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17 Benefits of Following a More Structured Routine

Everything in this world flows better with routine and structure. As your life ebbs and flows, a structured routine becomes very important.  When you leave your day to time and chance and “wing” it, you’re causing more stress by not having a plan. If you commonly feel stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed, it’s all signs that you need to adjust your routine to maximize control of your life.

Seventeen Excellent Benefits of Following a Structured Routine

If you think routines are dull, rigid, and stifling, you only look at the negative aspects. It would help if you looked at the positive benefits of having a structured routine, like productivity, happiness, and fulfillment. Here are seventeen reasons why you need structure in your day.

structured routine1. A Structured Routine Helps To Eradicate Bad Habits

You know that routine helps you with good habits, but did you know it can also help you eliminate bad ones? Repetition is the key that eliminates your unpleasant behaviors, and it will, over time, replace them with good ones.

2. Takes the Guesswork Out of Your Day

Following a routine takes away the task of planning. It eliminates the guesswork and allows you to stick to a schedule. For instance, if you know that you balance the checkbook on Wednesdays, you don’t have to guess what you will do. It will become a routine chore that’s like clockwork.

3. Free up Time With a Predetermined Schedule

Everyone wishes they had more time, as it’s their most precious asset. However, few people have tapped into the power to use routines to give them the needed time. You won’t need to waste energy on planning, preparation, and decision-making. Your schedule will be predetermined and dictate your day.

4. Provides a Logical and Predictable Sequence

When you have a routine, you’re providing both predictability and sequence. Interestingly, your life revolves around these things as you do your daily activities. Once you have a routine, you will experience a flow to your day and week like never before.

5. A Structured Routine Helps You Become More Proficient

Practice makes perfect, so the more you do a task, the better you will be. You’ve been brushing your teeth for decades and mastered the task. The longer you do something, the more proficient you become. So, once you get into a good routine, it will help you perfect the issues.

6. Forces You to Prioritize

A structured routine forces you to prioritize your day. For instance, if you want to lose weight, you must make meal prepping, weighing yourself, and counting calories a part of your day.

While it may be troublesome to do at first, eventually, it will become second nature to you. If you want to achieve anything in life, you must prioritize it. Once it becomes a priority, you learn to do it without much thought.

7. You Become More Efficient When You Follow a Structured Routine

There’s comfort in knowing precisely what you must do each day, so there are no big surprises. Of course, occasionally, life has a way of sneaking things in, but your efficiency will skyrocket when you have everything preplanned. There’s no reason to deliberate your workload or decide what to do and what to let go.

Planning equals being more efficient, and who doesn’t need a boost in their efficiency?

8. Facilitates Developing Good Habits

To build good habits in your life, you must master repetition. Finding a workout routine that gets you in your groove helps you develop good habits. Your brain responds to routine, and you can develop habits by doing the same task repeatedly.

For instance, you get up in the morning and brush your teeth without second thought. The reason is that this mundane task has become routine, and you automatically do it. You can do this with almost anything in your life.

structured routine9. Combats Procrastination

Everybody procrastinates at some point in their life. However, if you get into the groove of putting things off, it can cause some issues. Soon, the pile of things to do is more significant than what you’ve accomplished.

When you procrastinate, you waste time; a set routine will help you combat this folly. Who doesn’t need a few extra minutes or hours in their day?

10. Helps You Not to Spend Time and Effort on Frivolous Things

A routine is built to do the most challenging and important things; the rest of your day is a breeze. When you have the essential things completed upfront, you won’t forget or neglect these items. How much time do you waste on frivolous things because you don’t have your priorities in line?

Jim Taylor, Ph.D., considers himself a ‘timeist.’ It’s a term he made up as he loathes wasting time. He has learned as he’s aged that every second, minute, hour, and day counts as you age.

Younger folks don’t truly understand the value of time, but as you age, you also grow wiser. You learn that you waste so much of your time doing things of little value, but when you mature your mindset changes.

11. Encourages Self Confidence

When you think about a routine, the word confidence doesn’t come to mind. However, when you get the things done in a day that needs to be done, it gives you a little boost in your step.

A tremendous amount of satisfaction comes from getting your tasks accomplished. If your self-confidence has been a little down, you can boost it by simply getting into a better routine.

12. Lessens the Need for Determination and Willpower

You get out of bed and change your clothes each day. It doesn’t take a lot of willpower as it’s become something natural. When you have a routine, you will lessen the need for determination and resolve. You probably grab an outfit without too much thought. If you make other things part of your structured routine, then soon, you won’t give them a second thought either.

13. Eliminates a Lot of Stress

Life will never go as planned, no matter how hard you try. However, you must learn to accept the things you can control, and a routine helps you put those things in order. When you have structure and order, it eliminates stress. Instead of fretting about the tasks at hand, you can relax knowing you got it under control.

14. Gives You More Free Time

A schedule that arranges repetitive tasks essentially eliminates a lot of stress. It would be silly to scheduled or incorporate your entire life into a daily routine, but some organization helps. When you follow a schedule, it frees up time for other things. The more proficient you become at your tasks, the less time it takes you to accomplish them.

15. A Structured Routine Helps Build Momentum

When you hear the word momentum, you probably think about runners. They learn early on that the more momentum they build, the easier it is to complete a race. Going to the gym seems like a monumental task, but it soon becomes second nature when you make it part of your day.

