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10 Exercises for Sciatica Never to Ignore

When you have sciatica pain, your whole body is affected. The constant discomfort in your lower back can make even the simplest tasks difficult. The good news is that you may benefit from stretching exercises.

Ten Daily Stretching Exercises for Sciatica Pain

According to an article published by the National Library of Medicine, sciatica is a debilitating condition that affects the root of the sciatic nerve. It can cause tingling and numbness in your hands and feet and severe back pain. Many people experience chronic cycles of flare-ups and periods of relief.

Stretching exercises can loosen the muscles surrounding your sciatic nerve and help reduce inflammation. You can do them as a separate session or incorporate them into your regular routine. These are ten exercises for sciatica never to ignore.


1. Scissor Stretch

Sometimes, achy hamstrings can make sciatica pain even worse. This easy exercise gently stretches your hamstrings and relieves pressure on your sciatic nerve. Consider doing a few of these stretches after a long day at work. Here’s how:

1. Stand on your mat with your left foot about three feet in front of your right foot. Doing this exercise in front of a full-length mirror may help you properly position.

2. Now, bring your hips forward and pull back your shoulders.

3. Try to keep your right hip from being farther along than your left one. Put your hands on your hips.

4. Smoothly bend at your waist to bring your torso a bit over your left leg. Try to balance your weight on your left leg and keep your back as straight as possible.

5. Hold this position for five to ten breaths and return to the starting position.

6. Switch and repeat these steps for your right leg. Do three to five reps for each leg.

2. Thigh Adductor Muscles Stretch

According to an article published by the National Library of Medicine, your thighs depend on strong muscles called adductors to flex and rotate. If these muscles are weak, it can lead to painful sciatica pressure. This exercise uses gentle stretches to strengthen your adductors. Here’s how:

1. Sit on your mat comfortably, and you must spread your legs out in front of you and apart as far as you comfortably can.

2. Place both hands flat on the mat in front of you. Try to bend your torso slightly toward the mat.

3. Next, lean forward until your elbows touch the mat.

4. Try to hold this position for ten to fifteen breaths, stopping if you have any pain.

3. Standing Piriformis Stretch (Feels So Good for Sciatica Pain!)

The piriformis is a small muscle behind your glutes, and your sciatic nerve runs right through its center. If your piriformis is weak, injured, or strained, it can cause sciatica pain. Try these standing stretches to strengthen this essential muscle. Here’s how:

1. Stand naturally on your mat and place your right leg over your left knee. If necessary, use a sturdy chair to hold to keep your balance.

2. Gently bend your left leg. Lower your hips to an approximate 40-degree angle. Imagine that you are making the form of the number four.

3. Now, bend at your waist until your arms swing down. Keep your back as straight as you can. Hold this position for 30 to 60 breaths.

4. Switch to your right leg and repeat the steps.

4. Seated Stretch

Do you often have sciatica pain when you’re seated? You can do these simple stretches in a comfortable chair at home or work. Start with whichever side of your body where the pain is worse. Here’s how:

1. Relax comfortably in a sturdy chair with your back against the chair.

2. Place your right leg across your left knee and keep it parallel to the mat.

3. Next, bend your chest forward while holding your back as straight as possible. Bend as far as you can without causing any pain. If you feel any discomfort, stop immediately.

4. Hold this position for fifteen to thirty breaths.

5. Return to the starting position, switch sides, and repeat the stretch with your left leg.

5. Standing Hamstring Stretch

Lower back pain and sciatica are often related to hamstring issues. All you need is a sturdy chair and a little space to stretch. These stretches can be performed in the morning and at night. Here’s how:

1. Place a sturdy chair in front of you, or you could do this stretch on a staircase. It should be no higher than the level with your hips.

2. Next, stretch your left foot onto the chair’s seat while keeping your legs and toes as straight as possible. You can slightly bend your knee in case it sometimes hyperextends.

3. Gently bend your body slightly forward toward your elevated left foot. Stretch as far as you can without feeling pain or discomfort. You should feel your leg, hips, and lower back stretch.

4. Now, lower your left hip smoothly to complete the position. Feel free to use an exercise band over your thigh and hip if it makes the movement easier.

5. Hold this position for fifteen to thirty breaths and return to the starting spot. Repeat the steps for your right side.

6. Sitting Spinal Stretch for Sciatica Relief

When the vertebrae in your spine compress, you can feel pressure in your lower spine and have sciatica pain. With this stretch, you can help decompress your spine and soothe your sciatic nerve. It’s also beneficial for your hips and legs. Here’s how:

1. Sit on your mat comfortably with both legs stretched straight out and your feet pointing upward.

2. Bend your left knee. Now, flatten your left foot on the mat outside your right knee.

3. Place your right elbow outside your left knee and gently turn your upper body toward the left. Hold this position for fifteen to thirty breaths. Return to the starting position.

