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12 Ways to Show Love for a Dying Loved One

Showing compassion to someone who is dying is the greatest act of kindness. Life starts with birth and ends with death, a journey each person must face. Death is feared and thought of as scary by many people, but it’s something that’s just a part of life as breathing each day.

Death and dying are challenging to face, no matter who you are in this world. Your age, socioeconomics, or where you live don’t matter. Everyone will face the same fate one day, so showing love for those going through this time is the least you can do.

Twelve Ways to Let a Dying Loved One Know You Care

Since death is difficult to deal with, many folks feel lost and helpless when someone they love is soon to pass. Showing compassion comes easier to some than it does to others, but you don’t want to have any regrets.

This is your last chance to show this person how you feel. If you have a fear of death, it’s something you need to get over to help. Here are some ways to show your love and compassion to someone dying who means so much to you.


1. Be There for Your Dying Loved One With a Heart Full of Compassion

People don’t always need rooms full of flowers or gifts as much as they need to know you’re there for them. Sitting by their bed, holding their hand, and reminiscing about life can be helpful.

Your presence can be quite healing to a heart overcome with sickness or fear. Sometimes people need to know what they mean to you, and the best way to show it is by just being there for them. They may have some good advice to help you, so these sessions are precious.

2. Assist Them with End-of-Life Decisions

Though it’s not a topic you want to discuss, making end-of-life preparations is part of the dying process. You want to ensure that you honor your loved one’s wishes in every aspect of the service. It’s becoming commonplace for people to be cremated and have a celebration of life or no service at all. You want to ensure you know what they want verbatim so that you can honor them.

3. Decide The Care in Their Dying Days

Many things must be considered when someone is dying. You want to preserve their dignity throughout this end-of-life process. It is essential to allow them to have some decision-making powers while they still can.

Some folks want to die in the comforts of their home, while others will need hospice houses or some other special care. Together, you can help them to decide what’s best.

4. Make Sure to Have a Will and Medical Directives

Having a will is essential to anyone who has any assets. Additionally, they will need to have their medical directives in place. The DNR or do not resuscitate order is something that many people feel passionately about in their passing.

Most people don’t want to be kept alive by machinery if they can go to the beyond in peace. Help them get a will in place and their directives if they don’t already have one, as this will help the family honor their wishes.

While it’s best to have an attorney do these legal documents, you can do them on their behalf. They must be able to sign them before witnesses or a notary. Each state has different laws regarding this process, so it’s best to check with these laws to thwart any issues later.

5. Keep Them Updated on Their Medical Care or Prognosis

Showing compassion for someone dying doesn’t mean keeping them in the dark. No matter how grim the news, they might want to know everything. However, you should respect their wishes if they ask you to handle things and want to be oblivious.

However, sometimes they can’t advocate for themselves and need your help. The patient knows how bad they feel on the inside, so keeping things from them doesn’t benefit anyone.

6. Help With Their Final Needs Before Dying

Sadly, people get sick and die every day, but these folks still have things that need to be taken care of. Many have bills to pay, a household to run, and other obligations. Helping to care for some of these pressing matters can relieve the stress of someone dying.

If they’re sick and need to focus on rest, having that extra hand will certainly help. There will come a day when they won’t be able to do these things at all, so you need to help them plan for that phase too.


7. Get a Music Thanatologist Involved

Music can be very calming and healing to the heart and soul. However, many studies show it can be beneficial in dying. It falls under the category of palliative care, and it’s been used more around the country to make passing peacefully in recent years.

According to Thanatology Association International, using a harp and a gentle voice helps with emotional and spiritual needs during death. There’s usually a great deal of anxiety during this process, too, so it helps to ensure that the person is calm as they pass. Giving grace and comfort to someone’s end-of-life journey is one of the best things you can do.

8. Ask a Chaplin or Pastor to Visit

If the person passing is strong in their faith, they may welcome a visit from a spiritual adviser. Some people want their last rites, while others wish for a simple prayer for their journey. Most hospice programs incorporate spiritual care alongside other services, and many find it beneficial.

9. Consider a Death Doula

While death doula may seem like a new term, these folks are becoming more popular nationwide. This person is responsible for helping the dying person to relax as they cross over to the other side. According to an article published in USA Today, a death doula is a person who stays with the family before and after the death.

The doula sits with the patient and holds their hand. They can use massage or other techniques to help calm the nerves. The goal is to transition them from this life to the next without issue.

They can help with legacy projects the patient wishes to leave behind for the family and ensure their wishes are met. They’re an adjunct part of hospice, as this person provides emotional, spiritual, and physical support during this critical time.

10. Stay in Communication

While you have a job and busy life that you must manage, you know that sitting by their side 24×7 isn’t always possible. Some battles with a person’s health are long and drawn out, so you want to save time off when they need you the most. Thankfully, most people have cell phones and can receive calls and texts to stay in communication with you.

Letting them know you’re with them in spirit, even though not in the flesh, can be helpful. It’s a long, hard road when you know you’re nearing the end, and there are many frightening things they experience and feel during these times. Having you beside them, even by a call or text, will make the process easier.

11. Bring a Gift

Some people love cards, while others prefer flowers. Please do whatever you can to make their room bright and cheery. While there’s nothing joyful about dying, having at least a pleasant atmosphere during the last days of their life is helpful.

