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Dermatologists Explain 5 Tips That Help You Have Glowing Skin

Glowing skin is the look celebrities bring to the red carpet. It’s a major component of healthy-looking skin. When you see someone with a radiant complexion, you wish you knew their skincare secrets. Your skin gets a good workout from day to day. Things like stress, aging, sleeplessness, and unhealthy foods rob your skin of its glow. Fortunately, it’s possible to transform your skin back to its natural glow with these cleansing and hydration procedures.

Your skin is your body’s first layer of protection against the outside world. It’s an indicator of your health. It’s important to care for your skin to keep it in good shape. Your skin protects you by

  • Creating a barrier against bacteria and other environmentally dangerous things
  • Alerts you to a health problem-A rash or itchy areas could be signs of a virus or infection. For example, one of the key signs of lupus, an inflammatory disease where your immune system attacks your own tissues, is a butterfly-shaped rash.
  • Prevents loss of moisture
  • Protects you from UV radiation
  • Sensory organ for touch and tells you the temperature

Dermatologists Explain Five Tips That Help You Have Glowing Skin

Here are five tips from dermatologists to help you get rid of your dull, drab skin and replace it with glowing skin you love.

glowing skin

1 – Apply sunscreen every day

You’ve heard it before. Multiple dermatological researchers warn that wearing SPF sunscreen keeps your skin healthy and free from sun damage. If you want glowing skin, wear sunscreen. Most of the wrinkles and sunspots on your face, arms, and neck come from UVA rays from the sun. Wear it every day all year round. Pick a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against UVA rays and UVB rays.

2 – Cleanse and moisturize your face to maintain ideal hydration

If you want glowing skin, be sure to clean and moisturize every day. Cleansing your face removes dirt, oil build-up, and pollution that can clog your pores, making your skin look dull. Wash your face in the morning and evening. Use a mild cleanser and apply using your fingers, working from the inside of your face outwards to stimulate the blood flow to your face. Rinse with cool water.

After you dry your face immediately apply a layer of moisturizer. Hydration is key for radiant-looking skin. Choose a daytime moisturizer from the Batanabio store. Many of these not only moisten but brighten your skin. Make your skin glow. Some of the best moisturizers contain vitamin C. Retinol is good for removing fine lines and dullness from your skin. Dermatologists often recommend a retinol night cream. It has good anti-inflammatory properties, which remove signs of aging.

3 – Exercise

Exercise stimulates your blood flow, which enhances the appearance of your skin. It’s a great stress reliever and boosts your entire body’s functions. When you exercise outdoors, you get fresh air and sunshine, which gives you extra vitamin D. Always wear sunscreen. Some of the best exercises you can do outside include:

  • Biking
  • Brisk walking
  • Running
  • Swimming
  • Soccer
  • Basketball
  • Golfing

One study found that exercising increases skin hydration. Researchers say that it actually prevents dry skin. So besides drinking lots of water to maintain internal hydration, don’t forget to exercise for glowing skin.

4 – Take vitamins C and D

Even though you get some vitamin D from the sun, most people don’t get an adequate amount of daily vitamin D. This vitamin has anti-inflammatory properties that promote healthy, luminous skin.

Vitamin D-rich foods:

Take a vitamin D supplement every day to boost your levels. Be sure to consume foods high in vitamin D, including:

  • Sardines
  • Salmon
  • Cod liver oil
  • Swordfish
  • Tuna
  • Orange juice with vitamin D
  • Dairy products
  • Beef liver

Vitamin C-rich foods:

There are also lots of benefits to taking vitamin C for healthier-looking skin. This vitamin fights free radicals that damage your skin. It aids collagen production and can trigger your skin to heal itself. Collagen is what maintains your skin’s tone, suppleness, and elasticity. Vitamin C also brightens your skin by blocking harmful enzymes that lead to dark spots on your face, arms, and neck. Consume foods high in vitamin C, including these:

  • Tomatoes
  • Potatoes
  • Strawberries
  • Bell peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Oranges
  • Kiwi
  • Lemons
  • Grapefruit

5 – Exfoliate

Last, but not least, you need to exfoliate to get the glowing skin you want. This is the step many people skip in their skincare routine. Your skin pores are tiny, but they get larger as you age. Exfoliating is a deep clean for your pores removing the following:

  • Dirt
  • Oil build-up
  • Dead cells
  • Keratin that lives on the surface of your skin

When you exfoliate, you remove the buildup, causing your pores to look smaller. You should exfoliate at least two times a week. Choose an exfoliant that contains beta-hydroxy (BHA). This is a mild acid. It chemically removes dead skin cells and other gunk from your pores.


Unusual things you can do to make your skin glow

Of course, someone always wants to go the extra mile to get that natural glow. So, here are some unusual things you can try for healthy, glowing skin. Don’t say we didn’t warn you; they are unusual.

Crushed acorns for glowing skin

You might need to fight the squirrels in your backyard for this skin treatment. According to some aestheticians, crushed acorns or walnuts mixed with coconut oil are a great exfoliant for your skin. Use it on your hands and feet. As you scrub, it increases your circulation and leaves your rough skin looking soft and subtle. Crushed acorns may be too rough to use on your face or neck.

Bee venom mask

It sounds painful, but it’s really not. Bee venom has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-wrinkling properties. It acts like a natural Botox, relaxing your facial muscles and sending blood to your skin’s surface. Of course, you don’t need to get stung by a bee to experience these benefits. Look for skin products that contain purified bee venom.

If you are allergic to bee stings, don’t use these products.