4. Your goal is for three repetitions, then switch to your ride side and repeat the steps.

7. Flat Stretches Relieve Sciatica Pain

Flat stretches can benefit your lower back, hips, and legs. Support your behind with a pillow if needed. Remember that your goal is to stretch and strengthen, not cause discomfort or pain. Here’s how:

1. Lie flat on your back with your legs stretched out, and your feet pointed toward the ceiling.

2. Bend your left leg while clasping both hands around your knee.

3. Pull your left leg gently across your body toward your right shoulder. Only draw your knee as far as you can without discomfort.

4. Hold this position for about thirty breaths. You’ll feel a slight stretch in your leg muscles and lower back, but it shouldn’t be painful.

5. Give your knee a little push to return to the starting position.

6. Try to complete three repetitions. Switch to your right leg and repeat the steps.

8. Forward Pigeon Pose

This yogic pose opens your hips and promotes mobility and flexibility. Prolonged sitting can cause tightness in your hip flexors and lower back, resulting in sciatica pain. Practicing this pose can help ease the pain. Here’s how:

1. Position yourself on all fours on your mat.

2. Raise your left leg on the mat in front of your body. Keep your right leg horizontal to your body and close to the floor.

3. Your left foot should be in front of your right knee as your left knee stays to your left.

4. Next, extend your right leg behind you on the mat. Your toes should be pointing backward.

5. Gradually shift your body weight from your arms to your legs. Sit up as straight as you can with your hand on both sides of your legs.

6. Inhale deeply for a second, then slowly exhale while leaning your upper body toward your left leg.

7. Use your arms to support your body weight as much. Return to the starting position.

8. Your goal is three to five repetitions.

9. Switch to your right side and repeat the steps.

9. Modified Lotus Pose

The Lotus Pose is probably one of the most recognizable yogic poses. Not only does it bring your mind into the present, but it stretches your back and hip muscles. You can do this pose flat on your mat or on a comfortable cushion. Here’s how:

1. Sit comfortably on your mat or a small cushion with both legs in front of you.

2. Gently bend your right leg. Now, place your right ankle on your left knee.

3. Bend your arms at the elbows as you bring your thumbs and middle fingers together. This is the classic lotus pose.

4. Now, lean your upper body forward to reach toward your right thigh.

5. Hold the position for fifteen or thirty breaths, and then you should return to the lotus pose.

6. Do three to five repetitions, switch to your left side, and repeat the steps.

back pain

10. Reclining Pigeon Pose

Here’s another pose that you may recognize if you practice yoga. It’s also an excellent stretching exercise to add to the forward pigeon pose. It relaxes your hips and relieves the stress on your sciatic nerve. Here’s how:

Lie flat on your back and raise your right leg to form a 90-degree angle. Clasp your hands and lock your fingers behind your thigh.

1. Lift your left leg and position your right ankle against the top of your left knee.

2. Hold the position for three to five breaths and return to the starting position.

3. Do five to ten repetitions, then switch and repeat the steps for your left leg.

Final Thoughts of the Sciatica Stretches to Reduce Lower Back Pain

You needn’t let sciatica pain stop you from getting the most out of life. Consider adding these easy exercises to your daily regimen. They can strengthen muscles in your back and hips and bring you some much-needed pain relief.

Meet a Glowing 72-Year-Old Woman in Peak Fitness

Norma Williams, a self-confident 72-year-old woman from the UK, reveals how she maintains peak fitness levels. Williams operates a holiday rental business in Italy, and being in great shape by working out gives her more energy for work.

She proves that you’re never too old to hit the gym! She’s now in the best shape after adopting a healthier lifestyle.

Norma answered a question on Quora about how she manages to stay ‘toned from top to toe.’ The UK native now lives in Umbria, Italy, where she does some type of exercise seven days a week. She also stated that she usually skips lunch and keeps a watchful eye on her weight.

Self-Confident Norma Enjoys Peak Fitness, Enjoying a Balance of Treats and Working Out


Of course, she doesn’t deprive herself of treats, enjoying a pastry for breakfast and a glass of red wine each night. Also, she allows herself ‘naughty snacks’ each night before bed.

The glowing 72-year-old acknowledged that she naturally has a ‘straight up and down’ body type. While she resembles a supermodel, Norma says that fitness looks different for everyone. Some people can maintain their health and appear thin, while others need more muscle.

