

Final Thoughts About The Kind New Jersey Teen Who Makes Bowties to Help Dogs

Darius, a kind teen from Newark, New Jersey, made it his life mission to help shelter dogs find loving homes. After seeing how many dogs got displaced by hurricanes in the summer of 2017, Darius figured out a way to help. He started creating cute bowties to help shelter dogs become more adoptable. It seems to work, considering the dogs get adopted three times faster!

If you’d like to help with his mission, visit his website. You can either make a donation or buy bowties for you or your pets!

How John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success Can Help You Be Happy

The Pyramid of Success is the creation of John Wooden, a legendary and renowned former basketball coach for the University of California, Los Angeles. The prolific man was a ten-time National Collegiate Athletic Association national championship winner, once doing so seven years in a row – three years longer than any other team in the league.

Suffice to say that John Wooden was a highly revered coach and has made a lasting legacy in sports history. It’s likely, then, that all that success was only possible due to years of accumulated wisdom. To coach his team, he redefined the ordinary meaning of success and taught them a new ideology via his Pyramid of Success.

The Pyramid of Success is a set of philosophical building blocks meant to help you succeed in life. This pyramid features fifteen rectangular “blocks” arranged in five tiers. Each block is held together by the Mortar. Ten additional triangular “blocks” give the pyramid the support it needs to stand proudly.

Initially, Wooden didn’t create the pyramid specifically for basketball, but he applied this philosophy of the pyramid to his coaching. This significantly changed the game for the UCLA Bruins, and, as it turns out, the idea can be applied to most different parts of life, too. This man’s brilliant work has laid the groundwork for his current success. Here’s how John Wooden’s pyramid of success can help you be happy.

1.      John Wooden Redefined Success

John Wooden’s first foray into the beginnings of the pyramid involved changing the so-called “Definition of Success,” and it’s something we can all learn to do. Most people define successful ventures by a simple metric: did you win or lose? Did you fail, or did you not fail?

These binary concepts are simple to comprehend, but they ultimately don’t serve much of a purpose and can cause you to fall stagnant. After all, the real world is hardly ever cut and dry! John Wooden taught his players this when he was a coach. Instead of focusing on winning or losing, he focused on preparation and how the game is played.

It’s all about fundamental, profound, personal, or team improvement on a level beyond the superficial. In other words, working on internal factors molds you into the best you can be, and that is what success can be defined as. (And, naturally, more common definitions of success are easier to achieve with those improvements.)

So redefine success in your head. Instead of making it about apparent failure or obvious wins, make it about your personal goals and the ways you improve as you work toward them. But what sorts of improvements should you make? Well, that’s all in the pyramid itself!

john wooden

2.      The Cornerstones Of The Pyramid

Cornerstones are important features upon which structures are built, and as such, the Pyramid of Success cannot exist without its cornerstones. The two cornerstones of the pyramid are industriousness and enthusiasm, which are crucial to your happiness.

Industriousness can best be defined, simply put, at hard work. As cliche as it is, the fact remains that you cannot achieve incredible personal or external growth without working hard. A vast majority of success stories involve people who simply worked harder than those around them, and there’s no replacement for industriousness when it comes to success.

Meanwhile, enthusiasm is the fuel for the fire of industriousness. While you can certainly work hard and find success that way, it’s easy to burn out and become exhausted when you do fire up that work with enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is a passion for your career. This can be born from:

  • Putting your heart into the things you set out to achieve
  • Seeking inspiration from those around you and those you look up to
  • Envisioning your goals and vowing to strive toward them
  • Allowing inspiration, motivation, and commitment to power you

It’s straightforward to be industrious and find success, but without enthusiasm, this may not be enough to make you 100% happy truly.

3.      The Foundation Of John Wooden’s Pyramid

Aside from the two cornerstones of John Wooden’s pyramid, there are three additional blocks. These blocks form the pyramid’s foundation. Their details and how they can help your happiness are as follows:

·         Friendship

People overlook the value of social relationships in everyday life, even though studies show that social interaction is significant for mental and physical wellbeing. Surrounding yourself with positive people and good friends who uplift you can help you get further in life, thanks to your healthy support circle. Wooden outlines two additional qualities crucial for friendship: camaraderie and respect. With these two qualities, you’ll become a better team player, a better leader, and a better friend.

·         Loyalty

To achieve higher goals in life, you need loyalty – to those you work with, those who lead you, and those who follow you. It’s in the foundational layer and is the central piece for a good reason. Everyone wants to be a part of a team where you know everyone is loyal and has each other’s best interests at heart. Trust in a respectful, fair, dignified, and well-intentioned system is paramount to happiness and satisfaction when working with others or forming your own friend circles.

