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15 Signs of an Emotionally Unfaithful Partner Never to Ignore

Some folks think that being emotionally unfaithful is not cheating, while others consider it just as bad as having an affair. These situations usually start with two people getting to know someone outside their marriage or a committed relationship. This cheater may bond over work issues or problems with their partner.

It’s not long until the conversations become more vulnerable, and you start sharing things you shouldn’t. When you cross this line and have deep conversations, you’re opening yourself up for romantic feelings to develop. Soon you’re fantasizing about a romance with someone who was once just a friend.

According to a study conducted by Health Research Funding, around twenty percent of married couples must deal with an emotionally unfaithful partner. Though some folks like to classify men as cheaters, women are just as likely to look elsewhere to meet their needs. In fact, this study found that 45 percent of men and 35 percent of women experience emotional affairs.

Fifteen Signs of an Emotionally Unfaithful Partner

emotionally unfaithful

How do you know if your partner is being emotionally unfaithful to you? Are there classic behaviors that you need to be wary of? Here is a list of commonly observed actions in someone who’s being unfaithful to their partner.

1. You Catch a Cheater in Lies

Whether having a physical affair or an emotional one, you can be sure they will lie to you. Cheating on your partner and keeping things 100 percent honest is impossible.

At some point, they will need to make up a story to cover their tracks, but you must be one step ahead of this person and investigate any discrepancies. Emotional cheating is still cheating by most people’s standards, and there’s scarcely a person in this situation that’s honest.

2. An Emotionally Unfaithful Person Is Secretive About Their Phone

Cell phones are one of the easiest ways to catch someone who’s being emotionally unfaithful to you. Since most cell phones have text messages, call history, and social media communications, it becomes proof of their wrongdoings.

People become very secretive only when they have something to hide. If you see your once open person now hides their phone and changed passwords, something is going on.

3. They Suddenly Bring Up a Person’s Name Too Much

Another classic case of someone having an emotional affair is that they start name-dropping. They might tell you about a new employee or a friend they met. Their opinions, what they had for lunch, or anything else they feel to share about them might become commonplace.

This indicates that they can’t get this person off their mind, so they can’t help but talk about them. If suddenly someone else becomes a common topic of conversation, you can believe they’re the third party in your relationship.

4. Physical Appearances Change

When a person develops feelings for someone else, it’s only natural to try to change their exterior to be more appealing. For instance, they may dye their hair, change their style of clothes, start losing weight, or wear a new perfume/cologne.

They’re trying to impress someone the best way they know how, and if you pay attention to them, you will see what’s going on behind your back.

5. Intimacy Changes With a Cheater

If your partner fantasizes about being with someone else, they will likely not want to be with you. They may turn away from you because they’re trying to plot the great escape and don’t want to lead you on any further.

Now, some folks do precisely the opposite. They will be even more into you to help keep you in the dark about what’s happening. While they’re with you, they may fantasize about it being the other person.

6. An Emotionally Unfaithful Person Is Moody

It’s challenging for someone who is emotionally unfaithful to keep it all together. They have guilt for what they’re doing to you, and they need to justify their actions.

You may notice that they pick fights or try to get you angry at them so they feel more justified in turning to the other person. Their bad mood is just a sign that they’re feeling guilt, and they don’t know how to handle it.

7. A Cheater Will Often Lose Track of Time

Your partner who always walked through the door at six pm on the dot is now always late. They have weekend business trips and reasons to leave town more than ever before.

They have more social engagements with work folks that don’t include you, or there are always the proverbial meetings they must stay late to attend. Please make no mistake that jobs don’t change things like this, so you can be sure they’re up to something.


8. They Find Excuses to Be Around This Person

It’s often the case that the person your partner is emotionally unfaithful to is a family friend. They may have a relationship with you too. You may notice that they’re engrossed in each other’s conversations when they’re together and make excuses to see one another. When you’re with them, it seems like you’re the fifth wheel because they only have eyes for each other.

9. Emotionally Unfaithful People Might Even Joke About an Affair

Remember the old Shakespearian quote that states, “many truths are said in jest”? Well, people often say things in a joking manner that’s not funny. For instance, it’s alarming if you notice your partner starts joking about having an affair, especially when confronted.

They’re likely trying to throw you off by stating something outlandish, but the truth is that it’s constantly on their mind.

10. Your Partner Shares Too Much with Another Person

Your partner won’t need to confide in you if they’ve found someone else. They will start sharing all the intimate details of their life with the person making them feel butterflies inside. Most infidelity starts with friendships that get too deep.

According to the National Healthy Marriage Resource Center, most emotional affairs start innocently. Everyone craves emotional support and communication; if you’re not getting it from your partner, it’s only natural to turn to someone else. The article further states that though the relationship seems beneficial initially, no one will ever benefit from cheating.

11. Date Nights are Less Frequent

When things were going great, you both spent lots of time together. Now, you don’t have date nights or see each other much. They may pull away from you because they’re running toward someone else.

Being unfaithful has many warning signs, and when you start seeing less of each other, you can ensure there’s a reason behind it. You need to find out if there’s another person behind this sudden absence.

12. You Feel Like Strangers With an Emotionally Unfaithful Partner

Being secretive is a standard action when someone is doing something wrong. Your partner will try to conceal many aspects of their life if they’re unfaithful.

The relationship may be on autopilot, and no one is paying much attention to how things are going. It’s a sign that they’re pulling away, so they can focus more energies on someone else.

