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12 Ways to Become the Person You Are Meant to Be

Everyone has dreams and aspirations of what they want to attain in life. There’s not a person on planet earth that doesn’t desire to be happy, have success, and find love. How do you evolve to be who you’re meant to be?

Do you believe you can achieve your dreams if you do things better? If only it were that easy. Everyone wants to be a better person, but the truth is that there’s no one perfect. However, it would help if you still strive for self-improvement in your life’s journey.

Twelve Ways to Be Who You’re Meant to Be

Why do some people seem to know who they are and their destiny here on earth while others struggle to find themselves? Here are some concepts and tips to help you be the person you were meant to be and fulfill your life’s destiny. So how do you evolve? Try adopting these behaviors.


1. Own Your Mistakes

Are you quick to blame others when things don’t go right? It’s time for you to take accountability for your actions. You must learn to admit your faults and move on to grow and become a better person.

How can you be what you’re meant to be if you can’t learn from your mistakes? You’re missing growth opportunities when you push the blame onto someone else.

2. Talk Less and Listen More as You Evolve in Life

Do you want to be a person who counsels others and helps them through life’s most difficult times? Perhaps this is who you’re meant to be in life. However, listening is one of the best skills you can develop.

Don’t be so eager to interject your thoughts and opinions when others need someone to listen. You can develop deeper connections with people when you genuinely listen to what they’re saying.

You should not use active listening to impress anyone but to help you foster better relationships. It can help to open your mind to new thoughts and experiences beyond your current realm.

3. Understand Your Deeper Self, Really Listening for Clues About Who You’re Meant to Be

One of the essential parts of your journey toward being a better person is understanding who you’re inside. It would help if you looked beyond the physical reality to see your deeper self. What things bring you great sorrow, and what things make you happy?

How you handle your emotions is essential. While you’re on this journey toward finding yourself, you must identify your strengths and weaknesses. When you identify your negative qualities, you can work on these things to enhance personal growth. Understanding yourself is the only way to improve and change as you become a better person.

4. Show Compassion and Kindness

Being kind takes so little effort. Whether you’re passing someone in the supermarket or working personally with someone at work doesn’t matter. There’s so much power behind words like “thank you.”

When you evolve as a human being, you learn that not everyone walks the same journey. Some people have thousands in their checking accounts, while others may have a negative balance. It’s the ability to look beyond the physical presence and the social status to see the person inside.

Showing kindness to others allows the Universe to return it to you. If you want to be all you can be in this life, you must learn to humble yourself and show compassion.

5. Live By the Golden Rule

Everyone knows the golden rule–you should do unto others how you want people to do to you. Sadly, few grasp what this means. It goes beyond being kind and showing good manners, as you must learn to respect the differences in each person.

Respecting diversity is a powerful key to helping you unlock the door to being a better person. The color of one’s skin, education level, religious background, the car they drive, or where they live doesn’t matter. What truly matters is opening yourself to seeing things beyond your life.

6. You Cannot Become the Person You’re Meant to Be Until You Let Go of Anger and Hostility

Anger and hostility are something that lives deep inside you. It has a direct impact on your happiness as it clouds your judgment. When you forgive yourself and others, it allows you to move from the past to mindful living.

No, you’re not going to forget events that hurt you, but when you release the hold it has on you, you’re getting rid of a burden. You can’t be who you’re meant to be in this life when you allow negative thoughts to rule you. Emotional healing takes place when you let go of these things.

Harboring resentment can cause depression, anxiety, physical sickness, and anger issues. You may even have trouble sleeping, which can impact your immunity.

meant to be

7. Show Gratitude

Some people will never evolve because they think they’ve done nothing wrong. There’s scarcely a person alive who doesn’t need to work on something in their life. Gratitude is a foundation part of being who you’re meant to be.

If you’re not thankful for all your blessings in this life, how can you expect the Universe to grant you anymore? When you develop an attitude of gratitude, it will open doors for you that you never thought possible.

8. Set Personal and Professional Goals to Become the One You’re Meant to Be

Most people have goals in life, even if they don’t write them down on paper. Consequently, you should have two sets of plans. One set is the goals you want to obtain on a personal level, while the other is the professional aspects.

The journey in who you’re meant to involve personal and professional facets, so both areas must be addressed.

9. Build Your Foundation with Integrity

Everyone needs a cornerstone to build upon. When creating a home, you need footers and a foundation to secure the house. The foundation of your journey to be what you’re meant to be, should start with integrity.

Think of integrity as a moral compass. It’s what helps you become a better version of yourself. You’re true to your principles, and your outside reflects the core values and beliefs of the inside.

10. Make Amends

It takes a big person to say they’re sorry. However, it’s one of the easiest ways to show empathy to someone. If you’ve wronged another person, you’ve caused emotional wounds.

It’s your job to show humility and compassion and make things right. When you apologize, you’re allowing yourself to move beyond the blunder.

Admitting you’ve done something wrong to yourself and the other person shows your vulnerability and that everyone makes mistakes. If you want to evolve and be a better person, this is one of the best ways to start.

