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10 Health Benefits of Alpha-Lipoic Acid (and How to Take it) 

Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is a natural antioxidant made by your body. It’s in every cell of your body that turns glucose into energy. This antioxidant goes after the free radical waste byproducts formed when your body turns food into energy. These free radicals are chemical reactions that damage your cells, so it’s harder for your body to fight off infection. Free radicals also harm your body’s tissues and organs.

Fortunately, you can get ALA from certain foods.

Health benefits of alpha-lipoic acid

Here is a list of alpha-lipoic acid benefits and how you are sure to get enough ALA every day.  

alpha-lipoic acid

1. ALA helps diabetes

Doctors say that ALA can lower blood sugar levels besides killing free radicals. It also helps those with diabetic peripheral neuropathy to find relief. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is a condition that affects the feet and legs of people with diabetes. It can be debilitating and painful. Sometimes it’s fatal. Researchers say that ALA helps improve insulin sensitivity. But it’s not entirely understood if taking alpha-lipoic acid by mouth can help. Research has been limited to small groups. 

Another diabetes-associated condition, autonomic neuropathy, affects nerves in your internal organs. People with autonomic neuropathy in their hearts found improvement when they took 800 mcg of ALA. 

2. Alpha-lipoic acid can slow down the aging process

Aging happens to everyone. Sagging, wrinkles, and a lack of elasticity are normal as you age. The skin around our arms, legs, face, and trunk are most affected. Aging skin also gets dry and has an increased risk of skin diseases. 

Alpha-lipoic acid benefits include slowing down this aging process. ALA has potent antioxidant abilities, which help reduce skin aging and inflammation. Furthermore, it improves the nerve function of the skin. Other alpha lipoic acid benefits for aging include the following:

  • Tightening of skin
  • Improve the firmness of the skin
  • Reduce fine wrinkles and lines

For the best benefits, nutritionists suggest you take it with biotin and vitamin B complex.

3. Reduce glaucoma risk with ALA

As you age, you’re at risk of getting glaucoma. This eye condition causes vision loss. There are different types of glaucoma. But with all of them, the high eye pressure damages the nerve that connects your eye to your brain. Glaucoma has no symptoms other than vision loss. A rare kind of glaucoma called angle-closure glaucoma causes eye pain, nausea, and sudden blindness. Studies show that ALA is an effective antioxidant that helps protect retinal cells that affect glaucoma. 

4. Alpha-lipoic acid can help protect from cancer

ALA links to anticancer therapy because of its ability to kill specific cells and inhibit cancer cell growth. One finding with patients with pancreatic cancer, an especially deadly cancer, received intravenous lipoic acid combined with a low dose of naltrexone. Although they learned they had only months to live in 2002, they were symptom-free and back at work by 2006. ALA is also effective against ovarian and gastric cancer. 

5. ALA protects your brain 

Alpha-lipoic acid benefits extend to your brain. Researchers believe it protects your brain and nervous tissue, reducing the progression of memory loss and other disorders. ALA neutralizes oxidative stress and improves energy production in your brain. This supports a healthy brain, increases your mental sharpness, and reduces your chances of dementia. 

6. Prevent stroke

Strokes are one of the leading causes of death in the United States. It’s the leading cause of disabilities in developing countries. Evidence shows that oxidative stress is a massive component of brain damage from strokes. Because your brain is prone to consuming reactive oxygen, free radicals cause damage because of low antioxidants. Researchers believe ALA also has potential benefits in treating stroke and other brain problems where these free radicals have caused harm. Researchers hope to learn more about ALA’s promising ability to treat and restore the brain after a stroke injury. 

7. Prevents cardiovascular disease

Atherosclerosis, a disease of your arteries causing the growth of plaque in the inner walls of your arteries, is caused by these:

  • High blood pressure
  • Smoking
  • High cholesterol 
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Eating saturated fats

The common thing about each of these conditions is oxidative stress. It’s thought that oxidative stress could be the leading cause of atherosclerosis. Because ALA is a potent antioxidant, it can reduce oxidative stress and inflammation related to heart disease. ALA is a powerful antioxidant. Your body produces it, but when you take a supplement, it increases the functional capacity of the ALA. 


8. Alpha-lipoic acid may assist in weight loss

Studies show that taking ALA results in modest weight loss for overweight individuals. Some results were inconsistent. But there was weight loss for those who took ALA compared to those who took a placebo. More research is needed to determine the effect of different doses and more long-term alpha-linolenic acid benefits. 

9. Protects your eyes

As you age, oxidative stress can damage your vision. The health benefits of ALA extend to your eyes because it can stop oxidative damage that causes eye damage. Eating a diet high in foods with ALA before you reach an older age can prevent the degeneration of your eye tissue and vision loss. It is used to help control eye disorders such as:

  • Vision loss
  • Macular degeneration
  • Retina damage
  • Cataracts (as mentioned earlier)
  • Wilson’s disease

10. Lowers inflammation

Alpha-lipoic acid fights oxidative stress and inflammation in your body. People taking ALA supplements say it reduces joint pain and muscle aches. There’s evidence that ALA binds and removes heavy metals or toxins that accumulate in your bloodstream from the water you drink, chemicals found in your environment, the air you breathe, or the foods you eat. The metals ALA can effectively remove include:

  • Arsenic
  • Iron
  • Mercury

What foods contain ALA?

