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Science Explains Why Dirt Should Be Part of Your Diet

You might think it’s weird for people to eat dirt, but it can be good for your health. However, this doesn’t mean you should eat a handful of soil. There are many ways and reasons to add dirt to your diet. Learning about these organic organisms can help you reap the benefits.

A human body includes sixty earth elements. It turns out that you’ll have mostly dirt left when you don’t consider the water in your body.

Your body requires these elements, along with organisms from dirt, to help your body function properly. Exposure to soil-based organisms (SBOs) can boost your health and offer other benefits.

The History of Eating Dirt

Eating dirt is scientifically called geophagy. It isn’t a new idea, as people have been doing it since at least 460-377 BC. However, it was scientifically recognized as a healthy move until sometime between 23 and 79 AD.

In the past, people would bury their food or store it in a dirt cellar to keep it cool and preserve it. The lower temperature and microbes helped prevent yeast and dangerous bacteria.


Why Dirt Should Be Part of Your Diet

Eating dirt is linked to many health benefits, and its popularity is increasing. With blogs, videos, and other content about geophagy, it’s quickly becoming a superfood. The SBOs will help you live a healthier life and feel better.

SBOs link to many health conditions, including these:

  • bacterial, fungal, and viral infections
  • malabsorption
  • flatulence
  • irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • allergies and asthma
  • nausea
  • nutrient deficiencies
  • indigestion
  • ulcerative colitis
  • autoimmune and inflammatory diseases

Dirt Improves Gut Health and Immune Response

SBOs promote gut health. It also improves your immune response. These organisms not only help plants grow but also destroys and prevents fungi, yeasts, molds, and candida in your body.

SBOs kill harmful bacteria and extract toxins from your body. These organisms can also reduce inflammation throughout the body.

When exposed to SBOs, your body can correctly identify invaders. The immune response will trigger the necessary antibodies to fight them off. Without the organisms, your body may not recognize the invaders.

Dirt Organisms Nourish the Cells

SBOs nourish the cells in your liver and colon. They can also help create new compounds, including:

  • Antioxidants and enzymes
  • B vitamins
  • Vitamin K2

Reduces Gas and Bloating

Gas and bloating are uncomfortable, but SBOs can reduce the symptoms. As it promotes healthy digestion, you’ll notice regular bowel movements. It helps you balance your PH levels and ease discomfort.

Dirt Contains Necessary Vitamins

You might miss out on the vitamins from SBOs because, unlike centuries past, thanks to over sanitation and antibacterial overkill. Using hand sanitizer, germ-killing wipes, and antibacterial soap can prevent you from taking in SBOs.

It Can Improve Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky gut syndrome occurs when the small intestine lining gets damaged. It lets toxic waste get through, causing bacteria and undigested food particles to leak into the bloodstream. The SBOs and healthy microorganisms can alleviate the issue and improve your symptoms.

Dirt Can Detox Your Body

Consider using dirt if you want to detox your body. More specifically, turn to clay or charcoal to detoxify your skin and cleanse the inside of your body.

It Settles Your Stomach

Many over-the-counter medications to soothe your stomach contain kaolin. Kaolin is the primary substance in white clays, a type of dirt with antacid properties. It can help relieve nausea, indigestion, and heartburn.

Organisms in Dirt Improve Digestion

Your gut microbe helps your digestive tract keep things moving along smoothly. SBOs help the microbes flourish, promoting the growth of healthy bacteria. It can also help you when you experience loose bowel movements or diarrhea.

Take a Supplement

Supplements can help you reap the benefits without making any other changes. Earth and clay supplements can make a difference in your life.

Improves Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Symptoms

Studies show that a probiotic found in soil can help reduce symptoms of IBS. It promotes healthy digestion, preventing waste buildup and other symptoms. The benefits of SBOs also promote nutrient intake.


How to Add Dirt to Your Diet

Adding dirt to your diet is easier than you think, and it’s not as gross as it sounds. Forming new habits can help you reap the benefits of SBOs.

Plant a Garden

If you want to include more SBOs, start by planting a garden. A vegetable garden allows you to connect with the Earth, and you’ll likely consume some SBOs when you eat the produce.

Not only will you increase your nutrient intake, but you’ll also thrive emotionally and spiritually. Plus, you’ll take in microbes as you work in the soil and tend to your plants.

Avoid Sanitizing Your Food

When you eat produce, you can consume dirt as long as you don’t overly sanitize it. Instead, rinse your produce under running water rather than scrubbing and using a produce wash. When you do it this way, you receive beneficial microbes that improve your health.

Go For a Hike or Explore the Wilderness

Children take in microbes every time they play outside. Adults don’t get the same experience outdoors, but going for a hike or spending time in the wilderness can help.

