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Courageous People Display These 23 Traits Without Realizing It

When you think of a courageous person, what picture comes to mind? Do you envision the firefighter who rushes into a burning building to pull people to safety? Perhaps, you see the person whose life has been beaten down one too many times get up and fight again.

Many people envision courage as a physical trait, but it’s also very much a mental characteristic that’s good to have too. Remember the iconic movie “The Wizard of Oz” where the cowardly lion just wanted some courage? Courage is one of the things that you need to thrive in this life.

23 Traits Courageous People Display

How do you know if you’re courageous, or do you have some work to do to conquer your fears? Here are some habits that people with courage display.


1. Courageous People Display Confidence

Courageous people believe in themselves even when no one else does. When the odds are stacked against them, they still think they can do whatever they set their mind to accomplish. They’ve learned to be their cheerleader and pump themselves up even when the whole world is in opposition.

2. Mindful Living

The courageous person knows nothing good happens when you keep turning to the past. They embrace mindful living and focus on the here and now. They know that ruminating about what’s behind them isn’t helping them reach their goals, so they keep moving forward.

3. Courageous People Have Integrity

Though they have the drive to compel them forward, the courageous person still has integrity. They won’t sacrifice their principles to get ahead in life. They live by a strict set of morals and guidelines and won’t compromise.

4. Boldness

Someone with courage has fears, but they will stand up for what they believe in and put those worries aside. They have no problem putting someone in their place or making moves against the grain. They have leadership qualities that bring out the boldness deep inside.

5. Visionary

Everyone has a dream inside them, but some people are afraid to chase after this vision. Having an idea creates clarity, and Forbes Magazine says it’s helpful to have a personal vision statement. This statement helps you to understand yourself and your future a bit better.

6. Natural Born Leaders Have Courage

Whenever a courageous person is put into the mix, they will always be the one leading the troop. Their leadership skills are hard to deny; even though they have fears, they will still see the mission through. They know how to utilize the skills of others to make the best impact.

7. Positive Thinking and Optimism

Courageous people know the power of positive thinking. It’s easy to be negative and naysay things when the picture is bleak, but they know that the key to getting anything done is the proper mindset. They know that positive thinking is the key that opens the lock to fulfilling your dreams.

8. Courage Requires Tenacity

Having courage means slaying some significant hurdles that get in your way. Someone tenacious will keep going because their inner drive compels them. Even if the whole team bails on them and doesn’t believe in the task anymore, the person with courage will keep going because of their tenacious spirit.

9. Prompt

Procrastination isn’t a word that’s in the brave person’s vocabulary. These people show up and show out. They know that the early bird gets the worm, an excellent skill to have in both the personal and professional worlds.

According to the Association for Psychological Science, procrastinating people have a gap between attention and action. Some folks have fears or feel something is overwhelming, so they put it off because they don’t want to do it.

The study also found that some people struggle to regulate their moods and emotions. However, these are not a problem for the fearless person.

10. Courageous People Are Flexible

Having courage means being flexible. Life never stays the same, and what’s here today may be gone tomorrow. Getting up the nerve and facing your fears means being flexible to get things done. There’s always a plan B in life, and the courageous person knows that sometimes it ends up being the best path.

11. Courageous People Are Fair and Objective

Being objective is an essential part of courage. A person who stands up and faces the crowd must learn to be objective. They look at all sides and try to be fair in their decisions. They aren’t biased and don’t play favorites, but they’ve learned that objectivity is imperative.


12. Authenticity

What you see is what you get. When someone has courage inside them, they don’t need to wear a mask or put on a show for people. They’re genuine on the inside and out. They wouldn’t dare hide behind a façade as they’re genuine and authentic.

13. Compassion Requires Courage

Putting someone else’s needs above your own is compassion, which often runs hand-in-hand with courage. Responsibility comes with taking charge, which means you must look out for the group and not just your personal needs. Selfless acts are commonplace with this person.

14. Intuitive

Everyone has an inner voice, but a courageous person knows they need to trust their intuitive side to help them make good decisions. They don’t depend on others to make choices in critical situations, as they know it’s better to trust their intuition to make the right decision.

15. Humble People Have Courage

Are you humble? Many people know this word but don’t know what it means. A humble person isn’t haughty or arrogant and would never see themselves as better than anyone else. They choose humility in all aspects of life.

16. Conviction

It’s not uncommon for people to ride the fence on an issue and wait until someone pushes them to either side. They know where they stand and don’t need anyone to help them decide. This person would never dream of following a crowd, and they won’t alter their opinion when the wind changes or because of their fears.

17. Courageous People Are Dedicated

Having courage means not being afraid of hard work. This person is the one who will roll up their sleeves and help their team, as they don’t see themselves as any better than others. They care about their group and will do whatever it takes to get the job done.

18. Honest

A brave person is genuine. They won’t tell you what you want to hear to save face, but they will be who they are, regardless of whether you like them. It takes courage to stand up and be yourself, knowing there’s a good chance you won’t be received well.