Your body makes a small amount of ALA, but you can support it by making healthy food choices. The foods that contain ALA include:

  • Potatoes
  • Spinach
  • Organ meats (like liver, in limited quantities)
  • Red meat
  • Brewer’s yeast
  • Flaxseed
  • Beets
  • Carrots
  • Tomatoes
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Broccoli
  • Green peas

What about ALA supplements?

Alpha-lipoic acid is made in small amounts by your body. It’s also in foods and supplements. Supplements can benefit people with diabetes, skin aging, heart disorders, and memory issues. It’s thought that 300 mg to 600 mg are effective and safe with side effects. There is concern that only 30% to 40% of ALA supplements are absorbed. That’s why some people suggest you take these supplements on an empty stomach, the first thing in the morning, thirty minutes before you eat or drink. Others say you should eat a small snack before taking it to prevent acid reflux. So it would be best if you learn what works best for you. 

What are the side effects of alpha-lipoic acid supplements?

ALA has minimal side effects for most people, but some reported having adverse effects.

  • Low blood sugar
  • Nausea
  • Rash-this is primarily those who used an ALA ointment or cream
  • Vomiting
  • Acid reflux

Warnings about taking alpha-lipoic acid

Researchers have not studied ALA to see if it’s safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women. So, it may be best to stop taking ALA supplements if you fit in either of these categories. Risk factors are rare, but because the ALA supplements cause low blood sugar, those with diabetes or low blood sugar should talk to their health care provider before taking them. 

Interactions of ALA with other medications

  • If you take medication for certain health conditions, you should know how ALA interacts with some medications. The medications are affected by ALA. 
  • Medications for diabetes. Because ALA lowers your blood sugar levels, it raises your risk of hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. If you have diabetes medication, watch your sugar levels closely.
  • Chemotherapy drugs. It can interfere with some chemo drugs. Ask your oncologist before you take it.
  • Thyroid medication. Levothyroxine-It may lower this drug’s effectiveness. It doesn’t seem to affect Synthroid, another thyroid medication. Be sure your endocrinologist monitors your numbers.
  • Vitamin B1(Thiamine). ALA lowers the thiamine levels in your body. This is dangerous, especially if you’re an alcoholic. They are already low in this vitamin. 

Alpha-Lipoic Acid

Final thoughts on understanding the many benefits of alpha-lipoic acid

Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is made in small amounts by your body. It’s a powerful antioxidant that’s in every cell of your body. The health benefits of ALA extend to your eyes, heart, weight, and brain. Its main job is to kill off free radicals that cause harm to your body’s cells. Even though your body makes some ALA, eating a diet rich in ALA is essential. Many people have experienced ALA benefits from taking supplements.

Be sure to take the correct amount and be aware of ALA drug interactions. Talking to your doctor before you take supplements might be worthwhile if you have certain health conditions. This list of alpha-lipoic acid benefits is impressive. As researchers continue to study ALA, there is a good chance you will soon hear more about its antioxidant benefits. 

10 Exercises That Relieve Knee Pain (In 5 Minutes or Less)

Knee pain is something that most folks will deal with as they age. It comes from inflammation, arthritis, injury, muscular tissues, and general weakness from use. Mention exercise to someone with this pain, and they will likely pass.

Thankfully, seated exercises can have many therapeutic benefits for the severe pain associated with your knees. The good news is that studies find many significant knee exercise benefits.

Soon, you’ll see improvement in walking, climbing stairs, and your overall pain level within a short period. You can improve the knee joint function and strengthen those tired muscles in this region.

Ten Exercises to Relieve Knee Pain and Reduce Inflammation

Remember that it will take some time to strengthen this area and bring relief, but you can see some improvement by doing these exercises just three times a week.

knee pain inflammation

1. Block Step-Up for Knee Pain

For this exercise, you will need a block or wedge to help you work on that knee pain. You’ll also work on your quadriceps and glutes, but it won’t cause your knees discomfort. Here’s how:

1. Place your block on the floor. Don’t use a big block as it will cause pain if it’s too high. A yoga block is usually best.

2. Place your left foot in the center of the block.

3. Engage the abdominal area by placing your hands on your hips.

4. Press your right heel into the floor, and you need to flex your quads while straightening the leg out.

5. Bend your left knee as you lower that foot to the floor. Make sure that your foot never leaves the block.

6. Do ten reps on the left side, then you should switch to the right.

2. Leg Raises

Did you know that doctors and therapists also use this exercise to test your mobility? According to the National Library of Medicine, it’s called the Lasegue test. During these movements, the doctor looks for lumbosacral nerve irritation. However, this movement can also strengthen this area. Here’s how:

1. Find a comfortable position to lie on the floor on your back.

2. Bend one knee and ensure your foot is flat on the floor.

3. The other leg needs to be straight out in front. This motion will allow you to engage your abdominal region as the lower part of your back is on the ground.

4. Flex your toes and bring them towards the lower part of your leg. If you’re doing this correctly, you should feel those quadriceps engage.