11. Be Adaptable to Change in Life

A curve ball will come your way when you think you’ve got life figured out. The unexpected twists will keep you on your toes. You can’t fear change, as it’s an opportunity to become a better person.

While change can be scary initially, it’s a necessary part of life. Don’t be so quick to pass on new opportunities because they require you to expand your comfort zone. Instead, embrace these opportunities to help you be who you’re meant to be and a more well-rounded person.

12. Embrace Your Journey

Many people enjoy an eagerly-anticipated vacation each year. The trek for many to the beach is often a long drive. However, most people don’t focus on being in the car for endless hours, as they’re more focused on the destination.

You must learn to develop this mindset. You can’t focus on how long it will take you to get to where you’re meant to be. But it would be best if you focused on the journey. You have a long way to go, but you need to have fun along the way.

Parents try to entertain their kids on car trips with silly games and singing songs, as it makes things more enjoyable. You need to develop the same skills for your journey. Life will be dreary if you only focus on reaching your goals, so you must embrace the journey and have a little fun.

meant to be

Final Thoughts on Finding Who You’re Meant to Be

It’s easy to be unhappy with your life. However, you can’t let the negativity set into your soul that can cause issues. According to a study published by the National Library of Medicine, people with a negative mindset are 45 percent more likely to become depressed.

As a human, you’re meant to evolve and change throughout life. If you don’t like where you are, don’t get mad or upset about it. You have the power to change things! The greatest thing about living this life is you can do whatever you want. If you can dream it, then you can certainly achieve it.

12 Habits of People Who Get The Best Sleep

If you’ve ever experienced insomnia, you know it’s complicated. After tossing and turning all night, you’re blurry-eyed, irritable, and exhausted the next day. Sleep medications can bring some relief, but there are side effects you must deal with. Everybody has trouble sleeping once in a while. But if you’re not sleeping most nights in the week, read this article to learn 12 habits you can practice for high-quality sleep at night.

Sleep Deprivation Is a Reality

Insomnia is a huge problem for many people in the United States. According to research, approximately 50 to 70 million Americans have a sleep disorder. Insomnia affects your physical and mental health. It also affects your quality of life and your safety. Long-term sleep deprivation can lead to the following issues:

  • Memory problems
  • Mood changes
  • Weakened immune system
  • Diabetes
  • Weight gain
  • High blood pressure
  • Lack of concentration
  • Accidents
  • Low sex drive
  • Poor balance


Twelve Habits to Encourage High-Quality Sleep

If you do not enjoy at least seven hours of sleep every night, check out these twelve suggestions on what habits you can practice for high-quality sleep.

1 – Have a good mattress and pillow

Sometimes you look for a solution in all the wrong places. Something as simple as a good pillow and mattress goes a long way in giving you a better night’s sleep. When you have a good, solid mattress, your insomnia may vanish. It can help you feel better all over your body, including these:

  • Helping ease back pain
  • Reduce muscle and joint pain
  • Decrease your stiffness and achiness

Sleep experts suggest you get a new mattress for your bed at least every six to eight years.

So, what do you look for when purchasing a new mattress? There are many types of mattresses today, but these are essential to remember when you are mattress shopping. Look for

  • Comfort: What you consider comfortable is most important. Don’t focus on the latest trends in mattresses; choose what fits you best.
  • Get the right size: If you want a smaller mattress, don’t get pressured into a king-size one by the salesperson.
  • Firmness labels aren’t always correct: Don’t believe the label–try out the mattress yourself.
  • Test the mattress: Test out the mattress before you buy.
  • Research consumer reviews if you’re buying online.
  • A firm mattress is usually better to avoid pain.

If you have insomnia or aren’t sleeping well, why not get a new mattress to see if it helps improve your sleep? Your body will thank you.

2 – Relax with an evening bath or shower

Taking a warm shower or bath in the evening before bed is another way to improve the quality of your sleep. Bathing or showering relaxes your muscles. You feel calmer and ready to sleep. Researchers suggest you keep the water temperature warm but not too hot or too cold because this can have the opposite effect and wake you up.

3 – Get enough sunlight during the day

Your body has a natural clock regulation called your Circadian rhythms. This controls your mental, physical, and behavioral changes during a 24-hour cycle. Your circadian rhythms respond to light and dark. Exposure to the sun helps regulate your circadian rhythm. If you suffer from insomnia, try to go into the bright sunlight for as little as two hours a day. This should help you sleep better. If you live in an area with little sunshine, use a sunlamp to expose yourself to more light during winter.

4 – Before bed take a calcium/magnesium supplement

Not getting good quality sleep or the right amount of sleep. That’s because it can lead to health problems such as:

  • Heart problems
  • Weight gain
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Lower sex drive
  • Suppressed immune system

Many people recommend taking a calcium/magnesium/zinc supplement before bed for improved sleep quality. These are safe if you don’t take more than the recommended dose.