Eat Probiotic Foods

Probiotic foods include things like:

  • kefir
  • yogurt
  • sauerkraut

Lactose intolerance is partly due to pasteurization. It kills off beneficial enzymes and probiotics, potentially causing food allergies.

When someone with a dairy allergy or lactose intolerance consumes raw or fermented produce, their symptoms can diminish. Raw or fermented foods contain probiotics or enzymes that are easier to digest. Kefir is especially beneficial in improving lactose digestion and tolerance.

Eat Bee Pollen and Raw Honey

Seasonal allergies can occur because you don’t spend enough time outside. It causes you to experience little exposure to pollen. Then, when you do get exposed, it flares up and causes an allergic reaction.

Additionally, consuming bee pollen can help with respiratory diseases. Studies show that bee pollen and raw honey can reduce inflammation, improve immune function, and protect your liver. The microbes from pollen and honey contain natural and gradual immunizations.

The honey and pollen modulate your immune system as they reside in your gut. Honey provides prebiotics that nourishes your gut.

Cuddle Your Dog or Cat

Studies show that cuddling your pet can improve your immune system and reduce allergies. The study showed that children with cats or dogs showed nearly a 50% decrease in allergies compared to those who didn’t have one. However, this was only the case if the cat was an outdoor cat that sometimes came inside.

Animals that play in the dirt bring microbes into your home. You breathe these microbes in; some enter your skin by touching your pets.

Go Swimming in the Ocean

If you’ve ever been in the ocean with a cut, you might have noticed that it heals faster. One part of the increased healing process is salt.

However, swimming in the ocean also contains beneficial microbes and bacteriophages. Studies show that swimming in salt water can decrease inflammation and reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis.

Walk Barefoot

Grounding, also called earthing, is simple, as it involves putting your bare feet on the ground. Go for a walk around your yard barefoot, exploring natural paths and other terrains. Walking along a shoreline can also help, and even walking on sidewalks after a rainstorm.

Anytime your bare feet contact natural parts of the Earth, you experience grounding. It allows healthy bacteria and beneficial microbes to latch onto your body. Studies show that the electrical energy that occurs when you connect with the Earth helps regulate proper bodily functions.

Shop at a Farmer’s Market

Even if you grow a garden, you won’t have it all. For the other things you need, visit a local farmer’s market for healthier options. Buy local, organic produce that allows you to reap the health-boosting benefits of SBOs.

Dangers Involved in Consuming Dirt

While there are many benefits to including dirt in your diet, there are some dangers. Eating large amounts can cause:

  • internal inflammation
  • constipation
  • vomiting
  • infection

With this being the case, you must avoid eating dirt in large amounts. Don’t eat spoonfuls, but don’t fear what’s left on your vegetables after rinsing them off. Don’t worry if some first gets in your mouth while doing yard work or exploring the wilderness.

Eating dirt straight from your backyard can expose you to pesticides and lead. Instead, use the other tips to include SBOs in your diet. Incorporating a little dirt into your daily life can make all the difference.


Final Thoughts on Science Explains Why Dirt Should Be Part of Your Diet

Plants thrive in soil with healthy organisms, and humans do, too. While you don’t want to go outside and start eating dirt, you can benefit from consuming a little. Rather than sanitizing your vegetables, rinse them off and enjoy them as they are.

Working in your garden is also a highly beneficial way to take in the SBOs. These organisms will help you live a healthy life, treating conditions and making you feel better.

15 Ways to Deal With a Dishonest Relationship

If your relationship is built on lies, it will never stand. A dishonest partner can make your life miserable, especially if you receive their deceptions. A toxic partner is challenging to have a relationship with, as you can’t trust them with anything. Once you realize you’re dealing with someone who isn’t authentic, you must take steps to protect yourself. While you might let a few little white lies slide by, you should address this significant matter. Someone with tendencies to lie pathologically can mess with your mind and cause turmoil in the home.

Fifteen Ways to Handle a Dishonest Partner

You must take action if you love someone who lies continuously. The longer you let this drag out, the more significant the issue. You deserve better than this for yourself, so here are fifteen ways to deal with this serious situation.


1. Call  Out a Dishonest Partner

While calling them out on each lie may seem a big deal, you mustn’t let it slide. When you allow someone to be untruthful with you and not stand up for yourself, you send the message that it’s okay.

Each time they lie to you, and you don’t confront them, they will think they’ve got away with it. They will continue this pattern until they have a reason to stop.

2. Weigh What These Deceptions Have Cost You

Are the lies towards you, or are they towards other things? For instance, are they lying to avoid getting into trouble or to hide infidelities against you? Each lie has a cost, and some have higher values than others.