19. Motivated

You know that courageous people aren’t much for procrastination, but part of the reason they keep going is a deep motivation. It’s what makes them get up every morning even though they’re exhausted from the day before. They’re not afraid to take risks, stand out in the crowd, and be the voice of the others in the group. They’re motivated and have a desire to complete whatever they start.

20. Self-Discipline

If a person doesn’t have self-discipline, then nothing is possible. The person with courage knows that the desire to succeed within them is greater than the consequences if they don’t master it. They try to control whatever they do, so they see the job done from start to finish.

21. A Surprising Connection Between Courage and Curiosity

They may seem unrelated at first glance, but curiosity is the very thing that drives a person with courage. It’s the hallmark of learning that helps keep your mind sharp. Learning is a part of your journey in this life that will never end.

22. Prioritization

Some things take precedence in life, while others are not as important. Someone with courage knows you must prioritize the relevant from the irrelevant, as you will spin your wheels on stuff that doesn’t matter if you don’t.

They know that if you want to move a rock pile, you start with the big rocks first, as these will have the most impact. They understand that the pebbles will make an insignificant dent in the job. They’re not afraid to go after the big things as the small items will be easier to do last.

23. Courageous People Have Healthy Self-Esteem

Most courageous people have a healthy personality, and part of it comes from good self-esteem. They appreciate their passion and discipline, and their reputation is spot on. They never compare themselves with others. In fact, they know this comparison isn’t fair. They feel positive about themselves and comfortable being who they are.


Final Thoughts on Traits Courageous People Display

Do you see any of the traits listed above in yourself? Maybe you just need to become bolder and gain courage in your life. You can build your courageous nature by first starting with building your esteem. When you believe in yourself, you can conquer anything that stands in your way.

Science Explains Why Some Kids Hate Vegetables and How to Fix It

If you’ve ever wrestled a three-year-old over eating one carrot, you know first-hand how much kids hate vegetables. According to science, it’s normal for a child to have fussy eating habits regarding vegetables. That doesn’t mean you should give up offering them veggies for snacks or at meals.

The extra effort is worth your child’s nutritional benefits from eating more plant-based foods.

10 Science-Proven Reasons Why Children Hate Vegetables

So why do kids hate vegetables? Science gives ten perfectly reasonable explanations.


1. Blame their taste buds

It’s easy to assume your sweet three-year-old is stubborn about eating that carrot, but it could be because their taste buds aren’t fully developed. Small children prefer salty and sweet foods. This decreases when they get older as they try new foods. Kids are more willing to taste new foods if people around them eat them. So, if your three-year-old is standing their ground, give them some time and keep offering them vegetables. One day, they may surprise you and eat that carrot.

Cruciferous foods are especially a challenge for kids to eat. That’s because these plants are slightly bitter. The bitterness is more offensive to kids than adults. These veggies’ bitter flavor comes from calcium and compounds including:

  • Isoflavones
  • Phenols
  • Flavonoids
  • Glucosinolates
  • Terpenes

2. It could be in their genes

According to science, if you didn’t like eating your vegetables as a kid, it’s more likely your kids won’t like them. It seems that genes may play a big part in your eating habits. Over the years, you’ve learned to eat plants because you know their importance to your diet. If your child is picky about vegetables, be patient with them. Like you, they will eventually adapt to eating plants. Remember the first vegetables you ate as a kid. Maybe your child will follow suit.

3. Pregnancy foods matter

Science swears that what a parent eats during pregnancy influences a child’s acceptance or rejection of solid foods like vegetables. They say the amniotic fluids surrounding the baby contained the flavors from the mother’s diet. Because the baby swallowed this amniotic fluid, the taste and smell of these foods became familiar. So, a child’s first food experience occurs before birth. So, even if you’re up against pre-birth preferences, your child can learn to like vegetables over time. It just takes some patience on your part to keep introducing those new tastes.

4. Some veggies taste funny

When you offer your kids broccoli, they often resist even trying a small piece. Studies show that cruciferous vegetables taste especially bad to kids. These vegetables contain an enzyme called cysteine lyases, which makes different bacteria in your mouth. When you eat broccoli, the enzymes are released and kick into gear. This makes the pungent odor of these vegetables. Other cruciferous offerings that are especially nasty tasting to kids include the following:

  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Bok choy
  • Collard greens
  • Kale

5 . Fast food memories are more fun

Kids are fast learners. It doesn’t take them long to associate fatty, high-calorie fast food with special occasions like special treats and rewards. No parent ever said to their kid, “Let’s go buy a bag of carrots to celebrate.” Science says this is why kids hate vegetables. Like adults, when a kid eats fast foods, a specific dopamine gets released in their brain. This “feel good” chemical gives them pleasure. It may be good to avoid food as a reward or treat. Instead, try sharing one of these non-food rewards, such as:

  • Small toy
  • Playtime with a friend
  • Stay up later
  • A unique place to sit at the dinner table
  • Trips to the playground, pool, or bowling alley
  • Special stickers
  • Extra screen time

6. Maybe you hate veggies

Whether or not you know it, your kids are watching you. Researchers say parents’ food preferences rub off on their kids. Your food choices at the dinner table greatly influence your child’s taste development. Ask yourself these questions about your food choices:

  • Do you eat green veggies at dinner?
  • Do you snack on fruits during the day?
  • Are you willing to try new vegetable dishes, or do you turn up your nose?