12. Help Keep a Dying Person’s Mind Busy

Does this person like to play cards, look at old photos, or watch television? Help them to keep their mind busy with these little things. They will appreciate the compassion you’re showing them and the time you spend together, but it’s a long day when there’s not much to do.

Someone dying doesn’t feel like going to the store but may enjoy sitting outside in the sunshine. Make sure to have plenty for them to do so their mind can focus on something other than their health. Do they have one final wish? Maybe getting that wish granted will give them something to look forward to.


Final Thoughts on Showing Compassion to a Dying Loved One

Why is death so hard? It doesn’t matter how often you’ve been through it with other folks, as the journey never gets any easier. When your loved one’s life hangs in the balance, it can shake you to the core. However, there are some things that you can do to show them compassion and let them know how much you care.

You don’t want them to leave this world with you having any regrets, so you must do as much for them as possible. You will look back on these days with fond memories that you got to share the final hours of their life. Dying will never get more accessible, but being there for someone you love and care about is the least you can do.

11 Habits to Help Recover from a Toxic Relationship

Being in a toxic relationship is detrimental to your well-being, and the effects can be long-lasting. Leaving a toxic relationship is a brave step. Now, you deserve to heal, find peace, and restore your self-respect.

These relationships don’t always start toxic, but they wreak havoc on your life and mindset. The behaviors increase gradually over time, and it can be hard to identify if you were in an unhealthy relationship. It was likely toxic if you still have lasting psychological effects from a previous relationship.

Recovering from a toxic relationship can be difficult. The feelings and psychological issues can last even years after the relationship ends. Healing from the situation is the best thing you can do for yourself.

Be patient with yourself during the healing process because it takes time. You can make it happen with persistence and support.

What a Toxic Relationship Looks Like

Unhealthy relationships are unique, so they don’t always look the same. However, there are some indicators of toxicity, including:

  • infidelity
  • mental, physical, financial, or emotional abuse
  • perpetual discontentment in the relationship
  • lack of communication
  • constant tension or arguing
  • not fixing conflict
  • feeling invalidated or uncertain
  • constant stress
  • feeling drained
  • isolation
  • resentment
  • being undermined
  • constant put-downs

toxic relationship

Why It’s Important to Heal from a Toxic Relationship

Healing from a toxic relationship is essential to moving on. You might struggle to find love again if you’re harboring the effects of the past.

When you trust someone enough to be in a relationship, being hurt or betrayed is heartbreaking. It’ll make you want to hide from future relationships so that it doesn’t happen again.

Healing from your past experiences can help you move forward. You can learn to love yourself again and find a beneficial relationship.

A toxic relationship can cause you to lose your sense of self-respect. Without it, you might engage in unhealthy behaviors and live in a state of negativity.

How to Recover from a Toxic Relationship and Regain Self-Respect

Try these habits to find your way back to happiness–or at least increase self-love and self-respect.

1 – Don’t Contact Your Ex

After your relationship ends, it might be tempting to want to reach out to your ex. Doing so is detrimental and can make many negative feelings and behaviors return. It’s best to go no-contact and know that you do not need to stay friends with them.

Some tips for going no-contact include:

  • unfriending or unfollowing them on social media
  • not answering calls from them
  • deleting their phone number
  • not responding to their messages
  • avoiding contact with their friends or family

Some situations, like having a child or a professional relationship, make no contact impossible. If that’s the case for you, it requires limiting your contact and setting boundaries. This situation allows you to be calm around them, and they won’t have the chance to cause further harm.

2 – Don’t Blame Yourself for the Toxic Relationship

You are not the reason your ex mistreated you. Your ex’s actions are their responsibility, and there’s nothing you could have done differently.

You can’t even blame yourself for getting in the relationship because abusers don’t often show their true identity until later. When you blame yourself, it can cause feelings of regret and self-doubt.

If you struggle with blaming yourself, it’s time to practice forgiveness. When you start thinking you were at fault, shift your thoughts and remember why you left your ex. You didn’t do anything to deserve a bad situation, so don’t waste your time and energy beating yourself up.

3 – Take Time to Get to Know Yourself Again

A toxic relationship can take a toll on how you feel about yourself. You might give up on your hobbies and passions. Now that you’re out of the relationship, you can heal by getting to know yourself again.

Take the time to rediscover who you are. As you do things you used to enjoy, take time to remember why you liked those activities. Prioritize your happiness and identify what you love about life.

4 – Be Patient After a Toxic Relationship and Give Yourself Some Grace

Healing from a toxic relationship isn’t easy, and it takes time. Your healing journey will be different than other people’s experiences, so be patient as you work through the issues.

Take as much time as you need to process and heal, and be kind to yourself. Some days will be more complicated than others. So give yourself some grace for setbacks.

Don’t judge yourself, and practice positive self-thoughts. You deserve self-compassion during this process. One way to do this is to treat yourself how you’d treat a friend or loved one in your situation. It helps you forgive yourself as you realize all that matters now is healing.

5 – Let Yourself Feel Your Emotions

It’s tempting to suppress your emotions when you end a toxic relationship. However, allowing yourself to feel and experience the emotions is beneficial. Letting your feelings out can help speed up the healing process, but you must give yourself the space and time to do it.

6 – Talk to a Professional About the Toxic Relationship

Going through a toxic relationship takes a toll in many ways. You can try to get through it alone, but seeking professional help can make a difference. Some survivors experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and it causes long-lasting trust issues.

