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4 Causes of Midlife Weight Gain, According to Doctors

Like it or not, as you age, you’ll have to undergo some changes, especially physical ones. Though this doesn’t happen to everyone, most of the population will struggle with midlife weight gain. Sure, there are some incredibly fit people out there who can counteract these changes. Still, everyone’s body is bound to go through some things related to hormone changes as they age.

Although many people go through midlife weight gain, the topic is still somewhat taboo. We still live in a society that believes healthy and skinny are more or less synonymous. Most people assume someone thin probably eats well and goes to the gym, even when that might be the case.

And they can’t believe that curvier people might be the ones with a healthy, active lifestyle. Still, a lot of internalized shame comes with having a little more weight. And gaining weight had always been seen as one of the worst imaginable. When someone gains weight, they’ve “let themselves go.” There are immediate negative connotations associated with the process. It shouldn’t even matter if you want to gain weight or not.

4 Causes of Midlife Weight Gain

No one should judge people based on how they look. Instead, what you need to focus on, especially as you get older, is how healthy you are. Gaining weight and being curvier aren’t bad things, but obesity is still a medical concern. Instead of focusing on your appearance, focus on how healthy you are. One of the best ways to do that is by understanding why you go through midlife weight gain in the first place.


1.      Your Hormones Are Going Haywire

Hormonal imbalance occurs whenever you have too much or too little of a specific hormone. Most people will only experience temporary imbalances, though sometimes these imbalances are signs of endocrine disease. Depending on the glands and hormones affected, these diseases differ. In many cases, they are treatable and can be kept under control. And age is a factor that increases the likelihood of endocrine disease.

As you probably know, older people often have type 2 diabetes. But even if you never have to deal with a disease, you’ll always have to deal with imbalances. Common causes of hormonal weight gain are thyroid hormone deficiency, estrogen dominance, androgen imbalance, and cortisol excess. These are to name a few. In reality, most hormones can somehow affect your weight.

Men aren’t as likely to go through midlife weight gain because of hormonal imbalances. The main factor that could cause this weight gain would be high levels of stress, which leads to excess cortisol. As the body goes into fight or flight, it induces the production of fat cells and causes a declining metabolism. But this isn’t even exclusive to men. Women are just as affected by stress as men are.

In this case, they got the short straw, as their menopause will surely lead to severe hormonal imbalances. Oestradiol is an estrogen steroid hormone that plays a vital role in reproduction and developing secondary sexual characteristics. But it also helps regulate metabolism and weight gain. As a result of menopause, oestradiol levels decrease, often leading to weight gain. Though these hormonal imbalances are inevitable for both sexes, you can still manage your weight. Watching what you eat and being active will help you stay within a healthy range.

2.      Your Metabolism Slows Down

This is disputed, with some experts claiming that your metabolism doesn’t slow down after forty. Instead, some argue that your metabolism stays the same from 20 to 60. Still, most research shows that metabolism slows down as you age. It seems that the basal metabolic rate decreases almost linearly as you age.

This seems to be the case because muscle mass decreases as a percentage of total body mass. As you age, your body undergoes atrophic skeletal muscle changes. That means your energy consumption as a result of physical activity is lower. Older people have a lower energy requirement. All this shows that you must adjust your lifestyle to fit your new metabolism.

Midlife weight gain usually occurs because people are unaware their metabolism is slower. They don’t understand they need to eat leaner foods and exercise more. While nutrition is important, it doesn’t precisely counterbalance the effects of slower metabolism. You avoid some of these issues by ensuring you keep your muscle mass. When you have a higher muscle mass, you burn more calories.

Thus, you can eat as you normally would without any consequences. You don’t need to worry about making drastic changes if you have a relatively healthy life. But a slower metabolism will do much damage if you’re already unhealthy. You’re doing fine as long as your weight is within the normal BMI. If you have a healthy lifestyle, the worst that will happen is you’ll gain a few pounds.

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3.      You Aren’t Watching What You Eat

People have always had a hard time understanding nutrition. And there’s a lot of confusing information floating around on the topic. For example, some people claim you’re healthy if you eat under 1500 calories. Calories were the most critical factor of nutrition for a long time. People wouldn’t eat pork because it had more calories than chicken.

Or they wouldn’t touch creamy cheeses and cream for the same reason. It has become more commonly known that few calories don’t mean healthy. Making sure your groceries are as natural as possible is much more critical. You need to understand what food groups the foods you eat belong to. It would be ideal for you to cut out fast food as much as possible. Don’t just focus on calories.

But the worst part is that people often don’t know what they eat or why. Especially older people, always in a rush, eat what they can. They always claim they never have the time to cook, so they constantly eat takeout. Even if they do cook, they only pay attention to the taste. They don’t care how much oil they use, what type of meat, or which sides they make. People seem to think that spending time on understanding food is a waste.

That’s why many people gain weight as they grow older. They eat the same foods they always ate but don’t understand how they interact with their new body. A more aging body will not digest fats and sugars as quickly, which shows. You won’t be able to eat as much junk food or sweets. You’ll need to learn to substitute your favorite foods for healthier alternatives.

Instead of eating ice cream, get some frozen yogurt. Also, make sure you take the time to meal-prep. If your meat is already cut and seasoned, and you have cooked sides, you need to reheat. You’ll never need to order again. The more aware you are of what you eat, the more you’ll avoid midlife weight gain.