·         Cooperation

Great minds are not in isolation. They are the ones that share information, ideas, and opinions. In teams, they share responsibilities, give credit where it is due, and perform tasks as they should. When you’re able to cooperate with other people, only then can you find success. Without it, you lack support, other perspectives, and valuable learning moments.

john wooden

4.      The Personal Trait Body Of The Pyramid

The next level of the Pyramid of Success contains four personality traits. You must grow these traits to promote a successful life filled with happiness. The traits are as follows:

·         Self-Control

Research has long indicated that those with better self-control are happier, but why? As it turns out, you must face temptation and formidable, difficult hurdles to stay on track toward goals. The only way to stick to them and feel the power of your accomplishments is through willpower and self-control.

·         Alertness

What John Wooden refers to as “alertness” is often used similarly to describe modern concepts of mindfulness. Essentially, alertness on the pyramid refers to staying aware and involved in the world around you. This allows you to acquire knowledge from all situations in your environment that may have otherwise gone overlooked. It also allows you to prepare for what’s coming next. It’s crucial to avoid tunnel vision. Anyway, studies show that mindfulness makes you happy!

·         Initiative

Taking the initiative is central to taking further steps in your life. As Wooden says, those who fail to act perform the biggest failure of all. It logically tracks, too – you cannot progress without deciding that you will progress and taking the necessary steps.

·         Intentness

John Wooden’s terms can easily define Intentness: determination, persistence, tenaciousness, and unwillingness to back down when obstacles arise.

5.      The External Trait Body Of The Pyramid

You know about the internal traits you must have to climb the Pyramid of Success. Now, we reach the central row of the pyramid, which contains three external traits that form the crucial next steps on the climb to success. These traits are as follows:

·         Condition

John Wooden stated that his players on his team had to be in peak physical, mental, and moral condition for the most success. While you may not be a young basketball athlete, you must build up your condition to perform your tasks to their fullest. Stay healthy, take care of yourself, and align with your values, and you’ll be in the proper condition to propel yourself forward.

·         Skill

Skill is the central block of the pyramid of success. This is where substance really must come in. It’s not enough to only “try” – you have to hone your craft, learn, make mistakes, and earn mastery in your field. This is what will bring you to the top.

·         Team Spirit (Something John Wooden Knew Well!)

Team spirit involves selflessness and the ability to, when necessary, make sacrifices for the greater good – whether that good is on a large scale or just for your team. Of course, this is nuance, and unnecessary or excessive sacrifice is unhealthy. However, the point is that you must aim to make things bigger than yourself great, not just yourself.

6.      The Vertex Of The John Wooden Pyramid Of Success

The vertex of the pyramid is what lies at the very top, the pinnacle of the Pyramid of Success and the goal that we all wish to reach. It promises not just success but happiness and fulfillment if all other blocks on the pyramid have been fulfilled. John Wooden outlines the vertex blocks as follows:

·         Poise

Wooden uniquely describes poise. He says it means being entirely yourself and staying true to your beliefs and principles, acting in alignment with them. In other words, don’t get thrown off or rattled by others’ pressure. This difficult-to-master skill is a big key to happiness.

·         Confidence

Hand-in-hand with poise is confidence: well-founded self-belief that doesn’t fall into arrogance, a knowledge that you’ve prepared yourself well, and an internal faith in your abilities and those you’re working with.

·         Competitive Greatness

This is the very top of the Pyramid of Success. It means enjoying the healthy competition and fostering a love for the battle. Even if you’re not a sports player going against an opposing team, it means enjoying a challenge and stepping up to the plate. This is how you keep yourself moving and growing to achieve greatness and happiness on a deeper level.

pyramid of success

Final Thoughts On How To Be Happy With John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success

John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success is one of his many legacies, a testament to his wisdom and expertise as a coach, leader, and human being. Apply his lessons to your everyday life, and you’ll find a deeper, more meaningful kind of success that makes you genuinely happy.

Gastroenterologist Explains the Best Smoothie Recipe For Gut Health

If you want the best smoothie of your life that will improve gut health, we have the recipe for you! Today, many people enjoy smoothies as a convenient, delicious way to obtain nutrients. They make a perfect on-the-go snack, quick breakfast, or even a healthy dessert at night. Plus, you can choose from thousands of different recipes with the fruits and vegetables of your choosing–or a classic green smoothie. What’s not to love?!

However, according to your tastebuds, the best smoothie may not always have the most significant health benefits. For instance, many smoothies at restaurants have added sugar or other sweeteners that lower the nutritional value. Even if you make them at home, they can still spike your blood sugar by adding too many fruits.

Luckily, a gastroenterologist explains how to make the best smoothie that balances healthy fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Read on if you’d like to make this tasty smoothie yourself!

