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Nurse Promised to Adopt the Son of a Terminally Ill Single Mom

After being diagnosed with liver cancer, a terminally ill single mom worried about what would happen to her son. Tricia Somers had an 8-year-old son named Wesley, so her main concern was finding someone to care for him.

Unfortunately, both of her parents died many years ago. Moreover, she didn’t believe any other family members could take on the responsibility of looking after Wesley.

Thankfully, her oncology nurse, also named Tricia, stepped up to the plate and offered to adopt Wesley. Somers felt a close connection with Tricia Seaman and knew she could trust her with her son.

While Somers realized the gravity of the situation, she intuitively felt that Tricia would agree to adopt Wesley. So, she worked up the courage to ask her right before being discharged from the hospital.

Somers and Seaman had gotten close during the ten days Somers spent at Pinnacle Health Hospital. Located in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Somers underwent many diagnostic tests and a procedure to treat cancer.

After learning she was terminally ill with liver cancer, the single mom only had one thought in her mind. So, on her final day in the hospital, she presented Seaman with her last dying wish.

She asked her favorite nurse, “When I die, will you and your husband raise my son?”

Initially, Seaman didn’t know what to say to such a big request. After all, they had only met ten days earlier and didn’t know each other well. But Somers just had a gut feeling about the situation. She described the nurse as an “angel” and felt an instant bond with her.

Somers added that as soon as her cancer nurse walked into the room, she felt comforted. Seaman didn’t have to say a word for her to feel surrounded by love and support.

She called her an angel because she had never felt that way around anyone before. Somers felt like someone had covered her with a warm blanket, a sign that she was in good hands.

The Terminally Ill Mom’s Wish Came True

terminally ill

However, the nurse didn’t say “yes” to the request immediately. While she genuinely wanted to help, she told Somers she should take time to think it over.

Of course, the nurse felt flattered that the terminally ill mom would trust her in caring for Wesley. However, she wanted to take a diplomatic approach and ensure everyone involved would feel comfortable.

It seemed like fate that Seaman and Somers met at the hospital. Seaman and her family had recently gone through the process of becoming foster parents. They’d also been approved as adoptive parents and completed the first step in that process. So, it seems the universe was on Somers’ side after all.

After asking the nurse to adopt her son, the terminally ill mom and Wesley started visiting Seaman’s family. At first, the nurse came to Somers’ apartment to get to know the pair better.

The next step involved inviting Tricia and Wesley to Seaman’s house. She wanted to see how they would get along with her husband and four children. Besides that, it would help Wesley get acclimated to a new environment.

The first time Somers visited the Seamans’ home, Tricia made sure to ask her opinion. She wanted to know if everything looked okay and if it lived up to her standards. Thankfully, Somers couldn’t have been happier with the house and said everything seemed “perfect.”

Now, the only thing left was to get Seaman’s husband’s approval, Daniel. That evening, she sat down with him and asked how he felt about adopting Wesley. Surprisingly, he had no reservations about the idea. He told her someone needed to help the terminally ill woman, and they were in the best position to do so.

The Oncology Nurse Cared For Both Wesley And Tricia in Her Final Days

Seaman and Somers grew closer while the 45-year-old terminally ill mom underwent chemotherapy. However, the intense treatments made it difficult for Somers to walk, and eventually, she couldn’t take Wesley to school. Even walking to her car or leaving bed seemed like a monumental task for which she no longer had the energy.

When she became too weak to keep up with daily tasks, Somers entered hospice care. But Seaman couldn’t bear to watch her beloved friend spend her last days in a hospital. So she decided to bring Wesley and Tricia into her home to make her more comfortable.

She told Somers that she wasn’t just her nurse any longer – she was family. After inviting her to stay at her home, Somers broke down in tears and wholeheartedly agreed.

When Tricia arrived at the Seaman’s home, doctors believed she only had one month to live. However, with proper treatment and healing, Seaman reported that the cancer gradually improved. She even began walking without a cane and could perform basic tasks independently.

Before Tricia’s death, Seaman and her husband signed adoption papers to become Wesley’s legal guardians. That summer, they took Wesley and Somers on a family vacation with their three teenage daughters and 10-year-old son. Wesley enjoyed having siblings to hang out with, and Tricia savored every last moment with her new family.

On December 7, 2014, Tricia passed away at 45 years old. However, the oncology nurse will never forget her favorite patient. She described her as being “larger than life,” and luckily, Wesley inherited his mom’s fun personality.

Somers had such an impact on Seaman’s life that she wrote a book about her called God Gave Me You. The kind nurse said even though Tricia passed away, she would always be a part of their lives.


Final Thoughts on Nurse Who Adopted a Terminally Ill Mom’s Son

When a terminally ill mom learned she had liver cancer, she only felt worried about her son. Who would take care of 8-year-old Wesley after her death? Thankfully, she met an angel during her time in the hospital who agreed to adopt him. Tricia Seaman, a longtime oncology nurse in Pennsylvania, felt God brought the two women together for this specific reason.

Now, Wesley lives with his loving adoptive parents and four siblings and feels grateful for them every day. Wesley may have lost his biological mother, but her spirit lives on through the love of his new family.