13. They Dismiss Your Complaints

When you bring up anything about this person or their possible unfaithfulness, they are quick to dismiss it. They make you think that you’re overreacting and downplay the whole situation. They’re trying to put your mind at ease but protesting way too much.

14. They Drop Hints Wanting You to Change

When someone lives a secretive lifestyle, the guilt can be pretty overwhelming. So the best thing for them is to try to make you the reason for their wrongdoing.

One of the easiest ways to do this is to show their frustration with you. They may make subtle hints about the things they wish you would change. Fault finding is more about them and less about you.

15. A Cheater Accuses You of Being Unfaithful

With emotional or physical unfaithfulness, the other party often likes to point the finger at their partner. It’s effortless to lay the blame at your doorstep, so they don’t have to face the music. Sadly, these feelings will eventually grow and become physical if something doesn’t alter the course.

Another aspect to consider is that this is a power play to force your hand. They’re manipulating you into seeing what kind of relationship you don’t want. It doesn’t matter how great things were before because they’re unsettling now.

emotionally unfaithful

Final Thoughts on Detecting an Emotionally Unfaithful Partner or Flat-Out Cheater

It’s excruciating to think that your partner would cheat on you. Before you know how you will proceed, you need to define what you call cheating. Many people describe it as physical activity, while others believe it’s anything that causes you to get close to someone other than your partner.

Emotional affairs are friendships that go too far, and it’s easy to fall into these relationships when you’re struggling. Though it may be your partner who is guilty of infidelity this time, you can guarantee that you are not alone. Many couples overcome one partner being a cheater. Or perhaps you are the guilty party. The key is to set boundaries to protect yourself and one another from being caught in these tangled webs.

15 Quotes to Remind You That It’s Time to Shine On

If you knew it was your time to shine, you wouldn’t be afraid to chase your dreams. You’d move forward with self-confidence and positivity, knowing it would all go well. However, your time to shine on is right now, whether you realize it or not.

Remembering that your time now prevents you from feeling stuck or hopeless. You won’t feel forced down a path you don’t want to be on as you let your true self shine. Sticking to this mindset allows you to make life-changing ideas that improve the world around you.

You can live a fulfilling, meaningful life if you know your time is right now. Remember that now is your time to shine will help you get through hard times. Things won’t always go as you’d hoped but shining your light will help you overcome.

Waiting for the perfect time won’t work because it’ll seemingly never come. That’s because right now is your time to shine on, and you must be willing to step outside your comfort zone. These quotes remind you that it’s your time so that you never miss out on an opportunity.

Fifteen Quotes to Remind You That It’s Time to Show Your Positivity and Shine On


1 – “It is time to search out your uniqueness, applaud and acknowledge yourself, and let your own light shine.” – Debbie Ford.

Fitting in with the crowd won’t allow you to share your unique qualities. If you always want to fit in, you won’t ever give yourself the chance to show who you are.

Let go of your desire to fit in and spend the time embracing what makes you different from others. When you let the world see who you are, you’re free to follow the path that makes you happiest and leads to your dreams.

 2 – “Now is the time for us to shine. The time when our dreams are within reach and possibilities vast. Now is the time for all of us to become the people we have always dreamed of being. This is your world. You’re here. You matter. The world is waiting.” – Haley James Scott.

Recall the dreams you have for your life and choose to go after them. Everything is within reach if you’re willing to let your differences lead you down the best path for you. This life is yours, and you must decide to go after what you want.

3 – “Live your life. Take chances. Be crazy. Don’t wait. Because right now is the oldest you’ve ever been and the youngest you’ll ever be again.” – Suzanne Collins.

As Collins describes, don’t wait to live your life. You aren’t getting any younger, so make the most of your time and take chances that drive you forward.

Living your life allows you to find joy as things continually improve rather than making you feel stuck. Embrace each moment and do things that help you live the life of your dreams.

4 – “Life isn’t just about darkness or light; rather it’s about finding light within the darkness.” – Landon Parham.

There will always be dark times in life. Since life can’t be perfect, it’s up to you to find the light during the hard times. The light is within, and the best time to shine is during hardships.

5 – “Your work is to discover who you are and then with all your heart give your light to the world.” – Jennifer Williamson.

Take the time to discover yourself. Learn about your desires, needs, dreams, and anything else that brings meaning to your life. You can use your best qualities to bring light to any experience if you know who you are.

6 – “Do not set aside your happiness. Do not wait to be happy in the future. The best time to be happy is always now.” – Roy T. Bennett.

Your happiness is essential for a positive sense of well-being. Without it, you’ll always feel stuck, anxious, and worried about the future.

It’s easy to say that you’ll be happy in the future, but it won’t happen unless you start embracing positivity right now. This moment is your time to shine, so stop putting off your happiness for a later date.

7 – “A star does not compete with other stars around it. It just shines.” – Matshona Dhliwayo.

Competing with those around you won’t help you shine. Instead, it prevents you from getting ahead and doing your best. Focus on yourself, continually improving and making progress if you want to stand out.

attracting positivity

8 – “Sometimes there is no next time, no time-outs, no second chances. Sometimes it’s now or never.” – Alan Bennett.

You can wait for next time, but you might miss your chance. Now is the time to accept opportunities and try new experiences. You might not feel ready, but you’ll get further if you jump in with faith and positivity.

9 – “I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that’s how you grow. When there’s that moment of ‘Wow, I’m not really sure I can do this,’ and you push through those moments, that’s when you have a breakthrough.” – Marissa Mayer.