In reality, how self-confident and whole you feel inside offers the most critical indicator of wellness. If you start on your mental and emotional health, you’ll naturally start to glow on the outside.

Norma explained what she thinks the perfect body looks like: “For me, an excellent shape is an upright body without excess fat, a good waistline, a flattish front (some of us will always have a small tummy) and toned from tip to toe.”

“An excellent shape is not to be defined by height nor figure type. You can be small or tall. You can be curvy or straight up and down (my husband’s nickname for me when I’m tanned is “liquorish stick”). Or you can be anything in between.”

“So, I am not talking fashion or glamour model stereo types here. I am talking about the body we all know to be great when we see it,” she said.


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How the Self-Confident Woman Maintains Her Stunning Physique

On Quora, Norma described her daily exercise routine and eating habits to remain self-confident and healthy. She said she’s been working out since her early 20s and switches up her exercise regimen often. This helps break up the monotony of workouts while challenging her to new routines.

Her latest regimen included two vigorous Zumba classes a week plus a third Zumba session with a personal trainer. Having a person work out with her one-on-one allowed her to get more out of the experience. The self-confident woman sometimes takes a day off to rest her body or if she feels satisfied with her physique.

As of her last Quora post, she adhered to this routine, working out seven days a week.

Five Days A Week

  • 7:30 am: Change into gym clothes and walk briskly 0.75 mile uphill and climb sixty steps. At the top of the hill, walk briskly for six 1-mile circuits. Then, walk 0.75 mile home at a fast pace.
  • Mid-morning: Second walk with husband Laurie, following the same 0.75 mile uphill and sixty steps route from the morning. At the top, complete the 1-mile circuit twice, walking slower this time. Walk 0.75 mile back home through town.

Williams added that if she’s one pound or more over her ideal weight of 60.5kgs, she will repeat the circuit. However, for most people following an exercise regimen, doing the workout one or two times should suffice.

Two Days A Week

The self-confident fitness fan revealed her routine for the weekend as well.

  • 7:30 am: Change into gym attire and walk briskly 0.75 mile uphill and climb sixty steps. At the top, complete two 1-mile circuits at a slower pace. Walk the 0.75 mile home through the town.
  • 9am: Arrive at the gym for a 50-minute long session with a personal trainer. The trainer provided a full-body workout utilizing various exercises.

So, it seems that Norma allowed herself to walk more slowly and take in the fresh air on weekends. However, she still engaged in a vigorous workout at the gym.


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What the Impressive Fitness Guru Eats to Stay Healthy

The self-confident women expanded the post by explaining what she typically ate for meals and snacks each day.

  • Late breakfast after exercise: Two cappuccinos and a croissant with honey. (Yum!)
  • Mid afternoon snack: A banana, an orange and another piece of in-season fruit.
  • Dinner: An example dinner would include chicken breast with carrots, broccoli, green beans, and mushrooms in soya sauce. She served the dish in olive oil, topping it with seeds, cranberries and walnut pieces. Some of her other favorite dinner options included whole wheat pasta, salads and vegetables. She added that she usually drizzled her dishes in olive oil quite generously. Another meal she enjoyed occasionally was thin crust Napoli pizza with anchovies.
  • Snacks: The self-confident fitness star never indulged in snacks between meals but enjoyed ‘naughty snacks’ after dinner each night. Typically, she would get each one of the following:
    • two or three packets of savory biscuits
    • small packet of mixed walnuts and dried cranberries
    • a maximum of six dark chocolate-covered rice biscuits
    • a tub of low fat/no sugar Greek yogurt with a ‘huge dollop of honey and more walnuts mixed into it’
  • Drinks: Mrs Williams allowed herself between half a bottle and a full bottle of red wine each night. She used to drink up to 1.5 bottles a night but gradually reduced her intake over the last few years. She never indulged in wine before 7 pm.

working out

Final Thoughts on the Self-Confident Woman Staying Fit In Her Golden Years

Maintaining health isn’t always easy as you get older, but 72-year-old Norma Williams defies stereotypes. She proves that if you take care of your body, it will take care of you. The self-confident woman began working out at a young age, knowing it would benefit her later on. Hopefully, she inspired you to hit the gym and follow a healthy lifestyle!

Experts Explain 5 Causes of the Great Resignation

Millions of Americans left their jobs during the pandemic, a phenomenon coined by Professor Anthony Klotz of Texas A&M as the “Great Resignation.” According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 47 million Americans quit their jobs in 2021, the highest number on record. This trend continued into 2022, with millions more opting out of their current careers.