5. Gently lift your leg upwards while keeping those quadriceps connected.

6. Inhale deeply and lift the leg on the ground about twelve inches. Strive to hold this for five or ten seconds.

7. Now, switch legs and do the other side.

3. Adductor Leg Raises to Reduce Knee Pain

The adduct muscles are those around the femur at the hip joint. These are important as they’re directly affected by bad knees and inflammation. Here’s how:

1. Lie on the left side on the floor.

2. Like a leg lift, you want your legs to be on top of one another but staggered. The leg on the bottom should be back slightly from the one on top.

3. Stabilize yourself by pressing your palms to the floor.

4. Raise the bottom leg upwards as you exhale.

5. Now, inhale and bring that right leg back.

6. Strive to do ten reps on each side.

4. Lateral Walking

For this maneuver, you will need an exercise band. This move helps support your knee joints, all while strengthening those outer hip muscles.

You can do this exercise without the band, but the band provides extra support. Sorry, this isn’t one of the seated exercises, but it does help with that chronic knee pain. Here’s how:

1. Step into your exercise band and move it until it rests around your knee.

2. Stand tall and ensure your feet are spaced wider than your hips.

3. Make sure your toes point ahead as you engage those abdominal muscles.

4. Step to the right, tap your right toes halfway and ensure they meet your left foot.

5. If done correctly, you will feel a burning sensation in the outer hips that resist the band—no worries, as you’re working to reduce that inflammation and strengthen tender areas.

6. Now, move side-to-side using an alternating pattern.

7. You should strive for fifteen to twenty repetitions on each side.

5. Lying Leg Raises

The lying leg raise is good for hip or knee pain. It’s one of the seated exercises that work on inflammation and your core strength. Here’s how:

1. Lye on the ground with your left side on the floor.

2. Use your hand to support your head by placing your arm at a 90-degree angle.

3. Make sure your legs are stacked directly on top of one another and your feet.

4. Lift your right leg towards the ceiling, exhaling as you go.

5. Now, inhale and bring the leg back to the ground.

6. Do ten reps on the right side and switch to the left.

6. Donkey Kick

When you have knee pain, it affects your glutes, hips, and hamstring muscles. This maneuver is known to not only reduce your pain in the knee area but can also reduce inflammation and prevent it from occurring. Here’s how:

1. Start on the ground by getting on all fours.

2. Make sure your shoulders are slightly over your wrists, and your hips should be positioned over your knees.

3. Your hand is pressing firmly into the ground, and now you must spread your fingers wide apart. Tighten your abs to engage those core muscles.

4. Inhale deeply as you lift your left leg towards the ceiling.

5. As you lift, ensure your knee stays aligned with the left hips so that you’re square to the ground.

6. Now, kick out sideways with your right leg ensuring you squeeze your quads.

7. Bring your right leg down and switch to the left leg.

8. Strive to do eight reps per side.

7. Donkey Kickbacks

While it’s not exactly one of the seated exercises, you’re not going to feel knee pain as you’re not putting weight on it. This is a great maneuver to help with inflammation and arthritic pain. Here’s how:

1. Start in the tabletop position, which is all four on the floor.

2. Make sure your shoulders are slightly over your wrists, and if you’re in the proper position, your hips should be over your knees.

3. Your hand should be flat on the floor with your fingers wide.

4. Lift your left leg to the backside, and ensure you engage your abs as you lift.

5. If done correctly, your left ankle will perfectly align with your left hip. Now, flex your foot.

6. Exhale and bend your knee until it reaches a 90-degree angle, and you should inhale when you straighten it back out.

7. Strive to raise the left leg for ten reps, then lower it on the ground and work the other side.

8. Quad Sets (One of The Recommended Seated Exercises)

Did you know quad sets are used in knee and hip rehabilitation? Physical therapists rely heavily on this movement to help work these core muscles and reduce pain. Here’s how:

1. Find a comfortable place on the floor to sit.

2. Take your left leg and straighten it out in front of you.

3. Bring your knee up until your leg is at a 90-degree angle and your foot is flat on the floor.

4. Flex the left foot while the rear side of your knee moves towards the ground. If you’re doing this correctly, you should feel your quads engaging. Hold the position for five to ten seconds, then release for another five or ten seconds.

5. Strive to do ten reps on the left, and then you should switch and do ten reps on the right.

9. Lying Leg Curls

You can do leg curls in many ways, but it’s always better to choose seated exercises when dealing with knee pain. Here’s how:

1. Lie on the ground facing downward. Prop up your upperbody with your elbows and forearm.

2. Slowly curl your left leg towards the ceiling.

3. With the left leg still in the air, bend your knee in this suspension till it reaches 90 degrees.

4. As you inhale, straighten the left leg back out. Inhale and bend the knee again till it makes that sharp angle.

5. Do ten reps on the left side, then switch to the right side.

10. Leg Extensions

The leg extension done in the supine position is used for mobility. It effectively works the ankles, calves, and hamstring muscles, which all directly impact the knee muscles. Here’s how:

1. Start by lying flat on the ground. Ensure your lower back is touching the floor, as this will engage your abdominal muscles.

2. Raise one leg upwards towards the ceiling. At the same time, flex the foot on this leg so that you engage your quadriceps.

