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New York State Lawmakers Ban Commercial Puppy Mills

New York State lawmakers got some big tail wags in June of 2022. That was when legislators voted to pass the Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill. If Governor Kathy Hochul votes this bill into law, pet stores in New York will be banned from selling canine companions. Right now, many out-of-state puppy mills send their puppies to New York pet stores. These pet stores sell them to the public as healthy puppies from reliable breeders. These lawmakers have taken steps to end these abusive practices by passing this recent bill to end all puppy mills in their state.

What is a puppy mill?

A puppy farm or puppy mill is a dog breeding commercial facility. They’re known for their poor conditions and quick breeding methods. The term puppy mill came into the vernacular in 1984. The fundamental characteristics of a puppy mill include:

  • Confined to cages for months
  • Haphazard breeding
  • Bad environment
  • Bad animal husbandry
  • Little veterinary care
  • Emphasis on creating lots of puppies
  • Little exercise or grooming

Disease and overcrowding cause puppies to experience malnutrition, respiratory infection, fleas, heartworms, and digestive problems.

puppy mills

How many puppy mills are there in the United States?

According to the Humane Society of the United States, there are 10,000 licensed and unlicensed puppy mills in the United States. According to the same site, about 847,000 puppies are produced by licensed puppy mills yearly.

Abuse of dogs

Lawmakers praised the passing of the State Senate Bill S1130, prohibiting the sale of dogs, rabbits, and cats by all retail pet shops. They hope puppy abuse by breeders ends with the passing of this bill. Instead, they encourage dog adoption from reputable rescue shelters. Bill co-sponsors were Senator Michael Gianaris (D-Queens) and Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal (D.-Manhattan). New York Governor Kathy Hochul will give her final approval.

The decline of dogs sold in pet stores

If you see puppies for sale at a pet store, understand they’re from commercial breeding operations. These puppy mill facilities focus on their profit rather than the welfare of the canines. There’s a general decline in pet sales in the United States because of the shifting legislation regarding pet store sales and an increase in the public’s awareness about puppy mills. Even though some puppy mills hold USDA licenses, standards don’t guarantee humane treatment for dogs or responsible breeding practices.

One facility may have hundreds of dogs in one cage for their entire life just for breeding purposes. The goal of puppy mills is to produce lots of puppies as fast as possible to sell to pet stores. It’s guaranteed that any pet store with puppies for sale obtained them from a puppy mill.

Support grows for bans on puppy mills.

The Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill received the support of animal welfare groups like these:

  • Companion Animal Protection Society
  • New York City Bar Association’s Animal Law Committee
  • New York State Animal Protection Federation
  • Humane Society of the United States
  • American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
  • Voters For Animal Rights
  • Animal Legal Defense Fund

Assemblywoman Linda B. Rosenthal introduced the bill, saying she hoped it would cause a death blow to the puppy mill practices. She says those cute canines you see in the pet stores have experienced abuse and disease and cost unsuspecting buyers thousands of dollars in veterinary fees.

New York isn’t the only state taking action against puppy mills. 2017 California passed a law against selling commercially bred dogs in pet stores. Many towns, cities, and villages across the United States have rules against selling animals in pet stores. By banning puppy mills, states encourage people to adopt their pets. Today there is overcrowding in pet shelters. According to the ASPCA, around 6.3 million animals go into animal shelters annually.

Of these, 3.1 are dogs. Every year, and despite their best efforts, shelters euthanize 400,000 dogs. The good news is that dog adoptions are up because states encourage people to adopt. This is easing overcrowding in shelters and giving dogs homes.

How do you know if you’re ready to adopt a dog?

Are you considering adopting a dog? Great choice! Dogs aren’t just great companions. They improve your health. Owning a pet lowers cortisol levels and blood pressure and helps you manage stress.

Millions of canine companions are available for adoption in shelters that need a good home. But, before you adopt a dog, are you ready to be a doggie parent? Here are some things to consider before you adopt a dog.


 Do you know the cost of owning a canine?

Dogs need medical care, grooming, bedding, food,  leashes, and toys. On average, you’ll pay these costs every year for your dog. The average price of a dog varies depending upon where you live, what breed of dog, the dog’s age, and health condition. Generally, you can expect to pay around $3000 a year. Initial expenses when you adopt a dog include:

  • Adoption costs: Adopting from a shelter may cost up to $500 or more (purebred animals are more expensive).
  • Supplies (bowls, kennel, bed, collars, leashes, toys, and dog tags) $50 to $300
  • Preventive medicines such as flea and tick and heartworm medicine $200
  • Vaccinations: $50 to $350
  • Spaying or neutering: $20 to $250
  • Microchips: $50
  • Licensing: $10 to $20

Have you found a veterinarian?

The shelter may have some medical records for the dog you adopt, but you must arrange an appointment with a local veterinarian. It would be best to ensure your dog is healthy and ready to be taken home.

Do you have time for a canine companion?

Life is busy. Who will walk your dog if your day is filled with errands, running your kids to soccer, grocery shopping, and meeting friends for dinner? Dogs need training, playtime, and exercise. Some breeds need socialization to adjust. If you travel for your job or you’re busy with the kids,  you may not have time to include a dog in your life right now.

How do you pick a dog from a shelter?

Someone said getting a dog from a rescue shelter is like shopping at a thrift store. These dogs have been in another person’s home. It’s good to remember they might carry some trauma. A rescue dog has baggage, some good, some not so good. That they ended up in a shelter signifies something broken in their past. Maybe their owner died, or the owner didn’t like the dog’s all-night howling. Adopting a dog from a shelter is a bit of a crap shoot, but it’s worthwhile. If you do your homework and keep your expectations in the proper place, there is a good chance you’ll get a wonderful pet. Here are some suggestions on how to pick a dog from a shelter.

