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25 Foods That Can Interfere With Losing Weight

Like most people, you think losing weight is easy if you eat things like smoothies, fruit, low carbohydrate, and fat-free items. However, manufacturing companies have found that marketing to the dieting group is easy when you use the right words. These “healthy foods” could be why you’re not losing weight.

Don’t fall prey to these marketing gimmicks, especially when your health is at stake. It’s essential to fill up on green veggies, fiber, and fruits, which will not only increase your metabolism but help your body burn fat. Maybe you’re not losing weight because you’ve been dieting all wrong.

25 Foods to Avoid for Weight Loss

Not all calories are created equal. It would help if you learned what’s best to eat for your weight loss journey. There’s nothing you can’t occasionally have in moderation (think carbohydrate foods), but it’s best not to make it a habit. Here are 25 foods that can inhibit you from losing weight.

losing weight

1. Sugar-Free Anything

By now, you should know that anything labeled sugar-free doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthy. Sure, they remove the sugar, but they mainly substitute it and add more fat to give it flavor. Sugar-free doesn’t mean calorie-free or healthy, and many people fall into this trap.

If you’re doing the keto diet, sugar-free might seem like a good fit, but even sugar alcohols can throw your body out of ketosis, as they’re not all the same.

2. Energy Bars Can Slow Down When You Are Losing Weight

The market is overloaded with energy bars. They promise to give you strength and increase your energy by fueling your body with protein. You must turn the bar over and see what’s in there.

It often has more calories and fat than a candy bar, so it’s not doing you much good. These bars are overpriced and touted as the weight loss aid you must have, but this is all smoke and mirrors. Finally, the carbohydrates they claim would give you energy often come in sugar.

3. Chips and Other Snacks

Processed snack foods are full of sugar, fat, and calories. If you have the munchies, reaching for carrots and hummus or apples and peanut butter would be better. These empty calories don’t nourish the body but fill your gut and load it down with stuff you don’t need.

4. Eating the Wrong Kind of Salads Can Hinder Losing Weight

You may be shocked to find this one here, but some salads are worse for you than a double cheeseburger with all the works. You must monitor what you put in the salad, as the more toppings you pour on top, the unhealthier it becomes. Stick with vegetable toppings and less dressing, and you’ll be fine.

5. Pizza

There are not many people who don’t like pizza. You can get these Italian pies in so many varieties now, but most won’t help you lose weight.

Pizza is another food that can be done right if you try. Opt for a thin crust, less cheese, and more veggies. These deep dish, double cheese, loaded with meat pies, will clog an artery if you overindulge.

6. Smoothies

One would think fruit, ice, and some protein powder with almond milk would be good for you. However, you’ve got to watch the calories. Sure, you can make healthy smoothies, but when you start throwing a bunch of ingredients in them, they lose their nutritional status.

7. Losing Weight Slows Down When Eating High-Sugar Cereal

Please don’t fall for the marketing gimmick that states it’s made with whole grain. Very few cereals on the market win the title of healthy. Most contain sugar, artificial colors, and preservatives to entice children.

8. Granola

Granola can be a bit of a hit or miss. Some of them are low in sugar and high in healthy fats, but others are laden with things that will do nothing more than pack on the pounds.

9. Packaged Low Carbohydrate Desserts

These low-carb options seem like a dieter’s dream, but don’t be fooled by the labels. Look at the calories and fat in these items, as it will usually shock you. You would be better off having the real thing in moderation rather than these expensive, unhealthy selections.

10. Losing Weight Can Slow Down if You Eat Some Sushi

Sushi seems healthy since it’s fish, which is full of protein. Consequently, be careful of the dishes that say ‘spicy’ or ‘crunchy.’ They need to add sugar or agave to get the crunch in there. While it’s an excellent protein-based meal, you must be wary of those mayo-based sauces.

11. Potatoes

Potatoes are a vegetable, but they’re not one of the better ones for you. Whether you like them boiled, baked, fried, or mashed, the carbohydrates turn to sugar once in your bloodstream. Try a sweet potato instead.

12. White Rice

Rice is a typical side dish that goes with just about anything. However, it’s a refined grain lacking fiber and critical nutrients your body needs to thrive. Just one-fourth a cup is almost 150 calories, and is it any wonder they use this to help people gain weight in third-world countries?

13. Red Meats

The problem with red meat is that it’s full of saturated fat, which will pack on the pounds. It can also raise your “bad” cholesterol levels, which isn’t good if you’re losing weight and trying to get healthy.


14. Milk Chocolate

Milk chocolate tastes so good because it contains pure sugar. Why not try dark chocolate instead? According to The Cleveland Clinic, it’s lower in sugar, full of beneficial antioxidants called flavonoids, and is anywhere from 50-90 percent pure cocoa. It’s a better option for losing weight.