However, not all of them quit working entirely. While some retired, many others looked for better opportunities within their fields or switched careers. Some workers, particularly women, had to resign to care for their children.

The Five Primary Reasons Behind the Great Resignation

So, the Great Resignation isn’t a cut-and-dry concept. Many factors contributed to people leaving the workforce or moving on to greener pastures in the working world. Below, we’ll go over the reasons for people resigning from their jobs in greater depth.


1.     The Pandemic Created a Window of Opportunity for Many.

Both frontline and white-collar employees saw the pandemic as an opportunity to look for better jobs. According to the Harvard Business Review, resignation rates are highest among mid-level employees. Also, those in the healthcare and tech industries have resigned at higher rates than other professions.

Because mid-level employees have more experience in their fields, they have greater leverage in finding new opportunities. Frontline workers, such as cashiers and retail workers, didn’t have the same flexibility. However, some decided to go back to college and earn a degree to pursue a new career path.

Also, remote work exploded during the pandemic since many employees didn’t want to risk in-person work. For high earners, it gave them the unique option to work from home while still performing the same duties. Fierce competition and changing expectations give employees the upper hand in the labor market.

Besides that, employers have finally started listening to their workers’ needs. According to LinkedIn data, only one in 67 jobs offered remote opportunities in March 2020. Two years later, that number grew to one in every seven jobs listing hybrid or remote work.

So, employees seeking flexibility, growth, and work-life balance contributed significantly to the Great Resignation.

2. More People Wanted to Retire.

Some workers sought better opportunities, while others wanted to leave a career behind entirely. According to the Pew Research Center, around 3.5 million people aged 55 and older retired from 2019-2021.

In comparison, around 1 million people in the same age group retired from 2008-2019. Economists say that these excess retirements equate to more than half of the labor shortage.

It’s unclear whether these retirees have permanently left the workforce or will return in the future. However, many chose to leave their jobs due to concerns about the pandemic. Many decided to retire to protect their health if they couldn’t work remotely.

Others wanted to enjoy time with their friends and families and focus on other things besides work. Many had the privilege of quitting work thanks to a soaring stock market and booming property values.

A steep increase in people retiring explains another reason for the Great Resignation.

3. Work Culture Attitudes Shifted Among Younger Workers.


In the last several years, employees have redefined their career needs and expectations. The societal upheaval caused by the pandemic made workers reflect on what’s truly important to them. Younger workers tend to value autonomy and flexibility more than previous generations.

Due to changing attitudes about work, many millennials and Gen Zers decided to pursue entrepreneurial opportunities instead of traditional jobs. They would rather be free to create their schedules and not have a boss micromanage them.

Even those who kept their corporate jobs demanded higher wages and more flexible schedules, in some cases. Today’s workers don’t prioritize job security and retirement packages as much as prior generations. They feel more motivated by a sense of belonging in the workplace and deriving meaning from their jobs.

As workers face burnout more than ever, many have decided to put their mental health first. No longer do people live to work – they work to live. So, many workers contributed to the Great Resignation by putting themselves first rather than their jobs. Good for them!

4. Concerns About the Pandemic Also Prompted the Great Resignation.

Understandably, many workers quit their jobs to protect themselves from COVID-19. Most of these workers included mid-level or white-collar employees with finances to fall back on. A 2020 Pew Research Center survey of 5,858 employees found that 64% of workers felt hesitant to return to work. 57% reported that they worked remotely to limit their exposure to COVID.  Unfortunately, many frontline workers, such as grocery stores or retail employees, didn’t have this luxury.

Research in the Harvard Business Review revealed that many workers would quit if their employer didn’t allow them to work remotely. A survey of over 10,000 American workers in 2021 found that 36% would consider other options if they couldn’t work from home. 6% would quit without having another job lined up.

Luckily, many employers have listened and offered remote opportunities amid the Great Resignation.

5. The Pandemic Forced Many Women to Leave the Workforce.

Since caregiving falls predominantly on women, many female workers had no choice but to quit their jobs. Daycare and school closures left children without anyone to watch them during the day while their parents worked. If grandparents or other family members couldn’t watch them, mothers had to take on that responsibility in most cases.

Data confirms that women have been forced out of the workforce at higher rates than men. One study found that couples adopted traditional gender roles to accommodate childcare. So, it seems that the pandemic left many women (and some men) with no choice but to become part of the Great Resignation.


Final Thoughts on Causes of the Great Resignation

Record numbers of workers have resigned from their jobs or made career changes in the past two years. The pandemic played a huge role in shifting attitudes about work as employees sought better opportunities. They also wanted more flexibility and work-life balance, which prompted many to seek alternatives. Additionally, millions of Americans also saw the pandemic as an opportunity to retire.