Growth doesn’t come by staying comfortable. Acknowledge that this time in your life is the time to try new things and do things that make you nervous. Even if you’re unsure, you’ll learn so much and make more progress than waiting.

10 – “There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.” – Marianne Williamson.

Fitting in doesn’t allow you to live a fulfilling life. Don’t hide who you are to make others feel better. Instead, show your unique qualities, strengths, and character so they can see who you truly are.

Maybe showing who you are will help the insecure people feel better about themselves, too. If they see you embracing your individuality, they’ll feel more confident to do the same. As a result, it’s a winning situation for everyone involved.

11 – “Still a dreamer, yet more of a realist than ever before, I knew this was my time to sail. On the horizon, I saw the shining future, as before. The difference now was that I felt the wind at my back. I was ready.” – Chris Gardner.

You can chase your dreams while also being realistic about the world. The most honest thing you can do for yourself is to shine on, going after your dreams without hesitation. This realization will help you move forward easier, knowing it’s your time to find meaning.

 12 – “Let your light shine today, and let your personality blossom, too. You don’t have to be a people-pleaser, just a people-lover.” – Beth Moore.

Being true to yourself allows you to embrace all your qualities. Do what you want and like to do rather than strive to please others. You can be loving and kind without sacrificing who you are.

13 – “If you are wasting time and energy trying to be as much like everyone else as you can, you are throwing away something precious: your individuality. When you embrace your difference, your DNA, your look or heritage or religion or your unusual name, that’s when you start to shine.” – Bethenny Frankel.

Comparisons and trying to be like someone else won’t get you anywhere in life. It interferes with embracing who you are, ultimately holding you back in life. Practice self-love and learn to appreciate everything that sets you apart.

When you do, you’ll feel much more fulfilled and find positivity in your life. It’ll help you learn about what will make you happy and allow you to reach your dreams.

 14 – “Accept your light and let it shine to create your own lighthouse on a stormy night.” – Pauline Duncan-Thrasher.

Life isn’t always easy, but you can be the light you need. Accepting who you are and what makes you great will get you through the hard times. You’ll remember all the good and have faith that the future will be full of meaning and fulfillment.

 15 – “Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.” – Golda Meir

Everyone has a different skill set, so foster those inner sparks. You’ll turn possibility into achievement, but it’s only possible if you embrace your passions. As Meir says, make the most of who you are and shine on as you make your dreams come true.


Final Thoughts on Quotes to Remind You That It’s Time to Radiate Positivity and Shine On

When you let yourself shine, it allows you to focus on positivity and self-confidence. You’ll find joy and fulfillment in life rather than waiting for happiness.

Don’t try to blend in with the crowd or hide who you are to make someone comfortable. Instead, embrace the things that make you different and bring passion to your life. Follow the path that leads to your dreams, and you’re sure to love the life of positivity you live.

12 Signs Your Love Interest Has Emotional Literacy

You know your new love interest is brilliant, but do they also have a high emotional literacy? Cultivating a strong relationship that will last depends on both personal aspects. While a person’s IQ may be simple to quantify, measuring the intangible qualities of their emotional literacy or emotional intelligence isn’t as easy.

How would you approach trying to discover your prospective partner’s emotional literacy? What things would you want toward the top of your list of characteristics you want most in a lover? If you asked them point blank about it, what answer would they give to satisfy your curiosity?

Twelve Signs Your Potential Love Interest Has Emotional Literacy

You may fall for them after you’ve met this person and gone on a few dates. Are they emotionally mature enough to create a healthy, lasting relationship with you? Here are twelve signs that your love interest has emotional literacy.

emotional literacy

1. A Person With Emotional Literacy Is Curious about You and Others

People with a high level of emotional literacy usually have a strong sense of empathy. Unlike narcissistic personalities, they aren’t so self-absorbed that they ignore the needs of others. The more they care about how you feel, the more you become interested in them.

2. They Have a Fluent Emotional Vocabulary

You may also notice if your partner uses emotional intelligence to discern and discuss emotional issues. According to an article published by Frontiers in Psychology, EL was coined in the early 90s by Salovey and Mayer. Per the article, you can monitor your feelings and emotions as a guideline.

When you hear them describing emotions, they can go beyond the most straightforward terms like mad, sad, or happy. Their descriptions may include specifics like frustrated, elated, ecstatic, or despairing. It’s more than just flowery words; they’re in tune with themselves, and their vocabulary represents their emotional intellect.

3. They Usually Judge Someone’s Character by Using Their Intelligence

You hope to find a love interest who doesn’t always judge a book by its cover. They may lack emotional maturity if they are quick to pass judgment on folks they don’t know. It could also be a sign of a resentful, negative personality that could sabotage a relationship.

While no one can read a person 100 percent of the time, emotionally literate people are reasonably accurate. They realize that first impressions aren’t always correct; they take time to listen and observe others. Words, actions, and gut instinct are often enough for a person with high emotional literacy to estimate another’s character reasonably.

4. They Recognize Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Like anyone else, a person with high emotional mastery has many strengths and weaknesses. They have enough self-awareness to know their strong suits and their shortcomings. Consequently, they’ll capitalize on what they do best to compensate for their lack, especially in a strong relationship.

Another mark of elevated emotional literacy is that your partner allows your strengths to shine without resenting. They also won’t hold your weaknesses against you and are accepting and compassionate. This facet of their personality is also a positive asset in their professional relationships.