3. Move your toes back and forth, so your shin can feel the burn.

4. Now, inhale deeply and slightly bend the leg that’s straight until you reach a 90-degree angle.

5. Exhale slowly and straighten your leg back out. Make sure you’re flexing those quadriceps the entire time.

6. Do ten reps on one side and switch to the other.

Final Thoughts on Relieving Inflammation and Knee Pain

Don’t be overwhelmed by this list, as there may be some exercises you cannot do. Find the ones you can do and work on those first, but you can slowly move up from the seated exercises into more challenging ones.

Everyone is at different levels with their knee pain, but the most important thing is ensuring you’re working the area. Many of these maneuvers improve knee pain and your overall lower body strength. Starting today can bring you some quick relief to the inflammation in your knees.

7 First Date Warning Signs Never to Ignore

Going on a first date is an exciting, nerve-wreaking experience. However, it’s easy to get caught up in your nervousness that you don’t think to watch for red flags. You likely have a few you notice immediately (like a self-absorbed person). But what about the less obvious things that reveal a toxic person?

Going on a date indicates that you hope to develop a healthy relationship. When things don’t work out, it’s disappointing because it feels like a waste of time. If you see the red flags immediately, you’ll save yourself from spending more time with someone incompatible with you.

Sometimes it’s tempting to ignore red flags because you want things to work out. However, determining early on that someone isn’t the one for you creates space and leaves you open to the right person. It’s not a waste of time when each unsuccessful date gets you one step closer to a good one.

You don’t want to ignore these red flags because they indicate deeper underlying issues. If the person is willing to behave this way on a first date, imagine what’s to come. There’s no reason to continue getting to know them when you can already see the problems.

First Date Warning Signs

You can’t always identify every red flag on a first date, but these are a helpful place to start. They’ll help you weed out a self-absorbed person who doesn’t fit well with your mindset and lifestyle. You deserve to date someone great for you, so don’t settle by ignoring these signs.

first date

1. They Talk Badly About Others and Treat People Rudely

When someone talks badly about others the first time they meet you, it’s not a good sign. You don’t want to spend time with someone who comfortably talks about people behind their backs.

They might say things that indicate something is wrong with everyone in their life, giving insight into how they handle relationships. It shows they have a problem with many people, and it can’t always be everyone else’s fault.

You also might notice that they are rude to others, complaining about the service or not wanting to leave a tip. They’ll be condescending toward the wait staff, leaving you feeling embarrassed to be with them. Talking about others and being rude are signs of narcissism, and it’s best to pass on a second date.

2. They Only Talk About Themselves

It’s not a good sign if your date talks about themselves the entire time. If your date doesn’t ask questions or allow you to share anything about yourself, it’s clear they don’t care. You can’t build an emotional connection if you can’t speak or don’t feel heard.

Another sign that they only want to talk about themselves is that they make your stories about themselves. They might let you finish only to flip it back to themselves without much response. These people are so self-absorbed that they don’t even realize they are being rude.

3. They Disrespect Boundaries

If your date disrespects boundaries on your first date, it’ll be even worse later. Watch how they respond when something doesn’t go their way or when they realize you prefer something different. These behaviors show how they respect or violate boundaries.

Some things to watch for regarding boundaries include:

  • ordering you a drink when you said you don’t want one
  • pressuring you to stay longer when you say you have to go
  • touching or kissing you after you say you’re not comfortable
  • becoming defensive, angry, or making you feel guilty when they don’t get what they want
  • disregarding your concern for safety by saying you’re overreacting

4. A Self-Absorbed Person Won’t Put Down Their Phone

There’s nothing wrong with checking your phone occasionally for urgent calls, but doing it constantly is rude. It’s a distraction and shows that they don’t consider your feelings. This behavior also indicates that they aren’t fully present and that behavior is unlikely to change. Your date should be able to give you attention for a few hours.

5. They Move too Fast

A first date is your first chance to get to know each other. If they treat you like you’re the love of their life during the first date, it’s a sign of love bombing. They want to draw you in quickly, hoping you’ll overlook their other red flags.

It’s too soon to discuss the future, even if the date goes well. It might sound sweet, but you shouldn’t be planning trips together or making big decisions. Now, if they mention an upcoming event and formally invite you to go, that’s a good sign. Planning a vacation out of state or asking you to a wedding six months down the road is moving too fast.

It’s also bad if they hint at having sex during or after the first date. Your date doesn’t know your comfort level yet, and a respectful person won’t do it.

6. They Get Weird When You Ask Questions

If you ask your date a reasonable question, they shouldn’t get weird about it. Your date might answer indirectly, and some people will even try to make you feel bad for asking. Sometimes a self-absorbed person does not listen well. As a result, they might respond in a judgmental way like you didn’t have a right to ask.

You’re supposed to get to know one another on a first date, so they should be willing to reveal something. If they won’t, it could be that your date only wants to manipulate you. It’s also a red flag if they have no opinion on anything you say or do. Your date should have input, or it indicates low self-confidence.

7. They Call Their Ex Crazy

Talking about an ex on a first date is never a good idea. However, if it comes up and your date calls an ex crazy, it’s not a good sign. Other negative comments about their ex are a red flag, too. It shows that they don’t take responsibility for their actions.