Choose a good shelter

There are different animal rescue facilities: public shelters, privately owned rescue organizations, or one type of breed facility. Do your homework on those closest to you. Visit the facility once or twice to familiarize yourself with the staff and how they run it. Ask yourself some questions:

  • Is the facility clean?
  • Do they interact with the animals?
  • Do you know the dog’s medical information?
  • Does it seem poorly run?
  • Do they post online? Are there good reviews about the place and the animals?

Know what you want and don’t want

When you look at dogs at a rescue site or visit a shelter with dogs online, you’ll want to bring them all home. Don’t be led by your heart. Study breeds and mixed breeds. Understand the energy levels, socialization, and protectiveness dogs species can possess. Choose a dog that fits your living arrangement. Putting a high-energy Dalmatian in a tiny studio apartment wouldn’t be kind. But a Yorkie might be the perfect breed for this living space.

Understand canine body language

Even the cutest little dog can give off bad vibes. Learn to read the dog’s body language. Ask yourself these questions.

  • Is this dog friendly?
  • Do they act fearful?
  • Do they come over to play with you?
  • Are they calm or jittery?
  • Is their tail wagging or lowered?
  • Do they show anxiety or like they’re in pain?

Talk to the staff and volunteers about the dogs. Watch how they interact with the dog. Are they hesitant? Too quick or rough?

puppy mills

Final thoughts on New York’s ban on puppy mills

New York State lawmaker’s Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill is an excellent first step towards closing down puppy mills that supply dogs to pet stores. If the bill passes, New York State will be an example for other states to follow suit to ban puppy mills from sending canines to pet stores. This will stop the untruthful practice of selling puppies to the public, claiming they’re healthy and well-bred. Bravo to these lawmakers who took steps to end puppy mills’ abusive practices.

How to Stop Using Caffeine (In 10 Days or Less)

Many people jump-start their day with a cup of coffee or tea. Both drinks contain caffeine, a stimulant found not only in coffee and tea but also in energy drinks and some medications. Using caffeine increases your energy level and helps you concentrate. But taking too much java may cause insomnia and headaches and make you feel jittery. If you think you’re using too much caffeine, you may wonder how to stop drinking coffee and other drinks that contain it. Here are some suggestions for doing this without too many side effects.

How much caffeine is too much?

Caffeine affects everyone differently depending on gender, size, and sensitivity to caffeine. The average adult drinks around two cups of caffeine every day. Even drinking as many as four cups of caffeinated beverages doesn’t bother most people. Going beyond this, though, can lead to side effects such as:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Nervousness
  • Jitters
  • Insomnia
  • Sleep disruptions
  • Raised blood pressure
  • Racing heart
  • Abnormal heartbeat
  • Dehydration


Is caffeine addictive?

Maybe, and maybe not. Addiction usually means something is irresistible, and you can’t live without it. According to the National Library of Science, caffeine doesn’t fit this definition. It’s not an addiction, but it’s hard to give up. Caffeine won’t harm individuals who take it as drugs do. When you give up drinking caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea, or sodas, you may have symptoms similar to withdrawal but less severe. Of course, this depends upon the person. Drinking coffee in moderation is the key to not having extreme side effects if you stop drinking coffee, tea, or soda.

What drinks or foods contain caffeine?

A wide variety of foods and drinks contain caffeine. Even some sports drinks contain caffeine. If you hope to cut back, read the labels of all your favorite beverages. You may be surprised that some drinks you regularly consume have caffeine. Here are the most common things that contain caffeine.

  • Coffee
  • Espresso
  • Tea
  • Decaf tea and coffee
  • Soda
  • Chocolate
  • Energy drinks
  • Supplements
  • Some gums
  • Some candies
  • Protein bars that contain chocolate or cocoa
  • Ice cream
  • Chocolate cereals
  • Chocolate milk
  • Granola bars with cocoa
  • Kombucha -those made with caffeinated teas
  • Matcha. It is made with green tea, which has caffeine
  • Pain relievers

Is caffeine in medications?

Caffeine is in many over-the-counter and prescription headache medications. It helps your body absorb the headache medication faster. If you’re trying to cut back on your intake, read the over-the-counter medicines’ labels.

Is there caffeine in herbal remedies?

Many herbal remedy supplements contain caffeine. Because these products aren’t required to list their ingredients, you may not know if your herbal remedy has caffeine. The most common herbal remedies with caffeine include:

  • Guarana berries
  • Yerba mate
  • Kola nut
  • Green tea extract
  • Yaupon holly
  • Guayusa

How to stop using caffeine in ten days or less

Trying to learn how to stop drinking coffee? Keep these three things in mind.

Cut back slowly

Never cut out caffeine completely. This will make you feel terrible. You’re apt to have powerful side effects which make you feel so bad you’ll want to quit trying to give up caffeine. Slow and steady is critical. Reducing the amount of caffeine you drink or eat incrementally is best. If you typically drink three cups of coffee, try drinking just two for several days. Then try drinking one cup of coffee for several days. If you start to get side effects, drink an extra cup of coffee to offset the side effects.

Fall in love with other drinks

Find substitutes for your regular caffeinated drinks. Instead of drinking soda, try decaf seltzer water. The best replacement is water. Drink it cold or warm with a bit of lemon or lime in it. Staying hydrated can help you not crave coffee.

Break the habit

Many people say drinking coffee is a habit. They enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning while they wake up or in the evening after dinner as they sit on their patio. It’s hard to break habits, but it’s possible to stop drinking coffee over time. Find a good substitute, such as decaf coffee or herbal tea, to sip on in the morning. Some say a hot cup of water in the morning with a squeeze of lemon and a cup of coffee satisfy. Of course, you’ll need to get used to the change.