15. Wraps

It would seem that a wrap would be a healthy alternative as you’re ditching the bread. However, you need to read the labels, as most wraps have just as much if not more calories and fat than bread. Additionally, it matters what you put inside the wrap that counts.

16. Pasta (too many carbohydrates for losing weight)

Pasta is high in carbs, calories, and starches. It turns to pure sugar inside your body, so you should avoid it. Try veggie pasta instead.

17. Microwave Popcorn

Popcorn can be a healthy snack if it’s air-popped and doesn’t have a bunch of additives. Sadly, microwave popcorn is typically loaded with tons of butter, inhibiting losing weight. You can find a healthier version but read the label.

18. Dried Fruit

Did you know that when you dry fruit, it enhances the sugar content? You’re better off eating a piece of fresh fruit. If you like dried in your trail mix, limit your portions.

19. Yogurt

Some excellent yogurts are on the market, but most are full of sugar, carbs, and fat. Try plain Greek-style yogurt and add things like cinnamon to enhance the flavor.

20. Fast Food

Fast food is often an easy fix when you’re exhausted at mealtime. However, the problem is that these foods are not made with your health in mind. They contain fat, salt, and empty carbohydrates. Thankfully, there are a few healthy options to consider, but you must choose sparingly.

21. Coconut Oil

While coconut oil isn’t a food, it’s certainly used in plenty of them. It’s hyped way too much as a healthy alternative, but the calorie content is the same as vegetable or canola oil. One tablespoon is around 120 calories, so using it sparingly is advisable.

22. Processed Meats

In theory, lunch meat, hot dogs, and other processed meats would be good for you. Most are low in calories and fat, but it’s the other ingredients you must watch.

According to The Harvard School of Public Health, the things they use to preserve these meats are not only unhealthy, but they’re dangerous to your heart. Nitrates are the biggest concern, so don’t be fooled by that low-calorie per slice offerings.

23. Acai Bowls

These bowls seem to be the latest rage in the health trend industry. Sadly, one bowl can be around 800 calories, which is nearly what you should eat in a day.

24. Sweets or Desserts

Your sweet tooth can get you in trouble. An occasional treat isn’t hurt anyone, but if you’ve got to have something sweet every day, it’s probably interfering with losing weight.

25. Dressing

Salad dressing is allowed on the Keto diet but frowned upon in others. Be careful of the fat-free ones as they often have higher sugar contents. The dressing should be used sparingly and not poured all over the top. Try dipping your fork in the sauce before you take a bite of salad as an option to consume less.


Final Thoughts on Fat, Carbohydrate Dense, Salty Foods to Avoid for Losing Weight

Losing weight is a long and arduous process. You didn’t pack on those pounds overnight, nor will they fall off quickly. The most important thing you can do is read the labels and not fall for the marketing gimmicks. Eat healthy carbohydrates that deliver nutrients, and avoid sugar and salty foods–you will get there. Losing weight won’t be as complicated when you learn what you can and can’t eat.

15 Quotes to Appreciate Your Forever Best Friend

Friendship brings joy, laughter, comfort, and much more to our lives. A best friend is someone who challenges you to become a better version of yourself and loves you unconditionally. When you want to appreciate them, quotes are one of the best ways to do it.

Friendship is a blessing that evolves, grows, and deepens. Some friends become close enough to be family, and you should cherish these relationships. They’ll want to see you do well, and they’ll be comforting and supportive through everything.

Using quotes to celebrate can remind you how much your forever best friend means to you. Send the quotes to your friend, use them in a card, or create a gift with a quote to show how much you appreciate them. These heartwarming messages are perfect for any friendship, helping you put words to your feelings.

Your best friend is there through the ups and downs and loves you through everything. Even when you’re apart, you feel their friendship within you. These people impact your life in ways you can’t imagine, and these quotes will help you describe the appreciation.

Fifteen Quotes to Appreciate Your Best Friend

best friend

You can’t replace a best friend, so take the time to appreciate them and their presence in your life. They help you become a better version of yourself and love you every step of the way. These quotes can help you put it into perspective with the perfect words.

1 – “A good friend is a connection to life — a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world.” – Lois Wyse

A forever best friend knows all about you. They understand your past, where you want to go in the future, and help keep you sane. With a good friend, you’ll always feel connected to life because your person is there.

2 – “In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.” – Albert Schweitzer

We all have hard times and go through periods where we forget who we are and what we stand for. A friend can help you find that inner fire again.
They help you find the meaning of life and remind you of who you are. Show appreciation for those who rekindle your inner fire and allow you to find happiness again.

3 – “There are three things that grow more precious with age; old wood to burn, old books to read, and old friends to enjoy.” – Henry Ford

Old friends are incredibly meaningful. The longer your relationship continues, the more significant it becomes. Your oldest friends should hold a special place in your heart because they are one of the most enjoyable parts of life.

