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Counselor Explains Why Stability Is Essential to Long-Lasting Love

Stability in your relationship is essential to having a healthy, long-lasting love. All couples experience hardship, but those in a stable relationship can handle it respectfully. Stability requires prioritizing your partner and allowing your relationship to flourish.

Being in a stable relationship doesn’t mean you must always stay positive. Instead, it means you work through challenges together rather than blaming one another. Understanding why stability is so important can help you handle disruptions in your relationship.

Experts describe stable relationships as ones where both partners recognize when things are off. Then, you’ll work together to repair the issues and return to how you usually are with one another. These relationships involve strong communication that allows you to connect on a deeper level with your partner.

Both of you will know what the expectations are, and you’ll agree to them. Even in conflict, you respect boundaries and work to strengthen the relationship. Understanding why stability is essential to long-lasting love can help you improve your relationship and find happiness together.

Why Stability Is Essential to Long-Lasting Love

Studies show that nearly forty percent of marriages end in divorce. This statistic can be alarming, but don’t worry. You can have a successful long-term relationship if you focus on stability.

Other studies indicate that long-term relationships activate areas of your brain associated with reward, motivation, and desire. Brain scans show that long-term relationships trigger parts of the brain that ease anxiety and pain, promoting happiness and calmness. Short-term relationships don’t do this.

Falling out of love isn’t inevitable, so don’t worry that it’ll happen to you. You can promote a healthy relationship by focusing on stability and respect.


Humans require relationships with others, and their mental and emotional well-being can suffer without it. You likely want to be close to others, building and connecting as you form relationships.

You can’t get everything you need from the relationship with your partner. While that relationship is essential, stability requires fostering other friendships and family connections. Allow your partner to focus on other people in their life, too.

Another reason stability is essential to long-lasting love is because it promotes support and encouragement. When you’re in a healthy relationship, you’ll care for your partner physically, mentally, and emotionally. You’ll also focus on positive communication to promote a healthy relationship.

Benefits of Stability

With stability in a long-term relationship, you may experience:

  • Less stress: Committed relationships decrease the production of cortisol, a stress hormone. A supportive partner protects you from stress because you know someone loves and supports you.
  • Healing and improved health: When you’re in a healthy relationship, you have someone to remind you to take care of yourself. They’ll encourage healthy eating, exercising, and stopping unhealthy habits. You also have someone to comfort you and distract you from pain.
  • A sense of purpose: Being in a stable relationship requires doing good for your partner. You’ll experience a great sense of purpose as you contribute to your partner’s life.
  • A longer life: Studies show that having a solid relationship can increase longevity. It improves your mental and physical health, helping you live healthier.

Eight Signs That You’re in a Stable Relationship

If you wonder if you’re in a stable relationship, there are some indications, including these:

1 – You Can Have Tough Conversations

Every couple goes through hard times, and addressing the situation is essential. Having tough conversations allows you to overcome obstacles while deepening your relationship. Overcoming hard times require having hard conversations and expressing vulnerability and trust.

When you have tough conversations, both of you have a chance to communicate your feelings. It also offers the opportunity to understand each other’s emotional needs.

Couples experience moments of conflict, including misunderstandings, mistakes, and misguided expectations. Even when something is hard to say, you must communicate your needs and allow your partner to do the same.

A stable relationship involves facing these conversations rather than avoiding them. It requires openness, curiosity, and understanding. You can learn more about your partner while they learn more about you.

2 – Kindness Indicates Stability

Being kind to your partner can make all the difference. It promotes a stable, healthy relationship. You’ll make time for one another, say kind things, and treat each other respectfully.

Treating each other with kindness requires listening to one another and working toward understanding. Tough times are bound to happen, but you can get through them together while still expressing kindness.

3 – Healthy Boundaries

Healthy boundaries are essential for healthy relationships. They will help protect you and your partner, ensuring both feel respected and safe. You can implement healthy boundaries surrounding your daily routines, such as needing alone time or having fewer work interruptions.

Another common area for boundaries includes interacting with extended family. If extended family is an issue, you can discuss when and how you socialize with them.

Stable relationships require you and your partner to agree and understand each other’s boundaries. However, implementing them takes compromise from both of you. It won’t always be perfect, either, because it can take time and effort to accomplish.

3 – Self-Reflection

A relationship takes two people, but it also involves self-reflection. Take time to reflect on life changes and how you feel things are going. Taking this time is the only way to develop and grow, an essential aspect of a stable relationship.

It’s easy to forget about or ignore things about yourself when you’re in a relationship. You spend so much time focusing on your partner that you might neglect your desires, thoughts, and feelings. Both of you must spend time reflecting and focusing on who you are.

Reflection also helps increase self-awareness and empathy toward your partner. You’ll have more stability as you develop into a better version of yourself while growing together.

4 – Relationship Stability Builds Trust

A stable relationship requires trust as it’s critical for a healthy foundation. Trust ensures you both feel secure and safe in the relationship without needing constant reassurance. You can spend time apart without stressing or wondering if your partner will leave you.

stable relationship

5 – You Don’t Always Have to Be Right in a Stable Relationship

Being right isn’t essential in a stable relationship. You’ll have arguments, and you can overcome the issue without feeling like you won.

Understanding each other and letting things go is a sure path to stability. When you both want to be right, it creates unhealthy competition rather than encouraging communication. Letting go of the urge to win the argument shows empathy toward your partner. Even during disagreements, you’ll want to understand why your partner reacts a specific way.