Other tips to help you kick your caffeine habits

Here are some steps to follow that may help you figure out how to stop drinking coffee

  • Find motivation to quit: A Harvard study found that it’s easier to break a habit if you have a reason you want to change. This provides you with stronger motivation to change. You can refer to this reason when you’re struggling.
  • Ask yourself what triggers your desire for coffee and caffeine: After you figure out why you want to stop drinking coffee, figure out what triggers your desire to have caffeine. Is it tiredness? Is drinking coffee a nervous habit? Whatever the trigger or reason, figure out how to avoid these triggers. Maybe change up your morning routine, or substitute another caffeine-free drink for your morning cup of Joe.
  • Change your behavior: This is where the hard work starts. If you stop for a morning coffee on your way to work, you could order a flavorful herbal hot tea instead. Or you could try half decaf and half regular coffee in the morning. This cuts your caffeine without too much effort. You won’t succeed ideally, but as you reduce your caffeine, you’ll be surprised at your success over time.
  • Be sure to pat yourself on the back: Even if you make small strides towards stopping drinking caffeine, that’s okay. It takes time…maybe even longer than ten days, but that’s okay.

What are the significant side effects of how to stop drinking coffee?

Even if you slowly cut back on caffeine, you may see some side effects. These will start anywhere from 12 to 24 hours after your last cup of coffee or last soda. Symptoms can be severe if you cut out caffeine completely. Here are some side effects you may feel when you stop drinking your favorite java.

You may feel tired

You’ll feel exhausted the first few days. If you have a lot going on, it may not be a good time to stop drinking caffeine. Schedule a few days off work when you give up caffeine. You may want to sleep all the time, feel lethargic, or be extremely tired. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated. Relax by reading or watching a movie to take your mind off drinking caffeine. Go for a walk outdoors. Play with our dog or go out for lunch with a friend. Staying busy helps you forget about your tiredness and your lack of caffeine.

You may have a headache. Taking an over-the-counter pain reliever will help you get through these initial headaches.

You’ll sleep better

One benefit of giving up caffeine is that you’ll probably sleep better than you have for a long time. Caffeine disrupts sleep by making you wake up all hours during the night. You’ll find your sleep is deeper and feel more rested. Your body may be tired from your caffeinated lifestyle. After sleeping so well, you’ll feel more energetic and happier than you did with caffeine.

You may gain weight

Caffeine is a hunger suppressant. Once you stop drinking coffee or tea, you’re apt to eat more and gain weight. Drinking caffeine raises your metabolism. This helps burn calories, so you lose weight. Once you take away the caffeine, you may see your weight go up. You can adjust this by getting more exercise and eating more veggies, fruit, and lean meats, plus lowering your carb intake.

You will lack the antioxidant properties of coffee

One downside of eliminating coffee or tea is that you won’t be getting the antioxidant benefits from these caffeinated drinks. That’s okay because you can boost your intake by eating foods high in antioxidants, such as

  • Pecans
  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries
  • Goji berries
  • Red cabbage
  • Beans
  • Kale

Up your intake of these and other fruits and veggies high in antioxidants to help offset not drinking coffee.

You’ll feel calmer

Caffeine can make you nervous and jittery. Cutting back on java will make you feel calmer and less anxious.

Better bowel movements

Caffeine stimulates your digestive system. It speeds up digestion and can lead to diarrhea. Coffee is also acidic, which causes digestive problems. When you stop drinking coffee, you may find your tummy calms down, and you have fewer bowel movements and diarrhea.


Final thoughts on how to stop drinking coffee in under ten days

If you wonder how to stop drinking coffee, hopefully, these suggestions give you some hope that you can break the caffeine habit. Caffeine is found in many drinks, foods, medications, and herbal remedies. Be sure to read labels before you eat or drink. Once you stop drinking caffeinated beverages, there is a good chance you’ll see some positive health benefits that motivate you to stay caffeine-free.

How to Reframe a Negative Situation, According to Psychologists

Your mindset can determine whether you experience negativity or positive thinking. If you can reframe a negative situation, you can see the good in any experience, helping you focus on happiness. Your perception can change any experience, but you must know how to reframe a situation.

Reframing a negative mindset can help you live a fun and positive life. Making it happen for you requires putting in the work to shift your thoughts. Eventually, it’ll become a habit and won’t take as much effort, and the benefits are well worth it.

Your life will improve when you reframe the situation. It doesn’t require a drastic life change, either, as it’s all about a mindset shift. It changes your life experiences without changing the circumstances.

Learning to reframe your mindset is one of the best things you can do to improve happiness in your life. It helps you figure out how to be more positive each day as you accomplish your tasks. Reframing a negative situation takes effort, but it’s worth it, and you’ll be glad you did it.

What is Negative Thinking?

negative situation

Research shows that humans have anywhere from 12,000 to 50,000 thoughts each day. It also indicates that about 80% of those thoughts are negative. With never-ending sad news, societal pressures, and daily stressors, it’s easy to see why you experience so much negativity.

Negative thinking involves having a pessimistic outlook about yourself, the people in your life, and the world around you. It can happen to anyone, especially if you’re experiencing stress. Even positive people experience this thinking sometimes.

You might notice a constant buzz of criticism flowing through your mind. Sometimes it’ll also involve nitpicking and insults.

If you don’t reframe your thoughts, it interferes with your ability to function. Pessimism can become a habit, making it hard to do what’s best for you and your life.

When you allow negative thinking to become a habit, it leads to other issues, including depression and anxiety. If you can reframe a negative situation, you’ll notice an improvement in your overall mental health. It also offers other benefits, including:

  • decreased risk of anxiety and depression
  • improved cardiovascular health
  • increased life span
  • improved coping skills

What Causes Negative Thinking?