One study found that teenage girls who saw their dads drinking milk had a higher calcium consumption than girls who did not see their dads drinking milk.

7. It’s a texture thing

Some adults and kids are disgusted by the textures of some vegetables. Veggies that are mushy, stringy, or slippery put them off. This texture may cause them not to want to eat vegetables for fear they won’t enjoy it. As a child’s eating habits mature, it’s important to introduce different food textures. They may not like them at first. But over time, they can develop a taste for these foods.

8. Vegetables aren’t always easy to eat

Vegetables aren’t always easy for kids to bite or chew. They’re also not as familiar as crackers, bread, or noodles. In many ways, kids are creatures of habit. If they haven’t experienced different foods that are crunchy or have more fiber, they will not want to try them. They like predictable tastes and textures. Roast or grill vegetables for easier eating. Make veggies more fun by giving them names. One family called broccoli trees, and the kids liked the idea they were eating tree branches. Offer your kids veggie dips like ranch dressing or peanut butter to dip in their vegetables. This hides the texture and adds flavor.


9. It’s just fun to hate veggies

Face it. Kids will be kids. Sometimes, they enjoy being stubborn. They like saying no to everything you say. When your kids are in this kind of mood, you might as well skip trying to push the veggies. Play along and be overly dramatic; they’ll love that. Or you could try reverse psychology and tell them they can’t eat the vegetables at dinner tonight. When they ask why, tell them it’s because the vegetables are special.

10. Lack of experience with vegetables

Most kids won’t eat unfamiliar vegetables. One way to increase their familiarity with veggies is to involve your child in food prep. Let them chop the mushrooms for an omelet. Talk about where mushrooms come from and how good they are in foods. Let them put peas into the soup and stir it. As they learn about different vegetables, they’ll be more open to tasting them significantly if they’ve helped cook the dish.

How can you help your kids like vegetables?

If your kids hate veggies, what can you do? Here are some suggestions to help your kids eat their vegetables.

1. Give the veggies a good disguise

Hiding vegetables could be your best option if your child is picky. Instead of making every meal a wrestling match, hide them by pureeing them and putting them in baked goods. Some good places to hide your child’s vegetables include the following:

  • Zucchini bread
  • Pumpkin bread
  • Spaghetti sauce-hide pureed carrots or pureed spinach
  • Macaroni and cheese-Hide pureed squash

2. Give them water with their vegetables

Researchers suggest that if you offer your child water instead of juice with a plate of vegetables like carrots and sweet peppers, they will be more likely to eat the vegetables. This is because a liquid won’t hide the flavors of the vegetables.

3. Give them more veggie choices

Wait, what? That’s right. If your kids hate vegetables, give them even more. Set out a plate of vegetables as an appetizer right before a meal. You can set out a plate with raw carrots, sweet bell peppers, or crispy celery. The bigger the platter, the more the kids will eat. Or serve a salad, then serve the chicken tenders. Keep the central portion small. The rule of thumb is that the bigger the entrée, the fewer vegetables and fruits a kid will eat. So, reversing the portions makes sense.

6. Try to relax

Most of all, try to relax. You’re not the worst parent in the world because your child isn’t eating vegetables. It may take some time, but as you’re persistently introducing dishes with vegetables to them, they will eventually try them. Pressuring your kids to eat vegetables won’t change their minds; it will make dinner time an emotional nightmare.

eating habits

Final Thoughts on Why Children Dislike Vegetables and Teaching Them Better Eating Habits

It’s normal for young children to have fussy eating habits. Vegetables seem to be one of their favorite foods to hate. Even if your child stubbornly resists eating veggies, don’t give up. Get your child involved with meal prep, including vegetable cleaning and cutting.

They might have a problem with food textures, or vegetables taste bitter to them. Maybe you need to up your vegetables to be a better example. Whatever the reason, try not to worry too much about it. Keep putting different vegetables in front of them; over time, they will begin to build healthy eating habits.

20 Things That Reveal Complicated Family Dynamics

There are no perfect family dynamics, and no one had a childhood without a few issues. Still, for some folks, mentioning the word family invokes all sorts of emotions. These emotions are very complex, as even in healthy relationships, issues are still to resolve.

When a person has a toxic family dynamic, their feelings for their family go way beyond disappointment and frustration. Instead, it can cause significant emotional distress to even be in the same room with these individuals.