Following a routine will boost your momentum and make it easier for you to persist and conquer.

16. Helps You Achieve Your Goals

No one achieves their goals all at once. However, you learn to accomplish things by doing things time and again. Look at some of the most famous sports athletes throughout history, and you will see that none started on top.

According to Motivational Stories For You, Michael Jordan is one of the greatest basketball players ever. One of his first issues was being told he was too short to play on a team, as he was only 5’9”. He knew if he couldn’t get on a team because of his height, he could wow them with his talent.

So, he practiced every single day to become great. Genetics took over, and Jordan grew to a whopping 6’3,” which was more than enough to land a team spot. He had to work hard even with height, as he wasn’t so good back in his rookie days.

However, once he landed a spot on the Chicago Bulls, he changed the basketball game, making it more popular than ever. Would he have ever accomplished all his goals without his perseverance? No, you will never achieve your dreams unless you push yourself.

17. A Structured Routine Saves You Money

Routines can save money too. This may sound a bit odd, but it can be cost-cutting. Take, for example, that you bake all the family’s bread for the week on Monday.

Rather than going to the store and buying a small five-pound bag of flour, you can save money by buying it in bulk. Since you know you’ll need it, you can stockpile it to make it more cost-effective. Routines can be very cost-efficient, especially when it prompts you to look ahead.

structured routineFinal Thoughts on a Structured Routine

These seventeen benefits show you why a structured routine is so important. Remember, you don’t have to be too regimented as there should be times to do absolutely nothing. You can achieve all you want when you learn the power of structure, discipline, and routine.

15 Inspiring Quotes from Successful Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship isn’t always easy, and sometimes you feel like giving up. Sometimes you’ll feel like you’re stuck and not making progress. In those instances, inspiring quotes from successful entrepreneurs can help you keep going.

Entrepreneurship takes lots of work, and you won’t always see results daily. However, putting in the time and effort is still essential if you want to see long-term success in life.

As an entrepreneur, you don’t have a boss. You’re the business owner and your boss, and you must stay motivated to get anything done. It’ll be tempting to give in to being lazy sometimes, but these quotes can help you keep going.

Anytime you need inspiration, these inspiring quotes from successful business leaders can make all the difference. These quotes can motivate you to get through a hard time and work as a pick-me-up during uninspiring times.

Fifteen Inspiring Quotes from Successful Entrepreneurs

Every entrepreneur hits a rough patch where things don’t go as planned. There will be bad days and days when you feel like giving up or taking a nap instead of working. These quotes from successful entrepreneurs can offer the motivation needed to get back on track.

successful entrepreneurs

1. “If you really go all in, you go all in. Keep trying. If your original idea isn’t working, use what you’ve built to pivot into something else. Keep trying to find a solution to people’s problems.” – Jan Koum

When you decide to become an entrepreneur and set your goals, you’re all in. Don’t withhold your abilities because you must keep trying each day.

Your first idea might not work out, but that doesn’t mean your next one won’t. Don’t stop coming up with new ideas and plans. If you can find solutions to people’s problems, your entrepreneurship is successful.

2. “You really have to love every single bit of what you do. The moment that you do something that makes you feel queasy to your stomach, the company dies.” – Matt Mullenweg

Mullenweg explains that as an entrepreneur, you must love what you do. Otherwise, you won’t have any motivation or drive if you dread your plans each day. If you start to feel like you don’t want to do it anymore, it’ll stop working out.

3. “Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” – Warren Buffett

This quote serves as a reminder that what you do today affects your future long-term. You must nurture your goals each day if you want them to thrive and grow for the future. If you remember this quote, you’ll remember to do the things you won’t see the results of immediately.

4. “When a business becomes successful seemingly overnight, no one knows about all the months and years you’ve invested, all the projects you’ve tried before that didn’t work.” – Niklas Zennstrom

Overnight success isn’t an accurate depiction of the experience. Successful businesses take years of time, energy, and investments. It also includes restarting when your plans don’t work out and using failures as building opportunities for a future project.

5. “Don’t worry about being successful but work toward being significant, and the success will naturally follow.” – Oprah Winfrey

There are many stepping stones along the way to success. Rather than focusing on success itself, work toward becoming significant instead. Positive results follow when people know who you are and trust your name.

6. “The person passionate about what he or she is doing will outwork and outlast the guy motivated solely by making money.” – Reid Hoffman

While making money is essential for paying bills and meeting needs, it’s not all your job should be about. As Hoffman explains, a passionate person will do better than the one chasing money. When you need motivation, use this quote as a reminder to focus on your passions, and the rest will fall into place.

7. “If you don’t have big dreams and goals, you’ll end up working for someone that does.” – Unknown

Don’t think that your dreams won’t work out because they’ll happen for someone. Rather than missing out on your opportunity, focus on your biggest goals. You can make it happen, or you’ll work for someone with the motivation and drive.

Those who focus and work hard toward their goals are the ones that will find success. You can be in charge of your life and income, or you’ll be an employee following orders.