Sometimes the people you spend your time with can contribute to your mindset. You can give in to the negativity of those around you.

Or, you can refocus your thoughts and reframe the negative situation. You might think your environment is to blame, but you can make a change at any time.

While genetics contribute to your mindset, it only accounts for around 40%. The other 60% is up to you to decide and control. This statistic indicates that your choices and thought processes are the only reasons for negative thinking.

Shifting your mindset will work quickly, and you’ll continue to reap the benefits as you continue reframing negative situations. If you don’t reframe, you’ll experience pessimism and might frequently complain about your life. When you reframe, you can work to find the good things in your life.

How to Reframe a Negative Situation

Reframing a negative situation requires identifying your feelings at the moment. It might be hard to shift your thought process, but it’ll get easier the more you do it. You can learn to control the situation rather than letting it control your life.

You can change your life to improve your mindset without seeking outside help. It’ll help you reframe negativity, making every situation work for you and your life.

1 – Acknowledge Your Support System

When you express gratitude for your support system, it’ll help you think more positively. You’ll feel grateful for these people and all they bring to your life. It’ll also help you realize what your life would be like if they weren’t there.

2 – Identify Negative Thinking

Reframing negative situations requires identifying the experience. There are a few things to look for, including:

  • focusing only on the negative aspects of an experience
  • blaming yourself as the reason for the adverse event
  • always assuming the worst outcome will occur
  • viewing situations as only good or bad, leaving out a middle ground

Make a conscious effort to look for these forms of thinking throughout the day. Anytime it occurs, try to shift your mindset by looking for something positive.

3 – Determine Which Situations and Thoughts to Reframe

Decide which negative thoughts to reframe first. Think about the area of your life that produces the most negativity. Sometimes, writing in a journal helps when you feel down about a situation.

You can look back to pinpoint the issues in your life. Consider your career, a relationship, or any other part of your life. You can overcome the toxic thoughts once you identify the situations to focus on.

negative situation

4 – Find the Bright Side

Reframing a negative situation requires finding the bright side in every situation. It doesn’t mean that you’re happy about what happened. Instead, it shows acceptance and a willingness to look for the good.

When you experience hard times, challenge yourself to find something positive. You may have learned a lesson or improved your skills in some way. Thinking this way helps you stay positive and ease negative thoughts.

Sometimes the best part of a negative situation is getting an opportunity to talk to someone you likely wouldn’t have otherwise.

5 – Focus on Gratitude

Practicing gratitude can make all the difference in reframing a negative situation. Recalling all the good things in your life can improve your life experiences.

Consider writing a weekly list of all the positive parts of your life. It’ll help you refocus at the moment. You’ll also remember all the things you’re grateful for when encountering a negative situation. Rather than focusing on the adverse aspects, you’ll recall good thoughts.

You can also include good things that happened to you or the world around you when you write your list. It’ll help solidify the good experiences in your mind, giving you something positive to shift your focus. You don’t have to write many things on your list but focus on getting at least a few positive aspects written out.

6 – Practice Positivity

Practicing positive thinking is a beneficial way to reframe negative situations. It’ll help you develop new habits, letting go of harmful behaviors that trigger or exacerbate a pessimistic mindset. Force yourself to be positive, and you’ll notice that it feels good and is easier than you thought.

7 – Learn About and Identify Thought Distortions

Sometimes, negative situations trigger thought distortions or traps. Distortions occur when you fall into negative thought patterns that distort your mindset. These patterns also influence your emotions and can cause you to spiral into negativity.

Thought distortions include these things:

  • Polarized or all-or-nothing thinking occurs when you habitually think in extremes. You believe that it is only good or bad with nothing in between.
  • Mind-reading: You assume you know people’s thoughts, and your assumptions are often negative.
  • Using feelings as facts: If you think your feelings are the truth, it leads to negativity because it’s an unreliable indicator of reality. This distortion is also sometimes called emotional reasoning.
  • Overgeneralization: This distortion occurs when you conclude about one event or situation and apply it to all other experiences.
  • Assuming the worst: If you believe the worst possible outcome will occur no matter what, you’re guilty of this thought distortion.
  • Personalization: This distortion involves inaccurately taking things personally. In these cases, the situation likely wasn’t connected to you.

If you can identify these thought distortions, you can stop them as they threaten to take over. Remind yourself that these thoughts are unhelpful and likely inaccurate. This reminder can make a difference in helping you reframe a negative situation.

8 – Set Goals

Setting goals to reframe your thoughts can help you have a task to focus on. Think about the big picture and consider what you can change to live your dream life. Once you determine what you can change, set goals to make it happen.

Having the goals in mind will help you push away negativity and persevere through everything. It’ll also help you forgive yourself for mistakes because you’ll still have your plan to give you hope.

9 – Let Go of the Idea of Perfection

No one is perfect, and expecting perfection of yourself leads to a negative mindset. Anytime something doesn’t go perfectly, you might spiral and set yourself back. However, if you can let go of striving for perfection, you can reframe any situation.

It’ll help you accept when things didn’t go as planned, allowing you to prepare for moving forward. When you think about what you can do better next time, you’ll experience less negativity.


Final Thoughts on How to Reframe a Negative Situation, According to Psychologists

You can reframe a negative situation and help yourself find happiness. When you reframe, you can focus on all the good in your life.

A positive mindset not only makes you happier but can also help you focus on the essential parts of your life. When you focus on what’s important, all your life improves. Use these tips to learn how to reframe a negative situation to live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

How to Do a Happiness Check Up (and When You Should)

Life is full of ups and downs for everyone, and it’s good to check in with yourself sometimes. A happiness check-up can help you assess your situation and see if you should make changes. The check-up will help you identify the areas that cause the most stress and hardship. By following your intuition, you will live a more joyful life.