What to Do if Your First Date Isn’t Going Well

If you go on a first date with someone and it doesn’t go well, you’ll want out as quickly as possible. Abruptly leaving the date might be rude unless the other person did something drastic.

However, your comfort is more important than being polite, so finding the least rude way to end the date is essential. If you want to see it through to the end of the date and feel safe doing so, you can try some tactics for improving it. Even if you choose to stay, remember all the red flags of a self-absorbed person before setting up a second date.

1. Do You Feel Safe on This First Date?

It’s essential to start by considering whether you’re unsafe when you realize you’re on an unsuccessful date. If you feel unsafe, don’t ignore the feeling because you can never be too careful. Excuse yourself to go to the bathroom and call someone, or approach an employee privately to ask them for help. If you are at a restaurant, a woman can order an angel shot. Conversely, a male can order a “Johnny Depp.”

2. Be Honest

Making excuses will worsen the situation and make it more uncomfortable. They’ll likely know you’re lying anyway, so be honest about why you’re leaving. Telling the truth doesn’t mean you must be brutal. Instead, in a clear, gentle way, say that you’re ready to go.

You don’t owe them an explanation, but feel free to tell them your reasons if you’re comfortable. Maybe it’ll help them improve their self-absorbed behavior in the future. You can tell them that you’re not feeling a romantic connection, or you can be specific about your issues.

Once you say you want to leave, you have options for how to handle it from there. Say as much or as little as you want, but don’t get caught up in a lie.

3. Say, “Thank you for meeting me here, but I’m ready to get going.”

Even if the date didn’t go well, thank them for taking the time to go on a date. It’s a direct way of saying that the date didn’t go well and didn’t leave space for much discussion. This phrase is polite but gets to the point.

4. Shift the Topic

If you’re comfortable riding it out until the end, shift the topic of conversation. Finding mutually interesting topics might take effort, but it’s better than the alternative. If nothing else works, ask them about happy moments in your life because they’ll love to talk about them.

5. View a Bad First Date as an Opportunity

When you’re on an unsuccessful date, you can use it as an opportunity to practice dating skills. You know you don’t want to see them again, have some fun because there’s no fear of failure. Ask the weird questions that come to mind, do karaoke, or tell funny stories you wouldn’t otherwise.

Maybe it’ll go over well, and you’ll feel comfortable using it on a better date. Otherwise, you’ll have had fun and made it worth your while.

6. Don’t Order a Second Drink

This suggestion is a good one if you want to leave early. You might feel like having a second drink to ease your nerves, but it signals that you’re having a good time and want to stay. It’s also helpful to pay for your drink because it indicates you don’t want to see them again.

first date

Final Thoughts on First Date Warning Signs of a Toxic or Self-Absorbed Person Never to Ignore

Dating isn’t always easy, but it’ll pay off if you remember what you deserve. A first date is a perfect time to watch for these red flags of a toxic or self-absorbed person. That way, you don’t waste more of your time. Plus, ending it after the first date prevents you from developing feelings and getting hurt.

While bad dates aren’t an enjoyable experience, you can make the most of them. If you want to leave early, that’s fine too. You deserve the best so do what you think is right in each situation.

Perfect first dates don’t exist, but some are worse than others. Don’t let bad dates stop you from trying again because you never know when you’ll find the one. Just take it easy, have fun, and always remember your self-worth.

6 Traits Reveal the Happiest Relationships 

The happiest relationships don’t necessarily equate to the perfect ones. They still have conflicts and disagreements but learn to work through them. The more successful relationships also see a team rather than two people working in their self-interests and that of their family.

To provide the best outcome, they work together and come to a compromise. If they don’t, the relationship becomes strained and may disintegrate entirely. The happiest relationships embrace both the good times and bad, feeling grateful to have their partner by their side.

They also accept one another fully and don’t judge their partner for their flaws. It takes two to tango, and the most fulfilled couples put in equal effort to keep things afloat. Below, we’ll review some signs of happy couples based on research from licensed social workers.

Linda and Charlie Bloom, married in 1972, conducted interviews with fifty of the happiest couples they could find. The couples had been married an average of thirty years and cultivated qualities that enriched their relationship over time.

They found that happy couples still encountered problems and had heated arguments. However, conflicts didn’t happen often and seemed to dissipate quickly. What differentiated these couples from others in turbulent relationships involved their willingness to understand one another.

Instead of harboring resentment or judgment toward their partner, they appreciated these differences. They recognized that having different viewpoints and opinions than their partner made the relationship more fulfilling. It allowed them to learn unique things about the world and offered a fresh perspective.

While each couple had differences, they also displayed similarities in their connection. Based on the Blooms’ findings, we’ll review the essential qualities of the happiest couples in more detail below.

6 Traits That Reveal Happy Relationships

Here are the six traits you’ll often see in the happiest relationships

happiest relationships

1.     They Enjoy Making Their Partner (and the Family They Make) Happy.

This one seems like a no-brainer, but many couples today only care about fulfilling personal desires. They tend to prioritize themselves over a partner. However, in the happiest relationships, couples act selflessly and want to ensure their partner feels content. Moreover, this also benefits the giver because acts of service and kindness boost mental health.