8. “As soon as something stops being fun, I think it’s time to move on. Life is too short to be unhappy. Waking up stressed and miserable is not a good way to live.” – Richard Branson

As an entrepreneur, you must know when something isn’t working. Your career and aspirations should be fun and bring joy, and if they don’t, it’s time to move on. If you have control over your business, you can successfully make the shift to find happiness in your career. Similarly, evaluating Manchester’s best commercial areas can help you identify thriving environments that align with your business objectives. Choosing the right location not only enhances your visibility and accessibility but also positions you strategically for growth and success.

successful entrpereneurs

9. “The power of positive thinking is the ability to generate a feeling of certainty in yourself when nothing in the environment supports you.” – Tony Robbins

When things get hard, you must remain confident. Push away negative thoughts and replace them with positivity and feelings of certainty. When you believe in yourself, it doesn’t matter if anyone or anything else does.

10. “Failure is awesome. Failure means you tried something. You tested it, and you learned some things. Failure gives you the tools to move forward.” – Leah Busque

You might get discouraged when something doesn’t work out, but remember this quote. Failure means you learned something. As a result, it allows you to move forward with more knowledge. So please don’t give up now because you are a little closer to success.

11. “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas Edison

Past setbacks can leave you feeling like you can’t make your dreams happen. It’ll seem like each time you make progress, it’s followed by hardship and roadblocks. However, this quote reminds you that each setback is a learning opportunity.

You’ll develop a growth mindset by viewing these experiences as learning opportunities. As an entrepreneur, having a growth mindset is essential to continuing success. It expands your knowledge and helps you become more resilient.

12. “We think mistakenly, that success is the result of the amount of the time we put in at work, instead of the quality of the time we put in.” – Arianna Huffington

You can do more work in less time if you enjoy what you do. Focusing on what you’re working on without becoming distracted or frustrated allows it to happen much quicker. Don’t be afraid to walk away and take a break sometimes because it’ll help you come back stronger than before.

13. “I didn’t have a business degree. I didn’t have experience to work in somebody else’s office, I never built or ran a department. So I was on this journey, and when the time came to make a decision, I was just going with my gut.” – Hamdi Ulukaya

Building a successful business requires learning along the way and trusting your decisions. Use what you have right now to work toward becoming a successful entrepreneur. For those looking to start their business, finding the best llc service in minnesota can be an important step in the right direction. Choosing a reliable LLC service ensures that your business is set up correctly and compliant with local regulations, giving you a strong foundation to build upon.

14. “I had to make my own living and my own opportunity. But I made it! Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them.” – C.J. Walker

No one else will hand success to you. You must get out there and chase your dreams, or you’ll miss out on opportunities.

Get out there and do what it takes to make the life you’ve always dreamed of. Sitting at home making excuses won’t help; it’ll only set you further behind. Because you are in charge of your life, it’s up to you to ensure success.

15. “Too many people measure how successful they are by how much money they make or the people that they associate with. In my opinion, true success should be measured by how happy you are.” – Richard Branson

Many people believe that more money means more success in life, but that’s not the authentic experience. So perhaps you should follow Branson’s advice and measure success based on happiness.

The most important thing in life is living a happy and fulfilling life. If you prioritize money, you force yourself to miss out on a meaningful experience. You can focus on joy and improving your well-being as long as you have everything you need.

successful entrepreneurs

Final Thoughts on Inspiring Quotes from Successful Entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur, you’ll sometimes experience a lack of motivation, frustration, and other negative feelings. There will be times when you want to give up or put off important tasks. However, these quotes from successful entrepreneurs can give you the encouragement you need to continue.

Successful business leaders aren’t lucky; it doesn’t happen by accident. Of course, it takes dedication, hard work, and persistence. You must also believe in yourself and remember that you can do anything you want.

15 Habits of a Positive Relationship That Lasts

It seems challenging for marriages or relationships to last “’til death do us part.” However, how do some couples stay together for decades, still hold hands, and act as giddy in love as a day one? A positive relationship doesn’t just happen, as it takes a great deal of work.

Beverly B. Palmer, Ph.D., is a psychologist who studies marriage. She advises other couples to put one another first, and since she’s been in a marriage for fifty years, she knows what she’s talking about. She states there is great importance in elevating your spouse above yourself.

Your partner must know you’re thinking of them. In her years of private practice, she’s met many couples in turmoil. Nonetheless, she stated that it’s always easy to see the ones who will work through it through their love and dedication to one another. So, what do these folks have that other people don’t?

Habits That Will Create a Positive Relationship

If you were to panel folks that have been together for many years, each would give you a different recipe for how they made it work. Consequently, here are some tried and true methods that will help you foster a positive relationship for life.

positive relationship1. Honesty

Don’t lie to your partner, ever! Even when the truth is too hard to speak, don’t risk your relationship with a lie. If your partner finds out about your untruth, and they will, it will cause them to distrust you.

No matter how bad the scenario, if your partner truly loves you, you will find a way to resolve the issue. Lying is just compounding the problem, as no one wants to be married to someone dishonest.

2. Trust

Do you trust your partner with your life? You must believe in them above all else and have confidence in this person. You must have faith in them to tell you the truth and have your back whatever comes your way.

Trust is one of those foundational blocks of a relationship that can be devastating if missing.

3. Respect

Respect means different things to different people. However, it’s a general admiration for one another. You wouldn’t take the last piece of cake because your partner may want it. It’s about putting them above you and valuing them as human beings.

4. Unplugging From Social Media

When did you turn off all electronics and social media and just spend alone time with your partner? It doesn’t have to be romantic, just talking to them without the interruptions of email and television is a refreshing break. Make a habit of turning off all distractions and having alone time.