6 – You Don’t Ignore Each Other

In a stable relationship, the couples don’t give each other silent treatment. You might disagree, but don’t ignore your partner when things get tricky. It shows that you can repair your relationship and overcome struggles.

When you can do this, it promotes a healthy, long-lasting relationship. Communicating when you’re upset is the way to achieve stability.

7  – Having Each Other’s Back Shows Stability

Strong couples have each other’s backs and stand up for one another. Outside sources can cause issues within your relationship, and standing up for each other is a way to avoid it.

Other people will try to cause drama in your life, and how you and your partner react shows how healthy your relationship is. Your partner won’t let others disrespect or mistreat you. It helps you feel secure and protected, which is essential to a healthy relationship.

8 – Having Separate Friendships and Relationships

Your partner is a significant part of your life, but you also need other positive relationships. You and your partner should have separate relationships with friends and loved ones.

You can’t rely only on your partner to discuss important matters. While you should talk to them about everything, you should also turn to other people for another outlook or idea. When you only rely on your partner, it can create a heavy burden on your relationship.

Having other friendships will ease some of the relationship strain, allowing you and your partner to be happier. It improves stability and promotes a long-lasting romantic relationship.

How to Increase Relationship Stability

If you want to improve your relationship, focus on making beneficial changes. These changes should involve working toward the signs of stability mentioned above. You can also go beyond those tips and do the following:

Go to Couples Therapy

Every relationship is different, and these tips can vary for each couple. For advice specific to your relationship, consider speaking with a professional therapist. They can help address issues within your relationship or help you experience growth as a couple.

Improve Communication

A lack of stability often stems from a lack of communication. You can build a healthy relationship and repair issues by communicating clearly with your partner.

Discuss your expectations and ensure both of you agree to them. Don’t forget to discuss your needs and desires, as both are important in a romantic relationship. Your expectations may change over time, and you must regularly discuss them. Communication is one of the foundations of a stable relationship.


Final Thoughts on Why Stability Is Essential to Long-Lasting Love

You can have long-lasting love, but it requires stability. Having a healthy relationship is essential to making it last and finding happiness. You’ll feel fulfilled, supported, and loved, and your partner will, too.

If you want to improve your relationship, try establishing some signs of stability. Focusing on the essential aspects of a healthy relationship can help you improve your happiness and well-being.

Teacher Gets Emotional About Why Students Think He Is the GOAT

People commonly refer to others as the GOAT, but not everyone knows the meaning. An 8th-grade math teacher was surprised to learn why his students called him the GOAT. The term is unfamiliar to many of us, but they’re worth knowing so we can keep up with what people mean.

An 8th-grade math teacher turned to Reddit to find out why his students called him the GOAT. Throughout the school year, they continually referred to him this way. He went along with it, thinking it was a funny joke.

Then, curiosity got the best of him, and he had to know why they called him the GOAT. The educator was surprised and flattered to find out what the nickname meant. It made him emotional to find out how much his students respect and look up to him.

The Teacher Made a Reddit Post

He turned to Reddit and asked, “Why do my students call me a goat?”. He explained that it was a running joke, but he didn’t understand why they would call him that. Since he didn’t know why they called him the goat, he called them the same in return. The responses caught him off guard.

One user explained that when they call him the goat, it refers to the acronym G.O.A.T. This acronym stands for the Greatest of All Time. Other Reddit users explained that it means the students enjoyed his classes and that he must be a great teacher.


When the educator read these responses, he replied, “omg. I am IN TEARS!!! I can’t believe they were complimenting me this whole time!!!!!”. He had no idea that they liked him so much or that he made such a difference in their lives.

Many other Reddit users responded to say that he must be great if his students enjoyed math class. As a least favorite class amongst many students, it’s a tricky subject to teach. This educator not only helped his students learn, but he became a favorite teacher, too.

Why Being Called GOAT is So Impactful

Not only does this nickname make the teacher feel good, but it also lets him see the good he does for the children in his life. Educators go into the profession hoping to make a difference in a child’s life. His students called him the greatest of all time, allowing this man to see that his effort paid off.

He wanted to make a difference, and he made it happen. This teacher was well-loved by students, but he didn’t know how or why he obtained the nickname.

The 8th-grade math teacher’s students called him the GOAT, a meaningful nickname. This educator deserves recognition, and he’s not the only teacher who has earned the title. With all educators have to overcome, those connecting with their students deserve it.

Students never forget their favorite teacher, even through adulthood. The educators who made a difference in their lives hold a special place in the student’s life. Being called the greatest of all time by students is powerful because it shows you’re influencing and getting through to students on their level.

The Power of a Good Teacher

A good educator can make all the difference in many students’ lives. You never know what a student experiences at home or with their peers. As an adult who interacts with them daily, an educator can play a role in the lives of those they teach.

While getting students to like you might sound like an easy feat to non-teachers, it can be challenging. Not all students like school; many need a positive role model in their life. If they struggle academically or emotionally, it can interfere with your ability to teach and get through to them.

If a teacher can help their students learn while also making them feel good about themselves, it’s life-changing. These educators are unique, and students will remember them for the rest of their life. To reach this level, a teacher must break through all the walls in a child’s life.

Not only does it take talent, but it also takes empathy, compassion, and a deep love for children. We all want to help children and see them do well as they grow, but not all of us have the ability. Teachers go out of their way to help, stepping in and fulfilling the many roles for their students.