4 – “That’s when I realized what a true friend was. Someone who would always love you – the imperfect you, the confused you, the wrong you – because that is what people are supposed to do.” – R. J. L.

When you realize you have a friend who loves you no matter what, you know you’ve found your person. They’ll love your imperfections and moments of confusion and even love you when you do something wrong.

Even if they speak up about your behavior, they still care. Best friends only speak up because they want you to become a better version of yourself.

5 – “A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” – Walter Winchell

It seems like most of your friends disappear if things go wrong in your life. However, a best friend will be there no matter what you’re going through. They don’t leave because they want to be there to support you and help in any way they can.

Even if they can’t help, they’ll be there to listen, keep you company, or do anything else you need. Cherish these friends because you know they can be forever best friends.

6 – “Friendship isn’t about who you’ve known the longest. It’s about who walked into your life, said, “I’m here for you”, and proved it.” – Unknown

Your forever best friend doesn’t have to be someone you’ve known for many years. Some of the best people you ever meet are ones you haven’t known for a long time. As long as they show up for you and prove they care, they’re someone you can keep around forever.

7 – “Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.” – Amy Poehler

Your friends should challenge and inspire you, helping you become a better version of yourself. They want to see you do well, and they will help you along the way. If you find these people, make sure you appreciate them and tell them that you recognize their positivity in your life.

best quotes on friends

8 – “A friend is one who overlooks your broken fence and admires the flowers in your garden.” – Unknown

No one’s life is perfect, and your best friend doesn’t expect yours to be. Other people might point out the flaws in your life, but a best friend points out the beauty. In their eyes, your goodness prevails anything else. If the flaws bother you, they’ll be more than willing to help you fix them. Otherwise, they see no reason to even think about it.

9 – “In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, for in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.” – Khalil Gibran

Friendship brings more joy than most other situations in life. It brings laughter and feelings of refreshment when you need them the most.

10 – “Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” – Oprah Winfrey

As Oprah explains, everyone wants to be there for the good times. You’ll be surrounded by people when you’re doing well and feeling happy. However, many people disappear from your life when things aren’t going well. You’ll know who your forever best friend is by seeing who sticks around during the hard times in your life.

11 – “Every friendship goes through ups and downs. Dysfunctional patterns set in; external situations cause internal friction; you grow apart and then bounce back together.” – Mariella Frostrup

If your relationship wavers, it’s okay and doesn’t mean it’s doomed to end. All relationships go through hard times, and you might not see each other for a while. However, once you reconnect, it bounces back like nothing ever happened. If you have someone like this in your life, they’re a friend destined to last forever.

12 – “Your friends will know you better in the first minute you meet than your acquaintances will know you in a thousand years.” – Richard Bach

The people who get you will understand you quickly. They won’t be a good friend if someone can’t appreciate who you are when they meet you. How long you know someone doesn’t matter because a real friend knows who you are.

13 – “The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing… not healing, not curing… that is a friend who cares.” – Henri Nouwen

Kind words or gestures can’t cure your pain. Some people stick around long enough to see that they can’t do anything and leave. A best friend realizes they can’t do anything and stay, want to be there to support you, and let you know you’re not alone. If someone wants to be there even when they can’t do anything, they’re a forever best friend.

14 – “Don’t make friends who are comfortable to be with. Make friends who will force you to lever yourself up.” – Thomas J. Watson

While you shouldn’t feel like you can’t be yourself around your friends, you still want to be careful. Find friends who encourage you to become a better version of yourself. They won’t want you to become complacent with your life, so they’ll push you to improve. If you’re lucky enough to have someone like this, don’t forget to show appreciation.

15 – “And what is a friend? More than a father, more than a brother: a traveling companion, with him, you can conquer the impossible, even if you must lose it later. Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks degenerating into obsession, friendship is never anything but sharing.” – Elie Wiesel

Blood relatives are important, but friendship can be even more than that. Some friends are your chosen family and the ones you look forward to spending all your time with.
Falling in love is unique, too, but it can become more intense and unpredictable. As Wiesel explains, your friends leave a lasting mark on your life and involve nothing more than sharing.


Final Thoughts on Quotes to Appreciate Your Friendship

Your friends love you unconditionally, so take the time to appreciate them. These quotes can help you remember how much your friends mean to you. Don’t forget to share the quotes with your best friend to let them know how you feel.
Embrace the special people in your life who bring joy to each day. Don’t miss a second to show appreciation. These words of wisdom can help you find a way to describe how important your friend is to your life.

9 Lifestyle Changes for a Healthy Liver

Your liver is one of the known organs in your body. “Known” because your body is so complicated that researchers still find new systems which help your body function. This football-sized organ works hard to keep you healthy. But if you’re not careful, some lifestyle choices can harm your liver. You may not even know your liver isn’t working properly. That’s because liver disease has few symptoms. Don’t worry. You can have a healthy liver with a few simple lifestyle changes.