4.      You Don’t Exercise Enough

Exercise is necessary at all stages of someone’s life. Even when you get older, you still need to stay in shape. Still, many older people don’t do any physical activities other than those required daily. In America, over 27% of people over 50 reported no extra physical activity outside work. The statistics from the CDC show that being sedentary is a real issue in today’s society. And inactivity is one of the main reasons for midlife weight gain.

There are many reasons why people are inactive. One of the main ones seems to be the lack of time. This is understandable, as handling a job, family, partner, and other responsibilities is hard. But if people wanted to make time, they could. There’s this misconception that physical activity has to be extreme. You aren’t active if you don’t run ten miles or bench 200 pounds.

But an active person also finds fifteen minutes for a workout. If you want something quick to burn loads of calories, try High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). The activities can be modified to fit beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. They can be done in the morning or whenever you find a few spare minutes. But another issue is that people rely on technology to do everything for them. For example, we drive everywhere and get little to no steps in.

Walking is one of the best ways to ensure you stay in shape without doing another physical activity. But we don’t even walk anymore. For older people, this means that they burn very few calories in a day, and they don’t even use their muscles enough. Because of that, inactivity is one of the leading causes of midlife weight gain. But this weight gain can be controlled if you do at least some exercise daily. Even walking to work can be a step in the right direction.

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Final Thoughts on the Four Key Causes of Midlife Weight Gain

Reaching midlife isn’t easy at all. You have many responsibilities, a career you need to advance, and a family to look after. People usually feel burnt out and wonder whether they are thrilled with their life. Coupled with that, your body also starts going through loads of changes. You might be experiencing hair loss. Your muscles get weaker. Your eyesight might be worsening.

On top of that, you’re probably experiencing midlife weight gain. While this is normal, you can take steps to keep your weight under control. Your hormones and metabolism are probably the things you are struggling with the most. Everyone, no matter how healthy, experiences changes in hormones. As for metabolism, that will slow down with age, regardless of your lifestyle.

Still, you can mitigate their effects by eating well and exercising. Most people don’t pay attention to their nutrition, so they’ll put on those extra pounds. By cooking more and eating leaner, you can already lose some pounds. You should also start exercising, even for just fifteen minutes per day. Taking care of your body is a requirement, especially as you age.

5 Behaviors That Reveal a Partner Who Truly Values Their Relationship

Trust is an essential thing to have in a relationship. But trust isn’t built in a matter of seconds. It has to be earned and nurtured. One of the things you need to know to feel safe in a loving relationship is that your partner values what you have.

It’s always nice to feel valued; you especially want to know your relationship is valued. Nobody wants to be in a relationship just because their partner is bored and wants to have someone. As your relationship gets more serious, you want to know it’s going somewhere. After dedicating five years of your life to someone, the last thing you want is to be broken up with like you don’t even matter.

But how can you ever tell if your partner truly values your relationship? Well, you can never be perfectly sure of how your partner feels. After all, all relationships pose some gambles. You always have to have a little faith in the possibility of your relationship being a success. Still, your partner can prove that they value your relationship.

They don’t even have to make any grand gestures. They don’t have to buy lavish gifts or take you on fancy vacations. That doesn’t mean they value you as much as it means they can flaunt their money. You can see it in little behaviors and acts when someone truly loves you.

5 Behaviors That Reveal a Partner Who Truly Values Their Relationship

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If actions do speak louder than words, you should watch for these things.

1. Your Relationship Partner Does Not Just Focus on the Physical Aspect

Any new relationship has a “honeymoon phase” in which you and your partner will be all over each other. That’s completely normal, and it’s not indicative of you not valuing each other. You will go through this phase with the people you’ll have flings with. But you’ll also go through this phase with the person you marry.

Physical attraction is still a significant part of any relationship, even after this period ends. But when someone is in it just for the physical aspects, that’s a sign they don’t value the relationship. No strong connection can be built just on the physical aspects. Such a connection won’t have any long-term prospects.

If your partner truly values you, they will be loving and caring, not just focused on the physical. They will know that taking and getting to know you is just as important, if not more. They’ll stick around even when you do not want sex. For them, it’s enough to just lay in bed and watch a movie. The emotional aspect is something they care about and work for. They want to be by your side through thick and thin.

People who are just looking for a fling won’t do that. They won’t take their time to hang out with you. After all, why even bother if they’re looking for a hookup? So, if you’ve met someone who wants something more than just sex, that’s a sign they value your relationship. Don’t just settle for a fling in hopes they’ll eventually catch feelings. Go for the people who know how to balance all relationship aspects.

2. They Treat You with Kindness in a Loving, Valued Relationship

You’re probably aware that just because someone claims to love you doesn’t mean they’ll always treat you right. The people who claim to love you the most can also hurt you the most. When you start sharing your life with someone, you’ll eventually start having issues. The thing is, conflicts are every day. A healthy relationship is not about not having any disputes but knowing how to solve them and treat your partner.

People often settle for partners who yell at them and otherwise mistreat them. That happens because we always hope our loved ones will come around and start being nice to us. But kindness is never something you should ask for. If your partner isn’t kind to you of their own volition, chances are they don’t value you.