Are these lies directly affecting you, or are you just an innocent bystander? Identifying the rationale behind them can help you determine your next steps.

3. Consider Your Options With Your Toxic Partner

It’s only natural for dishonest people to expect you to fly off the handle. However, you want to avoid knee-jerk reactions as they will only worsen things. A toxic partner expects you to act irrationally, so you want to react differently.

The last thing you want to do is pour gasoline on the fire, so you should think before you speak.

4. Focus on the Current Dishonest Actions, Not the Past

When dealing with a dishonest partner, you must focus only on the actions. Don’t start bringing up past transgressions that happened years ago. Try to keep the finger-pointing and condemning to a minimum, no matter how much you feel they deserve such treatment.

It would help if you got to the core reason they’re acting this way, as it will help you determine your next step. According to BBC Science Focus Magazine, a study found that many people lie to protect the feelings of others, to make themselves appear more important, to cover personal transgressions, or when there’s something to gain.

Then, some people lie for the sake of lying. They have no motive but to lie about anything and everything out of habit.

5. Be Direct With a Dishonest Partner

Dealing with a toxic partner isn’t easy, so be direct. Don’t skirt around the issue and try to sugarcoat things. Ask them specific questions about the deception and tell them how you feel.

6. Never Let a Toxic Partner Minimalize Their Action

They will automatically go into defense mode when you become offensive to them. The dishonest person minimizes the action by passing it off as a white lie.

The smaller they make the infraction, the easier it is for you to buy into their story. They’re not being authentic with you or themselves, so don’t allow these minimalizing behaviors.

7. Will They Own Up to It?

The toxic partner has a problem with being authentic, so they will likely tell another lie to get out of the one they got caught in. Their ability to own up to it may be part of the decision-making process on whether you stay or leave. A partner who will admit their dishonesty and try to make amends is different from one who keeps lying even when confronted.

toxic partner

8. Ask a Friend or Counselor for Help

Since the dishonest partner often traffics in lies and is the master of deception, it’s normal to feel confused. Getting a third-party view of what’s going on can be helpful.

Having an unbiased person look at the situation from the outside can give you a fresh perspective. If an inauthentic partner constantly manipulates you, it’s easier for another person to see this behavior.

9. Trust Your Gut

You have gut instincts that help guide you through this life. It would be best to learn to trust these instincts, which will lead you on the right path. If something doesn’t feel quite right, you will often feel it in the pit of your stomach.

When dealing with your dishonest partner, do you feel like they’re being authentic with you? Perhaps, you have that sinking feeling that they’re telling you a big story to escape punishment. They might fear you will leave them if they can’t make you see things from their point of view.

10. Beware of Blame Shifting by a Dishonest Person

If you have a toxic partner with little scruples, they may try to shift the blame back to you. It’s not uncommon for people to try to blame someone else when they’re caught. A stand-up person will admit their wrongdoings, ask for forgiveness, and move on.

If they value your relationship, they will be willing to have counseling or whatever it takes to fix things. Someone who shifts the blame back to you isn’t being honest. It’s a pattern often seen by dishonest and toxic folks.

11. Set Firm Boundaries

One of the best things you can do to protect yourself from your dishonest partner is to set boundaries. Tell them you’re not going to put up with such behavior. Draw a line in the sand and tell them you’re done if they cross it again!

The toxic partner will only change their ways when they have no choice. If they value you and your relationship, they will seek help.

12. Realize Pathological Lying Won’t Stop Overnight

According to the National Library of Medicine, pathological liars cannot stop this behavior quickly. It’s become habitual, and there are believed to be neurological aspects that come into play. The study found more gray matter in the prefrontal lobes that could be to blame.

While this may be a reason, the person still has the power to change this behavior if they choose to be authentic. So, don’t expect miracles in the blink of an eye. Someone who tells one lie will keep on lying until they conquer this bad habit.

13. Don’t Try to Fix a Dishonest Partner

You must tell yourself that you can’t fix the dishonest person. A tiger doesn’t change their stripes, and you can’t repair someone who doesn’t want to do so. You must realize that they must do this for themselves and the sake of your relationship, and your push means very little.

It’s similar to someone with a substance abuse disorder. No one can want them to kick the habit, as it only works when they decide it’s time for a change.

14. Be Honest with Yourself

If you’ve learned anything from your interactions with a dishonest person, you must be authentic. Don’t set yourself up for failure, as you know when things aren’t going to change.

You can lie about the situation, as it’s just another deceptive act. You know deep inside whether or not this toxic partner is the one for you, but you need the strength to handle the situation correctly.