Pumpkin for glowing skin

It’s not just for jack-o’-lanterns and pies, when you eat pumpkin, you’re giving your skin a boost. Pumpkins are full of minerals and vitamins such as vitamin C, B, and E. It also has beta-carotene, which gives it its rich orange hue. You can also use it on your face mixed with creams or masks.


Plain aspirin contains acetylsalicylic acid. It exfoliates dead skin cells from your skin. Crush up five aspirins and mix with ¼ cup of distilled water. Stir this paste and apply it to your face. Let it sit for ten to fifteen minutes, then rinse with cool water. Say hello to clear, glowing skin.


It sounds disgusting, but sweat is good for your skin. It hydrates and cleanses. Sweating purges your skin of impurities, even bacteria such as E.coli and staphylococcus aureus, because it acts like a natural biotic called Dermcidin. Of course, please don’t leave the sweat on your face too long because it’ll clog your pores. Try washing your face at least 30 to 45 minutes after exercising.

Goat’s milk

This skin care beauty habit goes back centuries. In ancient times, people bathed in goat’s milk to clean and hydrate their skin. Goat’s milk contains alpha-hydroxy and caprylic acids, which exfoliate dead skin cells like a skin peel at the spa. If you want glowing skin, get some fresh goat’s milk and try it on your face.

Use your knuckles to apply moisturizer (light massage and hydration for glowing skin)

When you apply moisturizer to your face, use your fingers instead of your knuckles to rub it into your skin. Using your knuckles in a circular motion increases the blood flow to your face, giving your face a natural glowing radiance.

However, avoid the delicate skin around the eye area as you apply this gentle pressure.

Put your face in an ice bath

Plunging your face in ice may not sound like fun, but it’s a trend with celebrities right now who swear that it reduces puffiness and tones their skin. It’s called facial icing. The coldness of the ice reduces inflammation and stimulates blood flow to your face. Follow these tips for facial icing:

  • Washing your face before you ice
  • Use clean, crushed ice, and don’t reuse any ice
  • Put a washcloth over your face before you put the ice on your face. This protects it.
  • Don’t leave your face on ice too long, it can cause ice burns on your skin.
  • When you remove the ice, wipe your face with a dry towel.
  • End with applying your favorite serum and moisturizer to lock in hydration.

glowing skin

Final thoughts on having the glowing skin you want

Glowing skin is a sign of health and beauty. Dull, dry, scaly skin is not only unbecoming but ages you. Radiant skin doesn’t just happen. Proper cleansing, hydration, and weekly exfoliating are key ways to attain the radiant skin you want. Try these five tips recommended by dermatologists so you can fall in love with your healthy-looking skin again.

17 Steps to Take Back Your Power from an Energy Vampire

Vampires should be a mere figment of one’s imagination that can thrill, scare, and entertain. However, some people are energy vampires, robbing others of precious strength. They are toxic and often prey on sensitive people, depleting their power and happiness.

17 Strategies to Reclaim Your Power From an Energy Vampire

These poisonous personalities don’t turn into bats; you can’t repel them with garlic or religious artifacts. However, there are ways you can stop their despicable actions that deplete your energy. Try these ways to reclaim your power from energy vampires.

energy vampire

1. Learn How to Recognize Compassion Fatigue

You naturally release compassionate energy to those in need if you’re empathetic. You can be physically, mentally, and spiritually drained when it becomes chronic. A study published by Sage Journals calls this overload compassion fatigue. If you look inside, it would appear as bruises on the soul.

Energy vampires often cause this condition, and they can rob you of happiness and your usual empathy. The best way to cope is to shift the focus to self-care and learn to decompress and step out of the situation.

2. Choose Your Battles Wisely When You Deal With an Energy Vampire

Have you ever met someone who specializes in drama every day? These emotional vampires fall to pieces and cause a scene no matter how insignificant the situation. They experience great happiness when they drag you and anyone else who will listen into their toxic melodramas.

Fortunately, you can stop this tremendous energy drain at will. You needn’t respond to every whimper, whine, and attitude they have when you’re around. You must save your emotional fire for things that indeed are important.

3. Use Efficient Time Management

Another trick of energy vampires is to squeeze as much time from you as possible. It’s one thing to be a shoulder to cry occasionally, but they want your shoulder to be their permanent headrest. They often monopolize your time and use you as a personal on-call counselor and sounding board.

Your time is valuable, and you can choose how you use it. If you give it all to selfish people, you’ll end up exhausted and emotionally drained. Do spend time with those in your circle but save enough to care for yourself properly.

4. Make Yourself Scarce When an Energy Vampire Enters Your Space

Empaths often feel a personal and moral obligation to be emotionally available to all. Energy vampires understand this weakness and use it to their advantage. They assume you are waiting with open arms to comfort them whenever they call or show up at your door.

Pulling up the welcome mat is the best way to nip this negative behavior in the bud. You can be polite yet firm when it comes to this person. Stop answering their constant phone calls and avoid being around them when you feel stressed.

Often, they will take the hint and move on to another sympathetic individual to act as their crutch.

5. Use the Power of Numbers

It’s often difficult for one person to absorb all the drama energy zappers create. They can quickly zap your power and make you feel miserable. The only thing these poisonous personalities like more than a sympathetic ear is a crowd of them.

The next time you get lulled into someone’s pity party, why not share the responsibility? Keep your responses confidential and bring some other folks into the conversation. No single person must bear the burden; someone will change the subject if you’re lucky.