Many people believe teachers only have to think about teaching. However, they never hesitate to jump in and fill another role in a child’s life when necessary. They must break through and connect with their students to even begin to do their job.

Our children’s teachers do so much for their students, impacting society. Teaching has always had difficulties, but educators deal with more.

Obstacles Every Teacher Must Overcome

Teachers are special people and take on much more than many realize. They don’t just teach, as mentioned before. They influence their students’ lives in ways we could never imagine.

As educators work to influence their students, they also must overcome many challenges. These challenges make it harder for them to be positive influences. However, they push through and continue to make a difference.


Some of the obstacles every teacher must overcome include the following:

  • understanding each child’s learning style
  • family problems
  • time management
  • bullying
  • financial issues within the district
  • poverty within the community
  • lack of communication
  • burn out or feeling drained
  • being a positive influence when they are overcoming personal hardship
  • discipline or lack thereof
  • paperwork and extended working hours
  • pressure from administration
  • evolving technology
  • lack of parental involvement
  • politics
  • state standards
  • classroom size
  • following changing safety protocols
  • lack of teamwork or support between students
  • fulfilling many roles simultaneously
  • lack of time

With all these obstacles, it’s clear that teachers have a tough job. They still persevere and continue their positive influence on their students’ lives. Teachers deserve our respect and compassion because they fill a role many people can’t.

It’s also important to note that educators aren’t perfect. Many of us expect our child’s teacher never to make a mistake. However, just like the rest, mistakes occur, and we should focus on understanding and forgiveness.

They want what’s best for our children, and they have many tough decisions to make. Teachers also have so much on their plate that mistakes are inevitable. Cut educators some slack and step in to help when you can. After all, these are the people raising our future society.

Why Learning Math in School is Important

We’ve all heard that the math we learn in school doesn’t help us in our daily lives. Many Reddit users on this thread mentioned it. However, the math teacher from the Reddit post described how that’s an inaccuracy because it can influence our lives.

High school and middle school math can help with money, patterns, and careers, and there are still more benefits. With math being an aspect of the Reddit topic, it’s important to note the benefits of learning math. The life lessons that math teaches include:

Logic and Order

Learning math during the school years teaches logic and order. Each math problem has a predictable outcome, helping students understand to look for answers in life. They also learn to take specific steps to find a solution to their problems.

Math also teaches students the discipline it takes to see an equation through. It’ll help them see other life issues through to the end, knowing they’ll find an answer. Plus, future employers know to look for students who can do this.

Math also teaches students to explain their steps in order. They must show their work to explain how they arrived at their answer. People often must do this in life, and not only involving math problems.

Life Skills

Math teaches people how to do basic skills to live their life. It helps them learn about money, percentages, and fractions. All these aspects are necessary for your life, and you’ll use them for cooking, shopping, budgeting, and many other things.

Continuing Education and Career Decisions

Many jobs require math skills and can help determine a career path. A student might want to continue their education by going down a mathematical path if they enjoy math. It’ll help them choose their future job, and it can help them along the way, too.

STEM-related Skills

As technology advances, STEM-related jobs are changing the future. Students must have math skills if they want to achieve in STEM. Science, technology, engineering, and math all tend to go together, so it’s best to learn all you can.


Final Thoughts on Teacher Gets Emotional About Why Students Think He Is the GOAT

This middle school math teacher learned a heart-warming lesson by taking his question to Reddit. His students respected and valued him enough to call him the GOAT. That nickname says so much about this educator and how his students felt about him.

Educators play an impactful role in students’ lives, and this math teacher made it happen. The people who teach our children don’t get enough credit, but they do so much while overcoming many obstacles. Their importance goes far beyond the classroom, although the academic lessons are essential too.

This teacher’s impact on his students is worth noting, but his educational value is essential, too. He’s fostering a love of math in his students, helping them throughout their life. This educator deserves recognition, as do all the other teachers who help shape the future.

Study Warns of Connection Between Cyberbullying and Teenage Suicide

As social beings, humans must form bonds and have relationships with others. It helps them feel secure as they develop a sense of identity. Cyberbullying is an issue that threatens that security, making it hard for teenagers to stay confident. Bullies come in all forms, but new technology makes the harm even more insidious.

The Internet and messaging apps have created new levels of bullying that did not exist before. Electronic communication can be beneficial as it allows you to connect with others quickly and easily.

However, many people use it as a tool to bully one another and tear each other down. As this situation becomes more common, researchers and experts are beginning to realize the connection between cyberbullying and teenage suicide.

Researchers recently published a study on this topic in the journal JAMA Network Open. Their study explored the link between the two issues, giving more insight into the problem. However, before discussing the study, it’s essential to discuss cyberbullying.

What is Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is a type of bullying that involves sending electronic messages, posting information, or sharing images to harm someone. It’s a way to ostracize vulnerable people, and the bullies often don’t realize the potential consequences. The consequences can be severe, going as far as including suicidal behavior and ideation.


When someone cyberbullies, they use computers, cellphones, or other electronic devices to hurt someone. It involves the following:

  • sending harassing or threatening messages
  • posting negative comments about someone on social media or a website
  • physically threatening or intimidating someone through any means of electronic communication

Cyberbullying is also a repeated behavior intended to harm the victim. Bullies don’t often give up until they achieve their harmful goals. If they obtain what they set out to do and hurt the other person, they might keep going to make it worse.

