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11 Tips for Mold Detox, According to Science

Do you need to perform a mold detox? How harmful are the spores to your health?

Fungus and molds are part of the natural environment. They exist everywhere, both inside and outside. The spores thrive in damp places like decaying leaves or on damp drywall. You encounter mold all the time. Mold spores are always in the air, growing on food or living on different things in your home.

Not all mold is harmful. You eat mold in blue cheese. It also comes in medicines like penicillin. Dangerous molds are harmful to people because they produce mycotoxins. Mildew is related to mold, but it’s a different type of fungus. It thrives in damp, dark places. Mildew is powdery and lives on the surfaces, while mold is fuzzy looking, black or greenish. You can develop specific health problems because of molds and mildews.

How do the spores get inside your house?

Mold spores are so tiny they’re almost invisible to the eye. They grow on wet surfaces. Some molds grow without moisture or water. Mold grows indoors when you have leaky pipes or a flood in your home. It can spawn on the firewood that you have sitting in your fireplace. The most common places you can find mold in your house include the following:

  • Air conditioning or heating ducts
  • Washing machines
  • Dryers
  • Carpeting
  • Upholstery
  • Walls
  • Ceilings
  • Basement
  • Garage
  • Attic
  • Fireplace
  • Chimney

mold detox

Health problems that might indicate the need for a mold detox

Scientists have discovered the relationship between mold exposure and health problems. They found moldy buildings cause an increase in respiratory problems, including:


Asthma is a disease of your airway that causes inflammation. People who are exposed to indoor dampness and these spores are at a greater risk of getting asthma. If you have the disease, mold exposure makes it more severe.

Aspergillus fumigatus

This is a type of fungal asthma. It obstructs your airways by producing too much mucus. Constant exposure to molds can lead to asthma symptoms, especially in young kids.

Allergic reactions

There are some people who have allergic reactions to the spores. When they’re around moldy areas, they develop symptoms such as the following:

  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion
  • Eye irritation
  • Skin rash
  • Headaches

Not everyone exposed to mold or mildew experiences symptoms. Or, they have very minor symptoms such as a runny nose.

Changes in your immune system

Long-term exposure to mycotoxins can change your immune system, causing inflammation. Aflatoxins are mycotoxins in grain, seeds, or nuts. The Food and Drug Administration created guidelines to reduce the amount of mycotoxins in the United States food supply, especially in imported foods.

NIH questions the efficacy of mold detox cleanses and issues a warning

The NIH National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health warned that cleanses “advertised commercially, offered at health centers, or part of naturopathic treatment” might waste your money and time. Furthermore, some of the cleanses available do not have enough scientific data to justify purchasing the products.

In the worst-case scenario, the NIH notes, unpasteurized juices can make people sick. The caution here–do your homework. Please learn what’s in any commercial mold detox cleansing product (or any cleanse for that matter) before consuming it.

Because of the stern nature of this NIH warning, we will focus on helping you mitigate spores naturally–consider it a mold detox for your environment to help you avoid illness.

What are treatments for mold allergies?

If you think you have mold in your home, you should probably see an allergist and pulmonologist for tests. Avoid self-medicating until you get a professional diagnosis.

How to kill mold naturally?

Chlorine bleach kills mold, but there are other less caustic ways to clean up minor mold problems. These include:

  • White vinegar: White vinegar can be sprayed directly on mold spots in your house. Let the vinegar sit, then wipe. If the mold is still there, repeat this process.
  • Tea tree oil: This oil is a natural fungicide. Put eight to ten drops of it in a spray bottle with water. Spray on the mold spots and let the mixture work. Wipe when you notice it’s cleared up the mold.
  • Vodka: Vodka is a great natural mold killer. Spray a little vodka on the mold and let it work. Wait a bit, then wipe away the mold spots with a rag.

Eleven tips for mold detox, according to science

Mold detox is considerable controversy in the scientific community. Although most researchers agree that mold can produce substances called mycotoxins, there is no scientific evidence there’s a need for people to do a mold detox.

Most researchers encourage people not to live in fear of mold. If you’re a healthy adult, it’s unlikely you’ll get sick from mold. There is a lot of misinformation about mold detox, mold treatments, and even about mold. However, if you are one of the people who react to its presence, try these things to prevent an illness.


1 – Clean up water damage in your home

If you’re experiencing allergy symptoms, it might be time to get your home checked for mold. Water damage restoration is crucial if you’ve recently had a flood or any water-related issues in your home. Mold growth can thrive in such conditions, making it essential to have a mold inspector evaluate the situation. This is particularly important if you’re at higher risk due to immune compromise or asthma. Allergy symptoms caused by mold include:

  • Itchy eyes
  • Coughing
  • Stuffy and runny nose
  • Rash
  • Eczema
  • Asthma

2 – Mold infections

Mold infections are pretty rare. If you have a mold-related disease, you’ll have a fever of at least 100.4°F. You’ll also have low blood pressure, dizziness, and shortness of breath.  The people most prone to a mold infection are those who are immune-compromised or have asthma.

3 – Prevent mold growth in your house

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, your conditioner should have a certified allergy and asthma-friendly air filter to prevent mold growth indoors. Use a dehumidifier when it’s humid outside. Always use the exhaust fan in your bathroom during a shower or open a window. Clean your bathrooms, kitchen, and laundry room with anti-mold and mildew cleaners to kill mold.

4 – What about “sweating it out.”