6. Don’t Use Social Media as a Reality Show

Social media platforms can help you stay connected with your family and friends. It’s also ideal to advertise or find more information about your interests. Unfortunately, overusing social media can make you a prime target for an energy vampire.

These folks often focus their negative energy on anything or anyone they can criticize. Avoid their judgmental comments and only post things that aren’t too sensitive for you. Please don’t give them any foothold to jump in and cause a lot of unnecessary drama.

7. Talk Less and Listen More

It takes a lot more energy to talk than it does to listen. Thankfully, energy vampires like to do much talking, so you can save some of your energy. In these difficult conversations, ask open-ended questions, so they’ll have to do all the talking.

8. Minimize Eye Contact With an Energy Vampire

Remember the old scary movies when Dracula would transfix people with his eyes? Maintaining eye contact naturally indicates your interest in the other person’s words. If you want fewer and shorter chats with an energy zapper, keep your direct eye contact to a minimum.

9. Change the Subject

Nowhere is it written in any etiquette book that you must discuss a subject that makes you feel uncomfortable. Most topics that these negative people enjoy are those that are emotionally charged. If you don’t like the direction of the conversation, feel free to change the subject politely.


10. Maintain Your Composure

You won’t be valuable to a toxic personality for long if you don’t give them the attention they crave. Please don’t take it when they offer you the bait of a loaded question or comment. Please don’t give them the benefit of seeing you react to their ploys.

Keep calm and try to maintain neutral body language and tone of voice. When you deflect invasive questions and negative comments, they have no ammunition. They may either change the subject or chat with someone else.

11. Surround Yourself with Positive Energy

You’ll be glad to know positive energy is as contagious as negativity. According to an article by the University of New Hampshire, surrounding yourself with positive people can affect your happiness. Per the article, you’ll have a happier attitude and better well-being.

12. Affirm Your Self-Worth

Has a toxic energy zapper made you feel less than because of their negativity and judgmental attitude? Perhaps you’ve been a target of their fury, which only affects your self-esteem. Meditation, positive affirmations, and journaling can help you re-affirm that you are more than worthy of love and respect.

13. Get a Change of Scenery

You need time to recharge yourself if you feel deflated and rundown because of an energy zapper. Go for a long walk in nature and allow the beauty of the great outdoors to boost your spirits. Visit a museum or do something fun and exciting to help you focus on positive emotions.

14. Make an Exit–Steer Clear of the Energy Vampire

Sometimes you’ve tried every method to cope with an energy-draining conversation, and they fail. In these cases, you’ve no obligation to stay in a conversation that’s making you feel uncomfortable. Suddenly remember something urgent you must do and make a graceful exit.

15. Let Go of the Situation

Are you tired of tossing and turning at night because of someone else’s problems? Your empathetic nature may cause you to expend more energy than necessary. Show yourself some compassion and learn to let go of situations that aren’t yours to fix.

If a thoughtless person absorbs all your energy, put your foot down. Sometimes you must let go of people and their drama. Do so with kindness, learn lessons from it, and go your way in peace and contentment.

16. Turn to Your Higher Power

Turning to your higher power in times of need is advisable. You may feel like this person attacks you whenever they enter your life. Sometimes, you can’t avoid them, as it may be a coworker or relative with whom you have no choice but to spend time. Ask the Universe to surround you with positivity, placing a hedge of protection around you when in their presence.

17. Respond to an Energy Vampire With an Emphatic No!

No is such an easy word to comprehend, yet so few people know how to use it. When these energy-zapping folks come knocking at your door wanting favors or bore you with their constant drama, learn to say no.

You don’t have to entertain this poison; if you allow it in your life, you open yourself up to this constant negativity. When they ask you to do something or want some time, learn how to stand up for yourself.

energy vampire

Final Thoughts on Taking Your Power Back From an Energy Vampire

Energy vampires can exist in any level of your circle, whether family, friends, or coworkers. Your energy belongs to you, and you decide with whom you’ll share it. Save it for those who share theirs with you, and say no to those who only take.

15 Dangerous Children’s Toys Most Parents Overlook

Many of the most dangerous toys on the shelf for kids are items you might already have in your home. These toys are common, and many parents don’t know they pose risks to children. As you read this list, you’ll likely be surprised by the number of popular toys on it.

Many toys have hidden dangers that people don’t consider when purchasing gifts. Not all of these toys are unsafe, but if not used properly, they can threaten your child’s well-being. Understanding the risks can help you choose safer toys or let you know to monitor closely when your child uses the ones on this list.

With this being the case, you must learn about dangerous toys to prevent accidents. You can either avoid the toys entirely or monitor their use closely to ensure precautions are in place.

Common Injuries from Dangerous Toys

Investigating toys before purchasing them can help you avoid the dangerous ones. Research shows that over 200,000 kids get injured by toys each year, making it a big problem. When the unthinkable happens, it shows that some gifts bring more harm than good.

Some of the common body areas for injuries to happen include:

  • Head, neck, or face
  • Shoulder, arm, or elbow
  • Hand, wrist, or finger
  • Knee or leg
  • Foot, toe, or ankle
  • Pubic region or trunk

dangerous toys

Recalled Dangerous Toys for Children

There will often be a recall later when faulty or dangerous toys make it to store shelves. However, having a toy recalled doesn’t save the kids from harm that have already encountered issues. Plus, some families may not hear about a recall and continue using the product.

It would be best if toys were safe before reaching stores, but it doesn’t always happen. Some dangerous toys will never even have a recall because they are supposed to be the way that they are.

Dangerous Toys Most Parents Overlook

Protecting your child is your most meaningful job, and seemingly safe items can pose a risk. Knowing which toys to watch out for can prevent accidents and keep your child safe and healthy.