We reveal nine lifestyle changes and the best habits for optimal health.

Liver facts you may not know

Your liver weighs approximately three pounds. It lives near the upper right section of your abdomen, just below your diaphragm. As the largest organ in your body, it has over 500 jobs. Liver disorders include the following:

  • Liver disease
  • Hepatitis
  • Liver cancer
  • Cirrhosis

Liver disease comes from lifestyle choices, genetics, infections, or autoimmune diseases.

healthy liver

What does your liver do?

Your liver is busy keeping you healthy. Some of its jobs include:

  • Makes albumin: Albumin is a blood protein that carries drugs, fatty acids, and hormones throughout your body. Your liver also makes blood clotting substances when an injury causes bleeding.
  • Produces bile: Bile is a chemical that helps your liver turn fat into energy. Without bile, your body couldn’t digest foods.
  • Removes waste: When you absorb an unhealthy, toxic substance, your liver helps remove it from your body.
  • Bilirubin remover: Your liver works to remove bilirubin from bile. Too much bilirubin causes jaundice and yellowing of your skin.
  • Maintain glucose levels: Your liver maintains the proper glucose level in your body. It moves glucose to your blood or removes glucose if there’s too much in your blood.
  • Controls immune system responses: If viruses, bacteria, or other harmful organisms attack your body, specific cells in your liver can destroy them.

How do you know if you have a healthy liver?

Getting a blood test is the best way to know if your liver is healthy. This test measures your liver function. There are at-home liver function tests you can order online or ask your naturopath to do a test.

What are the warning signs of liver disease?

Liver disease typically has no symptoms, but warning signs show you have liver problems. These include the following:

  • Itchy skin
  • Swollen abdomen
  • Nausea
  • Jaundice-yellowing of your skin or in the whites of your eyes
  • Swelling of your legs or ankles
  • Dark urine
  • Pale stools
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Bruising easily
  • Vomiting

Nine Lifestyle changes for a healthy liver

Before your liver gets damaged, here are nine lifestyle changes you can make to improve the health of your liver.

1 – Avoid dirty needles

Taking drugs damages your liver. This lifestyle has many dangerous side effects beyond liver damage. Drug addiction leads to many poor choices, and using dirty needles puts you in danger of liver disease. Get a test immediately if you or someone else has penetrated your skin with a dirty needle or sharp utensil. It’s rare, but there are even situations where hospitals have accidentally used dirty needles. Of course, this warning includes tattoos and body piercings where needles are used. Don’t share personal hygiene things like razors or nail clippers. You’re the best advocate for your health. If you’re concerned, take action and go to an emergency room. Your life could depend upon it.

2 – Practice safe sex for a healthy liver

Unprotected sex with many partners increases the risk of hepatitis B and C. Both cause liver damage. Left untreated, they can cause death due to liver disease.

3 – Wash your hands

It’s a simple, hygienic practice. Wash your hands with warm water and soap after you change a diaper, use the bathroom, or prepare food. Washing your hands prevents the spread of Hepatitis. This type of hepatitis is a dangerous liver disease that spreads from person to person. Anybody can get it, especially if you don’t wash your hands before you prepare or eat food or drinks. It spreads through close contact with someone who has Hepatitis A.

lifestyle changes

4 – Stay at a healthy weight for a healthy liver

According to studies, approximately 30% to 45% of Americans carry excess fat in their liver. A fatty liver can lead to liver disease. Weight loss reduces liver fat and helps you fight liver disease. Recommended lifestyle changes include weight loss if you’re overweight, exercise, and eating a healthy diet to decrease fat. Even a small amount of weight loss makes a big difference in preventing liver damage.

5 – Eat a balanced diet for a healthy liver

Eating high calorie, saturated fats, and refined carbs lead to unhealthy habits that can lead to liver disease. Your healthy diet should include

  • Fiber
  • Fresh, whole fruits
  • Whole vegetables
  • Brown grains like whole wheat flour and brown rice
  • Good fats like olive oil, seeds, and nuts
  • Drink lots of water

6 – Follow directions on all medication

You may have realized that taking too much medication or wrong can damage your liver. Mixing alcohol and medicines can also harm your liver. Other potentially dangerous “medical” items you take that can damage your liver include the following:

  • Herbal medicines or supplements
  • Herbal teas, if mixed with over-the-counter or prescription drugs such as heart medication
  • Non-FDA-approved supplements from other countries. You don’t know what is in these supplements.
  • Over-the-counter medications: Acetaminophen or ibuprofen, if taken in excess, will damage your liver

7 – Avoid toxins

You come in contact with certain toxins daily that can damage your liver. Things like cleaning products, aerosol products, chemicals, additives, and insecticides will damage your liver. If your job requires you to use any of these, wear a mask on the job. At home, choose natural ingredients when cleaning your home. Avoid using aerosol sprays. But if, for instance, you want to paint with spray paint,  choose a well-ventilated area such as a garage with an open door or even outside. Be sure to wear a mask while you’re spray painting.