If you’ve ever wanted to know if your partner values you, pay attention to how they act. Don’t put up with people who are always snappy and ready to fight. No matter what they tell you, this behavior is unjustifiable if it happens repeatedly. Being mad or snappy sometimes is okay.

No one will ever think you don’t value them if you’ve had a bad day and you’re snappy. But if your partner always acts like that, there’s only one logical conclusion: they don’t value you as they should. Someone who respects you will always try their best to be kind, even when you’re fighting. A bad partner will yell and make fights worse, even leaving when they don’t want to deal with issues.

A good partner will stay calm and try to find ways to make things right. They will cut you slack when you are angry or tired. They’ll always be nice, even when you’re going through a rough patch. They want a stable, loving relationship, so they’ll always want to solve any issues you might be going through.

3. They Want to See You Succeed


People tend to be jealous. It’s a normal part of human existence. This jealousy comes from the psychological need to be the best out of your peers. From an evolutionary standpoint, humans have needed to have the instinct to be the best. Hundreds of years ago, you could end up dead if you weren’t above your peers. So, what does that have to do with relationships?

Although we can override our jealousy instinct, that doesn’t always happen, especially in romantic relationships. You might think your partner will only ever be jealous of other people who seem interested in you. But you’ll come across some partners who will be jealous of you. And the partners most likely to engage in this behavior are those who don’t value your relationship.

Someone who truly values you will want to see you succeed. They won’t care if you make more money than they do. As long as you are happy, they are delighted. Not only that, but they’ll do whatever they can to help you along the way. They’ll do that for you if you need them to take care of the house while you work. They will make sacrifices as long as both of you can be happy.

4. In a Valued Relationship, They’ll Always Check Up on You

When you first start dating someone, they’re expected to always text and talk to you. That’s either because they genuinely care or want to flirt and get you to date them. But sometimes, people stop putting in this effort after you start dating. If they don’t value your relationship, they’ll think they don’t have to try as you’re already together. But a relationship in which your partner takes you for granted will not last.

Someone who truly values you will always try to check on you and ensure you’re doing fine. While this gesture may seem insignificant, it can make all the difference. When someone constantly makes time to see how you are, that’s a sign they genuinely care. They want you to know they’re by your side no matter what.

This is especially important when you are both busy and can’t see each other for a while. A simple text can make you feel loved and cherished. And someone who values you knows how vital checking up on you is. It shows they thought about you even if they don’t have time to talk.

5. They Make Plans for the Future

Someone who truly values your relationship will want nothing more than to start a life with you. They’ll want to discuss the future and always include you in their plans. They don’t do it because they feel obligated to. They do it because having you in their life brings them pure joy.

But not everyone you’ll ever be with will do that. Some of your partners will run away from any discussions about the future. They’ll even refuse to plan for the next week, so making long-term plans is out of the question. This happens because these people don’t want to commit, so they avoid it at all costs.

It doesn’t matter what if they tell you they are spontaneous and don’t like plans. That’s just an excuse to let them off the hook. Someone who values you will want to talk about how your life will look and what you’ll do with your future.

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Final Thoughts on Behaviors That Reveal a Partner Who Truly Values Their Relationship

Starting a new relationship is always thrilling and a journey on uncharted territories. It can be fun and exciting but also the scariest experience ever. And, if you want something serious, you need to be sure your partner wants that too. But, even if they tell you they value you, you can’t always take them at their word. People must also prove they deserve your trust to believe they are genuinely committed to you.

Someone who truly values you will show you that through their actions. They won’t just take you for granted. Instead, they’ll make a real effort to ensure the relationship grows and flourishes. If someone values you, they understand that the emotional part of the relationship is just as important as the physical side, if not more. Instead of getting mad and being mean, they’ll treat you with kindness and respect.

They’ll always be by your side and will fight to see you succeed. Even if they need to make sacrifices, they’ll do them because that’s how much the relationship means to them. This kind of partner will always take the time to make sure you’re okay, and they’ll want to talk to you as often as they can. But probably the most evident sign is that they’ll imagine and discuss a future with you. When you find someone like this, learn to love and cherish them.

3 Signs of Commitment Issues Most People Ignore

People often talk about the red flags of a toxic relationship. But they often forget to mention that being with someone with commitment issues is harmful in and of itself. Or they don’t talk about why these issues appear in the first place and how they can affect a faithful relationship.

One of the most common results of trauma, especially childhood neglect, is developing commitment issues. Relationships are complicated, and being devoted to someone for the rest of your life can seem scary and impossible to achieve. Still, people yearn to have someone. So, it’s not uncommon for these people to be in relationships. The bad part is that those relationships never seem to work out.

It would be best if you were careful about commitment issues. If you are the one who has them, you’ll never be able to build something meaningful. You’ll only get hurt if you are with someone who has them. Either way, you’ll need to learn to manage these issues if you have them and avoid falling for someone emotionally unavailable.

Why Do People Have Commitment Issues?

Most people probably understand what having commitment issues mean, but they are not always familiar with the specific term. The term describes harmful actions and mental health concerns an individual engages in due to fear of commitment. Feeling anxiety when considering being in a relationship is one of the most common symptoms. And it’s not just about serious romantic relationships.