1. Smart Toys

Smart toys introduce privacy issues for our kids. Toys with cameras and recording capabilities that use unsecured mobile apps can store data. Personalized online accounts also store data about the user.

Bills have been introduced to the House of Representatives addressing children’s online safety. Some discussions around the bills include offering protection to kids and educating adults.

2. Flying Toys or Toys with Working Propellers

Any flying toy or toy with a working propeller can cause injury. These toys can cause eye injuries, broken teeth, lacerations, and concussions.

3. Slingshots Can Harm Children

Slingshots are a classic toy, but that doesn’t mean it’s safe. Many slingshots have gotten recalled after receiving reports of causing blindness and broken teeth. The slingshots that come with water balloons can also cause injury, so it might be best to avoid them.

4. Trampolines

Research shows that nearly 90,000 people yearly go to the hospital for injuries incurred on a trampoline. Some experts say to avoid using them altogether because falls, collisions, and improper landings can cause:

  • concussions
  • broken pones
  • paralysis
  • death

5. Toys Containing Chemicals

Some plastic toys and slime contain chemicals that are harmful to kids. When kids put their mouths on these toys, it can cause them to ingest materials they shouldn’t.

Kids seem to love slime, but it isn’t always safe. Some slime contains chemicals, making it dangerous if ingested. You can tell your child not to put it in their mouth, but that doesn’t always work well.

6. Toys with Small Magnets or Batteries

Small magnets and batteries are some of the most dangerous things your child can encounter. The magnets used in small toys can come loose, allowing your child to get ahold of it. If they swallow more than one, it can cause fatal internal issues.

Magnets can attach to the intestines and make holes that require surgery. Ingesting magnets can also cause gastrointestinal damage and infection.

Batteries are dangerous because the chemicals break down in the esophagus and stomach. When this happens, it causes internal chemical burns that create holes.

Even products that aren’t intended for kids are unsafe if they contain small magnets or batteries. These items are fun, and kids are drawn to them. Don’t leave anything around that could allow your child to get ahold of these unsafe pieces.

7. (Super Dangerous) Toy Guns

Kids often love toy guns, but they’re not a safe option. They present choking and eye injury dangers, among other issues.

Besides the physical dangers of the toy’s mechanics, past tragedies have occurred when law enforcement officers mistook a realistic-looking toy gun for a live firearm.

8. Bath Toys

Bath toys are dangerous because the water gets trapped inside and can grow harmful bacteria. Many parents assume squeezing the water out and regularly washing the toys will be fine. However, you can’t see the bacteria, and you can’t clean them out enough.

The bacteria in bath toys can cause cellulitis, a bacterial skin infection. This infection causes swollen, red, and painful skin that is sometimes warm to the touch. Cellulitis can spread, and if it makes its way to the child’s eyes, it can cause blindness.

9. Noisy Toys

You might think noisy toys are only annoying, but you might not realize that they are also unsafe. They can irreversibly harm your child’s hearing.


10. Toys with Small Parts

Any toy that comes with small parts is unsafe for children. Some toys that manufacturers market for toddlers come with small parts a child can choke on. You also must watch for any small pieces attached to the toy because they can come loose when you least expect it to happen.

11. Fidget Toys

Some fidget toys, such as fidget spinners, can become a choking hazard if it comes apart. They have small pieces inside that can harm kids, especially under three.

12. Plastic Blocks

Small plastic blocks can pose a choking risk if a child puts them in their mouth. They are marketed for older kids, but it’s easy for toddlers to get ahold of them.

13. Play Swords and Knives

These toys are dangerous because they can cause blunt force and eye damage. Kids aren’t always aware of how to use these toys safely during play. It can result in accidental injuries causing damage.

14. Toys with Wheels

Outdoor toys with wheels are becoming increasingly popular, but they pose risks. These toys include:

  • Skates
  • Roller blades
  • Skateboards
  • Scooters
  • Hoverboards

These toys can cause head and impact injuries. They are difficult for drivers to see if they are close to the ground. Since drivers can see them well, it can result in vehicle accidents if used near roads or driveways.

Many toys with wheels aren’t used with protective gear, making it even more dangerous. They don’t always come with instructions or warnings, making it hard to grasp the danger.

Unpowered scooters are a surprisingly dangerous toy, too. You might think they’re okay because the child can control their speed easier, but they account for almost one-third of toy-related injuries.

15. Drum Sticks

Parents love for their children to play with musical instruments, but it’s not always safe. Drumsticks can pose a choking hazard and injure a child’s mouth or throat. The long sticks can go too far into a child’s mouth, or your child can fall with them in their mouth.

How to Buy Safe Toys for Children

Many popular toys are unsafe for kids, and you might not know where to start when buying things for your kids. There isn’t a fool-proof way to identify potential dangers; the best thing you can do is remain vigilant.

Examine toys before purchasing them to look for hidden hazards and red flags. After buying the item, regularly examine it for anything you might have missed. Something could have come loose, or you may have overlooked a hidden hazard.

Buying second-hand or receiving hand-me-down toys has other risks you must account for. If you buy used toys online, you don’t have a chance to touch and inspect the toy and its packaging before purchasing.

Receiving a second-hand item also means you might not receive safety information from packaging or inserts. Sometimes recalled toys make it back into circulation this way, too. You must be vigilant about researching model or product numbers to ensure that’s not the case for you.