Hopefully, the Great Resignation will usher in a better world for workers and help reduce poverty as wages increase. We’re living in unprecedented times as employees set the standards, and employers must adapt to attract new talent.

Amputee Inspires Millions by Completing Grueling Marathon

A 46-year-old female amputee became a worldwide inspiration after she completed a 140-mile marathon through the Sahara Desert. The grueling race has attracted thousands of runners for 34 years, called Marathon des Sables. In 2019, Amy Palmiero-Winters wanted to try her hand at the race held in southern Morocco.

The ultramarathon takes place over six days in temperatures that often soar to over 120 degrees. As if marathons aren’t already challenging, the scorching weather only adds to the intensity. Plus, runners must carry their supplies in backpacks across the desert and camp overnight to rest.

Runners face threats in the desert, including dangerously hot sand, venomous snakes, scorpions, and steep sand dunes. The terrain sometimes becomes rocky, testing athletes’ mental and physical fortitude.

As an amputee, Amy doesn’t allow her different abilities to keep her from achieving her goals. In fact, it only makes her push harder to overcome limitations and prove herself. She’s certainly not a typical athlete, proving that neither age nor disabilities have to define your potential. As long as you have the willpower, you can accomplish anything you want in life.

For the New York native, running called her name from a young age. She competed in track and cross country in high school, finding comfort and belonging in the athletic community. It also helped her escape from the many troubles she faced in her personal life.

In an interview with The New York Times, Amy said that sports instilled confidence in her. When she experienced something negative in life, she immediately went for a run to clear her head. It served as an outlet and a way to process the trauma she had been through.

Female Amputee Finds Meaning and Comfort in Running


Running helped Amy deal with a divorce, an alcoholic father, quitting college due to financial concerns, and enduring sexual assault as a teenager. Also, she experienced a motorcycle accident in 1994 that crushed her left leg.

Doctors tried everything they could to avoid amputating it, including multiple skin grafts and over thirty surgeries. However, after three long years, her ankle started to fuse, and she lost her foot function. Therefore, she finally opted to become an amputee but vowed to never give up her passion in life.

Shortly after the below-the-knee amputation, she kept that promise to herself and hit the trails once again. Since then, she’s competed in numerous races, including marathons, triathlons, Ironman triathlons, and extreme races, through harsh conditions.

Even though she’s never had the highest quality prosthetics, Amy never let that hinder her progress. In fact, she placed second in the Silver Strand Marathon in 2004 despite running on a prosthetic made solely for walking. Besides that, she was five months pregnant at the time.

In 2005, she placed third at the New York City Triathlon and first in her division at the Triathlon World Championships. After that, she finally received a more advanced prosthetic leg which took her athleticism to the next level. At that point, Amy surpassed several world records and inspired millions as the first female amputee to complete the Marathon des Sables.

She finished the race in 52 hours, 23 minutes, and 21 seconds and could barely walk after crossing the finish line. However, despite all the challenges she faced, she felt elated that she’d completed the marathon.

She Hopes to Inspire Others to Challenge Themselves

On the first day of the race, she had an allergic reaction. On the third day, her skin began peeling and chafing inside the prosthesis, and she fell just a half-mile from the finish line. But, she pushed through the pain and exhaustion to accomplish her dream.

To make it over the mental hurdles, she drew inspiration from rappers like Eminem and Dr. Dre. Throughout the race, she listened to their music to keep herself motivated. Also, she pinned a short but sweet note to her backpack written by her 13-year-old daughter: “Good luck. I love you. Don’t die.”

Ultimately, her children were her greatest inspiration in completing the race. She didn’t do it for name or fame but to teach them a valuable lesson in perseverance. Life will always present obstacles, but we can choose how to respond to them.

In addition to being the first female amputee to complete the Marathon des Sables, Amy holds thirteen world records and numerous awards. In 2010, she won the James E. Sullivan Award for being the top amateur athlete in the United States. That same year, she received the ESPN ESPY Award as the world’s top female athlete with a disability.

In 2011, Amy became the first female amputee to finish the Badwater Ultramarathon, a 135-mile race beginning in Death Valley, California. The marathon begins at only 282 feet and ends at 8360 feet at the trailhead to Mount Whitney. It’s described as “the world’s toughest foot race,” perhaps only surpassed by the marathon in Morocco.