Talking to a mental health professional can help you process and work through what happened. They’ll help you understand that it wasn’t your fault. Plus, they’ll help you work through anger, grief, and other emotions.

7 – Reframe Your Thoughts About the Toxic Relationship

Negativity will hold you back and prevent the healing process. When you can reframe negative thoughts, it helps rewire your brain and shift your thinking patterns. You’ll begin looking at your experience in a new way, making it beneficial moving forward.

Think of the things you learned or where that relationship led you. There are many ways to reframe, so make it work for you.

toxic relationship

8 – Focus on Self-Care (the ultimate form of self-respect)

Taking care of yourself is essential during the healing process. Toxicity harms your emotional and physical well-being, and you must recover from it. Take the time to focus on your health and doing things you want to do.

Some ideas include:

  • reading a book
  • taking a hot bath
  • buying yourself something you’ve been wanting
  • cook your favorite meal
  • binge watch your favorite show
  • bake something
  • connect with nature
  • get plenty of sleep
  • spend time alone
  • implement an exercise routine
  • eat nutritious foods
  • practice mindfulness meditation

There’s no wrong way to practice self-care. You’re on the right track as long as you focus on yourself and prioritize your needs, wants, and self-respect.

9 – Process Your Experiences

Recognizing and processing what you went through is essential to the healing process. Take note of what you went through, considering what you won’t tolerate in the future.

You might not want to share your experience with others, but don’t be afraid to admit what you went through. Sometimes all you can do is acknowledge it to yourself.

Write about it in your journal, or share it with your therapist if you’re comfortable. When you admit what you went through, it allows you to process your experiences.

Part of processing your experiences requires asking yourself some hard questions. Consider what you missed at the beginning that allowed this person to become such a big part of your life. You should also ask yourself what you can do differently to prevent it in the future.

Give yourself time before determining the answers to your questions. As you reflect, don’t beat yourself or blame yourself for what happened. Instead, process your situation without judgment.

10 – Don’t Look to a Toxic Relationship Partner for Closure

You might want closure, but it likely won’t do you any good. Plus, you can’t often get a toxic person to apologize or admit fault in any situation. If closure requires an apology, don’t look for it. Imploring them for help will only further lessen your self-respect.

Waiting around for something that won’t happen can be exhausting and prevent you from moving on. Let go of your desire for closure and focus on taking care of yourself instead.

There are ways you can find closure on your own. One way is to write a letter to the toxic person but never send it.

Tell them everything you want to say, and make it clear how they made you feel. It could give you a feeling of closure if you view the letter as a way of saying goodbye. When you finish, shred the letter and take a deep breath.

11 – Make New Memories

If you and your ex went somewhere together, you might be reluctant to revisit it. The bad memories may prevent you from doing things you’d participate in otherwise.

Push through the complex feelings and get out there and make new memories. When you replace your negative memories with good ones, you’ll learn to love places and experiences that your ex made you dislike in the past.

Even if there are no locations that you avoid, you can still make new memories. Accept experiences and opportunities to try new things. It can help you replace the negativity in your mind with excitement and adventure.


Final Thoughts on Habits to Help Recover from a Toxic Relationship

Recovering from a toxic relationship takes time and patience. The process is worth it because it helps you move forward without harboring negativity and restores your self-respect. Use these habits to help you recover, and you’ll notice an improvement in your life. You might experience setbacks, but with these tips, you’ll be on your way to recovering from a toxic relationship.

10 Ways to Have an Entrepreneurial Mindset

Have you always felt an entrepreneurial drive to start your own small business? If not for the dreamers and motivated people throughout history, the world might have remained in the Stone Age. Creating a successful company isn’t just about luck; it often involves choosing the right opportunities, such as exploring franchise businesses on the market that align with your goals and passions. To ensure a smooth and compliant business setup, consider using the best llc service texas has to offer. With the right mindset and resources, you can turn your entrepreneurial vision into reality.

From Dreaming to Reality

How often have you put your aspirations on hold because you believe success is only for specific folks? What happens if you think that only wealthy, beautiful, and perfect people realize the businesses of their dreams? If you believe these falsehoods, you’re only hurting yourself.

The first step to starting your own business is to realize that you can do anything you set your mind to achieve. There’s no other person in the Universe like you. Your dreams may be similar to those of others, but you bring your style and talents to the table. Even an old sign for sale can be an effective marketing strategy, drawing on nostalgia and authenticity to connect with your audience. Its weathered charm and history evoke a sense of trust and sentimental value, making it a memorable and impactful element in your brand’s story.

Business Law Services like the ones at roqski can help you turn those dreams into reality by providing the legal support needed to navigate the complexities of starting and running a successful business. With the right legal guidance, you can focus on your vision and creativity while ensuring your business is built on a solid and compliant foundation.

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Another obstacle to success is the misunderstanding about needing money to make money. Yes, you often need to raise capital or make investments for your business to work. However, it costs you nothing to believe in yourself enough to start the process.

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Don’t expect anyone else to believe in you if you aren’t entirely sold on your products or services. Maybe you’ve told yourself that the research and work will take too long and you’re too old. Ask yourself. How old will you be if you don’t reach for the stars now?


The Ten Habits of Entrepreneurial Successes

Do you want to bring your dreams of starting your own small business to fruition? Why not start thinking like those who have already accomplished this goal? Try adopting these ten habits of successful business owners into your daily mindset.