How You Can Prevent Injuries from Dangerous Toys

While avoiding dangerous toys sounds ideal, you also don’t want to shelter your child. Things like riding bikes and scooters offer many benefits when used safely. If you decide to let your child use any of the toys on this list, prevent injuries by doing the following:

  • Buy helmets for your child to wear while using bikes, scooters, hoverboards, roller skates, and other toys with wheels.
  • Know common issues to look for.
  • Inspect new toys for defects and design flaws.
  • Regularly inspect old toys for loose parts, broken pieces, or sharp edges.
  • Don’t assume specific brands are always safe.
  • Follow age recommendations and warnings.
  • Ensure toys get assembled correctly.
  • Check ingredient labels on toys for kids who put things in their mouths.

What to do if Your Child Is Injured by One of These Dangerous Toys

Your child might get ahold of some dangerous toys without you knowing it. Even when you try your best to avoid them, it’s not uncommon to miss something. Seek medical care immediately if your child gets injured by a toy.

Even if you’re unsure of the severity of the situation, you don’t want to wait long to find out. Immediately getting help is better than waiting it out and worsening the injury.

You might want to consider filing a lawsuit to aid in paying the medical bills associated with the injury. Holding someone accountable can encourage manufacturers to produce better designed, manufactured, and marketed items. Many injuries are preventable with pre-market testing and stricter manufacturing practices.

dangerous toys

Final Thoughts on Dangerous Toys Most Parents Overlook

Learning and sharing safety information about toys can prevent injuries and save lives. When you know the dangerous toys commonly associated with injury, you can proactively keep your child safe. You can also make better-informed decisions when shopping for toys.

While many dangerous toys exist, you can find plenty of safe ones. Don’t lose hope or assume your only options are potentially unsafe ones. Be selective and research the toys so your child can safely enjoy them.

13 Ways to Have Fast Headache Relief Naturally

Everybody gets a headache now and again. Headaches interrupt your ability to function in your daily life. If you get a terrible headache, you may need to leave work or school because the non-stop pain makes it hard to focus or causes stress and tension. Sometimes the pain is so awful, you feel nauseous or throw up. Whether your headache is a dull throb or a sharp stabbing pain in your head, you want quick headache relief to get back to your life.

Thirteen Tips for Fast, Natural Headache Relief

Here are thirteen natural ways to get fast headache relief.

headache relief

1 – Drink water for headache relief

Drink a big glass of water. Then drink another one. Dehydration causes headaches, especially in the summer when it’s hot outside. You may not realize you’re dehydrated until a headache shows up. One study found that adults who carry extra weight find it hard to distinguish hunger from thirst. Many people said they couldn’t tell the difference, so they got dehydrated.

There’s a big debate about how much water you need each day. Some researchers suggest at least eight glasses daily, while others say you should drink 11.5 glasses of water daily. Generally, somewhere in between these two are good goals. Of course, how much water you need every day also depends on certain things such as:

  • Where you live: Certain areas in the United States are hotter and drier than others. You’ll need to drink more water if you live in a dry, hot climate. The altitude you live in also plays a part in how much you should drink. Generally, people who live at higher altitudes need to drink more.
  • Think about your diet: If you have a salty diet, or a sugary diet, you need more water. If you eat a lot of hydrating foods like fruits and veggies, you may not need as much water.
  • Outdoors: If you work outside, then you’ll need to drink more water. If you exercise outdoors, you’ll need to drink more.
  • Your health status: If you have certain health conditions, you may need to drink more water. Sinus pain from infections, diabetes, or certain autoimmune conditions requires more fluids.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding: If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, you should drink extra fluids to stay hydrated.

2 – Get a jolt of caffeine

Another quick remedy for headache relief is to eat or drink something caffeinated. Eat a chocolate bar, drink a caffeinated soda or cup of coffee to get a boost of caffeine right away. Many over-the-counter headache medications contain high doses of caffeine, so you’re replicating what they do by consuming a large amount of caffeine for headache relief. Here’s a list of foods to take when a tension headache has got you down.

  • Dark chocolate coffee beans
  • Coffee
  • Energy drinks
  • Espresso
  • Caffeinated sodas
  • Green tea
  • Black tea
  • Dark chocolate

3 – Try some ginger

Ginger reduces headache pain and nausea caused by the pain. Researchers found that ginger could not only help relieve the pain, but people who took it were pain-free for up to two hours longer than others who took medication. Ginger also helped relieve nausea and vomiting that sometimes accompanied a migraine headache. Raw ginger extracts were a good home remedy for people with migraines for people who couldn’t take other types of treatments. It is unclear if ginger tea or crystallized ginger works as well as raw ginger to relieve headache pain.

4 – Find your pressure points

Finding certain pressure points and gentle pressure on them will help relieve your headache. Here are several of the main pressure points to massage to find relief.

  • Yinxiang points: Points on either side of your nostrils, lined up with your eyes. Pressing on these pressure points can help remove a headache and relieve tension.
  • Yintang points: This is called the 3rd eye. It’s between your eyebrows. This pressure point can help reduce eye tiredness and headaches.
  • Tian Zhu points: These are pressure points on the back and middle of your head. Massage these points to relieve sinus pain and severe headache pain.
  • Outside your nose:  This area is sometimes called the ‘welcome perfume.” This pressure point is on either side of your nostril. When you have a headache, try putting pressure here using a circular motion. It should relieve your pain.
  • Edge of your eyebrows:  On the inside edge of your eyebrows, massage the area until you feel the pain leaving.
  • Shuai gu points: At your temples, apply pressure on this area to relieve a headache or eye pain.
  • Point celestial pillar: This pressure point is at the back of your neck. Apply pressure in a circular motion for 1 minute. You should feel your headache pain leave.