Today, Amy works as the founder and Director of Operations at One Step Ahead Foundation. The non-profit aims to build confidence and self-esteem in children with disabilities through sports. Since Amy found a sense of purpose and self-worth in running, she hopes to inspire others along the way.


Final Thoughts on Female Amputee Who Inspired Millions By Running Marathons

Most people would never dream of running a marathon or ultramarathon. However, female amputee Amy Palmiero-Winters shows the world what’s possible if you believe in yourself. She’s been an avid runner since her teenage years, completing numerous races and marathons.

Her greatest accomplishment thus far occurred in 2019 when she competed in the Marathon des Sables. The 140-mile race in the hot desert of Morocco challenges even the most demanding athletes.

They must carry all their belongings on their backs as they traverse the unforgiving desert. Amy had many setbacks throughout the race, including falling right before the finish line and experiencing pain from her prosthesis. Luckily, she pushed through and lived to tell the tale. Even as an amputee, she proves that you can accomplish anything if you keep going.

20 Self-Care Mantras to Brighten Your Outlook on Life

Part of self-care is taking care of your mind and improving how you see yourself and the world around you. It’s not always about relaxing and pampering yourself because you must also care for your mind. One way you can practice self-care is by improving your outlook on life through mantras.

How you think about yourself affects your overall outlook on life. Positivity will struggle if you continually put yourself down and experience negative self-talk. Improving your mindset can brighten all areas of your life, allowing you to focus on the essential things.

These mantras improve your outlook, build self-compassion, and help you stop second-guessing yourself. You’ll feel good as you eliminate negative thoughts and replace them with positive mantras. It can make all the difference in how you see yourself, giving you the confidence to move forward.

You want to choose mantras that make you feel good about being who you are. Spend this time visualizing your goals and focusing on positivity.

What Is a Mantra?

Mantras are words, sentences, or sounds that you repeat to yourself. They help quiet your brain while helping you focus on one positive thought. You can repeat the affirmations aloud or think about them internally to gain strength and power.

These affirmations trigger good vibes and inspire you to be true to yourself. Positive mantras help you focus on self-love, happiness, and success. They ease anxiety and negativity, helping you enjoy a fulfilling life.

You can use mantras while meditating to relieve stress and calm the mind. When you meditate, it can help if you repeat a mantra for a few minutes. This form of self-care encourages a positive mindset.

When you tell yourself positive things, you stop listening to negativity from others. You learn to love yourself, growing confident rather than letting other people steal your self-esteem.

Mantras use positive self-talk to help you get in touch with your inner soul. They’ll make you feel good, essential, and ready for anything. Creating a list of self-care mantras to repeat each morning can set you up for a good day.


20 Self-Care Mantras to Brighten Your Outlook on Life

Other Ways to Use Mantras

Aside from repeating the phrases, you can use them in other ways. You can write your mantra down and leave it somewhere you’ll see it frequently. As you go through your day, use them as a way to alleviate stress and get you through the day.

Another way to incorporate mantras into your daily life is to use them in your journal. Take time to write how you will use the phrase or how it helped you that day.

How to Choose Mantras

Daily mantras should focus on positive things about you and your life. As you read through the list below, choose affirmations that resonate within you.

Consider what you want from yourself, too. Focus on changes you want to make and goals you want to achieve. Remembering these things can help you choose the best mantras for your life.

Twenty Mantras to Brighten Your Outlook on Life

These mantras will brighten your outlook on life and help you embrace who you are. You’ll find success and positivity if you remember to incorporate beneficial phrases.

1. I am enjoying my life the way I want to.

This life is yours to live, so make sure you enjoy it the way you want to. Don’t go along with what everyone else wants, or you’ll never experience fulfillment. Using this affirmation will remind you to put your desires first and live life on your terms.

2. I am essential and must prioritize self-care.

Putting yourself first isn’t an act of selfishness because you are essential. You deserve to prioritize yourself and find happiness. Your feelings matter, so don’t put other people before yours.

Don’t worry that disagreeing with others or saying no is wrong. It’s okay to disagree or say no because it means you’re putting yourself first, as you should be. This mantra helps you recognize your value and worth in the world.

3. I’m doing my best, and it’s more than enough.

No one is perfect, so don’t beat yourself up for making mistakes sometimes. Use this phrase to remember that you only have to do your best. Doing your best is meaningful and will also help you do better in the future.

4. I choose positive thoughts, even when things don’t go as planned.

It’s easy to let negative thoughts spiral when things don’t go as planned. Using this mantra allows you to control your thoughts and focus on positivity no matter what’s going on.

5. I am moving forward to make all of my dreams come true.

This phrase can help you focus on taking steps toward your goals to allow you to live your best life. You’ll feel motivated, determined, and ready to tackle any obstacle.