5 – Bedroom environment makes a difference

It might be because of your bedroom environment or location if you struggle to get high-quality sleep at night. Things like street lights or noise entering your bedroom interrupt your sleep. If you can’t change your bedroom location, there are ways to improve the environment for sleeping.

  • Keep your room cool enough.
  • Wear cool pajamas so you won’t sweat.
  • Use a noise machine to block outside noises.
  • Blackout curtains to keep your bedroom dark.
  • Remove clocks that tick loudly.

Some people say that a messy bedroom interferes with sleep. It adds to your anxiety when you go to bed, so you don’t sleep as soundly.

6 – Read a book in bed

Studies show that reading in bed improves your sleep quality compared to not reading in bed. Over 900 people took part in this study. Half of the group read at night before bed, while the other half did not read before bed. The group of people who read at night felt their sleep improved compared to those who didn’t read before bed. Reading fiction is better than reading nonfiction. This is because your subconscious is moved into a fictional world that you’re observing. It eases your tension and puts your mind at ease so you can relax.


7 – Listen to guided sleep meditation

Believe it or not, listening to the sound of a guided meditation video will help you fall asleep. Individuals who engage in this practice say just listening to a guided sleep meditation is enough to make them drowsy. Researchers agree citing this calming sound is associated with childhood for many people. This encourages total relaxation and sleepiness. Try it!

8 – Eat a light bite of cheese

Cheese contains a chemical called tryptophan. This natural chemical is used by your body to produce serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin regulates your sleep. Melatonin sets your sleep cycle. Of course, don’t overeat, or you won’t sleep. Just a few pieces of cheese can work wonders. If you can’t eat cheese, try these other tryptophan-loaded foods.

  • Milk
  • Turkey
  • Eggs
  • Greek yogurt
  • Pineapple
  • Oatmeal
  • Cashews

9 – Cut back on caffeine earlier in the day

Caffeinated drinks like coffee, energy drinks, or sodas contribute to insomnia. You may not realize how much caffeine you consume every day. A study found that 400 mg (a little under two cups) of caffeine, anywhere from three to six hours before bed interrupts your sleep. It’s best to stop drinking caffeinated drinks in the early afternoon to ensure you get a full night’s sleep. If you like a cup of coffee at night, try herbal tea. Other people like to drink hot water with lemon. You may find it’s as relaxing as a cup of coffee without the adverse effects of caffeine.

10 – Use essential oils to promote sleep

Smelling certain essential oils can enhance your sleep. The recommended essential oils for sleep include:

  • Sandalwood oil:  Sandalwood oil is very effective at helping you sleep. It also improves your mood and helps you relax. If you have insomnia, try putting some sandalwood oil on your sheets.
  • Chamomile oil: This calming herb is used a lot in teas. It promotes relaxation. Diffuse some chamomile oil in your bedroom before bedtime. The scent will help you drift off into a peaceful sleep.
  • Lavender oil:  Lavender oil is another calming herb many use to promote sleep. You can sprinkle a few drops on your pillow to help you relax at night. This essential oil can lower your blood pressure and heart rate so you drift off to sleep.

Do your research to find other essential oils that promote good sleep. They can help you fight your insomnia naturally.

11 – Don’t nap too long during the day

When you’re tired, you may want to squeeze in a nap after lunch, but even a quick nap may interfere with your ability to fall asleep at night. If you need an energy boost, go outside for a walk. Exposure to sunlight helps your body produce serotonin and melatonin, two chemicals that help you sleep.

If you must nap, don’t sleep more than thirty minutes. Anything longer will keep you from falling asleep and staying asleep.

12 – Cut back on alcohol at night

Alcohol messes with your circadian rhythm. You may fall asleep fine, but you’ll wake up at night. Alcohol affects your body’s production of chemicals that help trigger sleep. This causes you to wake up at the wrong time. Alcohol is also a diuretic. If you drink in the evening, there is a good chance you’ll need to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. When you get back in bed, you might have difficulty going back to sleep.


Final Thoughts on Making Lifestyle Changes to Ensure High-Quality Sleep

If you’re having trouble sleeping at night, try incorporating these habits into your life. These twelve habits can help you get the sleep you need to enjoy your life and feel your best. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

17 Phrases Gaslighters Use to Control People

Gaslighting is one of the most damaging behaviors in an unhealthy relationship. It occurs when a gaslighter manipulates your mindset, feelings, and well-being. This situation is highly detrimental and can cause long-lasting issues even if you move on from the gaslighter.

A manipulator will minimize your feelings, make you doubt your perceptions and experiences, and manipulate your understanding of events. Their goal is to cause you to lose confidence in yourself and question who you are.

Sometimes, gaslighters deny an event happened or accuse you of exaggerating or misunderstanding. They make you question your reality and whether other people in your life mean well to you. If you confront them about their behavior or how they make you feel, it only worsens how they treat you.

These people use similar expressions and tactics to control people. Since they behave similarly, there are some phrases you can use to watch for them. They do anything they can to make you second-guess yourself and make you feel like everything is your fault.