This mold detox treatment claims if you sweat hard enough and long enough, it will remove the mold from your body. There is no science to support such an idea.  Of course, it is kind of scary when you look at pink, brown, or black fuzzy mold growing in the corner of your house. Many people equate mold with poison. But according to the CDC, there are few reports of toxigenic molds inside homes. There are even online reports that there’s been pulmonary hemorrhaging or memory loss because of mold. But none of these claims prove to be true. Use a critical eye when reading online health sites that claim to have cures and treatments for things not backed up by scientific research.

5 – Does activated charcoal work for mold detox?

Emergency rooms have activated charcoal to treat drug abuse, overdose, or accidental poisonings, like when a young child eats a poisonous mushroom. But activated charcoal won’t do anything to detox mold exposure. It’s not possible.

6 – Are probiotics beneficial for mold?

Can you use probiotics as a mold or mildew detox? Probably not. They’re beneficial for good gut health, especially when you eat foods that are natural probiotics. Many websites suggest probiotics as a treatment for mold-related conditions, but these live organisms can’t treat a bacterial infection and don’t help with a mold detox.

7 – Get qualified professionals for major mold cleanup projects

Don’t clean up big mold projects on your own. Call a professional who can handle the job safely. Avoid breathing in the mold spores if you must be in the house when they clean up the mold. Wear an N-95 mask with a nozzle on the front with removable cartridges to trap the mold spores. You can change the cartridges daily.

8 – Wear gloves when performing mold detox activities

Always wear gloves if you’re cleaning up minor mold in your home. Use water, detergent, and a disinfectant such as chlorine bleach to wipe down areas where mold grows. Don’t touch mold or any moldy items with your bare hands. Throw out things that have gotten moldy, such as

  • Linens
  • Carpets
  • Stuffed animals
  • Cardboard
  • Papers
  • Foods
  • Clothing
  • Leather accessories like purses, belts, or shoes are prone to mildew growth

9 – Wear goggles

When you’re cleaning up mold, wear goggles or some eye protection. The best ones are those without ventilation holes, so mold spores can’t get into your eyes.

10 – Use fans to dry your home and avoid the need for mold detox measures

Fans keep the air moving and help dry out areas where moisture could build-up, allowing mold or mildew to grow. Use a fan in your bathroom, kitchen, laundry area, or basement because these are where mold is most prone to develop. Other ways to use a fan to prevent mold include:

  • Use the exhaust fan in the kitchen
  • Use the exhaust fan in bathrooms
  • Put a fan in a room of your house that is dark because of lots of trees outside

11 – Open your windows to avoid spores from forming

Fresh air and sunlight help get rid of mold naturally. Sunlight kills the mold spores and prevents more growth. If you live in an area with high humidity, only open your windows when the humidity is low. Other ways to get rid of mold in your home include:

  • Use a dehumidifier in damp areas, like your basement or laundry room
  • Clean up any spills right away
  • Air out your house once a day to get good air circulation flowing
  • Keep your clothing dry
  • Change the filters on your AC
  • Wash mildewed shower curtains

mold detox

Final thoughts on performing mold detox

Mold is a natural part of your environment. It’s found all over the world. Not all molds are harmful. People with asthma or a suppressed immune system risk getting sick from certain types of mold. Healthy adults don’t need to think of mold as poison. Typically, household molds aren’t dangerous. Of course, if you have a big problem with spores in your house, call in professionals to clean it. You can clean small bits of mold in the bathroom or kitchen with household cleaners or use the natural mold cleaners suggested in the article.

10 Things That Cause Someone to Be Defensive

You were born with the innate ability to protect yourself. Your internal wiring tells you whether you need to fight or flight. Being defensive allows you to safeguard yourself in the face of danger, but sometimes, your senses kick into overdrive. When you’re always in survival mode, your brain is in a state of defense or you deny responsibility for your actions. In turn, this can cause those around you to walk on eggshells. These behaviors are challenging to deal with, but it’s even worse when someone is being defensive in a relationship.

When you’re always on guard, you’re unable to communicate, live mindfully, and enjoy the company of others.

Ten Common Causes of a Defensive Person

Why are some people so ready to jump on the defense bandwagon than others? Have you noticed that you tend to have your guard up more than you like? Here are ten common reasons someone lets their defensiveness interfere with their life.


1. A Defensive Person May Have an Underlying Anxiety Disorder

There are several types of anxiety disorders, and each one of these disorders can impact you significantly. Post-traumatic stress disorder is one such condition that puts you in a defensive mode. PTSD is often known as being shell-shocked, affecting soldiers or those who had been through incredible traumas.

However, according to the Mayo Clinic, you can develop PTSD from genetic links, traumatic events, or another mental illness. With anxiety, your senses heighten, and you live most of your life waiting for the next catastrophic event.

It’s challenging to be in a relationship with someone with PTSD, as you may feel that you’re always walking on eggshells. Even simple things like having music or TV too loud can intensify their anxiety. Thankfully, many beneficial treatments help those with PTSD live their everyday lives.

2. Poor Self-Esteem May Cause Someone to Be Defensive

People who have poor self-esteem tend to be especially sensitive. Things like walking through the mall might be challenging when you think all eyes are on you. When folks feel they are less than others or stand out from the crowd, it causes them to put on their defensive shield.

According to Medical News Today, a borderline personality disorder can alter your self-image and cause you to feel that everyone is out to get you. There’s a lot of denial about this condition too, but seeking help is the best way to combat this mental concern.

However, not everyone who has a poor self-image struggles with mental illness. Often the events of the past can dictate the present. It’s essential to love yourself as it effects so much in your life.

3. Feeling Vulnerable

Karen was bullied in school. There wasn’t a day when someone didn’t call her a horrible name, and she dreaded each day. Her parents were less supportive, often telling her that she needed to toughen up.