8 – Limit how much alcohol you drink

Alcohol is number one on the list of things that can damage your liver. Use alcohol responsibly. Adults who are at a legal drinking age should drink in moderation. This means no more than two alcoholic drinks daily for men and one alcoholic drink for women. A heavy drinker is considered a man who drinks at least four drinks a day or 14 alcoholic drinks in a week. Or a woman who drinks three alcoholic drinks per day or seven weekly.  One alcohol rehab clinic explains how long-term advises that long-term abuse of alcohol can even lead to liver scarring.

By making simple lifestyle changes, such as limiting your alcohol intake, you can reduce the damage to your liver and prevent more damage from occurring.

9 – For a healthy liver, stay physically active

A healthy liver contains a small amount of fat. Fatty liver disease is when too much fat is built up in your liver. A fatty liver is one with 5% to 10% of your liver’s weight in fat. Lifestyle changes like staying physically fit can help you maintain your weight and reduce the fat in your body. Exercise also detoxes your liver and helps reduce fat build-up. Try to engage in some blood-pumping exercise at least 150 minutes per week. It can be anything that you enjoy but gets your heart rate up.

  • Dancing
  • Running
  • Bike riding
  • Swimming
  • Hiking
  • Skating
  • Surfing

healthy liver

Final thoughts on the importance of a healthy liver

It’s easy to live as if your body will always be healthy. It’s sobering to realize that simple everyday lifestyle choices could cause a lifetime of heartache if you end up with the disease. Overindulging in food, alcohol, or recreational drugs can cause liver disease. It’s important to understand these ten lifestyle changes to include in your life for a healthy liver. Breaking your bad habits and starting new healthy habits toward a robust and healthy liver is possible. You are the only one who can make healthy choices for your life.

Editorial Note 8/24/2023: Added link to authority source.

16 Quotes When You Need to Be More Self-Accepting

Being self-accepting means that you embrace who you are without condition. You love the good things about yourself as well as the bad. It’s a valuable quality because self-love can improve your overall well-being.

When you need inspiration, these quotes about being more self-accepting can help you. They cover topics from self-love to self-growth and everything in between. It’ll encourage you to focus on self-compassion, allowing you to treat yourself respectfully.

Being self-accepting requires embracing who you are and loving your imperfections. A lack of self-acceptance stems from low self-esteem, but you can overcome it and learn to love yourself.

These quotes will help you see through your shortcomings and accept yourself fully. Acknowledging the good things about yourself is easy, but you must embrace everything. Once you learn to love your weaknesses, failures, and flaws, you can move forward and grow.

Sixteen Quotes When You Need to Be More Self-Accepting

These words of wisdom come from people who have worked toward being more self-accepting. They know the struggle but also know you can overcome a lack of self-love. Use these wise words as inspiration to embrace who you are right now.


1 – “To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” – Thich Nhat Hanh.

All you need to be beautiful is self-love. As long as you like who you are, it doesn’t matter what others think about you.

2 – “Whatever you are doing, love yourself for doing it. Whatever you are feeling, love yourself for feeling it.” – Thaddeus Golas

Love everything about yourself, including what you’re doing and how you feel. Embrace each moment and feeling, and don’t ever feel bad about it.

3 – “Because one believes in oneself, one doesn’t try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn’t need others’ approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.” Lao Tzu

When you accept yourself, you won’t have to convince others to like you. You won’t care about the approval of others because self-acceptance is all that matters. Worry about yourself, and the rest falls into place.

4 – “Remember, you have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.” – Louise Hay

This wise quote about being self-accepting is brilliant. You don’t get anywhere by criticizing yourself. It hasn’t worked for you in the past, and it won’t start to work in the future.

Shift your mindset and stop criticizing yourself. Embrace who you are and focus on self-love. You won’t know the good it can bring until you try.

5 – “Nothing I accept about myself can be used against me to diminish me.” – Audre Lorde

No one can use it against you when you accept everything about yourself. Someone can mention it and try to hurt you, but it won’t work. When you love yourself, no one can use your flaws or mistakes to make you feel bad about yourself.

6 – “In order to love who you are, you cannot hate the experiences that shaped you.” – Andrea Dykstra

You might not love your past, but it’s part of who you are today. Rather than think back on your experiences with disdain, learn to appreciate them. Self-acceptance comes more manageable when you can embrace everything that shaped you.

7 – “I was once afraid of people saying, ‘Who does she think she is?’ Now I have the courage to stand and say, ‘This is who I am.’” – Oprah Winfrey

Never be afraid to be true to yourself. Speak up when you want to, and don’t diminish who you are for anyone.