15. Know When to Walk Away From a Toxic Partner

It’s always hard to give up on someone you love. While you care about them, you may be at the end of your rope with their dishonesty. Trust is one of the foundational building blocks of any relationship, and when this vital piece is missing, it throws everything else off balance. Sometimes, you must make challenging decisions for your health and sanity.


Final Thoughts on the Dishonest Partner

Are you happy with the circumstances you’re in, or do you want better for your life? Someone who lies to you is abusing your trust, and it’s not a great way to have a relationship. This person has toxic traits they must address.

If you’ve learned anything about life and love, it should be that you can’t change people. You can’t make someone do better or force them to do something they don’t want. However, you can set effective boundaries to protect yourself from their deceptions.

When the person you love won’t change toxic habits, you can walk away with your dignity intact.

Man Becomes a Father Figure in His Community, Takes Kids Fishing 

William Dunn, a fisherman from Lakeland, Florida, became a beloved father figure in his town after taking children fishing. One day, he noticed his 8-year-old neighbor constantly storming in and out of his home. Dunn repeated this behavior so often that the 57-year-old decided to approach him. Dunn wanted to know about his life and if he could help in some way.  After talking with the boy, he discovered that he had no father figure in his life. At that moment, Dunn felt awful about the boy’s situation and wanted to do something for him. He grew up fishing with his dad and had many life-changing experiences on the water. So, Dunn thought about taking the boy fishing to instill a sense of confidence and clear his head.

 “Fishing always brought me peace, and it taught me how to be patient,” he explained in an interview with The Washington Post. “When you’re on the water, you can forget about your problems and just appreciate the moment.”

 After getting the green light from the boy’s mother, the father figure began taking him fishing on the weekends. One day, the boy decided to bring his friends along for the ride. Pretty soon, all the kids in the neighborhood wanted to learn how to fish, too. Dunn taught them everything he knew about fishing, from rigging the line to reeling in their catches.

 What began as a weekend tradition fifteen years ago expanded into something much bigger. Now, the kind-hearted man takes groups of children out on the water every weekend. Many of them don’t have stable father figures in their lives to support them.

 Some spent years moving from one foster home to another and desperately needed a mentor. Fishing with Dunn allowed the children to build resiliency while fostering a sense of community.

The Beloved Father Figure Helps Children Heal Through Fishing

father figure

 “They’d been through a lot, and they’d seen a lot, and their lives were difficult. But when they were fishing, all of that faded away,” he said. “Out on the boat, they’d be laughing and smiling and making new friends. I knew I was on to something.”

 The selfless father figure enjoyed doing something to brighten the children’s lives. To fund the fishing adventures, he spent large portions of his paychecks from his job as a tire salesman. He didn’t mind spending his own money to help the children.

But, in 2018, he decided to launch a nonprofit in Lakeland called Take a Kid Fishing Inc. The city offers the perfect fishing place, with dozens of lakes between Tampa and Orlando. The public and private donations would allow him to take more kids out on fishing trips. Now, he takes up to 20 kids at a time deep-sea fishing in addition to smaller groups on charter boats.

 Over the past few years, the father figure and volunteers have taken over 2,500 kids fishing. Many didn’t have fathers in their lives and suffered trauma. However, the calming waters allowed them to decompress and live in the moment. It gave them a respite from their worries while also introducing them to the excitement of catching fish.

 Dunn earned the loving nickname “Big Will” from the children who accompanied him on fishing expeditions. He said he felt grateful to have a dad who often took him fishing while growing up in Miami.

 “I’m the youngest of six, and I always had a great relationship with my dad,” he explained. “He lives in Tennessee now, but I still carry the lessons he taught me. He told me that fishing isn’t about what you catch—it’s about the memories you make. That’s what I hope to pass along to every kid I introduce to fishing.”

Children Gain New Life Skills and Make Lasting Friendships 

 The father figure revealed that they release most fish back into the wild. He and a few volunteers cook the rest to feed the children fish tacos or other dishes for dinner. His commitment to improving the children’s lives garnered many people’s attention in the community.

 For example, Tom Pichette, a former youth pastor who accompanied Dunn on numerous fishing trips, had nothing but positive words to say about him. He described Will as genuine and “meets people where they are.”

 The children pick up on that authenticity, which makes it easy to feel comfortable around him. Even though the children have been given a challenging hand in life, the father figure doesn’t judge them. He accepts them as they are while helping them heal from a troubling past.

 Terra Pryor of Lakeland found Take a Kid Fishing Inc. after her husband Richard died in a car accident. Her three children didn’t know how to cope with the loss, and her son Jayden took it especially hard.  

 “I was especially worried about my son, Jayden, who was 10 then,” the woman shared. “He was really close to his dad and felt he needed to take over the man of the house role immediately. He was trying to be strong for everyone and didn’t show his emotion. I was wondering what to do to help him, and then I learned about Take a Kid Fishing.”