Accomplishments, victories, and positive changes bring happiness. Failed relationships, losing a loved one, and undesirable changes can disrupt the joy. Even with the hardships in life, though, you can find happiness.

If you aren’t happy, you can make positive changes to address your mindset. You can be happy despite your circumstance, and a check-up can help you reassess. Life is what you make it, so don’t miss a chance to improve how you feel.

Why Some People Stay Happy Easily

Some people can stay happy no matter what happens, and it’s all about their mindset. They choose how they want to deal with things and then move forward knowing everything will work out.

They don’t fall apart and crawl into bed until the worst part is over. Instead, happy people tap into their resilience and bounce back. You can learn to do this, too, coming back stronger and ready to handle anything.

Happy people choose to respond positively to all situations. They aren’t glad about something terrible happening, but they don’t shut down. They accept it and come up with a plan to move forward.

Happy people allow their intuition to guide them forward because they know good times will come again. You can make whatever choice you want, and joyful people choose to keep going. Turn to inspiration and motivation as you cope with hardship and obstacles.


When You Should do a Happiness Check Up

Do a happiness check-up regularly. Even when you think you feel good, take the time to check in with yourself.

It’s most important to do it if you feel discontent or lost in life. It’ll help you assess if you must make changes to embrace life and find meaning again.

How to Do a Happiness Check Up and Experience More Joyful Days

You can do a happiness check-up by asking yourself a few questions. These questions focus on the essential parts of your life that affect your mental health. As you ask yourself these questions, think of ways you can make changes if you answer no to any.

Are You Focusing on What Makes Life Joyful and Worthwhile?

Think about what you’d want to do if you only had a short time to live. Envision the people you’d spend time with and where you would go. Take care of what you’d regret if your time on earth got cut short.

If you aren’t living your life focusing on what makes life worthwhile, you’ll have a hard time being happy. You might lose meaning and feel unfulfilled, disrupting your joy. Life is short, so make every moment meaningful.

Are you Living in the Present?

Ask yourself if you’re focusing on what’s going on around you each moment. Don’t waste your time mindlessly scrolling social media because you can’t get that time back.

Technology isn’t the only thing that can distract you from the present. Worrying about the future or stressing about the past can steal your time, too. Call yourself back to the current moment if you find that your mind has wandered.

How Are You Coping with Setbacks?

Setbacks are an excellent time to do a happiness check-up because you can monitor your reaction to them. You’ll find happiness if you can focus on overcoming setbacks rather than letting them throw you off track. Using your thought and emotions for positive movement can help you find fulfillment.

Focus on your ability to reach your goal rather than focusing on disappointment. Don’t give up because it’ll only cause long-lasting unhappiness. If you can stay focused and overcome setbacks, you’re likely living a happy life.

Are You Letting Life Unfold?

As things happen in life, think about how you handle them. Consider whether you accept it and realize you can’t do anything to change it or if you panic and try to resist change.

If you accept it and let life unfold, you’re likely happier. However, if you resist change and complain about everything in the process, you likely need to reevaluate. Remember that change is part of life, and you shouldn’t take everything too seriously.

Are You Surrounding Yourself by Peace and Contentment?

Consider who you spend your time with, what you do, and where you spend your time. You’ll be unhappy if these things don’t bring joy, peace, and contentment. How you spend your time affects your mental health, so make sure you strive for happiness.

Eliminate toxic relationships and focus on the supportive people in your life. Switch jobs if yours is unrewarding, and let go of things that cause unnecessary stress.

Are You Taking Responsibility for Your Life?

If you take responsibility for your life, you’ll feel more fulfilled. You decide your life, so if you don’t love your situation, it’s your responsibility to change it. Your life is your responsibility, and no one stops you from living a joyful life.

If you blame others, you’re likely unhappy. However, you’ll find joy if you take responsibility and do whatever you must. Many people miss this aspect of being happy, but it’s essential to your well-being.

joyful people

Are You Working Toward Your Goals and Pursuing Your Passions?

Think about what you want out of life and consider whether you’re actively working toward it. If you are, then you’re likely feeling happy in life right now. However, if you’re not, it could interfere with your happiness.

Don’t worry about what other people think of you or want for your life. Remember that this life is yours, and you must do what will make you happy. Focus on your goals, not what you feel society or family forces on you.

Consider your career and family goals and other things you’re passionate about. Do the things you love, and don’t let anyone tell you that it’s not important. Focus on your goals and passions, and don’t let anyone or anything interfere.

Do You Enjoy the Lifestyle You Created?

Your lifestyle plays a role in how happy you are. Live with intention, follow your intuition, and do things to live the life you want. Make sure your surroundings align with what you want your life to look like.

When you love your lifestyle, it brings peace and fulfillment. With constant life changes and high demands, it can be hard to find peace. Adjust your day-to-day routine to find contentment and live the joyful life you want.

Are You Being True to Yourself?

Being true to yourself can affect your happiness levels. Speak up for what you believe and disagree when necessary. You’ll be happier when you’re comfortable with your opinions and values.

You won’t worry so much about people’s opinions of you, either. Being true to yourself helps you feel more confident, allowing self-love and joy. You’ll feel free to be genuine and open with those around you, and you won’t worry about their reaction.

Happy people don’t sit back and let things happen when they disagree. They are brave enough to say how they feel and express themselves respectfully.

Being true to yourself requires looking at your values, too. If you value family time, you must lead a life that allows for it. You’ll have to choose a job where you can prioritize your family and be home for important events.

Consider all areas of your life and whether they align with your values. If any areas don’t align, it might be time to make some changes. Prioritize what makes you happy in life, and don’t sacrifice essential aspects.