As Winfrey explains, she used to be afraid, but now she is self-accepting. You can do the same, making the most of your unique qualities.

8 – “I now see how owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.”Brené Brown

Not everyone dares to love themselves, but you do. Show how brave you are by learning to appreciate yourself and doing what’s best for you. Your story is just as important as your present, so own it all and keep moving forward.


9 – “I think once I kind of got to a place of self-acceptance, looking past all the insecurities that I have, I’ve really grown so much as a person.” – Shannon Purser

When you can accept yourself as you are, you’ll grow into a better version of yourself. Accept your insecurities and appreciate that you’re not like everyone else.

It’ll help you align your life and find happiness and fulfillment. Self-acceptance is the only way to live a meaningful life and chase your dreams.

10 – “What self-acceptance does is open up more possibilities of succeeding because you aren’t fighting yourself along the way.” – Shannon Ables

If you don’t accept yourself, you’ll feel a constant battle. You’ll never feel good enough, and your mind will be full of negative self-talk.

Rather than letting this happen, love yourself as you are right now. If you cannot be self-accepting, you won’t continually fight to move forward and find happiness.

11 – “Trying to please everyone, in every way, is a race you’ll never win. You can spend all day measuring what people like and don’t like, but don’t let it change who you are. You are unique for a reason. Every single person is not going to vibe with everything, and that’s ok.” – Kristen Butler

You’ll never be able to please everyone, but you can make yourself happy. Stop paying attention to what others like and stay true to yourself.

Not everyone will like everything about you, but you’ll feel good if you love yourself. Accept yourself despite what others think because, as Butler explains, you can’t make everyone happy. Focus on self-love, and everything will work out in the end.

12 – “Accepting yourself is about respecting yourself. It’s about honoring yourself right now, here today, in this moment. Not just who you could become somewhere down the line.” – Kris Carr

If you don’t respect yourself, you can’t accept who you are. Focus on self-respect and treating yourself as you would treat a friend or loved one. Acceptance will quickly follow if you treat yourself well and respect who you are.

13 – “When you stop living your life based on what others think of you real life begins. At that moment, you will finally see the door of self acceptance opened.” – Shannon L. Alder

Living your life based on what others want won’t make you happy. You’ll never feel fulfilled if you continue to live that way. Let go of what other people think and only worry about what you think. When you stop living for others, you will be more self-accepting.

14 – “To be nobody but yourself in a world that’s doing its best to make you somebody else is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting.” – E. E. Cummings

Society convinces many people that they must be like those around them. It seems like everyone fights to be better at the same things rather than focusing on their individuality. If you can push past that societal pressure, you’ll release so much stress and tension from your life. Accepting yourself allows you to set yourself apart from the crowd, and it’s well worth it.

15 – “Instead of trying to mend me, I decided to enjoy me. Instead of trying to solve me, I decided to discover me. It was one of the best decisions of my life.” – S.C. Laurie

You can spend your life trying to change your flaws and imperfections. However, it won’t make you feel any better. Stop trying to fix yourself and focus on loving who you are. You are perfect as you are right now, and when you accept it, you’ll become the best version of yourself. Make sure you embrace who you are rather than fighting against what’s best for your life.

16 – “Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.” – Veronica A. Shoffstall

If you wait for someone else to make your life enjoyable, you’ll continue waiting forever. Instead, accept that this is your life and improve it. Do the things that make your soul happy and increase your self-love–and you’ll be glad you started.


Final Thoughts on Quotes When You Need to Increase Your Self-Love

Being more self-accepting is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Accepting yourself allows you to move forward to reach your goals. It also encourages happiness and life fulfillment.

Use these quotes to help you become more self-accepting. They can serve as a reminder during hard times and give you a boost of confidence the rest of the time. Choose a few favorite quotes to keep in a place you’ll see every day.

Survey Shows 81% of US Military Wants Vegan Meals 

An animal rights group Mercy for Animals poll found that 81% of US military members want vegan meals. Currently, vegan meals and MREs aren’t an option for service members. They can only choose from meals with animal protein or vegetarian dishes.

The organization polled 226 soldiers in all positions of the US military about their dietary preferences. Mercy for Animals utilized the survey platform Qualtrics to perform the poll. They found the respondents with Cint, a digital insights company.

Their survey revealed that most people identified as omnivores – about 58%. However, more than 23% of respondents wanted to cut down on animal products. 5.3% identified as flexitarians, 7.3% as vegetarians, and vegans made up only 3.5%. Only 1.8% of people said they followed a pescatarian diet.

Poll Finds 81% of US Military Wants Vegan Meals

Despite most of the respondents eating animal products, an astonishing 81% of military members want vegan meals. 69% said the military should provide plant-based MREs as well. Surprisingly, over 50% of people polled said they would choose vegan MREs over animal-based ones if they could.