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People with commitment issues find it hard to hold onto friendships or casual relationships. Sometimes, these issues can even cause problems in the workplace. No matter how weird it might seem, a fear of commitment might make you reject long-term projects and assignments. Many people don’t give being faithful much thought. They understand they exist but often feel like there’s a quick solution. Contrary to popular belief, you can’t just wake up and decide, “I’m not going to be afraid of commitment anymore.”

True, some people don’t want to make a relationship work, and they are the ones who could wake up and decide to change. But that’s not the case with people dealing with commitment issues. It’s not that they wouldn’t want to have a stable relationship. They can’t because they don’t know how to deal with the trauma that caused these issues.

Amongst the leading causes of commitment issues is childhood trauma, especially neglect. The first people we trust are our parents. So, when they break our trust, they teach us we can never trust anyone. If you’ve been neglected or mistreated as a child, you’ll grow up to believe no one will have your best interest at heart.

After all, if your parents didn’t look out for you, why would other people? Or at least that’s what a child is going to believe. Part of neglect is learning that emotions are wrong and you should be cold and independent. Because of that, you grow up without knowing how to manage your feelings or even what they mean.

How Neglect in Childhood Contributes to Commitment Issues Later

Michelle Halle, a licensed clinical social worker, specializing in emotional abuse, warns people that neglect will make them unable to socialize. Her work has shown that neglect can render people unable to have meaningful relationships in the future. Luckily, she believes that people can fix this through therapy.

While neglect is one of the more common causes, other forms of abuse can lead to commitment issues. They all have a similar impact: they make people believe they are unworthy of being cared for. Often, people find it hard to trust after having lived through abuse. Not to mention that abuse victims have PTSD and those horrible images will likely never leave their minds. But they don’t even have to be abused directly.

Growing up in a toxic environment is enough to develop commitment issues. If your parents always fought and were aggressive towards one another, you’ll believe that’s how all relationships are. A bad example of relationships can affect how you approach them for the rest of your life. Even going through your parent’s divorce or marital problems can make someone struggle with a faithful relationship.

Not all commitment issues are born of childhood trauma. Developing these issues is common due to toxic and abusive past relationships. When someone has betrayed you, you may fear it will happen again. You won’t be able to give people the benefit of the doubt. You’ll always assume that everyone can hurt you, no matter how genuine they seem.

3 Signs of Commitment Issues Most People Ignore (You Deserve Someone Faithful!)

You’ll always be paranoid and think you are getting betrayed again. Every text message your partner gets could be from a potential side-piece. At least that’s what will go through your head constantly. You won’t get over your commitment issues without ever healing from all this trauma. But how can you tell when you or others struggle to stay faithful?

1. Constantly Telling Little Lies Can Hint to Whether Someone Will Be Faithful

People know that when someone is lying, there’s something shady in the middle. But that’s mostly regarding big and apparent lies. People always brush over white lies like they don’t even matter. But when someone goes out of their way to lie about what they ate for breakfast, you should be concerned about that.

Because of how parents raised them, people with commitment issues also have a history of mistrust. They were likely betrayed in the past and are afraid that will happen to them again. Chances are, they are used to lying because of their upbringing. So, they lie even when they have no reason to, just because it feels safer for them to lie.

You must be aware that you shouldn’t let these lies slide. After all, if they can lie to you about little things, they might be hiding something worse. Even worse, they could be making promises they don’t intend to keep. Confront them about those little lies and see how they react.

If they get defensive instead of trying to solve the issue, that’s a sign you can’t trust them. If you find that you are the one who lies about little things, you might be dealing with some unresolved issues. Commitment issues and lying is wrong for both parties involved, and you must sort out these differences.

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2. Jumping From One Relationship to Another Signals an Issue With Being Faithful

Believe it or not, only having casual relationships and flings is not always something people do for fun. For many young people, that might be true. They don’t know what they want from a serious relationship and want nothing to bind them. But it can also signify that someone is dealing with commitment issues.

If someone struggles to commit, that doesn’t mean they’ll run from relationships at all costs. People still want to be loved, even if they don’t know how to devote themselves to someone. If your partner has a history of brief relationships and infidelity, that’s a red flag. Sometimes, they might be ashamed of their past and willing to change.

But more often than not, this behavior will keep repeating. Talk to them about their behavior if you want more out of your relationship. But be careful because boundaries won’t work in this situation. If they fear attachment, they will cross any line to get out if they get stuck. The main issue is that, even though people dealing with commitment issues hate abuse and infidelity, it’s all they know.

When a new relationship gets too much, they’ll return to toxic behaviors because those actions are familiar. Your only option is to break up if you suspect your partner is engaging in this pattern.

3. A Person Who Struggles to Be Faithful Will Never Want to Put a Label on Your Relationship

Labels scare the living hell out of most people. You don’t even have to deal with commitment issues to feel anxious at the thought of having to label yourself. On the other hand, happy couples jump at the occasion to present themselves as such. Maybe you won’t be official in the first couple of months of dating. But it’s a red flag if the one you see flat-out refuses to label you as their boyfriend or girlfriend after months of seeing each other.