17 Phrases a Gaslighter Uses for Controlling Others


1. Why can’t you take a joke?

When a person uses this phrase, it’s a sure sign of gaslighting. They say it so that they can get away with harmful comments. If they hurt your feelings, they minimize your feelings and the situation by making it seem like it was a funny joke. They want to make you second-guess your perceptions of these situations.

2. They know who you are.

This phrase means that the gaslighter got to them before you did. The person fed their lies and stories to those people so they could get them on their side. This phrase also alienates you from people you thought cared about you.

When this person says others think less of you, it makes you feel alone. It also diminishes your self-esteem and causes you to lose trust in others.

3. You’re so sensitive all the time.

A gaslighter will use this phrase when you want to discuss your emotions. If you say how they hurt you, they’ll minimize and invalidate your feelings by telling you that you’re being overly sensitive. In this situation, you should stand your ground and explain that you’re not being sensitive. You’re only trying to express yourself.

4. Why are you being so crazy?

Gaslighters love to call people crazy. It allows them to deflect responsibility and avoid accountability for their actions. This phrase also causes you to experience self-doubt as you question your reality and worry about being judged.

5. Don’t worry about it.

You can worry about whatever you want, and no one should tell you otherwise. A manipulator will use this phrase when you’re upset to minimize the situation. They want you to let it go and not mention your feelings.

6. You are always overreacting.

Telling you that you’re overreacting minimizes your feelings and makes you feel like you’re misjudging the situation. They’ll focus on shaming you, making you feel like you’re reacting inappropriately. Using the word “always” furthers the abuse by making it seem like you’re frequently out of hand with your reactions.

Anytime someone uses absolutisms, it’s a sign of manipulation. Absolutisms include the following words:

  • always
  • never
  • everyone
  • no one

7. You have no clue about that.

This phrase could become more specific with them saying you don’t know about something relevant to the discussion. A gaslighter will use this as a way to take attention from themselves and blame you for whatever happened. When they use this phrase, it’s because they did something wrong but want to make it seem like it was you.

8. You know I didn’t mean it like that.

Anytime you get upset when a gaslighter says something harmful, they’ll use a phrase like this. A manipulator doesn’t want to take responsibility for hurting you, so they make it sound like it’s not a big deal. When someone discredits your opinion or personal experience, it’s abuse.

9. Everyone else I know thinks you’re crazy, too.

A gaslighter wants to isolate you, and they’ll do so by making you think people don’t like you. They want you to feel alone and powerless, so they’ll tell you everyone thinks negatively of you. When they say this, it’s how they solidify their point and distance you from others simultaneously.

10. I’m confident they won’t believe you.

Gaslighters want to create an unequal power dynamic. They want you to know that no one will believe you if you try to tell anyone about their abusive behavior. This phrase is common, and they might use it frequently to ensure you understand, even if it’s inaccurate.

11. I don’t know why you get so worked up.

This phrase is similar to telling someone they’re crazy or overreacting. It discredits your feelings and reality and involves the person telling you how you feel. This phrase will make you keep your thoughts to yourself, which is what the abuser wants from you.

12. I’m sorry you feel that way. It’s on you.

This phrase is highly detrimental, and it isn’t a genuine apology. The person uses it to end an argument without admitting they were wrong. If you experience this phrase, it’s sometimes best not to respond because the engagement only fuels their behavior.

A gaslighter wants to dehumanize you by making you think that you have issues that cause you to feel upset. This allows them to maintain control while also deflecting accountability. The phrase ” you have issues ” does more harm than good and limits further discussion.


13. You’re misremembering the situation.

A gaslighter will tell you that you’re misremembering a situation and didn’t happen that way. It makes you feel confused, and you’ll doubt your perceptions. Anytime you try to talk about what happened, and someone tells you that it didn’t happen, it’s abuse.

This phrase downplays your experience and how it made you feel. It’s even more harmful in a traumatic situation.

14. You would do it if you cared about me.

People should respect it if you say you don’t want to do something. A manipulator will keep pushing and say whatever they can to make you do what they want. They’ll use your love and care against you, making you feel you must prove it this way.

15. You made me react that way.

If someone says this to you, they deflect their role. As you can tell, manipulators never want to take responsibility for their actions. Even when the truth is obvious, they’ll do what they can to reaffirm their innocence.

When they hurt you or do something wrong, a manipulator will accuse you of making them do it. They’ll say you provoked them and that they wouldn’t have done it if you did what they asked. Sometimes, you’ll even feel like you should apologize.

16. I’m the only person that truly cares about you.

There are many variations of this phrase, and they’re all intended to do the same thing. The person wants to alienate you, and they do so by making you think they’re the only one who cares. They’ll say that no one else loves you or that you have no friends.

A gaslighter wants you to be dependent on them, and they’ll suggest you stay away from people. They’ll convince you that the people who care about you don’t want what’s best for you or understand you.

17. I’m the only one showing responsibility here.

A manipulator will tell you they’re doing the right thing and that the issues are your fault. If you’re married, they might say the money issues are your fault, even when they spend more than you. They’ll claim they’re trustworthy while you’re the one who can’t be responsible, making you question yourself.