Many service members had environmental concerns about food options as well. No matter what diet they followed, 70% of respondents would choose sustainable meals if the military made them available. 81% said they also wanted more climate-friendly MREs, the same percentage as those wanting vegan meals.

Mercy for Animals also asked participants if they believed vegan meals had more health and environmental benefits than animal-based meals. Over half (52%) said they strongly agreed or agreed that vegan meals lead to improved health. 51% of respondents also believed that plant-based foods enhanced their energy levels more than omnivorous options.

 63% also believed that plant-based foods had less environmental impact than animal products. In addition, the poll found that 69% of service members noticed more of their friends trying plant-based products than in the past.

vegan meals

What the Experts Say About the Trend Towards a Vegetarian Lifestyle

“Our research suggests service members are aware of the nutritional and environmental impact of their food choices,” said Dr. Courtney L. Dillard, MFA’s social change researcher and the study’s lead researcher.  

“As the US military continues to seek ways to best support the overall health and diverse needs of its loyal service members, we’re calling on lawmakers to require all military branches to provide plant-based MRE options.”

While service members rely on MREs in the field, only about 17% are vegetarian. Currently, the military doesn’t offer any vegan MREs.

Mercy for Animals encourages the public to contact state government officials about offering vegan meals for military members. The 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) can address this and support the creation of plant-based MREs. If you’d like to show your support, you can do so here.

The popularity of Vegan Meals Keeps Growing in the Military.

Even though the US military doesn’t offer vegan meals in MREs, vegan entrees have gained popularity. In fact, a US army dining facility in Fort Sill, Oklahoma, began serving troops vegan options with every meal. After a soldier requested, the Guns and Rockets Dining Facility expanded its menu to include plant-based meals.

Currently, it’s the only dining facility in the army that provides vegan meals and side dishes to service members.

“We began testing items in February 2018 and were fully operational with labeling and an option at every meal by July 2018,” Chief Warrant Officer 2 Jeremy Patterson told the military outlet Stars and Stripes. “Now, we sell out of the plant-based entrée at every meal.”

“We didn’t change the menu. We just substitute the meat within the dish. Instead of chicken enchiladas on Taco Tuesday, we use black beans, and instead of beef stir fry, we use tofu. We are not reinventing the wheel with recipes. We are just taking the recipe and substituting some ingredients.”

Patterson said he hopes other army dining facilities will catch onto the trend and offer vegan meals.

Thankfully, it seems that his wish came true. The United States Coast Guard Training Center Yorktown recently began serving elaborate vegan meals in its main dining hall. The students at the training school enjoyed having plant-based options, as 10% identified as vegan in 2020.

Meatless Meals Aren’t Just For Vegans.

They got to choose between creative vegan meals like lemon-turmeric pasta with sundried tomatoes and pistachios, creamy carrot ginger soup, and jackfruit bulgogi bowls.

The meal program became so popular that even non-vegan students chose plant-based options. The training center won an award from PETA, honoring its progress in offering vegan meals.

In 2021, the South Korean defense ministry also confirmed offering vegetarian and vegan meals. While they wanted to accommodate Muslim military enlistees, anyone could ask for meatless meals when they signed up.

In the US, the military keeps a reserve of prepackaged vegan meals, but they’re not for soldiers. A Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) spokesperson revealed that the meals instead get distributed as humanitarian aid to civilians. While they technically aren’t labeled vegan, they contain only minimal animal products such as milk or cheese.

Since vegan foods have a longer shelf life and cost less than animal products, they’re a better choice for humanitarian aid. Also, vegan meals can more easily be made halal.

Plant-based foods have started to catch on worldwide, in both the military and civilian world.


Final Thoughts on Survey Showing Most Military Members Want Vegan Meals

A recent Mercy for Animals survey, which included 226 US service members, found that 81% want vegan meals. Currently, only 17% of meals offer vegetarian options, while none cater to vegans. However, this may change with the passing of the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act. MFA hopes to bring more awareness that more service members want plant-based options.

In other countries like South Korea, the plant-based diet has also grown in popularity. The military recently began offering vegetarian and vegan options to cater to Muslim enlistees. Several military dining halls in the US have also started serving troops plant-based meals. As veganism grows, we will likely see more schools and other institutions providing vegan options.

Study Confirms That Diet and Exercise Are Key to a Longer Life

If you want a longer life, follow a healthy diet and exercise regimen. A new study confirms that these two lifestyle factors matter the most in preserving health. On the other hand, vitamins and supplements may have a neutral or even negative impact on well-being.

Many rely on multivitamins and various supplements for nutrients they may not get in their diets. In fact, U.S. adults spent around $50 billion on vitamins and supplements in 2021. Some of these supplements may have benefits, but scientists say they’re not necessary for health.