5. Take Care of One Another’s Needs

A relationship has emotional and physical needs, and you must care for both for your partner. If your partner is upset, you must hold and comfort them. Also, physical needs are just as much a part of living as breathing, so you must take care of these too.

If you ensure you meet your partner’s needs, they won’t have any reason to look elsewhere to be fulfilled.

6. Show Admiration and Appreciation

Do you thank your partner for making your coffee before work, or tell them how delicious dinner was tonight? Admire your partner when they do something good, and never let a day go by when you don’t tell them how much you appreciate them.

How will they know if you never tell them how much they mean to you? The last thing you want is someone else giving them the admiration they long to have for you.

7. Be Eager to Forgive

There will be many disagreements, arguments, and misunderstandings as you grow old together. However, be just as easy to forgive as you are to get angry. When you’re stubborn, moody, and only consider yourself, then you’re not doing anything to foster a positive relationship for the future.

positive relationship8. Spend Time Together

Make time for one another. No matter how many hours you must work or how demanding your schedule is, you must fit each other into the day. There’s no reason why you should stop dating just because you’ve been together for ten years.

In fact, one of the ways to keep things new and fresh is to have dates and new adventures with one another. Sorry, going to the grocery store or laundromat together doesn’t count as a “date,” even if you get out of the house without the kids.

9. Spend Time Apart

Just as it’s essential to spend time together, it’s also necessary that you spend time apart. As the old saying goes, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” If you never get a break from one another, you’re just setting up reasons to be grumpy and nit-pick.

According to Rob Pascale and Lou Primavera, Ph.D., a healthy balance between time together and time apart is essential. Spending too much time together can suffocate, but too much time apart can cause doubts to slip in. So, it’s all about finding the right balance to keep things flowing.

10. Show Affection

There’s nothing sweeter than an elderly couple holding hands on a park bench. It’s a sign to those around them that they’ve stood the test of time and still love one another. The gentle peck on the cheek he gives to her, or the smile when he looks into her eyes shows that they’ve weathered life’s storms and did it together.

Ensure you show affection to your partner, even when you don’t like it. Affection can be a warm embrace, a kiss, or romance. However, this is an integral part of a relationship that shouldn’t be left out.

11. Dream and Set Goals Together

Remember the nights you would sit dreaming together about a life with one another? It’s something that a newly dating couple in love does. However, there’s nothing that says that you should ever stop dreaming.

Without a vision for the future, you will become stagnate. Sit down and have sessions where you dream and set goals, which will help solidify your future relationship.

12. Don’t Go To Bed Angry

You’ve probably heard often that you should never go to bed angry. Well, there’s sound reasoning behind that adage. First, you’re not promised tomorrow and don’t want to leave this world with unfinished business. Second, the longer you let a situation drag on, the more powerful it becomes.

Did you know that most arguments start over the silliest of things? Some couples haven’t spoken in days because one forgot to take out the trash or didn’t do the dishes. Is your relationship worth the pettiness? Get over the issue and move on.

13. Laugh Together

While marriage is about paying bills, working, caring for the children, and running the household, what would it be without laughter? Ask any parent who’s raised a child from birth to adulthood, and they will all tell you the same thing; they wish they worried less about the house and more about having fun with their family.

Kids grow so fast, and people age in the blink of an eye. Don’t let these precious moments to laugh and enjoy one another pass you.

14. Use Spontaneity

Sure, routines are good as they keep you on track. Consequently, your life can’t be all regimented. Make time for spontaneity and fun.

Being a free spirit occasionally is very liberating, and it helps you cope with your stressors. A last-minute getaway may be just what you need to spend time together, ease your stress, and build a positive relationship.

15. Don’t Throw in the Towel

Do you know why so many couples stay together for so long? They never quit, no matter how hard things get. Even if they have every reason to walk away, they stay and try to work things out.

So many people are eager to end a relationship when it hits a rough patch. Thankfully, many folks choose to stay and work on things. When you see a couple that’s been together for a long time, it doesn’t mean their relationship is perfect, but they refused to give up.

positive relationshipFinal Thoughts on Creating a Positive Relationship That Lasts a Lifetime

Your relationship is what you make it. If you argue and fight with one another constantly, how can it be anything but harmful? Those people who work on their differences and don’t give up no matter what happens to change the dynamics of their union.

The determined couple will go to counseling, reconnect, and do whatever it takes to foster a positive relationship. Even when the whole world is against them, and they should give up, some folks think their relationship is worth fighting for. Do you have the relationship you want, or is there much work to do?

15 Affirmations to Read When You Don’t Feel Good Enough

When you feel like you aren’t good enough, you’ll often experience shame and inadequacy. Even when you try your hardest, you feel like you aren’t living up to your ability. It leads to constant negative self-talk, lowering your feeling of self-worth.

Sometimes you won’t feel good enough if you are deficient in some area of life and can’t improve. You might feel like you can’t improve because you don’t have the necessary tools to build competency. It can make you feel like you’re doomed to failure and like you should give up.

Feeling like you’re not enough can hinder your self-esteem, holding you back from reaching your dreams. These negative thoughts don’t serve you, and they won’t help you overcome the situation.

People often feel negativity regarding job changes, the news, financial troubles, and other things. These experiences can significantly impact your mental health, and you’ll find it overwhelming to think about taking action. The first step to feeling better about yourself is identifying and challenging negative thinking.