Twenty Warning Signs of Toxic Family Dynamics

It’s not always easy to identify toxic family dynamics, and it’s even harder to see when you’re rooted in them daily. Here are some warning signs that your situation may be unhealthy, which indicates that things must change for your mental health.

family dynamics

1. Manipulation Frequently Exists In Complicated Family Dynamics

The classic manipulator can be male or female and fall within any age group. It’s the person that will work you like a puppet on a string. They are more interested in what you can do for them than in a relationship.

This person is very toxic, as they don’t have your best interest at heart. They are out for themselves and furthering their own agenda and will use and abuse anyone they can.

2. Not Respecting Boundaries

Boundaries are an essential part of any relationship. In toxic family dynamics, a grandparent may try to overrule you on your children, or they can stick their noses into your romantic relationships. Someone who doesn’t respect your boundaries is essentially not respecting you.

3. Name Calling

There’s never a reason to call names, even if the inappropriate title is said in a joking manner. No one has a right to call you anything other than your name or a nickname that you like. When they use derogatory terms to describe you or your actions, then it’s toxic and destructive.

4. Control

Control comes in many forms, but some people like to dictate everything about your life without even asking your opinion. This person may schedule get-togethers and other events and expect you to be there without considering your plans. An individual who tries to control everyone is toxic, and they bring poisonous family dynamics to the group.

5. Previous or Current Abuse

It’s almost impossible to have healthy relationships when there’s any form of current or past abuse. Even if a person apologizes for their actions, you can’t forget. Abuse changes you, and it will alter the way you look at the perpetrator.

6. Substance Abuse Can Come From Negative Family Dynamics

Substance abuse is a game changer, whether current or in the past. Though it happens more often than you might think, it causes toxic family dynamics. When someone is heavily involved in drugs or alcohol, their unable to love you the way you need to be loved, as their addiction supersedes any relationship.

7. Anger Outbursts

Does someone in your family have anger issues? Do they fly into a blind rage when things don’t go their way? Not only does this make having a healthy relationship with this person impossible, but you will walk on eggshells around them.

According to the National Library of Medicine, someone with rage issues may have an intermittent explosive disorder, a mood disorder, or poor coping skills. Dealing with this person can be challenging, as you always await the subsequent explosion.

8. Family Dynamics That Include Belittling You

The world is cruel enough, and you should never have to deal with your flesh and blood putting you down. Sometimes family members make people feel inferior, and it’s challenging to have healthy relationships with someone who looks at you as lacking.

9. Bullying

A bully is often someone you meet on the playground at school. However, there are bullies of all ages. You may encounter such a person in your family. They may push you around and try to get you to do things you don’t want to do.

They also have control issues, but the biggest thing to understand about these people is the insecurities and troubles they have going on inside them. The problem isn’t you; it’s them.

10. Stonewalling Is Part of Negative Family Dynamics

Stonewalling is a part of family dynamics that can drive a person away. This mysterious behavior is meant to ignore the issues at hand. If you bring up something to this person, they will walk away. They don’t want to talk about the problems, so they shut down whenever anything uncomfortable is brought to them.

healthy relationships

11. Gaslighting

Gaslighting is another psychological game that some people like to engage in. The person gaslighted may feel they’re going crazy or losing touch with reality. The manipulating individual tries to make you think things that aren’t true to protect themselves or their misdeeds.

12. Threats of Harm

Anyone who makes threats of violence against you, or your immediate family, is toxic. These family dynamics are hard to handle, but you must walk away from these people. Someone who threatens you is unbalanced and needs to seek help for their actions.

13. Consistent Blowups

There’s always drama and confusion when this person is around. At any family get-together, they’re the ones to likely cause a ruckus over nothing. They’re challenging to get along with and someone you want to avoid.

14. Passive-Aggressive Behaviors

The passive-aggressive person acts like everything is okay, but they’re genuinely stewing inside. They make snide comments under their breath at you because they’re upset about something you did, but they won’t admit it. This person makes it hard to have healthy relationships, as their actions are purely toxic.

14. Unfair Comparisons Exist in Harmful Family Dynamics

It’s not fair to compare you to your siblings or family members. You’re unique–another person like you will never walk on this planet. Sadly, when someone compares you and your accomplishments, or the lack thereof, to others, it’s a way of putting you down.

15. Gossip and Backbiting

Someone whispering the secrets of others in your ears is surely whispering your secrets to others. The family dynamics are rough when you have someone that’s a tale bearer in the mix. Just be careful what you say to this person, or your business will spread as fast as if it were on the local news.

16. Unhealthy Competition

A little bit of competition is not a bad thing, as it helps to motivate and push you forward in life. However, competition can be unhealthy too. Competition becomes toxic when families resort to name-calling, putting others down, or physical violence. You can’t have a healthy relationship with someone who makes everything a competition.