1. An Entrepreneurial Mindset Will Set Clear Goals

Entrepreneurial success is a life-long journey. Let’s say you want to go on vacation and pack all your bags for the trip. If you just hop in your car and start driving, you’ll end up lost in the middle of nowhere.

However, you have the good sense to know that you must plan for that journey. First, you need a destination and to prepare your route accordingly. Likewise, establishing the business of your dreams requires clear goals and a detailed plan.

An article published by the Project Management Institute explains the essential link between setting goals and success. Not only do you think about what you want to accomplish, but you consider the process and take action. The article states that you must see things as they are right now. However, you need a dream and the ability to see things in the future.

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2. Find a Mentor

One of the best ways to achieve an entrepreneurial mindset is to learn from a successful business owner. Whether they have a small business or a large corporation, their input and guidance can be a treasure trove. Most of these seasoned professionals would be happy to be a mentor to give back.

Once you’ve acknowledged your dreams and clarified your goals, consider finding a mentor in your niche. They were once a novice like you and can empathize with your nervousness. Fortunately, they speak from experience and can share the pitfalls and successes of their journey.

3. An Entrepreneurial Mindset Knows to Count the Cost

You’ve learned by now that nothing is free in this life. Often situations that appear to be free and easy have strings attached. You’ll pay much more in time and resources in the long run than you imagined. Craft a powerful saas seo strategy to outperform competitors. Contact a law firm marketing company if you want to improve the marketing campaigns for your legal services.

The next step after clarifying your entrepreneurial goals is to do some research. Not only do you need financial figures, but you also need to consider your time. How much capital do you have now, and what more do you need to start your small business?

Your mentor may suggest various venues and resources to help you get the most from your investments. Consider making a financial plan that includes present resources, projected costs, and ways to earn money. It helps you figure out where you stand financially and the possible profits you can make with your new small business.

4. Become a Life-Long Student

Another habit of entrepreneurial achievers is that they use every opportunity to learn something new. They listen to their mentors, clients, and their employees. They realize there’s always room for improvement for their goods or services.

Does part of achieving your life-long entrepreneurial dream include more education? Or maybe you’ll need to attend a trade school and finish an apprenticeship for experience and honing your skills. Your education won’t stop then because you’ll constantly learn new ways to make your business shine.

5. Boost Your Creativity

The seed of every successful business venture starts in a person’s mind. It doesn’t matter if your dream is to open an art gallery or an accounting firm. Creative thinking and problem solving bring out the best in you and your product or services. Understanding “nominee director and shareholder service” can also enhance your business by ensuring effective governance and stakeholder management. For more information, visit

What are you doing now to boost your creativity? Remember that practice makes progress, and you’ll learn each step. Journaling and making vision boards are excellent ways to focus your creative energies and make them work for you.


6. An Entrepreneurial Mindset Lives in the Present

The past is a splendid teacher, but it doesn’t make a good life partner. People who have achieved entrepreneurial success aren’t satisfied with yesterday’s results. They’ve found that each new day is an opportunity to improve and expand their small business.

Living mindfully can benefit you personally and professionally. According to an article published by the American Psychological Association, this style of living can boost working memory and improve your focus. The report also states that you may also notice a reduction in stress, more cognitive flexibility, and enhanced intuition.

7. Surround Yourself with Positive Energy

One of the most outstanding entrepreneurial achievers’ tools relies on the law of attraction. It’s a simple principle that says that whatever energy and affirmations you send into the Universe, you’ll attract the same. You can’t expect to gain positive results if you’re always speaking negatively.

To stay in a positive frame of mind, you need to surround yourself with positive energy. Avoid being around negative people who have nothing uplifting or encouraging to say. Refuse to allow their negative attitude to influence you and your affirmations.

8. An Entrepreneurial Mindset Learns from Past Mistakes

Behind every entrepreneurial success is a steady stream of failures. Maybe you’re afraid to reach for your dreams because you fear failure. You’ll gain a different perspective when you learn to embrace your failures as teaching tools.

If you research the brightest industry, art, and educational stars, they’ve made their own mistakes. However, they’ve learned from their mistakes and used them to make improvements. Your small business can be everything you expect when you follow their lead.

9. Break Larger Goals into Smaller Ones

You’ve probably heard the famous mantra of dreaming big or going home. Anything worth having is worth investing your time and best efforts. However, your entrepreneurial goals may seem so great that they are overwhelming.

You can overcome this intimidation by breaking larger goals into smaller, doable ones. For example, what if you’ve always dreamed of selling your one-of-a-kind crafts for a profit? Before buying a storefront, start small and build your clientele one at a time.

Also, remember to celebrate each success you have, regardless of how small. Have you ever visited a shop and seen a framed dollar bill hanging on the wall? Every time the owner sees the first buck their store made, it’s a celebration and an inspiration.

How can you divide your entrepreneurial plans into smaller chunks? Do you get excited and even more determined with each step you take? Your faith in your talents and efforts gain momentum from small successes to greater ones.

Don’t wait for the big crowds to cheer you on in the beginning. You learn to be your greatest advocate and cheerleader on your dream journey. Celebrate your efforts and be grateful for the blessings that you have.