Affirmations to Increase Self-Worth When You Don’t Feel Good Enough

When you don’t feel like you’re good enough, you must shift your mindset. These affirmations can make all the difference and improve your overall well-being. You’ll remember your worthiness, turning to positive thinking more often.


1. I am brave and strong as I overcome obstacles.

When you remind yourself of your bravery and strength, you’ll feel ready to tackle anything. When you feel deficient, you must remind yourself that you’re capable of anything. Repeat this affirmation each morning, and you’ll remember to value yourself.

2. I speak up because my voice and opinion are enough.

If you don’t feel worthy, you might not have the confidence to speak up. This affirmation can help give you the courage to speak your mind and offer your ideas. Your voice and opinion are valuable, so remind yourself each morning.

3. I choose to live my life the way I want to.

No one can tell you how to live because this is your life. If you did what everyone else wanted you to do, you’ll never feel fulfilled. You’ll wind up feeling unworthy when everyone else makes decisions for you.

This affirmation can help you overcome the feeling that you have no say in your life. At any moment, you can make a change in the right direction. Repeat this phrase each morning so that it’ll stick with you throughout the day.

4. I know that people leave my life, and that’s okay.

You might wonder what you did wrong when someone leaves your life. However, it has nothing to do with you and is about who they are. There will always be people who come in and out of your life, and accepting it is key to feeling good enough.

People don’t leave because you lack anything. Many factors contribute to losing touch with someone. It’s a part of life that you must embrace and accept.

Don’t beat yourself up wondering what you could have done differently. If you find yourself in that situation, this self-worth affirmation is for you.

5. I am making progress toward my goals each day.

Each day you work, you make progress toward your goals. You might not see the progress each day, but trust that it’s there. Using this affirmation will help you remember that you’re good at what you do, and you’ll reach your goals.

Let go of self-doubt because you have what it takes to do anything you set your mind on. Use this affirmation as you get ready each morning to start on the right path. Then, use it before bed as a reminder of all that you accomplished.

6. I am doing my best, and it is enough.

You can’t beat yourself up if you’re trying your best. If you commit to your tasks and do everything you can, it’s more than enough.

No one is perfect, and you can’t expect perfection of yourself. Learn to accept your shortcomings because you gave it your all.

7. I am shifting my perspective to focus on gratitude.

If your negative thinking feels overwhelming, try using this affirmation. Repeat it until you feel better, and come back to the phrase anytime your mindset reverts to negativity.

When you focus on gratitude, you’ll think of all the great things in your life. Thinking of all you have to be thankful for will help you recognize your worth.

8. I trust myself to make the right decisions for my life.

If you doubt your decisions, you’ll also question how valuable you are. It makes you feel like you can’t make good choices, which is highly untrue.

Use this phrase to reaffirm that you can and will make the right decisions. When you feel confident about what you do, you’ll realize that you are worthy and valuable.

9. I am embracing my journey because it was made for me.

Your life journey won’t be perfect, and you don’t want it to be. The journey is special to your life, even when things don’t go the way you’d hoped. Embrace each stage and avoid comparing it to others because this path was made for you.

10. I am open to trying new things, even when they scare me.

Trying new things that scare you a little can be beneficial to discovering your worth. When you take on new experiences, it shows you what you can do. Plus, it builds courage and bravery, allowing you to see how capable you are.

self-worth affirmations

11. I am loved and cared for by the important people in my life.

You have plenty as long as you have another person who loves and cares about you. When you feel like you aren’t enough, use this affirmation and visualize the people who mean the most to you. Think about those who want to see you happy doing what’s best for you because those are your people.

You’re worthy of the people who love you, meaning you are valuable and cherished. Never forget your self-worth because you mean so much to others.

12. I see more than enough beauty in the world around me.

There’s always good around you, even if you need a reminder to look for it. Use this affirmation each morning, and you’ll spend the day looking for beautiful things.

The flowers on the side of the road during your morning drive can cheer you up, as can the sun, blue sky, or anything else. Daily occurrences can be beautiful if you take the time to notice them.

13. I am always worthy of happiness and love.

You deserve happiness and love, so don’t settle for anything less. Remember how great you are because you can follow a fulfilling life path. Use this affirmation to shift from negative thinking and embrace what you’re worthy of.

14. I am making the time for what matters most in my life.

Taking the time for things that make you happy can make all the difference. It’ll make you happy, helping you recognize your worth. You’ll feel good about who you are and what your life is like.

If you don’t feel good enough, it’s time to reprioritize. Change your schedule around and spend more time doing what you love.

15. I listen to my personal needs and wants.

Listening to yourself can help you acknowledge your worth. You must take care of yourself, including listening to your needs and wants. Don’t put yourself last, or you’ll never feel like you’re valuable or worthy.

Using this affirmation each day will help you remember to pay attention to your body. You’ll start to notice things about yourself that you didn’t before, allowing for increased self-care.

Other Ways to Stop Think You’re Not Enough and Increase Your Self-Worth

These affirmations to read when you don’t feel good enough can make a positive difference in your life. You’ll recognize your self-worth and understand that you’re valuable. The phrases will also help you prioritize yourself, taking care of your needs and wants.