5 – Lavender or peppermint essential oils

Using a couple of drops of peppermint or essential oils massaged into your temples is an effective way to get quick headache relief. To reduce tension and stress, put a small drop of essential oil on your upper lip so you can inhale the pleasant scent. Other essential oils that can bring you headache relief include:

6 – Say the code

TikTok videos gone viral claim that the CIA uses numerology to help agents deal with pain. It’s a trending topic supposedly from declassified CIA documents on how to deal with pain. So far, everyone who does this says their pain goes away immediately. It’s a simple technique. Visualize the area where you have pain. This could be a headache in any part of your head. Focus on where the pain is located, then say, “55515.” Your pain could diminish or completely go away. You may need to do it twice, but it should disappear. It’s a crazy remedy, bur some people swear that it works. Try it.

7 – A cold pack for headache relief

An ice pack on your forehead is a quick headache remedy for a pounding headache. Lie down with it on your head for fifteen minutes. If you don’t have an ice pack handy, you can use a bag of frozen veggies or fruit in a pinch. The coldness will ease the pain and reduce the tension in your head.


8 – Go to a dark room

If possible, go to the darkest room in your house for relief. Avoid blue screens like television, computer, or iPhone. If you don’t have a dark room in your home, pull the curtains and turn off all the lights. Avoid fluorescent bulbs in light fixtures, which can cause headaches and migraines.

9 – Avoid chewing

Avoid chewing, drinking, or talking. The movement of your jaw will hurt your head. Try to relax your face as much as you can. Use a straw for drinking water or a caffeinated drink. If you wake up in the morning with a headache, you may grind your teeth during the night. Talk to your dentist about this. They will suggest you get a mouth guard to prevent teeth from grinding at night. This will save your teeth and gums and prevent you from getting a headache every morning.

10 – Hot water on your feet

If your head is throbbing, one quick remedy is to climb into the shower. Let as hot of water as you can stand wash over your feet for several minutes. The hot water increases blood circulation from your feet throughout your entire body, including your head. This takes away your headache pain.

11 – Breathing exercises for headache relief

Find a comfortable position, like lying on your bed or sitting in a comfy chair at work. Take regular breaths, focusing on the air going in and going out. Take rhythmic breaths. Breath in for six seconds, then out for six seconds. As you do this, relax your muscles. Another simple technique is to start at your feet and relax each part of your body. Focus on how relaxed your feet are, then relax your legs and work up your body. Before you know it, your entire body will feel comfortable. This technique can help ease the tension in your head and reduce headache pain.

12 – Eat spicy foods

Try eating chili peppers, jalapeno peppers, or sprinkle cayenne pepper on your food. These foods contain capsaicin, a natural remedy that helps control pain.

13 – Drink apple cider vinegar

Add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a large glass of water. If you want, add a little honey to it and then drink it. The vinegar restores your body’s acid-alkaline balance, which can help relieve some if not all of your headache pain.

headache relief

Final Thoughts on Natural Headache Relief

Headaches prohibit you from being able to do your everyday activities. You might need to leave work or school because the pain takes away your ability to focus. You want a quick headache remedy when your head is throbbing with tension and pain.

These suggestions can give you quick pain relief, whether your headaches are because of tension, sinus infection, or plain old stress. Try one or two of these remedies the next time you experience a headache. Hopefully, you’ll find relief and be able to get back to your life pain-free.

12 Quotes About Strong Relationships Never to Forget

Strong relationships give your life new meaning. They help you feel understood, accepted, and loved. It strengthens your bond if you feel like you can be yourself in your relationships. As a result, it allows you to live your best life.

All relationships have challenges, but you can overcome the issues. Reading relationship quotes inspires and motivates you to persevere when things get complicated. Love and connection are basic human needs, so you must embrace and strengthen your relationship.

These quotes about strong relationships can remind you why your person is so important to your life. They can offer tips, suggestions, and helpful ways to connect with your partner. Feeling good about yourself, your life, and your relationship will strengthen what you have.

Remember that the rewards are worth the challenge, even when your relationship gets complicated. Healthy relationships are vital to your well-being, so work to develop strong bonds. Use these relationship quotes to remember to celebrate the essential people in your life.

Why You Need Strong Relationships

Strong relationships are essential to your well-being. They promote certainty, contribution, significance, and support during hard times. Developing a deep relationship also ensures you have someone there to celebrate your successes and enjoy the good times.

Strong relationships are selfless, with both partners helping and supporting one another. It will make you want to be a better version of yourself. You’ll find new meaning as you focus on giving to your loved ones rather than taking.

strong relationships

Twelve Quotes About Strong Relationships

When you experience hard times within your relationship, these quotes about relationships can help you overcome the situation. These quotes are also beneficial when things are going well as they encourage you to continue the positive romance.

1 – “We’ve got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can’t just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it’s going to get on by itself. You’ve got to keep watering it. You’ve got to really look after it and nurture it.” – John Lennon

When you have love, you must take care of and nurture it. You can’t neglect it, or it’ll interfere with your chances of having a deep relationship. Take care of your relationship by doing what you and your partner need.

Be proactive so that it doesn’t wilt or waver. If you continually take care of your relationship, you won’t have to work so hard to repair it later on. Plus, you’ll ensure you deepen your connection instead of drifting apart.

2 –  “In a relationship, each person should support the other; they should lift each other up.” – Taylor Swift

Both of you must take care of each other and the relationship. You can’t put it all on your partner, and they can’t put it on you. As Swift explains, it takes both of you to make a relationship work and foster a strong connection.