The researchers added that for non-pregnant, healthy Americans, vitamins have no nutritional or health value. Some people take them to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease or cancer. However, no clinical trials have proven a link between vitamins and lower disease risk.

 “Patients ask all the time, ‘What supplements should I be taking?’ They’re wasting money and focus thinking there has to be a magic set of pills that will keep them healthy when we should all be following the evidence-based practices of eating healthy and exercising,” said Dr. Jeffrey Linder, chief of general internal medicine in the department of medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

Linder and colleagues from Northwestern Medicine published their research in JAMA Network on June 21. The report suggests new recommendations from the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). This independent panel of experts makes scientifically-backed recommendations about clinical preventive measures.

Recently, the USPSTF performed a meta-analysis of 84 studies on the effectiveness of vitamins. Based on this review, they revised guidelines about taking multivitamins, paired supplements or single supplements. They found “insufficient evidence” to support that supplements led to a longer life and reduced disease risk in healthy adults.


Diet and Exercise Play Largest Role in Longevity

Linder added that the task force isn’t condemning vitamins but rather questioning their efficacy. If they led to a longer life, we would have evidence supporting this by now. On the other hand, research shows that specific vitamins can have a detrimental impact on health.

In fact, the task force found that taking beta-carotene supplements can increase the risk of lung cancer. Also, they advised against taking vitamin E supplements, determining that they have no impact on lowering cardiovascular disease or cancer risk. They also do not affect reducing mortality.

“The harm is that talking with patients about supplements during the very limited time we get to see them, we’re missing out on counseling about how to really reduce cardiovascular risks, like through exercise or smoking cessation,” Linder said.

Still, vitamins and supplements remain popular in the US, with over half Americans consuming them. Linder and his colleagues believe supplements will only increase in the future.

They say that people who buy vitamins believe they’re investing in their health and ensuring a longer life. Some don’t have the time or income to prepare fresh foods, so they turn to vitamins to supplement their diet.

This seems like a logical approach since fruits and vegetables lead to reduced disease risk in general. And, if you can receive the same benefits in pill form, why invest time and energy in maintaining a balanced diet?

Some People Can Still Benefit From Vitamins

However, the researchers explain that vitamins alone can’t offer the same benefits as whole fruits and vegetables. Fresh foods combine vitamins, fiber, phytochemicals, and micronutrients that interact to provide health benefits. Taking vitamins alone may not have the same effect as eating whole foods that naturally contain life-sustaining compounds.

However, the researchers added that people who have vitamin deficiencies can still benefit from taking supplements. For instance, older adults who take calcium and vitamin D could prevent bone fractures or osteoporosis. This could help ensure a longer life for the elderly.

In addition, pregnant women or women trying to get pregnant should still take a multivitamin.

“Pregnant individuals should keep in mind that these guidelines don’t apply to them,” said Cameron, a Northwestern Medicine physician. “Certain vitamins, such as folic acid, are essential for pregnant women to support healthy fetal development. The most common way to meet these needs is to take a prenatal vitamin. More data is needed to understand how specific vitamin supplementation may modify risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes and cardiovascular complications during pregnancy.”

But, Longer Life is Mostly Dependent on Lifestyle Factors

Another study from Northwestern discovered that many women in the US have suboptimal heart health before pregnancy. Therefore, Cameron added that doctors should work with patients to enhance cardiovascular health as part of their prenatal care. Vitamin supplementation can help ensure a healthy pregnancy, but other factors such as diet and exercise, are equally important.

Despite the abundant knowledge about health in the modern era, many people suffer from chronic diseases. Dr. Jenny Jia, a co-author of the editorial, said it’s unsurprising that most of the disease burden falls on low-income families.

Due to costs and safety concerns, they have an exceptionally hard time maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine. The US food industry manufactures many cheap, hyper-palatable foods, making healthy foods inaccessible to many. However, by prioritizing nutritious foods, industries could ensure a longer life for millions.

“To adopt a healthy diet and exercise more, that’s easier said than done, especially among lower-income Americans,” said Jia, an instructor of general internal medicine at Feinberg and a Northwestern Medicine physician. “Healthy food is expensive, and people don’t always have the means to find environments to exercise — maybe it’s unsafe outdoors or they can’t afford a facility. So, what can we do to try to make it easier and help support healthier decisions?”

longer life

Final Thoughts on Study Proving Diet and Exercise Lead to Longer Life

Jia also studies the prevention of chronic diseases through lifestyle changes in underprivileged communities. Throughout the past few years, she’s worked with food pantries and banks that provide free groceries for needy families. She tries to help clients choose healthier options at food banks while also educating the public about donating more nutritious foods. Hopefully, these measures will lead to a longer life and improved health for many.

In conclusion, there are no shortcuts to maintaining health and ensuring a longer life. The research by Northwestern Medicine scientists proves what we knew all along: diet and exercise are essential for wellbeing.

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