In essence, happy couples strive to fulfill one another’s needs to minimize stress in the relationship. After all, pursuing selfish desires could create a rift in the partnership. The Blooms confirmed that all the couples they spoke with felt delight in making their partners happy.

They never felt they had to sacrifice anything to ensure their partner’s wellbeing. Instead, they derived pleasure from discovering how to make their partner–and the family they may build together–happier.

2. The Happiest Relationships Don’t Hold Grudges.

Even if couples argue every so often, the happiest relationships avoid holding grudges. The Blooms discovered that the most successful couples avoided passive-aggressive or resentful behaviors. When they encountered problems, they dealt with them quickly and maturely so they wouldn’t fester.

3. They Take Responsibility For Their Part in Conflicts.

Instinctually, many couples become defensive and angry when confronted with problems they’ve created. This usually happens if the partner talks in a condescending or hurtful tone. However, the Blooms found that the happiest relationships had no problem admitting their faults. They thoughtfully considered how they played a role in issues that arose.

They might have acted slightly defensively but still admitted their responsibility in the conflict. The couples spent less time defending themselves than they spent recognizing and reconciling the problem. Once again, they thought about how their behavior affected the relationship, rather than just themselves.


4. The Happiest Relationships Exhibit Authenticity.

The Blooms also realized that the emotionally healthy couples practiced absolute honesty. No matter the circumstances, they always told the truth out of respect for their partner. Many couples sometimes tell a white lie or exaggerate the truth, but the happiest relationships avoid this behavior.

The Blooms found that many couples always remained truthful, laying everything out on the table. However, they did so in a way that respected their partner and remained sensitive to their feelings. They avoided being brutally honest, opting to use more thoughtful, caring language when expressing their views.

A combination of constant authenticity and unconditional empathy fostered a profoundly respectful, meaningful romance and a strong family.

5. They Value Both Self-Care and Mutual Care.

In many relationships, couples focus too much on self-interests or the partnership. They struggle to balance their desires with the needs of the relationship. However, almost all the couples the Blooms interviewed seemed to address self-care and mutual care equally. They maintained equilibrium between both aspects without neglecting either one.

Some even saw them as so interconnected that there weren’t any differences between them.  In other words, by caring for themselves, they had more energy to look after the relationship. Sometimes, the opposite was true, depending on the couple’s unique needs. Also, the couples felt honored, rather than obligated, to have the responsibility of looking after themselves and the relationship.

6. The Happiest Couples Express Gratitude.

Finally, the Blooms found that the happiest relationships looked at the world through rose-colored glasses. This doesn’t mean they avoided problems but felt confident about their ability to overcome them. They regularly expressed gratitude for one another and their family, which helped buffer the stresses of life.

However, not all the couples displayed a natural propensity toward optimism. Sometimes, the more pessimistic partners adopt the attitudes of their other half throughout the marriage. Being around positivity so often helped them cultivate this mindset and deepened the romantic love they felt for their partner.

happiest relationships

Final Thoughts on Qualities the Happiest Relationships Display

If you’ve been around couples that always seem cheerful, they probably weren’t always like that. Many couples spend years figuring each other out and constructively resolving problems. However, after a while, the happiest couples learn to maintain balance in the relationship through honesty, respect, and understanding.

Two licensed social workers, Linda and Charlie Bloom, discovered that the most successful relationships displayed six main qualities. These couples showed selflessness, gratitude, effective problem-solving, accountability, honesty, and service to one another.

These Relationship Sacrifices Aren’t Worth It, According to Psychology

If you’ve ever been in a relationship, you’ve learned that they require sacrifice. Still, some relationship sacrifices cause pain and disappointment. No matter how much you love someone, you must look after yourself. This can make the difference between a toxic and healthy romance.

Do you know the saying “love conquers all”? Be aware that you should take that with a grain of salt. Sometimes, love drives people insane and makes them irrational. And this can push you towards making all the wrong sacrifices. If you aren’t careful, you might sacrifice your dreams, integrity, happiness, and safety. The relationships that push you to offer that much are the ones that will scar you the most.

You will have nothing but a crazy, toxic, and co-dependent relationship. To have a healthy romance, you must learn which boundaries to enforce. Plus, it’s always better to end something that will eventually burst into flames than to sacrifice everything.

Why Do Relationships Become Toxic?

You might not want to believe that making too many relationship sacrifices is anything but beneficial. So, to better understand why that’s true, you need to know why an otherwise healthy romance can become toxic. If two toxic people get together, the relationship will inevitably be toxic. But often, only one person is unhealthy from the get-go. Or, even more common, it’s for neither of the people to be harmful. So, how do people who seem utterly healthy end up in bad relationships?

They sacrifice too much until it ends up eating away at them. When someone feels their needs are invalidated, they inevitably become worse. When people sacrifice too much, they give up on things they value. Maybe they give up on their freedom or individuality to appease the other person. Slowly, all these relationship sacrifices start to change you as a person. The more you give up, the moodier and sadder you’ll be. This is especially true if you don’t get something in return. Most of the time, these sacrifices are taken for granted if you don’t set boundaries.

relationship sacrifices

So, your partner might quickly get used to them and expect you always to sacrifice. They will stop acknowledging your efforts to the point where you won’t feel appreciated. You’ll also be less likely to have your needs and wants to be respected and met by your partner. The inevitable power imbalance resulting from too many relationship sacrifices is at the core of this problem. There are two possibilities: you’re either the one who sacrifices everything or you both sacrifice more than you should. In the first case, you’ll end up being taken advantage of.