If one of you isn’t doing your part, you can’t lift one another and reach your dreams together. Remember this quote, and do what you can to strengthen your partnership.

3 – “You can talk with someone for years, everyday, and still, it won’t mean as much as what you can have when you sit in front of someone, not saying a word, yet you feel that person with your heart, you feel like you have known the person for forever.” – C. JoyBell C.

When you have found your person, you won’t have to speak to feel them in your heart. You’ll know you have support and love and won’t need clarification. If you have reached this point, you know that you have developed a strong relationship.

You’ll know when you’ve found your person because you won’t feel this way with anyone else. You might still feel alone or misunderstood when you sit and talk with others. In a strong relationship, the energy will radiate between you.

4 – “Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

While staring into each other’s eyes is beautiful, it doesn’t deepen the bond forever. It’s a sweet gesture that shows how much you care for one another, but you must go beyond that. Strong relationships require following a path together.

You each have dreams and goals, and you must decide to go through life together in the same direction. If you can’t look outward and move forward, it’ll prevent you from developing a long-lasting connection.

5 – “You can’t just give up on someone because the situation is not ideal. Great relationships are not great because they have no problems. They are great because both people care enough about the other person to find a way to make it work.” – Unknown.

If you want a strong relationship, you can’t give up when things go wrong. Every couple has problems, and you must work to overcome them.

Moving forward together requires finding a way to make the relationship work when experiencing an obstacle. If it’s important to you, you’ll work together to find a way through.

6 – “When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” – Paulo Coelho.

Love has a way of bringing out the best version of you. If you’re in a strong relationship, you’ll subconsciously start making better choices and developing your skills. As you feel and act better, the world around you will shine, too, making it beneficial all around.


7 – “We can improve our relationships with others by leaps and bounds if we become encouragers instead of critics.” – Joyce Meyer

Strong relationships involve supporting the other person. You can help them by encouraging them to do better, chase their dreams, and get things done. Encouraging someone deepens your bond, whereas criticism can cause you to drift apart.

8 – “I want to be in a relationship where you telling me you love me is just a ceremonious validation of what you already show me.” – Steve Maraboli

It’s easy to say I love you, but showing it is something entirely different. Strong relationships involve showing love to one another and making your feelings clear. Telling your partner that you love them should only be a sweet phrase that vocalizes what you already show them.

9 – “Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning, a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature, and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.” – Bruce Lee.

You might think that when the initial spark of a relationship dies down, it means you don’t have a strong bond. However, it could show that your love is deepening and strengthening.

Remember this quote and how love is like a flame. It’ll help you understand the deep stages of romance.

10 – “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” – Lao Tzu

If you want to become a better version of yourself, spend time developing a solid relationship. When you know someone loves you, you’ll feel more resilient. If you love someone deeply, you’ll feel brave and ready to take on anything.

These feelings are beneficial because they help you strengthen your relationship and achieve your dreams. You’ll want to move forward and get things done, and you won’t be afraid to dive in. These benefits also improve your relationship because you’ll give your partner the same feelings.

11 – “Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That’s why it’s a comfort to go hand in hand.” – Emily Kimbrough.

Everyone makes mistakes in life and relationships. You can’t hold every mistake against your partner, or it interferes with your strength as a couple. Standing together after making a mistake is comforting and builds a stronger foundation for your relationship.

12 – “A loving relationship is one in which the loved one is free to be himself — to laugh with me, but never at me; to cry with me, but never because of me; to love life, to love himself, to love being loved. Such a relationship is based upon freedom and can never grow in a jealous heart.” – Leo F. Buscaglia.

A healthy, strong relationship requires being yourself and allowing your partner to do the same. Experience life and your emotions together, but never hold them against one another. It requires having the freedom to grow without exhibiting unhealthy behaviors. When you can focus on these aspects of a healthy relationship, you’ll have found the strength you need together.

strong relationship

Final Thoughts Quotes to Strengthen Your Relationship

These quotes about strong relationships help deepen your bond. They teach you how to be aware of your and your partner’s needs, allowing both of you to feel fulfilled.

Whether you’re going through a hard time or want to celebrate your relationship, these quotes are the way to go. They’ll remind you why you are in the relationship while building acceptance and trust. As your bond strengthens, you’ll feel more fulfilled, and your romance will be meaningful.

12 Differences Between Feeling Butterflies and True Love

Are you feeling butterflies, or are you falling in love? It’s challenging for some people to distinguish between the two. However, butterflies come from infatuation and romance and are usually short-lived. True love is a choice, and it’s nothing that will go away anytime soon.

The feeling of butterflies in your stomach is transient. It only lasts a couple of months before it subsides for most people. Others may experience these sensations for up to a year, but this would only be in rare cases. How do you know which one you’re experiencing?

Twelve Ways to Separate Feeling Butterflies from True Love

The difference between infatuation and love is that the person with these butterflies depends on that feeling. They need that rush or thrill to be satisfied. Sadly, when the surface goes, usually they’re right behind it.

True love, however, is quite different. It doesn’t happen quickly but tends to last for a long time. They say it takes a minute to fall in love with someone, but it can take a lifetime to get over that person. Here are some ways to tell the difference between infatuation and love.


1. Physical Attraction is Driving Your Feelings

You can tell when you’re captivated by the way you feel. If you’re stuck on their physical attraction and can’t seem to get past it, it’s a sign that you’re feeling butterflies rather than love.