When she reached adulthood, having a healthy relationship with anyone was challenging. Karen felt uncomfortable when she was alone with anyone as she was responsible for communicating and opening up to them. She tried to hide her scars like battle wounds, but she was so afraid of being made fun of that she lived in a state of defensiveness.

People often become wary when they’re outside their comfort zone. However, you are responsible for working through these issues to have friendships and romantic relationships that keep you fulfilled.

4. Feeling Manipulated

No one likes to be a puppet on a string. Being manipulated can cause someone to be too defensive towards others. When you’ve been taken advantage of, it’s only natural to put up your guard to protect yourself from being hurt again.

It’s good to set healthy boundaries, but you can’t think that every person is out to harm you. The worst thing you can do is to resort to passive-aggressive defense mechanisms to try to defend yourself. Healthy communication is the key to resolving all issues. Additionally, it would help if you learned when situations are toxic and you need to move on.

5. Refuses To Be Accountable or Take Responsibility

Some folks refuse to take responsibility for their actions. They live in denial about everything, making it challenging to be around this person. Someone who can’t admit their wrong will often become very defensive about anything and everything.

The truth is they need to justify their actions, so they create a scenario in their mind that brings the justification they need. For instance, Cindy had an affair with her husband. She knew it was wrong, but she felt justified in her decision because he worked long hours.

In her mind, she knew that if she could blame the situation on him, she wouldn’t be consumed with guilt. It would be much easier to admit she did wrong, ask for his forgiveness, and decide if she wanted to stay or go.


6. Trauma and Abuse in Childhood Can Cause a Defensive Personality

Children who’ve been through abusive upbringings often will keep up their guard to protect themselves. These people fear the sky will crash, so they’ve learned to be on guard.

According to the Innocent Lives Foundation, abuse rewires the brain, and the person who’s suffered from such things won’t think or react like everyone else.

The hippocampus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex are all affected by trauma, and it can take a lifetime to repair the damage from one single event. Be kind, as someone who is too quick to put up their guard may be acting from past trauma that’s inhibiting their life.

7. Taking Responsibility Is a Learned Behavior

Your childhood taught you many things, but did you also learn how to be defensive towards others? Some parents inadvertently teach their children things by allowing them to observe their behaviors. Some parents lack responsibility or the ability to overcome trauma. If your mom or dad had insecurity issues, an anxiety disorder, or had been through a trauma, they might have been overly cautious.

While they didn’t mean to transfer these behaviors onto you, it’s something you picked up over the years. Take, for instance, Tommy. Every time the doorbell rang, his mom would go and hide.

When he was a toddler, he would go with his mother to hide in another room whenever someone came to the door. Now, Tommy is 25 years old and still feels the need to run and hide when the doorbell rings. It’s not that he had anything to fear, but he is only reacting based on learned behaviors.

His mother ran from the doorbell because she was robbed one night and couldn’t get past the trauma. Tommy was following his mother’s lead, but he has a great responsibility to his family to ensure he doesn’t pass this behavior on to them. Counseling is a great tool to work through learned behaviors you may not understand.

8. Hiding The Truth

Covering a lie will undoubtedly bring up someone’s defensive nature. When a person becomes moody or dismissive when confronted about a situation, it’s usually because there’s something to hide.

Remember the writings of Shakespeare when he stated, “the lady doth protest too much.” Someone overly defensive about a situation is usually trying to cover something up.

9. Guilt or Remorse

There’s not a person alive who hasn’t made a mistake. Some people will live in denial about these issues, but it’s best if you stand up and take responsibility for these actions. This can cause many problems if you have unresolved feelings.

Take, for instance, Jean. She is a workaholic who rarely spends time with her family. She tries to be a good mother but feels terrible guilt that she’s at work for 12 hours a day. Jean hasn’t been to one of her daughter’s many school events, which is a sore spot for her family.

Jean automatically becomes defensive when anyone mentions lousy parenting or not being there for their kids. She uses her guilt-ridden defenses, even if people aren’t talking about her situation. It would help if she could forgive herself for the past, try to do better in the future, and be there for her kid.

Consequently, whenever any parenting subject arises, the intense guilt becomes unbearable. Guilt is just an indication that you need to fix something. In this instance, the decision is Jean’s, and she has the power to change the future.

10. Defensive Behavior Can Stem From All or Nothing Thinking

Some folks only see things as all or nothing, and they can’t see the middle ground. If these individual feels judged unfairly by others, it can cause their defense mechanisms to go wild. Suppose you told your spouse it was their turn to do the dishes because you’ve done them for the past two days.

They automatically jump into defense mode. They feel attacked because they feel you’re saying they’re not holding up their end of the housework. You’re not saying that at all, but you want some help.

The problem is that they lash out because they are frustrated and know they can improve, but they feel you’re judging them. Finding good ways to communicate without being on guard is essential in any relationship.


Final Thoughts on Taking Responsibility for Your Behaviors Without Being Defensive

It’s challenging to figure out people, primarily when each person communicates their defensiveness in various ways. Some will use denial or responsibility for their actions, while others will become aggressive or show oppositional behaviors. Then there are the folks who have righteous indignation, even though they’re clearly in the wrong.

When someone is overly cautious and always seems to have their guard up, you can rest assured there is a reason for these actions. If it’s you or a close family member, counseling or learning effective boundaries can help resolve some of these defensive behaviors.

10 Ways to Stop Losing Yourself in Love Relationships

Losing yourself in a relationship is a common experience that nobody admits is a problem. After falling in love with that special someone, your life becomes a whirlwind of champagne bubbles, laughter, and romance. Amid your joy as a couple, you could be losing yourself and not realize it.

During this incredible “honeymoon” phase, you’re head over heels in love, and all is bright and beautiful in the world. You spend most of your time together and less with your regular circle of family and friends. It’s normal in a new relationship, and most people understand.