Positive affirmations aren’t the only way to stop feeling like you’re not enough. Some of the other ways you can improve your sense of self-worth include:

  • Stop comparing yourself to others
  • Set your pace, and don’t try to keep up with anyone else
  • Give to others when you can
  • Focus on positive self-talk
  • Don’t be afraid to speak up
  • Practice self-acceptance
  • Be honest with yourself
  • Learn from your mistakes
  • Avoid rumination
  • Reward yourself for success and achievement
  • Let go of negative influences
  • Take smalls steps toward your goals
  • Try a new routine
  • Forgive yourself for past mistakes
  • Keep moving forward


Final Thoughts on Affirmations to Read When You Don’t Feel Good Enough

Everyone sometimes feels like they aren’t good enough, and you must let go of that feeling. Use these positive affirmations as a reminder that you are worthy. Repeat the phrases until you feel better, and use them throughout the day.

You’ll no longer feel like you aren’t enough when you remember your self-worth. You are valuable, and it’s important to remember that always.

15 Low Blood Sugar Signs Most People Ignore

The medical word for low blood sugar is hypoglycemia. They usually associate low blood sugar with diabetes, but even if you don’t have diabetes, you may experience hypoglycemia. You must understand how to spot low blood sugar and what to do when it happens. Here are some low blood sugar signs that most people ignore.

What happens with low blood sugar?

Low blood sugar happens when your glucose levels drop below what is typical. This is usually a reading of lower than 70 milligrams per deciliter. It’s common for people who have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, but other people can be susceptible to low blood sugar, including:

  • Aged 65 or older
  • Low blood glucose before that age
  • Individuals with kidney disease
  • Individuals with heart disease
  • Individuals with brain function problems

What are the causes of low blood sugar?

Besides diabetes, there are other causes of low blood sugar. These include the following:

  • Certain medications
  • Drinking too much alcohol
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Anorexia nervosa
  • Pancreas problems
  • Genetic disorders
  • Weight loss surgery side effects

15 Low Blood Sugar Signs Most People Ignore

low blood sugar

1 – Sweating can indicate low blood sugar

Night sweats often indicate a drop in your glucose levels at night. This causes your body to produce adrenaline, and this makes you sweat. Only after your glucose returns to normal do you stop sweating. In the meantime, you may experience episodes you cannot ignore if this happens.  You may need to eat a small protein-rich meal prior, such as a few to bedtime, to maintain your blood glucose during the night. Simply eating a snack at bedtime can help support glucose production during the night, including:

  • A few whole-wheat crackers with peanut butter
  • A small number of nuts
  • Low-fat cheese and a few whole-wheat crackers
  • Baby carrots dipped in hummus
  • A hard-boiled egg

2 – A fast heartbeat

Hypoglycemia triggers heart irregularities like racing heartbeat and palpitations. This is a good sign that your blood sugar is super low, and you need to eat something to up your blood glucose levels quickly.  You can try

  • Drinking orange or apple juice or regular soda (not a diet drink)
  • Eat a banana
  • Eat an apple or applesauce

3 – Hunger with nausea may come from hypoglycemia

Low blood sugar sends out confusing messages to your body. You may feel hungry, yet the changing blood glucose levels cause your metabolism to get interrupted, making you feel hungry yet nauseous simultaneously. Sometimes during the day, when your blood sugar dips too low, you may feel a little sick in your stomach. This can even happen to people who don’t have diabetes. Try to munch on several small meals throughout the day to avoid these dips in blood glucose levels.

4 – Feeling weak

It’s normal to feel weak when your blood glucose takes a dip. When your blood cells aren’t getting the necessary glucose, you will feel listless and tired. Weakness, mainly only on one side of your body, could be severe. It could show that blood sugar levels have dropped dramatically, making you susceptible to a stroke. Get help if you feel weak.

5 – Low blood sugar can cause difficulty in focusing

These imbalances affect your mental function. Confused, slower thinking, and slow reaction times, are symptoms of not getting enough blood glucose to your brain. This lack of brain function is severe, so talk to a medical professional immediately. In the meantime, don’t drive or run any machinery. Lie down and ask someone to get you a sugary drink or candy bar to elevate your glucose levels.

6 – Irritability

Hypoglycemia causes your body to pump extra adrenaline into your body, causing you to feel a “flight or flight” stress. Your body makes more blood sugar to bring up your blood sugar levels. This causes your heart to race and you to sweat. You may feel irritable and cranky.  Don’t ignore this symptom. It could be a clear sign you’re dealing with low blood sugar.

7 – Tingling or numbness

Unexplained tingling or numbness can be a sign of low blood sugar. This is because reduced levels add to poor blood circulation, which leads to damaged nerves. You may experience pain and feelings of tingling or numbness in your feet and hands. It may be hard to walk because of this. This tingling is called neuropathy. When left untreated, neuropathy can get worse and lead to nerve damage. So, be sure to talk with your medical professional about these symptoms.


8 – Headaches may come from low blood sugar

Fluctuations in your blood glucose affect your brain the most. The various drops and risings of your blood sugar cause headaches. Maintaining an average glucose level helps reduce headaches. You should eat four or five small meals a day to avoid these headaches. Eat a balance of carbohydrates and proteins.

9 – Blurry vision

Another sign of low blood sugar is the blurry vision or difficulty focusing. This is because of reduced glucose levels affect your brain. Varying glucose levels affect your brain function related to your ability to see. It’s also thought that hypoglycemia can change the shape of your eyes lens, which affects your ability to see. Blurry vision is profound. Don’t ignore this sign, but get medical help sooner rather than later.