You’ll often let go of the fact that your partner refuses labels. But what you should understand is that labels are essential in any relationship. First, they act as an unspoken agreement between you that you’ll be devoted to the relationship. Second, it’s a social cue that lets other people know not to advance on either of you.

No matter how insignificant labels seem, they promise you’ll take your relationship seriously. But people who have commitment issues won’t go for labels because it makes them feel trapped. Plus, it forces them to take accountability for their actions. They won’t be able to play the “well, we’re not in a relationship” card when they mess up. Don’t wait around for someone who doesn’t want to make things official. And don’t do that to someone else either.

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Final Thoughts on Signs of Commitment Issues Most People Ignore

Commitment issues are not something that you should take lightly. It hurts the one who’s dealing with them, along with the people they get involved with, as these issues come from unresolved trauma. Still, if someone has issues being faithful, you should stay away from them. You won’t have a future with them unless they solve their problems.

There are many signs of commitment issues, but many people overlook them. Or some people even make excuses for them. Telling white lies, constantly jumping from one relationship to the next, and refusing labels are signs that people always never take seriously. They often correlate with commitment issues. Instead, they present, as usual, excusable behaviors. If your partner shows any of these signs, you should consider moving on to someone better. But if you are always doing things like these, maybe it’s time to see a therapist.

3 Causes of Emotional Injury and 3 Methods of Healing

Everyone knows you can get physical injuries from falling or physically hurting yourself. Some physical injuries aren’t a big deal, just minor bruises, and scratches that will heal in a few days. But you can also get an emotional injury due to a traumatic event. And these are the injuries that are less visible and less known. When you get a visible wound, you will never leave it untreated.

You’d go to a doctor or tend to it yourself if you can. So why do people brush off emotional wounds like they don’t even matter? Part of why this happens is that people aren’t aware that emotions leave marks. They don’t know that some trauma is so bad that it scars you for life. But even those who know about emotional injuries don’t always know how to heal them.

It can be challenging to deal with such a heavy burden, but there are ways to do it. You can heal such wounds alone or with the help of friends, family, and even professionals. You must also understand why emotional injuries even form before trying to heal them.

3 Causes of Emotional Injury

These factors will give you insight into the causes of a guarded heart.


1.      Unresolved Past Trauma

One of the most common causes of emotional injuries is unresolved past trauma, which everyone has. No matter how great your childhood was, you are bound to have been scarred somehow. Maybe your parents didn’t give you enough attention. Perhaps people put too much pressure on you. Many factors could have affected you without you even realizing it.

The most common events that cause trauma are cases of abuse, violence, bullying, or neglect. Of course, some things can traumatize you more than others. Repeated abuse will leave a mark that will probably never go away. But even witnessing violence, like having parents who hit each other, will traumatize you. And these issues will stick with you forever.

As luck would have it, traumatized kids grow up to be traumatized adults. Sure, most of these adults can be functioning members of society. But that doesn’t mean the trauma is not still affecting them on a fundamental level. Most of the time, this trauma lives deep inside, and you don’t even realize it’s there.

People with unresolved trauma often relieve traumatic episodes through flashbacks or nightmares. Even the people who don’t shed their past still have to deal with anxiety, depression, anger, trust issues, and withdrawal. Sometimes, these issues even escalate into self-destructive or risky behaviors.

2.      Bad Relationships

Being around other people can complete us. Still, there are some people in this world with whom we can connect so well that our lives completely change. But when it comes to interpersonal relationships, not everything goes smoothly. Some relationships can scar you so much that you wish you would have never had them. And those are the relationships that cause emotional injuries.

The fact that you can get hurt in relationships is actually for both platonic and romantic relationships. Friends can betray you just as well as a partner or family member. Still, trauma can come from a toxic romantic or family relationship. And every person has had at least one toxic relationship in their life. Maybe your parents used guilt or force when things don’t go their way.

Perhaps you grew up in a violent and toxic environment. Maybe you had an abusive partner. After all, haven’t we all had at least one relationship? And there are many toxic behaviors that you can’t even spot at first. Some controlling behaviors, like co-dependency, seem normal at first.

It’s usually not until late that people realize they are stuck in a bad situation. Being out through situations like those or being betrayed by friends and family will undoubtedly leave some marks.

3.      Accidents, Violence, and Other Overlooked Causes

Most people don’t think that even accidents and events that society defines as unfortunate but usual are still causes of trauma. Almost any event that scares you or significantly changes your life will leave a mark. Amongst these causes, things like robberies, being caught in a shooting, or other acts of violence are the ones that people understand will leave a mark.

Even in those cases, people think that if you only witnessed such an event, you should not feel the brunt of the trauma. But witnesses often have to deal with PTSD and other signs of emotional distress. Still, many other events leave emotional marks that people often overlook. For example, car accidents are prevalent, and a small one shouldn’t theoretically cause any harm. But even the slightest mishap can make someone refuse to step into a car again.

Sports accidents are just as expected and can be just as damaging. Besides the physical pain, these injuries render players unable to do what they love. Things like that are bound to leave people traumatized. Other things that some underestimate are divorce and the loss of a loved one. People think everything will go back to normal after you go through the grieving period. But those things leave marks that might never go away.

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3 Methods of Healing

Now that you understand the root of the problem, where does healing start?