Allow yourself to revel in these magical moments as a couple. However, remember that you’re still individuals with preferences, interests, and goals. Being a couple is a blessing, but you were still a whole person before you met.

Ten Ways to Avoid Losing Yourself While Falling in Love

What happens after the fireworks of falling settle? How can you foster a lasting relationship and still be yourself as you slip into everyday life? Here are ten ways to avoid losing yourself in a romantic relationship.

losing yourself

1. Make Yourself a Priority to Avoid Losing Yourself

Losing your individuality in a relationship can be avoided if you remember to love yourself. It’s not narcissistic to preserve your self-esteem and give yourself the loving care you deserve. If you don’t love yourself, you can’t successfully love anyone else.

Your partner can only fulfill so many of your needs as an individual. Being content doesn’t mean every aspect of your life is satisfying. You still have passions and goals you need to fulfill on your own, and you can’t deny yourself those rights.

2. Don’t Always Say “We”

When you’re in a committed relationship, you are deeply connected to your person and become a “we.” You’re together so much that you begin to think alike and can often complete each other’s sentences. Listen to yourself some time and see how often you replace “I” with “we.”

Even though falling in love makes you feel like one flesh and one mind, you remain two individuals. It sounds spiritual and poetic to think of two becoming one, but it’s not reality. Losing your individuality won’t be as easy when you are confident enough in your relationship to be your person.

3. Stay Connected with Family and Friends to Prevent Losing Yourself

Like most people, you have two circles of relationship and influence. The outer circle is acquaintances and other people with whom you share minimal social contact. Your inner circles are those family and friends who’ve built trust and a solid emotional bond with you.

People will orbit in and out of your outer circle, and a few may become part of your inner circle. However, those in your inner circle have been with you for years, and their connections are often lifelong. They’ve seen you at your best and worst. They have supported you no matter what.

Perhaps your significant other was part of your outer circle and found their way into your inner crowd. They may be your intimate partner, but it doesn’t exclude others who’ve been your steady rock. You don’t turn your back on family and friends just because you’re falling in love.

Staying connected with your inner circle is an ideal way to avoid losing yourself in a relationship. While you’ll have mutual friends, separate friendships are also healthy. It would help if you had time by yourself to hang out with your besties and enjoy a night on the town.

4. Don’t Sacrifice Too Much

According to an article by UCLA-Berkeley, relationships require sacrifice from you and your lover. However, the report states that sacrificing too much can lead to unbalanced power, frustration, and resentment. Falling in love doesn’t mean losing yourself by compromising your self-esteem.

How do you know if you’re sacrificing too much in the relationship? What’s your motivation, and would your mate do the same if the tables were turned? The right sacrifices can benefit a relationship, but when you do it for the wrong reasons, it can only lead to negative consequences.

5. Set Boundaries and Respect Them

Boundaries are essential for maintaining a loving, healthy relationship. In his article published by Vanderbilt University, Dr. Chad A. Buck states that limitations set the stage for positive relationships. They offer you choices instead of expectations and obligations.

Setting boundaries early in your romantic relationship may minimize misunderstandings later. You each know what the other expects to give and receive in the connection. It doesn’t allow much room to question what is and what isn’t acceptable.

You pay the consequences when your boundaries are clouded and compromised, like losing yourself. Your mate needs to know where you stand in the relationship and how you want to be treated. You preserve your self-respect, and you won’t have to keep compromising your wants and needs.

falling in love

6. Do Some Activities by Yourself

One of the many pleasures of falling in love is having someone to share fun activities and fascinating travels with. There are countless things that you can do together for enrichment and leisure. You probably have enough in common to do something as a couple.

On the other hand, pursuing your interests may reduce your chances of losing yourself. Maybe you’ve always wanted to take up a hobby or activity that doesn’t interest your partner or vice versa. You’ll have more to share when you’re free to enjoy a few things on your own.

7. To Thine Own Self Be True

No relationship exists without a few arguments–or someone isn’t being true to themselves. Falling in love doesn’t mean you must relinquish your thoughts, feelings, and opinions. You can pledge your heart to a partner and keep your individuality intact.

How can you be honest and genuine with another person if you can’t do the same for yourself? You are as unique as a snowflake, and you don’t have to compromise all you are for the sake of a romantic partner. If their idea of a relationship is to mold you into something you’re not, it’s not worth it in the long run.

8. Communicate with Each Other

A study published by the National Library of Medicine concludes that communication plays a crucial role in relationship satisfaction. How can you possibly know what’s happening in each other’s lives unless you communicate? Assuming how your partner thinks and feels is a recipe for misunderstandings and resentment.

Having meaningful conversations with each other is one of the benefits of falling in love. You relate to each other on a physical, mental, and spiritual level, as you care about one another’s feelings. When you spend time talking together each day, losing yourself is less likely.

Notice that meaningful conversations are marked by talking with, not talking to, your mate. Practice excellent active listening skills and try to listen more than you speak. Listen intently to what the other is saying without interrupting and contemplating what you’ll say next.

A skilled active listener will also try to mirror the speaker’s emotions and maintain neutral body language. After your partner has made their point, pause for a moment before saying anything. Restating what they’ve said in your own words can offer clarity and fewer misunderstandings.

9. Live in the Present

If you aren’t living in the present moment, you risk losing yourself in the past. Maybe you’re haunted by past broken relationships and the issues that caused them. Sure, you can learn from your mistakes and be grateful, but you can’t go back and change anything.

Make your current situation a relationship of “now.” Accept and love yourself and your partner for who you are. Refuse to allow the past to control what joy you have now and in the future, as this will only hurt your self-esteem and your connection with your lover.