How to Deal with the Gaslighter Bent on Controlling You

If you recognize any signs of gaslighting, don’t hesitate to regain control of your life. It can be hard to stand up for yourself, but you must stick to your truth.

1. Leave the Conversation When Talking With a Gaslighter

If someone tries to deflect or minimize the situation, walking away is sometimes best. When this is the case, practice self-validation and acknowledgment. You don’t have to put up with a manipulator’s negative behavior, and you can put yourself first.

2. Don’t Let Go of Your Truth, Despite the Controlling Maneuvers of the Gaslighter

A gaslighter wants you to question your reality, but you can resist it if you’re on to their tactics. Don’t let them convince you to doubt yourself. Your feelings and perceptions are accurate, so hold firm to your beliefs.

3. Write About It Your Experiences With a Gaslighter

To hold firm to your truth, write about your experience. When you write about what happened and how it made you feel, you’ll be less likely to let them change your perception of reality. Keeping a record gives you something to reflect on when they try to make you question your experience.

4. Keep Things Simple With a Gaslighter

If you know you must deal with a gaslighter, plan on keeping the conversation simple. Have a clear purpose for your communication, and understand what you want to accomplish or resolve. Don’t let them lie, shift the narrative, or minimize your feelings. Entering the conversation with a plan helps you remain centered and get through it without effects.


Final Thoughts on Phrases a Gaslighter Will Use to Control People

It’s sometimes hard to recognize gaslighters, but they’ll often use these phrases. They make you feel bad about yourself and cause you to question your reality. If someone in your life uses these phrases or something similar, it’s best to address the situation.

You can limit your time with them or use some of the suggestions above. They won’t always listen to what you say, so it’s sometimes hard to have a discussion. Remember that you deserve better treatment, so don’t let them manipulate you.

Study Reveals That Gen Z Is Saying No to Dairy Products

Research by UK-based dairy company Arla Foods found that nearly half of Gen Z felt ashamed to order milk or other dairy products publicly. The research aimed to investigate the influence of social media on people’s diets. And, since Gen Z grew up online, it’s no surprise they’re ditching dairy in droves.

As awareness grows about the agricultural industry’s environmental impact, more people have turned to vegan or vegetarian diets. However, Arla Foods wants people to realize that it isn’t such a cut-and-dry issue.

“It’s worrying how dairy can be so easily misunderstood. As an important part of our farming heritage, farmers are committed to nature – from protecting biodiversity to acting as beacons of local communities and providing the nation quality, natural and affordable nutrition. All food production will create emissions, but it is important to consider the nutritional value of the food as well as how it supports the natural environment,” says Debbie Wilkins, Arla Farmer in Gloucestershire.

Still, the company’s research found that around 34% of people in the UK eliminated milk from their diets due to social media’s influence. Nearly 49% admit that they would alter their diets based on information online.

Of course, most Gen Zers have the planet’s future in mind when thinking about dietary choices. They want to eat more sustainably, but over 40% of UK respondents don’t know what a sustainable diet looks like. 75% feel concerned about the state of the planet in the next few decades and believe dietary changes can make a difference.

Here Is What the Survey Suggests About an Eco-Friendly Diet

The research showed that the public’s opinions about what makes a sustainable diet vary. The top solutions for an eco-friendly diet include:

  • Eating locally sourced food (54%)
  • Swapping animal protein for plant-based alternatives (41%)
  • Choosing foods produced with the most negligible environmental impact (35%)
  • Cutting animal products from their diets completely (27%)

dairy products

Gen Z Conflicted About Consuming Dairy Products

However, 65% of respondents still preferred cow milk instead of plant-based alternatives. Almost a third (29%) of Gen Z admitted to only ordering dairy alternatives at restaurants or coffee shops. At home, they still consumed dairy products.

Twelve percent of all consumers admitted to only ordering plant-based alternatives in public and then reverting to dairy at home. 8% of people of all age groups say they feel ashamed to order dairy with tea and coffee at restaurants. They cited peer pressure as the main reason for choosing alternatives.

However, Arla’s research shows the need for a balanced approach to the ideal diet. The company says people have started cherry-picking data instead of considering the entire food production process. Making hasty decisions based on what’s trendy isn’t always smart regarding health.

For example, 36% of respondents said they had formed opinions based on information on social media. 55% said they used social media regularly to make decisions, not just about diet.  While 70% of Gen Z reported, that they would prefer to continue drinking dairy products, around 57% planned to give it up within a year. Perhaps peer pressure and social media have played a role in this decision.

Many people feel conflicted about how to eat in today’s world. However, Arla’s 2,100 farmers hope to clarify the issue and make people feel better about consuming dairy. Perhaps eliminating dairy works best for some people, but others may benefit from the nutritional value of cow’s milk.