Traditional bullying involves victims seeing the aggressors in public. For teenagers, this often means seeing them in the school hallways or the cafeteria. Cyberbullying is entirely different because they can remain anonymous if they choose to.


On online platforms, the bully might engage in cyberstalking with many of the same characteristics as in-person stalking. However, it only happens online and includes repeatedly sending emails or private messages to scare or harass the victim.


Cyberthreats are when someone posts information online to get others angry at a victim. They might also include pressuring the victim to hurt themselves. Additionally, the threats can come from one person, and be specific.

What the Study Shows About the Connection Between Cyberbullying and Teenage Suicide

The study in the journal of JAMA Network Open helps us understand the connection between these two situations. Experts analyzed data of more than 10,000 children aged between ten and 13 years.

Participants filled out surveys, answering questions about their experiences. The results from this study indicated a strong connection between cyberbullying and suicide in children. Out of the group of children, more than 7% of them experienced suicidal thoughts or acts.

Methods of Cyberbullying

The study further broke down bullying into sub-categories. These categories aren’t limited to but include:

  • trolling on social media
  • being mean in text or private messages
  • threats
  • ostracizing
  • gossiping

Connection Between Cyberbullying and Teenage Suicide

Researchers want to determine the connection between cyberbullying and suicide. They also consider how it contributes to depression, anxiety, and stress. Even if a child didn’t have suicidal thoughts initially, long-term symptoms of mental health conditions could lead them there.

Depression and Anxiety

When a victim gets targeted online, it causes feelings that trigger depression and anxiety. These feelings include:

  • sadness
  • shame
  • worthlessness
  • lack of self-esteem
  • overwhelming stress
  • vulnerability
  • helplessness

Victims experience long-term psychological, mental, and sociological problems that those affected by traditional bullying. The teenage years are essential for developing self-esteem and a sense of identity.

When the development is affected by harmful situations, it disrupts the process. It causes them to have trouble making friends and developing positive relationships.

Cyberbullying allows negativity and harm to occur around the clock. Victims don’t only have to deal with it at school like with traditional bullying. The children also have to experience it at home and wherever they have their electronic devices.

These effects last well into adulthood, causing difficulties after the bullying stops. Depression contributes to suicidal thinking and behavior, so it’s a dangerous position for a teenager.

Suicidal Thoughts, Ideation, and Behavior

Experts have been interested in the psychological impacts of this experience. They’ve looked into the connections between bullying and suicidal ideation and continue researching. This ideation involves thinking about suicide and how to do it, but it doesn’t mean you plan to see it through.

Cyberbullying leads to a diminished sense of self-worth in the victim. Sometimes it goes so far as to make the victim feel like they don’t deserve to live. The victim might exhibit self-harm, an alarming sign that can escalate.

Limitations of the Study

This study on cyberbullying gives helpful insight, but there are limitations. Limitations will always be present because experimental methods are impossible. However, it is essential to note them to help you understand that there’s still more to learn.

This research is limited because the method only involves surveys. The problem with surveys is that some participants won’t answer honestly, even if it’s anonymous. They might under-report being victims because they feel embarrassed or guilty.

It also is a short study rather than following students over some time. Longer studies could help understand the long-term effects better and identify methods of easing the issue.


Behaviors and Characteristics of a Cyberbully

Cyberbullies can be any age, gender, race, or class. However, it’s more common amongst pre-teens and teenagers. Some of the characteristics to watch for include those who exhibit:

  • aggression
  • low self-esteem
  • a desire for anonymity
  • low-inhibition
  • a need for power
  • other risky online behaviors
  • high beliefs in their internet abilities
  • pride over their online persona
  • a lack of internal moral values
  • low agreeableness
  • neuroticism
  • a lack of self-control

Why People Cyberbully

The motivations for hurting people are hard to grasp for many people because you don’t want to hurt others. There are several unfortunate reasons why bullies use their power to control or harm another person, including:

  • retaliation or revenge
  • to achieve a goal or obtain a resource
  • redirected feelings
  • making themselves feel better
  • jealousy
  • seeking approval from others
  • boredom
  • lack of acceptance of those who are different from themselves
  • believing there are no consequences
  • fear of in-person confrontation
  • thinking it’s funny

What Parents Can Do to Help Children Cope With Bullies

If you are the parent of a teenager, you might be worried about your child. They might not tell you when it occurs, so you’ll often have to figure it out.

Educate Yourself About Cyberbullies

As a parent, it is essential to learn about cyberbullying to help protect and encourage your children. Do what it takes to understand the problem and what can happen. You should also learn the signs and what to do if it happens to your child.

Educating yourself also involves understanding the social platforms your child uses. Your child has access to these platforms almost constantly, and you should learn about it.

Allow Your Child to Be Open and Honest Without Judgement

Teenagers may refrain from reporting cyberbullying for fear of getting in trouble with their parents. They might fear their parents will take their cell phones away or revoke internet privileges.

If you want your child to talk to you, try to avoid punishing them. You might fear for their well-being, but isolating them won’t help.

Give your child the confidence to be open and honest without letting them know they aren’t in trouble. When they talk to you, discuss a plan to deal with it together instead of making decisions without them.

Seek Professional Help to Recover

If you know or suspect your child is depressed, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. You don’t want to wait until it worsens, as they could be hiding the severity. Get your teenager help for depression, anxiety, stress, and feelings of helplessness.