10. Prevent Losing Yourself by Keeping a Reality-Based Relationship

Who hasn’t read fairy tales since childhood and dreamed of the handsome prince riding off into the sunset with the lovely maiden? If you continue fantasizing about your romantic relationship and living happily ever after, you may be disappointed.

A relationship forms between two fallible humans, and nothing is perfect. Losing yourself in a fairy tale dream isn’t fair to either of you. Relationships are hard work, demand give and take, frequent apologies, forgiveness, and patience.

In the beginning, it’s normal to idealize yourselves and the relationship. If you don’t experience a reality check, you’ll see that you both have faults and may feel disillusioned. For true love to work, you must view each other as individuals with favorable characteristics, flaws, shortcomings, and limitations.

losing yourself

Final Thoughts on Maintaining Your Identity in a Relationship

Remember that your lover fell in love with you as you are. Keep your self-esteem, and don’t discard those unique characteristics and behaviors they adore. You can maintain a beautiful relationship for a lifetime when you avoid losing yourself.

10 Signs That Someone Should Raise Their Relationship Standards

New love is a beautiful feeling, but are you settling for less than what you deserve in life? A balance of inequality can cause some severe issues in any relationship. So many times, people settle when they feel lonely or desperate, and the truth is they could have so much more.

While you don’t want to set your standards so low that you attract just anyone, you need to have some requirements for whom you will date. It may not cause any issues initially, but it will undoubtedly be a factor as the relationship continues. Everyone has dating preferences, but do your tastes align with what’s best for you?

Let’s assume you always get a ham and cheese sandwich at the deli. Now, how do you know that you don’t like the pastrami on rye unless you try it at least once? The same can happen in the dating pool. While you want a specific type of person, you don’t honestly know what you like until you play the field.

Ten Indications Your Dating Standards Are Too Low

Finding a good relationship means discovering what you like and empowering yourself. When considering lifestyle choices and long-term goals, you don’t want to set your standard too high. However, if you set your bar too low, you can buy yourself a great deal of trouble you don’t need. Here are some signs that it’s time to raise your dating standard.

relationship standards

1. When You Lower Your Standards, You Get Bored

Once you’ve been together for many years, you can expect things to get boring. You must constantly reinvent the relationship and your life after the newness has worn off. The problem is that you shouldn’t be bored early on.

You may be the extrovert who loves to be the life of the party. However, if you’re with an introvert who loves to stay at home, it may not work. One of you must at least be willing to compromise a bit for the other person’s happiness.

If no one is willing to compromise and everyone is doing their own thing, it’s easy to see how things could become tiresome.

2. Raise Your Standards if Your Partner Does Not Treat You Well

Does your partner make rude comments to you? Do they use unconstructive criticism to tear you down? Do you walk on eggshells because you always feel like you’re never good enough for them?

Perhaps you have low standards when finding someone to have a relationship with. Remember that you can do better, but it’s important not to let feelings of desperation come into the mix. The only thing worse than being alone is being with someone who isn’t right for you. Toxic relationships not only affect the here and now but also the future.

3. There’s No Emotional Connection

Are you one of those people who only looks at things like income, job, physical characteristics, and the material possessions your partner owns? It’s easy to be influenced by money and power, but just because a person has these things doesn’t mean they’re good relationship material.

A person who looks like the perfect package on the outside may be horrible in a relationship. Your standards may need to be adjusted to ensure that you find someone who fits your needs beyond materialism.

You must look for emotional value and compatibility in a relationship. Look to the inside more than you look on the outside. It would help if you connected on an emotional level for a relationship to have a chance to flourish.

4. Communication Is Awkward When You Don’t Have High Standards

There’s something nice about cuddling beside a fire and discussing life and your dreams. When your partner doesn’t have good communication, it can leave you lacking. They may not like talking on the phone, sending emails, or texting, but how can you have a deep and meaningful relationship if you’re not communicating?

According to Ways Youth and Family Foundation, communication is vital to any relationship. They also state that many times this communication is natural, but it’s something that you both must work on. Do you need to raise your standards because you desire deep communication and long chat sessions?

Could the problem be that your dating preferences keep you from finding the right person for you? Some people will never be good conversationalists, no matter how much you want them to be.

5. Your Needs Are Compromised

Relationships are all about giving and taking. Sadly, you have an inequity problem if you’re doing all the giving. You shouldn’t always be the one to lose, nor should you be the one that’s always doing the compromising.

Sit down, evaluate the situation, and ask yourself what you’re getting from the relationship? Are you truly fulfilled, or do you always seem to come up with the short end of the stick?

relationship standards

6. You Settle in Your Relationships

Nick Notas is a dating consultant in the Boston area. He works with people from all walks of life. One thing he says he’s noticed when it comes to relationships is that everyone seems to be in a hurry. He further states that being with the right partner will bring out all the good things in you while being with the wrong partner will bring out the bad.

He believes society places an unhealthy, unrealistic pressure to settle down on folks. Having standards and wanting what’s best for you is okay. Even if you must be alone for a while, it’s better than being with someone who makes you miserable.

7. There’s a Lack of Respect

Do you not respect your partner? You may have set the bar too low and can’t provide the respect necessary because you don’t value their worth. Assume you have a master’s degree and have dedicated to educating yourself to move up the corporate ladder.

Perhaps your partner didn’t value education and is happy to work an entry-level job. While you got together because the physical chemistry was undeniable, there wasn’t enough substance to keep things once those feelings settled down. Now, it’s clear that you look down on them because you feel like they’re beneath you.