1.      Use Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a relatively new field. But many advances have been made in this area over the past few decades. Still, the roots of mindfulness date back hundreds of years ago. Eastern civilizations relied on meditation for as long as anyone can remember. Only now has it started to seep into mainstream psychology. And it has been proven to be a relatively easy tool to use with many advantages.

For some people, mindfulness has been the key to overcoming their trauma. While no one can guarantee that it will solve all your issues. But it’s a good place to start. And, incorporating just a little bit of mindfulness into your daily life can make you feel loads better.

The basics of mindfulness are simple: you must listen to what your mind and body are telling you. In our daily life, we don’t always stop and take the time to be fully aware of what we feel and think. If we feel pain, we’ll potentially brush it off until it goes away. But that’s neither healthy nor will it help you heal from an emotional injury.

When being mindful, you are just taking the time to take account of your feelings. This is usually done through meditation or breathing exercises. This is helpful because it lets you feel all the emotions caused by the trauma. When you understand how you feel, you can start working on solving the problems.

2.      Connect With People

People can have emotional injuries from many causes. But, if we were to boil them down, we would find that disempowerment and disconnection from others are the roots. Research shows that every different trauma can be traced to one of these two feelings. And the same study states that creating new connections is one of the most efficient ways to heal.

What’s especially important is finding people who can listen to you and act as your support system. People dealing with trauma usually struggle with trust issues, and they might want to isolate themselves. If you are in this situation, you must remember that you don’t need to go out and party all the time. All you need to do is make an effort to meet new people and communicate.

You also don’t need to give new people your trust from the beginning. People need to earn it; you need to be willing to give it. You’ll find that when someone’s there to listen to you and be supportive, you’ll be able to heal—having people around you to take care of you when things are tough means that you can take the time to focus on yourself.

3.      Write About Your Feelings

Writing is a big part of healing from any emotional injury. It has been demonstrated throughout history that people write when they have something on their chest. After all, that’s where all great art came from. People have always used writing as an outlet, and its psychological benefits have been proven.

Research from Harvard shows that expressive writing can get you through hard times. You don’t need to be talented to write about what you feel. Even something like writing your thoughts in a journal will work. The whole point is to have an outlet for your feelings, regardless of their forms. If you want to write poetry or a novel, do that. Writing about your negative experiences can be freeing.

It can make you feel like your pain doesn’t own you anymore. It’s even been suggested that writing about trauma changes the way it’s organized in the brain. This can allow you to disconnect from the pain and deal with it properly.

emotional injury

Final Thoughts on Some Causes of Emotional Injury and Some Methods of Healing

Emotional injuries are something that everyone has. Even though you might not realize it, they’re still there and probably affecting your life. Everyone has lived through some traumatic event that they haven’t addressed. Most of the time, this happens because people always have to deal with repressed childhood trauma.

Being abused, bullied, or living in a violent environment will leave a lasting mark. But even relationship trauma and other overlooked issues, like accidents and divorce, will impact you. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to heal these emotional injuries. One of the most effective things you can do is incorporate mindfulness into your life. Use meditation or breathing exercises to get in touch with your feelings.

Writing can also help you put your thoughts in order and release some of the pressure of the trauma. You also need to ensure you don’t go through this alone. Make an effort to create new connections and find people that can be your support system.

Groundbreaking Implant Can REVERSE Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms

Surgeons at Southmead Hospital in Bristol, England, revealed a revolutionary treatment to reverse Parkinson’s disease. Called the Picostim™ DBS system, the deep brain stimulation device targets malfunctioning firing patterns in the brain. Then, the implant delivers electrical impulses to these areas, helping improve tremors and other motor control symptoms.

Tony Howells, the first patient in the world to receive the treatment, described the results as “amazing.” 25 patients, including Tony, have been selected for a trial at North Bristol NHS Trust, which will conclude in 2023.

If the trial proves successful, it will mark a huge step forward in treating Parkinson’s disease. Throughout the trial, scientists will monitor the safety and effectiveness of the implant. While it doesn’t claim to cure the disease, it can help manage symptoms and reduce the severity.

While approval for DBS devices to treat Parkinson’s exists globally, the costs and difficulty of the surgery limit its accessibility. Currently, under 5% of people with the disease receive this treatment.

However, the Picostim™ DBS system, developed by Bioinduction, contains a battery about one-third the size of traditional DBS devices. So, surgeons can implant the battery directly in the skull, which delivers electrical impulses to the brain. For comparison, other DBS devices with larger batteries, such as pacemakers, are placed beneath the skin of the chest.

Placing the implant in the skull eliminates the need for additional wires running through the chest and neck. Scientists hope that the world’s most miniature electrical impulse generator can make treatments more accessible.

This would reduce the cost and complexity associated with the surgery without impacting the benefits of treatment. Also, surgeons believe it would reduce the need for follow-up surgeries to repair frayed wires.

First Patient in the World Receives Cutting-Edge Parkinson’s Disease Treatment

parkinson's disease

The trial’s first patient, Tony Howells, received the device in November 2020. He got diagnosed with Parkinson’s about nine years ago when he noticed a slight tremor in his right hand. Tony said that even something simple, such as tying shoelaces, became a huge ordeal. What should take a few seconds ended up taking him three or four minutes due to the pain and tremors.