To develop a loving relationship, you must look beyond the exterior and see the heart. You want someone as beautiful on the inside as they are on the outside, but you must remember that beauty is only skin deep.

The person who is eye candy might treat you horribly. However, the person you wouldn’t usually consider might be the one who treats you like royalty.

2. Infatuation Happens Fast

Infatuation stems from the chemistry of a physical nature. Yet, love takes time. There are stories where people fall head over heels in love at first sight, but it’s easier to explain these scenarios as butterflies that grew into something more profound.

Until you’ve sat by your partner in the hospital while they were sick, held them when they felt like their world was falling apart, or wiped their tears, you genuinely don’t know them. You cannot love a person until you know everything about them.

3. There Are No Deep Conversations with Infatuation

It’s very romantic to curl up by a fire and talk to that person who makes your heart skip a beat. When you’re infatuated and feeling butterflies, you’re more interested in making out physical contact than taking time to talk.

Deep conversations are where you get to know someone’s mind, body, and soul, and it’s an integral part of any relationship.

4. Infatuation Doesn’t Complete You

When you find your soul mate, you feel a sense of completeness. You feel like you’ve found the other half that’s taken you years to search. When you’re feeling butterflies, you don’t have that sense of being complete.

Instead, you’re probably thinking they’re cheating if they don’t call several times a day, or you’re constantly questioning whether they’re really into you. True love allows you to share your most profound dreams and darkest fears, and you feel free to open yourself up to be vulnerable because you trust them.

According to BYU Scholars, vulnerability becomes empowering and not debilitating, especially with the right person. Even if you’ve been hurt before, being with the individual that completes you changed everything. It’s a liberating feeling as it allows you to tear down walls and feel free to be yourself.

5. Infatuation Focuses on the Right Now

When you’ve found a romantic love written in the stars, you look to the future. However, infatuation and feeling butterflies can’t go beyond the here and now.

The infatuated individual isn’t making plans for growing old together. This person is only concerned about fulfilling their physical needs with the latest and most significant object of desire.

6. There are Unrealistic Expectations with Infatuation

Since these butterfly feelings are based on physical desires and lust, the other person will always be insecure about the relationship. One person wants more, while the other wants their needs met. One of you will always be sitting and wondering if this association will ever go anywhere.

When you have genuine and romantic love, there are no unrealistic expectations. You accept the person and don’t want them to change a thing. You appreciate what they offer and wouldn’t want to force them to be something they’re not, as you love them just the way they are.

feeling butterflies

7. Infatuation Exhausts You

While butterflies are great, the continual process of infatuation can drain your resources. It takes so much of the energy that you never even dreamed how exhausting it could make you.

Love also can be exhausting, but it’s not a forced feeling as it’s one you can’t stop. You can control your infatuation at any moment when those feelings die, but love is uncontrollable. It will make you do and say things you never thought possible.

8. Love if Forgiving and Kind

Feeling butterflies and trying to form a relationship from these feelings often ends in heartbreak. When everything is said and done, you may feel cold and isolated when it falls apart.

Thankfully, when you’re with someone in love, they can overlook your idiosyncrasies and are willing to forgive you time and again. Infatuation lacks the substance that love provides.

9. Love Develops a Strong Root System

Someone who’s infatuated wants to get married right away because they’re afraid if they don’t move quickly, they will lose them. However, the person in love wants to take things nice and slow.

They desire to savor each part of the relationship they’re building. An article in the Chicago Tribune says love is like a friendship that catches on fire. It develops a robust root system to grow into something beautiful.

You both strengthen one another in the growing process, and even if you’re far apart, your hearts are always close together. Infatuation, on the other hand, is just a fleeting desire. It comes with much insecurity and nagging doubts.

10. Love Makes You a Better Person

In the grand scheme of things, infatuation isn’t doing much for you. However, love will allow you to become a better person. Have you ever met someone who was a complete mess until they met the one individual that changed their life?

They give them a sense of belonging, help them establish their life, and make them want to do and be a better person. That’s how you can tell the difference between love and butterflies. Love gives you a desire to grow and change into the person you want to be, but infatuation believes there’s no reason to alter anything.

11. Infatuation is Insecure, But Love is Confident

You don’t question things when you have a spiritual connection with someone. You know how they feel about you, and you know exactly how you think about them.

Infatuation is not romantic, and it causes the other individual to constantly wonder about their position in this person’s life. Being involved in a relationship based on infatuation is nothing but a very insecure situation, and it’s flaky and breakable.

12. Infatuation is More of an Idea

Sometimes people become infatuated with love. They want the white picket fence and the perfect family like everyone else. When someone is feeling butterflies, their senses are more based on a fairy tale than grounded in reality.

Love happens at the soul level, and it’s a connection that’s more than an idea. Infatuation is someone being in love with the idea of being in love, but someone who has the real thing knows there’s a big difference.

feeling butterflies

Final Thoughts on Feeling Butterflies and True Love

Have you ever given a speech and felt those butterflies in the pit of your stomach? Sometimes, these feelings are so intense that you feel sick. Compare that to infatuation. Infatuation is based on senses and emotions and is not grounded in reality.

Now, think of planting a seed in your garden. It takes time for that seed to germinate and sprout. It must develop a root system to hold it in the ground so that the first wind or rainstorm doesn’t wash it away.

Though it’s a much slower process, it’s about building something that will last. A romantic relationship based on genuine love is much like that seed. Someone infatuated will never take time to build that root system that allows the relationship to grow and thrive.

They’re more concerned with their feelings and the here and now. You can quickly tell the difference between the two by examining the abovementioned points.

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