Each person is valuable, but sometimes when you’ve done a lot more in life or made more money than someone else, you determine the value of this person. It’s not fair, but it’s a sign that you’re not on equal playing fields.

8. You’re Seriously Unhappy

If you keep settling for the wrong person, it’s a clear indicator that you need to raise your standards. When you settle for someone all wrong for you, you might miss the person that’s perfect because you’re preoccupied. Additionally, when you’re not with the right person, you can start to resent this individual and be miserable.

Your life is too short to live in misery and regret. No one wants to be unhappy, and there’s no rush regarding heart matters. The best situations often catch you by surprise when you’re not even looking.

9. You Tend to Jump into Relationships Fast

Nothing screams that you have low standards than someone who jumps from relationship to relationship. Do you always need to be connected to someone to feel fulfilled? Perhaps, you have issues from the past like trauma or abuse that cloud your judgment on what’s considered a healthy relationship.

10. There’s No Support

It’s often the case that relationships are unbalanced, as one partner takes on the bulk of the responsibilities. For instance, it can get tiring if you’re grocery shopping, paying the bills, cleaning the house, and making all the appointments.

It seems unfair when your partner only goes to work and comes home to play video games. It would help if you didn’t have to ask your partner to support you, as they should be eager to pitch in and help. Some people are lazy in the relationship, and these individuals will sit back and let you take on the burden and all the responsibilities.

Who cares about your dating preferences if you always end up with someone who expects more than they give? You may need to adjust your standards a bit.

relationship standards

Final Thoughts on Knowing It’s Time to Raise Your Relationship Standards

There’s only one reason to be in a relationship with anyone, and the reason to be committed is that you’re in love. Some people love the idea of being in love and don’t care for the person they’re hooked up with now. If you tend to hop from one relationship to another, it’s a sign that you need to raise your standards a bit.

Don’t be in such a hurry to find the right one, as you’re often just filling your idle time. It’s also okay to play the field, but it typically doesn’t lead to long and meaningful relationships when you play the field and date around.

You owe yourself to find someone who checks all the boxes and is your better half. Until you find that person, you’re settling for someone that isn’t right for you. Settling and having low standards isn’t fair to you or the person you’re with.

10 Dietary Changes That Can Reduce Stress Hormones

There are many ways to manage stress, but you may have overlooked your diet. Following healthy strategies such as eating a healthy diet, drinking enough water, and limiting your caffeine is an excellent place to start.  But researchers suggest dietary changes can reduce stress hormones. Here are ten dietary changes you can make to reduce your stress hormones.

What Are the Main Stress Hormones?

Your primary stress hormone is cortisol. It gets released when you’re experiencing pressure causing a fight-or-flight response. Even though cortisol is essential, there are other significant hormones. Hormones like insulin affect weight gain, blood sugar levels, and your body’s stress levels. Other hormones that affect your stress include:

  • Prolactin
  • Growth hormones
  • Thyroid hormones
  • ACTH
  • Gonadotropins
  • Adrenaline
  • Norepinephrine
  • Catecholamines
  • Vasopressin
  • Corticotropin-releasing hormone

stress hormones

What Foods Affect Your Hormones the Greatest?

Sugar is at the top of the list of foods that activate your stress hormones. Sugar causes memory problems and brain fog. Furthermore, there’s even an increased risk of dementia when your diet is high in sugar. This is because it creates insulin resistance, making it harder for your body to process glucose.

Snacking throughout your day also disrupts your hormones and puts stress on your body. When you snack, it increases your insulin, which causes insulin resistance. These up-and-down hormone fluctuations affect your health, mood, and your stress.

10 Dietary Changes That Can Reduce Stress Hormones

If you want to manage health more efficiently, try these ten things.

1 – Eat more magnesium

According to studies, a diet low in magnesium increases anxiety-related behaviors. Foods rich in magnesium have the opposite effect. They make you feel calm and relaxed. Rood high in magnesium include:

  • Spinach
  • Swiss chard
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Whole grains
  • Legumes

Magnesium provides support for your nerve function, muscles, and energy levels. When you are low in magnesium, it increases your blood pressure and puts you at risk for  type2 diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis. Having enough magnesium in your body makes a difference in how you feel and function. It improves your PMS, reduces migraines, and promotes lower inflammation.

2 – Eat fatty acids

This is an excellent dietary change to reduce stress if you aren’t eating enough fatty acids. Fatty acids, such as omega 3s, are linked to improving depression. These foods improve your mood and reduce your anxiety levels. Omega 3s create fluidity in your brain cells and play roles in your brain function. Your body can’t produce these essential fats, so you must include them in your diet.

Omega-3-rich foods to include in your diet:

  • Salmon
  • Dark chocolate
  • Fermented foods
  • Oatmeal
  • Bananas
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Blueberries
  • Beans
  • Lentils
  • Coffee

3 – Avoid skipping meals for lifetime dietary changes you can live with

Skipping meals can lead to metabolic syndrome. According to researchers, metabolic syndrome creates conditions in your body that can lead to diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and other health conditions. Metabolic syndrome is also called insulin resistance syndrome. Constant exposure to stress increases your risk of developing metabolic syndrome. How do you know if you have metabolic syndrome?

Know the red flags that reveal metabolic syndrome:

Good chance you have it if you have three or more of these conditions.

  • Large waistline: This is sometimes called an “apple shape.” It’s where you carry extra weight in your stomach area. This shape puts you at risk for heart disease more than if you carry your fat in other parts of your body.
  • High blood pressure: If you have high blood pressure that stays high, it can damage your blood vessels and heart. High blood pressure also builds up plaque, the waxy-like substance that clogs your arteries. Plaque causes blood vessels and heart disease, stroke, or heart attack.
  • High blood sugar: High blood sugar increases your chances of blood clots, damaging your blood vessels and heart. High blood pressure also raises triglycerides, a type of fat found in your blood. If you have high triglycerides, it increases your cholesterol, which leads to heart disease.