Mr. Howells said:

“You can’t understand how frustrating [Parkinson’s] is until it happens to you. Just doing your shoelaces up is a major operation… it affects your every day life no end.”

He said that before the operation, he went for a walk with his wife and only got 200 yards from the car. He reluctantly had to turn around and cut the trip short because he couldn’t walk any farther.

However, twelve months after the surgery, he went out for Boxing Day again and walked 2.5 miles. He said he could’ve even walked farther! Tony also enjoys being able to play golf again and move more quickly, in general.

The surgery only took three hours, about half the time of a traditional DBS implantation. Tony also said he felt a bit tired after the surgery but had no pain. Additionally, he noted that an uncomfortable side effect from his Parkinson’s disease medication, dystonia, had disappeared. Dystonia refers to involuntary muscle contractions that cause repetitive or awkward movements.

“To say I am happy about having DBS is an understatement, it’s a great way to give somebody their life back,” Tony said.

Dr. Alan Whone, Consultant Neurologist at North Bristol NHS Trust, who led the trial, said:

“We are delighted with how this first case went in the operating theatre and with how the patient’s symptoms have been improved over the last year. We are hopeful that if these findings hold up, we will have a significant technical advance by which to improve Parkinson’s care across the world”.

Who Can Benefit From The Implant Treatment?

Unfortunately, the small electrical impulse generator isn’t suitable for everyone with Parkinson’s disease. Dr. Whone says that among the 140,000 UK citizens living with Parkinson’s, only 14,000 would benefit from the device. He added that elderly patients or those with cognitive decline associated with Parkinson’s wouldn’t qualify.

The surgery applies to younger people with Parkinson’s who can have brain surgery without unnecessary risks. Surgeons place the small device in a pocket in the skull bone. Then, they run electric probes through the skull into the subthalamic nuclei located deep within the brain. If the trial proves successful, it could double the number of people eligible for the DBS device.

Dr. Beckie Port, Head of Research Communications at Parkinson’s UK, adds: ”This new device has the potential to make existing DBS surgery quicker, safer and cheaper. It could make DBS therapy more widely available to a larger number of people with Parkinson’s. However, it is important to know that DBS is not a cure and it’s not suitable for everyone with the condition.’’

Parkinson’s disease affects the nervous system and eventually damages or kills brain cells. This can lead to painful, uncomfortable symptoms such as involuntary tremors, loss of motor control, and muscle stiffness. Most people develop symptoms after age 50, but about 20% of patients experience symptoms before turning 40.

Currently, about 7-10 million people worldwide have Parkinson’s disease. DBS treatments have been available since 1995, but only a tiny percentage of patients qualify for the surgery. Hopefully, Parkinson’s disease treatments will continue to improve and eventually lead to a cure.


Final Thoughts on Groundbreaking Parkinson’s Disease Device

A trial for the world’s smallest DBS device to treat Parkinson’s disease is currently underway. Surgeons at Southmead Hospital in Bristol, England, have selected 25 patients for the trial. The patients will undergo implantation surgery, where surgeons will place the device in their skull bone. Then, electrical impulses will travel through wires to areas deep within the brain.

This will effectively reverse Parkinson’s disease symptoms such as tremors, difficulty walking, and other motor control issues. While the device will not cure the disease, it still represents advancements in treatment options. Hopefully, more patients will qualify for the surgery moving forward and receive the benefits of this revolutionary DBS system.

22 Positive Traits to Seek in a New Partner

You can’t choose who you love. There’s a force that’s chemical, biological, or on some other level that brings you together. Some people will attract you while others are not your cup of tea. But the main thing you must remember is to look past the physical to uncover the positive traits on the inside. Physical beauty fades, but a caring, kind heart can help build a lifelong love.

While you can’t choose the attraction, you can choose who you love. Love is a choice that goes far beyond feelings as there’s commitment and much more involved. Before you fall head over heels in love with someone, you must consider if they have the personality traits that you desire in a person.

Everyone wants an individual who maintains the highest caliber of character, but this kind of person isn’t always easy to find. So many people turn to a list to see if the potential suitor checks the boxes.

22 Positive Traits to Seek in a New Partner

Even the best relationships are challenging. No relationship is without its share of troubles, regardless of how things look on social media. There will be times when you are angry, feel unloved, and have your feelings hurt.

It would help if you found a partner who will work with you in the good and bad times. How you handle conflict is a good indication of whether you’ll stay together long term. What are the things that you most desire in a partner? Here’s a list of some positive traits you should consider.

Positive Traits The Keep Your Love Alive

positive traits

1 – An Excellent Sense of Humor

Life is challenging, so you need someone who can make you laugh. When you have a good sense of humor, you can handle whatever life throws your way. Find someone who does mundane chores, like going to the grocery store, fun. When you find an individual with a sense of adventure, life will always be exciting.

2. Maturity

You don’t want to have a relationship where one person is the adult and the other acts like a child. One of the positive traits you should look for is someone who’s matured and can be an equal partner, not someone you must parent.

3. Empathetic

Life is hard, and you want a partner who understands what you’re going through. This person is caring and will offer you a shoulder to cry on when you need it most.

4. Radiates Positivity

The world around you is hostile, so you need someone full of positivity. They see the glass as half-full rather than half-empty. They can help you keep things in perspective when you might be tempted to be pessimistic.