Japanese Research Reveals How Many Words Cats Can Understand

Dogs and cats are the most popular pets worldwide. Cats have been hanging out with humans for thousands of years. There’s lots of research on how dogs communicate with humans, but very little on this topic regarding our feline friends. With this goal in mind, a researcher in Japan sought to understand how many words cats can understand. Here’s what they found out about feline vocalizations.

Read my lips

In this study, Atsuko Saito, a biologist at the University of Tokyo, believed that felines understood human words just like dogs. Earlier studies found that felines recognize their owner’s voice, but she wondered if felines could understand human words. The research involved 78 felines exposed to four neutral words similar to the cats’ names. They measured the cats’ reactions when calling their names or neutral words. When the felines heard the neutral words, they ignored them, but when the cats listened to their name, they perked up. Their ears twitched, and heads turned. They did this same study at a cat cafe but with fewer positive results. It was thought that too many visitors called the cats’ names.

Observers suggest the study doesn’t entirely prove felines understand their name as a label themselves. They offer that when the cats hear this word, they know they’ll get food or cuddles as a reward. This is called associative learning, which all animals do.

Still, it’s thought that felines learn just as well as dogs. They’re just not as quick to show off what they’ve learned. Researcher Saito says even her kitties don’t always come when she calls them. She finds their indifference cute.

In other words, the responsiveness of our feline friends varies and connects closely to their perception of facial and environmental cues. However, some feline experts estimate that your kitty can learn between twenty and forty words.


What do cats say?

As a kitty owner, you learn the meaning of your cat’s vocalizations, actions, and other sounds. Here are the intentions of the ordinary things cats do.


Purring isn’t understood, but it’s usually how your kitty expresses contentment. Some kitties purr when they’re hurt, feeling hungry, or nervous. It could be that there are different purring frequencies for each scenario. Because of the frequency ranges, it’s thought that purring is a cat’s way of self-soothing.


Meowing is a unique form of communication cats use only with humans. Kittens do meow when they’re hungry. Otherwise, cats don’t meow around other cats. Your cat meows in different pitches and loudness. One meow is a greeting, while another is asking you to cuddle them. Felines meow when they’re hungry or feeling scared. Scientists believe that a cat’s meow is a somewhat manipulative behavior cats use to get what they want. Kitties learn what noises are the most effective to get their owner to do what they want.

Certain cats meow more than others.

The loudest and most profuse meowing breed is the Siamese. Of all breeds, these beauties take meowing to a new level. Besides meowing for water and food, Siamese will meow about everything under the sun. They’re regular chatterboxes. It’s their way of communicating with you. If you own a Siamese, you may feel overwhelmed by their capacity to meow.

Growling, Hissing, Spitting, and Yowling

Cats don’t meow at other cats but use different vocalizations to communicate with other felines. If your kitty is angry, it’ll growl or hiss. Sometimes they even spit. Felines do this to other cats to warn them to stay away. If your kitty makes a yowl, it’s to show distress. Male cats use this sound when a female is in heat.


How your cat positions their ears is another way they communicate its feelings. When they point their ears forward, it shows they’re alert and curious. If your feline is happy if they point their ears up. Flattened ears show fear or irritation.


Your cat’s emotions are fully displayed in how they hold its tail. An upright tail usually means friendly, but a stiffly held tail shows your feline is on alert. When your cat tucks their tail, it shows fear or submission. Cat puffs out their tail when they’re angry or upset. They do this to intimidate. Twitching their tails like a whip is a sign of irritation. When your pet wraps its tail around herself, she feels loved and happy.

Do you talk to your cats?

It would seem that cats can learn some human words. The more you communicate with your feline, the quicker they’ll remember. If you use a raised tone in your voice when you talk to your feline friend because a lower voice tone is associated with aggressiveness or displeasure. Here are some simple ways to talk to your cat.


Watch and listen to what your cat is saying or doing. Does the meow sound upset or happy? Different meows include:

  • Short little meow: Greeting
  • Several meows in a row: Excited greetings
  • Drawn-out meows: This is a demand
  • Low-pitched meow: Your cat is unhappy; they’re mad
  • Low-pitched or drawn out meow: Begging


It’s essential to learn your cat’s body language. Watching your pet, you’ll learn what they’re trying to tell you through specific vocalizations and body movements. Watch for

  • Tail movements
  • Dilated pupils
  • Blinking eyes
  • Staring eyes
  • Ear movements
  • Rubbing against you
  • Head movements
  • Kneading with their paws
  • Sniffing
  • Licking

How do you speak the cat language?


As a cat owner, it’s essential to know how to speak in a way your pet understands. Your words to your cat aren’t as important as your tone and body language. If you’re saying “No” in the same tone as “Good kitty,” they won’t understand. Be consistent. Be sure your tone matches your words.


If you need to correct your cat’s behavior, use the correct tone and body language. For instance, if your cat is biting you, say, “No!” and give your feline a stern face. You can point your finger at them, too, for emphasis. Your kitty will get the message loud and clear.