10 – Tremors

Shaking and tremors are also signs of low blood sugar. Once again, hypoglycemia’s effect on your brain is the culprit. If you have this low blood sugar level, you need to seek medical help to help boost your blood sugar back up. This should ease the tremors and help you feel back to normal.

11 – Fainting

A quick drop in glucose levels can lead to a severe reaction, such as fainting or even a coma. As your blood glucose plunges, it affects your brain, causing you to feel lightheaded and faint. This is a medical emergency. If you’re feeling lightheaded, sit down and ask someone to get your glass of orange juice right away. This will bring your glucose levels back up, but you may still need medical attention right away. A doctor may need to give you an injection of blood sugar to get your levels up to where they need to be.

12 – Anxiety

When your blood glucose is low, your body sends a message to your body to make adrenaline and cortisol. This activates your liver to increase glucose production and send it into your bloodstream. This leads to you feeling anxious and shaky. You may feel like you’re drinking a lot of coffee because your heart is beating quickly. You may feel angry or anxious, and fearful. This is because of the fluctuations in your glucose levels.

13 – Nighttime hypoglycemia

Nighttime low blood sugar is ordinary in individuals who struggle with low blood sugar. This is because your glucose levels don’t stay consistent throughout the night. Symptoms include:

  • Night sweats
  • Nightmares
  • Confusion when you wake up
  • Crying out in the middle of the night
  • Feeling unrested

Eating a high protein/ carbohydrate snack before bed will help reduce nighttime hypoglycemia and its side effects.

14 – Trouble speaking can indicate low blood sugar

Slurred speech or trouble speaking is another severe sign of hypoglycemia. Your sugar-starved brain can’t function well. As your blood sugar drops, you won’t be able to talk or think straight. Or you may say strange things that sound like you’re drunk even if you have drunk no alcohol. This is a dangerously low blood sugar symptom that requires medical help immediately. If you see someone in this state, call 911 directly. It’s possible to die from a severe blood sugar reaction like this.

15 – Lightheadedness

One of the most common signs of low blood sugar is lightheadedness. This is because your brain is trying to maintain its energy as your blood sugar drops. Lightheadedness results, making you feel as if you may faint. It’s best to get someone to give you a glass of juice or soda right away to get your glucose levels up quickly. Lie down to avoid fainting. If you’re still lightheaded after drinking the juice or soda and lying down, you may need to seek medical help.

low blood sugar

Final thoughts on knowing the signs and causes of low blood sugar

They primarily associated low blood sugar or hypoglycemia with type 1 or 2 diabetes individuals, but these aren’t the only people who can struggle with it. Other medical conditions, lifestyle choices, and even some medications make you prone to low blood sugar. For this reason, it’s vital that you understand the signs of blood glucose fluctuations and don’t ignore them. You may experience night sweats, headaches, weakness, or even irritability.

Some people feel nauseated when hungry or have tremors or blurry vision. Because there are so many symptoms, you may confuse them with other health concerns. If you’re experiencing several of these, it may be time to discuss your symptoms with your doctor to see what’s going on. Your health is worth being vigilant to avoid a severe hypoglycemic problem, such as a stroke or coma.

11 Baby Advice Tips That Aren’t What You Think

The minute you announce your pregnancy, you begin receiving unsolicited baby advice. People act like they know what’s best for you and your baby, regardless of the situation. When this happens, you must be careful because not all baby advice tips are what they seem.

People who give baby advice mean well, but it’s not always for the best. From family and friends to strangers in the grocery store, everyone will have something to tell you about their experience. As you receive these words of wisdom, try not to retain the information too much.

You’ll find all of the unsolicited baby advice annoying, but it’s much more than that. Some parenting advice either doesn’t work or is dangerous for your child.

Baby Advice and Care Tips That Turned Out to Be Myths

Times have changed, and doctors have made more discoveries about what’s safe and healthy for babies. What worked for mothers in the past isn’t safe, and it’s not always practical, although they didn’t know it at the time. There are quite a few common baby tips you’ll receive, and it’s best to understand why you shouldn’t listen.

baby advice

1. You Must Stick to a Strict Feeding, Diaper, and Sleep Schedule

Many people tell expecting parents that they must stick to a strict schedule no matter what. While a routine can be beneficial, there are times it’s okay to switch it up.

For instance, if your baby is asleep, you don’t have to wake them up for a diaper change. If their diaper is only wet, they will be okay until they wake up.

However, if it’s a poopy diaper, you’ll want to wake them up and change them. The blanket statement that you should wake a baby up to stick to diaper schedules isn’t always accurate because it depends on what’s in the diaper.

People will also drill the importance of a strict feeding schedule, although babies should eat on demand. Infants know when they’re hungry or complete, and it’s best to follow their cues. Following their hunger cues promotes growth and helps you understand your baby’s needs.

2. Baby Walkers Help Them Walk Sooner

People will sometimes tell you to put your child in a baby walker to teach them to walk sooner. However, baby walkers prolong the milestone. They increase the risk of injury, and they can push your child a little too much.

The best way to teach your child to walk is to give them a safe place to practice standing and balance. You can use baby gates or play yards to keep your child in a designated area. Keep toys and stationary walkers in their space for developmental purposes.