 After a few years of fishing trips with “Big Will,” Jayden has become quite the fisherman. He even caught a shark once that Dunn helped him release back into the water! Jayden grew up fishing with his dad, so the opportunity to continue the pastime means the world to him.

Final Thoughts on Father Figure Who Takes Kids Fishing

dad children

 Indeed, fishing gives children a sense of purpose and helps boost their self-confidence. However, Terra believes the opportunity to heal past traumas and make new friendships matters even more. 

 Dunn says he feels honored and privileged to help young children improve their lives. The father figure enjoys watching them grow and make lifelong friendships out on the water. 

 “There’s nothing like feeling that first tug on the line and seeing a kid light up with a smile,” he said. “I feel lucky to witness that every weekend.”

Psychologist Explains How Clothing Color Impacts Attractiveness

Physical attractiveness plays a role in finding a partner. It’s one of the best ways for someone to see if they are compatible with someone else. However, clothing color can impact levels of attraction.

Physical attractiveness is different for everyone based on their preference for a partner. Some people want a partner with a specific waist-to-hip ratio or overall body size and mass. Other people prioritize a particular size chest.

Not only are the body shape and size aspects of attractiveness, but clothing color is, too. The color of your clothing can affect how others view you physically. Color also influences psychological factors, including mood and decision making, including choosing a partner.

What Psychologists Say About How Clothing Color Impacts Attractiveness

Psychologists studied how eyes track when looking at another person. They used eye-tracking devices to see how women assess the attractiveness of other women.

The experts used avatars with different body sizes, skin tones, and wearing different colors. They also asked women to focus on judging avatars based on body size and attractiveness. The color choices used were black, gray, white, red, green, and blue.


The Results of the Study on Clothing and Attraction

The study results indicated that the expert’s original thoughts were correct. The colors black and red were rated higher for attractiveness and slim body size ratings.

Gray and green clothing rated lowest, as they decreased attractiveness ratings and overestimated body size guesses. Additionally, avatars wearing black received more extended views on the upper body while those in white attracted views to the waist and hip regions.

This study showed that clothing color impacted attractiveness differently based on the subject’s skin tone. The way the color contrasted with skin tone made a big difference in the judging process. Avatars with darker tones were rated better in white, blue, and green than for paler complexions.

How The Chosen Colors Affect Attractiveness

Red enhances attraction because it is associated with desirability and sexual availability. Women wearing red are considered more attractive than if they wore a different color. They also prefer to wear red because it enhances sexual receptivity.

Black is a popular clothing color because it’s a fashionable option for every style. It also has a slimming effect on body images. The slimming effect is more pronounced on large body types, but it’s effective on everyone.

The low ratings of green and gray could occur for a few reasons. Only four of 31 participants in the study liked these colors, meaning it could be a personal preference for the color. These colors are also associated with low arousal.

Back, blue, and red are colors that caused the participants to underestimate their body size. Green, gray, and white caused overestimation. White led to the largest overstimulation, but it still attracted high body attractiveness ratings.

Other Things Colors Mean

Colors can impact attractiveness, but they can also imply other things. Learning the meaning of colors is helpful because it’ll help you exude the energy you desire.


Wearing red clothing is believed to make women seem more attractive. It is associated with love and passion and can be a subconscious influence you don’t recognize.

Red is a powerful color, and business people often wear red suits or dresses. It makes a statement and helps people notice you. This color also exudes beneficial traits for the workplace, including confidence and superiority.

Standing out from the crowd improves your attractiveness because you don’t blend in. You make people see you and know that what they see looks good.

Red gives off powerful energy, evoking strength and creating a positive visual impact. It increases physical attraction. It grabs your attention and makes you want to stare. However, it can also represent aggression, and you might not want to wear it when meeting your partner’s parents.


As a soothing color, pink can calm aggression. It’s also tranquil, warm, and loving. It differs from red because it soothes people rather than stimulates them. Wearing pink sends the impression that you want to connect with others. It gives you a playful and fresh appearance.


Yellow indicates happiness and optimism. It makes people think of sunlight and can make you cheerful. This color can also help you tap into your creative side and promotes friendliness.

Yellow promotes joy, and it can make you feel better. If you’re experiencing sadness or other negative feelings, consider wearing yellow to cheer yourself up. However, too much yellow or too bright of a shade can be overpowering and make you squint. Yellow can get your attention, which is why it’s the color of many warning signs.




When you wear orange, it gives the impression of being fun and enjoying parties. It’s a bold statement that’s hard to miss and look away from. Orange makes people think of fun times, ambition, and warmth.