Do You Prioritize Time with Yourself?

While spending time with your loved ones is important, alone time is essential, too. Consider whether you take at least 10 to 15 minutes each day to focus on yourself. If you don’t, you should implement things time into your routine.

It gives you a chance to check in with yourself and regroup. Plus, it allows you to assess your direction and think of new ideas.

Prioritizing time with yourself can be hard when you have children or a spouse. You always do things for them, and everyone seems to need you. However, you’ll feel better and more joyful if you can find this time.


Final Thoughts on How to Do a Happiness Check Up

Don’t panic if you answered no to any (or all) of these questions. The point of a happiness check-up is to learn which areas of your life could use a change. Go back to the questions you said no about and brainstorm ways to make positive changes.

Being unhappy doesn’t mean you’re depressed, but you still don’t want to let it spiral. You deserve to live a joyful life, so make sure you do what it takes. This happiness check-up can help you get back on track and live the life of your dreams.

15 Ways to Stop Wasting Food

A large percentage of food in the United States gets wasted. Some foods are lost commercially by grocery stores, restaurants, or other food producers, but some food waste occurs in people’s homes. No one wants to contribute to wasting food, especially considering the increasing number of people struggling with food insecurity. You can make a difference in stopping food waste.

Fifteen Ways to Stop Wasting Food

Here are fifteen ways you can stop wasting food in your home.

1 – Stop wasting food by using all your leftovers

Come up with creative ways to use your leftovers. Many blogs, YouTube videos, and Tiktok posts are dedicated to cooking with leftovers. It’s very satisfying to use every bit of food in a way that gives you delicious meals without waste. For instance, if you have leftover baked chicken, by adding a few extra ingredients, you can create other meals for the rest of the week, including chicken:

  • Tacos
  • Soup
  • Salad
  • Wraps
  • Chili

Of course, the other option is to freeze the chicken and use it again.

wasting food

2 – Make a list

Planning is strategic to not wasting food. Be sure to make a list of what you need before you go to the grocery. This habit prevents you from overbuying. It’s easy to buy food, assuming you’ll eat it, then let it sit in the fridge for weeks. Keep your list and stick to it.

3 – Shop local to cut down on food waste

If possible, try to shop at local farmer’s markets. They don’t carry as much food as grocery stores, so there’s less food waste. You get fresher produce at these stands. Most of the produce they sell is locally grown and in season. You won’t need to worry about insects or pests during the production of transport. Plus, when you shop at farmer’s markets, you can buy less because you can go back every week to purchase what you need for the week.

4 – Plan out your meals to avoid wasting

Before you go to the grocery store, create a menu plan for the week. Then purchase only items you’ll need for the meals on your menu. This practice cuts down on food waste. Plus, planning a menu lowers your stress over what to make each night. You can prepare dinner, lunch, and even breakfast menus. Here’s an example of a five-day menu you can use to start. The seventh day can be leftovers.

Day of the week Meal Ingredients you need
Monday Baked chicken, brown rice, roasted broccoli Chicken, brown rice, broccoli, olive oil, salt, and pepper
Tuesday Hamburgers, sweet potato fries, salad, or raw veggies like carrots, celery, and cauliflower Ground beef, sweet potatoes or frozen sweet potato fries, salt, olive oil, lettuce, raw veggies
Wednesday Grilled salmon, brown rice, green beans salmon, brown rice, frozen green beans, olive oil, salt, and pepper. lemon
Thursday Stir fry with leftover veggies and leftover chicken,  brown rice Leftover chicken,  carrots, celery, cauliflower, sesame oil, brown rice, soy sauce
Friday Pizza and salad Lettuce, frozen pizza, or ingredients for homemade pizza

Leftover ideas: Salmon salad for lunch, use the leftover hamburger in veggie soup or a casserole, grind up the veggies for soup, veggie fritters, or gratin.

5 – Store your produce

Be sure to store your fruits and veggies correctly to prevent them from going bad too quickly. You can keep your produce fresher longer if you separate the fruits and veggies. Be sure there’s good circulation in our fridge. If you see your bananas going brown, peel them and throw the bananas into a zippered bag and freeze them. You can use bananas in smoothies or baking.

If you’re considering upgrading your refrigerator to better meet your storage needs, checking out options can be a smart move. For those interested in finding the best deals on new appliances, you might want to explore refrigerator prices in sri lanka at Investing in a high-quality refrigerator can enhance your food storage capabilities, making it easier to keep your fruits and vegetables fresh and reducing waste. A well-chosen appliance not only improves efficiency but also contributes to better food preservation in the long run.

6 – Don’t assume the food is bad

Don’t be intimidated by food that looks imperfect. You can cut off brown or bruised spots to use the rest of the item. It’s easy to assume that produce is terrible if it looks wrinkled, but you can still use fruits and veggies in smoothies, casseroles, or soups. Some grocery stores sell imperfect produce at lower prices, so you can save and help prevent wasting produce and save money simultaneously.