To praise your feline, use a high-pitched smiling voice to call them. You can use your hand to motion for them to come simultaneously.

Go away

If your feline is bothering you for attention, but you’re busy, you may need to let them know they need to stop. You can say, “Stop!” and gently nudge your cat away. Because your cat doesn’t respect your space, they may keep trying to get your attention, so you may need to repeat this several times. Your cat will eventually take the hint and stalk away. Be sure you communicate you’re not interested in your tone and body language. Otherwise, you’ll send mixed messages that your cat will interpret as affection.

When all else fails, use cat words to communicate with your feline. Your kitty will respond to you hissing or making a spitting sound when you say, “No.” They’ll understand that you aren’t happy about what they just did.

Most of all, be consistent. Use the right tone, hand gestures, and facial expressions to go with your words. Don’t confuse your pet with mixed messages. The more you communicate with your cat, the better your relationship will be.

What words can you teach your cats?

Teaching your feline simple words isn’t a trick. It takes consistency and repetition. Your pet can learn many words. Here are a few words all kitty parents can teach:

  • No
  • Stop
  • Down
  • Good kitty
  • Come (pet’s name)
  • Treat
  • Dinner

Keep your words simple and direct to your feline friend. When they do what you say, show them praise. Be sure to use the exact words over and over. If you change the terms, it will confuse your pet. Be sure your tone goes along with the words you’re saying. Practice over and over. Before you know it, your pet will obey these commands. Other tips for training your pet include the following:

  • Don’t punish your kitty for not coming: It takes lots of practice. Pets, like humans, get distracted and confused. Be sure you’re clear and make coming worth their while by giving them a treat when they obey. Punishing your pet will backfire and make them afraid of you.
  • Reward them: When your cats do what you ask. Give them a big cuddle or a treat.
  • Make these commands fun: If you use these commands correctly. Your feline will love obeying.
  • Keep your training times short: If you practice too long, a kitty will lose interest. Keep these times short and fun.
  • Practice: It’s worth repeating…practice over and over.


Final thoughts on how cats can understand a few human words

Even though kitties learn as well as dogs, there’s been little research on how well kitties understand human communication. This study in Japan is just the beginning of learning about their vocalization and ability to understand human words. Of course, felines communicate with their ears, tails, body movement, and eyes. Your pet gets their message across loud and clear, especially when they want food or a cuddle.

So, how many words does your cat understand? Probably more than you know, but that’s the beauty of these fluffy felines. They always keep you guessing.

How to Do a Scalp Massage for Faster Hair Growth

A scalp massage is a luxury many people forget they can indulge in. Not only does it feel good, but it also promotes hair growth and other beauty benefits. If you already use hand cream, facial moisturizer, and other beauty products, then it’s time to learn about a scalp massage.

A massage for hair growth is a pleasurable experience that has many perks. A few presses of your fingertips or using a scalp brush can do so much for your well-being, including:

  • releasing tension
  • loosening buildup
  • encouraging healthy growth
  • relieving stress
  • promoting relaxation

It only takes about five minutes to do a massage for hair growth, so it’s well worth it. Stress tightens the scalp and interferes with circulation, causing growth to slow. A massage alleviates these issues, delivering oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles.

When these properties reach the follicles, it promotes hair growth and thickness. If you want to reap these benefits, you can incorporate a massage into your routine.

What is a Scalp Massage? And How Does It Help Hair Growth?

hair growth

A massage stimulates your scalp, similar to when you get a massage on your neck, back, or body. However, it requires gentler motions than other types of massages. Some people use coconut or almond oil, but others do it without, and both have beneficial results.

A massage focuses on stimulating the hair follicles. It also dilates the blood vessels beneath the skin on your scalp. They promote circulation, leading to healthier and faster hair growth.

What the Research Shows About Promoting Hair Growth with Scalp Massage

Studies show that regular massages can promote thicker hair. One study required a four-minute massage every day, while another study required them twice each day. Both studies showed the same results that it reduces hair loss.

Massages promote thicker hair and hair growth because it focuses on the hair follicles. A massage stretches the follicle cells, stimulating and dilating blood vessels. As this happens, it strengthens the strands and prevents growth.

How to Do a Scalp Massage for the Fastest Hair Growth

You don’t have to book an appointment or leave your house to get a massage. All that you need is to use your fingertips or a scalp brush to give yourself a massage.

There are a few ways to give yourself a massage. Each method stimulates hair growth, so it’s all about personal preference. You should enjoy the experience, so experiment with different ways of doing it.

Some people do it in the shower, massaging shampoo into their scalp. Other people do it after conditioning, detangling their hair as they go along. Those aren’t the only ways to do it, though, because some people do it before they shampoo to promote circulation as they cleanse their scalp.

Step One:

Start by massaging your shoulders, neck, and the base of your head a little. This step isn’t essential for a massage, but it can help you loosen up before you begin. If you follow this step, keep massaging as you work your way up using both hands.

Step Two:

If you want to use oil, this is the time to do it. Use your fingers to massage the oil into your scalp for three to five minutes. You can choose from options like lavender and peppermint, but use jojoba or coconut oil as a carrier.