Dairy Farmers Work To Make Industry More Sustainable

Wilkins said this:

“Dairy farming can often be misunderstood, particularly when snap decisions get made based on what we see on social media. When this starts to play a role in our decision-making process, particularly when it comes to our health and wellbeing, it’s important we take a step back and look at the whole picture. Considering things like, the love I have for my farm, for my cows, all nature, and the environment when viewing the industry as a whole. The ‘all or nothing’ attitude so many groups and brands are pushing is not always necessary. It’s important to use the natural nutrition we have available to us, rather than relying heavily on processed foods.”

According to their research, around 12% of people consider only the environmental footprint of food when making dietary choices. However, they often forget about nutrition, an equally important part of the equation. While industrial agriculture impacts the planet, removing meat and milk products isn’t the only answer. Removing entire food groups could be significantly disastrous for some populations if they grew up eating those foods.

“We know that farming is not without its challenges and when it comes to dairy farming and the climate crisis, we have many hills to climb to reach our target of achieving carbon net zero by 2050. That is why Arla farmers are taking action and working to drive real change through several initiatives to reduce emissions for a stronger planet for years to come.”

“As a cooperative, Arla has multiple farmer standards that we continuously challenge ourselves against, with everything from animal welfare, quality of our products and our environmental impact. We are constantly measuring ourselves against those standards to ensure our customers can trust that we are aiming for the highest quality products and adding this to the natural nutrition we can get from dairy,” Graham Wilkinson, Senior Group Agriculture Director at Arla said.

Arla’s farmers added that they have already halved emissions in their production process compared to the global average. In addition, they’ve implemented a climate program to reduce emissions by another 30-90%. 54% of UK farmers use slurry application methods, which involve mixing water and cow manure to make natural fertilizer. This reduces the need for chemical fertilizers, a significant driver of emissions.

warm milk

Final Thoughts on Gen Z Rejecting Milk and Other Dairy Products

A survey by Arla Foods revealed that many Gen Zers feel pressured to give up dairy products. While some formed their own opinions about diets, others turned to social media for answers. Since Gen Z uses social networking apps more than other generations, they’re particularly vulnerable to collectivist thinking. Therefore, Arla Foods believes that a happy medium exists where consumers can still enjoy dairy responsibly and sustainably. Regardless of your diet stance, it’s essential to consider the bigger picture before making decisions.

Psychology Explains Why Personal Identity Matters + Why People Lose It

Your personal identity refers to concepts and ideas about yourself that can change over time. For example, you probably have a different self-image as an adult than you did during childhood. New life experiences provide opportunities to grow, learn, and develop self-confidence. Mattering to others also impacts your self-perception.

Your personal identity also forms based on how others perceive you. We all naturally want to belong in a group, so being accepted promotes a positive self-image. Of course, we also need alone time to process our thoughts and emotions. Sometimes, we would rather disappear from the crowd than hang out with people.

However, most people generally want to feel heard and seen by others. They have an innate desire to form relationships and feel essential somehow. You know how hurtful it feels if you’ve ever been ignored in a social setting. No one wants to be the outcast in a group, after all.

You may also feel this rejection after a friend leaves your text message on “read.” Of course, they might have a million other things on their plate at the moment. But to you, it seems like they’re intentionally ignoring you, leaving you feeling confused and betrayed.

Why Mattering to Others Impacts Your Personal Identity

Does it matter whether you get someone else’s attention or not? After all, your friends probably don’t ignore you on purpose. They may not have the time to answer your text if they’re at work or tending to their children.

Also, people who don’t immediately acknowledge your presence in a group setting may not have bad intentions. For instance, they may be preoccupied with a conversation and haven’t yet gotten a chance to say hi.

Plus, it feels good sometimes to dodge social obligations and have some solitude. Introverts can relate to the elation felt after a friend cancels plans at the last minute.

Why Does Personal Identity Matter?

personal identity

Despite our varying needs regarding socializing, psychologists say that personal identity matters for everyone. In a study published in the Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, researchers refer to feeling important as “a key psychological resource.”

While we all enjoy going unnoticed, feeling chronically irrelevant can lead to mental problems. If this belief becomes part of your personal identity, you may have trouble forming and maintaining healthy relationships.

Canadian researchers say that sometimes feeling invisible isn’t a cause for concern. Instead, it becomes an issue when you suffer from “anti-mattering,” a term they coined. This means that you view yourself as not mattering or feeling important to others. This personal identity could make you withdraw from others to avoid rejection.

In this case, “anti-mattering” means you don’t desire affirmation from others. Being ignored doesn’t phase you since it saves you the stress of a possible negative interaction. However, researchers say that this self-image can cause significant mental harm.

The authors explained that anti-mattering “should be considered a unique and specific vulnerability, unlike any other risk factor. It can become an internalized cognitive preoccupation and results in self-harm tendencies and an inability or unwillingness to engage in self-care.”

Why Do People Lose Their Personal Identity?

People often lose a healthy personal identity due to persistent rejection or neglect in relationships. This could happen with romantic partnerships, employers, or even friends who repeatedly ignore messages. However, the researchers say that early childhood trauma likely explains most of this personal identity crisis.

Being consistently neglected or abused by parents can make children distrust others. They may fear any relationships due to these negative experiences early in life. Not mattering to others keeps them safe from possibly traumatic or violent encounters. So, withdrawing from any social relationships becomes more about survival.