7 – Use your kitchen scraps

Find creative ways to use your kitchen scraps. Save veggie scraps for soups, broth, or sauces. Leftover coffee grounds and eggshells are suitable for your garden compost pile. Leftover bread can become bread crumbs or croutons. Some people grow leftover raw vegetables in their garden. The veggies you can grow from parts of the plant include:

  • Romaine lettuce: Cut off the bottom and set in a shallow bowl of water until roots appear. Plant in the soil outside.
  • Raw potatoes: Cut potatoes into cubes. Be sure there’s an eye in each cube. Plant the cut-up potato pieces in your garden. You can harvest them in 90 days.
  • Celery: Cut off the bottom of the stalk and put it in a shallow bowl of water until roots appear. Plant outside.
  • Raw carrots: Cut off the bottoms of carrots and place them in a shallow bowl of water. When the roots are long, plant them outside.

food waste

8 – Avoid wasting by organizing  your food, so you see it

It’s easy to “lose” food in the fridge. Stuff gets stuck behind the carton of almond milk, and you don’t see it for several weeks. By then, it’s gone bad. Try to organize your fridge and pantry by expiration dates or when you cooked. If possible, freeze items you won’t use for a while. Many foods are freezable. Here’s a list of foods you can freeze that you may not have known about:

  • Butter: Store in zipper bags.
  • Buttermilk: Store in an airtight container.
  • Hard cheeses: Shred and stored in zippered bags.
  • Egg whites: Store in an airtight container
  • Herbs: Chop and store in plastic bags.
  • Nuts and seeds: Store in food storage bags.
  • Pesto: Store in an airtight container.
  • Waffles: Store in plastic bags
  • Pancakes: Store in an airtight container.
  • Whole wheat flour
  • Cooked chicken: Store in an airtight container.
  • Cooked beef: Be sure to keep in an airtight container
  • Wine: Spoon a teaspoon or two into a freezer tray and use for stews

9 – Buy more frozen fruits and vegetables

When you buy frozen veggies and fruits, they last longer than fresh but are still very healthy. You can use frozen veggies in stews, soups, and even as side dishes. The frozen fruits are perfect for smoothies. Studies show that the vitamin content in frozen vegetables and fruits is the same or even higher compared to fresh vegetables and fruits. Only the frozen vegetables with beta carotene were lower in vitamin content.

10 – Grocery shop more often and buy less

It’s best to buy less and go to the store more often rather than stocking up on food. When you overstock the pantry, you risk forgetting what you purchased, overbuying, or buying what you don’t need. Create a menu for a couple of days at a time instead of for the entire week. Then, if you go for dinner, you won’t waste the food you had set aside for that meal.

11 – Donate extras to avoid making food waste

Find a local shelter or food bank that accepts donations. Take your leftover produce or canned goods there. Make it a monthly habit to go through your pantry, eliminate what you know you won’t use, and then donate it. You can also find churches that accept donations, or some schools have food drives for local shelters. Do your research. You’ll be surprised at all the places that need both perishable and non-perishable foods.

12 – Save vegetable scraps for homemade broth

Vegetables and food scraps make healthy broths. Things like carrot tops, herb stems, and onion skins can be boiled and turned into stock. Just be sure to wash them well before you cook them to get rid of dirt and pesticides used outside the skins and stems.

13 – Store your bread in the freezer to stop wasting it

Bread goes back quickly. If you leave your bread on the counter, it will get moldy quickly. Store it in the fridge or even the freezer to extend the life of your bread, bagels, and hamburger rolls.

14 – Stop food waste by avoiding bulk purchases

Contrary to popular opinion, buying bulk isn’t a good idea for stopping food waste. When you buy in bulk, you end up with too much food. Usually, before you’ve used up the food, it expires or spoils. The best way to avoid wasting food is to use all your produce, dairy, and bread before buying. Canned items last longer, but you should still check them for expiration. Other foods you need to check include:

  • Salad dressings
  • Ketchup
  • Species
  • Frozen foods
  • Soy sauce, barbeque sauce, and Worcestershire sauce
  • Pickles
  • Hot peppers
  • Mustard
  • Mayo

15 – Be adventurous. Try new recipes

Leftovers or random things in your fridge may force you to be adventurous and try new recipes. This effort helps you avoid throwing away these items. Many food blogs are dedicated to the creative cooking of leftovers or produce you haven’t used. Check them out. Talk to your grandma about what she used to make with leftover produce or canned items. Many people from that generation had to use what little they had, so they devised creative uses for foods.

wasting food

Final thoughts on learning how to stop wasting food

There are so many ways to prevent food waste right in your kitchen. It takes some simple planning and creativity, but these fifteen tips will get you started on eliminating wasting food.

12 Phrases Narcissists Use to Manipulate Others

Narcissists are tricky because they seem charming at first and flip a switch when you least expect it. They cause you to question yourself, making you think you’re the issue in your relationship. A manipulator wants to control you and ensure they continue getting what they want out of you.

Narcissists use love bombing, gaslighting, and manipulation to get what they want and keep you around. Sometimes it’s easy to identify the narcissism, but other times it’s more covert, meaning they are quieter about it. There are many common phrases manipulators use to undermine your well-being without having you pick up on it.

There’s no complete list of phrases narcissists will use to manipulate others, but this list is a place to start. Any variation of these phrases is a red flag, so don’t dismiss anything that doesn’t feel right to you. However, before learning these statements, you must understand what a narcissist is.

What are Narcissists?

Anyone who thinks they are better and more deserving than others might have a narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). This disorder means they engage in grandiose thinking, lack empathy, want to be admired, and have an inflated ego.

These negative behaviors are how they cover personal insecurities and fears, although they’d never admit it. They enjoy manipulating others and love when a plan works out for them.

Narcissists use language differently than other people. Rather than using it to communicate, they use words to manipulate and get what they want or need. They’ll say what they can to keep you around, despite the detriment to your well-being.

These people have a high sense of entitlement and do whatever they can to bring others down. They terrorize you psychologically, and it worsens the longer it goes on. A narcissist often sounds normal and uses words to send mixed messages with a negative subtext.

These people are often arrogant and thoughtless. They only think of themselves, so their actions are generally selfish. A manipulator will only do kind things for others when they can get something out of it or use it against them later.


Twelve Phrases Narcissists Use to Manipulate Others

You might not realize these phrases are manipulative at first, but question them later. This situation happens to you because a narcissist is good at saying something without coming right out and insulting you.