If your child shows any signs of suicidal thoughts, ideation, or attempts, call for emergency help. You can also encourage them to call the teen suicide hotline at 1-800-USA-KIDS.

Cyberbullying: What to Watch For

Your teenager might not always tell you when they experience cyberbullying. Instead, watch for the following signs:

  • frequent headaches
  • recurrent abdominal pain
  • trouble sleeping
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • suicidal ideation
  • self-harm


Final Thoughts on Study Warns of Connection Between Cyberbullying and Teenage Suicide

Cyberbullying has become a growing problem since social media platforms get more popular. It’s easy to send a meaningful message or post something harmful. Teenagers don’t always think about the consequences until it’s too late.

The connection between cyberbullying and teenage suicide is alarming. It is clear from this study that we need to plan to reduce bullying and help the victims. Even with the limitations, there’s no need to wait before learning how to handle it.

Parents can take proactive steps now to help their children with this experience. Be their safe space and let them talk openly without making them feel like they’re in trouble.

20 Foods With Hidden Salt

Are you trying to control your sodium intake? If so, you should consider the hidden salt lurking in foods you don’t know about. Processed foods are high in sodium, and too much salt can cause problems with your blood pressure and inflammation in the body.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could monitor your sodium intake by just putting away the saltshaker? Sadly, you need to read labels and know what you’re putting into your system. Your body needs some salt to thrive, but consuming too much throws your electrolytes off balance.

Twenty Foods with Hidden Salt

It’s time to sound the alarm about hidden salt in your foods. Since salt is a preservative, it could be why you’re not seeing a reduction in your inflammation or blood pressure. Here are some notorious foods high in sodium that you probably eat daily.

hidden salt

1. Lunch Meats

Cold cuts are an easy way to make a quick meal. Since most slices are low in calories, it also seems like a good option for a dieter. However, according to the World Health Organization, you shouldn’t eat more than 350 grams of lunch meats a week.

These meats have high sodium levels, but they’ve also found that it’s likely to increase your chances of getting cancer.

2. Pickled Foods

Anything pickled has lower calories and seems like a healthy option, but it’s a whole different story when you consider the hidden salt. Salt is a preservative for these dill delights, and one medium-sized pickle has over 780 milligrams of sodium. Eating a few pickles as a snack can exceed your daily limit.

3. Pizza

A slice of the old Italian pie is delicious. The only problem is the toppings you choose. Not only does the bread and pasta sauce have hidden salt, but the pepperoni and other toppings only add to the mix.

A traditional slice of pepperoni pizza has around 760 milligrams of sodium, nearly half of your daily allowance. Since most people eat more than one slice, this meal could take you over the daily limit.

4. Soup

There’s nothing better on a cold day than a bowl of chicken noodle soup. However, the average can have a whopping 940 milligrams of salt unless you buy the low sodium version. Consequently, this doesn’t include any crackers you might add with it.

5. Canned Veggies

One ear of corn has around eleven milligrams of sodium. However, one can of corn has about 440 mg. The difference is all about using salt to preserve and extend the shelf-life of this product. The hidden salt in these veggies is causing health distress, and most folks don’t even realize the damage from a simple food item.

6. Yogurt

Yogurt is one of the healthiest foods around, or is it? Did you know that just one cup of plain yogurt has as much as 170 mg of sodium? This is supposed to be the healthy stuff, but what do you think is in all the ones with added fruits and candies?

7. Bread

Most folks are shocked to learn that one teaspoon of salt is equivalent to around 2,300 milligrams of sodium, which is what your suggested daily allowance is from The American Heart Association. It helps to put things into perspective considering that one slice of bread has around 200 milligrams. It’s easy to see how your consumption can get very quickly out of hand.

8. Breakfast Cereals

Who doesn’t love a good breakfast cereal? They’re ready-to-go, which makes breakfast a snap. Sadly, the amount of sodium in these quick meals is remarkable. A simple bowl of corn flakes can carry more than 750 mg of sodium, a hidden salt most people wouldn’t consider. Why not try some delicious oatmeal where you can control your salt intake?

9. Baked Goods

There’s nothing better than a piece of decadent chocolate cake or a donut filled with whipped cream. Sadly, one little donut can have one-third of your daily intake. What if you polish off a bag of donuts or eat half a box? When you stop and consider all these little things that add up to an astonishing amount of sodium, it puts things into perspective.

10. Smoked Fish

A nice piece of pink salmon has excellent heart benefits, but when you consider this fish is cured in salt, it changes everything. Fresh is always better for fish like mackerel, salmon, tuna, and haddock. All of these are high in sodium and not heart-healthy.


11. Pasta Sauce

Pasta sauce from the jar has become a staple in most households. However, when you consider 500 milligrams of sodium in a commercially-packaged jar, it doesn’t sound so appealing. Making your sauce is a healthy alternative, as you can reduce salt and sugar content.

12. Ready-to-eat Frozen Meals

TV dinners became prominent in the 1950s. It seems like an easy way to get a healthier meal and cater to everyone’s taste buds. Sadly, these convenient meals can range from 700 to 1,800 milligrams per entree.

13. Chips and Crunchy Snacks

The next time you’re in the grocery store, why not take some time to read the labels on your favorite snack items? Once you see the hidden salt and sugars in some of these products might change your mind about what you buy. While you can’t escape salt, and your body does need some of it, you certainly can be picky about what you ingest.