10. An Entrepreneurial Mindset Will Develop a Selective Memory

Maybe it’s proverbially lonely at the top because some people have forgotten those who helped them on their journey. If you want to be a true success, you remember everyone who’s been part of it. You are grateful and respectful to everyone who has encouraged you, regardless of their position or possessions.

On the flip side, you selectively forget toxic people and situations. You can’t ignore them, but you don’t ruminate and hold grudges. When you learn to forgive and let go, these negative energies have no power over you.


Final Thoughts on Thinking Like a Successful Entrepreneur

Some say that an incredible journey starts with your first footstep. Adopting the mindset of success can help you step out of your comfort zone from thought to action. You’re well on your way when you decide to go forward with your small business dream.

8 Reasons Why Divorced Couples Remarry

Have you been divorced for a while, and now you’re thinking about remarrying your ex? Understandably, you would miss someone you loved for a long time. Why would you like to remarry after a painful breakup? Some realize they were soulmates and made a terrible mistake. But others have more complicated reasons.

There are problems and rifts in even the most loving relationships. People are still individuals, and they will often bump heads. The key to making the relationship work is learning to set boundaries, compromise, and learn from mistakes.

Divorce is high on the list of human losses. Everything you know is shaken, and you feel like you’ve lost your best friend. You will go through the process of grief and its many turning emotions, just like with other losses.

There will be many bitter exchanges and a lot of tears. Frequently, financial difficulties arise as well as questions about child custody. These experiences can leave a person drained and never wanting to be in a relationship again.

However, some people learn to cope and go on with their lives. They may find another person and form a lasting relationship. For others, the thought of not being with their soulmates forever may be more than they can handle.

Why Do Divorced Couples Remarry?

Even if you’ve both experienced a painful divorce, it may not be forever. The spiritual connection you have may be enough to start the healing process. These are eight reasons why divorced partners choose to remarry.


1. Distance Makes Your Heart Grow Fonder

Some remarry their former spouse because the separation is too emotional to handle. Remember the glory days during your engagement and wedding? You’d found your soulmate and spent so much time together that being apart was out of the question.

Somehow, your relationship began to deteriorate, and both of you felt more comfortable being apart. Maybe it got so bad that you couldn’t stand being in the same room with them. These restless and hostile feelings were part of why you filed for divorce.

If you lose your identity in a relationship, neither of you will feel content. While it’s essential for couples to be together, you still need time for your interests and personal growth. Being separated after a divorce may help you regain your sense of individuality.

However, you may see how much you miss your ex and that they are your soulmate. Your heart longs for the excitement and romance you had as a couple. Such a yearning can make you want to remarry them and make it work this time.

2. You Realize That the Grass Isn’t Greener

When you’re in a crumbling marriage, it’s easy to think that other people don’t have problematic relationships. You looked around and saw your family and friends smiling, holding hands, and living their best lives.

You began to fantasize about writing a fresh chapter in your newly single life. Walking back into the dating scene probably felt strange after being married for so long. But you were determined to find what you missed out on in your former relationship.

It would be just like a scene in your favorite romantic movie. They would glance at you from across the room, and it would be love at first sight. It will be a whirlwind romance of endless champagne bubbles, roses, and midnight serenades.

Those sparkling, live-happily-ever-after couples only exist in soap operas and romance novels. When you face reality, you’ll find that every relationship has flaws. Even the most beautiful and talented people make mistakes and disappoint each other.

Once you see that your situation wasn’t unusual, you may view your former spouse differently. Perhaps they look even better when you compare them to some toxic people you’ve met. Re-evaluating your past relationship may help you see that they’re your soulmate and you want to remarry them.

3. You’ve Had Time to Think, So You’re Ready to Remarry

While time doesn’t heal all wounds, it gives you space to think. Right after a divorce, your nerves and emotions are raw. You can’t see past the anger and hurt and may pray on it for a while.

After a while, you might get a new perspective on your broken relationship. You might gain more clarity and change your attitude about the past. Your ex may also have second thoughts about what destroyed your marriage.

Most importantly, you’ll have time to consider what brought you together in the first place. Do you still dream about your former spouse as your soulmate? This season of soul-searching may confirm that you want to remarry.

4. You’ve Learned to Forgive and be Forgiven

Broken marriages usually have a history of offenses, hardships, and hatred. These issues aren’t automatically resolved once you get divorced. They can lead to bitterness, depression, and isolation if left undone.

The time you spend away from your former partner may allow you to forgive. You cannot excuse or forget the pain of the past. You’re not giving them a free pass to forget about their contribution to your failed relationship.

However, you’ve learned to forgive as a gift to yourself. An article published by Harvard University states that forgiveness can ease depression and boost self-esteem. It can also lead to greater life satisfaction, per the article.

Perhaps there were some issues in your past marriage that were your fault. A step toward healing is to apologize and ask for forgiveness. Then, you work to make amends and try never to repeat those offenses.

Unfortunately, some divorces become so bitter that the couples can’t reconcile and remarry. If you and your ex believe that you are soulmates, learning to forgive is a significant victory. At least if you don’t remarry, you can let go of the past and go on with your lives.


5. Time Has Changed You Both, and You Want to Remarry Your Ex

If you married your high school sweetheart, you’re in good company. According to a publication from the U.S. Census Bureau, at least 25 percent of couples married out of high school. You may have found your soulmate as a teen and wanted to be together for the rest of your life.