However, this defense mechanism also repels potential positive relationships. Others may learn to avoid interacting with you if you seem consistently uninterested in socializing.

The Anti-Mattering Scale

The research team devised a unique Anti-Mattering Scale (AMS) to understand more about anti-mattering. To do this, they analyzed several studies that involved young adults and adolescents. After constructing the 5-item scale, they compared it to another General Mattering Scale (GMS).

This allowed them to understand the relationship between anti-matter and anxiety, depression, and loneliness rates. They asked university students the following questions, asking them to rate each on a scale from 1 to 4. Higher scores reflected greater levels of anti-mattering.

  1. How much do you feel like you don’t matter?
  2. How often have other people made you feel insignificant?
  3. To what extent have you felt you are invisible?
  4. How much do you feel like you will never matter to certain people?
  5. How often have you been made to feel by someone that they don’t care what you think or what you have to say?

Participants in the undergraduate sample scored an average of around 11.

How Anti-Mattering Impacts Mental Health

Shielding yourself from others as a defense mechanism can have serious detrimental effects. For one, researchers found that participants who scored the highest AMS scores had higher rates of loneliness and depression. The authors said this relationship reveals “ties between low mattering and a maladaptive early schema reflecting disconnection and alienation from others.”

Having high AMS and high loneliness scores can exacerbate feelings of “anti-mattering.”

Feeling significant to others contributes to well-being and personal identity throughout every stage of life. In childhood, we want to matter to parents and siblings to facilitate feelings of warmth and acceptance. In adulthood, mattering to others could help secure romantic relationships, friendships, and career opportunities.


Final Thoughts on the Importance of a Positive Personal Identity

A positive self-image impacts every facet of life, from personal relationships to financial success. Unfortunately, early childhood trauma or other adverse life experiences can lead to a poor personal identity. People who feel unsafe or threatened around others tend to withdraw from relationships. While we are social animals, adverse experiences can make other people seem dangerous rather than necessary for survival.

However, counseling and self-compassion can restore a positive personal identity and heal past trauma. Therefore, relationships become a source of comfort and support rather than fear.

Experts Reveal 3 Habits to Increase Financial Wellness

Money is one of the things that dictates how well we can live our lives. Although it’s such a big part of our lives, not many people learn how to increase their financial wellness. This can be a problem, as many of us end up struggling with finances, at least at some point in our lives. The issue is most pressing amongst young people, as they take on many responsibilities simultaneously.

No one prepares us to go through significant changes like that. Not even older people can avoid all financial risks. As the economy fluctuates and the economic environment changes, it can be hard to keep up. The best thing you can do if you want to take care of your finances is to incorporate responsible habits into your life. If no one teaches you, you must learn what you need to know.

Instead of waiting around, hoping things will improve, you need to take matters into your own hands. From investing to learning how to save money, many tricks will help you achieve financial wellness.

What Is Financial Wellness?

financial wellness

Financial wellness is more commonly known as financial well-being (FWB). It assesses the quality of life in economics. In the 1970s, when the term first emerged, it was used by American economists to analyze the American population. Other states began using it as an index of well-being.

Financial security is the primary goal of financial well-being. It’s not limited to baseline security, though. Through financial wellness, you can save quite a bit of money. So, you can apply the habits you learn at any stage of your life. Financial wellness is flexible enough to allow you to tailor it to your needs. What it aims to do is teach people financial literacy, which is something our society lacks.

Many people don’t know what to do to get a loan or how inflation works. Even though these concepts are necessary, they are still not common knowledge. Financial wellness isn’t limited to individual use. Governments and economic organizations use it to determine which social security programs they should implement.

For example, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a US governmental agency tasked with protecting consumers against abuses from financial institutions. One of the things they support is financial wellness, even using FWB to evaluate the population’s needs. Such an agency also exists in Canada. Even businesses use this index to ensure their employees are sufficiently remunerated. You might not have heard of the term before, but economists do use it.

Of course, many other indexes and economic models must be used in the latter instances. But an individual can adopt the teachings of economic wellness if they want to improve their finances. It would help if you relied on luck or a financial planner without financial literacy to be secure. The sooner you learn to take matters into your own hands, the safer you’ll be.

3 Habits to Increase Financial Wellness

Try adopting these money habits to grow more secure.

1.      Becoming Financially Literate

Before actively improving your finances, you need to take the time to become financially literate. As crazy as it sounds, most people do no know what most economic terms mean. Just because you’ve heard the word “recession” on the news doesn’t mean you understand.

In many cases, people get the wrong definitions of economic concepts. If you ask a person on the street what equity is, they’ll probably have no clue what you’re talking about. But financial illiteracy is so bad that some people believe taxation is theft. Or that inflation happens because central banks randomly decide to make more money.

That’s not even the worst part, though. Even though taxes, inflation, and things like that affect individuals, they’re not exactly something we can change. And we are not in charge of deciding when inflation rises or such. But we are in charge of taking out loans or getting insurance. These things are necessary, but many people don’t even know how to fill out the forms for a loan.