3. You’ll Spoil Your Baby by Holding Them Too Much

Infants don’t have many self-soothing strategies, and they’ll need you to be there for them.  If you pick your baby up as they cry, they learn that you’ll always be there for them. Don’t listen to baby advice that implies you’ll spoil your baby by holding them.

Some people even go so far as to say your baby is manipulating you into picking them up. However, that’s not true because babies don’t know how to control you, and they depend on you for comfort and care. Babies don’t understand routine either, so it’s not always beneficial to use tough love by not picking them up.

Studies show that holding your baby promotes healthy development rather than spoiling them. Your baby is used to being rocked and soothed by their mother’s body, bringing them a sense of safety. It also promotes mental health and improves your breastfeeding experience.

Early bonding with your baby is essential, and cuddling them is one of the best ways to bond. Don’t hold back if you feel like cuddling your baby or if they want you.

As your baby gets older, you can decide how much you want to hold them. You’ll never regret cuddling them too much because there will come a day when they don’t want you to pick them up anymore. Embrace every moment and do what feels best for you and your family.

4. You Can’t Eat Spicy Foods If You Want to Breastfeed

Other people are quick to offer feeding tips for a baby, but you shouldn’t listen. The only feeding advice you should follow is what you get from a pediatrician or medical professional.

People might tell you that you have to give up certain foods if you want to breastfeed. Whether they believe it will change the taste of your milk or ruin it, this tip isn’t one to follow. Nursing mothers can eat anything, as long as they follow a healthy diet.

Babies take on their mother’s taste preference, so don’t eliminate anything you don’t have to. It’ll vary your child’s food preferences, helping them accept a healthy diet.

5. You Must Breastfeed

You may feel pressured to breastfeed by others, and that’s another unhelpful tip. Some moms can’t breastfeed, and others don’t want to, and it’s still okay. Breastfeeding is a personal choice and journey, and it’s best to ignore anyone else’s input on this.

It might help you feel better to know that baby formula mimics human breast milk. A Washington University School of Medicine study shows that both options promote healthy microbes in the digestive tract. Breast milk and formula are also both designed to:

  • Decrease harmful bacteria
  • Boost your metabolism
  • Offer vitamins and amino acids

baby tips

6. You’re Feeding Your Baby Too Much

Breastfed babies don’t always follow a schedule, but many people will tell you otherwise. Your baby might want to eat more often than the widely believed two to three hours between feedings.

A newborn goes through periods of cluster-feeding where they frequently eat, crying for the breast more often. Formula-fed babies also need to eat more often during growth spurts.

Many people believe the baby wants comfort, and they’ll tell you to let the baby cry. Or, they’ll suggest that you aren’t producing enough breast milk. However, if your baby does need more milk, frequent feedings will help trigger your body to produce more.

Your baby will get plenty of nutrients as long as you feed them on-demand, meaning you can’t follow a feeding schedule. It’s normal for a baby to eat more often, and as long as they continue gaining weight, there’s no issue. Of course, something might be amiss, but don’t take it to heart unless your doctor says it.

7. You Should Give Your Baby a Bath Every Day

Babies don’t sweat as adults do, so they don’t get stinky in the same way. You don’t have to bathe them every day, but you can if you want to.

Every two or three days is okay, or if they have a diaper explosion. When you don’t bathe your baby, make sure you wash their face, hands, and bottom.

If you choose to bathe your baby every day, make sure you moisturize them after each bath. You might even consider not using soap during each bath.

8. Make Sure to Give Your Baby Water to Stay Hydrated

This baby advice can be dangerous for infants. Babies don’t need water, and it can cause an electrolyte and sodium imbalance.

Their kidneys aren’t fully functioning yet, and their bodies can excrete water. Plus, filling their stomachs with water doesn’t allow them to take in enough calories and nutrients.

9. Don’t Let Your Baby Sleep During the Day, or They’ll Stay Up All Night

Keeping your baby awake during the day doesn’t prevent them from staying awake at night. It doesn’t help them sleep better later, and it’ll likely backfire.

Skipping naps and keeping your baby awake can cause them to be cranky, overtired, and overstimulated. These effects keep your baby awake late into the night. It can also cause your baby to fall asleep but wake up too soon.

10. Babies Need Silence to Sleep

Many expecting parents hear that their babies need a silent house to sleep in. This baby advice causes parents to go out of their way to prevent making noise and waking their baby. However, babies hear noise in the womb, and they’re used to the sound.

Plus, it’s good for babies to learn to sleep through vacuuming or conversation. If your baby can sleep through your favorite show, you’ll be glad you didn’t keep your house entirely silent. It also teaches them to sleep through a variety of situations.

11. Babies Sleep Best on Their Stomachs

Some old baby advice that you might hear often is that babies sleep best on their stomachs. However, new research shows that the safest sleep position is on their back. When an infant sleeps on their stomach, it can limit their oxygen intake and lead to a dangerous situation.

baby advice

Final Thoughts on Baby Advice Tips That Aren’t What You Think.

When expecting a baby, you’ll receive unsolicited advice everywhere you go. Remember that many baby tips are outdated or harmful, and you shouldn’t read too much into them. You can smile, say thank you, and then move on without following the baby advice.

Those offering baby advice mean well, and they likely didn’t have access to all of the research and studies that we have now. Your best bet is to talk to your baby’s doctor and other prestigious medical professionals.

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