14. Soda

Having a cold soda is so refreshing on a hot day. While it’s not a food item, it should be mentioned as most folks don’t consider the amount of sodium in just one can. You’re getting about 45 to 100 milligrams of sodium in a 12 oz serving, according to Healthy Eating San Francisco. Even diet soda has sodium content, which most people don’t consider, as they’re only concerned with the lack of sugar and calories.

15. Bacon

Bacon is a favorite food for breakfast. However, it’s full of salt and lard, as these are used for preservation. The high level of saturated fat in this favored meat is uncanny. While a slab of bacon goes perfect with eggs, it can mess with your cholesterol and blood pressure.

16. Packaged Sandwiches

Many people rely on prepared foods from a gas station or local grocery store, like sandwiches, for quick on-the-go meals. However, that tuna on rye might not be as healthy as it seems. You already know bread is high in sodium, but they must preserve these sandwiches to make it from the plant to the store without issue.

How do they get that bread to stay so fresh? They pump dextrose and water into it to help extend the shelf life. The meat is often packed with fillers like corn flour, which will help take up more space without costing a fortune. Have you ever noticed how flavorless these sandwiches are? Now you know why they taste so much like cardboard.

17. Sausage

Sausage is just as bad, if not worse, than bacon. It’s full of cancer-causing carcinogens and hidden salt. It tastes fantastic on a platter with some eggs, but if you only really knew what was in it, you might think twice about eating it.

18. Salted Butter

The next time you need butter, you should choose the unsalted variety. Having this added sodium in your cooking is unnecessary, and it’s not required. Many salt substitutes can be used to keep your heart healthy, but when you have added salt to the butter, it cancels out this healthy choice.

19. Ice Cream

Ice cream is another product that can ride the fence. A simple half-cup of vanilla has only around fifty mg of sodium. However, when you add nuts, candy, chocolate, and all the other goodies that make it irresistible, you change the entire treat. Ice cream can be another source of hidden salt you don’t consider.

20. Instant Pudding

You wouldn’t consider instant pudding high in salt, as it doesn’t taste salty. It’s the additives that give it a high sodium ranking. When the manufacturing company adds disodium phosphate and tetrasodium pyrophosphate to the mix, it changes the sodium content. Packaged foods must be preserved; these preservatives usually increase the hidden salt content.

hidden salt

Final Thoughts on Hidden Salt in Foods

You’re eating way more salt than you realize, and if you’ve issues with your blood pressure or inflammation, these foods could be behind it. Some products have hoodwinked you for far too long. It’s time to start reading the labels and taking control of your health. You can cut out those pesky foods laden with salt and live a healthier and happier life.

15 Ways to Work Smart (Not Harder!)

How many times have you heard it said that you need to work smarter and not harder? It’s possible that adjusting your routine and method just a bit can enhance your overall productivity and performance. Whether you need to improve your personal or professional life, you can utilize some strategies that will help you to increase good habits and work smart.

Fifteen Ways to Work Smarter and Get More Done

You only have so much energy to utilize during the day. The more efficient you become in what you do, the easier it will be to complete tasks. There are numerous strategies that professionals use that can help them to prioritize their work. Here are some ways to enhance your life and help you to get more done.

1. Work Smart–in Short Bursts

People can only focus on something for so long. Breaks mandated by law help prevent overworking. Taking a short break every 90-120 minutes is advisable.

Even if you take fifteen minutes and walk around the office and get something to drink, you need to break the monotony of the day. You’ll be more efficient when you learn that you must develop good habits to get more done.

work smart

2. Do the Hardest Tasks First

The morning is the time when you’re the freshest. Your brain isn’t bogged down, as you’ve had a good night’s sleep. Schedule the most challenging or most laborious tasks for early in the day. Most people have less energy after lunch, so this is the time you should save to do the lighter jobs.

3. Set Small, Achievable Daily Goals

It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the big picture. Stop looking at all you have to do for the week or month and focus on the day. Goal setting should be part of your routine. Remember to keep things small and achievable.

When you set goals that are impossible for you to complete, you’re only setting yourself up for failure. Good habits include scheduling your day to feel like you’ve accomplished something when it’s over.

4. Focus on One Thing at a Time

Contrary to popular belief, multitasking makes you less efficient and more prone to errors. According to Dr. Cynthia Kubu from the Cleveland Clinic, people never really multitask as they think. She states they’re just rapidly cycling back and forth between tasks.

A study listed on Springer Link found that only 2.5 percent of the population can multitask adequately. New research shows that it’s better to focus on one thing and allow yourself to complete it before moving on to the next.

5. Work Smart by Utilizing Stress Management Techniques

Stress can hinder your performance. If you’re stressed out and having significant anxiety about all you must do, it’s time to try stress management techniques.

One of the best ways to get rid of stress is to meditate. Did you know that a quick five to ten-minute meditation session can cleanse your mind and give you a boost to make it through the day? Do meditation in your car on a lunch break or at your desk.

When you’re setting your goal, make sure to include time stress-breaking activities like meditation.

6. Group Together Like Tasks

Making a list is essential because you can group similar tasks. Rather than being all over the place, you can learn how to categorize your day so that like goes with like. It’s all part of goal setting and optimizing your activities. When you work smart, you develop good habits that can help you at work or home.

7. Learn to Say “No.”

It’s hard to say “no,” as you don’t want to come across that you need anyone to get things done. Sometimes, you need to let go of a bit of your pride and understand that you can’t do everything and be successful.