If you don’t use oil, skip that part, but use your fingers to massage your scalp. Massage each part of your head gently with your fingertips.

As you massage your scalp, use different movements with your fingertips. Try to target varying pressure points for the most benefit.

Step Three:

If you use a scalp brush, use it for three to five minutes after applying the oil and following the previous steps. Make semicircle motions, and move all around the head. Make sure to use the brush on every portion, and take your time as you do so.

Without a scalp brush, follow the same path, but it might take longer. Make sure to massage every area of the head as you go along.

Step Four:

Suppose you used oil, shampoo, and condition as usual once you finish massaging. You might have to shampoo a few times to get all of the oil out. If you didn’t use oil, you could skip this step.

Other Ways to Promote Faster Hair Growth

Massage isn’t the only way to promote growth. There are other options you can try, including:

scalp health

Collagen and Biotin Supplements for Hair Growth

These supplements have high amounts of amino acids that make keratin. Keratin provides the building blocks of hair growth, making it a helpful way to achieve your results. These supplements also support scalp health and reduce or prevent irritation.

Avoid Excessive Shampooing and Brushing

If you shampoo or brush your hair too much, it can cause your hair to fall out.

For the Fastest Hair Growth, Avoid Chemical Treatments

Chemical treatments weaken your hair cuticles. When this happens, it interferes with scalp health and hair growth.

Check Your Nutritional Intake

If you’re not taking in enough nutrients, it can interfere with your hair growth. Restrictive dieting often leads to this issue, causing problems with your hair. It can also interfere with the structure of your hair, causing bald patches and other issues.

Some nutrients that can affect hair growth include:

  • vitamin d
  • folate
  • zinc

Use Essential Oils

Essential oils are beneficial for many things, including hair growth. Studies show that some essential oils, including pumpkin seed oil, increase growth and reduce baldness. Another study shows that rosemary oil can be as effective as the active ingredients in hair regrowth treatments.

Further research shows that other oils can help, too. These oils include:

  • peppermint
  • jojoba
  • lavender

Take Hair Growth Supplements

Studies show that some supplements can improve hair growth and protect against hair loss. These supplements include omega-3 and omega-6 supplements. You can also use accessories for any vitamins you don’t get enough of.

Stop Dying Your Hair

Dying your hair with chemicals can change the texture and restrict hair growth. It can also cause breakage, making your hair thinner. If you stop dying your hair, it won’t break as often and will grow quicker. Studies show that some hair dye removes natural fatty acids from the hair, causing permanent damage.

Use Antioxidants

Research indicates that antioxidants reduce hair loss and improve your scalp health. They work by protecting the scalp barrier.

Prevent Breakage

Dryness and hair breakage can prevent growth and cause thinning. The strands that hold your hair together get damaged and fall apart. Some things you can do to alleviate breakage include:

  • consuming enough iron, zinc, and folic acid
  • shampoo your scalp rather than your hair strands
  • use a high-quality conditioner
  • blot your hair when drying it with a towel instead of rubbing it vigorously
  • avoid using a blow dryer
  • don’t overbrush

Get Regular Trims

Many people think trimming your hair will hinder growth, but that’s not true. Instead, getting a trim every few months promotes hair growth by repairing split ends. If you don’t get rid of the split ends, they’ll spread further and cause breakage.

Protection While You Sleep

Start by making sure you get enough sleep. Research shows that your body doesn’t produce enough melatonin if you don’t get plenty of rest. Aim for seven to nine hours each night.

While you sleep, use a silk or satin pillowcase to prevent tangling, friction, and tugging that causes breakage. Using silk or satin is especially important if you have long hair. Additionally, don’t sleep with wet hair because it can weaken your strands and cause breakage.

Stress Management

Experts say that chronic stress can cause hair loss because it forces your follicles into a resting phase. During this phase, the follicles stop growing new strands and only shed hair. Finding ways to manage stress will improve your overall well-being while promoting faster hair growth.

How Fast Does Hair Usually Grow

When you’re born, you already have all the hair follicles you’ll have your entire life. As you get older, some of the strands will stop producing hair. This situation causes hair thinning and can eventually lead to baldness.

If hair comes out of the follicle, it can take anywhere from two to six years to grow back. How quickly hair grows depends on several factors, including:

  • hair type
  • age
  • health conditions
  • general health
  • cellular regulation
  • genetics

What to Do If You Experience Excessive Hair Loss

If you try these methods and continue to notice hair loss, it might be best to talk to a doctor. You could be experiencing nutrient deficiencies, including zinc, iron, and biotin. Sometimes you can make dietary changes to speed hair growth and reduce hair loss.

essential oil hair growth

Final Thoughts on How to Do a Scalp Massage for Faster Hair Growth

A scalp massage promotes hair growth while offering other benefits like stress relief. It allows you to relax and refocus as you pause and take time for yourself. Remember to use different movements and embrace this moment of self-care.

There are other ways to promote hair growth, too. You can use multiple techniques to figure out what works best for you.