This color can also signify enthusiasm, attention, and energy. If you want to feel extroverted socially, consider wearing orange to help you feel confident.


Purple makes people think of wealth and wisdom. It also indicates prosperity and sophistication. This color is associated with royalty, so it conveys high quality. It also encourages meditation, contemplation, and spiritual awareness.


Blue is a restful color associated with calming feelings and serenity. It can help you focus, promoting productivity and efficiency. People also often associate blue with trust and intelligence, although it can portray coldness.

Wearing blue can also make you seem loyal and stable. It can also make you feel confident and ease anxiety. You might want to wear something blue for stressful situations because it helps decrease the stress.


Green is a calming color that promotes generosity and peace. It also hints at balance and restoration and can make you experience a sense of safety. While the abovementioned study indicated it didn’t promote attractiveness, it can still be a beneficial color to add to your love.

Wearing green can make you feel renewed and grounded. Another good time to wear it is when you’re beginning a new project or journey in life. It’s a sign of luck that you’ll feel it when you wear the color.


Associated with power and authority, the color black conveys sophistication in attraction. It also makes people think you’re intelligent but can also be somber. Many people wear it to funerals as it is associated with grieving.

While it’s a beneficial color for attractiveness and authority, you don’t want to wear too much. It can be overwhelming if you wear it head to toe, so pick your favorite item and pair it with another color.


Gray will give you a neutral look because it is a suppressive color. It gives off vibes of being unconfident, depressed, and lacking energy.

How to Choose the Best Color for You

Bright colors are associated with positivity, whereas dark colors link to negative emotions. Choosing the best outfit takes work, and thinking about the colors is essential. If you want to attract looks, try wearing red or black.

However, you can wear other colors if you like them. Remember that what psychologists found on this topic isn’t set in stone. Wear what you want to and make sure you’re comfortable in it.

Some colors can decrease attraction, so you might want to avoid these colors. These colors include:

  • yellow
  • dark brown
  • gray
  • green

After reading this list, don’t beat yourself if it includes your favorite color to wear. If you like the color and feel it looks good on you, go for it anyway. Don’t let anything prevent you from wearing what you want to wear.

Consider the Context of Attraction and Fashionable Color Choices

You’ll want to consider the occasion when choosing the color of your clothing. Some experiences require specific colors, while you can have fun getting dressed for other events. If you’re going on a date or to a party, bright colors are best, including red or turquoise. Consider deep, cool hues for a job interview, including gray, navy, or black.

Other Ways Color Affects How People View You

The way your clothing impacts attractiveness also depends on the situation. Conservative and professional colors are optimal for a banker or financial adviser.

People want to know that the person in charge of their money is polished and neat. You’ll notice lots of black, gray, and khaki in a financial institution and subconsciously associate it with professionalism.

However, you don’t want someone who sticks to subtle professional colors in a creative industry. You’ll want someone who can show you their personality and how they bring exciting things together to look good.


Final Thoughts on Psychologist Explains How Clothing Color Impacts Attractiveness

The colors you wear say quite a bit about you and affect how people perceive your attractiveness. It’s a way of branding yourself and gives insight into your identity. With this information, you’ll easily choose your clothing before going out.

Figure out what colors look best on you and fit your personality. You’ll feel good about yourself, and others will find you more attractive. However, remember your opinion and comfort level are all that matter–life is more than physical attraction.

Dad Buys a Too-Small Lawnmower; Entire Community Shows Up to Help

When a dad underestimated the size of his lawn, an entire community rallied behind him with lawnmowers in tow. Blake and Madison Mealy recently moved to the country and weren’t used to having such a large yard. A regular-sized lawnmower worked fine in the city, but it wasn’t a match for acres of grass. However, their new neighbors in Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains had the right equipment.

They didn’t even formally meet the community before they pulled up with lawnmowers to help! It just goes to show you that kind humans still exist. If you’ve lost faith in humanity, this story will help restore it.

The generous gesture from the Blue Ridge Mountain community highlights the profound impact of neighborly support, but for those managing extensive lawns, there are other solutions to consider. Garden artificial turf is becoming an increasingly popular choice for homeowners looking to simplify lawn maintenance and avoid the challenges of traditional grass.

One notable provider in this field is Turf Yard, which specializes in high-quality artificial turf solutions. This transition to synthetic turf not only eliminates the hassles associated with large grass areas but also contributes to a more sustainable and eco-friendly landscape. With these advancements, managing a sprawling yard can become a hassle-free experience, allowing for more time to enjoy the beauty of one’s surroundings.

You might wonder what drew the Mealy family to rural Virginia in the first place. They decided they wanted a slower pace of life, like many people these days. Blake had been busy studying to become a doctor over the last few years. However, he needed a change of scenery and wanted more time with his children.