Other times they’ll be more direct, but they often try to make their harmful comment seem helpful. Anytime someone says something that undermines your success or makes you question yourself, it’s manipulative.

1. I’m the only person who likes you, and everyone else is just pretending.

A narcissist says this for a few reasons. First, they want you to feel bad about yourself. It will make you feel worthless and like they are better than you are.

They also want you to feel like they’re doing you a favor by spending time with you. If they’re the only one that likes you, they’ll expect gratitude.

That’s not all, though, because they also want to isolate you from others. If you think people don’t like you and say bad things about you, you won’t want to be around them. This method is one of the many ways a manipulator will get you to themselves.

2. No one will believe you if you tell them.

A manipulator will say this phrase for a few reasons, too. They might have isolated you to the point where you have no one to turn to.

Or, it might indicate they’ve already talked badly about you to others ahead of time. They’ll want to do it first so that everyone in your life will be on their side and believe their lies.

Either way, this phrase prevents you from telling people about the situation. You’ll feel alienated and alone, and it convinces you to stay without speaking up.

3. I don’t know why you’re so jealous and insecure.

Someone who uses this phrase usually knows the reason you’re upset or feeling insecure. This person goes out of their way to make you feel this way, making them feel desirable and powerful.

Narcissists will do things to upset you and then make you feel bad for being upset. They do this because they feel threatened when you confront them and don’t want to hear your thoughts.

These people often want you to take the abuse without saying a word. They don’t want to say you’re right because that would require them to consider how their actions affect others.

4. I love you so much–I can’t be without you.

When someone hurts you and uses this phrase, it’s a sign of a manipulator. They often love-bomb you after hurting you, and it’s a subtle method of gaining control.

However, they love that you trust them and continue to care for them despite the mistreatment. It keeps you in a cycle of abuse because you keep forgiving and continuing the relationship.

5. If you leave me, you’ll never find someone as good.

Narcissistic behavior usually comes from underlying insecurities; this phrase is an example. They are afraid that you’ll find someone who treats you well.

Because of that fear, they want you to believe you’ll regret it. This person doesn’t want you to find someone who will bring joy to your life or allow you to recognize your true worth.

6. You’re crazy, just like my exes.

If you date a narcissist, they’ll frequently compare you to people from their past. Rather than recognizing that their behavior is the issue, they’ll blame everyone in their lives. They’ll appreciate the reaction this statement will get from you, so they do the same things that worked in the past.


7. I don’t know why you’re upset. It’s your fault anyway.

No matter what happens, a narcissist will blame you. They will never take responsibility for a situation or outcome and blame others. These people won’t even take partial responsibility, and they’ll find every reason that they aren’t to blame.

If they did something to hurt you, this person tells you their behavior was their fault, too. They’d say they wouldn’t have hurt you if you had done what they wanted.

A narcissist will use this phrase when confronted or when you stand up for yourself. They don’t enjoy confrontation, so a manipulator will flip the situation around immediately.

8. I’m sorry that’s how you feel, but you’re wrong.

When this person says they’re sorry about how you feel, they want you to think they’re being kind. However, following up by telling you you’re wrong is a red flag. They want to end the argument, but only if you let the issue go.

This phrase clarifies that this person is not sorry for what they did. They’re only sorry that you spoke up about the problem.

9. Life isn’t all about you, so let it go.

A narcissist will use this phrase when they want to refer back to themselves. They won’t discuss your needs because it means they won’t get what they want. These people only want to project their selfishness, and they’ll make you feel guilty or ashamed so that they can achieve it.

10. They’re just a friend; stop imagining things.

Dating a narcissist is hard because they’ll betray your trust and then tell you that you imagine it. They’ll keep close friends they flirt with throughout your relationship. However, when you mention it, this manipulator will make it seem like they did nothing wrong.

11. You’re getting upset over nothing and need to toughen up.

When you express your emotions, a narcissist might use a phrase like this. They don’t want to show compassion, so they try to shut your expression down quickly.

Parents frequently say this to children, thinking it’s helping them overcome emotions. However, this phrase invalidates feelings whether it is said to an adult or child. It’s not a good situation; no one should feel they must suppress their emotions.

12. Stop overreacting, I was just joking.

It’s not a good sign when someone tells you that you’re overreacting and that they were joking. A narcissist will say this when you react naturally to a situation. They don’t want you to catch onto their negative behavior, so they want you to think it’s not a big deal.

This person gaslights and invalidates you so that you second-guess yourself. It sets you up for becoming compliant and minimizing the abuse. This phrase devalues your emotion and causes you to lose trust in yourself.

Eleven Signs of Narcissists

You can often look for the eleven signs of a narcissist to help you identify them in your life. There is much more to watch for than listening to what they say. Some of the other signs of a manipulator include:

  1. having a large circle of friends but being unable to sustain a deep connection
  2. exhibiting attention-seeking behavior
  3. asking for things from others without ever contributing
  4. hurting people’s feelings and not taking responsibility
  5. causing problems within a group and blaming others for how they behaved
  6. not caring about the emotions of others
  7. relying on others to help them through their negative emotions but never being there for their loved ones
  8. walking away from friendships and relationships when they no longer feed their self-esteem
  9. spending time with people only when it benefits them
  10. constantly criticizing others, openly or behind their back
  11. applying higher standards to others than they do to themselves


Final Thoughts on Phrases Narcissists Use to Manipulate Others

Dealing with a narcissist can seem impossible, but the first step is identifying it. If you tend to feel bad after spending time with specific people, reflect on what they say to you. These phrases are detrimental to your well-being and intend to manipulate you.

When you know a narcissist’s true intentions, you can protect yourself from their negative behavior. Remember that this isn’t a complete list; any variation of these phrases is toxic. Go with your gut and admit to yourself when something doesn’t make you feel good.

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