12 Habits That Beat Sadness Naturally

Depression is commonplace today. The overwhelming sadness you feel can be life-altering. Thankfully, you can overcome this sorrow and reclaim your life. While some people cannot function during a depressive episode, many folks have functional depression, a fundamental disappointment in many aspects of life.

They go about their life and still work and do everything they’re supposed to do. The only problem is that no one can see all the sleepless nights and tears behind closed doors. High-functioning anxiety and depression are genuine problems, but you can treat these symptoms with natural remedies.

Twelve Ways to Naturally Treat Your Sadness

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, more than 17.3 million adults have depression in this country. Everyone needs coping strategies and ways to get through those dark days.

Mother Nature is an excellent provider of herbs and supplements that can help heal the body from within. Here are some of the best ways to combat this sadness in a holistic way that doesn’t have all the dreaded side effects.


1. Quit Looking at the Disappointment of Your Past

It could have everything to do with your past if you’re miserable in the present. Do you constantly look at what’s behind you and blame yourself for your mistakes? The pain and disappointments of yesterday don’t help you when you already feel sad and down.

Shift your focus to the here and now and mindful living. How can you enjoy the wonderful fragrance after the rain or the beauty of a flower in full bloom when preoccupied with the past?

2. Get Out in Nature More

When’s the last time you sat outside and let the sun’s rays penetrate every fiber of your being? If you must stop and think about it, then it’s been way too long. Nature is so healing, and so many people don’t spend time outdoors.

They’re stuck behind a desk, and the only fresh air they get is walking to and from their car. Why not go for a walk, let your feet dig deep into the soil, and connect with the Universe?

3. Change Your Diet

Is it any wonder that people who switch to the Mediterranean or Keto diet suddenly have a boost in their mental health? When you stop ingesting harmful simple carbs and fast food, it makes vital changes to your body. If you’ve noticed some of the processed food lately, it states that it may contain a bioengineered product.

According to Non-GMO Project, the government has a new way of classifying food with GMOs. What is a GMO? This modified genetic material helps with insects, weeds, and weather.

It enhances how your food tastes and provides shelf stability, but it’s not good for you. These genetic alterations can cause health issues, like digestion, in people with sensitive systems. Since there’s a direct connection between the gut and brain, is it any wonder why people are so depressed and have issues with their diet?

4. Break Free of the Negative Things That Cause the Sadness

Some sadness can be circumstantial. Perhaps you’re in a job that you despise. Sure, it pays the bills and puts food on the table, but you dread that you must get up each morning. Think of it this way; life is too short to do things that make you miserable.

When you come to the end of your life, you’re never going to lay on your death bed and wish you had worked just a little bit longer. No! You’ll want more time to do the things and be with the people you love. Don’t let a bad job or poor relationship suck the life right out of you. Start living today by cutting the chains that hold you back.

5. Exercise More to Overcome Sadness

One of the first things that any mental health doctor will tell you is that you can’t underestimate the power of exercise. Not only does moving your body keep you healthy, but you’re also increasing the serotonin and dopamine in your brain when exercising.

Every time you move and groove, your heart beats harder, reminding you there’s still life in your body. If you’re not getting enough exercise, it could be the very reason why you’re so sad.

6. Visit a Trusted Friend or Mentor

Disappointment and pain are inevitable in this life. However, it’s always nice to talk to someone who seems to see things from a different view. Remember the Star Wars series? Yoda is one of the most popular and beloved characters.

During his 900 galactic years, he observed and learned many things. The others loved him because he could impart wisdom. According to Entrepreneurship, Luke Skywalker turned to Yoda in his time of need for guidance. Yoda taught him how to use the power of the Universe and his inner strength wisely.

Now, chances are that you have a Yoda in your life. It can be a loving grandmother, a friend, or your partner. Whoever it is that can help you see things at face value and help you gain strength is the one you should seek.


7. Hit the Open Road When You Feel Sadness Creeping up on You

Sometimes you need a change of scenery to help you gain some perspective. It could be your job, toxic living situation, or family troubles contributing to the pain you feel in your heart. Getting away for a while can be refreshing, and it can help you to change your views.

It’s challenging to be upset when you’re sitting at the beach with the waves crashing against you. Get out and see some beautiful sites, which cannot help but improve your sadness.

8. Get Counseling

Cognitive-behavioral therapy has shown great success in helping with mental health disorders. Sometimes it takes a person who’s talked to many people and understands things differently to help you make sense of your feelings. The pain and disappointment you feel are not unique to you, as many people are struggling too.

Knowing that you’re not the only one in this boat can be very therapeutic and help you see that you’re not alone. Plus, great counselors can offer tools to help combat the overwhelming sadness you’re experiencing.

9. Try a Change of Pace and Volunteer

Nothing will change your perspective and heal your heart more than giving back. Around the holiday season, people get all sentimental and want to help those less fortunate. However, there are starving people and those down on their luck all year round.

It can certainly change your heart when you see how hard others have it. It makes you look at your life differently, and the disappointments you beat yourself up over seem to pale in comparison. No, volunteering isn’t going to cure depression and make all your mental health issues go away.

However, it can help you realize your blessings and have the strength to keep going. Nothing can put a smile on your face like hearing someone say, “thank you.” It makes your sadness melt just a little when you see their gratitude.