So, he decided to talk to Madison about country living. Luckily, she agreed wholeheartedly, and they began discussing where to move. With two young children to consider, the Blue Ridge Mountains seemed the perfect place to raise a family.

Its breathtaking scenery and tranquility called their names, and they wanted to experience it firsthand. So, they set out for greener pastures and quickly settled into small-town life.

However, having such a massive yard came as a shocker to them. At their previous home in the city, a small lawnmower could cut the grass in thirty minutes or less. But, Blake would soon learn that he needed something a bit more robust.

Whole Community Helps Dad Mow His Lawn


After unpacking and putting away most of their belongings, Blake went out to buy a lawnmower. Little did he know that it would take hours to cut their sprawling backyard.

When he got home, Blake put their youngest daughter in a baby carrier to keep him company outdoors. Madison filmed the cute scene and watched as they walked through the fields.

It soon became clear that the tiny push mower couldn’t handle the untamed grasslands. However, Blake didn’t want his money to go to waste and kept pushing forward. In the meantime, Madison decided to take a shower while her husband persevered with the lawnmower.

When she came back to see what progress he’d made, she couldn’t believe her eyes. It seemed that some community members had noticed their struggle and offered to help.

Several neighbors joined Blake in his effort to mow the yard, even though they’d never met before. They brought riding lawnmowers, weed whackers, and other equipment to lend Blake a hand. The situation didn’t seem so hopeless, thanks to the generous neighbors!

Madison posted the video on TikTok with the following caption: “We don’t know any of these people. They drove by and saw my poor husband with his tiny mower, showed up, and mowed the entire lawn for COMPLETE strangers. Reminder: there’s a lot of good left in this world.”

She also shared the video on her Instagram page. In the caption, she hoped to pay it forward for others, stating: “We need a small fleet of lawn mowers so we can do this for somebody else someday!”

The video went viral shortly after, amassing over 24 million views to date. Commenters said it warmed their hearts that people still have a sense of community in the modern world. It shows empathy and kindness still exist in this world if you know where to look.

A Debate Quickly Ensued About Importance of Lawn Mowing

However, other viewers expressed their concerns about the family’s decision to mow their yard. While most people cut their grass without thinking twice, gas-powered lawnmowers contribute to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

Not to mention, trimming grasses can destroy ecosystems by eliminating wildflowers that pollinators rely on. Mowing less frequently, about once or twice a month, allows the ecosystem to recover.

Others commented that mowing the yard improves its health. Unkempt lawns may cause diseases, weeds, and pests to spread. Also, they said that mowing your lawn allows the grass to grow laterally, which increases thickness.

Whether to mow your lawn or not may also hinge on community laws. For instance, if you have an HOA, they may enforce rules and guidelines about keeping your property maintained. They might ask you to pay a fine if you don’t mow your yard regularly. However, if you live in the suburbs or rural areas, you can choose how to manage your lawn.

No matter where you live or what you believe about lawn maintenance, this heartwarming story proves the power of community. When people come together for a common cause and open their hearts, it’s incredible what they can accomplish!

If you look online, you will find no shortage of viral videos showing humanity’s worst traits. However, you can also uncover plenty of footage showing the exact opposite.

Fortunately, studies have proven that most people naturally tend to help others. We all want love, safety, compassion, and understanding at our core. By showing empathy, we can create a more equitable world where everyone feels included.


Final Thoughts on Neighbors From All Over the Community Showing Up to Help Man Mow His Lawn

If you look at the state of the world, you might feel discouraged and hopeless. News and social media would have you believe that humanity has lost its way. However, the video shared by Madison Mealy proves that humans have so much kindness and compassion to offer. When she and her husband moved to rural Virginia, they experienced the generosity of the new neighbors firsthand.

The whole community showed up at their home to help Blake mow after seeing him struggle. He purchased a small lawnmower, only to realize it would take hours to cut the whole yard. However, his neighbors had riding mowers to accomplish the task much faster and didn’t hesitate to lend him a hand. What a beautiful story that shows why we should always see the good in one another.

AI Brain Scan Diagnoses Alzheimers Correctly 98% of the Time

Scientists have uncovered a revolutionary brain scan that accurately diagnoses Alzheimer’s 98% of the time. Alzheimer’s disease leads to significant cognitive decline due to the loss of neurons in the brain. Early warning signs of the neurodegenerative disease include memory loss, difficulty completing tasks, and confusion.

Unfortunately, no cure currently exists for Alzheimer’s, although certain medications can reduce symptom severity. In June 2021, the FDA approved a new medication called aducanumab to treat some cases of Alzheimer’s. The drug works to reduce amyloid plaques in the brain and may slow disease progression.