It also promotes dedication to the task, helping you get it done no matter what. You’ll see your potential and be ready to put in the effort it takes.

6. I deserve joy in all areas of my life.

Convincing yourself that you deserve joy is the ultimate form of self-care. You’ll have a brighter outlook when you know you can have all the good things in life. If you want happiness, do what it takes to find it because you’re deserving.

7. I am always kind to myself.

Being kind to yourself is essential to your well-being. You’ll feel better and view the world positively if you practice self-compassion and kindness. Treat yourself as you’d treat a friend or loved one because you deserve it, too.

8. I look for the good in all situations.

You won’t always love the situations you find yourself in, but you can still look for the good. When you look for the positives instead of focusing on the negative, it’ll help boost your outlook on life.

9. I am present in my life.

Being present in your life can make a big difference. Don’t get caught up staring at your phone or ignoring the world around you. Use this affirmation as a reminder to stay present and enjoy life right now.

10. I deserve all the good things in life.

If you ever think that you don’t deserve good things, this is the mantra for you. You’re more deserving than you give yourself credit for, so never miss the chance to remind yourself. Don’t miss out on opportunities or experiences because you think you’re not enough.


11. I exhale negativity and inhale positivity with every breath I take.

Use this mantra with a deep breathing technique or meditation. As you exhale, visualize the negativity leaving your body. On the inhale, imagine positivity flowing through your body.

When you use this affirmation with visualization, you’ll feel stress easing. Keep repeating it until you feel better and ready to tackle the world.

12. I’m a good person worthy of all the good things in life.

Always remember that you’re a good person. When you remember, you’ll feel good about the world around you. Plus, you’ll be ready to accept the good things that come your way.

13. I focus on people who care for me in my life and let go of negativity.

The people you spend time with effect your mindset in ways you can’t imagine. If you surround yourself with people who don’t treat you well, it’ll be hard to take care of yourself. You won’t be able to have a positive outlook when your closest friends have negative energy.

14. I am getting closer to my goal with each step I take.

You might not think you’re making progress when your mind is full of negativity. This phrase reminds you that you might be closer than you think. Each day that you put in the effort, you get a little bit closer to your goal.

15. I am true to who I am and comfortable being myself.

Being true to yourself is the most important thing you can do for a positive outlook. Use this mantra to promote self-comfort each day.

16. I am taking the time to nourish my mind, body, and soul.

Take the time to care for yourself. Fill your mind with positivity, your body with nutrition and water, and your soul with things that make you happy.

17. I can say “no” to others and “yes” to what I need and want.

Understanding the importance of telling people no is essential. You don’t have to agree to anything you don’t want to, and there’s nothing wrong with it. Say yes to yourself more often and see what happens.

18. I love and respect myself, no matter what happens.

Use this phrase every morning to remind yourself that you deserve love and respect. Even on bad days, you must continue to treat yourself respectfully.

19. I am enough and am okay with who I am.

You don’t have to change yourself because you’re already enough. Remember that you’re great, and you’ll have an easier time being okay with who you are.

20. My needs and wants are essential, and I matter.

Put yourself first and prioritize your needs and wants. You matter just as much as the other people in your life.


Final Thoughts on Self-Care Mantras to Brighten Your Outlook on Life

These self-care mantras can help you improve your outlook on life. When you replace negative thinking with positivity, your life will change in ways you couldn’t have imagined.

Use these affirmations as you prepare for the day, and do it again before bed. You can also use them throughout the day when you feel negativity creeping back in. Don’t forget that you can use them in your journal, too.

The Meaning of Your Date of Birth, According to Numerologists

Numerologists have analyzed the relationships between numbers and how they have shaped our universe since time immemorial. Everything around us essentially relies on numerical patterns to exist. This same concept also applies to your date of birth, as numbers have unique characteristics.

While your birthday doesn’t explain your entire persona, it can provide a glimpse into your unique essence. Many factors contribute to your personality, including your zodiac sign and other aspects of astrology.

Our birth month can reveal certain personality traits and even professional aptitudes. For instance, a 2013 study found that many celebrities were born under the zodiac sign Aquarius.

Another 2012 study analyzed the link between seasonal births and mental illnesses. Researchers discovered that winter babies had a higher risk for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Spring babies had more significant instances of depression, while summer babies had the least mental illnesses.

However, your date of birth only tells part of the story. To understand yourself more deeply, numerologists recommend calculating your life path number. This takes the sum of your birth month, day, and year. You add all the numbers until you only have one digit, representing your life path number.