Metabolic syndrome is preventable with dietary changes and stress reduction.

4 – Try natural probiotics

Eating foods that are natural probiotics can reduce your anxiety and stress. These foods protect the lining of your gut, where many serotonin receptors live.

Natural probiotics are in these foods:

  • Pickles
  • Sauerkraut
  • Kombucha
  • Kimchi
  • Yogurt
  • Tempeh
  • Miso
  • Buttermilk
  • Some cheeses-mozzarella, cottage cheese, cheddar, gouda

dietary changes

5 – Enjoy foods rich in zinc

Another dietary change to consider is eating more foods rich in zinc. Zinc can improve your mental function and boost your brain health. Prolonged stress decreases zinc in your blood. Having enough zinc in your body stabilizes your cortisol levels, which can lead to hormonal changes.  Food high in zinc include:

  • Cashews
  • Liver
  • Beef
  • Liver
  • Egg yolks
  • Oysters
  • Crab
  • Chickpeas
  • Beans
  • Nuts

Eating a Mediterranean diet will boost your zinc levels. This diet improves your mood and reduces your stress.

7 – Eat foods rich in B vitamins

Foods rich in vitamin B are the “feel good” foods. They help release and regulate hormones, such as dopamine and serotonin. This vitamin’s other roles include:

  • Supports your overall sense of well-being
  • Improves your energy levels
  • Brain function
  • Cell metabolism
  • Prevent infections
  • Cell development and health
  • Stress control and improved mood

The Vitamin B foods include these items:

Make dietary changes by adding vitamin B-rich foods to your daily menu. Vitamin B foods include:

  • Eggs
  • Organ meats
  • Milk
  • Oysters
  • Clams
  • Mussels
  • Beans
  • Leafy greens
  • Citrus fruits
  • Avocados

What are the symptoms of low vitamin B?

Watch for these primary symptoms of low vitamin B:

  • You feel dizzy
  • Pale or yellowish skin tone.
  • Loss of appetite
  • Losing weight without trying
  • Fast heartbeat or chest pain
  • Your feet and hands feel numb or tingling
  • Weak muscles
  • Mood changes
  • Feeling forgetful or confused.

8 – Try adding antioxidant-rich foods

Antioxidants are natural substances that help delay cell damage and reduce anxiety disorders. There’s a considerable debate about how many antioxidants you need for maximum health benefits. It’s best to eat foods that are naturally high in antioxidants rather than taking supplements. Going overboard with supplements is never healthy. Eating these foods is the safest way to get enough antioxidants.

  • Apples
  • Cherries
  • Plums
  • Blackberries
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Blueberries
  • Walnuts
  • Pecans
  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Red beets
  • Broccoli
  • Ginger
  • Turmeric
  • Parsley

9 – Eat eggs

Eggs are full of a wide variety of minerals and vitamins. They also contain amino acids and antioxidants, which help boost stress reactions. Eggs are also rich in choline, a mineral that improves brain health, especially in protecting against stress. This fantastic food contains healthy amounts of protein. It’s also an excellent source of vitamin D, which strengthens your bones.

10 – Try sweet potatoes

These aren’t just sweet little orange vegetables. Sweet potatoes lower your cortisol levels, a stress hormone. Hormonal changes occur because of chronic stress. This situation leads to cortisol dysfunctions, resulting in inflammation, pain, and sometimes autoimmune problems. Sweet potatoes are a good carbohydrate choice to add to your dietary changes. They’re full of vitamin C, potassium, and vitamins B, E, and A.

Other benefits of eating sweet potatoes:

  • High fiber: Sweet potatoes are a great source of fiber, which helps your gut function well. They help lower diabetes and some cancers. Next time you grab potatoes for fries or mashed potatoes, pick up sweet potatoes. You’ll boost your fiber and improve your digestion.
  • Helps your vision: Orange vegetables such as sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene. It’s a pigment that changes into vitamin A in your body. It helps your vision in the dark and prevents certain eye diseases. Beta-carotene is fat-soluble, so it’s best to eat them with olive oil or butter for the best absorption.
  • Brain help:  Sweet potatoes are high in antioxidants and beneficial to help prevent brain function decline diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Orange fruits and veggies slow cognitive decline. Eating these sweet little potatoes can aid your memory and brain function.
  • Helps your skin: Rich in vitamin C aids in the production of collagen, a protein found in your skin and hair. Eating sweet potatoes improves your skin and hair. Making them look strong and healthy. As you age, your body produces less collagen, such dietary changes as eating more sweet potatoes prevent your skin from drying out.
  • Supports your immune system: Another benefit of sweet potatoes is boosting your immune system. Because they’re high in vitamin C, which stimulate the production of your white blood cells that fight infection. Eating one sweet potato will give you 25% of your daily vitamin C. Your body cannot store this vitamin, so be sure to get it daily by including sweet potatoes in your daily menu.

dietary changes

Final Thoughts on Making Dietary Changes to Reduce Your Stress Hormones

You probably know many ways to manage your stress. But maybe you didn’t realize what you eat had such a significant impact on stress. Simple dietary changes will make a big difference. These ten dietary changes are simple to incorporate into your daily diet. It’s important to consider eating more of these foods since stress impacts your body. If you don’t regulate stress, it can cause hormonal changes in your body, lower your resistance to infection and disease and make you susceptible to dementia and Alzheimer’s. Try these foods to reduce your stress. Your health is worth it.