It would help if you learned to stand up for yourself and know your limits. You can accomplish more when you set effective boundaries by staying within those confines.

8. Delegate Tasks When Possible

Delegating tasks is sharing the workload, and this is especially helpful when you’ve got too much on your shoulders. Even the most significant leaders throughout history had to have people under them to help get things done. Oprah Winfrey is considered one of the most influential women of today.

However, she would be nothing without her staff under her, which helped her get stuff done. Her writers, clothing and makeup artists, and personal assistants help keep her on task and looking great. While you may not have an empire like Oprah, you can learn how to utilize the help of those around you.

You must learn that when you ask for help, you mustn’t micromanage these folks. When people assist you, you must learn to let them do the task without watching over their shoulders.

 good habits

9. Get Rid of Distractions to Foster Good Habits

There are numerous distractions in your day. You probably deal with emails, text messages, phone calls, social media chats, and coworkers or children. All these things can significantly impact your ability to get things done.

Developing good habits means you may need to silence the cell phone and check your emails a couple of times a day. According to a study by The University of California, it takes three minutes to regain your attention after a disruption, so this can cause a significant issue with your productivity.

10. Know When It’s Time to Quit

Everyone has a point where they’re done for the day. Knowing when you hit this place and learning to stop is essential. When you’re burned out and have reached the maximum amount of work you can do, you will not be very productive if you keep going.

You’re wasting your time and the little energy you have left when you push yourself beyond reasonable expectations. When you work smart, you know your parameters and don’t force yourself beyond those limitations.

11. Utilize a Power Nap

Wouldn’t it be nice if America was one of the countries that saw the importance of the power nap? Many companies are incorporating this nap time into their employees’ days, as they see the value in recharging and rejuvenating yourself. Zappos is a pioneer company that has created a nap room for employees.

Now, you’re not going to be able to take a three-hour nap, but they do believe that it helps to improve effectiveness if people can recharge their batteries. According to CEO Tony Hsieh, a quick 20–30-minute session can help improve the efficiency of the employees.

12. Work Smart by Playing Music

What would an exercise class be without music? Many people find that they work better when they have music playing. Now, head-banging rock probably isn’t helping you focus, but a nice jazzy tune can put a little bounce in your step. Some people like it to be silent, but other folks prefer a little background noise to help them.

13. Start the Day with Positivity

Your attitude can dictate a lot about how much you accomplish in a day. Why not start the day positively if you want to work smart and get more done? Try positive affirmations to help get you geared towards success.

14. Get a Routine in Place to Work Smart

When utilizing goal setting, you must include making a routine for yourself to follow. Each morning you should have a small checklist of your startup activities.

You should do the same thing in the evening when you’re closing up shop. Your brain works better when you have that routine to follow, and when you have processes in place, it keeps you on task.

15. Learn How to Block Your Calendar

Your cell phone and computer have calendars for you to help plan your days. Some folks find it helpful to block out periods where they can’t be disturbed while working.

Maybe you need to mentally reserve this space for productivity so that you can train your brain to focus during this specific time frame. Using the calendar can help you work smart and get more done.

work smart

Final Thoughts on Ways to Work Smart and Develop Good Habits

There are so many distractions in life that it’s hard for some people to focus. Utilizing goal setting and to-do lists can help you stay on task. If you want to work smart, you need to find little things that can work into your day to make you more efficient.

What works for you might not work for someone else, so you need to try a few things and find the good habits that help you get into your productive groove. What can you do to help you work smart and accomplish more than you ever thought possible?

15 Signs of Unconditional Love Between Partners

When you’re ready for a happy and healthy relationship, you look for unconditional love in your partner. Many people yearn for the experience of teamwork with a loved one and spend lots of time and energy searching for it. Unconditional love can be hard to attain, but you’ll recognize it when you find it.

Loving someone as they are and prioritizing another person’s happiness with no expectations for a returned favor is unconditional love. In this situation, you’ll deeply love your partner through all stages of life. You’ll be there together when things get hard and when they’re great.

Unconditional love doesn’t mean your relationship is perfect or you must fulfill unrealistic expectations. Instead, it is about offering and receiving kindness, safety, and respect.

Finding unconditional love is one of the best things to happen in your life. If you want to know if your current relationship involves this type of love, there are signs you can watch for.

Fifteen Signs of Unconditional Love

Identifying unconditional love requires watching for some specific signs. These signs will improve your confidence in the relationship because you know it’s unquestioning.

You might want to know if your current relationship involves this extraordinary experience. Or, you might doubt the love your partner has for you. Either way, these signs can help determine if you’ve found the person for you.

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1. Unconditional Love Means Outside Forces Don’t Affect Your Relationship

External influences won’t affect your bond in a healthy, loving relationship. Your relationship also shouldn’t depend on outside forces to keep you together.

Whether the external influence can be harmful or beneficial, you won’t need them either way. You should be able to love one alone despite anything else going on. Societal pressures or opinions won’t sway you when you’re in the right relationship.

2. Teamwork, Even Through Fights and Offering Forgiveness

Even in healthy relationships, arguments are bound to happen. Your choices and preferences might differ, leading to disagreements and fights. If you can work through issues and forgive your partner, it’s a good sign of unconditional love.

Looking past the differences and using teamwork and communication to overcome problems will help. Working through issues means not holding grudges or bringing up past issues. It shows that you’re both in it for the long haul, willing to accept you as you are.