You can’t expect to achieve financial wellness if you don’t know how basic economic instruments work. You need to open your laptop and start doing some research. For example, people often skip getting their house insured. But they don’t realize that paying a small monthly premium could save you if your house burns down.

To address this gap in financial literacy, individuals must proactively educate themselves on economic instruments and financial planning. One valuable resource for learning about insurance options is the blog reviewed Tivly insurance. Through accessing informative content and guidance provided by reputable sources like Tivly, individuals can gain insights into the significance of insurance and learn how to navigate the process of acquiring coverage effectively.

This resource is particularly beneficial for small business owners, who can utilize Tivly’s online marketplace services. Through the completion of an online or phone intake form, entrepreneurs can connect with insurance carrier representatives tailored to their unique needs, streamlining the process of securing essential coverage for their business ventures.

Look into your service provider’s charges and what those charges are for. Understand how a credit score works. If you feel lost, you can watch videos explaining economics and financial literacy basics.


2.      Learn How to Save

A big part of financial wellness is learning to be responsible with your money. More specifically, learning to get the best deals at the lowest price so you can save money. Even if you can barely make ends meet, try to put some loose change in a piggy bank. You might be surprised how much of a difference that can make.

Now, saving money sounds nice, but how can you do it? One of the easiest ways is to start budgeting. You’ll find many things you buy that you don’t need. When you budget, you force yourself to stay within the limit. Instead of buying new clothes, you could start buying from secondhands to stay within the budget. Or you could begin cooking instead of ordering takeout.

Besides budgeting, it’s imperative to learn to substitute. For example, don’t buy name-brand dish sponges. Any brand will do just fine. Start making more coffee at home so you don’t have to buy Starbucks daily. Another tip is to check all your utility services and see which costs you can cut. You’ll often find yourself paying for features you don’t need. Why pay for cable if you only use Netflix? Identify all useless expenses and eliminate them.

Ultimately, it’s more than nothing if you manage to put one dollar per month in a savings account. Progressively, you’ll start saving more and more. Coupled with the interest rate you’ll gain, you’ll find that you’ll have increased your financial wellness after a couple of years.

3.      Invest and Plan For the Future

In the economic field, investing goes hand in hand with planning for the future. That’s because, contrary to popular belief, investing doesn’t just mean buying stock or crypto. Still, investing is one of the most complex concepts to grasp, and many people have an innate high degree of risk aversion. This means they won’t take a gamble even if the winnings are a hefty sum. Professional investing is based on complex economic models and a lot of predictions. In addition, if you’re looking for the best cryptocurrency recovery service, contact an expert to assist you.

You need to research and understand trends and be familiar with what you are trading. Investing in stocks is not the same as investing in bonds or Forex. But a few categories of investments are less risky.

Still, one of the best investments you can make is not even one that generates immediate cash flows. Investing in your retirement is one of the most brilliant things you can do. And the sooner you start, the better it’ll be. This is especially important in places where you don’t have a guaranteed pension from the state. In some locations, part of your taxes automatically goes into a pension fund.

In that case, you are responsible for knowing which fund handles your pension. On the other hand, your fund might be worse than other funds out there, so you might need to switch. But not everyone is eligible for a public pension in a few states, such as the US. In most cases, you must pay monthly from your salary to a private pension fund to ensure you can retire.

No matter your situation, it would help if you stay informed. Even if your state provides a pension, you still might benefit from depositing money in a private fund. That’s not the only way to invest in your future. Of course, you need to make sure you get an education and work towards having a career. But you also need to make sure you can have a passive income. One of the safest ways is to save enough money to buy and rent a property. Partnering with Chicago residential property management companies can help you effectively manage your rental, ensuring a smooth and profitable experience.

The initial sum invested will be significant, but rents are high enough to cover the costs in a few years. After that, everything you get is a profit. Investing in securities such as treasury bonds is also an excellent way to earn a safe, passive income. As long as you make sure you research and plan, you’ll be on your way to achieving financial wellness.

financial wellness

Final Thoughts on Some Habits to Increase Financial Wellness

Like it or not, we need to take care of finances. You’ll always have to deal with money unless you decide to live in the mountains away from society. If you deal with them, you’ll want to strive toward financial wellness. For humans to feel well-off, they need to feel a sense of financial security.

They need to know they won’t end up on the street if something unexpected happens. So, it would help if you tried to learn some healthy habits. The first thing you must do is learn financial literacy. The more terms you understand, the easier it’ll be to follow economic news and keep current. Not only that, but you’ll learn how to manage specific responsibilities, like taking care of your credit score. It would help if you also started saving money.

It doesn’t matter if you only save a few dollars at first. Once it becomes a habit, your savings will grow exponentially. Lastly, it would help if you learned to invest in yourself and things that can generate a passive income. Sure, it might be hard at first. You might fail or need to be on a tight budget. But, if you keep up with these habits, you’ll reach financial wellness sooner than you think.

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