17. Favoritism

One family dynamic you wish you wouldn’t have to deal with is favoritism. While most parents say they don’t have a favorite, it’s clear who is the pick in many families. Playing favorites can also extend to the grandchildren, which makes the toxic dynamics continue.

18. Lack of Acceptance

Some family members will never be okay with you or your life choices. They may not like your spouse, job choice, or even where you live. Remember, you don’t have to please anyone else but your partner.

There’s no reason why you need to go out of your way to appease poor family dynamics. If you’re doing your best to make it in life, you’re doing enough.

19. One-Sided Family Dynamics

The road between you and the other person goes two ways. Some people are only capable of one-sided relationships. If you didn’t call or visit them, you would never hear from them.

Unless there’s a physical reason why someone can’t see you, you’re in a one-sided relationship that’s not healthy.

20. Envy or Jealousy

Families always have some jealousy, but sometimes this jealousy can turn ugly. Jealousy can make people do crazy things, including hurting those they love the most. According to a study published by the National Library of Medicine, jealousy is one of the biggest triggers of violence.

While everyone has some degree of envy when they see people get a new car or home, this emotion is over the top. It makes others feel uncomfortable or even unsafe.

family relationships

Final Thoughts on Identifying Poor Family Dynamics

You can always tell if you have toxic family dynamics by how you feel when you see them. Do you feel a nagging ache in the pit of your stomach, or does being in their presence give you a headache? Healthy relationships don’t make you feel this way.

Many go years without speaking to family members, parents included, when they don’t respect them. No one ever has a right to call names, make you feel bad about yourself, or put you and your immediate family down. Part of loving yourself is walking away from these situations and embracing those with whom you can have healthy relationships.

20 Holistic Health Treatments Most People Forget

Many folks are turning to a holistic approach to managing their health. It’s believed that there’s no ailment your body might develop that Mother Nature can’t heal. Healthy living is essential, as it means being mindful of what you put into your body, including what you use to treat yourself.

One of the many benefits of natural medicine is that the side effect profile is slim to none. You don’t have to worry about the excessive risks of many other treatment methods. Nature itself is healing, but it also provides many herbs and spices that have medicinal properties. Healthy living is an approach that incorporates the mind, body, and soul.

When you learn to focus on your wellbeing on the inside, it can’t help but radiate to the outside. According to a study by The Harris Poll in 2018, researchers found that 47 percent of the population believes that Chinese wisdom and natural therapies can solve things like cancer and other ailments. Many people believe this through trial and error of their own, while others know of people that holistic treatments have helped.

Twenty Holistic Health Treatments You Must Try


There are many ways to incorporate healthy living into your day, including your treatment methods. Don’t run to the drug store to grab the next powerful pain killer when you have a toothache. Why not go to the supermarket for a holistic fix?

It sounds ironic, but here are some alternative health treatments many people have heard and forgotten about, but you must try them.

1. Cinnamon Teas for Arthritis

The Arthritis Foundation states that more than a hundred types of this painful inflammatory condition exist. There is no cure, but an anti-inflammatory treatment can help. One of the best little-known secrets to arthritic pain is cinnamon tea.

Cinnamon is a peppery spice that can be mixed into just about anything. In tea form, it has many immune-boosting properties and the ability to detoxify. Another benefit is it’s a natural anti-inflammatory. The best thing is that you won’t even seem to be drinking anything with medical properties, as the taste is stunning with a dab of honey mixed into it.

2. Natural, Holistic Antibiotics: Honey and Turmeric

Many people are shocked to find that honey and turmeric are one of the most potent natural antibiotics. It should be your go-to for holistic therapies if you’re fighting a bacterial or viral infection. It’s a great immune booster that has fantastic anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Reduce Pain and Inflammation with Turmeric

When it comes to pain relief, look no further than turmeric. This golden powder has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and pain-relieving properties that can’t be denied. It also has anti-cancer and neuroprotective assets that should be investigated further.

4. Cloves and Ginger for Toothaches

A toothache is a terrible pain that many people compare to childbirth. However, rubbing clove oil or some fresh ginger on the inflamed gum shows to be very effective. The spicey properties of these plants warm up the area, fight bacteria, and bring quick relief.

According to Medical News Today, a 10th-century Arabian dentist started using this holistic treatment on his patients, and it’s been recorded throughout time since this point as an effective treatment. Isn’t nature incredible?

5. Ginger for Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a painful condition in which the stomach produces too much acid. The acid makes its way up the esophagus, causing significant discomfort. However, did you know that drinks like ginger ale can be robust against this ailment?

You don’t need to buy the sugary store-bought varieties, as you can make your ale with fresh ginger and carbonated water.

6. Garlic for Holistic Wound Treatments

Due to garlic’s antiseptic and antibacterial properties, this spicey vegetable is perfect for holistic wound care. Sure, it’s often called the ‘stinking rose,’ but slicing some and putting it over a wound will fight the infection like first-aid creams. There are so many ways you can incorporate garlic into healthy living that it’s something you should always have on hand.