10. Use Your Higher Power

A study shows that more than 90 percent of people believe in God or a higher power. When you feel disappointment and hopelessness, you must turn to this source for strength.

Why not delve into prayer, meditation, or reading uplifting books? You need this positive source of strength in your life. So if you believe someone is watching over you, turn to them for guidance and help.

11. Cut Toxic Friends from Your Life

If you’re experiencing more than your share of sadness, you might want to examine those in your inner circle. Some people are energy vampires that drain you of your resources and leave you feeling empty.

These feelings can happen when you’re in toxic relationships and have people who use you as a doormat. Sometimes, solving your depression issues can be as easy as changing those you hang out with the most.

12. Try Sadness-Reducing Herbal Supplements

There are many herbal supplements on the market that can help with depression. Things like St. John’s Wart, fish oil, milk thistle, and lavender all have a calming effect on the body. These herbs can help you combat the sadness that overwhelms you.

Of course, you should check with your doctor or pharmacist before you try these therapies to avoid negative interactions.


Final Thoughts on Beating Sadness Naturally

Don’t kick yourself because you feel sad and down. You’ll go through many seasons in life that change just like the wind. One day you’ll be on top of the world and feel like you can conquer Mount Everest, and the next day you will feel such sadness that getting out of bed is a struggle.

You need to learn coping skills and habits to improve and help you through your disappointment and sadness. Once you discover ways to get through the rough patches, you can use your wisdom to help others going through the same thing.

10 Reasons Why Optimistic Women Live Longer 

Research reveals that optimistic women live longer than pessimistic people, on average. Of course, other factors, such as genetics and lifestyle, play a role, but a positive attitude can make a big difference. Viewing the world through rose-colored glasses may not seem easy, but optimism can contribute to longevity.

A study by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health researchers connected positivity to a longer lifespan in women. The study authors revealed that optimistic women had a longer life, with many living beyond age 90. This belief proved true across various racial and ethnic groups. The Harvard researchers analyzed data from 159,255 participants in the Women’s Health Initiative. The women enrolled in the study from 1993 to 1998 were aged 50-79. Researchers followed them for 26 years.

NOTE: We acknowledge that optimism also benefits men and cover how it impacts males in a companion article.

Study Finds That Optimistic Women Have a Longer Life

Among the participants, 25% of the most optimistic women had a 5.4% higher chance of living longer. They also were 10% more likely to live past age 90 than the 25% least optimistic women. Also, the researchers found no association between optimism and any specific race. The trends held even after accounting for factors such as mental health and chronic conditions.

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise didn’t impact longevity as much as previously thought. They accounted for less than 25% of the connection between optimism and longer life. So, it seems that mental fortitude matters more in the long run.

“A lot of previous work has focused on deficits or risk factors that increase the risks for diseases and premature death. Our findings suggest that there’s value to focusing on positive psychological factors, like optimism, as possible new ways of promoting longevity and healthy aging across diverse groups,” Hayami Koga, a Ph.D. student in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Population Health Sciences program and lead author of the study said.

The study was published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society on June 8, 2022.

optimistic women

10 Reasons Why Optimistic Women Live Longer

So why to joyful women outlive their more pessimistic counterparts?

1.     They Experience Less Stress in Their Daily Lives.

Optimistic women take things in stride and don’t let stressful events ruffle their feathers. A 2013 study by Concordia University found that optimists regulate stress better. During especially stressful situations, optimists had more stable cortisol levels than pessimists. The researchers believe that having a positive attitude helped the participants buffer the detrimental effects of stress.

2.     Optimistic Women Have Higher Resilience.

As we stated above, women with optimistic attitudes tend to have superior coping skills. They experience stress and anxiety like everyone else but don’t allow it to overwhelm them. By falling back on their stress-management skills like mindfulness, they remain calm in the storms of life.

Other strategies they may use to combat negativity include the following techniques:

  • positive affirmations
  • deep breathing exercises
  • yoga/meditation
  • showing kindness and gratitude
  • positive self-talk
  • self-care such as aromatherapy, massages, and warm baths
  • exercise
  • focusing on positive news and media only

3.     They Have Higher Energy Levels.

The most optimistic women have consistently elevated energy levels because of their upbeat attitude. Since they don’t allow negative energy in their life, it helps them remain focused on the silver lining. They also have clear goals in life and believe they can achieve them. Simply put, they use their energy to build themselves up rather than self-criticism.

4.     They Don’t Let Trivial Matters Bother Them.

Women who find happiness in life create it themselves by blocking out negativity. They turn off the news, keep a smile, and don’t allow themselves to dwell on depressing matters. They realize that life will have problems, but they ride the waves instead of drowning in them. By remaining calm within, they learn not to sweat the small stuff.

5.     They’re More Motivated To Maintain Good Health.

Optimistic women tend to have better health than their pessimistic counterparts. Since negative mindsets weaken the immune system, this comes as no surprise. But, happy women also have more energy to devote to their health. They realize they must put in the effort to maintain a balanced mind and body—yoga, meditation, a healthy diet, exercise, and proper sleep all matter regarding well-being.