Positive Traits That Reveal Willingness to Work as a Team

These are the habits and signs of someone with a strong moral compass.

5. Trustworthy

One of the positive traits that help to establish your relationship is trust. Why would you want to be with your partner if you can’t trust them? The person you choose to share your secrets with should be trustworthy, or they will tell your secrets to everyone they know.

6. Charitable

You don’t have to be a philanthropist to be charitable. If you like to give back by helping in soup kitchens and volunteering, you want someone who equally shares your passions. A caring and unselfish person needs someone who shares their vision for helping others.

7. Independent

An independent spirit is one of the positive traits that most people don’t list. However, if you have a dependent person in a relationship, it’s a recipe for disaster. You want someone secure enough within themselves that they don’t need you to be at their side 24×7. They can have friends and interests outside you, and it’s okay to maintain your individuality.

8. Flexibility

Wouldn’t it be nice if life was predictable? Unfortunately, life is ever-changing, and you need a person who embraces times of change. A partner who doesn’t fall apart at every shifting wind benefits you in many ways.

Positive Traits That Predict a Successful Romance


caring partner

9. Willing to Give and Receive Unconditional Love

There will be days when you’re not a nice person, and there will be times when you’re cruel. Your moods will fluctuate due to the season of life you face, but when you have someone who can show you love unconditionally, you’ve found a gem indeed.

10. Kindness

A kind person will help a senior citizen load groceries in their car at the supermarket. They will hold the door for the next person at the mall and ensure that your vehicle is toasty for you on a cold winter morning. Having someone kind means they consider the other person and not just themselves.

11. Sets Boundaries

Everyone has boundaries they set as guidelines in their life. A partner with positive traits will understand that your limitations are essential. They won’t try to cross your perimeters and don’t expect you to cross theirs.

Positive Traits That Show You’re on the Same Page

12. Good Communication

One of the positive traits that you can’t live without is good communication. Being able to talk with the one you love is not negotiable. When communication is lacking in a relationship, it leaves room for misunderstandings.

13. Acceptance of Other Relationships

Taking on a partner means that they also develop relationships with your friends and family members. You need a person accepting of those in your inner circle, and they don’t try to separate you from them.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, people with narcissistic personality disorder have a tough time with relationships because they’re deceptive. They will try to take you away from family and friends so they can manipulate and use you to their advantage. You want to steer clear of these types of people.

Positive Traits That Make the Initial Attraction Last

14. Good Hygiene

Sure, putting hygiene on a list of things to seek in a partner sounds silly. However, if you’ve dated someone with poor hygiene, you would understand why it’s here. Taking care of your body should come naturally, and when someone’s hygiene is lacking, it reflects on you.

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, someone with poor hygiene often has mental illness behind it. People who are depressed or dealing with other mental issues don’t feel like taking care of themselves. This type of self-neglect is pretty overwhelming to deal with in a partner.

15. Likes to Have Fun

One of the best positive traits to have in a person is that they like to have fun. Life certainly would be boring if there were nothing fun in the mix. While a sense of humor is a good thing, you also want someone who knows how to be adventurous and free-spirited at times.

16. Same Goals

While a caring partner who radiates positivity is impressive, you also want someone going in the same direction. It doesn’t matter if they’re attractive and make tons of money if you’re going in opposite directions. Perhaps you want to dedicate your life to giving back, and your partner only cares about making climbing the corporate ladder. It’s easy to see that this situation can be very troublesome.

Positive Traits That Prove Emotional Intelligence

17. Affectionate

You need someone to throw their arms around you and let you feel their love. Affection is something that happens outside of the bedroom. You want a person who loves you and isn’t afraid to hug, kiss, or hold your hand in public. Affection is one of those positive traits that relationships need to thrive.

18. Forgiving

You don’t want to share your life with someone who isn’t forgiving. This person must learn to forgive themselves when they fail and others. Forgiveness is admirable because it shows that they realize no one is perfect.

Positive Traits That Bind Couples Together for Life

19. Truthful

Part of positivity and maintaining a good relationship is being honest. No one wants to be with a person who is always telling lies. You can’t trust someone dishonest, so why would you want to be in a relationship with them?

20. Faithfulness

One of the essential things in a relationship is faithfulness to one another. Not every person on this earth can be monogamous. Some people can’t imagine themselves tied down to one person for life. Having someone who will be faithful to you even in the face of temptation is priceless.

Positive Traits That Display a Desire to Succeed

21. Strength of Character

Do you want a person who falls apart during a crisis? There will be times when you fall to pieces, and you will need someone there to help you up when you stumble. Having someone who is a pillar of strength is one of the positive traits you need in your partner.

22. Compatibility

Either you will click well together, or you won’t. There’s no way that you can work on your compatibility once you’re together. Some people attract each other like moths to a flame, while others tend to disgust one another. Find someone who you’re compatible with, and there’s attraction.

positive traits

Final Thoughts on Valuing Positive Traits in a New Partner Along With Physical Attraction

After examining this list, what positive traits are essential to you? Is a caring person high on your list, or do you prefer someone who is worldly and has a sense of adventure? Finding the best person for you isn’t always easy, but you must ensure you never settle for second best just because the right one hasn’t come along.

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