Moving past arguments and offering forgiveness doesn’t mean you should tolerate abuse or misbehavior. True love doesn’t involve continuous harm because your partner should want what’s best for you. If you experience harmful behavior, you might want to reevaluate the relationship.

3. Unconditional Love Makes You Both Feel Whole

Healthy relationships are rooted in feeling whole. Both partners should feel whole on their own, making them feel better about who they are. Feeling whole allows you to do things for your partner without expecting anything.

People who feel whole on their own are more likely to make beneficial life improvements. They won’t become a better person because you’re in their life but because they want to be the best possible version of themselves.

You’ll love yourselves fully, allowing you to give more to your partner. Feeling whole and loving yourself gives you the hope to keep moving forward and look for the good in everything. Accepting yourself allows you to put in the effort to form a healthy, loving relationship.

4. They Prioritize Your Needs and Wants

Although you can take care of yourself, a healthy relationship involves partners prioritizing one another’s needs. You’ll notice that they go out of their way to give you what you need and want. They don’t mind putting their desires on the backburners so that you are happy.

5. Accepting One Another

You’ll know your partner loves you unconditionally if they accept everything about you. They’ll love your flaws and shortcomings and won’t make you feel wrong about them.

No one is perfect, and everyone has negative aspects of their personality. You and your partner will look past these negative aspects and love you for who you are. It doesn’t involve trying to change your partner or control each other’s lives.

6. Unconditional Love Is Always Kind

Your ideal partner will always be kind to you, even when you disagree. They won’t say things to hurt your feelings or intentionally harm you. If you’re fighting, they’ll still do acts of kindness to ensure you’re happy and taken care of.

They won’t hesitate to bring you a blanket or pillow if you fall asleep on the couch. Whenever possible, your partner will do thoughtful things that make your life better. It shows that they want you to be comfortable, safe, and secure.

7. They Take Care of You When You’re Sick

Think of how your partner behaves when you’re sick. If they take care of you and make sure you have everything you need, it’s a sign of unconditional love. They’ll be there for you until you feel better, doing whatever they can to help you find comfort. The selflessness of true teamwork strengthens your relationship.

8. Vulnerability and Open Communication

Unconditional love requires vulnerability from both sides. You’ll open up to one another about past experiences, learning every detail about each other. This type of relationship offers a safe space to let your guard down.


9. Unconditional Love Offers Emotional Support

Life gets hard, and having a partner who offers emotional support can make it a little easier. If your partner is there for you through sorrows and hardship, it’s a sign of unconditional love. They come through when you need it the most, giving you strength through the negativity.

Your partner will be sensitive to your needs and help you cope with any situation. They’ll also want to protect you when things get complicated.

10. They’re Supportive; Teamwork is in Play

A healthy relationship includes partners who support one another and offer a sense of security. They don’t waver in their support as they encourage you to follow your dreams.

Your partner will even be happy and excited for you when things go in the right direction. They look for ways to increase teamwork and serve as your biggest fan. They understand that your goals might differ from theirs, and they encourage you anyway.

11. Going Out of Their Way to Make You Feel Special

If your partner loves you unconditionally, they’ll go out of their way to make you feel good. They’ll do acts of kindness and say sweet things to bring a smile to your face.

Your partner will also recognize the little things you do for them and show how much they appreciate you. They’ll make you feel like the most critical person in the world because, in their eyes, you are.

12. They Show That They are Proud of You

A partner who loves unconditionally will be proud of who you are. They won’t just tell you they’re proud of you either, because they’ll want to show you. Not only are they proud of who you are, but they are proud of your accomplishments, too.

You and your partner will be one another’s biggest cheerleaders. When you want what’s best for one another, this teamwork shows the health of your relationship.

13. Unconditional Love Means You Feel Comfortable Telling Them Everything

If you are in a relationship with unconditional love, you want to tell each other everything. It shows there’s a level of comfort that allows openness and security. Trusting your partner with the innermost workings of your mind and soul is an extraordinary experience.

14. Mutual Respect

Respecting one another is essential to having a healthy relationship. When you are both mindful and respectful, it’s a good sign that you have found unconditional love. Respect goes beyond doing kind things like opening doors or pulling out chairs. It involves valuing each other’s values and beliefs no matter what.

15. The Relationship Feels Right With Unconditional Love

When a relationship feels right, go with your gut. The right relationship for you will feel right in your heart. It’s a good indicator of unconditional love because it feels different than relationships in the past.

When you still get excited every time they get home, you know they’re someone special. If your partner goes out of their way to make you feel good, don’t push them away. If your relationship feels right, it probably is.

Another sign that your relationship feels right is if you want to grow old with your partner. It shows that you envision spending the rest of your life with this person, a good indicator of unconditional love. If you can’t see a future with your partner, it’s a sign that they aren’t the person for you.

How You Can Love Unconditionally

If you want to focus on loving your partner unconditionally, here are some things you can do:

  • focus on personal growth
  • practice open communication
  • learn to forgive
  • use teamwork to overcome obstacles
  • focus on positivity
  • understand that it won’t always be perfect

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Final Thoughts on Signs of Unconditional Love Between Partners

A long-lasting, healthy relationship takes effort, teamwork, and unconditional love. If you identified any of these signs in your relationship, it’s a good sign. It shows that you and your partner respect each other and want to keep moving forward.

With unconditional love, you are free to be yourself without judgment. Your partner won’t expect anything from you other than being the person they love.

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