5. They Don’t Keep Score

If you want a strong relationship that lasts a lifetime, forget the scorecards. Even the best of relationships will have ups and downs, and you’ll both do and say things you regret. The key is apologizing, forgiving, learning lessons, and leaving it in the past.

Those with high emotional literacy usually understand the follies of keeping score. Using the past as a weapon against a partner is an act of desperation and control. True love doesn’t excuse offenses; you work together to forget and move forward.

6. They Aren’t Offended Easily

What could be more uncomfortable than having to walk on eggshells around someone? It’s especially alarming if this overly sensitive person is your love interest. You’re so nervous that they may perceive the most innocent statement as insulting or incitement.

People with low emotional intelligence often create toxic relationships both personally and professionally. If your partner excels in emotional mastery, they’ve learned not to take themselves so seriously.

They have enough self-esteem that they don’t try to read things into statements that aren’t there. Your person knows the difference between good-natured teasing and a cruel insult. If someone doesn’t like them, they figure it’s that person’s problem, and they aren’t easily offended.

emotional intelligence

7. A Person With Emotional Literacy Will Release Past Mistakes

Narcissists and other toxic personalities not only refuse to admit mistakes, but they blame them on others. Elevated emotional literacy allows folks to distance themselves from past mistakes while still owning them. They take valuable lessons from these mistakes, show gratitude, and march straight ahead.

You won’t have a strong relationship with a lover who insists on wallowing in the past. How can you feel confident in your relationship if the past holds them like quicksand? The only thing they fit in the present and future is you.

8. They Aren’t Expecting Perfection

Not only is perfection impossible but its original meaning has been obscured. According to the Etymology Dictionary, it comes from a Latin word that means “to complete.” In the correct sense, perfection is a perpetual process, not a static condition.

Still, countless people fall prey to the negative push of perfectionism. They set unrealistic goals and standards and harshly criticize those who fall short. If they can’t do something flawlessly, they won’t do it, which is why they can’t accomplish anything.

Fortunately, people with high emotional literacy strive to do their best, but they know perfection is impossible. They have reasonable expectations of themselves and others. However, they’ll continue to find areas in their lives and relationships to improve.

9. People With Emotional Intelligence Know the Benefits of Solitude

History is filled with examples of people who found strength and personal growth in solitude. Being alone with your thoughts can promote healing and strengthen your faith and relationships.

Potential mates won’t be smothered or allow their individuality to be erased. They often crave solitude to gather their thoughts, emotions, and ongoing problems. They’ll also respect your sense of isolation and how it can promote a strong relationship.

They often use meditation, visualization, and journaling as mental and spiritual exercises. Such practices bring them face-to-face with their feelings. They learn to separate the ones that benefit from the ones with negative consequences.

10. They Take Charge of Their Own Joy

When your partner loves and accepts themselves as a whole person, they take responsibility for their joy. Not only does such emotional intelligence benefit them, but it’s a blessing to your relationship.

They refuse to allow other people’s thoughts and opinions to dictate how they feel about themselves or their accomplishments. While they can’t wholly block negative feedback, they use emotional intelligence to ignore it. They take charge of their joy and share it with you instead of making you responsible for the whole relationship.

11. Those With Emotional Literacy Will Drown Out Pessimism with Positivity

Coping with pessimists in a crowd is as tiring as trudging through a deep mud path. Their negative and snarky comments weigh down the atmosphere, and you feel overwhelmed with heavy energy. The good news is that people with this literacy can use positive energy to lighten the mood.

However, they tend to avoid negative personalities as much as possible because of the consequences. They aren’t oblivious to problems or other serious issues. They have learned how to adjust their emotions and attitudes. It stands to reason why you and others are so attracted to their magnetic positivity.

12. A Person With Emotional Literacy Understands Addiction Better

Many folks are recovering addicts that use their emotional strength to stay sober one day at a time. In fact, their experiences have boosted their empathy for others who continue to struggle.

Although your potential partner may not have issues with substance abuse, everybody has their vices. It could be a food addiction, video games, or social media obsession. Every battle is different, but the steps to recovery are the same for most.

An emotionally mature lover can see how addiction can control every aspect of their lives. These toxic habits can destroy relationships and families and even shorten lives if left untreated. If they were an addict in the past, they had the emotional strength to admit they were helpless in their problem.

emotional literacy

Final Thoughts on Emotional Literacy in a Relationship

You know you’re with the right person when you physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally support each other. Even during rough spots as a couple, partners with this literacy have efficient coping skills to sustain the relationship. A person with this intelligence is comfortable with their feelings. Thus, they will show the same compassion as yours.

11 Red Flags of Functional Depression

Do you suffer from functional depression? Depression is on the rise. Sadly, many people suffer in silence because their high-functioning variety doesn’t always show the same signs as traditional depressive disorders. You may still go to work each day, take care of your family, and your hygiene doesn’t suffer.

Most folks who suffer from high-functioning depression are overachievers. They work themselves hard and are on the brink of complete burnout. However, it’s often hard to miss the depression staring them right in the face.

Understanding Functional Depression

According to the Mayo Clinic, functional depression is not an official medical diagnosis, as it falls under persistent depressive disorder. It’s an ongoing battle that can be there for years or an entire lifetime. It includes all the typical signs of depression, but the person with the functional version keeps going, making it hard to diagnose.

People have preconceived notions that the depressed person stays in their bedroom, has sleep disturbances, and lets things in their life go. Depression, by definition, means persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness. How can someone be depressed if they do such things as long work hours, go to the gym, or have a busy social life?