How to Use Your Date of Birth to Calculate Your Life Path Number, According to Numerologists

date of birth

Let’s take a hypothetical example and assume your birthday falls on August 25, 1998. So, to calculate your life path number, add all the digits until you end up with a single number.

For instance:

8 + 25 + 1998 = 2,031

2 + 0 + 3 + 1 = 6

So, this would make your life path number a 6, according to numerologists. We will explain more about what each number means below.

What Your Date of Birth Means, According to Numerologists

What does this life path number mean?

1.     The Visionaries

Numerologists say that if you have a life path #1, you probably have a vast imagination. As a visionary, you love creating new inventions and thinking outside the box. Ideas spontaneously come to you, and you may have difficulty keeping track of them at times. Your brain runs a mile a minute as you brainstorm solutions to life’s most challenging problems.

However, when taking action on your ideas, you may have a more challenging time. Usually, visionaries have a team of people to help them formulate a plan and organize their strategy.

2. The Peacekeepers

2’s have huge hearts and desire peace for all beings. People may call them empaths because of their uncanny ability to read others’ emotions. Those with this life path number have difficulty processing all the suffering on the planet. They try to help people whenever possible and will go out of their way for someone in need.

The peacekeepers prefer having a few close friends or may keep to themselves. Even though they care deeply about people, too much socializing can drain them. Nature and solitude provide much-needed solace for their sensitive souls.

3. The Extroverts

If you’re a life path #3, people may know you as the life of the party. Unlike 2’s, you can’t get enough socializing and meeting new people. You don’t mind the spotlight and thrive in highly stimulating environments. People may say you have charisma and a natural magnetism that draws them to you.

You say what you mean and have no problem carrying on a conversation. However, you may have difficulty slowing down and truly listening to what others say.

4. The Hard Workers

People with a life path #4 crave a routine and schedule in life. They don’t do well with too much free time or flexibility, preferring to stay within their comfort zone. These individuals have been known to work overtime quite often to meet their goals. They don’t shy away from hard work and dedicate themselves to their career.

While 4’s have strong willpower, they’re also down-to-earth and enjoy outdoor activities. They tend to have traditional values and may not mesh well with the modern world. People often seek their advice because of their level-headed, logical approach to life. However, 4’s can sometimes become too rigid and resist change in life, even when it could help them grow.


5. The Fighters

Numerologists believe that 5’s enjoy independence and have an aversion to authority. They follow their path in life and don’t hesitate to voice their opinions. People with a life path 5 stand up for the underdog and fight injustice whenever they see it. As natural rebels, they typically steer clear of “normal” jobs and prefer doing their own thing. Whether painting, drawing, or performing at comedy clubs, 5’s need a creative outlet to thrive.

6. The Eternal Optimists

The quote by John Lennon, “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one,” perfectly applies to them. People say that 6’s live in their reality and have a romantic view of life. However, they prefer looking bright and believing in the good things coming. Like the peacekeepers, optimists are sensitive and feel overwhelmed by too much negativity. They usually avoid keeping up with the news for this reason.

Optimists keep their family and friends close and enjoy peaceful relationships because of their cheerful attitude. They have a strong desire to make a positive impact on the world somehow. Career paths for 6’s might include childcare, hospitality, environmental work, teaching, or healthcare.

7. The Pragmatists

Numerologists describe life path 7’s as intellectual, logical, and meticulous. Realists, by nature, scrutinize every detail of a problem until they solve it. This group uses their mind rather than their heart to make decisions. For them, an exciting evening may look like reading scientific journals or watching documentaries. Others may see them as emotionless and cold, but they view life differently.

8. The Overachievers

If you have a life path 8, numerologists describe you as a go-getter and leader in life. People always look to you for a solution to complex problems as you naturally take charge. You have great aspirations and never back down from a challenge. This group believes in hard work, just like 4’s, as they know nothing in life comes for free.

9. The Entertainers

Numerologists say that entertainers have natural charisma and love throwing parties. They enjoy making people happy and celebrating life as often as possible. 9’s have a large group of friends and never tire of socializing. People gravitate to them because of their peaceful, friendly nature and witty humor. You might see 9s doing stand-up comedy or other forms of entertainment since they have a natural talent for it!


Final Thoughts on Numerologists and the Meaning of Your Birth Date

Date of birth and birthday months have fascinated numerologists for thousands of years. Your birthday can reveal important aspects of your personality that you may have overlooked before. Of course, your date of birth doesn’t determine everything about your life, but it does offer a few clues. Did you relate to the description of your life path number? Let us know in the comments!

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