7. Almonds for Headaches

The next time you have a pounding headache, reach for a handful of almonds to ease the pain. The almonds’ salicin and magnesium will help alleviate inflammation and work on the pain receptors, which will bring you relief.

8. Cayenne Pepper, a Holistic Treatment for Muscle Aches

It would help if you made a paste with cayenne pepper for those sore muscles. Remember, a little goes a long way, but you’ll find it’s as strong as the cooling-based menthol products often touted for quick relief.

9. Magnesium for Anxiety

According to the National Institute of Medicine, more than half the American population is deficient in magnesium. When your body lacks the vitamins needed to thrive, it can throw your whole system off balance. Did you know that many people notice a marked improvement in their anxiety and pain levels when they add magnesium to their diet?

10. Coconut Oil for Dry Skin

Coconut oil has various uses but works wonders on dry skin as a lotion. Simply rub a bit of this potent oil on your dry and brittle skin, and you will watch your skin be rehydrated and soothed.

healthy living

11. Green Tea for Holistic, Healthy Weight Loss

Green tea is a healthy drink to assist you in your weight loss journey. As a holistic aid, it can mobilize your fat cells and cause them to break down. Once broken, they’re easily flushed from your system.

12. Apple Cider Vinegar for Blood Sugar Control

Apple cider vinegar has numerous benefits that can assist you in healthy living, but one of the best is its ability to control blood sugar. According to the American Diabetes Association, taking just 1–2 tablespoons of diluted ACV can help to control the impact carbs have on your system.

13. Aloe Vera for Burns

Aloe vera can be used topically or taken internally. If you have a burn, simply applying the salve from the inside of the plant can be beneficial in easing the pain and promoting healing. Aloe vera can be used in many aspects of healthy living.

14. Black Cherry Juice for Gout

Gout is a painful arthritic condition that settles into the joints. It often bothers the big toe, ankle, knees, and sometimes the shoulders or hips. However, drinking pure, organic cherry juice has proven beneficial. The juice helps reduce uric acid levels in the blood, which causes the inflammatory condition.

15. Oregano Oil for Bacterial Infections

Oregano is often used in Italian cooking, but as a tincture, oregano can be a powerful antibiotic. This oil contains two potent phenols, which help to wipe out harmful bacteria and germs. It boosts antioxidants, which fight common ear and yeast infections.

16. Acupuncture (Performed at a holistic health practice, don’t try this yourself!)

One can’t discuss holistic treatments and healthy living without considering acupuncture. This ancient Chinese medicine is very effective at pain relief. By inserting thin needles into specific points in the body, it helps to dull pain receptors. According to The Mayo Clinic, this holistic approach can stimulate nerves, muscles, and connective tissues, which can even be used for stress relief.

17. Milk Thistle for Liver Problems

The liver’s job is to flush toxins from your body. This vital organ can become damaged from too many over-the-counter pain relievers and being overweight. Thankfully, milk thistle has proven to be a great herb to stimulate cell repair and reduce injury to your liver.

18. Dandelion Tea for Heart Health

Excessive inflammation in the body can cause all sorts of issues. So removing excess water is essential to help with blood pressure and your heart.

This plant is a natural diuretic used for centuries to help flush the body. It’s also known to help with high cholesterol and is a good source of vitamin A.

19. Cupping (Usually performed by a specially-trained holistic healer)

Cupping is another holistic treatment that many people use for pain. These cups are suctioned onto the body to stimulate blood flow to a particular region. It’s known to be helpful with gastrointestinal diseases, circulation issues, and dermatologic illnesses, and it helps to enhance areas of weakness.

20. Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is often thought of to manage back pain. While it certainly helps with this problem, it’s also great to incorporate into healthy living. Chiropractors are holistic practitioners. They focus on putting the body back into proper alignment, which helps to bring harmony to the system.

These professionals can treat anything that involves the muscles, joints, bones, and connective tissues within the body. Most people feel great after an adjustment, and this natural treatment has no side effects.


Final Thoughts on Holistic Treatments for Healthy Living

Healthy living is becoming popular as people are tired of the sickness that plagues their bodies from unhealthy lifestyles. There are many facets to this type of living, including using a holistic approach to treat what ails you. From garlic to dandelions and even milk thistle, Mother Nature has something powerful to help your body thrive.

Woman Diagnosed With Terminal Cancer Is Now Cancer Free

A woman diagnosed with terminal bowel cancer became cancer free in a miraculous turn of events. The stage 4 cancer spread to her ovaries and liver, and doctors gave her three months to live in January 2020. Now, she’s in remission and feels grateful for a second chance at life.

Caroline Guy spent years battling health problems before being diagnosed with cancer. The 56-year-old decided to make an appointment with a doctor in June 2019 to discuss her symptoms.