This is why so many people don’t get the help they need. It appears that everything is fine on the outside as they keep going, but it doesn’t mean that they’re not depressed. Just because it looks like someone has everything under control doesn’t mean this is the case.

Therefore, high-functioning depression is so hard to miss. These folks still suffer from denial, loneliness, and feelings of exhaustion, but they keep going.

functional depression

Eleven Warning Signs of Functional Depression

If you suffer from high-functioning depression, you may know something isn’t right with you, but you can’t put your finger on it. According to what you know about depression, you don’t fit into the classic mold. Here are some red flags: you may struggle with functional depression and need help.

1. With Functional Depression, You Might Be Overly Critical

One sign most people wouldn’t consider to be part of depression is being highly critical of yourself and others. Do you tend to be a perfectionist, and nothing that’s said or done is ever good enough for you? Maybe you think your spouse is too demanding, and your boss at work is too strict.

You use all these excuses to project the negative feelings you have inside. You probably don’t even notice you’re so critical because you’re using this to distract yourself from your inner pain. The problem is that you’re looking to the outside when what’s happening inside is the real issue.

Your lack of self-confidence and negative thought processes result from a mental health problem. Functional depression can make you and those around you miserable when left untreated.

2. Functional Depression Makes You Tired All The Time

It doesn’t matter if you’ve slept eight to ten hours and had pleasant dreams, as you will feel exhausted the next day. Exhaustion is a common problem with functional depression. You may think everything in your life is going fine, but your energy levels are so low you don’t know how you can keep going.

These episodes of exhaustion can be scary at times, as doing tasks like going to the store for milk can seem completely overwhelming. If you’re pushing yourself to the limit, while every fiber of your being is screaming you can’t go on, you may have functioning depression.

3. You Lack Motivation When Depressed

While some folks tend to be overachievers, others tend to do the exact opposite. High functioning depression may lead to another unhealthy coping strategy of doing nothing. You may get your job done and keep up with some other necessary tasks, but the rest of your time is spent idle.

Being depressed can kill your motivation. Some people may put labels on you and say you’re lazy or live in dreamland, but the truth is that you’re barely getting by. Your energy levels are so low that you can’t get past the urgent matters to even think about pursuing goals or socializing.

4. Your Mind Never Stops

Is your mind constantly running in loops replaying all you must do? It’s often found that people with functional depression can’t stop their minds. You try to keep yourself as busy as possible to keep you from thinking too hard.

The problem is when the noise stops, you can hear yourself thinking. You become uneasy when the sun goes down. Those unpleasant thoughts and the fear of the unknown take hold of you. You’re terrified of the silence and downtime because you’re afraid it will reveal that your world is shattered beyond repair.

5. You Bury Yourself in Work When Depressed

Why do people tend to work way more than they need to? It could be that high-functioning depression is forcing you to keep going. Working becomes a haven where you can escape the unpleasant thoughts and feelings you manage.

It’s easier to ignore things or put them on the back burner when you’re in a business meeting or handling work-related issues. The only problem with this coping skill is that it leads to burnout. People who work too much are often running from something, which can cause issues with their health and relationships.

6. Making Decisions is Impossible With Functional Depression

You struggle with any decisions, both big and small. High-functioning depression often affects your ability to make decisions. Even deciding where to eat at night can be a burden, and you may struggle for hours over such a small decision.

Going on vacation and picking the hotel can be so overwhelming that it can take weeks to decide. People often get frustrated with you because you can’t seem to decide anything. You’re frustrated with yourself and if you make any decisions.

You’ll second guess these choices to the point of driving yourself mad. Doubt and depression go hand-in-hand, and your functional depression hinders your ability to decide anything, which only adds to issues with your self-worth.


7. High-functioning Depression Makes People Easily Agitated

Do you find that your moody and cranky and easy to agitate? These are signs of high-functioning depression. Life can trigger many emotional responses from you, and some of these responses you display will be offensive to others.

If you’re cranky all the time, have outbursts of anger, and find that the smallest of things irritate you, it could be the underlying depression working.

8. You’re Emotionally Very Weak

Unlike other health issues, functional depression doesn’t always show physical symptoms. The problems are more emotional-based, so it may appear like everything is fine on the outside, but inside you’re a ball of nerves.

If something devastating happens, like a breakup, it can take you out for weeks. Your emotions are all over the place, regardless of how you try to keep things together at work or in public. Some radical treatments may help you fight this battle, which will only help you feel like you again.

9. You’ve Unrealistic Standards

Functional depression has many different facets, and one of them is overcompensating. Many people use this unhealthy coping strategy to prove themselves to the world. Inside, your body and mind know you’re dealing with depression, but you want to keep fighting as you think you have something to prove.

You’re going to show yourself that you’re strong enough to fight this mental illness without help. When you set the bar so high, you’re lowering the chances that you can achieve the goals. So many people with functional depression set themselves up for failure without realizing it.

10. Unexplained Aches and Pains Come from Functional Depression

Dealing with high-functioning depression can cause physical pain too. Do you have headaches every day of your life? Are you struggling with unexplained muscle aches and pains that are unfounded? The high cortisol levels in your body may be causing the discomfort that you feel.

Additionally, where there’s depression, there’s usually anxiety too. So some of this tension you feel in your body can be caused by all this pent-up angst.