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6.     Optimistic Women Empower Themselves and Others.

Positive women build themselves and others up by focusing on their noble qualities. By seeing the best in ourselves, we will also see that reflected in everyone we meet. Therefore, optimistic people empower themselves with positive thoughts and active, meaningful life. When others feel this uplifting energy radiating, it inspires them to change.

7.     They Challenge Any Negative Thoughts or Beliefs, Replacing Them With Optimism.

If a negative thought pops into their minds, they immediately challenge it. Better yet, they watch the ideas without reacting to them. Optimistic people practice positive self-talk and only surround themselves with motivating friends and media sources. They live a joyful life by becoming what they want to see in the world.

8.     They’re Not Afraid to Expand Their Worldview.

The happiest people like to get outside their comfort zone often. They have open minds and hearts and enjoy getting to know people from all walks of life. Optimistic people don’t subscribe to extremist beliefs that drive a wedge between themselves and others. They offer love and kindness and have a growth mindset. Life is a school, and they’re not afraid to learn new things.

9.     Optimistic Women Feel Excited About New Opportunities.

Positive women don’t shy away from opportunities that could allow them to grow. Whether in their relationships, career, or spiritual life, they remain open to the possibilities. This ties back into a growth mindset, where they don’t build walls between themselves and life. Instead, they tear down any walls holding them back from becoming their best self.

10. They Feel Grateful For What They Have in Life.

Perhaps most importantly, optimistic women live longer because they express gratitude in life. Even if they have little materially speaking, they’re rich in love and spirituality. They know what’s truly important in life: family, community, and making a positive impact on others.

So, they feel thankful for what they have and work hard to make life better for others. By doing this, they become wealthy in heart and spirit, which matters more than anything money could buy.

optimistic women

Final Thoughts on Reasons Why Happy Women Enjoy Longer Lives

A Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health study shows optimistic women live longer. Researchers found that women with positive attitudes across all cultures and ethnicities had a 10% higher chance of living beyond 90. Seeing the world through rose-colored glasses lowers their stress, makes them more grateful and deepens their connection. Optimism can take you farther in life, as the studies above reveal.

10 Exercises to Reduce Back Fat

You’re perfect the way you are, but there’s nothing wrong with getting in better shape. If you’re worried about back fat, you can do exercises at home to target that area.

You might notice back fat above the top of your jeans or around your bra. Sometimes it shows through your tank tops, an annoying issue that’s hard to eliminate. While back fat can be hard to eliminate, you can make it happen with the right exercises.

The reason it’s so hard to reduce back fat is it takes dedication. You can’t do sporadic exercise and expect it to disappear. It takes routine and determination, but it’s well worth the results.

What Causes Back Fat

Back fat doesn’t happen quickly, as it takes time to develop. As women age, they experience declining growth hormone levels, making it harder to build or maintain muscle. Other things that can cause back fat include:

  • too much salt or sugar
  • consuming too many calories
  • not being active enough
  • poor posture

back fat

Ten Exercises to Reduce Back Fat

Some exercises can target stubborn back fat, helping you look how you want. You’ll sculpt your back while burning fat and feeling good. Another benefit is that you can do most of these exercises at home without equipment.

1 – Superman

Supermans work your back and core muscles and also help with your glutes. As it strengthens these muscles, it also improves your posture.

Supermans don’t require equipment, and you can do them anywhere. There are a few variations but start with the basic option if you’re inexperienced.

  • Start by lying face down on the floor with your legs straight and arms extended above your head.
  • Avoid looking up, keeping your head in a neutral position while lifting your arms and legs about six inches off the floor. If you feel your lower back muscles contracting, you’ve gone far enough.
  • Hold the position for two to three seconds, focusing on your breathing.
  • Lower back to the floor and repeat it for two to three sets of eight or more reps.

back fat superman

2 – Pull-Ups

This exercise helps with back fat, especially on your upper back and shoulders. The attempt will work your muscles even if you can’t do a full pull-up. The more you practice, the better you’ll get at it, too. You need a pull-up bar to perform this move.

Persistence will pay off, and you must ensure you follow the correct form. To do a pull-up, do the following:

  • Extend your arms with your hands shoulder-width apart, holding onto a bar.
  • Stick out your chest and curve your back slightly.
  • Pull yourself up using your back muscles until your chest is level with the bar.
  • Lower yourself slowly into the starting position before going again.

back fat

3 – Side Plank

This exercise reduces back fat and helps you build a strong core. With a stronger core, you’ll also have better posture and balance.

  • Lie on your right side with legs extended and stacked on one another.
  • Prop the elbow of your right arm on the ground directly under the shoulder.
  • Keep your head aligned with your spine, and place your left arm along the left side of your body.
  • Lift your hips and knees from the ground, keeping your right foot on the floor.
  • You can raise your left leg or keep it stacked on your right leg.
  • Stretch your left arm toward the ceiling and hold the pose for up to sixty seconds.
  • Return to the starting position and turn your body to do it again on the left side.

back and belly fat

4 – Bird Dogs

Bird dogs work the muscles in the entire length of your back. This bodyweight exercise requires enough space to extend an arm and leg, but it doesn’t require any equipment.