“I felt sluggish, I just didn’t feel right. My stomach was swollen,” she told Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. Unfortunately, her doctor in Spain brushed her symptoms aside, citing menopause as the cause. “I’d googled my symptoms, and I actually asked him outright if I had bowel cancer, and he said no,” Guy revealed.

When she visited her husband Adam in Saudi Arabia in January 2020, her health only worsened.

“I was in pain walking, I looked seven months pregnant, and I woke up one night and was violently sick. I just felt horrendous,” Guy recalled.

Adam and their youngest daughter Gabrielle rushed her to the hospital, where she underwent a battery of tests and X-rays. Doctors told them the devastating news that she had only 3-4 months to live.

“When I saw their faces, I thought this is not good. My daughter couldn’t look at me. I couldn’t take it in. I just said, ‘How long have I had it? And ‘am I going to die?'” she recalled.

Her family couldn’t bare to tell her the truth at the time. They could barely handle it themselves, after all.

“He was still picking our daughter up off the floor—they had to give her oxygen. I can laugh now, but it must’ve been like something from a ‘Carry On’ film,” she said.

Becoming Cancer-Free Would Be A Long Journey


At the end of January, doctors referred her to the head of oncology, who reassured her a bit. The doctors advised her to stay positive and avoid googling her symptoms. They couldn’t operate on her, so they gave her a course of chemotherapy and a targeted cancer drug, Cituximae.

At that time, COVID-19 had begun spreading around the globe, and Caroline desperately wanted to see her family. So, she traveled back to Nottingham, England, to visit her other daughter Hollie but immediately caught the virus. She self-quarantined for a couple of weeks until she felt safe to venture outside again.

“It was scary, the thought of coming back to England, worrying would I still get my treatment because I’d done so well in Saudi, but I had to come back. I had to see my family,” Guy shared.

After her bout with the virus, Guy resumed chemotherapy at Nottingham City Hospital. There, X-rays showed the tumor had decreased in size. However, doctors still gave her a grim prognosis of having only two years to live. Caroline couldn’t accept defeat and felt determined to become cancer free, though.

“I was heartbroken, I didn’t want to hear a timescale, I was doing really well, I continued with the fortnightly chemotherapy and Cituximae. I had a pump fitted, and I’d go away and have chemotherapy for 48 hours at home,” she said.

While the pandemic tore through England, Guy still made it to all her appointments. She told the NHS Trust that COVID-19 made it challenging to receive treatments but not impossible. Caroline never gave up hope about being cancer-free, and staff members worked their hardest to cure her. Nurses stayed hours after their shift ended to attend to Caroline as she received treatment.

Shortly after, new scans showed that the chemotherapy shrunk the tumors enough for doctors to perform surgery. It still posed a risk, but Caroline wanted to exhaust all possibilities to become cancer free.

She Remained Positive in the Fight Against Cancer

“I said yes, please. The only way you can beat bowel cancer is with surgery to remove the primary cause. I knew that if I did that, the cancer might come back, but if it did come back, I would deal with it,” Guy said.

Doctors then transferred her to Queen’s Medical Centre, where surgeons removed a portion of her bowel. They also performed a complete hysterectomy to give her the best chance of being cancer-free.

“The first person I saw when I woke up was the surgeon who said it had been a really successful operation. He rang my husband himself and spoke to him,” Guy recalled.

Doctors performed a few other tests and sent her home to recover. When she received the test results, she couldn’t believe it. Caroline was finally cancer free!

The treatment didn’t come cheap, costing nearly $140,000 altogether. It exhausted her husband’s retirement fund since she didn’t have insurance. However, you can’t put a price on life.

Caroline said she felt grateful for the private care she received in Saudi Arabia. However, she expressed that it didn’t compare to the treatment from doctors at the NHS.

“I’ve been treated with so much compassion. I’m in awe of these people, and the colorectal nurse Kimberley was fantastic. For the surgeons to say, ‘we’ve got it all, you’re cancer free’—how can I thank them? How can I thank the NHS? Some of the staff are like family, and they have all been wonderful,” Guy added.

Thankfully, she’s cancer free and sees her oncologist for checkups every three months. Her doctors and surgeons undoubtedly played a considerable role in her recovery. However, her surgeon Dr. Alastair Simpson attributed her success primarily to her positive outlook, bravery, and determination.

bowel cancer

Final Thoughts on Woman Who Beat Stage Four Bowel Cancer and Is Now Cancer Free

Being told you have terminal cancer can instantly shatter your hopes for the future. However, when doctors told Caroline Guy she had stage four bowel cancer, she wouldn’t accept defeat. She knew that with a positive attitude and proper care, she could become cancer free.

After years of battling cancer, she finally achieved remission, thanks to her dedicated team of surgeons and a fierce will to live. Hopefully, this inspiring story provides hope and courage for anyone fighting cancer.

Study Finds That Neighborhoods With Dogs Are Often the Safest

Research by Ohio State University professors found that neighborhoods with dogs often have less crime. So, if you want a safe place to call home, consider living where man’s best friend roams. A high concentration of dogs means that neighbors can watch the streets while walking them. This helps reduce crime and also instills trust among the community.