11. Concentration Issues Happen When Depressed

It’s not uncommon to have problems focusing when you have an underlying depressive disorder. You may feel like you accomplished nothing because you can’t keep your train of thought. You may also feel like you have brain fog, clouding your judgment.

functional depression

Final Thoughts on Functional Depression

According to a study published by the National Library of Medicine, about 2.5 percent of the population has high-functioning depression. Persistent depressive disorder lingers lower than traditional depression, so it often goes undiagnosed.

About 1.5 percent of the population is diagnosed with this mental health concern yearly, so it’s time to focus on making people aware of this increasing issue. If you struggle with functional depression, you no longer must suffer in silence. There are resources out there to help you.

10 Things to Say to Elderly Parents Before It’s Too Late

As your parents age, their time on earth shortens. It’s the circle of life, whether you want to think about it or pretend it’s not happening. One way to cope with this complicated family situation is to learn what to say to elderly parents before it’s too late.

You want to take the time to tell your aging parents everything you want them to know. You’ll also want to ask questions to find out more about them before they’re gone. If you wait, you might miss the opportunity to say important things and find cherished information.

If you have a loving parent who did their best for you, take this time to be with them now. They won’t be here forever, and spending time gives you a chance to talk about the essential things. Your elderly parents want to know about your life, and you’ll want to know about theirs.

Your relationship with your elderly parents might be complicated, uncomfortable, and difficult sometimes. However, you still love them, and you’ll regret it if you don’t take the time to say what you want to. Don’t worry about bringing things up because you and your parents will be glad you did.

What to Say to Elderly Parents (or Other Family Members)

You might think you already know your elderly parents, and they know you. Despite how close you are, some things shouldn’t be left unspoken. Say how you feel and ask your parents questions so that you can cherish the answers for years to come.

elderly parents

1 – What is your favorite childhood memory?

This question might not seem like an essential thing to say to your elderly parents, but you’ll never forget their answer. Whatever they say is something that has stuck with them since they were little. No matter what it is, it’s a special thing to share with them.

You can find precious information in the stories of their youth. Remember to ask questions to help them remember specific details as they tell the story. It’ll be meaningful for both of you, and you’ll never regret the conversation.

2 – I just want to spend some time with you.

Your parent will love to hear that you want to be with and support them. Life gets busy, and they’ll cherish the time you spent with them when you could have been doing other things. Your elderly parents want to talk with you and be in your presence, even if you have nothing to say.

3 – Tell me about the details of your childhood and family.

Asking for the details of their childhood gives insight into who they are. This statement goes beyond asking about their favorite memory, as you’ll also learn about other experiences. Hearing about the pivotal moments in their life can help you understand why they because the person they are.

If they can’t think of anything to say, guide the conversation the way you want it to go. Consider the following topics about their childhood:

  • what they like as a child
  • their earliest memory
  • hospital stays and injuries
  • hobbies and dislikes
  • favorite foods or desserts
  • childhood nicknames
  • what your grandparents were like
  • favorite music
  • role models
  • first car and where they drove it
  • favorite books
  • what they were doing during historical events
  • their dream career and why it changed or how they made it happen
  • sports they enjoyed playing

These topics will likely trigger core memories, allowing your elderly parents to revisit who they were growing up. It also gives you valuable information that you’ll cherish forever.

4 – Tell your elderly parents, “I love you.”

It’s easy to walk out the door or hang up the phone without uttering these three words. However, telling your parents that you love them is essential and means more to them than you know. Once they’re gone, you’ll be glad you told them how you feel about them.

It can feel intimidating or overwhelming if you and your parents don’t usually express your love. You’ll be glad you said it, though, and you’ll regret it if you wait too long.

Some assume their parents know how they feel, which may be true. Hearing it is more meaningful, though, as it reaffirms the affection.

5 – Can you fill me in on your parenthood journey?

Learning about your parent’s parenthood journey is valuable information. Becoming a parent is hard, and it’s a big lift adjustment. Plus, everyone’s experience is different.

If you can find out about your parent’s experiences, you’ll feel closer to them than before. They were your primary caregivers, and their lives were likely much different during your earliest years. Not only will you feel closer to them, but you’ll also gain insight into your life.

If you want specific information, don’t be afraid to ask questions about their journey. Some ideas of what to discuss include:

  • their favorite memory of you as a baby
  • the stress they experienced balancing family and work-life
  • something they would have done differently
  • what they would go back and tell themselves as a new parent
  • events that stood out
  • what a typical day or weekend was like
  • how they felt about school and sports events
  • their favorite meal to cook
  • a year they could relive and why
  • their favorite family trip or activity

6 – I’m sorry for any time I hurt or worried you.

Everyone has hurt their parent at some point in their lives. While your parent has likely already forgiven you, hearing you say you’re sorry will still be meaningful. You’ll feel better for apologizing before your parent is gone, too, because you won’t feel like the words went unspoken.

You can apologize for many things, including:

  • hurting them when you were a teen
  • taking them for granted
  • not calling when you said you would
  • staying away when they missed you

If there’s anything that you feel slightly guilty about, make sure to tell them you’re sorry. Your parent may have forgotten some of it, but you’ll feel better getting it out.

7 – I want to tell you what happened this week.

Your elderly parent loves to hear about your life. You might not think your work projects, friendship news, dating life, or favorite show are noteworthy. However, your parent wants to know these daily details of who you are.

There are things you’ll keep private from your family, but don’t shut them out of your life. Tell them about what you’ve been up to and how you feel about things. Letting them into the inner workings of your life will make them feel wanted and valued.


8 – I am the person I am because of you.