If your partner knows they can make you do anything, they’ll push you to the limit. Even though they are supposed to love you, they’ll still break you if that means they have something to gain. In the second case, you’ll keep swapping the power from one to the other. At some point, you’ll be “in charge,” so to say. And, when you lose that power, the other gains it. So, it’s a constant state of back and forth, with a sacrifice at the center of the problem. When you sacrifice, you lose the power, and you get taken advantage of.

This is not the only reason why relationships become toxic. But relationship sacrifice is and will always be a tricky subject. That’s not to say you should never make any sacrifices. You need to learn how and when to sacrifice. Setting boundaries and communicating are essential to any healthy romance. So, which relationship sacrifices should you avoid and why?

Which Relationship Sacrifices Aren’t Worth It?

1.      Sacrificing Your Career

People’s careers are just as important, if not more important, than your romantic relationships. While it’s true that some people value romance above all else, it’s undeniable that everyone needs to have a salary. But there’s something vital that you should note. There’s a difference between a job and a career. Having a summer job that you don’t necessarily need can easily be sacrificed for love.

Especially if you think that relationship is meant to last, it would help if you never gave up on going to a top school because a partner doesn’t want you to. If you have opportunities that could change your life forever, you should always take them. Or if you get promoted to regional manager of your company before you turn thirty, that’s an opportunity that not most people get. If you get a job you’ve yearned for since you can remember, you should take it.

The list goes on and can change depending on your desires. It would be best to remember that you should never give up on such unique opportunities for a partner. If they genuinely love you, they’ll work to make the relationship work without you having to sacrifice. They will make a relationship sacrifice themselves so you can pursue and strengthen your career.

2.      Sacrificing Your Dreams

Dreams are one of the most important things people can have. They motivate and push us to improve ourselves. Everyone needs to feel like they can dream. But what’s more important is being able to pursue those dreams. If people think they can’t fight for their dreams, that crushes their spirit. Even history has shown us that there’s nothing worse than robbing people of their dreams.

All social changes have been made by people who never stopped believing that things can take a turn for the better. Psychologically, people need to be allowed to hope for more. And fundamentally, that’s what dreams are all about. But when you manage a healthy romance, you could be inclined to sacrifice those dreams. An association often makes you think you can’t pursue as many crazy things as possible when you were single. Maybe you live with your partner, but your dream is to travel. In that case, you might feel like you must give up on your dream of staying with your partner.

Or maybe you feel pressured to share finances with your partner, so you can’t freely finance your travels. Or perhaps your dream is to have an animal shelter, but your partner hates animals. In that case, they won’t want you to pursue that goal. These are just some examples, but we could spend days listing all the possible situations. What’s important to know is that, in the long term, it’s not worth giving up your dreams. Someone who truly loves you will allow you to follow your dreams. But, once you feel like you need to sacrifice that pursuit, you know the relationship has turned for the worst.

healthy romance

3.      Sacrificing Your Personality

You already know that everyone has preferences regarding the partner they choose. Many people even have a type or some strict criteria that their romantic interests need to meet. That means you won’t like everyone, and not everyone will like you. This is not an issue; you can quickly get over not being someone’s type. But some people don’t do that. Instead, they do something extremely toxic: try to change how the person they’re dating acts.

People who end up in unhealthy and toxic relationships sacrifice their personalities too often. They have to become docile and even submissive. A toxic partner usually wants you to be quieter and listen to whatever they ask you. So, when a partner asks you to change your personality, that’s a red flag. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t improve yourself. If you are mean and snappy and your partner asks you to work on that, that’s fair.

And that’s not a sacrifice; it’s just self-improvement. But if they ask you to stop being bubbly and quirky, that’s a relationship sacrifice you should never do. Don’t change who you are to keep someone around–that’s not a healthy romance.

4.      Sacrificing Your Other Relationships

It’s normal to want to spend most of your time with your partner. It’s also normal for them to ask you to hang out if you haven’t made time for them in a while. But what’s not normal is having to forsake other relationships because that’s what your partner wants. Unfortunately, many romantic partners will have jealous tendencies. And, if they act on those feelings, they’ll ask for crazy relationship sacrifices. They might even want you to throw people out of your life so that they can feel more comfortable.

Sure, there are some instances in which your partner will have reasons to be jealous. If your ex is now your best friend, that’s suspicious. But those are not the cases we’re talking about. We’re discussing when your partner asks you to give up on friendships and family. And they don’t have to ask you directly to cut ties with important people. They have to push you to make many small relationship sacrifices. In time, all those sacrifices will add up, and you’ll risk losing essential people. Don’t give up on the ones you love just for a relationship.

relationship sacrifices

Final Thoughts on Relationship Sacrifices That Aren’t Worth It

Having a romantic relationship is not something you need to achieve at all costs. In many cases, you’ll have to learn to choose between continuing that relationship and pursuing your happiness. When deciding, you must remember that not all relationship sacrifices are worth it. Learning to care for yourself and fulfill your needs is much more critical.