7 Signs of Reye’s Syndrome That Most People Ignore

Reye’s syndrome is an infrequent but severe illness that can cause brain swelling, liver damage, and disorientation. It mainly occurs in children but can develop at any age. While the disease affects every organ in the body, it primarily causes harm to the brain and liver. As brain swelling increases, seizures and loss of consciousness may occur.

Also, a child’s blood sugar may decline rapidly while acidity in the blood increases. As the liver struggles to filter the excess toxins, it may begin to swell and accumulate fatty deposits.

Reye’s syndrome usually occurs in children who have previously contracted a viral infection, such as the flu or chickenpox. This potentially life-threatening disorder typically occurs during recovery from a viral illness. However, it may also develop within three to five days of the onset of the virus.

Often, doctors misdiagnose Reye’s syndrome as illnesses like encephalitis, meningitis, sudden infant death syndrome, or poisoning. Because the symptoms mimic many other disorders, it makes it challenging to diagnose Reye’s.

However, Reye’s syndrome typically presents with similar symptoms in most people who contract the disorder. We’ll review some of Reye’s most common signs below.

7 Commonly Overlooked Signs of Reye’s Syndrome

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke lists typical symptoms of Reye’s syndrome:

Reye's syndrome

1.     Vomiting

Persistent and recurring vomiting occurs typically in the first stage of Reye’s syndrome. If you notice your child throwing up frequently, it could signal Reye’s, especially if they recently had the flu. This symptom affects primarily young children and adults rather than infants. In any case, a medical professional should always check out vomiting following a viral infection.

2.     Lethargy and Drowsiness

Many children feel more fatigued and drained after coming down with Reye’s. Since the body must work harder to pump out toxins and deliver blood to the brain, it requires more energy. Therefore, it often leads to increased lethargy, especially in younger children. If you notice your child acting more sluggish than expected, you may want to have them checked for Reye’s.

3.     Difficulty Breathing

Hyperventilation usually occurs in the second stage of the disorder. The increased pressure on the brain due to swelling affects how the brain functions. This swelling makes it more difficult for neurons to communicate with the brain, leading to hyperventilation. The brain starts to lose oxygen and blood supply, which can cause respiratory distress.

This is one of the more severe symptoms of Reye’s and requires immediate medical attention.

4.     Confusion and Delirium

The combination of shallow breathing and swelling in the brain can make children feel confused or delirious. The syndrome may cause a child to go into a coma or lose consciousness. In some cases, permanent brain damage may occur if the disorder isn’t detected early enough. However, many children recover generally within a few days following treatment.

5.     Muscle Spasms

This occurs typically in the beginning stages of the illness. Muscle spasms and twitching often indicate disruptions in the brain’s neural pathways caused by swelling or pressure.  Doctors may also notice dilated pupils and a lack of response to irritating or unpleasant stimuli. All these symptoms result from changes in the brain occurring due to cerebral edema (swelling).

While muscle spasms don’t necessarily point to Reye’s, it’s worth ruling out with a visit to the doctor.

6.     Seizures or Convulsions

Seizures are typically a late-stage symptom associated with Reye’s. As such, they require immediate medical attention to reduce further damage. Uncontrolled electrical disturbances in the brain may occur if neurological function becomes severely impaired. However, with early treatment, it’s unlikely that the disorder will progress to this stage.

7.     Irritability and Aggressive Behavior

Finally, many overlook irritability and combative behavior when considering Reye’s syndrome. A child who doesn’t know what’s happening in their brain will likely become aggressive out of fear or confusion. So, if your child normally seems calm and content, this symptom could cause concern. It may signal an underlying problem that should never be ignored, especially if they’re recovering from a viral infection.

What Causes Reye’s Syndrome?

Doctors still haven’t found the exact cause of Reye’s syndrome. However, research shows that damage to cellular mitochondria may play a role in its development. Since mitochondria are the “powerhouse of the cell,” underactive or malfunctioning mitochondria may affect liver function. However, the cause of mitochondrial dysfunction isn’t known.

Also, studies reveal that children with fatty acid oxidation disorder or other metabolic disorders are at a higher risk. Doctors may even misdiagnose Reye’s in some cases because of its similarity to certain metabolic diseases.

Finally, experts believe that aspirin (salicylate) may trigger or exacerbate Reye’s symptoms. However, scientists still don’t know why aspirin causes Reye’s to develop in some cases. It’s believed that aspirin-containing medications may have a detrimental effect on children with pre-existing metabolic disorders. Because of the possible association between Reye’s and salicylate, experts advise that anyone under eighteen avoid aspirin following viral infections.

Treatment for Reye’s Syndrome

If doctors determine that your child does have Reye’s, they will first attempt to reduce swelling in the brain. Next, they will focus on reversing metabolic and liver damage. Treatments may include intubation or ventilation to increase breathing rate. Also, ammonia-lowering medications and plasma transfusions may be recommended. Finally, they may administer blood sugar medication to maintain balanced glucose levels.

Reye's Syndrome

Final Thoughts on Signs of Reye’s Syndrome

Reye’s syndrome is a rare but life-threatening disorder that annually impacts around two people in the United States. Increased awareness of the illness and reduced aspirin use among young people have likely contributed to its decline. However, it’s still important to watch out for signs of the disorder, as it can cause permanent brain damage or even death.

Typically, children will present with vomiting, hyperventilation, and extreme lethargy in the beginning stages. They may also experience muscle spasms and personality changes due to brain swelling. In later stages, seizures, convulsions, and loss of consciousness may occur.

See your healthcare provider immediately if your child recently had a viral infection and displays these symptoms. They can diagnose and treat the condition before it causes potentially irreversible damage.

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