  • Kneel with your knees hip-width apart and hands shoulder-width apart on the ground.
  • Extend one arm before you, and point the opposite leg behind you, keeping your hips square to the ground.
  • If your back sags, you may have to lower one leg a bit.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds.
  • Limit movement in your hips as you shift to the other arm and leg, holding for another few seconds.
  • Switch sides until you do each side five times.

5 – Push-ups Build Upper Body Strength and Help You Lose Back Fat

Push-ups can quickly reduce back fat because they require so much muscle strength. Pushing your entire body off the floor works most muscles in your back and increases your heart rate. When your heart rate goes up, it helps burn even more fat.

A regular push-up requires raising and lowering your body off the floor. If you get bored with the original, you can switch it up and look for other push-up variations. However, make sure you can follow the proper form for a regular push-up before trying anything advanced.

  • Get on your hands and knees, placing your hands a little wider than your shoulders.
  • Keep your arms straight, and extend your legs behind you, placing your toes on the ground to keep your body raised.
  • Bend at your elbows, lowing your body until your chest is almost to the floor.
  • Hold it for a second before pushing yourself back up.
  • Repeat as many times as you can.

arm exercises6 – Power Skips

Power skips are easy to do anywhere and don’t require any equipment. They target many muscle groups and help reduce back fat.

  • Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart, tightening your core and keeping your back flat.
  • Raise your arms until they’re even with your waist.
  • Raise your left knee while forcefully pushing off the ground with your right foot, hopping into the air.
  • As you do this, swing your left hand forward and your right hand backward.
  • Switch sides, continuing in a skipping motion while staying in place.
  • You can do it as long as you want, but aim for at least one minute.

7 – Prone Thoracic Extension

This experience works the muscles in your upper back while improving mobility. It also improves your posture.

  • Lie on your back with your hands linked behind your head.
  • Squeeze your glute to engage your core while lifting your head and upper chest and arching your upper back.
  • Stay in this position for three seconds before returning to the starting position and repeating ten to twelve times.
  • Make sure you don’t let your lower back arch throughout the exercise.

8 – Supine Pushups

This exercise targets the posterior deltoids and upper back. It can be challenging, so be patient as you learn the correct form.

  • Lay on your back, bend your knees, and flatten your feet on the floor.
  • Place your arms at your sides with elbows straight and thumbs toward the ceiling, firmly holding the weights.
  • Press your fists into the ground to raise your upper back off the floor.
  • Hold the position for two to three seconds before relaxing and returning to the starting position.
  • Repeat the movement twelve to fifteen times.

9 – Cobra Pose for Flexibility and Reducing Back Fat

Cobras work many areas of your body, helping you tone your back, arms, and chest. It’s an easy exercise, so you may want to start here if you’re a beginner.

Start by lying on your stomach with your hands out towards your sides but directly under your shoulders.

  • Extend your legs and keep your toes pointing away from the body.
  • Exhale as you press your hips to the floor and raise your chest.
  • Your lower back should arch while your chest and ab muscles stretch.
  • Hold the position for at least fifteen seconds before relaxing and lowering your body back to the floor.
  • Make sure you keep your hips on the floor at all times.

cobra pose back fat

10 – Wall Pulls

Pulling weight toward your body requires work from your back muscles. Wall pulls strengthen many of your back muscles, effectively reducing back fat.

You’ll need a sturdy door frame or pole for support, and then you’ll be ready for a wall pull.

  • Grab the door frame or pole with both hands and straighten your elbows.
  • Pull your body toward the door frame until your chest touches it.
  • Hold the position for two seconds, tightening your back muscles.
  • Extend your elbows, pulling your body back.
  • Repeat the movement fifteen times or until you can’t anymore.
  • Place your feet closer to the door frame or pole for a more intense workout.

Other Ways to Reduce Back Fat

Aside from exercising to reduce back fat, you can make a few other changes in your life, including these tips:

Improve Your Diet to Slim Down the Back Fat

Changing your diet is one of the best ways to lose body fat. When you eliminate or reduce processed foods, you limit carbs and fat that cause fat storage. It also stabilizes insulin levels as your blood sugar reaches a healthy level.

Focus on eating whole foods such as the following:

  • vegetables
  • fruits
  • nuts
  • seeds
  • beans
  • lentils
  • leafy greens
  • fish
  • organic meat
  • eggs

Reduce Stress

Studies show that stress can cause your body to store fat in your lower back. Chronic stress elevates cortisol levels, causing fat to accumulate and encouraging you to eat more. It also decreases your immune function.

Consider meditating to reduce stress. You can also do yoga or take a daily walk to help clear your mind.

Final Thoughts on Exercises to Reduce Back Fat

Whether your back fat is a new issue or it’s always bothered you, you can make some positive changes. If you want to target that area, try these exercises to tone your back.

The exercises are beneficial but don’t forget about the other changes you can make. When you improve your body, you’ll feel better about yourself. Plus, getting healthier will make you physically feel better, too.

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