What if you married your long-time love and it ended in a divorce? Does it mean that you were never meant to be a couple? You’ll never know until you both have time to think as a single person again.

Remember that everyone changes with time, be it positive or negative. You aren’t the same people today that you were in high school. You’ve both changed since your relationship split.

Only time will tell if your changes were for the better. In some cases, you find that you’re still not compatible. In your case, time may have been a friend, and you want to rekindle what you had in the past.

6. You Decide to Remarry Because Your Heart Knows That You Are Soulmates

A lasting relationship understands the language of your heart. Even if you divorced your mate, does your heart remain connected to them? If so, reconciliation may not be out of the question.

7. You Share History Together

While attraction brings people together, love and shared history can keep them together. The beautiful moments you shared as a couple may be forgotten because of divorce. You may meditate on the negativity, pain, and loss at that moment.

Many divorced couples choose to remarry because they’ve shared so much history. They remember the good times and want to put the negative ones behind them. If this sounds like your story, maybe the Universe is trying to tell you something.

8. You Remarry For the Children’s Sake

One of the most challenging complications in a divorce is when children are involved. The question of custody, visitation, and child support isn’t always amicable and can lead to years of court battles. However, some divorced couples deal with these issues civilly and remain on good terms for their children’s sake.

It’s worth noting that if you and your ex had a toxic relationship, staying together for the kids isn’t beneficial to anyone. You’ll both end up miserable, and your children will be in the middle of the fallout. It’s best to part ways and work together to raise them.

But some former spouses tie the knot again because they love each other and want to be a family. They’re tired of the split weekends and holidays and how the kids are shuffled back and forth. If you feel you can reunite with your ex and your children will be happy, it could be a blessing for you all.


Final Thoughts on Why Divorced Partners Remarry

Just because a couple gets divorced doesn’t mean they hate each other. Sometimes, this break is what the relationship needs for healing and re-evaluating. Divorce isn’t always a forever thing, and you may find that your journey leads you back to each other and remarry.

Study Explains Why Climate Change Means Longer Allergy Season

Scientists have discovered that climate change causes longer allergy seasons. Researchers from the University of Michigan also determined that rising temperatures lead to more intense allergies.

Because of human-created climate change, they predict that pollen emissions will occur forty days earlier by 2100. Compared to average allergy seasons between 1995 and 2014, seasons today could also last nineteen days longer.

This change means allergy sufferers must contend with high pollen counts much earlier in the spring. Also, because of hotter temperatures due to rising CO2 levels, yearly pollen emissions could increase by 200%.

“Pollen-induced respiratory allergies are getting worse with climate change,” said Yingxiao Zhang, a UM graduate student research assistant in climate and space sciences and engineering. She’s also the first author of the paper in Nature Communications.

“Our findings can be a starting point for further investigations into the consequence of climate change on pollen and corresponding health effects.”

UM researchers constructed a predictive model which analyzes fifteen of the most prevalent pollen types. The model also examines how pollen production will change due to temperature and precipitation variations.

Next, they combined climate and allergy season data with various socioeconomic scenarios. To create the models, they used data from 1995 through 2014. Then they used this model to forecast pollen emissions for the latter part of the 21st century.

Allergy symptoms vary from person to person but can range from mild to severe. Common symptoms include sneezing, watery, itchy eyes, rashes, a runny nose, and cough. However, some people may experience more severe symptoms like trouble breathing or anaphylaxis.

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), over fifty million Americans experience allergies yearly. About half of these allergy sufferers, or 24 million, experience seasonal allergies. Allergies are the sixth leading cause of chronic illness in the United States, with an annual cost of over $18 billion.

allergy season

Climate Change Making Allergy Seasons Longer and More Intense

The most common indoor and outdoor allergy triggers include tree, grass, and weed pollen. Mold spores, dust mites, cat and dog hair, rodent urine, and cockroaches can also cause allergies. Regarding outdoor allergy triggers, climate change worsens weed, tree, and grass pollen.

Higher temperatures cause plants to become active earlier in the season and produce more pollen on average.

However, Allison Steiner, UM professor of climate and space sciences and engineering, said her team’s models could offer solutions. They could eventually predict allergy seasons in various regions of the country.

“We’re hoping to include our pollen emissions model within a national air quality forecasting system to provide improved and climate-sensitive forecasts to the public,” she said.

The National Science Foundation helped fund the research.

A separate study agreed.

A separate study on allergy seasons by the UM School of Public Health confirmed the findings above. Researchers found that climate change results in earlier spring seasons and more severe hay fever allergies.

The study, published in PLOS ONE, gathered data from over 300,000 respondents between 2002 and 2013. It marks the first research to analyze how climate change impacts allergy seasons nationally.

“We found that areas where the onset of spring was earlier than normal had 14% higher prevalence of hay fever,” said Associate Professor Amir Sapkota in the Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health. “Surprisingly, we also found similar risk in areas where the onset of spring was much later than what is typical for that geographic location,” he added.

When spring arrives early, it worsens allergies since the season lasts longer. However, late-onset of spring can cause similar effects since many trees simultaneously flower. This increases pollen concentration in a relatively short timeframe, potentially worsening allergies.

Hay fever, or “seasonal allergic rhinitis,” impacts 25 million adults in the United States yearly. The research team believes this number will only increase as climate change intensifies.