Don’t ever give up on your career or your dreams. Relationships come and go, but opportunities to pursue something you’ve always wished for are rare. Make sure you never sacrifice your personality to get someone to like you. And don’t push people you love aside to appease your partner. If you are in a healthy romance, your partner will always support you. They will never want you to make relationship sacrifices that hurt you. Instead, they’ll do their best to see you succeed.

Study Explains Why Social Support Increases Mental Health

Since humans first roamed the Earth, we’ve relied on social support to mitigate life’s struggles. As social animals, we receive physical and emotional benefits from our connections with others. In recent times, we lived in tribes and derived meaning from a life based on a tight-knit community. Our mental health declined only once we scattered into small family units.

While we no longer live in villages, our primary needs haven’t changed in the modern world. We all must work in a larger society to survive, but we require intimate connections with others. Having this type of social support buffers the stresses of life and boosts mental health.

Many studies have shown positive relationships and better quality of life. Below, we’ll go over one of these studies that reveals the importance of social support in modern times.

Social Support Buffers Negative Effects From Poverty

social support

Unfortunately, many people in the modern world suffer from loneliness, especially among younger generations. The advent of social media, along with longer work hours, means less time for in-person connections.

People had more time to foster genuine relationships when life didn’t move quickly. Nowadays, our conversations have become hurried and strained as we struggle to keep up with our responsibilities.

That may explain why people in developing countries have better mental health than in industrialized nations. One study found that people in wealthy nations had higher rates of depression than those in poorer countries.

Researchers believe the high depression rates in developed countries may result from a more significant income gap between the rich and poor. Also, wealthy countries tend to focus more on the individual than the community, causing poor mental health.

This doesn’t mean people in poorer countries don’t suffer from depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders. They face challenges, such as political and financial instability, lack of healthcare, and other problems.

However, they generally have a closer community to rely on than those in wealthy nations. This alone could help stave off depression and negative thoughts caused by adversity. So, perhaps developed nations should focus on increasing social support rather than GDP.

Obsession with material goods and money doesn’t equate to happiness. The study referenced above found that the US has the second-highest rate of depression among wealthy countries. Let’s delve into the study showing why the community can foster mental wellness in rich and underdeveloped nations.

Study Reveals Why Social Support Boosts Mental Health

Iranian researchers performed a meta-analysis of 64 studies that measured mental health concerning social support. Most of the studies analyzed (77%) included men and women, and 90% were performed between 2006 and 2013. The target population of one-third of the studies included university students and people in the workforce. Older adults and patients made up another quarter of the study participants.

The study authors found that positive social support impacted women more strongly than men. They suggest that men feel more hesitant to share problems with others because of gender roles. So, they tend to rely on their social network less than women.

The researchers found that social support also boosted mental health in parents with disabled children, immigrants, and transgender individuals. Furthermore, social support benefited university students, workers, and veterans, reporting higher happiness levels.

Female heads of households, infertile couples, school students, abused women, and older adults showed an average impact on mental health from social support.

So, it’s clear from the study that positive relationships with others can increase mental health and security. People with better social support benefit from enhanced communication skills, which keeps depression and anxiety at bay.

Also, a community can provide a buffer against stress and boost performance in other areas of life. If people have a strong foundation, they can provide for others in their community better.

Finally, social support allows people to feel loved, protected, respected, and a sense of belonging. Everyone desires to be accepted and know they have people to look out for them.

Researchers explain that people with poor social support tend to have worse mental and physical health. This makes sense because loneliness or insecurity heightens cortisol levels and weakens the immune system.

People in solitary confinement for long periods provide a perfect example of this theory. Comparing them to people living in a small tribe in a developing country, it’s apparent that we need each other to survive.

Tips on Finding and Creating Social Networks to Better Mental Health

Mounting evidence shows that lacking social support can lead to mental and physical health problems. Early humans lived in small tribes and counted on one another for survival. Now, we depend on a massive civilization to supply our everyday needs. This made life easier in many ways, but we’ve traded close connections for material comforts.

However, we can still foster meaningful relationships with others in several ways.

  • Make an effort to connect with coworkers. Do you have a few coworkers that you enjoy being around? If so, ask them to hang out after work sometimes. It takes effort to create close relationships, but reaching out will provide opportunities for social support.
  • Reach out to family in your area. If you’ve neglected your relationships with family, try reconnecting with them. They probably miss you and value your presence in their life. We all get busy sometimes, but family will always have your back.
  • Join groups in your area. Look on Facebook or other social networking sites for groups with mutual interests. If you have something in common with others, it makes it easier to connect with them.

mental health

Final Thoughts on Study Showing That Social Support Protects Mental Health

Since humans have existed on this planet, we have lived close to nature and one another. We’ve expanded our society by working on larger goals, like exploring space and medical advancements. Modern life does have its perks, but the focus on achievements has left many feeling isolated and lonely.

Studies show that social support can mitigate the effects of stress and promote better mental health. So, if you feel disconnected from others, reach out more to those around you. You’d be surprised to find coworkers, friends, and family probably feel similar and would welcome the invitation to reconnect.

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