You’re the person you are because of your parent. They shaped you and guided you every step of the way. All parents make mistakes, and those situations also helped shape you into who you are now.

You learned lessons from your parent, too. You saw their experiences and how they handled them as they went through their life. Everything they did since birth helps you become who you are, and they’ll be thrilled to hear the acknowledgment.

9 – You are so crucial to my life.

Don’t miss a chance to tell your parent how important they are to you. They won’t be around forever, and you don’t want to have any regrets. Even when you’re busy, take time out of your day to let them know how much they mean to you.

Make sure they know you appreciate their presence in your life. If you wait, you might miss the chance to say it and regret it forever. Get the words out, and it’ll make you both feel good.

10 – Thank you for…

There are plenty of things to thank your parent for. They’ve done so much for you since you were born and continue to be there along the way. If you appreciate them, make sure they know it.

Thanking them for things doesn’t mean you agree with everything they did. It only means that you appreciate them doing their best and always being there.

If you want to get specific, you can thank them for the following:

  • being the parent that you needed
  • the parts of your childhood you cherished
  • your favorite memories
  • helping you study and learn
  • insisting you do the right thing
  • making your favorite meals
  • keeping you safe and sheltered
  • fulfilling your needs

You never know when your parents won’t be here anymore, so don’t wait to thank them for all they’ve done. They don’t have to be perfect to receive appreciation.

Other Things to Talk About With Older Family Members

These aren’t the only things you should say to your elderly parents before it’s too late. There are many things to discuss, from your birth story to what your parents want. Don’t miss your chance; you will regret it after they’re gone.

Sometimes your family member wants to tell you things but doesn’t know how to say them. Don’t be afraid to bring the subjects up. Some of the things you should talk about or ask include:

  • your birth story
  • anything they want you to know but they haven’t told you yet
  • something you don’t know about them
  • details of the place they grew up
  • life lessons they’ve learned but not shared
  • things you forgive them for
  • the kind of care they want as they age
  • if there’s anything on their bucket list they haven’t accomplished
  • the best advice they ever received
  • what they’re most proud of
  • their advice on your life problems
  • social groups that they want to join or are currently in
  • their mental health

elderly parents

Final Thoughts on Things to Say to Elderly Parents Before It’s Too Late

Talking to your elderly parents is one of the most important things you can do in life. You never know how much time you have left, and it’s best to say everything you need to. Ask the questions to which you want the answers, and make sure your parent knows you love them.

Some things shouldn’t be left unsaid, whether you’re close to your family or not. Talking to your elderly parents can help bring healing and closure, and they can help you accept the end of their life. Please don’t wait on a conversation with them because you never know when it’ll be too late.

10 Exercises to Get Rid of Thigh Fat for Good

Are you tired of dieting and exercising and still battling stubborn thigh fat? How much time do you devote to your hips and thighs in your daily exercise routine? While these exercises alone cannot make all fat disappear, they can strengthen your muscles and eliminates fat cells.

Ten Exercises to Get Rid of Thigh Fat

Your thighs carry a significant part of your weight and do a lot of work for you. Unfortunately, they are the first place your body stores extra fat, especially for women. The good news is that these ten exercises can help address those dreaded saddlebags.

thigh fat

1. Standing Squat Stand

Your quadriceps are a group of muscles in the front of your thighs, explains an article by the Cleveland Clinic. They also have the most mass of any of your muscle groups. This exercise stretches your quads and helps burn that stubborn thigh fat. Here’s how:

1. Try using a chair to help with your balance. If needed, place this in the center of your mat.

2. Now, stand tall with your back straight and your feet together. If you need balance, place your hands on the chair.

3. Smoothly bend your left knee until your foot is behind you. Reach back and grab your foot with your left hand.

4. Gently pull your heel toward your glutes while keeping your thighs aligned and your pelvis tucked. You should feel a deep stretch in the front of your thighs, which means your glutes are working.

5. Hold this stretch for twenty to thirty breaths.

6. Release and return to the starting position.

7. Switch and repeat steps for your right side. Your goal is at least three to five repetitions per side.

2. Crossed-Legged Forward Bend

Your iliotibial band, or IT band, is a tendon that runs outside your thigh. According to the National Library of Medicine, it starts at the top of your pelvis and ends at your knee. This thigh fat buster is also a good workout for your IT band and hamstrings. Here’s how:

1. Stand straight on your mat with your feet together for the starting position.

2. Bring your right leg over as you inhale and cross your left leg.

3. Bend forward at your waist until your upper body is leaning toward your thighs.

4. Lean forward a little more until you feel a stretch in the back of your legs. If you can do it without pain, try to grasp your calves or even your ankles.

5. Hold this position for twenty or thirty breaths and gently bring your body up to the starting position.

6. Repeat the steps for your other side. Try to do five to ten repetitions.

3. Side Lunge Exercises

Do you need a workout exercise that stretches your inner thighs? If you choose to make side lunges with dumbbells, it will help strengthen your muscles. It’s a thigh fat burner that can also benefit the rest of your body. Here’s how:

1. Stand tall and straight on your mat with both feet and your core braced as tight as you can. If you’re using dumbbells, hold one in each hand at your sides.

2. Next, lift your right foot and take a big step sideways, keeping both feet parallel.

3. Push your hips backward and bend your right knee lower toward your right side. Try to keep your chest up and your back flat.

4. Notice the position of each knee and leg. If you don’t stand correctly, the right knee will be lined up with your ankle. Your left leg should be straight, with both feet flat on your mat.