How to Make the Best Smoothie to Improve Gut Health

best smoothie

Ingredients For the Best Smoothie

*Note: If ever unsure about any ingredients, always consult first with your doctor regarding any personal health matter you may deal with.
  • Dr. Bulsiewicz recommends using bananas as the base of your smoothie, as they have a thick, creamy texture. If you can freeze the bananas beforehand, it will make for an even more luscious smoothie! A medium-sized banana contains about 3 grams of soluble and insoluble fibers. These fibers improve gut health, speed up digestion and promote regularity. However, since one banana packs about 14g of sugar, you may want to use half and save the rest.
  • Dark, leafy greens. You should also include some greens to balance the sugar from the bananas. Cruciferous vegetables such as arugula, broccoli sprouts, and cauliflower have tons of fiber and make a great addition to a smoothie. Arugula and broccoli sprouts, in particular, contain high amounts of sulforaphane. This sulfur-rich compound offers great antioxidants that may lower cancer risk and even improve glucose levels in Type 2 diabetes. However, if you’re not a fan of either vegetable, any leafy greens will make this the best smoothie.
  • Berries such as blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries have been called superfoods. They have vital nutrients such as soluble fiber, Vitamin C, manganese, Vitamin K1, copper, and folate. They’re also low on the glycemic index, meaning they won’t spike your blood sugar. Finally, berries provide ample antioxidants like anthocyanin and polyphenols, which lower oxidative stress. One study found that blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries have the highest antioxidant content of any fruit!
  • If you want the best smoothie, Will recommends adding flax, hemp, and chia seeds. They’re packed with soluble fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and plant-based protein, making this a well-rounded smoothie. Hemp seeds, in particular, offer relatively high amounts of protein. In fact, it adds up to around 25% of total calories. 2-3 tablespoons will provide about 11g of protein, similar to one serving of beef or lamb.
  • Milk of choice. Add plant-based or cow’s milk to top off the best smoothie you’ll ever have. Will prefers oat milk since it has a creamy texture and offers beta-glucan, a soluble fiber that may lower bad cholesterol. One study found that people who consumed 3.5 grams of beta-glucan daily for 5-6 weeks reduced their LDL cholesterol by 4%. You’d only have to drink about three cups of oat milk daily to achieve similar results.

Making This Nutritious Smoothie

So, now that you know about the plentiful health benefits, we’ll tell you how to make this delicious smoothie!

  • Put 1/2 frozen banana, 1/2 cup arugula, and 1/2 cup of broccoli sprouts into a high-powered blender.
  • Next, add 1 cup of frozen blueberries, 1 tbsp. Of ground flaxseeds, 1 tbsp hemp seeds, and 1 tbsp chia seeds into the mixture.
  • Add 1-2 cups of oat milk or enough to cover the ingredients. You can always add some water if needed.
  • Then, blend the ingredients until thoroughly combined, pour into a glass, and enjoy! You can also add cacao nibs or shredded coconut on top for extra texture and nutrients.

Other Delicious Smoothie Recipes To Try

best smoothie

1. Banana, Ginger, Orange, and Strawberry Smoothie

When you think of smoothies, ginger might not come to mind as a typical ingredient to use. However, ginger can help lower inflammation and contribute to healthy gut bacteria. One study even found that it helps reduce belly fat, a bonus. The bananas, strawberries, and oranges mask the strong taste of the ginger, balancing it with sweetness. It’s a perfect combination to try and also requires only a few ingredients.

To make the smoothie, blend:

  • One frozen banana
  • Two cups of frozen strawberries
  • 1 inch of peeled fresh ginger root
  • 1/4 cup of orange juice

2. Matcha Fruit and Green Tea Smoothie

Chinese Zen Buddhist monks have been drinking matcha green tea for hundreds of years to improve their meditation. In addition to the mental calmness the tea induces, it can also help burn fat and boost energy without causing anxiety.

To make this green tea smoothie, blend:

  • Two teaspoons of matcha green tea powder
  • Two frozen bananas
  • Two large handfuls of spinach
  • One large frozen mango
  • One cup of plant-based milk (for additional creaminess, use oat or coconut milk)

green smoothie

Final Thoughts on The Best Smoothie Recipe For Your Gut

Everyone will have a different opinion on the best smoothie they have ever had. Some people enjoy peanut butter and chocolate, while others prefer green smoothies. However, the recipe above should appeal to even the pickiest smoothie consumers because it includes a little of everything.

You get the creaminess from the oat milk and frozen banana, the sweetness of berries, and the protein from chia and hemp seeds. Also, don’t forget about the antioxidants from all those leafy greens! All of those ingredients will ensure a healthy gut and happy taste buds as well.

If that doesn’t sound like the best smoothie to you, feel free to give the other recipes a shot! They would make a perfect green smoothie to provide you with energy for the day ahead.

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