Researchers have also found that cannabis extracts could help prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s from developing. However, it’s unclear if it works for advanced stages of cognitive decline.

While researchers continue their quest for a cure, they’ve also developed an AI brain scan to detect the disease. Early diagnosis provides the best chance for slowing or even reversing the debilitating illness.

Luckily, the new brain scan can make an Alzheimer’s diagnosis with 98% accuracy. The technology uses machine learning to analyze structural features of the brain. This also includes areas not previously linked to Alzheimer’s or dementia. Since the disease often goes overlooked in its early stages, the brain scan can help in this regard.

Not only does it allow patients to formulate a treatment plan, but it also helps to slow the disease’s progression. If doctors can identify Alzheimer’s patients early, it helps them gain further insight into what goes on in the brain. And this aids in the research and development of possible new therapies.

The study has been published in the Nature Portfolio Journal Communications Medicine. The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Imperial Biomedical Research Centre funded the research.

AI Brain Scan Diagnoses Alzheimer’s Correctly 98% of the Time

brain scan

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia worldwide. It affects over 500,000 people in the UK and around 6.5 million in the US, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. It develops in most people after age 65, but it’s becoming more common among younger adults. The most frequent symptoms of dementia include memory loss, cognitive decline, and difficulty speaking.

Doctors currently utilize numerous tests to make an Alzheimer’s diagnosis. They may give the patient memory and cognition tests in addition to brain scans. The brain scans can help detect protein (amyloid) deposits in the brain and hippocampus shrinkage. This area of the brain helps with memory recall.

However, getting results from these tests back can take many weeks, making them relatively inefficient. The new brain scans use MRI taken on a 1.5 Tesla machine, which most hospitals have.

Researchers reconstructed an algorithm to classify cancers and applied it to the brain.

Next, they divided the brain into 115 areas and assessed the regions using 660 features, such as shape and size. Finally, they instructed the algorithm to detect where changes to these features could accurately diagnose Alzheimer’s.

The team tested the formula using data from the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. They analyzed brain scans from over 400 patients with both early and late-stage Alzheimers.

Researchers included healthy patients and those with other neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease. In addition, they tested the algorithm on over 80 patients undergoing tests for Alzheimer’s at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.

After analyzing the data, the team found that brain scans could accurately detect Alzheimer’s 98% of the time. It could also differentiate between early and later stage Alzheimer’s in about 79% of patients.

Brain Scan Technology Marks Progress in Understanding Alzheimer’s

Professor Eric Aboagye, the lead researcher from Imperial’s Department of Surgery and Cancer, said: “Currently, no other simple and widely available methods can predict Alzheimer’s disease with this level of accuracy, so our research is an important step forward. Many patients who present with Alzheimer’s at memory clinics do also have other neurological conditions. But, even within this group our system could pick out those patients who had Alzheimer’s from those who did not.

“Waiting for a diagnosis can be a horrible experience for patients and their families. If we could cut down the time they have to wait, make diagnosis a simpler process, and reduce some of the uncertainty, that would help a great deal. Our new approach could also identify early-stage patients for clinical trials of new drug treatments or lifestyle changes, which is currently very hard to do,” he added.

The new brain scan detected changes in the brain that weren’t previously associated with Alzheimer’s. For instance, researchers found changes in the cerebellum, the area of the brain that governs coordination and physical activity. Also, they detected differences in the ventral diencephalon linked to sight and hearing.

The team says that this warrants further research into how these regions of the brain impact Alzheimers.

Dr. Paresh Malhotra, a consultant neurologist at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and a researcher in Imperial’s Department of Brain Sciences, said:

“Although neuroradiologists already interpret MRI scans to help diagnose Alzheimer’s, there are likely to be features of the scans that aren’t visible, even to specialists. Using an algorithm able to select the texture and subtle structural features in the brain that are affected by Alzheimer’s could enhance the information we can gain from standard imaging techniques.”

While the brain scan can’t cure Alzheimer’s, it marks a huge step forward in understanding the disease.


Final Thoughts on How Brain Scan Accurately Detects Alzheimer’s

There’s no cure for Alzheimer’s or dementia, although researchers have searched for one relentlessly. However, they have created a brain scan that uses machine learning to detect Alzheimer’s 98% of the time. An early diagnosis could make a marked difference in a patient’s prognosis and help them formulate a treatment plan.

Along with FDA-approved medications to lessen symptom severity, the brain scan could increase longevity for Alzheimer’s patients. Hopefully, scientists will discover a cure for the disease affecting millions worldwide. In the meantime, patients can feel hopeful knowing that an early diagnosis is possible.

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