5. Hold this position for three to five breaths, then pressure your right foot to bring your feet and body to the starting position.

6. Repeat these steps for your left side.

lunge exercises

4. Dumbbell Deadlift

The dumbbell deadlift is another exercise that benefits your glutes and hamstrings. It can also give your lower back an efficient workout. Who knew that burning thigh fat could be so helpful to the rest of your body? Here’s how:

1. Stand flat on your mat with your feet about a hip-width apart.

2. Hold your dumbbells in front of your thighs with your palms facing you.

3. Tighten your core and inhale through your nose.

4. Keep your back flat, shoulders, and core tightened; bring your hips back. Allow your upper body to bend toward the floor as the dumbbells slide down the front of your legs. You can bend your knees a bit for comfort.

5. Continue stretching until your upper body is almost parallel to the floor. Your hamstrings should feel this deep stretch.

6. Keep the weights as close to the front of your legs as the position.

7. Hold the position for three to five breaths, then bring your body back into the starting position. This makes a set, and you want to do at least three groups with five to ten repetitions.

8. Pause for at least thirty or sixty breaths between sets.

5. Pistol Squat

Some of the best thigh fat buster exercises isolate muscles in one of your legs simultaneously. If one leg doesn’t have the help of the other, you force it to work to be stronger. It may give you more strength and flexibility for different workouts. Here’s how:

1. First, stand in front of a chair with your back facing the chair.

2. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and bring them in front of your chest.

3. Stretch your right leg while keeping your heel a few inches off your mat.

4. While keeping your core tightened and your chest up, bend your left knee until you feel your glutes touch the chair.

5. Bring yourself back up to the starting position.

6. Switch and repeat for your left side.

7. Your goal is five to ten reps on each side.

6. Frog Jump Exercises

Here’s a fun thigh fat buster that gives your hips and lowers back a good workout. It may improve your mobility and give you lower body strength. Land gently so you don’t hurt your feet. Here’s how:

1. Stand on your mat with your feet extended past shoulder width.

2. Turn your toes to the sides and tighten your inner core.

3. Push your hips and bend your knees into a deep squat like a frog.

4. Try to keep your back neutral and your chest up. Extend your fingertips toward the mat between your feet.

5. Force your body weight on your feet and jump as high as possible. Swing your arms up as you jump.

6. Land softly and return to the squat.

7. Repeat these steps ten to fifteen times.

7. Dumbbell Swing

Do you often battle pain in your hips and thighs? It may be from stressed and sore hamstrings. Try this exercise to help stretch and strengthen them. Here’s how:

1. Stand on your mat with your feet a shoulder-width apart.

2. Hang the dumbbell in your right hand in front of your thighs.

3. Lift the dumbbell between your legs while your knees are slightly bent.

4. Hold out your left hand to keep your balance.

5. Push your hips forward and swing the dumbbell until it’s shoulder height. Let the natural momentum do the work, not your arm.

6. Lower the dumbbell and repeat five to eight times. Switch sides and repeat these steps.

8. Squatting and Jumping Jacks (One of the Most Strenuous of Exercises for Thigh Fat)

You’ll enjoy this combo exercise if your workout routine usually includes jumping jacks and squats. It can strengthen your core and lower body and help you burn calories. It’s also an ideal way to burn that pesky thigh fat. Here’s how:

1. Stand tall on your mat and bring your feet together and your arms naturally at your sides.

2. As you push your hips back, bend your knees until you’re in a deep squat.

3. Reach your hands toward the sides of your ankles.

4. Now, jump up and out while raising your hands over your head and your feet at your sides. Your body does a jumping jack “X” midair.

5. Bring your body back into the starting position and repeat the steps.

6. This is one set. Try to do fifteen to twenty repetitions.

9. Backward Leg Swings

Give your hamstrings and glutes some healthy stretching to give them more strength and mobility. This easy exercise can also improve your core stability and posture. You can even do a few when you’re on break at work. Here’s how:

1. Stand in a neutral position with your heels, and your toes turned out slightly to each side.

2. Put your hands on your hips and tighten your core muscles.

3. Next, bring your left foot behind until your big toe touches the mat lightly. Let your heel drop inward slightly.

4. As you keep your upper body straight, raise your left leg up and behind you as far as you can. You should feel a slight squeeze in your left glutes.

5. Hold this position for three to five breaths and return to the starting position.

6. Switch sides and repeat the steps. Your goal is to do at least eight to ten repetitions.

10. Marching in Place

Just because this exercise is easy doesn’t mean it doesn’t get results. It gently stretches your thighs and hamstrings. Add this to your exercise routine if you want to bust thigh fat. Here’s how:

1. Stand straight and tall on your mat and spread your feet apart about hip-width.

2. Tighten your core as best you can.

3. While keeping your feet flexed and your knees straight, bring your right leg forward and upward, like a marching step.

4. You should feel a stretch in the back of your thigh, but it should not be enough to cause pain.

5. Now, bring your right foot back into the starting position.

6. Step forward and repeat the same steps for your left leg. You’re essentially marching in one place like a soldier.

7. Try to do two sets of these for ten repetitions.

8. Be sure to mindfully breathe and take a 30-second break between sets, if needed.

thigh fat

Final Thoughts on Exercises to Get Rid of Thigh Fat

Whether new to exercising or having a fitness routine, these easy exercises can benefit your thighs. They’ll also help your hips, bottom, and inner core. Once you get into a habit, you may notice better mobility, strength, and flexibility.

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