The Five Best Ways to Reduce Allergy Symptoms

These studies may make you feel hopeless about treating symptoms if you suffer from seasonal allergies. However, despite longer allergy seasons, you can still find relief from itchy eyes and a runny nose. Let’s go over a few ways to combat allergies so you can enjoy life to the fullest.

  1. Install HEPA filters in your home. These pleated mechanical air filters can capture tiny particles like allergens, viruses, bacteria, mold, and pet dander. When air moves through the pleated mesh overlying the filter, it traps about 99.97% of harmful particles. People with severe allergies should consider these types of filters for their homes.
  2. Stay indoors when the pollen count is high. If possible, refrain from going outside on days with high pollen levels. Keep all windows and doors closed, and turn on the air conditioning to reduce exposure.
  3. Take probiotics. Since 70-80% of immune cells live in our gut, taking probiotics can bolster good bacteria and reduce allergic responses. A University of Florida study found that a combination of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, sold as Kyo-Dophilus in stores, could reduce hay fever symptoms. The team said that probiotics help increase T-cells in the body, which enhances tolerance to common allergens.
  4. Maintain a healthy diet. Plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains will lower inflammation, reducing histamine and cortisol. Also, a diet rich in antioxidants will protect you from disease and enhance immunity.
  5. Drink plenty of water. Staying properly hydrated flushes mucus out of the body and reduces histamine production. Drink at least two or three liters of water daily to keep allergies in check.

climate change

Final Thoughts on Why Climate Change Lengthens Allergy Seasons

Researchers have found that climate change results in longer, more severe allergy seasons. Higher temperatures mean spring occurs earlier in many areas across the globe. As a result, plants bloom sooner and produce more pollen, causing hay fever symptoms for millions. One study by the University of Maryland found that allergy seasons are nineteen days longer on average compared to the past two decades.

However, this doesn’t mean allergy sufferers should accept a lower quality of life. Staying indoors on days with high pollen counts, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and installing HEPA filters can reduce allergy symptoms.

10 Depression Busting Foods, According to Science

Diet alone can’t relieve depression. But if you struggle with depression, what you eat or don’t eat affects your mood. Integrating good nutrition with a variety of healthy foods boosts your mental health. According to science, the ten foods listed in this article have a variety of benefits besides reducing depression. They are all full of minerals, vitamins, and phenols. Why not get started adding these ten depression-busting food to your diet today?

Ten Depression Busting Foods for Better Mental Health


1 – Vitamin D fortified foods

Foods with vitamin D improve depression, especially if you’re low in this vitamin. Vitamin D receptors are in your brain. When the receptors lack vitamin D, this impacts the amount of dopamine in your brain. Dopamine is a “feel good” hormone. Elevated dopamine also motivates you to get out and do something you enjoy.

Because vitamin D is fat-soluble, don’t use supplements without your doctor’s recommendation. Fat-soluble vitamins get stored in your liver and can cause damage. Instead, choose vitamin D-rich foods for your diet, such as:

  • Beef liver
  • Cod liver oil
  • Dairy foods such as milk, yogurt, cheeses
  • Orange juice fortified with vitamin D
  • Sardines
  • Salmon
  • Swordfish
  • Tuna

2 – Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Strong evidence shows that eating omega-3 fatty acid foods can improve mental health. Omega 3s fatty acids are typically found in fish oil and marine algae. Scientists believe that individuals who don’t eat enough fish may have higher rates of depression than those who eat fish. Studies are still in process to determine what ratios and doses work best to help minimize depression. Kids and adolescents who struggle with depression could benefit from omega-3 supplements. The best sources of omega-3 fatty acids include these:

  • Fatty fish, like mackerel or salmon, sardines, tuna
  • Flaxseed
  • Walnuts
  • Dark leafy greens like kale or spinach or collard greens
  • Canola oil
  • Soybean oil

3 – Eat foods high in polyphenols

Another depression-busting food to add to your diet is those foods that are high in polyphenols. These plant-based foods have antioxidant properties that protect you from chronic diseases due to free radical damage. An increasing amount of research suggests that eating polyphenols can improve your health, help regulate your metabolism, help you lose weight, and fight off disease. It’s thought that polyphenols can improve your depression by regenerating brain cells. The best food sources with polyphenols include the following:

  • Berries like chokeberries, elderberries, blueberries, blackberries, black currants, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries
  • Peppermint, clove, and anise
  • Cocoa powder
  • Vegetables like red onions, artichoke, spinach
  • Olives
  • Coffee, tea

4 – Protein-rich foods help your focus

High-protein foods have amino acids called tryptophan. These chemicals help your body produce serotonin. Serotonin improves your mood and improves your ability to concentrate. Food high in protein include:

  • Peas
  • Beans
  • Beef, chicken, fish
  • Milk
  • Soy products
  • Dairy products

5 – Eat healthy carbohydrates

Healthy carbohydrates boost the brain chemical serotonin. When you crave carbs, it could mean you’re low in serotonin. The key is to eat whole grain complex carbs rather than bleached out “white carbs” The best carbohydrates to eat include:

  • Bulghur
  • Brown rice
  • Quinoa
  • Whole wheat bread, pasta, or crackers
  • Popcorn
  • Oatmeal

6 – Eat foods rich in selenium

Selenium can improve your mood. Researchers think it could be because it helps reduce inflammation. Someone who struggles with anxiety and depression often experiences inflammation. It’s also an antioxidant that repairs cell damage. There are no selenium supplements because selenium is a trace mineral. Your body doesn’t need too much of it. It’s found naturally in foods such as these:

  • Lean meats
  • Legumes and beans
  • Seafood: clams, oysters, crab, saltwater, and freshwater fish
  • Whole grains: whole wheat pasta or brown rice, or oatmeal
  • Nuts and seeds: Don’t overeat Brazil nuts. They can cause selenium toxicity.