In the study, researchers discovered that neighborhoods with more dogs had lower instances of homicide and robbery. They also reported fewer aggravated assaults compared to neighborhoods with fewer canines. However, this only was true if neighbors had a close bond and high trust levels.

The findings imply that people walking their dogs can also keep a watchful eye on anything suspicious. More eyes on the streets helps deter crime and keep the neighborhood safe.

“People walking their dogs are essentially patrolling their neighborhoods,” Nicolo Pinchak, lead author of the study and a doctoral student at OSU said. “They see when things are not right, and when there are suspect outsiders in the area. It can be a crime deterrent.”

The study was published on June 25, 2022, in Social Forces.

Sociologists have speculated that mutual trust and neighborhood surveillance could discourage crime for many years. However, scientists couldn’t measure how residents keep watch over their neighborhoods.

“We thought that dog walking probably captures that pretty well, which is one reason why we decided to do this study,” study co-author Christopher Browning, a professor of sociology at OSU said.

Study Reveals That Neighborhoods With Dogs Have Less Crime

overweight dogs

For the research, the team analyzed crime statistics from 2014 to 2016 for 595 neighborhoods in the Columbus, Ohio area. They gathered data from a marketing firm that asked Columbus residents if they owned a dog in 2013.

They also obtained data from the Adolescent Health and Development in Context study (Browning oversees) to calculate trust in each neighborhood. In that study, residents had to rate how strongly they agreed with the statement: “people on the streets can be trusted.”

Previous research shows that trust among neighbors plays a vital role in discouraging crime. It implies that residents will aid one another in a threatening or dangerous situation. This collective mindset uplifts neighbors and makes them feel safer in their homes.

As researchers predicted, the results of this study found that neighborhoods with high mutual trust had fewer crimes. Homicides, robberies, and aggravated assaults happened much less frequently than neighborhoods with lower trustworthiness.

Among these high-trust neighborhoods, those with more dogs had even less crime than neighborhoods with fewer four-legged protectors. The study found that high-trust neighborhoods with many dogs had around two-thirds the robberies of those with a smaller dog population. Also, areas heavily populated with canines had about half the homicide rates of neighborhoods with fewer dogs.

Pinchak said that regular dog walking could explain these statistics.

“Trust doesn’t help neighborhoods as much if you don’t have people out there on the streets noticing what is going on. That’s what dog walking does,” Pinchak said.

Many people prefer cats as pets, but since they don’t require walking, it’s a disadvantage regarding neighborhood surveillance.

Dogs Help Discourage Many Types of Crime

“When people are out walking their dogs, they have conversations; they pet each other’s dogs.  Sometimes they know the dog’s name and not even the owners.  They learn what’s going on and can spot potential problems,” Pinchak added.

Results determined that both trust and dog-walking helped lower crime rates in neighborhoods. Since homicides and robberies tend to happen in public areas like neighborhoods, strong ties with neighbors can deter crime.

The research also revealed that having more dogs around can reduce property crimes. Even if residents have lower trust levels, dogs can discourage crime since they alert their owners of intruders. If a criminal sees a dog outside, they will likely steer clear of the area to avoid being caught.

The added security that dogs and mutual trust provided remained even when accounting for other crime-related factors. These included the proportion of young adults in the area, residential instability, and socioeconomic status.

In summary, the study suggests that having mutual trust among neighbors could go a long way in preventing crime. This effect becomes more pronounced in neighborhoods with a high concentration of dogs.

“There has already been a lot of research that shows dogs are good for the health and well-being of their human companions,” Pinchak said. “Our study adds another reason why dogs are good for us.”

Going outside regularly with your dog can help you stay in shape, another benefit of owning a pet. Not to mention, dogs’ cuddles and emotional support make them well-loved by millions.

If you don’t own a dog, you might consider getting one after reading this study. They will help keep a close eye on your neighborhood and instill a sense of safety. After all, people put up the “Beware of Dog” signs for a reason: it makes the home far less appealing to criminals.

Pinchak and Browning are members of Ohio State’s Institute for Population Research, which helped fund the study. Other study co-authors included Bethany Boettner of Ohio State, Catherine Calder, and Jake Tarrence of the University of Texas at Austin.


Final Thoughts on Study Showing Dogs Help Keep Neighborhoods Safe

If you need another reason to love dogs, the study by OSU researchers provides an easy one. They found neighborhoods with more dogs had much lower crime than areas with fewer canines.

The research team discovered that robberies, homicides, and aggravated assaults occurred less in areas with a high canine population. Also, the team found that property crimes decreased in neighborhoods with more canine buddies. This effect became more pronounced in locations where residents had good neighbors they could trust.

We call them man’s best friend for many reasons, perhaps because they always put their humans first. So, if you live alone or just want more security, we highly encourage you to adopt your furry friend.

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