7 – Eat foods high in antioxidants

It’s important to add foods high in antioxidants to your diet. You can’t stop free radicals, but eating foods high in antioxidants will help fight the damage by free radicals. Foods that are naturally high in antioxidants include:

  • Apricots, cantaloupe, carrots, peaches, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes
  • Spinach and collard greens
  • Seeds and nuts
  • Wheat germ
  • Vegetable oils like soy and canola
  • Broccoli, grapefruit, peppers, strawberries, and potatoes

8 – Try a Mediterranean diet to boost your B vitamins

Over the past few years, researchers have found that eating a Mediterranean diet is extremely healthy. For one thing, this diet is high in vitamin B and B12. Researchers aren’t sure why this diet helps fight depression, but it benefits people who struggle with mental health issues. Of course, nutrition is vital to staying physically, emotionally, and mentally healthy. Here are some foods you can add to your diet to help you fight anxiety and depression.

  • Beans
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables-especially dark green veggies
  • Lean meats
  • Fish
  • Dairy
  • Nuts

mental health

9 – Eat foods rich in folic acid

Tomatoes are known depression fighters. This could be because this delicious fruit (or vegetable, if you prefer)  is packed with folic acid and alpha-lipoic acid. Both chemicals help fight depression. Folic acid helps produce serotonin and dopamine, two natural chemicals that improve your mood and brain function. Besides a tomato, these foods are high in folic acid:

  • Seafood
  • Beef liver
  • Fruits and fruit juices
  • Beans
  • Peanuts
  • Dark leafy greens like spinach or romaine lettuce, or asparagus

10 – Eat avocados

Another superfood to add to your list of depression-busting foods is the humble avocado. This healthy fat helps your brain function. Avocados are high in B, C, and E12 vitamins. They’re low in sugar and naturally high in protein, four grams per avocado. So, if you’re looking for a healthy snack, look no farther than an avocado. Simple ways to eat avocado include

  • With scrambled eggs
  • In guacamole
  • In salads
  • In soups
  • Seasoned with salt and pepper and eaten in slices
  • On toast

Foods to Avoid to Beat Depression and Have Better Mental Health

The old saying “you are what you eat” is true in many ways. What you eat or don’t eat is closely linked to your mental health. When you eat certain foods, you will have improved health which will improve your moods and help you fight off depression and anxiety. Here are some foods you shouldn’t eat if you have mental health issues, depression, or anxiety.

Depression and junk food

It’s probably not a surprise that junk food is at the top of the list of what not to eat. High-fat and high-sugar junk foods aren’t good for anyone, but if you struggle with depression, it’s terrible. There’s a link between sugar and depression. Studies found that sugar consumption may cause higher depression. Sweet beverages and foods increase the chance of mood disorders and mental health issues. If trying to cut out sugar, don’t forget the foods with “hidden” sugars. These can cause you to have mood swings because of their high amount of sugar. Foods with hidden sugars include the following things:

  • Ketchup
  • “Lite” salad dressings
  • Speciality coffee drinks
  • Energy drinks
  • Cereals
  • Granola bars
  • Low-fat yogurt

Alcohol causes depression

Alcohol may like it helps you relax, but it can have the opposite effect. If you are fighting depression, you want to avoid drinking alcohol. First, it causes depressive feelings. It slows down your brain activity. You feel foggy, brained, and moody. Alcohol also contains a lot of sugar. Sugar is a depressant. If you’re taking antidepressant medications, alcohol can make your meds less effective.

Other Tips to Help Ease Your Depression

  • Don’t skip meals: When you skip meals, your blood sugar plunges–making you feel moody and depressed. Keep a regular mealtime schedule.
  • Eat your meals with friends or families: When you struggle with depression, it’s essential to spend time with others. Eating meals with your family overcome feelings of loneliness and isolation.
  • Stock your pantry with healthy foods and snacks: Get rid of the chips and cookies. Stock your pantry with only healthy things like nuts, seeds, beans, nut butter, and whole grain snacks. Keep fresh fruits and veggies in your fridge.
  • Spices: Keep a wide assortment of spices to flavor your foods. Cinnamon in coffee or oregano in your veggies dishes are nutritious and help fight depression.
  • Stick to a regular schedule: Eat your meals at a set time every day. This prevents blood sugar from plunging and helps you create a routine. These simple practices help fight depressive episodes.

hiding depression

Final Thoughts on How Eating Depression Busting Foods Can Increase Your Mental Health

You know that simply eating right won’t take away your depression, but your diet dramatically impacts how you feel. If you’re eating the right foods, it positions you to overcome your mental health struggles. These ten depression-busting foods boost your nutrition. You will feel better in every way-physically, emotionally, and mentally. According to science, these ten food suggestions have benefits beyond reducing depression. They’re full of minerals and vitamins. Get started today by adding these healthy foods to your regular menu so you can feel your best and enjoy your life to its fullest.

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